Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 21, 1900, Part I, Page 7, Image 9

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    IJ13I3 : SFTsOAV , JANTAKV L'l , 15)00. )
Popooratio Uonnly Commissioners Vote to
Increafe the Burden of Tar.
Coiniiuiiileiillnii from ( oiinlj Clrrk
ItHiilUo to CiillliiK Don n III *
Helu In Hofcrrcil tn Coin *
nilttec of ( lie Whole.
At a meeting of the county commissioners i
yesterday the popocratlc majority foisted '
Upon the taxpayers an additional expense In
Iho way of an extra clerk In the olllco of
County Treasurer Klsa&ser. The job wna
given to A. J. Williams at a salary of $75
tier month. The plea set forth by the popo-
cratlc member * of the board la that the
treasurer needs additional help in order to
properly look after delinquent personal
taxes , The rtwolutlon authorizing the crea
tion of this now berth and the appointment
of Wllllanifl wns Introduced by Thomas Hector -
tor , the former chairman of the board.
Commissioners Hartc and Ontrom made
vigorous speeches In opposition to the reso
lution. Attention wa culled to the fact that
the popocratlo wing of the board hud urged
economy u few days ago , when In committee
of thu whole ( ho court house salary lint was
leadJUBlod , and that Hector was one of the
loudrct proclalmcrs of an economic policy. It
was ulito cited Ihnt County Clerk Huverly ,
u republican oftlccr , Is unanlc to properly
execute the work required of him by statute
because of the baard'o order to discharge
two of the clerks employed In the tax de
'Mr. Jloctor made a brief -pcerh , In which
he triedto defend his position. Ho failed
to acrro a point , however , but that made no
dltfcioncc , for when a vote VVIIH taken It re
sulted In favor of the resolution.
rigurcs show that the county treasurer's
office In n ccwtly piece of machinery. In
comparison with the \olumo of work to bo
performed It costs more to run It than any
other office In the court house.
The following table fihovvs the number of
men cmplocd and the ealarles paid , In ac
cordance with thu schedule agreed upon at
the beginning of this year when the com 1
missioners made a readjustment df salaries : i
OM . filler deputy $150 00 '
One ehlcf elerlc 11260
Ono bookkce-pei 100 CO
Three clerk * , JDO each U70 00
Total } C3J 00
Add to this flic $75 per month allowed Mr. I
Williams , the new addition to the foico , nnd
the monthly total for salaries runs up to
$707.50 an enormous sum foi a comparo- I
lively small amount of work , so non-partisan
( 'M'ert accountants . The
nay. count ) tloas-
ury In 0110 of the offices captured by the fu-
slonlsts at the hint election.
i ClerU. ilaterl ) I'roteslN.
County Clerk Ha\erly sent to the commis
sioners yesterday a communication In
which ho piotests against the discharge of
two men from his force. In ubstancc , the
communication sets forth that by experience
IP. the office the county clerk has learned
that ho cannot properly execute his duties
with a reduced force , and the Commissioners
arc requested to take cogni/anco of this
fnct. The communication was referred to
fdirmltteo of the whole ami It will pro > -
nhl ) bo taken up home tlmo In the future.
Acting In accordance with the order of
the commissioners , made the first of the
jcar. Clerk Huverly has dismissed two
ilcrks Horn the tax department , and the
present foico la severely overworked. It Is
said. In trjlns ; to keep up with the work.
There In not a deput)8hlp In the court
l.otiio outsldo of the treasurer's office which
pays $160 per month except one The excep
tion Is Chief Deputy Steero In the office of
the district clerk. It Is said that the work
ol Mr. Stecro Is far moro exacting than that
of the chief deputy in the treasurer's office ,
for the reason that he must at all times be
within reach of hit ) office for the filing of
pr.pers. Ho Is required to maintain a tele
phone , and it often happens that ho works
The chief deputy In the county clerk's
i ffice receives $ ! )0 ) pel month , yet ho Is re-
ulrcd to furnish a $10,000 bond. A Btrlk-
Ing Instance of the Incongruity of thn treas
ury situation Is found In the fact that a $90
clerk In the office of the county clerk Is c\-
liectcd to audit and attest the figures made
by a $150 clerk In the olllre of the treas-
ui cr.
Volume of Itniitlne VI nil IT.
The commissioners did not meet until
nearly 12 o'clock , but in a shoit space of
tlmo they transacted a largo volume of rou
tine business. The contract for legal ad
y' vertising was awuided to the World-Herald ,
the bid of that paper being declared the
A resolution was Introduced for the ap
pointment of Abner Travis .IH n court house
janitor at .1 salary of $10 per month. It
wan referred to the court house committee.
Dr. W. 1C. Ynekol was npolnled professor
of pathology at the county hospital , vko Dr.
J. S. Focte , who has left the city.
A resolution to employ Hugh Carpenter as
court hoiibo and jail engineer was killed by
the majorll ) .
William 1'oppcnhagcn was appointed con
stable for Millard precinct.
A request was read from the Dundee club
Anil Wlint faint' of II.
The rcciipatlon of a rullwn ) mall clerk Is
peculiarly uiduous mid unwholesome , long
hours of work requiring the closest atten
tion , nearly always Btniullng , confined in a
btufly car , as well BH the continual vibration
of rapid motion , muko this occupation an
undcfdrablo one from a health standpoint.
A railway mall clerk on the Michigan
Control running between Detroit and
Chicago KBs "In common with many of my
fellow omple > ) en , I suffered for eomo yearn
fiom an oL tlmite attack of piles , brought
on , my physician told me , by my occupa
tion , the close confinement In a car and be
ing obliged to Htand on my feet for hours
together ; the pain at Ulrica was almost tin-
bearahlo nnd I WIIH obliged to resort to the
use of ointments and salvex to give a tem
porary relief while I got through with my
work. 1 Buffered so long from piles that I
real ! ) had little hope of any such thing UK a
permanent euro , and although I had vorj
often noticed the advertisement of the Pyra
mid I'llo Cure , ) et I never thought terlously
of trying It until one day after sutToring mjoro
than usual , 1 dropped Into a drug titoro and
bought a 50c package I tiled It that night
nijd the complete relief from pain and ItchIng -
Ing wan delightful. I expected to be as bad
us over the next daj , as this had been my
usual expelIcnco with pile remedies , but I
was agreeably disappointed. I used the
I'iamd ! for aomo ten ilajb or two weeks and
for nearly four > ears huvo not had the
slightest trouble from piles and consider in )
euro as little uhoit of marvelous"
The Pjramld I'llo Cure Is thu most popu
lar and successful of unj pllo cure ; It U the
only pllu euro that Is sold by every druggist
Id the Unltej States and Canada.
Kurthcmore. the PMinld Pllo Cure has
Icon before thn public for nlno } earc uud
IMS been toHtixl tlmo and again by hunJreJs
of I'bjBklanH and by thousands of pile suf
ferers ) , and Its remarkable merit 'has ' been
dt'tronstrated In over ) forai of piles , protrud
ing , Itching or bleeding
A llttlu took on cause nnd euro of pllo *
mallul frco by addrotslng Pyramid Co
Marshall , MIUi
All drugglita sell the Pjrumld at Cc ( or
full blzed package.
nuking the appointment of Martin Klrken- I
dull an rnnxtnbln for the south district of '
Wc t Omnhn U was rejected , nnd Con
stable Kln(5. ( present Incumbent , will hold
over another term.
Kulea were ntifponded .and several minor
bills for routine accounts wcro allowed.
The board adjourned to meet next Thurs
It the commissioners
was expected that i
might touch upon the case of Albyn Frank , i
ex-clerk of the district , court , who defies
the county to enforce the new fee law , but. . i
not a word was mentioned. [ [
The popocratlo majority of the board
fecius well satisfied with the course adopted
by the county attorney which contemplates
mandamus procedure before the supreme
court. |
The majority wins of the bonnl has for '
Fpiiiu reason never exhibited much anxiety
about the Prank matter , even In the fact1
of his defiant letter Inviting the county to
do Us worst , and the theory still prevails
among well Informed court house officials
that In protontlng Prank tUr board Is In
reality protecting the future financial in I
terests of hU successor , P. A. Hroadwcll '
Of course Mr. Ilroadwell says It Is his In
tention tn comtly ttilctly with the ln\v , but
If by book or crook Prank can secure a
decision to the effect thnt the fee law IB
not valid It would be thousands of dollars In
the pocket of Clerk Uroadwell. If the new
law stands his salary Is limited to $5,000 ,
and nil cxcoss TOPS go Into the county treas
ury The rountv attorney tays hp Is going
to Lincoln Tuesday to begin his mandamus
proceedings against Frank
Hooker T. VVnnliliiuloii Will Ilr < u > rlli
Iliu Work II | > | IIK Done n < TuxUe-
> or in u I School.
Dookor T. Washington , principal of the
Tuskegco Normal and Industrial Institute ,
Tuskegco Ala , will appear on a local
lecture platform on January 20 under the
auspices of the Ministerial union. Mr.
Washington will speak on the ccndltlons
prevailing among his rnco In the south nnd
the work beinsr done at the Tuskegco in-
stltutc. The lecture will bo given at the
Klrst Methodist church , the proceeds being
devoted to the mission which Mr. Wash
ington has undertaken.
The Tuskegco Instltuto is now In Its nine
teenth year of work In a district where the
colored population outnumbeis the white
three to one Its value Is In the training of
thousands of negroes and in bringing about
harmonious relations between them nnd the
whlto people of the south. Starting with
ono teacher and thirty students In a rented
building , the Institute now has nn attendance
'of U6S students , rcpteacnting twenty-four
states , and Africa , Cuba , Puerto Hlco and
Jamaica All except a small numbci sleep
nnd beard on the grounds. Eighty-eight
officers and teachers ate employed and
graduates to the number of li.OOO are at work
all over the south as Industrial leaders and
tcachero The amount necessary for the
current expenses of the school each year Is
$70,000. Of this $20,000 Is reasonably certain
to How In from stated sources , leaving $30-
000 to bo raised almost wholly by the per
sonal efforts of the
uIlHliiiinii AVIniMIiitcriislH \ro In
tinKlotor > Ianil TalUH
< nliiiiiul > of the OilllooK
CIIC Mollcr. an nngllshman engaged
In business as a bill and bullion broker In
Tien Tnln , China , arrived in the city ) eslci > -
day and leglstcied In a Karnam street hotel
He landed In San Francisco Monday , bavins
crossed the Pacific on the shlp China. After
a three-days1 stay in Omaha he will start
by way of Sioux City and Chicago for the
Pugct Sound district.
"I am duo back In China in March , " said
Mr. Moller. "Kverthing Is frozen up there
now. The port Is closed for three months
b ) Ice , am\ all business I * , suspended , BO I
thought I would take a rim through the
states in the incintlmc
"In my opinion Chlmv is overesttanited as
a sphere foi business Just at present. All
these largo concessions recently granted
have failed of operation so far owing to a
disinclination on tbn puit of
copltallstH Interested to tink money
in developing mineral rights so far from
transportation ionics These concessions
wore entered into under a misapprehension
of the conditions by British and American
Investors. They had an idea that China
v\as something like South Africa , peopled in
the north by nomads , who had the right to
bargain aw a ) for a nominal sura vast tracts
of mineral land. As a matter of fact , the
emperor of C'hlna himself has no power to
deed away such tracts. The vested rights of
agriculturists and others occupying these
lands neither thu emperor nor the Imperial
clan can Interfere with short of a revolu
'The result Is that some of the conces
sion promoters hive found themselves In
the position of being unable to deliver on
the London financial market what ono might
call the goods contracted for. In consequence
quence , they are now trying to satisfy the
original London Investors with Corean con
cessions , which are nearer transportation
routed and more easily obtainable "
Meetluu of the . \HHOCIIloll | In to lie
Ilehl In the CroiiiiNi * Illouk
ThlH Vflernoon.
A meeting of the Jewish Hospital associa
tion will bo held In the Crounso block , Six
teenth and Capitol avenue , this nfter-
nooi' at 3 o'clock to discuss uajs and mcnnB
foi providing a hospital.
At a recent meeting of the association
triiHteu ] held at the residence of Itahbl
Simon a proposition was received from the
owner of private residence property at
TwcnD-fouith and Fort strfets. the Idea
being to coin oil the place Into a hospital.
A commlttco was appointed to look Into the
feasibility of such an airangemcnt. Habbl
Simon and the association trustero luvlto
com nui nl cat Ion with other pcraoua who have
to offer.
Viiiioiiiuifrom similar
OMAHA. Jan. 20. To the Hditor of The
lice Owing to the similarity of the names
of Aichltect John McDonald and Architect
James MacDonnell , OH usually pronounced ,
1 am subject to serious nnnojanro and
damage by being almost universally con
nected with the Investigation now going on
In the Board of Education. Therefore , I
desire through the medium of The Ueo to
say to my friends and acquaintances and
to the public generally that I never have ha 1
business relations of an ) kind whatever
with any Hoard of Education of the city of
Orrmliii , cither pant or present , Individually
or collectively
lleniirl of the Clt > Clerk ,
The ell ) elerK has jirepaml a leport of
the expenditure * , llceiibcs issued and IIUH- !
iiess traiibuctcd through hl.s department for
the ) ear IS' * * The amount expended In the
city elerk's olllce foi '
wa jG,4U'Jo , compared with Ju.STO in
The rouniU'b salar ) Hot amounted to SS.100
fur the Jtar During U'.U } 1I'J15 re
ceived from license * mi uinnunt lens than
the receipt * from the mine Hourco ono
) ear aio Tile reniucll held ninety ri'Biilar
and Hpvilnl mretliiBn In 1S99 , at which 7,851
dctumt'ittf were read
Vlore 'I'rDiihlti fur Iloliui-n.
13 F Holmes alleged forger of railway
ill keit- who has been In jail hero for HC-V-
ml weiVs w is nrralgned In Iho count )
court ) eilerda ) to antiwer three addl-
ilunal i-jniil | tuts Hied ucalnut lilm b ) thu
Durllngton i mpanv He pleaded not guilty
tl eacli nd v 'l t Lai k Id jail Hondti of
tl wo vv re tixid for each cliar&e , but Holmes
U making no effort for ball
Alleged Victim of South Omaha Polioo Re
fuses to Get Off the Track.
t'nntnlti Mteiihen Vllle mill Olllcers
Mniitnictie mill .MitrrlNiui Cluiriicil
lllt laneeii } ns Iliillec In-
rorniatliin Is mi rile.
Trnnk Jackson , who declare * thnt he was
robbed of $ S3 by members of the Soti.h
Omaln police department , and who appeal oil
In the county court n feu dnjs ago ns
prosecuting witness against Oniccr Anton
Hytlool ; , still Insists that vcngnanco shall be
The fact that Hydock vva.s declared not
guilty of the larceny charged did not
dampen the enthusiasm of Jackson He says
It la certain thnt somebody took his mono ,
nuil If ho falls to fasten tbc crime up n nnc
policeman ho will go after another and
another In thu hope of eventually finding the
guilty one. | i i
Information has been filed In the county ' 1
court , based on Jackson's complaint , charg
ing 1'ollce Captain Stephen Alllo nnd Officers ' !
Thomas .Montague nnd Patrick Monlson of
South Omaha with larceny as bailee
Ono night a few weeks ago Jackcon was
arrested by South Omaha policemen on the
charge of complicity In a saloon disturbance.
IIu snB ho had $83 In cash nnd some small
change at the tlmo of his arrest. The fS5
and the change wcro In separate pockots.
In accordance with the general rule Jack
son sajs ho was searched when ho was taken
Into the station. Ho thought nothing
strange of that , as ho knew It to bo regular
procedure , nnd presumed he would bo given
back his money when released. IIo alleges
tbat the next morning utter his Inc.xrcera-
{ tlon the police icturncd to him his email ,
! ' change , which amounted to a few dollars ,
! but that they failed to make any accounting-
j of the $83. Jackson was Inclined to believe-
| that Olllccr Hjdock was the guilty man , but
at the preliminary examination It do\el
oped that so man } othci officers were around
the station at the time of Jackson's arrest
that there was no particular icuson for fan-
tenlng upon IIdock any more than the
others IIdock denied any knowledge of
the $85. If Jackson had such sum the olll-
coraa not aware of It , ho said. It Is tin-
dcrttood that this will bo the defense of
the others accused , and Jackson ma ) ha\e
to establish as n fact that ho carried the
money with him on the night of his at rest
before ho can make a ease against the de
H ! ) a dull day In South Omaha when
some of the police officer1 ? are not In trouble.
Hydock has been especially prominent In
this way Within the last two months he
has stood trial for assault and for larceny
as bailee , being acquitted on both charges ,
but just as he was about to get his record
clear with the courts along came a decision
from the supreme court upholding a decision
rendered b > Judge Tawcett , several months
ago , saying thnt Ilydcck must go to jail for
violation of the court's order in Interfering
with an election challenger. So to Jail went
Hjdock , and ho la still there.
The accused police officers appeared at
the court hoiibo ) cslerday and were
arraigned befoio Judge Vlnsonhalcr in the
county court Koch pleaded not guilty , and
through their attorney demandoj Immcd-
i Hto trial. The state was not icady , and
the cases were set for January 31.
CoiunilHsloniTMecouiit for MOIIPJ-
i.vHMnli-il | anil 1\orU Done IJiir-
lii.r.nt Ten \enrN.
The Hist dorado of Omaha's maintenance
of a pirk bstem was completed with ISO1 * .
The secretary of the Hoard of Park Com
missioners has prepared an exhaustive ac
count of the work done and the money ex
pended during that time in beautifying the
city. The board will recommend a number
cf Improvements foi the coming year which
considered Imperative. The tracts which
stand In paiticular- need of attention arc
i Woolworth , Deer , Kountze and Curtlss Tur-
i ner parks nnd the thirty-two acres recently
I added to Illvervlexv pink , In Uanscom pails
[ the board asks that water plpca be extended ,
that walks bo resurfaced and that green
houses , the grandstand and pavilion be re
paired. In Rlvervlew park 2,000 feqt of gut
tering should be laid and the roadways pro
vided with a now surface of cinders.
During 1S09 the receipts for park and
boulevard purposes were as follows- From
city taxation , $10,708.33 ; from state levy ,
$12,245. The expenditures have been
slight ! ) In excess of this amount.
In HIvcrvlew park a record was kept of
the number of picnic parties patronising the
grounds In May forty-one tablecloths were
spread under the trees ; in June , IOC ; In
July , 75 ; In August , 73 , and In September ,
The amount which Omaha has expended on
1 park maintenance ) and Improvement during
the last decade Is ns follow :
Uanscom park J209.0I6 53
Ulvervlow park 51,50" til
nimvvood pailt 47,03107
Miller park 1G.471 22
Fontanello P'irk 3,34707
Kountzo park 23.6.12 62
Jufferson Hquaro 12tXS ) 3S
Capitol avenue l..HJl 01
Florence boulevard 27,161 5l
Southeast boulevard 1.124 73
Centiul boulevard 9OI ) D7
Hlmobau'h ( park 4200
Total . $414,257 9 : >
Sixth Ward ItepiililleiuiM HiithiiNlnx-
tlenll ) I3\iiie I'Te'Terenee
for IIii j or.
About sovent-llvo prominent republicans
of the Sixth ward met at Thirtieth and Bristol
tel streets Filday evening In response to au
Invitation extended to all republicans of Iho
ward who favored the candidacy of Hon.
Frank n Mooros for rcnomlnatlon for
mayor. Many cf tboeo present opoko en-
thusla.stically In commendation of the pur
pose of Iho meeting and the following reso
lution was unanimously adopted
Wheieao , lion Frank 17 Moorcs , present
mayor nf Omaha hrm c-arufull ) guarded
the Interests of the taxpayer ! ) during his
present term1 and defended the Inboilnu
man whenever nn opportunity pretvntea
Hbi'lf. and.
WherciiH , AVe bollovo him to have been
one of the best mayors Omaha has ever
had. therefore , bo 1'
Resolved , That we pledge him our henily
support and nromUo to HSR all honor ibln
ineuiiH to Bcciirn his rcnomlnatlon and elec
tion for the second term.
There -nlll ba another meeting of repub
licans toward the same end next Tuesday
evening at Fredcrltkson'a hall , Twenty-
fourth and Franklin streets.
Ilinl ) of "IIo * fur Uxrle" IteiniMeil
115 the Coroner While the Neigh
bor * \re Anlee'i.
The neighborhood in the vlclnlt ) of Thlr
tccnth and Valley streets Is much exercised
over what appeared to bo peculiar circum
stances attending the 'death of a woman
named Hurke. better known as "Ucx Car
Mzzta. " Report came to the police Fridiv
night that eho had died alone In a vacant
hcusi ) near this street Intertectlon and that
her body had lain them neglected almo
Inveatlgatlon developed the fail that the
woman hud died Januar ) 16 nnd that the
body had been removed from the houti ? 10
Our Anti-Trust
Drug Department
Is ono of the strongest features of the
store Kvorthlii ) ! Is new and frc h No
shopworn o atrliiu it oil Rood * .
4c for lOc bottle ( Jlycoriiic.
4c for lOc bittlo Castor Oil.
BcfoC Oc bottle Scwiii" ; Mnnhlno
14i * tor M box Swnn'i Down
14c for Ib. bty Ucllncil Houix
24c for . "He Prunu Lu\ntivi > .
34c for oUo Lti Ji'utie Kaoc
25 < J f ° r & * ' bottle Custoia.
75c for Vl.t 0 bottle Po-t ii-nti
the undertaking rooms of Coroner Swan on i
between the hours of 2 and " o'clock the
next morning The nolghbors. bclni ; asleep '
at that time , dldjiot sre the coroner when
he called nnd M > supposed the -ftualiis still I
In the hoiiBc DcMlh was caused by alcohol- |
lem and morphine poisoning i
nthert llulilinrtl Will i\iilnlu the !
.Me Mi < > ( ! * of that t'nliiiie mill |
Clever llnnil of AViirkern.
The teachers of Omaha will offer a treat' '
to local book lovers on Tuesday evening ,
when nibert Ilubbaid , editor of The Philis
tine , will lecture at the First Congregational
chinch on "Tho Woik of the Hoycroftein "
the same being "a small band of workers
who make beautiful books and things makIng - ,
Ing them as good as they can. " Thu lectuie
Is the third of the H Inter series , which has
been ventured upon by the teachers as an
experiment and which Is proving very pop
ular and successful.
| Mr. Hubbard Is known In addition to his
editorial work on The Philistine as the au
thor of vailous unique and clever produJ
i lions , pi eminent among which are the "I.It-
j | > tie Journc)8 to thu Homes of Kamotis Pee
ple" and "A Message to Garcia. " Tln > Htte.-
i "preachment" was first printed In The Phil
istine , causing the edition to be exhausted
within three das after publication. U Ins
been reprinted In booklet form , however , foi'
"those discerning ones who apprec ate a
good thing. " Up touguat 20 of last year
bSl.OOO of these rcmaikable tracts hud been
Issued. U is an appcil to underlings to go
zealously nbaut their masters' business and
to render none of that "slip-shod assistance ,
foolish Inattention and half-hearted service"
which was so conspicuously lacking In ' the
lellovv by the name of How an " who cllsip-
peared Into a Cuban jungle and in three
weeks came out on the other side , having
travcrEcd a hostile couitry on foot and de
livered his letter to Gaicia j
"The Work of the UoycroftcrhvhicLMr
Hubbard will explain with all detail , la ex
ceptional for daintiness and originality.
Their product Is said to be the work of hand
and brain in partnership. The papci on
which the books are pi luted Is hand-made
, and the Initials are Illumined in the fashion
lot the monastics of the middle agea , with |
whom the making of books was a holy
service and not a peculation The lloy-
crofters put an ind Lillty Into their work
and bcistow a ImJ BBirc upon It which
lends It a pccullar Be In the eyes of bib
liophiles , f
The shop at Hast Aurora , N' . Y. , an Incon
spicuous village on Caiiga lake , has been !
the recipient of many tributes from famous
people which Mr. Hubbard exhibits with j
some pride. A letter from William 13 Glad
stone , dated Hawarden , 1S97 , Is ns follows
"Tho Roycroft books are a delight and 1
am showing them to my friends In proof that
the old world moves. And In moving back
ward to the time of those early Vcncliin
pi Inters ( who made such beautiful books
'vvhllo ' Columbus was discovering America )
) have done well. I cannot say you have
I improved on the Venetians , but you have
I nearly equaled them. "
The following tribute was received by Mr.
Hubbard from Thomas Wentworth Hlggln-
son"You seem lo get a lot of enjoyment out
of your work , and In these days of hurry and
rush and anxiety , that is much. I hope you
are getting the reward ) ou deserve andthis ,
Is a most generous wish "
former IIiii < eiiiuit CoM-i-nor of Iilnlio
KIlloil I lie Snliii-er < if
Ills IVIff.
SALT LAKE , Utah , Jan. 20. Captain
Frederick J. Mills , former lieutenant gov
ernor of Idaho , was today acquitted of the
chaigo of murder. The Jury was out only
a quarter of an hour , ju&t long enough to
elect a foreman and tuko a ballot
Captain Mil's ' killed John C. O'Melvency ,
chief engineer of the Oregon Shoit Line , IH i
' thlf , city on October 3 last. The evidence
showed that vvhllo the defendant was ab
sent serving as an officer of the volunteer
army of the United States , his wife and
O'Melveney became criminally Intlmato The
captain learned of thcbo facts on the day
of the tragedy , his wlfo making a full con-
! feprloii. The killing followed.
The defendant pleaded the Utah stalutn
vl'lch ' justifies the act of a husband who
kills his wlfo's bodticer , and also set up
the plea of Insanity.
Chill lleeoinliiisinlillliiiiN ,
SAN FHANri CO , Jan WS Moitn
Vicuna , the Chilian mlnlftcr to the United
i Stales and Japan , nirlveil from Toklo on
the Btemnei Doric , em onto to WiiHhliiRlon
Minister Vicuna , while In Toklo , IH said to
have taken up with the Japanese foreign
oflli'p the proposition of nettling Japanese
eolonlstH In ClillI and to I'slalill.sli u Hte uner
line between Yokohama and Valparaiso
The minister admitted that he hud been
' comluctlnK ome Important negotiations at
, Toklo , but refuted to divulge theli ehar-
ae'tcr Mr Vicuna hiis that the Japanese
I are making inpld strides In lallvvay build-
I liiB and IndUBtrliil development
Six pell ts of / / every flirty
mliiuli s will ' hii'iik tin" a fioili folder
or n touch"jl HIP Clip In tvvfiitj-
tour hours.
Six pellets of " 77" every hour
will "break up" a Imul stubborn Cold
thai "lmn ; . " > on" anil "KnocK out" the
cJrlp with nil ll iminsiinil son-in-hs in
I the head , chi-st and back , Catarrh and
Sore Thioal
How ? Dy rojlorlnjr the ohuekcil oircn-
liitlon ( indicated by a chill or shiver )
HtMilliiK' tin1 blool ( ( jtiiMlni ; thioiiuh
the veins and MJ "break iiji" the Cold
AnU .vour drnsiclht or send for Dr.
HumphCV'H ! Manual , fne tellh .ilMiiil
the caie and ticatnienl oi the * liK In
all allmenls
llumpbri ) i lKiTiruiathi | , M , i > ni c , ,
CoiVIIlla'i < iiiil J lK , 8't S 'i
That is final. Wo arc not luisitnting about cutting the prieo * . The original cost for the
peed * is nioro ( linn thov ro now priced. ( M < iH. mil r *
Optical Dcpt.
1j Hi ilitrlloii
( ioUl plated , Ahimiuoid ,
SnlH Melt eMi
Mi Ui'1 Till11 ( I
Siei I i ( Ics II toil
with billllinn
letups oiilj
ritteil to tine.ves . free liy our
nMllful lofi ictlonlst
( lold 1 Illril rriitucs <
for l.
Dress Goods
Klnc mixed Oei mini fancies ,
novelty oods fsf if \ .
worth up to J2 / ttfl fl
a vurd , on JL / IW
sale for
llandsomo bin k eiepons
\cr ) choice pattPin" . elo-
Rimt Rood" , newest efforts )
fabrlis th.T
old for $1 50 79c
a vnid , on
a e foi
Your ih Ic-e of 0111 line * !
vv iol i-rci , ons tin1 laictt
noveltle rood- , that
sold iipvvnr.l
to $ ! 00 i ) , ud
on sale
Glliipliill wool
cloth , worth
$1 00 per ) ard
enl )
Rare Silks
All -'ladps of taffeta silks ,
t T I sold lei 75c a
> uid , on sale foi
'V.uui I'hulee nf , i line lot of
silk miuiantH , that -nero
crlglnall ) pilied to Kl
sell at $1 ' , $1.50 At n'
Ijonsdale Cambric , the rPK"-
Inr 10 ( | Uulit ) , per S t
yard , only .
Kino Tennis Klannel
checked patteins ami ' ) r >
stilpos , Sc goodd
Pine IJnon Crash , regular
lOc value , per ) niil , a , .
enl )
f > ( > c Table Daina = k , very goad
iltmllt ) , PPI yard ,
lluck Fringed Towels , lurgo
size vslth boidet , Cl- .
lOe value , enl ) . * - *
Unblcaohetl Sheets ,
on sale for only .
Hlcviehcd Sheets
laige fclze , 72\90
Ilaidwood iwilKhed Tooth
1'liks , line manle ,
worth ] 0c box. onlv
Closing- out winter gai-
ments regardlc-ss of cost
Jlen'-s tine libbed and ran
dom wool undervvc < ir , all
fires t'bi'ts and dmwers ,
oOi. and 7ur values ,
per garment
lien's line wool underweai ,
blown and c-olor ,
all sires shlrtH and diaw-
er = garments that sold for
$1 00 and $1 23 , on
wale Monday at
Women1 * Jl 03 union
Hulls are now cc > lllns
Women'b $ . ' 50 .ill wool iniioii
suits are now
Ins at .
Infatit' . line wool vests
made Ho button all the (
way down , GOo x.ilue . '
on s-ale In thp basement
A choice lot of Hue lace i-ur-
tulns , recrnt Impoitatlon.s ,
In main samples fiom New
Yoik Imiporteih Ineltiillntf
Nottingham nnd I'uffcii
Curtainlialf prlecnnin In
effect $ J lace curtains -
tains , on sale for .
$250 Kioe rut kiln * ,
on bale foi
$300 lace < urtains , | f
ou mle for . . .
p-ittPnih and < li > -
T.ipestty and eheiilllo
at speilal pils
An elcuuiil Hue of cre
tonnes foi draper ) puipoaois
all now eat doslgnu ami pat
terns , various1 guides.
ISu niiallty eretonncB ,
on Julio for
COi quality tietotinoH
on sale for
Special Sale on Hair Goods
Cloak Sale Monday
M < r/i Ill ( Illllllf IJII
$500 Indies' anil
$10 Miladies' mid
missis' .lackUs 3.98
me ptlied to .
sell at
Jlb.OO Indict' niul "
finest materials ,
IIMO ' wllb tiilli'ta , r ?
nil slindonew -
$2fl OO.Inckuti lln- '
t'sl tiillor-tnado 7.50
lacKots iiiu .
on'iilu for
III fiil/iir-meiifr / suit * surrJ/lrrd.
$10 tillliii-lnlKlu
suits Wit h silk 2.98
llni'd .luokUs , on .
sale for
A in df linlfllif i ' ! rr.
l.iidlcs' Iliii- iieaisllkalst \ - , nil
inlors and black ,
plain and cord 1.9
ed , fo v.iluo , .
fin i
Pottieoats onale
almuKt given nvvav
T < vldol Developer 4f\r \
Xc tube , onlv . . MUW
We tube , enl ) .
2"ir Piintlng- Qp
linnice ) . ' * *
Jl ( K ) Oil Lainpb-
onlv .
13tittllns Matte Pinei \ ilex -
lox , and all supplies Au
wo ciittorsVo BiR-R
Sheet Music
at mid below cost
Wo nic pushing till" dojort-
i cnt uud is now the wrent-
cst ( if its kind in the v\e t
All the latest and most pop
ular "elections ii'jju ir " 0 ,
bheet musk goes
on t-ale at
Candy Dept
The tegular Sflc grndo of
mi.xod cnivdy onalo
Mcncluy , pound , foi
Shelled and h.iltc-d
Pciuiiuth , per 11) . .
Cigar Sale
Toj uliir driiiiiN nf riif ; n IrrK
Hoof f > 0 llo- < * luart gj
union inatle , worth I . I B .
. ' Od. onlv A'V/t.7
lloo r > nNt > brn kii *
Hovs i fi-i-pnt i
Iniiud onlj A
ItoMif Umlliso lilts
Rood free smokers ,
enl ) .
tloof M ) Coinin iiul-
erx. I0c brand ,
llnlllc \ \ luiund -H <
Yum Yum , 5o picLngp i\v \
Big Shoe Bargains
llir flir feM ji/nrrif / on iiifr > iilinifii/ | III In flninl mil ( miioi line.
Lot No. 1 On bargain tiiblo ladies'
Ino ) kid shoo * , in black ami tan , slu
that were priretl to jull at
$ _ , nil sl/cs , on bale
for c
Lot No. 12 On Imrjintn tablo-
teal viul kill law shous , to close
quickly innl make roomi
for now stock , tire |
priced at
Lot No. ! J La d 1 o s' llnost
quality I atom leather shoes ,
worth fully $5
a pair , on
sale for
Lot No. 1 A special lot of Ho.\s' \ Shoes Iroiu the coin-
bratcd .1. Hiuhardson A Co. makes , ijo on
tale , i/odJatolutl.iO ! ; , 2j to
Lot No. S An iniinotiso line of boys' nnd jotttW shoos ,
nil solid loiithor , to close out
quickly are priced
We planon silo Miiiukt )
ovi'i . ' 0(10 ( ) aiils of Fine lim-
broldi-rv , opi'ii IH ! I < and In-
M.-Kin | ; ill w Ml lie , lian.l-
sonii' patti'im , Vfi ) > , orti >
MUilltv , ninlnU Tin's ale
dlvliKxl I Ho three Kits mul
j > rlir < l us tiillnws
IZmbro ( id li f - \ \ ui 111 uj
to JOc1 1 , n > for
H woith
up lo .We a ) il - o
iMli > vvuilU
up tofilo a ) d go lei
Clilldnin'M AllVoo I is
KlugH IIIMVV i Ibltsl wont !
Me a iMli-Mi'o '
in in.mi ) .
MIMI'H Flue HIIK Ni \ Uvmi
all loli'lH. nr\\i > x | | > HIiMii
li'KUliil . ' .K uuiillt ) . -
nn naif fui |
Warm Caps -
I'loehiir out n Uil ( Men n
and HoH' IIM\\ | \ \ \ > > i u
* 'apes ut linn llinn
n l , C > . Kln l
Hair Goods-
at very special
ItoKil .11 ill DO
sw Iti lies
Itccutnr J4 ( X )
IteRiilai $5.W )
ml O
j Maulcui-
racial Treatment
Mail orders filled.
tpcclal attention paid to
nmli-hliiK hair exactly nnd
gelt ng tno required lengths.
v\vr Si J
tU S l
\V i- - v\ i
< > > - . ort\
J Ai v
r \ l i
I. tsl
S'uvs v
Sofa Pillows
jl Vv < * A * l + i *
to * * * kvfvv
It v Vv \ W , j 4 . %
t < > mi A I I y
VV { < ( > . -
l idlcs1 line muslin
ami olli-mlsr , nli 1 1) irlm
niiM with IIIPO
anil cmbrnld
riv , lOKUlai
Infant's lluost mu > illii ( linssi *
a sample lot -all the in w
est dcslsus veipipttlh
made , value
up to $5Ui , 79c
nhiilci' foi
$ l.f'S and
Gowns , nlpel ) trlmme.1
with wide lari
-Hill Hi/PS
neat liatterns ,
enl )
rijiinelette c ow
and blue , cl < ganiU
trimmed oi Hi $1 2.V 75c
Kile price
enl )
children's heavy ilbbou
hose , well made , vv rth
lie a pair , rr r
* * "
enl )
Children's fine vvoolpn
heavy rlbboJ. worth
' M a pair , enl ) . .
Wonipn'H line cotton
fast black , 15c value
per l > alr
Women a 11 neat wool hose
extra good quality
wortli 76c a p-alr ,
6 ounce bottle best
Machine Oil . .
Sniall HO | Mo > ha.
KM Purses . . .
_ .ize Curling
JixiriK , Sc value .
Velveteen Skirt Hind-
ing , per ) ar < l . .
Children's double woo.
tons all sizes worth
25c a pair , enl )
Women double wool
tons , with fane ) bd
the rorular Kc
kind , for .
Women ti fln - < twooi
ten" , the regular < V
on ale for
Women H fane ) w eel
tens , the kind that
for lOe on sale
for . . .
women's dalnt ) Hnrijkcr
oblefs. with nli el ) em
broMerril fornnrs al > -
plain and Uonistltchi.l
ly yollo.1 . } our 3c
t liou-o for
with fiiiu > oinbr > l ti r t
% v > rivi > r . rofulnr 1C kind
nrx pllirlitlv Milled
i lMn r on ills
\ iirtt \ irw ami
in tiho
nlll < iul kl >
out , tli lioliiT
fcTd.lf'h * i * well ft i tlio > b'\ip-
w ate5idnc i * rltli'fil
Anm. 'tfinip \ ir fiKv.rp noeils
H 4
V ! I'nion Htarikots j f\r\
Mile foi I-UV
* -
fNi pipe vo. , > l niank
t\f r.-i
! i'n I \\.u 1 1'lfti k
Cheapest Here.
ft , , < > ir u , < n tii . an , ! r r/iir.
Kitchen Chitir.s-ilio kind nulil every nont pattern
vvlioro ut 50 conth on , \aid
sale for 25c
Cane Seated Dining K.wm Ghair.s of AU \ eel
various styles , worth I nniWme pat-
81.125 em null ) value , pel
for . . . . . . .
Swell I" i out Dresser hanclrtuiiio < lo Niittiiigliiun l.itoc ( 111 1. tlns- , I )
tinned , l > cuitlfull ( > eiirvg ? / \ . " > ( ! Inehnnvliln ,
od , worth fully $10.00. O u V tlMUM. I ll'll ( Iw-llJIlf , WOl'lll
on balu for * 2..W n 1,29
A .Special Lot of Odd Dresser * only onlj. . . . ,
ono of u Uinil , Htvlowo ele-siro to \\hitp | 'iiiiiu > b l lum T.ipeHtry Portiereh ppw u- _
ellfccontinuo , fo on halei ut O FJ g * "n luu s. * < on HLI-IH | | anil iinitori ) ! * , worth
oiuvlwU prlco , values up _ J. J [ i j ' ' n. i
to $18. ell'lee ' . . * if,0 Milne
O.iK I'.irleir KocUer o'Jhblor i-eiit- only ( ! uticli line fniniii.t
oil , vv i u-th fully SJ.OO - \ fO \\o\m\MieSpiinK * wood 98c , oovoruil with line
oil Slllo for B \f f friime tl 'J > iilno for velour , all < 'ol i , wortli
* ! . ' , wile priuo only
.S-Pieee P.irhir Suite - line oak J'uitf Parlor Lamps with ducoiatcd
fiaino , upliols end in rich tapestry , l ( bo nndiibo , lias brant * fount , rogulai
worth fullj $40.00 , only $ : tOU value for
Handsome O.ilt Sidehoard with I'Veiiuli Decorated 1'httchlino ICngliali vvure , u bit-
bcvi-lcd niiiror , riuh earvliiffb , hiibitugo of odds and ends from broken beta , worth m
dravvers. vvoi tb rJU.UU , only . . to Ifio eacb , mlu priuo