8 OMAHA ILLUSTRATED BEE. January 21 , 11)00. $2 05 FOUR FIJLL QUARTS * / * / 4/4 y EXPRESS CHARGES PREPAID. % WHISKEY This Wlilakcy I * absolutely pure. H Is good for medicI - I Inal at well in other purposes. Wherever it has been introduced it hasbcen royally received. In order to piove it to you by actual I use wo offer If at cant $2.OB.'e defy competition nt this -TICC WE ARE DISTILLERS. All our output is distilled by our/ / own plant nnd every drop is subject to our personal inspection ( before It leaves our warehouse. In buying from usyou\ \ do away with the middleman's profit. This accounts forourlow cost on the \\lnskcy. If you don't think \ve save you nt least 50 per cent , on your purchase send the whiskey back nt our expense and we return the money , Thntenre Rood forthisolTcryoiicniiascertain through the Commercial Agencies or any Chicago Dank. , ( InniU ciit Iniiiirillulrly mi receipt oT Joun MASH criler.V nliln In pluln pucknecH. MuUo licmlUum > r In M.R.DESPRES DISTILLING COlo3-OGc&vcaAnGB0u.rcn8t | , > ' I1 S. Onlern for Ariz. , Colo. , Cal. , Mnhn , Jtonlnim , Nov. , N. .Mui. , Ore , UlKhVunli. . , Wyo. , must call for SO ciuarts , by fulKlit , | > reial | > l , ( t ) KuiriDlec llnprri IIMIIIInj To. will do > Ihrj agree. Keillor. ) WYpKOpF , SEAMAN5 & OMAHA IIHANCII , Kill ) KAU.NAM ST. PROFITABLE HOMEWORK FOR YOUNG AND OLD HOYS AND ( illtl.S MAICH KHOM I ? I TO $8 A WKKIC. MISN ANI > AVOMUN MAICi : KIIOM flS TO $15 A AVHI3IC. Wo Blvo awi > frco * 100' ' ul to $100 IN GOLD filVFN AWAY FRFF y s ° .plUU 111 UULIS Ulf I. II rtTWI I ULL. tioa and send frno the irrnntnsr proposition to earn money In your own homo. Wo furnish complete outlH. No canvassing or pollening. Other people do all the work -you sit in your own homo and take In the money. Investigate our Kreat plan nt onco. A postal eard will do. Till * AIMS ( JO. , 8 lilj.1l STIIKKTI3V VOIIIC CITV. THF ILLUSTRATIONS FOR THIS PAPFR < /'ENGRAVED : BY THE FRANKLIN"/ ' , 'DESIGNERS AXD ILLUSTRATORS FRANKLIN ENGRAVING & fi ELECTROTYPING COMPANY f | 341-351 DEARBORN STREET : : : : CHICAGO Vy Makers of HIGH-GRADE HALF TUNE and other Printing Plates : : : FURTHLR SAM PL US ANJ ) I'KIU-S ON APPLICATION ARNICA TOOTH SOAP , , | iru horvos uiiil wMU'iiit ' tliu tt'otli , HtrwiKtlit'iiB tlin TimiH mui BwneliMiB tliu inmtli , The World's Standird Dcnlllrlcc ( or JO jean. UMII ! in it iilllllon IninicH , I'lit Ui | III Meat mui Immly IHIXCH lhi < Ideal tmrkuuu for Ilio traveler. No ilimt. no ixmiler , no . Iliiuld to uiikte , nr In . ' . , , , Htuln or 8ii , 111 IIIITDI , * , y liQu ut nil llruicifUlm t ! ( . II , NTIKIMI * Ul.rro | . . . , I/ klcuu. III. . l'.8.i. A Piano at a Nominal Price , h" i 'i ' . n _ riirai | ( ' laruiot Hulf | miiM > , I. ) mi A Iliul ) , in hluiriO ) riv ilum Mm k ImitlHrliiu AHewSpecial UPRIGHT PIANO FOR $ | 50 AMI | tin * ht t htock of litrliiitlnu , , Klrrllntm , 4o Wt < cun U\HIU uiiMtmU of MUI. J.a.y i.ajmi'hU. If InteroMixi ilu nut full tn Hrltunt OIIID , An ) | iunn nut protlnit viucll ) K rff- in-Kiitril niii ) tin reluiliuj ut our HII , IIM > , LVO.NA HlIAI.V , . ; UAduui.bt.t'IIICAiO. "HAVE ROOT PRINT IT BOOK BINDER BLANK BOOK 16O9 MANUFACTURER HOWARD STREET OMAHA SYRIAN DESTROYER BEYARA romoTcs hair from face , arms , or any part of the pereon with out tun ellgliti'n' Injury to the tiioitdellcatveklD. Absolutely UariulrM. IttMiultmurv. Agouti wanted crcrywbfro. AiliTrem , Tlir llcynrn Co. S3 IHt , Uulldlng , ( .Inclnnail. U IIISAMNC1. Prof , H , n. Yntes , Sheimndouh. la. , whc Is huyond doubt the greatest healer on the American continent , will teach the com < blued Yntes and Weltmer method of heul' Ing , and guarantee you work after yet have llnlshed the course. Write for par- tlcularu. Blank Space on the I\Iap \ of the World ( Continued from Seventh Page. ) still In operation along the gigantic mole which has been piled west of the chain of HukiM ? ' Though Hovijral explorers have crossed thlH region their traverses are mere threads of travel and disclose hut little of itH character. Nor must wo forget that the great lakes of Africa also offer tempting objects for In telligent research. We have no Idea ns yet of the nature of their beds , or of their depth , or of their fauna and their outlines have been but Imperfectly sketched. Yet these lakes cover about 75,000 square miles of Inner Africa. Moreover , It Is really time that some explorer should como for ward with the determination to ascertain the altitude of the Victoria Nyanza or Tanganlka by the theodolite and spirit level , previous to making a trustworthy survey of those lakes. I nIxMiil South American True IN. The president of the Iloyal Geographical society has lately said that South America contained a larger unexplored area than \frlca. Though the otntemcnt should not he taken too literally It Is certainly true that there are considerable areas awaiting exploration. West and northwestern Brazil contains several parts as little known to the European world as the darkest parts of Africa. The debatable territory between Ecuador and southeastern Colombia , parts of Cuzeo and La I'az In Bolivia ; the Pe ruvian Andes , the upper basin of the Pll- coniiiyo and an extensive portion of Pata gonia are regions of promise. A great part of the Andean Cordillera Is completely unknown , both as to Its topography and Its geology. , The secrets of the plains of Argentina of Its renowned pampas and of the I'ata- gonlnn tableland are still waiting solution. The fauna of the Andean lakes Is still a mystery , those who are engaged In the study of the past history of mankind would find an ample harvest In those South Amor lean mountains and , finally , those who , should Investigate the economic value of the physical conditions of that country would be well compensated for their labors of exploration there. Jii Old Anlu. Of latn since Colonel Prejvalsky's explo rations In mill-Asia the world has been In terested in the exploits of explorers llko those of Younghusband , James Rockhlll , Llttlcdalo and Sven Hedln , who have found something now even In that old continent. The twentieth century will not find Central Asia so dllllcult of access as It was during the nineteenth. The great Siberian railway will afford many a starting place for explorations to the south and the fifth part of the Asiatic continent which lies between I ako Baikal and the Himalaya range furnishes a very largo field for them. Sven Hedln has made a brilliant record In traversing the heart of Asia and It would ho singular If his suc cessful exploration should not stimulate others to emulate his hardihood and daring. Thibet has loug withstood th attempts of travelers to penetrate It for a systematic survey. Our knowledge of the country , though , on the whole has mainly been gained furtively and by snatches of short rushes , resembling somewhat the man ner In which Europeans during the early part of this century endeavored to reacli the Interior of Africa. Malaria and savage man opposed them everywhere just as the Jeal ousy of the Chinese and superstitious Igno- anco of the Thibetans oppose modern travel ers , I'craevcnincu will conquer In the end- aiid both Thibet an.l China will have to yield. Arabia nnd Persia await the Walllns , Pal- graves , Burtons and DoiiKhtys of the future , wlt < o and tactful travelers accomplished In the languages of Oman and Ajlm , learned In Oriental history and saturated with east ern lore. The mission of such will he to resurrect the dead past , delve among old ruins , revive ( ho forgotten histories and forecast the methods by which those vener able races may be brought Into touch and communion with the busy world which ab hors OXClUBlVCIlCKS. \IINtl-llllllll PlIHMlllllKlfN. There are many tracts In Australia still unknown , hut tlutio may safely bo left for the AustrallaiiH , who have shown themselves peculiarly qualified In every way to solve all geographical questions affecting their Interests. In this necessarily brief sketch of the ex ploiatlons , yet to bo accomplished by the bold spirits of the coming century It must not bo Imagined that I hnvo Included nil the tasks that nuiet engage explorers. Hun dreds upon hundreds will IInil ample work In correcting , revising and refining the hasty work performed by pioneers In Af rica , America , Asia and Australia , until the highest point of accuracy and precision hns been attained. There are signs that the world Is getting Impatient with sloven nnd Inexact work and expect superior merits In the explorers In the future. This Is but natural , after being satisfied with novelties , and another reason Is perhaps that the In crease In the number of geographical soci eties has been so great thut the geograph ical public has become more learned and fastidious In Its tastes and requires the best that can bo obtained. As the societies are so willing to coach Intending explorers ami prepare them for their tasks , I have no doubt thut such men as tlioy need will bu forthcoming and ns amply endowed with physical powers nnd mental fltm-ss an any who ever venture * ! Into the hitherto un known. HENRY M. STANLEY. DISTILLER CONSUMER Saving Middlemen's Profits , Preventing Possibility of Adulteration. We arc distillers with a wide reputation of 30 years' standing. We sell to consumers direct , so that our whiskey may be pure when it reaches you. It is almost impossible to get pure whiskey from dealers. We have tens of thousands of customers who never buy elsewhere. We want more of them and we make this offer to get them : HAYNER'S SEVEN YEAROU > We will send four full quart bottles of Hayner's Seven Year Old Double Copper Distilled Rye for $3.30 , Express - press Prepaid. We i hip In plain packages-no marks to Indicate contents. When you get It and test It , H It isn't satisfactory return It at our excise and we will returnyour$3.2o. Such whiskey cknnot be purchased elsewhere for less than $5,00. We are the only distillers selling to consumers direct. Others who claim to be are only dealers. Our whiskey has our reputation behind it. Hayner Distilling Co. , H2rm ; VI. Filth SI. , Daytcn , 0. nerrrcntti Third Ifit'l Hani , njr buttntii home UDijton orCom'IAgrntU' . JJ'.8rOrilcrs ; f.9r ArlzMColo..Cal.IlahoMont.Nov.N. MCI. . Ore. , utah.Wash , Wyo , must call for 20 quarts , by freight , prepaid , liho above odor is Ronuino. Wo guarantee the above firm will do as they ngroo. EDITOE. ] WHEN YOU WANT TO LOOK ON THE BRIGHT SIDE OF THINGS , USE SAPOLI All the Iii d I CH ICue Gold Medal Chocolate Bon-bons By Kipr . 1 , 2 , U and n puuud IIox , OOo n pouud W. S. Balduff , 1B20 Farnam Ht. , Omaha. GOLD WATCH FREE , To liilrinliicinnr Inli Tniih'lH ' ii. criilriill'H will ell lllllkl'8 Illl IllK tllllt t'i.iiliaiU'il i.'nls and sluiiecr iliniiiiny oili r Ink on ilio limrkcl , \ \ \\lllKlve ' ' JV'A'K'll Vi'liBuln'tuiy Htir. : In ( inn IHTKOII In t'omply ultli our oiler pfDiirT.UlI.KTS.aiiila ) . ! ln -rorssnliiiiiaiiii | , for \ \ lileliwelllieinlacoe luck.mii of our InU , nnd our offer liy return null , IUI : ON CIIKMICAL OOi | jscw i nrK * SIr , WlnnloTT'B SootblnR IU > been used for over FIFTT TEARS by MILLIONS of MOTHERS for their CHlLr DREN WHILE TEETHING , with PER- rECT SUCCESS , U SOOTHES th CHILD , SOFTKNS the dUMS , ALLAYS . ! ! PAIN CURES WIND COLIC , and li the best rem- df for DIARRHOEA. Sold by Drusristi In yerr part of th world. Be ur * and ask tor "Urt. Wlnlow' Sootblny Byrup , " aad tai mo other kl C Twenty-ttr * oenU a bottle. "The Bust of Beauty. " ( How to Secure It. ) This Is the title of an InterrstliiR illus trated book , which wo will mall , sealed In a plain envelope for the. asking. It tolls how ( without the use of drugs ) any lady may possess a perfect and attractive figure. Flat Busts and Scrawny Necks are Quickly Made Round. Plump and Graceful. > Even the plainest llgure can bo transform ed Into one of queenly luviuty , superb nnd fascinating.rlto today , enclosing two- cent stamp. Correspondence confidential. Address , 0. PEAL MEDICINE CO. , Cleveland , 0. HOME GAMES I < Mt year , when tlmea Mere hardr we purrliAieil from A inanu * Nurturer , > * Lo tt cnniiflleil ( o ttt < li , an linuun lot of frame * for tnurli 1 M tliim Hie o i m ltiiu' We lime uU tlinitMainl * an 1 U nr * | > lvft utl w tilt tin ut , they are grent % aluu fur the incur'o Mill tiatti a < | iuiiilty mt tianlait'l ' tu I | | | > UMI of lliriu we ulll irv | n uiiniUtu art nj Ihrtti niuiitli anU < ili'tl"n t" 1HK II1 ! ' * 1IM lrUniMl'\MlS ) ( 61 ruluinn Family hlmt r * | cr ) fur IO | ' | M. IVni t mlmi tlili chuiMe wjuiii many tluui the niuuvjr btK Wll * T YOU Uhr AM * KIM I O I'U. I < \hi \ i 1 camoKurMU r lk , r.iaii'l Mru 13 3U.'ii Irlila maul Author * ( liVanli lii | > cL ) 1 ifatno U li\o > ant I Ca 1 ( futiiu hint-low H ul II I * arti > r ( t game 'lallrux l icain > Mutt Mm ilurrl' I eatne I'ttUti'inlinta A h ll-il l < > whichuu i * " v > r\tv \ ( u atiuttirr itmuu an I M ) ' Sh < 'vS UMUir without ( l.u k < \ f > o iharinin ct > iuitiJruuii Wllhanvw - ami ll.I I'MlEUHU'uMl'AMnN fur 3 ( iiolilhi All tii aU v in nl r < urrlv | iki l wlh > liluntti * li tal nu | * < rl | tltiii to M.I I'M HUMt niMl'vMtiS T.r . I4 > MN. It not Mllf rlor > mono wilt t * rtfu i4- ' | Itil * 'tier | * nul Nlinjly tu introilu-u our jn > r t in vlnic all uti < * c-1 It Mill umilnuti t < * ui rrlt for lv r . ILI.l'SlHAlMM'ifMI'AMUN , Ik-it. O G Uri-u - In ay.N V