Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 21, 1900, Page 7, Image 33

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    January 111 , 1000. OMAHA ILLUSTRATED BEE.
( Important Addition
. - * to Wholesale Interests
Thti recent icnioval of the old nnn ot
Deere , \Volls Co. from Council UlulTs to
Oiiinhiv brings another huge wholesale Itn-
plcm'ont holisi > to tills city and Is a hilbstan-
llal adtlition to an already long list of ox-
tonsivu commercial concoins. Under tlio
rooiganlzation of tills company the name has
boon changed to tlio John Deere Plow Co.
and plans have been inado Tor a large In-
uieaso ot business. A modern live story
building lias been put chased at Ninth and
Leaven worth streets , \\hore the firm Is now
established , jnst ono block north ot the new
Union depot and In tlio center of the whole
sale district. Adjacent vacant ground , 73x1112
fi-el , has also been purchased , upon which
riding and walking cultivators. Deere Co.
o [ Mollne , 111. , are acknowledged to be tlio
largest plow manufacturers In the world ,
employing 1,500 men In their shops alone
and having extensive branch houses located
In all the principal cities of the west. An
other largo concern represented Is the Ueero
< t Mansnr Co. , also of Mollno , which om-
plnys more than 700 men and manufactures
tlio well known Deere planters , check-row
ers , dlsc-harrowt , hay-loaders , power corn-
shollcrfi and various smaller Implements.
Tlio John Deere Plow company also rep
resents tlio Mollno Wagon company , which
employs f > 00 men and manufactures about
20,000 new Mollno wagons per year , an out
\\ill bo erected anotl or live-story structure ,
joining the pro. .ent liuildlng on the east an 1
abutting to the Tenth Street viaduct. It
will bo lilted with all the latest appliances
for handling goods quickly and cheaply. Tlio
I'litiro length of this building when com
pleted will be 201 feet and the company will
have exclusive control of HliS feel of side
track 201 feet on cither side of the build
ing. No other wholesale implement house
controls such length of side track , and with
commodious platforms surrounding tlio entire -
tire plant it will bo easily tlio best and
llnest equipped wholesale- Implement plant
to bo found anywhere.
The John Deere Plow company of Omaha
represents extensive manufacturing inter
ests at Mollno , 111. , having full control of
territory tributary to Omaha , and handling
a full line of the celebrated John Deere
plows , harrows , sulky plows , gang plows.
Blank Space on the
Map of the World
( Continued from Second Pago. )
the maps , but what of that ? They are but
tlm distinguishing terms of their respective
localities and are useful for reference. This
work has occupied twenty-live centuries and
the devotion of countless explorers , whoso
object wan not to examine- details , but to
loach gninu object and who had no time
or opportunity to do more than note tlio
more prominent features along their routes.
Thus English travelers and settlers in Soutli
Africa passed ever the diamond Holds and
occupied farmsteads above tlio gold fields for
scores ot yearn without suspecting the Im
measurable wealth beneath. Thus several
travelers whoso business It was to explore
came within viewing distance of Huwonzorl
without once suspecting that Its snowy
crown might have been ween three mlk
above their heads.
The work of the old class of African ex-
ploiors may ho said to coino to an end
with the last year of the nlne-tcenth century
though there remain a few tasks yet In
complete. This twentieth century is des
tined to see , probably within the next dec
ade or two , the topographic delineation of
largo portlui of the continent by geodetic
trliingulntlon. Kor the more the various
Ktatcn and protectorates ripen under the In
lluonco of their civilized governments the
mere will exact surveys bo needed to bcttlo
unnllictlng International claims , as well as
for the purposes of revenue anil ndminUiira-
tlon and the. security of property inland
flood \\nrk of this kind 1ms already been
done In Somali-Land , along the Angl" ( Sir
man frontier In East Africa between Ny
lima and Tanganlkn , along the Anglo-Por
tuguoso boundary line south of Zambesi
In Tunis , Algeria ami Abyssinia. If this
work Is pushed we sh > ill not have to wait
many years for an accurate map of HID
Meantime , lion over , there are certain i\
plorlng tasks of an Interesting character
which might well Invlto young men of
means and character. Those who are fen 1
of Alpine climbing and aspire to do some-
put which Is not exceeded by any other
manufacturing company in this line. The
John Deere Plow company has full control
of the above-named goods- for the entire
west , besides hs. idling a largo stock of other
goods such as light vehicles of all kinds ,
road wagons , top buggies , surreys , stan
hopes , cabriolets and road carlo. This llrii
also carries an extensive assortment of feed
mills and such other goods as are usually
found In a wholesale implement house
handling all kinds of farm machinery.
Their connections enable this company to
handle a largo volume of business In carload
lots direct from factory to customer , which
olfors unsurpassed Inducements In reduced
freight charges , making It possible for west
ern buyers to get a large line and variety
of goods In single shipments.
Tlio mamo of John Deere , who gave to the
world the steel plow , has come to be a
thing worth doing might take either of
the snowy mountains Hnwenzorl , Konla ,
Mfnmblro and explore It thoroughly after
the style of Hans Meyer , who took Killma
NJaro for his subject. There are peaks ,
also , In the Elgon cluster north of the
Victoria Nyanza over 11,000 feet high , which
might well repay systematic investigation.
It Is not the tourist who runs up a rnoun-
tpin anil starts for home to say that he has
household word In the west , synonjmoils
with pioneer anrr progress , and linked In the
fancy of every country school boy with that
old trade mark , llgure of a "running deer. "
The Deere plow works at Moline , 111. , Is the
oldest factory of steel plows in the United
States , having hem In continuous operation
for the last sixty-ono years. The founder
of the business , John Deere , whoso portrait
is hero presented , originated and made the
first plow having a hardened steel moldboard -
board and share. Upon an old anvil in his
country blacksmith shop ho hammeied it
out from the time worn bhnjf of an old cir
cular saw , and from this small and primi
tive beginning grow the mammoth factories
and wholesale houses which now boar his
The John Deere Plow company of Omaha ,
in their new quarters will have the largest
and llnefll equipped show loom of any Im
plement house In the country , more than
15,000 square feet of floor hpaco being used.
The elegantly appointed olllces will join tilts
room and open directly upon the Tenth
street viaduct , affording easy access to their
customers and the public , and being only a
few stops north of the entrance to the new
union depot.
The illustrations give some Idea of the
building now occupied and the now build
ing as it will appear when completed , but
can convey no adequate conception of the
12,000 feet of floor space filled with the
best and latest Improved farm machinery ,
Implements and vehicles.
Mr. P. E. KIngsbury , who Is treasurer and
general manager for the company , has been
done It , that IH wanted , but the Intelligent
explorer who undertakes to make his moun
tain his special study and will give us a
full and accurate monograph of these lofty
heights which In the not distant future
are destined to bo often resorted to for the
recuperation of the wearied lowland tellers
In tlm trebles.
Section * A\viillINK Kiplornflnii.
Drills ! ) East Africa contains two t-ectloiiB
In the Implement trade ulnco 1S70twenty
nine yearn with the Deere companies , and
for the past ten years identified with them
in this territory , lie Is ably assisted by
about which wo are very Ignorant. Ono
embraces all that region between the Juli
river and Lakes Stephanie and Itudolf , Thu
other extends from Lake Hudolf to Fashoda
on tlio one hand and Southern Abyssinia
on the other. A thorough knowledge of
those two regions would thiow light on
the main routes taken by the ancient Im
migrants from Abyssinia anil whoso bl'iod ,
blending with that of the primitive tribes
nine traveling representatives and n hum'
fureo of clerks mid omplo.\es , and under bin
careful management II In safe to pi edict a
largely liii-reiised | IUHIICNR | for I'.iOO.
houth , has produced the Zulus. Two ex
plorlng expeditions well conducted would
Kctllo the sources of tlio Juli and Solml ,
dollne the neil horn reach of I ho Man pla
lean and the southern limits of the spins
extending from Iho mimiilalnoiiH mass of
Abyssinia. Iletween these homo Interest
ing lakes ought to bo found.
Another promising legion extends liolweon
the Tanganlka and Albert Edward lakes
A do/.on explorers have touched the edge of
this region , but only nun tins ciossed II
His Intelligent ohsci vatlmm have rather < x
cited than allayed Inlori-Hl. We wish to
know whore IH Iho separating llm > between
the head of Iho ( ( Ivor IlntOn and that of tin
Albert Edward. We nro told of arllvo vnl
canoes and clusters of mountain peaks ol
unusual height. A Ihoioiigli Investigation
of this pail would discover llio tout hu ONI
oril sources of Ilin Nile and the eastern
orn sources of Iho Congo. The people In
habiting the region would bo found to IH
among the most Interesting of any In Africa
I''or unless wo nro much mistaken limy an-
relics of a great prehistoric migration cooped
up In that peculiar leccss fi rnied by the
Tanganlka to Iho ninth , tlio mountain chains
In the east and Iho great Congo forest to
the west , while the war loving races maich
Ing to the south moved past them apparently
unheeded and unheeding.
The next bit of ical Inloiost for the ex
plorer Is a lengthy strip barely fifty miles
wldo but 700 miles long lying liolweon 2S
dcgmt * , 10 minutes cam and 2 ! ) degrees , : io
mlniitoi ; enHl and between 1 degrees north
arid 8 degrees south Ernest and systematic
work In ( Ills part of the Congo Krco Slate
would Kettle many geographical IIIIOHIIOIIH.
such as the exact line of the gloat upheaval
which occurred at the subsidence of Iho va l
trough wherein Ho Lakes Albert , Albert I'M
ward , Klnu and Tanganlka. Kruin the western
orn slopes of this long upland , which Is bo-
lloved to bo now mainly forested , rise the
head waters of the Wcllo-Mulmngl , Am
wlml , Chofu , Lowa , Llndl , Llin , Luama and
other rivers. How far east does the forest
extend along this line ? How far west do
Iho plains roach ? On what part of this
region hhoiild bo located the center of the
disturbance , which made such a
earth rent ? How many volcanoes are
( Continued on Eighth Page )