Iowa Senatorial Campaign Just Closed at Des Moines Senator Owir Colonel Hoot TWO OLD-TIME FRIENDS Photo by Louis H. Bostwick. John Henry Gear Senator From Iowa WASHINGTON , Jan. 20. ( Special to The Bee. ) Unlike Ur. Samuel Johnson , who talked for hours with his friend , Doswoll , about his o'irly life , John Henry Gear , re cently ro-olectod senator from the state of Iowa , IH extremely reticent In talking of himself. Dr. Johnson suld In one of his conversations with Boswell that every man could best write the story of his own life , oven though ho could not write anything el o , and it would bo Interesting reading to the great mass of people In the western country If Senator Gear would tell the stoiy of hlH life , especially that feature of it wherein ho figured prominently when Lin coln and Douglas weie candidates for tin' presidential nomination. It has been said that Mr. Gear was a Douglas republican , but 11 IIIIK been so long since that ho Is perfectly content to forget that episode In his busy life. John Henry Gcsir Is one of the most taci turn men In the United States senate. He has little or nothing to say upon the floor of the .senate , his work , however , counting In committees and In the departments. Upwards of forty years ago ho formed a partnership In the grocery business with William ( Yollmugh , locating In Burlington , and today the habits of frugality and'Indus try formed in the early yen re of his man hood are as pronounced as they were then. Senator Ges-r Is not a rich man. While ho has been fairly successful In business he has not ainastod any considerable amount of money , although during his term as gov ernor of Iowa he earned the sobriquet of "Old Business , " which is as characteristic of him today as during the yeais that IK was Iowa's executive. He was born In Ithaca , N. V , on the 9th of April , 1821) . After completing a course in the common schools he removed to Galena , 111. , In LSDti , where he remained two years , but thi' spirit of the west was In him and , believing In the great possibilities of the Transmlsslsfllppl region , he located at Kort Snelllng , in the then Territory of Iowa , In * ' * & * * * * Senator K H lluubard late Young TWO 1'ROMINENT FIGURES Photo by Louis H. llostwlck GO\EUNOR LESLIE M. SHAW I'hoto by Louis H. Bostwick. IS38 , removing thence to Burlington in 1S13 , where ho engaged in the grocery business , as stated above. Twenty years afterward he was elected mayor of the city of Burlington and , having more or less political ambition , ho was elected a member of the Iowa house of representatives of the fourteenth , fif teenth and sixteenth general assemblies of the btate , serving as speaker during the last two teims. Ho was governor of Iowa from 1878 to 18S2. Ills administration as governor was signall/ed by many reforms , bringing the state into enviable prominence as one of the bent conducted commonwealths In the CAPTAIN E H HUNTER-GEARS CHIEF MA.VAGEH Photo by Louis R Boetwick union Ho served two tenua in the Fiftieth and Flfty-flwt congresses , his opponent dur ing ono of tbe campaigns being Demon Hall , a BOH of J C Hull , one of the biggest law yers of Iowa Ho was assistant secretary of the treasury under Harrison , was elected to Kx-Audltor ( Mc < . * iirth > Carroll Wriirht A. B. Cummins. MR. CUMMIN'S AND HIS MANAGE .ti Photo by Louis K. Bostwick. the Kitty-third congress and on the 23d of January , 18 ! ) 1 , the legislature ot Iowa elected him a senator In convict * * for six years , his term beginning on the -1th of March , ISO. , and ending March 3 , IflOl. Ills re-election SI KAKBIl D 11 BOWEN Photo by I/iuls H Uostwlck gives him six years more in this body , his term to which ho was re-elected last week expiring in 11107. jj. c , S. What Gets Away ChUago Tribune : Thecoiihor looked ever 'he dispatch that had just been filed by the telegraphic correspondent. The advance of the. troops was magnifi cent. On they came In solid phalanx , with banners waving high In air. and at their head , the very Impersonation of the god ot billies , rode the gallant colonel , regardless of the btorm of bullets the enemy's sharp- bhooters were firing at him. It was majestic It was terrlNle. The bhrleking shot and shell were powerless to stay the progress of those heroes. On they marched animated by a blnglo purpobe. and in their gleaming eyes and firmly set Jas their heaving chests tumultuous with the fierce Joy of battle " "That s all right , " muttered the censor , IION \ II CUMMIN'S OK DES MOINES A LEDING SENATORIAL ASI'IIIAN'T I'hoto by Louis H. llostwlck. casting his eye a little further down tbe 'Tho charge was successful , but the vic tory was won at a fearful cost. Our casual- 'Us ' were - " Hero the censor firmly grasped his blue pincil and proceeded to edit the rest of th. IntlDc Willing to Try It ( Mill ago Times-Herald : "I hiippose , " she mid , "lhal you had an ancestor in the celo- biuied lltilo party that 'came over' with William the Comiueror ? " " 1'eiliapn , " ho replied , "but I have never looked the matter up. " "Of course you arc a lineal descendant of Boinu one \\lio came ever in the Mayflower ? " "I don't know. It Is possible that I am , but I have never hunted up the records. " "Well , " ( die went on , "you are descended from an oillcer of the revolutionary war ? " Klnillng himself cornered , he broke down and confessed. "My father's name , " ho said , "was SifchicitiKcndowskl , which ho changed to Dews with the sanction of the court. " She sat for a moment , alinuht crushol. Then hope seemed to return to her and bho asked : "How much did you say you expected your father to leave you ? " "I figure that my share of the estate will bo about $2.000.000 , " he Hald. ' All right , " she answered briskly , " o i an worry along without the lineage nod fatlll bo happy , dear. "