Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 21, 1900, Part I, Page 24, Image 26

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( jcortcr Iv IK-MIT , n llriHMT , riniil III
I'nllrt' Cnnrl MIIII.V
Ocorso Ktioblcr , a urocor whoso place of
in Forty-first nml Orojid nvcnuc ,
fined < r > In police court yratcrdny after
noon for cruelty to a horso. lie pnlil his line
nnd through his attorney gave nollco of np-
Tbo court room was crowded nil day
T/llh neighbors of Kuobler , listening to thu
trstlmony of the eighteen. witnesses who had
bron subpoenaed In beluilf of the prosecu
tion. The llumano noddy wns represented
by Hrv. John \Vllllflins , ono of Its olllccrs.
MtB ? Lizzie It. Hniikcr , principal of the Cen
tral Park school , was the chief wltnetH for
thi > Hty.
William K. Kox , grocer , testified that he
had SUCH Kuebler drag the horse from the
ctoblo With n windlass , then hitch It up and
allimpt to work It. The cords of Its logs
Tvon > contracted M > that the nnlinal stepped
on the top of Itn hoofs. Its nnklcs coming
in contact with the ground. On ono
occasion ho saw the horse hauled homo on
a stone-boat and two ilnyH later ho saw
Kuoblrr trying to drive It to the delivery
Kred Hcnnlger , a 10-yoar-old boy , testified
to seeing Kuebler beat the hnrso with a
club while the animal was down , unable
to rise.
Mrs. Gallic Olson , n neighbor of Kuebler ,
tmtllled in sitbHtanco a follows :
' 'On Monday , December 11 , I FHW the
torso lying In the road near the school
house , unable to move. It lay there from
Monday until Thursday. During this time
I didn't foe him go near It with feed or
water. Monday and Tuesday nights wore
tilttcr cold , but the horse wns without coverer
or nhelti-r of any kind. "
Miss Hanker testified to seeing the horse
hatilpd by thp school house December 20
on a Htono boat. It was emaciated and
badly crippled.
"llavo you ever had any o.xpcriencc with
her ea , Mlos Hanker ? " nuked Attorney
Fitch. The answer was n surprise.
"Yes. sir , " replied the school ma'am.
"I'vo had horscH of my own for the last
nlno years , and all my life have had more
or less to do with the handling of them. "
Attorney Fitch Informed the court that
the prosecution of his client IH spllo work ,
and Intimated that the horse's disabled
condition was duo to Its having been pois
oned by Koine of the neighbors. He Intl-
iratod further than ho would Hie complaints
ngalnct eonio of the witnesses who were
The Trans-Miss. Klro of Omaha has se
cured Iho services of J. I. . . Houchlii as sup
erintendent of agencies. Mr. Houchlu Is
well and favorably known throughout Ne
braska , having been state agent for the
Nebraska Mercantile Insurance company of
Lincoln almost Hlucc Its organization until
his renlgnatlon.
The Trans-Miss. Insurance company has
also secured the assistance of T. J. Hrown-
Deld , general manager , and K. H. Marshall ,
Eecretury , of the Union Kiro Insurance com
pany of Lincoln , who will , together with
Mr. H. F. Cijdy , president of the Trans-
Miss. Insurance company , act as an ad
visory board for the direction and general
advancement of the commercial department
of the company. This will In no wise con
flict with the Interest of the Union Fire In-
Biiranco company of Lincoln , as It confines
Its business strictly to the Insurance of farm
and detached property.
A company under the direction and man-
Bgemont of practical nod thoroughly compe
tent .Insurance men will surely succeed.
Wanted , by now manufacturing concern
that will pmploy from thirty to fifty hands ,
a proposition from real estate men on a
( building containing about 12,000 square feet
of lloor room ; would prefer trackage. Ad
dress W 20 , Omaha Hoc.
Wnril Ili > | iiilill iuiN.
There will bo a meeting of the Eighth
"Ward Republican club at Wolff's hall ,
Twenty-second and Cumlng streets , Tues
day evening , January 2 : ! , nt 8 p. in. All
ward candidates and others are expected to
too present. It. C. ROWLEY , President.
W. F. OOWGKU. Secretary.
The Bohemian Mining company , with ofll-
cc In the New York Life , has been very
successful In placing Its stock , more than
ItiO shares being subscribed the first week.
The mine Is located at Cripple Creek In the
famous "Independence" district , and the
Jodo Is almost Identical with Stratton's bo
nanza. Only a small per ccnit of the stock
IH for sale at par and It Is going rapidly.
I'uril nt TliitnUH.
Wo wlbh to return our sincere thanks to
all our friends who have been so kind to us
during the sickness and death of our
daughter , Alice Marie Hcrtzmaun.
Have Rout print It
Expert piano tuning , H. H. Rhodes , SonV-
mur Piano factory. 321 S. 10th ; 'Phone 2039.
Hamilton Warren , M. D. , eclectic and
magnetic physician , has moved hla office to
709 North 16th street , room 13. Special at
tention to all long standing or lingering ills-
cooes and to diseases of women and children.
Huberman , Jeweler , eat. 1S8G. Absolutely
tellable , lowest prices guaranteed. 13 & Doug.
Clan Gordon , No. ( ' " . Order of Scottish
Clans , holds its annual llurnn celebration
in Crelghton hall January 25. Tickets , con
cert and ball. C > 0c.
TinIlllnolN On I nil Itiillroiul Co.
5 i now open and ready to receive all classes
of freight and forward with dispatch , to all
jiolnta In the NORTH , BAST and SOUTH.
Freight depot located nt Eleventh and Chicago
cage streets , Omaha , and on Ninth street ,
tiotween Broadway and First avenue , Coun
cil muffs.
A. D , T. Messengers. Tel. 177.
Our Big
Brush Sale
Will bo continued tomorrow. H was Biich
n BUCCCSB Saturday wo decided to glvo the
public another chance to buy Good Ilrushca
At ICKH than to manufacture.
Any Tooth Hrush In the lot , luc. Some
ro worth up to 75c.
( ! oed Tooth HrusheB , worth up to 25c , Cc.
Hair liriMhro. worth'up to $3.50 , 20c.
Nail Ilriihhei' . from Be to $1.00.
Ut'glnnlng .Monday Mim . Yalu'w llrbt I dy
will be In our Mtoro for ono week to explain
her beauty wyBtoin to the ladles of Omaha.
K.YIH-l TOIt'S S\lr OK KltOis. :
I * llcrcb > - ( Jlvrn ( lint on
XVoitiK-ntlny. .liintiiirv IMtli ,
Will begin a sale of
{ 4LMS5.00
.Men's , woman's , hoys' , misses' , children's
Krom the stocks of
Sold on account of death of proprietor.
This Bale will nlso Include.
1'rom the great tlosheatcr anil lloaton firms
Harding < t SonB , 0. K. Daniels , Winch
Dros. . Datchclder & Lincoln Co. , C. I1. Ford ,
1,000 1'AIH MKN'S FINK SHOKS from J.
S. Nelson Shoe Co. , Winch Hros. , Thompson
Hros. nnd Klorshelm Shoo Co.
SHOES from Slnshclmer , Hach & Co. . Winch
llfoB. , 1' . Cogan & Sens , Mnloney Hros. and
from H. Cohen & Sons , Now York.
DENTS' SHOES from the Newhnll Shoo Co.
And a number of email lots , KHOM 200
TO BOO PAIR In each lot. of inon'o , women's
nnd children's nnd Infants' shoes.
The manner of the purchase In each In
stance being BO entirely out of the ordi
nary way. wo nro enable I to offer these ex
ceedingly high grade shoes nt the most sen
sationally low prices every known In the
For the last ten days these goods have
boon coming In and some nro still on the
road. Wo expect to have most of these
shoes ready for sale Wednesday , January
Wo have already commenced to rearrange
the entlro shoe departments , both up stairs
and down. Iloth departments will bo trans
formed Into mammoth bargain counters. The
shoes will all bo tied together and assorted
according to size and price ,
There Is every Indication of this being
the most temarkablo shoo sale the west has
over witnessed. If shoes of the highest
grndo and very latest styles for less than
half price will draw u crowd , our store will
bo thronged every minute of the entire sale.
Further particulars and prices will be
given In Tuesday night's paper. Watch for
this sale , wait for this sale. The shoes In
this sale are such that.everybody , without
exception , will bo only too pleased to avail
themselves of this grand opportunity.
Remember this sale commences January
21 and is at
N. W. Cor. 10th and Douglas Sts.
( 'aril of
We dcslro to return our most sincere
thanks to the many kind friends in Omaha
and vicinity for their manifest expressions
of friendship and sympathy nt the less of
our beloved son and brother , to Alpha camp
No. 1 , Woodmen of the World , Plumbers'
union No. 16 , members of of the Brother
hood of Locomotive Firemen , employes of
the sheriff's ofllce. young men of the South
side and numberless others , for beautiful
floral tributes tendered.
rillllHllllfH' < i ! ( < ( illU' .
After the heart to heart talk on Tuesday
evening an opportunity will be given the
grown-ups and their friends to meet the
pastor of his flock , Fra Albertus , In the
parlors of the First Congregational church.
Just time to write you n lino. ue.h a
lovely time yosterdm. I tcok .Mamie to the
ma'iifi ! > an.l a hen we chopped for two hours
and ! t didn't I'osrt us u t-ent. Mamma RHVI >
mo $1 ! to buy sor.n > things ut the drusslHt's
and on llho w < iy down town 1 happened to
trlnk of Wuld'ron & Campbell , who have
left the trust nnd are Klvltw HUt-h lovely
bargains. I Maveil enough u my purcbas-'cs
lo buy our nviUnee ti.'lu't # . T > er/.n on HIH
dcilltir on nil sinniurd preparation * , and
other things In proportion. It 1 = > hiindj ,
tco , rlK'ht ' -ilsti'i-nlli ami Se > ma
like t'vcrybmly tr.idi ltipn > imw. Ami. say ,
| .lai'k , they irrve fiiiili lovely hot Midu Wish
jou were here. ANNA.
Gut Price Druggists ,
! 222 South HitliSt. - Omahn.
Mange - . !
Just the kind of weather lo m.un : your
dog sick. Coughs , colds , fever , dlstemppr
arq now pievalent. They can all be cured
by the timely UBO of
Clayton's Dislemperinc.
( loo. 11. Moore , the Lake street dog fan
cier sayi' : "Thero Is nothing belter. "
Ulrty dog nouFPs mid bedding this tlmo
of year cause ticratchea and mango. Take
then In tlmo nnd they can be speedily cuied
with CLAYTON'S MANQI3 CUHK. I'rico of
each SOc'pur bottle.
Send for cook on the dog.
14th anil Douglas St.
What Hope is There For a Man ?
Who neglects to lay in a stock of SHERIDAN
COAL b ° st coal n\ined in Wyoming ; Lump , $5.50 ; i
Nut or Egg , $5.00 ; Pea Nut , 84.60.
VICTOR WHITE , 1605 Farnam , Telephone 127 ,
Tliinking of the past
i good only so far
as it helps in the
future. The thing
to do now is to look
ahead and plan
for the future , "if you
decide that you want
to wear the best
shoes the
most stylish and
durable , the most
comfortable and best
litted , we invite you
to call and see us.
We are bettor prepared
than ever before to
give satisfaction in
footwear and fitting ,
tind our policy of
selling only the best
goods and on the
closest margins
insures the greatest
N. E. Cor. 10th
und Douglas Sta.
The store room now occupied by us at No.
1513 Dodge street "Middle of Block" Is for
rent ; possession can be given by February
1st. This room Is heated by ateam and
fully supplied with gas and electric light
fixtures. Wo can furnish It with the fix
tures , show cases , etc. , which It now con
tains ! f so desired. Good location for any
line of legitimate business. We only wish
to rent the front 80 feet of first floor , as wo
shall retain for our own use as laboratory
and storehouse the rear 40 feet ot llrst lloor
and the two (2) ( ) floors above.
NOTE We shall probably remain In our
present location until next TUESDAY or
WEDNESDAY but the drug wants of our
patrons will be supplied without Interrup
tion during the transfer from our present
location to the new one on southwest corner
of Sixteenth and Dodge.
Sherman & McDonnell Drug Go
mitt noiHiic.
Going to move to corner ot 16th and Dodge.
1 = order to unload some winter poods
we offer Wool ( Moves for ir > e ; Sheepskin
Mills , "JOo. ; Calfskin Mitts , LT.LFin ; -
Overcoats , ir > . ! ) S ; Overall Jackets , 2."c ;
.Men's Arctics , 7. > c ; men's lioavy Stonn
ristors , ! ? : ! .7. > ; men's Underwear , 1."c ;
Wool Socks , . ' ! for 'J."c ; heavy Caps , l > r > e ;
moil's fancy Worsted Suits , ? 8.7o ; Silk
Neckwear , Isic ; double hack and double
sleeve sliirls , black and white stripe.
. " ( ) ; men's Kedora Fur Hats , "iOc ; Laun
dered Shirts , with li collars , ! ! 0c ; Fancy
U'orsled Pants , $1.00 ; Duck Coats ,
blanket lined,1 7"c ; seamless Socks , He ;
blue Flannel Shirts , ! . " ( ; , and lots of
other bin drives In proportion. You've
pot to walk a long ways before you can
match these prices.
Guarantee Clothing Co. ,
Copito ! Avc. , Near 16th St.
Close to Bennett's.
A .Lost
.Mi y bo restored by iminOH WOHK , do-
Intr iivmy with nil tlio unpleasantness of a
plato and pr dutlng1 the most natural effect
posulbln to bf given by artificial tt-ftli ,
frowns $0.00
lirliUo Work , or teeth without jilate ,
.1 itooth .1.00
Set Teeth 5.W
Tail's ' Pliiladelphia Dental Rooms ,
irir I OIJL.VS ST.
t W ; are Still After Your f
] ' Business on f
{ Janitor's ' Supplies !
t Chamois Skins ?
| Cotton Mops f
Linen Mops1 ]
i Pail Mop Wringers f
Feathdr Dusters T
t Scrub Brushes ?
T Wo carrv n lar o line of Gortz , Ji
7 Lumtmril & Uo'u Floor Hrushos. ' "
i 1G11 lod" St.
INDWELL'S Puns when nil
othcru full I'rompt
ftntiECawfPuns . Suftt anil
ftnti-ECawf sure. Try U 25c.
jdM BEH hk HI { Hv P n IB
% * r I I / m km I Sam
A Loosening Up Sale
Its seldom we have a "Loosening Up Sale"and we wouldn't have one now were we not
satisfied it would please the "Drug Trust. " You certainly know about this Trust that was formed by the 50 pill
makers of Omaha to compel us to tighten up on prices instead of doing so wo will "loosen up. " Beginning Mon
day morning and continuing for ono week we will make some extra special prices on Drugs , Patent Medicines , Toilet
Articles , etc. We have plenty of these goods that wo are advertising for this special sale. Kemombor , these
prices are for this week only.
From our peculiar way of advertising the
past four years , wo could hardly expect to
have the good will of a certain class of the
medical profession they call themselves
Doctors they think they ARi : doctors \Vc
call them "Docs. " Hut , nevertheless ,
wo have advertised about this percentagu
and clllco paying business Is a fact. We
know of no Instance where n leputnble
physician objects to hla patient bringing
their proscription to us to bo filled.
From the number of prescriptions wo have
filled during the past year wo feel that
the "grafters' " talk against us wns a waste
of time Hear In mind that all prescriptions
filled In our store arc done by registered
pharmacists and none but the best ot
drugs are used.
Lotus Cream , 5c
During this "Loosening Safe" you can
purchase n bottle of our Egyptian Lotus
Cieam for 5c. This Is the best preparation
made for chapped hands , face , and lips
and nothing liner to use after shaving. Kid
Olovcs can bo used Immediately after using.
This will bo nn opportune tlmo for the 59
pill makers' Hot Air arsoclatlon to "load"
up on this elegant preparatlo'n.
Woodbury's Facial Soap. . . . ; $ 13
Illrney's Catarrh Cure -10
Goodman's Liver Pills ! )
( Jem Catarrh Cure -it )
Ayer'n Hair Vigor 7,1
Undo Sam'B Tobacco Cure ! W
Porous Plasters n
Hood's Sarcnpnrllla 7o
Florida Water ! )
Palne's Celery Compound 75
West Drain & Nerve Treatment. . . 23
Lydla Plnkham's Compound " ,
Garflcld Ten L'o
Irene's Pennyroyal Pills 1 00
Chlchcster's Pennyroyal Pills 1 75
Vine Kolafru 85
iDavis Headache Powders ifi
Swansdown Face Powder 10
( lOEsamcr Face Powder 15
La Dlacho Face Powder 33.
Pozzonnl's Face Powder 35
Carter's Liver Pills 15
Mention's Talcum Powder 15
Psychlne z 50
Ozoimilslon . . . . : . . . . " , " )
Coltsfoot Expectorant 75
Lazy Liver Pills 10
Pcruna 7 , "
Durkhart's Pills 20 10 75
do Quinine 38 & 73
Kilmer's Swamp Root 75
Pears' Unsceiilcd Soap 10
Hlno's Honey and Almond Cream.10
Rublfoam Tooth Wash 20
Cnacarettes 20
German Hop miters . | fl
Pond's Extract w
.Dean's Kidney Pills 39
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets .pj
King's Now Discovery 40 & 75
Hu Can Hair Tonic ; , )
Plcrco's Prescriptions. . . . 7- ,
Plerce'a Golden Medical Discovery 7."i
Marshall's Extract of Dccf 15
Swift's Extract of licet mi
Hromo Qulnlno ir.
Syrup of Figs 10
Duffy's 'Mnlt Whisky S5
Castorla > ;
S. S. S 75
Dr. 'Miles' jtcmcJIcs 75
Chewnlla i 65
Ncstle's Ko-ul . (0 (
IMaltcd iMIlk 40 75 315
Hall's Catarrh Cure fie
Juvenile Soap 10
Pyramid Pile Cure -10
Fl.'lIotwV llypoilhcsplietcs. . . . 1 15
Aycr's Sarsaparllla 75
Parker's Lung Balsam -10
Hostotter's Ultlors 75
Indian Sagawa 75
Packer's Tar Soap 1.5
Jnynes' Expectorant -10 & 75
Allen's Lung llalsam 20
Hamlln's Wizard Oil 40
Wlno of Cardul 75
Exora Powder 40
Bar Uen , 40
AJax Tablets 40
4711 Soap 10
Loosening Up Prices
( With Veiif-oimcc. )
Kramer's Kidney Cure
This remedy leada in sales of all kidney
remedies en the market. It has been used
by many leading citizens of Omaha , who
will cheerfully testify to the good results
it has produced.
Loosening Up Price. 0c. ! )
Schaefer's Cough Cure
For coughs , colds , bronchitis , croup , etc. ,
is such a good remedy that we would never
think ot selling it at n "cut prh-e" only to
Introduce It to those who are not Knilllar
with it. If It falla to do Just as we say It
will brlug back the bottle and get your
Wo have purchased a largo qmintlty of
chest protectors and chamois vests which
wo propose to poll In our "Loosening up
sale" nt 20 per cent discount. All goods are
marked In plain figures and you can take
off uio-flfth.
llellotropo Toilet Soap. 1 dozen cakes In n
box , worth 76c , loosening up price 30c per
box. Sold only In dozen lots.
Cacti Soap , box of 3 cakes 15c
Aruiour'.H Tar Soap , per box IDo
2-quart syringes , 3 tubes 43o
3-rjuart syringes , 3 tubes 40o
Cor 16th and Chicago Sts.
B >
"It Always Pays to Buy the Best Possible , " 9 9
If YOU believe the above Is true , THEN 1JUY A HARDMAN OR HAR 9
WEST whose nnme Is synouomous of fair , upright dealings.
"What , pay for a name ? " No , not exactly that , .but In purchasing a 9 ;
.Hurdman or Harrington Piano of th ? Mueller Piano & Organ Co. you may gecuro 9 !
the DOUBLE PROTECTION o two names , which for over forty years have 9
been closely associated with the beat in art and music ; NAMES that have been
and are etlll a guarantee against dissatisfaction wherever it has been found on
a musical Instrument , or associated therewith.
103 Main Street , Council Bluffs , la.
S. 18th Street Omaha Neb.
2I4-J6-J8 . , , .
Pianos tuned and repaired.
Charges reasonable. Telephones 101 C. n. IPOS Omaha. ,
A sale tomorrow that you cannot afford to miss. A posi
tive and determined effort to close out all winter goods in
this department. You cannot get snoh values , elsewhere un
less than twice the money we ask.
The "Dykes" HOc never slip
rubber heels or soles ,
on Halo nt
Children's heavy kid luco uhoes.
bio raised stitched Holes ,
coin toes and kid tips ;
were $1.35 , reduced to
Hoys' flno canvas , lace or
buckle leggings , regular
price $1 , on sale now at. . . .
200 palra ladles' $2.00 vlcl kid lace shoes ,
double stitched Boles , extension edges and
patent calf tips ; a splen
did winter ohoc ; leduced
to close nt
Ladles regular $3
lace fibers ! n vlcl
Icld , with silk vc tIng -
Ing tops , Kinglc
llcxlblo iiolcM and
Kid tips reduced to
One lot of Indies' handsome- embroidered velvet Bllpporw , sizes
" toI. . w ro $1.0 ; on sale to 68c
close at
The newcht up-to-dulo shoo for women. Tliey fit and wear and hold their shape and
nro the liandsomeHl ehouB made. Wo have them In all styles. TJjo cut herewith Is an
nxact plcturo of style No. fpQS ; It la un Ideal winter boot : made of
the bent black Kid with welt solo and a pure cork cushion 3.50
insole. The price Is only
Mail orders carefully filled subject to approval. Cata
logues mailed free.
"The Stetson' is the best man's shoo made. Wo have
exclusive sale.
Suits ,
Overcoats and
Trousers at Half
Wo do more clothing business than all the other stores combined because wo sell
the best that can bo had and absolutely guarantee every garment. If there Is the
slightest dissatisfaction bring your purchase back and exchange It or get your money.
for odds and ends in men's $ S.OO and $10.00
Hiillfi and overcoats. Only small IOK ! , four
or five of a kind : but the lot contains all
sizes. Suils are made of chovlots , cusslmcres , tweeds and striped
worsteds ; single or double breasted styles. Overcoats are made
of meltons , beavers , and coverts , In blues , black nnd tans , with or
without velvet collars , all lengths. Every garment In the lot
handsomely tailored.
for oddn and ends of men's Jlfi.Ofl , $18.00 and
JL'0.00 suits and ovorcoals , consisting of all
lots and Including sill regular sizes. Suits
are made from ( lie finest fabrics , such ns
serges , black and colored clay and nobby
stripe worsteds and casHimcrcs In all styles
with slnglo or double breasted vests. Over
coats nro made of kersey , pure wool body lining nnd salin yoke ; Y ,
fancy back coverts , with satin yoke anit Imported Irish frieze ,
with Skinner's guaranteed satin lining In nil colons and lengths.
These are the greatcs't values over offered.
Closing Out Men's Pants
All our odd suit pants , our regular pants stock and our
purchase of : ! ,200 pairs from ' .Max H. Hrummer America's leading
tailor nt DOe on the dollar , go on ale now at less than half.
for men's swell worsted , oasslmere and
cheviot panls. made from ail this Bennon'H
newest and most popular patterns ; stripes.
checks and plaids in all wanted colorings , tailored In the most
careful manner , perfectly made and correct lilting ; they are being
sold In Omaha nt ? H.r > 0.
dj/ Eh for mn"'H hiimlKomo trousers , made from
JL0 W tUvJ' thf > "lost fipp''t | Patterns of English wor-
f Bteds and chevlols ; cut , tailored and trim
med In the most correct manner ; troiisorH that have the grace and
lit of custom made garments and are sold elsewhere for Ifi.OO.
rfr - > [ > * s\ for men's very finest bund tailored trousers.
$ > 3.5O cut and tailored by Iho most expert tallorx.
made from select custom tailor patterns of
' pure West of England worsteds ; fit , tailored and trimmed equal
to any JU'.OO tnado to order trouseis Hero Is a , chance to get a
line pair of trousers nt less than half price.
Plain Women
Are plainer for poor toolh. Good
( eolli innko u plain wonan : handsome
IM not a womun'B mouth hci niosr
dnuvlng feature ? What IH lovelier
than a set of charming , peaily tooth"
Are youra BO ? Wo can niiihu Ilium
pc-rfei t. .Modern dt-ntltitry IIUB no
limits. Wo uro advanced In Iho
dental art.
BAILEY , the Dentist
I ! ! I'mlon IIIU. Illlli .V I'limnm.
l.lllljAltriiilmit. . I'limiu KIM.- .
I HI : Dr. It. U. Hnllti ) ' * Too | | |
I'mvdiT , All il
Its wull known popularity is bnscrl strictly
merit When you've once tried a "Slouckor"
other cigar will ever be completely Katislaotory. f
dealers sell them and at
Our Two Stores-1404 Douglas and 22 ! S , 16th.