Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 21, 1900, Part I, Page 23, Image 25

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in SIM-JSS e it w r.s.
" 1 M'i li'tte ' At r. ir h < 'ylln Ir- lifer O > oler '
i . . .r. , rMlntt'i , oH-fahtone l colin.
, - > v < " half lift- Ire , < an < quickly cleaned ,
, i IH 4' > fret ( f ( jnlliig surface nml delivers
tn-rfwt K ! M of iM-rr. General dlstrlb-
UMI x ti * i i cf i' .iralln mn secure t rrl-
l.iry. Stronel roo.rr Mfg. Ci. . S7 nn.l 93
cv. lnr street. N. Y. Y S 5 21 *
'i'JAR ' iiml new store , with living rooms ,
for snip ; nho furniture for wile. 1113
Nnrth 21th ft. Y SI' ' ) Jl
Jin TO $100 Invpatol now In uerutln stocks
will bring J1DO for XI00 sure ; wo ran lint
jou on tn "df ui sure" winner , which will
Rlxrlly PH > - 10 per font dividend on the
lii\o imont ; Hem ! money niilck while stock
IH l > i\v ; ll. Is bound to K < > ti | > like a
"r < j'-l < et ; " iniikd your fortune by plmitluc ;
toiliiy wliorn you -can reap tomorrow.
\vm. Hoed , Im-cHtment Hroker , 137 9. filh
St , 1'hlla. , Pa. . , Y-539 21 *
FREE1 Valuable book on patents ; tell"
liopv t < > Hfoure. horn at low nipt ; gives
iiieriuinleiil movements Invaluable to In
ventors ami ineehnnlm ; overflowing with
moiiey-mnkltiR patent Information ; blx
hook free. u'Moarn & Co. , Patent At-
InrneVH , f ) | , | , . | > atent Office , SIB O St. ,
Washington. I ) . C. Y SW 21 *
MANAGER WANTED , will II one-fourth
to onr-half Inlernst In paying mlnln ?
plnn ; and mine to re.smwNlble tiurly who
will tukn chaw ( mil run It ; good re.ipons
for prllltiK. I' . \Vnlthnll , Mystic. 9. 13.
V-MM7 22 *
CLEAR vacant lot near 27th and Chicago.
WxllO , $1.230. Will trade for good rontnl
properly nml uny ensli difference.
Geoigo O. Wallace. 313 J. J. Brown lllock.
FOR SALE , " OR EXCHANGE for enstern
XebraHka farm , stock of general nuirchnn-
dlso and groceries. Uox 237 , Qcncvn , Xcb ,
WANTED TO EXCHANGE , $12.000 eiiultv
( icrtt stock farm , best country In Missouri ,
Airnlf.i'hind wanted. Aiklrrss Lork llox
1W , Marshall. ' .Mo K-5M-21
JF YOI * have any Omnha Savings Ilanli
iici-ountM lo exehnugn for good Improved
Otrjiilni rental property send ycinr mldrpw
Hinting itmount , loV 1i. ! lice oilier , uw
you will be furnished a list of tlio properly -
erly by the owner. / M5I2 SO *
WANTED , merchants desiring flnnice cqn
iradn for Improved .Income ; property ncm
LOH Angeles , California , at honest rule ! "
department More stnck wanted. E. C
C'luinln , .Minneapolis. J5-5I1 21 *
TYPEWRITERS for t-nnt , $4.00 pnr month
The Smllh-Prcmlcr Typowrltcr Co. , 1G2
St. Telephone 12SI. 714
WE RENT and pell the best typewriter !
made ; InrRent stock of Milpplles In Omaha
United Typewriter & Supply Co. , 1012 Far
nam. 715
niSMlNOTON Standard Typewriter nru
supplies. 161 ! ) Farnam. 716
TI1I3 Oliver Typewriter , visible writing
heaviest umnlfoldcr and cuts the llnca
stencil. Tel. 227D. J. 8. Stewart. Bpeola.
AKent , 31SKS. . ' inth St. , Ornnhu.717
TYPBU'niTERS , secondhand. 111C Farnnm
OMAHA 1'M.TIXG CO. . Bco building.M20S
ft. . C. VAN BANTS sehool. 717 N. Y. Mfc
( VT OMAHA rtus. ColleKO , 16th & Douglas.
. ' -720
BOVIiES * COIjLEGB conrt reporter pr'lncl
pal. Rco Uldg. < _ 72l
NISnHASKA Business and Shorthand col
lege. Boyd'w theater. 722
LOST , nl Ito.vd's theater , on Wednccvla
evening , a half KiriH diamond ring. Til
I'any settlnc. Reward for return to He
olllce , South Ounaha. . llost 601 21 *
LOST , blnrk HpuiltrlyeaMng collflrVpinrkc
Kiinny AVllcox. Hewiirtl for return tj 221
Half Howard. J-oat C20 21 *
JI.OOO.W TO aid In building atoom mod
ern honso on North 24th street , will pa
C sier cunt Interest. AV 30. Bee.
M59G 2T
LADIES' Free Harmless Monthly Rdguln
tor , cannot fall. Mrs. B. Rowan. R. 2 !
Milwaukee , Wls. M 129 J20
L-ADIES. Chlchester English Pennyroyr
pills a.-p Ihu best ; safe , reliable ; take nether
other ; send 4c. stamps , for particular !
"Relief for Ladle , " In letter by ratur
mall. At dnigglsts. Chlchester Chcmlct
Co. . Philadelphia. Pn.
JOHNSON Osteopathlc Institute , 515 M. 'N
Llfo Rid ? . , Alice Johnson , D. O. , ladles
dcpt. ; Gld E. Johnson , Ostcopathtat , nlu'i
M. E. DONOIHIE. D. O. , of Still schoo
Klrksvllle , Mo. . COI ruxton blk. Tel. 130'
-72 *
JEFFERSON Square Loan Olllce. US N. V
EAGLE Loan Office , reliable , ncnoininodut
Ing ; ull business confidential. 1301 Don :
las. 72li
IIOTUI , * .
METROPOLITAN. Wm. Barr. mgr. $1 I
$1.25 , 12th , und Douglas. 'Phono 211.
M1C3 J22
LANGE , steam heated rooms $1 up wiscl
Board $3 per week ; meals , 25c. .COI 8. 13tl
PACKING , upholstering , mattresH nn
feather renovating Tel. 1331. M. H. Wall
Ull. 2111 Ciimlpg si. 220
CURED. Julia Vnuehn , 430 Rnmse Bldg ,
GOOD'stnblcH and good cnro , 'Phone IK
J W. Pholps. 207 X. Y. Life. 225-F11-
TRUNKS , travclliig bags , suit cnseiV Trunl
repaired. Om. Trunk Fnotory. 120D Farimi
UT RATE railway tickets evbrywbei
P. II. Phlibln , 1305 Farnam. 'Phono 7S4.
EXAMINE Crpbcent , Tribune , Olive , Foi
ler , J25 to < 50 : Ji down , any iimount
we.ek. Kl'si.'lier. 1C22 Capitol qyo. J7S1
, . \l .MltV.
TOWEL SUPPLY , 1750 Lcuvenw'th. Tl. !
l-'RENCII. German Spanish. } J per mont
Prof. Clmtelaln , .iOl Boyd theater.7 !
H , E. & U. IIUBERMANN. furriers ; fu
made to order nnd repaired , 118 B. 15th
| -731
_ _
luitns AMI
STOCK'S Bird store. 1C03 Leavenworth.
EVENINGS. M per mo. ut Van Santa nchi
717 N. Y. Life. G. K. Rathbun. C3S-J29
WP sold veriil hems last week.
We win 811 more this week.
List your : n-o.ierty with us.
We hnvp tne cit'tomera.
WAXTED : Flrrt claw residence be
tween 3ln & 40th , one block from Farnam ;
J5TO ( to ? . < VV ) ; will pay en in.
Have f'sh customer for desirable resi
dence , Hnn'com Park ; $1,000 to $5,000.
FOR SALE : .Severn ! flnp residences In
th'i desimblp Wp t Knrnnm district. Beau
tiful homes , excellent loiallons ; $7,00to
FOR SALE : Modern residence , south-
We t eorner Wild nnd Paellle ; nice grounds' .
A barx.-lln ; $7SOO.
FOR SALE : lynrge modem hoiMf nnd
zroiindii. South ICth St. Will make low
! rice.
FOR SALE : Large modern house en
Oeorgln AVP. , 0 room * , newly pointed nnd
papered : barn ; shade , nice lawn ; good lo
cation ; { .1,700 ,
FOR SALE : Modern clslil room resi
dence : cnk llnNll ; hnlt block oft We t
Fnrnurji ; high ground. This Is n snrti ;
I-'OR HALE : New r\x \ room tottngo ; filr-
niend : bath. In flr t c-in-s repair. Ono
block from Fnrnnm : only $2,30) .
FOR SALE : A bargain In a PPVPII room
.iotlp onMnplo HI. Tliree blocks from ear
line. Only 11,200.
FOR SALE : Two good residences , ISth
liiimrnft ; 6Igh.t rooms nnd b.uh. Con
venient to South Omnhft , one block from
car line ; Jl.SOO cnch.
FOR SALE : Eight room hou e , 2.11C X.
2Uh AVc\ Ono block front Dodce St. car
llnp. Chmp , jl.e-CO.
FOR SALE : Cottnge , S10 S. 21th St.
Must be sold. Owner needs money ; J1.3W.
FOR SAIE : Those Dundpo homes hrc
srlllng. Wo have a few It ft. Remember
treso liou-os and lots are offered for IPSS
than cos : of houses. This Is all oppor
tunity. Prices. J1.MO to $3,500.
FOR SALE : Ruelnes * lots , residence lots
nnd lien--property. Get prices and trrmf.
If you want to buy or sell , call on
1320 Fnrnam St. , Omaha.
for RENT. First floor N. Y. Life Bide.
IF YOU have a bargain to offer In real
eatnto sec S. A. Broadwell. 601 N. Y. Life
Bide. RE-7M
A BARGAIN Four acres. 40th nnd Pacific ;
two Micks from car line , on belt rail
road , { 2,5011 ; easy terms. McCnguo In
vestment Co. . 150i ) Dodge. RE 709
FOR QUICK returns on bargains only set
S. A. Broadwell , 601 N. Y. Llfo Bids.
RE 704
HOt'SES , lots , farms , lands , loans ; ulM flre-
Insurance. Hernia , Paxton blk. RE 03
FOR BARGAINS everybody cons to S. A ,
Broadwoll. & 01 N. Y. Life Uldg.
NOTHING but bargains handled by S. A
Broadwell , 601 N. V. Life BldR. REOI
SNAPS In real estate ; money to loan. L. L
Johnson Co. , 314 S. 15th street. RE 710
FOR SALB-Bargalna In small residences
S. A. Broadwell , 601 N. Y. Life , % , ,
Real Estate , Rentals , Loans , Insurance.
HOUSES , lots , farms , lands and lnurnnce
R. C. Patterson. 405 N. Y. Life. RE 713
16C2 NORTH 17TH street , two houses rent
1ii for $16.00 per month , paving paid. pa > i
14 per cent gross , price $1,350. J ° , ' l" , . "
Frenzor , Opp. old P. O. RE AICOO
TWO peed farms' for sale near Arlington
Neb. Paync-Knox Co. , Omnha.
NEAR ISlh and Jnokson sts. , Greenhouse
house , lot 25x75 feet , J1.GOO.
Southwest corner : i8th nve. and Jnckson st.
120x150 feet ; snap : $900.
60 ncros within 10 miles of Omaha post
olnco , 10-room house , barn 30x60 feet
some fruit trees , linn place , near PodK
st.paved road , Improvements worth $2 ,
OW ) ; price , $4,000.
John N. Frenzer , opp. old P. O. Rk 370
FOR sn'c or trade , 6-room residence wit !
8 lots In lown county seat town , 50 mile
of Omahn. for Nebraska land. Addros
Box 777Fremont , Neb. RE 104 22 *
1' 15
Loin 1C nml IT , Second addition to
\Vep-t Side > $ 100.C
Xprth 28 feet lot 1 , block n-South
OmaJia HjO-J
Lot. 3 , block 1. Creston HOO.C
Section m-12-0. Goyp county. KniiFiix 1,920. (
1/ot in , block 2 , Ordhnrd Hill , paved
street l COO.f
Lot 7. block 5. IJoytl's addition 2M. (
l ot 13. lllock 13 , Central park T3. (
LotH 1 nnd 2. Park's subdlv. of 91 ,
Glse's addition . . - > SiO.I
Ixit 10. block 1 , Inotltute Place D0. (
G.J feet of west "j of lots 23 nnd 24 ,
Dcauvolr Plnee -lOO.C
40 acres , 1 > A mllcrf north of Capitol
building nt Cheyenne , s. w. of B. w.
1MI-C6. ! Ivtirnmlp county , Wj-o 2,000. (
Kn t 21 feet of went CS feet lot 7.
block 74 , South Omnha , Neb. : good
building : rents , $10.00 ner month. . . . SCO. (
I.otH 2t , 13 and II. block 2 , Wnkcley
addition to Omahn 2oO. (
Uot 21) , blo-'k 2. Hakfr Place 1CO. (
160S llarney Slreet.
HE-M40I 21
Wo have two big bargains In farms noa
Arlington , Neb.
lot-aero farm nt J3j.l
2-ncre ! ( ! farm fit $30. (
Piiyin'-Knox CompHiiy.
First floor , N. Y. Life Hldg. ,
Omaha. To ! . 17S1.
RH-437 2D
AVIM. build ilrume for Rood party on puj
mcnt.s ; nl ? < 20-room Oiotcl to exehonce fc
( .iiftern Nebraska lard : Fomo fine vncar
jr.ts v'leap. cilFh or tl-me ; good 7-rooi
dwelling cJicap. L. L. Johnson Co. . .T
S. . 13111. UE-576-2I
FOK 8ALK , 2,000 acres , homo nr
Good Hand Co. , land , from $2. > 0 In $3
per IfiO acres ; now Is the tlmn lo IIIVPH
\Vrltp for lls.1.E. . J- Miller , Miller. S. 1
' UK-
ir > ACHES for rent near South Omaha : In
proveinentH f"r K.-iln cheap. J II. Shf
wood , ! I3D N. V. Life. nE-M813 22
OWNBtlS willing to sell Oimiliu icalesla
at bargain prices fbould call tip.Mi (
n. i : . . Fini- : INSTANCE & HKNTAI
snviw ) AT N. W. corner
liltb anil Ohio , with two -ood IUVRS.
You can llvo In one und rent
Tbo other. $1.500. A sniipl
nioi Oiilirnrnln H | . , SOxHO.
7-room ( Iwg. , barn. Hhrubbcry.
$ lSTiU. part cash. Very cheap.
7-r. fair house , full lol ,
: < < ! tli and Ohio. Xot In n hole.
Owner needs rash. $ ! < * > .
A. F. CONNISTT , 303 N. Y. Llfu H'dT.
! .I3-G12 21 *
TO SI'KC'I'LATOltR and inve.storH , all pe
SOUK lnlf > rostt > d In turf Investments 114
means of money making may obtain Vfi
liable Information relative to the buslne
liv Hcndlng me nninn nnd address. Edw
K. Ii'nrley. expert handlcapper , S4 Ad-ui
St. . i-hlciiBO. 111. ' Y-fifil 31'
P.K-'iU 21
1'iODU G-riJJm 'house , full Ic-t. city watc
only J750.
full lot , 6-rouin house , oulv $ V)5 ) ,
Modern S-room housro ui'd full lol on Harm
stifft. JI.COO.
s-rocm houfo and 2 Intu , near CHI ; line , J.G :
7-n > ? m boue and tarn. 2 lot * , 2i"J Hliui"
SIM i.
vn co. , . .on P. u'-i at.
Flr.M National Unnk Oldr ,
KOIl SALE At a great riicrlllce. a 3'oi
itoiie-front bulldlnt' , well located : cove
IPR 13.COO square feet of ground ; Ian
auditorium , m-atlng 1,200 ; large stasc wl
lomplclo scenery , three lodcrt halls : ti
nc < v liou'Mn" .illem nnd lillHril table
hatidsnniP buffet ; prcuent Income
will bring J13fxW next year : for sale. I
ciudln ; ground , building , all furnlturo ui
llxturej : price 51M.OCO. Henry A. Knott
Cu. , no Dearborn St. , Chicago. HF
14 per cent invpHtmont.
Taken at sheriff's sil ; and must be sol
Ci-roum Imuso nnd lot 5 blocki' from Illi
sclmoi ; ? oed repair : rent ? 1S.OO ; 1-5 c-ia
Price. Sj.o-iO.00 ,
7-roor.i. strictly moilcrn , UOth uve . mar P
clt'i. rain JIW.OO per nnnuni : pppr.Js
ut tf.&OOC ) Must bo sold. Make off (
Listed ut Jl.uXHiO.
OLSEX , 1701 KHrnnm Bt
UE-S33 Si
POH x vu : itr\i , iir\n : : .
l'nc' ' are wlflt tmint For two S
w PdverlliT" ! four pnperlle whl h we
nWov'.d be rold. Three nrc now gone.
WHY ? licoaiwe Just ns we cald they were
For tlil < wrk wo put Uipr on : he C'Ot'X-
No. 32 1612 Hunlette ntrert , 40x116 feet.
ronm > . city wntcr. cistern , elo. et , gas
pipe , good rerinlr ln lde. J2.2W (0.
Xo 4)1-2011 ) North Nineteenth ptreot
( llotllevnnl ) , 14x110 , 9 roonw , fnrnrtce , bain ,
hot nnd cold wnler , bowl , eloset , ga . etic :
i.cnrly nevnnd in Al comlltlon. Improve-
rrtris n'oneth ! ihe iirlce. W.CTOOO.
No. 20l-llOi ! nd 1411 North EiRhtwnth
sttf t , iWxl4P , with two houce * . 4 nnd
loams i-ah. This Is \\iilklntr ( Hstance.
Lcok a.t It and yep us.
Xo. 117 3S72 street , , Vixl50 , 7 rooms.
ItaHl. hot nnd cold water , sewer , closet , etc.
All iroew for Jl.noo.fl" .
Xo. 303 Lot 15 , blo.-k S , Hnnscom Place ,
on flint and Popp'.elon. the bent buy In the
ml-dlllnn : for n few days , SI.GOO.
Mo. ( WV InOxZSt fecit , KoWheast corner of
Lown nvi 'ino nml California street , lying
lint- , and will tmke rlx Kood lots ; street
pnVed , stonnvallcs. . Price , Jl.oUO. Hut It Mis
Rot to it.i . this week. Figure with us on this.
Xo. 5i ; Conu-r ' ! 9th 'nlrd Dodge , we offer
12Jxt25 , oream locnllon. and n line residence
slle. One of the very best In t'he ' city ; for
only t$0 foot. We are R lng to sell what we
advertise. If you are huntlii ? for bargains
t'o" NOT FAIL to see ns.
POTTRIl-SHOLl-:5 CO. , 310 X. Y. Life.
UE-5S.1 21
Offer the following greatbnrRtilntt In Hemls
Xo. 1134 A beautiful new 7-room house ,
ono block from Cumlng street car line on
83d. east froitt. all modern , line cfinenled
cellar ami yhndc lree ; JZ.'iOO will take It.
Terms reasonable.
Xo. lln.- Another very Hue , beautiful , till
modern. 7-room linusp , fine 41 fool lot , east
front , JIIM completed.V offer this line
home for $ ,1,000. Monthly pnymcntB.
Xo. U5.1 On Iliuvthorne avonue. we offer
I nil eU\anit S-room house , containing hot
water , 'heat ' , with all modern conveniences ,
line mantel , olectrle llglits ( ind gns , for the
modoFt sum of $ .1,900 ; on easy terms.
lr > fut-IJier particulars see
Formerly Payne-Harder Co. .
First floor X. Y. Life Hide.
HE 573 21
A COHXERi Int with H-tory cottnge , feeIng -
Ing soutili nnd fast , ft rooms , 4 feet above
street1 , well , cistern and close > to car line ,
nt a ridiculously low figure. Small ply-
nii'iiti nd easy itcrmst at low Interest , un
doubtedly a Uirg-.iln. W. V. Hedges , 505
l > uxton lllk. 1113-567 21
\ HIGHLY Improved farm of 115 acres , BC
acrcfi In blue grass pasture , with line run
ning water ; CO acres under cultivation. , "
big apple trees , only 9 miles from Omaha ,
nt the remarkably low price of $ .r..CO per
acte. Adjoining fa'ms held at J3.0J to
JtM.OO per acre.
'or the next 5 days will offer eleven lota
fiOxlSO lay high and sightly , on street be-
tWi'en 17'.h and 17tb. So. Omaha , at the
low price of J200.00 per lot ; easy payments ,
Interest at 6 per cent.
J. A. LOVGHEX , Nos. CIS nnd 519 Paxton
Block , Cor. IGth nnd Farnam.
HB-599 21 *
Sfl HO. 27TH St. , full two-ston' seven-
room new houre , all modern ; will rent
for $30 a month or 10 per cent on $3,000 ;
price , $3,200.
270S Capitol ave. . 7-room honso , newly pa
pered and painted throughout , $1,130.
West ' ,4 lot 4. block C , Uelvldere. half acre
just v.-est of Willow Park , $230.
) l C , block fi , Drake's add. , on Davenporl
street , fronting proposed boulevard. < S"o ,
Lot 10. block " , lols 9 nnd 10. block 4 ,
Crelghton Heights , all good building lots ,
good neighborhood , near school and c.u
line : each $150.
Lot 15 , Plerson's sub. , 10 acre ? on Dodge
el. macadam , 30 minutes' drive" from 1' ,
O. , $1,000.
11K-59S 21
' 'litest ear' ft-orut lot. Hir > ? om Place. J2.I50
Clesjiint east front , 34'.li-near lAirnnm , $2,2iX )
: -"lne lot north of Hamcom Park only $1,150
Corner 110x120 Hnrney and 42d' ' tit. . $1,300.
Nice Eout'li ' front , F.irmim near AMt. , $1.073.
Choice corner 60x150 Hnntcoin 'Place ' , $2:130 :
SMce cottage nml lot , Hnnico-ni Plare , $1,1"0
Modern S-room house , HnniKxiin Place , $1,250
Moiiern house. 33tli near , $4.300.
l-room cottage , Orchard Hill , $1W cas'.i , $ l.2.'iO
Rlegunit double residence , large gronm'.a
barns , . " -plendid neighborhood , one-third ll
land , $15OCO. I
-iiolco nvre. . lot on Center street. $ lffi.
3 acres extra C'holcu garden lanJ. $7-3.
[ 0 ucres , lltio pltuce. for poultry , $1.250.
JO acres right on truicndumlzpd ztrctf , J2.WO
CO acres llnest laivd ndjolnlni ? Omalia , $7,500 ,
We nl n oTfer 23,000 sicre-s llnc < gra/.lng latu
n \Vj-omlng , ninplo water , for quick sale :
it 7:1 : cents an iicre.
323 Chamber Commerce , .
HE 623 21 *
10 ACRES , one mile west of Florence , fo ;
$1,500. W 26. Bee. RE ( MGOS 20
100 Per Cent Profit Giinrnntucd
ngeliiclcs open for responsible 1iousc-- . Par
ticulare from Symplionlon Jlfg. Co. , 110-11
West bid street , Now York.
Notice is hereby given that The Bee Pub
lishlng Company has filed Its amended ar
tides of Incorporation in the otllce of tli
secretary of state , and also with the count ;
clerk of Douglas county , Nebraska ; tha
by virtue of said amended articles of In
corporation it Is provided us follows.
State of Nebraska , Douglas Connty-ss :
Articles three (3) ( ) , four (4) ) ami tivo < o ) , o
the articles of Incorporation or The Be
Publishing Company are. hereby amende
ns follows :
The undersigned do hereby associate our
selves together nnd declare Unit we , tn
Bother with our associates and successor :
are nnd shall i t a cornori-.tlon under an
by virtue othe statutes ol the slate o
Nebraska , by the name and style of Th
Bee Publishing Co.
The principal place for the transact lo
of the bnalnc-ori of Bald cornorai'.on Mini !
be in the city of Omahn. In the county o
Douglas and elate of Nebraska.
The general nature of the business * t
bo transacted by tb.s corporation shall b
to < print und publish dully , heml-wei-klj
trl-wceklr , weekly newspapers and mngi :
seines , do general Jo'j printing , book iml
llshliiic , book blndlns , engraving , lltn-j
graphing , nurtotypInK , elee'rotypintj ' an
purchasing and milling prliiiK : ! m.u-hint-rs
printing material , printing stock and newt
paper press franchises.
The authorized capital stock of said 01
porntlon shall bu live hundt'oi mounin
dollars ( $ ! > w. < Au.OO ) ) , divided into shares c
live hundred dollars tjMv/.oO ) each ; pi-oude
that no ' . < . k sr.iil be l.-sued in * ' a u
011(1 ( nuvi1 ! ; thout'iu.c duiia * . * ( i'.i/i.DWUn
unless authorlrcd by u two-thirds vole .
the outstanding sto'jk of t-ald lorpouitioi
upon u-n days' notice to all slot Khuhiui
nnd provliUnl , fur'.her , that no shiux- him
bo sold or issued for less I'nan pai.
T 1m time .of roinmoiiccmont of said coi
poratlon shall be the llftennth day of Jai
nary , A. D , ! > > 7fc , and the. tlnv of termini
tlun of the t-'ame shall lj the lUtcentb tin
of January , A. D. rjJO , unless renewed t
dissolved sooner by a vote of two-third
of the cuiiiial stock thereof.
The highest amount of IndebtcUnu- * <
liabilities to which auld corporation can .
any time subject itsJfdull n u ux < ee
in thu iiggregatj onc- lwda ( ) uf Ui
amoun' of thu capital stink , Issued by sal
corporation , and no pondt-d or mur'-hU"
Indebtedness ? huevcr \ [ bo cunliaiic-d L
BiuU c.rpurailon.
Tlio liiihlncfs and. ndulrs of said lurpui
lion shall bu conductid by a board c
director.- , live in number , who bhall 1
( hOHtiti by the s ( ukhuah-rs. at their annul
nioutliiL- , c.'u-h shuro o ( stock liavlng or
vote , which electlun shall be held on ll :
llriit Monday In March 01 each year , ar
they bhall hold ollk-e tor onu year or mil
tliolr succM3ors me elected. A majority (
the board of dlreuois miull form n quorui
for , the transaction of buslnesi ? . Varanch
In tbo boaiil ahull bu filled by lie remnli
Intr directors for the balance uf the ui
expired urni.
The oflU-ers of said corporation shall I
a prcbldent , u vice president , a uucretai
and a trejiturer. who bhail be chosen I
thn board of director * .n uuch manner , an
perform such dutle ? as thu by-lawn of tu
corporation may prescribe.
Whenever one hundred and sixty uhnn
or in on uf sipck shall lit\d been HU !
scribed for the assocla Ion shall bu dccmc
organized as a corporation and thercupo
M > TKK.
any sub'cTlber or siibs < 'rlbi-M lor over onr
i.undrert shunmn > rail a mnellng of the
subscribers nt some su'iable place 111 ( he
city of Omahrt. for the pie , lion of olllrers ,
'V ' > ' H'vlTift ' notli-e thereof for not IP * * than
three dnys In one of the dally newspapers
published In the CPy of Omnha.
Hy-lnws may be marie by the corpora
tion not Inconsistent wlth.lnw or with
these articles.
These articles of Incorporation may be
amended by a vote of two-thirds of the
stock , upon notice by thy board of directors
to the stockholders of not less thiin ten
days , published In some daily newspaper
In the City of Omnha. i
In witness whereof we hnv < hereunto
set our hands and seals this nth day of
January. A. U. , 1W-
EDWAH11 ROSE WATER. Pie.ldent.
GEORGE 11. ly.SCHt'CK , Secretary.
Stale of Nebraska , County of Douplrts ? s :
Oil this 9th day of Jnminry , A. D. , 1900.
personally appeared before me Edwnrd
Rosewnlcr nnd George II. Tzsclineh , who
are personally known to mn to be the
Idcntluat persons who signed tne nb vo
amended nrtlelps of Incorporation and they
severally acknowlcdsed thn Instrument to
be their voluntary act nnd deod.
Notary Public
Notice is hereby Riven that on Thurs
day , the 15th day of February. ISCK , 1 will-
pursuant to an order of the district court
of Douglas county , Nebraska , iHted Janu
ary C. llion , offer for sale to the highest bidder -
dor therefor for cash at my otllco ,
108 North Fifteenth strrt : : . In the
city of Omahn , all the unsold
nssets of the Germnti Savings bank
Hntd sale will commence nt 10 o'clock n in.
of snld day , and coiitlnue from 10 o'elnck
n. tn. to " - o'clock p. in. of each day until
all Iho assetf said Imtik have been
offered for sale. The real estate liTcln-
nftor mentioned nnd dpserlbed will be
offered for sale separately. All bids nrc
subject to the approval r t'l" ' ennri nnd
must In all eases be accompanied by money
or certified checks for tweniy-llve per cent
of thn amounts thereof. Said bids will be
reported to thp court after all the assets
have been offered for s.ile and the balance
of the purchase price of any sale npprovpd
and conllrmed by the court will bo payable
uupon said ( . onllrmatlo.i.
The de'scrlntlon of HIP properly to be
offered for sale by the undersigned at cald
time and place and upon conditions above
mentioned , Is as follows :
The east 200 ft. of the west 3M ft. of tax
lol 31 . In the S W cor. sec. 10 , tp. IB. rg. IS ,
23d nnd Yntes.
Sub lol .1 In tax lot 7 , In X. 15. of S. W ,
of sec. 27. tp. IB , rg. Ill , 10th nnd Mnrtlm.
Sub lol H of lot n , Capitol addition.
Parcel of ground In X. K cor. of tax lol
Ifi , In sec. Irt , tp 15. rg. 13 , 200 by 132 ft. , nr
50th and Cumlng.
Lots 3 and 4 , block 2f > 0 , city.
Lot 2 , block n , Rowery II111 addition.
Lots G. 7 , S , 8 , 10. 11. 12 and 13. block 03 ,
Dundee Place- .
Lots 11 10 nnd 20 , block 10(1 ( , Dundee Plnpo.
Lot 5 , block 109 , Dundee Place ,
Lot 14 , block 110 Dundee Place.
Lot C , block 117 , Dundee Place.
Lot 2 , block 124 , Dundee Place.
Lot C , Huscall nnd Roger's sub.-of M. 3'
nnd 5S. Okahoma.
Lot 9 , Hascall and Rogers' sub. of 5C , 5 ;
and K Oknhomit.
Lot 12. Hascnll and Roger's sub. of 50 , B'
mid K.S. Okahoma.
Undivided one-half of lots 7 and R , blocli
15. Isaacs & Seldon's addition.
North half lot i2 , ami south half lot 13
block 14 , Kountze's 3rd addition.
Lot 19. Lindsay's addition.
Lots 5 nnd fi , block J. Mtiyno Place.
Lot 7. block 2. Mayne Plnee.
West SO JTt. of south half lot 8 , block 1
Park Place.
Lo 16 , block 2 , Rpdlck's sub.
East S3 fl. lot 2. Okahomii
Soulli S2 ft. lot 36. Oknboma.
West 120 ft. of east 210 ft. of south 12
ft. of block "C , " Shlnn's addition.
Lots 4 and G , block 02. South Omaha.
Lots S , 6. 7 , 8 and 0 , block 3 , Thomasoi
Lots 2. 3. 4 , 5 , . 7 , S , 3. 10. 11 and 12 , blocl
5 , Thomason & Goos' addition.
Lots 1 , 2. . " , 4 , block 11 , Thomason S
Goos' addition.
"Reserve" In Thomason & Goos' addition
South SO ft. of north S3.5 ft. lot 4 , blocl
12 West Omaha addition
The north half of northwest quarter sec
H tp. 20 , rg. 13 , Valley county , Neb.
Ono certllleato of membership In Omaln
Board of Trade.
Together with any other property be
longing to the German Lnvlngs bank o
Omaha , Douglas county. Nebraska , no
above enumerated.
Receiver of German Savings Bank , Omaha
J I2-d-3 o t e
Notice. Is hereby given that on Weuncs
day , the 21th day of January , 1900. tlv
buildings , barns , fences , jipns nnd othe
structures' and Improvements located upoi
the Omaha Fair and Speed Assoelatloi
Grounds , known as the State Fair Groundf
\ \ \ \ I be sold nt public auction , ti
be held uion the grounds com
menclng nt 10 a. in. , to the blsrhes
bidder for cash , the. right to reject an ;
nml all bids and to sell each Item separate ! ;
or all In bulk being hereby reserved. Ai
Itemized statement of the property to b
Fold will be. furnished on application to tin
Milton Trurl Company , at 600 New Yorl
Life Building.
E-Dec-2l-J-7-IM-J-21 :
Tbo filiiinso Fur Co. , Incorporated , hel
their tir.mml meeting cif stockholders n
tlicir ofllce , 1410 Dodge. Oirmlin , Neb. , 01
January 13 , 1000. Tiho oflicers for the enati
Ing year were re-elected and all ofllclnl busl
was satisfactorily adjusted.
6. BRODK13Y , 'Pres.
I. DEMORATSICY , Soc'y. J21dlt
Bourl River Railroad-
"Tha Burlington Route'
General Ofllces , N. W
Corner Tenth and Far
iiam Streets. Tlcke
Olllce. 1502 Farnnr
. Strf-et. Telephone , 25 (
Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Tele
phone , 3lu. Leave , Arrive.
Lincoln , Hyalines and
McCook a 8:40 : nm a 7:40 pr
Lincoln , Denver , Colorado
rado , Utah. California.a 4:23 : pm a 3:55 : pr
Lincoln , Bland Hills.
Montana & Pugct
Sound a 4:23 : pm a 3:00 : pr
Lincoln Local -.a 7:00 pm a)0:35 ) : ar
Lincoln Fast Mnll..a 3:00 : pm ulO:35 : ar
I Denver , C.jlo'-ado , Utah
I & California a 6:35 : at
I a Dally.
seph & Council Blufl
Railroad - "The Burling
ton Route" Ticket Oniei
1502 Fnrnam Street , TeH
phone. 250. Depot , Tent
and MUBOII Streets. Tele
Vhone , 210 ,
Leuve. Arrive ,
Kansas City Day Ex. . . .a 8:50 : am a 5:15 : pr
Kansas City Night Ex..alO:15 : pm a 6:30 : at
I St I ouis Flyer for St.
JoBoph nnd St. Louis..a 4jj : pm nll:15 : ai
a Daily.
& Qulnoy llallroad--Th
Burlington Route"-TIcke
Olllce. 1C02 Fnrnam a
Tel. . 250. Depot , Tenth i
and Mason Htr-iats. Tell
phone , 310.
Leave , Arrive.
Chicago Spe-
ctal . a 6:40 : am
I Chicago Vcstlbuled Ex. . a 5:05 : pm a 6:05 : ai
Chicago S'xpress . x SiuO am a 4:05 : pi
I Chicago & St. 1. rJ-.a 7:15 : pm a 8:03 : at
; Pacific Junction Local. , alOjis a in
l-U8t Mat * . . a 2:45 : pi
1 a Dally.
and & Paclllo Rallroa
"Thn Great Rock la
nnd Route. " city Tlci
el Ofllce. 1323 Fnrna. .
Street. Telephone , u
Depot. Tenth. & Masu
Streets. Telephone. CJ
, , , - . Leave. Arrive.
Dea Molncs and Uaven-
, port l-o c a 1 a 7:05 : am bll:35 : ai
Cnicngo Exptes'-i bli.lS nm a Slt : ) ui
Chicago Fast Expipss..a 6:00 : pm a 1:25 : p
i fit. Paul Fabt Lxpros..a 5W : pm bllJ5 ; al
Lincoln , Colorado Si.,5s , ,
Denver , Pueblo and
; West * . a 1:30 : pm a 4:25 : pi
; Des .Moinef. Rock Isl-
i and and Chicago a 7.J5 pm
i Colorndo i Texas Flyern 6:55 : pm '
a Dally , b Dally riceot jJumiJTy.
'and Route'1 General uMVV
N 13. < : or. Mn h and Far ia ;
htreeia. City Ticket Ofllce. 13
Farnnm Street. Telephone , 31
' Dppot. Tenth and Mosc
Streets. Telephone , C29.
Leave. Arrive
The Overland Limited..a 8:80 : nm a 7:20 pi
The Fast Mall a9:00nm : a 3:23 : a
i The Colorado Special..nil:5j : pm a 6i3i u
'The ' Portland Speclbi , . a 8:50 : am a 4:40 : n
| Lincoln , Beatrice ant
ri'romcburg ' Express b 4.10 pm bn:23 : p
I Pacific Express .a < :25 : rm a 635 ; n
I Grunt ! Island Local , .b 5. 0 pm b 8JO : u
I a Pally , b Daily except Sunday ,
ii \ n.TIM r. \ni.r.H. .
Jt-'REMON" . ,
& Missouri Vni : y Rnli-
road "Thp Northwestern
Line" Gencrnl Oillccs.
United Stntc * National
Hnnk HldR. , Southwest
_ Corner Twelfth aid Fnr-
n m Streets. Tlek t ofMcp. 140 : Farnam
Street Teicphotip. 501. Depot , 15th and
Webster stiepts. Telephone , 1451
Leave. Arrive.
ninck Hills. Dcadwood.
Hot Dprlncs . a S-.OO pm n S.-OO pm
w'yomlnB. Casper and
Dougln ? . d 3:00 : pm e 5:00 : pm
Hnstlnjts. York David
City , Superior. Qenovft
Exeter nni Seward b 3:00 : pm b 5:00 : pm
Norfolk. Verdlgrc and
Fremont . . . . . b 7SO ; nm blO:25 : nm
Lincoln. Wnhoi and
Fremont . b < :30nm : blo:25 : nra
Fremont Loc .
n Dully o Dally exceyt ( Sundny. c Sun *
day onfy. d Dnlly except Saturday.
iallv except Monday.
Railroad - 'The North.
wp tern LlnGeneral
Ofllce , United States
Notional Banlt HutMIng ,
S W. Corner Twelfth
nnd Fnrnnm Streess.
Ticket ohlrc , MOl Fnrnnm Street , Tele
phone , 661. Depot. Tenth nnd Mason
Streets. Telephone , C .
Leave. Arrlvr ,
Twin ritv Kxpre s a G-itO am alO:50 : pm
Twin City Limited . a 7.2 ( > pm n Sif. : urn
Plniiv CiU Local . , .nSOOnm : , n'4:20pm :
a Dally
Minneapolis & Omnha
Railway - "The North
western Lino" General
Otn-cs. Nebraska Divi
sion. 15th nnd Webster
_ _ _ Stf. City TlckPt onicp.
1401 Farnnm Si Telephone , 601. 'Depot , 13th
and Webster Sis.
I enve. Arrive.
Twin rn\ Passenger a G : < X > am n H:00 : pm
Omnha Pussenuer . . . All 0 am
Sinn * C'ltx X- North
east Nein-n kn . .a 3:10 : pm
a Dally , b Dully exceot Sunday.
CIHCAGO & NORTHwestern -
western Railway "Tho
Northwestern Line"
C'ty Ticket Onice , 1401
Farnnm Street. Tele-
phono. S61. Depot , Tenth
end Mason Streets. Tele.
Leave. AT jive.
'Da ' lyileht Chicago Spe
inl a :40 : nm . . . . . .
Icngci IMfsengei A 4:15 : pm all :10 : nm
Enstern Express. Des
Molnes. MnrMialltown ,
Cednr Rapids nnd Chi-
. "ago alO:55 : am a 4:05 : pni
Eastern Llml'ea , Chi- '
cngo nnd East .a 4:55 : pm a 4:06 : prr
Fast Mull. Chicago to
Omnha a 2:45 : pit
Omaha-l'hlcngo Specialn 7:30 : pm a 3:00 : ait
Fast Mall 8:30 : air
n Dally , b Dally except Sunday.
road Omaha , Kansas Cits
& Eastern Railroad "The
Qulncy Route" Ticket Of.
lice , 141G Farnam Street
Telephone , 322. Depot , Tent !
and Marcy Streets. Tele
phone , C29.Lcavo.
Lcavo. Arrive.
St. Louis Cannon Ball
Express a 4:43 : pm a 8:33 : arc
Kansas City nnd Quinqy
Local a G:40 : am a 8:50 : pw
road-General Offices nm
Tlcktt Offices Southeast Cor
tier 14th nnd Douglas Sts
Telephone. 101. Depot , 15U
nnd Webster Sts. Telephone
. , - . . - Leave. Arrive.
„ „ . Louis , Kansng &
Neb. Limited a 2:30 : pm a2:55 ! : nn
K. C.-St. L. Express..a 9:50 pm a 6:60 an
Nebraska Local'I&
Weeping Wiite- b C:0. : > pm a 0:45 : nn
a Dally , b Dnllr except Sundar.
St. ' Pnul rJallwnv Cit-
Tlcket Olllcp , 15041arnari
Street. Telephone. 2S4. De
pot , Tenth and Maton Sts
Telephone. 29.
- Leave. Arrive.
Chicago Limited Ex a 7:33 : pm a 8:30 : an
Chicago & Omaha Ex . .bll:00 am b 3:55 on
Sioux City & Des Moines
Cxpresa bll:00 : am b 3:55 : pr
a Daily , b Dally except Sunday.
Tlrket Office. 1415 Farnar
Street. Telephone. 825. De
pot. Tenth and Marc
Streets. Telephone , 623.
Leave. Arrive.
St. Louis "Cannon Ball"
Express a 4CO pm a 8:35 ar
a Daily.
( Continued from Fifteenth Pago. )
Syracuse , Neb. , and F. R. Clark of Yorl
Neb. , were among the visitors last week.
T. Z. Magarrell of this .city has bee
unanimously elected president of the Sc
clcty of Associated Fraternal Organl/.ers (
Omaha lodge , No. 1 , at the close of tli
meeting on January 10 prepared a lettt
of condolence to bo fent to Dr. HerOima
and wife , who lost Ihelr ( laughter and enl
child that night. Miss Hertzman had li
her brightness and lovable disposition or
dearcd herself to the members of Xo.
who deeply sympathize.
Messrs. Magnrrell and .HcnnliiB of Xo.
are bringing in the applications of man
new meraboro.
Under the management of Mesdatm
Burke , Brown and Mulvchlll Omaha , Xi
1 , gave a dance and supper in the hall I
The Bee building Saturday night avce
ago which was a pronotiuced succces. Mi
sir wan furnished by nn orchestra and tl :
eommittco supplied the refreshments.
W. H. Curtlco of Davenport , In. , who !
connected with the printing force of tt
Bankers' Union of the World , and his wll
have arrived In Omaha and have appllc
for membership in No , 3.
Kriid-riiiil Union' of Anierlcn.
Magic City lodge has elected the follov
Ing oflicers : Fraternal master , S. E. Vo
Xoorden ; Justice , E. C. Miller ; Truth , Mr
Magglo J. Rawley ; ' Mercy , Miss Emll
Braucr ; secretary , 13. Rowland Smltl
treasurer , Noah E , Cnrtorjprotector , Mr
Jennlo L. .Ichnscli ; stewards , Ocorgo V
Knight and W. H. Push ; gtildo , .Mrs. . E. (
Miller ; guard , Miss Dolllo Russell ; Ecnlinc
Robert Comyn.
Omaha lodge , No. 311 , has appointed t
entertainment committees -one for a puhl
affair and Ihe other for providing a pri
gram to bo rendered after the'reguli
business of tbo merling' Is completed eat
Supreme President I * , F. ROOBO- has n
turned from n business trip to Denver. Tl
supreme vice prenldenl 'Is now visiting
number of lodges and will ho In Xcbraul
hi April
Mondamln lodge ; will give an t'litorlalmnei
on Iho evening of February C.
Runner lodge Initiated thrco now men
hers Thursday ovonlng. After the bilnlne
wus completed a short program wan rci
de-red. Frtitcr Fear was appointed dial
man for the committee for the next cnto
lalnment. MIT. L. M. Reese is chnlnm
of iho committee ) next Thursday ovonlng.
KnlililN l.inllcH ( if .Security ,
Omaha council No.115 is now holdir
weekly mcelliiKS , which arc well nttende
Twelve applications for mcmburohlp , wei
Kccivcil at the last meeting. A trip i
Llt.coln , fin invitation from councils thcr
ulll bo inndo by this and the South Omni
and Council Bluffs councils. Members ai
their friends who wish to go Saturday , Fol
mnry 17 , returning Sunday afternoon , ehou
notify.iho committee next Wednesday evei
I'riili-riinl S'oli'N ,
fj.itc t.lly lent , Xo. CO. 1C. O. T. M. . wl
give a matiowirado | > all next Thurcda
evening at Metropolitan hall , .
In the rctwri of Iho plectlnn f ofllcf
uf tj.irlit-ld < iK-le. Xo. 11 , l > mllPJ of tl
Cidiid Army of the Retiuti'.lc , in lasl Mm
day's Hue. tlie nainu or ibe. president wi
omltii-d. k U Mi * . Clara Lyons.
lt-n ! llur Carrcup club. No. I. wai unie
ulncd by Mr. and Mrs. Hull at their hem
1027 Locum Uvc-t , Monday. A plcasai
evening was spent In playing carroni. afti
which refreshments were served.
Pa Hun lodge. No 171. AIM lent Order i
I'rited Uorkmi-n. Hccms to have met wii
, i revival D.diH New members are 1-011
mg < i > at c\ei > na-ding nnd a wore hit
! .in Minus feeling t an nrciulls in that led {
would be hard to Und ,
Russia's Great Highway Destined to kcrense
Uno'e Snra's Wenltb ,
'l'errloi-j ( People l > > Millionllroiitslit
to ( lor Doom Illulll } M
enn ( l2.\pri < sNlnn < of
Next to Hilsfla herself , no country In the
world will reap so milch benefit from the
completion of the Trnns-Slberlnn railroad ns
the United Stntcs. The bcndlts It will con
fer on this country nrc so vast that I mil
surprised that the fuels have not been tnmlo
clem to your people long ngo.
See wlint It will do this railroad. It will
throw wldo lo > otir connncrco the portals
of a country its great In area as the t'nlicd
States Itself. In that country dwell mil- ]
Hoi'ls who must depend upon their neigh
bor * , at least for many years to come , for
tliclv mnitufactures. And the nenrost of
thcec neighbors n'tnong in.inufaeturlng na
tions , who will they be'Tue / people of the
United Static. It will be as though you had
continued your own great transcontinental
rnllroiul lines which now cud lit the Pa
cific's eastern shore to Asia , the I'.iclllc
stennuhlps being only links In the chain ,
tm-ro ferries.
The now country that will iltid Its out
let at Vladlvostock Is purely agricultural.
IN nuuHidictureiB , like the innniifiu-iure. of '
Uibsla herself , are comparatively unliu- |
ortant. Our great wealth lies In our for- |
stu nml fields , and for many > car this
tate of things mtiHt contliuie. The United i
lutes , then , ns the most accessible niunu- j
ccturlng neighbor , musl be looked lo us Iho
ourco from which we may procure the ma- .
l.lncry necessary to develop and work our ,
scat area of agricultural and wooded lands. I
'o the United Slates , also , we must looker
or Iho machinery with which wo shall de-
rolop the great mineral deposits thnl mir-
r * show exist In Siberia and the adja-
cut territory.
I Hit of I'roi'lK'O ) .
From the day on which the llrst through
ralu Is haulad over the new railroad , 1 ex-
tecl lo seeIhe result I predict manifest
lielf bolh In your 1'acllle coast cities .and
nland at your manufacturing centers.
Much of the material for the conslruction
and opcratloi\ the completed fleolloiiH of
ho road hn come from the Sta'-oH.
Already , then , you have had great hunollts
rom the enterprise. Uul what you Imvii
lad Is merely n drop In the bucket. The
eal bcnelll will coma when the road la
regularly opened for business , when com-
nunitlcn are building up along HB line ,
when areas now uninhabited and undevel
oped shall spring Into life under Ihc magic
ouch of immlgralion. American capital
and American entcrprlstS will be tremendous
factors In Siberia then and there will bo
no secllon of your country , north , south ;
east or weal , that will not he affected favor
ably. Your millionaire and your workingman -
man will equally feel the stimulus.
At .the present day Uussla Imports from
the United States many times as much as
she exports to this country. Last year wo
: ook from you products worth more than
f6V,000,000 ! ( while you took from ua products
worth only $1,000,000. This shows how much
we need your products and how glad wo arc
to. get tlem. : You sent us principally ma
chinery. We sent you a email part of our
agricultural crops.
Now , when this new railroad Is finished ,
we shall not only add vastly to your Held ,
but wo shall also bring our markets to your
very doors. No other manufacturing notion
Is * o situated that It can roach this new
commercial urea to so good advantage. Thu
United States , through its 1'aclilc ports , will
then enjoy privileges that , coupled with the
conditions which have given you such an
Important place In the world's commerce ,
will enable you lo do business under favorable -
vorablo circumstances that other nations
caunot change , either In the Immediate
present or' in the years to come.
ItiiNHlna KrlpinlHlilp for Aiiu-rlc-H.
Xot the least of your advantages llee In
the fact that America's people and Amer
ica's products are alike Immensely popular
with the people of Russia and her posses
sions. This feeling of ' goodwill exists
alike among the masses and the cla ? en.
An American Is always welcomed In Russia
whether ho visits the hut of the peasant
or the palace of the noble. In town and
In country , in St. Petersburg and in the
farming districts , wo all speak of Amer
icans as our "brothers across the sea. "
This feeling Is literally all-perauaslve. It
may not bo easy to trace Its origin and
growth , but It Is easy enough to demonstrate
that it exists. No observant American who
has ever visited RufHla. can have failed to
notice it. "VVa seem , in our country , to
grow up with a strong love for the enter
prising people on this side of the world.
This sentiment Is as strong with the Indi
vidual as it Is with the nation. I suppose
that with us , ns individuals , It Is largely
because wo ns a nation took Hides with Iho
United States at the time of Its severest
HlNtOrlflll ItcflTCIIl'C.
This 'must naturally nave had Its Influ
ence on us as a people , and with the paswge
of time our good feeling for you has spread
among us until now , as 1 have Bald , the
peasant and the noble , the merchant anJ
the farmer , all alike , look upon all Amer
icans as their brothers. Thin sentiment
manifests Itself In all sort of striking ways.
No American warship ever vlwlled our
waters that is not received with enthu
siastic demonstration's t , both on Ihc part of
our people and our authorities.
When , during your civil war , pome of the
European governments were almost actively
hostllo , whllo nearly all were pathetic , Rus-
Hla never wavered for a moment In her
friendship for the United 8tatc . Slid
showed openly and clearly whnro Hho stood.
How much inllueneo her action had in
moulding public scjitlmcnt at a critical time
In the European Courts it IH Impossible for
mo 'to' say. Perhaps 1 cannot Justly assert
that our stand had any actual value or Influence
fluence- , but it certainly allowed , as had vs
often been shown before , that wo were some
thing more than fair weather frlendo.
Remembering that such feelings underly
our relations , It should not bti hard to un
derstand how the building of tbo Trans-
Siberian read meaiiB much to America. To
Russia thn advantages accruing from the
cointructlon are chiefly strategical. To
America will como enormous advantage * )
from t'h ( > commercial ami financial stand
Imperial Consul Ceneral ct Rucula at .Vow
York ,
ro\\i UI.VI.ITIHS.
A New York woman places the value of
her IiiiHlmnd'H affection at g'li.OW. lint the
evIdfiiiTi .uui'f. to nhow that It was not
worth no much money.
What seems to be a Huntlmental dcHlre to
begin tlie new year In a married main lian
rained an cxr.fH of marriages In Herlln ,
wlmrti thii number of couplet1 lu-dilud I'r-
ccntly IH said to be six UIIICH an great an
In ordinary
Oown In Alabarn.l a man IH milng tele
graph company for JIO.OM becauao 110 cor
poration did not promptly deliver a mus-
liHb'i' lie-Kent to a young wutnan. Ho
claims that It wax 1111 ulfer of imirllawo
and that 'If Hho had got II a little rooner
ho wouldn't have mairlod the oilier fel
.Mr and MrCbarU'X O'lirli < n. who arc-
lion irun ail' ' ! wife , Inn who IH-IOIC i , < < | "
murrliig * ' Wtril l < i "tin r-iii-law a'i'l i-lsi r-
Iti-luiA. .amc all the way fioni LIMTHJM | |
to be united lieiuuHi of lu ICnn ! > law
WtiUh prohibit > ( be niurrlatjof a man u
hla deceased wife 8 malc-r Tlicj were to
pit in- .
A book wl > t. Ii will fi'iiim. ' iti > i i. mil
from y.iur fnii r > whti'i will sb"W >
lli > V\ \nll inn ilrxilli \n\irsrlf Illrnl il.v .
and plnoli-nlly ll trllx of iwrtiy
> eal uncut In the entliiixliiMtlr lui1 >
of vllnl none inn-r. llinlliiK what It
come * from mid.liiii lust , how In to
place It. We all like to be nl " < "
lii-st. nm1 from what 1 li.ive ll'nrneil 1
am In u | io ltlon to help you.
Out of nil iny r\perleiu-o I have built
up n method of Infu-liiR the nyitom
with vitalizing clertrl < lt > . which IN lit-
basis of nil . inlinal ihumam vlliilltx
Sly book trlN what I Know of ilil
and you ran lia\r It free If you wtll
call or write today
1)11. M. ( , M.-l. VI ( ilM.IN.
UI I Slnl < > M. , Clilenuo.
. .
NVo ivc full instructions
I'KI H on
If you intend imrulmslnir tuiy-
tliinir in tills line it will bo to your
ndvaiHiiiie to cull on us. Wu uro
np-to-datc in ovei'ytninjj
to photography and out- prices
Tiie Robert Dempster Go , ,
12IS Farimiu St.
Developing and Printing Done ,
Omaha's St. Loyis R. R.
41 Miles the Shortest
Trains leave Union Station daily luf St.
Louis , Quiilcy , Kansas City and points cast
or south.
Homeseekers Excursions
February 6 and 20.
All Information at City Office , 1115 Bar
naul street ( I'axton Hotel lllock ) .
When others fail consult
HEM'S ' mm &
mm Hisses
op MEN
Wo cuaramce to euro ull eases ouroblo of >
SEXUALLY. cured for life ,
Nightly Kinlsnlon- ; , Lost , Manhood , Ilyrtrocela
Vorlcocclo , Gonorrhea , Gloct , SypbtlU , Strlcl-
re , Piles , FU'.ulu and Ilcotal Ulcers and
All Private Diseases
and Disorders of Men.
Consultation free Cull on or addreoa
lip So. Hth St. OHAHA. ,
liavo been wedded In Jern-y r'lty , but \vi > rein
in Kiieh IniHle ( o catch the llrxl Htcuimrililii
KOliiw bade that they did nol wait ( or Iho
live dnyH iT < | iilred to ellipse In .New Jcrn y
nl'ler the iKHiianci ) of the mnrrlaRo llcrnM * .
but crossed over lo New Voik. where they
were married by on uldrrmiin.
'Hint California JudKc who ruleil that hus-
banda are not obllRed to furnish tlicir wlvrn
with pliinw ami tlmecanlH of their roiito
when they Hlay out of nlKhtf nd iboie-
fore illHirlHHi'd n divorce Hull , the ( { round
lor which waH that the busbnnd's norliir-
nnl abHeiires weir not properly explained ,
wax ut llfHt tiulbd by the lii-nc.llcta of the
land us a frU ii'l In need.
A Marriage club , orKanlzed I'omethlni ; In
the inaiincr of the nolnrloiiH rulclde rllihH , '
In the latent thing nl 1'iirkersburK . Va.
Tin' iiiciiilior.Hlil.i Is llmltud lo ilficun ami
no new candld.'ilc inn In- Initiated iirilll a
member bus clthc- died or IH married.
UrnwIiiKH lake place ( very lx months and
Iho monibur drawliiK the I'atinl number-
muni elthrr marry within iho IICNI lx
liionlliH or pay a larnc mini Into the treaH-
ury toward the cliihV malnlcnancn. HliouUl
ho prove that be IIMH proponed to I wo dif
ferent women mid 11 I'M reji-i-teil , and that
lie uxod due dillKi'iii o In his cnd'Mivor lo
keep ) IH oiit'i , thn line will be icmltn-d.
'J he numc.s of the mcmbcrx and the dolall.i
of their plaiH are Huh HCITHIH , wjili h were ,
In part , fllvcn away by a conllrmed li.iih-
I'lor who , when ui-Riid in Ju'n th club , de
clined "becaiisc ho would tnkn no chitncos
of losing hlH personal Illn-rty. "
The golden wedding of Deacon and Mr. ' .
William blnnlcy wax observed In the par-
lorn of the l-'lrnl CoimreKallnnal rbtircn In
Hrniiford , Conn. , on the evening of January
I ! . Ufuiil entering iho purlorH the gtientH
fuund ecu I ril upon a platform Ihe bride and
bridegroom of llfty ycum ago. Mru. J.IIIM-
Icy Hlio"'cd the nffert of age. Heated oil
flip right of Deacon and Mm. Llnnh-y wrru
Mr. and Mr * 'llmotny l > . Tlmtrlicr. who
( clcbrated tlicir coldcn Julillm two yrarw
ago. On ilir left of tJii' iilatfurm wi.-rn
Heated .Mr. and ili'H. John BIIUIIDT , who
c-C'lebratiid their uoldcn wudillng laht MIIJ.
and..Mr , and MrH. Jurncg H. Way , ihelr
lirliH'b.nnlrt nnd Rrooini'imiii of IIfly ycar <
ago , who followed with a ( dcbratlon of
their llfllotli nnr.lverMary In Hcptemlii r if
the Kani year. A month lulor Mr and
Mm. Hiiuilicl l'0'.k flilloweil With Ibeli'
golden jtil lid' , bin iiwlng to the IndlMpogi-
tlnn of All I'uok tin ) wire unable i > ho
present llu-l t US li i v - iieialiktuuple
In i-ii i > o liiud I' U'lU ' > l hav , bifjtiilii ; t .
Kther Itu i.irii'ii.i ' nlio had Ilicd lu < i'lc-
biiite the s > mi < ii u"oiv r , , r > of ilie r mar
riage aii't < \cit run < il 'arm In the full
jiuHFi ? ioi > ol cxirj fa til >