Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 21, 1900, Part I, Page 22, Image 24

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iln for tin-no riilntiitiH
will lie tiiUpn tinlll Iin. . for HIP
vvcnlnu cilHIon nuil until Si.'tO 11. ill.
for luornliiK ntiil sumliiy edition.
Union , I l-Ue n won ! II rot liinprllnnj
li11 Miml tliprpnftcr.iitltiiiK tnUpi *
tor lc f thnii ani * for I In- first limpr-
tlnii. Thesp mliiTlNpiiientw lie
run PonHPCiillt el > .
, \ilt iTtlMprx , li ) riMiiipntliiK n nil in -
bcrpil rliPi'U , enn limp nntnvprn nil-
ilrconeil In a nunilipreil Irlli-r In cnrp
of Tin- JPP.nnvrrn | NO nililrp pil
11 III IIP ilclltrrpil on wrpM-nlntliin of
thp chrok mil }
A STENOGRAPHER. WIicli you want one
plrHKi. call up the Remington typewriter
oltic , 161 ! * Fa r mi in St. , telephone 15i3.
A 1 > 35
WANTKD , plaie to work for board and gu
to school. Address U 4S , Bee. A 23u
KXPER1KNCED coachman desires situa
tion , fumlshed. Aililri-s U M ,
Hoe. A-M3V ! 21 *
WANTED , position as stenographer and
typewriter for a youtiK lady , daughter " '
a Mason. Father In over 7l ) years of ag
and partially paralyzed. Family do ;
lipiiilent upon children for support.Vill
not Homo Mason answer this appeal for
work ? W 2 , Hec. A-120 19 * _
FIRST-CLASS olllce man who has been
ndmlttcd to the liar desires work for bo.inl
while nitpmllnK school In Omaha. Ad
dress \V 1. Hcc. A -121
WANTED. < t tnldillc-tiKcd liidy as IIOUM-
krppor for widower without children ; u
Indy wlfh inimical ability prcfi rn-il. Ad-
elres W 21. Bee. A-MnO'i 22 *
SITl A'l'ION wanlc-d. by l : ly stenoglapher ;
understands bookkeeping utvl general
olllco work. References. W 27. Bee.
A LADY photographer would like position
In peed gallery : reference It necessary.
Box 12 , Juleslmrg. Colo. A-4I2 ! 21 *
POSITION an engineer , 11 years' experi
ence on engines and dynamos ; Mlmu-xota
chpf | licence. W. A. M. , 129 West Falr-
llcld live. . St. Paul , Minn. A-M590 22'
OF Til 1C
We adopted Gregg shorthand because It IM
easily learned , very legible and rapidly
written. We liellevpil It to be superior tn
any I'ltmanlc system. We are now ready
tn'publicly demonstrate all we have said
about It. ,
AVe. therefore , challeiiRe any school tcach-
IIIK I'ltnian , Oraham or Munson to enter
into a pnblle contest with us at the time
and place to be determined by the cmi-
testantH , and upon the following eondl-
I. We will select a number of our Gregg
writers and enter Into a contest with nil
equal number from any other school. \ \ e
will agree to place one month's students
iiRalnst two months' students. twn
months' students against four months
students and s-o on for any time.
II. The contest shall be upon speed and the
ability to read their notes.
III. Nothing but new matter shall be wrlt >
IV. The proprietor of the loosing school
must contribute the sum of $50.00 to the
Associated Charities.
V. All preliminary arrangements to be
settled by contestants.
Pointer No. 1 We had another lame class
In Gregg shorthand last week. We start
a new one tomorrow.
Pointer No. 2 Wo have a class of ten
studying Gregg In our nlghl school. All
are new students and nearly all are old
Pltmatilc stenographers. Gregg Is so
easy It can be learned In night school In
11 few months .
I'olnter No. 3 The above challenge Is Is
sued In good faith and wo strongly urgt
lit acceptance.
I'olnter No. 4 We have had eight or ten
calls this week for stenographers we
could not furnish.
I'olnter No. 5 We are now ready to teach
Gregg by mall. Wrlto for particulars.
Pointer No. 6 The third edition of Mosher's-
Touch System of Typewriting Is just from
the press. Over 250 pets of these charts-
have been sold since January 10. They arc
going in all of our best schools.
B Gil1
WANTED. We have steady work for a few
good hustlers of gooil habits and appear
ance. C. F. Adams Co. , 1019 Howard St.
li G3G
"WE TKAOH the barber trade thoroughly
In short time and furnish each graduate
with a guaranteed position at good wages ,
There are more than ten barber positions
advertised to one at bookkeeping or phori-
hand. Wrlto for free ratulopuo and par-
tlculara. Western Barbers' Institute ,
Omaha. B C37
CASH for acceptable Ideas : state If pat
ented. Address The Patent Record , Bil-
tlmore. Mil. H 63S
* AN Intelligent young man to take a short
hand scholarship and pay for It when he
has llnlshed this coursu and pocured a po
sition. Address T32. Boo. B M41S
3 picture agents ; expenses paid. 1S19 U-av
B * IiiX ) Jut >
\VANTKD. paint salesmen 'to ' work or
commission basis ; only thosv with experi
ence and references need apply. 1212 Kar-
nam St. 2
_ _ _
\VANTKD. manager and agents ; salary 01
commission ; cheapest and largest line.
Hunter Tailoring and Shirt Co. . Cincin
nati. O. B-M14S A7 *
EAMCSMHN to pell olllco specialties ; line
hide lines ; used by all merchants ; catalog
free. Model Mfg. Co. , Box B. South Bend
md. H-.M2U . Kia *
iWANTHD , good solicitors at $75.00 pei
month and expenses. Address P. O. Bo ?
974 , ll.-u'tliigtt , Neb. B-M431 21'
CIIU'UUAH and sample distributors \\nnter
everywhere ; good pay. Kxcels'.or Ad
vertising Co. . 203 Kast 110 Street , Now
York City. B-
FAKICAPM : NOM 10 Transportation 01
Mining companies and Informatloi
bureaus are always exposed In "IN-
( Iclal paper of the Alaska Miners' ass'n
better subscribe for it for three month !
mid keep posted on the mining Industn
out west ; It will cost you only 60c and I
may save yon dollars In your Invest
monts. Industry & Mining , No. 629 Nev
York Block. Seattle , Wash. B
SALESMAN wanted In Iowa nnd Nobrask ;
to sell our nobby tnllor-mado clothiag
nlegnnl snmiile outllt free. Twin Cltj
TallorlnB Co. , 1609 Farnam SI. , Omaha
WANTED , salesman to handle sash am
door as a side line , eommUvlon ; only at
experienced man and one calling on tin
lumber and rasa and door trade n-gularlj
through Nebraska and Iowa need apply
Address U 2S , Bee > . B
SALESMEN for the besH line of inndi
i i measure clothing ; pi Ices range ft on
IG.50 up. Ati ) live man can easily maki
fiom IjO.W ) tn JlCkl.OO a wei-k. Write foi
i > ample > outlll and terms at once. War
rlngton Woolen and Worsted Mills
Chicago. B-
\VANTKn Goi > fl iKilciimon for our corn
pleto line of lubricating oils and Xanzl
hr roof paint. Yearly salary eontract fo
rlcht man ; must mean buHness. Our
fleld Oil Co. . Cleveland , O. H isn SI *
WANTlCD-Kxperlenci-il traveling rules
men : mtict bo of good appearance , liavi
a good record and know how in sell goods
St. Ixiiilsj Jewelry Co. . St. l.ouls , Mo.
B-519 SI *
BAMiS.MHN for the Texas oyenhleld ; v-II
cm Blsht to all lines of trade : extra In
dwe-mcnlp If goods 'aro pun-hased out
right. Tim Texas Company , Chicago.
B 515 21 *
OOVKKNMKNT positions ; where they are
how obtained , salaries paid ; particular
fr < M > . Wrlto for circular 111. Natlonn
Correspondence Inn Hule , Wasflilnstnn. 11
C. B-CI7 21 *
UKMOIUAI. life of Moody now ready
4i < ns of thousandr will be sod ! : opportu
jlll.v of a Ilfo tlnut to in.ike money : bli
rroiils ; i-rrxllt : freight luld : send \fv \ fo
outtll and bo llrtil In lleld ; cadi sub
irrlbor ? e n u tire phototype portrait o
Mr Moody for framing free ; write nuufc
American Brok and Bible llout.c. 132 N
12th St. . Philadelphia , Pa , B-CI3 21 *
It is poor economy to try to save money
by going to a fppnnd or third rlasa school.
Irresponsible * and Inenirlent schools hold
out all kinds of Inducement ! ) In order to
eruio students , nuch ns misstating the
lime iipppsmry to eompletp the course ,
mnklng a roiliirtlon In the advertised tuition
fees , otr. A variation In the rates of tuition
can only bp offt > re < l by the employment of
cheap tpnrhors. and graduates turned out
by eollrgdi learning a ten or twelve weeks"
course are not wante-d by business men. It
requires reasonable time to acquire an edu
cation that Is to bo of value. HOYMSS'
I KiI-3 has cons'antly In attendance
stuilf-nls from these cheap schools , who
hiivri learne < l that they are paying dear In
reality. Get advertising matter Bee Build-
Ing. B-513 2I
WANTKD , nrst-cla.n * sn He hinl. wteady
work. Artlress Oeo. W. Uohblii' . Miles
City. Mont. H MB7I-2S
WANT HO A man or woman in every
county for gem rat managership ; others
to travel and appoint ascnts ; salary 155
per mop , h and expenres ; also local work
ers guaranteed { 3 p , r day. ( 'entury , 3ll ; ) :
Market Ht. . PhlladelMln. ! P.I. B
MHX and women to appoint ngcnts : } 75
month , 1'X'ipn.npji ; steady position. " . But-
Irr * Al"i'r , New Haven. Conn. B
UANTI-in-Mui of nblllty and energy to
represent UK wl h school . of Ne
braska and Kansas ; no selling ; excellent
compensation. Miller The Parmrleu
Library. Chicago , III. B 514 21 *
WANTKIJ A book man who started as a
solicitor and har > reached a general
agent's position. Addtesp , W 21. Bee.
B-.V.1 21 *
J. > A DAY painting signs ; no experience r-
qulred with our method ; samples , In
structions , rtc. . 10o ; guaranteed. City
Sign Co. , Sprlnglleld. O. B 54fi 21 *
\VANTKU , energetic man to manage
brai'i'h olllee for estnbll.-ilied manufactur
ing hoo-p ; salary $ I2" per month and extra
commission * ; must furnish ? SOO cash and
satisfactory references ) . People's Co. , Cin
cinnati. Ohio. II | flj ( 21 *
COMMHHCIAl. travelers wanting side line
that pays Jl.Ofl for r > minutes talk , weight
3 ounces , glvo permanent address. Ilollcm
Mfg. Co. . Sioux City. la. 11 193 21 *
HNKUOKTIP salesman , school supplies ,
country work. Jinn salary and extras , n.
O. Kvnns * Co. , Chicago. III. B-I9I 21) )
C.OVHIINMRNT positions , Don't prepare
for any civil service or census examina
tion without seeing our catalogue of In
formation ; sent free. Columbian Corre
spondence college. Washington , n. C.
B-M IM 23 *
TflAVICLINO salesman wanted by estab
lished house ; no technical knowledge nec
essary , but simply nil around hustler of
good appearance and address ; first class
line , special eontract ; entire time re
quired ; references. Box 62 , Detroit , Mich.
B 197 21 *
KXPKIUICNCKD solicitors , ladles or gen
tlemen , especial Inducements to reliable
parties. The Greeley Nurseries. Greeley ,
Colo. B-506 21 *
I CANVASSICUS can make big money selling
the Spofford Cyclopedia ( J18.00) ) ; complete
set delivered on payment of M.BO : liberal
commission paid. Howard Iluddon. 320
Kamzo Bldg. B 505 21 *
WANTRD. a few men of good address who
are looking for profitable employment ,
reference reoulrpd. to call on J. Haglago
& Co. , 707 N. 18th St. B 501 21 *
WANTKD , six good salesmen to carry oui-
line as side line ; good commissions ; at
tractive line. L. and O. Noveltv Co. ,
Towa City , la. , B 503 21 *
MOUTH-HARP players ! Yon can make
big money selling the Harp-o-chord , harp
nml zither combined : the latest musical
wonder ; easy to play , sells at sight ; we
will send yon free a fine mouth-ham for
six names of harp players and 14c postage ;
write for catalogue. Chas. A. Robinson
& Co. , Emporla , Kan. B 502 21 *
WANTED , quick , two cornetlsts , a barber
'and a cigar maker. Address Band Leader ,
Red Oak , Iowa. B M501 23 *
WANTKD , dry goods dalesman , shoe saks.
man , grocery man and bookkeeper for
store In Nebraska ; must be men of ex
perience who can furnish best of refer
ence : single men preferred. Address W
10 , Omaha Bee. B 500 21 *
WANTED , energetic , reliable , traveling
salesman ; state ace and references. El
Padre Cigar Co. , St. l.ouls , Mo.B
B 4M 21 *
WANTED everywhere , hustlers to tack
signs , distribute circulars , samples , etc. ;
no canvassing , good pay. Sun Ailvertlsl-e
Bureau , Chicago. B 4SS 21 *
CHANCE for young man with small cap
ital to get position In established real
estate business In Omaha : must be capa
ble stenographer and bookkeeper. W 25 ,
Bee. B 5S5 21
WANTED , single man with Home experi
ence In undertaking business. Address
Box 30 , Bee ofllce , South Omaha.BS95
B-S95 21 *
WANTED , experienced colored porter ; must
be gocJ window washer and have first-
Hay * references. Apply at Boscts.n Store ,
Omaha. B G26 21
WANTED , a thorouFtiIy | experienced ele
vator conductor : positively no others v ed
apply. Boston Store , Oma'na. B-Gii 21
WANTED , man , energetic and well edit ,
rated : salarv or commission. Apply 12 tn
1:30 : at 2232 Kama in. B-G32 21 *
are reading
this ad.
What for ?
Then come nn > l iprepnre for onn of MK
position's ' we always have wnltlng for intel
ligent young Indies and gentlemen who are
qualllied > to do something that business men
require to have done.
Bco Building. Apply for Catalogue ,
'Phono 19SI.
C-611 21 *
WANTED , 200 girls. 1521 Dodge. Tel. S76.
AN Intelligent lady to take a shorthand
scholarship and pay for It when slit
llnlshes the course and secures a peti
tion. Address T 8S. euro Bee. C-MI1T
SO girls wanted. Canadian olllco 1X2 Douglas
( . - -MS K5
GIHL for general housework In small fam
ily ; wages M per week. Apply 12U Park-
wlldo nve. C IM 21 *
SOLICITOUS or canvassers , young womer
of good appearance ami address , to Intro
duce nil article of every-day use In fht
homos of Omaha. Those having had ex
perlence In canvassing or helling goods
over the counters In stores preferred. 'VN
11. Bro. C-M4G3 21 *
WANTED , a girl for general housework
mtift ho a eood cook ; J5 week. Mrs. J
II. Evans. 3J22 Karnam. C-MI77 21
WANTED , gtronp , neat ulri for genera
housework. Apply 1120 S. 2Sth St.
C-MI7022 *
WANTED Uulles to FCW ; } S a week
iintrcd ; reply with stamp. Lock Box 91 $
Chicago , III. C 532 21 *
WANTED , good girl for general house
work , close In , only two In family. goo <
U.IRIVI. Address W 31. 'Bee. ' C C07 21
WANTED-Urlsht lady to I MVP ! Ill No
L-ruika : J30 monthly and all expenses ti
iitart : position -permanent : self-addressee
envelope for particulars. Atnerlcmi Liter
ary and Musical asjoc-lalion , 35 $
born. Chl < ago. C 500 21 *
LADIES to do plain needle work for UK a
home ; we furn'sh materials and pay t
to MO : > er week ; t.end stamped envelop :
to Standard Co , 4219 Indiana ave. . Ch ;
case , C-KW 21"
WA.TKI'IJM | 11,13 HHI.P.
110 A DAY putlly mide tikln ? orders for
"Llfp of Moody ; " best book ; best terms :
credit ; full initiU free. Stan.lard Pub'n
Co. , 41 N. Clh St. . Phll.idelphlH , Pa.
C-i7 21 *
COMPETENT , pxperleneed stenosraiiher
and bookkeeper ; state salary expected.
W .W. Bre. C-M5SO S5
WANTED , three millinery apprentice girls
at Hayden Bios , C DPI 21
WANTED , a good Indy stenographer who
understands bookkeeping ; references' . W
32 , Bee. C-Mfi3l 23
WANTED , n good woman tn ilo cooklrit ,
washing and Ironing In family of two.
Apply 3.2 S. 37th St. C-M 0 Si *
rna ii-.vr !
IK YOt * v.-ant your house.i well rented
place them with Bcncwa t Co. D GIO
CHOICE houses , cottages , stores. II-Miry
B. Payne , Oil N. Y. Life. 'Phono. 101C.
HOI'SES , stores. Brmls , 1'axton block.
MAOGAUD Vntt ii ! Storage , IGlfi Cap. Ave.
Tel. 1191 D-fi. ! |
HOfHES for rent In nil parts of the chy.
Brennan-Lovo Co. , 300 So. j.lth street.
HOI'SES for rent. J. II. Sherwood. 9.J9 N.
Y. Life. 'Phone 3S . D-817
HOrSES to rent. Patterson , SOTi N. Y. Life.
2 TO 11 rooms. J3 to J-V ) . 3 I * . S. B'k hlilg.
S-T1OOM elegant apartments In Nornmnd'e.
(35.00 ; fi-room. all ni"dern cottage , newly
papered and In line shape , JK.OO. We hnvo
many others. Payne-Knox Co. , 1 t llnnr ,
N. Y. Life Bldg. D-CI9
KOR RENT , desirable houses nnd Hats.
Rlngwalt , Barker block. D GIS
I-'OU RENT , S-room house , nl modern con
veniences , opposite Hanscom park. 1529
Park Ave. Inquire 2130 S. . " 3rd or tele
phone ir.7. D-Mlf.7
3221 Cl'MING st. , seven rooms , modern ex
cept furnace : has just been painted and
renovated : will rent to desirable tenant ;
only J20.00. Omaha Loan t Trust Co. ,
IfHh and Douplas. D 2..n
2521 N. 24th St. , 3-room modern flat. $7.00.
2227 Spruce.I rooms , city water , $9.Vt. (
2910 Seward , 5 room cottage , city water. J10.
Kf.2 . S. 2.1d St. , I rooms , city water , JtO.OO. '
2302 N. 25th St. . S-room house , J15.00.
82.1',4 ' S. ISth St. . 4-room cottage , J7.00.
11)1 ) Marcy St. , I rooms , city water. $7.00.
Omaha Loan it Trust Co. , IGth and Douglas.
215 S. 29th ave. , modern seven-room house
In good condition. J25.00. Omaha Loan &
Trust Co. , IGth and Douglas sts. D 21 ?
FOR RENT. 9 rooms , modern , s'eam heat ,
enamel bath , ISffl Chicago st. Inquire W.
II. Grcon , 50G Karbach. Tel. S95.
D M43S 21
UNSURPASSED , central , steam heat , all
modern seven-room house. Tlzard , 221 N.
21th. D-M417 23 *
FITRNISHED 6-room modern cottage. W 12 ,
Bee. D M450 21 *
FOR RENT , 7 rocms , modern , West Kar-
r-nm district. J.TO.
7 rooms , bath , rewjy papered and painted ,
2G28 Capitol avenue ; reasonable rent.
7 rooms , modern , except furnace , 2721 N.
SC.'I ; reasonable rent.
Sec our list for otSiers from $5 upward.
R. C. Pciters & Co. , 1702 Farnnm.
D-G22 21
FOR RENT , good' ' four-room coUaue , 2COI
Hlondo street , JS. Inquire at 07 North
19th street. D M621 22
9-ROC'M tic-use , baith , furnace , large cellar
and attlo ; large luwn and fhade trees ;
best neighborhood ; near car line ; rent
.reasonable. W. V. Hedges , 509 Paxton Blk.
D-6IS 21
10-ROO'M ' modern house , near Mason and
iPark avenue , J2u. W. V. Hedges. 509 Paxton -
ton Blk. D G17 21
FOR RENT , modern " -room , with
furmice. In Hrst-clas53 repair. Inquire at
212 S. 30th streert. D-615 21 *
STEAM HEATED flat , 24th & Douglas ,
9 rooms , desirable for roomers.
C. F. HARRISON. 913 N. Y. Life.
D 144-22 *
IF YOU need a tenant list your houses
with W. V. Hedges , 509 Paxton block.
7-ROOM cottage , furnace , bath , gas , etc. ,
near High school. The O. F. Davis Co.
D-MI7S 22
S-ROOM modern house , newly papered ,
choice location , $23. Wheeler ti Wheeler ,
Douglas and 15th Streets. D-4S7 21 *
TEN room house , all modern. 2206 Hartley
St. D-4SS 22 *
FOR RENT , six room brick house , all
modern. 1G11 Kynes ave. D 4S2 2G *
FIVE , six , nine , fourteen rooms ; also
bouses for sale ; monthly payments. 1512
Davenport. D M371-23
TO I..ET. a largo 9-room thoroughly mod
ern dwelling with barn. I/argo yard. Cen
trally located. $50 per month.
TO I..ET , a 7-room modern cottage with
barn ; nice lawn. 602 South 29th St. $22.50
per month.
TO LET , a 9-room modern house with
barn , line lawn , 32nd and Pacific streets.
$40 j > er month.W. .
1320 Farnam St.
D-5SO 21
FOB RENT , modern steam 'heated ' apart
ment on s-ecoml floor of Davlcl'rro building.
FOR RENT 7-room house ; city water. 2C23
Clark St. D M511 23 *
310-312 N. 22d St. can be UEed without
bnsement ; line location ; 2543 Davenport
St. . B-room cottage ; gas , city water. In-
qulro 301 N. 22d. D-510 21 *
1SOS Corby St. . 6 rooms. $12.00.
If21 Manderson , 5 rooms , water , bath , $12.50.
2612 Bristol. 5 rooms. $10.00.
JWG Franklin , 5 rooms , $ S.OO.
R23 S. 23d. R-room Hat , $6. ( 0.
ao : . N. 25th , 7 rooms , $10.00.
131S S. 23'h. 9 rooms , $20.00.
D-GOO 21
27CS CAPITOL Ave. , 7 rooms , large lot , $13.
1327 So. 25th , 7 rooms , city water , $13.
2423 Poppleton AVP. , 7 rooms , city water , $15.
1513 So. 2Cth St. . 7 rooms , modern. JIG.
D-597 21
_ _ _ _
SPECIAL price. S-r. all modern.
Large lawn. West Omaha , $30.
Largo , handsome house.
Large barn. Walking dislancc.
$45. 3rt IT. S. Nat. Bank blily. D-5V7 21
MODERN house , Hanscom Place. Hleks.
D-G2I 21 *
pen HI\T KniiMSiiisn IIOD.MS.
NICE rooms at 314 So. 2Gth street.
13-Msia F : *
FURNISHED rooms , housekeeping. 2 > 23 St ,
Mary's. EM1JO 27t
1712 CLARK Ftreot , nicely funilfhrd rooms ,
single anil for llfJht housekeeping ; terms
reasonable ; en ht-imjn avenue > ur line ,
E-018 21 *
ONE or twn Immlsoniely furnished rooms
In residence oti Park ave. , No. IKS.
1 E--G29 21 *
JM U.MSIir.l ) HO ( ) > IS AM ) ISOAItl ) .
THE Merrlam family hotel , 25th and Dodge ,
TO 2 gentlemen , In private family. 2020 St ,
Mary's Ave. F M33S
FURNISHED rooms and board. 20i3 Douglas -
las St. Fi : i
ROOM and board , $4 and $5. 1512 Davenport
F-MSGS Fob :
FOR RENT , single front rooms , with llrst-
class board , for gentleman. 1722 Dodno st
F-MII3 21 *
FUUNISHED front room for 2. 1910 Capitol
Ave. K 1V5 21 *
S1G NO. " .Id Si. , nicely furnished rooms
with t-oard. -F397 21 *
KOH Hli\T II.\Kllll.VIKIII-il : HOOMS ,
FOUR unfurnished rooms. 61S S. 17th.
oil HIM' : sTonr.s IM > OFI-MCHS.
Foil RENT , strre In first class location ;
rent reasonable. Apply It. C. Peters &
Co. . ground lloor , Bfe bldg. -20fi I
FOB KENT. H ground floor office , specially
suitable for renl estate , etc. , splendid
vault built for use of city treasurer. Ap
ply R. C. Peters jt Co. , ground lloor , Bee
Building. 1-267
l-'OIl RENT , brick warehouse , two floors ,
each rox9ii ft el ; power elevator ? ; I * . P.
trackage. Apply Haarmnnn Bros. , 1911
S. Mill. 1-R6I
WAN1KD , neents for our new stamp
pho-os. Send photograph and line for 100
ftamp photos and full line of samples.
John T. Nichols , I.Vi Washington street ,
Chicago. J M17621 *
TYPHWinTERs"ir.f l. Sl.SnrTlSO alTd J3.OT.
Pra.-tleal up-to-dnte mft'hlres frTbusInen
-iirlvnto correspondence. c.r < ulars fr > ie.
Addrc's S. Blllmnn , Prospect Paik , Cnl.
J-.MI5S 21 *
AGENTS wanted , lOO.O'iO agents wauled at
oner to sell "Llfp nii > I Work of DwUht
L. Moody , nniclnl and million tic o.llllon.
Avrltten by his son , Win. R. Moniy and
Ira H. Snnkey. terms , freight
1 > ald , creilu glvru. Outlll free. Write to-
y. P. W. X.lesler .t Co. , 321 Dearborn
St. . Chicago , M. J-MIG7J1 *
AGENTS on salary or conimlsi'on. The
greatest agents' seller ever produced ;
evpry ufor of pnn and Ink buys li on sight ;
2V ( ) to 50-1 per cent profit ; one agent's wiles
ninoiinted to $1.20 In six d.iys ; another $32
In two hourn. Monroe Mfg. Co. . X Itl. li l
t'ri t > o , Wls. J MIV. 21 *
WANTED Agents to fell HIP new Im
proved Harvey Gasoline lamp ; con
structed on most modern and sclcntlllc
principles : makes Its own gas : mo. < t bril
liant and durable light on the market ;
agents can earn big money ; exclusive
territory now given. Address Cosmo
politan Incandescent Gas Light Co. , 173
Hast Madison St. , Chicago. .1
WANTED , oil agents , reliable , energetic
men , to sell our high grade lubricating
oils and greases on commission , either
exclusively or np a side line , locally or
traveling. The Cleveland Hellnlng Co. ,
Cleveland , Ohio. J
AGENTS : A whirlwind of dollars ; some-
tiling entirely new : will make you innro
monpy for next six months than any
thing In America. Manufacturer , 82 W.
Broadway , New York. J
AUTHENTIC JI.50 edition of Life unit
Works of Dwljjht L. Mooly for $1 0) .
Am ills' grca.tes'i . money maker. The best
HP.I most beautiful book published. Over
WM puce- * , profusely Illustrated. Se-ll.s at
svlRht. Outlll free : M per lent commission ;
< redlt given ; freight paid. Wrlto today.
v W. B. Conkey Company , Chicago.
J-G03 21 *
JUST OUT Now Peencss gasoline lamp ;
easiest lighted , most satisfactory , knocks
all competition : agents coining money.
Peerless Lamp Co. , 211 Railway Exchange
bldg. , St. Louis , Mo. J
AGENTS wanted everywhere for our Im
proved gasoline lamps , generate with n
match ; great sellers. Union Gaslamp Co. ,
Chicago. .I-K > 9 21 *
WANTED , agents In every county to selt
"Family Memorials , " good profits and
steady work. Address Campbell .t Co. ,
511 Plum St. , Elgin , 111. .I-55S 21 *
AGENTS wanted , aluminum hat brushes ;
Ills In hat , air tight cigar cases ; your hat
initial free ; stamp for particulars ; other
novelties , big prollts. Carter Novelty Co. ,
Kokomo , I ml. .1 35721 *
AGENTS , $1.95 starts mall order business at
home on business principles ; no book or
receipt scheme. 7G Rapid Mfg. Co. . Chi
cago. J 55G 21 *
AGENTS , "Life of Moody , " by his son ;
only authentic book Issued : millions want
It ; "sells at sight ; highest commissions ;
outfits free ; freight prepaid ; credit given.
Write today , Chicago Bible House. 5G 5th
Ave. , Chicago. J 555 21 *
WANTED Good sales agents In every
town in the United States to take orders
fit and workmanship
for made-to-order clothing ;
manship guaranteed ; prices the very low
est ; agents afe mnklng from $20 to $50
per week ; a line line of samples with
carrying case and lots of advertising
free ; spring and summer 1900 samples
now ready ; experience desirable , but not
necessary owing to the comprehensive in
structions and methods. Apply at once
to the Walton Tailoring Co. , Department
12 , Chicago , 111. Please mention paper.
J 553 21 *
WANTED Reliable agents everywhere to
K-iko orders for our Immense aprlng line or
medium-priced , genuine , made to order
' clothing ; no capital required ; outllt free ;
write Immediately for particulars and ex-
clutlvo territory , giving reefre-nces. - Eagle
Tailoring Co. , 212-213 Franklin St. , Chicago
cage , III. J
AGENT'S bonanza ; buy direct from manu
facturer ; wo make G2 new fast sellers that
sell to everybody at sight ; large profits ;
free sample. Factory , 22 .Mechanic St. ,
Newark. N. J. J
WANTED Agents to .sell the new Im
proved Harding Gasoline lamp ; con
structed on most modern and scientific
principles ; makes its own gap ; most bril
liant .and durable light on the market ;
agents can earn big money ; excluMvo
'territory ' now given. Address Cosmo
politan Incandescent Gas Light Co. , 173
East Madison St. , Chicago. J
LADY cleared $920 , man $1,1S2 last six
months Introducing H'olladay's Marvel
Waterproof shoo polish ; sefr-hlnlng ! ; ru.
Met and black ; why not. you' . ' Demon
strated samples lice. Holladay & Co. ,
room 330 , 1SS Monroe St. , Chicago , Sole
manufacturers. J GIG 21 *
PORTRAIT agents everywhere' quit 'cray
ons ; ' try washable enamellnes ; no glius ;
don't rub ; cheap. Family Portrait Co. ,
Chicago. J 513 21 *
WANTKD Agents to obtain J" > monthly
subncrlptlons In Co-Operative Mining Co. ;
now working patented Cilpple Creek
mlno now In ore ; unusual opportunity to
get largo re-turns from small Investment ;
bank references given. E. C. Atwooj ,
1422 Grant ave. . Denver , Colo. .1 511 lit *
PUBLISHERS' agents In every county ;
opportunity unexcelled. Conquest Pub
lishing Co. . Cincinnati , O. J-G13 21 *
WANTED Agents for most br 'llanl and
strongest gns mantlea maiT.ifactured ;
great Inducements tr > good salesmen.
Harrison MTg Co. , Railway , N. J.
J 312 21 *
AGENTS , secure agency at OIICP for ] ! 00 ;
our goods sell quickly , are useful and
used In every house hold ; no fakes ; send
I cents for catalogue. Handy Things Co. ,
Chicago. .I-53S 21 *
AGENTS selling thousands , coining mimey
with latest wonderful Illusion : the End
less Wire : sample nnd prlco lists , 10 cents.
Illinois Novelty Co. , ! # : i Harrison St. ,
Chicago. J 527 21 *
AGENTS , wide awake , hustling man In
ovi-ry town to hamlln new automatic.
weather strip , good prollts ; write for
tonne. Keith Mfg. Co. , Jollet. HI.
. ' 52G 21 *
AGENTS , towns 3vi / < up , for bankers rub
ber stamp Ille , new olllep rack : big prnlti ! ;
stamps for particulars. Kllncenberg ,
Mfr. Di-pt. p , 901 Security Bldg. . Chicago.
J-323 21 *
WANTED , agents to handle the only rufe'y
gasoline lanii ] manufactured ; Instantane.
HUH cold process generatliuf : no alcihnl
healing. Hafctv Gasoline Lamp Co. , | S9
La Halle. St. . Chicago. .1 521 21 *
$ | .ifl ) TO M.JO ( a day Hiiro above expense/i
and Htondy job t" good agonls selling imr
gas-ollno lamp. Brilliant Gas Lumn Co ,
-IS Clark , Chicago. Dept. 15. J 323 21 *
LI I'Mof ! J ) . L. Moodv by W. R. Mo'idy.
oi-ly iii''h < > nllc ! book : outfit free : be-it
terms. Illff & Co. , 110 Wnbash. cbicd-'o.
.1-521 21 *
AGENTS for "Authentic Uf > eif Moody"
by Ira Hankey : best book , highest com
missions and freight nnlil ; no money rp-
nulred. outllt free. National Publlsbl"g
Co. , Chicago. J-5C2 21 *
$ : .n.50 WEEKLY Introducing unleudld gas
light burner fur kerosene lamps ; sample
freeJ. . O. Luther Mfg. Co. , Cincinnati ,
Ohio. J-520 21 *
SALESMEN for all lines of ! mnlrn H npUn-
did > ddo line ) to fell our advertising fans ;
powcst. latest patterns. Just the thing
cuiitnmer * want : UO per cent rmninlHHlnn :
inanv of our men give their entire llmo to
nur line and make from ? 7" to Sl2'i every
w-pi-U : guaranteed best ildo line < -ver
'ffrri ' < l : wrlip promptly with rcfere'iee-H.
Aninlran Novelty Co. , Cincinnati. Oh'o.
J -519 21 *
AGENTS. $ ll > i monthly , melalle bread
boards ; sample free. U. O. Forvh' P Co. ,
1'lnilnnatl , Ohio. J-518 21 *
lonvrs AVivrr.n.
LEARN magnetic healing , the famous
Weltmer met hint oiu'-third price ; semi
stamp. W. 11. Reese , Corydc.n , Ind.
J-S17 21 *
A YOUNG man desires plne-e to work for
hoard while attending school. Address
Boylff , college , Bee bid. K 335
A YOUNG man willing to work wants place
to work for board while going to school.
Address W 5 , Bee. 1C-45S
A YOUNG man attending school de. lres a
place to work for board ; any honest
work. Address W 6. Bee. K-13 ?
WANTED , furnished room * nml board for
2 adults and 2 children. W 7. Bee.
K-M15I 21 *
BOARD and txunl for young lady , close In.
W IJ , Bee. K-5S2 21 *
WANTED. fttrnMied house or Mat for
family of 3 ; notify at once In hurry. W 15 ,
Bee. K-G332P
STOIl.inP .
PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co. . 912-
911 Jones , general RtortiKe and forwarding.
\v.\vrnn TO iifv.
ALL kinds of household goods , holds , etc. ,
In large or small quantities. Chicago Fur
niture Co. , 1108-10 Dodge. Tel. lOJO.
WILL purchase a limited number of
Omaha Savings Bank accounts. Brennan-
Love ( "o. , 309 So. 13th. N-6' > 7
WANT to buy olllce or bank fixtures : give
price and where to bo seen. W 9 , Ucc.
N-MI47 22
STAMP collections bought. Mortcnsen. 301
Paxton Block.- 459 FtS
WANTED , a 1 , H4 or 2-story dwelling In
Omaha ; answer with name , address , full
description property and price ; no ageints ,
owner only. W 17 , Bee. N MIS1 22
WANTED , large olllcp desk. Give descrip
tion , with price. Other office furnlturx
also. Illlng cabinets , etc. The "Jordan"
Stock Food Co. , Gresham , Neb.NM
N-M 172 22
WANTED , llreproof rafe. One with plenty
of room Inside. Give measurements and
price. Other office furniture wanted. The-
"Jordan" Stock Food Co. , Grcshani. Neb.
N-M 173 22
PEST Income property , $3,000 cas'i will buy.
1512 Davepiport. N M573-2. !
5 TO 20 acres In or nenr Omaha. W. V.
HfOircs. 303 Paxton Block , N GBS 21
WANTED , modern oak bank counter , 2 <
feet long : also vault door. Address A. H.
Savage , Stuart , la. N 530 21 *
HIGH roll top desk , good grade , live and a
'half or six feet long ; state make and price.
Address W 23 , Bee. N GOI 21 *
WANTED to buy , meat market and gro
cery , or grocery separate ; state terms.
Address W 29 , Bee. N 5S3 21 *
WANTED to buy. secondhand roller top
desk , about 3G Inches long , drawers on one
side ; state price nnd description. Address
W W , Bee. N-529 21 *
JEFFERSON Square 2ndhand store. Fur
niture & stoves bought & sold. 416 N. 16th.
O-150 F7 *
GOOD hack , new wheels , $250 ; 6 pass , rub
ber-tired rocknway , llrst-class condition ,
$450 : light roclcaway , $185. painted ; light
rockaway , $133 , painted ; 4 family car
riages , 3 phaetons , G good top buggies.
Drummoml Carriage Co. , ISth and Hariioy.
P & 2S J30
TOP BUGGY for sale , In good condition.
U 40 , Bee. P-M190
CHEAP , top phcaton. 2209 North 19th St.
P 21G F10 *
i WILL sell at a sacrifice , account leaving
city , extension top surrey and runabout
buggy with rubber tires , In line condition ;
also harness , poles and two line Jersey
cows. E. C. Price , S34 S. 29th st.
P-531 21 *
CHEAPEST and best oaft cribbing and hog
fences. 1)01 ) Douglas St. Q GG2
CUTTERS of drug prices. Sherman & Mc-
ComiPll Drug Co. , 1513 Dodge St. Q-f60
FOR SALE , ten R-I-P-A-N-S for 5 cents at
druggists. One gives relief. Q GGI
B. HAAS. Florist. 1S13 Vlnton St. ToT777G.
Plants , cut flowers , boquets , hall , resi
dence , wedding and grave decorations.
Orders by mall or express promptly filled.
INDIAN relics , mounted heads. 111G Farnam
2DHAND safe cheap. Derlght , lllfi Farnam
SAFES , buy , sell , exchange. Ill S. 13th St.
THE only carriage heater or foot warmer
worth buying. Price $1.50. Drummond Co.
Q-S27 J30
WANTED , to sell buildings Nos. 1514 , 131G
nnd 1518 Dodge st. ; purchaser to clear the
lot , G6xl20. of all material and rubbish.
Apply 1G24 Capitol ave. Q 429
JERSEY cow and calf , 3003 S. 19th.
Q-1GO-21 *
On Monday , January 22 , we will soil the
following machines , every one in thor
ough condition ; think of buying a sew
ing machine for $1.00 :
Former Price. Monday.
Union $ S.fW $1.0,1 ,
Remington I.Oil 2.TO
Singer 1.00 - 2.00
Wheeler & Wilson ti.Nl 3.00
Union fi.WI : i.2
Whlto 7.00 3.M
White 15.00 7.50
Domestic ! 10.00 5.TO
Domestic 15.0(1 ( 7.50
Standard 30.00
SiiiKpr , high arm 15.00 7.50
Howe fi.OO 2.50
Singer , good ns new 30.00 15.IX )
New machines from M8.00 up ; repair and
parts for cverv machine manufactured.
NEBRASKA CYCLE CO. . 13th and Ilarney
FOB SALE , clccant upright plann , flue
rendition , cheap for cash. Address W 25 ,
Bee. Q-M39I 23 *
FOR -yiALE - , five fpccnrt'-'h.ind ' ' SlrvjeHCW -
IIIT machines. 1 new HOWP , 1 White mvl
1 Household. US N. 15th. Q-CJS 21 *
STERLING bicycles.3 ; none belter at any
price , come quick If you want ope : repair
ing and supplies. Om , Bicycle Co. . PI &
Chicago. Q-M5M
COMPELLED to sell line $1V ) Voso piano ;
used 3 months only. 1915 Chicago St.
NOTICE , country dealers , Idhand furniture
it stoves at lowest prices , i-arload lots or
less. Chicago Furniture Co. , KOMO Dodge.
SEWING machines to rent , 75c per week.
Nebraska Cycle Co. , 15th and Harnny.
R-M217 Fll
If any Omaha people have not as yet con
sulted this wonderful palmist It IH their
own fault , for she has been In Omaha
moro than three years and her business | H
eo satisfactory thut hho cannot consist
ently leave the town.
She reads life accurately and her predic
tions of the future are always correct.
If you are in trouble Mme. Gylmer'B advlcet
Is Invaluable. She can positively locate
lost or stolen articles. She suaranteen
ratlsfactlon. Send $1 and t-lx questions
answerc-d , Parlors of Palmhlry. 1C !
Duller , s-outh fldo P. O. Hours , 6 tr > 7.
Sundays. 10 to 4. S-C23 21
MRS. FRITZ , clairvoyant , M > i N. 16thS
MADAME PALMER , the celebrated clnlr-
vnynpt ami nplrllual medium. Is now lo
cated at 1707 Cass st. Since the beginning
of hNtory man has been persistent In his
pfforts to llml out thp things that will do
him good. The scientific mllul has been
nl work Investigating the hidden mys-
trrlcs of nature and trying tn solve the
many questions that will bi-netll him atul
> U.i Hud. ,
The lady whose name heads till * nrllclp
l. < one of nature's purp and lovely women
and her power simply border. * on the
miraculous. She Is endowed so that she
OH n he of Inestimable help to her fellow
IIP n and In all things stands ready to lend
a helping hand. She can positively re
veal the past and prc ent and accurately
fotetell the future. Kh absolutely tells
where hidden ti ensures may bo found. She
gives Invaluable advice on mntrlniony ,
dlvorcp , love , business and affairs of all
kinds. She Is regarded as the
prognostlcatnr of modern times.
The very best people of thp city consult
Madanip Palmer and she has bfen the
means of saving many a man from finan
cial ruin. All these things taken Into
consideration she Is pre-eminently the
world's greatest wonder. Come and bo
convinced. 1707 Cass st. S 5S4 21 *
MME. GYLM12R genuine palmist. 1C05 DodRo
MME. PALMER , medium , removed to 1707
Cass. -
MHS. DR. HART , clairvoyant and palmist ,
depends not on "bombastic tone of largo
advcrtlscmiMits but upon the solid deeds"
of merit. Her crowded parlors speak for
themselves. Hours 9 to S. 213 N. 1Mb st.
S-5S7 21 *
SPIRITUAL meeting and lecture at Pat
terson hall. 171 h and Farnam. this Sunday
evening. Good music. Wonderful tests.
H-6M 21 *
MRS. BERRY , baths , massage. PARLORS
best equipped In city ; porcelain tub ; lady
attendants. 119 No. IGth , 2 > 1 Moor.
T M5S4 J 30 *
Franxcs Do Scutorlous of K. C. 107 N. 12th.
MME. AMES. R. 2,507 S. 13 ; massage b.iths.
T-D31 FS *
MAY WILSON , bath , massage. 619 S. 16th.
ELITE PARIxmS. 615 S. IGth , upstairs ;
first-class ba'hs , magnetic treatment.
Lady attendants. T 217 22 *
MISS MACK , baths , massage , 21SV4 N. IGth.
T-3S7 F13 *
BEATRICE HARLOW , elegant massage
tub bath ; Arabian trrnlincnl. Flat D , 70.1
S. IGth. T-190 25 *
MME. SMITH , room 2 , 11S' < . N. lath.
T-MG03 27
VIAVI Is woman's way to health. 346 Bee
Bldg. U-673
SHAMPOOING 25c , hair dressing 25c ; hair
and toilet goods , best equipped. Monholt ,
1518 Farnam. U-G74
PRIVATE hospllal for ladles before .1 dur
ing contlneinenl ; babies adopted. 1130 N. 17
U G76
MONHEIT. leading chiropodist. 1518 Far-
nam , 2d lloor. U G75
SCALP & hair treatmenl. Mme. Post , SlDtf
S. 15th. U 677
LIEBEN , costumer. 1313 Howard. Get
catalogues. U 678
RUPTURE cured , no knife , no pain , no
danger. Send for circulars. Empire Rup
ture Cure , 932 New York Llfo building.
Omaha. U MS42
GOOD large barn for rent In north part of.
city. Inquire 2124 Locust. U 103
PLEATING and pleated skirts of all kinds ,
M. Goldman & Co. , 200 Douglas block.
U-231 Fll
J. E. DIETRICK. architect and structural
engineer , 610 Ramee block. U 2iii F12 *
PROF. LUND positively destroys corns ,
bunions , warts moles 511 Karlxich folk.
U 42iFIG
MORPHINE , Opium. Laudanum , Cocalno
habit : myself cured ; will Inform you of
harmless home-cure. Mrs. Baldwin , box
1212 , Chicago. U
FREE : Success In life can only bo
obtained through influence ; will send
absolutely free a 100-pane book which
explains all the secrets of hypnotism ,
personal magnetism and magnetic heal
ing. Tells how to cure diseases and bad
habits' , enables you to win nnd hold the
love and respect of others. Anybody can
learn In a few days. We guarantee suc
cess. Write today. Address New "i ork
Institute of Science , Di-nt. 411 E , Barry
Building , Rocheste-r , N. Y. U
GET married ; we have occupied the same
olllcps twelve years ; monthly matrimonial
paper , 2 cents. Mr. and Mrs. Drake. Chicago
cage , III. U-5GO 21 *
MIDDLE-AGED widower would marry
woman who would appreciate 'kindness ;
has nice home , good business and worth
$10,000. Address Mr. Wood , box 21G , Enge- :
wood Station , Chicago , III. U 535 21 *
WOMAN'S welfare within her own control
by using Dr. Leon Dupre's "French Zy
motic Cones , " tin- greatest blessing ever
discovered for female Irregularities , weak
ness , etc. ; our booklet tells you all par
ticulars ; sent sealed for 2-ccnt stamp.
Address the Fauvre Importing Co. . Co
lumbian bldg. , 91G Market St. , San Fran
cisco , Cal. U-531 21 *
CONTRACTOR and builder of railroads ,
stately appearance , worth $500,000 , rather
retired , would marry. Mr. Graham , care
Berger , G13 Lexington ave. , N. Y.U533
U-533 21 *
ATTRACTIVE widow , 3S , positive Income
$5.000 , to relieve loneliness seeks matri
mony with trustworthy gentleman. Mrs.
Harper , 7G2 Lexington ave. , N. Y. City.
U-532 21 *
PERSONAI , Your stars tell ; send lOc and
pelf-addre se' < l stamped envelope , sex , date
. and hour of birth ; If latter not known
cend form nnd features ; prompt rfply ;
full rending $1. Dr. Derolll , I' . O. Box 1S74 ,
ItOFtnn , Mass\ U
MARBY love-ly women and honorable
men : many rich ; tvnd 2c for big list ,
Mutual Exchange , Kansas C.ty | , Mo. U
SUPERFLUOUS hair , warts and mnles
permanently removed by electricity ; con
sultation free and conndfrjtlal : all work
gu.irantceil' . Miss Allcnder , 1613 Doughs.
LADIES your bust enlarged six Inches ;
failure Impossible ; harmless ; $ KX ) e-iisa-
guarantee- , proof froe. Leonard Medicine
Co. , Kantian City. Kas. U 510 21 *
$1.000 and upwards to loan on Improved c ty
property and farms. W. Farnain htnlth
& Co. , 1320 Farnam. W-680
MONEY to loan on Nebraska am ! Iowa
farms ; lowest rates. Brennan-Lovo Co. ,
309 S. J3th , Omaha. WS1
{ ICO TO $2,000. F. D. Weael , 16th and Douglas
WANTED , city nnd ( arm loans ; also bonds
and warrants. R. C. Peters & Co. , 1702
Farnam St. , Bee Bldg. W CS3
WKITE us If you want a loan on your farm
In Iowa , eastern Nrb. or Mo. ; It will pay
you. Anthony Loan & Trust Co.,315 N.Y.L.
$1UODO.VK ( ) to Invest through Hunkers ,
Brokers , Promotes ! ; se-nt for circular.
Investors' Directory , N. Y. W-C 3
tTFER CENT money. BemU. Paxton block.
MONEY to loan on first-class Improved rlty
property or for b'.tlldlng purpotscs. Payno-
Knox Co. . N. Y. Life. W-CS7
E , 6V& , f per rent loani In Omaha , S. Omnha.
W. H. Thomas. C03 1st Nat. bank.
MONEY to loan at 5 and D'/i ' per rent on
Cmaha property. W. B. Melkle , 401 fto. 15th
FIVE per cent ; farm loans. Chas. E WII-
. W-C31
MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real
estate. Brennan-Lovo Co. , 209 South ISth.
W coo
I PRIVATE money , low rate , no delay.
| Garvln Uroi. , JCI3 Farnnm St. W 149
$5.WJ UN Omuha In Jine. 1512 IJavinuorl.
, - -
. - - - - - - - - - - - - -
, _ _ „ S-E-E--U-S
WP liavo n large ninotinl to loan on IIOUSP-
i hold furnlturp , plnnos. organs , warchoiiss
receipts , horses , carriages , etc.
You can get the money within a few hour ?
I after making application. WE CHARGE /
WP give you as niueh time as you need and
I you may repay HIP lonn ns soon as you
I choose and you peed not pay for It ONH
! Tel. 2293. 3 < W South 16th Street
| S-A-L-A-R-Y-L-O-A-N-S
From $10.00 up made to people permanent ) }
, employed In OMAHA. SOUTH OMAHA
You can borrow of us on your owti natnfl
i without endorser or mortgage. WP nr-
rangp the payments ns easy as Is poss'b'o .
allowing you to pay ALL or IN PAR' ! fe
t" t * tv * I * 1 T *
' Our business Is I'onlldenllal.
Omaha Mortgagp Lonn Co. .
Room 110. J06 South IGth Street.
Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. 2JV. : ! .
holding permanent positions on their own
name without . ? "uorsf > r or mortgage.
EST RATES. No Inquiries mndo of em
ployer or friends. You cnn borrow any
amount and repay In easy weekly or
monthly payments. Before borrowing sea
mo. OMAHA CREDIT CO. , stlltp S2V52J
N. Y. Life Bldg. X-701
diamonds , watches , on easy payments , un
known to others ; you keep the goods , each
payment lessens the cost -it thp loan : no
charge for papers and we make no In
quiries of your neighbors. Bprger.i Loan
Co. . 1501 Farnam , over B. & M. ticket
office. X-4P1
MONEY loaned on pianos , furniture , horses ,
cows , Jewelry. Duff Green , R. 8 , Barker blk
MONEY loaned salaried people holding permanent -
manent position with responsible concerns
upon their own names without security ;
easy paymentb. Tolman , 706 N. Y. L. Hide
MONEY loans on furnlturp , rigs , bicycle.
diamonds , watches , etc. ; payment un
known to friends. Omaha Loan Bank , 1418
Fnrnam , upstairs. X-C9I
LOANS made to salaried people on their
personal note without security ; rates rea
sonable. J. , W. Taylor , 21S First Nafl bk.
hldg. 12 lo 6ln : p. m. X-G93
MONEY loaned on planew , furniture , Jew-
Plry , horses , cows ? , etc. C. F. Hrert. 319 3.
13th. X P9
ployed In Omaha. South Omaha nnd
Council Bluffs , holding good positions , on
tho'r ' own names. NO MORTGAGE : BEST
TERMS , everything private ; money can
be paid back In small weekly or monthly
payments. American Loan Co. . Room
GOI. Bee Cldg. X 700
MONKY to lonn on furniture , plnnos ,
hnm > s. cow * , etc. .T. W. Taylor. 21S First
Nat'l hk. bldg. 12 to 8:15 : p. m. X-703
Permnnoi tly engaged with responsible em- -
ccrns , on ns peed terms ns It -Husl'ilo '
for any one. and without mortgage , en
dorser or security of any kind other than
their own names. Money can be paid
back In easy weekly or monthly Install
ments to suit convenience of borrower.
Persons momentarily embarrassed who de-
slro above everything else to avoid pub
licity are the class wo especially deslro
to servo.
You can deal with us quickly and sntlsfai1- fit
torlally. All applications treated eoi-ll-
dentlally. It will be greatly to your rd-
vantage to call at our office before bor
rowing and get our terms. Questions
cheerfully answered and you will receive
courteous attention whether you borrower
or not.
Room GOI Bee Bldg.
A DESIRABLE old-established cash busi
ness. Owing to falling health I have
concluded to retlro from business and
offer my stock of groceries , tinware , meat
market , flour and feed for sale. If you
want a desirable business Investigate
Bartlctt Grocery Co. , GOO and G02 Broad
way , Council Blurts. Y MC2I J2S
BOOT nnd shoo stock , or dry goods , or
grocery stock , or a hotel , all good. Also
Iowa farms. Box 874 , Shcnandoah , la.
Y-M453 27 *
A GOOD chance for lively man. Best loca
tion In town for grocery and meat mar-
ke' . FIxtnrcH In building and will sell
same cheap. Address Lock Box 7 , Shelton -
ton , Neb. Y MI71 23
WE HAVE some cash nnd mortgage of
JI.IOO at 7 per cent on good farm , for
which wo want furniture and lease of
good $2 per day country hotel.
103-acro Ohio farm , high state of cultiva
tion , will exchange for hotel property or
any other of equal valuation ; no incum-
brancc. Price , $7,000.
50-room hotel , full of permanent city
guests , steam heat , good location , $1,100
down , will place you In this IIOUSP.
50-room hotel , swell location , fola business ,
prlco less than $2,000 , about our half down
Beautiful home. 10-room house. 10 acres of
ground , clear ; will exchange for holel
and will put In other properly , clear , up
to $10,000. s- j
25-room boarding house , full steady board- f \
ers , good location ; prlco $1,200 , with $ GOJ ( ' 3
14-room house In flno location , elegantly
furnished , full of high class trade , less
than $1,000 will buy It.
Will exchange hotel property worth $15,000
for other good Income property.
Will exchange furniture and lease of best
50-room coml. hotel In N. W. ; receipts l-el.
$33,000 and $35,000 annually , for clear
Omaha properly ; price 7.010.
WANTED , a lady or gentleman with money
fet partnership In hotel business , experi
ence not necessary ; come or write us for t
further Information. '
Room 101 , Bee Bldg.
Y-578 21
"TiiM Little .Monarch cylinder HCPI-Cooler"
Is superseding the old fus'hlonnel col | ,
Saves half the lr cnn IIP qulcklv clp'n < l. 40 feet of e-oollng surfacn iin < * dellvcM
a perfect glnt > 8 of beer. General distribut
ing imc-nl of ti'iui'dlng ' cun w.uif u-r-
rltory. Stmbel Cooler . .Mfg. Co. , fi7 ft H9
Ce-dar St. , N w York. Y-Mi-21 *
CASH' buys millinery sHock anil fixtures ,
lively town , 10,000 ; central Nebraska ; well
established trade ; also offers good opNi-
Ing for dressmaker ; cheap renl ; only
two other millinery stores : selling on ac
count of poor heallh. Address U 50 , Her ,
PROFITS In stock * wheat nnd cotton ,
Mackpy's Modern Methods Malto Monny
Wrlto feir our free book. C. E. Mnckcjr
& Co. , 29 Broadway , New York. Y-
ENORMOUS forlunes are being derived
from the cultivation u * < <
oranccs and other tropi il products : let
us send you free a Illilc book , showing
how you may participate In HUSH
profits without conflicting with your
regular buslm-ss. Th < - OIIXIIIM. Co. , f,2 < )
Fullerton Bldg. , St. Louis , Mo. Y
DITOR. 710 FINK ARTS BLDG. . clll.
' . Y-5B2 *
( 'AGO. ILL. - -
BUSINESS opportunity , will si-ll my iom
plclc Motion Plctiiie- Public Knt rlitii
men ! outfit with large advertising bllln
and everything needed , cheap for cuuh ,
all first class and will show motion l < Ic-
turcs natural an life ; no experience re
quired to opcratiIt : have made JO ) to
J.'niO per week : Imxt of i canons for selling ;
send this ad anil address Drawer HI ] ,
( Ml lea so. Y-5G3 21
WANTKD. tu practical culler and tailor or
will IKIPC shop with goewl ImrlncHH Ad-
drefa * Box 2'jG , O.ikiand , la. Y MS7I-21
IT co tH the American planters eif southern
Mexico 4'i ' ccnlx a pe/und to ralfp good
ooffcei nnd par the frrlctot Upon It fo Ht
Lf.uls. An ! ntirc.-M In this lniHlnciw upon
wnall monthly jMyniPiilK Wrtto fur free
1iook. Mo C. & R. Co. . 210 Luchtdeliulid -
Int , ' , St. Ixiulri , Mo. Y Swi 21 *
AVOID trouble. Write love letters with
( rnt Ink. fudea and vunUhe * In two
wci-k * . Mulled on receipt of 30 rcnln In
Mum-in Agrr/.H warred P T Khlllston.
IH Pearl Direct , N w York. Y--S6I21 *