THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SfXDAT , JAXt'AKY 21 , 1000. 121 CONDITION OF OMAHA'S TRADE Jobbers Do Not Ixpcct Much Demand for Winter Merchandise. SPRING GOODS NOW CLAIM ATTENTION tniiNiiall ) I.III-HC Number of Order * Cumins to llnnil Mi-r- chntitx ( MMicrnll- I'li'iiNi-d ullh UKSOIINOII UN Whole. The condition of 6maliii'H trade during last week line been very sHll fuctofry. job- b rs arc no longer complaining of the tin- Mu.fonp.blo weather , but uro buy getting thi-lr spring lines In nhnpo and Hiving little thuuKht lo trade In heavyweight goods. Now that the demand for winter Hoods Is practically over with In most lines local Jobbers llnd that they by no means have him n bad season. Retailers bought lib erally onrly In the full in anticipation of n bl winter demand , which undoubted , y would have been fully realized had there been the uiual amount of cold weather , but as It was , retail trade In many sec tions was rather light on cold weather goods , so that duplicate orders were not us nutneroiiM n usual. The fact that dealers bought unusually heavy orders last fall went a long way.- , however , In making tip for the lack of duplicate orders , during the last few weeks , so that jobbers really have very little to complain of. On the contrary they have much to feel encour aged over , as nearly all local jobbers report the largest and best assortment of advance Hprlng orders that they have ever had this early In the season. It would seem then tlmi retailers out through the country ate In pretty good shape and have plenty of confidence In future trade. There were very few changes last week In market values , though there was the name llrmncss all along thr line that has prevailed for many months past and what few fluctuations were reported were In the nature of ad vances. Lot nl retailers reported u nice. trade last week , as the weather conditions were such as to bring out the shoppers In lariru numbers. CrocrrlrM Ailvitnrc Slmrplj- . Wholesale grocers had another bis run ot business last week and say that in vol ume of sales they uro making good sub stantial gains over the showing made dur ing the corresponding period of last year. The general tone of llio market Is firm , with an tipward tendency and In several cases miotablo advances were reported. Hie sugar market was rather excited last week nnd advanced sharply. It Is now G-lCc higher than It was ten days ago , which Is the sharpest advance which has taken place In several months. All grades uro affected by this rife and Indications are thought favorable for still higher prices. Coffee. Is also going up rapid y and local jobbers are freely predicting that It Is go ing to continue to advance. They say tliu visible supply 1ms decreased since October 1 about l.iuO.OO' ( ' ) bags ) , which Is a good Indi cation that consumption has very materi ally Increased and for that .m1lso'nr' ! ' ' - Ing for an advancing market. 'I hero V.IIH very little If any change la week in canned goods. thoiiEh the market Is In a very strong position. Especially Is this true of 'corn nnd tomatoes , which are per haps a trlllo higher than they were a week ago and are much llrmer In tone than they have been for some time past , iho only change in farinaceous goods was n still further advance In beans , which also In cludes California dried limns. Common salt advanced 15u pur barrel last week. which carries It to the highest point reached In several years. "Will Maintain Value * . Hardware jobbers cay they are Just be- ci inlng to get started In on the new year a 1 nnd that present Indications point to ? ven greater prosperity than was experi enced durliiff last year. Not ono of the leant encouraging ff-atures Is the lioa thy condition of the market. Jobbers say that tliero Is no doubt but what there s going lo bo the same scarcity of goods this year as last , which means that there will be no surplus of stock to have a weaken nc n- llueneo on fho market. Then top , the In- dlcatlomi are that the demand will bo oven greater than It was a year ago , so that those who are Hi a position to know say that there Is not the slightest doubt but what present values will be maintained for at Icrtat the first six months of the year , and an far as known at present there Is no reason for thlnklnir that there will bo any change in tor In the year. Many dealers are so confident that they are predicting Btlll higher prices and sny that the top has not been reached by a long ways. Local Jobbers report conditions In the territory tributary to this market most encouraging nnd uro looklne for the heaviest run of spring business over experienced. Retailers ors out through the country have , as general thins , had a good trade , all winter nnd consequently are buying heavily for spring. Collections are In coed shape nnd no complaints of any kind are heard. The market was without special feature last week. Nulls and wlro uro in a very strong position , though no quotable change ha * taken place since the advance of 25 per cent , which went Into effect the 1st of the year. Practically all lines are very linn but quotations remain the same. Dry GoodH Firm. Dry cood.i men are still busy getting Ir. their spring goods. They uro rapidly get ting UicJr Blocks In shape , Jiowever , ami como Bprlnggood's ' duive already beoi whipped. This week will probably see the real conimciiccmonti of wprlnjj shipments nmJ , judglnc from tlio way orders nre com ing liv at the iprosent time , Jobbers say it will b a lone tlmo before Uiey will ge.t < -a UK tit up. Tiho fiu-t 'thnt the weather Sins born rather unfavorable ! for the demand for winter good does not seem to stop re tailers 'from placing very liberal orders for spring anil summer goods ami If the pres ent rate bo maintained throughout the year Jobbers say tihey will 'have ' Iho be t trade on record. There were no changes In mar ket quotations worthy of mention , thoim'h practically all lines nre as firm as ever with the same upwaixlitondejicy , IlllllllPICOOllH SIOIV. Nothing of much Importance took phioi last week with 'boot ' and choe jobbers. Tuiey too , are getting In stocks and preparing ti Hturt lifting advance orders , of which They have < i liberal .supply. Traveling men am pending In very favorable re-ports from various sections of Mils part of the country nnd are all predicting an Immense trad' when It fairly gets started. The facet tha they have already obtained moro than tin usual ii'iimbor ' of orden * for tills season o the year speaks well for future business. Not much c-an bo said of the rubber busl ness , tin thorn practically Is none. Uubbe I'hoos ' nor I'lol'hing ' have not been in demnm for ome tlmi ) and consequently jobbers ur receiving very IIUlo Immediate business. A near as can lie learned roiullers' blocks ur < | Ultk ) heavy and It Is fcarnl that consider able will bo curried over until next year. The hldo market IK weak and uiwettlei and r.ither unsatlnfartory t both the buy li.g and selling Interests. No. 1 and No. raited bidet ) feli elf ' < , ivnt last' week and th markcit Is still nnsoUled. I ' 'nil I nnil I'rodnee. Very IMtlo of Interest tank placn on th fruit nnd produce imirkot last week. Trad In most lines waw decidedly draggy and th markets wlWivmr jK > eliil features. I'rlues 01 fruits nnd vego-ta-blos sire practically th sumo UH they were a wuok ago. A fov MiM'Wberrlos ' wore revolved hint week froi ; Florida , but weru incut too lilgh priced t lo very i > opnlar. Tim egKinarker , under the Inllnence of In neaslng rerolpiH , fell off considerably , a will be seen from the- ( ( notations below Poultry UIIH also in good rpoolpt nnd , al thoiiKh there was a good demand , price : wo.ikunod tninewJnu. lUitter came In quit freely , hut tlu ro wa little or no fliange li quoHitloiiM. Oys > li rs nlsi remain the s.une , thoush the supply Is OMAHA < ; IMH.U : : , .IIAUKKT. Coiidlllon of 'I'rinlo nnil ( Initiation * .Staple , nnil I'nm-y I'rodiiei- , EiGS-Recelpt ( , Increasing ; freah stocl weak at I3e. DRESSED POl'LTRY-Cholce to fain turkejs , lie ; ducks , So ; geese , 9c ; uprln chlckemi , 7i08c ! ; hens , tiiiii'.ic ; roosters , l LIVE POULTRY-Hcns. fie ; spring chick ens , Cc ; old and staggy loostcrs , Sc ; ducks G'jc ; gcoje. . CHc ; turkeys , 7c. lU'TTER-Common to f.iir. Jfi'is ; cholc _ lS4H9c ; separator , 'J5c ; gathered crcamerj "pKiEONH-Llve. per doz. . 75c. VEAl-S-Cholce. Sk\ GAME-DuckH , mallards , blu wing trnl , $1.75 : green wind teal , mixed ducks , $ l.tOf | ' .00. OYSTERS Mmllum , per I'.in. ISc ; slam ard , per can , Sic ; bulk t < iandard , per gal ( I 25 ; extra M'lorts. per can , ? 0c ; extra * e- lects. per gal. , li.tiQfl.75 | ; New York eounts , per c-an , 37c ; Now York countx , per 1 > . $1.25. H AY - L'pluncl , choice. ftl.M ; midland , choice , $ S : lowland , choice. $5 : rye htraw , ch"lce $5.50 : No 3 corn 27c ; No , 3 whin- oat a , 22 > : c. cracked t-urn , per tun , $12 , torn Hiul oatn. < lioppod per tnn. $ l"i" . bran , per VEGETABLES. SPINAi'HPer box. $1. NEW BEKTS-1'rr doz. bunches , 75c. RAniSIIKS-rer dnjs. bunrhes. 40o. I.KTTPCK Per doz. bundle * . 4h ( ; ; fancy bond iPtttlio , per bbl. , W. SWEET POTATOES-Per bbl. . Illinois" , $3 ; Jerseys. $5 , large bbl. * . , Knti ai , $2.75 , POTATOES-Per bu. , choice. 3 ff40o. CAHBAGE-Hollnnd seed. 2c. CAI'LIFLOWER-Por crnto , $2.50. ONlONP-Retall. yellow. 7 c ; red , R61WC. CELFRY-Por . ' California , - doz. , 2.1'JSOc ; | MT bunch , tOT/'So. TPRNIPS Rutabagas' , per Ib. , 1'ic ' : Ca nadian , IHo. MfS 11 ROOMS-Per Ib. box , 50c. TOMATOES-Florlda , per 6-baskct crate , SI.60. APPLKS-Cholee westfru shipping slock , 3.WUl-W' Xfw York stock , $3.75tH.O ) ; fancy , Ji.25H4.Eo. GHAPliS-Malaga grapes , per bbl. , $7.001 ? 9.00. CltAXniClUUKS-Ucll nnd Bugle , per bbl. I i ; Jersey. , M.T5. OIIANGKS .Mexican , per box , 13 : Cali fornia navel * , per box , J3.WMJ3.75 ; California. srodlliiRs. per box , J2.75R3.t/l. LKMONS-Callfornla f ncy , $ J.73 ; choice California , $ .1.r,0 ; .Messina , 14. MISCKLLAXKOL'S. IIONICY-Per 24-sectlon caae , } 3.25. NPTS-IUckory nuts , large , per bu. , $1.53 ; shnllbnrk. " . $1.35. K1OS California layers , per 10-lb. box , $1 ; California carton , per lo-lb. box , $1.10 ; Imported lies , per Ib. , 13c. 13ATKS-CO-lb. boxes , SH'd'Je per Ib. -MAPLi : SUOAH-Per Ib. . OfilOc. UiDKS , TALLOW , 13TC. Il'IDKS No. 1 green hides' , fc ; No. 2 green hide. * , 7r ; No. I salted hides , 9c ; No. 2 salted hides , 8c ; No. 1 veal calf , S to 12 Ibs. , 9r ; No. 2 venl calf , 12 to 15 IbS. , Sc. TALLOW. OKI3A8K. BTC Tullow. No. 1 , 4c ; No. 2 , 3i c ; rough , 2c ; while grease , 2' > i 3'ic ; yellow nnd brown crease , 2',4i3c. ' .MOW YOU1C ( ! i\HHAI : , .M.iltlCliT. ( InotntlonN for ( he ln > - mi Vnrloui Coininoilllli'fi. NKW YOUK. Jan. 20.-KLOUn-neccIptp. 21,993 bbls. ; exporls , 8.2TS bbls. : quiet but steady ; Minnesota patents , $3.70if3.93 ; Min nesota bakers' , $2.751/3.00 ; winter patents , $3.5073.75 ; winter straights , $3.30 0.40 ; win ter extra , $2.r..Hr..S3 ; winter low grades , { 2.2&fi2.40. Hye flour , quiet ; fair to good , $3.101(3.20 ; choice to fancy , $ : t.253.50. Uuck- wheat Hour. qule1. $2.CXX(2.15. ( ( COIlNMRAIgulet ; yellow western , SOc ; : lty. 7iic ; Hrandywlne , $2.20fl2.30. UYK CJuli't : No. 2 WfRtern , OOVic f. o. b. ; f.tuto rye , 33itCCc c. I. f. Now York 'HAULHY Dull : feeding , n\i \ < nwtc c. i. ' . New York ; malting , 5lKi33c c. I. f. New L'ork. HAHLKY MALT-Dull ; western , riJSfiuc. W1IKAT Hecelpts , 31,600 bit. Spot , llrm ; No. 2 red , TTJic f. o. b. afloat , prompt ; No. I red. "l ic elevator. Options opened steady nnd ' , c higher on a. llttlo foreign buying mil udverso crop news from Hussla and France. Scattered covering ; by local houses kept the market firm throughout most ot ho forenoon. The close was linn at H'a1 40 net advance ; March clowd at 73',4c ; May. 7113-lG&72Iie ; closed , 72Vfec ; July closed at 72Uc. COHN-Ilecelpls. 165,020 bu. ; export * , SS- . ,13 bu , ; salcw , 120,000 bu. spot. Spot , steady ; No. 2 , I0c f. o. b. afloat and -tOVic elevator. Options opened stcndy and unchanged , with buyer.t restricted by the expected government - mont report. Later prices hardened n little : m wet weather and cable advances In rt'heat. Closed steady and unchanged. May closed at 29Uc. OATS llecelpts , 103,300 bu. ; exports , 25- S33 bu. Spot , dull ; No. 2 , 23V4c ; No. 3 , 29c ; No. 2 white , 32c ; No. 3 white , Sl'/fcc : track , mixed western , 29' , < .ir31c ; track , white , 31' 035c. Options quiet and steady , II'AY Quiet ; shipping , C3j7oc ( : good to choice. SWfST'.Sc. HOPS Steady ; state , common to choice , S9G crop , Cc ; 1S93 crop , 7fi9c ; 1S99 crop , 12fii ( 13c ; Pacific coast , Ib9ti crop , 4Q6c ; 1S3S crop" , 79e ; lisa crop , 12013c. H1DKS Steady ; Galvefton , 20 to 25 Ibs. , ] 9'c ; Texas dry. 24 to 30 Ibs. , 14V4c ; Cali fornia. 21 to 5 Ibs. , 3H4c. LEAT1IKH Steady ; licmlock sole , Unenos Ayres , light to heavy weights , 23j ) 23Vic ; acid , 25f2oi/.c. ( PnoVlSIONS Ucef , Hrm ; family , $12.50 ( ST13.00 ; mess. $12.50 ; hams , $22.00022.50 ; packet , $11.50 12.00 ; city extni , India mess , $21.001(23.00. Cut mcut.0 , firm ; pickled bel lies , $5.S7',4fi7.00 ; pickled shoulders , $3.73 ® C.CO ; pickled hams , $ S. 5039. 60. I ird , Hrm ; western steamed , $ C.30 ; January , $6.30 , nom inal ; refined , firm ; continent , $8.43 ; South America , $ G.G5 ; compound. . $5.S71&fi.OO. ( Pork , firm ; mess , " " - $11.50 - " strong Japan , MOLASSKS Steady ; Now Orleans , open kettle , good to choice , 445(5Sc. P11KIGI1TS To Liverpool , dull ; cotton by HtcMim , 23c. nominal ; grain by steam , 3c. JIKTALS The brokers' price for lead Is $4.43 and for copper $16.50. Nt. I.oulM < J ml ii nnil Provision * . ST. LOUIS , Jan. 20. WHEAT Higher ; No. 2 red , cash , elevator , 67c ; track , 70c ; January , 67c ; May , CS'io ; July , fi5i(3C5c ( ; No. 2 hard , 63K < ; 5c. Receipts. 19.500 bu. CORN StLMdy ; No. 2 cash , 31c ; track , ! Ti32Ue ; January. 31c ; May. 31TAfi32c. OATS Lower ; No. 2 cash , 24c ; track , 2t' < jc ; January , .Me ; May , 2495c ; No. 2 white , RYE Steady at 62 ! c. FLOUR Dull nnd barely steady ; patents , $3.IO3.50 ; extra fancy , $3.10ft3.16 ; clear , $2.75 02.90. SEEDS-Tfmotliy , $3. < WS2.3o. Flaxsccd , > COROMEAL Bettor , $ I.7.VJ1.SO. BRAN Scarcely llrm ; sacked , cast track , 'HAY Steady ; timothy , $9.00S'11.00 ; prairie , $7.0 > 8.S.OO. WHISKY-Steady nt $1.13' . COTTONTIES $1.10. JIBMP TWINE-9C. METALS-Lsad. lower at $ , Spelter , quiet at $4.3,1. POULTRY Steady ; chickens , 7c ; turkeys , 4c ; ducks , 8c ; geese , 5',4c. PROVISIONS Dry salt meats , oxtTa. Shorts , $0,87VZ ; ele r rib * . W.OO ; clear sides , tfl.l2ii. Bacon , ewtra short' ' , $6.37li ; cle ir ribs , K50 ; cluar sld s. $ .02V4. SMrk , firm : Job bing , $10.20 'for ' old ; $ ll.S7i ! iww. I ard , un- c'lmnged : prlmo etoani , $5.G2'j ; choice , $5.flo. HECEliPTS Flour , 4,000 bbls.wheat. ; . 20- OOOlmi. : ic-orn , W.OOJ bu. ; oats , f.S.OOO bu. SHIPMEN'ra-Flour. 5,000 bbls , ; wheat , 30,000 bu. ; corn , 40,000 bu. ; oats , 51,000 bu. Hut ( IT , } 'KK mill Clierne Murliot. PI11L-ADEUPH1A. Jan. 20.-JBUTTER- ( jiilet , but steady ; fancy western creamery , 3c ; fancy western prints , 2 > V. EGGS Firm ; good demand ; fresh near by "fie ; fresh western , COc ; fresh southwestern lie ; froHh BOuiMiern. ICe. CHUIiSB Firm , 'but niilct. NEW YORK. Jan. 20.-BUTTER-Flrm western creamery , 2147e5c ; wnstern fnotory 1 fi20c ; Juno creamery , OJir-3'ie ; Imltatlor creamery , I&5i2tej : state dairy , 19ij2lc ; Btnto t'linmcry , 215i"Vci. C1IHI'.S.H Firm : full niavl . fancy large 124il3e ; fall miulp , fiincy tvm.ill , 1251'7jl3c ' largo Into imiile , ll-U Uc ; email late made . KOOS Firm' state and Pennsylvania , 21e ; western un. i\uletl at mark , l19c ! ' ; western 2UlotH off. cltlCAiiO. Jan. M.-UUJTTKH-iStca < ly ! creiimea-les , 19J(2IM-c ; dairies. 1SQ22C. nnas-Steady ; fresh. HI5ri7c. ST. LOUIS. Jan. 20.-UUTTER Steady creamery. 20ff23c ; dairy , 15 200. KOS I Uglier , nt 15'ie. KANSAS CITY , Jan. 29.-JHUTTBR Creumery. L'OfiTO1 ; dairy , Ib ? . I'XJOS-JStcMdy ; fresh Missouri ami Kan sas to.'k. llrs'.M. 13c dozen , caseu returned storaijo , Sif/lOc. / Liverpool ( iriilii mill I'l'ovlHloun , LIVICRI'OOL. Jan. M.-WIlUAT-Spot firm : No. 1 California , fis 2djn3 ! ( 2'id ; No. 2 red western winter , OsS'.jd ; No. I northern spring , ! is I nd. COKN-Sput , Unit ; American mixed , new SsiiVl : American mixed , old , 3s 5 % d. Fu tures. steady ; January , 3sJ > ' , id ; February 3sr. Jd ; March. 3s 5Tsd. PBAR-Ciimiilliin. 6s 6'.d. HOPS At London ( Pacific coast ) , dull PIlOVISIONS-neef , steady ; extra India luffs' , Sis 3d ; prlma mess. 75s. Pork , steaJy prlmo mecH , western. 6fis3d. Hums , shor cut. II to 111 Ibs. , steady. 45s. Huron , Cum berland cut. 2S to 3ft Ibs. , dull , R3i ; shor ribs. IS lo 22 Ibs. . steady , 33Uuur clear middles , light. SO to 33 Ib.-i. . dull , 34s Cd : loiift clear middles , heavy , 35 to 10 Ibs. , dull , 31s short backs. 10 to 18 Ibn. , dull. 33 * clear bellies , II to 1U lbs.t dull , 39s ; fdioul ders , siuure ( , 12 to II llm. , steady , 31s. Lard steady ; prime western , In tierces , 3ts ) Cd American refined , In palls , 3x. ni'TTKU-Flnest piiij good United States nonilr.r.l. CHEKSICmerlcan finest white , steady 67s Ccl : American tlnest colored , llrm. 5s. TALLOW-Stroug , prlmo city , 27s fid ; An * tnilliiii , In LundonTnUd. . ipollx AV brnl mill Flour , MINNEAPOLIS. Jan. 20.\vilUAT-Ii No. 1 northe-rn , Januury , fjj'jc ; May July. OI'.tifllH'e. On track : No. har l. fil'ic : No. 1 northern. C2c ; No. northern. U0.c. FLOUR-Flrst patontH. $3.10173.50 ; second patents. tf.'JOQS.SQ ; first clears , (2.93 ; i < econi clears. $1 UltAN-ln bulk , ? 11.2jgil 50. COMMERCIAL AND MXAXClALij India Famine and Reports of Damaged Foreign Drops Aid Wheat. TRADE ACTIVE THROUGHOUT THE SESSION 'our of Corn Jlnrlirt Knny , Orrnl mill Onlx Itoth ( : io liiK n Slmde PriivlvloiiN Arc Illulier. CHICAGO , Jan. 20. T1io wheat mark ° t vas fnlrly nctlvo and llrm today on the 'nrls advance , reports of damafies to for- Ign cropn and the Eos- : India fnniltie. May losing lie over yt-slerday. Corn and OAIH lueotl a shade under yesterday and pro- Islona CfllOc hlchc-r. The wheat market was llrm , supported by ho advance l Paris , Liverpool's steadl- ISP , reports of frost damages to crops In ho southern portions of both France unrt Uiesla and iho practical elimination of ndla from the competitive market throug.i amlne. Throushout the session trade was airly active. Exporters and foreigners overod shorts on the crop damage reports ind the local demand was , falr. May ipelied a sJuido over yesterday at toti iie ? , cased oft to Cj'ffc o'ic , icaeiod to ( > i- iWiUc and closed llrm " 40 over last night's igurcs at ( Me. 1'rlmary receipts wore 3.)9i' ) f ) bu. , aga.nst bSi.U'H ' ) bu. the corresponding lay last year. Minneapolis and Duiut'h ' reI lortcd 3'i4 cars , comnand with 351 la t veek and 473 n year ago. Local recclylM voro 17 cars , ono of contract grade. ' 1 ho oaLoard reported clearances In wheat nnd lour oiiual o 17COOJ bu. Tenants of the corn pit were not busy mil the tone of the market was easy. Tno rowd sold yesteiduy on the expectation of i bearish government report today and In oimequenoe had llttlp to do but to waiter or the figures. The shipping demand was low. Receipts here were 211 cars. May nnged Horn .11 He to 31 > 4f33c and olcHcd L shade under yesterday at aHi/aMUc. The oats market was rather easy In sym- nithy with corn and on the expectation ot in Increase In figures In the government opon. Trade was quiet and the shipping Iiimaml slow. Clearances were 23ti,0u ) bn. ' ocal stocks will show a small Increase , .oonl roeelptfl wore 191 cars. May sold 'roin 23Ho to 234c , closlnj ; a shade under csterday at 23VF2.40. ! The provision markit was llrm , but trade vn rather dull. Light hog receipts and ii strong market at the yards , light offerings ind the retaking of recently sold stoult voro a nupport. May pork ranged from 10.SO to $10.90 and closed 7'/2nOc over yes- orday at $10.55 ; May lard trom $ | 3 to $0.0.1 , clo.ilng fiS1.1 up at $ G.02Hfifi.05 , nnd May Ibs from $5.7.1 to $5.SO , with the close 5c bettor at $5.77i. ! Estimated receipts Monday : Wheat , 5.1 cars ; corn , 2C5 cars ; oats , 190 cars ; hogs , 3S.OOO head. The leading futures ranced as follows : Wheat Jan. G3't | C2 i | 63 May " 66 July Vs Corn- Jan. 30T& 30i May V4 ! Wi July 33 > i | 33Ti.l 'Oats- ' Jan. 22 ' / . 22 U. 2K-I May 1'ork Jan. 10 CO 10 GO 10 GO 10 GO 10 C5 May 10 1090 10 i2& 10 S7',4I 10 77Vs 10n Jan. n sr B DO C S.r G 90 G ? 2' , < . May c oo B 03 G 00 U 05 5 9i/2 Ribs- Jan. 5 72' 5 621,4 May 6 SO 6 75 G 77 ! G 72i { . No. 2. Cash Quotations were as follows : FLOUR Steady ; winter patents , $3.301 ? 3.40 : straights , $3.00 3.10 ; clears , $2.90' ' 3.UO ; spring specials , $3.80 ; patents , $3.20S'3.50 ; straights , $2.GOg3.00 ; bakers. $1.80ff2.80. ( WHEAT No. 3 spring , Gl < 3G3c ; No. 2 red , GGG7c. CORN No. 2 , 3U4c : No. 2 yellow , 31c. OATS No. 2 white , 23i/jQ2GMc : ; No. 3 white. 23fl23ic. IlYK No. 2. 52 ? 54c. BAHLKY No. 2. 3S5J14c. SEEDS No. 1 llaxseed and northwest , ; i.50. JL'rlmc tlmotliy , $2.60. Clover , contract grade. $ S.35tfJ.-10. PROVISIONS Mess pork , per bbl. . $9.23JH 10.65. Lard , per 100 Ibs. , $5.S2Hfi3.97'i. Short ribs sides ( loose ) . $5.575.87'/i. Dry salted shoulders ( boxed ) , $5.50 5.73. Short clear sides ( boxed ) , $3.921 < .QG.02H. WHISKY Distillers' finished goods , on basis high wines , per cal. . $1.234. SUGARS Cut loaf , $5.PO ; granulated , $3.2S. Following are the receipts and shipments for today : Articles. Recelnts. Shlpm'tn. Flour , bbls 36,000 32,000 Wheat , bu 43,000 75,00. ) Corn , bu 222,000 95,000 Outs , bu 272,000 179,000 Rye , bu 14,000 5.00D Barley , bu 72,000 9,000 On the Produce exchange todny the but ter market was steady ; creameries , lfl@ 24'Av ' dairies , lFj22c. Cheese , firm , 12T13c. Eggs , steady ; fres'h ' , 165J < 17c. MOVEMENTS OF STOCKS AXD BONDS. Market In StoeUn Continue * ( o He nil KlllKIIIII. NEW YORK , Jan. 0. The market In stocks continues an enigma which any ordinary rules of inlcrprctatlon arc un availing to solve. Yesterday's buying of stocks was prompted by the expectation of a favorable bank statement. The state ment proved moro favorable than the most sanguine expectations , yet the market lost even the small animation It had been show ing when thfi statement appeared on the tape. The net changes In prlcea are wltli out significance , those of any amount being restricted to insignificant stocks. London reported a firm and confident market , but the confidence did not extend to the point of holding American stocks up to parity level and the opening here was very ragged and Irregular. The lack of any upward impetus from London nnd the titter Indlf- forenco manifested to the bank statement offered a poor market In which to realize , or selling by yesterday's buyers might have been larger. In the absence of de mand they seemed satisfied to keep their holdings. But there was no Inclination to ncld to them , The bank statement fully reflected the expected reflux of unemployed funds to New York , the total gain In cash being no less than $11,53(1,000. ( It was not suspecled that employment for these funds hud been found to as large an extent as indicated by the loan expansion of $1,579,100. The buying of mercantile paper by the banks , which has been more active during the week , will scarcely account for much of this Increase and certainly no operations on the Stock exchange are snlllclent to account for It. Unless some special transaction Ii dis closed to explain It It is probable that the business of Industrial combination and flotation Is beginning to avail Ithelf ugaln of the easier money rates. The good demand for bonds continued today - day and prices generally were advanced. The dullness of the stock market has been unrelieved during the week , except by ef forts of professional operators to induce : . movement nf prices In some of the mysteiy- onshroudeil Industrials. Only on Monday and Friday did dealings exceed COJ.O ( ) shares anil on Tuesday thry fell below 2 .0- 000. A largo proportion of the small deal- Ing. ! of the wok have been In Huijur , To bacco , Brooklyn Transit and the Now York Traction stocks and rnlled States Lia'h'r , with no authentic information on which to base operations. The board room traders , who are In and out of the same stocks every day , find their occupation gone when prices comn to a standstill. The dealings In the eliiHS of stocks referred to represent noth ing moro than the efforts of this chiMi to earn a livelihood. The evident approach of a crisis In the military situation In Souih Africa in one factor In tin * waiting uttltudu of speculation , while enlightenment us to the future of business ami Industry as a whole Is awaited to gauge the future. The txirtlciil'.ir ' Importmi'-o of tdie \.al ! war upon the world was Its cutting off of the gold supply ami tihln only because conditions had boon adjnsml at t'ne world's great llnunclHl renter In Lcwidon to tie con tinuance of tihls supply or lt& i-hort tempo- rarv interruption. The re-adjustment of i m- < llil' > nn to an Indefinite Interruption to till * Hiipply wjm clearly tihe Impolllng cause of the violent o1 tTirlKintf\s In 'the ' world's money markets toward the close of the yi-ir : , romlnu * It did on n ensltlvo condi tion of extensive speculative .ximinltmi.-nls nnd price Inflation. Hut 'l ' < ho tvudjiutment having hern elTentPd , It Is not to be ex pected Uhal the lack oftho gold output of the Transv.ial will permanently i rlppl > > tin- world's < ommerce. considering Its ratio < o the world's stock. It Is not Ha clear that the toppling ovtr to tlio airy upt-rulullvr fabric ( an.-ud by uio ! lomraciion of credits , which was ImUiced by the Transvaal war. Is not lo .have . ulterior effects. The action of the nvunoy in.irket for some time : > a t ha * clearly enough iinllcatixl the dlslncllnatlo'i ' of capital to rc-lmmedlately embark upon the pwllous i of * ° j > c iilntlon The mil lion In money rates Is now reuihlns pro- jn rtlM'H mi. . ) .i B-utnit jr i ' 'ii'a t < 't t. . r.i'- tin. mieMt' ' t wliMVT t , ' , ' - . n ,1 , lull" tries of n rp mMinnttnl ( nrm * ( ire not n > ' undergo tTtrf'nchniP" ; A f > w woks HKP th - ' Itank of KngUn. ) . whl < mnkltiy > n > s 1on i to nt'TTu-t gol'i ' on thi ouo h nd , wn * . HI i ton ! I MR to llltvriti rrotilts to * 8ie nionoy inn- : ket on the oUior , with the purposp cf ttdinn over the mont-y < r : ls ni' l K 0'rilnjt trie i inoiM'v nmrkrt in nn easy onoueh con Htljn | to mflke srovernmcnt borrowing for war pur- . pow ndvantiiKO < ni5. | Uoi'.i ' gdd and noif arc llowlnjt t nck to ; th t bank In nne.xpr'i.1 volume nn-,1 < he i money tnarkft Is iwt only paving off honvy . loans to tht bnnk , but LIP intore't rnto IK fnlllnet i ln.o : contliwally gfiMter ease , drawIng - Ing t'ho ' tiinli rnt.-- clown after It. 'the Kuro- pmn i hank'i -i.-.ow un oven moro abundant reflux ' of nirito ' fforves and a large tcdiK'tlon ' of loan mccu-nt * wlt.i constamiy c > cllnlng H..PS jf Intorpst. In New York itho retntrn flow of ftinJp from tile Interior Ixts sot In full and . * : volucne , after havIng - Ing b"en 9toadly ; nn.iy from New York all thtoupn the ' .i.'itol autumn period of return , while menoy ratr In Now York were f.--o < ir- ' j i I ! ] banks are ngiln Mi. u-n for inorca-idle I paper wall no very notr.uMnt ii } ly In the i I > market. | The heavy ab" < rptlon. of railroad j mortgages i web secure. ) inil ylclJInt ; 4 per coat reflects the Iti.Tt isln intsxuro of i flirilf. "Jlio Increasing en o of fncney koepi j | prli-cH , cf < itock.i llrm. In f ilto cf the dull- i in , ! * , and railroad i iriinj : c.ontlr , ie at a high level In spite of immo dorllno In vol- I uhiB of tratllc on acvjunt cf litK > .irr rates. I Concessions In prVes i > f Iron nn.l other mptalsind , the weakneJ. ' In t'.ic wheat m.ii- ket ; .iwnken Interest u to the tuvbillty of crn'V.iIons ' In 'tico ' ; Important l > : n.iu < hefl of ' the country's b-uslnrfl. ' . Uu.slitr" In ban \f \ , ' In c-cntrnrt wlt'1 ' the < i'iillnei' ' < > c'f ' stocks , lias i' i been of lmpro ? lve volume nnd tit general 1 advances In c'Hcri . I U. S. Now 4s advanced 'i , 3s nnd Cs . . ! ; old 4s coupon ? i an\l reglKorcd Ti In tin ? bid . prlio. Cii.nmrrolal AilverlUcr's Loivkm llnniK-Inl i .1 alcsram : Storkr iori' | were linn to stcidy today In tlio abseiK-o of news from Africa nnd bu" l- i itiiuus sniad. Paris was li cllned ( .0 poll coplH-r FOiiiro * . The bank l-oug'h't ' . 22,000 gold In Get man coin. Sliver was strong on In dian du.-mmt. I'hoque ' was quoted at 25.10. The following are the quotations for the leading stocks on the New York exchanuu todnj" Atchlson 1074 Texas'sTPaclllc. . . loH do pl'd i Union Pnrllie i Baltimore .t O. 5VM do pfd Canadian Pae. . Mis Wabash i i Can. Southern 49' , * do pfd Chest. & Ohio . Wheel. & L. E. Chicago G. W. . do 2d pfd. . . l C. , B. & Q Wli. Central . . . 1S4 Chi. , Ind. .t L. . 1G i\dams Ex .114 do pfd rVmerlcan Ex. . . .1(3 ( , Ohl. .t E. 111. . . U. S. Express 47 Chicago & N. A\ Wells-Fargo Ex.123 C. , R. I. & P. . .lOfii ; . Atner. Cot. Oil , C. C. C. & St. 1 . til do pfd 92 Colo. Southern . 614 Amor. Malting 92B',4 ' do l t pfd. . . 43 do pfd 27 do 'M pfd. . . 15 Amor. S. K : R. . . . ' ( Del. .1 Hudson . .inu do pui . S9'4 Del. L. & W 174'ilAmer. Spirits . . . , Denver * R. G. . 17a4 do nfd 17 do pfd C9'i'Amer. ' Steel H 41M Erlo U do pfd 414S > do pfd 33 Amor. S. ft W 4S Gt. Nor. pfd lc ( ! do pfd 90 Hocking Coal . . . 15 Am. Tin Plate. . . 2S Hocking Valley. . 31 do pfd Illinois Central. . . 113 ! Amor. Tobacco Iowa Central 12 I do pfd .IK do pfd oO ilAmer. Jlln. ' K. C. , 1' . & G. . . . . . . Brooklyn R. T. . . TO'A ' Lake Erlo & W. . 22 Colo. Fuel .t I. . . do pfd 83'i Con. Tobicco . . . Lake Shore 194 do pfd. L. & N SOTfi Federal" Steel Manhattan L 93'il do pfd 72 % Mot. St. Ily liV4 Gen. Electric Mex. Central 12 Glucose Sugar . Wi Minn. & St. L. . . do pfd 97 do ii M 90 ilnt'n'l Paper . . . 231s I Missouri Pacific. 45 do pfd 07 ! Mobile & Ohio. . . 49-4lLn.clcde ! . Gns 79 | | Mis. . K. & T 10 .Nalionul . Biscuit 30-fi do pfd 33 I do pfd nu ; j | N. J. C 117K-National Lead i N. Y. C 1DIHI do pfd iion Nor. & West 25H National Steel , do pfd. do pfd 9i No. Pacific E2 | N. Y. Air Hrnkc.130 do pfd 74'4 No. American 14 Ontario & W. . . . Pao'.llc Coast 1461'i Ore. Ily. .t Nnv 42 do 1st pfd. S3 do pfd 70 do 2d pfd. ' Pennsylvania . . .129ft Paclllc Ma'll Reading H'Si'People's ' do 1st pfd. . . 30S , Pressed S. Car. . do 2dpfd. _ . . do pfd 87 Pullman P. Car..lSS ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " " do 'vtl. . . . . . . . S2'i Stnmlafd"R. & T. 9VJ St. L. & S. F 9'i Sugar li''i ' do 1st pfd. . . GS I do pfd 113Vi do 2d pfd. . . 'Bft Tenn. Coal & I. . . 83' , ! , St. L. Southw. . . 11ft U. S. Leather . . . 17 do ] ) fd 27' , . ; lo Pfd 75U St. Paul . . . . . . . ; illSHIU. S. Rubber do pfd 170 I do ipfd JOl'/j St. P. & Onftilia.llS'Western ' Union. . S7 So. Pacific HSU Republic 1. & S. . yi So. Railway HTxl do pfd 65 do pfd & 4V4P. C. C. & St. L. 77 \ cYork Money Market. NEW YORK , Jan. 20. MONEY On call , nominal at 2VsSf3 > , < . per cent ; prlmo mer cantile paper , 4iTn' > V4 per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Steady ; actual business In bankers' bills at $4.SGVfc for de mand and $4.S3i'n : ! I.S3 % for sixty days ; posted rates , 4.4'/2ft4.S5 and 4.SS ; commer cial bills. $4.S3Vi. SILVER Cortlllontcs , E9' ' , < ! ® 601ic ; bar , ir > io ; Mexican doll.irs , 47Uc. BONDS State bonds Inactive ; railroad bonds flrm ; government bondp llrmer ; 2s rog. , 102H : 3s reg. , 103-li ; coup. , 1IO',4 ; new 4s reg. , 133 ; coupon , 134 ; old 4s reg. , 114 i ; coupon , 114i ; 5s reg. , 112 : coup. , 1139i. The following are the closing quotations on bonds : U. S. 2s reg . 102'A N. J. C. gen. 5s. . 1 19 do 3s , reg . 100ft No. Carolina Cs. . 127 do coupon . do 4s 10G do new 4s , reg.133 Nor. Pac. Is 118 do coupon . 131 do 3s do old 4s , rog. . 114 do 4s 101i do coupon . 114ft N.Y.C. & St.L fUaV ! ; do 6s , reg . 112 N. & W. con. 4s. . 9i'i ' do coupon . 113U 129 D. of C. 3 B3S..119 Ore. Nnv. . . . . . . Atd.i'.son'4 101'J do adj. 4s . 80 % Ore. S. L. C129V Can. So. 10S do consol fiS..U2'i Che * . & O. 4'fc97 Reading con. ' ° ' 4' do r.s llo'i ' Rio G. W. Is. . . . 95 C. & N. con. 7s..HO st.L. & I.M. c-.5s.110' * do S. F. deb. 5.S.119 st.L. & S.F.K. Cs.ii9 Clil. Tcr. 4s 95 St. Paul consol.f.1 D. & R. O. Is..102 St. P. . C. & do 4M 9't ' do fls E. T.'v. < t G. Is.lOHiSo. Rnllway 5s ! Erie gen. 4s C9H S. R. & T. Ks S2 K. W. D. r. Is. 72 Tenn. n. s. 3s Gon. Eloc. . " . " . . . .in Texas & Pac. 1s.I12 ! G. H. & S. A. 6s.l03 do 2s , 'iJ do 2 * lltt Union Pacific 4i.l04Vi H. < S : T. C. ES..110 Wabanh Is 115 do con. 6s 110 do 2s 101 la. Central 1s..110 West Shore ls.12' ] < ! K. C. , P. & G. Is. Cl'.fe Wlsi. Central Is. . 90'/j La. now c. 4S..10GU Vu. Centuries . . . S.1 L. & N. mil. 4s. . 97 } | do deferred . . . . n M. K. & T. 2s. . . . f,9 Colo. So. 4s K5 do 4s. 90 So. Pacinc 4s. . . . W N. Y. C. Is. .1&9ft NIMV York Mliiliiff Stool ; * . NKW YORK , Jan. 20.-Tho following are the olliclal closing quotations for mln- IIKT sliaros : ClioUir 22 ibntarlo 775" Crown Point 10 Ophlr 70 Con. Cal fc VH..150 Plymouth S Deadwood 10 Quicksilver 160 Gould & Cuirlo. . 21 do nfd 750 Halo .t Norcross. 35 S'erru Nevada . . 1" Homi'stiiko t 3000 iSUndurd J50 Iron Silver Union Con .It Mexican . . . . . _ „ _ . ; . 32 Yellow Jackfl London Stock LONDON , Jan. 2'v-l ' ; i. m.-ClosInc : Cons. ! acut.101 ' ' ' ii-1" : ! i'onnsylvanla . . . . tiC C'niiadlaii Pae 95"i Rcdd'ng 9' Erlo \ ' > V No. Paclllo pfd. . 70 do IP-I pfil. . . . illif , Atclribon JOl-i llllnolg Central . .lin'a Lotilsy'.Mo P. pfd . 77'i ' Grand Trnnl ; 7'/j IA1tsiLVKR-Flnii ! at 27 7-10J porouiKf. .MONKY-1 % 'per ' cent. Tim ntitp at ulfcount in ' ' .lie open market fur short hills l 31. nor cent , ar.d for tOireo months' bll'.i. per cent. Ilnii NEW YORK. Jan l.-Vlearlngs , $17t'SSS- il ; balanres , J7.31797U. ISOSTO.N . Jan. a -Clearings , $ l9,0aifl:0 : ; balances , g2.072.S15. CHICAGO. Jan. 20. Cli-urlngH. $ | S,3I,1K | ; ; balances. $1,749,307 ; posted exchange , $ I.SliT I.KS : New York oxehange. 30p premium. ST. LOl'IS , Jan. 20.-Clourlngs , $ Ulfi.9i9 ! ; balances , $119,8M ; money , 4T(7 ( per cent ; New York exchange , Ov premium bid , 7Jc jno- mlum asked. PHILADELPHIA. Jan. 20.-CcnrlliJi' | ! , $14,2211,111 : balance : , . iS.fCO.4ti7. BALTIMORE. Jnn. 2-ClearJncs ( ) , $2,752 , 10S ; balances. $176,071. l''orliii I'luani-liil , LONDON. Jan , 20. American cl urllles c/pe-ned llrmer In ro i > on o to bolter over- nlu'nt nrli PS fem New York und wore well maintained tihrautli.iiit thi > suHHlon. The UtudlnK. however , wti * light. At the rl the nuirlii'l v.vis stfii ly. 4i > . .lo/nl iul ix % . Tht lunkMint of bullion taken Intj the Dank of England on Imlunt'o mdav was i22r < irt. rjold premium * aio quoted : jluonou Avn-a 128.80 ; .Mmrid. ] 28. PAHl . .Inn. 20 B'4-'lnois ' was lots cheer ful on uhe bouri-e 'todyy ' < MI tlie npproachlng Bcitlfinent In l.ond n and the fiuspm o ro- gurdlng Soutli Afrl' j.M > h cauac-d tome .ii/rt'i r- I- i rn i n > .ir ir J i.iK. ! i" tin KM lion in ioilri : i'i I i inim- ! i urn l * ic' r > f i.'iHUt * ' 5lmro of in-w s " k1- Spni-i 'i 4 were pa 1er : Hh > Tlntos dri irmiidoil no aitriitnn , Kntllr soc-urlticH i-n od xllnMlv. Three per cent rentes. ? q" Wfm1 the account. ExotmiiKo nn lxtidon. 23f IMy. ' for 101 k * . Spftnl * 4 . 7.40. Dl. - ctunt . short ral three month1 , 4 jw-r con ; . niCHLlN. Jan. 3n. BuJlnefi * tvns he , lk t- li. on the bourse tixltiy. ltitornntlon lK ami Aincliian wcro fairly maintained. I Miurltle * Iliirttinteil i Icwlnft steadier. Ex- I'hnnjo on I < otnlon. Jt'm ! ! > ' * pfgs for chocks. Rnto of dlM'ount for short bl Is , : ? 't ' per iont ; for rtiri-o months' bills , a'd tnr tont. NEW YORK. Jan. jn.-Tho Aveekly bnnk slntoment sfliow the foilowlns ; cJ tnies : Surplus reserve , Increase. $ " .47 > ,335 ; loan * . iln-To-a. * ' ' . $4,579,1(0 ; specie , increase. $7.311,700 : iPCTl trmU-rs , Increase , $ I.191 , XI ; OoposltK , liifrenso , $ lfiJO,7Wlroulntlon ! ; , doircMso , JJ1.HO. The bank * now hold $2USS,675 In pxfow of the requirement of the 23 per crnt rule. Condition of tin'I'rPiiMtr ) . WASHINGTON' , Jnn. 2' ' . TVtiity'x stnle- nu-nt of the condition of the troacnry shows : . \\.illablo cnsJi lwUin < - , $2S ,918,374 : gold reset - sot ve , JJJ1 , 141,011. KIIIINIIM Clt.v tiralti nnil Provision . KANSAS CITY. Jan. SO.-WUKAT-Mny. fti'ie ' : ca h , No. 2 hnrd , K2c ; No. 3. 5S loj No. 2 rod , 70c ; No. 3. G1'i G9c. Itci'ClpU , forty-throo cars. CORN .May. SOc ; cnnh. No. 2 misted , Wit 29'i.c ' ; Xo. 3 white , SOUi30i.ic | : No. 3 , JOc. UATS No. 2 Wlllto , 2i4J25c. | RYE-NO. 2. 49 4940. HAY Choice timothy , { 3.001/3.50 ; eholcc prairie , $7.X ( > y7.BO. KKCI3IPTS Wliont. 25,865 bu. ; torn , D.iMJ Int. ; oats , 7.000 tin , SHtPMENTS-Whent , 10.SOO bu. ; corn. 1,500 bu. ; oats , fi.OOO bu. Toloilo llni'kot. TOLEDO , O. . Jan. : o.-WllI3AT-1Ushor , steady ; No. 2 cash , fi c : May , 7014o bid. CORN Dull , steady ; No. 2 mixed , CSV4 ? . OATS-Dnll : No. 2 mixed , 2ivc. RYE-Negloolod. CLOVERSEHD Dull , steady ; prlmo cash , old. $5 nskrd ; January , now , W.iO ; March , MltMiiuUoc Crnln Mnrkol. MILWAUKEE , WIs. , Jan. 20.--WI1KAT Steady ; No. 1 northern , CIQOSVie ; No. 2 nc-Khern. OfiCS'.ii1. ' RYE-Flrmer ; No. 1 , Me. BAULKY Steady ! No. 2 , IGc ; fnmple , 35t ? H : i. _ I'oorin llnrket. PEOR1A , III. . Jan. 21.-COn.V-Stcady ; now No. 3 , 31Hc. OA'I'S-Steady ; No. 2 white , 2f.r24'o. ! WHISKY Firm , on the basis of $1.23'i for llnlshed "oocls. OiilulliYliont llnrlii-t. DULUTH. Jnn. 20. WHEAT No. I hnrd , cnsh. Glftc : No. 1 nortilicrn , G.T.JC ; May. GS'/i ( fiCofte : July , tW'jc ; No. 2 northern , GOftc ; No. 3 s'irlnv. 57'4c. OA TS-23 < 1iJS4c. ! ( Coltoii Mnrkol. NIOW YORK. Jan. 20.-COTTON-The market opotiod steady , with near months 2 fi3 points higher and far months unclnned to 2 points lower. This was a disappoint ing response to good cables fioni Liverpool and llrm advices from leading points of the south. In both departments the English market displayed pronounced strength , said by private cables to have originated In bullish news from this side and increasing alarm among European shorts. Now Or leans dispatches were authority for the .statement that holders In the back country and also some of the larger towns ami ports had advanced spot cotton VMTI-iec. The c rep movement was steady , llglit and on all sides a steady shrinkage In slocks wns ap parent. In the local market the feeling was bullish , but caution was inspired In view of a refusal of outsiders to take hold. Europeans , Wall street traders and shorts were the best buyers this morning. Some longs sold for profits. Trading was quite active for a Saturday half holiday. The market closed steady at a net advance of 4fti > points on near months and far months 1 "lower lo 3 points net higher. LIVERPOOL , Jan. -COTTON Spol. good buslnri's done , prices l-1Gd 'higher : American middling , fair , 429-32(1 ; good middling , 12.1-32d ; middling. 421-321 ; low middling , 4Vid ; good ordinary. 45-lGc ; ordi nary. 4'-4d. The Bales of the day were 12,000 bales , of which 2,000 were for speculation and export , nnd Included S,5iK ) American. Receipts , 2.000 bales , all American. Fu tures opened quiet and closed steady at the advance. American middling , I. m. c. , Jan uary , 432-G4d ; January and February , 4 27-fil ( j42S-G4d ; February and March. 4 23-Gld i'ellers ; March and April , 1 19-C4d sellers ; April and 'May ' , 4 11-G4d sellers ; May and Itine , 4 12-G4d sellers ; June and July , 4 S-GI 8(4 ( 10-G4d sellers ; July and August. 17-Cld sellers ; August and September , 3 1-Gld sell ers ; September and October , 351-Gld sellers ; October and November , ,1S7-G4d buyers. NEW ORLEANS. Jan. 20.-COTTON- Flrm ; Kilos , 7.903 bales ; ordinary , G.VlGc ; good ordinary , 613-16c ; low middling , "Ti-lOe ; middling , 79-lGc : good middling , ftc ; middling fair , Sl-lGc ; receipts , S.bll baled ; stock , 393.SOD bales. Future * steady ; January , $7.33 bid ; February , $7.33ii7.3 > ; March. $7.35Ti7.3G : April , $7.i.1Ti7.P : G ; May , $7.3G ; June. $7.37ig7.39 ; July , $7.3Sj(7.39 ( : Au gust , $7.241i7.2G : September , $ G.GSQ.70 ! ; Oc tober , ? 8.50 i .02. ST. LOUIS. Jan. 20.-COTTON Firm , 1-lGc higher ; no sales reported ; middling , " -c ; receipts , 1.909 bales : stock. 97i27 ( balc.x. GALVESTON , Jan. 20. COTTON Firm at 7ic. ! l.oniloii AVool Aiii-llon. LONDON , Jan. 20. At the wool auction sales today 9,138 bales wore offered. ( ! rea y merinos sold readily to America ami the continent , the former paying Doc-ember prices. Crossbred greasy and slipped wools burdened , the home trailing absorbing the majority , Americans paying full rates. Bright lustrous Geelong lambs realized 4s Gd. Thn following Is the sale : New South Wales , 1.0M bales ; scoured. Isi2sld ; greasy , IsJUs B'4d. Queensland , 1,500 bales ; scoured , Is Ildfi2-i 2d ; greasy , 8sffl2s 4d. Victoria , 2,300 bales : scoured. 9dW12s6d ; greary , T&IjiiR "d. South Aus tralian. 1,0 < X ) bales ; greasy , GUdfils. West Australian , 1.000 bales ; greasy , 81 < 9d. Now Zealand , l.COO bales ; scourtd , 7iKjl21il : greasy , C' d lSH Id. Cape of Good Hope and Natal , 1.400 bales ; scoured , InldfiSald ; greasy , lOdJ/ls IVid. Buenos Ayres , 2-jC bales ; greanyt 7' Sd. The offorlngs for next week number Gl , 325 balfs. The arrivals to date for the series aggresate 6S.2SS bales , Ii , eluding 16.50J bales forwarded direct. Imports for the week are as follows : Now South Wales , 13.127 : Queensland , 0.477 ; Mel- ) onrnp. 9,85 ! ) ; South Australia , 407 ; New Zealand , 8,152 : I'apo of Good Hope and Natal , 2.3S9 ; China , C5G ; Persia , 2,139 ; Dun kirk , fiSI , nnd elsewhere , 2,230 bales. A sa'e of sheepskins , consisting of 3,820 , Is sched uled for February J. Oil MurUi-l. OIL CITY. Pa. . Jan. 20-OILS-Credlt balances. $1.GO ; ccrtlllciitcx , no bid ; ship incuts. SO.onr bbls. ; average. F5DOi : hbla. ; runs. Sii.WW bbls. ; average , 87,159 bbls. NEW YORK. Jnn. 20. OILS Cottonseed firm ; prime crude , Xlc ; prime yellow , oliK.f/ / > 37c. Petroleum , steady ; rollned New York , ? ! ) . ' ; I'hlladelphla and Baltimore. 79.K5 ; in bulk , $3.70. Rosin , steady : str.ilnod c mi nion to good , $ l.G2 ! ; , < f/l.Cj. / Turpentine " ' LIVERPOOL. Jan. 20.-OILS-CotlonsPCd , Hull rollni'd , February nnd March , firm , 21s ; iil. Turpentine spirits , steady. 3Ds I'd. Rosin , common , llrm. Is Gd. Petroleum , relined - lined , 7'ijd. Linseed. 21s fid. LONDON. Jan. LU-OILS-Calcutla lln- spot , ISH Pd. Turpentine spirits , SSsOJ. NEW YORK. Jan. JM.-srOAIl-Ilnw. strong , hold hlehrr ; I'alr refining. : < 15-1Gc bid ; centrifugal. Wl teal. 4 0 bid. Mohin-e.i Hiigar. 311-lCe bid. Rellned. very firm ; mould A , $5.10 ; standard A , $105 ; confic- tloni-ra1 A , $1.95 ; cut loaf , $ , > : c-ruahod. $5.55 ; powdered , J5.25 ; granulated. 55.15 ; cubes. S5.30. NEW ORLEANS , Jnn. in. St'OAH-- Slrong ; open kettle , ; ! % ? / 1 1-lCo ; open kettle , centrifugal , 4il7-lGo ; pfiitrlfugal. plaiitn- tlon granulatPd , 1'c ( , ; whiten. 4'/45liio ; yet. low. I'.dT/l / l-llie ; tioconds. 2fH3-16o. Mo- laHses. quiet , open kottlo. 32 100 ; ccjitrl- fugal. SIiSGc. Syrup , steady. 37c. LONDON. Jan. SO.-JJKKT SI'GAIt-Jun- nary , 9s 9d. t'olToo Inrliut , NiW : YORK. Jan. 21.-COFFEE-Tir | c-offoo market opened uulu ut DllO poliits decline under n flurry of realizing , following weak European cables , larger Brazilian re ceipts and smaller upot ilcinunil. with out- cldo Hiiooulatlve Interest. The market rul- lled Inter , however , on f lrly active local support and clo > < cil ftoiuly. with prices un- changod. Tolal f.ilen. n.OM ba H , Includ ing : I-Vbruury. $7 : Murch. S7.03Ti7.10 ; .May. $7.151(7.25 : July , $7.25 ; August. $7.10 ; Sep tember. $7.4047.15 ; October $7.15 ; December , $7.00. Spol. Rio. steady : No. 7 Invoice , Wi < ; No. 7 lobbing , 8 % ' ' . Mild , steady ; Cordova , ( , 'n 11 fo I'll In frli-i | I'riiiln , NEW YORK. Jan. 20-CALIFORNIA DRIED FIU'ITS ' EvanoraV'l apule * weto quint uml steady at unchanged prlcoii ; KIUIO ct\anoraud apples , comm'wu titi6s < c : prime , Cif/7'4o ' ; K-hoVc. "liftWic : fancy , S ftSc. Cal ifornia drlrid prunes. 3'4fte per Ib. . H * to lze and quullty. A'lilntN , ni > ul. ITiiTi- : Moor i > ik IMKMPearhe.s , pc-i IJ I , 2'f'/JJ. ' . ; unpeelcd , 7'/10. / . I OMAHA | I LIVE STUCK MARKET i , , Not Cattle Enoutib Hero to Really Establish I I I Quotation ? . rOR \VEEKCVHLE \ SELL WAY LOWER . lions > 'll Knrljr l.lttlr Ilotloi'I'linn l'rlilit > 's Clone nnd Improve Later Sheep In liood lteiiie | l nnd Yitllie * Without I'liiume. SOUTH OMAHA , Jnn. 20. Receipts were : Canto , tloifa , or.eep OlIU-lul Monditj 2,173 f.,1S7 4,019 Olhtl | Tuesday 3M S.SS1 2,311 ; j Olllclol WedncKday 2.WJ ll.SM 2,113 i Olllolul Thursday 1.99J 676 1.4 Olilolnl Friday 971 7.2SI t.t S 6,763 2,2 Mf week 11.593 4S.G12 U7TI Total wtrk end K J n. lU2.Wa : 19.4 * H.Vnt Total week end K Jan. U.1UU9 3I.9JS 12,310 A\vrugc price paid for liontut liiu mat cvernl days with compaHsons : Jan. 1 l 4 21 | 3 421 3 1S | 3 40 | 4 2J , 5 12 " 11. i 4 33 ] 3 57 3 17 3 4.l | 4 1C f. IS Jan. a 4 "i 0 87 | 3 4M * 3 4li | J 0 > i 5 to Jan. 4 4 i7 | 3 41 3 II 3 25 | 3 61 , 4 11 | B 10 . . . , . . . . , . . ' ' Jan. i 37 3 J Zi 4 1C , 5 IB J n. C 4 as1 3 13 339 3 2j | 3 m I B or Jnn. 7 3 42 3 40 3 IS 3 IS | 4 10 | Jun. $ 4 si 3 43 Inn. 4 ; ; s fun. lo. . . , 4 35 'an. n. . . . 4 41 Jnn , u. . . , 4 43 3 G0 | 3 47 311 V.l 407 -Tan. 13. . . . 4 ra i ! Kl 3 49 3 09 3 171 D U Ian. 14. . . . 3 4D 3 191 3 53 4 11 'an. ' 13. . . . 4 5S 3 17 3 201 3 Mi I 11 r. 10 'an. ' 10. . . , I 62 3S2 * 3 22 3 ' 3 , r. M H § 3 91 3 49 * 3 72 3 Sti 'an. ' IS. . . . 4 So 3 Gl 3o1 3 23 3 Wl 3 9 , ! Inn. 19. . . . I 51 3 01 .151 13 SM Inn. 20. . . . 4 t.4 | 3 oC 62) Indicate * Sunday. The olllclal number of earn of stock brought In todny by each road was : Cattle. ito3s. Sh'p. . . . M. & St. P. Ry 10 O. .1 St. L. its' : Missouri Paclllc Ry. . . 3 i ? Union Paclllc system 1 J ' ViVtf-ii-ii : : : : : : : : ' * s 'i v. . . St. P. . M. .t O. Ry I § U. , t M. 11. R. R , " L' . , U. XQ. . Ry 9 . ll L' . , R , I. A : P. R > ' . . east. . . . J 1 H Total receipts H s3 t" The disposition of Ihe day'n receipts was .is follows , each buyer purchasing Ihe num ber of head Indicated : Huyors. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. . . . . Omah.i Packing Co 730 O. II. Hammond Co 991 JO- Swlft and Company } ! ' } .r ; ' " Cuil.ahy PaikliiB Co Ill . ° -i 1"1 Armour & Co ' " " ; Swift , from country ' Armour , Sioux Cliy ; < Huston & Co i Dennis Oi Other bii'-ws - - ' ' ' _ J _ 1 1 Totals 169 G.703 1.713 CAT1 LE There were not enough cattle hero to iriike a market or interest buyers , so that even the few loads on sale did not chiuiKo ha nils ny too readily. H would have to lie called a nominally steady market , and that Is about all that can bo SVio"cat'tlo : market this week ban boon bad. At the four markets there has boon a wain for the week of abuiit 10,000 bend in the receipts as compared with the cor responding week of last year. The heavy receipts have depressed the market at all points. ChieiiBO reports medium cattle Wt < 50c lower for the week and common klnilP and the best grades 25c lower. At this market the receipts have been very light and the market In consequence has ! ield tip better than nt other points , still price- litro are l.Wi20o lower than last week. Cat tle forwarded from he-re have sold In < hi- cage dnrbiB the- week at prices that were 10'HldO lower were bid for them here. 'Iho feelliiB among operators Is that had there.boon more cattle here thl ; ' market would have been 'way lower under the In- lluneo of tlio big break at Chicago. Cows and heifers sold lower durlni ; the mlddle of the week , but picked up again so that the market Is not much different at the of the week from what It was at the close of last week. Stackers and feeders have boon In light supply nil Uio week and on that account Iho market has not oxperloneisl muith t-h.inge. Good feeders weighing 9CO jiaundH und upwards aie In the best deinund and the market on that kind of stuiT Is all that sellers could ask for. The lighter cattle are loss sought after nnd are In larger sup ply , BO that the market on that kind has not been EX > firm. Roprcsontative sales : 13KEF STEERS. No. AV. Pr. No. AV. Pr. 19 1120 $1 60 7 1147 4 S3 15 135S I S5 S5COWS. COWS. 1 9CO 225 7 1175 315 1030 275 24 1C39 : i f.5 1 10.W 340 1 1250 390 COWS AND HEIFERS. 9 10S3 3 CO COHEIFERS. HEIFERS. 1 CSO I ! SO SOHULLS. HULLS. 1 1190 330 1 IK" ) 375 1 1140 340 340CALVES. CALVES. 1 350 500 1 300 575 STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS. 1 1000 310 1 530 315 1 1000 310 1 950 329 STOCICERB AND FEEDERS. l sio : t > ; MILKERS AND SPRINGERS. No. Pr. 1 cow ? : l 0) IIOOS ThPic was u fair run of hogs for the last day of the week. The market was n llttlo bettor than ' . - ) ex treme eloso , but not .so good as yesterday's opening market. The bulk of all the hogs sold at J.52'iJi 1.55 , the same as yesterday , and It will bo noted that the average of all the sales was not much different from yes terday. Toward the close Chicago came a llttln bettor , MO that the late market , If anything , was a little better than tin1 earlier market. Ono very fancy load sold at $4.c2'i. ; ' The hog market this week liu had Its ups nnd downs , though th-1 extreme lliio- turtlons have boon within narrow hounds. The week slarloil out with an advance of fie , but on Tuesday the gain was all losl and on Wednesday thf-ro was a Mmllai- decline , MO linn iho hogs on that day sold .lust 10o lower than they did on Monday. On Thursday Iho market gained back 7V' . bill eased off n little on Friday and Satur day. The week oloscd with the market back Just whore It was at the close of Ihe previous woe-It. A Blanco at the table of nvoraitc prices will show that while the market has dm'tinted ! hack and foith the general tendency of values has boon up ward all this month. While the market this week closed back lo whore It wat at the close of liiht week , the hogs on an average sold higher this week than they did lust week , and last week tlu > hogs brought moro money than they did the llrHt week of the month. The market U fnllv 0r higher than it wan the llrst ol the year. Reprosrnlativc' Hiiles : No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr. SI 111 K'J $1 ITV-j 73 250 210 155 M 320 . . . 4M 58 250 . . . 45,1 CS 250 120 4 I'M C9 231 JIM 161 KS 213 ! 20 I62',5 65 321 JMO i IT 75 240 . . . I E2'i 65 257 40 165 CO 2M 120 4 55 CO 23S 40 4 53 < ! 0 278 10 4 55 00 225 ISO I 65 S7 35S 160 I Ki 70 242 1WJI 63 70 U&i M ) 1 .Vi 57 ! M hO 4 M O S4S 120 4 . " C5 271 40 461 70 201 tu 4 05 C9 ! ! 8'J . . . 4 5i C3 31U W 4 M KI "SO . . 455 75 21S 10 155 70 210 . . . 451 < ! 7 S7I . . . 451 CO 877 Ml 4 65 C7 254 . . . I M 20 KK . . . 451 80 SJO . . . 4 51 69 gjd 40 I 5" > ( Ml 298 . . . 155 W 201 40 4 fi.1 05 2d7 10 4 51 KO 211 . . I 51 51 2X0 . . . 4 51 l 210 . . . 4 67" , 43 : 3 . . . 4 57'a 79.V. . . . 4 57U , CI . . . .24IJ . . . I 57'/J ' I I : MI 4 :6 : 4S 347 2Ai ( 74 723 < W .KiZ 40 4 55 tf . SW . . I 's SUF.KP-Thrre wrre few cnr- < hero ( oilny , but the most of them wore sold to arrive , fo that the offprint * were rr.iilv smnll on HIP nmrkpt. The market was Uist nbout te dy. Thr shepp mnrkrt has bcpu In prrttv ROJICI shapf this week , nnd prices at the co p f the week are ns good ns the > werp a week ago. Tlio demand was good on most dav and the movement fairly netlve , so that the arrival * have met with ready sale nt Millsfnotory price * HIP mtwt of the time , As compared with other markets sheep have been bringing high prices ut Ibis Point. Quotations : flood to choice fed yenrllncs , Jl.tffl4.S3 : Mexican yoarll K . $ ( .73TS m good to I'holce wetherc. $1.50114.75 : fair to good wether. . $4 S.Mfl.50 ; good to rliolro fed ewes. Jl.lRffl.SC ; fair to gtiod fed e ot $4.CW4.15 : jooil to choice nntlve Inmiw. , $5.SOTC.t\1 ; coed to cbolce fed we tern lambs ; , $ S.7ryR < i. ! , ' > ; fair to stoml fed western lamb. , $ i..V ( HS.70 ; feeder wethers , J3 TJ © 3.91 ; feeder ycnfllnps. $ l.H > Ifl.25 : go d to choice feeder Iambs. $4.aT4.RO : f lf " " good feeding Intnbs , Sl.llffl.K ; fowler owes. $2.33173,00. iSeproseWnUve sales : No. Av. Pr 2.W ewes . 110 $ lir. 2 mil lambs . M I'- " 4 ( western wotliora . 101 4 w native owes . 17(1 4 w 221 wethers . 124 I ifi 101 owes . tXl I W I shorn lambs . 7iV 5 oo Si Iambi . 7S B 7 % fi lainbsi . 1H2 r. 75 219 lambs . SI CIIICACO i.ivi s'foric fntlliVnK , Cloiioiuliuill > CHICAGO. Jnn. 20-t'ATTLH Weak nmt closfl nominally stonily with llRhl tecolpi * in.tli lntiit | : fur onrly next week. SuppU of cboleo feeders liberal ; demand fair , tiood to choice , } .V4.1'ii < i. 10 ; poor tx > medium. $1IXI P.M.90 ; mixed Mockers , $ ! ; poloi leil foedrrs. J4.iMJII.75 ; pood1 tolioloo cows. $350 GlItCiQ : holfoTH , t3.2iVji-l.VI ; calmer * , $2 20'n 2 S" , bulls , (2.rn > ii-l. 0 ; enlvcs , JI.605i7.CO ; foil TOMIS beeves , 11OC1S Goo.l demand , mostly " o higher , good vlonrnni-os. Mixed and butchers' , ft f < dil.72'4 ' ; eood to choice heavy. $ l.t:5ii : I.T > . rough Insiv > , $1 'iOi I.IW ; light , $1. litiM ( . * > bulk of Pales. { l.COfi | .C7'4. SltEE'P ' AND LAMHS-Gononilly stoud.\ , native wethers. Jl.50if5.on ; lambs. $ l.i lffi 40 western wethers , $ l.l03il.S5 ; western lanibn , $5.25jt.21. ! Rivelntis : C'littlo , 2i\i bond ; hogs , 10,000 head ; sheep , l.f < M hixid. M. l.niiin IIre StuoU. ST. LOUIS , Jan. aX-CATTLM-Ro.-olpIs , SM ; m-irkot imlot ai , l on iuouut of light offorliiiT * . Native shlppln ? and expert - port savors , tl.'utid.fjfl ; ilre * i"i' ' beef nnd butcher steers , Jt.lGTid.IS ; sttocrw under 1.000 Ibs. . $ : ! .50'i5.10 ; Miockers and feeders. J2 SOIf I.HI ; co'vs an.I . lielfern , f2.OiKfrl.75 : canneis , $ I.50fi2.S5 ; bulls. K.CSiifl.Mt ; Texas and In- llau ffteers , $ : UO { | 1.10 ; cows and heiforft , ! 2.4.VJJ3.S5. IIOHS Reeel | tP1'WK ) ; imirkot t-losod itiMdy. Pigs and lights , $ l.llfl.50 ) | ; packers , " ,45ft I.CO ; bi.iii'hors ' , $4.Ut)1i ) > l.72Ijt. SUKIOP-Heeelpf. SOO ; market stoadj Native multonn , $4.75fiu.lO ; Limbs , $5.5Oii < ! .50 , illt : and buoks , fJ.L''i'iill..O ; tttockorx , 13.25. KnnxiiN City Live SlooU. ' A\kS CITY , Jan. 20.-TATTLE- - | | I.M. 100 ; supply too lluht for iiiiota'llons During week heavy native steers brought M.tXXji'l.M ; llRihit nvolchts , tl.iiOTiO.OO ; stojkorH iiml feedoi-J , $3.fiOti5.15 ; bu'tchor ' cows and heifers. t3.ODTil.nO ; canncrs , J2.503i3.00 ; fed wcwtorns' . $ ) .00i.iS7 ; western fei-ilcrs , $3.23 1.50 ; Texann , $3.35@4.nO. HOGS Rcrelpin , 4,000 ; market strong to 5c hlg'her. ' Tc" ) tMis week. $4.75. high mark for season ; toiiuy , heavy. $1.55(01.75 ( : mixed , $4.501i-I.Ull ; light. tl.2J5il.55 ; pigs , tl.iKV4.25. | SHEEP-Re < ielpls for the week , I5.00H. Lamia , t4.Mvrifi.25 : mui'.tons , $ I.IOfifl.25 , sloi'k- ers and feodeit3.25JiG.OO ; culls , $2.001/3.25. Ke T Vorli Sfoi-k. N"13\V YORK. Jan. 20.-MEEVES-Recopls | none ; no trading ; fooling stc.-idy ; exports , P-0 cattle. 25 s'lieop and 4.917 iinarters of lioof CALV10S Receipts. 31 ; steady ; voals , { ( i.OO 0S.CO ; fill ilvos , fl.CiO. 'SHEEP ' AND LAM < nS Receipt * . LMSli. iccip stead'y ; lii'tnlm ' slrnily to a ( .liadn lower : sheep. $ I.S5fKi.OO ; lambs , $5.754(0.7.1 , Canadian lambs , M.fO. ilocJS-Recolpts , 2,122 ; none for ile ; nominally steady. St. .lowopli llv < > Slook. SOfTH ST. JOSI31MI. Mo. , Jan. 20. ( Spe cial. ) The Journal quotes : CATTLI3 Ueceipts. 100 head ; market steady , demaiul strong. HOGS Hecelpts , 3sno heail : market 5c higher ; nil grades. $ l.55Jf l.ii7Vi ; bulk of sales. . . S1113I3P Heoolpls , 500 head ; market llrm , demand strong. Sloi-U In Slulit. Following nro the receipts at the four principal western markets for January 20 : Cattle. HOJJS. Sheep. South OniaUin. . 2CS S.7KI 2.277 Chicago . -00 IG.OIKI l.OK ) Kansas City . IOJ 4,001) ) . . St. Lonlrt . 3001.300 XOO Totals . Sffi 30.0C5 4,077 Dry ( iooili .llnrlii-l. NKW YOHIC. Jnn. 20. nil Y GOODS-Thn sjot market for dry goods was very slow today , bad weather Interfering with store trade. Conditions otherwise were un changed In both staple cottons and fancies. Print cloths closed the week firm , with nothing doing In regulars and a quiet de mand for odd goods. Cotton yarns were In better demand than last week and llrm III price. AYorstcd yarns were strong and In better demand than supply. Woolen yarns were firm , with a moderate business. \ ' v YorU ImporlN neil Kiporln. NKW YOUK. Jan. 20. The Imimrts of drv sooda iwul inernhnndlsc nt t'lio ! ) orl of Now York for fhls week were valnf < I at $10,045- 013. Hx'port.s ' of gold nnd silver from this port to all countries for Oils week accre- g'jted $ I7J.O"7 ( silver bar and coin , and $ I,079SI2 gold. Th Importw of specie thin wiek were $ 'J9,515 gold and $72,921 silver. Wool NIOW YOUK. .Inn. 'JO. WOOL Dull ; do- o'-'i'lc lleiT'e. SITi-ft- : Texas , llf'il'c. ST. LOITIS , Jan. 20. WOOIUnchanecd. . l.lfc Si-iilrlM'fH for Hey MnI'lleri-r * . KANSAS I'lTY. Jan. 20. William Lamp- horn and Louis Klpc-r. the boy slayers oC Holla Green , a huckster , Novembnr last , were today given life sentences. The boys had been indicted for murder In Hie llrst degree , but both being under 1fi years of ngn were allowed to plead lo second degree murder to nave them frutn the gallows. Thn IIOVH had worked for Oreen and deliberately planned his murdjr , gaining entrance to his be-illoom and slabbing him to death as ho lay asleep. , I'rlzi-M for IONMI.V * . III3IIMN , Jan. 31. The sum of 30,0 % marks lias been given to Profs. Haeckrl , Conrad and Fraas , to be awarded by them for the bi-Hl essays nubmltted up In DP- crmbor , 1902 , on the application of the Dar winian theory to International political da- vclopnumt anil legislation. COIKTMNlllll ( O Allll-rll-llll VICTOHIA , II. C. . Jap. 2U. The provincial government has declared Its | ntr > nll ii of so iimendlng He iillpn exclusion law as to hpreifpr : | jiermlt Ann rleaim to hold chilniH puichased from Canadian locators. Such a conrcxslon quite .sallslle.s the Americans t > t Atlln. . r w. ' twrf * H.RPEMMEY& CO. JAMES E- BOYD & GO , , Telephone lfM ) ; ) . Omaha , Neb COMMISSION , GRAIN , PROVISION'S ami STOCKS HOARD OK Tii.vnn. Correspondence : John A. Warren & Co uircct wires to Chli-aso and New York , If HO , upcciilato sucoesHfully. Hend yoiif orders to n reliable IIOUKO , whore they will bo placed In the open market Wo c-an make for you In ono monlh more Interest on your money than any bank will pay yon in a year. Semi for our book on npec- Illation. It ! : free. J. K. Comstock & Co. IloomJl Triiilom' HlilK. > ( lilutiga.