THIS OMAILA DAILY 1JKJ5 : St\IAY , .JAM' UlY LM , 1)00. ! ) JllDTOTEll BALM IS CUBA Nebraskans Take a New Year's Onting "Bound About Havana. I \ INTERESTING LETTER SENT M JDR WHEELER I'ri'iillnr CtiNloiiift ot thn ( ntiniii n I 'I IIP ) Cftim * I ml PI * Mil' Krcn ( Hi- ! , Hcrvntliin \nicrlcntit. . 'li-ni- Iiiiriirll ) liiifiilcil Tin-re. The following interesting loiter ha * been received by Major U. II. Wheeler of this city from hl pen , Myron Wheeler , In the government revenue service In fjuln , sta tioned at llnvnna. HAVANA. Cuba , Jnti. 1. WOO My Dear father : A happy New \car TMi Is the first time I have written " 1000. " 1 am gllll on my vacation and expect to be for a week or two more Yesterday my wife ami 1. with Mr. and Mrs. Sl7or and the Portuguese consul and family , went out In the country on a picnic and I had one of the- finest times Imagin able. The day \vnH perfect. , i little vvurm In the aim , but just right In the shade. We started at 5 o'clock in the morning nd were three or four milts on the road when the sun rose , and to set- the sun com ing un over tbu high hllln and shlulni ; through the ro > nl palma and over the dark green vegetation \\I\K a fight north a loim trip to see. We went out to the plant ition of the consul Rcneral. the distance being tvvcnty-nlno kilometers from Havana which Is about twenty mile ? Knglltth , and from the time we htartcd until the end of our destination we traveled over a macadamized road as utnuoth as a table , with linmenco laurel trce on cltbcr side overlapping at the top , p we were In the shade thr entire distance. of I lie Wnr. We arrived at the phmatlon about 10 o'clock , passing on the man ) hiltlo fields and houses had been burned during the war. In two places there had been little louns of tOU ami f > 00 pto- plo tbat had been rntlrelv desirord , not one stone left on another and not a xlgn of a house unless you walked through tlic high underbrush tbat had grown up , hiding all trace of what had once been tberc The moro I see and heir of the war the moro awful It appears , as jt was a war of extermination and destruction and not clvl- 11/cd warfare at all I could not tell } ou how beautiful the country If , but e\er > thing Is grand \\e could not see the house we were aiming for until at Inst wo turned a shnip curve In the road and before us was the usual Cuban home , painted > ellow and trimmed In white with Its led tile roof set with moitar and the jnnl In front cemented , with the usuil number of dogs , chlcKcns and flftcm or twenty children ranging In color from pure white to the bl.u kest negro , anil ftoni 1 year of age to full grown mm The houpa was set hi among a banana grove , orange trees , manial trees , jquacalo trees , bread fruit trees , .1 trco tbat IH called In English "ico cream , " lime trees and ( lowers on all sides , with the great tall palm ? and cocoanut - nut trees towering above all Colter ( lie Nntlomil Drink. As Is the custom , , ilmc t before wo allgbted there were servants among tit. with tra > s of lotlee and black ab jour hat the toffee nml scivantH both In fact jon cannot turn nround hero without takltig roffenVo Immo- dlatel } began to pick oranges and fruits of all kinds , an we arc pretty well ac 1'mated now and onn oat fruit without danger I ate about tt dozen oranges that hardly seems possible to you , but wo do not cat oranges h you do at home , they have a peculiar way of opening them here so jou enl > eat tbo Julco and throw the balairce awaj They feed , the chickens on oranges and they Ho rotting en the ground they are so abundant We then proceeded to the coco.inut trees To get a cotoinut would stagger > northern fellow ; he uculil artuall ) starve to death with cocoanutH all around him , but the way they do IH to have three or four long cano poles which they tie togetlici veij dexterous ) } , in fiUl a nail IH seldom used here , all the . > .calTold- Ing Is tied Instead of nailed U tin * end of the long jointed pole they have a silt and In tlil'i shove a long knife This Is also tied hccurel } BO that It foims a kind of a prun ing knife and the > reach up with the polo which Is about thirl } feet long and cut the stem of the eocoinut You want to be Fiire to nlny from under as you would be killed or severely hurl If one were to hit } ou as they weigh from ten to fifteen pounds apleo with the covering on The } then cut them open with machetes , and , b > the w.i } , they nil carry this Instalment and wculd be as lost without It as a boy without a knife You drink the milk which Ib Ice cold and as sweet .is sugar This milk In the green ( ocoanut Is toiihlclcrcd the best thing a par- bon can take foi kldnc } or bladdoi tiouble Cillilin Dli-l mill Mntnlilet. We saw tob.tuo growing and all the Cuban I lulls. The } grow their own coffee and It Is of the beat Coffee grows wild , also the guava from which all the Jollj la made hero There were acres of mal.iuga , which n Is a loot the ) boll and It Is something like nn IrHi potato , but I do not think It Is as good. Theli sweet polatoeo are allogelhci different from ours , they are called "bon- A man just in the net of liftinir a barrel of flour felt a hand laid on Ins s'ouldcr. " Stop i" f aid ilic Hranpcr , trrra "You can'i lift that " 'How do yon Lnovv I can't ? " stud the man. "Ilcciuse I am a pliscian ! , and know ' it's ' impossible " "That may be , " said the man , "but I know I can , " nnd he stoop ed and lifted the barrel to his shoulder "What made you so sure you could do it"naked the astonished ph } sicinn "liccause I've been doimr it every day for years" Mid thp man. There arc plijsicia'ishii ray in good faith to those vvhqse hint ; * src worn b } dis ease " It is impossible to help \ou ' And yet thousinds of these impo sili'ts have been hclpid and healed b } Dr. U V Tierce whose "Golden Midical Discovery" has cured them \vhcn the hollow cliccV , the rasping couch , the biinmiR flush , and night-t-wcats have all pointed to consumption Nliicti eight out of evary hundred such impossible caies can bo cured snv Dr. Pierce. What makes him no buro ? lie- cause he hah been curing just uch caf for more tlnn tlurt ) } cnri < 'Ooldcn Mcd- icil Discovery "is rtrcnjtlt to the stomach , life tothclunps , nourishtiicnt to Ihe > c' ' It makes new blond and the tuw blood builds a new bed ) a fit lemriU of health. There is nothing jut ns good as ( Solden Medical Discover ) , " so lei no one deceive ) ou into accepting n Hubstitu'c " 1 bejrto str.le that I lia\e wJ three liotttriof Ir Pierce Golden Medical Dl"cnrrunccny rorrcipondcuce with } ou oud < nid greal jut prmemcnt in rn ca f , " vrrltwi Mr A K No- \ olnof New York N V tBox MJT ) 'I feel that I am In need of no more medfal nsiUtnnce Wlirn I slatted to lake your mcillcnir I had n rcKulnr cauta nptnc coiiijli of which I was nfralJ and c\ervl > ted ni.djnictl ric concernia il I nasliul'i wnght raplillTUI \cry pale and had no ip. tlte M'hat\c . Vow my condition U clui. cd cut rcl ; I Oo .it cou h at all \efatncl cij-tit potmil j in weight , have reoo\cred uv health } color ami myrppe- titcl enorraouj I can recorameud ) our mc < li- riuf. as It It a Mire tiire , 110 humuug , as are most oilier mcdlclucc " Ii , ricfcc's 1'cHets cure biliousness. latog ' You never * > * ns many bananas \ v ui life altogether as wi t.ia on this tnc Plrte They sell for about * cents a bunch icnnnlah ) The water Is drawn from the well by n mule find , horscTxnvir machine , whlfh 1 * a very primitive affair , but Is In general ue here We saw plnenpples Droning and the setond crop Is Ju t coming on M as to bo ripe Kreah p w are now- In the market , also sweet corn , beeti , rad ishes , eabbHge. etc Of rotirso the people could not sp ik Kiigtlsh and we had to ime what Spanish * vo know and use one of our party ns an Interpreter when ih * } got too deep for us The old gentleman who runs the plantation Is 81 years old nnd he had grandchildren at the table 28 or 24 years old , ho al o hud children of his own 3 jenrs old and ono died shortly before enl } a } car old. Ho also said at the table before his wife nnd the joung women that he had "one on the way" and his wife looked as pleased ni could be , and the young women discussed thp matter as openly ns the } would the flavor of an orange I could not describe thp dinner , but It wai ultra Cuban To express It In a few words , It consists of a garlic foumlailou. garlic on the edges nnd then topped with garlic , with red pepper ? ns n dessert , also rice nnd chicken which Is the national dish , It Is j celled 'crro7 con polio " The dulccs or j dt.-K.erts are made of cocoanui stewed with i sugar until It becomes thick and then It Is I good the } also fix orange peel b } stewing ' It with sugar thin Is also good The Cuban pork Is much better flavored than the Amer ican , as the } live on the palm seeds nnd other rich vegetation here which give It an entlrelv different flavor The lobsters hrri > nro not llkb ours the } have no claws , the shrimp grow no big as our lobsters , the fish Is par excellence lit Mellon I'e\ei. Wo got home about 8 30 in the evening , tired , but feeling fine. I am going out camping and hunting this week. We are going after quail nnd wild guinea hens , with also a llftlo deer hunting In the mornings After that we are going to the Isle of Pines , a summer nnd health resort which Is about a ilns's travel from Havana , It Is off the south toast of Cuba , as } oil con see b } the n-ap \\o go flret to Hatabano b } train and tl.or lake a steamer aiross We have not wanted to go anwhero before until we could speak language sumclenllv to get around. There Is some } ellow fever here vet and a new arrival Is subject to It much more limn a person who has been here for a. while The man who came down with } d- lovv fovcr and who works In in } olllcc la all rlghl ngiln and back lo work He had II vervllghl and ho Is looking line The weather Is beautiful You can t duplicate It In Nebraska by 1,000 miles Mr and Mrs Llpplncott , who used to live at Lincoln , are here. We called on them , but the wcie not In , the } came next da } t'i see us The } are afraid of fever and want lo go right back. The } will leave tomor- low for NPW York Kverlhlug has quieted down since Gen eral Wood came There Is qulle n scandal on at the custom house , bul onlv Cubans ale Involved Ihey couldn't resist stealing , It IH born and bred In the bone and will come out No Americans are connected with It We went out to the batlleshlp Texas when It was here and went through It and saw wbtro It was hit by tbe Spanish , which was enl } In ono i > lace and that was where It ilid no damage. They carried back the victims of the Maine The Americans are not coming as rapldl } as the people here thought the } would. MYRON. "I am Indebted to One Minute Cough Curj for my health and life It cured me of lung trouble following grippe" Thousands owe their lives to the prompt action of this never falling reined } It cures coughs , colds , croup , bronchitis , pneumonia , grippe nnd throat and lung troubles. Us early use prevents - vents consumption. It la the enl } harmless remedy that gives Immediate relief. Ill NCll OP SHOUT Senator Dcpew Is telling a story of a New York factory which used to shut down for a week every Christmas for general overhauling. "This year ' says the senator , "the place was rushed with orders and there was no let up Except during Ihe actual legal hollda8 and many of Ihe men weren't ISle even then. One of the workmen growled a good deal about having no holl- dai. and finally wound up by salng 'If this sort of thing keeps up I'll vote the democratic tlekcl ' " The cleverest daughter recently made a beautiful shade for the piano lamp fiom n pink evening dress and trimmed It with rcces frcm her last summer's hat , relates Collier's Weckl } That evening a } cung man called on her and to low-toned music they chatted "How do } 0ti like our new lamp shade11" she asked demurcl } Ho studied It for n moment "The Inst time I siw It , " he replied , ' 1 was dancing with i " A Portland Invalid called on a local phy- slcluu for' an examination , relates the Oregonlan. The doctor nude the diagnosis and gave the sufferer a prescription , charg ing him J10 Some time afterward Ihey met on Iho hlreet "Well , " eald Ihe doclor , " } ou are looking 100 per tenl bitter. That medicine , though n little expensive , was Just what you needed " "Doctor , " replied Ihe patient , "after 1 paid } ou $10 foi the prescription. I couldn't afforJ to have It filled , so I didn't take any medicine " cine The Philadelphia Post sas that a party of friends of the late Vice President Hobart were visiting Washlngt-n , nnd , of course , spent an hour In Iho senate chsmbp" \mong them watt a little girl of 10 , who paid tlcflc attention to the proceedings Two jj > 4 nffirwfMd he met the child , who presontl ) asUpil 'Do jou hit there ever } da ) listening to those old men talk' ' " ' Yes , dear " Do } ou have to ? " -\'tf I'm really sorr > . It's an awful thing to bn vice president , Isn't it ? " IMItors have their iroublcs One of thete men who presides over the destinies of a western newspaper , reports the. Columbian , Is mourning thn loss of two subscriber. ) No 1 wrote asking how to raise his twins safe ! } , while the other wanted to know how he might rid his orchard of grar.shoppers. The answers went forward b } mall , but by iio.'lilcnt the editor put them into the wroni ; envelopes > > o that the man with the twins received thp unavvei "Cover them careful ) } with straw nnd set ( Ire n It and then the little pests , after Jumping In the flames for a few minutes , will be optedlly ei'tlled , " And Ihe man with the grasshoppers was told lo ' give castor oil and rub their gums with n bane. " The Hucliputer Poit-KxprctK inialU the storj of a ( .clorcil waller in a hotel In .Sail Trunclico who handed un Knglliuman a i table d'hote menu. The gentlenun In ques- I IJon did not care for the ket dinner and Be- I locied tthal he wnnlecl T u don' keer for | do tab dote dlnnah , then , bah' asked the waiter I told ) ou what I wanted , " re turned the KnglUbman "You waul dot elf do tab dote bill' " queried Ihe dark ) "I don't care I iuppose so "Well , sab , " re plied thu waiter , "rf ) ou want It off do tab dote , jou bus to have U all. Tab dole can't be sele-ied from , sah' Tab dote Is French I uu uicaui Jcat de whole bog , bah ! " WHERE POOR ARE MADE GLAD Interesting Facts About the Work of the Associated Chanties of Onntn SOME OF THE INCIDENTS THAT OCCUR lltnHM Wiioilnril < 'n < rlir n I iiinio liolltnnuKfeuiilloii cif lien In lluril I , nek Unnieli Who Vrc I.OMI ! teA A plain old building at 1S10 St Mary's ] avenue ls > the hcalquarters cf Iho Afiotlated , Charities of Omaha , an organization , as the | name Implleo , devoted to the relief of Iho , need } The slorles of hunger , cold , sickness - I ' ness and general Ill-luck dill } > wurtd Inlo the ears of the authorities In charge would fill a vnstolume ? ome of these recitals are fraught with pathos to scftt-n ths heirt of n hardened cynic , while others bear the , marks of professional laziness and decep- I tlon | To determine between the worth } nnd the ] unworth } IB one of the requirements of < those In charge of the association work In I nearly ever } Instance temporar } relief Is I granlcd , hot If Ihe assistance Is to be con- j tlnucd ail } length of time , or If an > con siderable sum Is Involved , sirlct Inves tigation Is made Man } Impostors Hock about charlt } headquarter" , and , were It not for oflh'tnl scrulln } . Ihe funds would be quickly dissipated nnd Ihe usefulness of ihc organization would terminate The \ssociated Charities Is composed of representatlvr Omaha cltlrcns Kach mem ber Is assessed $5 per } car This assess ment forms thn nucleus of n fund aug mented by volunlnry contributions , either of cash or such articles ns can be used In caring for those who nro unnble to care for themselves John 1/uighland. as scc- retnrof the association , devotes all his time < to the work , while associated with him ns assistants arc James C. Mntlsny and J A James In addition to this force n woman Is employed to look after donations of secondhand clothing The late Thomas h Klmball was presi dent of Ihc association , and was an Inde fatigable worker In Its behalf Since the death of Mr Klmbatl law fnll Prank Mur- ph } the vice president , has flllel the pusl- denl's plnrc E C Drownloe Is treasurer The trustees are Moritz Me } or , Prank Murph } , M V Morse , Thomas Kllpalrlck J 0 Phllllppl , C W John Hush and C S Slebblns The annual meoiliig will lo held Iho latler part of this month for 'the ' election of new officers nnd for the transaction of other business I'n Work I * ( ieneriil. A stllshly attired woman , who rides In n costlv private carriage driven b } a liveried ccachmnn , called at association hcadquarlers a few days ago and asked 'What do } ou most need' I want to make n contribution shall It bo cash or merchandise ? " Per rcpl } ( Mi L/Inds ly conducted the woman through the establishment and pointed out to her the mnnv articles of wearing apparel , furni ture and food on hand at Ibat time Ho told her there wns not a single Instance of waste In the entire stock "We have calls for nil this , and more , too , " he ex plained , _ and tben he left It for the vl&'tor to decide In what form she would give Referring to the Incident Mr Lindsay sild "Of course money can alwavs be used , but It Is reall } a difficult matter for us to say whit we most need for In fact we neel ever } thing "Not kng ago a poor woman who washes for a living was bumed out of house and home All her scant j furnltuio except a cook stove was dcstroed by the fire She able to starl her came to us and we were lo housekeeping We happened lp have on hand a stock of furniture , dishes and seen en even to a wash tub and clothes wringer and wo senl the unfortunate woman away rejoicing She expected some kind of help when she applied to us , but she had no Idea wo would be able to more than replace what the fire bad taken from her "In this work we encounter all Bides of life Not long ago wo were taking care of a man sick with thpold fever The doctor said he needed sllmulants. We furnished him liquor accordiig lo Ihe phyBi"lan's prenoripllon The sick man lived In a lonement hcuso Inhabiled by half a dozen other Improvident families who were exceed ingly neighbor ! } and oflen vlsllej the in- valld allbough nol In poslllon to render nv atslstanco When we observed that It wns Impossible to furnish the man as niuch liquor ab the doclor said he ought lo ha\e a lllllo Inve&tlgallcn dlsclcsed that the neighbors were drinking the stimulants as them Of coarse lapldly as wo could provide we put a stop to that I mention this slmpl } ns nn illustration of the reoplo wo encounter hud the obstacles wo have to overcome Doctor ol nil lull ) Seel.N Aid. ' A few dnys ago we had a call from a Piesbtcrlan minister a doctor of dlvlnlt } Ho was from South Dakota Consumption had fastened upon him and he leached Omaha en his way to the south In the hope that mm&blno nnd magnolia atmosphere would bring health back lo him. He was pennilcbs when he reached here , but bore every evidence of being a polished nnj learned gentleman Ho had been In charge of a srrnll flock In South Dakota , nnd in his zeal for the work before him had taken no thought 9f thi" financial end of the pulpit. When sickness came upon htm hla parlshlon- eis were willing enough , but lacked the funds to help him. Ho had accepted mis sion work Iti preference to a salaried chaigc In Ihe east "Hq told his story In a modest wa > Wo Investigated and found him worthy. The I I Presbterlan clergy of this city extended .aid , although the unfortuncto preacher -was tco proud to appeal to his ov/n brethren We took up his cnso nnd follclted for htai , wlih ! the result thai he left Omaha with a lall- 1 load ticket as fai ns Hot Spiings , Ark , and I n few dollars , In his pockets 1 "I could mcntlcn Incidents by the hundreds , Including every conceivable pbaso of poverty We have to deal with tbe genteel man or woman In hard line , the starving famll } whose home has been wrecked b } a drunken father and husband , tbe unfortunate her own re- } ojng girl thrown out upon rources , the prcdlgal gen well , we me t them nil , that's the best was I can ex press It " Mm Mivvouil I'or 1'ixnl , At Tlilrteenlh and Nicholas streets the Atboclnied Charities maintains a wood yard where frcm half a dozen to iwenl } men and bcs are given employineni from time to time The wood bought by the n aoclatlon In the Missouri tlmbf rlnnds and shlpp"l ( l.eie In rarloail lots comes In cord size , and U unloaded at the > ard where hungr ) onca avvali Its arrival They are puld the regular price of pawing and Ihe } may take their pa ) In groceries or vvhalcver Ihey choose The greatest number of wood rnw.ors np- ply ai headquarters ( or eomethlng to cat or a place to sleep The motto of the association Is "To Help the Poor to Help Themselves Is Ihc Truest of Charlt } " With this motto In mind Sciretury I.aughUnd or his cleikt , | Inform the applicant that he will be fed if i ho Haws wood to pa } for U He is directed | bow to find the janl and when he reaches i the place a foreman sets him to work I When he has fcawed enough wood to entitle 1 him to eat ho Is allowed to go. If he 'cl ' coses bo ma } return , enw moro wood nud I receive credit for further refreshment ! ) . Some I of the applicants for help do not want It bad I rnojgh to work for It When directed to I the wood } ard ihey emlle sneering ! } and go jawuj. preferring to beg "hand-outs" from I kitchen door In the residence dUtrlct I To thu btudeui of men and ibe wus of the world thlsihatl' ' ) o J ) , ii I i ffi r < n spiC did fli ld of otupr.nllon II s v or'h tniUs of travel lo see the cnnvers nt VM rk ' 'o-n of them have the tjrlcal hobo * 'amp up MI their countenances Hut the } are no .ill hobow Men have Rawed wood In this varl who could rwd L tln and to whom AlplM Ilota , Dcltn , Ontnma were ns fnmlllnr ns \ it r D are to the bright school bo } Oihci- nrc plnln , unlettered worklnmnen unable to find emplotnenl and who seek the woo. ) } ard ns a menns of sending to a qunlU hmie a tittle bundle of groceries to brighten the faces of wife nnd children A tomh n' plly mnkes Ihe whole world kin If U riM and In this wood } nrd all men enter on n basis of equality no mntler how mu h Iho environments of their } otith nn } have eon trusted Women \\lio Hate Seen tlrtter DIM IJ } far the mofl pathetic feature of th1 dispensation of charlt ) at the heidqunrttio of the association IH the flight of wome\ and little children who gather about to trl < their stor ) of want Man ) of ihrns vvoaini hau worthless husbands nnd the fnot Is known to the authorities Hut the * rmi nnd children are nol blamed for the tin providence of a vagabond husband nn 1 father , so help Is extended even though It Is known that the sluggard will partake of the food llius secured A peculiar exempli flcatlon of women's devotion lo man no mailer how degraded , Is found In the fa t lhat of the starving women who call on the nf social Ion onlv a small proportion have aught but good to sa > of tholr husbunds "Poor J'hn , he has tried nnd tried to get work , nnd Just can't find anthing lo do This and man ) similar expressions nr * heard In excusing Ihe plight Into vvhlrh some men through drink nnd laziness pluilRc llielr families Into need Oninlni a < iiiteun > for ( lie Poor , The fart that Omitha Is a galcwa ) between Iho caet and west makc It n'so a gatewa ) ' foi the stranded Travelers from cither di rectlon frequent ! } reach Omaha In n pennl less condition , and a large percentage of the ' temporar ) relief work done by the As o elated Charities Is for the benefit of Iran slcnts Instead of residents of this clt ) While there Is no legil rcaton why Omaha shoul 1 help those who come from olhor cities and other states , the assochtlon Is Impelled hv I humane motives , nnd the technical qtics tlon of geogrnphlcal location is frequently waived As a rule , the transient seekers for , help need lallroad transposition ns well as i fiod and shelter In the matter of trinsportnllon the railroad - i road managements located here are gen ' erous All appllcallons for half-fare pel ml a ' are honoied If the ) beat the endorsement of ' i the Associated Charities The c permits ar ° cvru extended to lines of rallwa ) which do , notTenter Oniahn Kor Instance enl ) a few ' da } ago n ) oung man was ticketed from Omaha lo IJtille Monl , on painent of half Iho regular fare j It Is bald thai on only ono railroad in ihr I'nllcd States 1 = It impcclble for the A- > soclated Charities of Omaha to seiuro reduced - . duced rntes The exception la Ihe Hoi Springs i rallrond , a short line running from Mai vera Ark. lo Hoi Springs The suporln j lendenl of Iho road Is said to have taken I a \ow that he woi'ld never permit his line to carry a passenger who did not pa ) fare The enl ) Instance on record where the road wns cheated out of a rldo wan when a colored man secreted himself in the lower part of Ihe engine machinery and rode the enllre distance Iwent-two miles without being deteclcd PUSHING ALONG GOOD TMNG Column flnt club IlcoKonInirtten - tlun of IiiipIciuiMit Alnl.ors to Oiiinliii. Sccrctar ) UU of the Coamerclal club Is Inking advnnlage of Iho movement of agri cultural concerns towards Omaha to urge a corresponding movement upon Ihe part of olhcis A circular Is being tent out to all manufacturers of Implements calling ntlen- tlon lo Omaha as a desirable place In which IQ locale dlstrlbullng houses and lo Ihe largo implement business now being con ducted here "The city of Omaha , " sas the circular , "Is located in the center of the finest agri cultural district In the world and Us pos- slbllllles are beond cnlculallon Nebraska has 41,000,000 acres of land , and col ) 16,000- 000 are under cultivation , besides , the Im mense terrltor ) In the northwest , west of thu Missouri river , Is now practically un- o ev eloped , but Is now assuming Importance along agricultural lines. " The clrctilai directs attention to the fact that this sectlc Is reached b ) direct llnsa ot the Burlington , the Elkhorn and Union Pacific , with headquarters and all their environments concentralod here In addl- , Uon to the established lines , the Illinois' Central has Just reached Omaha , and the Union Pacific , Burlington , Northwestern and Chicago , Milwaukee & . St Paul rallwns 1-ave extended their lines this vear , opening up new lerrllory trlbulary lo Omaha The Oreit Norlhern nnd Mlriieapolls & . St I.ouls will reach Omaha In I'lOO The Chicago & Great Western and a new line from Kansas Clt ) nro projected. "The Jobbing business of Omaha Ib grow ing rapldl ) , based on the e.xcellent condi tions In tribular ) lerrltory , " saB the clr- culai , "and the sp ! ° - . .0 o ) stems of rail way converging at Ihls point There ma ) have been times In the past when there was doubt as to Iho fuluro of Ihe great northwest , but this Is gone forever. Well- founded faith and confidence Is fully estab lished "Wo hope you will Investigate the fac li lies Omaha affords for Ihe locallon of ) our business. Wo are in poslllon lo arrange for grounds and bulldlngb well located on Hacks , convenlenl to Ihe clt ) , not any par ticular locillo"i , but almcst an ) you may select During the last } car lilx large Im plement firms have brought promises In Omaha , and buildings are built or will be built duiing the } ear Wo will be pleased to correspond with } ou , nnd we Invite } ou to visit our clt ) " RIFLES SURE OF CLUB HOUSE Itnllillni ; to He Ili'KUll UurlilK ComlllK .Summer Siirlnullelil Arm * for li IM Tetiiu. The Tbtirbton Jllfies club has completed 1th incorporation nnd expects to see the fouudallons of Us new club houae laid dur ing Iho summer Several offers have been leeched from properl ) owners who are willIng - Ing to erect a suitable building under a long lease with a final option of purchase The Btto which Is looked upon wllh most favor at prctonl Is tbo southeast corner of Eighteenth and Douglas streets , upon which the owners propose to conslrucl n throe- , stcr ) brick structure Plans have alread ) beer drawn up for a modern nnd artistic club house The club now numbers over oOO members and the Individual expellee of Ihfc undorlaklng IB cxpecied 10 be vei ) llghl Captain Siockham of the drill learn hab ir-'do several trips to Llncrjln In an effort to secure rifles fiom the adjutant general's department When the plan lo uecuro Kiag-Jorgensens from ibc War department foiled the only recourse wag to appl ) lethe the state for the loan of the 55-callber lirlngflelds now In stock Captain Stock- hnro has received encouragement from the adjutant general and tht learn will prob- abl ) be e-qulpped within a few weeks 1 A formal dancing part ) will be given b ) 'the ' Uifles on Tuesda ) night In the armor } . , lho event Is one of a series to bo given during the winter , and the occasion will be observed with all due ceromon ) The HIIIi'S are prepared as to wardrobe 'for a ! i function of any description. They nro I equipped with ilruss uniforms dress fatigue and fatigue uniforms. Orchard & Wilhelm Carpet Co. January Offers * j At Moving Prices Clearing Sale C.caning-Up Sale do not offer our entire stock at reduced prices , but such as we designate arc actual reductions from actual selling prices , Special features on for Monday. j Die Spuclnl January Rug Sale lint , proved a most attrncllve sale The re ductions made on rugs left over has made them eell vslth spirit and Ihe special oftcf of Hugs made from remnants of nrpcts has been too good to last These rugs Just from the workroom on show Manila ) for the first tlmo made from remnants Here nrc Here i\ro lletc aio the kinds , the size * Ihe pi Ice * . AMUlllstor Hug 10-fi\12-fi $18.00 Velvet UUK 10-fixl2-0 $23.00 m lv HrilBfelx 10-6\1S-0 $2000 A\mlnslcr Hug Ul-fixI3-0 $2.160 llrusscla Hug-1-flxll-G $13f,0 , Moqliclle Hug 10-6x12-0 $22.50 mussels Hug 10-tMO-lO $15.00 mussels Hug 10-6x12-0 $2000 Hrusscls Hug lt-6\n- ) . ' . $18.50 Wilton Ullg 10-fi\12-0 $2000 Ilrv-sels Rug 10-t\12-,1 ! $2000 AxmliiFtcr Hug 10-6x12-0 $25.00 Velvet Hug 10-ti\12-0 $2500 A\mlnsler Hug S-1\12-0 $1U r.O llruewMB Hug S-US-It $ S 75 led ! ) Unitsols.ixS0 . : $1000 AMnlnstcr Hug 3-3x11-0 $10 00 Vchft Hug S-MO-fi $1(5 ( RO A\mlnster Ullg S-3xlO-6 $1575 Hod ) UrilB&cls S-3\10-fi V" 00 ' $10.00 lirusEcls 7-C\-0 ) Htd ) Uiusvels 6-0\-S ' $7 50 Hn.Bsels 8-J\10-ti $13.00 Velvet Hug S-t\S-0 $1000 nruiselfl S-1xl2-n $11.21 Axralnster 8-3x12-6 $18.00 ere a few Kulah Rugs to close. These are rough , bright-colored H goods , made of line wool and very serviceable'and tlu prices very low. .Sit.Oil rni-li 1 I ItllUXOT > tlM'l 10 ( 'III , XI.t.raili : J. IlllKTH - - - \ l-ll til flllNO . fl.l.nidi ' .vv Orchard & Wilhelm Carpet Co. 1414-1416-1418 Douglas Street. OMAHA'S ' DEATH RA1E CROWS in Country Boputation as Healthiest Locality try it Ejdangered , GRIP IS HELD LARGELY RESPONSIBLE itlilrniltI'.nrlj in the A cms r Ihc tlortnlll > > tullMtlfK llnrU lui'i IMIMOINII In I'mMimoiilii Ulicl Lonsniiiiitlon , The assistant clt } phslclnn has prepnied hiinnuU icport foi submission to Ihe nator and council , and slallstlcB as to births and dcalhfa arc given , compiled b ) the health ofilco during the ) ear The most = ljnin- cinl Hem IB In regard to deaths , which allow a material mcreobo over both 189S and sev eral \enrs preceding The mortality Hrt in1 ISB'i reached 1,157 , tompared with 343 tne , veai ago The death rate Is Iherefore S ls > , ] n& agalnht G 7 In 1808 anil 60 In 1806 when Ijii- low point wns reached The late in o'her cltle * varies from S to 23 , and Omaha U losing Its reputation as the healthiest citv In the United StatCB Dr Ralph accounts for the Increased num- cer of deaths In part by Iho epidemic of rrlp which prevailed during thp first three months of the } ear N'o record wan hoc tired of Iho nunibei of cases , but thlrtthree deaths were directly attilbutable to Iho dis ease , while lucre was a marked Increase In pntumonla and consumption , kindred affec tions There were 120 deaths from pneu monia , tompared wllh ninet-three one } car ago , and 117 deaths from consumption , as asulnst 102 In 1S9S. Dentil Hullli > VM ' . The records show llinl by far Ihe laigcst number of denthb occurred among thlldren under ono } eai of age The dorado from twtnly lo Ihlrl ) claimed the nexl largest i uirbcr. The dealh statistics by ages for 15110 is as follows Under 1 > tvar 1M < J Between 1 nnd J M Uelvvcen 2 and ! > if Ilutvvten 6 and 10 4 : Between 10 nlid JO ti Between 20 and 30 130 Bo ween 31 and 40 121 Between 40 and 30 HI , Between 50 and M ) , 107 lietweun TO and 70 10J Uetvvern 70 and bO < > , Between 80 ail < l 90 M Between 90 and 100 , . i , fonslderablo difficulty ha hern experi enced b ) the health olIlclulH In securing n full report of contagious dlscaicH Thcii were tvventy-Blx deaths laportcd last } ear from typhoid fever for example when i toial of cnly nlnet-seven cases were re ported On the average mortnlll ) late t-f Ihls disease the total number nhould be In the neighborhood of 300 , There has been no appreciable change In the number of cahes of diphtheria , scarlet or typhoid foveis ( during the year , as compared with 161s j The report Is as follow H Diphtheria 103 icates , scarlet fever , GS cases , typhoid fever , I 97 The number of births shown a consldr/- able Increase over one ) ear ago there bsi 1 78 compared with 1.625 In ISStS 'lh"'i have been divided as follow H 010 male , blG female , 1.701 white , 23 colored i The asElitunt city ph)8lclan does not con- ! niiler the present mild wcathei at all un t healthy and largel ) discredits the theory of , "a Breen Christmas , a full gravcarl' He ,68)8 , that while Iho weather IB Indisputably out of season , there U no unusual amount of 1 disease , and on the contrary Januar ) of ihe 1 present ) car Is so far much more free fiom blcktires than In IS'J'J The warm vvealher certain ! ) acts as a chock upon srnallpcr : which Is a "crowd" malad ) and thrhej In low lemperalutes < llllllUI'K III Sl'llOOl lloUlllllll | | > H , The advent of the Caen school upon Iho local rn'iUKillonul Held will mak nocektur ) In boundaries In order Hint the "V' > " ' oul "s iapaUt ) lur frjO The Urtltory e'ven below IHIA trllnitarj to the Cenlrul wliool will bo uddad 1" the C'aB district Prom Hevim- trrntli at i 'nlm ue t to Klir iiKnlh north to Lass , vvttt to Mncteei.ih north Drapery Department I'anc } Sofa Pillows HnlfVrico. About 100 fnnc ) loveiol Sofa Cushions deilrablp lrrloverrd In ullk , wllh rutllcd cdjei ; < . oriental twpcstr ) with cord nnd fiinc ) edges f.tncv embroidered effecls , ill RO Ihls i \vtek nt half price to close them out $1.2r > Cushions , each . t > ! c f 1 , " 0 Cushion * oich . . . . . .i . 75r J. 00 Ctmhlono each . $1.00 } 3 00 Cti'hlons ciich . $150 $4 SC Cushions each S 25 All this wwlt half prli'e Lace Curtains Odd Lnts. Otui pair , one and a half pairs nnd two pair lots of everjthlnK In Unco Curtains - from Ihe chertpesl lo Iho beat , murked down to vety low ptlcct to close out nl once. If } ou e\pecl to bti ) curtains within ( he nrxt 60 das this will be .1 better opportunity tlmn } ou will have tignlii The ) must go now Tapestry Curtains also KO Into this LIU price slle Uvcrvthing In bltiKle pairs , nid half pahs mirked way down lo clrtc J'rlres $ J.OO lo J.'JoO were formerly $3 00 to $10 00 per pair. O those who know what Cntarrb really is , the old-fnslnoncd way of treating it , still uMid by thousands who cling to old methods , seems a woeful waste of good energy. Catarrh i& inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nobtiilb , throat and air passages. It needs soothing , not irritating. The constant hawking , the chok ing , plugged-up , disagreeable sen sation of tightness troublesome 6KTT FBEE , POSTPAID. especially in the early morning , To any reader of thin pp r when the cold air contracts the air eeudlntrnsnamaanii fullail ITCMI wewlll forwnril n . tttlwor Orojcll pa-.aages and irritates the inflamed mall , bT prepaid. membranes is relieved immediately OZOJBLL Cl'BE Templ Ct , 2' . T. ly by the simple application of Ozojcll is like a healing ointment applied to a troublesome and nngry sore it Soothes. Relieves Cures. The catarrhal discharge is 151m the pus from a running sore , and everyone knows that washing a tune is not sufficient to mal e it heal. Ozojell , a delicious , pleasant emulsion or jelly of great cleansing , healing , preservative , germicidal piopertiea , when once applied , remains on the raw membranes and gradually diaws out the matter and heals up the wound by promoting the growth of new , healthy membrane , Ozojell is put up in a patent Orojcll tube , easily carried in the pocket , easily applied to the parts as needed , in the office , on the street , without attracting attention , and with no irritation , trouble or waste of time. It is sold by all druggists in 50 cent patent Ozojell nasal tubes. Prepared from the formula of the celebrated Vienna physician , Herr J. Muller , the great specialist in diseases of the ear , throat and nosu ( Physician in Ordinary to the Emperor of Austria ; . Thousands of letters from those who have been cured attest its virtues. its efficacy , wo offer to sendw by mail to all readers of t/iis paper a tube of Ozojell and a book on Catanh and Its Scientific Treatment. Simply write , giving name pnd full address , when this treatment will be sent you absolutely fiee , postage paid Address OZOJELL CURE , 219 Temple Court , New York. wears away the coating of your lungs Ffoni this mpy result Pneumon'a , bronchitis , Consumption and other quickly fatal diseases. Soften and cure your cough with the new scientific remedy for Coughs , Sore Throat Hoarseness and all Vespiratory diseases. A positive , permanent , harmless , perfect cure. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. to C.illtr-nl.l vves to Tvvdillrtli nol til to \\i > l , tfi onut 10 Pevtimi ntli Kfl oin FI ii ol will lulu the follow In , ; < ji.lrlbullur Hi nth jnd tail of a line from 1 vvcntiuth and \Vcbt-ter ivorth to Cumins tan' lo T\"nf tet'iitl ' ) not ill lo Izur > ) cast to iiaht < enth , north to N'lc hoh c. OIIHI to luilnriJ tnuku icjth tu Curk , ea t to dlxtriit llmll * Kfl'oin ' will rnakr gixid UK IQSH h > a stn.ill portion of the l uko eihool dlntrlu llilllllMT IN Iti-lli ril , Major 1 anvier thief pjinuHtii of the' ' Oejat..ntnl ) of the .Minn' ' url hu In f erin wl hi.t frlcn < j'u In tiilH city thnt he hu ? been from oulvo yuivlcH In < uioidniur Altli the fort > - ) cancrvlic rue Jit- hart i entl ) received ordt-'rs lo report for ilui } nt Manila but felt tineriuul to Uic dciiminl b } reason of phjkk-al dlHnbllll ) Illii dullii for rollreinonl W.IK lidaod on fort > -t iree yi-urs bjn'iit In at live tiorv' o. irlm l.pully on tbi wH trn Hti < l w > iitbvve tciii frontlet Maj'T HamniT Is iou in i hli iiu ulicrt IIH vOU n-mrfin tur . > nji - KAVE YOU Tlir vurnl rnur t-nn lie viiritil by ii Inn Mauiirt Mir Killer , GunrauleeJ. Ql.oo tier li x liy mail. MAGNET CHEMJCAL CO. , Weilrru Depot , Omaha , : TV S.\MAI\VOI ( ) ) C ll'Sl t.HS , fures Gonorrhoea , Olcct or unnaiura1 rtu chara H In n f w days Pull dlrr'-'lansi ' I'nto (1 5U All diutfi'ltn or mall U DiCk f in 111 I'u , irv kl Vuiv V < lll