Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 21, 1900, Part I, Page 16, Image 18

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    OMAHA DAILY TIRE : KTXDAV , ,1 AX TAUT 21 , 1000.
Author of'The SticUlt Minister , " "The Haiders , " "Hie Lilac Suii-Uonnct , " "Cleg Kelly , " "The Red Axe , " Etc.
Sjnoixl * of I'rrvliiiin InMilllltliMlls.
Sir Jnmen Stanslltld of Now Mllns In
fcompinvlth bis Rruulion jourlg 1'hlllp ,
meets In an liin-houpe hit son 1'hlllp nnd
Jils son s par.imour Jam t Mark Thcv
quiiric'l Sir Jumps BOPS homo , inking along
Ills grandson night he Is murdered
by bin dlNsoluto son and Jani-t Mark
Thf > take lilH liodv outside nnd laj U upon
nn lieHoiIn tincflort to fasti n the crime
upon other shoulders Hut thu bo1'hlllp ,
) ms ultnisifH tin crime he tells his grandfathers -
fathers chief tenant , I'mphraj Hpurwaj ,
and Spnr\\a > succeeds In having the real
murderer brought to Justice Ilii Is
bPiitrtirnl to be hangril , his uomin ae-
< ompllrn to be trans'iorted , Mvslerlously
I'hlllp Stan ° tlold < scapes the gallows sii'ks
out his wife , finds her In the company of
tipurwiiy , and tries to murder her , but doea
not ciulte succeed She Is tiilttn awav to
.Abertalrn for Hire , lea\lng her son , joung
Philip , In chnrcc of Spurwaj and In the
tompany of little Anna Mark , fiom whom
lie learns that In some w ijs girls ire worth
qillto na miuli as bo > Tor example in
Iho time of the tattle diovlim. when Master
Spunvay bought Ills vilntpi l > ei t In the
" .Mart , Anna beats I'hlllp In helping to
cut them out Still tiny aie excellent
friends , even though she heats him at her
studies In the. school to which thej go
together John Stanalleld. I'hlllp s luwvei
uncle , brings In a new teachtr Dominie
Jllngrose , u small m in with wonderful eve"
Shortly nfti r bis coming the countrjHldc
Is shocked and tin 111. a with a number of
uloodv and mjsterlotm murders cvldentlj
for the sake of robbeij Uuslness calls
trmphray Sjiurw.ij from home In the
absence a. big p.uklni ; case , puiporting to
V.,1".1.lf ' ( lne fep-i'il' ' ! ' wool. Is dell\ered to
A\lll Howman , Umplira\ clerk lie puts
It In the weaxlnff shed That night J'hllip ,
playing about It , mes shining through Hie
t'auze of the packing a pair of ejes.
ciivi-rnu \ \ ,
AVIll I'iMmini CoiinlN Tlirci * .
That I did not scream out , as Anni Mark
had done when she crouched behind the
case , I have nlwajs put down to a lost wisp
of Dutch courage ghen me by the Um-
phray am ill ale At anj rate , I only
dropped my glass nnd stared at the lire
hard , trying to think what I should do
Presently I heard a noise in the parlor
end the voice of William Dow man loud In
onio argument.
"Coming , Will1" I cried aloud , starting
quickly from my seat as If 1 had heard him
call me.
Will Bowman was going up the stairs to
lied , with his boots In his hand.
"Will , " I whispered , "Will , we are all
dead men. What Anna said is true There
la a murderer in that cabe "
Will paused on the becond step.
"What do you mean' Ila\o > ou gone as
mad as Anna' " he said , t > mlling
ilut as soon as I had told him of the
cyea which had looked at me through the
course veiling , ho came back down the stairs
und began to consider , scratching his head
oid thinking hard without dropping ever
tno boots out of his hand
"Tho weavers are either away with their
master or over to the change-houses bj this
time , " ho meditated "Thero will not be
one sob r man In New Mllns bj this hour
of the night Philip , are you stanch' Can
you stand behind mo In this' I will go
and outface him now , thief or murderer
or whatever It Is' "
I answered that I would certainly do that
"which In mo lay , though I knew not what
he meant to bo at
He was back In a moment with a couple
of small swords and n daggei.
"Como on , " ho saidve will try cold
Bteol on our lurkcr. A paen or two will
do my irastcr's Spanish wool no great lurni ,
Thllo shooting blazing wadb Into It at that
range would set the stuff on Hie And that
would bo the end oC mo with Umphray
Spurvvay ! "
So , giving mo one of the raptorn , Will
Bowman took n cnndlo In one hand and his
own sirall sword In the other Wo went
Into the great , silent weaving shed , where
ho sot the candlestick down on a loom Ilut
Indeed , with all my throwing of fuel on the
dogs of the grate , the place was llko day
nnd even the dark corner where the packing
case stood -was filled with light.
As wo went softly down the floor wo
heard n light patter of feet behind us nnd
there at the door was little Anna Mark with
n pistol in her hand.
"Ah ! " she was beginning , "did I not tell
you ? I thought "
Hut Will stopped her with n wave of hla
liaml. Wo stood before the canvas-covered
case. H loomed up bigger than ever , lookIng -
Ing blank nnd Inanimate enough to have
contained gravestones
I heard Will suck In a long breath as he
threw back his sword that was In his hand
to bo ready for the thrust. Then he spoke
In a loud voice1
"Now , " ho cried , "wo know that there
is a man Inside this packing case We nrc
tero fully armed and nio resolved to try
itho truth of our suspicion. Whoever you
may bo , I bid > ou In my master's name
and the name of the law to burronder jour-
elf. I will count three and thereafter
dhrust the case through nnd through with
jay sword I give jou fair warning ! "
Then ho counted slowly , "One1"
There wan no hlgn or bound from the
packing case , though we listened Intent ! ) ,
nnd I own that I quaked to my very shoe
Still there wiiR no answer , not a nigh 01
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a quiver , not the Stirling ot a rat In the
"Per the last time I warn you , whoever
jou arc' ' " said Will How man , very grave
nnd nlo\v "After I count three I will
thrust , and Iho Lord have moicy on your
EOlll' "
1 knew where ho hnd gotten that. lie
hid seen It lit the Old Halley trials , a col
lection ot which wns In the house.
Having so spoken ho paused , It might
have been the- seconds or five hours , 1 know
"Thrco1" ho counted , In a loud , puddon
Ilia swordnrm darted out , the clean steel
Jerking forward like an arrow. The thrust
j appeared to pass right to the back of thu
case , easily and Mllentlj.
Will withdrew the steel with a great gasp
of relief.
"There1" he cried , flercelj"will that set
jnu at rise" Or are jou glad that jour
cursed Imagination should put us nil In this
fret for nothing You , Philip , deserve a
raw hiding , or , better , a good cobbing with
a barrel stave over a beam when Um-
phraj comes home. Anil , by cad , jou shall
have It , too "
Ho looketl angrllj about nt us ns we stood
a little way behind him
"Hut see , " ho cried , "I will take It up
mjself to make crtaln. "
And with u quick hand nnd in a sudden
characteristic buist of anger ho tore awaj
the rough sacking nnd jcllow gauzy stuff
from the blowhole In front. A square , ot
wool , flno and white and clean , vvns revealed
nothing else.
"Th-there1" he cried , actually stammer
ing In his anger , "get to bed , both ot jou
for wretched llttlo croaking beastles' ' And
let mo fasten up this case again as best I
can' "
Ho was bonding down to pick up the totn
sheeting , when In a clear childish treble
llttlo Anna Mark uttered the words "Will
what is that on the point of jour sword ? "
William Howman held his eword up , lo'
the flno point of the rapier was red for a
good three Inches A drop or two had dis
tilled upon the floor
Instantly Will's face took on the fighting
look of his North Hiding forefathers His
undcrjaw shot forward , his forehead seemed
to llattcn IIli eye fell on the case and In
the midst of the white square of wool a
red spot had appeared at the place from
which Will had withdrawn the blade.
"Ah1 I have jou thla time , cowardly mur
derer , " he cried In a voice llko a harsh
"HolJ , Hold , Will' Do not kill him ! "
I shouted But I was too late.
Will felt with his rapier point for the row
of small airholes which went about the case
above the middle and through these he sent
thrust after thrust , swift as the succession
of pulling lightnings
Then followed the most appalling cry tint
it has over been my lot to listen to. No
words came from the recesses of the bo\ ,
onlj' scream on scream of direst hum-in
agonj There were signs of vehement up
heaval within. And after rocking violentj !
to and fro , with a mighty crash the picking
case fell face downward upon the floor
I ran to the door in terror and horror Hut
William Bowman stood his ground with lit
tle Anna Mark beside him Her face wis
white , but she passed him the loaded pistol
without a woid
Then with the pistol cocked In his hand
artd leveled at the box , ho called to me over
his shoulder to run to the change IIOUFO nnd
warn all that were there Then I was to re
turn , heating the weavers' cottages for re
cruits So I ran my best , snatching the alarm
horn and blowing It as I went. So that In
half an hour I was back -nlth a dozen men ,
nil more or less untouched by liquor.
Will Howman stood where I had left him ,
with a set look of grim determination on his
face Hut llttlo Anna was nowhere to be
seen Ho had ordered her to lied as soon as
ho began to realize what might appear when
the box was opened. Perhaps also ho re
membered her words , "I thought 1 heard mj
father whispering' "
The men slowly turned the packing case
up from the blood-stained floor and stood It
face forward as it had been nt the first Then
with Inrs of iron and pickaxes thoj1 tore
away the boards Wool was packed tightly
at the sides ami nil mound , but as they lifted
this away sw'ftlj ' and fearfully , the aim of a
man holding a pistol appeared , still twitchIng -
Ing with the last remains of vitality An
other pull nnd the face was revealed It
was that of Hemaid Hlngrosc , the new dom
Ho appeared lo bo quite dead
Then I thought , ns I went up stalrri-and
found Anna Mark , a llttlo white clid figure
listening on thn stairs , that surely now the
end of evil had conic , and that the mur
derous hound that had so long disturbed the
ptaco of Scotland had nt last been taken In
his own trap I know not that this was only
ono hioKcn thread in the net of evil which
was closing upon us all
"Oo to bed , llttlo Anna ! " I said , "all Is
well '
( . \M'iil ! : XVII.
Iti-Miiri ( ( Hint nl Dominic
The enemy came in Unoo divisions to the
number of , apparently , .lomo thirty or
fortv hut our fears and the night may vcrj
111 , " have doubled their numbers.
Then 0110 bolder than the rest , a tall fig
ure etched In blackness against the graj-
giecn turf , went boldly up and tried both
halves , throwing his whole weight upon
thorn. They iceted still , silent and Immov
able Then this apparent leader went back
to consult Had they mistaken the signal ?
\\aa It a trap"
i Thcv were meditating , when the voice
| o' Will How man rang out
i \\lmt do jou here , under arms , at my
I master s gate' ' If jou do not Instantlj
I Intake jourselves off whence jou eamo 1
i will bto\v jou all to thu devil' "
| \\e < ould reo their line reel nt ( he
ti expected silute and make a movement
baikward I know what they would havu
done If thoj bad been left to themselves
perhaps retreated Hutat that moment ,
firm the drop gull } of the linn , there came
first onu shot and on the heels of that
another Then there w-as the cry of one In
pain , the hojiso crj of a man It was lit
tle Anna Mark at work , lirtt of all the dr-
fci ders of thu Mlln houoo lo smell ponder
Hravo' " cried Stephen Saw kins "Shall
I let thoin Invo It , Matter Will ? "
"Hold1 ' said Will "It is my duty to
siivo llfo If I can "
"Aje but our own not the lives of cut
throats' ' muttered the cx-buccancrr
"I vUl speak once more to them , "
"You will waste jour woids , " said Saw-
It'll" ' !
Will bcRan In a loud , clc r voice-
"Your spy Is de-ad , wo nro fully prepared
for jou. Yo'i cannot lake our fortress.
With a movement of my hand 1 can sweep
jou all to perdition Hut I give you a clnnco
to save jour lives for the gillowa. Call
off jeur meui , leave us and our houses tin-
moleeted and we will serve jou the same. "
"Ucg of the nngllsh , " cried the voice , " \vc
will not leave one alive In all jour dirty ken
nel. Wo will burn jou alive to teach jou
to bide nt homo and not come here , taking
the bicnd out of our mouths ! "
Then another voice , deeper and fiercer ,
died 'Tonvard' " And with n loud shout
a full bcore lushed at the door. H stood the
strain and then two of the assailants brought
forehammers and room was made for them
to wield thorn.
"Clang1" went the first on the- outer plate
of the great lock. And wo could hear the
sound reverberate through the weaving hall ,
where lay the body of the dead spy In his
comfortable packing of wool
The door leaped on Its hinges and the m.m
swung his hammer for a second blow.
"Onco more I warn you and for the last
time1" cried Will , depressing the muzzle of
the carronadw over the battlement , while
Stephen Saw kins cowered and sighted behind
for the heads of the throng. "Go back , all
jou who value your lives. "
The only answer was the > thunder of both
himmcrs on the door nt once nnd the start
ling reverberation of the sound from within
as from a drum Then from along the north
bldo came a straggling volley The weaver" !
had fired upon the foes who were oscaladlng
their defenses.
A black worm -with a glowing tip approached
preached the touch of the four-pounder
"Sta'id awaj' ' " said Will , as Stephen hov
ered behind , still anxious about his aim.
Thera a leap of llamo from the touch-
hole , a thundering ciack which momentarily
deafened 113 , and then there ensued an awful
turmoil beneath , shrieking nnd moinlug ,
oaths of ragp and cries of dcipali I looked
over the battlement , but being tempotarlly
blinded by the tongue of flame which buist
from the gun , I couli ! maKe out nothing &ive
n writhing confusion , a. whirl of limbs and
white faces , some gripping and lilting their
neighbors In their agony , like crabs In a bis-
kct , whlln the confused sound went up to
l.caven in a mnnj-volcod BluloU of despair.
Kiom the tower top thoic went forth no
sound of tilumph Will Don man and Stephen
Hawkins were ton hus > making ready for the
next line of ajsallunle. Hut none were pre
pared to advcnturo further Just then. They
had not oven begun to cany off their
Hut from the other side wo hc.irjl the
triumphant cries of the assailants as they
climbed up to the lower windows. The mus-
Kcts of the weavers spoke again and again ,
as It seemed , without much effect.
"Run. Philip , " ciicd Will "Oo to the
corner there , nnd from the corner loft jou
can romininil the whole northern front Wo
shall not need jou here
Tor Indeed , I confess that thus far I had
been of no use In the fray , go stunned was
1 between the suddenness of the report and
teirlblo effect of the grapeshot upon the ns-
fallants of the gateway
On the way to the north corner I had to
pas- through the great dim weaving room ,
now dusked Jnd terrible to me with the
thought of the dead lying In his bier , on
which ho hid laid himself a living man
Yet the ladder by which I must mount was
Immediately at the back of the packlngcasr ,
and to gain m > post I must needs pass It
Ax I went hastllj bv I had not meant
to look at It Indeed , I had been nerving
mjMf till the way to keep my cjes straight
In front of me. Hut a stealthj noise tomc-
wherii In the room an ! a momentary up-
leaping of the M.inun of the d > ing lire drew
my regard In spite of mjsclf to the place
where 1 had seen them la > the dead man
Then It was that I got the most horrid
tint OMT in nil m > life stilled an ) i
dlnmajed m > until ulthln me
The pm kins rnap was etnplj' j
\nd bejond n , in the direction of the
ttlrrlfiR nolgp which I had hoard , my ejs
fell upon a Right to flffright and subvert my
reason HP Hint hnd been dead was standing
In the great donrs , nwajlng , staggering on
his feet , nnd endeavoring tu undo the grent
Iron stanchions , no that , when puxlipd
ngnlnst from without , the leavc might open
1rlcd nloud in fenr My hands trembled
so that I dropped my musket on the ground.
In a moment tlici terrifying apparition hnd
turned toward me. I saw the counten.itifo
of n dead mini come to life , streaked and
blotched with bleed , the ojes fixed nnd In
jected , Blaring llko knots in window glass
with nn Inward green light Soiapn of wool
stuck to his dress heio and there , with an
effect Incomparably blrarre Yet such was
the strength and ndelttj of the man In evil
doing th.U nt the ( list sight of me hu
swerved nnd. stendjlng himself with nn
Inatllculatc1 irv that was more than half a
moan , ho mined the Knlto which was In his
right I'nnd and came toward me with the
Htcalthj trend of n wild beast.
They laid the dominie hick again In his
beiittlfullj-lltted case , nmcng the wool and
thi stained scraps of netted fabric Will
How man's lit ft thrust hnd gone through his
shoulder n little beneath the spring of the
neck. Yet tn fierce was the despciado In
his determination that no murmur had es
caped him IVPII when the sharp steel ran
clear thiough his flesh till the point en
countered the wooden hack of the ease
against which his shoulders were braced.
As soon as Will How man realized what he
had done , he sot about making his piopaja-
tlotiH. Ho dispatched by a hick door one
of the most trusty of the men who had hur
riedly rallied to him with orders to call In
all the women and childen ! out of their
houses. Tor believing that the defenses of
the mill would bo tried before morning , ho
would permit no mm to return to his house.
Not , Indeed , was there any who , looking at
the set face of the dominie and the lip he
had bitten through in . .thealn attempt o
keep hla secret , desired to set a foot outside
the defenses of the Miln house that night.
I did not bide long upstairs , jou may bo
Eiire. The heart-flutter and tremulous ex
citement of the night would not let mej go
to Elcep. Indeed , I never so much as tried ,
but Bat on my bed listening to the hum
about the mill as thlsi one ran this way
nnd the other that I could distinguish
clearly the sharp Incidence of Will How man's
shouted ordeis. Prtsently I heard a light
step without.
I peeped out at the door and there , If
von pluase , with her bandolier over her
shoulder , her powder-flisk , plblol and skein
dim ( or Highland dirk ) was little Anna
Mark , pietendlng to mount guard on the
Fid" which looks to the fcouth over the mill
lade and the birchen linn to the Klrkconncl
water singing below In thn dusk.
At sight of her array I was greatly stung.
I , a hey and the first dlscove-cr of treachery ,
was behindhand In the defense of the place
which gave mo shelter vvlillo a girl-
Well , after all , it was llttlo Anna Mark ,
And that was a very different thing , I told
As soon as she saw mo she called out ,
"Oh , Philip , jou are there I thought you
had gone to bed1"
And continued her promenade In a mill-
tarj manner.
"I am going Into Umphray Spurway's
room , " Mid I , "to get his now musket that
has the bajonet devised by IJio general who
ion aw.iy at Kllllecrankle , "
"I dare jou to take It , " she said , for she
did not want mo to bo better aimed than
"Ami pi ay , mlsa , what have jou to do
with If" I asked her.
She nodded her head in an aggravating
way she hud , n ono who would say "Never
mind , " jet refrains from saying It
"I wager jou a pound I will take It and
use It and never bo faulted for It ! " I nndu
anmvcr. Tor I thought of my mother nnd
of my standing with Umphray Spurway on
her account ,
"Done1" bho cileil , with her thumt
caught rakUbly in the strap of her ban
doller llko a froltck Wade standing guard
In a place whre ho can bo Blared at bj Ha
I ran toward Umphray Spunvaj's room la
Rtt the new rnuekct , which I had nluayf
covted an occasion to trj Hut when I goi
to thct upper floor I heard a mocking laugh
behind mo which quickened both my pace
und mj desire The door stood open , and ill
soon as I got within I HIW the ne t
was empty and the bird flown The musket
was gone , nlth all the other arms Of the
bottci sort which Umphraj kept In bib bed
chamber for safe and dry keeping
I uuno ( ut agnln , and there , with Iho
vrrj musket dropped at the readj , the baj-
cnot fixed and the priming In Uio pan , stooil
Anna Marl. , who stamped her llttlo foot
ai.d called on mo to stand In the king's
r.timu In the most appioved fashion
\ \ hcreat 1 bade her to bo careful for
that nudi things were not to be * trilled with
eave by these who understood them At
whuh Miglrcss Malapert turned up her
non and luin ling mo the piece , cried "Sir
\\l < wcre , coo If I'mphraj ' hlmrclf could
hsvo charged U anj better ! "
H wan true All was perfect when I ex-
nn.lnrd It and with vrrj good Intent. 1 cnuld
find no fault
"There , " she said , "vou might have hnd
this nt the first If jou had asked properlj
I nmdo It ready for jou. So do not forget
that nlrs and graces neither become nor
advantage jou , MnMrr I'hlllp Slnntfleld' "
To thin I hnd no time to answer , nor In
deed any answer ready to hand. So I be
took me down the Btnlrs , having secured
t'mphraj's ' powder llask nnd twenty charges
of bnll.
I found Will How mill n % erv Important
nnd n , % ery proud jouth Indeed. The
women and children he had put In the low-
vaulted chambers over the river , wherj
thej would be safe both from the danger
of fire nnd from stray shots.
Ho hid nt his disposal only seven men
upon whom ho could rely to see him through
the night and this , with Anna nnd mjeelf ,
wn.s nil his force.
Plvo nt the hcvcn he had set nt various
loopholes nlong the side which looks down
the tiver. Tor there , ho Judged , was our
greatest dnngcr.
Ho himself , with n man who had skill In
gunnery , was to have charge of the little
foui-pounder carronide , which was placed
on the top of the main gatehouse tower
The battlements stood n little out and were
constructed to sweep the whole long east
ern side.
Ono man wns placed on the roof of the
mill to watch the water front , while Anne
Mark hud Installed herself , n 1 have told ,
In the corridor which overlooks the little
Inn of Klikconnel
Nor was It long till we hnd tidings of
Mr. Hlngnoso'B associates Will had pur
posely allowcd no lights , save and except
the dark Inntern which ho had himself taken
to the top of the gate tower In order that
he might ECO to cast loose and load the
caironado. Now , whether the dominie wns
to make some signal to his males with
a lantern or no I cannot tell. Certain It Is
Hat ono was found , with the tinder , flint
and steel , all rcadj to be lighted , at his
feet. And It may bo that Will or Stephen
Snwklns , turning the glim this way and
that nt the charging of their piece , unwit
tingly made the signal agreed upon or some
thing llko It. So much was never known.
At nil events , It was not long before
In the dim light wo could make out a row
of dark figures running from the willow
cepses and scrilbbv oakwoods on the noith
and cast , toward the Mtln house
We three crouched behind the battlements
of the little tower and strained our ojes
Into the darkness
His mouth was wide open to diaw in air
enough to clear for the moment his dog
ging lungs. Ills breath camu In labored and
gurgling pants , nevcrthclejs he had the
resolution to pursue me , in order that he
might finish the work for which ha had
ionic , and open the great doors for his
I could scarcely leap behind the empty
case beforu ha was upon me. I tried to
escape either way about It , but from his
swaying uncertainty of motion he was ready
there with his knife. So I had to content
mjself with feinting first to the right and
then to the left. I was afraid that he would
bee my musket Ijlng at the foot of the stairs ,
hut cither his glazed ejoa did not perceive
it or , as Is more probable , he did not Judge
it wlso for the success of his project to
flro a shot. At any rate , he began slowly
and deliberately to move the emptj pack
ing case toward mo to trap me In the cor
U must have been the wclrdcet spectacle
and had I been able to watch It llkn an
uninterested spectator the duel between the
tciriflevl boy , dodging and doubling like a
cornered rat , and the dj Ing man grlnilj
resolved to finish his dire work , must have
been worthy of the Roman arena. Gradu
ally and methodically the Dominie reduced
tlu space In which I turned and vvlsted ,
pivoting the box alternately on ono angle
and on the other. Then he would lein
over to see If ho could reach me with his
knife. At last I was so pent In that I
could move neither way and as I realized
this I lifted up my voice In a great piteous
crv of "Anna Anna Mark' "
The terrible streaked face , the gouted
bicast and the fingers clutching about the
knife were very near to mo now. I could
ECO the ruddy foam break In bubbles be
tween the grey of his lips. But at the cry
of "Anna Mark' ' " ho seemed to pausci I
pushed with all my might against the case.
It toppled and fell over against his breast ,
causing him to stagger backward.
Then , cro he could recover and set It
up again on edge , a sharp report came from
the stairway , waking the echoes of fho
great weaving1 room. My pursuer uttore < l n
sobbing crj , his knife Jingled on the floor
from his twitching hand and ho fell back
ward with all the weight of the packing
case upon htm.
Llttlo Anna Mark stood on the steps nenr
the top with a smoking musket In her
Then she threw It down and began to
"Oh , I have klllod n man1" she cried ; "I
am n wicked girl" '
Presently Will Howman came rushing In
"A glorious victory , " ho said , "but I would
have given a whole jear's wages to have hnd
another lick at them iwith the earronade full
to the muzzle of slugs and rusty nails' ' "
I told him of rny adventure and we went
down to look at the fastenings of the gnat
doors , ono of which had been forced up The
marks of Ringrose's hands were wet nnd red
upon It. Had his friends returned In force
the doors would have opened nt a touch
Wo went down and looked at tbo man who
had been so hard to slay , so faithful unto
death In tbo devil's seivlco Three of Will's
strokes had pierced him , but only ono
fatally. Anna's single bullet had sunk Itself
Into his brain
Will Htcod musing upon him.
"I tell you nvhat , I'hlllp ' Stansflcld , " ho
said prohcntly , "there lies a kind of man
witli whom It was a toBB-up whether ho bo-
camn his grace of Marlborough or this
poor piece of carrion. This Dominie was a
man bravo enough to win a score of battles
Hut ho took the wrong turning Well , Um
phray Spurway will not think the worse of
him for his pluck. "
"Nor for trjlug to kill me ! " I cried , for
my charity did not reach quite BO far , nor
the matter strike mo so i'npersonally.
"No , " ho answered coollj "Ho held his
tongue when I thrust him through and
through , though ho wns held fust hand and
foot In n. dark box. And while dying by
Inches ho eould jet rlto to finish his work
before ho died. I tell you what , Philip , If
jou and I stick to our Jobs as well as this
Dominie llingrosc whjwo may sit down
and take a rest awhllo when wo are well
out of it all "
ciiu'rnniii ,
Vuiiu .Sfiiiln u ( linlirnue ,
William Howman sent Anna Mark and mo
off to bed with many expicsslona of com
mendation , sajlng that ho would Inform
Umphray Spurvvay of our courage und reso
lution And this preuentlj he did , though
heaven knows It was llttlo enough I had
done Hut Anna Murk , being as Jealous
ot what others should think of mo wi zeal
ous to beat mo privately at all manner of
plajs , gave such an account of my struggle
with the Uomlnlei that I had all tbo credit
for having stopped him from opening the
doors to hit confederates
Anil , not to bo outdone * In generosity by
u kill , I told them that but for her clover
Khot from the btaira I had been u very dead
to > indeed nnd In all probability moot of
those as well to whom I spoke
In the early morning of the next day ar-
Hard w < n-k makes bad backs * . No matter what
sort of work it is or what sort of man or woman is
doing it if it's hard work , it is pretty sure to bring
backache or lame back.
Kidneys get out of order , you know.
They are delicate little organs , these filterors of the
blood. Can't stand the strains wo put upon them.
Time comes when they have to have
help. Then conies backache. Hack
teels as though it was going to break
in two. Stoop over and it is almost
impossible to straighten up. Lie
down and it is torture to move.
Night brings 710 rest.
"Tirder in the morning than at
night , " is a familiar cry to every
suH'orer from kid
ney trouble
Hut there's a
Act directly on the kid
neys. Strengthen and in
vigorate them. Uolp them
to do their work make
men and women well and
strong. They're doing it
every clay right here in
| Omaha and there's proof of it in plenty. .Just room
here for a single instance.
Mr I'red 13 llnll , Xn COSNorth 32d street , cmplojcd t tlic rail-
load bridge two miles from the cltj , hajs " 1 had u bad back for
about a jear and In the winter cf 1S9S It became verj severe. When
lyliiK do\\n It wan difficult to get up and on stooping shnrp pains
caught mo In the fimall of the back nnd my kldncjs were weak. H
was for this that I piocurcd Doan's Kidney I'llls at Kuan d Co 's
Drug Store. Since using them I have had no occasion to complain
of my back or kldncj.s and I have told fi lends my high opinion of
Do-in's Kldnej IMlls and will pcrEonnlly conoborjte the abo\o ut
an > time "
Doan's Kidney Pills arc for sale at
All Drug Stores 50 Cents a box.
Foster-Milburn Co , , Buffalo , N. Y.
Sold afc a generously low *
price' by grocers everywhere.
IF youi\s docs not > fcee.p it >
BAKER Bf CO. , Importers sxncf
Minn. '
Eaa.y Homo Curo.
Painloa * .
Wo will ecnd nnjoun
nddlUed to Opium ,
Morphine , Lumlan-
um.orotlurdrug habit
oTrlnl Trent incut , Free of rhiirgn , of the most rcmnrUible runuly cvtrdlfiiovcrcd. Con-
talus OriHt Vllul I'rltulplo heretofore unknown Krfi.utor } CIINOH nolldlu ! Confiden
tial correspondence Invited from all , isix-dally J'hfnlclaiis. far. JAMKS bOCIIU'Y , 1181
BROADWAY , NEW YOHK. _ _ _ ! _ „ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ L .
Received of Mr . rive Dollars (1500) ( for full treatment of
TurkiPh L il Ca s , which are sold to him with a Kiiaraiitre to euro sexual
weiikn H , stronethen sexual power , euro shrunken parts and utop all unnnturul
discharge or emission , euro IITVO an d brain weakness 01 inonej ts bp re
turned Thin guarantee holds good for thrca > < arr Should a weakness return ,
medlclno will aunln be furnished free of charjjo Hnhn'H J'harmni y , ISth ana
F rna4n Sts. , Neb. N 11 U'o grve this guaiantee to our customers.
rived Umphiay Spurway with his whole
caravan , and A wild man he was when he
found the wicked fact that hnd so nearly
been perpetrated upon his folk and prop
Without pausing even for food ho slatted
to hunt down the outlaws Hut they had
dispersed over it gieat morass called
Crlchton moor , tint lies to the north a few
going thlo way and a few that The onlj
clear trail led to a llttlo shcltcicd bay
called Hjnefs bay , and hero were many
traces of horses and the trampling of gravel
down to the shore pi ilnly to bo seen So
It was thought that the dead had been taken
out to bo burled 111 the sea endi with u
filono tied to his feet , and that the others
who were not of the countrj mid BC < retly
allied with the desperadoes had escaped In
a ship , A lUheiman on the shore told
Umphray that nn he was going down to llBh
for lobsters a voice from on anchored lug
gcr hailed him and make him he | > away
If ho did not want a leaden bullet In his
gizzard ,
And on his repljlng that he was whhlng
to do no harm , but only to net bis partan
cagia in Hyncsii baj , a blatk-a-vleed mm
In n knitted cap net his head over the bul
warks and bndo him do no huim someuheie
else than In Hjnem bay for a day 01
See jou , " ho paid. "If jour wife Is a
good sort , don't go croHswIso to make her
a wlddj. Tor that's no klndnetH to her ,
unless she knows of a bettor man than jou !
So , take my udvlee , go south or north-
but keep wide of this cove till jou DUO our
topsails now over the noith water1"
"An ugly devil ho was > o 1 took my
traps on my back and aw a1 across to the
Hlack point It's no chancy to nrglo-hargle
viT yon kind o' forclgnecr gentr } . "
And so strange it wns that none heard ot I
jny dead In all thu eountrjBlde. though
Borne were never hoard of again jotinsl
rparks , lee , of no mean degree , who were
Bold bj their families to havu departed
over teas , hut who wore shrewdly suapotted
to have ) had a hand in the 'Hrennlng oot
o the Ungl'bbman ' whl < h was the iijmc
the aitlon got from the Intent not tbo
dccl ot tin a tailuniu
And afitr this I a no more perm tcil to
I will guarantee )
that my Khrumatliia
Cure will rclleru lumbago -
bago , Bciatim and all
rheumatic palna in
two or three hours ,
end cure In a STT
At all druggists ,
25c. a vial. Guide
to Health and medi
cal advice free.
1505 Arch et. , Phllo ,
111 ml all my lolH.ija at thn house of t'm-
phra > si < ur iy And this was ( hlcfly OM
li g 10 an idi u rny poor mother had that
HOMO bi ( dtinthed the Mlln housft Intended
eli.elly to kill mo nnd not merely to plunder
the mill , alL'glng In proof thereof that thn
xpj , Ilciimrd Itlngrneo , had been a tool of
my uncle John , and If ho were not , why
hud ho risen a It were , from bin vury grave
to attack rno with his knife
And fiom thin she could not be bcaton ,
thrugh even Urnphruy Hpurnay laughfl .it
her Tor mircly It was not possible that
a man of law , und ono BO nixirly reldlol to
me , could wish mo III And , moreovni , If
ho did , there wcru many WOJB of Injuring
me without assaulting the chiefcst strong
hold In the countryHlde
( To bo continued )
llnel.lell'Nrllleil Snttr.
Mat world-wide fame for
turn ) It surpasBCH any other salve , lotion
ointment or balm for Outo , Corn * Durn-i
Hulls , Soros. KelonB , Ulcers , Totter i-'alt
Rheum. J'cvcr Sores , Chapped Hands , Sklri
l > upilon Infallible for Piles Cure
guuiuuico' ' Only -5i at Kuhn & Co i clrtij