\ PAGES 13 TO 24. | EDITORIAL SHEET THE OMAHA SUNDAY H arWV3W ESTABLISHED JL'NIC JJ > , 1871. OMAHA , SUNDAY MOHXllMJ , .lANVAKY 21 , 11)00. ) SIXCSLK COPY VIVE CISTS TS. Over 30,000 Styles Always on Hand One more of our grand Clearing Sales on Mon- da > and overjbody who attended our last Mon day H snlo will tell > ou that goods and prices moro than mii-prlsed them. While the quantities nro Btnallcr than last Monday , the style" * are stilt the In most instances will very good , hut prices bo much more sweeping Bf-ll nc-lnch At lOcr nil shade * blnrk 25-Inch Cashmeres in chudeH , ind TiOO other Bt > lcs that suld up to 2 i uo will Fell nii-lnch At 15cuo 42-luch Diagonals 42-Inch s-lmli Suitings , otc , and other goods too numerous to mention. wo will Bell Nov elties 111-it sold at 50c , fi5c , 7iic and JiSi 42 Inch Storm Serges all wool Coal ings , plniils , worth G9c nebelgf-a 38-Inch Whipcords , etc we will sell you 40-Inch all wool German Imported Hllk tinlshcd Henrietta 40-Inch Serges , Gl im h Homespuns 10-Inch Black nngllah rancles and several other grades thai fold tip to $1 25 r > 4-lnch all wool Skirting Plaids , sold for Jl.fiO and Jl 7'i-all wool Prench Vigorraux. in all the Iiev Hhadcs of gray 54-Inch Cheviots , all colors -Checks , worth $1 25 and about BOO other pieces of winter goods that must bo closed out. t fiS-lnch Chovlots 58-Inch Clay Wor- blcds 40-Inch Cloth , with new polka dot , for walsta - Ib Inch Poplin 40-Inch Sollel , all colors 4l.-lnch Drap d'Ktc 40-Inch Kronch Nov- rlt\ Stripes no-Inch Mohairs IG-lnch Priestley's Hlack Dress Goods , sold up to Jl f 0 yard nnd about 1,000 other that nnibt go on this sale. f,00 patterns of 0 yards each In fine Imported Cheviots \Vhlpcoids , Venetians and small iheckw and all goods that hold up to $300 yard all will go Black Dress Goods Hlack All W ol At 49c Fancies worth 7rc S5c nnd $1 00 10.000 single Drtss 1 > nttcr"s ot ° yard's each - Crcpons , In all the new designs , )6 ) Inches wide , evtru heaIBInch German Henrietta Prench < 'lie\lots 'lO-lnch French Serges , and HOO pieces of Hlack Dress Goods that sold up to $1 SO per yard Must ha\e the room for our spilng stock. 42-Inch nnglish At 98c42Inch Crcpons 44-inch Pren-h Crcpons oC-inch nnglish Oliovlots IC-lneh I Wlilpconls. woith $1 MS 18-Inch nnglish | P.mclua SO-lnch Granite Cloth , and about 11,000 other st > lcb that we will close out I nt 9Sc. 9Sc.At nil our remnants At 25e of Prench Flannels will bo closed out. all our Imported At lOc Flench Flannels will bo closed out. pcr Jan1 wc wil ! P'aoe ' on sale fl ° P'eces ' of halt wool No\eltles , faut colom warranted good goods 'I ho above prices are for Monday only and not one y.ml of goods sold at those Vilies can bo duplicated on Tuesday. No goods sold to merchants or dea'ers at these t > ri < es esMMh MMh OROnR Dnn.VRTMENT-J\Ve will nil mall orders for out-of-town customers nt the snmo price wo Roll the goods o\er our counters , but we give no samples ot thn Konds on sale as the quantities are limited and are generally closed out on this day's l.ule aking away with all surplus stock in our great January 1 Clearing Sale. Such remarkable price cutting quickly does the work. Extra Values ! Extra Values ! Extra Values ! This Week an Exceptional Week for Extra Values. KXTRA VALUi : IN PINU COLOKUD SATINS a most excellent nnlsh , lirighl , lustrous and all the popular shades to close out every 33c jard wo nell at JXTRA : VALUI : IN PLAIN COLORGD TAITKTAS those aie ail per- fctt , mnv and choUo shading * , 10 pieces that go in IhK 39c ilcaiing &alo al IJXritA VALlii : IN CUANGKAHLU SILK for lining purposes 21 and lit Inches wide all pietty comblnatlon trong and serviceable 29c < m sale at 29cc J.XTRA VALUH IX I30TI1 HLACK AND WIIITI3 HHNGALINi : 10 piece , , \vhllc' nnd 15 ploces black these arc very latcsl slylo for entire c \\aht4 , or trimmings woith $1.25 on sale at our clearing out pi Ice i.XrUA : VALUi : IN PINIZST CUIPG Di : CUINI : In cream and pure wlute the popularltj of lhl beautiful fabrlr la unquestioned only c blxty pieces left vv01 ih $150 imibt go qulckl ) at IIXTRA VALUI : IN NOVILTMS AND PA.NCV WAIST SILKS Re member tlit-ho are nil our own high grade stock and in order to c IOMI out , join dioiie of over 175 styles worth up to | J 00 for iXTKA : VALUi : 1HLACK AND SI3AL DROWN SKINNKIl'S SATIN - full 30 Inches wldo and the bosl wearing sold everywhmo 1. ul $1 HO and tJ 00 hore.to clopo out Till : STANDARD OF IIAVDHNS' HLACK TAWirTAS are- known everywhere. There are few as good and none bettcT. Wo underbuy and undersell ever > body in black tnffptUH. LXTRA VALlii : IN 11LACK TAPPHTA 16-Inch , woith 7'ic. for 4c ! ) KXTKA VALUI : IN BLACK TAKPKTA 27 inch/worth $100. for 750 LXTRA VALUI : IN HLACK TAKFITA su-inon , wortii ji no , for . . $1 00 rxTRA VALUI : IN OUR IHST : PRHNCH puuu nvi : niuss : TAP- PIJTA llio bchl and highest grade made our regular $3.00 Hilk i loarlng out 10 pieces at only LXTRA VALUI : IN HLACK PIAU : DI : son : tun 27 inches wide ail nllk and a line baigaln worlh $1 50 will closu every jaid at only , Wo aio bhowlng sill the now spring tthades In the latest waist bilk In hcmslltch ClrlpcH. Wo are whowlng the latest Pllsso Silk for vvalwl triinining , In white or black. AVe nro Hhowlng borne new ideas In Imported Grenadines thai me Ibe flneal evci Vhown in Omaha. Our now hlmdc'H of Wltiblow Taffeta for spring am here. You know this Is the wld- frBt and best wearing silk. Everybody IH bujlngin low Taffetu for pleatlngs ami plcatlngs are the ntjle Other HtoreB have other talfuluH , hut we have the Wlntdow. A nw DAVS Monn AND TIIKN Tin : NIW IXIULARDS. Last week our mall older IniainrwK was linmciihu The people know that when we Edvortlho wo have the goodfa This ale holds good until Thursda > for out-of-lown pioplc * . You are hound to bo pleased , as a trial ordet of uoino special menlloncd above will convince you. All tlie New ESooks at Publishers7 Prices jav'ul llarum , .lauico Meredith , Hichard Carvel , Whe Knighthood was in FJower at 2ft per cent less tha Chamber's Encyclopedia Chamber's EncyClopedi iu 12 voh , only < S 5 | 12 vols. worth wortii $12 O . $15 on sale only Oil SftlG 'J'uac oray- complete ; jNIcCauloj _ Dickens , Irving , Kliot , Hugo , an hevoral other of the works of the greatest authors at ono-lnt regular price. All Bibles and Prayer Books at One-half Reg. Pric A Full New Line of Fancy Stationery on Sale Carter's Best Black Ink lc Just received 5,000 now novels regular price 2f > o on tale at , The Oxford gilt top 12 mo books , worth 50c , 18c on sale for < TO SECURE SEASONABLE Substantial bargains for the thrifty buyer. Not another store in western American can give you such vast assortments to pick from nor make prices anywhere near as low. Agents for the Butterck ! pat terns and publications. Agents for the Reynier Kid Gloves. Our mail order department is the largest and beat equipped in the country. Wo can ( ill your order juat as well a ? if you were hero in person and save you considerable money. January Prices are Always the Lowest uy now. Here is a good Couch , full size , the springs are supported by The Couch is upholstered in a good quality of velour and is a spring edge Co'ich our January price is And considering the recent advance on all such goods it is very cheap. Other Couch.s S0.50 , $8.50 ; $9.50 and $10.00. India Seat , Oiik lUiokca'.p , . " loot , (1 ( Inches Fitted rraiiu" ! for 'J.'p , : t5e and "Oo lilf'li , it foot \vltln , ! i shelves for .lust in-t\\o carloads of lion various in bookH , pi lee If l.0. select Ucds over 70 styles to from colors. F"TkQ / n loot o-pnnul Scii'on Frame fern New Dioi'-ins , Sldelioatds and lledioom Suits just In look us over n loot Oak Knsol Adjustable each. . IteMs lor "Oc1. we can save jou money. AUCOCS. PCRCV.LUS GINGHAMS , KTC. The biggest variety of all sorts ot cotton ntuffs. MONDAY'S UIO SALU. 200 pieces all now yard wldo percales , \crth 12V4c , theory best styles , spring col- b ( no remnants ) , Monday 7c > ard. 100 pieces fancy pure oil red calicoes , \orth 7c y.ird ( not remnants ) , on Mondaj Vie jnrd. ISO pieces Garner's best shirting prints , low styles , on Monday 3c yard. 200 pieces apron gingham , blue and white cheeks , standard make. , Mondaj's bale , 334 c ard. lOc quality fast black sateen , Mondaj , G' , c ard. * JRAND CLEARING SALE ON SKIRTINGS 55c grade all wool moreen , black and col ors Monday only , 27 0 yard. Special cut prices Wilton Velvet , Oriental patterns , $1 ! ! ) . 30-inch Smyrna Rugs at $1 2u. 36-Inch Smyina Hugs at $1.93. 1x1.2 Smjrna Rugs at $11.75. UxlJ Axmlnster Hugs at0 00. All wool Ingrains at)5c. ) . All dioppeil patterns In 65c and 70c In- gialns at 53c. Special prices on all made up Hugs and Caipets. Hope Portieres , slightly soiled , north $1.09 and $8 00 , at $1 00 , Jl.DO nnd $2 00. Chenille Poitiercs at $1.75. Heavy Pillow Cord at 3c. Draperj Fringe . ! e Threeard french seam runicd Muslin Curtains , Olc Specials JIST OUT THIY ; ARHLL THH GO. Tlioto sliver and oxydlbed snake girdles v.lth Jewelled eyes. Wo have them for 09c , 55 : and $1 30 SPECIAL SALi : ON IIELT IlUCKLfiS. .Tic belt , buckles reduced to 15c. 75c bell buckles reduced lo 25c. $1 00 bell buckles reduced lo 35c. $1 21 bell buckles reduced lo 50c. $1 50 bolt buckles reduced to 73c. Gentlemen's watch chains , warranted ( hi jeans , worth $3 00 , on sale this week at Jl 13 Link cuft buttons on sale at lOc , 25c , 4r c , 71c , $1 00. ig Sale Sheaf ESusic Monday wn will soil ten of the latest lilt ; at ific pcr copj , legular price " 5C. Suet hellora as "flocauop , " "Always , " "Sweet Sweet Ix > vo , " lalchl song by composorw o "Heca'ut < o" ami "Always , " "Hello , Mr Hab > , " "My Hannah Lady , " "Fond Retollci. UoiiB , " 'Hello O'Dcll , "Smoky Mokes' "Just Toll Her That You Love Her Too1 and "Without Your Love. Ah Let Mo Die , two lute songs b ) Charles K Harris Re member all day Monday at only 15c pci copy H > mall IGc grand Lace Sale Our new line of I'ngllsh Torchon Lace : now on bain al 2c. ot and 5c per yard , Nc'w nmbrolderles at lc , 3c and Do pe ; Said New Die * * Hi-aids at lOc 25c and : ! 5c. New Prlnges J5c .tKc , 50c and 75c. Spool Cotton per upool only lc. Hlg job in Curling Irons , eaih , lc 25i Dotted Veilings onlj. per jard 6c. Wall Paper and Paints White Illankh per loll .IKr Remnants in Pret-seil and Imported Paper. Dial bohl aa.hlgh as j 00 per roll , to clem them out we have marked them all al lOc Wo carry a largo and complete tttock u Headj-MUt'd Paints , guaranteed to bo tin best on the market , on sale this week a 9Sc pcr gallon We have also Varnishes Stains Knamelg IlriifhcH and Room Mold ings all ut cut prices 's Hosiery and Outerwear Hojs' shlrl w list1" , wortii up to OS/- $1 , on Hale while they last at iCJt < 100 dozen ladles' and children 9csts nnd pants worth up to 50c , on l r > sale at . . . ICJw Ladles' e\tra hcavv jersey ribbed , all wool vests and pants Clfln at . . . OUC J ullcs' online tlannel gowns , Oftr- worth $150 , reduced to VO Ladies' 50c fancy hose atChildren's 2jc hose Children ut s Ileoced line vest1 * and pants at 15c , 20e and . . . . SSen's Furnishings Closing out all the Oxford Tiult- lors woith ui > to $100 at . . . . Mon s $1 00 coloied laundered shirts at Men s $1 50 colored laundered shirt1. Men's 75o and $1.00 underwear 4 " 1C Men's 50c tics atMen'3 $100 undeiwear at The best work shirts ma < 5e on Halo at - Men s ? 3ci wool half-ho = o at . . . . One Oullon Milk Clocks , c-iich Ono Gallon Jugs , . -aeh One Gallon Jnrn , IMLll . . . Clips and saucers , cnch Plales , < -ach .Meat platters , regular price , 20c , * 7 J p tomorrow , oacli - * * Wash bowls and pltobcrs , regu lar mice uOclomorrow , eaeh Decoralod dinner plales , worth " ' r * lie , tomorrow 02 1 Piuicy lake plales , assorleil decorations , stlpilod In gold , worth 50c , Or1 I lomorrow , each - ' * ' j Dcroiatod liovvls , fancy decorations , with prices's ' lor lOc , tomorrow , A ' / - o.ich * * dw Oatmeal bowls ihiindsomo decora- tloiw , worth lOc : tomorrow , each . . . . Decorated covercvl dishes , these mo odd pieces trom dlnnei sots , and arc woith TOc and up ; on bale tomorrow Flannel Heparfmenf SPECIAL POR MONDAY Kxtra heavy light and daik Outing Klan > nolt pel > ard 3' c One case Pancy Shirting , pcr > urd , O'ic ' rigular , lOc One cahe extra hcavj , fancy atilpea , Her Ticking , per jard , 7' c. is pleies Cream llaby Flannel , rcgulai 12'zc per > ard , GVp. All the Ramonii Klccccd Flannel will gi nt lOc per junl Remnants of Outing Plannel , Shaker am Cotton Plannel , all wool , white and cm < broldered Flannel at i educed prices. iun HLANKHTS. Two cases extra heft Cotton lllankcty pair. I'Jc. ( JJ palry AiiHlrallan Rose Wool IlliiiikctH fancy bolder , pel piir , J2 U5 , regular $1 7- ' One case 11-1 white extra line Coltoi IllankttH. per piir , f 1 00 legular , fl so i\lia large hi. all wool California firaj BliinkciH. per pnii $ a 60 and $4 00 , rcduccc from J4 GO and $ " mi Great laiiinery Sales Closing out ell Ibis season d Hl > lcs al one third to olio-half curly season prices. Al must be sold at once New , stjliah Round Tuibans , Pompadour nnd Stn-ct Hats at greatly reduced prices. The Imnrtsamest line of stylish Violets , litho the new French cihadetf , to bo found In til west See the new Spring Plowerfi now on UIB pla > grocery Read these prices 3-pound pail best brand Ivird , lie. Hrcakfast Rolled Oats , pound , lc. Ginger Snaps , per pound , 3Uc 1'et brand Uvaporated Cream , can , 4c. Best Pancake Plour , per package , Gc. Kl\e pounds Granulated Sugar , 22c. Se\en bars any brand Lauudiy Soap free with one pound of Ja\a and Mocha Coffee for , pound , 25c , New- California Peachefl , worth 15c , 7'4c. New California Prunes , per pound only lc. New California Muscatel Raisins , per poun 1 , C % New California Raisin Grapes , per pound , 5 cents New E\aporated Apples , wprlh lac pound , only 7Vlc New n\aporated Red Raspberries , per pound , 15c. Now Grecian Currants , rccleaned , per pound , Three-pound can Fancy Lemon Cling Peaches , worth 25c , 17' , c. Three-pound cans Yellow Tree Peaches , only 15c Three-pound cans Fancy Golden Drop Plums , only I2'ic. Three-pound cans extra fancy Apricots , per can 15c. Three-pound cans fancy Table Peais , only 12'iie Two-pound cans fancy Sliced Pineapple , only J2 4e. Three-pound cans fancy Preserved Rasp berries , luc. Two-pound cans Fancy Sugar Coin , worlh 15c SMc. : Two-pound cans choice Sugar Corn , only G' e Thicc-pound cans fancy solid packed To matoes , 7 ! c. Three-pound cans fancy Baked Pork and Beans , Be. Three-pound cans Fancy Pumpkin , onlj 9 cents. " Two-pound cans ixlra Early June Pea worth 20c , only He. Tlnec-pound cans Baked Sweet Potatoes worth 20c , onlj 12c. Thiee-pound cans bent Clam Chowder worth 23c , only IFic. Campbell's Soups , Tomato , Chicken , etc. per can , S l-3c. Oil or Mustard Sardines , pcr can , only U1 Two-pound cans Fancy String HeanH , Llm. Beans or Succotash , worth l&e : per can only 7c , Flour Department High patent Minnesota Flour , pcr sack only S5c Wo guarantee this flour or your mono ; back. * Largo eacks White or Yellow Cornmcal only Sc. l > argo sacks pure Huckvvheat , worth fiOc only 2Hc. Very bent pure , Rye Flour , DO-pound sacj * S.'ie. Largo sacks pure Oraham Flour , wortl iric. only 17Hi Largs hacks beat Whole Wheat Flour , pe sack , 45c Monday's Big Sale on Piikled Pigs Feet , IVic. Pukled Tripe. Vfo No 1 California Hams , 7c. Fresh Pork Sausage7Vic. . Diamond Cut Salt Meat , 6c. Hpst brand German Summer Saueago , 7' ' i Plato Corned Hcef , 5c. Three pounds Airaour'a Frankfurts fc Frrsh Pork Roast , boneless , Gc. Minced Tongue ( for luncheon ) , lOc Fancy Ican Baton ( honey cured ) , lOc Liveliest Cloak in Omaha. awake and on the alert in the interest Always terest l < nf our many I'.imlnninrtt Wo luivo in stock at the present time 1,500 .Jackets , 1,100 Capes , 47 Suits and 700 Skirts that will be sold at 50c and in many cases at 2fu- on the dollar. No idle words or mere gush , but every statement wo make is backed by a stock of $75,000.00 in our cloak department. lift ladies' high class tailor-made suits silk lined throughout they are worth $50.00 on sale Monday at only 175 ladies' man tailored suits , in Venetian * serges and fancy mixtures all colors , including black , worth $ 'J5.00 Monday for 110 ladies' suits , made of choice materials jackets silk lined throughout skirts percalino lined and interlined they are worth up to $15.00 , for 175 ladies' high class jackets direct imita tions of imported models worth $25.00 , for 415 jackets , in kerseys , homespuns , Persian.- * and Montanacs , nearly all Skin ner's satin lined they are worth $15.00 , for ; J75 ladie * ' jackets , in kerseys and other ma terials , silk lined throughout , worth $10.00 , for , 27. > ladles' Jackets , Ladles' Silk KlnMied I' half silk lined . . .1.48 SKhtsoilh \ ? 1.M ( ) , for Misses' .Tuckets , worth Ladles' heavy Kluiinelolto .2.48 Sl.OO , for . . . woithl.H ( ) , for riilldien's Jackets for , .98c Ladles' all wool SKIits , In homy each . . . . . teied cienoiis Ladies' all wool riiumel WnlsN , In plain MO.OO , lot- . . and polka dot. In all colois.d Ladles' MticKliitoslu" ! . single or double - 1 . \\oith S.-I.OO. for only I'liju's , blues , biovvim and . " ( in ladles' Silk and Satin 3.50 black , wottli S.'iOO. tor 2.98 Waists , \\oith M'J , for . Inltints' iideido\\n : Cloaks , , ttimined Ladies' llannel lltii'd riidoisUit.s , . < l- ( ( > flounce , tilmmeilvitb p \\itli angora , \\oith .t ( K ) , for build , \voilb * t\27t \ , tor I/idles' Par Coll.uettes. Capes und.laeketR at les than half pi leu. New importations leceived and now on sale. U' ' * . .vaul loni ? I'attein f'loihs , . < > 1.7."i eaeh. Napkins to match , M.nu a doxen. A special bargain jn S t I'liiiRi'd ( Moths and rto/en Krinped Napkins to mutch the het Sl.t ! . " ) all linen. A new lot of l.o mi Cloths , i > ; naid. :5-100 : ; 'J' ' a id. fcl. : ! . > ; and Jtyaid. Si no IMttein Cloths. AIth lai e napkins , to matcli , SI. _ ' . . do/en. Something eatiiely new lancy hem tltchel ( coloied Diessor Scarfs , lust colors , Ceiman niaKe. St.'J. . and M.oO eaeh. Another liaiKNomo line of Tatlein Cloths , Ceriimn make , slhei bleached , 8 1. 1.7i > ; 10 I. S'J.'jr. . and 12 4 , S'J.7. . with napkins to match , $ U.r > 0 do/en. We eniry a blft line of pattein cloths , yj 00 , Mi.0 , .V.7. . SHOO. > : ' . . " 0. ? ; ! .7.ri , SI.OO , SI tin , SI r > 0 and snort each lull bleached , all linen and most of these we have napkins to match. White lied Spieads , 7. > c each , e\tia pied Milue also two nmnbl'is at it.'c e.uh. lleimned 01 filngcd , ! > "ic each. A new line of Iiaici.\ ) | Swiss just opened lU'/jc ' and 1 "ic yanl. A new line ol White Dicss ( Joods , line stiipes and neat cheiks , jit lOc yaid-heap. ( India Ihum , .lc. loi. ineOc , t2.'c , . ' ! . " ( , and 'Oc1.iid. . . Coloied 'I'atlaton , I0 < - and liOc jntd. folded Piques , l.'c , 20c , li.'ic , .Tic , Uc ) and "Oc y.ud. 10-Inch wide satin shlped Apnio Lawn , Hie , l.'c and 1lc ! jind. Hemstitched IMIlow Cases l i c each-ITiMSd llemslitched Sliccls. SUflO , only ( Tic each. Pillow Cases , lOc , l i/jc , inc. tioi and 'J.'ic each. Sheets. li'.lc ' , me , nOc. . " and ( > 0c nil these ate special fjood value and less than jou can bn.\ the malciial lor today. Yaid-wide Lou ; ; Cloth I0i .v.tid. I'ine Cambilc. "f. tic , 7'/jc ' , M/jc a nd 10c yaid. Last ilianceon Aloudi.\ to buy LiiiiKdon 7 < t Uleached Muslin at 0 It Ic.vaid. Yaid wide P.Ieached .Mns- lln , Pic jatd.L L yard wide Shcetliip. ( i y.11 ( | . 50 | , | , .f's ( of all linen Ciash , Hainsley all linen Clash , woith 10c to Iti' ' c , on sale at He jind. rices fully one third to one-half lower than similar garment ? can be bought for elhewhere. See our wonderful assort ment. Children's Drawers on sale at 1 fin ° 0iiii'l i * jW ) wVJOdlli * * Childron's Gowns on cale at f)0e and Ladies' line Q&f1 nP Gowns at ixOU jo Specials in ladies' Corset Covers at 15c , 25c and up to. .1.98 Ladies' Si.00 Cornets on sale at , 49c LadietT.Oc Gowns at , 39c and liousifurnisfi' ing Department Siilc ContliiticJ lor Another \VccU. If von want to til < c adv iiilago < if UK'S * pilirsoil inunt bin I nitw < K \ \ . nurv tin IIUKI'-I K'n k mill lin groin siailitt of liailliiK HIOVI x In AIIH rl i u < h UH Ou M ] i hi. l K.il./i IK. ] KUu.ilt I ouliw mid lli.itnii- line ' Imiiir ( Jak Cook h OVPS ami HIII C the \Snlle Hoit- i r 11 $ li)0 ) M D Stool ( tango , lar o IK ln < h "Vii ii holes , hlffli tJulf wllll vvntor Imnt $37.50 ronlj in < oniK < .t , t.alo prlcn tli M 'I rlunuili Uconomj' ritoel Hangi i , linlcrt hltrh Hhilf , low VMirmlii } ; dosnt , wiili S2 ,95 w iur truiH ( oiiipUln for waloi , aalo | .rli < $ 00 .SI lyolllH I'.lHt HungC- llolOB , 21 ln < ll < von nuultt by the. Charier Oak Co . px\rn \ $20,49 , hciv t H.ile jirlio . . . Ji1X ( ) ( juivn ic niin > Caxt Slnve willi wlilli enamel rc'Mrvolr. 20-Inch ovn full $19.95 j I KI 1 plated , Halo prlio l.'uoi Cjui * < ii KciiiKiiny Cum Hangp , nxtra i < irp 2H Imh oven thin IK a tilrd full $15.95 ntktl iiluli'l , Halo jirlif r- < ii-i Puigo , 20-lm-h ovon-n $14 00 Hankfr C < x > k , \ S-lncHli hole * , a von vi n K < i h IK i i lain nl < kol C | | ( jc good jilaln ntovi ; , . irrantwl In Clnt ti niiiKd i 111 1 jalo IJIHA . . pii J f every way , Ba-le pilcr .SPECIAL CUT PllICIJ ON ALL JUUTLN'O STOVLH i ) fual Step Ivaddci . , . . , . 15c C-ln fitovo I'lpo . . . . , . liiK k SH VM ami FraiiU'i . . . HP " 0-inoli Han < l Saw N'o 7 Oranllo Tuakittlo . . . . . . . r j- mar Tun. I'ot Bronlte u ai-pai muni SpinUoji . i'j ( 4-l i.e Aluiiuro I-'ork hU-t ) flame \\rlnu r . . . . Jl t ijiunlie Wa-h Hahtm * jun I hklllit runr inik „ < < Mis I'ottn Sail Iroim 1 UL MJ UH Sgl AllLMJri'lLUN U AhllLNH J. HLND US iOt It MAJL OHU12U3.