THE OMAHA DAILY REE : SUN DAT , .TA7sTUAT ? V 21 , 1HOO. NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA. r . * " .r - - _ - - ' - - _ - , . -L. . " - _ - - _ 1 1" _ " _ .J. ' _ _ _ : J ' - : - : 'r'J--.T-l'T-- : _ " . _ ' . " ' " " T- - ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' _ i j i im _ < - . i. . . . . i . - i . - i. , . m , . , . . . . . . . , . , - * , „ + , , Mi , .11 i. . I COUNCIL BLUFFS. MI.VOH Davig grlls Klp-sn. ! > t p A B C. beer. Ncumnyer's hotel. VeiEba h liurnera at Blxby's. Tol. 191 UuOwefser beer. L. Hosonfoldt , agent. DrV A Gervals. osteopath , 301 Men I ' k Council Bluffs. will be no public meeting of the Ti. . 111. . ; il ( society todas- - - , , ur work done at the popular Eagle la.-On Til Broadway. 'Phono 157. u F.MPP undertaker. 23 Pearl street. I onico. 37 ; residence. S3. . .dv Muccnbefi will meet Tuesday n n Mt the usual time nml place. , „ lump fwil. Sfi.TO ; Sheridan nut ' re.n.on & Foley. Hole agents. I- i ! . HPll'.nscr was called to No- business. . professional i \i-.ti-nmy on I \ \ ' ' J. Pavenport of the HurlltiK- t l .st'evinlng for n trip on the road iwn ur three days. i < It \iM-y und Nelllo Hranlff , both f ! 'ti iniiihii. were married here yesterday , J , M I l-vrrler filllclallng. .1 illll W I'nul. the railway promoter. Is hospital In Omaha sulTerlng fr 'in .i" p\p'n- attack of grip. r'mr ' Johnson wns at rested Saturday rx'.ti'B liv Detective Weir on suspicion of liplnR implicated In the theft of some thickens ,1 n White and Jennie KnclNJi. both from I'hldiKn. were married In this city yoiurdiiv. Justice Vlen performing the lVnnik Simile , arrested Friday night for ( .re.tur n disturbance In u Main street ri ur.iiit V.IIH lli.ed $5 and costs for curry- li < p n f ( \ Mlvcr. I * < limincI'Mward Walk , rector of St. ] ' , , i.l H Ki.l-copul church , will exchange pul- iii. ihlM mornliiR with Itev. T. J. Mackny of Ml Snlnt" ' church , Oninhn. \ , use of Hcarlet fever ut the home of \\i-dev Steeple , 2110 Avenue C wns re- , , , , rie.l t.i tlin Hoard of Health yesterday. 'J'lir lunixi1ms been ( | uarantlned. Fr.rmer . Sheriff John S. Morgan lias de cided l.i stay In Coiirell HlulfH nnd hus ptir- , hnsed the business of the Council Hlnft.s nnd uinnlm Transfer company from 13. A. Sv nui n ( lilef of Police Albro has received the fol- I..WIUK tplcismni from Kate Sullivan ut Mui.rie. . Ind. : "Is there n Mike. Sullivan In trouble In vour city ? Answer. " The police UK.IV . of mi iniin of that mime In trouble IK re ttllllnm Headley and William Williams * , tlir two men arrested Friday evening by Dr-i etlvi > Weir on minplclon of being Impli cated lu Hie several recent robberies In this cliwere discharged , there being no ovl- dcn. c iiRiilnst them. Witty dialogue , catchy HOUKH. artistic di.n ' blK novelty acts and up-to-date KIK hilly- features are a few of the offerings nude ( ( ' theater-goer ! ' by "The Air Ship , under the direction ( if the Mars & Helen company This Is the newest farcical corned v and will be seen lit Dohany s thriller tonlKht. Hev Myron C. Wnddcll , who recently underwent u severe operation at the Metho- diHt hospital In Omaha , has recovered sultl- clr-ntly to be able to be brought to his lumic'ln this city yesterday. Ills condition , however , will prevent him for the present from seeing his friends , as the physicians have ordered complete rest. Colonel W. J. Davenport of the Burling ton received a letter Saturday from K. H. ticlhel. ninnacer of the Universal Fuel com- liatiN of C'hloiiKO , 111 which he says he ex pects to be In ( . 'ouncil Bluffs the latter part of this week. This Is the company which IIIIK d.-chircd its Intention of bulldlUK coki ovens and niaiiufactiirlnt ? cheap gits In this nnd other cities In this state. M M Parkinson , deputy collector of In ternal revenue , has uotllled County Auditor Junes that all assignments of witness fees must under a new ruling of the depart ment bear a 2-cont revenue stamp. Auditor limes on Investigating found that there are l.M Hiich assignments which have been cashed since the rule went into effect that will have to be stamped. This will have to lie done l > y the three brokers cashing the ordoru. \rtlcles of Incorporation of the Aiiltn Mining compmy : of Council HluffH were llled In the county recorder's olllco yester day The capital stock Is placed at t ) , ono , the shares beluu $1. The Incorporate are : i P nieeg. H. II. Pugh. C. W. McDonald , AV J Diivonport and J. C. Voorhees. ThQ Iiroperty lies about eight miles south of the famous' llome.Htake mine and about four miles south of the town of Duniont In South Dakota , The case aRalnsl Frank Mattes , chnrKPil with assaulting Anna Giirvln. the Inrnu } of a disorderly house , was dismissed In Justice Fcrrii-r'H court vesterday. The Kriiiiil Jury In.iulred . into the case ami refused Indictment. Mattes It fused to return an W < IH alli'RMl. had a row with the vvomun and rinsed her up In n folding bed. seriously IiiJurliiR her back. The woman Is still under the of a physician and it Is said that her Injuries may prove permanent. Th Ladles' of I he Maccabees at the r ini'i'tlnjr ThuiMday evcnluR last Installed the fullowliiK olhccrs for the ensuliiK year- J'liHl comm.indiT. LouiseLouehow ; com- m.inder Mrs. Clnrn Voiinkerinan ; Lieu tenant commander. Mrs. Anna l''prson : rec ord ker-por , Martha Houcher ; Iliinnco keeper Mrs. Minerva Dodge : chaplain , "Mrs. Maisule Mitchell : servant , Mrs. . . . . Mr. Clara Precious ; nilstress-nt-urms. Aiiiia Hrlll : sentinel. Mrs. Landersmlth ; picket. Mrs. Etlle Parker. The DcKree of Honor. Ancient Order of TnltPil Workmen , Installed the folIovvliiK olllcers Friday nlKht : Chief of honor. Jlrs. AV 11 Boies ; lady of honor. Mrs. Vv. H. Mrs. M. ( . lllRh8iiiUli : chief ( if ceremonies. - Dalton recorder , Mrs. 1C. rampbell ; llnan- cler Miss Jessie Dennis ; receiver , Mrs. O. Jtastnussen ; usher , Mrs. C. S. Spencer ; In- Hi IP watch. K. ' Huuncll : outside watch. AV A illKlismith : P st chief of honor. Mrs. J McMlllen ; medlcM exninlncr , Dr. .I. II. Cleaver , musician , Prof. Mar 11. U Uourl- , loiin Uemmcs , who formerly lived near Media , was arrested Saturday by Depu y ShifrllT linker at his home , nine miles norm- west of Duiilnp. In Harrison county , ami linniKlit to this city. He Is clmrKed wdtli Hi'llliiR inortKUKcd property and seeurlm ? inimey by false pretenses. If. C. LoiiRee Is the coinplnlnliiR witness and he ' lalnis liu was Induced to loan lU-mmcs about J..on on KodK , which biter proved not to be bin property. Hemines pave bonds for his in - liearance In Justice Vlen's court , his lull li.-liiR llxed ut JW ; ! In each case. When Emll Holt was arrested In Omaha IIN Olllccr Val Olbbous of the Sioux City liiillce force , he was wearliiR a | iiilr of shoes stolen from the store which he was churned with I'nlililiiR. Saturday when the oltleers nt Sioux City went to produce the. shoes in ( vvi.lunce Holt was found to bo wcnrliiR an old pair Word was sent to Chief Albro liireand on InvestlRatlon William Dowey. a prisoner at the city Jail was found to bo wearliiR Holt's sip es. They hail ulTectod ml cxchaiiKO while Holt was locked up here. Chief Albro also recovered from a local pawnshop a coat and vest that Holt linn Hloh > n In Sioux City. The shoes and co'U and vent were forwarded to Sioux City Baturday ovonliiR. N. Y. Plumbing Co. Tel. K50. Davis Knlls paints. The celebrated buggloH manufactured by Iho late II. F. lli'ttonhauer will be sold nt u sacrifice- . Inquire of Harry C. Hatten- haucr. administrator , at Council Bluffs Sav ings bank. AJAX Tiibleta A very popular nerve and vitalizing tonic. Dellaven'u drug store. St Louis Globo-Democrat "T.ho youngest child can understand Ir. Cirecn. " Marrliice IUTIIM ' . LIceiiBCa to wed were Issued yesterday to the fallowing persons : Name and Bcsldence. Ace. J Frank Kdgar. Council Bluffs . IS .Albcrtu M. Holph. Council Huff | . 19 W Smith. Pottawatlamlo county . 2 > Mumlo K. Page. Pottawatiamle , county. . 18 A B Paylon , Council lllurfB. . 4 } . \nrni J Hogan. Council Bluffa . .in J.'rank Alvi-.v Omaha . 3 TCt'llo ' Hranlff. Omaha . .1 Dhlte Clil. . iiei > . SI C il.-ago. . . . 21 ' " " counha coMs. Howell's Antl-"Ktwf" ci res , TARR/i LOAMS WcBotiatcd In rn and I'-wu. James N. Casady , Jr. . i 6 Main i3t. . Council oniT i / i IXTP i' inm't/ trip * ? SUIT AUlNSi JUS1ICE VIEN County Attorney Kilpaok Takes a Much- Mooted Matter Into District Court. WOULD DETERMINE CUSTODY OF FEES llefcndnnt Stand * Ilrnily to Turn tin- Aniiiiiiil Over < lluCount } - lit CIINC the .Suit ( iovit Him. County Attorney Kllpack commenced suit In the district court yesterday In the cast- of rottuwattamle county apalnst Ovido Vlen , justice of the pence , to recover ? 32,50 ! ) , be ing fees which. It Is claimed , nhould have been turned over by Vlen to the county when making his annual settlement. The law provides that a justice of the peace Is entitled to retain $1,200 per annum of the fees collected by him. Of the amount Htietl for Vlen retained $1GO , claiming that ho Is entitled to that amount to defray his expenses for office rent nnd fuel. The balance of the amount , $ lGa.CO , represents fees for the years 18 ! 5 to 189S , which Vlun collected during 1899. Vlen retained this amount , claiming he had a legal right to dose so , ns during the years these fees became duo ho did not make enough to receive the full compensation that the law provides he shall receive. In the petition It Is set out that Vlen 1ms been the duly elected , qualified and acl- Ing Justice of the peace for Kane township from January 1 , 1895 , to January 1 , 1900. nnd that during all of that tlmo Kane town ship had a population In excess of 20,000 , but less than 30,000. Further , that during 1899 ho taxed as fees of his office $1GG1 , of which he collected $1,3GO. The law per mitted him to retain $1,200 nnd the petition asrecrts that ho should have turned In the balance of $160 to the county treasurer. The petition further recites that during 1899 Vlen collected fees which had been taxed In previous years ns follows : 1895 , $ . ' ) "nO ; 1896 , $61.25 ; 1897. $6.50 ; 1SH8 , $96.25 , making a total of $169.50. This amount , It Is claimed , he should have turned over to the county treasurer. The case will probably bo tried before Judge Thornell at the present term of court on an agreed statement of facts and If the court holds that Vlen has no right to retain the money ho will at once pay It Into the county treasury. Miss Tena Leonard filed her petition in her suit against John J. Deeming for $10,000 damages for alleged breach of promise to marry and betrayal under said alleged promise. Mrs. Ollln J. Marshall commenced suit for divorce from Henry O. Marshall , to whom she was married at Logan , la. , July 18"l890. She bases her petition on alleged 111 treatment and claims she was compelled to Icnvo him lust November , owing to his abuse of her. She asks to be awarded the custody of their three minor children. Judge Oreen has issued an order in the Duncan Shoe company against the Iowa Merchants' Mutual Insurance company caso. In ivhlch ho holds that the plaintiff must remit $50 of the verdict recently secured or otherwise the motion of the defendant for a new trial will be sustained. Judge Thornell failed to return from At lantic and It Is understood now that he will not hold court hero until the latter part of this week. During his absence Judge Smith will preside. 10c Mimic. How many copies of 10-cent music docs Hourlclus' Music house keep In stock ? Does Bourlclus' Music house keep these 2,100 copies of 10-cent music constantly In stock ? Where Is HourJclus' Music bouso located ? Is 33.ri Rroadway centrally located ? Isn't this the music house where the organ stands upon the building ? Tel.1GG. . The. Twin City saloon has changed hands from James Coylo to Mr. Cornelius , former bartender , Twenty-first street and Droad- way. Dr. Green , Odd Fellows' hall. Church \iCc * . St. Paul's Episcopal church. Rev. George Edward Walk , rector , third Sunday after Eplphntiy. Holy communion at 8 n. m. Rev. T. J. Mackay of Omaha will occupy the pul pit at the morning service. Evening prayer and sermon by the rector at 7:30 : p. m. Services at Grace Episcopal church today will bo ns follows : Sunday school nt 9:45 : a. m. ; morning prayer and sermon at 11 o'clock ; evening prayer end sermon at 7:30 : o'clock. Rov. K. Venting , pastor of 'the First Bap tist church , will preach this morning on "Spiritualism. " In the evening his subject will bo "Central Thought of Redemption. " Sunday school at noon , Junior society meet ing at 3 p. m. In the chapel , meeting of Young People's union at 6:30 : p. m. Sunday school at Bethany chapel at 3 p. m. and preaching at 7:30 : p. m. Sunday school nt the Twenty-ninth Street mission at 3 p. in. and preaching at 7:30 : p. m. At the First Congregational church this morning at 10:30 : o'clock the pastor. Rev. J. W. Wilson , will preach on "The Enlarge ment of the Gospel Tr-at. " At the evening service nt 7:30 : o'clock he will deliver a short ' Ecrmon on "What Doth the Lord Require ? " Sunday school at noon , boys' and girls' moat ing at 3 p. m. , nnd Christian Endeavor so ciety at 6:30 : p. in. Rev. S. M. Perkins of the First Christian church will preach this morning on "Min isterial Support. " Ills subject at the even ing service will bo "Agreements and Dis agreements Among the Various Churches. " Sunday school at noon , Junior Endeavor so ciety meeting at 3:30 : p. m. and Christian Endeavor society meeting at 6:30 : p. m. At Trinity Methodist cburch this mornIng - Ing the pastor , Rev. W. H. Cable , will take as the subject of his sermon , "A Living Re deemer. " In the evening his theme > will bo "Hunting Loopholes. " Class meeting at 9:45 : a. m. , Sunday xchool at noon , Junior league meeting at 3:30 : p. m. and Epworth Icaguo motitliig nt 6:30 : p. m. Fifth Avenue Methodist church , Rev. E. W. Erlckson , pastor , class meeting at 9:45 : a. m. , preaching service at 10:30 : a. in. , Sun day school at 11:45 : a. m. , Epworth league meeting at 6:30 : p. m. and preaching service nt 7:30p. : . m. Mr. A. H. Wood will preach at the evening service. In place of the pastor. Regular evangelistic services will bo held In the evening at Epworth Methodist church. Sunday school at noon , but no preaching service In the afternoon. The special serv ices will continue every night this week excepting Saturday. Also the meetings In the afternoon at 2:30 : o'clock on Tuesday , Wednesday , Thursday and Friday. Roy- Alexander Lltherland , pastor of the Second Presbyterian church , will tuko as lila subject this morning "The Apostle. Paul. " In the evening his theme will bo "Law of Progress. " The pastor. Rev. ( J. W. Snyder. will preach at St. John's English Lutheran church to day at 10:30 : a. m. and 7:30 : p. in. Sunday school will be held at noon and bpccla ] song service at 7 p. m , Elder Caffall will preach this evening at 730 ; o'clock at the Latter Day Saints' church on Plerco street. There will bo a social service at 10:30 : n. m. , Sunday school nt noon and meeting of Z. R. L. society at 6 p. m. Service nt the First Church of Christ ( Scientist ) will be held this morning at 10:45 : o'clock. Experience meeting will be held Wednesday evening at S o'ctoek. From bishop of Milwaukee "A most ad- mlrablo lecture. " SOCIHTY IA COrXCIIi lllit'l-'l-'S. DohiK" < > f Hie .Sivelt Set During the lnt AVi'i-k. A very pleasant affair of last week was the hleh-flvo party given Friday afternoon by Mis. 0. M. Drown nt her home on Seventh stic-ct. The rooms wcro pretty In decora- tlous of bridesmaid roses , pink carnations and ferns. A dainty course luncheon was seived during the afternoon. The first prize , < i hnndsomo plate , wns won by Mrs. I , M. Treynor , and the second prize , a pretty Holland vase , wn6 secured by Mrs. Cum- inlngs , whllo Mrs. Thomas D. Metealf was consoled with n roller blotter. Mrs. llrown I I vas assisted In receiving by her sister , Mrs. ' H. S. Lynn of Kansas City. These entcr- I tainotl were : Mesdames Hornco Everett , I Terry Everett , Hnnchett , Edmundson. John j X. Baldwin , John Stcndman , H. A. Cole , E. . C. Smith , llradbury , Holcomb , Sargent , i George E. Wnlk. Matthews , McKune , I. M. | Tiuyuor , Fred Davis , Ilcndcr , W. II. Trey- j nor , W. L. Douglas , John Davis , Davenport , i Forsyt'lie ' , Rockwell , Drlnsmald , Rlckman , J. J. Brown , Relsser , Hannan , Ernest Hart , Cummlngs , Thomas D. Mctcalf , Key , Lrf- fcrtn , Folet , Stubbs , Rohrer , Van Brunt , i Tyler , Ryaburn , Corey. Elwell , Bilshncll , ' ! Hymsley , Mullls , George E. Smith , and John ! H. Butler and E. R. McMahon of Omaha. j The charter meniber8 of the Flower mis- ( I slon , Mrs. F. P. Bradley , Mrs. Thomas D. j ' Metealf , Mrs. 'Holllday ' , Misses Beobc , Bcs- Icy , Irene Test , Helen Baldwin , Plnncy , ' Jerslca Wallace , Annette Wallace , Sade ] Farnsworth , Gertrude Bennett , Caroline j Schoentgcu , Troutinnn , Ethyl Thomas , ! Francis Bowman , Badolett , entertained Sat- I urday the new members , Misses Woodbury , | Edith Ross , Mary Key , Maude McDonald , Gertrude Davenport , Clara Troutman , Mod go llollenbeck , Maud Bcslcy , Edyth Thomas , Genevlevo Wlckham , Cora Smith , Bcsulc , ' Moore , Emma Frederick , Codinno Albright , Edna Bonbamand and Mrs. Robert Peregoy , at the home of Miss Caroline Schoentgen. There wan a muslcalo nnd refreshments were served. A vast amount of work has been accomplished during the three years of the mission's existence ; the field has widened and the work becomes so heavy that mere helpers are needed. The Lincoln Journal gives the following account of a party given by Miss Wlrt and Miss Morgan : "Friday evening Miss Jessica Morgan and Miss Ella Wlrt gave one of the prettiest parties of the season nt Walsh's hall. The color scene was red. Ices , candles and flow- eni all being In the prevailing shade , while the cosy corners wcro filled with numerous cushions. The refreshment table was beau tiful with Its drawn work dollies , carnations , smllax nnd candles. HereMrs. . I. P. Weeks presided over the Ices , assisted by the little Misses Helen Laws and Edith Foster In j dainty dresses of white with red trimmings. The young Indies were assisted In receiving ' by their mothers , Mrs. Chapin Morgan of I Hebron , Neb. , and Mrs. William 0. Wlrt I of Council Bluffs. Miss Morgan's dress was | ' o : 'White organdy , while. Miss Wlrt's was ot bright red organdy. About 125 guests were prwcnt. The music was excellent and the dancing continued late. " Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Farrand , assisted by Miss Gertrude Carnahau , entertained at carcl.s Friday evening at their homo on Seventh avenue. The rooms wore decorated in pink and white carnations. The prizes wore won by Mrs. Patterson and Mr. Meas- more. The guests wereMessrs : and Mes dames Hamilton , Patterson , Morris , Mlko- Bcll , Messniore , 0. H. Tlrown , Jacol-s , Hutch- ins , Mrs. LIvlngstono , Miss Bertha Smith , Miss lllekey , Mrs. James McNIece , Mr. An drew RobertPon. Mr. George Smith and Mr. George A. McNiecc. I A pleasant surprise was tendered Miss Lottie Smith Thursday evening at her home ( . on Eighth nvenue. The evening was spent at cards and music. An elaborate luncheon ivas served. Those present were : Misses Bewilo Dan De Bogart. Marie Nelson , Flora Chrlstenscn , Lou Williams , Susan Wilson , Lena Miller , Lilllo Miller , Marie Rilcy , Grace Rlloy , Mabel Benncr , Messrs. Leslie Stuart , Charles Van Do Bogart , George Mecham. James Christensen , Richard KIs- sol. Earl Green , William Rlley , Scott Covalt , Fred Moore , Frank Schlrck and Henry i ChristenKen. 1 Mrs. A. E. Bray entertained Saturday evening the wives of the commercial trav elers while their liusbands attended lodge. Mr. Lee Mndgo of Omaha nnd Miss Alice Hancock were married Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock at the homo of tbo bride's parents , Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Hancock , C05 North Eighth street. Rev. S. A. Perkins per formed the ceremony. The brldo wore a gown of maroon colored cloth and carried i carnations. The rooms were decorated In white carnations. Mr. nnd Mrs. Mudge at home to their friends at C05 North Eighth | , street. j The Jolly Forty club was entertained Thursday evening by Mrs. W. A. Maurer and Mrs. Stubbs at the Maurer home. The trophies of the evening were secured by Mr. ( j and Mrs. I. M. Treynor. The Progressive Whist club wns enjer- talned Thursday evening by Mr. and Mrs. John T. Mnlqueen. Mr. Dudley and Mrs. Mulqueonwon the greatest number of points north nnd south nnd Mr. Harry Searlea nnd Miss Mulqueon the greatest number east , nnd went , the latter winning the prizes , n ! cut glass Inkstnnd and a silver spoon. A dainty luncheon was served. The next meet ing will bo February 1 nt the residence of Mrs. W. J. Travis. Mrs. A. W. Casady entertained the Hamil ton Whist club Tuesday afternoon. U will bo entertained Tuesday of this week by Mrs. 1 T. E. Casady. I Mr. and Mrs. Press Clark were given n surprise Friday evening , The conspirators cnmo masked. The participants were Messrs , and Mesdames Mc.N'Itt , Hantbornc , F. Compton , O. Ewall , Wescott , George Clark , Miss Ferguson , Miss Hollls , Mr. Reader and Mr. Westner. | Mlas Edna Wllklns entertained charm- i Ingly Monday evening. Cards and music oc cupied the evening. Dainty refreshments wore served. The guests were : Minted Leon Benner , Nlta Boquet , Cora Hitchcock , Nell | Edgar , Besslo Jones , Mlnnlo Hall and Messrs. Frank Rapaljl , George Roller , Lew , Dwlnell , Lels Kynett , Hnucy , Claude Mat- I thai , Ira Ruffcorn , Heyns , Will Aylesworth I and Rachel. Those from hero who attended the charity bal'"at the Mlllard hotel Thursday evening were Mr. nnd Mrs. W. L. Douglas , Mr. George Maybe and Mr. Dick Stewart. Council Bluffs chapter , Daughters of the American Revolution , will hold n < mectlng i Thursday evening at the homo of Mlns Anna Ross on Willow avenue. The art department of the Council Bluffs Woman's club will meet Monday evening in the club rooms , with Mrs. J. K. Cooper as chairman. There will bo a meeting of the sub- literary department of the Council Bluffs Woman's club Saturday afternoon at 2:30 : o'clock In the club rooms , with Mrs. N. M. Clifford as leader. The department of current topics of the Council Bluffs Woman's club will meet Tuesday afternoon In the club rooms. The pubjcct for the day Is "Household Eco nomics. " Talks on the subject will be given by Mrs. Pugh of Omaha , national vice president for the department of household economics , nnd Mrs. Townsend of Omaha. The Oakland Avenue Reading club met Friday with Mm. Dorland. The next meet ing will occur Friday of this week at the home of Mrs. Blanchard. I'lTo I' , and I. club wns entertained Fri day evening by Mr. nnd Mra. Nat Shcpnrd. The prizes wcro carried off by Mrs. J. M. Casndy and Mr. M. F. Rohrer. The meeting Friday evening of this week will be at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Estcp. Vho O. M S. Whist club will meet Thurs day of this week with Mrs. John T. Mill- queen. The Woman's Whist club wns entertained Tuesday by Mrs. McKuhn. The meeting on Tuesday of this week will bo with Mrs. Bushncll. Mrs. I. M. Trcynor will entertain the women of St. Paul's church nt tea Wednes day nfternoon. 1 Council Bluffs camp. No. 7151 , Modern Woodmen of America , gave Its second danc ing party Wednesday evening at the Wood men of the World hall. There was a large nttcndnnce , 1 The Twentieth Century High Five club i will bo entertained Tuesday evening by Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hall of North First street. The Woman's 'Missionary society nml the Woman's Aid society ot the Congregational church met Tuesday at the homo of Mrs. P. J. Montgomery. The subject under dis cussion was "Tho Boors that Have Been Opened During the Past Year , " and was led by Mrs. M. L. Flood. After the business had bcca disposed of supper was served. Mrs. Montgomery was assisted In serving by Mrs. John Pugh and Mrs. D. W. Otis. There was a Biieotlng of the parliamentary drill department of the Council Bluffs Woman's club Saturday afternoon with Mrs. McCabe ns leader. The" " drill was conducted by Prof. Haydcn. John S. Gretzer sailed Thursday from San ! Francisco cnrouto to Manila , whore he will enter the employ of the government postal service. John H. Million has returned from n short business trip to Chicago. Mrs. Hunt of Sioux City Is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Douglas. Mrs. X. A. Street left Thursday for an ex tended trip In the cast. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Dlmmock are entertain ing Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Dlmmock of Bay City , Mich. Mr. Dlmmock Is general manager of the street railway of Bay City. The Progress club met Thursday with Mrs. Baird. The New Century club met Wednesday nftcrncon with Mrs. Sweet. The meeting Wednesday of this week will bent the home of Mrs. Mnrtln on North Seventh street. Rev. nnd Mrs. George W. Snyder enter tained Wednesday evening the members of St. John's English Lutheran church and I friends. The evening was pleasantly spent playing games. Refreshments were served. Mr. and Mrs. Delso Cook entertained at dimmer Wednesday evening the members of the Carleton Musical club. Decorations were In lilies , crimson carnations and ferns. Cov ers were laid for fourteen. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Watts celebrated their twentieth wedding anniversary Tuesday evening at their homo , 701 Twenty-fourth j street , by entertaining a number of their friends. The evening was spent In card playing and other amusements. A dainty supper was served. A ik aml Mrs. Watts wcro the recipients 'jHIvy handsome pres ents. Hf The Misses Babe aiWTNcllle Bcecroft en tertained Thursday evening nt a "costume party" at their home on North First street. The evening was spent in dancing and games. Mlsn Housh secured first prize , while Miss Case carried oft the consolation trophy In the games. Miss Sybil Rus was pleasantly surprised Wednesday evening by a number of her young friends. A feature of the evening was the enjoyment the guests derived from looking over the collection of curios brought from the Philippines by Corporal Rus. Dur ing the evening dainty refreshments were served. Mr. and Mrs. E. Shubcrt entertained'at dinner Fridny evening Rev. and Mrs. S. M. Perkins , Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Yancey , Mr. and Mrs' . G. A. Yancey , Mrs. Thornton and Miss Ellis. The elective officers ot Harmony chap ter. Order of the Eastern Star , will enter tain at a social and card party Friday oven- Ing. Ing.Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Joluison left Friday ; for Marlon , O. , where they s/111 make their future home. Mrs. G. P. Kemp of Avenue B left yesterday - I day for a visit with her daughter , Mrs. C. H. Cleveland , at Woodbine , la. Mr. Frank Edgar and Miss Alberta M. Rolph surprised their friends by getting quietly married Saturday afternoon nt their home , 819 Avenue C , which Mr. Edgar had prepared for his bride. The ceremony was performed by Justice. Ovlde Vlen. Mr. nnd Mrs. Edgar have a largo social acquaint ance , Mrs. Edgar having been organist at Epworth Methodist church for the last year. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Gravatto nro visiting friends In Lincoln , Neb. Mr. and Mrs. James Foster entertained Informally a few friends Tuesday night at a chafing dish supper. From cx-Govcrnor Jackson "I wish every citizen in the country might hear It. " Dr. Green's lecture. .MHS. YATHS KIUASF.I : ) o.v nn.vii. Antliorlflc.t 1'nnhlc „ „ y , . < ( o | , ncate "Ulvliio llriilor" .lumen. Mrs. P. B. Yntes was released from tbo cuElody of the sheriff Saturday I morning , her husband having suc ceeded In securing the requlalto bond In the sum of $3,000. The suielles on the bond are George Miller , W. I ) . Bell and J. Hardy , all residents of Tabor. The bond bore the approval of F. Loveland , clerk of the district court of Fremont county , who certified to the sureties being worth thy amount In which they qualified. | Mrs. Yntcs was nrralgncd before Judge Smith In the district court as soon as the bond had been filed with the clerk of the court. She entered no plea. Her attorneys Bio ted that they would file a demurrer to ! the Indictment on the grounds that tbo factu alleged therein did not constitute a cilme. . Mrs. Yates returned to Tabor In the after noon , accompanied by her son , who had brought the bond here. Up to last night Sheriff Cousins had been unable to secure any clew to the where abouts ot the "dlvlno healer , " James. Ad vices from the South Omaha police showed ho had not appeared at his home In that city. Omaha Bee "A brilliant piece of oratory" Dr. Green's. AilJllHllnir Fire I.OHMCH. The adjusters of ttie several Insurance companies who held risks on tbo different ' btockrt damaged by the recent fire at the Union Transfer company's warehouse on South Main street , effected settlement Saturday - ' urday with the representatives of the firms ! aflected. The amount to be paid by the In- | Burance. companies aggregated (20,000. Of i tuts amount $4,000 IB to pay for goods en- ' tliely destroyed by the flrp. while $16000 covers the damage to the stocks Injured by Binoko and water , which will have to bo le- palnied All thu stock damaged by tbo fire will have to be shipped back to the fac tories to bo gone over nnd placed In market able shnpo again. The companies receiving the Insurance are : The Grand DeTour Plow eompony. Union Transfer company , Atilt- man , Miller , & Co. , Newton , Wagon company , J. Turney & Co. , Banner Buggy company and the Studebaker Ilro * . Manufacturing company. Tbo settlement wns satisfactory to all parties. Dan Car- rlgg , tbo owner of the building , had not up to Saturday arrived nt a satisfactory settle ment with the company , holding the risk on the warehouse. 1-leit fur To the Editor of The Dee : 1 see through the columns of your paper that the dispo sition of the funds remaining fiom the amounts raised for the teccptlon to the Klfty-flrst Iowa nml the hospital fund sent to Surgeon Macrae- has not yet been deolded upon. As one who helped In raising both funds , 1 nsk space In jiour columns for this suggestion : The money was given for the soldiers of the Fifty-first Iowa In general or the men of Company L In particular. It wns given cheerfully nnd willingly for this work nnd for no other. To bo sure , the boys are now home , whore'no hospital fund Is needed , and the reception Is a thing of the past , but many of us who gavennd worked for the fund feel that It belongs to the boys. In their citlzonn' clothes , nt the desk or be hind the counter , they nre ntlll the same men who a year ngn were braving disease and death In the Philippines. They have further shown their loyalty to state nnd gov ernment by re-enlisting In the National guard of lown. Company L has never had such an armory ns It deserved. There nro nt present 110 funds nvnllnble beyond what the state allows for the rent of the drill room. Could there bo nny more npproprlnto use for the remainder of the hospital fund nnd the- reception fund than to furnish ti neat , cosy sitting room nt the armory for the use of Company L ? Both the Thurston Rifles and the Omnha Guards across the river hnvc pleasant quarters , and they are a power for good socially In the city. Do the men of Company L. Flfty-flrrft Iowa , deserve anything less than their com rades from Nebraska ? I feel sure that the women of the Sanitary Relief commission will be glad to vote their surplus for thlfl work If asked to do so by the executive committee who have charge of the reception fun'u\ The boys made economical , sensible use of the money sent them In far away Luzon nnd demonstrated that they will not nbuso the trust should these funds be placed at their command. Your truly. E. R. N. Cedar Rapids Gazette "A master produc tion" Dr. Green's. Killed liy a Train. Coroner Troynor was called to Honey Creek Saturday morning to hold an Inquest on Janicp J. Frazler , a resident of that place nnd a pioneer of Pottawattamlc county , who was killed by the fast mail on the Northwestern Friday afternoon. A Jury was Impaneled , but as a number of important witnesses were not present Coroner ner Trcynor adjourned the Inquest until next Thursday. It had been Frazler's custom for many years , defpltc- his 81 years of age , to meet every train and wander around the tracks at the Honey Creek depot. He was quite deaf and had poor eyesight and this prob ably accounted for him not seeing the fast mall as it entered the depot. The train wns going at a rate 'of about forty miles an hour and when the engine struck Frazier ho was thrown under the depot platform. Life was extinct when he was picked up. The funeral will bo held this morning from the residence of his son. Alfred Frazlor , In Honey Creek , at 10 o'clock and inter ment will bo In the Brason cemetery. Mr. Frazler came to this county from Indiana in 1851. Chicago Herald "A masterpjece of era tory" Dr. Green's. llciids Off n Sale. Ex-Sheriff Morgan had announced a sale under attachment proceedings of the Flock of liquor belonging to Sam Ford , a fornu-r saloonkeeper , for Saturday morning , but the sale was forestalled. G. A. Summit swore out a search warrant in JUKI Ice Vlen's court and Iho warrant was placed in the bauds o ! Sheriff Cousins , who seized the entire slock. In his affidavit Summit look advantage - vantage of the state law and swore that the liquor was being kept for illegal sale. The stock of liquor had been attached last August by the banking firm of Olllcer & Puscy to secure1 a claim of about $800. It bad been In storage since in a building on Broadway , adjacent to the Ogden hotel. No disposition of the stock can be made until the hearing under the search-war- rr.nt proceedings Is had before Justice Vlen , If the court finds that the liquor was kept for Illegal purposes It will have to be destroyed. Dr. Green , Wednesday. January 24. MlilncHola WiuitN Dr. Knlir , IOWA CITY , la. , Jan. 20. ( Special. ) A report has been In circulation for several days that the University of Minnesota Is tiying to secure Dr. Knlpe , the university athletic director , by offering him a place as a member of the faculty , to have charge of all university athletics and gymnastics. The salary olfercd Is said to bo In excess of that paid him here. Dr. Knlpe refuses to talk for publication. A mooting of the Athletic union will bo held next Monday evening , at which tlmo an offer will prob ably bo made to Dr. Knlpo to remain In Iowa. In the meantime a petition for his retention Is being circulated , backed with pledges of $5 from each signer ns an earnest of the desire to keep Knlpo here. OJCIIH l ( > Have u CntlidlliChurch. . LEMARS , la. , Jan. 20. ( Special. ) Work on a now $7,000 Roman Catholic church will begin shortly at the station of Oyens , live miles from this town. This Is chleily worthy of note from the fact that Plymouth county already has a. larger number of Roman Catholic churchcii than nny other In the BUito , although the largest town IB the county seat , with a population of less than 0,000. In thin town there nro two nourishing parishes. St. Joseph's church of the Gorman parish contains the costliest altar and altar furniture in the state. HoldciiVfililliiK' Aniilvrrmiry. LEMARS , la. , . Jan. 20. ( Special. ) Mr and Mrs. Bernard Lukcn have Just celebrated their golden wedding. They were married nt Guttenberg , Clay county. They have live Eons- and ono daughter and all of their children and grandchildren \\oro present nt the anniversary , which was opened by the celebration of a special mans at St. Jo seph's church. The mass was followed by n wedding breakfast and a reception which lasted all day. IncrcllMC In I'dHldlllce | | | | H. ATLANTIC , la. , Jan. 20. ( Special. ) Postmaster Concrd hits Just sent in bin quar terly report. It shows a larger business than In ony other three months since tin records have been kept. The receipts , asldu from those of the money order department , were $2,723.19. which , with the money order business , leaves a big profit for the govern ment. The postolllco Inspector was recently hero and recommended an additional clerk and an additional carrier. ll\\ll CllMlllH III IICHIIIIIC. IOWA CITY. la. . Jan. 20. ( Special. ) J. R. McIIugh , a Mlnni-upolU nilllnr , has loaood the old flouring mills In this city belonging to II II. Rate , and will ut oiu-o iiibiall new machinery for ihi manufacture of ryu und flour There are inu buildiuga. ono brick and tbo other stony. IOWA LEGISLATE DOINGS Titus Biennial Election Bill Coraos Up in the iloiuo. MEASURE DISCUSSED AT SOME LENGTH Imtnlicrl of ,1iicl < ( in Introduce * n Hill III ( lie Semite AluillKlilliK < lie mileri < if Mitte 1-rltitcr mill IIItidor. DES MOINES , Jan. 20. ( Special Tele- I gram. ) Tiio Titus biennial election resolu tion which paswjd the senate with only one opposing vote wns , the subject of nu In teresting discussion during lint bo-nton of that body today. The resolution which ' , passed the last assembly had been unani mously recommended for passage by the committed on constitutional nmcndments. I Hnll of Johnson raised the question ns to j whether the amendment to the state con- j stllutlon proposed by the resolution , If adopted by the people at the election next fall , would at once become effective , or I would it necessitate an extra session of the i legislature next winter to enact It Into a j law. I Titus did not believe the point well taken , j but Cbcshlor wna Inclined to think there j might be something In H , though he dc- I clared It had no bearing upon the acllrii of this assembly anil could be determined , when necessary. Hull bard \Voodbury thought the consti tution supreme law and when any laws are ! repealed by n change In Its provisions It \ must stand In lieu of the dead laws. | The question raised this morning , though , It will not affect the biennial bill propo- ' sltlon nt this session , will probably fur- | nlsh good food for dlscimslon by the legal fraternity of the state. | I Nolan of Dubmine. who voted against the | i bill , explained that he bollovcd nnnnal elec tions and their attending campaigns were I educating In their Influence and less fre quent ones ( . oiiltl result In n lack of In- ! tcrcst In public affairs. In this position 1 he seems to voice the sentiments of his con stituents. Still After Stiile Printer. Lambert of Jackson , who had a like measure - uro up In the house two years ago , Intro duced a bill In 'tho scjiatc today providing that ofllces of state printer and binder shall bo abolished and the printing and binding let by competitive bids to oHlces where the union scale of wages Is paid , unless such ofllccs pool the prices. The bill to allow the trustees of the State Agricultural college to use their discre tion In the amount of Interest paid on en dowment fund loans at that school was recommended unanimously by the ways and means committee of both houses and passed the senate. Fifteen votes were cast against It on the ground that some rate should have been fixed Instead of leaving it wide open. The rate heretofore has been 6 per cent and the authorities have had trouble lending the money at such a high rate. The senate passed Ball's bill providing that the State university may use ground originally appropriated for building an ob servatory for other purposes and Trewlu'u measure legalizing a special school tax voted In Fayette district. Upon resolution by Wise of niack Hawk , n committee of three was appointed by the j speaker of the house to draft rrsolutlomi of respect for Hon. Edward Townsend of lllack Hawk county , member of the Twcnty- Kecond and Twenty-third general assemblies , who died a few days ago. Mr. Townsend .was also a member of the Iowa Soldiers' 'Monument commission. Wise of Ulaek Hawk , Eaton of Mitchell and Cold of Tama | were appointed by Temple , speaker pro tern. tern.Hoth Hoth houses will meet Monday , the upper body at 10 a. in. and the lower body at .2 p. m. MACVICAR WILL RUN AGAIN DCS MnlnvM' Inyor. "XVho linn tic-pi Twice MlccledVooId lt - it Tlilril-'IVrnii-r. DES M01NES , Jan. 20. ( Special Tele- | gram. ) Mayor MacVlcar will tomorrow an nounce his candidacy for mayor for a third ' term. Ho has bcn twice elected mayor I after hard-fought campaigns and it is 1 > c- j llcved this announcement will result in another - i other bitter struggle. His enemies did not i believe ho would have the audacity .to try for a third term. His candidacy will estab lish a precedent. There will bo four repubI I liean candidates at least and Mac\'lcar hopes teat the division of strength will land the ofllco for him. The antl-Raloon leaders today discovered a forgery In the petition In favor of the ! Baleens , the * name ofV. . C. Kdlngor , a well- j kto\vn photographer , appearing In the peti tion. Ho says he. never signed It. The Anti-Saloon league people say the saloon petition has several hundred such names. Prosecution may follow. The supreme court today decided that when a receiver makes out n promissory note for the man In charge of whose' stock ho Is placed by the court , and endorses the j note as receiver , ho Is personally liable. The derision was In Iho case of the Peorla MarI I ble works against Hlckcy. | Other doclsloiiH were : Frankel , Frank it Co. against Au gust Lev ! .t Co. ct. al , appellants ; Louisa dls-.rlct , alllrmed. Peor'a Steam Marble works , appellant against James lllekey , lx > o district , re versed. FruiiK Fee , a.'ipi-llunt against National Masonlo Accident association , Polk district. ulUrmcd. JiimcM Krvvln against Mary ICrwIn , appel lant , Harrison district , alllrmed. Adjutant ( Jencral Hycrs left tonight for Indianapolis to attend a meeting of the Nntlonnl Ounrd nucoclntlon. Oolonrl Prntt rind Major llumo will nl o attend. The Fort M ml I on Canning company wns Incorpornt l todny with a capital utock of $30.000. The Stain bank of Kremont filed nrtlclef of Inrorporntlon < hls morning. The cnpltu ! stock Is $25,000. The Christy mine , employing ROO men nnd tbo e * Molnes Knlttlnx works , employing - ploying ISO. clo il down by the stnnllpoj nunrantlno In YotiiiRstown , a suburb , \vcro released from quaraiitlno todny nnd began operation. Willis Tnylor , aged 22. was drowtuxl In Hie liea Moliu-B river today while skating , lie fell Into a hole- and otter struggling n half hour to get out on the/ Ice , gav < > up and slipped back under the Ice. Comleted of an I'nuntint ONAWA , la. , Jnn. 20. ( Special Telegram. ) T. Popejoy nnd Frnnk Hurst were found guilty of attempting to extort money bv threatening to accuse a man of crime. They will he sentenced February 12. I'opejoy Is an Insurance agent who has operated In Mt vicinity for the last ten years , but this If Uio first lime he has been convicted of crime The courthouse has been crowded tluriin the trial nnd the whole county seemed In terested 111 the ease. Tm Yrnr * r ir s ATLANTIC , la. , Jan. 0. ( Speclal.- ) Johti Ford , who was nrrosled for stealing > box of shoes from a freight par last fall , w.i ! sentenced to t\\o years In the petiltelitlnrj by Judge Thornell. His pal , Fred Beems , vtlll sentenced next week. The latter turned state's evidence and helped recover n good deal of stolen plunder from n "fence.1 BUFFET LIBRARY CARS Best Dining Car Service , JOHN GWOODWARD & CO WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTERS COUNCIL BLUFFS.IOWA- * * ' Dohany Theater Sunday , Jan. 21. Marx Helch Co. thr > Now Hy Jo * M. On tea. NOTE. The wholfi forming tin- most H- lincd anil cllstlnrlly novel stage olforl of this or any jirevloun eriitioii in spectacular furce. Kntlro Scenic Equipment carried Intaet. Second and Hesl Kdlt'.on anil Hound In Laughter. IJKST MUSICAL COMEDY CO. ON' TOUR , -INCLUDING- MARIE STUART The- Anierrliin Fougero -AND Aboit Davidson , C. Itown Palmer , Lillian Edwards. Halo Sisters. Joscptilni ) .Inhnson , Ethel Mlllard , Fuuxtii French , FlosHlo Le May , Vlrlorlu Stewart , KJttlo Burke , Harry Woodthorpe , Geo. Mlllor , LoulH Klueman , Edward Wise , Fred DrHhon. ' Uiat our prices are always moderate Examine them for yourself. Telephone 1/15 / Silver Filllntfs 81.00 Gold Alloy Filllniru 1.0 ! ) Platinum Alloy Killings 1.00 ( iold Killings 2.HO nntl up Crowns 5.00 and up H. . A. Woodbury , D , D. SGr.incil , BuJ/s ] / , Next to BUY ONE HUNDRED POUNDS OF MOORE'S STOCK FOOD , Tlion buy ISO nourxlb uf nny oihurbtoclc fuuil uud 1,000 puumU < if oil uitKo or meal , jivido you ntouk nud maK a HUO : ! test , and you will ( Ind the onus fed on MOOUK.S siipi-rioi- to others , or the food will COST VOF NOTH1MJ. December 1. , 18M KnrloBcd Jlrnl check for an order of Moorc'H Food , leceivcd November 1. Will want more in u few days. January 0 lituu Send rne at your earlieBt ( onvenlenrc r.uo i-oimdu of your stock fon(1. FRKI ) I1KEHKK , Hculic-elimn. Iowa. f 'Mr. ' Ilcebee lion been feedlnp Mooro'n F'od for KUIIIU blx yi-nih und dt ono tlmo head day and in ihut nine lm loat no made gain on lOli bead of 41-3 poumlH a per hOK . 100 1,000 1'ouiulb Oil Cakt- Mooro'n 412 H ( ' Moore's Stock foot ! Co. UllTeiviK-u , Council Bluffs