Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 19, 1900, Page 12, Image 12

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    Tins OMAHA "DATLV insist vine AT , j WTAHY 10. moo.
PatrioU Try to Discnw S'creta Without
Springing Wire Leaks.
1'ntrlollo llrltciuto In sere Srnl ( ( > i AVIinl
to tii I'tilll Aliii-nl < itilili < ami
I'al run lli'furiiN mill
As nno of The Heo roportrrs went for the-
mm i jeterday he found lying on the
floor of the pontolllco several cloiely vvrll-
ttn shcols which had evidently been dropped
cut of the envelope , on which wofo Inscribed
this piquant cplstlu
' OMAHA. Jan 1 ? My tl ( > ir Web- How
inurh longer ere jou going to stay down In
I'nllt Cltj ? H stems everything has been
r"l g wrong since jou left here and must
tomenunlrato with jou sonic way Do not
darn u < . - telephone any more because last
uiglit an Infernal Hoc reporter uns listening
Eomcwlipro and got nearly every word of
our conversation Into the paper
I want to toll jou yrll ought to Kct
bai k hero im foon as jou can because Home
of our follons nro so soared by the o'cposuro
of our school board friends that thej don t
' 1 now which way to turn They think every-
hi dy Is a dettctlvu and are each afraid the
nixt ono Bquealed on will be himself
' Snw hunt todiy and he assured mo they
couldn't Ret jriti mixed In any more than
thpj' have alremlj , bcraurc jou'vo been too
careful In covcrliiR jour tracks and that
you have dealt with them through him
entirely Ho BOJS that Is what we had him
put In as pchool board attorney for and that
he will protect you no matter what happens
"I wlfdi they were all Ilko Hess , lie do-i't
give n cttit for any of them Stands right up
nml boaitB he was not In the board for his
health and untile to know what they are
going tn do about It.
' And what about thli nasty Bluff coming
up from Palls Pity about your will case
down there ? If newspaper repoits are
correct that seems to be turning out about
ns badly foi us us the other. Wish you
would lot mo know If there Is anything I
can do I was tall lug the other day with a
Illchardsou count j man who seemed to have
It Htralght from ono of the Heavlbes
" 'Tho case , ' said Heavls , according to my
Informant , 'was such a big one that we had
to gtt la Fomo outside lawjers It all
turned on a will Involving about $1000,000
There hail been a rumor of another will
made by old .Miles and we had to pet after
that Wo called In this man Hlgolsky fiom
Kansas City and John I , Webster from
Omaha Webster put his price up pretty
htlff and Insisted on having $7" ,000 of the
JloO.OOO wo would get if we won out
Itignlhky was to Ilx up the whole deal by
which wo would have the needed testimony
about the later will , but seems to have
fallen down wopfullj- . After hiring his de
tectives and setting up his dummj wlt-
nOK > es the detective agency sold out to the
other side , HO hero v\e are with all our
plans , correspondence and cvervthing In the
hands of the opposing attorneys
" 'I have not written a thing. ' Hcavls Is
reported to have added , 'that would com
promise me Webster sajs ho has not
written anything either that Is very bad , but
Illgolsky has simply put his foot In It and
It Is going to raise nn awful racket when
the whole thing como out '
"That s Just the way the fitory came to
me Hope it's no woiso than that , as that
is bad enough , and It won t help us or our
league to anv appreciable extent
"Wonder If that $75,000 Item is correct If
BO you ought to be more liberal In jour
contribution to the league's trcasuij. Don't
suppose , however , jou can get the money
fir omo time , If the case Is taken up It's
too bad , because with that amount of cash
nt our wo could pull you through the
m-natorlal campaign without much dif
ficulty It didn't cost Clark any more than
that out in .Montana.
"Hut this local matter H getting mixed up
worse and worse You must let UB know
what you want done because the league is
llko a chicken with Its head off when jou
nro not hero
"Keep this letter confidential. You may be
sure I won't whisper a word of It Yours
in haste , CADC.T. "
Small MaUrr I.IKo llrliiK i\le-lcil
from | | Home Iloi-nii't Scciu
toVorr > Him.
Peter Mangel Is not easily discouraged
I'or hcvcral montlia he has lived with his
family In a tenement house nt 4216 North
Twenty-sixth street. It IH said that I'etor
did not pay his rent A few days ago the
agent In chargeof the property caused the
Mangel family to be evicted Their furnl-
turo vva tossed out Into the btreut and the '
doors of the hoimu were locked and baited j
The constable who executed the eviction or- ] !
dcr went away believing that ho had per
formed his work thoroughly. The rental
Jigent Bent a man out to tack up u 'Tor
rent" sign "
Peter bided his time until the coist vvns
clear of Interested parties , und then ho
brolto open a door and carted his house
hold fuinlturu back Into thu place and es
tablished Mrs Mange ] and the little Man-
geld In possession. At loist this Is the al
legation made in com I against Petci.
The trick was not dlscoveied untl | thrco
or fmir dijH latci. when the rental nguit '
had a uillor for just Mich a house as I'gtr-r
had been thinwn out of The agent took '
his prospective tenant out to hco. The rent
elgn hid hern torn down and Hinnko was
curling from the Hue Then came the reve
lation that lesultod lu the Ismianco of a
warrant jestonlay charging Papi Mangel
with taking unauthorized pcHsesslon. The
document was dellvetcd to Constable Hen-
eel , who went out tn seive It.
Tli < - llt'H fouuli Medicine for riillilrrit
In the winter of 18'is ' , 1' I Husspll's little
buy contracted a severe cough nml cold and
was treated bj several phjuiclans , who failed
1o do him auj good Mr D. A. Fisher of
the same place , Miles Point. VI , mid to
"Yui bottleof ' i
him get a - Clmniberlaln'B
Cough Homidy. It will cure him. " lie
bought n " . " > cent bottln nnd thru u CO rent
lirttle , which cITectuallj cured both thorough
rough and told IIu ninv HIJS "I am j
judge and jurj and the verdict Is , 'Use j i
Chamberlain's Cough Hitmedj and live. ' "
lillitou Knli'rN lloiuil lit Triult * ,
ClIli'AOO JTII is sir Tliom.iH l.luton ,
OVMHT nf liiHt vour'H cup i halli'imcr Shnni-
rod ( IIIIH uliplloil fur nii'iiibeiililp In the
Chicago Hoiiid of Tradi Till' rules f thu
boaid ri > iiiln | < Una aii | > lli.itli < iiH be I' il
bIVNO mi lulu rs of tbo buaid In lr
Th'limn' i IIHI- John ( lleulj and John C
lii'lHford wfnlth ) paiki'iM , ai'u pont < oix
Kir Thomas l.tpton lias owni'd und operated
a ineiit pUM-ivlut ; and purK paiklng plant
at thy stock jnrilH fur M-VI-IU ! jt'ar , but
) u < rriuforu ha" luiil no iminhurHiilu In thu
linuiil of Trrdo being loprcbonltd bj man-
tigers of thu Ohli.igo ollli >
Size doesn't Indicate , , uaiiy. ! new are ot
counterfeit and worthless salve offered for
DeWllt's Witch Hazel Salve DeWitfs U
the only original An Infallible cure for
piles and all Ekln discaucs
The Till in lli < Home III ( IIIKn t.
There U oul > ono line from Chicago to the
fast that nine dlrectlj by and In full vleu
of tb great Kails ot Niagara The Michi
gan Central has long been distinctively "Th
Niagara l\ills lloutc" as HH through fast
tralnti to Niw Yurk and lloBtmi , paselng the
fall * bj dajlight stop live minutes at Falls
View station dlrealj overlooking the won
drous cutai.ut Chicago city ticket offlce ,
119 Adauib blrtct.
nvMiinto * - .
Diirlnic ( lur Itiiili HIP 1'nMrrl. . - In
Our l.lncii nml Uoiai-stlc li-iarl- ) |
We have thorn now .iorted and marked
at prices to sell at once. If you are lonk'.n ' *
for bargain ! ) In table linens , white dress
goods , muslin , sheetings or towellngs , * < > to
the III * Store tomorrow and jou will nnd
| plenty of them Largo sire bedspreads , 39c
each ; 6-4 nlze tapestrj table covers , C1' %
each , all linen napkins , -ICc doz , D-l tin-
, bleached Bheetlng , U'/4c , 91 bleached sheetIng -
Ing , ISc yard , jard-wide cambric , Cc jd. ;
jard-wide long cloth , lOc j'ord , chocked
nalnoook , 21,50 jard , India linen , 3c , Turkey
red table damask , lOc yard , fringed napkins ,
ICc doz ; 18-inch checked toweling , 2'4c
yard , unbleached linen toweling , S'sr jard ,
nro all from our own regular high-grade
stock. On Trlday wo will sell
COc colored taffetas for only SOB.
COc colored satins for only 33e.
? 5c black velvet for only 33C.
COc silk remnants for only 2Ce ; all colors ,
tn plain nnd figured.
$1 no fancy wnlet silks for only 49c.
lOc velveteens , all colors nnd black , oc.
7ljc black , all ollk , taffeta , COc.
$1 00 black taffet.i for TBc.
$1 CO 30-Inch black taffeta $1.00.
All the remcnants of our printed Trench
flannels that cold at from Toe to 'JOc will
gn nt 2 c , all the remnant drrts patterns
and skirt patterns will go on this sale at
from one-half to one-fourth of regular
prlco , all remnants of winter crcpons will
go nt exactly half price A special sale on
'live lln s of winter goods nt one-fourth of
regular price HAYUHX I1KOS
I'lit-MHT from CuMcr t OIIIIMnrrovil >
UNCIUM-I Di'iith It ) \Mili | > T In tlou
nt 111.Ovfiird llolrl.
John Ilusbja farmer of Cuslw county
who arrived In the city Monday with a car
load of hogs , blow out the gas In the Oxford -
ford hotel , Eleventh nnd rarnam streets ,
about 11 30 Wednesday night , nnd but for
the prompt attendance of Ir II C Hlcr-
bauer jeMerday would have lost his life
by asphjxlatlon.
Husby had 1 ( ft a call for fi 30 , Intending
to return home by an early train yesterday ,
and at that hour the night clerk went up-
ntalrs to aiou o him.
As ho leached the landing on the third
floor ho found the hall full of gas. There
was no i espouse to his knock on the door
of room 2" ) , occupied by Busby , to he foiced
the lock anil found the occupant unconscious.
The air In the room was stilling He'
dragged Husbj out Into the hall and called
Dr lllerbauer bj 'phone.
"This looKud like a serious case at first , "
said the doctor , "and his recovery was by
no means certain The fact that the tran
som was open about two Inches alone saved
him , as otherwlbo he would probably have
been dead before midnight. "
The room In which the accident occurred
Is very small , not more than SxlO feet , and
Is ventilated by a single window about u
foot square The night clerk , who showed
Husby to bed , says he warned him about
the gas
"Did jou blow out the gas ? " Uusby was
a kcd.
"Yes , " he answered.
"Whj did jou do It ? "
"I'm not used to sleeping In a room with
a light In It "
"But whj didn't you turn It out ? "
"Oh , I don't know anything about gas.
Never slept In a room before that was
lighted by gas "
"How did you blow it out ? "
"Why , I just stood up In a chair and
went to blowing It was pretty hard to
blow out , but I kept at it. "
Husby BajB he lives on a farm about
thirty miles from Broken How. The hogs
ho brought in belonged to a stockman In
his vicinity. If well enough he will return
todaj- .
Ilrlili-Krooin ( In1lrdnl of nn Old lint
> cittl } Kxci'iituil .loUe HN | Trunk
VUnictM Mui'h Mti-iillon.
The decoration of trunks and grips of
newlj- wedded people with all sorts of gro
tesque appendages and caids bearing alleged
wlttj sajlngs is of such common occurrence
that the tialn and depot baggagemen sel
dom pay attention to them A trunk ar-
ilvcd at the union station yesterdaj' ,
however , which was so originally decorated
that more than passing attention was given
It It belonged to a couple who had tome
fiom Chicago c'.i their wedding tour , and
the small size of the trunk led some knowing
friend to attach n placard bearing the lu-
formntlcn "This belongs to the groom The
brldo's trunl.s , containing her trousseau , fol
low In a special train" The trunk was llt-
orallj covered with Inscriptions. . Oue big
card lead , "I left my happy home for you
because I loved j-ou " Another admonished
the groom , "Ho good to jour wlfo and den't
forget to register when jou get to the hotel "
The trunk was decorated with bunches of
violets , bride's roses , old shoes nnd several
articles suggestive of bablPi' wearing ap
During the morning a young man , dressed
In the height of fashion , called at the bTg-
gage loom and presented a check tonespond-
lug to the ono upon the trunk As soon as
this became Known ho was the cjnos > ure of
all cyan and vis visibly bored when the
caubo for Mich clrse Fcrutlny met his gn/e
Ho tipped a station omplojo handbomely to
clear the tru'iK of Its decorations and hastily
joined a handsome , blushing joung woman
who had driven to the station with him In a
( llllllllj MlMllM IllMMiril.
The following Is a copy of a Now Year's
telcgrim wired to all the wholesale cus
tomers of the Aiiheuacr-Husch Urowlng asso
ciation of St. I.nulii. .Mo. :
"Predictions made in our lost year's mes
sage are. far surpassed by our trade rcporu
for IS'JO. Wo have reached the highest point
of production In our history. Quality iccog
nl/.OS no compotltlur and Insteid of jleldlnj
li.u mnilo quantity its cmntm'Mal ally We
lead In both. Our motto , 'Nothing U too
good for the Ameilcnn people , ' Ins foun 1
prompt and generous response everywhere
and In leturn we bend with a hearty gool-
wlll our wishes for a happy New Year to yuii
and all our friends
The rennrkablo business showing of this
concern fully w.urants the above , Inasmuch
as the llscul reports of the Internal Revcnuo
department show a decicase- 912,000 bu-
ruls In the consumption of beer against tin
preceding fiscal jear , which may , In a meas
ure , bo attributed to the war tax of $1 per
bcrrel Imposed en Julj 1 , 1888. The output
of the Aiiheuicr-Husch Drew Ing association
being the largest In the world , should
naturally have nho\\n the greatest lost ) , yet
their Eales for the fiscal jear just ended ex
ceed those of any previous year In the his
tory of the association
Their saliv ! of bottled beer alone have In
creased 30-1-10 per cent , which IB conclusive
evidence that a good article 11 ml a a goal
market among an appreciative public anil
that "quality merits rewind "
.Sorrow ! Sorrnu ! Surrotvl |
Vest chapter. No C , Order of the Eastern
Star , will hold a memorial service , or lodge
of sorrow , lu Masonic hall on 1'rlrtay oven-
lug , the I'Jth lust Members of the Masonic
fraternity uro cordlallj Invited to attend this
fcervlfu and to bring buch members of their
families and friends as maj dtslro to wit
ness this beautiful and ImprtusUo tero-
inoii ) There will bo no printed Invitations
no admission fee Doors will open at 7 30
and no ono will bu admitted after S 10 Com-
uillteu ou urraugt-mentu.
Two Carloids M 1 Remnants New Cotton
Gooih on Sale Todaj.
Anil tlic ( JramlrM AnlnoM In Irri
I.CIIKlIlN Illlll WitiNt I.CItUlll * lit
MIKi mill Dross ( inoiln ( lint
Wt * Unto lit or ( IITfrcil.
Today MO \\lll positively otter the
grandest remnant bargains that we Imve
over shown. Wo give jou the choice of
every plcco of dross gouls , Including the
v.ery finest quality that tuns In length from
2 to 7 yards , In extra heavy casMmero suit-
Ings nnd Imported novelty ilross goods. It
makes no difference whether they coat $1 50
or $2 00 , they nil go on front bargain square
nt 35o yard.
$1 oo DRISS noons , isc.
Today we offer every piece of dross
j gcods of sljnrds and undir of nil classes
I of goods that \\o have boon selling up to
$1 00 , at ICe yard.
ft 00 SILKS , 23C.
Today wo will place on sale every rem
nant , short end anil odd plcco of fine silk
that wo ha\o been soiling up to $1.00. on one
bargain square at 2'ic.
All the short ends of silks of one yard
and under go today nt 2c , fie , lOc nnd 25c
All the vciy small remnants of silk go In
bunches nt 3c PIT bunch
DRISS : noons HU.MNANTS , oc KACH.
Toilny wo will close out every piece of
dress goods and e\cry Imported sample end
of tno jnnl nnd under , a great many to
match , nt 9c each.
To close out every length of cloth , cnssl-
| ' mere nnd worsted , suitable for bojs' Knee
pants , petticoats and inlny day skirts , wo
place them on sale todiy nt 19c > ard.
$1 oo JIOUSSELINI : DC som , ssc.
Another grand lot of silk mouEKellne de
sole , In all colors nnd bl.ick , In lengths from
one jnrd to 10 jards , many pieces to match ,
Bo nt 3c yard
Clou Ing sale of all the remnants of drcas
linings , percnllne , sllcsia nnd tnffctu skirt
lining * , worth up to 20c , go nt 2 < 4c ynrd.
j All the mill ends and remnants of cm-
I ' broldcty and Insertion left from the gicat
embroidery sale , go nt Ic , Sc , luc and 25c
| i for entire remnant up toHi yards in
I length.
2,000 jards remnants of 3G-lnch un
bleached muslin , worth up to Slic jnrd , go
us long as they last nt 2'Ac ynid.
10 cases short lomnants outing flannel ,
Amoskeag apron glnglmm and fairy llannel ,
done up In bunches contalnl"g about thtce
yards of one pattern , go nt DC per bunch
7c standard prints in long rcmmnts , go
at 3' c jard.
10,000 jards 36-inch pcrcnlo in short rem
nants , worth 12Vic , go at 3Hc jard.
One big lot of blenched muslin In rem
nants , worth up to 8'Ac , go nt 3\tc yard.
lOc striped nnd checked nainsook , go at 5c
2,000 jards 40-inch wide India linen worth
up to 19c jnrd. go at 8c jard.
One big lot of satin stripe , bordered ,
apron lawn , worth 25c , go at lOc jnrd.
10000 jards 36-Inch wide percale In all
the latest spring designs , worth 13c , go at
S'fcc yard
5,000 yarda shirting prints In long rem
nants , go at 2c jard.
Hundreds of icmnants of all grades table
damask. In lengths fiom l'/4 to 3 yards , go
on sale today for less than half their
real value.
N. W. Cor. 10th and nouglas Sts.
I , < > \ e of Miture.
The untutored savage traveled many
moons through the tangled forests to gaze
upon the wonders of Niagara. Shall cl.l-
llzed man dhow less appreciation of the
Creator's handiwork when the Michigan
Central , "The Niagara Falls Route , " passes
In full i'ew of the great cataract and
enables one to enjoy all the comfort * of
travel' City ticket office , 119 Adams street ,
Chlcnco Mhilstorooop < Hie I'IIK-
tiiriUo of CnMollnr .Street
I'rrli > tcrlim Church.
Rev A II. Scott , Th D , the new pastor
of Custellur Street Presbyterian church , haa
arrived In Omaha from Chicago and Is tem
poral Ily stopping at the Patrick residence ,
254r > South Tenth street Rev Scott has just
I completed a post-graduate course In Me- i
Cormlck seminaiy , Chicago Ho la orlg-
Inally from the cnst nnd made n successful
I ]
' record as a minister In M.issachusetta be-
, foio he came west.
Since the icslgnatlon of Rev Wilson three
months ago Castellar street church has
been without a regular paster , although the
pulpit has been supplied fiom time to time.
Rev Scott delivered one sermon and made
euch a favorable Impression that the coii-
gregitlon Invited him to maKe a permanent
engagement Ho has not jet been formerly
Installed , but baa accepted the call and the
installation will tike place In the nenr fu
ture. Rev. Soott Is unmarried.
Tliri-i * Miiiriilllt'i'iit Train *
Leave Chicago dally for the east , carrjins
through sleeping cars to New York , Boston
nnd the east via the Michigan Central , "Tba
Niagara falls Route" Dining car service
unsurpassed. Chicago city ticket office , 119
Adams street
Tourist Gars
The Ilurlington Unuto Is the
best line to Helena , Ilutto ,
SpoKane , Seattle nnd Tatjnw.
It la beat because it is quick
est and Invohcu fewest
changes of cars
Through tourist sleepers
twice a v.ccK to Seattle.
To connect vvlth them take
nurllngtou train leavln ?
Omaha 25 p. in. Tuesdays
and Thursdajs. Second-clay. )
tickets accepted. Herth rate ,
jj 00 to Seattle.
ID02 Farnnm lOthnnd MQSMI ,
Streot. Streets. j
'Phono 20C'Phono 3IO.
HAtnn > IIKO" .
Hr ml Them- Prior * .
3-lb palln best brand lard , lie
f'-lb palls best brand lard , 31e.
10-lb palls best brand lard , RPc ,
Ureakfast rolled oats , Ib , Ic.
Soda crackers , per Ib , Sc.
Pet brand evaporated cream , can , 4e.
RoUton's pancake flour , per pkg. , 8c.
5 It a granulated sugar , only 2 ! ? .
7 bars any brand laundry soap free with
aim pound of Java and Mocha coffee for
2Cc per Ib
Now 16c California jcllo peaches , 7'4c.
New California prunes , only 4c Ib
New California Muscatel raisins , C Jc.
New California raisin grapes , Sc Ib.
Now luc evaporated apples , 7'4c Ib.
Now evaporated red raspberries , Itio Ib
New Grecian currants , redeaned , 7'4c Ib
No 1 bologna. Cc , boneless fresh pork ,
7'ic ' , fancy plcklod pork , S'4c , No 1 sugar
cured hams. lOc pickled tilpo , .Vfcr coined
beef , fie , German summer sausage , lOc , No
1 bacon , XXX cured , Se
ll AYDEN I1R03
MjnlorlotiN Old VInil iiilr ( n \o\lon-
I'lulil ( In ) of 11 Illi-jolc- i
(111 ( Cnn. |
An old man , somewhat under medium
height , wcarlne a gray overcoat and blai k
cap , was seen In the alley lu the rear of 1'tlI '
Douglas street about noon yesterday plajln
with several dogs belonging to the neigh
bors. A small bay standing near saw him
take n thing from his pocket that looked ,
llko a blcjclc oil can and squirt nomi'thlm :
from It into the mouths of the dogs In ! csy
than flvo minutes four of these dogs were i
dead. '
A family by the naino of II. S. Mnntofer- |
lug , living at 1111 Douglas , lost two valua
ble animals at the hands of this mjstcrlnus
poisoner. They notified the jtollce at once ,
and offered J10 icnard for his apprehension i
It In not known who owns the other two j
dogs. Ono of them Is .1 handsome vaunt ;
pug. evidently a pet In some household.
The police are unable to account for this
wholo.s'ile poisoning and the only tenable
theory seems to bo that the man Is crarj.
"I am Indebted to One Minute Cough Curs
for ray health nnd life. It cured mo of lung '
trouble following grippe. " Thousands own
their lives to the prompt action of this never
falling remedy It cures coughs , colda , |
croup , bronchitis , pneumonia , grippe and
throat and lung troubles. Its early use pre
vents consumption. It Is the only
remedy that gives Immediate relief.
from ClilciiKO l.omlN Sev
eral Oniitliu People to llopu for
Iteall/.utlon of
A telegram In jestcrday morning's Bco
announcing that Patrick O'Donnell of Chicago
cage had been notified that he would In a
few dajs receive $2f)00,000 as his share of
the Hall tstntc , which has been In the pro
bate court at Philadelphia for the last eight
jears , was received with pleasure by several
( .Itlzcns of Omaha , ns Indicating that the
Ball estate will bo finally settled , although
they are somewhat mjstifled as to how the
estate should be valued nt only JG.000,000.
Basil W. Hall , ono of the Omaha heirs ,
said that It originated fifty or more jcars
ago , upon the death of the Hall who
amaesed the fortune He had no descend
ants , but his brothers and sisters were
more fortunate and there are now about
1,000 persons entitled to a share in the
estate. Much of the property consists of
real estate In Maryland , Pcnnsjlvanla , Now
Sigars and High BaSis ,
If those C9 pill makers will come In n
body nnd spend .1 few hours with us nnd
see bow we < ] o business we will het up the
cigars nnd throw In a few "High H.ills '
It would cortnliilj' "flatter" us to receive
Mich a delegation of men , vvho'-o oiilj1 |
object Is to "elevate the diug business
that's the reason they have formed a
"Drug Trubt "
Cranu-rV KUlncv Cure 7. > o
1'acUrr'n Tar Soap 1.ii *
I'rnr'n Scpnti'il Soup l.'f
lllrnrj'M Culnrrli Cure tni-
< ; . -m Cntiirrh Cure Hie
CnMlorlit " i1
\ > OI'N Hair VlKiir Tor
liirMluill'M Ili'cf Uvtrarf lllr
\ Ino Kolafra s.'c
. .IininiliSoap Illi *
\Iallc.l Milk ! < < , THe ,
DOIHI'H Kiiiiiri rills : ; ! > i-
Morrun'n IvIil-lU'-olds Ililc
Cor. lOtli am ! rblracn Six.
\VIio IH GoliiKT to IliiNl ( ho DIMIK TriiNt.
J'isin .ml the fnrollnis Ttu grcn'rr part
< > f It win Irased for tilnNv ntnp jpnrs by
thp original ownir and the leaocs are now
I'Xplrlnn. An flfsorlnt'on ' hn been formed
by the heirs to puMi their claims , nnd If
the telegram from ChUdRo Is true thpy are
to receive their monej
What purzlrs the Omaha heirs t that ono
peiKOn should receive to large a share , and
thli lends some of them to believe that there
miui be two Ball eatalcfl with unknown
heirs In the Philadelphia court.
Miitliirtl Hi-iHil.Hi-nil ( 'lull.
There will be a meeting of the Ninth
Waid Republican club nt 2Mb nnd rarnam
streets , Trldav evening. Jimmrv in A
number of candidates for various offices
will be pie ent All republican * are In-
H P STODDART , President.
C r ROHKRTSON Scorotarj.
Get our new Flash
Light Powder , practically
smokeless and safe , and get
some interior views. We
will give you full instructions ,
Ali Latest Styles
Af Lowest Pricesi
The Robert Dempster Go , ,
1215 St.
Hxcluslve dealers In Photo Supplies
Three Trains
crrv TICICHT orricn , 1:102
Fort Dodge
Leaves Council
Bluffs daily except
Sunday [ beginning
'Monday , Dec. 18th ]
for Lopan , Woodbine -
_ _ _ _ _ bine , Ounlap , Dow
City , Dfiilson , Dewlt , Wall I.aUc , nock-
well City , Foit Dodge and intermediate
stations , connecting at Foil Dodge with
local tlnoimh tialn for DubiKjue , Chica
go and Intermediate points.
City Ticket Office , Grand
Hotel , Council Bluffs.
V. E. Labbc C. l > . & T. A.
It's Durability that counts , and you
get it in the shoes we sell , along with
Style and Comfort.
The newest up-to-date shoo for women. A
shoo that fits and wears llko a madc-to-
order shoe. Wo have them In the winter
tan and blacK , Kid anJ calf , vUth the veiled
The "Ultra.S3.50.
TIJK "DYKES" EOo Kcver-Sllp Rubber Heels or soles , .23C
only , .
CHILD'S fine $1.33 heavy Kid lace Shoes , with double fair stUched soles , .98C
coin toes and Hid tips , sizes 8 to n' at . . . . , , . .
HOYS' at 73c Canvas , Lace or IlucKlo Leggings .49c
LADIES' nrib Vicl Kid $300 Lace Shoos , with silk vesting tops , single 1.93
flexible boles and Kid tips on bnlo at. . .
LADIES' Pine J2 50 Vlc-l Kid Lace Shoes , with double stitched soles , extension I " 7C
tdges and patent calf tlpa a line- winter fcKi aalo price ! / J >
I \UliS' Kino < 1 SO Velvet in.broldered 68c
alzes 2 to iai
i Exaggeration o o
O o
OO o
O Exaggeration of truth is often falsehood o
O OviM'stateimMit. is lioinc'ous. Whether lauda o
O O tion , absurd and sensational , or all'ut'lod un o o
O derstatements , of sham conservatism , they are o
O O df a piece , insincere. Wo tolerate neither and o o
O write for criticism , front and rear. o
O O Today , we call your attention to o o
| O O Men's Clothing Nebraska Clothing o o
O o
O and when wo say the best for the money in o
O O America , we do not overestimate its worth. o o
O In the department ; where overcoats and ul o
O sters are sold , are piled upon the tables ulsters o
| o at $3.7r > , that bring $ . " > elsewhere. Ulsters at o o
85.7f > that bring $7.50 elsewhere they are ail o
O wool Irish Irie/.e. Then comes the § 7.75 ones ; o o
1 ° they are the cream of the crop they nw all o
1O wool Irish i'ruv.o wool lined , the color black , o
1 ° O the price most stores get for this coat is $10. o o
O You can't go wrong in your ulster buying o
O O when you come hero. o o
O O n ys Oveacoats o o
O $4.50 , * 6 75 , 88.00 , $10 , § 12 , § 13.fiO and up. o o
O Men who know about Nebraska weather , say , o
O O "You needn't worry there'll be plenty of o
O weather yet to wear overcoats. " o o
O Kemember , all clothing at "The Nebraska" o
O O is bright and fresh. No driftwood or salvage o o
O from commercial wreckage. o
O u
O o
O o
O o
O o
O o
O o
ooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooo
Although hiiM' 1'f' ' n ( Miipli.iM/lnn the " \VIITUIST rntont l
i'in ' of our lniMiu".s oi Inti- jol HUM Is oiilj ono lirnntli ol om lildi : > \ \ > linn
illo iiliout LOW Kinds ol Kulilicr Goods , smh as inlRht juotH'tlj lie tciimul mud
ll'lll UCCl'SSOl ll'S
The cut shows a Water Coil which
is used tor the tipplli.itlon ol cold
\\ater to the head or other portlmis ot
the body , as miij be dh cited b >
The little iiui-.eiy ornament shown by cut
\\111 be tetoKiil/ed at once by most inotliei * . It
is very list-fill sometimes. PUICI2 U.V for com
] ) lete nuf-er , with blushes for cleaning all
jucKed In lnWi He for catalogue of Huh-
iiuGoods. .
Sherman & McConnel ! Drug Co.
We haven't moved yet. n STUIIT , OMAHA.
Stands out proudly and defiantly challenging nil competition OUUXTBIl HAIUJAINS
THAN RVnil FOR TOMORROW Klein , I.cvinthal & Levy's JarKcts and Max Solomon s
Skirts give us a vaileij and .1 stoik i-quallo d by none In western America at this sea
son of the year The vvlse woman who has waited can have fiom $300 to $1200 on her
winter wrap. All new , stylish , clean , np-to-dato gaimenta.
SOP ladlcb' Jackcth , in black onlj1 , Inlf silk
Mned , high storm collar , worth at least
SGOO , for
How Is that ?
373 Jackets , nearly nil silk lluod through
out , woith $ S 00 ,
How Is that ?
175 Jackets , all silk lined , rondo of kerseys ,
Venetians , and whipcords , worth
$12.00 , for
How Is that ?
300 ladles' Jackets , In all shades , Skinner's
satin lined throughout a garment made to
sell for $1C 00 , on aalo for only
How IB that. '
100 ladles' high elaes Jockcts , direct Imita
tions of impoited molnls , gaimentb worth
up to $35.00 jour choice for
How IH that'
2 Astounding Bargains in Suits from
Kelin , Leventhal < Levy.
" . " ) ladles' nil wool SulLs , new , desliablo 8r. ladies' Man-tailored Suits , nil colors and
ihadch and materials , worth f * QQ black , worth $ -5 00 , for
$1500 , for . . . . . < - > .t70 only . . . . . ,9.98 ,
How is that" How Is that'
Max Solomon's Skiris Capes from Klein ,
at Half Price. Leventhal < 5c Levy.
All wool Skirts , in navy bluusi '
J. . Ladles' Plush Capes , Thibet -J /I O
. .
worth . , for
$2..10 tiimmod , for only JL. jbO
Ladles' nil woo ] Skirts , pcrcaline lined and How Ls that-
Intel lined , worth $375 , for -1 QQ
only . JO Ladles' Persian Wool Capes , single or
How Is that- double , worth $000 ,
One table ladles' Skirts , In plaids , checks
. 00 , for lion that-
ni.drtrlpes worth $5 Q Qg
only . Ladles' Collarettes
Ho\v Ks that- for .2.50
Iadlr.s' nil wool heavy Blistered Crepon
, ri do cn Indies' Dressing Sactiuos , In plnKs ,
00 ,
SUIrls , worth up to UO A QQ
I UiPH and gia > . woith up
How In that- 10 $ JUU to < lowp-fur . . . .
Ladlrs' nno Skirts , made of Imported ma Ono lot ladles' Dressing Sai ques , in plnkw ,
tcrulsat $3000 $2.00 Q blurs und t irdlnulH worth up to
vj. C (10 ( frr oily
$1,1 no $1000 $1JOO aul f
of Time is Economy of Cash
of -n\i-- tiint1 and .
is the csM'iico economyni money.
VICTOR WHITE , 1605 Farnam , Telephone 127 ,
Myleilow Thp tnPfk/PP
Citi/cns flBBK O lUCl * EUDl /
In the leading fir i-ij/ar sold in Omahu and
linndif ! - oi jjoud hinoUorriil ! lt ll yon so.
All dualcr.-i nil HHMIL
t\\n hloiwb111)1 ) Dunglit.s . .iiilM koit'i