i E * ' TIII5 OMAHA DAILY HEE : FKIDAT , JAN I * All V 1 ! ) , 1000. 1 I Advrrilxcmenln for tlicni * column * bo InKi-ii iincll 1- in. for ( lie i edition iitul until Still ) ii. in. fur niornlnix mill Sunday edition. Union , 1 l-Vo ! 11 Muril lltHt Insertion | lu u tturil thereafter. .Sntlilnu InUuii /or l < -n I linn 'Jt'm' for ( Tic llrxt Inncr- lloti. Th - p lldvcrtlncinvlllH UttMt bo Adv 'i-riHcrViil | ; > > - 'rciiurntlnif' mini- lioruil 'clicckC'MII liuvr minn-cm nd- ( It-oHMC-d lo it numbcrt-d Ictlor In rnrp < if The lice. AiiNUvrn no julilrcmiril \\t\\ \ ln < ilelltcrvil on iircuciilulloii nl tin. < ihi ; < * k "ill ) ' . > - , U A.NTKIl-MTLATIO.NS. A STENOGRAPHER. AVhcn you wnnt ono please vail up Iho Remington typowrltct olllce , 1G19 Furnum street , telephuiio 1 73. A KM AVANTED. plnco < o work for board nnd go to school. AdilretH.U . t-c. A 23li _ EJPERIENCIClT7oachtnnn dtslrt-s situa tion ; references furnished. ' Address las. . Bce'A ' 21 * ' A MC AVANTED , position us stenographer and typewriter for a young lady , daughter ot a Mason. Father Is over 70 years of ng'i und partially ' pilralyzod. . Family de pendent uponijhlldrcn for support. AV ill not semi ! Mason answer this appeal for work ? \V 2. Bee. - ' ' ; ' - A-4J ) 1M _ FIRST-CLASS "offlee tiiiin'wlio hart been admitted to the bar desires work for * " ' while attending school Ui Omaha. Ad- dress AV I , Hee. A I2T AVORK AVANTEIV by ninn'of M In private family or. hotel ; -umli-rHtands euro of fur naces wijjtti-nm , horns mid genp.rnlly " ful. Address AV 1. Her. " _ _ _ _ EXt > Elll E N'C E D t on < < h oV dc-lrcs VosUloll IIH prlvatt- tutor ; brat assistance to pupils vMfchlnK'itoimfiko up wiy branch : ' rofct- cnces.V x , Bt-e. A-IU-lJ * MAMA HUM' . AVANTED.Vo have stondy work for a few hablta ami appear- K-iod hustlers of good uuooi C. I-\ Adams Co.i JOW Howard St. . . AVE TEACH-the. barl * ) " trude tjiorol fih.y In short I'lme and furnish , each graiumtq with a. guaranteed position at good wages , There arc more than ten barber positions ndvortlsod to one nt bookkeeping or short hand. Write for free catalogue anil par ticulars.Vcsttrn ' Barbers' ' institute , OrnirhtCf l" < ' ' ' ' ' CASH for nr.f-optablo Ic1cnf > : . .stateif PtU- eirted.- Address The Patent Record. Bali tlmore. Aid. " -613 AN intelligent young man to take a short hand scholarship and pay for It. when ho and sSciirod n po- lias finished lhb.epufs > o flltlon. Address T lii , Rfcc. B-M11S 3 picture agouti cxppm'es paid. 1MO Leo ; AVANTED. pnlnt. salesmen to work on commlssloniunals'only'thosn ; with pxperl- enqe-nnd rufcrcntos need apply. 1212 I-ar- nam St. ' B-CD2 WANTED , manngor and nconls ; salary or commlB.iloni-'om'np'pst' and largest line. Huntpr Tnllorim ? and Shirt Co. . Cincin nati , O. B-Mlir. AT' STRAIGHT siiinrlpd traveling job awaits you. Trlpjnph. Information Co. . Dallas , Tex. ' ' BT.M218.la * SALESMEN to sell olllco specialties ; nno sldo lines ; used by all merchants ; catalog frre. Mddol Mfg. Co.j Box'R..South Rend. Ind. B-M2I1 F12 * ' " ' ' MOLKll llA'nBEtl"'COLLEGE , 'Chicago , 111. , has a gi'iind offer for anyone to learn barber trade. Sneclal tpls nunith. 500 po sitions nt tiWmonthly brn--t soon , new field , olght weeks' form qualifies. ' Complete ? tint- fit. ' of.tOtl ( - . presumed , each studont. . Our graduates' success Increases the demand for help. Only school whoso .barbers are allowed to work In any state. Cty | map nlul" Illustrated cninlotiuo explaining our new Inducement mailed freo. IT M333 20 * - , , , . . , l | ; [ . * _ . , , , 1 _ ! . AVANTED. boy iiliout 15 yours old to make himself handy about Ktore. .U-G7. H e. B-M419 19 WANTED , goh'd solicitors. aV S'6.00 per month and c Address I' . O. Box flTI , lnftliigs , - 2 | . pc only thOHi ) of 5 : U-sof.oxpt'rlPJic/i need apply. Peoples Store ; Jilth & Parilam. ' B un-20 . _ - MEMORIAJj Ufe.-ottMoiidy.- Teidy ; tens of thousands wlI ( V'eaold ; opjiortunlty of 11 Ilfi'Um'tvto' niUlcu Jnoni j1MK jirontH ; rclfjht .paid ; .tiwid JO.ocntHrfor unt- bo. UrsJjn ijold ; each Hiibaiirlber lifts II lltiu1 plifitotype jiortrf.lt of Mr. Moody for .framing frcuj write quick. American Hiink and Hlble House. 1X2 N 12th Hi. , Philadelphia , I'a. " ] & WANTED , 200 Rlrls. 1524 Dodge. Tel. S7C. ' " C-U3U _ _ _ AN iPtelllcent lady to take a shorthand scholarship and pay for It when shu finishes ; the course and Secures a posl- tloii.-f. Addrsss T 3S , care Keo. C Mil ? EO girls wanted. Canadian ofllco 1522 Douglas _ , . . . . . . . . . . . .C-03S-FJ WANTED , a peek nt 210S Sherman avo. ' ' C M232 , for. Kenornl honsewiorlr In small fam ily ; wngc-i Jl per week. Apply 121S Pnrlr- wlldo ttV.o- , , , < . C ISii 21 * _ KOH uiW'j1 iuiusi : ; . . IF YOtl want your houses well rented place them _ tvllU pene\Va. & Co. D G1U CHOICE' house's , cotlages/'stores. / HeTiry 15. Payne ' , U01 N. V , ' Life. 'Phone , luiti. > * + " ' " _ J3-CI1 "HOUSES , Hoi-es. liemia. Paxt6n blofk. _ ' JIAOGAIID Vart & Storage , IfilG Cop. Ave. Tel. 11M. D Oil FOR RENT , houses In all parts of city. The O. ! ' . pavJ Co. , 150J l-'anmm street ' - HOUSES for rent In all parts of the city I5ronnnn-iovo ; Co , , Sup So. ,13th street. , D-640 _ tlOUSIOH for rent. J. II. Sherwood , 423 N y. Ijjfp , 'I'honn 3SS : D-CI7 troUSES to rent. ' Patterson. 3M N.'V. hifc. D-C50 E TO II rooms , W to $00. ' SOtU. S. H'k lildg . . . D-351 le D-C49 FOR RUNT , ' dt' lralln houses 'and Hats Rliifcwalt , Barker block. A n W FOR RENT , 8-room hou'e. all modern con vcnlenccB. pojipoaUo , 'HnnKcdm jwrlt. n.G2D Park avo. Inipilro 2130' S. 33rd .or. tle phone 1227. ' D3110 ? , " . . 'i . . - K21 N. 21th St. , tl-io'onl' nodcrn ( flat. J7.0p. 2237 Spruce. 4-roomS . "Clfy Wflfe'r , JHW. ( 21110 Spward.5 room rotlnrto. trlly wtttvr.JlO S. " > 2 8. 23d st. , ! rooms , rlty unit rr. J10/CO. / MO : N SUl ft. , S-rflOIU.hoUse , H5.W.i fi23 > 4 S ISth st. , 4-room c-ottase , $7.00. ' 3111 Mnrvy ft. , J riioius. ety ( water , 47.00. Omaha 'Loan & Tr\ist \ Co. . ICth nn'd pouslaa , . , , / ' ' us.L U221 CUM I NO st. . du/en rooms , modern 3X- eepl furnace ; tin's juflt uneii painted 3Xnd rortownlrdj. wlll rout to duslrablp tenant only J20.00 Omaha Ixian nnd Trust Po. ' 16th and DQUK | | | . D-230 _ 115 8. 291 h uvo. , modern seven-room IIOIIB In Kood condltlpp , f20.QO. Oniuhii Ix > un f Triirt Co. , 16th and Uouslas sts. D 2IS central , tonm 'hc . nil modern poven-rjiom liouse. Tlzard. irjl N 21th. ' - > D-MI17 25 KOll IU3NT. r9 roomc. modern , sieam heal i-namel hath. 1 (0 Chicago t : Inqulro i II. Oreen , BCW Kurbach. Tel. S93. - 21 _ FI'RNISIIED 6-room modern j.'Ptiagt . W i : < Uee. . - < Ji-MISDil l * STEAiI lIK TIf I > lat tll J.ou lu.s , 9 i-ooms , deslrablo for roomers. C. I' . HARRISON , . P13 Jv. , V. Uf . M < roit HUNT Ki'iixisiiiiu itornis. NICK rooms nt 311 S. 2i5th St. ' E-MSC2 I.'eb ! F\TRNISlI5D7oom : , housekeeping. Jf23 S Wnry'8. I3-M430271 ? rin.\mirn UOOMS AM ) HOARD. THE Mcrrlam family liijtcl , 25th nnd DoilKo. TO 2 gentlemen , In private famllj. 2029 St. Mary's Ave. F-M5DS FfRNISlfED rooms and board. 201S Douglas - las St. F-G53 ROOM nnd board , Jl and } j. 1512 Davenport. F-JlSSJ Kcb2 TWO 1/irgp corner rooms nnd good board for family t > r two single grntlemen. Apply - ply to M. J. Franck. Midland Hotel. F 376 FOR RENT , single front rooms , with : lr t- clnps board , for gentleman. 1722 DniUo nt. F-M445 21' I'dlt ItllNT t M-LltMSIIiil RIIOMS. I FoL'R unfurnished rooms. CIS S. 17th.a390 a-390 KOH iti\r-STOUTS . \ > n orncns. . I-OR RENT , -flora In first class location ; rent reasonable. Apply R. C. Pelor.i & Co. , ground lloor. lieu Uldg. 1 268 1'OH RENT , a ground floor omce. specially sultablu for real i-stato , etc. , splendid vault built for use of city treasurer. Ap ply R. C. Peters & Co. , ground floor , Uco Ilulldlne. 1-267 FOR RENT , brick warehouse , two Moors , pach OTxOO feet ; power olovntoM ; u. P. trackage. Apply Ilaurmann Bro ? , 1911 S. 20th. 1-651 _ STOREROOM 22x00 , .110 North Ifilh street. Midland Hotel block , one office room 20x 32. nlso one room 4lxlCO , sultnbk- for stpam laundry , billiards , Btornpo or light manufacturing. Apply to M. JFranek , Midland Hotel. I 3J3 ACKXTS WA.\TIill. CAPABLE men and women can mal6 good wages 'Wiling our "quick Meal CookT nnd lleaer. : " orQuick Klndlcr. " ( Sub. stltuto for Jtlndllng and coal. ) Agents al lowed liberal 'commission nnd exclusive territory. Wrlto for particulars. Ben nett Manufacturing Co. , 131 Van Btircn St . Chicago. J-SoO AOI3NTSfend no money. Outfit free. "Life of Moody. " PpinpMo history 6f his re- markiible career. Millions will buy. Agents sell 20 a day. 1'ooks on credit. Highest commission. Write today. J. I. . Nichols , Napervllle , III. J-M334 20 * A TJENTS' Greatest Monev Maker ! Atithon- tlc Life and Works nf Dwlght L. Moody , fin World's Oreates ! Evnngpllst ; book ovrr MO puges. Illustrated : outfits free ; CO per. cent commission ; credit given ; freight paid ; pclli nt sight ; write today. AV. B. Ciinkey C.'ompany , C'lilcago. J MI37 19 * WAXTHD TO UIOXT. A YOUNO man desires place to work for board while attending school. Address Boyles * college , Bee bldg. . . 1C S3i ! A YOt.'NO man willing to work wants p.laco to work for board while going to school. Address AV 5 Bee. 1C 433 A YOUNG man attending school desires a plnro to work for board ; any Inmost work. Address' AV 6 , Bee. K ISO BV April 1room 1 modern cottage , with nice yard : will make long lease. Add'cas \V 10. 13ei ! olllt-w. 'K-M13220 WANTED , furnished rooms and hoard for 2-adults nnd 2 children. AV 7 , Bee. K-M451 21 TAVO rooms and board for man nndHfe and one man : prlvito plnct * preferred ; .liiok' terms. AV 11 , Bco. K-MI3-1 19 * STORAGE. PACIFIC Storage and War 'nouso Co. , M2- 914 Jones , general storage /.nd forwarding. 1VAXTRD TO I1UY. ALL kinds of hoii ehold goods , hotels , etc. , In largt or small quantities. Chicago Fur niture Co. , 140G-10 Dodge. Tel. 2020.NC5G N-C5G AA'ILL. . purchase a limited number of ' Omalia Savings Bank nccdunts. Brcnnan- Lpve Co. . 219 S. IGth.St. , N-C57 ( WANTED , to b'iy , a restaurant outfit. P"eb- pie's Store. IGth and Farnam. N M24 WANT to b\iy olllco or b.lnk fixtures : give price nnd where to be seen. AV n , Beu. N-M11722 FOR SAI.IS Klill.MTUIlE. JEFFERSON Sriunre 2nd hand store. Fur niture & stovch bought & sold I1G N. Ifitli. O-150-F-7 * - - - KOIl NAI.I2 IIOII.SI-IS AND GOOD hack , new wheels , J2GO. G pass , rub- hor-llr < > d rockaway , Ilrst-clas ! > condition , $ (50. Llgh. rockaway , $1S3 , painted. Light rockaway , $13D , painted. 4 family car riages , : i phaetons , G good top buggjea. Drummond Carriage Co. , IStt and Hartley - P-S28 J30 TOP IlUOOy for sale , In good condition. U 40 , Bee. P JI190 dHEAP , top phaeton. 2209 North 19th St. P-21G-F-10" A A'ERY speedy pacing horse ; also noarl > now rubber-tired runabout. II. B. Irev , - 15th and I1odg . P 105 19 SAI < U CHEAPEST nnd best oak cribbing nud ling fence's. Ml Douglas St. . Q CC2 CT'lTERS of drug prices. Shermnn & McConnell - Connell Drug Co. , 1513 Dodge St. Q CCJ FOR HALE , ten R-I-P-A-N-S for 0 cents a druggists. Ono gives relief. Q-C8I B. HAAS , Florist , 1S13 Vlnton SI. Tel. 770. . Plants , cut flowers , boquo.a , hall , resi dence , wedding'and grnvo decorntlons. Orders by mall or uxpriBs promptly illlud. . Q-CC5 INDIAN rellrs ; mounted heads. 1I1C Farnnm . , 2D-HAND safe cheap. Derlght , 1110 Farnam. Q-CC7 . SAFES. Buy. sell , exchange. 114 S. 13th Ht. Q-C63 . THE only carriage heater or foot warmer worth buying. Price tl.50. Dtummoml Co. . , START now to buy your new whco ! . Ji.i down. fl.Oft n ivoek : call and get full par- : , tlonlnv. Omahn Blcyclo Co Q-M5W -'Rn to sacrifice bpnutlfnl 'Jioo Ilnrdmap piano. Address U IS , Bee olllfe. . FOR SAI < E. 1 polished onle colintnr with partition 1 writing desk , one 2-fIro Hteel ranpp. all III first-class condition. . , Apply tu M. J. Frar.ck , Midland Q-37 WANTK1) to sell'huildlptrn Nos. 1.114. 13IG unit HIS Dodpo St. ; purchaser to clear the lot , CCxlJO of all material and rnbbl-h. Apply liHI Capitol nvc. Q ICO . MISCIII , AMYOUS. _ NOTICE , country dealers , 2d-hand furniture . & stoves at lawest prices. cari. , J lots or Icjs. I'lil-'ago Furniture Co. , 110G-10 Dodge. R-670 ) - SE\V1NC ? machines to rent , 73c nisr week ; Nebraska Pyclu Co. , 15t'n and Ilnrney. . , R-M2I7 Fll ; iAIHVOYA.\T.S. MRS FRITH , clairvoyant. SOS N. IGth. S71 MM 13. OYLMER genuine palmist. 1603 Dodq < S-G72 MMF. PALMER , spiritual medium. 1 | Dodue. ' S-175 IS * IMMI3. PALMER , medium , removed to 170 Caiu * . S-r-ISr. . F8 U AXI ) UATIIS. THE Misses Evn nnd Olaijys , formerly em ployed at 119 N. IGth , have opened bat ) parlors hi R. .12. Crount > block , l < ih ( nnt Capitol avenue , opp. P. O. ; porcelain tub iMblnrt and elfetrlc baths ; parlors stilcM' modern. . T M5SI JM i * Franxes Do Bquloflous of K. C. 107 N. 12th T-M570 St. MMK. AMES. R. 2 , 507 S. 13 ; mussige balhi I ' T-331 F3 ' AM ) \TIIS. . BEATRICE HARJ.OW. elegan ; rti.i sss > tub b.ith ; Arabian treatment. Flat r > . 703 S. 16th T-M1SS 13 * I MAY WILSON , bath , mnssago. 619 S. I6tn. I T-M1SO FS I ELITE PARLORS. ' 61S S. IGth. upstairs ; | Ilrst-c-lass ba'hs , magnetic treatment. , Lndy aticndants. T-217 52 I ] MMB. SMITH , room 2 , llJt N. Uth. i 20 * T-M121 , ! j MISS MACK , baths , massage. 2IS'4 ' N. 18th. ! T-3S7 F13 * i A'IAA'1 Is womnn'd .vny lo health 346 Heo 1 Bldg. U-S73 SHAMPOOING 25o , hair dressing 25e ; hnlr nnd toilet goods , best equipped. Monhelt , 151S Farnam. U 671 PRIVATE hospital for ladles before .t durIng - i Ing conllncinent ; babies ndopf-d. 1136 N17 U Siu MON1IEIT , leading chiropodist. 151S FarI , nnru , id lloor. U G75 i | I Sa sVh. * " ' "r * " " " ' ailnet > 0&j7 ? * , LIEHEN , costumer. 1313 Howard. Get j i catalogues. V C7S RUPTURE cured , no knife , no pain. no ] danger. Hend for circulars. Empire Rupture - turo Cure , 932 Now York LIfo building. ' Omaha. U MS42 i GOOD large barn for rent In north part of | city. Inquire 11124 Locust. U 103 , PLEATING nnd iiieatcd skirts nf all kind ? , M. Goldman & Co. , 200 Douglas block. U-231 Fll J. 13. DIETRICK architect nnd structural engineer , 510 Rnmge block. U 21 F12 * PROF. LUND positively destrovs corns , bunions , warts moles 611 KnrlMoh lilk. U I2G-F1G MOM3Y TO I.O.VX III3Ali KSTATB. Jl.OOO nnd upwards to loan on Improved city property nnd fnrms. AV. Farnnm Smith & Co. , 1320 Farnam. AV 680 MONEY to loan on Nebraska nnd Iowa farms ; lowest rates. Brennnn-Lovo Co. , 309 S. 13th. Omaha. \V-631 ICO TO $2.000. F. D. AVead. 16th and Douglas AAr-US2 iVANTED , city and farm loans ; also bonds and warrants. R. C. Peters it Co. , 1702 Farnam St. , Boo Bldg. AV GS3 AVRITC us If you want u loan on your farm In lown , pastern Neb. or Mo. ; It will pay you. Anthony Loan & Trust Co.,315 N.Y.L. W-fiSI ini.OWKX ) to Invest through Bankers. Brokers , Promoters ; sent for circular. Investors' Directory , N. Y. W GS5 B PER CENT money. Bemls , Paxton block. AY-CSG MONEY to loan on first-class Improved city property or for building purposes , p.iyne- Knox Co. , N. Y. Life. AV-I5S7 i , filfc. C per cent loans In Omaha. S. Omahn. AV. II. Thomas. 503 1st Nat. barik. Tel. 1 4S W CSS MONEY to loan at 5 and G'/f. per cent on Omaha property. AV. B. Melkle. 401 So. ifith \\f rcn FIA'E per cent ; farm loans. Chas. E. AVI1- llamson. AV 091 MONEY to loan on Improved Omnha real estate. Drennnn-Lovo Co. , 309 South 13th. AV ( 0 PRTA'ATE money , low rate , no delay. Garvln Bro1C13 Farnam St. AV | 4J MOM3Y TO LOA.CHATTELS. . - - - - - - - - - - - - S-E-1S I'-S AVe have n large amount to loan on house hold furniture , pianos , organs , warch nie receipt ! ! , horses , carriages , etc. You can get the within money a few h'Stlr * after mnklnir application. AVE CIIARGB YOH NOTHINO AVHATEVER FOR MAKING OR FILING PAPERS. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. . Tel. 2295. WW South IGth Street. S-A-L-A-R-Y-L-0.-A-N-S _ From $10.00 up made Id people permanently employed In OMAHA. ? SOtTfI " " " "A and COUNCIL T5LUFFS. You can borrow qf UK on your own name without endorser or mrirtgngt ; , AVe ar range the payments as easy as is po'-K'blp allowing you to pay ALL or IN PAR AT ANY TIME AND YOr PAY FOR THE MONEY ONLY WHAT TIME YOt' KEEP IT. Our business Is confidential. Omaha Mortgage Loan Co. . Room lin. COG South 10th Street. Board of Trade Illdg. Tel. 22fi5 X 122 MONEY loaned on pianos , furniture , horses cows. Jewelry. Duff Green , R. 8 , Barker hlk X-C05 M N Y l.l'A.I'M ) SALARIED PEOPLE holding permanent positions on their own name without endorser or mortcu--u STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL and LOW RATES. No Inquiries EST made of em ployer or friends. You can borrow any amount and repay In easy weekly or Davmonts. IWot-o montlilv borrowing sou me. OMAHA CREDIT CO. . sultV"ai-BM N. Y. Life Bldg. X-701 MONEY loaned salaried people holding per manent position with responsible concerns upon their own names without security easy payments. Tolman , 70S N. Y. L. Illdg X-C93 MONEY loans on furniture , riga , bicycles , diamonds , wntches , etc. ; payment un known to friends. Omaha Loan Ilnnk , 1416 Farnnm , upstairs. X C9l MONEY loaned on furniture , pianos , jew elry , etc. , unknown to friends ; monthly payments ; half rates. Donors' Loan Co 1408 Farnnm , over drug store. X Cac' LOANS made to salaried people on their personal note without security ; rates rea sonable. J. AV. Taylor , 21S First Nat'l bit bldg. 12 to C:15 : p. m , X G93 MONEY loaned on pianos , furniture. Jew elry , horses , cow ? , etc. C. F. Reed. 319'S 13th. ' X 009 LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE em. ployed In Omaha. South Omaha nnd Council Bluffs , hold'ng good positions , on tbo'rMVII nnmos. NO MOIITGAOE : BEST TEHMS. everything private ; money pnn be n.-iiil bat1 ! ; In small weekly or monthly pnyments. American Loan Co. Room C01. Boo Bidg X 700 MONICA" to loan on furniture , pianos , horivii. POWR. etc , T. AV. Tavlor. 119 First N.U'I bk bldcr. 12 to 0:15 : p. m. X 702 nvsiSKs * A DESIRABLE old-established cash bust- ness. Owing to falling health I have concluded to retire from business and offer my stock of grocprlps. tinware , meat ' mirket , flour and feed -f6r sale. It you . want a d < ! rnble business Investigate Ilartlett Grocery Co. , COO and G02 Broad way , Council Bluffs. Y-M6K J23 I FOR SALE , good paying restaurant nt bar- gnln ; llvo sleeping rooms In connecilon : I rcnmm. old age. Star Ri-slnurnnt. Valley i Junction , Iowa. Y-M43I 19' . I BOOT and shoo stock , or dry goods , i-r ' grocery stock , or a hutr-l. nil good. Also , Iowa farms. Box i > 7l , Shonnndonh. In Y M153 27 * Ill'SINESS opportunlty--\Vlll sPU'complom Motion Ploturo iiubllo ontprtnlnmcnt nut- Ill , with largo ndvortl-'lng hills nnd ovory. thing needed , cheap for cash : have mnde , JCO to KOO per week ; no experlonip required - quired to onernto It : best nf ronHotn fur tollliur. Send this nd and addn f * D-nw-'r 110 , Chlcnsc. A'-M4I ! > 19 8231 : FCIR I.ACHA.MI ; : , CLEAR v.c.inl : lot nour 27th and Chicago Wlxl40. 51 X AVIII trade for good rental property nn4 nay cafh differenci- . George G. Wullare. 313 J. J. Drown Block 5C-I42 , FOR SAI.Ii R15AL HSTATI pAYNE-KNOX Co. . IIEADQL'ARTERE , for REAf ESTATE IfAIKiAINH : LOAV- ? EHT RATES on LOANS ; SOL'ND IN- / SURANCK ; HOUSES. FLATS. STORES ' for RENT. First lloor N Y. Llfn Bide. , RE-M404 i IF YOU have a ImrgnIn to offer In nl . ' i puMte see 8 , A. Broadwcll , 501 N V. Lift Bids. RE-7M I FOR svi.i ; mLA : A nAHOAIN-Fnur acres , 4ftth nnd Pndnc ; two blocks from cnr line , on bt-lt rnll- road. } . ! . . , i/.1 , easy trm8. McCastie In vestment Co. leOS Dodge RE 703 FOR QUICK returns on bargains only * e 8. A. Broadwell , 601 N. Y. Lite Uldg. RE 701 HOFSES. i.it . farms , lands , lo.ins ; Hlro fire- , Insurance. Licmls , Paxton blk. RK iOJ , - I FOR BARGAINS everybody goes to S. A. Broadwell , 601 N. Y. Life Uldg. ' NOTHING but bargains handled by Bt A. : Rroadwell , 601 N. Y. Life Bldg. R13--OI SNAPS In real estate ; money to loan. L. L. Johnson Co. . 314 ri. 15th street. RE iIO ' FOR j SALH-Rnrgnlns ! r. smal ! residence * . S. A. Broadwcll ? 01 N. Y. Lite JU. ' . H j ENRY n. PAYNE. fiOl N. Y. LIFE BLDO. | Real Estate , Rentals , Loans , Insurance. R13 il- I. | HOUSES j , lots , farms , lands and in irancc I . " ' C' " "son. J > 6 N. Y. Life. U13- _ 15C2 j NO11T11 17TH street , two houses rentt Ing for J10.00 per month , paving paid , pays 14 per cent gross , price { 1,350. John , > . Frcnzcr. Opp. old P. O. RE-M600 TAVO good fnrms for sale near Arlington , 1 , Neb Pnync-Knox Co. , Omahn. I RE M165 21 . . NEAR ; ISlh nnd JnoUson sts. , C-roonl ; house , lot 23x75 fret. $1.W. ( ! , Southwest corner 3Sth nvo. and Jackson st. , , 12ilxlBO foot ; snap' J'1- * , , i / ncros within 10 miles of Omaha pojtt ' , FIA'E acres nicely planted to fruit , 3-room house. $1.050. ID. . AVead , 15211 " Mn RE- ! FOR sn'e ' or trade , ( ! -rooni residence with i S lots In Iowa county seat town. W miles of Omaha , for Nebraska laud. Address Box 777 , Fremont. Nob. RE 401 22 * C. F. HARRISON , FARMS. FARM LOANS. I\l J.M i' 10 FOR SALE or trade , ono S-nvim house and i I barn , corner lot COxllO , newly painted , ono | hlock from street car ; gas and city water ; j nnd one 3-ronin house and barn , lot wix j 12S ; nil In good repair. Will tnko pastern Nebraska or Iowa land. Address IWSN. 17th st. RE-M415 10 * PEOPLE who want to live "close In" Hlnuld look nt thc e bargains : House. Vi lo' . . M * on near 19th , $900. louse , lot 33x69 , paved street , paving paid , ! ; nCnRt.nt2cSt-i | . renting $13. Pacific , near 25th. only $1,500. Modern ( i-r. cottage , lot 33x110. paved St. , paid. 4 > 4 bloclu from High school , Those will nil pay good Interest on the In- O a' ' Wallace , 313 J. J. pvrFAVRITERS for rent $1(10 per month. The Smlth-Preml-r Typpwrlter Co. , 1625 Fornnin St. Telephone 12SI. -714 \VE RENT and sell the be < ? t typewriters made ; largest stock of supplies In Omaha. United Typewriter & Supply Co. . 1012 Far- ncm. 715 REMINGTON Standard Typewriter nnd supplies. 1619 Fnrnnm. 71(1 ( THE Oliver Typewriter , visible writing. hpnvleH mnnlfoldcr and outs the finest stencil. Tel. 2279. J. S. Stewnrt , Special Agent , 31SVi S. 15th St. , Omahn. 717 TYPEWRITERS , secondhand. lllG Farnnm. SIIOHTIIAM ) AXI ) TYPHWRITIXn. A. C. VAN SANT'S school. 717 N. Y. Life. AT OMAHA Bun. College , IGth & Douglas. -720 BOYLES' COLLEGE court reporter princi pal. Bee Bldg. . " -721 NEBRASKA Business and Shorthand coj- ICge. Bo'yd's theater ' .1:1 : " _ ' 722 LADIES' Free iTnrmloBS Monthly'Regula tor , cannot -fall. Mrs.H. . Rowan , R. 2D , Milwaukee , Wls. M 129 .120 * OSTEOPATHY. JOHNSON Osteopathlc Institute. 515 N. Y. LIfo Bldg. . Alice Jnhnstm , D. 0. , ladles' dcpt. ; GUI 13. Johnson , Osteopathlst , mgr. 23 M. F. . DONOIH'E , D. O. . of Still school , Kirksvillc , M o. , 60 | Paxton blk. Tel. 13G7. -721 PAWNBROKERS. JEFFERSON Square Loan Olllce. 41S N. 10. 725 EAGLE Loan Olllce , reliable , accommodat ing ; all huslnciis confidential. 1301 Doug las. -72G METROPOLITAN , AVm. Barr. mgr. Jl to $1.25. 12th and Douglas. 'Phone 211. MG : J22 LANGE , steam heated rooms $1 up week. Board f.3 per week ; meals , 25c. COI S. 13th. C25 J2S mmsis WIXTKHEH. GOOD stables and good care. 'Phone 1031. J. AV. Phclps , 207 N. Y. Life. 225 Fit * STAMMERING AXI > STUTTERING. CURED. Julia Vaughn , 430 Rnmge Bldg. -727 I.AL'XDIIV. OMAHA STEAM LAUNDRY AND CITY TOWEL SUPPLY. 1750 Leavenw'th. Tl. 517 M23S SCHOOL OF LANGUAGE. FRENCH , Gorman. Spanish. $2 per month. Prof. Chatelain , 301 Uoyd theater.729 FURS. II. E. & E. HUBERMANN , furriers : fura mndo to urdor nnd repaired. US S. 15th. 730 IllltllS AND TA-VIDEHMY. STOCK'S Bird store. 1603 Lenvenworth. -33 IIOOKICEEIMNG. EVENINGS. W per mo. at Van Sants schoo 717 N. Y Life. G. R. Rathlnm. C35-J29 * IIICYCIiISS , NI3AV and secondhand bicycles at half price. | Louis Flescher. 1R2-J Cnpltol uve. 1 LOST. ! LOST , gray Maltese Kitten , about 1 year old ; reward for return lo Mrs. Cowglll , ; 112 S. 51 h uvo. Lost-MHC 111' _ XICICKL I'liATIXR. OMAHA PLATING Co. , Bee building.M20S M-20S TIH'XIC FACTORV. , _ , _ TRUNKS , traveling hags , suit cases. Trunks repaired. Om. Trunk Factory , 1205 Farnnm. . IM HMTl Hi : REPAIRING. PACKING. upholBterlns , mattress ami feathi-r renovating. Tel. 1131. M. S. Walk- in. 2111 Cumlr , - si. ; -SttO ' | TICKI'.T IIHOIvlIHS. ' CL'T RATE railway tickets everywhere , i P. II. Phllbin , U05 Farnam. 'Phone lit I . Ki NOTICE OF AMENDMENTS ' > ! ' ARTI- CLlS : OF INTOIU'dRATU'N. Notloo in ln-n-hj gl\cn that The He" Puh- 1'shlng ' I'lxnp.ui ) has lilod Us amendrd nr- tk-Ips of Incorporation In the olllce of the sprrftorv of s > tBU . and a ISM with the county clerk of Dnuitia * county , Nebrnskn ; that by virtue of snld Htncnded nrtlclp ! < of lh corpoiailon It Is proxlfled as follows : AMENDED AUT1CL13S OF INCORPORA TION OF THE BEE PUBLISHING COM PANY. Slate of Nebraska , Douglas County * * : Articles three (3) ( ) . four (41 ( nnd nvu ( S ) . of the articles of Incorporntlon of The Bee Publl hltiK Company rc hereby ctnu'lidetl as follows : ARTICLE I. The tinderslKiied do hereby associate our selves toKi'thcr nnd det-lare that we , to- gither with our aisnclatos nnd succ-essofs. are and shall > < u cor.nor"n ' under nnd by ) , vlrttiB 0tue stnvutos ol tne stnte of Nebraska , by the name nnd style of The Bee Publishing Co. ARTICLE 11. The principal place tor the. transaction of the buslmss of snld corporation shall be In the < -lty of omnha , In the county of Douglas nnd state of Nebraska. ARTICLE 111. The general nature of the business to be transacted by tins corporation shall bo to t print nnd publish dally , semi-weekly , trl-weekl r , weekly newspapers nnd maga zines , do general Job printing , book pub lishing , book binding , engraving , lltho- graphing , stereotyping , eU-o'VolyplnR ' nnd purchasing , nnd selling printing machinery , printing : material , printing stock nud MOWS- paper i press franchls'cs. ' ARTICLE IV. The authorized capital stoek of said cor- partition I ; shall bo live hundred mousmnd dollars . U500.000.00) ) , dlvldinl into shares of live J hundred dollnra U3OT.OO ) each ; provided 'that t no stoik shall be Issued In excess of ono nundred thousand dollars ( jio-r.tw.W ) unless authorized by a two-thirds vote of the outstanding sto-jk of said corporation , upon tun dajs notice to all stockholders , and provided , further , that no share ahall be sold or Issued for less tiian par. ARTICLE V. The time of commencement of said cor poration shall be the llfteenth day of Jan uary , A. D. 1S7S , and the time of tormina- J tlon of the same shall be the llftcenth day of January , A. D. liiiO , unless ri'iicwod or dissolved sooner by a Vote of two-thirds of the capital stock thereof. ARTICLE VI. The highest animmt of Indebtedness or liabilities , to which said corporation can at any time subject its.if shall ; n > \ . exceed J In the nggrogatj onchlrd (13) ( ) of the iitnoun' of the capital' mock. Issued by said corporation , nnd no bonded or mortgage Indebtedness , shall ever bo contracted by wild , corporation. corporation.ARTICLE ARTICLE VII. The business nnd affairs of said coiporo.- tlon shall be conducted by a board of director. " , live In number , who shall be chosen by the stockholders , at their annual meeting , each share of stock hnvlng oao vote , which election shall bo held on the first Monday In March ot each ytfnr , and they shall hold ofllcc for one year or until their successors arc elected. A majority of the board of directors snail form n quorum for the transaction of bushiest' . A'acancies In the board shall be Il'.lcd ' by the remain ing directors for the balance Of the un- explred term. term.ARTICLE ARTICLE A'III. The olllccrs of said corp.Mntlon shall be a president , a vice president , a yeerUary nnd n treasurer , who shall bo chosen by the board of directors In such manner , and perform such duller as the by-laws of said corporation may proscrlb6. ARTICLE IX. AVhenevcr one hundred nnd sixty shares or more of stock shall h.ivibeen sub scribed for the nssoclailon shall be deemed organized as a corporation und theieupor any bubscrlber or subscribers tor over one hundred shares may call a incutlng of tile subscilbers at some suitable place In the City of Omahn , for the election of olllccrs. by giving notice thereof for not : es than three days In one of the dally newspapers published in the City of Omaha. ARTICLE X. By-laws may be- made by the corpora tion not Inconsistent with law or with these articles. ARTICLE XL These articles of Incorporation may be amended by a vote of two-thirds of the stock , upon notice by the board of directors lo the stockholders of not less' than ten days , published In some dally newspaper In the CUy of Omnha. In witness wheieof we have hereunto set our hands and seals this 5th day of January , A. D. , 1300. EDWARD ROSEWATER , President. GEORGE B. TXSCIirCK. Secretary. State of Nebraska , County of Douglas * B : On this 9th day of January. A. D. , 1900. personally appeared before me Edward Rosewatcr and George B. Tzschuck. who arc personally known to me to be the identical person * whq signed the above amended articles of. Incorporation and they severally acknowledged .the Instrument to he their voluntary aw , and deed. ( Sean FRANK J. BUTCLIFFE , Notary Public. J15-d2flt POSTOFFICH XOTirK. ( Should be read DAILY by nil Interested , s changes may occur at any time. ) Foreign malls for the week ending Janu- nry 20. IfiOO , will close ( PROMPTLY In nil cases ) at the General Postolllce as follows : PARCELS POST MAILS close one hour earlier than rlosint' time shown below. I'arcelH Post Malls for Germany close Nt 5 p. in. Monday. TriiMs-A < limtlf Mil I IN. SATURDAY At 5:30 : a m. for EUROPE , per s. s. Etrurl.i * . via Queenstown : nt S n. m. for NETHERLANDS direct , per s. s. Amsterdam , via Rotterdam ( letters must be directed "per s. R. Amsterdam" ) ; At ! i n. in. for ITALY , per s. s. Ems , via Naples ( letters must bo .directed " | : er s. s. Ems" ) ; at 11 a. in. for NORWAY direct , per s. s. Nore ; , via Chrisiiiinln ( letters must be directed "per K. H. Norge" ) . PRINTED MATTER. ETC. Germnn steamers sailing on Tuesdays take Printed Matter , etc. . for Germany , nnd Specially Addressed Printed Matter , etc. . for ntlur parts of Europe- . American and While Star flearners \\Vdnppdnys , German steamers on Thursdays , and Cunard , French and German uti'nmcra on Satur days take Printed Matter , etc. , for all countries for which they arc advertised to carry mall After the closing of Supplementary Transatlantic Malls named noove addi tional fupplementary mails nr < > opened on the piers of the'Amerlcnn , English. French and German steamers anil remain open until within Ten Minutes of the hour of sailing of steamer. MatlN for Soulli mill Central Anic-rlea Weil .Iiiilli-N , iic. FRIDAY At 1 p. m. ( supplementary 1 : . ,0 p , m. ) for TURKS ISLAND nnd DOMIN ICAN REPUBLIC , per K. s. cherokop ; nt 1 p. in. for JAMAICA , per R. H. Orlgen ( letters must bo directed "per si. H. Orl gen" ) . SATURDAY At 8 n. m for BRAX.II direct , per s. s. Coleridge , via Pernam- Imcn , llahla and Rio do Janeiro ( letters for North Brazil and La Plattu Coun tries must he directed "per a. s. Cole ridge" ) ; nt 10 n. m. ( supplementary ] 0,0 : ; n. m. ) for FORTUNE ISLAND , JA MAICA , SAVANILLA nnd CARTHA- OENA and CiREYTOAVN. per s , H. Altai ( letters for Costa Rica must bt < directed "per H. . Altai" ) : ' at : 'i:20 ' : u. m. for HAITI , per s. s Prln's AVIIIInin III ( let ters for Curacao , A'cnrzueln , Trinidad. British nnd Dutch Guiana must ln directed "per B. s. Prlns AA'IIPi'nj III" ) ; nt 11 a. m. ( fupldenipntnry 11,10 : n m ) for PUEHTO RICO. CURACAO. VKNE- /I'ELA , SAA'ANILLA , nml CARTIIA- GENA , PIT f. s. Philadelphia ; at 11 a. in. for CUBA. ner.H. s. Ilavitnii ; nt 1-p. in. for NUEA'ITAB.GIBARA. . VITA. BARACOA nnd PUERTO PADRE , per H. H. Laufnburg ; , til a .p. in. ' for LA PLATA COUNTRlES-'dlrect , per s. . John Rundown. SUNDAV-At t > :30-i.-m. : | for ST. PIERIIE- M1QUELON , per steamer from Halifax , N. S. ' , . M ils ! for Newfoundland , by rail to North Sydnpy. and theiien ! ) > steamer close at this olllce dally at S30 ; p. in. fronnoct- Ing close here every Monday AVpjlncs- day and Saturday. Mails for Mliui-lon | by rail to Boston and thence by steamer close nt this ofllcp dally nt 8:30 : p. m. Malls for Cuba , by rail to Port Tump.t ' Fla. , and lhencc > by yfp.'iniPr , close at Ihlh olllco dally ( except .Monday ) at " 7 ilha. m. ( Iho connecting eloscH iirr on Sunday Wednesday ami Friday ) . Malls for Culm by rail to Mluml , Kla , . and thenio by steamer , close at thin oilier c-vt-ry Mon day. Tuesday and Saturday at " 2:30 : .1. in. ( Ill" conupciInK closes are on Tiifidn > and Saturday ) . MallH for Mexico < 'lly overland , unless Hpuclally nildret > bi-d fet dispatch h > utcnmrr. close nt this olllrt dally at 2:30 : n. m. and 2:30 : p in. Mm r for Costa lllca , Belize. Puerto Corlez nil' Guatemala , by , vll lo New Orleans , iinj thnnce by Meanu-r. cloFc nt this oiiiri dully at ' "S p. in. ( connecting clo&i i hero Sunda > and Tut'sifayt , for Cu'xt t Rlcn and Mondays for Bc-llrt1 , Putrlo Cor tcz and Guatomiil.i ) . ' KeBluli'i'ed nil ! closes lit C p m. previous day. "Reglb tercd trail clones at U p. m second Ibn y before. TriliiN-Pniillld Mnllx. l Malls for Hawaii , via Seattle , COKP ! TO dally at 6:30 : ] ) m. up to . ' ry " 14 , IncliiHlvo. for dispatch per H Bloemfonlcln Mails fur Huwull , C'hlna J.ipan and the Philippine IshinclH via San Franclscu , dune here dally ftt C:30 : p. m. up lo January * "l'j. Inclusive , POSTOFI-'H 13 NOTtm. dl p.it h pi' s s Cliin.i M ttN f > ir ' ln ( except Wi-tt AtiilrnlMi. New XiMl.md. UnxVAil. Fit' ' nnd Snnuwn Is , lands , via San Franclsio. close hvrc dally I at 6:80 : p. m. after Dccombrr * " .1o and up i to January io , Incluslvr , or i-n d.iy of arrival of s. s. Camimnla. due nt New A'ork January M 20. for dlspntrh per s. s. Monnn. Mails for Chlnn and Jni'.in and Philippine Islands , via Scattlp , rlosr here daily at 'CIS" i > . m. UP t > i Jsnunrv 21 , for dispatch per s. s. Rlojun Mnru ( rogt - tcroil mall must be directed " \la Sc.it tie. " ) . M.ills for China nnd Jap.ui.lx A'nncouver , elojo here dally .it i , u p m up to January 2S. lnclus lve for dfspnti li per s. s I3mprp . of Japan ( renltiti'rol , mall must bo directed "vl.i Vatu u\ > i > Mnlls for Soelely I' lnnd . via Si.n Fran cisco , clojo here dally nt t.w ! : p m. up to January " 2S , lncli lvo. for > ll"p.iti .1 by shir city of Pnpdtl. M.illn fet Hi- wnli. Japan. China and the Philippine Islands , via San Francisco , cio"p here dally at fi:3n : p. in. up to Jatvinrj , M27. In- olmdvi- . for dispatch per s . Doric M.ilM for Hawaii , \\n \ San Frnnclsco , 11.-- . hero dnlly at fi.0 : p. m. up to Frbrunry : . in clusive , for dlspntch per s s. Au--.illn Mnlls fiu1 Austrilla ( except Wc-t Aus tralia , \vhlph goes via Europe , ati > l New Xoaland. whlfli goes vln S.in FrincNco ) Hawaii , nnd FIJI Islands , vtn A'niieouxor. rlo p heJp dally at 0:30 : p. in. up lo Feb ruary 3. Inclusive ) , for diipntch per B. B. Mlowern. , Trnnspncinp mails nre forwnrdi-d to port of sailing daily and the schedule of HosIng - Ing la arranged en the presumption of their uninterrupted overland transit. Hcglilcred mall closes at G p. in. prcvl- 0CORNSELIUS VAN COTT Postmasfpr. Pnstolllce , New York , N. Y. , January 12 , IfiXJ. tO ! V Kit \.M H > T > OTIC1 > . CHIEF CiUARTEHMASTEIt'S OFFICE , Omaha , Neb. , January 15. I1TO. Sealed pro posal ? , In t'-lpllcato , subject lo the usual conditions , will be received here until 2 o'clock p. in. . February 15. 1000. nud then opened , in the presence of attending bid ders , for delivery at such places as may be- dc-jlgnatpd. of one hundred and forty-throe ( H3) ) cavalry horses. U. S. reserves the ilpht to retccl any or nil proposals , or any purl I hot-oof. Blank forms for bidding and circular giving full Information and reiiulio- moiits .will bo furnished on luipllcitilun to thlh olllec. involopos : cont'ilnlng proposals should bo marked "Propotnls for Cavalry llor-oi. ' .ind addressed to ! ' . H. HATHA WAY. Major and Q. M . Chief Q. M. IIVH.AVAY TIMIi TAItl.i : . BURLINGTON MIS. potirl River Rallrond- "Th- Burlington Route" General Olllces , N. AV. Corner Tenth nnd Far- nam Streets. Ticket Olllce. 1502 Farnam street. Telephone. 200. Jopot. Tenth and Mason Streets. Tele- ) hone. 3t'j Leave. Arrive. -in , oln , IIa < itln:3 and McCook . a 8:40 : am a 7:40 : pro 'Incoln. Denver , uolo- rado. Utah , Californln.a 4:25 : pm a 3:55 : pm jliuolti. BlacK Hills. Montana & Puzet Sound . , . . . .n 4:25 : pm n 3:00 : pm .Inroln Local . a 7:00 : pm n10-,3 ama -Incoln Fas' Mall . a 3:00 : pm niO:33 : am Denver. Cl ? ado. Utah & California . a C:5C : am n Dnlly. KANSAS CITY. ST. JO- ni'ph & Council Bluffs Railroad "Tho Hurling , km Kotlte" Tlclsct Olllce. 1502 Farnam Street. Tele phone , 250. Depot , Tenth ami Mason Streets. Tele phone , 310. Leave. Arrive , Cansas City Day Ex a S:50 : am a 5:45 : pm xansas City Night I3x..alO:15 : pm a 0:30 : am St. Louis Flyer for St. Joseph and St. Louis..a 4:55 : pm nll:15 : am a Dally CHICAGO. BURLINGTON & Qulncy Railroad "Tho Burlington Route" Ticket OIlU-c. 1002 Farnam St. Tel. , 250. Depot. Tenth & nnd Mason Streets. Tele phone , 310. Leave. Arrive. Daylight Chicago Spe cial a 0:40 : am Chicago A'estlbuled Ex..n 5:0j : pm a S:03 : nm Chicago Express a S:50 : am n I : < X > pm end-ago & St. L j3x..a 7:45 : pin a S:05 : am Pacific Jun2tl3i > Locau.alOi3 : um Fast -Mail ; . > a 2:45 : pro a Dally. TIIICAGO. ROCK ISL- nnd Pacific Hnllroad "Thii Great Rock Isl and Route. " City Ticket - et Ofllce. 132J Farnam Street. Telephone , 42s. Depot , Ten th .V MaSun Streets. Telephone. li'J. Leave. Arrive. Des Molncs and Daven port Local a 7:05 : nm bll:35 : am Cnicago Express b5atn : ; ; a Slu : am Chicago Fast Expics . .a 5:00 : pm u 1:25 : pm St. Paul Fa t Express..a 5:00 : pm bll : > ! 5 am Lincoln , Colorado Sj. s. , Denver , Pueblo and West al:30pm : a 4:25 : pm Des Molnes. Hock Isl and and Chicago a 7:25 : pm n K:50 : pro Colorado & Texas Flyer.a 5-55 pm a 9:20 : um a Dally , b D.-illv * xcen > . Sunday. OMAHA & ST. LOUIS RAILroad - road Omaha , Kansas City & Eastern Railroad "Thp Qulncy Route" Ticket Of- floe , 1415 Farnnm Street Telephone. 322. Depot , Tenth and Mnrcy Streets. Tele phone , C29.Leave. Leave. Arrive. St. Louis Cannon Ball Expiess a4:45pm : a S:35 : am Kansas City nnd Qulncy Local a 0:40 : am a 8:50 : pm MliJt , MISSOURI PACIFIC BAIL. f&fi-ff lf road General Onices and iuSUlWS , Ticket Olliccs Southeast Cor- iiiSSuWKi npr llth and Douglas Sts Telephone , 101. Depot , loth nndVcbslcr Sts. Telephone. . „ . LPOVC. Arrive. St. Louis. Kansas & Neb. Limited a 2:30 : pm a2:55 : pm K , C-St L. Express a 9:50 : pm a 5:50 : am Nebraska lyoral via AVeeplrg AVn'oi- b 5.T pm a 9:15 : am u Dally , b Dally except Sunday. fl1 ? * * UNION rACIFIC-"THEOVER- - " - " land " Route" General Olllces N , E , Cor. Ninth .ind Farnam Streets. City Ticket Ofllce , 1303 Farnam Street. Telephone , 31G Depot. Tenth and Mason - „ . . . . Streets. Telephone , U''fl. Leave. Arrive. The Overland Limited..a 8:50 : nm n 7:20 : pm Tin- Fan Mall a 9:00 : am a 3:25 : an The Colorado Special..nil:55 : pm n C.l' : , um The Portland Sprclbi..a 2:50 : am n 4:40 : pm Lincoln , Beatrice anr S roinsbUrg Express..b 4:10 : pm bl2:25 : pn Pacific Express o 4:25 : pm n C:25 : am tSnind Island Local 1) 0:30 : pin b 11:30 : nn a Pally , b Daily except Sunday. CHICAGO , MILAVAUKEE S. Ht. Pan ! Railway City t Ticket Ofllcf , 1501 Farnam Street. Telephone. 3S4. Depot pot- Tenth and Mabon Sts. Telephone. 623. Leave. Arrive , Chicago Limited Ex n 7:35 : pm n 8:30 : am ChuuKx it Uimiha Ex. . bll:00 : nm it 3:63 : pin Sioux City ( i Doa Molneo Express , . . . , bll:00 : am b 3:55 : pra a Oally b Dally except fii'nduy. CHICAGO & NORTH westpin Hallway "Tho Northwestern Line" C'lj Ticket Olllce , 1401 Fnrnnm Street Tele phomi. 6C1. Depot , Tentti und Musiin Streets. Tele phono. 023. Leave. ' Ar/Vf , 1 Daylight Chicago Spe I cfai a 9:10 : nm allpm : Chicago n 4:15 : pm ulw:10 : ama - ! Lusiern Kxjjruiis. De , I Molncs , Mnr.Jiulltown , , j Cedar Rapids and Chl- . I n o alO:55 : am a 405 ; pn , 1 Kuatcrn Linilten , Chl- CIIKO and Ivual a 4i5 : pm a 4:05 : prr . Fast Mall , Chicago to , Omnha ' > m , , Omiihn-Chloauo Speolni.'a 7:30 : pm a S-oii an Fast Mi.ll inimi ( , -33 an - a Daily , b Dahy except Sunday. . iu-REMONT. Br cironT , & Missouri A'nliJy Rail rend "Tho Northwester Llne"-Gennru | Ofllces United Slute Xatlona ! Bunk iildi ; . . 3outhwes Corner Twelfth und Far - - . .ek > M oilier no. Farnati Street Telephone. 501. Depot , 15th nd H Webster sticetb. Telephone , 145S. I Leave. Arrive. Biflrk Hills Dcadwooc ) . Hot Gprlngs , a b.OO pm a 5:00 : pn - AVyomjnK. Casper "no DouglaH d 3:00 : pm e 6:00 : pn I HnHtlniK York Duvld I CUy , Superior. Geneva i Exeter nnd Jiownrd . . .b 3:00 : pm b 6/X ) pra Norfolk. Verdlgre und Fremont b 70 ; am blO:25 : am Lincoln. Waloi ) and Fremont t > 7:30 : am bIO:2J : am Fremont Lori. c30 um u Dally D Dally excerpt dundny. o Sun flay or.'y. < l D.illy cxiciu Suturilay. * dall ? tict-ot ilonriov. It VII. WA TI.Mi : < Mill. \ \ \11\SH II\1T ROAD - n > kp | OtII. " HIS Farnam Stropt. Tpb-phoiip. j5. De pot. Tenth nnd Mnroy Streets' . Telephone , (39. ( Leave. Arrive. St. Louis "Cannon UM" Express . a 4:50 : pm n 8:3i : nm n Dnlly. rX CITY A PACIFIC Rnllrond - "Vhe North * western Line'General Oillops , Unllol Stne : Nai < on.t I Hunk Itnl'dlng. S AV Corner Twelfth _ . , _ . and Fnrn.im Stroo . Ticket otll. e ' 401 Fnrnnm Slrpot , Telephone - phone 5iH Depot. Tenth nnd Mason StrectH. TPlPl > li > < ne , C l -nve. Arrlvr Tnln i'n l'V , ' < > v a t' . .o nm nioi.w pm Twin I'liv Uinuoil a 7V pm n 9 : < 5 nm i | oii\ fit * ! . . ' > l . n S.iM IIMI a 4. Jo put ' ft Dally _ _ lliCA'.SO , .ST. PA.'L ' , Mini cnpoils .t Omnha It. i Iwny "Th North- vsprn ; Llnp"-O ( noral ottl'i-s. ' Ncl'MJkn Dlvl- umi. 15th and U'Pbstor x\r City Ticket OillCN 1401 Farnam St. Tolnjihone. 661. Depot. 15th and Webster St. Twin City P.issonrer..n fiW : ( nm n v iw pm Omaha Passenger . nll:20 : nm Slouv CUy > < i North- nut Nobincka . n 3:10 : pm a Dally , b D.illy cxcout jundny. _ AUM. .IIIIIICMOII Ualil Ilio llculiiiilnu n ( Olio of the roaj'jtis in justification of the war with thu Trausvattl which hnvo been lit forward by Jcscph Chamberlain and thor members of the British government nd by the war proas lu England. M > S the s'ow York Sun , Is that for nearly olghtcon oars the lloers had boon accumulating rtlllery , rMlcK , niollnlto and Herman and lollandor ollkors to oust England from oulh Africa. The existence ot a conspiracy van alleged , the motive of which \ va.tho establishment of the United States of South \frlca , to Include all the slates nnd cJlonloa otith of the Kaniheal , and the nrinnmeuls oscrlhcdcrc represented nu part of ' .ho reparations toward the attainment of that bjoct. All this has boon conlrajlctod by ho opponents if the war , nud they have hnllenscd thwv who advocated It to pro- luco the proofs of whnt they assert. But joyond vague statements attributed to nils- , lonarlos and travelers not named , not a Ingle It MM of pOHltlvo evidence bus iiton nit forward , whllo British blue books and nrrcspondonts of the London Times refute jcyond dispute the allegations regarding the leer armaments rolled on by the war party o prove their case. The earliest reference to thu Boer nrnia- uent to ho found Is in the London Times f November 7 , ISflO. In an article on "Natal ind the Transvaal In 1SHO. " The writer ilates that ho visited the barracks nnd ar- enal in Pretoria. Thu standing army , he , ays. WHH limited to a single battery of ob- oleto guns , and the military olllcloncy waa n ISS'.i beneath contempt. In 1S05 Major lohert White was sent to Pretoria at the spouse of the Chartered company to In vestigate military conditions In the Trans vaal , with the aptMstanco. of Colonel Frank thodos and Captain Ernest Rhodes. He also visited the Pretoria arsenal , and ulno Months later the diary In which ho recorded Impressions was picked up on the field of Krugcrsdorp. It contained this Inventory ot the guns ho found In Pretoria : I. Half a dozen very ohi piecco of ord- lance , mortars , etc. " 2. Ono bronze gun , of the date of the second empire. 3. A broken Maxlm-Nordcnfoldt. ' I. A small muzzle-loader In bad con II- tlon. " The concluding remark Is : "None ot the guns I saw were lit for much work. " The inference from this Is that the host informa tion the Chartered company nnd Mr. Rhodes could obtain was to show that , ns far aa artillery was. concerned , Iho Bours were , on the cvo of the raid , almost absolutely un- provlil'cd. ' . j lifarly In } SI)6 ) Captain Yomighusband , who ' visited'Pretoria for the Times , wrote that orders for batteries of field guns , quick- firing guns and Maxims , and for sufficient rillos to arm every Dutchman In South Af rica -were being sent to Europe ; European drill instructors and artillery men woie being imported and forts were being ron- s'tructed around' Pretoria on theIncut ap proved designs. "One attempt had been made , " ho reported , "to tnko their country from them ; they wero-thoroughly convinced that the attempt would be renewed nt soinu future date ; so the Boors were determined to bo thoroughly on their guard the. second time. " There was no concealment then on the part , of the Boors as to what they were doing , nnd Captain Younghiisbaml entirely corroborates Major White's estimate of tlm Boer arinninonlH before Iho raid when ho writer : "The Boons had very nearly been caught napping at the beginning of the year. " But there Is other and more conclusive evidence. The London Dally News linn ap pealed to the famous IJitlandor manifesto and to the Transvaal budgets. The man ifesto is dated December 27 , 1895 , and wan written wbon the Johannofeljurg conspiracy was no longer a secret. That manlfiHlo reads that 2iO,000 : sterling Is to 'bo spent on the completing of a fort at Pretoria , and that orders have been plncej In Germany for heavy guns and ammunition. Th- doc - ument shows that at the end of IV.ia. pu , the admission of the Ultlanders thcinsi'lvtR , the llonia were inadequately armed and had suddenly begun to remedy their ilcllclpnck's. The Transvaal budget tells the same story. For 1M)2 ) the military expenditure was only $118,695 ; In IS' ) . ' ! It was $90,700 ; In 1S91 , $110,71)0. ) In 1895 , the year of the raid. It rct'o to $ llfiClO , and jumped In 1SHC to $2- 500,000. It hus been suijge.slod thai pay- monlH for armaments worn concealed under the headings VPnlillc Works , " "Special Pay ment ! ! , " "Sundry Services , " bill the lotala . for thcso will hear thu test. In 1S91 they llguro out to $2,042fiSO ; for 1895 they r HO to $7,12fi,220 , and In 1890 they stood at $10- . 030SOO. The raid Is thu key to UICHO llguros. Then , aa to when the lloers took alarm la nut loft to conjecture. In the St. .lames ( lazotU ) of August 29 last thiiro appeared over the signature "Anglo-Afrikander" a remaikabl account of n coiii > ultutlon which flip welter hud with President ICrtiKor nnd . Clenornl Jcmbort In St'-titemher , 189B. Pres ident Krliger asked him "why the Chartered company was huylnj ? "hundred.- liors.cn" . for prpfcntiUluM to the now volunteer . Itbndrnlan Horse. The president could HOP ' In this only one 'meaning , which ho summed up In flaying : "Rhodes Is going to Jump my country , " and Genera ! Jouhert came le the conclusion that "It Is time to shut oui doors , an rohbors are about. " This , ihen IH the story of the Boor armament ; they wert : PriHldent Krugcr's answer to Mr. Hlioilin' ruld. They were undertaken for dofonic nnd not nsgrcBslon , nnd they were con tinued because ; the Ilocru know that llu men who had conspired against Iholr In- dopundcnci ! In 1S95 would rcnow thu iiUucl > ; before the chances of jiolltlcal warfare It illICnglaml might remove from the cnlonla. Bn ! olllco In London their nlly , Josuiih Cham- borlaln. ' 1 . - ! I'niiiiiNlii-il , " Chicago Tribune : "Our follown nro all torn up over ( i. You Isnow that young Swaddlnford , don't you ? " | "I've scon him. " I "Fine-looking chap. Could drink more ; lici-r than any man In the club , Hud n icui on his faco.Vd took him In nn the strong ) } : of hlH having Just como from Holdelberi ? ' "Yea. " U turns out IIO'B from Heidelberg. Minn , and ho got the scar from u kick by .1 mule. * We're afruid It's going to break uu tbe * " Clllll"