Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 17, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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    8 OMAHA DAILY It 13IS : AV EDXISSPAY , JANTAHV 17. 1 ( ) ( ) .
Davis sells . .
J'lne A. U. G. „ licer , N'cumaycr's hotel.
\Velsbach burners at Hlxby's. Tel. 191
liiiilwolticr beer. L. llosenfcldt , ngcnt.
Missouri wood on track. In carload lots.
Tcl'-phonc , 3W1.
The llttlp son ofMr. . and Mrs. Paul Aylos-
iw nh Is seriously 111.
Dr. W. A. Ocrvnls. osteopath , 301 Mcr-
rlam block. CouncP Bluffs.
J. C. Me hon of DPS .Molnes Is the guest
of Court Halllfr Hurry M. Hrown.
The place to Imve your framing 'lone ' ,
Alexander's Art emporium. 333 Urondwaj.
( ie-t > ox.r work donu at the popular Kagle
laundry , " 21 JJroatlway. ' 1'hono 167.
W. C. Kstpp , undertaker. 23 Pearl street.
Telephones : Odlce. 37 ; residence. 33.
Miss Mlllim Power of Deadwood. S. D. ,
Is tin truest of Mr .and Mrs. Hcorue lludlo
of South Klrst street.
C.forKP Schlndle left last evening on a trip
to I'orilaml , Ore. lie will visit In California
Ix-tore returning 'home. '
She-rldan coal makes a largo "ame n"d
clear lire but no smoke , soot or clinkers.
Kenlon & Kolcy. sole agents.
The "olt-omnrgarlnp" itise against C. O. D.
JJrown , tlio Hrwulwny grocer , Is put for before Justice Vien today.
Council liluffs lodge No. 631. Benevolent
nnd 1'rotpctlvo Ortle-r of Klks. will meet In
regular session this evening at Hoyal Ar
canum hall.
Snlrlpy C.lllllland , a prominent attorney of
th.Mills county bar , was In from Glenwood
with the
matters connected
jvrday on
district court.
Alfred W. Knlkes and Sarah F. Ofay , both
of Lincoln. Xcu. . wenmarrlisl In this cllj
M.ttt-nlay , the ceremony being performed by Ice Kcirter.
H 1C Ululmrdson was arrested yesterday
while trying to dispose of two new wagon
xvhpfls , lhp possession of which ho could
iiol satisfactorily oxiflaln ,
\V K Kiuhards , a farmer living six miles
oast'of Mie city , comilalned to thu yoHco
yesterday limit he had been robbed of four
bee. hives during thu previous night.
All members of the Ancient Order of
Tnlttdorknipn degree team are requested
tonmlo this evening
to report at HIP Masonic
' and business nt
ing ut 8 o'clock for drill
Krvln Dryer of Chicago , ono of the un-
' bidders before the city council
if .r . the electric limiting contract nnd who
forthwith brought an Injunction suit ugalnst
ithe c-lty , arrive * ! In the city yesterday.
Charles Martin , a colored man , appropri
ated two palls of Jelly that wore outside
.Mm Olson's grocery store on Broadway
M-nerday. He loiter ran Into Olllcer Cnlla-
ban who questioned him as to where lit
lint 'the palls , and receiving an unsatisfac
tory reply placed him under arrest.
A stranger giving the name of Dick Pargei
b < under arrest ut the rity jail on sus
picion of having' stolen an extra suit ol
clathPfl which he had In his possession.
IV'heii ' searched 1'argo was found to be
tarrying a number of loaded dice. Ho is
si-Ing held for further Investigation.
The financial re-port of the Christian home
for hist week just Issued shows the re-
telnU in the general fund to have be ? ii
his " 5 being $14S.2T. above the- estimated
nieds'for the current expenses of the. week.
In the maimccr's fund JIS.TO was received ,
ht'lng $13.70 nbove the needs ot the. WPPH
mil decreasing t'ho ' deficiency In this fund
bo date to $ G.6.
The Illinois Central railway paid Into the
nolli'p departTiumt yestenlay $10.30 , being UK
amount of the lines assessed against a num
ber of the men employed on the grade who ,
on the day of their departure for Chicago ,
were arrested for being drunk. In order tc
Mt-uro their release the men assigned nut-
flrli-nt of their salaries to tilio city to paj
llio lines.
Dr. K. P. Bellinger has returned' from
Kuropo , where ho has been attending post
graduate courses In some of the urlnclnal
hospitals of the old world. While- away hi
met some of the leading men in the mcdlca' '
jirofesslon who have worldwide rcnutatlom
nnd although glad to get home again , yet lie
considers his trip ono of the most plcasanl
events of his life.
tl. S. Stevenson of Council Grove , Kan. ,
has arrived In Uio city and , together with
c. J. Kennedy of the same town , has
leased tile Dolmny theater and taken charge
of the management , 'lioith ' are experienceel
In th show business ankl coma well recom
mended from tihelr homo town. The family
nf Mr. Stevenson will follow him In a short
lime and make their residence In Council
N. Y. Plumbing Co. Tel. 230.
fM-llOol .SIllllNtlCN.
The statistical report of Superintendent
Hayden presented at the meeting of the
Hoard of Education Monday night showe
the enrollment for the fourth month of the
school year , closing January 6 , lo have
been 4,580. The enrollment nt the differ
ent school buildings IB as follows :
High school , 310 ; Washington Avenue
school , 813 ; Illoomor school , 560 ; Twentlell ]
Avenue school , -tSfi ; Pierce Slrcet school ,
117 ; Eighth Street echool , 378 ; Third Street
school , 3G3 ; Second Avenue school , 297 ; Ave
nue H school , 2SG ; Eighth Avenue school ,
1C3 ; Mndlson Avenue school , 120 ; Thlrty-
Becond Street school , 139 ; suburban schools ,
! )3. )
There were 197 cases of tardiness , an In
crease of ninety-four over the previous
month. The number neither absent nor
tardy was 1,990 , a decrease of 35C when com
pared with the month before. The aver
age dally attendance was -1,038. against 1,143
for the preceding month. The entire en
rollment for the month was 4,902 , showing
nn Increase of 101 over December. The city
schools were In session nineteen days during
the month'one day being lost on account
of Now Year's day , which fell on Monday.
Progressive high five party given by Au-
Kusta grove No. 1 , Woodmen of the World
hall , Thursday evening , January IS. Ad
mission 10 cents , Including refreshments ,
Prizes to bo awarded.
.Mrn'N Junket.
Captain J. K. Merry , traveling passengei
agent of the Illinois Central , was In the
city yesterday and said his road intended tc
cclcbrato the Inauguration of Its througl
Chicago service by bringing to Omaha or
excursion of newspaper men from all the
towns between Dubuque and Dmaha. The
parly will leave. Chicago Sunday night , Jan
uary 2S , reaching Council IJluffs about I
o'clock Monday morning. A Htopover will be
mndo hero of about two hours. Captatr
Sleirry expected there would ho aboul fort }
to llfty newspaper men In the party. Tin
visitors will bo entertained hero at break
fast by the citizens and according to prescm
plans will bit escorted from the depot to the
hotel with a bund. This Indicates thai tin
Illinois Central will not start Its throng !
Chicago service next Sunday as contain-
jilatcd , but that the week { fallowing will wit.
ness its Inauguration.
Ili'lil r.Ntatc TrilllNfrrH ,
The follow Ing transferH were filed yester
day in the abstract , title and loan olllco ol
J. W. Saulre , 101 Pearl street :
Kllen Maxllcld and bus. et al to Jen-
lilo A. McOlnty , seti nw'i 21-77-42 ;
W. d . 1,5
Kxeicutor of Samuel M. Dalian ! , de
ceased , to Frank K. Robinson , uVj
1 n U anil ne\J oV 12-77-3S ( and land
1 In Cass county ) ; t > xrs. d . W,77I
1t V. H. J. Morris and wlfo to Heuhcn
t C. Hatawe.ll , nw > i nwli 13-75-42 ;
1 ! w. d . 1,751
Three transfers total . $30,02 :
3 Ilowell's Antl-"Ka\vf" cures cougns , coMa
3k 3H 3liirrl Ki * I.lrciiHfn ,
Mconses to wed were Issued yesterday the t <
( ho following personi ) :
3I Name and Hesldenco. Age
Anders Pcdersen. Comu'll UlulTa . 2
Jdarlo Huiisen , Council HlulTs . 3 ;
I Alfred AV Koike * . Lincoln. Neb . s
til Ha rah V. dray. Lincoln , Neb . y.
Negotiated tn Eastern Nebraska
and lovvu. James N. Casady , Jr. ,
-a ; MMlu Ht. , Council Ulatts.
Experts Looking Into tbo Affain of the
Former Sheriff.
Hoar. I Itejeot * Sonicof the llllln 1're-
> > MIII-KIIII fur 1'nytuvnt
Some ( HIii
The lionrd of County Supervisors recon
vened In adjourned session yesterday morn
ing to take up such business as had been lefl
over from the former meeting.
Spencer Smith and Thomas Uowmnn , em
ployed by the board at Ita last meotlng tr
check over the accounts of former Sherlfl
Morgan for his second term , notified thi
board that they had made a partial examina
tion of the books and that so far only a few
slight discrepancies had been discovered
but nothing of a serious or startling char
acter. These discrepancies , they said
might bo cxplaliiL-d by a further examlnatlor
of the books.
Before proceeding any further with the
work , Smith and Bowman said they de-
Hired to know Just what the board re
quired of them. They explained that thi
buokn of the sheriff's olllcc and those of the
clerk of the district court relating to the
sheriff's olllco arc so arranged that a thor
ough examination would be required In ordci
to make a satisfactory report. The bean !
Instructed them to proceed with the worl
as long as necessary In order to make a de
tailed showing of the accounts of the office
under Investigation. Some of the members
of the board arc of the opinion that tbej
tax up the cost of this investigation to Mor
During the afternoon the board took ur
the bills presented by the ex-sheriff at the
previous meeting and which had been lali
over pending the examination of his books
The bill of $264.50 for feeding the prisoners
In the county Jail for the months of No
vember and December last was allowed , bill
the bill of $25.23 , being charges of 25 centi
each for every mittimus and order to pro
duce prisoners , was disallowed. The salarj
of $300 which the sheriff received for carlnf
for the county jail Is held by the board tc
Include everything except feeding the pris
oners. This bill was accordingly rejected
On examining the back records Audltoi
Inncs found that Morgan had , during hli
two terms , collected these fecw from thi
county , having Included them In his hill foi
feeding prisoners , and the board will prob'
ably take some steps to recover the amoun
thus paid. The contract between thi
county and former Sheriff Morgan Is von
explicit on the point that the salary of $30 (
per annum shall be in full for all service ;
in connection with the county jail excep
for feeding prisoners , the allowance for thli
being regulated by utatute.
CcrtllliMttu for Prnnpr.
The county auditor was Instructed to issui
a certificate of election to John Fraser , Jr.
as constable In Layton township. It ap >
pearcd that owing to a mistake In calllnf
off the figures of the canvass of the vote cas
at the general election last November tin
democratic candidate for constable in tha
township , a man named Conroy , was do.
clared elected and a certificate issued t (
him. Later the mistake was discovered
and Kraser claimed the office , he having re
ceived 170 votes to Conroy's 1C9. In call
ing off the vote for Fraser it was glvou at
107 instead of 170.
Supervisor Brandos reported that the low
est hid he could secure for medical attend
ance for the poor of Knox township wap
$ SO from Dr. Solomon. The board con
sidered this excessive as compared with the
amounts paid in other townships and the
matter of awarding .1 contract was left open
Supervisor Brandes stated that the physi
cians in his township had formed a trusl
and not one of them woulcj go below Dr ,
Solomon's offer.
The. request of F. M. Beyiner , editor and
publisher of the Avoca Journal , that hit
paper bo Included in the list of ofllclal
orgaiiH of the board to print Its. proceeding.
was turned down on the ground that hit
application was made after the board hail
selected its ofllclal papers. Beyiner has
placed the matter In the hands of attorneys
He claims that his paper has a larger cir
culation than all of the papers In the countj
except two , and that the law requires the
board to award the publishing of Its pro
ceedings to the three papers having the
largest circulation in the county. The bal
ance of the session was devoted to read
matters and routine buslnefs. This morn
ing the board will Inspect the highway be
tween the city limits and Lake Mnimwii
which the Lake .Manawa & Manhattan Bcacl
Railway company wants changed.
Hev. Thomas R. Green , In a story ni
the "Great Crtt ulo. " Illustrated with 1C (
magnificent fitereoptlcon vlows. January 21
Odd Fellows' hall. Tickets 25c. Uanclnt
at close.
Attend the Modern Woodmen dance to
night at Wrodmen of the World hall. Ad
mission 2'i cents. Wlmley's orchestra.
.IiirlfM for I'Vdcml Com-1.
The following grand and petit Juries foi
the March term of the federal court wen
drawn yesterday , both being called to mcei
hero March 20 , ut 2 p. m.
'Grand Jury : John Andrews , Diagonal ; F
W. Ileebe , Wlota ; W. A. Boggs , Grlswold
O. C. Ursworth. Tlnglcy ; Harry Cling
Woodbine ; . C. II. Currier , Presrott ; F. A
Dean , Dunlap ; C. T. Klllott. Lenox ; J. II
Kldrldge , Corning ; J. K. Kwlng , Shannoi
City ; A. K. Fuller , Creston ; C. T. Himton
Clarlnda ; Fred Hoist , Keg Creek ; Frei
Hopley , Lewis ; William Ktihl , Cumberland
Thomas Liggett , Mount Ayr ; John Mllness
Talmuge ; J. c. McGregor , Afton ; Josepl
Mcllaffey , Clcurfleld ; J. H. Perkins. At
lantlc ; B. F. lloberta. Dunlap ; C. M. Sharp
Olenwtod ; C. H. Thomas , Kent ; Clnrlej
Townscnd , Anita ; John T. Stuart , Marne
Jerome Smith , Corning ; John T. Stuwart
Shenandoah ; J. T. Ward , Malvern.
Petit Jury : Fred Albcrtus , Panama ; T
F. Armstrong , Lenox ; C. A. Annlingo , 1311H
ton ; Zed Beyiner , Clearfleld ; Uobert Bell
Arlon ; K. Baxter , Audubon ; E. W. Blakes
lee , Anita ; N. F. Cleveland , Harlan ; Smltl
Chllds , Dunlap ; J. W. B. Cole ? , Audubon
Morris Chandler , Blockton ; F. B. Durgee
Gllddon ; W. A. Duncan , Blanuhard ; Don
aid C. Flick , Bedford ; August Floherg
Nyinan : Benjamin Friend , Creston ; W. L
Goodell , Prescott ; Perry Goln , Charter Oak
H. George , Carroll ; L. M. Gardner , Nelson
I * W. Garwln , Grlswold ; John A. Hoffman
Mount Carroll ; George Jones , Klkhorn
Joseph Jackey , Deflanco ; W. O. Kinsley
Shenandoah ; C. G. I/ong , Shambaugh ; GUI
McAlpIn , Newmarket : John W. Miller
Hcddlng ; C. N. Newton , Clarlnda ; P. V
O'Connell. Atlantic ; H. M. Pomeroy , Shelby
C. A. Quick , Clarlnda ; C. C. Redflclil , Har
land ; Genrgo Ilea , Dow City ; Karl Riddle
DenUon ; J. A. Button , Cromwell ; J. R
Stevens , Irwln : aeorge Sims , Portsmouth
P. E. Shlldon , Mount Ayr ; T. A. Steven
neil , Thigley ; George Staodage , Page Ceu
ter ; II N. Sticksdorf , Silver Creek ; S. N ,
Thaw , Buck Or < VP ; 1' . W. Wolbors , Uololt ;
A. J. Wearln , Mslvern ; William Lewis ,
Gray : Charles Whlpp , Colle-so Springs ; R.
C. White , Glenwood.
VnrlniiM MH | T in Tnkpti l' | f r ltd
Coiisldoriitliin ,
The Meeting of the Merchants' and Man
ufacturers' asnnrlntloh Iftflt night nt the city
council chamber attracted but a small gath
ering , loss tl'an a dozen of the members
being present. The greater part of the
session was devoted to Iho dlscusslbn ol
matters contained in coinmutilcatlniiH from
President Caapfr. The firoi commmilcnlloii
from the president was oneIn which he
rccr.minrndcd that the books of the asso
ciation he kept In a tnoro businesslike mari
ner than they had been In the past. The
second was with reference to the reported
establishment In this city of n coke and gas
plant and recommending that the nfsaclntloi :
request the city council to take no netbti
looking to entering Into n lighting contraei
until this had been fully Investigated. The
communication on this matter follows :
I desire to rail your attention to 't.lio ' con
templated prpftloii In our city of n coke urn. '
BUS plant and retiuem tihat the executive
commlltee s * i and Interview the nmnncfi
when he arrives In the city and fuffhi-r rci"
ommeml that they use I'helr ' Iniluonro will
the city council mid urge them not to entei
Into any contract for electric Htvlnlnq ; null
this proposed coke and gas plant l < i thor
otiRhly InvtutltnitPid. I am Informid by tin
city engineer thud .inn gas lamps would plac <
one nt eaeh street intersection of t'ho ' city
' 1 he Welsbadi burner at the present pres.
sure used In the city , I nm Informed by B" I
authority , consume * three cubic feet of BUS
> er hour. On M > moonlight schedule lamp !
! nirn altout 2.2(0 ( 'hours PIT yeur and alxun
, .000 Hours on an all-night schedule. This
would t'lve an annual consumption of fi.iiOi
and. 12XV ( ) cubic feet , respectively. If the
price of Kas furnl hod Is as low as tin
papers have flt'ated , 40 contu per 1,000 cubit
feet , or If the price of the gas should hi
75 cents per 1,000 cirblc feet , the amount n
was connuined 'would bo $ i.tlj and $12 pi-i
llBht per annum.
In either case , If the plant Is located hen
with Bai nl liho price they say-they will gel
It at tlhe city can be , lighted far better , nl
portions of the city having Hglit and tin
same well dlfOrlbutcd. nt alvnit one-half tin
expense we would pay under the proposal ;
now before the counod ,
L. A. CAS1M5U , President.
As the communication requested , UK
matter was referred to the executive com
In the next communication President Cas
per called attention to the fact that In hli
opinion , the price ot pas in the city wai
excessive and that aa the oily council ha ;
the right to fix the rates , ho suggested tha
the association appoint a committee to in
vcstlgate the matter and If it found tha
the price was too high to petition the conn
ell to reduce the price to a reasonable figure
Members Dovlne , Beeslcy and Gilbert wen
appointed as the committee.
The next communication read from Pres
idcnt Casper was ono referring to the man ;
injunction stills brought against the clt ;
and was as follows :
Your attention Is called to t'ho frequenc ;
with whlrOi t.'he ' aid of M'.io courts Is notigh
by citizens to Im'erru'pt anl stop the. of
llclals of ihe < Ity from carrying on the reg
ular business. In many cases these suits an
brousSit , no't ' In the Interest of the public
but for private In the las-t ex
perse to the taxtjuyers by the various In
junction suits broughtngalnst city olllcen
ilias been at least ? "X.060. ) In many In
stances thtrto obstructionists are enrour
nsul by our citizens. They meet them
speak to t > hem on the strcom arl urge then
In many wtiya ti pUFih t'ho matters. If on ;
people would meet these persons as they deserve
serve , pajn them by wltlhout recognftlon
tilius showing them t'hat ' efforts to In
jure the g'.od ' mime- and prosperltv of ou
city were meeting with condemnation , as I
deserved , Instea'd ' of peemlns praise , tin
dc < 'kqts of 4he ! courts would Kotm bo elparei
< if thrse cases and a brighter future openoi
for our city.
A motion by a member of the local pro ;
who Is also a member of the association tha
the report bo adopted and every persoi
bringing an Injunction against the city boy
cotted , brought forth a protest from Caspe
that he did not Intend any such thing amen
on motion of L. A. Dovlno the communion
tlon was ordered placed on file.
The next communication from the prcsi
dent called attention to the report that thi
Unlrn Pacific Intended abandoning th
transfer depot and also that the Iowa rail
roads were violating their charters b ;
transferring their passengers and freight 01
the other side of the river instead of li
Council Bluffs and recommending that r
committee bo appointed to investigate thi
matter. The president was empowered ti
appoint such a committee , but stated In
would take time before naming It.
A mmunlcatlrn signed "A Citizen , " re
fcrrlng to the same matter as contained ii
Casper's , was read and referred to the com
mltteo to bo appointed.
K. V , Test tendered his resignation as i
member of the executive committee on tin
grounds that the association has owed hln
$25 , his expenses to Salt Lake as its rcpro
sentatlvo nt the TranBmlsslsslppI convon
tlon , for over two years. The matter wai
referred to the executive committee.
W. L. Landon addressed the apsoclatloi
on the matter of starting a canning factor :
In this city. Ho paid that with $40,000 n fits
class building with 'tho ' latest machinery' foi
canning corn and toma'tocs ' could bo estab
lished that would give a profit of $25,000 tin
first year. No action was taken.
It was decided that the association sbouli
entertain the visiting newspaper men win
will bo brought hero as the guests of tin
Illinois Central railway on Monday , Jonu
ary 2 ! ) . The enterlaliwnent will consist of i
breakfast at the Grand hotel.
TII till' Thi'lllcr-CJolliK I'eople of Ciiiui'
oil Illnn-N.
. Having taken charge of the Dolmny the
nter wo will give the same our persona
attention In the future- and endeavor hj
good business mctlindn and an hqneH effor
to please the public , to merit the conll'
denco of the peopln of Council Bluffs. We
triitjt our long i-xperle'iico an theater man
agers and a familiarity with the theatoi
business In general has qualified us to sonn
extent IIH caterers to the amusement public
Under the new management the house wil
bo renovated and placed In the best condi
tion at once , and wo hope to present a class
of plays that will merit the approval 01
the public. STHVKNSON * KENNEDY.
Davis Bfills paints.
I.lne Nearly Completed ,
Manager Heed of the Omaha , Councl
Bluffs & Suburban Railway company , lol
the contract yesterday for grading Avenue
C from Eighteenth street to Thlrteentl
street to Gibson & Nowman. Work on thi
line ns far as Eighteenth street
\\llh the except lou nf stringing th ;
wire , Is practically complete and the com
pany expects to have It finished as far as
the Fort Dodge & Omaha depol
In a few weeks at the mrst. Manager Rcei :
and Mr. Townscnd will leave today for east
ern points to examine the equipment whlcl
they have ordered for their new roa4 am
part of which is ready for shipment.
The degree team of Council Bluffs Iodg <
No. 270 , Ancient Order of United Work'
men , will glvo i < 0 ttrnt annual entcrtaln <
raent nt the Knights of Pythias hall , Mnr
rlam block , Friday evening. January 2G
Music , cards , refreshments and dancing
Tickets HO cents.
lllxtorle llrhlKr Uextroyfil ,
/.ANKSV1LLK. O. . Jan. Ifl.-Tho hlHtorli
"V brides at the' Junction of the Mus.
klnRum and Licking rivers In thin city luu
l > oflii condemned and closed to traltlc. it hn :
bien in use for glxty-clglit ye-nra and jn oh
staiio teach days was the most fumoiii
landmark along thu national pike. Onl )
ono other three-armed brldsro ID known te
exist In the I'nltcd fllatox. The * old Htruc.
ture will U > replaced wtt.h a new brldu * .
M' i n in I'nnit 1 1 t IT PI I'i'Tp
( ihAH IS I4lKMALLkLIiUL ) \
Each Bratob of Iowa's Leeishtnn Votea foi
H's ' Return to Sennto.
for ( lie Third Time the Cranil (111 (
.linn of luun PollllcH IN .sent
tu I InInlliMl Mules
DICS MOIXES. Jan. 10 , ( Special Tele
gram. ) Senator John H. Gear was formal ! ;
elected today by each branch of the Icglsla
ttiro to servo his third term In the Utiltoi
States senate.
The house vote stood SI and the senat
31 for Gear , while Fred While , former can
dldato tor governor , democrat , received 1
votes In the semite and lu In the houso.
In nccordanco with Iowa custom , nnothc
vote will bo taken tomorrow In Joint as
sembly , which provides for the signing o
the certificate by the governor in the pres
cnco of the joint meeting-
In the senate Gear's name was presentei
by McArthur of Burlington and was seconded
ended by Perrln of Chlckasaw In a length
speech. Senator Bolter , democrat , from liar
rlbon , the nester of the senate , In pre
sentlng the name of White , paid a hlg
trlbuto to Gear , and declared thai If It wcr
for the man the members wcro voting h
would have declined to nominate nn oppos
IIIR candidate but , being called upon to vet
for party principles , he was constrained t
present the name of Fred White , ono of th
best democrats In Iowa. Thn nomlnatln
speeches were punctured with liberal ap
plause , especially Bolter's speech.
Representative Wilson of Kcoktik pro
scpted Gear's name In the house mid Rep
rc&cntatlvo McGinn of Clinton nominate
White. Eaton , defeated candidate fo
speaker , rose and In an emphatic and loy.i
party speech declared that he cast his vet
for John Gear. McGinn of Clinton nonil
natod White. A long list of republicans prc
ceded McGinn and when his name wa
reached on the roll-call ho voted for Goal
Recovering himself with confusion ho re
called his declaration and voted for Whit
while the other member Indulged in
laugh at his expense.
The members absent from rollcall on sena
tor Included Senators Alexander of Linn an
Smith of Mitchell , republicans , and Emme
of Cass , democrat. Representatives Kcc
and Van Burcn , Myers of Dickinson au
Se-kol of Jones , republicans , and Ultimo c
Crawford , democrat.
Both houses provided for a joint conven
tlon at high noon tomorrow to compar
journals on the vote for senator and mak
out a certificate of election , which will clos
tin formalities of the hottest factional pollt
leal light over waged In Iowa.
A flood of bills came" Into the senate todaj
including ono for compulsory education , in
troduced by Garst of Carroll by requesi
Most ot the members are on hand and th
assembly Is expected to get down to busl
ness by the last of the week.
SUPPOSED .111 itiiitii ) MAX AI.IV *
Ilnclcniiui Henry I'otrrin , AVlm I'ljiiiro
In IliuliloeU TriiKvily , l.oenleil.
SIOUX CITY , la. , Jan. 1G. Informatio
has bcon received by the authorities her
that Henry Peters , a hackuian supposed t
have been murdered ten years ago an
burned In a brewery , is living In Okla
Peters' disappearance was one of the mys
lories connected with ' the fiinioii Haddoc
murder case In the latter ' 80s. Haddoc
wan the Methodist preacher killed here fo
his relentless war on saloons.
Ono of the principal witnesses desired b
the prosecution was Peters , the hackmar
known to have drlveJi the party of ilquo
dealers , of whom Are'nsdorf was one , abou
the city a short time before Haddock wa
killed. But from the date of the murdc
Peters disappeared. Ho was sought fa
and 'wide ' , and the story finally gained clr
culatlon that ho had been killed and hi
body cremated in .a furnace under Arens
dorf's brewery. A letter has been receive
from F. M. Tomllntnn , now touring Okla
homa , saying that he knows where Peter
can bo found and offering more definite in
Ilnril on Municipal < HvurrNlili.
DBS MOINES , Jan. 16. The suprem
court today handed down a decision In th
DCS Molncs municipal electric light case
which Is considered by municipal ownershl
advocate- severe blow to their hopes i ;
this clt The city of DCS Molnes contractc
for the building of n municipal electric Ugh
plant and was enjoined against carrying ou
the contract. The contract anticipated th
revenues , providing that payments should b
made each year until the plant was paid foi
when it should become city property. Th
payments were no larger than the amoun
the city had previously paid annually fo
light. The supreme court , however , hold
that n city cannot anticipate its revenue
In this way to provide a plant , If the tola
anticipated liabilities place the debt abov
the constitutional limit , which it did In thi
caEc. The contract was especially drawn t
avoid this constitutional prohibition an
municipal ownership advocates say the decision
cision will practically make municipal ownership
orship of utilities Impossible In Iowa unlcs
the constitution can be changed.
\ortliiv 'Nt < > rn Mny liny tinIlonil. .
SIOUX CITY , Jan. 1C. ( Special ) W-n
has been received hero from Judge H. M
Iltibbiinl , general counucl In Iowa for tin
Chicago & Northwestern railway , who 1 :
In Washington In the Interest of the hli
providing for the settlement of the deb
of itho Sioux City & Pacific road , now IHTPP ,
by the Northwestern , that the bill will b <
reported from committee- next men h. Ai
soon an the lien of the government on thi
Sioux City & Pacific Is removed and tin
road may bo sold. It is expected Iho North'
western will buy it and extend Its llnei
from Movllle , In. , to Sioux City and to Cen
tervlllo , S. D. , and beiyond. It has beci
learned on the best authority that the plani
for these oxlcnslons are now being modi
In the office ot the chief engineer of th <
Northwestern , in expectation Utiat UK
Northwestern will get the Pacific.
SIIIMV Tallin for Dralnntte Dlleli.
ONAWA , la. , Jan. 10. ( Special Tele
gram. ) The Monona County Board of Su
pcrvlsors at a special meeting today dis
cussed the propose * ! dralnago ditch at length
Speeches wcro made by Governor Shaw u <
P. A. Sawyer. Judge A. Oliver propoundei
n few questions to Governor Shaw on tin
legal aspect of the case. W. A. Blakesle ;
and Ervino. Dowry appeared In oppceitlon
After devoting most of the day to the dltcl
question the matter was postponed mill
February 1. when the board will hold at
adjournexl session to further consider thi
Sioux City . \iirtlnTii S n IM | .
SIOUX CITY , Jan. 1C. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Suit has been tiled In the fedora !
court ' .n the northern district of Iowa Ir
the name of the Trubl Company of Noril
America agulnst the Slou * City & Nortberr
Railway company in which an accounting
and a JudKineiv ; for ? 434UUO is asked. Thli
Is alleged to bo duo for rental ol tuo ter
minals In Sioux City which arc tiow thr
prr.j.erly of the t. The
rental was 10 IIP $00,000 , but only $6.000 per
annum has been raid for six years. The suli
Is for UIP dlff > rrnpo with accrued Intcrtei
find other incidental expenses. The Sioux
City & Northern If owned by J. KwtiPd >
Ted & Cd. of New York and now Is unelei
the management of the Great Northern.
llody Found In n ItUer.
LANSING , la. , Jan. 1C. The mystorj
which has cmrroiitidcd the disappearance o
Kdward Riser fcr a week past was clparec
up today by finding his body In the rlvei
In front ot town. Ho was last seen Wednesday
day evening , January 10 , skating for lil'
farm opposite town on the Wisconsin slcli
niitl evidently skated Into nn air hole. Hi
wne 30 years of age1 and one > of the nios' '
extensive farmers In this part of the stale
limn Netvs .Nolc * .
Thorp are several cases ot scarlet fpvei
nt Usthorvllle.
The Minneapolis .t St. Louis road ha !
bean completed to Spencer.
Fire damaged UIP MaPonlc block n'
Mason Cltv to Ihe extent of $ .1,000.
Washington has cii'.erpd Iho Hals ns t
candidate- for a slntp normal school.
Apcordlng to DIP new directory , Mnr
shalltown figures out a population n llttli
over ll.dno.
The vlllnijp of Nodnwny has grown sulll
clentlv during th , past year tovnrran
the citizens In Incorporating.
Iowa coal operator. will be representei
at the Joint meeting of miners and opi raters
ators to be held at Indianapolis.
An explosion of mysterious origin li
the billiard ball of Klon & Rnrllng.ime n
Kldora cause.I . : \ Ilie which did couMdci
able damage before It was extinguish ! .1.
i Iti'NMllN on ( he IttiiinliiK TrucU .
NKW CWLKANS. Jan. Ifi.-Results :
First race , one mile , selling : Lucky Mnn
day won. Belle Ward second , Llcwiuiin
third. Time : l : i/ , .
Second race , six and onp-hnlf furlongs
MlfS Day won , Aex ! second , Klndrei
third. Time : 1:2H : . . .
Third rnce , two miles , selling : Our NHll
won , IClldomha second , Atlantus third
Time : 3:32'2. :
Fourth race , six furlongs , handicap : Hell
of Memphis won , Sir Christopher second
Kd ( iartland II Wilrd. Time : 1:11.
I Fifth rnce. one and one-sixteenth mile *
I selling : Miss lloss won. ( "Jeorge H. Cox second
end , MouneltolT third. Time : 1:50. :
Sixth nice , one mile , sailing : NoknrnI
won. RiifhtlpUUs su-eond , Can I See ' 13n
third. Time : 1:12. :
SAN KHAXC1SCO. Jan. 10 Weathe
cloudy and track fast. Tnnfornn results :
First race , llve-elB'ht.hs ' . of a mile- , muse
Headwater won , Mountebank second , Kill
Uoliuid third. Time : 1OU : .
Second , race , three-eighths of a mile , 2'i. ' purse : Andnutis won , IJathgn
scond , Klngstell third. Time : 0:38. :
Third race , three-quarteis of n mile , sell
Ing : Hen l odi won , Good Hope- second
line Ivan thlul. Time : Isissj.
i Fourth race , one mile. pi.'lllnc : The Fret
. tier won. Potentate second , Lady third
I Time : l:3'j'i. :
Flf'lh race , eleven-sixteenths of a mllr
se'.llng : Joe McOpe won. Free Press second
Antler third. Time : lUSls. :
Sixth race , live furlong ! ' , purse : Mompii
turn won. Vlorls second , Afgbtan third
Time : 1:019' : , .
Seluu-fer I'ltiyn Ili'llllinil Cnine.
JCE-W YORK , Jan. Ifi. The second pin ;
In the fourteen-lnch balk line hnudieai
match between Jake Selmefor. who play
" .mo points , and Ora C' . Moinlngstar , tii
Chicago shortstop , who plays 1,500 , resulii-i
In Mornlngstar keeping in the lead by :
narrow margin. The play In the eveiiln
match was exceptionally sensational am
| brilliant. Sehaefer scored 211 buttons , wit :
Ian average of SO 1-7. Ho gathered In l\\
big clusters of 02 .mil C2 by bin deft nursln. .
along the rail and In the center imm
Mornlngstar was very fast and finished hi
string of 100 with an average of 112- '
Scores follow :
. Afternoon game : Sehaefer , ] ! 11 : averag
S 13-22 ; high runs , -II and 28. Mornlngstai
1UO : nvornge , I 12-22 ; high runs. ll ! and 14.
Mvenlng game : Sehaefer , 211 ; average
301-7 ; hlfc-li runs , ! i2. 02 and 2 ; grand tola
723. .Mornlngstar. Id ; average , 142-7 ; hlg
run , 17 ; grand total. 100.
( 'liiiniriliiii TiMinlM I'lnycr * Ii'cl.
Tl'XKIV ) PAR3X. . Y. . Jan.
I rene ? Stockton , amateur champion o
America , ami Peter Latham , i iofesslnmi
chaini > ! tin of'Uie word , plnyed li game o
tennis here today at the Tuxedo Tennis an ,
j Kaciiui't club. Latham gave odds and de
I feu lux ] Stockton In two sets out of tlirev
In the llrft fel Latham w't-n ' at fi-1. Stoi'k
ton making brllllanl yitrokos Into the cor
ners. In the second set he begun to get ini
the stride and rallies were tiho result. 11
. poldom let a ball pass him and volleyed nn
I hnlf-volleyrd to iperfe.tlon ami tlnsilly wo
the pet nt G-2. The > ; iilrj ! set Stockton mUIi
have won with n lltt'le ' luck. The sot Im
gone 1 all. 2 all and 3 all. After Lathan
had reached 5 to 3 Stockton took t'lie ' nex
game. Then Lattiam tlnlshed off ut 0-1.
i _
C'rneU SliolN ! l ( Ton run men I.
HAMILTON. Out. , Jan. Ifi. The antuia
tournament of tCie > Hamilton Gun elu !
opened today. There was a large attend of wins fRiots from the 1'nltefl Htiilc.
and Ctinnd.i. In the Grand Canadian sweep
stakes three sounds s-Hiot at the lin = t tea
plcixinrt. The following made clean scores
SII.IIB. Tyrone , Pa. , 2S ynnls ; ( * . A. Young
Sprlnglld.d , O. , 'I ! yards ; II. n. Klrkover
Fredonla , 31 vurds : M. Ileardon , Toronto
2 ! ) yards ; n. Hold , Dunnvllle , Out. , 27 yards
M. Fletcher , 2S yards ; \V. Slrouil. Toronto
2 < yu'ds ; J. S'troiul ' , Toronto , 2i yards.
< 'anillilnli'H for ! ! ) ; < on StnUeN.
NEW YORK. Jan. 1C. The list of candl
dates for the big stakes which will h tin
features of the meeting at Brighton Bead
next summer is announced. The Ilrlghioi
handicap and the Brighton cup are tin
principal races. The Brighton handle-up Inn
drawn almost the same class of horses th-i
1ms been nominated for the Brookljn am
I HIHION.-.I ( ii Kent llclllnu.
CLKVKLAND , O. , Jan. lfi.-A meeting o
several prominent horse trainers and ilriv
cirs was held today iU tlhe fJlenvlllo trad
to take action against heat betting. j
romniittce was appointed to draw up reso
lutlons and prew-nt them to the dlffere-n
trottinir associations.
! Ill on TlirotvH I'll Slon | e.
i UTICA , N. Y. , Jan. 10. Tommy Dlxon'i
seconds threw up the cpunire In thflif
tecnth round In the match with IJIIIy Ryan
I.IIICH | SyNleiu In Vnierlen.
DETROIT. Midi. . Jan. Hi. Through pur
e' ( a ninlorlty of the stock of botl
companies the Mli liigan TeUnhomcomimn ;
has C'loKPd ' a deal for contiol of the t o In
dependent com.'ianles of ths ! rart of Mlfhl
g'an , namely , the Detroit TeU-phone com
'pany ' and the new 'Stale ' Telephone toni
I puny. The Michigan Tefophone comp'iny
1 wliieih has thus regained control of wh.'i
1 was formerly Its exclusive. Ili-ld , Is on < - o
the factor * of the Krle Telegraph and Trie
phone company ronMlldntlon. In luldltloi
to the Wirex * Michigan eiinipanleH m * > ntonc ! <
the Erlo system controls the e'lcvetini
Telephone company , Njrlhwesti-rn Teh-
phone Exdinngi- company , Southwchte-n
TeOegraph an > l TelnphoiK. company and tin
\\'ls 'onsn | TeJephonp company. The ICrli
toleph'ino system Is now the largest li
America and wlfh om exception-Urea
Britain the larcewt in the world. It con
trols the compunloH operating under the Bel
patents In North Dakota. SouMi l > ; ik < > ti
.MlnntHot'a. ' WiwoiiHln , MlihlKan , Arkiini'iui
Texas and In Cleveland , f ) . The cunihlne- < :
capital of Its i-ompaiiles lu J22,000,000.
AVI 11 of llnrllin K. MorelioiiNC ,
MARYVILI K , Mo. , Jan. 18. ( Spe-cla
Trloirrnm. ) The will of the lat .Mr
Martha E. MorPhuusc , widow of cx-i.u\
en or A. P Mori-house , WIIH probatxvl tod.iy
Mr : . MorohouMlii.iiaathi | > d J2lki ) in 'ii.M
to hfr ilautfhU'r , Mrn Archie Ni-ul of ( 'lit- .
dipt , .r n. MO-
liiiAVKit.of l.nwreneeburgKy.sttyg.
' For yearn 1 suffered intensely from
a running sorn on my leg , caused by
a wound ree'eived in tlio army T
was treated by u number of doctors ,
nnd lock nmny blood medicines ,
without tlio hlighterit benelit. H. 8.
S. was recommended , nnd the firnt
bottle produced H great improve
ment. Thoniiison was forced out.
and the Euro healed upcomplutely. "
is ihobest blood reme
dy beciuiHO. it cures the Viorst anses. It
is guaranteed purely regulable , and com
pletely eliminates eu > ry trace o/impure )
ulooil Valuable bunk's mulled free by
Bvrifl Sspeciilo CuUii'auy , AtJuutu , Uu.
tuna , Iv.iti iioei Hi < > rnninlMilcr of In" * iir- " < -
i i iv i mMint , 'f n onc-thlM tnti fi > . t lit
a .i " -.n u i. urn. .1 cinc-liilril lntt > r-'M In a
4W-iKrr firm. .1 l > rlck ton hull. HUB In
Maryvllli' . a five-acre lot , n ono-hnlf In-
twwt InI2frt * farm. thrw-fotirilM In-
tr r8S ( In a feirly-ae'TV trnct of laiul anil
threw sviod dwplilnif hnn t-s In Mnryvlllo ,
to Jii-r scm. R.lwin V. Mor < 4toiniv. nn l natnM
hlft a i f\t\p \ i xpfittor without Imml. All the-
lnn < l Is In N"i1nwny rounty ainl Is valuable
i-rn l.tiiiilii-rnifii Slt-rt. Minn. , Jim. IB.- The
te-nrh inrotlnir of t'ho ' X rtlt\v ! rji
i.uintx'nnc n'K ncsivlaittmivWrh onp o l
herp toil iy. nttmt'trvl u-iirwontatlvrw of l.WH )
li tnlwr ynrls In Mlnn < - ota , Imvn.VlmHiiuln
atnl th l > .ilotn < i. Prrl < U > nt Maynanl Orano.
In nl 'inniml rr ] rt. f nffratnlntr < l the asso
ciation nn tnc rix uril-ltrmkltiR swison atnl
tnlloil .ii'tfntlcn lo the ahusf i-oincllinert
inailp of tlii'iviai hoirulr , " \\hloli Is tlo-
sientvi to jip'tfi-t tvacli inptnow In IIH ! loon-
In I'rltMot Iliit * .
DANMUMIY. Conn. . Jan. 1C.-AII of the-
rmllnir niatiufaolurprs of inon'fl nnd
women's felt lintM In thla rlty , IScadliiR ,
Tn. , nnd other hut rrtitprs * . owHnB to the
rapid rlw In thu prlrp of wool , tiy nifrix'-
inelH nilvaliroil the prloi-s of wxml foil hats
75 orrtts pel' tlozt-n on chenn trratlca nnel on
hlphiT nuallllps In proportion.
Itov. I' . 15. ( 'lnrU In ( io tit llrli-nt.
KOSTON , Jnn. Ifi.-llpv. Dr. Vranrls 15.
< "lark , rmindiT ( ii'i.l prosltlont of thp rnltoii
F olrty nf Christian Kmtlcuvor , loft Ho-"tnn
, toi'siy , ai'mmpMiili it by hln \ vlftfur his
third i"-- . . . iviry tourif thp vvorl.l On J.iti-
uiirv LM ili'v will lonvi- Sun Kranrlsi'O for
the 01 it-lit.
A .Most Remarkable Remedy That
Quickly Restores Lost Vigor
To Men.
A Frt'- Trial Package Sent By Mull
To All Wlio Write.
Free package of u moBt remarkable
rcmexly me be'lng mallc-d to all who wrlto
thu Statu Medical Institute. They cured BO
many men who had battled for years agulnat
thu mental iuid phynlcal sulTerlne of lout
manhui-d Unit the Institute has decided to
distribute f'Bu trial packages to all who
write. It Lt a home treatment und all mon
who suffer wtih uny form of suxunl weak
ness ri'Hultlng from youthful folly , preiun-
tuu- loss of strencth and memory , weak
back , vnrlcocolc or cmacliiflori of pnrtn can
now cure thPintelves tit home.
The remedy has i peculiarly grateful ef
fect of warmth ana seems -to act direct to
thu desired location , giving strength and
development Just where It la needed. It
cures till the Ills and troubles that come
from years of misuse of thu natural func
tions and has been an absolute KUCCCES In
ull case * . A reuui'st lo the State Medical
Institute , 303 IClcJstron liulldlng , Kt. Wayne ,
Ind. , sta'.lng that you desire one ot their
free tral ! iiarltasjes will be compiled with
promptly. Tlie Institute Is des'txiuH ' of
lu.ichlnR that great class of men who are
una'oln 10 leave home to be treated and the
free Miniiik- will enable them to sec how
easy it is to be uuied of sexual weakness
when the proper remedies are employed.
The Institute makes no restrictions. Any
man who writes will be sent a free sam
ple , carefully scaled in a plain package , so
that Us rex Ip enjl nted have no fear of em
barrassment or publlHiy Headers are re
quested to wrlto without delay.
of llfp Is motion , and when ( notion prnsns
death PINUPS' . A poor rirculallon results In
sluppMi blood , which Is unequal to the
task of carrying off the refuseot } ic secrc-
tloim. The cotise-qurnci' Is that Iho system
becomes drrntiKOd and dlppnse Ms sure to
Wlmt Is the effect of a pure ntrhollo
stlmuliuit n ? Duffy's Pure Mnlt Whiskey In
Bitch n case ?
The nrle'rlnl Mood Is made to How faster ,
the wnslo material that rings the system
Is burnt up and ellmlimtPd. The > heart I *
strengthened and the * pulep stendlcd. The
resplrntloii IIPCOIIIPS deeper , while1 the brain
Is soothed and calmed.
There In nothing Just ns K"oil" ns
Duffy's Ptire < Mnlt Whisky. A dealer who
says so Is thinking of his profits- nothing
innro. Of cotirso when a remedy has been
before1 Iho public so long , has ben recmn-
inendod and prescribed by doctors , and
carried the blessings of health to so many
thousand homes. Imltntlctis nro bound to
nrlse. They nro only able , however , lo
I'iiiHnte the bottle ami the labels. No one
cntt Itnltnto the product. The process Is
known to manufacturers nlotio. Hewnre
of substitutes and refilled bottle * .
All druggists and grocers , or direct. Jl 00
11 bottle Huffy Pure Malt Whiskey l'o. .
Hen heater , N. Y.
those who know what Catarrh
really is , the old-fashioned way
of treating it , still used by
thousands who cling to old
methods , seems a woeful waste of
good energy.
Catarrh is inflammation of the
mucous membranes of the nostrils ,
throat and air passages.
It needs soothing , not irritating.
The constant hawking , the chok
ing , plugged-up , disagreeable sen
sation of tightness troublesome
BEST FI1KB , POSTPAID. especially in the early morning ,
To any rmdnr of thtg pup r when the cold air contracts the air
& eondlnif nsnanioand fullfi drriu
T \veTTlilforwnrd atuboot Ozojell passages and irritates the inflamed
membranes is relieved immediately
OZOJELL CUKE. Ttmpl * Ct , K. T.
ly by the simple application of
Ozojell is like a healing ointment applied to a troublesome and angry
sore it Soothes , Relieves , Cures.
The catarrhal discharge is like the pus from a running sore , and
everyone knows that washing a sore is not sufficient to make it / / < < / / .
Ozojell , a delicious , pleasant emulsion or jelly of great cleansing ,
healing , preservative , germicidnl properties , when once applied , remains
on the raw membranes and gradually draws out the matter and heals up
the wound by promoting the growth of new , healthy membrane.
Ozojell is put up in a patent Ozojell tube , easily carried in the pocket ,
easily applied to the parts as needed , in the office , on the street , without
attracting attention , and with no irritation , trouble or waste of time.
It is sold by all druggists in 50 cent patent Ozojell nasal tubes.
Prepared from the formula of the celebrated Vienna physician , Herr
J. Chiller , the great specialist in diseases of the ear , throat and nose
( Physician in Ordinary to the Emperor of Austria ) .
Thousands of letters from those who have been cured attest its virtues.
Us efficacy , we offer to sendw by mail to all readers of tnis paper a tube
of Ozojell and a book on Catarrh and Its Scientific Treatment.
Simply write , giving name and full address , when this treatment will
be sent you absolutely free , postage paid- Address
OZOJELL CURE , 219 Temple Court , New York.
wears away the coating of your lungs , From this may result Pneumonia ,
Bronchitis , Consumption and other quickly fatal diseases.
Soften and cure your cough with
the new scu-ntific remedy for Coughs , Sore Throat , Hoarseness and all
respiratory diseases. A positive , permanent , harmless , perfect cure.
Uiai onr prices nro always
moderate Examine them Tor yourself.
Telephone 1/16
Silver FllllncfB ; . . . . $ ! .00
Gold Alloy Klllinjffl j.QU
1'lir inum Alloy Killings 1.00
tj"M Fillinu's " .no nnd up
frowns < j.ou , ( rd , up
II , A. Woodbury , D , D. S. , Council Bluffs ,
Next to
Brand Hotel ,
T&S ZZE 3SZE2&X32:3/2l
TURKISH T. & J' . PILLS brings monthly inen-j
struutloiit-urf It kiieday iii.'VtrilUii | ) | > oliilyou [
rM1" * btixi-.s will htiiii any casn. lly mull
lltthn'j Druiirotorc , i8th & I'arium , Omaha , Ntb.