Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 17, 1900, Page 4, Image 4

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    THE OMAITA DAILY 1U313 : WEDNESDAY , JA1ST/VTMr 17 , 11)00. )
That ia the Eiict of the Democratic Machine
llurUlry Snlil In Me Slnfod for Mnjor-
nlty I'liu-c , ultli 1'rlvllonc
to A n mo III * Own
1 AiMirlutr * .
The big and IHtlo sachems of llio ilomo-
ciallo party bnvo held theh council of wnr ,
* lth the result thnl Prank J. Ilurkley has
been forced upon for mayor , and he ha
ilKnlflcd hlK wIlllnRncRS to accent.
Ilurklcy is not Kolng to head n fusion
ticket , for there will bo no fusion nbout It ,
os the Independent democratic have captured
tne breastworks of the party and boldly an
nounced that neither the populists nor free
silver republicans will be permitted to have
anything to say In making up the ; ticket
for the coming city election
During the campaign last fall rumors were
rlfo that the directors-general of the
tripartite alliance were secretly conniving to
deliver the populists nnd free sll\cr re
publicans , bag nnd baggage , over to the dem
ocrats and thus put an end to fusion Though
pronounced untrue by the democratic leaders
In Nebraska and by the leaders of the pop
ulists nnd free sllvrr republicans , who wcro
entrusted with the task of consummating
the deal , the rapid growth during the last
Ix months of the "county democracy" nil
organization oulhpokcn In Us hostility to
fusion , and the action of that body now In
refusing to counsel with f internists In malt
ing up the city ticket , strongly Indicates a
mo\emcnt of this kind , : t Is bareilv pos
sible that some known aa fuslonlstB may be
given a place on the democratic ticket , but
being known as f unionists and being one
in reality nro tv < o different things.
niittrol > Drnioorntle.
It can be depended upon , as agreed among
the democralls leaders , that no fuslonlst not
eecrotly In accord with the anti-fusion move
ment will bo given a place on the ticket.
Speaking of the matter , n prominent mem
ber of the Independent ( county ) democracy
said jestcrday
"Tho ticket will bo made up entirely of
democrats Wo are done with fusion. Wo
have got control of the machinery of the
party nnd we propose to run things entirely
independent of the populists or free silver
republicans Wo will not be weakened by
this at all , In my Judgment You see , many
democrats In Omaha fairly abhor fusion
Many of them , It Is true , nro gold dcmociats ,
but many of them are estranged now on the
question of anarchy than money. ly ) ellvorc-
Jng ourselves from fusion wo will reclaim
these voters from the republican party , and
Rhllo wo may lose n few on the other side
we will gain a great deal moro than we
will lose Besides , the populists will even
tually come over , for , like the shipwrecked
mariner , they will have to look for a harbor
of refuge and they will como to us rather
than go to the republicans Populism is
dead , that's certain It mas , like our In
dians , survive for a tioio In tribal form ,
but as a potent factor In politics , or as a
companion piece to the democratic party , lit
is so no longer "
Whether there shall bp a complete divorce
ment at this time awaits development , but
It Is certain that a divorce In local affairs Is
contemplated on the part of the democratic
leaders and If one Is not obtained It will be
because the nuptial ties will retusito jleld
to a moct extraordinary teot of strength
The remainder of the slate Is yet in a
chaotic state , and It Is reported that Jlr
Durkley's acceptance Is conditional on his
privilege to determine who shall nnd who
shall not go upon the ticket with him , the
leaders "reserving the right to confine him
to democrats only The promoters of this
Independent movement are In complete con
trol of the democratic machinery and they
boldly assert that the ravenous nppetltcB of
the populists and free silver republicans for
office can only bo appeased by the latter
shedding the cloth of their party and putting
their heads In the democratic halter.
Spi-nppr Sllrn I'll roiiMliloruliIc
In ( Inl.iMior ind
of the C'll3.
A man In a murderous mood brought on
by excessive drink was captured by the
police officers Tuesday night nbout midnight
after an exciting chase through the lower
end of town The trouble was started in a
house at lit South Ninth street , occupied by
a woman named Spanish May The man became -
came abusive there and war ordered out of
the house This angered him to that ho drew
n pockctknlfo nnd started for the jvomnn
with an arm raised to strike. She htrely
escaped him and fled through the rear door
dropping Into n nook of the building as a
hiding place The nan followed her nnd
thinking she had gone down the alley went
that way.
Olllcer McCarthy observed a man running
from the alley , hatlcss and with a knlfo in
his hand , and immediately gave chate The
position of the man with n deslro to kill
changed quickly from pursuer to pursued and
the chase took the two down side sticctJ
and across vacant lots In the lower end of
town for nearly a mlle Just as Olllcer Mc
Carthy was considering thc > effect of n dis
charge of flro arms would have , Olllcer
Thomas surprised all parties by springing
from a doorwny nt Tenth and Tarnain nnd
tackling the fugitive an If ho wcro play
ing n garniof foot ball Instead of captuilng
& dangerous man
At the station the man gave the nameof
George Spencer and said ho was employed
In ono of the packing establishments at
South Oinnlin Ho had thtovui the knlfo away
during the run , but It was later found and
kept ns evidence
Ullllod .MiilPM Minion Sloi-UH lire-ill. .
U IIONtoil
HOSTON , Jan. 16 The firm of II. C.
Wnlnwrlght . Co. hankers and brokers of
40 State Direct , this city , have mule an
assignment. No statement of assets nnd
liabilities U available. The firm has boon
tarrying a heavy load of United States min
ing stock on which It was unable to
II. C. Walnwrlght & Co. have been In
buslncba for a great many nnd nro mem-
Vors of both the New York and Hoston
Hock oxhaugeea. The members of the fiim
ire Henry C Walnwright , Arthur \Vnin-
rrlght and Amory D Walnw right.
Ann WM-U. Tlu-lr rlieile-o.
CHICAGO. Jail 10 - The Heioiel tomor
row will nay .Scores of democratlceditors
if Illinois have rece-lve-el letters from the
siitloiuil Hotel Keepers nnd Travellim
A Jen's Anti-Trust association having head-
* l
! f
nmrtprd In New York , tolling ( horn thnt
JudRo AiiRii'tuinn A\vck Is thr- choice
of thf cnitprn IrivolInK men nnd hotfl
kof-ppr * for pn-sldont on { ho nntl-tru t
l ueA tiumbT of thp p Ir-ltors have boon
ont to ChRlrmnti Je > hn on < > f the national
demoirntlr ptotutlvc rommlttpp
of Konelrle-li siilinie-rioit , but
DrlnUInuWiHir N
MOSCOW , Idaho Jan Ifi The water In
the bis I'ollach river Is receding , but n largo
part of the town of Kendrlck la still under
water The change of the ilvcr current to
wards the town Is said to be partly the re-
inlt of a recent train wreck Many tons of
ste-ol rails were left In the- river This
caught the driftwood and formed a dam
which diverted the chinnel nnd turned It
toward the main street of Kendrlck The
stores will lose thousands of dollars In ruined
goods as In many of the buildings the
water was walsl-dccp The tracks of fie
Northern Pacific railway for miles between
Vollmor nnd Lowlston nro washed out
Strange as It may seem , ono of the sorest
needs of KendrleK Is drinking watei , as the
water works and wells are ruined. The
water Is muddy nnd not fit to use
A til IT I i-ii ii S .anniii Killed During
I'li-ct ItlcitN nl IvIouNlon , Jam a leu
Oiler on l > rtrnlt.
KINGSTON , Jamaica , Jan 16 The re
mains of J C Dirccy , the American pot
man , who was killed during the licet riots
here , March 2S , last , v\ero exhumed today
for shipment homeward tomorrow The at
titude rf the populace at the- ceremony was
Indicative of the most profound regiet at the
tragic Incident.
Darcey was an oiler on board the United
Slates cruiser Detroit and died March 31.
last year , from the cffectH of wounds 10-
celved while on shore leave In Kingston ,
Jamaica , a few dajs before , during n riot
among the crews of the American Ilcot
I iilon Sloc-lv Auril
CHICAGO , Jnn 10 After holding olllce In
the Unl < n Sleek Yntd and Trin ll company
tltvce It was orRiuilze-d In IStil John H. Sher
man the , pretAlent. retln frcmi the e-om-
pi-lij tiomoirow Main changes In the nnn-
ngimont of the ioninn\ | affairs will bo
the rosult. I. H Howard , mnnage-r of the
'Iranslt house and ipfltuunnts of the com-
iiiuv also will ie slgn , his i cognation to
lakeetToc t on January ! 1 At Uhe same time
It is predicted there will be sweeping re
ductions of high sitirlcs and a reclucUon In
the , general working- the commin >
Ilurictt Di-iilfN and It rllc-i iltcH.
PHIIjADKhPHIA Jan Ib John Barrett ,
px-mlnlsur to Slam , has arrived In this
ilty Mr llarroU , when sccn b > a reporter ,
was anxious to efface the immrssUn fiat
he latendc'd to make ch.uges against Sena
tor lloir In his rei.eiit < " "hlrKO < spee < ; li lie ,
however , rellurilcMl his bejllef that the tilo-
graphliih to Hong Kong if Senator Hoar H
s-pee'ih on the tieat > was om > of the chief
ciiiKis of the outbieak of thu Plllplno In-
rum-rill of mi Old Settler.
The funeral jcsteiday of Mrs Christina
Nelson , wife of Hans Nelson fiom their
home one- and a half miles southwest of
llennington. w is one of the largest re
membered b > the olden Inhabitants Over
1t friends In clghtj-slx carriages followed
the' hearse Mr and Mrs Nelson came to
Nebraska when It was but a pralrlo nnd
have lived In Douglas county ever since.
DeiioinieeN SeiiNat lonal JournnllMin.
AMIANY , N Y , Jan IS-Tho prlnrlnal
address before the State Uar .association
at Its meeting tonight was by Justice Hrown
of the 1 nlted States supieme eouit upon
the "Liberty of the Press ' In which ho
severely denounced what he termed sensa
tional journalism
Helen ( .onlil IIiiUi-M Coitlrllintloii.
Xi\V YORK Jan ISMiss Helen Gould
Iris conti United $50000 to aid In the building
of the new homo for the n-ival branch of
' ' association In
the Young Men's Chr'tstlan
Hr-xiklyn , si work tint Is be'ng umleitaken
by nhe Intcin itionnl committee of that ahto-
KeveiHio Agent Miles D Houck has been
assigned to the district of North Carolina
und started to his new llelel Monday
The Visiting Nurses' association will hold
Ita regular monthly meeting tomorrow at
I o'clock In the room in the Arlington
John C Kroll and August Kroll of Tnlr-
bury , nnd Henry Koza of Stanton county
are applicants for release from their debts
by action of the bankiuptcy laws.
Improvements aie being made In the
federal building The district attorney's ,
olllco is being treitcd to a new carpet , the
old furniture In the court room has been
lephued v\lth mahogany , and the old
shipped to Maiikato , Minn
The loundllng taken from the Union Pa
clllc iKpot Monday moinlng will have a
home , temporarily , at le-ast , with the fam
ily of Thomas lialdvvln , an expressman
living nt 1711 Cnllfoinl.i street They will
keep the ehlld blx months , and will then
be permitted to formally adopt it , If so
John Morrlssey , a plumber , reports to the
police a burphuy nt his house1 , 18n Spencer
stree > t , Monday night Goods to the value
of JJ5 , Ineludlng an overcoat , a new cuta
way co it and vest , mil a nuinbei ot uncollected -
collected plumbing blllH , were stolen The centered by forcing the rear door
nf the. house
David H Hdvvnids of rromont , nrrewted
lust v\cek ii the Instance of Tram-In SI
Muff of Doughts count } , and brought to
Omaha by Const ible Terguson on a war
rant charging him with bastardy , was
married to the complaining witness ye > stir-
dny In Justice ) Haldwln'n court The chtirgo
against Cdweids wax dismissed
Tie- Knights of held a brief
meeting at the Om ill i club 'ltlesd.iv night.
The1 only business tiansaeti'd was the elec
tion of tline- members of the board of gov
ernors foi the ensuing term of tour yeirx
as follows Thomas Try , 12 P Pock and
Mel Uhl MISTS Tty ami Pock were on
the board hifct year Mr Uhl , the new member -
bor , bUc-ree'clH to the place made vacant by
the p\iilrntlon of IJ. IJ IJry son's term
J W Slpo , real oxtate > doalei , Is betfoio
Judge Vlnsonlmler in the county court
on the ch.ugo of larciny by ballco
Joseph Aut ninth ) , coloted , Is tbe prosecut
ing wltnesH Abe-rnuthy alleges thnt no
inado n eontiact with Slpc by v\hlch ho waste
to p ty $ r > 0 as the lltst liiHtnllnu'iit on n
South Oinnh i town lot Ho deelares he
paid the mom j but that after HO ciolng bo
was uniiblo to HCCUIO a deed to the urou-
At the noon hour yesterday there wa n
Hurry among laborerb employed In laying
coiuroto In the Metz llre'vvlng company'b
new building In tourao of ponatruction ,
Klxtli and Lenve-nworOi streets The men
ilemailded a rlso of 2'4 cents per hour
aim wte-kly payme-ntH The eoncroto v\oik
Ix being done by a St Louis contractor
Twelve men are employed 'Ibelr demand
wan agreed to by the foreman , In the ub-
bence of the * contractor.
The Christian llndeavorers of Omaha
will hav an opportunity tomorrow mornIng -
Ing to greet their president , Hev T IJ
L'larke of lioston , founder of the Kndeavor
movenunt , wlio IIIIH started on another
tour around the world In the ( ntoirat of
the Young People- Society of Christian
Kndeivor Ho v 111 arrive In Omaha at S
o c lock and leave for Sun Tranclfeo llfty
minutes lutoi All Knde-avore is who can
be at the I'nlon de-pot at that time lire ro-
ouostcel to extend a greeting to Father
Irish-Amprlrnns and others who are In
fv miMthy with the lioers In thill stltiigle-
with Ilngland tire tlreulatlng a mil tor a
meeting to IH < held at the Paxton hotel , Sun
day afte-inoon , at wh'ch wuyx and meaiiB
will lie dscua | el for bringliib' Maud ( jonne ,
the Irltili Joan of Arc , to Oman i Tilio
lileu Is to have en admission foe Llmrutd
for Miss ( Jonne * s lecture , with the ) under-
btandlng that the nc-t pioccesls bo turned
over to the IJoers to he ubod as a hoKpltal
fund or rather to swill thu fund
that is cX'mlni ' ; from various directions
On account of the Um'.ss of I'ollco Judge
fjordon , Jubtko of the > Peace William H
Le-.irn occupied tin- police court bench
yiHUTclay und illupoeecl In short order of a
mice ellaiiious butch of vugs and plain
drunks He ha hail experience as a police' '
Judge having served foui years In that
capacity In Kearney , Neb lie ) says It comet
ciuito natural to him to say "tun il.ivs "
However In running through n docket elton
ton alleged offender * ho only mild it once
The remaining nine were released with a
little good adviceCharlen Ulbe-rt who
pUade-d guilty to having xtolen two hot ye
blanket ! ) from a farmer s wagon lam Sat-
uiday will xcrve ten days In thu city jail.
The property was recovered ,
Minnesota Prospectors nnd Colorado Capital
ists Strike a Bonatizi.
StnHlcrn mill ItiillhiK Mill * Will lie
llnlll toork It I p ami n
Itnllronil renal rue-ted
to the Coast.
MINNEAPOLIS. Jan. 1C A special to
the Times from Puublo , Cole , savs :
Hy contracts Just closed here between the
owners of undeveloped Iron ere and coal
lands In southwestern Utah nnd the Colorado
Puel and lion company of this city , It Is
evident that a now nnd Important Iron ere
region Is to be opened it once on a magnifi
cent sralc It Is apparent from the plans of
the Colorado company nnd an Huropcan con
cern , that Is cempletlng negotiations there ,
that there will not only be n now mining
field opened , but a new manufacturing dis
trict nnd one that will have an Important
hearing on the American trade of the Pacific
The contracts now closed are between
Minnesota men named 11 H. Deir and P W
Lorch , who have been Interested In the vast
ore beds of the Mcsaba range for > ears , nnd
the Fuel and Iron company , the latter agree
ing to mine what Is pnctlcally n minimum
amount of 830,000 tons vcarlj at a ro > alty
of 15 coats a ton from the lands of these
Minnesota men nnd to construct n railway
there connecting with this city , 330 miles
north In addition to the lease of eleven
mining claims to the co'npanj the owners
have leased 640 acres of coal lands , carrying
a class of ccal that Is now available for
coking Into n furnace coke under the process
that Is owned and operated by the Loiters
of Chicago.
There nro also limestone ledges In the dis
trict , as well as fluxes of other minerals A
concern composed of European capitalists
and with $2,000,000 In hand for Immediate
necessities , has been endeavoring to buy
the Dear-Lerch lands , but has failed. It has
now optioned for $800,000 , a portion of the
remaining ore-bearing lands , nnd proposes
to erect smelters and rolling mills there
and construct a railway to a harbor on the
Pacific , 300 miles away , whole a port will
bo opened for the shipment of finished Iron
nnd steel to the Orient
Two years ago thcso lands and the 1m-
uien o Iron ere deposits therein wore Hie
property of the United States government ,
being considered worthless by the mining
men of that region who were looking for
copper nnd gold The knowledge of thecn
caino to n. II Dear nnd with Mr Lerch he
staked and proved twenty-five claims , cov
ering nbout half the surface Indications of
iron steel The iron rises 500 feet above the
level of the desert , is 800 feet wide and ex
tends for a mile. There are , say the authori
ties , 40,000,000 tons In eight above the desert
lu the claims taken by these two men ,
cN I'Aciric is ATTVCHUIJ.
CniiNoel lij n UlMiiuto Otrr SISHID ( tiltli
a Trading Co m p n M.\ .
NEW YORK , Jan. 16. The general offices
on Hroadway , In this city , of the Southern
Pacific were placed In the hands of the
sheriff today as the re-suit of an nttnch-
mcnt secured ngnlnat the railroad's prop
erty by the Tweedle Trading company. The
amount Involved Is said to ho $3,000 , seem
ingly n small matter
Some time ago the reid chartered a boat
belonging to the Tweedlo company. The
agreement was that the railroad was to
bring the boat from Now Orleans to Boston
and thence to New York. When thecaigo
was dlschaiged in the cltj of Boston the
Southern Pacific's agents , so it Is alleged ,
refused to go any further. The owneis
of the vessel claim that they were forced
to bring the vessel to New York themselves
and pay all the costs. They put In n bill
to the road foi upwards of $7,000 , but the
latter said that $4,000 was enough and re
fused to pay more. The matter was taken
before the Board of Directors of the Pro
duce exchange for arbitration and they de
cided that the bill of the vessel's owners
was legitimate. Still the Southern Pacific
refused to Ecttle and the attachment was
Makes HcniljiiNtiiifiit ofViiKOt of Rm-
l > Ie o * YIiuiK I2iitir < > SjNloiii.
PHILADELPHIA , Jan. 1C The Pennsyl
vania Railroad company today announced a
readjustment of the wages of ita emplojes
In the yards along the entire sjstem The
new adjustment went Into effect January 1.
On the Atlantic City & Capo May divisions
It was said engineers and brakemen are ad
vanced respectively 35 nnd 15 cents a day ,
with no reduction In working hours.
The now scale with respect to the ether
divisions is as follows and carries with It
a reduction from twelve to cloven hours a
day Engineers Increase from 23 to 27
cents per hour. Firemen 1'rom 15 to 17
cents. Conductors Prom 20 to 22 cents for
day : from 21 to 23 cents for night. Brakemen -
men from 15 to 1C cents for day , from 17
to 18 cents for night. Car droppers Prom
IPX. to 17'yA cents for day , from 1C < to IS
cents for night.
\Viiu-Iii-ll Di-nli-s a Humor.
DENVER , Jan 16 ( Special Telegram )
According to a report circulated In New
York nnd pullshed in Denver the Colorado
d Southern Is about to bo partitioned be
tween the Union Pacific nnd Missouri Pa
cific and the Santa PC The report , how
ever , Is authoritatively denied.
"I have just returned from New York , "
said Vice President II L Wlnchell , "nnd
such a thing was not thought of It Is too
absurd to discuss. It would bo a vciy
hcavj transaction to take the Colorado
d Southein now If anybody wanted It
It would have been purchased when It was
cheap , not when our securities have ad
vanced to nearly par , when bonds have
climbed from 30 cents to SG cents The
line cannot bo sold In sections , even If our
own directors deblred to sell It. Under
the provisions of the mortgage It must bo
sold In Its entirety , with the sole exception
of the Cheyenne & Northern , known as the
W > omlng division It has been our pur-
poio to make the Colorado d Southern dis
tinctly a Colorado road nnd to that purpose
a special provision was put In the mortgage
that If , at any time , It was deemed ad
visable * to sell the Wjoralng line It could
by done No , wo nro going to build our
shops , we have ordered new motive power
and rolling stock and this latest rumor
will dlo the death of Its many predecessors. "
Mnj irlfiiil : : to ( ho lilt or.
DECATUR. Neb , Jan 1C ( Special ) Twi
hundred mules used for railroad griding
purpo c have boon shipped to Onawa , In
fccveral miles east of hero and the terminus
of thfl Illinois Central It is ropoited that
If the Omaha & Sioux City line Is built this
summer the Illinois Central will extend to
the river An eastern outlet ( o Chicago
markets would bo of great commercial value
to the wholu of thin northeastern country
The Illinois Central has agreed any time the
Decatur people will put up $25.000 It will
run ita trains to the rlv.if within thirty
i '
I'liui In Si-lllr He-liiilo I'rolilom.
CHICAGO. Jan 16 At an adjournel
meeting of the Chlcago-St Lnuls-Mlssourl
river lines today a proposition was sub
mitted which. If adopted will It IH be
lieved result In a settlement of the rebate
problem In connection with the North P-i-
clfic coast business It Is proposed to ex
empt the Missouri river gateway from the
rebate sjstcui , appljlng It only to the Og-
don gatpviav This plan H In believed , will
be sulTlrlpnt to protect Colorado nnd Utah
rates , whllp it win not subject HIP Oregin
Short Linn and the Oregon Rnllwa > and
Navigation rnmpinv to the Inequallt ) which
the relnte plan Inlllrtn upon them , as com
pared with the North Pacific coast linen
Arrangements Invc already been made b >
n majority of the Mta ourl rlvrr lines to
continue the rebate sjstem until the Oreat
Northern consents to cancel Its colonist
rates from St 1'iul.
H Ccitniu-lliiK Mni-w.
DENVER , Jan. 16 ( Special Telegram. )
The state administration has started out
to make sure competing lines of railroad
Into Crlpplo Creek district for all lime
to come. At the meeting of the Lind board
the following provision was put In the deed
for rlghtofwav"That In the event the
sild Colorado Springs & Crlpplo Creek
District Railroad company's line or reid
shall bo directly or Indirectly consolidated
with or dlicrtlj or Indirectly absoibcd by
an } other line , sjstem or railroad , owned
or controlled bj hn > other company or In
dividual , then In that event the snld right-
of-way shall at once revert to and become
the property of the state to all Intents
and purposes , as though this grant had not
bten made. "
Court lle-fHHi-H In IiKi-rfiTi' .
NORPOLK , Va . Jan 1C United States
District Judge Waddell has refused the In
junction prn > cd for by Thomas P Rvan of
Now Yoilc against the consolidation of the
Seaboard S. Roalioko railroad with the
other roads of the Seaboard Air Line sjs-
tem. the Plorlda Central & Peninsula and
the Oeorgla & Albany lallroads
Itallroail Auli-M mill I' THOIIHM.
ficnornl Mannnoi Gr-mpp P Hldwcll nf the
nikhorn Is In Chicago on a bilet business
W H Cnllnwny , gonornl pasHpngpr iiKont
of the Sou line , Is 11 vlsltoi in the city fiom
St 1'aul
PhnrlcU Sexton , conmiprHal agent of
HIP Northern Paclllu ut St Louis Is nil
Omaha \lsltor
J Trancls Lee. Kpnernl western tiKont of
the Paclllc passenger department
lit Chicago , Is In the city
Assistant General Passenger Agent A 11
Smith of the Hurllngton left Monday even-
In ? for 11 short trip over the line
General Agi-nl Itutherford of the Hock
Inland went to South licnd. Neb , on 11
whorl business trip Monday night
K C Mooreholiso , Bonernl ftolght agent
of the I'lkhorn , loives foi Chicago this
evening , whpic ho will spend a few da > sleeking
looking nftei freight matters
G. U Knmsav and J r Ilnrlsnugh , truv-
Pllng freight agent of the Lnul vlllp .
Nnshvlllp , arp In thp oltv from Kansas
Cltv Mi Hums iv hus under his direction
all the export business handled by his line
Generil Malinger Dickinson , SuporltiU nil-
cut of Tianspmtiitlon Buckingham , Super
intendent HnMer and Superintendent of
Telegraph Korlv rituiiipcl Mondnv night
from n tout of Inspection of the Wjomlng
division of the I'nlon PialHc
T 1'prclval Hate- , who has been connect"d
with the udvottMiiR department of tin-
Uurllngton for the lust threp veiirs , bus
resigned and gone to Chicago , wherp he
will pursue1 a theological conrsp piepara-
tory to entering the Uplscopnl inlulstij.
Colonel J 1" Meri\ , assistant general
passenger a pnt of the Illinois Central ,
with headquarters at Dnbuciuc , and ] ' H
H.idley of Slonx City , traveling passengpi
agent , arc visitors In the cltv looking after
the iiaiscngPi affairs of theli toul It Is
expected tluit lhc > uptown ofllres of the
Illinois Cential will be rendv for .
tlon this week , and next Sunduj Is sot as
thp da > foi the Inauguration of through
train service between Om ilin nnd Chicago
Me-m Into n .Nit I | IIUN < I-I oil tvl
Jlllje.nclH To S.UIMatter llh
( leePrc'iiuli. .
SHANGHAI. Dec 23 ( Corrcfipondenco of
the AssocUUod Press ) LI Hung Chang
was withdrawn from the Tsung LI Yamen
In IS'JS , at the demand of Great Urltaln ,
hut v\as > not degraded. He continued to
hold a higher position as a member of the
grand secretariat.
Within a year , however , the dowager em
press has pushed her favorite forward three
times. On November U , 1SOS , she issued
an edict appointing LI a high commissionci
to personally investigate the course of the
tumultuous Yellow liver and report on its
The empress , on November 24 , 1809 , re
warded LI in a special edict making him
"high commissioner on conimeiclal affairs , "
and on December 11 , last , the empress Is
sued a special decree making LI Hung Chang
viceroy of Kwan Tung and Kwangse prov
inces , with his capital at Canton.
Ho is thercfoie again vested with vice
regal power , but his task Is a different one
Ho succeeds Viceroy Kan , whom the French
have forced out Li has on his hinds the
vexatious situation due to tbo Piench ag-
gresblon on the southern frontier of China
They have occupied an extent of Chinese
territory equal to ten counties or more and
have been ceded a fine harbor In southern
China Several score of Chinese Inve been
killed In engagements resisting the Trench
Marshal 1311 who was sent to Canton us a
special commissioner to settle milters , has
been removed by the empress for conceding
too much tcrritorv LI Hung Chang , therc
foie' , steps Into a ncet upholstered with bay
MoiiurulilMlN Alie'inpl to Take Ael-
i unlaceof StrlUf of Tuc-nt >
TlioiiMind Dilti-iH ,
IUO JANIJHIO , Jnn. 1C Over 20,000 driv
ers of all kinds of vehicles went on stilko
yo.slciday , A small faction of monarchists ,
heftded by Ouro I'rcto , a brother of Carlos
Alfonso , and .Malvlno Ills , attempted to take
advantage of the situation. Numerous
gioups attacked dlffeic'iit points , tearing up
tni' sttect-ear rails and destroying cats
Several thousands of Holers In front of
the president's palace rnlsed cries of "Long
llvn the momichy1" "Death to the repub
lic1" A binall force of cavalry dispensed
the rioters with dllllculty. The city today
has the appearance of maitlal law having
been proclaimed The horse cais and other
vehicles nro paitly woiklng The police dur
ing the first hours of the disturbance vvero
QNlicmely weak nnd Inelllclenl , hut wore
reinforced by legulai tioops especially cav
alry and order was re-cHtabllshcd promptly ,
-ii TlioiiNiinil Solllr There llur-
lnc tinI.iiHt ti-ur , Till.Iim
lj ( , OOOOOI > In Mom- } .
TORONTO , Jan 10 The superintendent of
Immigration has received reports from most
of hla agents In the United States and
estimates that ne.uly 11000 settlers from
the republic have become resldenta of Can
ada. eluilng the pact A consetatlvo
cbtlmnte places the wealth of these persons
at 12,000,000 The piospecta for Increasing
the number of bcttleis from the United
States during the eoaBon of 1900 are veiy
encouraging Kansas and Arkansas sup-
pllcel the greater pait of these who camel .
l ) > lllllllltiril < -loi > i :
Tl'IHN , Jan. 16. A dynainito factory at
Avlgllano , fourteen miles from hero , ex
ploded today , with the result that ( Ivo build
ings were ) reduced to ruins , the whole sur
rounding district wan sh.iHru and many
IIOUECH were badly il.unagcd Ton bodies
have been recovered from beneath the ruins
In addition , several persons were Injured and
taken to the hospital The detonations wcro
heard as far a.i thlb city whence Hurgooiid
wtrei dCBpatched to the meno of the disaster
SIIIIINI I'rlmiiM-rH Iti-ll'-li Iliiine- .
U\RCMLONA Jan lo-The Spanish
tr..r.Hailunil. steamer Leo XIII has arrived
hero from the Philippines with former Sp in
it > h j'lisoDua aud thtir faiuilaa A majority
o * them arc In a lamentable plight The
town authorities nnd lied fro" ? ngrnts met
them nnd gave assistance- the sufTcre-rs
IVilrrnl Coiini'll TuUci I p
for lmrn < p In the-
I nil force- .
UnilLlN. Jnn ! ( ! The hill providing for
the Inctcaso of the Herman navy has bton
submitted to the federal untnicll
In Hie Reichstag today an Interpellation ,
signed by Hcrr Mooller. nntlonnl liberal ,
nnd nil the members of the KclchstaR ex
cept the social democrats nnd Independents ,
wit * introduced. It was n * follows
"What steps 1me thu federal govern
ments taken In regard to the iclntro of Her
man ships by agents of the llrltlsh govern-
menta' "
In vlow of the excited state of public
opinion concerning the seizures , the Inter
pellation will probably bo speedily nnsweicd.
Thu Hamburger Nachlrlchton ndvisin ( Jor-
mnn reprisals against Oreat Hrltnln nnd ex
presses Its belief that a coalition of noutrnl
power * Ii feasible It goes bo far n to
suggest thnt Germany should head such a
< luiii Sophl , , | | , , | , | M ii DrnutiiK UIIOIH
fin'I hrlr llooi-pllon.
STOCKHOLM , Jan Ifi-Queen Sophia
hold a drawing rewm today nnd Mra \ \ \V.
Thomas , wife of the United States minister ,
presented MrsV K Llvermore. wife ef
Lieutenant Colonel LUcrmoie , mllllary at-
tacho of the United States legation , Mrs.
C S Wlnslow of Chicago nnd Miss Mnu le-
Ouryca of the sinie city All the American
women were court dresses black , with long
train , and black and white puff sleeves and
black gloves.
13. n Wlnslow , United State ? consul icn-
eial , has just delivered n lecture- before ths
HtiKllsh society on "Tho Influence of Scan
dinavians on Civilization In the United
States. "
( Copyright , 1900 , by Press Publishing Co )
LONDON , Jan 1C. ( New York World Ca
blegram Special Telegram. ) Uosebeiy Ins
resigned the presidency of the nighty club ,
In which ho succeeded Gladstone This eluh
was founded in 18SO to utilize the energies
of young liberals at the universities and In
the profcbsloiiH and train them for Parlla
mont llobebery's resignation Is regnrdol
In political circles as Indication of hla de
sire to place himself in n position to aoce.t ,
olllce in n reconstructed union inliiUnrv
The president ot the Eighty club , to whl h
he was elected only last summer. Is the I
solo remaining oincinl link conneetlng him
with the liberal party
Clliinellien Kellteir lu Coiite-inpt.
VICTORIA. B. C , Jan. 16. In the Icgbla-
turo yesterday attention was directed to a
publication In the Kumloops Standard lefcr-
ring to Lieutenant Governor Mclnnes as n
"thing in gold lace , " "n gold-laced and be-
whlskeied monstrosity" nnd an "obese and
shining It. " The publisher will bo required
to appear before the bar of the house for
contempt to a representative of the crown
IViiiu-o-Aiiii-i-ii-iiii Tionlj lie-in IIIUM.
PARIS , Jan Ifi The customs committee
of the Chamber of Deputies met today and
icsolvcd , before examining nnd deciding In
regard to the Finnco-Amcilcan commercial
treaty , to hear the delegates from the Indus
trial nnd agricultural chambers and HOCO- !
tles , which requested to be allowed to make
representations The hearings will open
January 23 and close Tebruary 10.
IIlK Iliirincttc Illoo Crop.
LONDON , Jan. 17 The Calcutta corre
spondent of the Times nays
The nurmcso rlco crop has broken the
recoid Over 2,020,000 tons will be nvall-
able for export to foreign countries Bur-
mnh Ib also able to supply a practically un
limited quantity to the Indian famine dis-
Almlixli DIIToroiitliil Itnto.
MONTREAL. Jan. Ifi. The differential
ratr on sugar has been abolished by agi ce
ment 'between the Canadian Pacific and
Grand Trunk railways. This will materially
assist Canadian refiners In competing with
those of the United States.
\orlhcole Splocf * Hln Title.
LONDON , Jan. 16 Governor Henry Staf
ford Northcoto of Bombay , who was cre
ated a peer at the beginning of the present
ycnr , has nsumed the title of Lord Northcote
of fixetcr.
IILVI'IMT. QlI | , 1 > .Minn l sK \ .
Soiilt * MlNNourl Moil rinil II Vorj ( u-
lii-ollliililo Sport.
A number of St Joseph men went to Ne
braska a few- days ago to hunt quail , nnd ,
although they vvero not as successful as
they hoped to be , they had a good time
says the St Joseph News In telling the
story of their discomfiture James A Gib
son , the public administrator , was in the
crowd Judge Cnsteel , who claims to be
the hcbt shot in the city when he Is talking
to people who will not challenge him , wns
one of the hunters County Clerk NnUi
and John Thomas , with his scattering gun.
made up the remainder of the party. Thomas
took his shotgun out into a thinly settled
country and discharge It It was his Inten
tion to put In the > remainder of the el ly
gathering up the game that had been killed
There wab a farm house away oft at one
side of the direction In which Thomas had
pointed thei gun when he discharged It and
the hunters noticed that there was n commotion - I
motion around the place ) In a llttlo while j
They learned litler that the dog owned by '
the farmer had been killed.
The farmer bald the animal was n very
valuable one , and ho demanded ? 20 for It ,
threatening to have the entire party ai
rcbtcd The hunters refused to pay They
told the farmer ho had wheels , and that the
dog was better off dead nnd things like tint
About that tlmo the farmer noticed that a '
bu/zard had been killed by the random shut
Hied by ThoimiH , anil he know he had them '
IIo said the fine for killing a buzzard nun
$30 , and If the money was paid over to him
ho would go over to the county seat , miter
nn nppc-iraiice for the offender and settle
the matter IIo made It a condition that he
should bo paid for his dog nt the same time
The hunters rnlsed the $50 , hut they worr
compelled to como homo sooner than thej
had intended. It takes money to hunt cjnull
In Nebraska , It also requires caah to buy
them ,
Sprlniii-r I'liKiiRod li >
CHICAGO. Jnn 1C-Judge William M
Hprlngor IIIIH be-on i-iignged to represent the
mtnltnry district of Chicago In the In.ltinc
tlun preicccillngs to bo hi ought by the M it
of Mlspotnl In the I'nlted States suuretne
court nt Washington The Injuncll < n HOUK ! t
would Hop the operation of the big tn w
dralnngci e Innm I ( onnrctlng Like Mli hi
gnu with ulbiiturltH of ISiu MIxMt-M , jii
llolllli l > > ShiMilliiK 'Vol ( riu-l ,
ius ANOILIP : ru Jun id-in a < ! <
clblon toduv Justice Jitincrf held thtt t )
Hliooilng of pi MIT MS If not n e rm I imn : >
of enUHtng detith nnd Unit oveiy IHI-XHI 1 ian i-
an ui.doubt't'd ' right to cause the dc iHi < f
any animal he control *
( nlili- SiiL-i-i'i-ilH Mi-lnl > ro ,
NfJU VOHK Jnn 10-R R Cable ef t i. !
Milcigo , Rock Iwand < S. Pacific Rillro.il1
cuiniKUO v\nH tcvluy flstc I u dlteeter of
the Corn i\cJianKo : lunk In j l u o of
Thorn ID A Me liny res retiring
UoolileTrnuoelj In ( .i-nrulii : Haul. .
fJOI.l'MHl'.S ( J i , Jan 10 Captuin J U
Murphy ( u hler of the- Third Nation il bunk
of thlB idnco 4int and killed Hii teller P I
T Hhuuc- , and then killed himself nu n
uflii the bank < ! itlid toduj
fiiilel ( .oliitf to ( uliu.
\1.\\ \tJRK Jcen lu The .stoumshiK i
u ului , Bulling fur Havana Uiinuri w ur
i. 1 " ' 'Ki ft 111. s . t feuld "ilpp d by Law 1
cu b iun.urc , k CP. i
. anil Women Only , especially niothois , nro most competent to
nnpieclnto the purity , woi'tnc M , and delicacy t'f ' Ct'Tict'itA bOAP nnd
to dUi-ovcr now U PS for It daily. IH rumntlcabh * emollient , cli'.mslnjj ,
anil pmIf } ing piopcitlc * , derived fiom CI'THTKA , the gteat l < ln cmo ntul
ptitc t of emollient * , w ai taut its n e in pie ei v ing , pin ifying , and licantifj Ing
the sKiu , scalp , linmK and hail , nnd in the foi in of halln and solutions for
nmiojliii : hillation" , Itching * , inflammations and dialings lee fiuc orollun-
ive persphatlon , and al o in the foi in of washes for tilceiathe xvcakneosea ,
us well an many "anativc , antiseptic puipose * , which \vlll leadlly suggest
thcmaohoo. All that 1ms liecn paid of Cniens.v SOAP may al-o lie. said of
Ctnicuu.v Ointment which should bo used after the SOAP , in the severer
cases , to hasten the cmc.
Complete External & Internal Treatment for Every Humor , SI.26 ,
toiihlBtlngiif tmct nv sovi' ( Joe \u > ilciue tlnieUn of rniflsand scale-sand eoUcntho
thlckcm-d eiillele , Ctlle't HA ( )1MVUNTVV ) ( ) , to tnrtnntlv allnj Itching , Inlhinunntlon , nnd
lirlUitlon , and t-ootho and hcil , and f ITICIMU Hi soi.v i NT ( We \ tn reel and i ICIIIPO the
blood A Mscii t. si i Is oflc-ii MitlU U nt to cure the inii't torturing , dlnllKtirtiiK , nnd hiimll.
Inting sMn , vcalp , and blood IIUIUOIH , ulth Ion of hair , vvheu nil else falls , Uliuo
AND CULM. Coin1 , bulo Piups , llueton.
H Hf 56 $ $ $ $ $
FREE ADVICE bJ out phylrlans nnd a FREE SAMPLE , , _
of our luudlcluu also Free Homo Tt oatmont lnpeKo > tltustrnti-eT book dr-
scrlbluff kyn.utuuiH and cati.i e f < llseixsi' ivlihbtst troitnicnt , nlso inuuy vnlunblv
receipts und preii-nptlons In pluln liiiipmiKe , HIIIng you hcsnvy doctor's bills nsn for It
Cuiestheverj worst < asi < of U > optpsla Constlj iitlon. Healachc Palpitation of
Heart Iv dne > iitui 1 Ivcr Lilhpi" = on nn 1 hud results of La Grippe. Send for proof
if It \\tiious ibuut all join Bvtnpl inis bold b > drUjTB1) ! ! don t accept any
substitute but send us 25ets or $100 and wo will send Dr Kny s Renovator by
return mall
Illl. 1) . J. ICAA MHim * VI. CO. , SaintoKit SprlliK.i , V. V.
Received of Mr . . 1'ive Dollars iJj 00) for full treatment of
Turkls h L M C' ip , which are sold to him with a guaiantee to euro sexual
wuiknebs stu nijtlieii sexual power , euro shrunken parts and stop ill unnatural
dicc barge or I'inleHion i urc nrive an d brain we-aknefs ot monev to bi > re
turned This guarantee holds good for three ye. ir- Should a vvcakncbs return ,
nud.cliH < vvlll a aln be furnished free of ch irge Hnhn s Pharmacy , 18th and
Farnum Sts , Ixeb. N U A\e give this guarantee to our customers.
When others Tail coiwult
mm mm &
We ciuraalco to cure ull oases ourabla of
SEXUALLY. cured for lite.
Nlchtly Emissions , Lost Manhood , llyclrocclo
Verlcoc-le , Gonorrhea , Gleet , Syphilis , Strict
ure , Piles , ris.tul i and Rectal Ulcers and
All Private Diseases
and Disorders of Mcn
Consultation free Cull on or address
810 So , nth St. OHAHA.
u m M
Digests what you eat.
Itartififiully ditrests tin1 food and aids
Mature in fatH-iiffUionliii , ' and u-con-
BtiuctinK llio oxh.uislcd di csLho or
gans. 11 Is t lie lal ( jsl d Isco vci ed d ( , < t-
ant nnd tonic. No ot lior jiiupardtton
can approach it , in clllelency. IL 111-
sttintly roliuvesand peinmnenUy cures
Dyspepsia , Indigestion , Ilcartliirn ) ,
Flatulence , Hour Stomach , Nausea ,
Sick Ih'adachp.GastidlKliidamps "d
allotlicrresnltsof inipeilec'tdi cstion.
I'rlPoBOc iind'I Large fcl/econliilnsS" time's
binall bl/e. Hook nil iiboutdy spcphliuimlled f rcu
Prepared by E. C DeWITT cSvCO. Chlcaoo
I will ( juaruntee
that in * Kicini } t nro
will euro DO jn r mit.
Of a I ! rum of Uldnoy
ooniplulnr n nil In
IBIID } 1 iRtopcea tLe
most He no it , f irnib of
Itllghl n disease It
the dim ate Is coin ,
pllcate-el nc'inl n four-
ounce vlnl of urine.
We will analyze it
and udvUo } ou free
what to do
Jit ill dru Blit , 21o. K iM G ildo to Health
nd mf.llcal ertrlc-e- free 16OT _ An ! > _ * ! I till"
Hcouilti Ilkt i I a , .1 aiifUn i < l ( IIP lllO
lioart of tin ill imnd M M / , ' ! "
anilnluroifrli f f " I ) v ' ' ' ' ' ' " , , " ' ' " '
Uiuuiildentlir n llieiltli limuanii ( mlUxirn
or lu i ij n f in n il
In in > i nt n-Hi'C tin rl'iini I Ii n lilt
Dr llurkliurt'ii / > l ibln ( oiiii" uii I tn
frexiiunt nn I tlmr' IKI ! Ii M , an I I r m I
trutlif ill ) i-uj Hi it U MM IT full ill | i r-
( onn Itfl w irl It willirtir bi II. . . io-
ctnri-r of In illli mil tliu loiuieirter of
rsulteili K in inl > li i )
- -u. ' i/r b K btmnni Uortu , OWe
ForuleliTallcli' vl t riilrit clam1 tn itaiont
for < . r bun-lit ) a * ire iten"i I H f- m nitUs'
iriHi j-ut. il e > j I/ Ir u r i' i ' f
Jilt V > . S. IS I Ui. IIi ( I , Cai .u..ali. U.
P./5EN / ONLY.
22 Years Fxperleice.
12 Years In CJmini
! Ml UK VI. ' 1 rcMmeii
_ cennliticd.Vnrlcoccle\
Strict urc.b. , phi lis , Losouf Vlcor and Vitality
f I Itr S OT Al'.AVTFri ) . Cliircrs low. nOMIi
TlthiniOT. liook. Consultation and Exam
Inatlnii Tree. Hours , 3. n m.toC ; 7to8n m
Sundai.Qtnl ? PO. 1'iix'W. OfTUe. N. U
Cor. lltUaud I' Street , . OMALI A. N
IJO < I TV sM ) \ I.AOOI ) C\PSl'MSS.
Cures Gonon hoc i , Gleet or unnatural dls-
charge-a In a fnw days Tull directions
Price $1 50 All drugglhts , or mill D. Dick
S Co . 133 Centre St . New York
WANT IJD ( . 'nsc 01 id hcilth that
H-I-P-A-N-S will not benefit Send r > centa
to Hlnitm Chuiilial Co. New Yoik , for 10
siimple-j and 1000 t < btlmonl tls.
V tnpcrtersand johbcreol
Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods
SiioprvHiir-i AVIIniin .t DraKr.
\I uiiifiu turo bolleis , stnoku nl.u k and
hi i 01 lilni-s pichHiiii , n ndirlng , uhcup dip ,
laid uid w ft'i innkB , bollor tubes eon-
bt intly on h ind , sci mo hand liullers bought
i I Kuld KpiiliI ind pidmpt attontlon to
njMlrM In elty or country 1'ith nnd I'lep u
Eleotrlo Wirinu' nolU and dii-
merioan Hand
Sewed Shoe Go
M'frs | Jobbers of Foot Wear
Joioph Banigan Bubber Oo.
Qiowtn and mtnufactuieri uf oil ( ortoi ol
Chicory Omttli * Pccmonl O Nell
[ Iron Works ,
( , AMKCi.N : , Prop.
SIllkBJ a * pee UlltV Clf
fI / ' / - ? Wi Al'tfl
1 1v i
j siirrn < i.\
&iid II tr/'ur ' l i ri > fi n > \ iu t Ooora , etc
OIU b , illli M. , Oiuillui ,