TlrTK OMAHA DAILY HE 13 : WEONESDAY. JAXTAHY 17. 1000. 11 SPECIAL erllicmontu fuf tlnni : ciiluiulis Mill lie liiUcn until 1U in. for tlia ctenlnu oilltlon nnil until HtllO p. m. ( or iiKirnliiK nnil Mindny edition , IttitCN , 1 I-'Jc ittnril IIrut liiHcrlloni lo n tturil Ihi-renftcr. Nottiluu tnUcn for leMx ( linn ie ! fur the llmt Inser tion , TlipKe erllneniuntn nilint lie run C'oiiHirisullvcly. Advi-rdni-m , liy i riicHlliiK | u mint * tiered cliocK , enn have ntiNUcrx nd- ilrenNfil lo n numbered letter III cure of The liftAiiHMcrn o mliln-smcil be ilell\cruit.ini iirenviitillloii < > f eliceU onlj. \VA.TIJD SITl-'ATIO.Xa. A STENOGRAPHER. When you want ona lileuso call op the UemltiRtoii typewriter olllce , ICla FarnatA street , telephone 1573. WANTUb. u'lnec 10 'work for board mid go 10 school. Addrcci U IS. Uee. A-230 EJPIJIMMNCK'D coachman dcslrea Mlua- tlnn ; refcrencw furnished. Address t BS. LADY stenographer \vihlH position ; four years' experience , commission business und rent estate , i : 6fi. Hoe. A-MIHli * nni.i1. WANTED. We have sleady work for a few tfiod hustlers of good habltj and nnco. C. F. Adams Co. , IGbj Howard St. II UJG WK TKACII Hie barber trade thoroughly 111 short time and furnish , eiicli graduate iwlth 11 guaranteed poflllon at good wages. . There lira more than ten barber positions advertised to one at bookkeeping- short hand. Wrlto for free cat.-xlogue and par ticulars. Western IJtvrbvrs' Institute , Omaha. U-637 CASH for Ideas ; state \t \ pat- .ented. Address Thcs Patent Record , Ral- tlmore. Aid. . IJ-C3S AN Intelligent young man to lake a short hand Hoholnrshlp ami pay for It when ho has llnlshed the course nml secured a po- Billon. Address.T S2 , Rro. H-M418 8 picture URi.-nts , expenses jiald. 1M9 Lcnv. ' - U 59. ) J-J WANTED.- paint salesmen to wohk on commission basis ; only.those with experi ence and references need apply. 1212 Far nam St. , , . , H-G)2 ) WANTED , manapnr and agents ; salary or commission ; clu-apeot and largest line. Hunter Tailoring and Shirt Co. . Cincin nati , , o. n-Miin A7 * _ STRAIGHT salaried traveling job awaits you , Triumph .Information Co , . Dallas , , Tox. ' H-M21S IS * SALESMEN to Bell olllce specialties : line , sldo lines ; used by allmerchants ; catalog free. Model Mfg. Co. ; Hex 13 , South Bend. Intl. . . . 11 M2U F12 * WANTED'an experienced traveling 'sales man to sell line line of cutlery on coih- mlfsipn ; snlcjulld. "side 1I1Hgive ; refer ences. Address liroch K Thlebes Cutkry AUP. , St. Louts , > to. ' ' . / H-i-MSS.VlS' M'OLKIf 'HARBKIX * t .J GK OhlrTipoT III. , has n ncatid offer for anyone to learn bilrbef tiade ; Hiie1 ! lal. this inotitli.'pro no ' sltlons al } f,0 monthly open soon , pew held , eight jvei.'ks' term riilaliflei. Complete out- Ill'of tools pregehtcd i-uch student. ' "Our irraduates' Hiicce''js Increases the demand , . . Only pch'ool' whoso barbers arc allowed to work lir any state. city map and ' Illustrated catalogue explaining ntir new1 Inducement mailed free. H MB)3 ! ) 20 * SALESMEN wanted , to sell In this and ad joining 'states ii 'complete and full line of family and veterinary medicines and ex tracts to the consumer In your county. All the goods furnished that you can sell for or'tili time. No cafiltal required. Commissions are larse. Write ; with your .irufenmcp to Twentieth Century Chemical Co.1 , Sheldon , Iowa. H XU01 17 * WANTKD , temperate man to appoint agents In Nebraska ; JSO monthly besides commission and -expenses ; references ro- T'iurcd"-c. ! : Adivnw.-KG Dearborn , Phlcnsd. ' B-MW2 17 * BOY ift Ifiir. II M3DI IS MEMORIAL Life ot Moudy now rmy TciiH of thousands will bo sold. Ooor- . tunlty of a lifetime to make money. Big prollt-s ; credit ; freight paid. Semi 10 ceius for outtit and lip llrst In Hold. Each stib- scrlber gets a line photograph portrait of Mr. Moody for framing free. Write dulck. American Book und Bible House 1.12 N. 12111 nt. , Philadelphia , Pa. B MUG 17 * WANTED , men who can leave the I'lty. No goods'to sell ; no expe'rlenco required. About J25 to ? 5 ( > needed , bit | you retain control of it. Send this ad. Address Drawer 1IC > . Chicago. B Jill I 17 * WANTED , everywhere , hustlers to tacit signs , distribute circulars , samples , etc no < : anvasslng. good pay. Sun Ad\vi | > ? a Ing Bureau , Chicago. B MI1117 * , WANTED , boy about 15 year * old to make himself , handy about store. U 07 , ij ( > c B M413 19 WANTED , 200 girls. 1521 Dodge. Te S70 C-GM AN Intelligent lady to take a shorthand scholarship and pay for It when she llnlshes the coume and secures a posi tion. Address T 33 , care Bee. C M417 EO Blrls wanted. ' Canadian ofllce 1522 Douglas , C-93S-F5 W/VNTKD , a coo'k at 200S Sherman'avc. . C M232. ' WANTED ; ' 3 good itfdyollcltora ; wood money. Apply 2J1 N. iSth st. C M3S5 is * FOIl Illi.vr HOD.SICS. IF YOU want your houses well rented place them with' Benewa & Co. 'D ( ilO CHOICE houses , cottages , stores. Henry B. Payne , C01 N. Y. Lite. 'Phone. 1010. HOUSES , ptores. Bcmls , Paxton block D-C4J MAGGARD Van & Storage , IC10 Cap. Avo. Tol. 14C. ! ) 1J-CI4 FOR RENT , houses In all parts of city Thu O , F. DavlB Co. , 1505 Farnam street ; D-045 HOUSES for rent In all parts of the city. Bronnan-Lovc Co , , 309 So. 13th Btreot ' ' ' ' D-C4J HOUSES for rent. J. H. Sherwood , 423 N. Y. Life , 'Phono 3SS. b ( J47 HOUSES to rent. .Patterson , 305 N , Y , Life. ; < _ D-65Q 2 To'll ' rdoms3 to $50. 30 U. S. B'k bldg. D-ffl fi-ROOM elegant apartments In Normandle , $55.00 ; fi-room , nil modern cottage , newly papered and In line shape , JK.Ou. Wo tmvo ninny others. Pnyne-Knox Co. , 1st lloor , N. Y. Llfo Bldg. FOR RENT , dcslrnblo houses and Hats. Rlngwalt , Barker block. D K43 FOR RENT , fi-ronm home , all modern con- venlences , OI > POHIO | Hansconi park. 1629 Park ave. Inquire 21SO S. 33rd or telephone - phone 1227. DM1C7 2Si21 N. J4ti | nt. , : i-rooin modem llat. $7.00. 2--7 Spruce , I rooms , city water , J9.00. " 910 Kewrtrd. 5 room cottage , city water.JlO. Sx ! S. 23d st. . I rooms , city Water. $10.00. ttMJ N. 25th nt. , X-room homc , $15.00. I-23IJ S. ISth * t. , i-ottage , J7.00. llll rMarcy Kt. . 4 rooms , city wuter , $7.00. Onuniii l.oun & Trust Cj. . 10ti ) and Douglas. . . D-2)'J ) ' S221 cr/MINO''sl. . fo'/en ' .rooms , modern c.\- cept'-fiirniico ; 1ms Just Javeu , painted and re oul ' tj4wll'Tent to desirable tenant ; oiil > 7J2J. ( < XlOninhit lx"n | und Trust Co. , 215 S. .29tii ave. , modern soven-'r'oom house In good condition , filoo. Oinulm. Uiu > & Truet Co. , Kill nnd Douglau sl . D-2IS FNSUni'ASSKD..runtral , utemn hcail. all iiHiitVrn siivcn-a-qojn tiuiide. TJzard , " ' 1 N 2lth. . ' D FOR ni\T-Krin.VisiiF.n ROOMS. NICE roomH at 3U S. tCUi at. FURNIHHKD rooms , boueekeepinir. 2 at. Mary.'fl. . E-M115 li l-'Oll RUNT I-M IIMSIIIM ) ROOMS. LARGE room , modern. 2SSO Hnrney St. E-1OT-16' FOR UKNT , nlrely furnished room. Houth- rrn exposure. 2TOS J Htrcet , South Omahn. K-MIW 17' I't'llMSIIKI ) ROOMS AMI IIOARU. THE Morrlain family hotel , 55th and Dodge. F-S2 ( TO 2 gentlemen , In private family. 2020 St. Mary's Ave. F-M50S FJ'RNISHED rooms nnd board. 2015 Douglas - las St. F-CR3 ROOM and board , (4 ahiS $ j. 1512 Davenport. Fcb2 TWO large corher rooin and good board for family or two single gentlemen. Apply - , ply to M. J. Franck , Midland Hotel. ! ' F 370 i CTOI'IA-South room ; steam heat. 1721 i Davenport St. F 213-17 * ] i > 'oit' HUNT ' ' t'.M'i it\isnin : KOCH unfurnlRhetl rooms. 61S S. 17th. , O-396 KOIl ItrjXT STOHHS AMI OFl-MCUS. FOR RENT , store In Mrs ! class location : rent rcoi.inable. Apply R. C. Peters ft Co. , ground lloor'Bco Bldg. 1-ZCj ? FOR RENT , a gr6und tloor olTlce. specially suitable fgr rent estate , etc. . splendid vault built for use of city treasurer. Ap ply R. C. Peters & Co. , ground tloor , Bco Bullying. . 1 207 FOR RENT , brick warehouse , two floors , each f.0x0 feet ; flower elevators : U. I' . trackage. Apply IJaarmann Bros , 1911 S. 20th. . I C3I STOREROOM S2xfiO , 319 North 16th street , Midland Hotel block , one ofllce room 20x . ,2 , also one room 44x100 , suitable for nil-am laundry , billiards , storage or light manufacturing- . Apply to M. J. Franck , Midland Hotel. 1 375 ACl'JXTS WAXTEIJ. CAPABLE men and women'can make good wages tvlllng our "Quick Meal Cooker nnd Heau-r. " or "Quick K'.ndler. " ( Sub stitute for kindling , nnd coal. ) Agents nl- lowed liberal commission and nxeluslvo I territory. Write for particulars. Ben nett Manufacturing Co. , 131 Van Burca I i St. , Chicago ; J S56 AGENTS , send no money. .Outfit free. "Life of Moody. " Complete history ot his re- markablp career. Millions will buy. Agents . oil 20 a day. Books on credit. Highest ' commi'ilou. Write today. J. L.- Nichols , Najierville. 111. J-M391 20 * TGl NTfTwANTED to obtalli $5 monthly Hubscrlpllons In Co-operative Mlnlmr Co. . now working patented Cripple Creek mine now In ore. I'nusilal opportunity to get large returns from small Investment. Bank references given. E. C. Atwocid , 1122 Grant avo. , Denver , Colo. J-M413 17 * WANTED , publishers' rgents In every county ; opportunity unexcelled. Conquest Publishing Co. , Cincinnati , O. J-MIIO 17- AGE"NTS WANTED , ino.onn agents wanted at once lo sell Life and Work of Dwl ht L."Moody. Olllcinl and authentic edition. Written by JIH ! sop. Wm. R. Miody. ( and Irq D. Sankey. Llbenit terms , freight paid , credit given : onllU free Write t.o- dav. P. W.legler & Co. , 321 D nrlmrn Sit. Chicago. III. . J-MI0317 * J TO 11KXT. A YOUNG man desires place to work for board while attending school. Address Boylcs' college , Bee bldg. . 1C 236 WANTED A modern house ot 5 or 7 rooms with. heat , within 12 blocks ot Ifith and Farnam' . U 13 Bee. K 407-17 * ST011AGK. PACIFIC Storage nnd Warehouse Co. , 912- 914 Jones , general storage ' .nd forwarding. C55 ! IVAX'I'EIJ TO HUT ) ALL kinds of household goods , hotels , etc. . In large or small quantities. Chicago Fur niture Co. , 1406-10 Dodge. Tel. 2020.N N G5G WILL purchase a limited number of , Omaha Savings Bank accounts. Brennnn- Love Co. . 219 S. IGth St. N 6-57 WANTED , to buy , a restaurant outllt. Peo- pie's Store. 10th and Farnam. N M243 FOll SALE KUIIMTUKE. JEFFERSON Square 2nd hand store. Fur niture & stovc.s bought & sold 11C N. IfHh. O 150-F-7' Ft'RNITt'RE for sale and house for rent , rooms. U 62 , Bee. O 3S7 17 * FOIl S.\IE HORSES AXII WAGOXS. GOOD hack , new wheels , $200. C pass , rub ber-tired rockaway , llrst-elass condition , $450. Light rockaway , $1S5 , painted. Light rockaway , $135 , painted. 4 family car riages , 3 phaetons , C good top buggies. Drummond Carriage Co , , ISth and Harney P-S28 J30 TOP BUGGY for sale. In good condition. U 40 , Bee. P-M190 CHEAP , top phaeton. 2200 North 19th St. P-21C K-10 * A VERY speedy pacing horse ; nlno nearly now rubber-tired runabout. H. B. I rev , 15th and Dodge. P 405 19 WILL sell at n sacrifice , account leaving ! city , extension top surrey and runabout buggy with rubber tires , 'lii line condi tion : also harness mid poles and two line- Jersey cows. E. C. Price , 831 S. 29th St. P rc 1C * ' KOH SAIiE MISCI2I.I , CHEAPEST and best oak cribbing and hog , fences. W Douglas St. Q-GC2 CUTTERS of drug prices. Sherman & McConnell - Connell Drug Co. , 1513 Dodge St. Q CW FOR SALE , ten R-I-P-A-N-S for B cents at druggists. One gives relief. Q-C6I B. H A A3.-Florist , 1S13 Vlnton St. Tel. 776. Plants , cut llowers , boquois , hall , resi dence , wedding and grave decorollons. Orders by mall or express promptly tilled. I } fiti5 INDIAN relics ; mounted heads , llic Farnam ! Q two i 2D-HAND safe cheap. Derlght , 1116 Farnam. Q-C07 SAFES. Buy , sell , exchange. 114 S. 13th St. Q-CC9 TUG only cnrrlagrt heater' , or foot'warmer worth buying. Price J.J.50. Drurnmond Co. Q-S27 ,130 START now to buy your new wheal , Jl.W down , $1.00 a week : call and get full par- Uculart" . Omaha Bicycle Co Q M593 COMPELLED o sacrifice liPntitlful J4UO Hardman piano. Address u 15 , Bee ofllce. Q-.MS5S FIRST-CLASS upright JCmerson piano and bedroom set. Cull after a p. m. Ids Har- ney , room 1. Q-M212 17 * SECONDHAND TYPEWRITERS. Odell $ 5.00 Hammond 15.00 Franklin Blliukensderfer 22.50 Smith-Premier 33.00 Remington , No. 2 30.00 Remington. NO. 2 3"i.CO NEBRASKA CYCLE CO. . Cor. 15th and Harney. Q 200 W FOR SALE. 1 polished oak counter with , glars partition 1 writing desk , one 2-flro : steel range , all In llrst-claiis condition. ' Apply 1 to M. J. Frunck , Midland Hotel. Q-377 NOTICE , country'dealera , 2d-hand furniture * Btovpp nt lowest prices , caiuMd lo | or leas. Chicago Furniture Co. , 1106-10 Dodgo. R-C70 SEWING machines to rent. 75o per week. Nebraska Cycle Co. , 15th and Hnrney. R-M217 Fll'.s. UH8 , raiVclBlrvo-amws N. 16tl 16tlB571 n\itivo * ' \ > T . MMU. OYLMER genuine palmist 1605 S-B72 MMK PALMER , spiritual medium. 16 Doflpe. S-I7S IS * AXII THE Mlc < Kva nnd atftdy.i. formerly em ployed nt 119 N. 18th , have opened bnth parlors at R ; 12 , Croun. e block , Ifith nnd Capitol avenue , opp. P. O. ; porcelain tub , oitbltiet nnd cleotrlc baths ; parlors otrlctly modern. - T-.M5SI J2G * Franxes ' Do Seutorlous of 1C. C. 107 N. 12th. T-MS70 MISS EVA VANCE and GlndTus Warren , formerly employed nt 119 N. IClh , will open bath parlors Jan. IS in Wlthncll block ; porcelain tub. cabinet nnd electric baths ; parlors strictly modern. T-M2M1S * MME. AMES. R. 2 , 078. 13 ; mnssiiRO baths ! . T-931 F5 * UEATRtCti H'ARLOW , elecnnt ma saKe tub bath ; Arabian treatment. Flat D , 70J S. 16th T-M1SS 13 * MAY WILSON , bath , mnssnge. 619 S. Ifith. T-M1SO F9 * ELITE PARI/ORS , CIS S , 16th , upstairs ; first-class bn'hs ' , magnetic treatment. Lady attendants. T-217 22 * MME. SMITH , room 2. 11SH N. 15th. T-Miat 2 MISS MACK , baths , massage , 21SM , N. icth. 'IN-367 F13 * IMRSOXAI.S. : VLVVI Is woman's vny to health 346 Bee Bldg. U-673 SHAMPOOING 25o , hair dressing 25c'halr ; and toilet goods , best equipped. Monhelt , 151S Furnam. U-074 PRIVATE hospital for ladles before & durIng - Ing confinement ; babies adopted. 1130 N. 17. tj 07U MONHEIT , IcadiiiB chiropodist. 151S Far- nam , 2d iloor. U-675 SCALP _ & hair treatment. Mine.,31p\4 LIEBEN , costumer. 1313 Howard. Get _ cntalogi'e8. ' U-67S COSTUMES , Mrs. Sack , 331S So. 20th : cat a- logtie. u V3 'S * DR. ROY. chiropodist ; corns removed , 25a nnd upward. Room 12 , Frenzer block. _ U-C79 RtTPl TjRE cured , no knife , no pain , no danger. Send for circulars. Empire Rup ture Cure , 332 New York Life building , Omaha. U MS42 GOOD large barn for rent in north part o city. Inquire 2124 Locust. u 103 PLEATING and pleated skirts nf nil kind ? , M. Goldman & Co. , 200 Douglas block. U-231 Fll J. E. DIETRICK architect and structural engineer , 510 Ramgo block. U 2i11 F12 * PARTY now organizing to visit Europe nnd World's fair at Paris. Good ac commodations ; lowest rates ; join us. Ad dress Midland Tourist Club , Des Molnes , la. r 307-17 * LADIES , don't go through life suffering with diseases peculiar to the female sex. when-you can be healthy and strong by taking Dr , Leon Dupre's great French remedies ; -they are agreeable , harmless und effectual. A month's treatment co ts ; three months Is sulliclfiit for the severest c-avn. Send stump for full de scription Jind price list. Fnuvre Import ing Co. , 91f > Market St. , San Francisco , Cal. l'-M11217 * MOM2Y TO I.OAX REAL I3STATB. $1,000 and upwards to loan on Improved city property and farms. W. Farnam Smith & Co. . 1320 Farnam. W-CSO MONEY to loan on Nebraska nnd town farms ; lowest rates. Brennan-Lovo Co. , 309 S. 13th , Omaha. W fiSl $1CO TO $2,000. F. D. Wead. 16th and Douglas , . . W-CS2 WANTED , city and farm loans ; also bonds and warrants. R. C. Peters & Co. , 1702 Farnam St. , Bee Bldg. W-6S3 WRITE us If you want a loan on your farm in Iowa , enstern Neb. or Mo. : It will pay you. Anthony Loan & Trust Co.,315 N.Y.L. W-rS4 $111.000.000 to Invest through Bankers , Brokers , Promoters ; sent for circular. Investors' Directory , N. Y. W 6S5 5 PER CENT money. Bemls , Paxton block. W-SSG MONEY to loan on first-class Improved city property or for building purposes. Payne- Knox Co. , N. Y. Life. W-6S7 5 , 5i , ( . , 0 per cent loans In Omaha , S. Omaha. W. H. Thomas. 503 1st Nat. bank. Tel. 1 < ! 4S W-fiSS MONEY to loan at a and CV4 per cent on Omaha property. W. B. Melkle , 401 So. 15th W 6S9 FIVE per cent ; farm loans. Chns. E. Wil liamson. W 691 MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real cstnte. Brennnn-Love Co. , 309 South 13th W-6M PRIVATE money , low rnte , no delay. Gnrvln Bros. , 1613 Farnam St. W 149 31OXKV TO LOAX CHATTELS. WE-HAVE-10.UW.OO-DOLLARS to loan on HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE , PIANOS ORGANS. WAREH'OITSI- : RECEIPTS HORSES , CARRIAGES. ETC. Wo charge nothing for making- papers and wo arrange the time and payments to suit you , nnd every dollar ' nald back LESSENS THE COST. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO Tel. 2295 , SOU S. 16th St. X-MSI3 MONEY loaned on pianos , furniture , horses cows , Jewelry. Duff Green , R. S. Barker blk MONEY LHANKD SALARIED PEOPLE holding permanent positions on their own name without endorser or mortgage STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL and LOW EST RATES. No Inquiries made of em ployer or friends. YOU can borrow any amount and repay In easy weekly or monthlv payments. Roforo borrowing gee me. OMAHA CREDIT CO. . suite ats-520 N. Y. Life Bldg. X-701 MONEY loaned salaried people holding per manent position with responsible concerns upon their own names without security easy payments. Tolmun , 706 N. y. i , . Bldg X-693 MONEY loans on furniture , rigs , bicycles diamonds , watches , etc. ; payment un known to friends. Omaha Loan Bank. 1416 ; ' Farnnm , upstairs X-691 l MONEY loaned on furniture , plnnos , jewelry - elry , etc. , unknown to friends ; monthly payments ; half rates. Bergers' Loan Co 1408 Farnnm. over drug wtoro. X 690' ' LOANS made to salaried people on their personal note without security ; rates rea- - Bonablo. J. W. Taylor , 21S First Nat'l bk bldg. 12 to 6:15 : p. m. X CM MONEY loaned on pianos , riirnliiiro. Jew elry , liotaes , cows. etc. C. F. Reed 319 S ' 13th. X-C99 AVE MAKE LOANS FROM iSO.OO UPward - ward to salaried people , holding perma nent positions in OMAHA. SOUTH OMAHA. COUNCIL BLUFFS , on their noio. without personal endorsement or mortgage. All applications treated Jn confidence. Loans .can be paid ALL or In PART nt ANY TIME , and every dollar so paid LESSENS THE COST. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. . 3C6 8. ICth St. Tel ' 23J Room 11D. Board of Trade bids. X-MS4 | LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE employed - ployed In Omaha. South Omaha nnd Council Bluffi" . holding good positions , on the'r own names. NO MORTGAGE : BEST TERMS , everything private ; money can be nald back In small weekly or monthly payments. American Loan Co. . Room 601. Bee I31JK- X 700 MONEY to loan on furniture , pianos , horif e. cows. etc. J. W. Taylor. SIS First Nat'l bk ulilR 12 to 6:15 : p. m. X 702 LOST. LOST , n pni-ketbook containing JW. be tween 24th und Franklin and down town. Finder idcai-e return tu 2507 Franklin i.r -.Wl ' No. 2StU st. and get reward. Lost-Mll5 17 * IUIM-- : in wins. A DKSIRARLK ol'I-esti Wished rash busi ness. Owing to fulling health I have concluded to retlro from business nnd ofter my stock of groceries , tinware , moat mirket , ( lour nnd feed for sale. If you want n desirable business Investigate Harllctt Grocery Co. , 000 nnd 602 Brond- | w y. Council Bluffs. Y-MW2 J2S 1 FOR SALK. blacksmith shop with tool" ; good location. N. P. Lundiiulst , Vulloy , Neb. Y-378 16 * , WANTED , to sell , n two-chnlr barber chop , , fitted \vlth modern furniture , In well leI - I ruled town of Nebraska. Address U 61 , I Bee. Y-M102 17 * , KOII s.viiiiiii.Ui : ESTATE. ' PAYNE-KNOX Co. . HEADQUARTERS for R1CAL ESTATE BARGAINS ; LOW EST RATES on LOANS ; SOUND IN- SURANCK ; HOUSES. FLATS , STORES , for RENT. First lloor N. Y. Life Bldg. RE-M4UI A RARO.UN-Four ficrcs. 40th nnd Pacific ; two bi.cks from car line , on belt rail road. JZ.JWJ ; easy terms. McCague Investment - vestment Co , . 1500 Dodge. RE 703 IF YOU have a bargain to offer In rent estate see S. A. Broadwcll , 501 N. Y. Life Bide. RE-7 4 FOR QUICK returns on bargains only sea I S. A. Broadwcll , 601 N. Y. Llfo Uldc. j _ RE-iOl i HOrSES. lots , farms , lands , loans ; ulro fire. I Insurance Bemls , Paxton blk. HE 70S i FOR BARGAINS everybody Rons to S. A. Broadwcll , 601 N. Y. Life Bldg.RL RL iO-l NOTHING but bargains handled by 8. A. Broadwell. 501 N. Y. Life Bldg. RE-iOl SNAPS In real estate ; money to loan. l > . L. Johnson Co. , 314 S. loth street. HE ilO FOR SALB-llargalns In small residences. S. A. Broadwcll. 01 N. Y. Life 1UJR,10. HENRY B. PAYNE , 601 N. Y. LIFE BLOG. Real Estate , Rentals. Loans , Ins"r" HOUSES , lots , farms , lands and Insurance. R. C. Patterson. SX N. Y. Life. Uli-il3 ; 1 15(52 ( NORTH 17TI1 street , two houses rent- i Ing for JIG.OO per month , paving paid , pays 1 H per cent gross , price 51,350. John N. Frcnzer , Opp. old P. O. RE MCOO TWO good farms for sale near Arlington , Neb. Payne-ICnox Co. , Omaha. NEAR ISih and Jackson sts. , C-room house , lol 25x75 feet , Jl.fiOO. Southwest corner 3Sth ave. and Jackson st. , IZiikloO feet ; snapWOO. . GO acres within 10 miles of Omaha post- olbeo , 10-room house , barn oOxfiO feet , some fruit trees , ' line place , near Dodge st. paved road , Improvements worth $2- ( iiV ) ; price , $1,000. John N. Frenzer , opp. old P. O. RE-370 FIVE acres nicely planted to fruit , 3-room bouse , $1,050. F. D. Wcad , 152Mouglns. NINE-ROOM house : well , cistern , barn ; on Dorcas St. ; or exchange for cottage on north side of city. U C3 , Bee.RL RL 3SG 16 * FOR sa'e or trade , 8-ronin residence with S lots In Iowa county s 'at ' town , 50 miles of Omaha , for Nebraska land. Address Box 777 , Fremont. Neb. RE 101 22 * C F. HARRISON , FARMS. FARM LOANS. RB-397 F15 * HKRK. you've got cash put away. Now. why don't you buy 10 acres of land. I've got a few 40-acro farms In Nebraska at $2 per arre , worth three times that. Ly- Waterman , New York Life. 'Phone 1S92. -RE M3S9 17 * FOR SALE or trade , one s-ro m house and I barn , corner lot 60x110 , newl- ; painted , ono block from street'car ; gfts and city water ; nnd one 3-room house and barn , lot BOx 12S : all In good repair. Will take eastern Nebraska or Iowa land : Address s < snz N. 17th st. RK-MI15 19 * TYriSAVKITISHJi. TYPEWRITERS for rent. JI.OO per month. The Smith-Premier Typewriter Co. , 1B25 Farnam St. TelephonolS47M WE UENT nnd sell tluv-best typewriters nvide ; largest stock of fmpplles In Omaha. United Typewriter & Supply Co.1012 Far- nc m. ' ' , , ' ' 715 REMINGTON Standard Typewriter nnd supplies. 1CP } Farnam. 716 THE Oliver Typewriter , visible writing , heaviest nmnlfolder and cuts the ( Inest stencil. Tel. 2270. J. if. Stewart , Special Agent , 31S',6 S. 15th St. , Omahn. 717 TYPEWRITERS , secondhand. 1116 Farnam. -71S SIlOItTIIATVD AM ) TYI'ISWIIITIXG. A. C. VAN SANT'S fjehool. 717 N.'Y. Life. 719 AT OMAHA Bus. College. 16th & Douglas. -720 BOYLES' COLLEGE court reporter princi pal. Bee Bldg. , -721 NEBRASKA Business and Shorthand col lege. Boyd's theater. 722 .MEDICAL. LADIES , old Dr. Bell's Cotton Root Pills the best , safe , reliable ; take no other ; pond 4e stamp for particulars. Dr. Bell , Box 71S , St. Louis , Mo. M-30S Jl ! > * LADIES' Free Harmless Monthly Reguln- tor , cannot fall. Mrs. B. Rowan , R. 29 , Milwaukee , Wls , M-rl29 J20 OSTEOPATHY. JOHNSON Osteopathlc Institute , 515 N. Y. Llfo Bldg. , Alice Johnson , \ ) , O. , Indies' dept. ; G1U E. Johnson , Osteopathlst , mgr , -723 M. E. DONOHUE , D. O. , of Still school , Klrksvllle , Mo. , CO ! Paxton talk. Tel. 1307. 721 I > A\V\IIIKISnS. ( ) JEFFERSON Square Loan Olllco. 41S N. 16. -725 EAGLE Loan Office , reliable , ncnommndat- ine ; all business confidential. 1301 Doug las. 72G IIOTHI.S. METROPOLITAN , Wm. Barr , mgr. | 1to $1.25. 12th nnd Douglas. 'Phono 241. MS62 J23 LANGE , steam heated rooms 51 up week. Board W per week ; meals , 25c. CO ! 8. 13th. C25 J23 HOUSES GOOD stables and good care. 'Phone 1051. J. W. Phclps , 207 N. Y. Life. 225-F11 * AM ) STUTTIJIIINR. CURKD. Julia Vaughn , 430 Hamee Bldg. --727 I < A i\nitv. : OMAHA STEAM LAUNDRY AND CITY TOWEL SUPPLY , 1750 Leavenw'th. Tl. 517 -M25S SCHOOL ( IK liA.VGIi FRENCH. German. Spanish. J2 per month. Prof. Chatelaln , 301 Boyd theater , 72a H. E. & E. HUBERMANN. furriers ; furs made to order and repaired. IIS S , 15th. -730 , IllltnS AM ) TAXIDERMY. . STOCK'S Bird store. 1603 keavenworth. --33 . EVENINGS , $3 per mo. at Van Bants school 717 N. Y Life. G R. RathUin. C33-J2J * iiicrn.ns. NEW and secondhand bicycles at half price. Louis Fleschcr , ifias Capitol avo. .il MCKIL IM.ATI.NR. j OMAHA PLATING Co. , IJeo building il 203 t MHMTMtH IlKPURIMJ. PA 'KlNu oiihi'lsierlne. mnttres nij i f'Mther renovntlnK. TfC 1381. M. S. Wnlk- in. iill Cumins st. -aft ' TICKKT UllOICnilS. CUT RATE rallwny tickets everywhere , i P. H. Phllbln. 1506 Farnam. 'Phone 7SI. \ i J j i TIU'MC FACTORY. TRUNKS , traveling bags , suit cases. Trunks repaired. Om. Trunk Factory. 1200 Famim. -321 I'OSTOFI-'ICI-l VOTICI ! . ( Should be read DAILY by all Interested , as i hanges may occur nt any time. ) ForelRti malls for the week endlnit Jnniih { nry 2'i ' , moo , will close ( PROMPTLY In all lascs * at thr Gcr.crnl Po'totllce na follows : PARCELS POST MAILS clo e one hour enrller than closing time shown below. , Parcels Pos-t Mnlls for Germany close nt i 5 p. m. Monday. { Triiiii-Ailniitlt1 Mull * . ' WEDNESDAY-At 7 n. in. ( supplementary 9 u. m. ) for EUROPE , per s. s. St , Paul * , via Southampton : at 10 u. In. for SCOT LAND , per s. ? . Astoria , via Glasgow j ( letters must be directed "per s. s. As ) ' torln" ) : at 10:30 : a. ni. for BELGIUM direct , per s. s. Aragonla , via Antwern ( letters must be directed "per s. . Araj gonla" ) . THURSDAY-At 7 n. m. for PRANUK , SWIT/ERLAND. ITALY. SPAIN. POR TUGAL , TURKEY , EGYPT and BR1T- 1SS INDIA , per B. s. La Oa eoguc * . via Havre ( letters for other pnrts of Europe . must bo directed "per s. s. La Gns- j cogne" . I ' SATURDAY At liBO : n m. for EUROPE , . per s. s. Etrurln' , via .Queoiistown ; at 8 n. m. for NETHERLANDS dlreet. per s. P. Amsterdam , via Rotterdam ( letter * must be directed "per s. s. Amsterdam' ' ! ; At 9 a. m. for ITALY , per s. K. Ems , vl.v Naples ( letters must be directed " | er c. ? . 'i Ems" ) : at U a. m. for NORWAY direct , per s. s. Norge. via Cliritlnnln | ( letters must be directed "per s. s. Norse" ) . PRINTED MATTER , ETC. - German steamers sailing on Tuesdays take Printed Matter , etc. . for Germany , and Sperlrilly Addressed Printed Matter , etc. . for other pnrts of Europe , American nnd White Star steamers on Wednesdays , Gorman steamers on Thursdays , nnd Cunnrd , French and German steamers on Satur days lake Printed Matter , etc. , for all countries for which they are advertised to carry mall After the closing of the Supplementary Transatlantic Malls named above addj- tlonal 'iipplementary mulls are opened on the piers of the American , English. French and German steamers and remain open until within Tun Minutes of the hour ot I sailing of steamer. j for SoiKli and On ( rat Anifrlcii , i , Wc-st Iinllex , Krc. I WEDNESDAY-At S a. m. for BERMUDA , per s. s. Trinidad ; nt 9:30 : a. ni. ( supple mentary 10:30 n. m. ) for CENTRAL AMERICA ( except Costa Rlca > and SOUTH PACIFIC PORTS , per H. s , Al- llanca , via Colon ( letters for Guatemala must be directed "per s. s. Alll.inpn"i ; nt 111:30 : a. in. for PUERTO RICO , per U. S. Transport , via San Juan : at 1 p. m. for CUBA. YUCATAN. C.AMPECHE. .TA BASCO and'CHIAPAS , per s. s. Vuca- ton , via. Havana and t'rosroBo ( letters for other parts of Mexico must bo directed "per s. s. Yucatnn" ) . . T1IURSDAY-.U 1 a. m. for JAMAICA , per steamer from Philadelphia ; at 1 p. m. ( supplementary 1:30 : p. m. ) for NASSAU.-i GUANTANAMO and SANTIAGO , per s. s. Santiago. , ' FRIDAY At 1 p. m. ( supplementary 1:30' : p. in. ) for TURKS ISLAND and DOMIN ICAN REPUBLIC , prr s. s. Cherokee : ut 1 p. in. for JAMAICA , per n. s.Orlgen ( letteis mus-t be directed "per s. s. Orl- SATURDAY At 9 a. in for BRAZIL direct , per s. s. Coleridge , via Pe.rn.lm- I luica. Bnhln nnd Rio de Janeiro ( letters for North Brazil and La Plattn Conn- tries must be directed "per . s. Cole ridge" ) ; nt 10 n. m. ( supplementary 10:30 : a. in. ) for FORTUNE ISLAND. JAi MAICA. SA VANILLA and CARTIIA- OENA nnd GREYTOWN. per s. M. Altai" ( letters for Costa Rica must be directed "per s. s. Altai" ) ; at 30:30 : n. m. for HAITI , per s. s. Prlns William III ( let ters for Curacao , Venezuela , Trinidad , British and Dutch Guiana must bo directed "per K. M. Prlns .William III" ) : nt 11 a. m. ( supplementary ll:30.iu : m. ) for PUERTO RICO. CURACAO. .VENE ZUELA'SA VANILLA nndUA'riTnA - GENA , per s. s. Philadelphia. ; at 11 a. m. for CUBA , per . s. Havana ; at-1 p. m. for NUEVITAS. GIBARA , VITA , BARACOA and PUERTO PADRE , per s. s. Lauenburg : nt 3 p. m. for LA , PLATA COUNTRIES direct , per H M. John Sanderson. SUNDAY At S:30 : p. m. for ST. PIERRE- MIQUELON , per steamer from Halifax , N. S. Malls for Newfoundland , by rail to North Sydney , and thence by steamer , close at this olllce dally at 8:30 : p. m. ( connect ing close here every Monday , Wednes day and Saturday. Mails for Mlquelon , by rail to Boston and thence by steamer , close nt this otllee dally at S:30 : p. m. Malls for Cuba , by rail to Port Tampa , Fla. , and thence by "learner , close at this ofllce dally ( except Monday ) at * " 7 a. m. ( the connecting closes are on Sunday , Wednesday and Friday ) . Malls for Cuba , by rail to Miami , Fla. . and thence by steamer , close at this ofllcr evr-fy Monday - day , Tuesday and Saturday at * * 20 : a. m. ( the connecting closes arc on Tuesday and Saturday ) . Maljs for Mexico City , overland , unless specially addressed for dispatch by steamer , close nt this olllco dally at 2:30 : a. m. and 2:30 : p m. Malls for Costa Rica , Belize , Puerto Cortez nnd Guatemala , by rail tp New Orleans , and thence by .Hteainer , close at this olllce dally nt * * * 3:00 : p. , m , ( connecting closes Jiero Sundays and Tuesdays for Cost i Rli-a and Mondays foe Belize , Puerto Cor tez and Guatemala ) . " 'Registered mall closes at C p. m. previous day. * Registered - tered mall closed at 6 p. m second day before. . TrniiH-l'aolUi- Mails for , Hawaii , via Seattle , cjosc here dally at C:30 : p. . m. up to January * * * II. inclusive , for dispatch pur H H IJIocinfontein. Mnlls for Ua.wall , China , Japan and the Philippine Islands , via San Francisco , close hero dally at C:30 : p. in. up to January IP , Inclusive , for dispatch per s. s. China. Malls for Australia ( except West Australia ) . New Zealand. Hawaii. FIJI and Samoan Is lands , via San Francisco , clone here dally at fi:30 : p. in. after December " ' 30 and up to January " * 20 , inclusive , or on day of arrival of s. a , Cumpunlu. duo at New York January ' " 20. for dispatch per K. n. Moana. Malls foi ; China and Japan and Philippine Islands , via Seattle , close hero ilfilly at 8:3" : . in. ui > l < , January 21 , for dispatch per s. H. Jllojun Maru ( regis tered mall must b < directed "via Seat- tlo. " ) . Malls for China and Japan , via Vancouver , close here dally at ti:3o : p. in. up to January 23 , Inclusive , for dlspatrh pur s. s. ISmpress of Japan ( registered mall must be directed "via Vancouver" ) Mails for Society Islands , via San Fran cisco , close hern dally at 0:30 : p. in. up to January 2 < i , Inclusive , for dlsp.itcli by Hhlp City of Pupeitl. Malls for Ha- wall , Japan , China and the Philippine Islands , via San Francisco , close hero dally nt 0:30 : p. in. , up to January 27 , In clusive , for dispatch per s. H. Doric. Mulls for Hawaii , via San Frnnclsuo , clgso.hero dally , U 0:30 : p , in. up to February 2 , In clusive , for dispatch per K. s. Australia. Mails for Australia ( except West Aus tralia , which goes via ISuropo. and New Xenland. which goes via S.inFr.uiclsco ) Hawaii , and FIJI Islands , via A'anr-mivcr , close hero dally lit 11:30 : p. in. Up lo Ffh- ruary 3 , Inclusive , for dispatch pur H. . Mlowern. Transpacific malls are forwarded to port of sailing dally and the schedule of clos- i Ing Is arranged on the. presumption of I their uninterrupted overland transit Ilt-nlstcred mall closes at C p. m. jirevl- OUB day. COUNKLH'S VAN COTT. Postmaster Postolllce , New York , N. Y. , January 32 , 1900. M'KJ.M , .VOTICU. NOTICIC OF AMKNDMHNTS OF AUTI- CL1CS OF INCORPORATION. Notice IK hereby given that The Iii-e Pub lishing Company has Died IIH ninfiidi d ar- i tides ol Incorporutlon In the olllee ut the secretary of state , and alSKj with the county clerk of Douglas county , Nebraska ; that by vli'tiid of nald amended articles of In- I'orpoi'.iiliin It Is provided as folloua : A.MICNDKD AllTICLKS OF INCOIU'OP.A- TION OF TUK HI-JJ'J I'UHLISHINO COM PANY. State of Nebraska. Douglas County as : l Articles thn-o (3) ( ) . four ( u and ftv (5) ( ) . of | thi ! articles of Incorporation of The Hue Publlxhlng Cumpaii/ arc hereby amundud as follows : ARTIC'Lli 1. . The underelgiifd do liornby associate our- elven together and ilitlarc jtlm ( \y/ ) . to- uthur with our acclaim "Ud pur'eowora. are mid Kiiall ' " n LT > ru > rEttlon under 'uilil \ by virtue Uttio Ht.-r.iUL-a ot thu uMte of Nebrubku. by the junu- und etylu u ( The HL-U J'ubllslllni ; fa ARTICLK II. The | iiuilial plate fxr th traiia < ' .Ion of thi. tu.-iuisa -j { cull urpuraii'jn all all i.r.ui < MITII i : . be In 'hi- Ity of mn.ilui in tin1 lounty \ > t Douglas and state of NVbruxka. ARTICLE III. The leenernl nature ot the business to be transacted by th.s corporation shMI be to .print und publish dully. finl-w * kl > . til-weekly weekly n W ! pnprrs and nntftn. .incs. do general Jnb printing , * > ook pub lishing , book binding , ensruvlnR , litho graphing , * ti rrotyultiK. c'.e--'rot ' } I'InR ntnl purehaslitff nnd s lllnc printing mnonlnery , printing mnterlal , printing stock and news paper pi ess franchisee. ARTICLE IV. The authorized capital stock of said cor- pntntlon shall bo live hundred inoucntid I dollars ( ) . dlvkbrl into shares of 1 llvo hundred dolli > r iWUUV ) each ; provided that no ! o. k shall be Issued 111 exct-ss of one nundied thousand dollars ( $ U . ( X . ( Rii , unless authorized by u two-thirds vote of ! n the outstanding stock of said inrporntlon , ; upon i ten days' notice lo all stockholders , land provided , further- , Hint no share shall bo 1 sold or Issuec' for less thun par. ARTICLE V. I The time of communcement of said cor- porilllon shall be the tlfieenth day of Jan- i ilnry , A. D. 187 * . and thi * time of termina tion of the same'shall be the tlftecnth day of January , A. D. I'.ijO , unless renewed or dissolved Keener by a vote of two-thirds iff tile capital slock thereof. ARTICLK VI. Tim highest .itnuunt of Indebtedness or liabilities to which said corporation can at any time subject Itself nlul ! not exceed 'In the iigmegnU' one-third O ) of the amotin' of the capital stock , Issued by s.ild , corporation , und no bonded or inoi-ignne j Indebtedness shall ever bo contracted b > i said corporation. j ARTICLE VII. i The business and affairs of snld corpor.t- I lion shall be conductid by a bo.ird of | i dlree.tor < \ llvo In number , who shall be i chosen by the stockholders , nt their ntuuuil ! meutlnu , i-nch sluvre of stock having one vote , which election shall be held on the | i llrst Monday In March ot each year , and i they .s&nll hold otllee for ono year or until ! the'r suecesMirH are elected. A majority of | the board of dlrei tors snail form it quorum , for the transaction of business" . Vacancies | In the board shall be tilled by the remainIng - , Ing directors for the balance of Hie un- cxplrcd term. term.ARTICLE VIII. The olllcerS of said corporation shall be a president , n vice president , a secretary and .a treasurer , who Hhall be chosen by the board vof directors : u' such manner , and perform- such duties" as the by-laws of said corporation may prescribe. ARTICLE IX. Whenever one hundred and sixty shares or more of stock shall li.ivibeen sub scribed for the nxMoelntlnn shall be dceme 1 organized as a corporation and tbeicupoi- any subscriber or subscribers lor over one hundred shan-s may call a meeting of the subscribers nt sonle suitable place In the City of Omilha , for the election of olllcers , by giving notice thereof for not IIVH than three dnys In one of the dally newspapers published lif the Olty of Omaha. ARTICLE X. By-laws may be made by the corpora- lion nol Inconsistent with law or with these articles. ARTICLE XL These articles of Incorporation may be amended by a vote of two-thirds of the stock , upon' notice by ( he board of directors to the stockholders of not less than ten days , published In seine dally newspaper In the City of Omaha. In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands and sealB this Dili day of January , A. D. , 19 K ) . EDWARD ROSEWATER. President. GEORGE B. T/.SCHUCK , Secretary. l Stale of Nebraska , County of Dnu lim s : l i On this 9th day of January. A. D. , 1900 I personally appeared before me Edward Rosewriter and George B. Tzschuck. who I are personally known to me to be the. 1 ' ' Identical persons who signed tile above amended ai tides of Incorporation and they ' severally acknowledged the Instrument to I their Voluntary ac' nnd deed , t ( Seal. ) FRANK J.'SUTCLIFFE , I Notary Public. JlS-dLtH fiOVKIt\MK\T XOTU'US. CHIRK QfAHTKRMASTKR'S OFFICK , Omaha , Neb , , January 15. 1900. Sealed pro ' posals , In triplicate , subject to the usual' ' Condition * , will be received here uinll - o'clock p. m. . February 15 , 1WO. and then opened. In the presence of attending bid i ders , lor delivery at siich places as may be designated , of one hundred and forty-three ( UT ) cavalry horses. IT. S. reserves the right to inject any or all proposals , or any purl thereof. Ulank forms for bidding and circular giving full Information and requlre- inHiits will -be furnished on application to this ofllce. Knvelnpes containing proposals . should be marked "Proposals for Cavalry Hoi > es , " and addressed to F. II. ILVTI1A- , WAY , -.Major and Q. M. . Chief Q. M. Jtr-17-lS-19F12-13M KVII.AVAV TIMIi T.YHMS. j BURLINGTON * MIS- tourl River Rnllroftd "The Burlington Routa" | General Ollices , N. W. ' Corner Tenth and Far- mini Streets. Ticket Olllee , 1503 Farnam , - . Street. Telephone , 250. Depot , Tenth and Mason Strests. Tele phone. 3lu. Leave. Arrive. .Lincoln , Htstlncs and McC'ook < a 8:40 : am a 7:40 : pm Lincoln , Denver , Cole rado. Utah , California 4:25 : pm a 3:55 : pro Lincoln. I31acit lillla , Montana & Putct \ Sound a 4:25 : pm A 3:00 : pm I Lincoln Local a 7:00 : pm n10:35 : am | Lincoln Fast Mall a 3:00 : pm a 10:33 : ama Denver , C.ilJ-ado. Utah j & California a C:3u : am ' a Dally. I ' KANSAS CITY. ST. JO- i F''ph & Council Bluffs Railroad "Thn Burlington - ' ton Route" Ticket Ofllce , 1502 Farnam Street. Tele- I phone. 250. Depot , Tenth ami Mason Streets. Tele phone , 310. Leave. Arrive , t Kansas City Day Ex . . .a S.50 am a 5:15 pm Kansas City Night E * , alO:15 : pm a C:30 : urn SL Louis Flyer for St. Joseph and St. Louis..a 4:55 : pm al:15 ] : am l a Dally. , CHICAGO , BURLINGTON * Qulncy Railroad "Tho liurlltigton Route" Ticket OHSce , 1S02 Farnam St. Tel. , 250. Depot , Tenth & and Mason Str.'ets. Tele phone , 310. Leaye. Arrive. cful , . . . -.1' . . . . , vv..a GIO : am a 8:05 : am a 4:05 : pm a 8:05 : am a 2:45 : pm OIIICAGO , ROCK 1SL- and , < t Pacific Railroad : "Tho Great Rock Isl and Route. " City Tick et Otllee. 1323 Farnam Street. Telephone , 423. Depot , Tenth & Masun Streets. , O. - ' > : - * Leave. Arrive. Des MoincH and Daven port Local a 7:03 : am bll:35am : Chicago Express bli.ionm a 8:10 : am Chicago Fast ExpiesH..n 5:00 : pm u 1:25 : pm St. Paul Kxpre s..a oW ; um bU3i ; ama . Lincoln , Colorado Spjs. . ' Denver , Pueblo and West a 1:30 : pm a 4:23 : pm DCS Molnes. Rock leland - and and Chicago a 7:25 : pm a 5:50 : pm Colorado & Texas Flyer.n 5:55 : pm a 9:20 : um a Daily , b Dally - ' IOMA1IA ( ft ST. LOU IS ILUL- road Omaha , ICnnuus City & Eastern Railroad "Tho Qulncy Route" Ticket Of- lice , 1415 Fnrnain Street. . TUephpne , 322. Depot , Tenth und Marcy Streets. Tele phone , C29. Leave. Arrive. Cannon Ball , aa a 0:10 : am a S:50 : pm i M 1 SSOUR1 I'ACIFIC RAILi rood-General Ollices uml j Ticket Olllcea Southeast Cor. n.-r lUh and Drmglas Sin. TeUphone. 101. Depot , ijth and Webster Sts. Telephone , Leave. Arrive. ai. i uiiiH , ivansas A Neb Limited . a 2:30 : pm al2S5 : pm K. CSt L Kxpress..a 3:50 : pm a 6:60 : ara NubrucKa Ixcnl via Weeping Water . b GU5 : pm a 9:45 : am u Dally , b Dally except Sunday. CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE & fit. Paul Railway City "HFFTlckot 9c' ! ' ' , 1601 l-armim / Street Telephone. SSI. Uu. pot. Tenth and .Mason Sts. Ttk'phono. C2a. --i - Leiiv . Arrive. Chicago Limited Ex . a 7:35 : pm a 8:30 : ara Chicago & Omaha ix..bll.OO am b 3:55 : pin Bioux City & Uca Molnes ISxnresa . bl:00 am b 3:55 : pro u Daly. | U Dully except Sunday. XV A HASH RAILROAD- Tlckot Oinoe. 1415 Farnam Street. Telephone. Si'5. De- pot. Tenth and Marcy ETOtatn. Tflrphone. C25. Leave. Arrive. 9t Loiila "Cannon Bsll" : xpr Ht a 4:50 : pm u 8:33 : am i Dally. II VII W VTIMIJ \III.IIS. . rlllCAGO * NORTtL \\i.siern Railway "Tho Nortlinostern Lin ? " ( -tj Ticket Otllc < \ 1401 rninnm Street. Tele , phono. Ml. Depot , Tenth nnJ Mason Streets. Tele , phone , 629 I.cave. Ar/r ! * . Daylight Chlcngo Spe- clni d 1:4o : am nllt'A pm Chlcipu PaM. > nKc.i n 4:15im : \ nlU:10 : um Knutern Kvpres . De Molnes , Marbhnlltown , Cedar Rnplds and Chicago cage nlOW : nm a 4:05 : pn Knptcrn I.imltea. Chicago cage and Knst a 4:55 : pin a 4:05 : pm Fust Mall. Chicago to Omaha a 2:45 : pm otiiaha-fhl. nso Special.a 7:30 : pm a S:0i : ) am Fnst Mall 9:30 : am n Dally , b Daiiy except Sunday. FREMONT H * Missouri Vni : y Rnli- rend -"The Northwosiern Line'-General Office * . United States Bunk nidg. , Southwest Corner Twelfth nnd Far- nam Streets Tlrk-t olllce. 140 : Fnrnnm Street Telephone , sci. Depot , 15th nnd Webster streets. Telephone , 1I5S. IXNIVC. Arrive. Hlnck ItllK DrnJwood , Hot Springs n 3:00 : pm n 6:00 : pm Wyoming , Casper nnd Douglas d 3:00 : pm * 5:00 : pm Hastings. York , Dnvld City , Superior. Geneva Exctpr and Sewnrd b 3:00 : pm b 5:00 : pm Norfolk. Vcrdlgrp and Fremont b 7:30 : nm M0:25 : nm Lincoln. Wnhoi and Fremont ti 7:30 : nm blO:2S : am Fremont Lo. u , c " ' 30 nm n Dally o Pally except Sunday , o Sun day only. u Dully except Saturday. e dally except Monday. . . . . . CITY A PACIFIC Railroad - "riie North , wi-wtern Llno"--Gonoral Ollices. United States National Haul : BuCdlng. S W. corner Twelfth _ _ . nnd Fnrnam Strco s. Ticket otllrc , J401 Farnam Street , Tele- phono. DC I Depot , Tenth and Mason Street * , Telephone. C2U. Leave. Arrive. Twin 'ilKvpre s . . .n tiiO : [ nm nin-50 pm Twin CUv Limited . . .a 7.20 pm n SUB am Shniv i itLiu al a t > : uo am a 4:20 : pm a Dully CHICAGO. dT. PJU'L , Mlnr.oapolls & Omnha Rn'lwny ' "The North western Line" otllrcs. Nebraska Divi sion , 15th nnd WebMcr _ . Bte. City Ticket Olllco. 1401 Farnam St. Telephone , 661. Depot , 15th and Webster Sts I enve Arrive Twin CUv PiuMMiRor. .n 0iiO : nm u ! ) : * ) pm Omaha PaH-i-nger n11SO : uiu Sioux City & North- ent Nebraska . . . .a3IOpm : * Dally , b Dally exceut Sunday. ' : " . UNION I'ACIFK-"THEOVER. land Route" General Offices. N. E. Cor. Ninth and Farnam Streets. City Ticket Otllee , 1301 Farnnm Street. Telephone , 31U. Depot. Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone , 629. Leave. Arrive The Overlanrt Limited..a S:50 : am a 7:20 : pm The l-'ast Mall u 9:00 : nm a 325 _ am .vromsi.iun L-.M.ross .b 1:10 : pm b2:2G ! : pm Pnclflc Express a i:2 : pm n. (1:33 ( : nm GrTnl Island Locnl b 5:30 : pm b ! UO am | a Dally , b Daily oxccpt Sunday. GREATEST LITERARY C'UUIOiilTY. I'oein of Tlilrty-HlKlit MIII-N Tlikcu from UN MIIII.V lller"l Author * . Each line ot the following poem , re produced from the Minneapolis Tribune , Is said to bo n quotation fiom some one of the standard authors of England and Amorl.aand : Is the result ot laborious search among the voluminous writings of thirty-eight lead ing poets of the past and present. Tie ) num ber of each line refers to its author below : LIFE. all this toll for triumphs of an hour ? 2 Life's a short summer , man a llower ; 3 By turns we catch the vital breath and 4 The cradle and the tomb , alas , so nigh. 5 To bo Is better far than not to be , 6 Though all man's life may ai'Cin a tragedy ; 7 But light cares speak when mighty griefs are dumb , S The bottom Is but shallow whence they come. 9 Your fate. Is but the common fate of all. 10 Unmingled Joys , here , to no man bo- fall. 11 Nat tin- to each allots hlH proper J2 Fortune'makes folly her peculiar care , 13 Custom docs not often reason over- It And throw n cruel sunshine on a fool. 15 Llvo well , how long or short permit , to heaven , 16 They who forglvo most Hhall bo most forgiven. 17 Sin may bo clasped so close wo cannot see Its face IS Vlli ) lu'.ercoui-Ko where virtue has not place1. 19 Then keep each passloli down , however 20 Thou 'pendulum betwixt a smile andi tear ; 21 Her sensual sneers , lot faithless pleasure ) 23 With' craft and skill lo ruin and be tray ; 23 Soar not too high to fall , but stoop to 21 The masters grow ot nil wo mu t de spise. 25 Oh , then renounce < lhat Impious sclf- vslcem ; . 26 Riches have wings nhd grandeur IB a dream. 27 Think not ambition wise , Imcauso 'tin brnvi1 , 28 The paths of glory lead but lo the crave. 29 What Is ambition ? 'TIs a. glorloim cheat. 30-Only destructive to the brave and , treat. 31 What'B nil the gaudy sljttcrf ot u crown ? 32 The way of bliss lies not on beds of down. 33 How Ions wo llvo not years , but actions tell ; 31 Those men llvo twice who llvo the first IIfo well. 33 Make , then , whll yet yn may , your God , your friend , ' . 36 When Christians worship yet not com prehend , ' 37 Thi ! tuiml that's given guard ; and to yourai'lf be just ; 3S For llvo wo liow wo can , yet dl0 wo muni. I , Young ; 2 , Dr. Johnson ; 3 , Pope1 ; , Prior'n. ; Sewcll ; ( i , HjiciiBcr ; 7. Daniel ; 8 , Kir Walter Raleigh ; 9. Longfellow ; 10 , j Soiitliwollj 11 , CosKrove ; 12 , Churchill ; 13 , Rochester ; II , Armstrong ; 15 , Mllion , 1C , Halley ; 17 , Trench ; 18. Somcrvllle ; 19 , Thomson ; 20 , Hrynnl ; 21 , Hmollci : 22 , Crobho ; 23 , MmtHliiRer ; 21 , Crowley , 25 , Ileultlc ; 2fi , Cowper ; 27 , Sir Walter Uavo- 'nnnt ' ; 28 , Gray ; 29 , Wllllm 30 , Addition : 31 , Drydcn ; 32 , Frances Qimrlcs ; 33 , Watklnu ; 31 , IlcrrU-k ; 35 , MIIKOII ; 36 , Hill ; 37 , Dnnaj 28 , Shakespeare. Would Hi * il .MlhNiiiirl SlnliSiiuilor , MARVVILLE. Mo. , Jan. -Special 1 ( Telegram. ) Frank MucArly , n lawyer of Clyde , Noduway uiuilty. IIIIIIOIIIK ud ht-rii i today M > - andldncy for the l nio < iall < i.orn inatlon fur slate senator fi m thlc ho I Plrhl ) district , embracing At'-hl n. G.-ntrv. 1 Holt. Nodatvuy and \Vorth couutlcti Ii is undc-rtitood that the nrftient wmitor , Klljuh i .Miller of iJonviT , AVorth county , nlnu a di-.iiiocr'it. will uyaln be u canUid.Un Ma < - - Arty In well known nnd has for fume ( Imu en prominent In Nodaway county polities. CrollKo mill Sllilfol'd fo CLINTON. la. . Jan. lC.-(8i ( > cliil t \r\\- \ \ clt-H of agreement winulKiux ) hrui ja-it night by Eddlo Croake of lihlM < liy , , i.l JlininliStnff'ird of Juhiiiuo f-T a ttv < i > ilvi'-round IlKlil to a dei-liilon for a IHIIHC r film a bldii bet of fyit ) and the inni-Ji. WflKlit ihamplonkhlu til the stale The ( onlixt U 10 be jmllcd < jff limhUr r ur v. 'k- < 'ii ' < ! th < T i'llntoii. I'libi'iiu , . . I , , ' ) M lni.- > ( iioige SlU-r IK ID a t u r.f.rot J Inllr'ii ' Ih l ) InM.irciin | | nt ljui-fiiDlii iy tulva , hit wan unc arm lice in r.iu lit *