Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 17, 1900, Page 10, Image 10

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    10 TltH TAlTAr KEEzVED NESDAT , JA UARV 17 , 1HOO.
Monday's Slump Receives New Impetus b
Increase in World's Visible.
I'run tic llfforlN In H | | IOHP of llolil
IIIKI llrcrt 1lrnililP M'l % iniiiiiiiii't
nil-ill l'roInlniiH In * AtTpi'tnl
nnil ( lostMni'li IiM cr.
CHICAGO , Jan -Frantic cfforls to dli
pwe of hoUlnca on the Hoard of Trad
K letted Hrfttlstreet's ainioiinci'liietit of i
hravy Increase ' In * hc world's visible toda )
May wheat detllned 1V4c without chock am
elnsu ] Wenk , li5l'Hc under yestorda)1
corn closed n shade higher and oats un
i Imtixcd. Provisions , ufft'e ted hy the when
broik nnd heavy re.illitlnR , closed vvenl <
May park 1'iS)15iMay lard 12140 ntul Ma ;
ribs "tablite lower
Two dnys1 business , or lack of It , lias cos
May wheat S'V/Ji'ic ' / ' on tno local Honrd o
Trade. The slump of yesterday re-i elvci
no\v Impeutw today from the Increase In thi
visible of Ioloe j0 bu. A moderate incrensi
would have iiciusloncil little agHallon , bu
the mlRiiltude of ill * vxeok s pain announce !
l > v lJrad treet's about twjon line ] the bomb
Ike effrit in shattering hull expec fitlons
The niarkcit had opened lather heavy It
sinpalhy with the Liverpool dei lino. Ma ;
MnC under ) cstcrday at tiiVJiGi4 ! < Nev
York foreigners and i few locals had soli
mcHlerately and MIIIIO vvlirnl had come ou
on stoixmlerw Those offerings had beet
we'll tnkon and at 'Jie ' decline the. marke
stiadle * ! and advaneid po slblv In Hympath :
with corn. Ma ) had touched W,7 c Hu l
nes-t up lo noon had been ipilit Then on mi
Hie explrson ! ftom Ilridulreets Holderi
Jolnwl the crowd of olors addlni ; cejiices
slon to coiue'jn ' to rid theniaolves of nt
artlile , thu Mtinply of vshlc-h was evldetitl !
-o much tfrcatir than the demand 'Ihi
i ICMO. was at the bottom , Ma ) IVilHc undo
) istordny al fij iii-.j . It was e\pl.iln"i
that Lho titiPMiec tied mignltude of the In
crent-e In the visible was due to a coirce
tli T of the Odcssi stocks Prlmar ) reielpf
were 3JTiimO bu , agaln l 6o.0)'i ! tin last jenr
.Minneapolis' nnd Duluth leported 29' c-ars
iiunpansl with 1i > 5 cars last wetk and 4V
raiK a ) oar ago I. < 'iolpto he-re wete 3
cni . none of which grade. ! contract Clear
allies were onlv 170.0DO bu St aboard c.\
ports of v\he-at were GosX ( ( ) hu New Yorl
lepoited 15 loads laken for export
Ce.rn was steidv throughout the se slot
and the closlu view ot Ihe wheat bleak
lalrl ) llrm 'I rndo w-as fall I ) active tin
grt-ater pint of the session Supporting In
llutnccs weie light roc pints , small count ! ;
offerings and tlie annouiu emenl that tin
Rovernmeiit leport , which was oxpei ted li
be bearish , will no ! bo Issued this month
Corn till it hud been let out on th'.s r\pe
t.ilion was taken In again occasioning .n
advance which , howevei , lost Uloi ii
svmpathy with the w'ira' ' bieaU Local n
celpts were 111 cnr C.i h luisliif'fs amount
Ing to 3.50.600 bu was done' late .vestetxliv
Mnv fold from 3l'4i to 1V. elos'ng a shncli
over yeitordnv at .Hl4T/nl c
Oat diiiRKCd , hut was falilv stondy will
corn Hocelpts here wen111 , cais and elear
am es 119.WW bu Mav ranged from 217si tc
21'tc closing tinclnnged nt 21'8e
The provisions market was Irregulai. vvltl
Mic tone e.asv meiwt of the time , on lieiv\
ic.i'lKlng , the recilits | of hogs ovei the estl
mate and weakened nric es at the ) ards
Predictions of future liber il locrlnts wen
freely made May pork ranged Horn $109
to $11 lufill 12'A and clTJed IJVil.V iindei
) esterdav at $1095. Mav lird , from $ bji.
1O $6 101i6 12't , clOH'ng U'.e ' down at $ 'j ' OJ1-
iinil Ma ) ribs , from $3 SO ito $5 s.5 3 S7'i , vvltl
the close 71i5ilfc ) depressed at $560
Estimated receipts tomoirow. Wheat. 2
uns , eorn , 190 cars , oats , 125 lars , boss
41,000 h id
The leading futures ranged ns follows :
Al tlcles.l Opcn.HjghJ | Low | Close I Yes'y
Cash emotatlons were ns follows :
PLOUH Sloadv. vvlnlcr patents $3 40t
350 : straights. $300fi120 ; clear , $230'u3lti
spring specials , $1SOf/,190 , patents , $1 " , OJ
3,50 , stralghl" , $2.65&j.OO ( ; bikers. $2.20 }
\VHI2AT N'o. S spilng , fff Ti'jZ'MNo
red. ( .lie' .
COHN No 2 , HlWc ; No 2 yellow , 'il'ic
OATS No . ' Jtc. No. 2 white , 25'/4'&Joc '
No S white 23Vi < t(2-3'ic. (
HYi-rjHi3.c !
Sl'iiS No 1 llaxsecd and noithwest
$130 Prime tlmoth ) , $200. Clover , contr.u
gra < le , $ S WiT/S LO
PHOVISIONS Mess pork , per bbl , $1 40 < <
1073 Laid , per I'm ' His . $5 Wfet/S / ' ( JVj SherI
I His f-ldcs t crise ) , $5E'iTi5S5 Dr ) .saltei
shoulders ( boxed ) . $3oOf375 Short clei
hides ( lioMHl ) . $5GTibOO !
WHISKY DlsllllerV Ilnlshed goods , 01
basis high wines per gal. $1 2.T/J
SUC.AHS Unchanged ; cut loaf , $5.70
granulated , $5 18.
Following me the receipts nnd shipment ;
foi todn ) :
Articles Hecelnts ShlpmHs
Klour. bids . riS.orin S3oo
Wheat , bu . 7.1 rt"VI 12 On
Corn , bu . % 7.0JO 214,011
Oats , bu SOj.O'W 2lli/ >
II ) - . hu 7,0l < ) 2,01)
JJnrley , bu . IIS.CHW 41,0(1 (
On thei Pioduce exchange today the but
tei mnrkcl was weak , cre > amerlcs , Uifi2lc
dairies 1MJ2..V Cheese li'in nt l rj\c
i : gK , stciidy ; flesh , 16f17c
N for I In- lii ) on Vnrlon
C'llllllllllll It ll'H.
Ni\V YOHK , Jan -KI.OUH-Ho
celpts , IS/100 bbls , expoits , 10900 bbls
weak and lower In sympathy vslth
Winter straight , $1JiVfJ40 | , Mlnnesoti
patemts , $1751(393 ( , winter exlia" . } 2.55fT2 ( vfi
Minnesota bakeis , $2 70 .100 , wlnlei patents
n COIl. 1.75.vlnti - ? low grades , $2251(24(1 (
Hyet Hour , dubl , fair to good. Jllofi.l , ! )
choice to fancy. JJ 35 Huckwhcat Hour
weak at JMKX//.M5 / /
COHNMKAl. gulrt. yellow western. SOc
ell ) , 7Sc , Hrandwlnc. $ J20'/2iO /
HYU- Stead ) , No 2 western , 6061c ( | , f
o h. alloat. stale , 65fl56c , c. I f , Nev
York , car lots
IIAItUn'-Uulcl ; feeding. 43V-/u4IVic , c. I
f , New York
IIAHhhY MAI/r-Qlllel. western , 55fjt,5c
\VniAT : Heci'lpls ] 2s,000 bu ; exports
12.011 bu. Spot , easlei , No 2 red , 73'Ac f n
b , afloat , prompt , No 1 northern , Dtiluth
7MSc. f. o b nlloat , pionipt , No 1 bird
Dnluth , " 6\f f. o b allont , ptompl ; No
haid , Dululh , 7sTi , elevator Option
opened wi'.ik undei bearish eablis and dill
trade A xlliiht nildila ) rail ) with ion
wan followed b ) a general ilemorallzalloi
during which heav ) selling foi bulb nc
( ountu was prci Imitated bv an astonlsli
Iligh largo Inert'iibu In Hiad tieeth world'i
slocks for tin1 week The e lese VVIIH Wial
at 1'Ae not deillne March , 7n < i , 7l l-liic
closed 73'tc. Ma ) , 71 l.-ij'i73i ! | ( , closed 717bc
July. 71' fl7315-ltic. clo-vil 717hi
COHN Hceelpts , I9ji5 bu , evportB , 193
14 bit. Spot. eax.v . No. 2. 41c 1 o b , alloa
nnd 40'ic elevatoi Options opened stead ;
anil nt Hint advamcd on good mi ) Ing , largl
cIiMiames and light lountr ) ottorlngs bu
tlnally cased off with wheat and ilosei
weak at unchanged pi lies May , 39J ( , ! %
closed JS'te '
OATS Heielpts , 109/:00 bu , e\ports
S.M3 bu Spot , dull , No 2 , 29'si . No J , 29c
No 3 white , , l.'c. No j white , 31'4c ' ; tiael
mixed wcstein , 29V-j'.tOi | < , c. linik wlllle
white. SlKJlUGc Optlont' niilrt
UAV I'lrm. bhlpplng , 7-'H.rUi > Oc , good li
choice bOi87'ic '
HOPS Quiet , state1 , common to choice
lf < W erop. Gc. ISfS crop 7j/9c. ( / 1S99 erop , 12t
Uo. Paclllc count. ISM eri > p. t'a6ct 1S3S crop
"iii'i ' * : 1S99 crop , I2filli
H1DKS I-'Irm , Oalveston. 20 to 26 Ibs
39c ; Texas elr > . 21 to aO Iba . JlV-o ; Call
a fornla , 21 to 25 Ibs , 2Hje
I.KATHUH Stead ) , hemlock bolo , Hueno
L Ayirs , light to heav ) weights. IMfj.'ju , , . ; UilJ
k HICU Strnd ) : domestic , fair lo extra
4il 'ic. Japan. IM/5e
PHOVlSIONS-Ui't'f htcady ; family. . > ( ,
W1230 , mess Jl-50 , beef hams , JJ2DOT)2JX ) ( >
Indlnn mess , J21 OOJi'iKO Cut meals , Him
pliklrd brllles. (5a7 f(7W. ( pleklfd shoul
1 tiers. 7&JitiW. pickled hams. fS50 i92J
J.ard. v\eak r. western btiam closed a
St27Vi. Jnnuar ) . W . > \ nominal , rotlmd
xu rasy ; continent. J650 , South Ameiic.i
in IC55 Pork , lirm , IUCI-H. til 00 , shor
50 clear. J1160J/1250 , family J1S 23ii 1. 75 Tal
low. slead ) ; cl1) , 5 = Sc , country , f'sii5i ! *
Uicn ) domeslli. fair to e'xtra
4ICViC , Jannil 4(5e
rHUlCilU'8-Tij Liverpool , dull , lotlot
I'v "trim 2ac nominal , grnln by sle > an
. , 'i l1. 1
Mul.\HSiS : Higher. Nrw Orleans , ope
krttlr , KIIIM ! to choke , 4lfffiSc
PKANfTS Slcndy , fancy hnnd picket
Ml.TAI.S There was n sudden turn I
the un lertone of tin today nnd nt the clo
n frellnjr of depression prevailed nmon
sellers TSP channr was partially dur t
wrnk < iibli" ) and imfnvornble1 account
frnin tirodue'inf points here Other metal
Were eitilet nnd drstlltlle of neelnl nei
fraturp The Metnl exchange In Its llti :
uport failed nig Iron wamnls dull an
nominal , lake copper unchanged nt M6 6 (
tin lo've-r and vve < iik with sellers at J26 9 <
lerd "tr idy nt > ! 7Wil75 ( , . peltrr , sleid
at JII5f/IW / The brokers' prli e for lea
la Jl 15 , nnd foi copper $16 50
OM\II.\ ( ii\iit\i , \nicnr. .
Condition of Trmle and ( luotntlonn 01
5lnnlo nnil I'nnej 1'roilurr ,
KOOS Heeelpts , light ; fresh stock , wen
at 15c.
DUKSSHD POri/rilY-Cholcc to fane
turkeys lie ; ducks , 9c ; , 9c ; sprln
chickens , 7j7'4c ; hens , 6'-i07c ' , roosters ,
UVn POfLTHY-Hens , S'igfic ' ; sprln
chickens , G'ic ; old nnd stngRy roosters , 3c
elucks , Gi , geese , G'-ic ' , lurkeys , Sc.
IU'TTin Common to fair , 17c ; choice
15fHi , separator , 2Gc ; gathered creamery
" { TonONS-I.lve. per doz . 75c
VIAI.S : Cholie , 9c.
OAMi-Uu < ks. mallards , { 300S325 : bill
wing teal , Jl 75 , green win ? teal , Jl 25IM 50
mixed duiks } 1 5t > T(2W (
OYSTiniS Mpillum , per cnn , ISc , stand
ard , per i in. 22c. bulk standard , pet gnl
5123 , e\tia selects , per can , 30c , rxtrn sc
leets per gal , } I GOfil 75 , New York count1
per can , 37c. New York lounts per 100 $1 2 ;
HAY - fplaiid , i hole r. { 650 , midland
choice , J6 , lowland , choice , f5 , rye ilraw
choice , $350 , No 3 corn. 27c , No ,1 whit
onts , 2-Mfci1 , ( .inckeel corn , per Ion , $12 , cor :
and oats , chopped , per ton $12 50 , bran , pe
ton , $ Ii , shorts per ton , $11
SPINACII-Per box. $1
NH\Y UIJIJTS Per doz bunches , 75c.
HADISIIliS Per doz bunches , 40c.
hBTTfcn Per doz. hunches , 40c , fane ;
Iliad lettuce per bhl . $5.
S\VIIT : POTATOICS-PCI- . . Illinois
$3. Jcrsevs , $5. larire l > b > 3 . Kr-tisas. $275.
POTATons-Prr tin , choice. 3 < X840c.
AIlIlAC.n-Per Ib . Use ; Holland seed
CAL'Mn.OWCU-I pr crale , $2.EO.
ONIONS-He'nll , ) cllow , 70c , red , SSc.
CUMJUY PCI doz , 23130c } ; California
pel bunch. I5r < i75c
TUHNIPbHutabngas , per Ib. , IHc ; Cn
nadlan mc
MUSHHOOMS-Per Ib bo50c. .
TOMATOis-Florida. per G-haskct crate
APPLHS Choice western shipping stock
MOOH3.50 , New York stock , $37511100.
C.HAPKS-Catawbas , per small basket
ISi , Malaga grapes , per bbl . $7.00B9.00.
CHANHiHHIiS-Uell : and Hugle , per bbl
$ i , Jersc js $ G 75.
OHANC.nS-MeMean , per box , $3 ; Call
fornla navels , per bos ) ou 3.75 , Callfornli
seedlings per box , 12 7jff1.00.
MOMONS- California fancy , $3.75 , cholci
Calltornla , $ J.50 , Mrsnlna , $1.
HONPY Per 24-section cas , $3.23.
Nl'TSHickory nuts , large , per ou. , $123
shellbirk , { 1 33.
FIGS California lacrs , per 10-lb. box
$1 ; California cat ton , per 10-lb box , $1.10
impoi ted tigs , per Ib , 13c
DATKS bO-lb boxes , 5'3Gc ! per Ib.
MAPLi ; SUCJAH-Per Ib , 9S10c ; .
1I1DKS No 1 green hides , Sc ; No
gicen hides , "c. No 1 salted hides , 9V4c
No 2 salted hide" , S'fcc , No. 1 veal calf , S ti
U Ibs , 9c. No 2 veal calf. 12 to 15 111 ? , Sc
1. 4c , No 2. 3c , lough , 2c , white grease
2iTi.'ii ! , ) ellow and blown grease , 2Hfi3c
liicrciiMps nnil npcrpiiHen In Ornli
Sto"Ksllont and Ashorr.
NP.W YOHK Jan 1C. Special cable am
telegraphic advkes to Brndstreet'q shov
thi' following changes In available sup
piles , as lompaied with the previous ac
U HIAT I'liltecl Slates and Canada , eas
01 Hoikles , decreise 260,000 bu ; ( Llverpoc
Corn Trade New0) afloat for and li
Europe , inn rase MfO.OCO bu. Total supply
increase 4,010,000 bu
COHN Culled Stales and Canada , eas
of Hoekles Increased l,406,0y > bu.
OATS Cnltecl States and Camda , eas
of Hoekles decreased 993 000 bu
Hradstreefs Is informed by cable lha
corrections In Odessa stocks are uartlall1
icsponslblc for the increase In l uropeai
Among the more Important Increases re
ported , not given In the olllclal visible sup
ply statement , are those of 700,000 bushel
at northwihtern Interior elevators ; 52S.OO
bushels at Chicago private elevators ; 57,00
hushc'ls al King-ton and 50,000 bushels a
Manitoba storisr points
The prlnilpnl decreases are the c of 112 ,
TOO bushel' at Louisville , 56010 bushels n
Port Union , and 55000 bushels at Pitts
burg The aggli-ijate stoik of wheat heli
al Portland Ore , nnd Tacoma nnd So.itllr
Wash , decreased 37G.OIX ) bushels last week
Hi. l.oul Grnlii anil I'r M Inlonn.
ST. LOIMS. Jan 16 WHUAT Lower
No 2 re-d rash , elevator. 66c. track , 70''J '
71'4c , January , CG--8c. May , b7 i(3'67'8C ( . Jufy
1,51,1 , , No 2 hard , 65ibGc | , receipts , -5,72
COHN Klrm , No 2 cash , 31c ; trnck , 32'iiJ
SJ'ije. Jaiiuar ) , 30c , May , 32r32'tc (
OATS Plrni. No 2 cash , 24'ic. track
2lc , January , 2l'4c , May , 2IT&C , No.
white. tc
HYi-Kasler at 52'/e
KLOCH Dull and barely steady ; pntcntf
$1 4 ( i3 50 , exlr.i fancy. } 1 lOisS 15 , clear. $27
02 00
Siins-Tlmothy , $2.0002.35. Flaxseed
htendy at $1 4S.
COHNMHAISteady nt $1.7081.75.
HHANSinreo and hlg'hor , sacked , eas
Hack 67fi 7li : < ) , timothy , $900f(1200 ; prairie
$ i ! OOffS 30
WIIISKY-Steady at $1.23'4
PHOVISIONS-Dry snlt boxed mraLs , ex
tra shoits , $5 S7'j , clear ribs , JG : clear sides
$6 12'i Hacon , extra shortr , $6.37Vz ; clen
ribs $6. CO clear sides , $6 62' . Pork , sleady
Jobbing , old , $1025 , new. SU.S7H. Lard
bteady. prime , $3G7'4. choice. $570.
MW'ALS Lead , lower at $465. Spelter
llrm at $135.
POn/niY Btrndy ; chickens , 7',5e ; tur
keys , 7'3c , ducks , 7'4c , geese , 5ij5'jc
HKCniPTS-Klour 7.000 bbls . wheat , 6,00
liu , com. 2l.oiK ) bu , onts. 37.000 bu
SHIPMENTS Ploiir. Jl.OOO bbls ; wheat
22,000 bu , lorn , f.G.001 bu , o.its , 43,000 bu.
Holler , KKK anil ( 'bec-ne AlarUpi.
celpts , 7.4 % packages , unspttlod , Jun
c'reamei ) W < ti2V c , western creamery , 215
25e. tnc'im , 175(22c (
CHRlCSn-Hec-eipts 3.0J2 packages ; firm
fall made fancy large. 12iil3c. fall mad
fancy small , 12 % < i/13e. largo late made
Ilil2c < , small lale made , 12(12'4C
Dull and Ic lower , fancy western crenm
cry , 25c , fane ) western prints. 26c
IXSOH Firm , fresh New Jersey , I9c ; frcsl
western , 19c- . fresh southwestern , ISc , fresl
seiutlicrn ISc
cniiCSi-Kiim ;
tieamerlcs , lil2lc. ! ilalr'es. ! S'ij22c. '
iCOS Sle.ul ) , freMi. Wil'c
creaint-r ) , ioftSSc , dalr ) 19i)23c. )
KC.fJS-Stcadv nt ll'7c '
Creamerv 20fi23c ; dalrv Ifc Trade enl ) fair nnd mnrket ' 4i
lower , frcfh Mlvs-ourl ami Kan'us stock
tlrsts. 13'uc ' dozen , eases relumed , storage
KIIIINIIN C'ltj ( irnlu nnil Pro * | NOIIH.
We. cash , No 2 hard , G2c. No 3. 57 < jGlc |
No 2 led , 7iW(7ic ( , No 3 , G53C9C , Hecelpts
founren earn
CORN Mn > " > 0'ic , cash , No 2 mixed
29 % | iOc , No y white , 30Hu bid ; No. 3 , SOc.
OATS-NO „ white , i sc.
HYi : No ! . 50c
HAY choice timothy , $9003950 ; cholci
pr.ilrle$7tK > r750
iuciii'Tri-Whcai : , 8,100 bu ; corn. 5,20
bu , oats , i.wo hu
fclllPMRNTS Wheat , 12 COO bu j corn
IlcjlH" , oats , 2000 bu.
Toledo Market ,
TOLKDO , Jan. -WHiAT-Lower am
active. No 2. lash Gfic , May , C9c.
COHN Dull ( ind stead ) . NJ 2 mixed , 32c
O Vl\S-Diill. No i mixed , 2lc.
cMyOVnHSiiD-Dull : : and sleadlrr. prlim
cash , old , $485 , January , now , J5 72' asked
Maritli. 677'j ai-ki-d
.Mil it aoUee firnlu
MIL\\Al'Kii ; . Jnn -WHKAT-Hnl
icnt lower No. 1 norlhern , Wi ) 5c , No
northern. W c
HYi-Plrm. No 1 , 55 ft30c
HAltLKY-Stenej ) , No. Z. 45f46c | , sample
MluneiiiioIlN AVIii'nt mill I'lour.
store No 1 nopthrrn January til'jc , Mny
b.SJi i2i. July , fil'.i. On track No .
him ! u , ' , . No 1 northern : No 2 n rtl
rrn 5aUi
PLOI H-Klrst patents , $3 1 ( 73 10. sei on
imtenls. t3 I"fi3 20 , Ilrst elcnr. $2 1W2 20
11UAN-IUglier. In bulk. $11 2511.00.
Liverpool ( irnln anil 1'rov Inlons ,
MVI.ltPOOL. Jan. -\VltBAT-S * <
No 2 wejtrrn , winter , dull at fwtsl. No
northern , spring , dull at Sslld. Callfornli
No I. 6s 2'4jTi6s,1cl ' Puturrs , ( jtilel. Marc
nnd Mny , 5s Mjd
COHN-Siiot , American mixed , new , qu'.i
at IsSVd. American tnlxctl , old. I'ttlet i
Is 5s d Future' . M e-irl ) , January. 3s j'ji
Pobruar.v rs5 , d , Mtinh , ts5t/i 1.
PLotTR-St 1/juls fane ) winter , dull at 7
PHOVlSIONS-Hacon. elenr brlllps , llrt
at 33s Lard , Amerliati rertned , In pain
llrm at 3istl ; ptime western , In tierce1
tlrni at SC'9d
1'porlii .Mnrkel.
PKOHIA. Ill , Jan. -COHN-Slrnd )
new No 3 , 30- %
OATS-Flrm. No 2 white , 2H4 < il2l14c.
WHISKY Klrm on the basis of * 1 2T
for llnlshcd gioda
Dnluth Ulie.-U VlnrUet.
' ' -WHIJAT-No. . 1 hntt
Dt'IA'TH , Jan 16 - -
cash ty' c , No 1 northern , cn h , GZ\c ; AInj
6-4c , Jill ) , fifir. No 2 northern , o'j'sc , Nc
3 spring , 56V >
l'rSmall Net ( limiKes , Mnrl.c-t Near
Inir Condition of Stnumit Ion.
NIJW YOHK , Jan 16 ProfesMonal opct
atlons In stocks fell away eotiMderabl )
and as there Is no otlur Intoros In th
market the dealings made further pt ogres
towards a condition of stagnation Thcr
was some "light speculation in Sugar , Tc
baeio and the local frictions , hut thes
represenicd little more than "swappln
Jackknives" among tne boatcl room trnaen
as ni.i ) be Judged Mom the da ) s small lie
changes These peculatlve fnvoilliM nr
hlghir on the da ) , alter vailou lluctun
lions Thcte Is no hotter explanation o
their having gone up than thai the ) wen
down ) eslcida ) I here was ivldeiuo of
desire on the p irt ot the shorts to cove
In lolmcro , which pulled It up haipl ) I
the late dealings and the lest of the mat
kct wl'h H U was emphatic illv a wall
Ing mat ket and was b ) no nieatis clia
what It was waiting for The fmt that in
dullness was shared by Ino other grca
speculative centers of the world give
point to the supposition thai Ihe develor
incut of conditions In South Africa U wha
Is awaited.
Mono ) londltlons continue to make prop
rcs-H toward giealet eise all ovei th
world , without the slightest elicit on pei
illation. A nerlod of st.igiinllon afti-i s
drastic lUiuldntlon as that of last mentIs
Is by no means unique 01 abivormal , wltn
out cemntliiL' the South sltuatloi
It Is ver ) generally believed that a Hi Ills
success the to would inure a sharp rail
Hi prices. It tor no other reuben tlnn fior
the covering made by the , who hav
mid the market In spirit of skeptlcisr
over an ) early iliange In the sluiailim 1
would ) lo go b.nk Ivvo .vear
to the time of uniertalnl.v puied.iig ou
war with bimln lo llnd u iiniallel for th
absolute ll tle = siu"-s , or a > . > areill waltinc
vvnicli are thu char.u ictlstlcs of Hie tur
icnt slock m irket Hat s tor time mom
wei0 shaded below 3 per lent on cholc
collateral under the Inllueiice of the larr
accumulation of reserves which Is comln
into the New York hanks
Dealings In bonds weie on a larger scil
than those In stock" nnd prices were mor
llrmly held Occasionally large Indlvldu.i
transactions rellcct the conllnued How o
' " ' . ' 'HJ1 ' Investments Tofil sale-
value. $1,665,000 fnlted Slales Is ad
he Ol11 lh ' 4 ln tlle b"
AUcrtl"cr's I'ondon iinancl.i
The markets here were Idle and feature
PrVmllll1Kithe ! blf'lkt"K ' "f Genera
mmcrlous s"t
ce The tone wa
Americans were stagnant and the slight
est disposition to buy In them told 01
} [ 'ccs ' owing to the scarcll ) of stock A
Illustration was afforded by the I purl o
Ihree-eiuarlers of a point In Nnr , Ik
Westein sireferrcd onhe purrh s . of ,
1Vln.'lrid ' s.harcji The Indian cut rrni :
commission "cm marked1 today j.30oj
noie in gold nnd then. , was -omo
° ° JZiiilllrket ° m Imlll for bu" ' '
but no supplies are In sght I think Indl r
exchange banks will withdraw illlmo
moirow , probably 500oi < o during t o vveeJ
and more-amount doubtful-afterw rcl
Money and bills were In vriy , | Mit , ln
Slf'1- ' Prls , chlf" " ' - > s 252o7itorluosl
Silver sellirs are holding off for \ inn're
mTn " " ' " 'of Netherlands has rrdt red It
minimum dlsioun- rate from 5 to 4' , . , , , ,
cent nnd the Hank ot Hombny hs raise
The following are the eiuotatlons for th
lending stocks on the New York excliang
HOSTON , Jan 16-Call loins , lit ft pe
cent ; llmo loans , 6f0 per eon I Olllcla
clo.ilng nuotatlons of slocks , bonds am
mining .shates.
> t rk Mlnlni ;
NiW YOHK , Jan 111-Tho fnllowllif
nre the odlcial closing iiuolntlons for mill
Inc phiires-
Chollar . . . 23 Ontario . 725
Crown Point S Ophlr . 63
Con Cn' ' & Va Its I' ymonth . S
Dead wood 55 Quicksilver 130
Oould ( f Currle. 20 do pfd . . . . S'0
Hnlr & . Norcross 35 Slerrn Nevada . 40
Homc tnko . . . 5000 Standard . 60
Iron Stiver . . 0 lln'on c'on . . 21
Mexican . . . 20 Yellow Jacket . . 20
Port-lull I'liinni-lnl.
PAHIS. Jnn 16 HuslnofH on the bourse
continues favorable , owing to the > settle ,
trenl Price * HuctuaU-d today , tint cveii'
tuiilli bex-ume tlrm Hlo t'n os advanced li
the expectation of a eonslderable decrease
In the visible suppl ) of copper Kutllrs vvin
fairly btronir owing to n ivmirlng re'f'rt ' !
of the nOHltljii of the fliltlnh f > r i s ne.u
and were helped b ) Lundun bu )
h . ' ' , rut font's li , f 2iv for th
a HIM i t \ , Hinge en 1 ulim 2f 2i > f' '
c in ki Sj | mlsli 4 < l < ' i I at < ! to
l.nNDo.N , Jan IfiThe market for \niet
linn e < urltlrs ruled Irronulnr nnd wlthoii
nnv di elded frntuns Itu lnr s vvasor
rexnlctiil The c lo1iig tone vva steadi
Spnnlsh Is rlosoil at 6t-V Har s./d , 77s ! ii4l
Hold prcmlnniH no iiuotod ns follow
Hueilos AVTIS liii. Madrid , ffi y > . l.Ishoi
43SO , Hotne , "r | The Hank of P.ngtainl te
ilav tramferre < l UoO.lOO g ° ld to the Ind a
i urrciu v a < i < unt
HKHL1N , Jan 16 In the absence of an
rnnllrimtlon of ) o terda ) s w r news price
on m el "nk on the Imtirse lodnv Sulur
ilt'ontly thev Ilin-tuiitoil. but .tnirovo l nt th
cloe. in n race nonce of fnvornble advice
from western bourre-t l3\chanBo on lAJli
don. 20 tnarkj 51 pfss fir chocks
IU MHAY , Jan li' , -'Ihe late of dl eoutu c
the Haul : of Homhav was tnilay Increased
per cent , to 9 per cent
> < MVorlj Moni-v AlnrUet.
NIW : YOHK jnn. IG-MONIY on cni
stouly nl .HM'j ' per cent , In" ' , loan , at .1 pe
c'ctit , pi line mercantile paiier , 5'ij per icnl
STICHLINR ixciIANOi-l''lrm with nc
tual litisliuts In 1'inkers' bills at $4 7Tils7'
for demand and nt } l VIJJ4 Sl % for flxl
davs , postivl mted. $ ISKi4s > 4 and $1 S7's5 '
4 vs eommcrclal bills , $1 v-'UfM S3
SlIA'KH-Cirtitluites , E3'n < flc , bar. o tc
Mislrnn dollars , 47' < > c
11ONDS ( JovertinuMit. strong ; utatt
stoadv , railroad Him
The following mo the closing ciuotnllon
o" bonds-
gen 4s iiv { So Hy 5s
P W * D C 1 72 , K H & T. 6s . . M- ) '
"Oen niec 5 > .117 Tenti n. s 3s. . SI'1 '
O H. . . S. A ns 10S Texas Pac. is 111'-
do 2s . . . .ION do 2s 51
II .1 T C 5s . .110 do 4s 101
do cnn fis 110 Walmsh Is 111' ' .
10-1 -
liiindoii Stoi'iv ( liiofntlonn.
LONDON. Jan 16 1 p m Closing :
Consols , mono ) lee N Y Central .117
Congo's , iccl lo ) Pcnnslvan'n . . . 6G
Cnnidlan Pac 93'.ni ; . . . . 9
ICrlo . . INo Paclllc . . . . 75'
do 1st pfd . 3.ISJ Atohh'in . 1 ! "
Illinois Centnl Ill'i Loulsv ll'u ' . S > 2
Vnlon Pac pfd 76'1 Or ind Tiunk . . li7
St P. common 120 Anaconda. . _ S'
PAH SlLVKH-t'niertaln at 275-16d pc
MONIJY 1' tier cent
The rate of dNcoupt In 'tTio open niarke
for shoi I bills Is .TV , per cent and for Ihrcc
months' blll , 3Tt' < i per cent.
tiiui ! .
Niw YOHK. Jan 16 Clcarlngs-:2l,116 ,
691. balances , $11 , 'Ml 7.11
HOST ON Jan. 16 Clearings , $30313,610
balances , $2,7GO 100
CIIICAC.O. -C'earlngs ' , J21.21I.7SO
balancis. Jl W Ml Postal exchange , $1 Vtf
(5(4 S7V4 New York exchange. 40c piemlun
PHILADELPHIA. Jan 16 Clearings ,
J19 317,091 , bdlanrc . { 2,211,910
1 ALTIMOHi : 16 Clearings , $1,5S1 ,
915. balances J5Y ( , h5J
ST LOl'IS , .Ian 16 Clearings , $ < iH7 : 15" )
balances , fss4 icv5 Mono ) , 4fi8 per cent
New York exchange , EOc 'ircmlum hid , 75i
C'cmill Ion of HIP TroilMiii-y.
\\ASI11NCTON Jan 16 Tcdi's stale' '
mini of the condition of the treasuij
shows. AvalhiMu cui.i balaiue. J2i > 0lJJ5lt > S
gold reset ve , WJI.C1J.2S1
HOSTON , Jan 1G lius'iie'V , In the woo
market here continues quiet , but the torn
In values Is Hun with no sign of weak
ness The posltlrtn of teirltor ) wool I-
strong Prlrcs are quoted at I5c for gooc
line" of medium and line , nnd 70c for selected
lected stnple I'lee'ie wools are in plow de
mand with : uIces > nominal , owing to few
sales being mode'XX and above , Ohio , I'
ciuoteo at ! 3Ti We Pew Austl illan wool-
aie to be hid anil prices are nominal. Fol
lowing are the quotations for leading dc
Ohio and Pennsylvania flirccs , X am
above , 3Tii14c , XX and XX and above , "V
ffjllc , del line. 3SR40. . No 1 combing , Jsti
T3c , No 2 combing , 3Cf)17c )
Michigan. Wlscon-ln , etcX Mlchlgui
27TiJSc , No 1 Michigan combing , .Wi.ibi
No J Michigan combing , .Urn toe. No :
Illinois combing , 1tf/15c , X New York. Now
Hampshire and Veimont , 2ufi/27i , No :
New YorK , New llimpshhe and Vermont
32fi1c ! , dilaine , MlchlBan , 3KiC c
Cnwashe-d medium , etc : Kentucky am
Indiana quartoi-blood combing , J7'-ii:9c
three-eighths blooil , 23 1 ) c , Missouri eiuar-
tor-blood combing 27i , thiee-elghlh'
lIood ) , 27c. 1 raid combing , 23Tj2lc , lake nm !
Oeotgla , 24t'J5c
Teirllor ) wools Montana and Dakota
line medium and line , 22fi24c , scoured , G.
f ! 5lU'ah (
U'ah and Womlng Kino medium ami
line , 19f(22r. ( scoured. , staple , Go'uGSc ;
Idaho Hue medium and line , 1Sfi21c
scoured , GOT/Gle , mtdlum , 52fi51c , fcotired
G3Ti5lc- Australian scoured basis of spol
prlcc-s , combing , siiperline , SSfi flc ; aver
age , S > 5c.
London \Vc , l Auction.
LONDON , Jnn 16 The Ilrst scries of the
wool auction * , iles for t'hls vear openec
today with a large attendance Competi
tion at the1 openlnff was raUher quiet bin
Improve * ! later In the session , especially K
with cent biiers , who secure-d the
bulk of lotteir merinos The bid.
din , ; on scouteds was not so good , owing tc
Hie imictivlt ) of the homo biioi.s There
wao n larger representation of Amcrlcni
hiivors tihttii usual at.d they operated li
ciossbrepcls quite frii-ly , pa ) Ing Decriubel
rates for all giades suitable for their re-
quiiements The home trade absorbed the
hulk of grensy and sllpes rule-d In biiers
favoi , with lowet qualities occasionally ( .ell-
Ing at 5 per centi decline ( . 'ape of nooc !
llopo and Natal creasy v\is In large sup-
pi ) and ( showed a decline of 5 oer cent , al
though most of this class was withdrawn
'Ihe pi Ices icnllzcd for fecnurtsls Fficmi'd 111-
lie chaiu'e The number of hairs offend to
day was 9.0J5. The following are. the bale'
in dot Ml
New South Wales , 1.KK ) bales , ( -enured
SiK/2s2'-.d ' , grenisy , lOdfilsIM Queensland
1.10U bales , gien. v , llHdJIs ) 4d Victoria i/
bales , hcoured. 10'sd1(2s. gre iKy , 7'/dfls ( ) i'/.d
South AustiaHa , 1,100 bales , scoured , IN S' ' c ,
fills lid , greasy , 7'idfils ' : i' ' < , ,1 , AVcst An--
tralla , Iliui bales , si-Jiin-il , lOiKjls lid ,
greas ) , SdSds.'d New Heal ind. l.GoO Kilch
scoured. Gilfls4d ( | , gie-is ) ij'jiiilld Capo ol
Good Hope and Natal , 1,300 liaks , sjourcd
lOdf/ls l'sd , grmssudfils Huciios Are-h
300 bales , greasv , 5'4J11W |
The Fa i Is .scheduled for Januaiy 27.
Cotton Mnrl.i'l.
Ni\V : YOHK. Jan 16-COTTON-Spnt (
closed quiet , middling uplands , "He ; mid
dling uplands gulf , 7'fer , hales , 720 bales.
ST LOl'IS , Jan 16. COTTON Quiet anil
unchanged , > MCS ! , none , middling , 77.11,0 , ,
Hcceipts , In2 { bales , shipments , l.bSG hales :
stock , Ol.dCiO biles
Qulet and stind ) , sileh , S.700 bales , ordi
nary , ii'ki , good oidlnar ) , ( , ? Hc , low mid
dling. 7'nc , middling , 73..C , good middling ,
79-lfie , ii''ddllng ' fair , 77sc Hecelpth , JJ.Sil
hales , stock , 401,503 bale" Putines , sleadv ;
tober ,
OALVnStON. Jan. 16-COTTON-Ste.ldy
al 75-16c
LIVnitl'OOL 16 COTTON-Qlllot ;
jlts , S.OUO bales of which SOO hats were
for exnort and nnec uliitlon I3xp irts , 23.nW
lialcs , Including 12 JOO bales American I'u-
lurcs openid steady nnd closed quiet but
stead ) al the advjnce , American middling ,
I m c. J.inuai ) . 4'Jl-flld , sellers , Jaiiuar )
nnd Kcbrut-ry , 411-Glf/l ) S-64d , s-cllers , IMi-
ru.rj aid Match 4 II-riTl | 15-Cld. boilers ;
March find April. 4 ll-oiid 12-Cid. bollero :
April and Ma' , 11-6Id fellers : May ami
June , I C-f4d , spiers , June and July , 4 1-Clcl ,
Fcllofb , Julv and Augiifet , 4 2-iilil , ccllui * ;
August nnd Septembur. .1 Gl-6ld , hellers ;
Siptimiber and Oc tnber. 1 ( S-Clf/S &i-6ld bu ) -
urs. October dMl Novembei , 3 IG-G4H3 47 > Cld ,
llrj ( Joods Miirl.i't.
IJiiHiiK-KH In Hlnple cottoiw wtlll cUlr-t | hut
improving K"incwhai More bids eoiiiliin"
HtoiKs scarce In nil ilc > c iIptloiiH utid Rt llrst
hiinds pit. m are ste > ad ) feir brown bleached
ind coarse colored i-oltons mole anima
tion In print eh'ths aiv. ) Juiioo pleics regu
lars no Id at Il'to and better , buslnt'ss In
dd gools at full nrlc es Moderate orders
for pilnis and prlcruni hdiigeel UlnghatiiH
llrm but iiulet no st < > ks on hind Menu wn tins and worsteds in t jed liiiuand
end -tr.i u number of f < , 1 lints
Jrawn from buk ; iiuduvilun t > uld up
Corn fed Steers as a Rule Boll a Little Low
linn Monday.
UIIUN Oprn Ion or nnil lloriinip mi
I.OMIT us tinMornltiK I'rourrMsed
Sliori | In I'nlr Dfinniiit n (
Mend ) 1'rlcONi
Receipts were. C.iltle. lions. Sheoi Motida ) 2.173 5l > 7 4,0
Olllelnl Tucsiln ) 3.1S7 S.Ml 2,3
The olllolal number of cars or stoc
brought in today by each road waft
C Ulo. Ho 8hoo ,
CM ftSMMly .
o * st i. H ) . . . . . i
Missouri Paolllo Hy . 12 8
t'nlon Paetlic' S ) < ietn . . . . S3 21
C & X.V Hy . . 2 1
P , i : , t1. . V Hy . 3J 31
S C & P. Hy . . . . . i j
C . SI I1. M. * O Hy. . . 11 I
H & A ! . H H H . . . . . . . 25 87
Total receipts . m 123 ]
The disposition of the day's receipts vvn
as follow ? , each bujcr purchnslns this num
bcr of bond indicated :
Htiers. Caltlo. Hogs. Sh'i
Oniiiha Packing Co . 311 SI ?
v ! II Hiiinmonil Co. . . . . . . . 165 1,10,5 li
Swift ntiil Companv . 377 1,146 7f
Cudah ) Packing Co . 703 1,5'U I !
Armour & Co . BIO 3,111 9J
Omaha I' . C , fiotn K. C. 21 .
Cudah ) P. C. , from K C. 1CS .
H. HeekoT .V IJogan . 72 .
Van ant .V ; Co . 7 . . . .
l.olmmn * Co . ts .
lllll & Hunlzlngcr . 77 .
Llvlngslono S , bailer . . . 112 .
Hiimlllon , v Itolhtchlld. . . . 7.1 .
IV llus/ . 70 .
Dennis . ) . . . 15 .
Iliimmond. from K. C . 7S .
HeM over . 235 .
Totals . 3,070 S.1SS 2.3 :
CA'I TLI2 Thoie was a good , liberal in
rf cuttle compiled \\lth previous days an
nlmos * all ot the ie.ielpts vvoie on sail
1'iir the most HUH the receipts conslHo
of killing tattle , hut then- was u VIM ;
large proportion of common stufl Chi
engo u ported a hlow .inn : nnrko
mnl the general market heie was fur fror
in tlvo iwckeis seemed to want the eor ;
fed rattle , hut advlies from othtl marke
points m.ide Hum ratlioi beatl h so tha
the market at thin point was gencrall ) ;
lltl.e lower miles" I : might ho on omr
thins piettKomi which Just linppened I
attract the fain .v of a buyer I he mai
Ket as a whole slow , but still mos
over ) thing sold In Rood season
I here were n wood m.inj cows In sight
closeo thlrtj loads , , md while holders I ;
romp ci : < es thought the > got close t
bleady prlrcs for something that Jus
happened to suit u btier the market 01
thi > Boneral run of the cow stuff was i
clime lower The mo\einPnt , however.a
a Mttle"ore active than was the cut
with steers and the most of the offering
changed hand" In ic.isonabl ) good season
Speculators had unite a good main steel
cattle and fcnierb on hand and the cell
cial talk among ihcm was weak At th
samp time there seemed to be a prettj fa I
Incmlrj for good feeding tattle of gooi
wolglHs and selleis reported that the
hand no trouble In sortirlnt ; full ) stead'-
prices for that kind Sppctilniors say tha
the creat tioiihlc I" that btneis all wan
Kooil nuallty heav > feeders , that Is c.utl
wflRhliiK close to 900 pounds anil upward
while the Test of the caitle lomlns HI
iKhter than that and main of tnem ni
the eommonlsh order In other woids tin
weakness that has been developed In thi
nia.ket ircentlj Is , lne. not 10 the n nbe
of cattle lomlnff. but to the f at t that the
me not the kind wanted. Roi > rc entutlvi
7 . ICKjO 4 40
3 . 910 223 y , . 1010 370
1 . 970 223 2 . WO I ! 70
1 . 920 250 20 . lO-)2 370
1 . 1040 2 7i 1 . 121V ) 370
2 . 97i 2 75 .T . 1241 r 70
1 . 1201 275 15 . Ml 3 7-
10 . ia-x ) 2 S3 i . no 3 75
1 . 1100 SOD 3 . 1150 1 75
i . mt : ro 19 . HIM 375
1 . 1400 3 ( fil . lOil 3 80
2 . 1120 1 10 29 . llld I ! so
1 . 11GO5 10 9 . 1105 3 W )
21 . 1015 315 20 . 1111 ' ( SO
1 . 1140 115 22 . S1 ( | 3 si )
5 . 121G 1 15 1 . 12SO : ! s.-
47 . 9 9 " . 13 1 . H7fl 3 00
Ifi . lOJC 320 13 . lOlfi 3 T ,
1 . 1130 3 2 > 1 . 1000 t is
5 . 9V ) 3 y\ \ ft . 9'j ) 55
r , . 1000 3 r. i . 9'o 100
1 . 1100 325 5 . 1010 4ft )
2 . 1140 123 10 . 1000 ( no
1 . 12W V.-5 2 . 1293 400
2 . 1100 23 1 . :2TJ 4 0) )
1 . 13.0 325 3 . BOO 4 r
1 . 10W 325 2. . . , . 9V , 415
1 . 112) ) 325 1 . 1010 4 r ,
5 . 1111 330 1 . HO ) 4 23
1 . 1150 xn 10 1 . sifl 1 73
1 . 970 3 T ) 2 . SfiO 2 ° 5
1 . 1110 333 1 . 1040 2 " > ' ,
1 . 950 335 2 . 10(15 ( 250
2 . 9V ) 335 1 . S50 2 50
7 . 1117 3 35 I . mo 250
2 . 1HO 315 1 . 010 250
11 . 1000 310 1 . 1240 250
1 . 1290 3 10 1 . 970 2 M
3 . 11 4 3 40 1 . SOO 2 .V )
2 . 1120 3 10 fi . S91 21,5
2 . ! lVi - . (0 ( 7 . iI , | 21V ,
10 . 1192 3 40 1 . 1010 2
1 . 1W 340 3 . 10W 27-
1 . 9SO 3 10 2 . lor 275
2 . 1145 .1 40 1 . 910 I 75
S . 10 < i 340 1 . 1120 " 75
' . ' . 1123 350 2 . f , " , 27,3
3 . 121(1 ( 350 fi . 950 > si )
1 . 1030 3 50 1 . 1)20 ) 2 SO
1 . 770 1 to 1 . 1050 3 ( A
1 . 910 150 r . 10T. ) 30)
1 . 11.10 3 50 4 . 1070 T 00
! 0 . 1WV ! 155 1 . 1010 3 M
11 . 1K.1 3 f,5 4 . SNJ a 00
7 . 1057 .J m 2 . nm 3 ( )
17 . 1121 3 CO 1 . 1)50 ) 100
2 . 1215 1 f5 2 . 1025 310
I . 1100 3 C 1 . HSO 1 10
17 . 915 3 fi3 3 . JOSO .110
II . 9)J ) 8 i"
1 . fM 275 17 . 1012 330
1 . WO 3 25 4 . K2 I 00
4 . OJ7 170 1 . OCfi 4 on
1 . 1010 370 1 . 1140 1 do
1 . GIT 175 9 . 1101 4 10
! 5 . 1011 1 S5 3 . IGTiO 410
1 . (520 ( 3'H 3 . 1200 435
12 . 10J1 391nuw.R.
2 . / > 't 273 1 . 910 350
1 . 1190 2 S5 4 . 1C17 3 50
1 . 12M 300 2 . 1400 3 0
2 . 1'C. 30,1 1 . 7CO 3 m
1 . ITO am i . 1310 3 ro
2 . i"ro 325 i . icio nro
1 . 17CO 323 1 . 13SO 1 fiO
1 . JfSO 325 1 . 1GM ) 3 rtO
1 . 1710 12.5 1 . 1CC.O .175
1 . 10)0 ) 325 1 . 1S50 375
1 . ISM 8 2.5 1 . 1711 3 75
3 . 120fi 3 T.5 1 . 1.V1 375
3 . 1140 3 35 1 . 1500 D 75
1 . 1230 3 33 1 , . . JS70 3 7.5 .
1 . 1150 3 40 1 . 12M 3 75
12 . 1137 3 )3 ) 1 . 2029 3 SO
1 . 1010 3f.O . 1 . 1470 3R3
1 . 700 3 M 4. , . 1705 300
. " * no
j . 340 r no 2 . nr rM
1 . 2SO 575 1 . 150 BGO
t . 100 r , 7R i . no r , 50
J . ICO 575 2 . n ; ii75
i . iw > fi-n i . ia 075
1 . 170 I , 2S
1 (110 ( 1 V > 1 4W 3 GO
STocumts ANI > -ircmRB i :
1 12" " ) 2 75 2 715 1 15
1 . . 1141 , 1 4ii 3 9 G I 41
2 fifj t 21 CM t V )
1 700 3 60 7. . 7 < CO
, ,
Uons There was a libelnl run of heR * < i
nil tnnrkrt points this morning whlc
stemcd to hau a wrakenliiK Inllttenee a
alone the line Ohlcaso reported the mat
Uel slow nnd Gftlto lower e\en on the he
kinds At this point binnr * seemccl will
Ine to do a little better than that and as
Mile were Mddlm ; oulj 0117'tc lower tha
! u.stcrda > Aer > Kood load sold earh a
Jl fiJ'i ' and a few at } lf > " > but the bnjer
pretty nclieilillj beKan bv hlddlliK { 17,2' '
for the hulk of nil the IIOR-S in s lit. Sell
irs , howe\cr. wemixl to have a prett > KOO
opinion of their ho'.dlnns and as a rule wer
I fklliK tl 55 1'nder these circumstances th
market was slow uirlj and the inornln
was well nthamed before bmers and sell
ns could get together on n trading bas |
hater on t'hliinn iame 1V' ( lower and th
market here became xtlll weaker , thu popu
lat bid bclni : J150 The IIDRH ilnalh eli
lar el > at $1 &n'u I S2i < , n aguln t ( I 57 > s1
4 60 > esterda >
A irlinco at the table of nvence Drlee
will show that today's decline wipes ou
thc\ gain of > eMcrda > and leaves the mar
Ket no butter than it was at the close o
last week
Tedav st decline could hnrdh he regardei
as In the nnturo of a urrrl e as the m ir
Ket has boon golni ; upwaid so ratildh tha
a ic.ictlon was more thin due Hepren-nt
atl\ m'eg'
C 12 P There weie a few cais of sheer
tin sale tri1 = ; mornlnc and some had
been sold some little time 11 0 for dellverv
1'he market was falrlv active at good strut )
prices and nractlcallv ever > thine was sold
anil weighed up at an earl > hour In the
morning The market as a whole was etv
tlrel > s.itlsrnctor > to the sellers nnd till
prices paid very good as comp ired will
other market point ? .
Quotations Good to choice fed > earllngs
f4 1)5 11X5 , M.-Nlcan jearllngs , "J4 751(5 ( 00
good to choice vvethers , $4 10f4 GO , goodt tr
i hrilcc fed ewes , ft OOTi4 20 fair to good few
ewes. JirOTdlO , good lo oholc < native
lamlis , $573T ; > 00 : good to choice few west.
erns lamb" , $5605/580. fair to good few
western lambv 152 , 560 , feeder wethers
M 751/3 10 , feeder vitirllngt < . J40 ) til25. goo < i
to choice feeder Iambs $1 2TiJi4 M ) , fair If
Rood Trading lambs , J444Q125 , feeilcr
Heprcsentatlvc .sales :
N" , , Av Pr.
10 culls . 73 j2 75
7 western ewes . po 350
1 we tern buck . 150 ' 350
91 western ewes . 17 3 no
IS old ewes . % 4 oo
44 ewes . 102 4 00
65 owes . ; io 4 05
101 western ewes . ] fl | 4 jo
77 westtrn ewes . 192 4 11
351 ewes and wethers . 112 4 45
41 old wethers . 101 4 50
.IS western vearllnss . ts I IS
2 western lambs . 75 5 23
217 wethers . 102 4 6) )
112 wethers . 101 4 70
9 lambs , . 72 565
64 ( nils . . 77 2 50
51 Mexican ewes . R2 ,195
ifil wethers . M ) 4 CO
, ! cull ewes . UG 3 75
fil native ewes . 127 4 23
31 wethers . 10S 4 CO
No Choice CnKlimi Snip. Other * MOM ,
HOCN Arp Ioi\rr.
CHICAOO. Jan 16 < 'ATTKK No choice
attle on ale , others slow , Texiins steady ,
op. H 90 , good hutrhtrh' stock stead ) , In-
'ei lor vvc k , calvi1 shade lower ; feeder.s
inlet , teed to choice , fl 30T < 6 40 , poor to
ntxllum. } l2f/5fO , mixed stockcrc ,
i K > , selected feeders , $420ii475 , good lo
holco cows ? 1 HO-ii - I 1,0. helfera , $175f/IJ5 ,
anneis , f22f1lK ) , bulls t2BOfiirii. olives ,
: ) 50fj750 , feil Texas beivts , J41M/425.
IIOnS-M/lOc / lower , rlosod dull , tnlxe.1
mil butt hors. f I 45fi I 70 , [ jo ii to clioli o
icHVj. $ lt > iil70 , mugli heavy. $ ( l5filB3 ;
Ighti , JI40J/IGO , bulk of sales. $ I 45771 GO
.SIUiP : AND I/AMUS - Steadv to 10c
ilg'her , good clrnrnnrp native wethers $450
! i'iM , limbs , Jl Oof/0 25 , western wetherj ,
; | 4Wil73 ( , wcsteni lambs. r OOf/82S
Hr.CniPTS C.ittle , 3300 head , hess , 10,000
lend , hhiei , 10.001 head
ICiniNiiN 4 U ) IHi-HtoeU ,
pints .i"M hcid natives and " 00 hcail Tex-
ins , best kllllnif teer Head ) , common to
nfirlor lots 13 ( lower. tockrrs and feedtrs
ti-ndy , lie.i\y native steers , $5rf(590 , ( , light.
velRhlH $ l30fl5 : ! , stockerH aiMl feeders ,
1 307/5 IV ) . billcliers' cows and heifers , fc ) 10
(475. i.inners , { . ' Ii0i3 10 , fed westerrn , Jill
( lh7Vii. wc li'in frtielppfi. $1751(125 ( , Inferior
I'exans , tl.Tifjl 40
MOOS ItttPl.ilH IS.I'JO ' heid , market
ijene l .low to 10c lower , heav > , $1 531 ! ) I U5
nixed , $ l50fl'UO. llhht , $ l3tJl55 , pigs. $400
! ' I 20
SIlKni'-HecelplH. .1800 head , good de-
nrind f u all gtades at steadv prke'S , lambs ,
5407)il0.i ) , muttons , $ l40fil75 , stoekers and
ceders , } 3 bulj I 25 Mills J.
f > i-v York ll\e Stm > K ,
NIWOHK Jm ic-niivis-He- :
dpls , 0) head , nothing doing , feeling
; tead ) , eable-s undiangixl , i > xport.s , 1 10
ie td e attle , 1271 head hhoi'-i and 9lo1 iimir-
ers of beef , lomcnow , l.JtiO eiuarurs of
I'ALVn.S Heee IptH CO head Ktuail ) , veals ,
} Iti'iJlO HO , barmaid calves , $310
Slir.IJP AND LAMIIH - HecM.its , 1 , 15
lead , linn all iionnd , " cars held over ,
ommon 10 jirlnm hcL p , fJGOftlGI , 1-iinbs ,
aWi'dfllo , ne ) c'anadlan lambs
HOCSS Hccelpth , 5/k ( ) li'iuJ , hlcndy nt
I i.i'ol & 3 , ttioliillg'ht ' xtiitK hogs , $1 W
Mori. In Sltllll ,
arc Hie rccclpiB at the four
western markuis for Janu.irj 10
Uattle llfpi-H ghiep
iiut'i Umaha . 31S7 XSSI 2 , ,41
h'cugo ' . IK 4 f JO ] 0 (
ICans.ih L'lly . 960 * 1X.IOO . ) , M > )
n uouls . 4vo n.jno 1.70) )
Totals . 203S7 7SCM 17.H1
St. I.OIllH I , Iff SKll-U.
HT I.OriS , Jan Ib-L'ATTMJ Hieclpts.
1.000 , Including 1,700 TOX.IIIH Market 15c
civvur tor imllveH and lOfiloc lower for
IVxutiH Native shipping -nul export Keern
II 'Yiif V , diesned hecf and butcher Hirers
ttJXiJoU Pirn under 1 iiOu lb $349 450
, i . kilo uid feedera 12 "off 170 ows
itifers KwilifrJ. tanners , \\Wa4W \ ) . bulls ,
$ : Toir.l 7rt Texas nnd Indliii slrrrs
4 h5 lows ami helfrri" JJWVjiStt
Tlo < ; s HeieipLs , n 410 maikri cnk lo
5c lower Plqs and lights , $1 4MH 65. pftck-
ers Jlfftplfo. butchrm JlilMrlTS
SHIIHP-Hecelpts , i.7co , m rkel ntcnily to
strong Nallve mutton" , $ MX > en 10 ; lanihs ,
} 30Wf > 25 , culls and btiekc , f.1 fMfi I 3S. Block-
ITS , * 1"tf111) ( .
s ( . , locili | \ , \ \ i > Moel > .
Sdl'TH ST JOSKPII , Jnn 16-Spcclil ( )
' 1 he Journal emotes
rATTI.n-Hecelpts. 1 7iM head , market
S'w tj lOc lower , natives } 1 751i5 30. TrxfH
and vvexsterns , JM01/5 to. iows nnd heifers ,
J2 < Mffl5i. hulls nnd stan , } i JW4 50. > rit-
HHRS nnd calves ft ; , 10 miockers ami
fuller$1iVf lt , veals , { tr > 7 ( .
UOC5S Hene pls n ixx ) hcnd , market 741 ?
10- lower , all grade . { 4 I51M 05 , bulk of
sales , f.52Vil57 | t
rflliiP - Heielpts , 70) head , market
strong and active
Oil Miirl.d.
Oil. CITY. Pa , Jan -OlbS-rrfiW linl-
nncc . fl M. eertlllc.ites , uo bids , shipments ,
S0.9CT hbls , average. S3 10S hbls , runs , S9.7t > 3
Wds . nveracp , S7 S77 bbls.
Ni\V YOHK , Jan 16 Oll.S-rotionsced.
11 settled , jirlme crude , .Tic , prime crude vrl-
low , 3l'n3ic Petroleum , stesul ) Hosln ,
steadv Turpentine , Mcailv.
UONPON. Jan. 16-OIKS-Cnlcuttn lln-
see'd , pit. Us ; lltforKl , 21s 7'iil Petrolotiin , nllned , 75-16d. Turpentine splr-
ttx 1 < s M
I.IVI.HPOOly , Jan. 16-Oily-Cottonsecd ,
Hull rcllncd , Jatiuai-April , llrm at 21s 6d.
ColTrp Vlnrkcf.
NI\V : YOHK , Jan -roKrin-opene : < i
ste-ailv nt l.VliSi points decline under active
lleiuldatlon and clnsrd bird ) .steadv at
about the lowest of line ea > at n net IOPH
ot 5'ii.T | Kilnts Total sales , Ro 000 bags , In
cluding rebiimrv , $6S3fiil0 ! , March , $690Ti >
; tfl. April. J7 10. Mnv. $7 iV/u7 20 , June , $7 20tf
725 , Julv Vi 10(1725 , Aucttst , } 70 , yeptem-
her } 7ri'i735. Oi toiler , $725117.15. Novcm-
hir , $7 " 5 17 10 , necember. $7311(715 ( Si > ot
eoflee HI" , weak. No 7 Invoice S'i . No
7 Jobbing , sV , mild , easier , Cordova ,
Ni\V OHI.KANS. Jan 16-Sl'OAn
Strcmt ; . open ketile , I' i I l-lfle , open kettle.
tentrlfugal , 3'Blil 5-lt5c ; tentrlfugal , planta
tion granulated 4e ; whites. ISiil c , > pi-
low . tMi4Se , pcponds. 27 Ji le.
MUI.ASSKS Quiet , opin kettle , SiJtlrti. :
cinttlfimal sTiftn S rup , 3Sc
Ni\V YOHK. Jan 16SUO All-Haw.
stioiiK. fair lellnliiK , S'ic bid , centrifugal ,
IK' test. 4 5-lGc bill , molasses sugar , 3vc hid ,
refined. Him , ctushcil , 5 45c , powdeied ,
5 15e , gianulated. C 03 c
Cnllfiimlii Drleil I < "ruls.
NiYOHK , Jan -f'Al.lKOHNMA
PHIKD KIU'ITS iporated apples riltrJ
Millet and featureless all ilu > . iountr > ad-
\Ues were about as expeited , prkes remain
titich nmul. Mate , common , i > iif > V , prime ,
G\(7'4i ( ( , choice , 75iV , faneh sf ' " '
t'ltinn 1' < f < vn" to s7P and qualiu
I'laclus , pt eled. 20S--C , unpeeled , 7't'iilOc '
llrtnll lirocrrrt'NNOiliillon. .
I'l.lOVnhAN'D , Jan 1G T he third annual
com Pillion of the National A soelatlon of
He all Oroceis of the lTnlted States con
vened heie todaj with a large attendance
Max or Parley ai'd othei delivered wel
coming addresses to the. delegates and
President Sdieier of the asoi latlon
rtspontleil After the reports of the va
rious committees had been received Presi
dent Scherer read his annual address.
"Trade , I'res'i and Gioter' was the tltlo i
of an Interesting napcr read by Artcmus - ?
Ward of Nev. York
A bald light Is on between Detroit and
Sprlngtlcld , 111 . to secure the next con
vention of the tiHsoclntlon.
Suril or of MonKor'n Cro v.
Ni\V YOHK. Junuarv 16 Lieutenant
Howard , who has Just died In Washing
ton ami who was pilot of the Monitor dur
ing Us brief but famous careur , was not the
hole hiirvlvor of the company of that \ev .
? cl There Is still 111 the active porvlc
of the revenue marine a former officer ol
hlghur rank than Ijleittomint Howard , Cap
tain Ixiuls N Stodrier of the revenue cut
ter service , who was master's mate of tha
Monitor when It " .ink off ll.Utems on tha
night of Deiember 31. 1SG2 He Is now
In command of tiho anchorage service In
Ntvv Yoik harbor
VaceliinlliiK tlip Mutes.
Ni\V OUM3ANS. Jau 10 The American
mule must be vacclna'od before he can
be enlisted In the Hiltlsh army service
In South Africa In the future The nil-
n lialty had passed upon his case and tha
Jecrte Is llnal Seventy-five or a hun
dred , possibly more , of the mules died ot
glanders or .1 kindred disease after they
were landed on Afilcan soil The animals
are separated , temperature taken and v Irus
Injeeied The vaccination of the mules
IB what caused the delay In loading the
transport Corlnthla
ritlm-Mt * CoiiiliiK < < > He Kdneixted.
SAN KHANCISCO Jan 1C Amone the
nrrlv.ils from the Orient on the steamer
Phlna are \ \ * H I.amhreth , secretaiy ol
the Methodist Hoard of Missions , and two
l"htne , p. lire tin. rs named Sung , grandsons of
Vlceroj Ix-e and nephews of the president
of the linpeilal unlveiblty at I'ekln They
lire lopresentatlves of the reform clement
In China ami have come , to America to com-
pletw their education In the Vanderhllt unl-
i-cislty at Nae-hvllle
KiinniiN NotcN mill ( 'oioniour.
Uawrence Is threatened with an epidemic
of tvjihold fever
The Hoard of IMucatlon of Abilene has
Issued an order requiring thu vaccination
of all school children
A Mcl'herson county steer that broke all
previous record for 'Mze was slaughteied
at Kansas Clly List Friday. It weighed
2.610 pounds
The elty authorities of l > avvrenec have
purchased two bloodhounds to run down
burglars It Is expected that the dogs will
ho kept on the go.
There Is of the talk of an extra ,
? cs"lon of the legislature , the object being \jf ,
lo pass a railroad bill to take the place of \f \
the statute creating the court of vlslta-
Thn Kansas State Historical library con
tains 22,171 bound volumes of newspaper
lies , S7,5uT > hooki and pamphlets , 22,555 man
uscripts and 11,50.1 . maps , , atlase.s , pictures
mil museum objects.
1'eto Anderson , a Dickinson county
Swede , who made a luckj strike In the
Klondike nnd brought Inuk 1100,000 In dust
tas married , bought a line farm and given
[ 10.000 to the church.
The bnlanie of the preai hcr's salary for ,
ast vear was raised by the good people of 4
Sherloi k hj a cake walk In the comhln.i- -
lion church and whoolhonse of the district.
Ten cakes were walked off
The Kansas papers In digging Into , m-
'l nt history have unearthed the f.ict that
: hr > llrnt automobile , called Tom Fortune H
( team wagon In thnse dajs , had Its first
[ rlil. In which a side of a store was dc-
nollshed and other damagi s done In the
virly ' 60s In Atchlson The m.u hlne win
milt In St Jo'vph and conveyed to Atch-
MJM on a boat
MlHHOiirl nnil MlnnoilrlniiN.
A nev lead and zinc conipjny has been
' 01 mod at Mnilvlllc
Apple treeis and eandldatcs blossom In
Iko eounty In Decembcir
Two lasrn of smallpox have boon rp-
lorted In the vicinity of Pord Cltj
A certain Hosend.ilo girl sis that them
ire some boys she does not like , but din
.voulil attend a M-ccnt show with most any
> f them.
A little hh.inty at Cr.ilg caught tire ( tin
ither day nnd not n drop of water was
i cd to subdue the llames It Is said that
: hn building was utlllred by the loial
oughn as a uambllni ; den
At l.iullow u mother was fined $1 fop
ivhlpiilng a hi hoolteacher who whlppu !
ler lie ) Tone hlng HI heel will ne ver bn
ntlrely pleasant until It dull bo deter-
Tilned who shall boss the ; iroce KK
"Jaek the Hugger' his struck Plaits-
IIIIK If laughl IIB will b- treated roughl )
> \ local paper pa > s "On Thuisday night
if last week , while one of the ladles of
nir eltv was passing along by lint school
louse , a maii Jumped out from behind a
r < o and grabbed her and called her en-
learlng names The lady wrenehcd hnrcelf
oose from him nnd slatted ( o run. when
ie again laid hold of her , and U was not
mill i lit- third that hhc was aide to
hide him of 'Oinse the lid ) w , , nsld-
I ilil.v filglitined but tlilnUh she would
PI ngnUc tin mini If S'K SCH him again
I'blH HI oiindn I hhoiild In i.iught ami m.iJo
o suffer f < , r thM uiilr.iges
ro > > un
pv , . , . * " * lir.COUl MCA
lelcpJiono 103 ! ) . Omaha , Ns'j
Corretpondonce John Aarrcn ft Co.
Liireei wires to Chkaso ona New York ,