Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 16, 1900, Page 10, Image 10

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Engineering Department Begins Task of Re
' pairing the Mains.
Gnngs of Masons Spend Ii Ilrnrnth
the Sorhu' . ' llnhIiig ( food the
uamng ( R'roughl In i'ifteeu
Sear. 1,3 lroslutu
The engineering department ltas begun the
formidable task of repairing the interlors of
rho large sewer mains and the work will he
continued during the remalnder of lho winn
ter. During the last flfleen years erosion
and other Influences have left tunny seams
and Irrugularitlos In the and sides
of the sewers. Unkws they are given alten-
( Ion they proiulse to cause serlous stoppnges ,
and two gangs of men are now working underground -
derground In making the repalrs. They
carry miners' lamps and spehd eight Laura
a day 1n the seven-foot mains fifteen feet
beneath the surface of the ground. The
work ii necessarily done at this season tie-
cause of the liability of sudden rains in the
spring and summer ss'hich might catch the
ttorkmen unaw'arrt and cut off their escape ,
One gang tins begun operations on Seventeenth -
teenth street eouth of Mason and Is workIng -
Ing toward the junction at Thirteenth and
Jones streets , At this point the Jones street
main carries the suwiigo directly east to the
elver. Another gang has entered the mmn-
liuls at Seventeenth and Jackson streets and
w'lll work tosvnrd the same junction , where
the gangs will combine in repairing the lingo
main on Jncwon street , The men suffer qo
Inconventenco from lack of oxygen as few
gases exist in the mains.
The method of making the repairs la in-
terusting. It Is inprncllcnblo to interrupt
the flow for any length or time and the
workmen , clad In rubber clothes and fool-
tvenr , build temporary dams of sacks of sand
and tarpaulins. Tlds holds the sewage for
several hours , as the water is usually only
about twelve Inches hu depth. While the
bottom for a length of several hundred feet
is exposed mason. patch nil irregularities
with i'ortlaud cement and concrete. If the
accumulated selvage threatens to override
the harrier a trough Is hnstfly put in place
and the overflow is carried over the eection
being repaired.
City Engineer Itosewater says that
Omaha's sewerage system ns a whole is uu
excellent repair , the mains being solidly
constructed of brick and cement. Gatigs of
the engineering department have recently
travereed a large portion of the mileage and
the Loltotns are found to ho in satisfactory
condition. The mains are from three to
eight and one-half feet ! n diameter and
most of them allow the passage of an upright -
right human body.
1lyslcrlons lllni'I : 1'i'Il , d 4'mmfl a
Le1N'i'M IL Babe in Unlon
I'fl.l lie 1k-tint.
A plainly dressed woman , wearing a thick
black volt and carrying a baby , entered the
woman's waiting room of the Union Pacific
depot at 0:30 : yesterday moruln aid took
n seat in a dark corner. She attracted little
attention. F. 0. Millard , the depot porter ,
passed her several tines and observed that
she was s'eoping atd intently studying tlio
face of the babe. She seemed feeble as from
a recent illness.
An hour later a depot attendant found the
child alone on the sofa. The woman vas
gone. Pinned to an old shawl wrapped
about the infant was this note :
"This baby's mother is ( lend. Put It In
sonic hone and no one wHl claim lt. "
Thu note , which was unsigned , was written -
ten lu a delicate feniinino blond.
Depot Master Simpson called up the police
station and reported the find. The child , a
boy appareiitly about 10 days old , is nowIn
charge of Pollee Matron Ticdeman , who will
retain it until a suitable home can be found.
The clothing gtv0s no clue as to the identity
of the clilld'e parents. 1)estdes ) tine plaid
shawl it vs'nm wrnpped In a black serge cape
lined withn silk. Its dress Is rondo of a
flour sack , vvliilo Its white flannel petticoat
is handsomely embroidered with satin. Altogether -
together its clothing la a strangely conglomerate -
glomerato collection of garments , some of
thioal suggesting sveallh , others poverty.
q'hotnum Hahiwin , an expressman , has
naked for permission to ndopt the child.
Chief of Pollce Donahue is of the opinion
that the black veiled woman Is the child's
I mother.
4'reIsury 1)eptirtment 1'nssrs Upon
1 Porto "r tssit nuirnt Used by
, ( 'Ily liutployrs.
Acting under instruction from Special In-
j tcrnal Revenue Agent Wheelock the city
comptroller has for a week or more refused
to accept nssignments of wages due city
rlr.ployes uule x sold assignment bore a spe-
chit revenue stamp. For sonic tinlo there
! was a doubt in the minds of olllcinls nit to
the necessity for the stamp and the form of
usslgmuent used was mthudtted to the 'rreas-
( ury department by Collector II. noutz. Ile
received a ruling to the effect that the stamp
was not required , hurt that did not ( Mango
1 1b1 orders Issued by . ! gent 1Vheelock to the
G comptroller , nod be still refused to receive
n the unetampe'll misslguniemits.
S. Yesterday , however , L , holler presented to
C the comptroller a , letter front Collector Houtz
giving the rullug of the dtpartmnent wind time
, comptroller nu longer requires stamps ,
Special Agent Wheelock is out of town ,
htmt It Is said by peophu connected svi Ift Iho
collector's etllco lint lie Is not satlslled
{ with the rtmlimg amid will tiring th0 matter
I before the Treasury department again.
I fl Meuntimu the city enploys can borrow
money without uslmng a stamp.
: rr llld I'rmpl.31adr 1 nuns ,
Tf J , C. Sheruam , the veteran editor of time
1) Vermotlvllie ( Mich. ) Echo , has discovered
m ( the ranmtrknbir secret of keeping old people
trtr young. Far yemu's ho has uvohiheti Nervous.
U ntss , Sleeplessness , ludlgestiun , Ilenrt
b' ' trouble , Constipation and Rheunatlstm , by
Hum uslng Electric Bitters and ho writes : "It
r , Can't be Praised too highly. it gelly sthnu-
.1 ] ntcs the kimulcys , tours the stomach , nids
I dlgcsdon , amid gives a splendid appoile , it
has worked wonders far my is Ifr nod tae ,
hum It's a marvellous remedy for oil propio's
III complaints. " Only' SOc. at Kuhn & Co.'s
cc w drug store.
hl - - - - -
% ' ' mad 1'rlesls
1'tilsloiiiris BnhJrrt to n
: limit.-of'Treasury ur-
( I
Collector of inlermal itevenuo Ifotllz has
1 ( , lust receA etl a copy of the dectaloms of lbo
7'I Treasury departmmnt under the customs law
ht up to and including January 11. Taw tnost
fu iniporlamit decislomi is one covering time ques
( inn of the smile of alcoholic Ilquors by v11.
A tlciamis on their own prescription. 'Fun tie-
partmnent holds that svhero a phy'siclmin pro-
( ' teribes sueb liquor , mot couqoundod with
k toy drug. even though it bo for motllcal
purposes , and then sell the liquor to the
ttl 'pullout he ntumt pay the lax ,
Another decision of Rnporlamce relates to
In tnherltanco tax and holds that a bequest to
i't' ' ' a prtlat for the purpoco of having maasee
said for the repose of the soul of the du.
to cudnnt le subject to taxation.
_ e Railroad export bills of lading to points
In Canada aad llexlco arc held to be sub.
jc t to a tax of 1 ent as bills of haling
and not to a tat of la aatn as export btiia
511srr llepmbllenns l'rrpleted its to
Srlrt'lIon of t'nmi eatlou
The failure of the usunl elements of the
three-cornered party to observe n common- '
( ty of action is causing the nether corner ,
the sliver republican portion of the coall-
tion , some embarrassment in the selection
of its convention dale. Two of the corners
have Iocatol conventions a week apart. The
silver republican city committee held an
informal meeting Salurtlay night and the
matter of calling a city convention and
prinarics ryas left to the chairman , James
1v , Carr , and secretary , 1 : . R , Janice. At
that time time populist convenltion had been i
eat for h'ebruary 3 , and the committee supposed -
posed that time democrats would set their
I contention for the same date. Upon learn-
lag , however , that the latter had selected
February 10 an the date of their convention ,
Chairman Carr did not feel like shouldering
the responsibility of selecting the convention
tion with which his party elmould tie up ,
and it i. probable that another meeting of
the committee will be held 1Veluesdny even-
ing. It is deemed probable also that the
convention will be fixed for February 3 ,
so that If it is not thought advisable to
act at that time , an adjournment may be
mlcen until February 10.
Sergeant \Shn Ordered l'nlr and
Jticki-n.i to Shoot Jlny lie
Placed na 'l'rlnl
According to well-founded rumors in of-
tidal circles of the Iepnrlment of the
Missouri Sergeant William F , Simpson of
Company M , Teulh infantry , is soon to ho
glared on trial before n general court-
martial for overstepping his authority to
the matter of the capture of Prisoner Morgan -
gan , for the killing of whom Corporal Fair
amid Private Jockene are note under arrest ,
The mnntter seas being discussed by twv'
ofllcers of thin deparinent yesterday and onee
of tlmon said : "Tho sergeant of the guard 1
should be tried , as lee overstepped him authority
thority In eommauding the guard 'lo shout
and slicot to lilt. ' "
) Then approached by a reporter in regard
to the matter one of lho officers said ; "I
Icnos' noUting about it. "
"Hut ! s."t his court-martial contemplated -
plated ? "
" 11'e11 , if ! , is you wouldn't expect me to
say anything about it , would you ? No , I
can say nothing about it. "
AiY.txC1J1fx'l' ill' SCIISCI : ,
lveo llrghl's { uleense Is No Loucer
It "CO rued tis Iluteless ,
If you are suiferiag from kidney , bladder -
der or uric acid trouble , anti have despaired
of getting help , you should try Swamp-
Root , the great kidney remedy , Every
reader of The lice may obtain a sample
bottle free by mall , so you may test it
for yourself and fully realize the truth of
what your friends and fellow-citizens say
as regards Its marvelous elitcacy and worth.
Dr , Kiltnor's Swamp-Root has been tried
and tested by thousands who stand high hit
tide community. It is not recommended
for everything , but It you have kidney ,
bladder or uric acid trouble it will be found
just the remedy you need. It brings back
the rosy flush of health and strength : it is
a purifier and rebuilder , amid is a boon to
the weak and ailing.
To b0 confronted suddenly with the
knowledge that Brlght's disease had hold
of ono was , at one time , equivalent to
hearing a death warrant read : lint today ,
thanks to the discoveries of science and the
researches of Dr , lihner , no case is entirely
hopeless. Even these in advanced stages
have been rescued and life prolonged by
Swamp-Root ,
This great remedy is purely vegetable and
contains nothing that could harm the most
delicate child. It is pleasant to take and
the regular 50-cent and one-dollar sizes are
sold by all druggists.
Send your name and address to Dr. Kilmer
& Co. , Blighamton , N. Y „ and a sample
bottle and a hook telling all about Swamp-
Root and its wonderful cureti will be sent
to 3'pu free.
ulsnppnlutrd llllgmnl In n 1)mmnge
Suit 'fetes to Shunt i'ederal
.1urist Luehreu.
ST. PAUL , Minn. , Jan. 1f-James Welch
made a desperate attempt at neon today to
rssassimato Judge lvilliam Lochremm of the
federal court. 1Velch had a damage suit
against the Northern 1'acillc for being
thrown off a train at Mandan , N , IL After
a trial lasting three days Judge Loebren
last Friday took the case from the. Jury and
delivered a verdict far the defendant. Welch
appeared at Judge Lochren's chambers today -
day and leveled a revolver at the Judge.
Court fifer Conway knocked Welch down
before he could shoat. Welch was disarmed ,
but jumped from the second floor window
and ran. Ile was caught and arrested ,
Welchi is a partial paralytic , 33 years old ,
'I'I'Illlltl Are Stopprd nod .tll Commutl-
caliom is by 3lenns of
tt'nm ours.
SI'OICANE , Wash. , Jan. 15.-Time floods in
tine Pollack and Clearwater rivers are re-
ceding. The wires to Kendrick and Jultaetta
are down , hence meager information comes
from there , but emiuugh to show that no
ftmrther damage has been done. Lewislomi
has nail far the first time in three days.
All huveilug in that vicinity is by wagons ,
'Trains are everywhere lied up in the valleys -
leys nn account of damnoge to time roadbeds ,
'TACOMA , Washt „ Jan , 15.-The weather
has sudden ! ; ' turned cold and the waters of
the rivers vsaich have been causing damage
by floods in tine valley hnvo gone down. In
the niouutains the streams mire all reported
to lee frozen imp and the melting of snow
has stopped , The Northern Pacific has
cleared its tracks and fears no more trouble.
720 ; I' , Jl.
6:50 : A. 11 , 1
dally- trains between Omaha and St. 1'aul-
Minneapolts , one known as the "TWIN
CiTY LIMITED , " the other its the "TWIN
These trains arrive and depart from tune
Nlal ,
Both trains are models in appolntment-
comnplelo in every detail.
I'ulaco sleeping care on night trains.
Parlor buffet cars on day trains.
This is the old reliable "Sioux City Route"
over which through trains have been eper
uteti for many years.
TION , OMAHA , NEH „ dally ,
Clay Ticket Otltce , 1101.3 i'arnnm street ,
G. h' , 11'EST ,
Clay Pass. and Ticket Agent ,
' 1'br IIiitltls Crntrnl limit i'ond Co ,
Is now open and ready to receive all classes
of freight and forward with dispatch , to all
points In the NORTh. EAST and SOUTH.
Freight depot located at Eleventh and Chl
cage streets , Omaha , and on Nimth street ,
between Broadway- and First avenue , Coun
ell Dluffe.
llUSTUNSIORLL LEn 11111 L Slt.LI ,
Still Grander Bar at'n s from Grandest Sale
that Ever Took Place in Omaha ,
In Our lutlre IIIMOmry of Jnnttnr3'
5nles xet9'r Ilntmy SVe urnist Surd ,
Cronds or Giteu 5uelt liar-
gtillms as uurlmg 'i'bis Snle ,
$100-SILKS :5C.
Every odd piece mind short end of plainer
or fancy silk , a great many of them long
enough for dress or waist pattern , go at
250 yd.
ltilmenso lots of high grade silks In black
and colors , regular $125 goods , go at 490
yd ,
$1.25-D1tESS GOODS-25C YD.
Entlrm bargain square of all wool and
silk anti wool novelty dress goods ; also
plain , fancy stripes and plaids , odds and
ends in dress goads , worth $1.25 , go at
"Gc yd.
$ IGO-DRESS 000DS-750 YD.
$2,50 dresz goods , 9Sc yth.
The exlraurdinnry reductions ! n suits
jackets , capes mind shirts has drawn an
lulntenso crowd today. All the wonderful
bargains advertised in Sunday's paper will
be continued today.
Do not fati to take advantage of this
great opportunity.
$1.50--Ku ) GLOVES 25C PAIR.
Clearing sale of all the broken lots and
odd and out sizes In all kinds of hid ghovte ,
In black amid colors , Foster lace hook and
clasp , go on bargain square al 25c pair ,
3,0001111-wool fasclmtlors , shntvls and head
scarfs , bi plain and fancy colors , worth up
to 35c , go at 5c each.
Clearing sale of all the odd and and pieces
of all kinds dress linings , sllcslas , percallnes
and taffeta skirt Iluiugs , worth up to 20c ,
go on bargain square at 21c yd ,
Clearing sale of all the broken hues of
fancy bordered , hemstllcbed handkerchiefs ,
worth up to 15c , go at 3/e each.
All the swiss embroidered and drawn
thread hunMitched handkerchiefs that are
slightly mussed , worth up to 30c , go at 100
1)2.C 1'D.
All the torchon lace anti insertion In
medium wldtho , fine quality , that sold up
to fie yd , go at 1'c yd.
All the wider widths of English and
French torclmon lace and insertion , all styles ,
worth tip to 25e , go at 3'e and f e yd ,
All the odd and end lots of Ladles' Misses'
and children's all wool mittens , many different -
ferent styles , worth up to 20c , all go at 5c
pair ,
100 pieces English and German valen-
cicnnes and esprit wash laces , suitable for
trimming all kinds of underwear , worth in
the regular way up to 35c , in this sale at
IOo yd.
500 pieces ebirting prints , worth 5c , go at
2 ½ c yd.
5,000 yds , 36-inch percale , regular 12)c
grade , go at 5c yd.
50 pieces satin border white apron lawn ,
worth 25c , go at IOc yd ,
2,000 3 ds , checked and striped nalnsook ,
worth lOc , go at Gc yd.
2,000 pieces Aaoskag apron checked gingham -
ham , go at 5c yd ,
12 % ' Chambray and Scotch gingham go at
Gc yd.
100 pieces outing flannel in dark and light
colors , worth Sege , go at 3/c yd.
5,000 yds 32-Inch corded madras ginghams ,
worth 19c , go at Shc yd.
i'rinte put up in dress patterns of ten
yards each , worth 75c , go at 39c per pattern.
Thousands of yards of the very highest
grade of outing flannel in light and dark
colors , go at 71/c yd.
N. W , Cor , 16th & Douglas Ste.
So.-ond Wnrd Republican ( 'limb
Will hold a meeting at 1443 South Sixteenth -
teenth street , Wednesday evening , January
17. Everybody is invited ,
ANDREW KIEWIT , President.
1)Ie Itettd In Vmtalteviilc.
( 'HICAGO , Jan. 15.-Ople Itend , the novelist -
ist , wail enter upon a stage career today ,
mtlrpearhig ut time ( 'htcago opera house this
afternoon in vaudeville. 3i r. ! lend will
lcrib e orlguml character slcetches and is expected -
pected to nay parth'ular attention to the
southern dlntect stories which have made
Jilin famous.
1 I 9
There lies hecn a big 1m
provenuauit ml recent years ! n
the railroads of the south.
Nownilays you ran reach
Florida as easily-and almost
its quickly-as New York ,
'rlurough sleeping cars leave
Kansas City mind SL Louis ;
tinily for Jacksonville ,
'ro conuecl with them take
the llurlhmgto ) to Ranaas City
or St , Louis ,
1602 Farnam iOlh and Maeoll
Streot. Stroottb ,
'Phone 2tiC. 'Phono 310.
( 'O.tL IIIIJS ,
lOC'I'Illt ihiLI S ,
II5t')3t ) 1'O11'1'5 ,
ltd , 'I'l:3il'iit5 ,
COLT )'fili'I'S ,
fly telephoning 349 and having the glass
bet in tllo broken windows. Competent
men , iteusonabie prices. All kinds glaz.
ng done.
17th Gild Douglas St.
, c ( i'rnreels of the Ill Lt' 'l'henlrlenl
1'emit mlre Jinkes n ( iond
"A Night in Bohemia , " produced by the
hiks at the Lloyd theater , the closing engagement -
gagement being Saturday night , oohed from
$1:00 to $1,500. Exact figures canunt be obtained -
tained until all the expenees are checked imp.
That will require po.'sibly a day or two
longer. The approximate sums mentioned
herein are a eonsereative estimate fade
by a prominent member of the ledge who
ryas largely lnatrinieital in making a eec-
Cesn of the occasion.
11'llatever mnount of money results front
the benelit performance will be deposited
iii the Elks' chmtrity tumid. Not a cent of it
will be used for ordinary expenses of time
It is not the custom of the Elks to distribute -
bute their charity hastily , but rather to deliberately -
liberately disburse it where it will do the
most good , so the meumbers say. This lodge
is frequently ht receipt of calls for help from
the outside world at large , regardless of
secret society afiiliatlou.
" \Vitliin the next two weeks , " said a
promhlent Omaha Elk , "we probably shall
have found places far nil the money re-
nulting Iron our theatrical venture ; or it
unity be longer than that , At our tmext regu-
lnr nteeting a'e shall look huto applications
I for help which wu have on file , anti whatever
worthy cutergencies arise , we shall give Immediate -
mediate uttemitlon , There Is no doubt that
we will be able to turn the money into
desorviug channels , "
A pleasing incident at the closing night
of the Elks' performnnuce seas the presentn-
tion to George P. Crook of a basket of
flowers. Council hihimils lodge of Elks , recently -
cently orgauizevl , was the donor , Thin token
came as appreciation of the valuable service -
ice rendered three Council Muffs lodge in its
organization by Mr. Crenk and others of the
Omaha brothmerluood. The basket contained
a wealth or hyacinths and vloiets , banked
up to the height of three feet. It is one
of the prettiest and most costly floral offerings -
ings ever aeon ii this city. Speaking of
his present , Mr. Crank said : ' 'I feel that
this token was intended for the entire
genial representative of the Richardson -
son Drug ( 'o. says that Il is ] ds duty to ii-
form those troubled with kidney disease
that there is relief aid a cure for them If
they will enly try t'itAMEIt'S KIDNEY
CURE. It has given hint instant relief and
shmce taking it he huts not the least trouble
anti considers hltnself cured.
( 'ramer's Kidney' Cure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5e
\Vyetli's Phosphate Soda , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , nc
1Varnem's Safe Cure , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 9Uc
.Vnnlpole's Cod Liver 011 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , The
Scott's Emulsion , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Tt + c
Pyramid Pile Cure ' . " 40c
Stunrl's Dyspepsta Cure . 4oc
Marshall's Extract acct , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , IIe !
Syrup of Figs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10c
Mn111ne Preparations , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , S5c
Jaynes' Expectorant , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 4CC
Caelnrla : ac
Physelne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . )
Ozoetulslon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49c
Coltsfoot Expectorant . . . . . . T5c
1'eruna . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T5c
Cor. lath nod Chicago Slat.
0u aba toJgr ruhcr 11mm f'r mrs'lr lndicid
tally it stns a be.uttlful highly tip-
preebued , "
"I am Indebted to One Minute Cough Cure
for my health and life. It cured me of lung
I trouble following grippe , " Thousands one
I their lives to the prompt action of this cover
falling remedy , it cures coughs , colds ,
t croup , bronrhltis , pneumonia , grippe and
throat and hung trouhke. Its early use pro.
heals romsumfrtou it Is the only harmleet
remedy that gives immediate relief.
° ° - emovai Price 45c
our Cut Price ,
2Gr Ciiamhrmla n's l'nngh ( 'ure. . . . . , , , , , 20c
id ) . limn ( 'utarr'm , 'al'e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41k'
Spletdui hard Rubber Atomizer. . . . . , . , foe
2 : ' 'r. time ' Stylus Dnwn I'nw'der , , . , lee
5)k ) lachr I'uce 1'owder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Jds 1'uzzont's I'ar Powder . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
$ I.)4) ) 3ludnnme 5' + tle'v Heeds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tic
$ I.Ii11'opthgenie 3111k Putt'der , , . . . . . . . , . , Sac Vin 3tnthnm { . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SI,15
$ I.Su Fellow's Si'rllp . . . . . . . 120
$1,110 Mexican hub' lkestoratis'e. . . . . . . . . . 75t.
fnc'rmrrnnt's .aperient . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40e
23c lhunphrny's SheeUlc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2mc
Smnll sized Soxntlutll . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
21e ltubfnnm ale
' '
2 It' i.dxlIP.1 , 1iromm 'Qtiiuinr' . . . , . . . . , , . , 1sr
$1.111 ! uulT3's 31aht 11'Imt"ky Sir
I I' . , l I1. Snap , fur cleaning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oe
5o. King's Nrw ImI' ' i emy roc
foe Stuart' " I' 'I'ehiets . . . . . . . . . . 40c
ttI 'nd tur Rriiu , ii I Sole ,
'rho ! fiddle-mil-Ill nek IIruerl'its4'h" .U'e
( Joilg 111 AtnPe ) t n ( 'erut' r Sallie Timll' .
o- '
S 'A i I7
] tuns every tiny
in the year.
"The Overlatid Limited"
You enn Irnve Onuthn
uu this train , nfler
brenktusl a n d y e t
reach time 1'ncitle
Coast ns soon its Iouse
u ho leave vltt other
routes the duy before -
fore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1)URI'ET , 5MOICiO Axu L11tlt.tltY
C.tlts , with Ilnrber Shot , .
1)OUiILE u1LAW'ING 1111031 I'.tL.tCII
BINING CARS , 3lenls n Its Carte.
' ' ' ' '
1'Ix'1'sCit LIGII'l' .
. 'i'E.tM IIEA'I' , ETC.
CITY TICKET OI'I'ICE , Inn12 I'nruam
' ' ' ' . ' ' '
LEm'IIOE : tilt.
M Tie rho not belong to the piano trust ,
and oft ? ' prices on new Stein rua/l , tL '
it a _ ' T. Chase , I'ose , Lnerson ' , Packard ,
„ - ; aiid IUe's cC Pond pianos are lowe ? '
than anywliere on this continent.
See our wonderful bargaums :
Billing's Upright Ebony finial , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , r. $32.00
Marshall & ' , Wendell , rosewood case. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1x.00
Erbe & Co. ( uney oak Case. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $156.u0
Fume sample-piano w ortlt $330 , only. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1i5.OD
KiKimball Upright , good cnndltlon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $195.0)
IJallet & Davis , burled walnut case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $225.o0
Square Pianos and organs $15 , $25 , $31 , $5S and up ,
Floe Chlckering Baby Grnnd , only. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $150.0)
Sohmer Baby Grand , mahogany en se , wily . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $100.0)
avers & Pond Baby Grnnd , big snap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . , $4J )
One Stelnwmty UPriglit , beatutlful tone , only , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , $325,0)
New Pianos for remit. Instruments tuned , repaired , moved and exchanged.
Telephone 1625 , We sell new pianos on $5.10 monthly payments.
Write for catalogues , prices and barPain list.
c mo er Mueller. . .
Steinway & Sons 1313. Farnam Street.
Representatives. 331 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
Uoso oi
i # Whiter Footwedr
Regardless of Cost.
It's durability that counts and you get it in the shots 11 e
sell , along with style and colniort , at a price that tielcles
YOu1' pocketbook.
THE "DYKES" 50c Never-Ship Rubber Heels and soles , '
only . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G C
CHILD'S line $1.35 heavy lace Shoes , w'Ith dniblo fair stitched soles ,
coin tot's and kid lips , sizes S to Ilmm , at , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , C
ROTS' 73c Canvas , Lace or Buckle Leggings
a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
f "Ultra"
, i For Women
The newest imp-to-date shoe for women , A
shoo that fits and wears like a made-lo-
order shoe. 11'e have thou in the winter
tau and black , kid and calf , with the welted
LADIES' flno vicl hid ; 3.00 Lace Shoes ,
whit silk vesting tops , single
flexible soles and Idd lips ,
emm sale at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
LADIES' line $2.50 vlcl kid Lace Shines , with
double stitched soles , extension edges and
patent calf tips-a flue
whiter shoe-sale
LADIES' fine ; 1.50 Velvet
Embroidered Slippers ,
sizes 2 to 4 , at . . . .
° ' o
i o
, .
S.1L ] (
w + r
The "Stetson" Shoe icr Men.
There is no shoe made
flat is more per.
feel him lit or style-a custom slice that will
keep Its shape and weir-In enumnel , calf
amid vici kid. R'e have them In all sizes
amid w'itllhs.
'l'ift : "Ni:1)YA11" f3hoo for men-mado of
line box calf and vlcl hid , si ! th genulnu
welt double soles , coin and
extra with toes-the equal
of any $1.00 Shoes ,
mil . o
MIN'S SATIN CALI' $2.00 SIIOFi-In lace
and congress , with double fair atltrhcrl
stilt and fall lea tImer
counters and hinter soles ,
. It
HOYs' V'Pt.114 OALF $ L3 , ; LACE 5110115
till b' ' lid leather Inner Bolen and
Ionmtlera end double fair ,
ousthed Tale pate . . . . , . . . . . .
'E@59 BOSI
1 'A ' 9 @
10000000000000000000 0000000000000000000
° °
,0 , 0
,0 , 0 0 IN 1i1 [ MANWiI [ [ 0 ° 0
0 0
° o
o ' 1'11 ( cloak selling here goes merrily o n. 111110 o
0 0 colt ! seal ) has ( lelnnndei ( protupter attention 0 °
0 froul a fely tardy ones , but the sllretv(1 shop- o
0 ' have 1)01'11 leill''tittc(1 their ' °
° pet's ) ) ( by ln'onlpt 1)ielc ) 0
0 fug. Sue11 cloak 1alues Its are in tilis depart' 0
° 0 Inert are Way beyou(1 ( anything its } 'ct ofl'erc(1 0 o
0 yell 11115 ; ( ' 8SO1u , HIlltillbl' ( ! ! , 11'1111 ( yon ( 'Ollie °
o 0 here to tool ( at , or to by r , you'll (111(1 ( only tint 0 o
0 ° latest style garments-all o ! ' them properly 0 °
0 Conslructcd , 1lfllile a great nuulbor of the high. o
0 ° er prced ] garulentS have been Snapped ap by 0 °
0 those watching for this sale , there are many o
o ° very desirable blur rains + in gal'lnents that range ° 0
0 in price. trout 15 to 30 clolhu'3 , and in tilt prieos 0
o o
0 front $1,90 n1 ) to I'2 , 50. Wro ] ) ositvell ] ' give o
0 ° the best values you or your friends have ever 0 °
0 t3ee11. o t
0 0
0 t111e sale continues from ( lily 10 day until o
o ° r
o J roc are 1)ro1)el'IY cloaked. o
0 0
to b t' 1. ' ' / 0
' 0 0
' e
.b ,
_ _ l7
a Tlluu
Bargains r.
$75,000.00 Worth of
Jackets , Suits , Cpcs , Skirts , Wsts
At 25c on the Dollar 1'
he itttrttense stock of Klein , Leventhal Levy , '
together with oar o\vn , is now on sale. 1Ve ttale
host positively , and without i'ear of 'contradiction , dint
you cannot hatch these values anywhere in western rlnuI fca.
Li.11 bright , new , fresh , stylish goods and at priers never
named bel'ore.
Ladies' kersey jackets , lined $
throughout , worth SG , at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Ladies' boucle carterpillar and Persian jackets , ; f ] 4 8
silk lined throughout , worth 9 , at. . . . . . . . . . . . .
r'r Ladies lint ] and . ' .jack ( , . ,
silk 1110(1 tlu'oughout , all colors *
' w01'th i12 , f01' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '
( , ) Ladies' line kersey , jackets , lined with Skilt-
\ iler's 11'o1'th tl ) t0 $ O , t
On sale at. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . o
o Ladies' high grade jackets , inr
p porter ] molels , Woi'L11 up to 35 . , e
' , ' 1'lle above prices are good u11t11 every gal'
ment is closed out.
Ladies' all wool stilts , ill grays , bl'OW11S alld
I J blacks , jackets silk lined , ;
worth up to X15 , lot' . . . . . . . . . .
$25.00-for Ladies' Suits-In all colors-seine . . . . . . . . . . . . silk . . . . . . lined . . . . . . throughout-worth . . . . . . . . . . . imp . . . to . .
worth A few mil Imported : to $ ) ; O.uU-far Sample . . Stilts15.011 . . . . . . . . . . . -wroth Phlldren's 51.1t-fm' Jackets , sizes . , . . , . , . 6 . , , . S . . and . . . , . . . , 1.9
Ladies' colors--worth Silk and Snthu $6.N-fm 11'nists-lit . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 3 Lndo's' lVra ) pegs Flannelette . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9C
Sacgtts-worth adles' laderdown $1.50-fo Drc"ing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i9 , rites Lodi s' . . . lilectrlc . . . . . . . . . . Seal . . . . . . Collar- . . . . . . . . . . , . . , . .fir. 5
' ( 'itks-'l'Idbet ) ) dozen ladles' t'ndermlclrts-
trimmed-worth Infnntx' fiderdosvn $1G ) tor - . . . . . . , . , . . 200 u s\orlli $1 a1-ft r . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . 39c
t F
Uow Clta Offices. 1401.03 Farnam.
c1 s .
of value in artificial plates cud it cones only
Iron ) perfct tit. It is dhihrull to itpprar
happy turd graceful it'll ii Ill-tilting plaice ,
tVo warrant a alt in every case and time host
material is ueed in our beet piatex.
Goncl set teeth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5.001
lket set teeit ( . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . SOu
Partial eels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3.00 up
Taft's ' Philadelphia Dental Rooms !
11117 uoLCl.tS 5'1' .
Gn Lard , on Ham , on
Bacon isa guarantee
of purify ,
Swift and a
Chic.tgo , 1nndae ( hit y , ( ) tntbm ,
St. Loup , , St , Joseph , St. I'tnl ,
Fort Dodge
plS CFpI , Leaves Council
5 91 tHhtlls daily except
Sunday Ibeglumiittg
, Ucu. 18th )
for Lngnui , w oed-
I 4 ! lR OPT In c , lhma a ! 1 , Dow
City , Irmli.uu , , Iew It , R'all Lake , Itork-
well ( 'Iiy , Fart Dudge nod Intermctllato
iiiltiImS. ) ( 'ullil'CIIiIg It t F01't hedge lvltll
local ti rnngll Hain for' Dubuque , Cubit-
go nod lmterum'QlnI' puluts.
City Ticket Office , Grand
Hotel , Couiicil Bhlffs.
V. E. Luhhe ) C. I' . 5l'I. .
ouiS R i' ' .
41 Miles the Shortest
To SIBious
't'rains leave Unlam Station dally for St.
Louis , lluury ( , IArmtsas City and points t'a"t
or south.
Hontes'eekers Excursions
Febrtlnry G attd 20.
mil mrormation at ( 'Iy ( lift 0 , till Far-
ie , hn.i I i' , x ; , a Ilea , l ido' k )
+ w r t
i lT M7
+ rn
ea ar