EDITORIAL SHEET , OMAHA UNDAY PAGES II TO 20. ESTABLISHED JUNE 11) ) , 3871 , OMAHA , SUNDAY MOKXJSCr , JANUARY 1-1 , 15)00. ) StNiLI3 COPY FIVE CENTS. r Exceptionally Well Assorted Stocks at [ i -B. / < n Agents for Annual Clearing Sale Prices Agents for Butterick Patterns Reynier Kid Gloves The January sale prices are the lowest of the entire season they are much lower than we will be able to quote later on , Economical housekeepers are taking advantage of our great linen and domestic sale. White goods and muslin underwear salds are affording the best values in these lines ever offered in Omaha , Mail orders are promptly filled , subject.to approval. Write lor samples or prices. . . . . . Of the West. . . . The Only House in Oinulm Where Every New Weave Can Ke _ I'oitna. _ other houses are try ing to i'oreo of ! some old goods that were in style about four yuars ago goods that a well dressed lady would not wear if given to her for nothing we are selling goods made by the b'est manufacturers in the world at 4-0111 one-half to one- fourth of thd regular price in order to make room for the largest , the grandest and most stylish stock of spring goods ever placed on this market. These prices are for Monday only mul positively only one pattern to a customer. Tailor Suitinos 25 PATTERNS OF TAILOR SUITINGS IN nil the new and most fashionable shades that wo Hold nt $3.3S , $4.DO nnd $5.00 will go In this sale 1. nt , per yard DO PATTERNS THAT SOLD AT $1.C5 $1.75 , $1.08. $2.25 nnd $2.50 all will go In this sale nt one prlco ctily M PIKCES OF DRESS GOODS NICE grays , tans , modes , etc. strictly nil wool homespuns , vlgorcnux , Scotch tweeds , etc. goods that Bold 75c from $1.25 to $1.50 ynrd ALL THE REMNANTS AND FULL PIECES of French Flannels tlmt sold nt 69c , 75c , up to 30c will go In this great clearing sale nt ono price only , per yard ALL OUR FRENCH FLANNELETTES IN stripes , dots and Perslair de signs that cold at 25c yard , r in this sale only Iti ALL THE SHORT REMNANTS OF LANS- down Sublime , Henriettas , etc. , will go nt ono price , only > 0c yard LANSDOWN LEADS ALL OTHER FAB * rlcs for accordion pleating , line linings , evenIng - Ing wnlsta nnd dresses , etc. Black Dress Goods 2f I'lKCKS OF NICE BUIOHT CREl'ONS Ktotls worth $1.25 nnd $1.60 small designs all will go In this Kiilo at PIUKSTLKY'S MOHAIH CRKPONS THAT sold at $1.88 , $2.25 and $3.50 will go In this sale ntCOUTIKUR'S COUTIKUR'S SILK CREPONS THAT SOLD at $2.CO , $2.75 and $3.00 will go In this Bale nt only 15 ONLY OF OUII HIGH GIIADK HAND woven , padded figures , velvet striped crepon drees patterns the best that C utlero makes aud sold at $7.50 , $8.60 , $10.00 per yard In ordur to carry none over wo will sell at , yard TUB PRICE ON ALL OUR HEAVY 'WOOL ' Plaids will bo actually cut lu two. CSieap Dress Goods Dept. HALF WOOL NBW FANCIES , worth 15c HALF WOOL CASHMERES worth 15e HALF WOOL FANCIES 35 Inches wldo , worth 2ac TWO-THIRD WOOL FANCIES- 10-ln. wortli 33c ALL OUR 59c , C5c , 73c , up to $1.00 will BO In this sule at MAIL ORDERS Wo will fill mail orders until Thursday , but we furnish no sam ples of good's advertised In clearing sales. Selection must be left to us and raccey will bo refunded If goods are not entirely satisfactory. January Clearing Sale very line of Winter Cotton Goods to bs closed out as fast as unheard-of low prices can do it. Common calico prices on many fine lines worth three times the price asked. Imitation French Flannel , yard wldo , printed in plaid nnd stripe effects , t < old early in the season at 19c yard this sale yard Flno Silk Striped Fleece Back Shirtings 20c grade this tsnlo IA11 our very best grade nnd finest patternu In Wrapper Flannelotte- 7c thls sale yard Full yard wldo Flno Percales , worth lOc nnd 124c ynrd this snlc 5c ynrd Garner's Light Shirtings Fnnc-y Figured Genuine Turkey .2ic Go quality , yard . Standard 3-4 Indigo llluo Ciooil grade Blue and White 4c I'rlnts , ynrd Cheek Ginghams , yard X 75c Skirtings 39c Yard This Sale Finest grade English Mercerized Satin Stripe Skirtings black grounds , with colored rtrlpes , 75c grade , ynrd 39c Colored Itnllnu Cloth Skirting 23c grnde this sale ynrd 13c $75,000.00 Worth of Jackets , Suits , Capes , Skirts , Waists At 25c 011 the Dollar The immense stock of Klein , Leventhal & Levy , together with our own , will bo put on sale Monday. We stale most positively , and without fear of contradiction , that you cannot match these values anywhere in western America. All bright , new , fresh , stylish goods and at prices never named before. Ladies' kersey jackets , lined throughout , worth 80 , at , Ladies' boucle cartel-pillar and Persian jackets , Bilk lined throughout , worth $9 , at Ladies line kersey and cassimoro jackets ? , silk lined throughout , nil colors , $ worth $12 , for ' Lrulies' line kersey jackets , lined with Skin ner's , worth up to $20 , on Palo at Ladies' high grade jackets , imJpQ ported models , worth up to § ! 15. . The above prices are good until every gar ment is closed out. Ladies' all wool suits , in grays , browns and blacks , jackets silk lined , $ f\ worth up to § 18 , for for Rulu ln all colors -WITH * fllk lined throughout worth up to 9.98 A few Imported Sample Suits is rm riilldn-n's JacketH. sizes , 6 , S andi QO worth uji to IttO.oo for ii-/ \ / 10 worth 11.50 for i j\j lnllp ' Silk nnd Satin WnlsU In O QQ I.uilloa1 Flunnuletto ull tolors woith Jli.OO for -ru Wrappers . Eiderdown Lailk'h' ICIoi'trlc Seal Collar- Barques- worth 1.5ior t-ttt'ii Infants' iMerdown Clonks Thibet O W dozen ladles' L'lidersklrta trimmed- worth J.W-for } . worth Jl.OO-for Furniture This week wo } place on sale ] 10 dozen cane ' scat chairs nt' 7Dc cnch. i 10 doz , cane Feat chairs at S5c each. And 10 doz. cano seat chairs at 03c each. The S3c and flue nro brnco arm. All are well made strong chairs nnd finished in golden onk. Wo mnko these prices this early In the year ow ing to the fact that this car of chairs ar rived In Jnnunry Instcnd of April. 2 cars of Iron beds Just In. You can now select a good style Iron bed from the largest line In town and the prices nro lower than they will bo Inter on. 1 car sideboards and odd dressers. Dress ers from $7.S3 up. Sideboards from $11.50. Oak G-drawer chiffonier nt ? C.50. Now lot of frames , 13xlC , at 35c , with glnsn nnd back. Just in another lot of these elegant photo frames , nssotted mats , and frames , nt " 5c ench. Bring your pictures to bo framed , New mouldings , new mat''board , new frames. It in need of anything in the furniture line this month bo sure and come here , as wo cnn mnkc It nn object for you to buy hero now. Monday Bargains $1.50 Blaoic Silk Braid -d dross fronts 1 50c only Extra si'/.o Handbags- : i9c 200 yard Spool Cotton- .Ac only . . 50c Ladies * Pocket-books only lOc Soiled HandkerchiefsT 1 „ only f2\ All the handkerchiefs left from our Christ mas stock slightly soiled go In two lots ; Lot I All fancy bordered goods Lot 2 Fancy lace corner initial Handkerchiefs New Goods New laces , now embroideries , now tuckinps. new all over embroideries , now veilings. . .Veilings , only 5c for our ad in the street car. Ladies' and Children's Furnishings 100 dozen boys' Shirt Wnlsts. Including some of the best makes , worth up to 75c , nt 25c. Ladles' fine heavy ribbed jersey Vests and Pants , In ecru and gray , worth up to 50c , at 15c. Ladles' 25c Hose at 15c. Ladles' line wool ribbed Vests and Pants , regular $1.00 quality , at 50c. Ladles' Combination Suits , regular $1.00 quality , at 50c. Children's fleeced Vests and Pants , at 15c , 20n nnd 25c. Men's Furnishings Men's heavy wool fleeced lined Under shirts , In all sizes , worth 75c , nt 25c. Men's $1.00 colored laundered Shirts , with separata cull's , to wear white collars with , nt 50c. Men's $1.50 colored laundered Shirts , In all the latest styles , nt 75c. Men's 25c Suspenders at 15c. Men's 23c Hnlf Hose nt 12'Ac. Men's $1.00 Underwear , in broken sizes , at 45c. Men's 60c Tics , In all the newest styles , nt 25C. Clearing Drapery Sale Full size rope portierh nt $1.00 , $1.25 , $1.50 and up. Ruined Swiss curtains , 75c n pair. Double fringe heavy taprotry portieres , $1.75. All odd pairs lace curtains at half price. Drapery denim and cretonnes , lOc. Colored Drapery Swiss , 5c. Sllkallnc , 5c. Sash curtnln rods , iic each. 7c Drapery fringe , 3c yard. lOc drapery fringe , 6c a yard. Clearance Sale of Men's and ' Boys' Caps Men's caps in golf , yachting and Brighton styles ; In any color ; nil 50c , 05c , 75c and S5c values , in ono lot , on sale at 25c. Men's finest caps In Brighton styles ; have hccn Belling at $1.50 ; on sale now at 75c. Boys' caps In golf , yachting und Brighton styles , worth up to 50c , In one lot nt 25c. Boys' nnd girls' stocking cnps nt 25c , 33c nnd 50e. Girls' Tarn O'Shnnters , worth 50e , to bo sold nt 35c. Watches and Jewelry Fifty Watches. In guaranteed gold filled cases , newest designs. 111 size , 7 Jeweled movement , on sale nt JG.'Jj. Ladles' Sterling Sliver Chatclalno Watches worth $5.00 < jii sale at $2.98. Ladles' Uold Filled Hunting Case Watches standard movement worth $8.00 on Bale at $1.95. Clorlng out Sterling Silver Flies , Button Hooks , Shoe Horns , Combs , etc. , worth up to $1.00 , ut 29c. Opera OlnsEOH from $1.1S up. 4-plece Quadruple Plated Tea Set , worth $8.00 on sale at $3.98. Flannel Department Special for Monday 25 pieces fancy checks nnd stripes Scotch Flannel , per yard , 19c regular 30c. All the best V. , M. D. Outing Flannel will bo sold at 6 > , c per yard. 10 pieces 27-ln. wldo all wool White Flan nel will go at 20c per yard , worth 30c , 1 case extra heavy Feather Ticking , per ynrd 15c regular 20c. 1 cnso double fold East Lake Shirting , Tier ynrd , lOc. 1 case 30-ln. wide all \\ool Flannels , fancy colors , per ynrd , 20c chcnp at 33c. 25 pieces 27-ln. wldo Shaker Flannul , per ynrd , 4c. 3.3 pieces plain colors Wool Eiderdown , per yard , 23c worth 35c. Hud lllankcts 198 pair extra soft Cotton Blankets , tnn , gray nnd white , nt , pair , COc chrap nt S3c. 60 pair COxSO nil wool Gray Blankets nt , pair , $2.50 regular $3.50. C5 pair extra super white wool Manila and Jupltor Bed Blankets nt , pair , $2.00 , regular $3.00. 75 pair , 72xS4 , 5 Ibs. , nil wool , white , gray nnd B. R. R. Plaid Rlnnketa nt. pair , $3.50. C3 pair 11-1 , 5 Ibs. , Pioneer Gray Wool Blankets , regular $3.50 , at , pair , $2.50. Ueil Comforters 18 dozen extra largo size hnmo-mado Bed Comforts , each , $1.50 and $2.25. ( All our $0.00 Down Comforters only $4.60 each. Piano Sale For the remainder of this month we will make extraordinary low prices on nil our Pianos. Wo have the largess line of high grnde pianos In Omaha. We show you such Pianos ns the CHIOKERING one that has stood the test of tlmo In musical circles for o\or eighty years nnd la today the premier piano of the world. The Fischer , of which there nro over 110,000 in use ; the Lester , Franklin , Doll , Behr Bros nnd 19 other makes to select from. Our terms nre so arranged that It Is possible for anyone to furnished out-ot- own a piano. Catalogues town customers on application. Pianos tuned , moved and repaired. Tel. 1CS3. All the latest Sheet Music Publications at cut prices. Crockery and Glassware Bargains Every nrtlclo below the cost of production. Cups nnd saucers , each , 2c ; plates , 3c. Cream pitchers , fancy shapes , regular price , 15c Sc each. Vegetable dishes , regular price , 15c , at 9o each. each.Meat platters , regular -price , 20c. at 7 , ic -j-v- - - ' oa-u. - AVashbowls anflpitchers , regular price , 35c , at 20c each. . " ' . Fancy cake plates , handsomely decorated , stippled In gold , worth GOc , at lOc. Japanese cups and saucers , nicely deco rated , worth 25c , at 7',4c. Toilet sots , fancy decorations , worth $2.50 , at $1.29. 100-pleco Imported dinner sets , In various decorations , worth $8.50 , at $1.9S. Flint-blown tumblers , each , 2c. Creamers , sugars , butters , spoons , each , . . Celery dishes , regular price. 2iic , nt lie. Cream sets , containing sugars , creamers , etc. , 6 pieces , complete , 13c. Carpet Sale January clearing sale on carpets , extra ordinary , to close out all now on hand. Same grades will cost you fully one-third moro in another month. Made-up brussels carpets , 11.3x14.4 , only $15.00. Size 9x11 , only $7.00. C.9xlO , only $5.00. In mado-up rugs we arc selling n flno body brussels , filze 10.0x12.3 , for only $16.00. Axmlnstcr rugs , lO.fixll , only $18.00. Brussels rugs , size 8.3x11 , for only $13.00. Union ingrain carpets , 25c. All wool Ingrain carpets , 45c. Closing out all wool Ingrain carpets , very best quality , worth 05c nnd 70e per yard , at only 65c. Wai Paper and Paints This week wo open the wall paper Reason. Two carloads , Just received , go on sale nt unheard of low prices. Just think of it ! white blanks at zyc per roll. All other grades In proportlgn. Complete lines of varnishes , stains , enamels , brushes and room molding , all at reduced prices. Hardware , Stoves and Killing Prices to X. j ODDS A C-foot Step Ladder -I5c Hunter Fluur Sifters 9c Foldlne Lundi lloxcs Vic 25iUuti'liir Kintu lOe Set of Kulld fircl Knives nnd Forks : i'c ! C-department Hplco Cnblivts lao Meats and Lard No , 1 bologna 5c Iloncleso frosli pork " ' /it ; Fnncy pickled pork SVjc No. 1 sugar cured hams IDo 1'lckled Tripe 3 c Corned beef uc Cicrmnn summer sausage lOc No. 1 bacon , XXX cured Sc Ten pounds best brand lard 73r Grocery Department New California yellow peaches , worth 15c , at 7'fcc. New California prunes , per pound , only 4c New California muscatel raisins , pel- pound , G ic. Now California rnlsln crapes , per pound , DC. New evaporated apples , worth IGc pound , only 7' c. New cvnpornted red rnspbcrrlrs , per pound IBo. IBo.Now Now Grecian currants , rcclcancd , per pound , 7Jc. Flour Depart niunt High patent Minnesota nour , per sack , only S5c. We guarantee this flour or your money back. Largo sacks white or yellow common ! , only Sc. Largo sacks pure graham flour , worth 33c , only I7l c. Large sacks pure buckwheat , worth SOc , only 2'Jc. Large packs best whole wheat flour , per sack , -15c. Very best pure rye flour , CO-pound sacks , Sue. Two-pound packages pure food pancake Hour , worth li > c , only S l-3c. Two-pound package pure buckwheat flour , self-rising , only 8 l-3c. Canned Goods Department 3-pound cans fancy lemon cling peaches , worth 2oe , at 17'/4c. 3-pound cans fancy yellow free peaches only Inc. 3-pound cans fancy golden drop plums , only 12Vic. 3-pound cans extra fancy apricots , per can , 15c. 3-pound cans fancy table pears , only 12V c. 2-pound cans fancy sliced pineapple , only 12 lie. 3-pound cans preserved raspberries , 15c. 2-pound cans sugar corn , worth 15c , nt 2-pound cnns choice augnr corn , only 3-pound cnns fancy solid packed tomatoes , 7'Ac. 3-pound cans baked pork and beans , Oc. 3-pound cans pumpkin , only 9c. 2-pound cans extra early June peas , worth 20c , at 9c. 3-pound cans baked sweet potatoes , worth 20c , at 12c. 3-pound cans best clam chowder , worth 25c , only 15c. Campbell's soups , tomato , chicken , etc. , per can , 8 l-3c. Oil or mustard sardines , per can , only 4c. 2-pound cons fancy string beans , lima beans or succotash , worth 15c can , only 7c. Monday's Prices in Our Cracker Department A. B. C. Soda Crackers 4c tA. D. C. Oyster Crackers 4c Nlco , fresh Ginger Snaps -lc Shredded Wheat Biscuit lOc Unceda Biscuit 3c Kennedy's Butter Crackers 0c Bremner's Lunch Biscuit Oc GRAPE NUT FOOD Oc Compare our Crackers or Ginger Snaps with others sold nt higher prices. Cheese Etc Butter , Eggs , , Fancy Elgin creamery butter , lb. , 27c. Fancy separator creamery , 25c and 2Cc. Flno sweet dairy butter , ISc , 19c and 20c. Good country butter In rolls , only 17MsC. Wisconsin full cream cheese , per lb. , 12c. Swltzer cheese , very line , full cream , 12' c. Imported Llmherger or brick cheese , 12c. Fey Durham brand Neufclmtel cream cheese , 3c. Fancy Irish mackerel each only 5c. Now Norway herring , per lb. , Be. New Capo codfish. , per lb. , C'/jc. New No. 1 whltcflsh , per lb. , SVic. Herring salad , salmon salad , or spiced rolled herring , ready for use , per lb. , lOc. Housefurnishing Dept. Hake Things Lively. Wo glvo yon u pointer Buy a stove now. Wo have more Stoves nnd own them for lews money than any other house In the west. Ask your denier If ho will sell you a steve ns client ) as ho would a year ago. Wo will if yon buy this week. Present prlco on n Steel Ilnnge , llko cut , would bo $ M.OO our prlco , If bought this wceV : will bo $27.95. A 4-holo No .8 Cook Stove , warranted a line baker , present prleo would bo $13.50 our prlco this week , J9.49. A fi-hnle Cunt llango , 20-Inch oven , with a \\lilto enameled reservoir , a very line ) > nki > r , present prlco would bo $1G.BO our jirlro this week , $12.50. An elegant full nickel plated No. 8 Cook Steve , large IS-lnch Hfjuaro oven , warrant ed In every way , present prlco would bo $18.00 , our price ihls week , $12.fi5. A very line Cast Range , 20-Inch square nven the best cellcr wo over had In the house llrst ehisw In every way present prlco would bo $20.00 , our prlco this week riri.DO. 8PECIAL CUT PRICK ON ALL HEATING - ING STOVES THIS WEEK. Carload of Washers. Western Washers , round or square , regular prlco $3.75 , our prlco this week , i2.C9. Martin Merry Go Hound , best rotary wuHher made , 13.93 , The Grand , a refulur $2.0 Wringer thl week'H price , $1.3'J. Solid steel friuno AVrlnger , this week , $1.03. kNI ) ENDS. lllc-n Hoot Scrub Brushes So Him or Mortise Donr Locks lie Granlto Water 1'nlls 33c Hand Saw , M-lneh 2Co 4-tlno Manure Fork 23o Biifk Saw and Frame 49o Hend us your mall orders. IMaking the lowest prices in our great clearing --v - s-ile. Such tremendous reductions in utter disregard of actual cost is quic-kly forcing out surplus slock and giving us tliM room we so much desire. BARGAIN IN COLORED TAFFETAS AN ENTIRE LINE IN ALL THE most desirable shades , full 21-Inch wide , nnd you know the value of an nil silk taffeta here Monday . BARGAIN IN COLORUD SATINS FULL LINE THAT MUST GO-WE hnvo over 50 bright ami pretty shades this satin has n superb luatro and Is finished In the new way BARGAIN IN COLORED SILKS 10 PIECES OF SURAH 25 1'IKCKS OF clilnn IB pieces of stripe and plnld silks 20 nieces of ellk brilliant In two tone- shades 30 pieces beautiful twill satin all go nt BAHRAIN IN FANCY SILKS MONDAY WE SHOW TUB HIGHEST VALUE EVER oflcrcd In these parts In way of Novelty Wnist Silks all kinds of ovcry description epnco docs not permit the mention , but wo assure you n grand bargain surprise Monday BARGAIN IN BLACK AND SEAL BROWN SKINNER SATIN FULL 3G IN. WIDE only a few more pieces left luvcstlgnto for yourself nnd pee it the < lowest prlco everywhere else Is not $1.50 then como hero and buy It j ( for less than it can now bo produced * BAROA'IN IN BLACK TAFFETA FULL 27-iN WIDE ALL SILK PER- fectlon In nil respects sultnble for nny purpose usunl nsklng prlco , $1.00 or $1.23 while present supply lasts for BARGAIN IN BLACK PEAU DB SOIE REMEMBER , THE BEST French- Mock absolutely pure silk of llnest texture firmly constructed and pure dyed real value , $1.50 clearing sale BARGAIN IN BLACK VELVET WE HAVE 100 PIECES OF A MOST excellent grade of Black Velvet particularly appropriate for wnlsts or entire costumes short even pile worth 73c clearing sale WE PLACE ON SALE MONDAY A COMPLETE LINE OF THE NEWEST HEM- stiteh Silks also some new Pllsse Silks that nro very attractlvu nnd most proper fashion. PLEATINGS ARE BECOMING MORE POPULAR FROM DAY TO DAY AND WE PRE- tllct that it will play n most Important part In spring fashions. W1NSLOW TAFFETA makes the best pleating and tnkcs less because It Is wider. Wlnwlow Tnffctas for ll'OO are now here. See the new shades. MAIL ORDER BUSINESS IS A GREAT CONVENIENCE TO OUT-OF-CITY TRADE to secure special bargains. The above advertised silk will bo illlcd until Thursday , so bo sure and send In your orders nt once. The Linen Sale at the Big Store is Drawing Big Crowds Q ales are more numerous and much larger than L-P former years. Such bargains as we are giving and have given during this sale have never been oJl'ered by any house in Omaha. 'These ' remarks are heard often made by ladies taking advantage of our cut prices. 2-yard wide full Blenched All Linen DamCOlnch Cream Dnmnsk , the GOc OSS , , ask. were $1.2. ) , $1.50 and $1.65 ynrd , t ( \f ) grade , Monday , yard OOC on ( Monday , yard I.tFU A , , , , ncn Nal,1n8 , , | 72-inch Cream Damask , all linen , C f3r < < lozen at , yard CJO 3. | dnnor | szo | fn , , bleached Napfjl This dnmnsk is worth 75c nnd cheap klns- reduced to. dozen , * at 75c , but on Monday , 5Sc. $ G.GO Napkins selling at , 4 50 CC-lnch wide Blenched Damask , all / ilr1. . ° , n , ' , ' " . , " * ' ' " " . . ' . ' linen , worth C9c and 7T > c. on Monday..4YC Napkins , worth $3.00 , selling O " 00 Indigo Blue and Turkey lied and White , , , " , " ° Vi _ _ rS-Inrh Damask , worth -lOc , < > = , - , A 1 leading : shades in two-yard J OR Monday , yard SOC wide Felt now on sale , yurd io to see our Pnttern Table Cloths which wo are selling nt $5,00 a cloth Nnpklns ASK to match , 2C-lnch square , at $6.50 n dozen. A big bargain In Table Cloths 2 yards , $2.00 2L yards , $2.50 3 yards , $3.00. 3--I Dinner Napkins to match , $3.00 doz. Another big seller is our $1.00 , $1.25 and $1.50 Table Cloths. Napkins to match , $1.23 dozen. Still another , $1.75 , $2,25 and $2.75 Cloths. Napkins to match , $2.50 dozen. Hemstitched Cloths and Hemstitched Nanking to match. 8-1 size. $3.50 10-1 size. $5.00 for set. This Is n new lot Just opened. 8-1 Fringed Lunch Cloths 60c each. 10-1 Turkey Red Lunch Cloths , GOc each. 12-4 , fancy colors , such ns green and gold , blue nnd goUl and Turkey Red Cloths , worth $1.50 , Monday , $1.00 each. Tray Cloths at 15o nnd 25c Just nbout half their vnlue. C-4 Tnpestry Table Covers , GOc each a big bargain. C-4 fnncy Dresser Scarfs , nil linen , to close , I5c each. THE BIG STORE Is selling Toweling these days. 10 and 12-lnch all linen Toweling now Sc ynrd. 22-Inch extra heavy Toweling , 12V4c. 22-Inch flno Damnsk Toweling 20c nnd 25c yard. 18-Inch Glass Checked Toweling , S'/Sc ynrd. Largo Turkish Wash Rags , 2 for Gc and 3 for lOc. ' | CASES OF BED SPREADS Just roco ivedr These were to be delivered last October 2 ber , but the mill was unable to fill our order until now. therefore the old prlco goes 30c each. We expect to sell them all Monday nt this price , so come early. A special bargain In White Crochet Bed Spreads at 93c each. Wo have a big stock of ready-made sheets and ulllow cases contracted for last year you get the benefit of the price as long as they last. A now lot ( if Drapery Swisses , now terns n beautiful line to pick from , yard , 12' c and Closing out Fancy Colored Swiss and Scrim wore Kttc and I3c Mondny'B price , yard Yard wide Blenched Sluslln , yard Lancdon 70 Blenched Muslin , fi\\\ \ \ \ „ yn nl vJ 4 t , Half Blenched Muslin , yard , t-j _ S'/jf. ' be , 7'iu and * liiMncli Lone Cloth , worth 15c Yard wldo Cambric , ynrd , lOc. 7' ' , c. Co and , The Big Storu carries the stock of Lin ens and Domestics nnd Is letting down the prlcos and It Is to your Interest to nttend th Is snlc. A Sale Without an Equal in Omaha * Ladies' fine Gowns at , . . . 39c Ladies' $1 Gowns at 50c Ladies'Skirts at f)0c , 7Cc and. . 98c Children's Drawers at lOc. 15c. . 20c Misses' Gowns at 50c and 7fc Wortli § 1 and § 1.25 Misses Drawers at 25o , ! J5o and. .50c Ladies' Chemise at SOc , 75cand..98c Ladies' Drawers at 25c , 35cand. ,50c Ladies' Corset Covers , at 15c , 25c and up to 1.98 Ladies' Jttno Skirts , § 1.50 up to 3.98 Ladies' Gowns at § 1.50 up to 3.98 SPECIAL ON CORSETS. 81 Corsets , in black and drab , in all sixts , 49c A full line of American Lady , and Kabo corsets on sale. Special on Ladies' Kid Gloves § 1.50 Gloves on sale at. . 75c