1:3 TILT O1fAIIA I)11ILYI3''la : SATL'1D11. , JAYLT 1Ti r 13 , 1(10. ( I'tllt ED S11ORT ENING OF LINE But LittlA Differetc ) Now In Mileage of St. Panl'Omaha Thadr. ILLINOIS CENTRAL MAKES OMAUA ROAD MOVE Chnngr In Opernllnn of Nnrthvreslern Lies 4t. foul TrttIi. , Itedures former - mer JIsfuner to Iinblu It la llert CutnprtIIIon. As the time draws near for the Innugura- tion of thu new St. PauI.MInncapuIlN anti Omaha passenger eervlco over the Miune- npolis & St. Louis anti the Illinois Central rallronds and the shortening In dislnnce and time in the route of tutu Northwealcrn line through St. Paul express , Interest Increases oil the part of railroad men and the traveling - ing public In the accommodations anti Inducements - ducements which the new competition will bring forth. The opesnlng of rho 1111nois Central-Minne- apollr & St. Louis mute , which la in the neighborhood of thirty miles shorter than ltie old Omaha line , has forced the latter to shorten Its route also. The former distance tance of the Omnlta's line to SL Paul will be decreased approximately twenty-thrco tulles when the new service , hereloforo announced , becomes effective next Sunday , whereby the through St. Paul tralus will use the Sioux City & Pacific tracks to Sioux City and thence proceeti to St. Paul over the Omaha tracks , An examination of the new omcial time : arils of the two liars shows the exact rein- Live Jlatances. Computing the dlstnncea in both cases from St. Paul to Omaha the Chicago - cage , SL ( 'nul , Minneapolis & Omaha toad has a mileage of 368.7 miles , as follows : SL Paul to Sioux City vin Omaha line tracks , 268.6 ; Sioux City to Missouri \'alley via Sioux City & I'nclllc tracks , 75.T ; Missouri Valley to Omaha via Northwestern U'nliks , 21.4. The oalclal mileage of the Illinois Central passenger trains into Omaha is as follows , St. Paul to Fort Dodge via Minneapolis & St ; Louis tracks , 223 ; Fort Dodge to Omaha via lllinois Central tracks , 110 miles , making - ing a total mileage of 363 miles. This makes a net difference to favor of the Illinois Central - tral of 5.7. In point of departure time assurance is given that there will be practically no difference - ence between the two hoes. Each will run two trains dally between Omaha and St. Paul. The Illinois Central's morning train will leave at 6 o'cock and the Northwestern line train will follow fifty minutes later. In the evening the train over the Omaha road will leave the union station at 7:20 : and the Illinois Central will follow fifteen nnhmtes Iota. Thus the advent of the Illinois Central hat already brought an improvement on the Omaha line that was previously content with the longer passenger haul. 1'ASS19N ( 47R IISCItEASiS. \Vrnther Ilespnnsille for Fnlling Off in Whtt'r 'l'nurlst ' 1'rasel. "This summer-resort brand of weather has knocked the bottom out of California pps- senger business ; ' said a prominent local passenger man yesterday as lie thrust the window beside his desk as high as it world go to give the spring-like air free access - cess to his office. "Tim usual winter tourist travel has fallen off so perceptibly that pus- senger ofilcials john with the coal men and the clothing dealers In the wish that cold weather will noon put in an nppearanco. Travelers who might otherwise have taken a winter's vacation tour to some sunny clime in the south rrr west argue that it is needless - less to seek finer weather elsewhere than I hats been prevailing In this section since the i winter opened. "Another curious fact disclosed by what business of this naluro there has been is a tendency to reverse conditions heretofore existing. For pleasure seekers anti tourists from the west California has always been looked upon as the natural place to go , while eastern people have largely patronized the resorts in Florida tad the south. This winter - ter there seems to be a complete reversal. The majority of the passenger traaic to California has originated east of the Mis- siselppl river , while nearly all of the western - ern pleasure eeekers have sought out Florida points whereln to spend their winter vaca- tions. This is duo somewhat to the , proximity - imity of Florida to our new possessions in the \Vcnt Indies and most or the visitors to Florida consider their trip incomplete unless it includes n visit to Cuba or Puerto Itico , " LiN14 COlII'i.li'I'IiI ) 'l' ( ) Ii AY Alt ! ) . ilnrlh.gfon's 10i-i11 ; : 19xtnnslnn Is flelntr 1'aslu d , vltIi All Spet'd. The Burlington is pushing Its now Hart- yule extenaton with all posttible rapidity , and it is the intention to continue building operations as long as the mild winter whether will permit. The new line has now been built into Bridgeport , south of the Platte river , which will be the junction for the line going to Ilartvlllo and the on which procoe4s south to Brush , Cole , The big steel bridge spanning the Piatle river and connecting Northport and Bridgeport has baeu completed. The regular operation of trains into the new station will begin on January 13 , and announcement is made of the appointment of Williau L. Ayer as agent. Bails have been bold as far as Bayurd , an old et + tatdlshed town , which promises to ho 0110 of Oho important points on the ex- teitston. Work trains have been using the track hima fuynrrl and regular passenger and freight trnhns will be placed in operation - tion January 17 , at which time Bayard station will ho formally' opened with A. F. doluhoydo as agent. fnyard is 45.6 miles from Alliance and 9,1 miles from liridgo- port. No Increase In Sturm FeVnges. . CIIiCACO , Jan. 12.Thu statement published lished last night to ( lie effect that the Atchison , Topolta & Santa Fe Railroad company - pany bad signed a now contract with its trainmen , granting what amounted Prue. tically to a 15 per cent increase in wage's , la denied. A conference has been held on the stibject between the company and the representatives of the employes and a satisfactory - isfactory adjustment was reached on the baste or rectifying certain inequalltie i , but no change was made in the wage rates. Un/hvn ) totes sad Prrsmtnl , C. IL Fitzgerald , traveling passenger agents of the Lnalsv111e & NushvIlla , and Harry Dutton , traveling passenger agent GLAZING SAVE i ( 'OAI. IIriA.S , uOCTon BHJs , ' ' ' 1I19COllh'Oll'I'S , 11.1. TidII'FIIS , COId ) IRAIJG117' $ , D1' telephoning 349 and having lho glass set in the broken windows , Competent men , Reasonable prices. All kinds giaz- ing done. J. A FU' ' LER & Co 1.1111 nod nrtigius St. of the 1Can.na city , Plttshttrg & gulf , arc I In town from innsas City , ( lenr'rsl Passenger Agent Francis of Burlington has gone to Chicago to look after railroad affairs , Captain H. Potter , general inspector for the Pullman I'niae. Car company , was in the city Thursday from Chicago. The general passenger department of the "Katy line is sending out handsome pocket knives to the agents of connecting roads. Tim gates separating the platform from the tracks at the union station will be 1n operation within a day or two. 'i'he high fence enclosing the platform has been put in position and is now receiv'Ing a coat of paint. The personally-conducted tourist car an the Rock island mute which pusses through Omaha each Friday for San Francisco anti boa Angeles will hereafter operate between St. Paul and Omaha over the Minneapolis & St. i.Ollis ilanoig Central via Fort Dodge instead of coming by way of Des Moines , SOLDIERS' ' HABEAS CORPUS 'I'esllutony' Is Ciostvi and Arguments 'Viii lie heard on 'I'uesdny , Jnnunrl NIL In the habeas corpus case brought in behalf of Corporal Pair and Private Jock1 1 ens , in the United Stales district court , l'rlvala I'ryor yesterdny told the story of the escape and haw Morgan stuffed weeds into the witness' moth to keep him from calling the guard , whllo another prisoner struck him. 110 then told of Morgan kick- lag hint and escaping by jumping the fence , carrying the bolt of the guard's rifle with him. Pryor called the guard anti started in pursuit. On cross-examination the slate made a point of the small size of Pryor , ho being but five feat , three inches tall and weighing but 120 pounds , this being denote to show that the military authorities could not have considered Morgan a very desperate - perate diameter or they would have placed himn in charge of a stronger guard. It was brought out that Morgan was five feet , six inches tall and weighed about 150 pounds , Private Ross was recalled nail the testi- nlany overruled Thursday was admitted today - day , Judge Munger staling that he w'a5 willing - ing to permit each side to make a record to its satisfaction to he used ha case there ss ns a desire to have his flndings reviewed. The witness told of conversations with Morgan , in which the latter admitted that he was s deserter from Troop A , Eighth cavalry , and stated that ho would eseaio at all hazards before lee would serve a sentence for his de- sertion. On cross-examination witness stated that lie had toll no one of these conversations - versations until after , the death of Morgan ; that the conversations were hell in the guardhouse where witness w'ns confined ; ho having been convicted of desertion. Corporal Van Who repeated similar conversations - versations , Sergeant Duclo , who was provost sergeant on the day of the escape , knew nothing about it and was excused. Corporal John S. Fair told of the calling out of the guard and the steps taken to capture the fugitives , following closely the facts as given by Sergeant Simpson , After his arrival at LaI'latte he called up the otlcer of the day at Fort Crook by telephone nod reported that he was on tine trail of the fugitives ; Lieutenant Wcish , omcer of the day , ordered hitn to Inrnish a descrip- 1ion of the men to the civil officers and request them to snake the capture ; that lie went to the home of a man reputed to be the constable , but found that ha had not qualified ; that he then saw Morgan on the road and commanded him to halt ; that Morgan - gan refused to stop , but quickened his pace and that after repeating Ills command to halt two or three times he ordered Private Jcckens to fire and discharged his own rifle , causing Morgan to fail. Witness then called for a doctor and sent Private Jockens to telephone to the fort. Lieutenant Welsh was recalled and iden- tided a plat of the scene of the shooting , Corporal Fair explained the position of the panties to the Idling. Following Corporal Fair , Private Jockens testified to practically the same fact and was corroborated by James IL Stephens of La I' latte. Captain West testified to the acquittal of hair and Jockens by the eourtmartial. This closed the teotimony for the prisoners - ers and the state offered none. Thu case was adjourned until Tuesday , January 16. whoa nraumets will be heard. COUNTRY MERCHANTS COMING .annum l'Ilgrinutge t0 Onutlut = Vie Guests of Jobbers and llan- IIfaeturers , Invitations are now being sent out to some 15,000 retail merchants of the terry tort' commercially tributary to Omaha Inviting - viting them to enjoy the annual pilgrimage to this city as guests of the Jobbers' and Manufacturers' association of the Corucner- cial club. Under this invitation the merchants - chants are furnished free transportation to Omaba and return upon conditions that are liberal and advantageous both to the mar- chants and the Onutha jobbers and manufacturers - turers , and the conditions of the invitation hold good from January 15 until April 15. These invitations are sent to the merchants of tributary territory in Iowa , Nebraska , Missouri , Kansas , South Dakota , Colorado , Wyoming , Utah anti Montana , and It is confidently - fidently expected that they will bring to Omaha during the spring months several thousand merchnnts on purchasing expeditions - tions among the jobbers and manufacturers of this city. Undo Young .tlnln. "Ono of Dr. King's New Life Pills each night for two weeks has put me In my 'teens' again , " s'riten I ) . Ii. Turner of Denpseytown , Pa. They're tine best in the world for Liver. Stomach and Bowels. Purely vegetable , Never gripe. Only 25c at Kuhn & Co.'s drug store. unit hate 1n Fort \vortl , and Return \/a / Iloelr Island ltonte , Dates of sale , January 14 to 15 , Through train leaves Omaha 5:55 : p , m. , Lincoln S p , m , anti Falrbury 10 p , m. , and arrives Fort Worth 7:30 : p , m , following day. Several - eral hours In time saved , -Full information at Rock island city ticket epics , 1323 Far- nam street , Omaha. The Iillnuls ( t ufrut Railroad 'n , is now open nail ready to receive all classes of freight and forward with dispatch , to all points in the NOItTII , FAST and SOUTH , Freight depot , located at Eleventh anti Cbl- cage streets , Omaha , anti on Ninth street , between Broadway and First avenue , Coun cll Bluffs. It you are looking for genuine bargains -read the big store's ad on page 7. MORRISON'S PILLS 1't url Coated , We have just Imported direct from England - land a quantity of the above pllla , if you wish the I'HARI. COATED wo wIII be glad to Supply you. And , by tile way , we are still CUT9'1NG PRICES on everything in tam drug line 1n slate of the TRUST ! $1.03 flood's Sarsaparilla , . . . , 5c 1.0) Pntne's Celery Compound , . . , , . , , . . 75e 1.00 Lumbert's Llsterine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . roe 1.00 Iuay''e Malt \1'hisky. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sio 1.0) lungs Discovery . . . . . . . . , . . 75e ,50 King's Discovery . " . . . . , . . . , . . 40' ,50 Chambarlnin's Cough Syrup , . . , . , 40i . :5 Laxative ! ) roan Qulnhte. , , . . , , , . . . , 15r . :3 Packer's 'rur Soap. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lie . -P-- AEORON & CAMPBELL , Cut Rate Druggists , 2222 South 16th St , STt11IPS FOR UNCLE SA1 Evidence that Revenue Has Been Paid Must Bo Affixed to Asiignmonts. POSITION TAKEN BY REVENUE AGENTS inveallgnllon Iliseinses Ihnt Unployes of ( 'outl ) and ( 'ii' .linlce Prue- flee of Ily'patheet ling 't'heir Sal aries-Ilesulis lxpeeft'd , The government , through Internal Hove- title Collector Iloutz and his assistants , has started Investigation of what is termed by revenue agents a dereliction of duty in the matter of anixing revenue stamps to certain documents. The papers in question are assignments of salaries on tlio part of employes of the city and county , With each of these assignments , there must be power of attorney , so that proper collection may be made in the event. that rho "salaried employe" tails to meet his obligation. The government agents believe that these papers should hear upon their taco the regulation tax of 25 cents in war tax stamps. A dispute has arisen. The agents in charge have referred the matter to the authorities \Vnvhiugten. . A report is expected 50011. it has been developed that a large per- rentage of the employes of the city and county go about town looking for a man who will advance them a few dollars on their unearned time. They call it "selling tithe. " It is slated that In the city comptroller's a111co is a list of 2,500 assignments. The government figares 25 cents each for the invoice. If the proposition wins there w'ih he qulto an addition to the funds of Uncle Sam. Sam.The The government imposes a penalty for each violation of tlm revenue act. The proceedings - ceedings thus tar ore not criminal , but rather an effort to test the question as to whetter assignments of salary must be afilxed with a 25-cent stamp. BURGLAR IN HIS BED ROOM Jnhu 1 : , itndew , llnd a I'Iatnl Under Ills 1'lllon , but \1'ttsn't Loaded. Johan E. Rudeen , a tailor living at 1034 South Twentieth street , awoke about 3 o'clock yesterday morning to thud a burglar in his room. "I think 1 mast have stirred as I awoke , " said Mr. ltudccn , "for the intruder scenes to have taken alarm , nail my first glimpse of hint was as lie was stealing softly out of the roam. The apartment was occupied by myself amid my little son ; my wife wits sleeping in another room. As the thief's back was toward me , i couldn't tell whether he was block or white , or whether he wore a mask , 'file room vas quite dark , though a lamp was burning In the kitchen adjoinn lag , 1 had a pistol under my pillow , but it wasn't loaded , so I didn't touch it. The last I saw of the burglar ho was climbing out of a rear , ' . Itudeen aroused his household and inspected - spected the premises to ascertain what , it anything , had been stolen. A watch and chain , a locket containing a braid o ; halt and 35c in money were missed. They had been lying on a small tale in the bedroom. Apparently nothing also hail been disturbed and the indications were that the burglar had been in the house only a few minutes. Ho had entered by prying up a rear window , which was not fastened. The modern and most effective cure for constipation and all liver troubles-the ta- mous little pills known as DeWlll"s Little Early Itlser3. It's right on page 7-Haydens announcement - ment of their Saturday bargains. rarer s Kidney tare rcLw Is a preparation which ranks among the leading patent medicines on the market. You have read testimonials from some of Omaha's leading citizens who have suffered with kidney trouble and have received the hest of results from the use of lt. W'hy not try 1t if you are troubled with kidney - ney complaint. We sell the $1.00 size bottle - tle for 75c. Yale's Ilair Tonic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lac Vale's Fruillcuta 75c ] 'plc's Almond 111osaom Cream. . . . . . . . . . 75c Yale's Flesh l'owder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40c Nkomo Quin/no / . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15r 1'e-rut-na . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75c Pohte's Celery Compound . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75c Duffy's Malt Whisky . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S c S. S. S. . . . . . . . . 75e hood's Sarsaparilla . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75c 1 dozen 2-grain Quinine Capsules , . . . . . . . 7c 1 dozen 3-grain Quinine Capsules . . , , . , IOc 1 dozen 5-grain Quinine Capsules. . . . . . , , . 35c CUT PRICE llRUGGIST Car. 10th and Chicago sts. I 1. . I I I ,66 , ,66THE THE CLUB only better , " is what one man ray's of the library car on time Burlington's Chicago Special. It's a wonderfully comfort- 1 able car-'Just like the club , only better. " It has n sofa ; a writing dcslt , svilh pens , ink and paper and envelopes of special dcaign ; card tables ; easy chairs ; the Illustrated weeklies - lies ; the popular monthlies old n well stocked buffet , Loaves Omalia--6:40 : a , . tn.l Arrives Chicago-8:10 : p , m. SAME DAY. iCKET f3UIYLINCTON OFFICE STATION 1002 Farnam 10th and Maeoil 6treot. Stroolm , Phone 204 'Phono 310. . , Facial ri east hs always improved by a beautiful set of teeth. Nulhhlg detracts front one's appear- unco more than an ugly set of teeth. Our artlileiul teeth are guaranteed to be ( ho best made Seientttc ! dentistry , guaranteed work and prices vvlthht the reach of 1111. ] 'airless extracting with VITALIZED Alit , ( toed S.'I'rrth , , , , , , , , . , ii5.0O Gold 1"Illinge , , , , , , , , $ LGu up latrnatiug , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . .in Taft's ' Philadelphia Dental Rooms , 1517 UtI11GLAs ST. . DON'T ( IIT LIIFT , Change h , Serllre on the "Ontnltn" ( C. ii. i' „ M. & 0. 113' . ) Iii Nt-irnItn , Commencing Sunday noon , the lath , there will be no through service via Emerson 10 and from SL Paul from Webster Street station - tion ; but trains Nos. 4 and 5 w911 make close comcetlbns In same depot at Sioux City with trains to and from SL Paul and . After noon of above date trains will leave and arrive Webster Street station as follows - lows : No , 4 for Slotx City anti north Nebraska - braska , St. Paul anti Minneapolis , leave 6,00 , a. m „ tinily. No , 6 for Sioux City and north Nebraska , leave 3:40 : p , in , dally , No. 1 from Sioux Clty and north Nebraska , arrive 11:20 : a , In , dally No. 3 from Sioux City , north Nebraska , St. I'aul and Minneapolis , arrive 9:10 : p. m , dally. The above trains make connection at Emerson - erson to and from \Vakefield , Ilartington , Wayne nail Bloomfield and at Coburn to and front New Castle branch points , except on Sunday. BALLOTS ARE RECOUNTED laud of the Ca iivties ht II , F , 'I'Iin in is' . ' laet'tb it Cnutest for Ofllee of Pollee .1 tail e , The recount of ballots cast at the last eiectloh for the odlco of police judge , and for which 1) ) . 1' . Thomas , the republican candidate , is contesting against S. I. Gor- tioL has been finished. Mr. Thomas and his friends claim substantial gains , The Gordon clement asserts that a net showing will make but little , if any , difference from llio figures returned by the judges and clerks of election , 'Many ' of the questtonahle ballots have been marked as exhibits. These are to ho brought before Judge Vhtsonlmler in argument by the attorneys. It's like touching a match ( to gunpowder the way the news has spread of our great January reduction sale. Don't you miss this great bargain selling. Rend the ad on page 7-It's the big store of Ilayden Bros , Omen Soap anti all tlno other Ilyumei prepatntimts at out prices. Our list of cut price prepara- tlona wrotlid fill 1'WO PAGES OF TI I16 1)EH , The trust " \VON'T let us buy a TIDING ; you know. But they don't seem to prevent OUR SELLING goods at the same old curt prices. Ask us for nesv drugs , patents and phar- tnuceulicnlt' . Our Cut Price , " ; c Chamberlain's Cough Cure , . . , . , , , . , . ) c SOc Gem Catarrh ( 'ore. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4oc Splendid hard Itubber Atomizer. . . , . , , , 50 2 , ' 'retlow's Swa 's Down i'owder. . , . , 15c 50c Labluche Face , Paltdel' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sic fOc Pozzoni's Face Powder , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Sic $1.00 Madame Yale's Good , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ' 5c $1.00 Peplogeulc Milk Powder , . , , . , , . , . . . SOu $1.50 \ 'Inlirimini . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , , $1.15 (11.50 Fellow's Syrup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.20 $1.00 .Mexican lladr Resoraive. , . . . . . . 75c fOc Tarrant's Ape icnt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4oc 5c tumphrey's ! Specifics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20c Small sized Sozodotil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211e 'sic Rublfontn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20c 25c Laxative Bromu Quinine . . . , . . . . . . . , lee $1,00 Duffy's Malt W'hiskey. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55c iI & II. Snap , for cleaning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9e 500 King's New Discovery. . , . . , , . , 4)c ) 50e Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets. , . . . . , , . . 40c Attend our ltenun nl Snit' , i , SHERMAN & M'CONNELL ' DRUG CO , ' The Mltidie-of-Illock Druggists , Who Are Going to Stove to a Corner Some Titne. S ee Dow -Scofield's i We Cot SilTUROA Y I CotPricesa Pricesa We most close out all cloaks and furs i before going to New York to buy spring goods , 1'verybmiy kttosts pun stock repro' i scuts 01111' tills season's goods , \Vo will sell them quicitly at these prices. ] 'on hurts' it. One f60 velvet coat , $25.00 , One $15.00 velvet coat. $20.0) . Onr $35,00 velvet rout. $15.00. $30 mind $2 ; cloth jackets , $15111. $14,00 , $21 isn anti $ .5 rq cloth jackets , $10.00. $10.00 , $1200 and $1350 golf jackets , $5.00. $1111 , $500 aml $600 kersey jackets , $2.50. Astrakhan fur and electric seal coats r'el'y chetq + . Don't wait for some one else to tell you of these bargains. Cottle quick and see them yourself 1115CDFIELD C &S CO. 15i1I Douglas Street. 'CUT THIS OUT AND i BRING ITWITHYOU And ash the cleric to show yon the fol- lns\11lg articles : lieu's Natural Colored - ored Underwear , 16c. Senmless Socks , 5c , Cooks' told \\'allers' Jackets , 45c. UnllllC(1 Gloves , 20c. Men's full stilts of clothes , $ 3.85. Boys' heavy Chinchilla chilla Reefers , 01,76 , Flannel Lilted Arctics , 750. Brow'rtCheeked Bib Overalls alls ,1Sc , heavy Gray Ulsters , 8,3.75. , \\u'ut ! Caps , Pic. Duck Coats , blanket lined , 7'ic. heavy Casslhiere I'nnts , I X1.75. 111110 Flnnnel Shirts , 46c. Fur Overcoats , cfil3 , and thousands of other tti'ticles too Bunleruus to mention at prices way below their value. Be sure you strike the right placewe arc locates - cates near Beanitt's , on Capitol avenue , close to 10th street , near the new post- dillee. Look for the blue sign-"Guar- antee ClathhIg Co , " WANTED-Caro of bad health that R-I-I'-A-N-S will not benefit. Send 5 cents to Illpans Chemical Co. , New York , for 10 samples and 1,000 . Great January clearing sale of IIANOS od OR6AS E- To make room for 5 carloads of pianos ' bought at a great sacrifice for cash , we ' . ' ' the following astonishing prices on f slightly used t uprighln and grands , on sam- r" .5 moist ! ? , ' 4 plo pianos and instruments represented by . , . . in the regular way. Lyon & , Healy Upright . . . . . . . . . . $ 65 IIardman pianos , worth double filings Upright , ebony case , , , . . , $ Si the money , $185 , $210 and , , . . $225 . . . . . . . . . . . . Story & Camp Upright $105 Chlckerlmig Grand Plano , fine con- Marshall & Wendell Upright . . . . $125 dition , only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $450 Fine sample piano , new . . : . . . . . $142 Sohmer Baby Grand , mahogany Ballet & Cumston , Kimball & case , only . , , . . . , . . . . , . $500 Steinway , A , B. Chase , Vase , Ivers & Pond , Emerson and Packard pianos at 20 percent discount from regular price. We sell new pianos on $5 monthly payments. Rent , tune and repair pianos. Telephone 1025. Write for catalogues , prices and terms or pay us a visit of Inspection and see the wonderful self playing Planola , the world's greatest musical invention. c mo er ue er TILE OLD AND iLELAfLt3 PIANO IIOUSE , Steinway & Sons 13113 rarnam Street. Representatives. 337 Broadway , Council Bluffs. s Oesing n en er Footwear Regardless of Cost. Irresistible prices in good shoes and overshoes , to close them out quick. ; -O for the "Dykes" Rubber Heala on single soles , kid tips and coin toes-worth G Soles , worth 35e and 5Oc-that will $3.00. not slip , Q P' " for Child's fine Kid Lace Shoes , + for Men's Satin Calf Lace O with double fair stitched soles kid 1 15 + Shoes , with double stitched lip and wide coin toes , sizes 83 to 12- moles-worth $2,00 , worth $1.35 + 7 for Iloys' Satin Calf Lace illu galllS in Annex Shoe Dept. o ei.3 Shoes , with double nail quilted G5e for Misses' Kid Button nod Lace moles-worth $2,00. Spring Heel Shoes , sizes Il to 2 , worth $1.25. ' for Boys' fine Corduroy Leggings , DOC slzrs 4 to 10-worth $1.25 , Q t for Women's Kid Dutton and Lacs it pJ Sheen now styles-worth $2.00 , + ' , y for Women's fine Kid Button , ' cc. , welt Shoes-worth $ .50 , 53c for Roman's Good . quality fuckle i Arctics-worth $1.00 . w tor Ladles' fine Vlcl ICIi Lace ry 3c for Step's Good Quality Buckle ' Shoes , with silk vesting tops , I / Arctics-worth $1.25 , Ultra shoes tor women -as their Warne implies-are out of the ordinar J + latest and best as to t s style , quality , andcomfort , They arc always worthy , dependable L ct' . shoes. A hostof wearers indorse 0" . this claim , Each new wearer means a new indorser. One price p' -53,5o-and many styles. k" 0l'J ' ° SHE SHOE cFOR WOMEN THE LEST AT A FAIR PRICE , NONE DEFTER AT ANY PRICE , .50 Catalogue Freer ROSI 00000 000 000 000 000 0000000 000 000 000 00000 ° ° o TODAY TIII3 DAY o - - - - - p 0 .p . p 0 1 0 t o o t 0 U 0 Ladies' L E 0 1' i0 0 re- 0 gal'ding clonic buying , cloak selling nud cloak p 10 o styles. .Every Well pasted WOlllall is well flWare that 0 0 ' o it's ilupOSgiblu for any establisilulent , largo or small , to a o 0 0I)011 ) u I l the Season811(1 close it ll l ) + without a for tun'a 0 seasonable gal'unents to carry over , 'llley are also aware o r 0 that , no dcplu tment soffits as much 011 auouut of a t 0 ° changes in styles as the cloak (1e1)artnlent. 'l'it ) styles , 0 0 0 colors , lee rths , , otc „ all go tln'ough an ontii'O charge of o ; o 0 Ir0g1'alllllle each season and this bllinb our first season 0o 0 in cloaks allot suits , we have decided to start a Cleats 0 ° ° o Sweep Sale , itt once and if p riLl's , styles anui (1ttali0 0 0 ties will do it , there will be very few Winton gaelul'uts 0 0 0 to carry ovel' . Rennounbor , that we have no old styles , o 0 0 or sllocliy macto garments to show you-only cloaks p ° 0 fromn the best nnakers , are shown in this house , No 0 ° 0 better anywhere. o ° ° o Ladies who appreciate an oIIortuuitY to bu Y o ° 0 cloaks , at a fraction of their value , should not delay in 0 ° attenditig this sale. ° 0 , 0 0 r 1o give you an idea how the values run , please o 0 read the following- 0 0 p 0 p a les' Kersey Jackets- 0 ° ° 0 Lined throughout- 0 0 for. . , o 0 p 0 L die saoucle Jackets- 0 0 Lined throughout- - o 0 , $39 . . . 0 0 0 0 a Ie s ' Ins el' se y and 0 x o r Jackets- 0 p 0 0 ° Silk lined all colors- 0 throughout , - 0 $4 90 p 0 only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . + 0 0 0 lafiles' Kersey Jackets- ° 0 Fine select quality silk and satin lined hand- o 0 solnely made-not a jacket iii this a 0 0 lot worth less thou $12-for . . . . . . . , 47 . 0 p 0 0 ° ltits s ' hi g N Grade Jackets- 0 0 ° Jackets that have sold as high as p o 0 40 and $50 all go at $16.50 and 47 0 0 0 0 ° Remember , this is no one day sale , but will cone ° 0 tinue , regardless of the weather , until every garment is o 0 sold. 1'11000 who delay will be disappointed. Those 0 p ° Who are prompt will get the cream of the crop. ° o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sale Commences 0 0 0 0 0 0 p 0 p 0 p 0 0 r 0 ' 0 0 p 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ' 0 0 p ° t g h O'clock. ° ° 0 0 0 0 0 0 , ° ® 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00000a0000000O000000000000000000000000 HflYDE To the ubIic We will make Saturday in the fifth day of the great sale of goods bought at B5c on the dollar , from Klein , Leventhal ( cC Levy , together with our own euorlnous stock-tile greatest day for bargains in the history of our eloalc business , This is no weak attempt to make an impression on the public , but is .backed by a stock of 000 worth of Jaclcets , Suits , Capes , Skirts and 1Vaists , and the prices we quote are not , and never \vill be , duplicated by any house in the west. Not an old garment in the ] louse at any price. Ladies' kersey jackets , lined throughout , worth S0 , at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . + Ladies' boucle cal'torpillar and Persian jackets , $ silk lined throughout , \vorth $ 'J , at. . . . . . . . . . . . . . a * LfIICS fine kel'soy and eassialere jackets , tom. silk lined throughout , all eolot's , $ " ' worth sl2 , for. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LaLadies' flue kersey jackets , lined with Skin- , worth alp t0 $ e2O , 'P v off Halo at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . o Ladies' Vigil grade jackets , 1w. a ported models , Worth up to ; 35. . . Q 7'he above prices are good until every gar- - : meat is closed out. La(1ies' all wool suits in grays , 1)I 116 slid blacks , jaclctts ) silk lined , I worth up to $18 , for. . . , . . . , , , Ladles' Suits do all colors , eeno silk lined throughout-worth up to $25-for $ L08. A few Imported Sumplo Suits-worth u p to $50,00-for $15.00 Ladles' Silk and Satin Waists , in nil colors-worth 56.00-for $2.05. ladies' Eiderdown iressing ; Sacques- worth $1.50.-for G9c. Infants' Hlderdown ( 'luuks , Thlbet trimmed-worth $1.00--for 25c. ( 'hlldren's Jackets , sizes 6. S and 10--worth $4,50-for { 1.98. ladies' Flar.ueiotto Wruppers 191' l.ttdles' llectrl + ' Seal Collarettts$250. . 50 dozen Ladies' t nderskirlsworth $100 for 390. 390.BROSI