THE OMAHA DAILY TCEE : TUESDAY , JA'NTA'RV 0 , 1J)00. ) n SPECIAL NOTICES AilverllftcniotitN fur tlicno column * Infnkeii until 12 in. for the L-clltlon unit until SilKI | i. in. tttr iiuirnlilK i > n'I SiiniliiiMlltlon. . llulen , 1 1-Ue n mini tlrM lnertloii | Ic n ortl tlie-ronftor. r.otliltiK tnUon ( or ICNH tli 11 n UBej for tin ; Ili-Kt I it tic r- tlon. Tin-He niUcrtlMuiiicnfii nitiNt lie run count-cut 1\dr. Ailt CTtlnvrN , lij rciiticntltiK n mini- bcrt-il clici'U ) run lunc niix er n' " clri-Hne-d to a iiiiiiibi-re-d tetter In cure of The lire. AiiNnerH mi ntlilrcmtcil will he ilellnTcil on presentation of the ehceU oiil > , ATIONH. A HTUNOGRAPIIKH w ? 1CV , ivi.ewrlte typewriter Remington please will > J | > tbo otllc-e. . 1019 Furnnm street , telephoneW. Ings , Not ) . WANTED. Wo tia\c steady work for a tow lASdI ustlcrH of good " I' ' unce. U. P. Adams Co , 1619 WE TEACH Uic barter IraUo there gtV In short time uml furnish ench grad iflto with a Kimrantccd position at geioc "ugo-i. There are more than t n barberI'9'11" ' " * advertised to one at bookkcepl B or shrt- haiul. Wrllo for frco catalogue " ' ' tlctilars. Western Barbers' Omalu. CASH for noccptnblo Ideas ; Plato It pal- onted. Address The Patent Record , Bul- tlmorc. Aid. B-C33 AN Intelligent young man to take a hand scholarship and p.iy for "when ho 1ms finished ttiu course and secured a po- Billon. Address V Si , Hco. B-M418 BOYLES College. Bt-o Hlcls. ; furnishes places for students who dcslro It to vvork for board while In attondnncu. B-577 3 picture agents , expenses paid. 1S10 Lenv. II oJU J..U ANTED , paint Bnlosmon to work on commission bnsls ; only those with experi ence and references need apply. 1212 tar- nam St. " -602 YOUNG man who understands care of horse can earn tuition In Omaha's best business and shorthand college. Address U 14 , Hoc. B 90G WANTBD , a good grocery salesman for western Iowa ; must ho a young man , ported and a hustler. Address U 20. lloe. GOVERNMENT positions Don't prepare for any civil service or census examina tion without seeing our catalogue of In formation. Sent froe\ Columbian Corre spondence College , Washington , D C. IJ-M719 ! ) COUNTRY Printer A good man , steady nnd HOber , can Bccuro permanent position at good wages , payable weekly , bf application to Argus , Lewlstovvn , Mon tana ; no man who uses lleiuor need apply. Young man preferred Write , stating capacity , wages desired , and glvo refer ences. P.-M9D5 10 WANTED , manager and agents ; Milan or commlBslon : cheapest nnd largest line Hunter Tailoring and Shirt Co. Cincin nati , O. II MHS A7 WANTED , bookkeeper ; glvo references nnd balttry desired. U 22 , Bee B-S32 S WANTED , an experienced coachman ; refer ences rexiulrcHl W. II. McCorel , care Mc- Cord , Brady Co. 13 M147 10 WANTED , men to learn barber trade , WK positions at $60 monthly waiting our graduates ; now Hold , can earn tuition , two months complete ; all Information with handsome ItOO "ouvonlr mulled free , Jlolcr Barber college , Chicago , 111 B M16J It * ENERGETIC' man to travel and appoint agents ; $ M ) monthly , besides expenses nnel roninilfslonfr" light"work ; rnferrncc-H. E. McBrady. 330 Dearborn , Chicago. li M159 10 AGENTS wanted for "Llfo of Dwlght L Moody , " the > famous evangelist , written bv his grateful co-vvorhcrs In loving mem ory of his high , unselfish service In the e-uiiso ot fellovv-mun Only nuthorlzcd endorsed or reliable edition ; a master book by master minds , only Jl 50 ; ever ) body v\inls It : no capital or experience re qulroil ; highest commission ; freight paid outfits nnd circulars frco Address S A Park , publisher , 3Ji Donrboin street. Chi cuco. B M15S ! ) WANTED , a salesman accuslomed to linn clllng china and glassware Address with references. 131S Furnani B-M1C7 10 * V/ANTKD F n Itr.l.P. V WANTED , 200 girls. 1524 Dodgo. Tol. S76T" C-C39 AN Intelligent lady to take n shorthand scholarship nnd pay for It when shu finishes the course and secures a posi tion. Address T 33 , care Bee. C M417 A THOROUGH BUSINESS "oil SHOUT- HAND COURSE. IN THE NEB. BUSINESS AND SHORTHAND COLLEGE , nOTD THEATBR BLDO. , INJURES ATMONDY MAKING POSITION Attendance almost double that of last year Jl.OOOOO worth Intent model Smlth-Promler typov\rllerH Just purchased to meet the In creased demand This liiHtltutlon Is endorsed by principals of Iho High school , ofllcltil court report- < f s and business men. Now classes this vvcek. A. C. Ong. A. Mi President C MS30 _ "COMPHTKNT cook 2214 Landon Court on 24th. between St. Mary's anil Ilulf Howard. C 929-S * 80 girls wanted Canadian ollleo 152. ! Douglas C93SF5 _ WANTKD. peed girl tor general houso- work. 1024 Park avenue. C M13I 10 * FOIl IttJ.NT IIOti.SKS. IF YOU want' vour houses well routed place them with IJcncvwi \ . Co. D 010 CHOICE houses , collages , stores ! ilctirv U. I'm no , Wl ) N. y. Life. 'Phone. 101(1 ( _ _ Dll CHOICE robldence , 12 rooms , new Hlsnin boallng nppnriUUHi e-xccllcnt condition ; good Htuble , fully modern 27th ulicl Jnck- sqn slicctB. Demls , Puxton block ' D-M1I.G _ HOUSES , Htores. Dcmls , Paxton block _ D-U4J HAGGARD Van & Storage , 1618 Can. Ave Tel. l4J < i ' roll RUNT , houses In all parts of cltv ' The O. F. 'Davis Co . 1505 Furimm stroel ' D-015 HOITSES for rent In all ports of the cliy Drcmmn-Lovc Cp , , ; ! OU So. lllth street for rnt. J. II. Sherwood. 423 N. V. Life. 'Phono 3SS. D 017 FOR RENT , dealrnblo houses and Huts Rlngnnlt , Darker block. D CIS 1-RflOM elegant apartments In Norm indie $51 ( W ; 6-roiim , all modern cottugo , puwly liapetcd ntvl In fine shape. $ . ' 5 CO Wo have nuiny , olIiorH Pa ) ne-lviios Co. , 1st floor , N Y. Life Hldg D-C49 HOUSES to rent. Patterson , 305 X , Y Life D-650 HOUSE for rent at 1152 Park live . all mod ern. APPly 2150 So , 33d St. Tel 12 ' i D-157 TOR RENT , 8-room houco , nil modern con venlences. ojiposlte Hunhcnm park 1529 Pi\rk \ live. IiiQUlre 2130 S 33rd or telephone - phone 1227 D M107 FOR RENT. 552 So. Kth. 7 rooms , modern $30 : 3007 Webster , 7 rooms , bath , 222J N 1Mb , G rooms , bin ) large ) .trd ; $41 So 19th. 4 roorns. also tints. Rlngwnlt Bros , Barker Blk. D-CSl FIVn-HOOM cottage , convenient , well and cistern w liter , Zfi04 nicnido street , JS App ' at 607 N , Will St. - FOR RKNT 9-room doiuc-hfi ] house , all modern. 1915 Capital uve , I4S it-room modi-wi hou , 2l N mih Bt , HB , The Byron Reed Co. , J12 fa. Ktb 1 , J. OH KENT 1KM SiS. 8-RnoM , modern house , reasonable , key nfxt donr fill North 23d. D 971 9' t NEQt'ALKD , central , steam hoftt , 11 modern 7-room hoti'f. Tlznrd. ? N. 2th. ( D-MSS 10 4-ROOM house. 2M2 Davenport St . line pair , water 'n lde , J1000 D-9 IinFSES. 2 to 14 rooms' , $1 to JtS. Sr r. S. Nnt l ) nk bid ? D-M130 9 TEN room haute all modern , 220Hnrney. . D-152-10 * FOR iinvr Kt'ti.MMiinu HOO.MS. PLEASANT south nnd cast room for two ; reasonable. 1S21 Blnncy. E-MSIt J6 NICE rooms at 3U S. 26th st. st.EMS62 Fcb2 THREE large and ono small room , ronsoti- able 1407 Jonc . E Mill ID' FURNISHED rooms , housekeeping 2 < H1 fit. Man's. E MH5 17 * rriiMsunn ROOMS AM > nnvun. THE Mcrrlam family hotel , 2Jth and Dodge. IT tw2 CIS S. 19TH , desirable rooms and board. F-M23iJ14 ( TO 2 gentlemen , In private family 2120 St. Mary's Ave. F-MS03 FURNISHED rooms nnd board. 2013r > oilB- _ IIOO.M nnd board , $ l and J3 15I2 Davenport. F-MSG3 Fcb2 VERY desirable sulto of rooms , also ono south room 212 S. 25th st. F-MS93 FURNISHED rooms with boardreferences. 310 So. 20th St. F-D13 11 ROOMS and board. 313 S. 26th st. st.F F HI 14 TOR HK.vr STOHI2S AMI OFI-MCI2S. FOR RENT , store In first class location ; rent reasonable. Apply II. C. Peters ct Co. , grpund floor , Ueo BIdg I 2C6 FOR RENT , a ground floor oincc , specially suitable for real estate , etc. , splendid vault built for usr > of city treasurer. Ap ply R C Peters & Co. , ground floor. Bee ilulldlnjj. I-2 FOR RENT , brick warehouse , two Moors , each 60x50 feet ; power elevators ; U. P trackage. Apply Haurmann Bros , 1914 S. SOth. I-C51 Afiiivrs CAPABLE men and women can make good wages jxjlllng our "Quick Meal Cooker nnd Heater. " or "Quick Klndler. " ( Sub stitute for kindling and coal ) Agents al lowed liberal commission and exclusive lerrltory. Wrlto for particulars. Ben nett Manufacturing Co. , 134 Van Buren St , Chicago. J-SoG STORAGE. PACIFIC Storage nnd Warehouse Co. , 912 911 Jones , general storage nnd forwarding. 655 n TO nt/Y. / ALL kinds of household goods , hotels , etc. , In large or small cpaantltles. Chicago Fur niture Co. , 1406-10 Dodge. Tel. 2020.NG56 N-G56 WILL purchase a limited number of Omaha Savings Bank accounts. Brennnn- Love Co . 21D S. 16th St N-G57 WANTED , to buy , a restaurant outfit. Pee pio's Store , 16th and Farnam. N M213 AMERICAN dealer , buy secondhand furnt tuio and slaves. 1719 Cumlnir. Tel 1673. N-M9SI J9 WANTED , small second-hand motor for 110-volt ellroct current. Address , vvltr particulars , P. O. box 505 , city. N-M1GI 10 * WANTED , a cheap delivery horse. Apply 131S Furnnm. N M16S 10 roil SAM2 KUIIMTUKC. STOVES AND FURNITURE , no reason able offer refused. Neb. Fur. Co. , 141 ! Hedge O 65S JEFFERSON Square 2nd hand store. Fur nlturo & stoves bought & sold 116 N. Kith O-150-F-7 * FOR S Via : HORSES AMI WAGONS GOOD hack , now wheels , J250. 6 pass , rub' her-tlicd rockaway , llrst-class condition JloO. Light rockuway , J1S5 , painted. Llghj rockawuy , J13" ) , painted. 4 family car Hugos , 3 phaetons , 6 good top buggies. Drummond Carriage Co. , ISth and Harriey P-S2S J30 FOU SALE , good 2-scated double carriage and line Hot of harnesses , cheap A P , Tukcy , Board ot Trade. P 911 FOR SALE A hamlsomo pacing mare , . years old nnd hlghlv bred , brand now rubber tire Concord Runabout buggy and hurnof-3. U 21 , Bee P 14S-S' FOR SAMS MISCKM.AMJOUS. SHIRTS to order. Kelley & Ileyden. QR59 CHEAPEST nnd best oak cribbing and hog fences 901 Douglas St. Q 60J CUTTERS of drug prices. Sherman & Mo- Connell Drug Co. , 1513 Dodge St. Q-66J FOR BAMS , ten R-I-P-A-N-S for 5 cents nt druggists. Ono gives relief. Q C64 B HAAS , Florist , 1S13 Vlnton St. Tel. 77C. Plants , cut flowers , boejuots , hall , resi dence , wedding and grave decorations Oiders by mall or express promptly filled. Q-6C5 INDIAN relics ; mounted heads. 1110 Farnam Q 666 2D-HAND safe cheap. Dcrlght , 111G Fnrnnm. Q-6C7 SAFES Buy , soil , exchange. Ill S. 13th St. Q GC9 FOR SALE , new nnd 2d-hnnd soda foun- tnlns. monthlv pavments. s B. Richmond mend , P O. Box 577. Q-M212 J13 $100 Bl'YS nn Art Poster Exh'SIt of over ( MY ) nrllsts' proofs , rare prints and poster pictures , uniformly mounted , with fixtures for hanging , cnso for Hhlpplng , etc . ex hibited with grent success In severnl 1 we.stcni cities. Can be leased to nrt clubs or socletle-s or put on the road direct A money maker for a hustler , Address Art Poster Show , 127 N. 12th. Lincoln , Neb Q-Mlll 9 FOR SALE , the celebraled Wilbur Food for f.illenlng Mock , enough feeds to last ono unlmiil 1600 days for $13,00 ; satisfac tion guaranteed II A. Hill , state ngont , Grnud Is'and. Neb Q 23J J13 THE only carriage Jiontcr or fool w armor worlh buying. Prlco Ji.fiO. Drummond Co Q-S27 J30 START now to buy your now wheel. $1 03 down , tl 00 n week- cull and get full par ticulars' Omaha Blcyclo Co Q-M599 COMPELLED to sacrifice beautiful J400 Hurdtmin piano Address U 15 , Bee otllr p Q-MS5S JERSEY cow and calf. SOOTi South 19th Q-153-S * FRESH cow and t-orlnpcrs James \vhe- liin , kill and Grace Q Mlfi2 15 horse nnd cow ; pall after .1 D w. Tlllolson , 27i1 Ohio. O Mlfil 15 * NOTICE , counlry denlom , 2d-lmnd furniture Aistavesnt lowest prices , curio-id lots or less. Chlcugo Furimure Co. , HOO-io Dodge. R-C70 CIjUHVOVAVI'S. MRS. FRIT/ , clairvoyant , SOS N. 16th 16thS671 S-671 MM13. OYLMER genuine palmist 1605 Dod e S-G7J VIENNA fortune teller , IS ) ears here 1411 Ilowuid S 903 H MRS DR HART , palmtot nd clalrvojant , J13 N. 15Ui Btrce\ \ . Hours , 9 to 9.SdU S-dU i i \ SMAUiM > IIATIIS. I MRS nnUUY. baths , ma Riie. PAULORS best pqulppwl In city , porcelnln tub , lady endaius. 119 No. 16th. 2d "oo THE Tl'XEDO Elegant mns ngo tub bath , Arabian trentmcnt. Flnt D , 703 So IGth. T MSt59 9 * Frntixcs De Seutorlous of K. C. 107 N. 12th. T MS70 MMK. AMES. R. 2,5078 13 ; mnssntte baths T 931 Fo MAY WILSON , thermal nnd tub b.ith ; massngo by competent attendants. 618 S. 16th St. P-MSO 9 KLITE PARLOUS , CIS S. 16th , upstairs ; llrsl-clnts bvhs. magnetic treatment. Lady ntlendnllts. T-930-15 * MMK. SMITH , room 2. llSi * N isth. T M121 IMHSOXAIS. VIAVI Is vvomnn's way to health aWJSl0 Bldg. V-C73 SHAMPOOING 25c. hnlr dressing 2r c ; hair and toilet goods , best equipped. Monbelt , 151S Farnam. U-C71 I'RIVATE hospital for Indies before & dur ing confinement ; babies adopted. 11SO N.17. _ U-670 MONHEIT. lending chiropodist. 151S Far- nam , 2d floor. U CT5 SCALP & hair treatment. Mme. Post , S. 15th. U-G77 L1EHEN , costumcr. 1313 Hownrd Get catalogues. U-C78 COSTUMES , Mrs. Sack. 331S So SOth ; cata logue. U MOW JS * SECONDHAND sewing machines from $5.00 up Neb. Cycle Co. . Cor. 15th nnd llarney. U M5J9 DR. Roy , chiropodist ; corns removed , 25o tind upward. Iloom 12 , Frcnzer block. _ U-679 RUPTURE cured , no knife , no pain , no danger Send for circulars. Empire Rupture - turo Cure , 932 New York Llfo building , Omaha U-MS42 J31 PROF. D. W. JOHNSON breaks a v dls- ease with the Secret of Health vvllll one boltlo , nnd $1 per bottle. 1711 Vlnlon it. , Omaha , U-MbC3 9 * GOOD large barn for rent In north part ot city. Inquire 2124 Locust. U-103 HOMKLFSS Children-A very desirable girl 10 ) c-ar.s of ugc for udoptlon , three bc > j.s , 7 , s nnd 9 yours of age , for adop tion ; two good boS , 7 and 9 years of age , want places where they can bo useful to pay their board while they go to school ; their mother does not wish lo give them up for adoption , but is wholly unable to support them and wants them to go Into homes whern they might remain j-everal years Child Sav ing Institute , 601 S. ISth street U-M137 11 * MONUY TO LOAN HCAIj RSTATI3. $1,000 nnd upwnrds to loan on Improved city property nnd farms. W. Farnam Smith fit Co. , 1320 Farnam W 6SO MONEY to loan on Nebraska , nnd Iowa farms ; lowest rates. Brennan-Lovo Co. , 309 S. 13th , Omaha. W 6SI $100 TO ? 2,000. F. D. Wead , 10th and Douglas W tS2 WANTED , city and farm loans ; also bond nnd warrants. 11. C. Peters & Co , 1702 Fnrnam St , Boo Bldg. W-GS3 WRITE us If you want a loan on your faim In lown , "astern Neb. or Mo. : It will pay you. Anthony Loan & Trust Co.,315 N.Y.L. W-OS1 $115.000,000 to Invest through Bankers. Brokers , Promoters ; sent for circular. Investors' Directory , N. Y. AV-CS3 5 PER CENT money. Bemls , Paxton block , W bSfi E to loan on first-class Improved clt ) property or for building purposes , Payne Ivnox Co , N. Y. Life. W-C37 5-I > H , 6 per cent loans ? in Omaha , S Omuhn \v. II. Thomas , COS 1st Nat. bank. Tel 1 4 ! W-CSS to loan nt 5 nnd 5'i per cent on Omaha property. W. B. Meikle , 101 So. 15tl W-CS9 MONE1 to loan on Improved Omaha rea estate. Brennan-Lovo Co. , 209 South 13th W-GOO riVPJ per cent ; farm loans. . Chas. E W1I llamson. yj RIVATE monov , low rate , no dolnv. Oarvln Bros , 1013 Farnam St W 149 MOMJV TO I.OAV CHATTELS. . WE-HAVE-IO.UOO.OO-DOLLARS to loan on HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. PIANOS ORGANS , WAREHOUSE RECEIPTS HORSES. CARRIAGES , ETC We charge nothing for making papers am wo arranso the time and payments to suit you , and every dollar paid back LESSENS THE COST. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO . Tel. 2293. 30fi S. 16th St X-MS43 MONEY loaned salaried people holding tier manent position with responsible concerns upon their own names without security eas > y payments. Tolman , 706 N. Y , L Bldg X-093 MONEY loans on furniture , rigs , bicycles diamonds , watches , etc , - payment uu known to friends. Omnlia Loan Bank , 141 Fnrnnm , upstairs X 091 MONEY loaned on pianos , furniture , horses cows , Jewelry. DuftGieen , R. 8 , Barker bll X-C05 MONEY loaned on furnllure , plnnos lew elry , elc. . unknown to friends , monthlv payments ; half rates Berger.s' Loan Co 140S Farnam , over drug store. x COB LOANS mndo to salaried people on thol personal note without security ; rates roa sonable. J W Taylor , 218 First Nat'I bk bids. 12 to C:15 : p. m. X-G9S MONEY loined on planoH , furniture le > n- elrv , horses , COWP , etc. C F. Reed 319 S ' LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE ployed In Omnhn. South Omaha em ami Council Bluffs , holdlne good positions 01 thnlr own names. NO MORTGAGE fiTST TERMS , overvthlng prlvnto ; mon'oy bo paid back In small weekly or monthlv ran payments American Loan Co Room COI. Boo Bide X 700 MPNJ MY : LOANED SAT ARfED PEOPLE holding permanent positions on their own nnm without endorser or mortnairp STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL ami LOU' . EST RATES Nn Inquiries made of c-m- ploer or fr'onds ou can borrow any amount nnd repay In ensy weekly or monthlv payments Before Irarrowinir fioo 1 IIP Omaha Credit Co , sulto C23-52 N y Llfo BldL" X-701 MONEY lo loan on furniture , plnnos , norros. cows , olc J W Taylor 21S First Nat'I bk bldg 12 to O-lo p. m X 70J WE MAKE LOANS FROM J1000 UP. ward to nnlarled poople. holding pernn- nonl positions "n OMAHA , SOUTH OMAHA. COUNCIL BLUFFS , on their personal note without endorsement or mortgage All nnpllcnllons Irented In oonfliieiirc 1 oanx < " " be paid ALL or In PART nt ANY TIME nnd every dollar so "aid LE RnNR TITH COST OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO . 1 30fi S ICth Rt Tel 223T Room 119. Board of Trade bldg X MS44 en v. > rns. MERCHANDISE STOCKS-We have dry goods , clothing , stocks bools and bhoos. hardware , diugs and groceries stocks located In all parts of Ncbrnskn. Iowa. Dakota and Missouri If you want to buyer or Undo for a Block of goods wo can locate If you want to sell ) our goods or I properly wo can fine ] n biicr for ) ou Wrlto or call on us for what you want Holoh' for pnlo or trade. Merchnnd'si ' Broker 202 Knrbichblk. Y-703 A DESIRABLE old-e'stnbllshed cnsh busl- ness Owing to fulling lienlth I have concluded to retire from buslnei ! . , and offer my clock of groceries , tinware meat mirket , Jlour nnd feed for sale Ifoii wnnl u de-slrublo bUBlneas Invet-tlgTlo Bartlclt Grocerv Co , COO nnd 602 Rrond- wuy , Council Bluff * . Y AI622 J23 CLEAR land nnd cash for general mrtse Htock , or names * stock preferred Ad- drcts Box 107. Tllden , Neb Y-MkG4 9 - QOOD opcnlnu for coal ana ice. ! * D Wcad. I ' j Y 875 8 tl\MiSi. FOR SALE or rent , n good mr-at market In nortreaatern Nebrnskn. doing a. good bu l- i ness Address U 11. cnre Bee. oitwihn. Neb _ Y-M3999 * | A SNAP-tf-OOftOrt buys half InttrMt In RCII- ernl store In northeastern Neb. , goods nenrly nil new , Inst ) ear's ne , $3XWOOJ , for pnrtlculars address U 33 , Uee Y-.M119S * _ "OR SALE , good paying srocerv and meat market ; good reasons for spiling ssth mm Dodge. Y-M016 12 * 'OR SALE , smnll stock of crockery and glassware , In good location and doing a good business. Address nis Firnnm ( Y MI13 10 _ FOR i\ciiAMii : , VANTED. good Unm In exchange for Omaha clour property. A P Tuke ) . Board of Trade / 110 FOU EXCHANGE , IGO-ncre well Improved farm for stock clothing and gents' fur nishing goods or groceries For pnr tlculars address lock box 23 , Shcllon , Neb S-MU25 15 _ KOIlIr RF. VI , T.STVTIX PAYNE-KNOX Co. , HEADQFAUTERS for REAL ESTATB UAucjAc.No. i.oiv- EST RATES on LOANS , SOUND IN SURANCE , HOUSES. FLATS. STORES , for RENT. First Iloor N Y. Llfo Bldg. RE-M40I m CAPITOL AVK. , price reduced to $1,323 W rooms , nearly new , on lot 50\133 feet , south front. Byron R. Hastings , 212 S. 14th st. RE-MS25 IF YOU have a bargain to offer In real cslato see S. A. Broadwell , 601 N. Y. Llfo Bide. RE 704 I'OK QUICK returns on bargains only see S. A. Broadwell , 501 N. Y. Llfo Bldg. RE-701 lOl'SES , lots , farms , lands , loans ; nlE > o fire- insurance. Bemls , Paxton blk. RE 7CW A BARGAIN Four acres , 40lh nnd Pacltlc ; two blocks from car line , on belt rail road . ' McCague Investment , f..oW ; easy terms vestment Co , 1500 Dodge. ItE iQ3 FOR BARGAINS everybody goes to S. A. BroadweJI , 601 N. Y. Life Uldg.RL RL > 04 NOTHING but bargains handled by S A. Broadwell , 501 N. Y. Life Bldg RE-iOt NAPS In real estate ; money to loan , L. Johnson Co , 314 S. 15th street UU il FOR SALD-Bargalns In small residences. S. A. Broadwell. 601 N. Y. Llfo HENRY B PAYNE. COIN Y LIFE BLDG. Real Eslatc , Rentals , Loans , Insurance. C. F. HARRISON , FARMS , HOUSES , lots , farms , lands and InMirance R. C. Patlcrson. oM N. Y Llfo. KE-.13 . 15G2 NORTH 17T1I street , two houses , rent ing for $1000 per month , paving pall , pays 14 per cent gross , price $1,350. JohnN Frenzer , ODD. old P. O UC M600 THERE Is money lo be made on the fol lowing propel ties at the prices named. South front on Chicago and 2bth streets , GGxlU , $ liO ! ; two south fronts on Maple street , * between ISth nnd 13th streets $300 each. 5-room housennd full lot at 8th nnd Bancrott streets , $125 , 100 feet bqunro on 3lst nnd Mason streets , with collage and barn on east ha'f , west half vacant. $ JOCO , will divide ; G-room modern house , 41d and Patrick avenue , $1,550 A P Tukey , Board of Tnde. UE 803 $ ' 230 FOR FIVE acres on North 24th street , east old Fort Omnhn. . . CO ACRES within 10 miles of Omaha P O , 10-room house , barn 30\GO , some fruit trees , flno place : Impimoments e islly worth $ . ' .000 Trice , $4000 JOHN N. FRENZER , OPP. OLD P O. H E154 TWO BARGAINS. 60x12(5 ( , cor. 25th pt. Patrick Ave cost owner $ i,500 ciibh , price $600. Room for j ? Iij6rses. ' ' E-room ho'ijs'e and east front 50 foot lot , just so. of Woolworth on 2Sth st. house rents for $141 ) early only $1,500. C. F HARRISON & GEO T. MARTON. J,3 , N. Y. Life , TWO good farms for P.ilo near Arlington , Neb Payne-Knox Co. , Omaha HE M1C5 21 MKIIIOAK. LADIES , old Dr Bell's Cotton Root Pills the best , wife , reliable ; take no other ; send 4o stamp for particulars Dr Bell , Box 71S , St. Louis. Mo. M-30S J18 * LADIES' Frco Harmless Monthly Begula- tor , cannot fall Mrs. B. Rowan , R 29 , Milwaukee , Wls. M I2fl J20 * DR. MANSFIELD'S monthly regulator has brought happiness to hundreds of anxious women , have never had u single failure , longest cn os relieved In two to live days without full , no pain , no danger , no Inter ference vvllh work , by mall or ofllco , J2 ; all letters tiuthfully answered. The Manslleld Remedy Co. , 167 Dearborn st , room 614 , Chicago , III. 931 13 * LADIES. Chlchestcr English Pennyroyal pills are the best ; safe , reliable ; take no other ; send 4c. stamps , for particulars "Relief for Lvllep , " In letler by raturn mall. At druggists Chlchester Chemical Co . Philadelphia. Pn. LbT. LOST A collcrette. Return to Mrs Boyles , 401 Boo Bldir. nnd receive rewind Losl-15" LOST December 21 near 16th nnd Doug las Ht. . heav ) htltehed ladles' glove- finder please rrlurn to 1522 Fnrnam st or call there for its mate. Lost 119-S * LOST Black fcithor boa , hot 27th nnd Dowcy nnd Farnam and 2Sth Reward for relurn lo The Wlnonn , Hut 11 i Lost-loG-9" TO iioiiitow. ( SOO 00 ON Improved piece of real estate centrally located , v\lll pay 7 per pent , prefer private ) puity Address 1' 35 , Hcc M-121 9 SHOHTII VM1 AM ) T A. C. VAN BANTS Bchool. 717 X Y. Life AT OMAHA Bus. College , 10th & Douglas , -720 BOYLES1 COLLEGE court reporter prlncl- pa ) . Hco Bldg - NEHRASKA Busines.s and Shorthand col - lege Boyd's theater. 722 I'AWMIHOItnu.S. JEFFERSON Square Loan Ofllco 418 N 16 725 EAGLE Loan Olllce. reliable , accommodat ing , all business confidential. 1301 Doug- lag. - 72G T\pnwnrrr.iis. TYPEWRITERS for renl JtOO per montli The Smith-Premier Typewriter Co. 1C25 Farnam St. Telephone 12S4 711 WE RENT ami hell the best typewrllers made , largest stock of supplies In Omaha Fnltcd Typewriter A. Supply Co . 1012 Far- nun. 715 , REMINGTON Standard Typewilter and I hupplles 1619 Knrnam " 1C THE Oliver Typewriter , visible vrltlng homiest manlfolder and CUIH Iho finest slcncll. Tel 227D J H. Stcwurt , Special Agent , 318Vj 8 15th St. . Omulm. 717 TYPEWUITERS , secondhand 1110 Parimm HOTELS. METROPOLITAN , Wm Burr , mgr to $1.25 12th and Douglas. 'Phone 211 MC : : j 2 LANGH Hteam heated rooms )1 up week Board (3 ( per week , ir.cula , : sc. COI fi 13th. 1 , 625 JS osn.op VTIIV. JOHNSON list , ipi hi , InstltutO 819 N Y Life BldR , Alice Jcdmson. D O , ladl > s dept ; Old n Johnson , O teopathst ! , niRr _ L. M. I ? DONOHFK , D O. of Ptlll school Klrksvllle , Mo , # H Pnxton blk. Tel 1367 -'I ST VIMimtlNC.M1STITT121I1MS. . - Ct'UED. Julia Vaughn , 430 RatnRo Bldg -727 SCHOOL OP I , VMM VHP. . FRENCH 1 Gorman Ppinlsh , $2 per month \ Prof. Chateluln. 1i > l Hoxd theater. 729 L\I Min. OMAHA STEAM I\VNDUY AND CITY TOWEL SL'PPLY. 1750 Leavcnw th. Tl 517 -M23S Mricii , PI.VTIM ; . SKATES hollow ground , nil kinds of plating Omnlia Plating Co , Boo Uldg 533 PI IIMTI 1111 \CICIX5. . M S. WALKLIN , 2111 Cumlng. Tel 1331 73J TRl MC \CTOHY. . TRUNKS , ti.avollng bags , suit cases. Trunks repaired. Om. Trunk Factoiy , 120J Farnam. 11 E & E HUBERMANN , furriers ; furs made lo order nnd rcpilicd US S. 15th "JO IN FAMILIES Ml s Sturdy , 2210 Divonport M-202 J12 minis AM ) T\\innitiiv. STOCK S Bird store 1C03 Leavcnworth -7J1 EVENINGS , M per mo at Van Snnts school 717 N. Y Life G R Ilathbun. 030-.120' 1'icKirr iiitoivnits. CUT RATE rallwa ) Uckels everywhere. P. II. Phtlbln , 1505 Farnam 'Phono 7JI 72S NEW and secondhand biocles at half price. Louis Fleschor. 1622 Capitol ave.731 it vn.u vi TIMI ; 'rvin.n. BURLINGTON & MI3- goiirl River Railroad "Tha Burlington Route" -General OIIlccs. N. W. Corner Tenth nnd Far- nam Streets. Ticket Olllce. 1502 Fnrnam Strpxst. Telephone , 250. Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Tele phone. 3lu. Leave. Arrive. Lincoln , H&stlncs and McCook a 8:40 : am a 7:40 pm Lincoln , Denver , Colorado rado , Utah , California a 4:25 : pm a 3:55 : pra Lincoln. Blacic Ullla. Montana & Puuot Sound a 4 33 pm n 3:00 : pm Lincoln Loral a 7:00 : pm ulO:15 : am Lincoln Fast Mail a 3:00 : pm alO.35 am Denver. C ilo-udo , Utah & California a 6:35 : am a Dally. KANSAS CITY , ST. JOseph soph & Council Bluffs Railroad "Tho Burling. ton Route" Ticket Ofllco , 1502 Farnam Streel Tele phone. 250. Depot , Tenth and Mabon Streets. Tele phone , 310 Leave. Arrive. Kansas City Day E\ . . .a S.50 am a 6:45 : pm Kansas City Night Ex , alO:15 : pm a 6:30 : am St. Louis Flcr for St. Joseph and St. Louis. .a 4:55 : pm all:15 : am a Dally CHICAGO , BURLINGTON & Qutncy Railroad "The Burlington Route" TlcKet Oflice , 1502 Farnam St. Tel , 230. Depot. Tenth & and Mason Streets. Tele phone , 310. , , r - , - - . . . - Leave. Arrive. Da ) light Chicago Spe cial . a 6:40 : am Chicago Vestibuled Ex..a 5.05 pm a S:05 : am Chicago Express . a 8:30 : am n 4:05 : pm | Chicago & St. L j -.a 7.43 pm a 8:03 : am Faclflc Junctio I > ocai..ul0i5 : urn Fast Mai : urna 2:45 : pm a Dally. CHICAGO , dT. PAUL , Minneapolis & Omaha Railway "The North western Lino" General Offices , Nebraska Divi sion. 15th and Webster Sts. City Ticket Olllce , 1401 Farnam ' St Telephone. CC1. Depot , 15th and 'Vt ebster Sts. , , . . , Leave. Arrive. „ „ Twin City Express ( for Sioux City St Paul & Mlnne-apoll3l a 6.00 am Omaha Passenger a 7:00 pm Blair. Eineison , Sioux City , Poncn , Hartlng- ton and Bloomfleld , .b 1.00 pm b2:10 : pm No. 2 Twin CIij. L'l'd .a B:55 : pm No l Omaha L'mlicd. . a 9:00 : am a Dally , b Dally except Sunday. : FREMONT. KLKIIORN & Missouri Vnlljy Rail- load "Tho Northwestern Line" General Ofllces. United States National Bank Bldi ; . , Southwest Corner Twelfth and Far nam Streets Ticket office 140. Fnrnam Street Telephone. 5G1 Depot , 15th and Webster streets. Telephone , 1458. Leave. Arrive. Black Hills. Deadwood , Hot Springs a 3:00 : pm a 5.00 pm Wyoming , Casper ones Douglas d 3:00 : pm e 5:00 : pm Hastings York , David City , Superior , Geneva Exeter and Sewnrd . .b 3:00 : pm b 5:00 : pm Norfolk. Verdlgre and Fremont . . . . - b 7.30 am blO:25 : am Lincoln , Wahoi andb Fremont b 7:30 : nm blO:23 : am Fremont we. , c 7-30 am a Dally D Dally except rfunday day only. ii Dally except "Saturcay. e dally except Monday. [ CHICAGO & NORTHwestern - western Railway "The Northwestern Line" rily Ticket Olllce , 1401 Fariinm Street Tele- pnonn. Cbl. Depot. Tenth * anil Mason Streets. Tele. phone. C29. Leave. Ar/ve. ! Daylight Chicago Spe cial -40 am nll'55 pm Chicago Pasfengoi . . . a 4:15 : pm alu19 ; am Eastern Express Lea Molnes. Mnriihulltown , Cedar Rapids and Chl- < -ago . alO.53 am a 4:05 : pra Eastern Llmltea , Chicago cage and East a 4-53 pm a 4:05 : pm , Past Mail. Chicago to I Omaha n 2:45 : prn i Omaha-Chicago Speciala 7:30 : pm ti 8 00 am Fast Mull 8:30 : am n Dally b Daliy except Sunday. JSIOUX CITY * PACIFIC Railroad 'Tlio Norlh. we-Htorn " Llne"--Oeneral Offices. United States National UnnU BulMlng. fa W Corner Twelfth and Fnrnam Streets. Jtni Farnam Street , Tele- and Mason MrlVf' i Bloux City. Manknto & ' St Paul. Minneapolis a B.55 am a 8:15 : am SI. Paul , Minneapolis , Manknto A. Sioux Clty.a 5:30 : pm all:00 : nm Bloux CTV ! Local a 8 00 am a C30 pm a Dally MISSOURI PACIFIC RAIL- ron-l-Goriprnl Offices and Tic k t Ofllces Southeast Co'- i IT 14th nnd Douglas Sts Tei' Phone. 101 Depot , 15th iV"WW7/.V / * " \\cbsterSts Te-lepnone , iMJiKfii * 1' ' J- lrwf' ; I eave. Arrive. fit Louis. Kansas & Neb Limited a/:30 : pm nJ2:55 : pm K. C-St L Express a fl:5u : pm a 5:60 : am NcbraaKa Local via Weeping Water . b 5 03 pm n 9:42 : am u Dall ) b Dally rxcetn Sunday Leave Arrive Chlcugj Limited Ex . . .a 7.35 pm a 8.30 am 1 chti uJ < - . ' . unnha Ex bll 00 am b 3 55 pm Sioux CM ) & . De Mo nes . Expregs . . , . . bll,00 am b 3:55 pra 1 a Dally , b Dally except Bunday , U Vll.U \ \ TIM15 Tlltl.i : . I } e-M\H\ ST LOt'lS RAtTT ' road Omnhn. Knnnns City & Kintern Railroad "The ejuln y Route"--Tlektt Of- li c , 1415 Fnrnim Sint leli-phonf. W ! Depot. Tenth nd Mire Streets Tele phone , oJ9.Leave. Leave. Arrive. St Lou ! * Cnnron Ball Expre s a 4 43 pm a S 3 < nm Kansas Clt ) and Qulncy Locnl n G 40 am a S.SO pm UNION rAciFic-"Tiiiiovnn. : land Route" General Olllce ? . N E. Cor Ninth and Pnrnnm Street" City Ticket OHlcc. IS03 Fnrnam Street. Telephone , 316. Depot. lenth mid Mason Streets. Telephone. $ C9 Ix > avc Arrive Lincoln , Beatrice and S romsburg E\pro s b 4 10 pm bl ! 2fi pm J'ncinc E < cpre < " . . . -a 4.25 pm n (1:35 ( : am Gland Islnn 1 Local b 5 30 pm b Jo nm n Dill ) b Daily except Sunday. "IIICAGO , ROCK ISL. nnd , t IMcllla Rndrond Great Roik Isl- Rndjlpute' _ City Tick- el Ollko , 132,1 Knrnam Street Telephone. 4i Depot. Tenth , v. Mason ; l Streets Teliphone. US. Leave , Arrive. Dos Molncs nnd Daven port Locnl . a 7:05 : am bll:33 : am Chicago Express b ! . ; s am a 8.U ) am Chicago Fast Uxpirs . .a 5:00 : pm a 1S5 : pm St Paul I'm Express .a & CO pm bll:33 : urn Lincoln , Colorado Spgs , Donvcr , Pueblo nnd West . a 1:30 : pm a 4:15 : pm DCS Molnes , Hock Is ) . nnd and Ch'cago a 7:25 : pm a 5:50 : pm Colorado , t Texas . 65 Flyer. n > pm a 9:20 : am a Dall ) b Dillv excep' riundaj. A B A S H RAILROAD- Tlrket Otllcp. 1415 Fnrnnm Streel. Telephone. S5 Depot - pot , Tenth and Many Sticots. Telephone , C23. Leave. Arrive. St. Louis "Cannon Uall" Kxpresa . . . . . .u 4:50 : pm a S:3o : am a Dally. ( Should lie load DAILY b > ( ill Interested. ns ihaiiRos ma > orcw at un > time ) Korelun malls for the week muling Jumi- ll > U lMM ! , will i lose ( PHOMl'TLY In all n eM ) at the Cloneial Postollli-e as follows ; PAllCKLS PUS I * .MAILS tlo--o ono houi eaillcr than i losing llnui shown helow. 'iitculs Post Mails fur CJeinuny elosu at i p m Wcduvsdio for dispatch per s s. Darnrstadt. TrniiiVtlnnlle llalN. TPHSDAY-At 0 a. m for ITALY , per f. H . Naples ( letters must be dlncted "per s s Columbia' ) WHDNDSDAY-At 7 a in ( .supplementaly ! ) .1 m ) foi I3UKOP1J. per s s. SI l-ouls , \ln Souttiamiiton , at lo.HO a m for UHL- O1U.M direct , per s b Noordland % la Antwerp ( letters must be directed "per s. B Noordland" ) . „ . , . . , - . , . rilUllSUAY-At 7 a m. for rnANCL SWlTX.niU.AND. ITALY. SPAIN , POU- Tl'CiAL TUHK11Y , P.C.YPT and HUIT- 1SI1 INDIA , per s s La Champagne , \la Havre ( letters for other parts of lluiope must be directed "per s. tt La Chum- FIUDAY At I n. m for A'/.OUUS IS LANDS , per s s. llorderer. SATURDAY-At S a in. for Niminu- LANDS direct per s t. Hotteidam ( letteis must be dllccted "per s. s Wisrkond.ini' ) , at 10 JO a. in ( sup plementary U m ) for nimOPi : , pel s. s. Luc.uiiu , via Queenstown. PR1NTRD MATTnn. KTC German steameis snlllng on TiU"-da > a take Printed Matter , etc. foi German ) , and Specially Addressed Printed Matter , etc , foi other parts of Huropt Amoilcan and \Vhltc Star slcHinein on Wednesda > s , steamers on Thtirsd.os. and Ciinard , FieiiLh and Gorman steamers on Satur- dajs take Printed Mallei , etc , foi all countries for which thej 1110 advertised to carrj mall. After the closing of the Supplementary Transatlantic Malls named above addi tional 'iipnlenicnturj malls' are opened on the piers of the American English , French and German htenmers and lemuln open until within Ton Minutes of the hour of balling of btcamer. Mulls for South mill Ceutrnl Aincrlea , . M'tsMt IiulU-N , nie. TIIKSDAY At 12:30 : p. m. ( supplementary 1pm ) for UAUHADOS DU.MnilAUA , MARTINIQUE and GUADALUPi : , via Maitlnliiup. per s s C.irrlbhee , at 1 p m for 1NAGUA , HAITI and SANTA MAUT11A. pel s s Hispanla. at 9 p m for JAMAICA , per steamer from Uos- ton WEDNESDAY At " 2 30 a ni for NAS SAU , per steamer from .Miami , Tla , at 3 30 a in ( supplementary 10 30 a in ) for CINTHAL AMRUICA ( except costa Ulcu ) and SOUTH PACIFIC POUTS , per .s s Athos , via Colon ( letteis for Guate mala must be directed "por s a Athos" ) ; at 10.JO a m for PUimTO 1UCO. nur U. S Trin i ort. via San Juan , at 11 a. in for GRENADA and TRINIDAD , nei b a Grenada ; at 11 a m for NEW FOUNDLAND dliect , per s s Silvia ; at 1 p. m. for CUI5A YUCATAN. CAM- PECHE , TAHASCO and CHIAPAS per a s Seneca , via Havana nnd Progreso ( let teis for oilier parts of Mexico must lit dliec-U'd "pel s a Seneca" ) , at 1 p infer for MEXICO , per s. s Matanzas , via Tamplco ( letters must bo dllt-cted "per s H. Malan/as" ) ; ut 1 p in. for LA PLATA COUNTRIES direct , per s s THURSDAY At 1 n m fet JAMAICA , per steamer from Philadelphia FRIDAY At U a. in ( supplemontan 11 30 a. in ) for CURACAO and VENEZUELA per H s lllldur ( Itttois for Savanllla and Carthagena must be directed "per H s lllldur" ) , at 1 p m. for HELIXE. PU ERTO CORTEX and GUATEMALA , per s. s Themis ( loiters niusl be dliectcd "pel s Themis" ) SATURDAY At ! ) : TO n m ( BupplemonHry 10 a m ) for HERMUDA. ST THOMAS ST. CROIX , LEEWARD and WIND WARD ISLANDS , per .s H Protoila , at 10 a in ( suppk ientiirj 10 30 11 m. ) for FORTUNE ISLAND. JAiMAICA. SAVAN ILLA and CARTHAGENA. per H H Al leglmny ( loiters for Costa Rlea niiiHt be dlioeted "por 8. B Alleglmny" ) , ut 10 a m ( supplenifntarj 10 30 a m ) lor HAITI per " . H Alps , lit 11 a m. lor C'UllA per h s. Mexico , via Havana , at 11 n m foi HRA'/IL and LA PLATA COUN TRIES , per s s Asll , via Pernumhiici ( letters for North Hia/ll must be dlre < l "ncr s s Astl" ) ; at 1-30 p in fet NUE- VITAS and LA GLORIA , CUHA. per n B , Yarmouth , at U a. in fet PUERTO RICO , per B w Ponce , via San Juan SUNDAY At * 2 30 a. m for NASSAU , per slt-amer from Miami , Fla 'Malls ' for Newfoundland , by rail to Nortl S > dne > . and Ihent-o by steamer close a this olllce dull ) ut S.30 p m. ( oonnec ting - ing clo o hero evnry Monday Wednesday day and Saturday Mnlla for Mliiuclon by i all to lloston and thence by stuunur rlo n at thlB ofllco dally al JO p m Mulls for Cuba , by rail to Port Tampa Phi . and thence by Blc-amcr , t-Ioso nt thlB olllcii dully ( oxcojit .Monija ) ) at ? a in ( the icuinoctlng closes urn on Sundaj Wednesday and l-'ilday ) Malls for Cuba by rail to Miami , Pla , and dunce l > > Hteamor , close at thin otlco ( exit ) MOD daj , Tucsdav and Falurdiiy at * * J M a in ( the fomiei tins < ! OHCS aio on Tuesday and Siittirdaj ) . Mails foi Mexico City ovoiland , unlosy spe < lull ) uddicsscd fo d'spalch ' by steamer , close ut this ollki clall ) nt 2 M a. in. and 'i 30 p in Mull for Costa Rica , lielire , Puerto Collet am GuatLinala , by rail to New Orleans am thence by Bleamer , close .it this olllc- dally at * " .1.00 p m ( tonnec ting ( lost- hero Sundaya and Tursdajs lei Cost , Rica anil Mondays for licll/o Pueito Cor lez and Ciiiatenialu ) * "Rorflstc-rod mal I closes nt 0 p in. picvIouH clay. Regis toud mall closes ut 0 p. m. nec.mii ! day hefore. Tl-IIIIH-I'l-.l-IIIlt MllllM. Malls for Hawaii. Japan , China and th Philippine Islands. \ la fiui ; Fl.inclHco close liere dall > at C TO p in lip to Jan uar > " 11 , in' lui'ho , foi dispatch per a H Hong Kong Main Malls foi Hawaii , vl Scattlo , close hero dally ut o 30 p m n to Januuiy * "ll. Incluclvc- for dlspulc n per B s Illoemfontoln Mulls for Hawuil , China , Japan and Diet Philippine Inlands vl i San FraiK-lHco , t IOHO licitdallj ut fi.JO p in up to January 19. Inc luslxe. for dispatch per s . < China Malls for Australia ( cxcopl Wcm Australlu ) , New * Xi iland Hawaii FIJI anil Sumoun IH- landB. via Sun Franolsco , close hern daily at t ! iO P m aflci Docrmbcr ' "Jo and up to January 20 , Inclusive. 01 on du > of arrival of s H Campania , ilm at New York Januurv " 20 , for dlsputth per a H Moana. Mulls foi China and Japan , via Vancouver , close he-re dull > ut ( / ! > p in up to Januuiy 21 Inrliwlvo for dispute li per s H Empress of Japan ( ic-glhttrt-il mull must bf directed "vlu Vatic oiivt-r" ) Mails for feoclelj iHlanda , vlu San l-'rin- clfcio. eloxo h ( i dull ) lit d.lU p in ui > to Junuur ) ! < ! . liuliuUo foi dlspitch by tfhlp City of Paixltl Malls for III- wull via San KraiuUu , cloiso here dull ) at t > M p m up to Kehrjiiiir ) * * * J lncluM\c- | , fui dla'i-itch < < i B u Auntrnlli Malls for Australia ( exit piVoni AuHHallu. > wlilih K1" " ' ' Euruiic , mil Nov.Coal mil. which noes vli San Fruiu | H < < , Hawaii and I'ljl Itlundti , vU Vuncuuver , close Inn diiih nt i ' 'i ' n m tip ( > Pi hm try ' ) InihKlve f < r diipiiti h pfr s t Mlo- Trnnspnclflo nmlls nre forwnrdod to poit of * nlllnR dull ) nnd the schedule of ilos. ln t I * nrranppd on the presumption of their uninterrupted overland tnn < lt KeRlMorPil m ll clo rs nt 6 p m previ ous dav CO11NI5L1U3 VAN COTT Postmaster IVwtolllie. Now York , N. Y. Janunr ) P , T MITH i : . PROPOSALS FOR COAI/-1 * S Indian Service. Ro'Vlmd Agoncv. Ko obud South D ikotn , Jan S. 1W Soiled piopo iil ender - dor od "Piopo als for coil , " and addr ' spl to the undoirslgncd at Uoselnul Sou h Da kota will bo received al this nnoncy until 2 o'clock p m. of Monday. Jammiy J5 > , liHV. for furnishing nnd delivering eltlirr nt Val entine Nob. or nt the biirdlng school un der chirse of this ngencv. about two him- died ( SO' ) tons of llock'ug Vallos soft lump coal , free fiom dirt , sin o and other Impuil- tlo . and wolghlni ; 2 ( XXt llis to the ton All coal offered for delivery under eon- tiact will be subject to a ilgld In-'pn lion liefoie accept nice or t ejection thereof The light Is io ctved to ictecl anv and nil b'tls ' or nnv pirt of nnv- bid , If doomed for the best Interests of the service Cortl- llod I chocks Each bid must be accompanied h.v a cortlllod chock or drift upon some United 1 Slates dopojdtorv or solvent national bank 1 In the vlolnlt ) of the ros'donoe ' of Iho 1c bidder 1 , made pax able to the older of tno 1I Ointiil sloiiei of Indian atTalrs , for al Ic-wst ll\o I per cent of the amount of the proposal ' which 1 check or draft will be forfeited to the * United 1 States In rn e anv bidder or bidders receiving 1 nil award shall fall .n ptomptly execute a commit with good and sulllclent sun-ties , otheiw-lso to be returned to the bidder Hlds accompanied by cash In lieu f a oortllled chock vslll not bo considered "or anv furthoi Infotmatlon npplv to ha.s E MeChosnov. , U 8. Indian Agent J-R-9-U-ll-t6.lx.SO-2S.25m STOCKUOLDI-jRH MEETING OFFICE OF LEE-GLASS-ANDREESEN lAltmVARE CO. OMAHA , N"b . Dec ! ) , Slit Notice is heicbv given to the stock- oldcrs of the Lco-Olass-Andrerscn Haid- ,1110 Co that the annual mcoilnc of the tockholdors of the compaii ) will bo held t the olHenis of the said compaii ) , 1S11-1SJ1- . ' 21 llaincv sticet , In the c It ) of Omaha. In he slalo of Nebrau. . on Tucsduv. January , A. D HtOO. at 3 o'clock p m , for the mipoM of electing a bo.ird or directors for ho company to serve during the ensuing ear and to transact such other business s ma ) be presented nt sii"h meeting II .1 LEE Pnviiiunt. A.lest : W. M. GLASS. Secretary.D103HM D103HM STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING Notice is hereby given the annual nooilng of the stoc kholdois of The Roe Ullldlng eoinpm ) will bo hold at I o'clock i. in. Tuesday , January 10 , 1MO. ai the illleii of said compati ) In The Hoe building Omaha , fet the election of a board of cll- cc-lor.s for the ensuing jenr and the tr.ins- icllon of such oilier btiblncss n tiinv prop- he president. C. C. ROSEWATER. SUNDAY CLOSING IN CHICAGO ulplt TiiKos I p the riKhl for the CierltH unit the Trades I'lllollH. CHICAGO , Jan S. As the result of the novctnent In favor ot Sunday 'losing ninny groc-oilc't , butchet shops and othnr stores of Chicago that had been open seven days a \eek foi ) ears past were closed yesterday. The movement , which wns Inaugurated nmuo line ago by the Utitchurs' and Hetqil Clerks' issoclutlons , and supported by labor orgnnl- zallons , clergymen and la ) men , Is assuming a ge'lictal olinr.ictur Alderman John T. Rus- icll In dlscusMng the Sunday cloislng move ment at a cltboiiH1 meeting last night said : 'Sunday closing Is no longer a qucsllon , U is a icallty " In many churches yesterday the pastors referred to the mattci In their sermons and warmly endorsed It fiom a lollglous as welt IB a benevolent standpoint. They exhotted Lho members of Ihelr congragallons not to make any purchase on Sunday nnd thus to suppoit the efforts of the clerks. In the prelude to his sermon Bishop Fal lows referred to the efforts for Sunday clos ing. He earnestly approved of an organized , vigorous campaign In this direction Ho contended that In the structure of man's frame nnd In the structure of his being Iho necessity of Sunday rest was written. PROTECTING DAIRY PRODUCT ProiiiiNiil til Pill SiilifilltiiteN Ue-- fore I lie- I'lllilletin Their .Murltfi. CHICAGO , Jan. 8. Former Governor W. 1) . Hoaid of Wisconsin left this city lost night for Uruttlcboro , VI. , to attend a meet ing of the National Daily union , or which ho is the president Mr Hoard talked freely on the proposed legislation In favor of the dairy Intercuts of the United States which will bo bioached at the present nesslon of congress The e\-go\cinor i.s In favor of a. law which will pul Iho uiuncial product on ltd own merltb before the consumer "Tlio value of the dairy products of tlio United Stnteis $800.000,000 a year. Wis consin produces $33,000,000 worth , " lie said. 'Tho dairy product of the whole Pucifl' ' coast l now going across the Pacific to the countries of the far east. Arc wo going by Hlupld dishonesty to lese that market to Australia ns wo liuvn nearly lost the English market to Canada' " Hefonlng to Congie-ssmun Grouts bill , the Wlscoiiblu Daliyman said Us Intention waste to slop frauds on the public , ns well us tei protect tlio butter nmuiifactuieis from .1 conipc'tlllon which had llfi foundation In Im- pobltlon on Ilia bu > or. NASH IS NOW THE GOVERNOR ( rent Mllllmuml C'ltle Piiriiilcou tin * ( le-c-iiHlon ( if HlN lu ll iiKiirnlloii. COI.t'MJlUS , Jim. 8 At noon today In the rotunda of the state cnpltol Hon. George K. Kiitili vsos Innugurnled governor of Ohio , miccccdlng Afi.i H. IHmlincll. The oath of nfllco Man lulmlulRtcrcd by Chief Justice ) Sluiuuk of the supreme couit , fallowing which Governor Iluohnell presented Iho new governor with hlw eommlhsloii. ( Sovernor NiKih then delivered hle > IniuiRiuul mldicHH. Llcuteiiiuit CJovcinor John A. Caldwell ot Cincinnati wnu Inuugurntcd In tlio Htinolo clmmbur during tlio uftuinoon. Following tliu Inaugurul ceremonies came n mngnllh-cnt paradii In which military , civic and political organisations participated 'to night a public reception will be hold by Govoniar Nuah In tlio Hunutu chamber The govcinor and ux-ournor ! Iltulinoll will til so attend a "Hhanly club" hinoKur to bo given lonlght by the newspaper men Old l'iolillnile ItuiliKT , J , ( ' . Shprinnii , Ihooteran cdllor of lh Vcrmonlvllln ( Mich , ) Kchu , hns dlucovereci the remarkable Beejrct of keeping old people ) oun . For yearn lie IIJH avoided Neivous nc a , HIce-pleBMiu-Hb , Indigestion. Ile-iirL troubUC'oii.stlpitlon and Uhoumn'Um t > y \\f\\\K \ \ \ \ \ nicclrlclllttorH and ) iu writes 'It can't bo pi .lived too lil hl > . It KCitl > tlmu Irilc-K Hie l.ldnis , IOIIIH the xloinarh nl In dlKcsikn , and gives u Hpleiulld apputUe It worked wondcrB for my wife nnd m II'H n mnrvclloiis romcdy for old pe oplu'H ( oinpltlntR" Only COc ut Kulin & Co a drug fclorc llullilliiu TiMili' .Meet. MILWAUKEI-3 , Jnn h-Tho Nnllonal Building Trudc-s1 imroclutlon of A nun k a met 'u iinn ml si as'on ' ut tinSt I'hurlia hotel toduy About 125 dele-gn ca arc pres ent from till parts of the union. The first komlon viifc lukc-n iip > willi nil addri-ss uf vulciiino by Miior Duvld 8 It.JHtand Dm appointment of the erode minis committee A itxcbH viia taken until i p. m MilUi-i-H AllmiU vVorUiiii-u , CHICAGO , Jun 8 Stilkerw mudo anoiln-r uttuik on men emploed at the In'tri cptlntf He-we-r In Tblrt-iilnth ktiect in-ar Went- l worth uve-nue loduy uml In Iho g < ne-i il fight Hut look place one of thn Htrkeitl , Rogi-r Ollilen , VMIH fa ail ) t-hot l\ir j. dozen Mliuts winJlr < il A number of the Btriker-1 wicarre'Hti d I