Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 09, 1900, Page 4, Image 4

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MIMHl . .
Davis sells
rino A. li. C. beer. Xeumnyor's hotel.
WcUbnth burners at Hlxby's. Tel. 103.
Uudvveiser bcor. It. llotonfcldt. agent.
Dr. W. A. GervalH. osteopath , 304 Mcr-
tlnm block , Council liluffo.
The place to have your framing done ,
Alexander's Art emporium.
Get > our work done at the ponulir Uaglo
laundry , UI Uroudwny 'I'hone 167.
\V C. Kstcp. undertaker. JS I'earl street.
Telephones oiDce. 97 , re S3.
Mr i r O Tiemnlne of Drnvt-r In visiting
her parents , iMr nnd Mrs Southwlck
X'nlty Guild of Grace niil"copal church
will hold a special meeting thls evinlng nt
the rcctori
Mrs C. X McCum of Crescent City left
Jor I'hoenlx , Ariz , last evening to attend
ti sick sister
Mrs c I * Whitman returned yesterday
evening from a two weeks' Visit at Kt Jos
eph nnd Coffcvrfburff , Mo.
Sheriff Cousins adorned hlf olllre nt the
court hou e > eterdn > with a largo oil
painting of James G. Ulnlne
Sheridan coal makes a large tlamo and
clear flro but no smoke , soot or clinkers.
Ktnlon & Koley , sole neents.
John Cnney , charged with n nultlng his
nvlfo liy kicking her In the stomach , will
Imvo a hearing In police court this inorn-
Hxcclslor lodge Ko 25D , Ancient Kreo nnd
( Accepted Masons , will meet In regular PCS-
Blon this evening , when there will be work
In the third decree.
Mr and Mrs Arthur Kccllne nnd daugh
ter left > esterdnj for St. I/ouls on their way
to Klorldn , where they will Bpend the re
mainder of the winter.
Supervisor Jacob Hnnwu was In the city
rcatcnlny enroutc to Knnsis Clt > , where ho
goes to seek nld for an old wound
In his face received during the civil war
The funetal of the late Henry K. Hutton-
Iiauer will lw held nt 2 o'clock this after
noon from the family re lilunte , 815 Seventh
u venue , Instead of nl 2 SO as previously un-
County Auditor Innos nnd Supervisor
Matthew a will attend the annual conven
tion of the State Association of County
Auditor * , to be held In Dos Molnes January
U and 5
A marriage license was Issued jesterday
to E n Vredenburg of Hastings , .Neb ,
fcucd 21 , and Clara Doblemann of Uurllng-
ton , la , ngfd IS Justice Ferrler performed
the marriage ceremony.
The grulndenlcrn of southwest lovv'a nnd
northwest Mlosourl will meet today In the
league rooms nt the Grand hotel A num
ber of the numbers of the association ur-
rlved In the Uty last evcnlnc
Dr. C. A Woods of this city ! ( Town on
the program of the twelfth annual meeting
of the Iowa Slate Veterinary Medical asso
ciation , . to bo held In Des Molnes Thursday
iiiifl Trldny of this week , for an address on
' 'Canine Dlstemner. "
The funeral of the. late James I Jefferls ,
who died nt Vlelts , Kan. , last Sunday , will
bo h < ? IV ( this afternoon at 4 o'clock from
the resldcncu of his nunt , Mrs
JelTi-rls , 254 rictcher avenue , and burial will
bo In Tulrvlew avenue ,
Kncampment No 8 , Union Veteian Legion ,
will hold .1 nubile Installation of Its olllcors
Saturday night , to which .ill old soldiers and
their wives and the public are generally in
vited The Installation will take plate In
Woodmen of the World hull.
John C Green died at his residence in
Garner township Sunday night , ngod fc7
years Death was due to the inllrmltles of
old age The funeral will be held this nft-
rrnoon nt 1 o'clock from the residence nnd
Interment will bo In Uio Hazel Dell ceme
Carrie Madlhon , nn inmate of the in-sane
flcpartment at St Bernard's hospital for
the last eight jcars , died vcsterdav mornIng -
Ing , aged 45 jenrs Mrs. Madison was one
pf the county patients transferred from the
Btnto asylum at Mount Pleasant to the hos-
pltal here.
Mrs. John II. Stork , mother of the late
J. J. Stork of this city , died Tuesday hist
at her homo In Lafayette , Ind. , aged .i .
years. A husband and one daughter sur
vive her. iMrs J. J. Stork nnd daughter
Vera of this city were at her beddde when
Bho passed away.
The case agulnfat John Llnson , the In
dividual caught while going through the
roomH at the Metropolitan hotel Sunday
evening , was continued In police court yes
terday until this moinlng Llnson cl ilms to
bo a railroad engineer , but cannot tell on
Which road he worked last.
All members of Uxcelslor lodge No. 23D ,
'Ancient Free and Accepted iMjsons , are re-
tiue ted to meet at Masonic temple this aft-
ternoon at 1 o'clock .sharp to attend the
funeral of their late brother , 11 T. Hattcn-
hauer. The members of Council Bluffs
lodge No. 71 nnd ull visiting brethren are
Invited to attund.
The preliminary hcirlng of Frank W.
Mullen , charged with astaultlng Anne Gur-
vln , the Inmate of a dlBorderly lious-e , by
doubling hur up In a folding bed , was con
tinued In Justice Fcrrler'H court > esterdiy
to January CO The condition of the young
woman Is quite serious and she has been
unable to leave her bed since the ussuult
A sneakthlef made an unsuccessful at
tempt to rob the residence ; of Dr M S
Bnyder on Seventh street last evening The
follow entered one of the rooms occupied by
a boarder v\ho happened to be In Taken
by the surprlho the thief rushed Into a
room occupied by a young woman The
HUddun and unceremonious Intrusion of the
jnnn sent the young woman Into h > Hterlcs
nnd the thief seizing his opportunity threw
up the window , jumped out on the porch
roof nnd from that leapt to the ground
and dlFappeared.
.1. I * . Pilco Is In trouble again , charged
with imeatlnc by false pretnnses , and Sirs.
"William A. Travis , who formerly owned n
small printing shop on South Main .street ,
Is the complaining witness. She alleges
that Price Induced her to trade the printing
shop for two lots In Springfield , Mo , and
that as soon as she turned the shop over
to lilm ho sold It to a third narty. On
looking tip the lots Mrs Travlw alleges she
found thnt Price had no title to them nnd
now she Is ( without lots or printing shop
J'rlco gave ball nnd will have n hearing be-
Core Justice Ferrler next Saturday.
N. Y. Plumbing Co. Tel. 250.
Svinrtr'N "UlniiioiiilN" Hfilci-nicil.
Joe Swartz , the alleged diamond swindler ,
played his trump card yesterday nnd It
Is not likely that any further attempt to
bring him back here from KansnH City will
fco mado. A. H. Stryker , brothor-In-la\v
of Swartz and head of the largest retail
and wholcaalo jewelry establishment In the
city by tbo Kaw , was In Council Illuffa
yesterday afternoon and redeemed the "dia
monds" which Swartz had pawned with
Friedman and Snjder. Snydcr got back
$325 which ho had loaned on one ring and
a stud and Friedman received J210 which ho
had advanced on a ring. As Stryker pro
duced tbo pawn tickets nnd the money
they called for , the pawnbrokers were com
pelled to hand over the alleged diamonds
Thus nil Incriminating evidence against
Bvvnrtz Is removed and ns the pawnbrokers
Imvo both recovered their cash they have
loet nil further Interest In seeing Swartz
Heal i : lnt < 1 TriiiiNfiT * .
The following transfers were Hied yester
day in the abstract tltlo and loan olllco ol
J , W. Squire , 101 1'earl street
IUzln Nlcolal nnd husband to C. P.
Wasscr. nrti 1J-77-4I. q p il . . . . . $ l.Su
Same to name , lot 4 , block 33 , town of
Avocn , nod . - ( *
Hcubcm Woodnmncy and vvlfn to Hon-
jamln Hnlnt'ow lots 1 and 2 , Park
add to Macedonia , vv d 11 !
Trier V Andreben , jr , to llclnrlch
Andrc&in. oH lot 1. block 1 , Noo's add
1o Walnut.--d SK
l - , i
Total , four , transfers $3,011
Wariiinl AVJnei , World Fnmims Tonic
Its eood effects are Immndiato and
l.xktlna. It is also very palatable , ii ree-
nblu to ttiii tuatu mid acceptable to the
most dellcutu stomach.
'As an appetizer , tujio before meals ;
n R Dljrestlve , take ufter meals ; as a
general Tonic or Stimulant , nt any time.
Jpold by all Druuel8U\ Refuse Substl-
Negotiated In Eastern Nebraska
and Iowa. James N. Casadjjr. . !
SIW Mala Bt. Council Ulurts , _
Faith Healers An Held Responsible for tht
Fate of Ethel Yateg.
ijNli'lnn Wan DlNclmrKccl , IIoMvcr ,
li > the Order nf tltc Molltrr unit
the Victim Mel Her Dentil
from I'erltonltlN.
Coroner Trejnor jcaterday morning com
pleted thu inquest over Kthel Yates , the
joung woman from Tabor , la , who died
In this city last Friday night , the
victim of ITcr patent's belief In faith
healing. The jury returned a verdict
to the effect that In Us opinion the death
of nthel Yntes was due to neglect , nnd that
the "IJrothcr" Jamca mentioned In the ev
idence nnd Mrs. P. 11 Yntcs , the mother of
the girl , ant responsible for her fate.
The witnesses examined yesterday were
Dr. Donald Macrae , Jr. , nnd Dr. J. M. Bel
linger. Dr. Macrae , who held the autopsy
on the remains of the young woman , testified
that he found her suffering from appendi
citis , with rupture of the sac , which had
caused general peritonitis. The pelvic cavl-
tlis were Illlod with pus. He elated that In
his judgment there would have been every
chance to have saved thu girl's life had she
been properly treated.
Dr. UelllngT testified that ho was called
to attend Miss Yntcs on Christmas day and
continued to treat her up to January 1 ,
when ho was discharged from the case by
the mother of the young woman. He testi
fied that when ho left her she was Improv
ing and was qulto bright and cheerful. Ho
considered that at that time her condition
was most favorable for recovery nnd ho ex
pected that she would recover. In answer
to a question from ono of the jurors Dr.
Bellinger said that he considered absolute
rest and quiet essential In sickness of the
character from which Miss Yates was suf
fering and that the reverto would bo most
At the close of the Inquest Coroner Trcy-
nor decided not to issue warrants for the
arrest of "Healer" James and Mrs. Yates ,
but referred the case to the county attorney ,
ns the grand jury will bo in session today.
DcfeiiMc of blliiN JntiiPN.
"Rev. " Silas J. James of South Omaha ,
the healer referred to In the llndlng of the
jury , called at The Bee office yesterday to
make a statement ns to his connection with
the case of the unfortunate girl. Ho ex
plained lhat ho Is a leader of the Church of
Christ , a sect which accepts divine healing
on the authority of the scriptures , that "tho
prayer of faith shall heal the sick. "
"I was first called to attend the sick girl
on New Year's eve , " said Mr. James , "when
I. was conducting a watch meeting in Coun
cil Bluffs. I only knew her mother slightly
and had prevloualy called at the house only
n fewtimes. . I did not advise Mrs. Yntes
to discharge the phjslclan , ns in my opin
ion the principle of divine , healing should
never bo thrust on anyone , but only offered
au a privilege.
"Mrs. Yates wished mo to sit up with her
daughter , which I did during two nights.
She also asked mo to pray with the flick
girl , which I did. I was misrepresented ,
however , In the statement that I forced Miss
Yntes to listen to my prayers. I did not
oven pray in her presence , but retired to
another room. While I was with her the
girl slept well and was apparently improv
ing. I did not hear her nsk for a doctor
and did not advlso against one being called.
I was simply there ns a minister of the
gospel and took no responsibility in the
cnso whatever. If Mrs. Yates discharged
the physician and did not yield to her
daughter's pleading , that was done on her
own responsibility. "
Annual llenort of the Hoard Sub
mitted 1 > > I'rextdciit 11 lee HUT.
At the annual meeting of the Board of
Trustees of the public library held yesterday
afternoon President D. C. Bloomer submitted
the annual report of the trustees , which has
by law to bo filed with the city council.
This report was compiled by Mr. Bloomer
nnd In presenting It , ho stated to the board ,
ho said it would In nil probability he the
last ho would be called upon to submit. The
report is exhaustive and shows the condi
tion of the institution and gives n detailed
account of nil moneys received and expenses
nnd other Intel eating data in connection with
the library and Its management. It shows
that with the balance on hand on January
1 , 189D , the total Income of the library for
the last twelve months was $5,762.36 and the
expenditures $4,125.31 , leaving a balance on
hand to start the now jear with of | 1,037.05.
The number of hooks added to the library
during 1899 by donation and purchase was
3C2 , at a cost of $329,50. The following Is
taken from the report-
The llbrno has received 432 volumes and
pamphlets from the general government
and those , with similar donations previ
ously received from the sumo rouice , nro
deposited In a separate room nnd all care
fully arranged In bookcases , but n much
larger room Is greatly needed for convenient
reference nnd access to them. In this col-
loctlon of government books and documents
are Included a eieat number of valuable
maps of land , oceans , rivers and lakes , con
taining a wonderful amount of useful Infor-
The number of books circulated during the
5 ear has been f > 3310 nnd of this number only
four books have been lost The number of
magazines taken from thu library was 5,717
and this largts circulation of magazines has
considerably reduced the number of books
called for The reading loom Is well sup
plied with newspapers and magazines , seven
dallj papers beins Included
The onb expenses Incurred during the
year beyond the ordlunrj charge on the li
brary fund have been for now bookcases for
the 160111 M > t apart for government books
and for an Aldrkh cabinet for the preser
vation of letters and other pupurs of strik
ing Interest and Importance. We should bo
glad to have such luttors and papers left In
the library to be placed In this case where
tlw will at nil t.mrs be open to public In-
It will bo noticed that a considerable
amount Is paid for the rcblmllnt ? of books
each jear This Is made neccssarv by the
Homouhal careless manner In which books
are. handled and used by thoho taking them
from the * If book takers would uw
the books with a llttln more care it would
cut clou n this Item a good deal In addi
tion to those thus rebound a largo number
have bfun repaired In the llbrnr > during
the last > enr uud much expense thereby
saved In this work , which has Included
many .hundred volumes wo .ire laruely In
debted to the Intelligent Industry of Mrs
B K Hluck , ono of our assistant librarians
Wo rusrct that the reduced Income of the
library hu to some extent lessoned the Held
of Its uhcfiiliieti.i in somu former > cars this
income amounted to nearly ftS.OOO , but foi
the last jear enl > J4lW S8 was received and
this amount will bu reduced to about $3,40C
In 1SOO Wo have endeavored to cut down
our cxj > ensei , to meet this reduction The
rent of the library room has been lowered
We have reduced the aggregate salaries ot
our librarian and asslbtants to JlOj per
month a turn really below- the amount tc
which thpy are Justly entitled and we havt
resolved to discontinue thu tlnulatlon ol
magazines , but thej will continue to IK
placed on thu tables In lht > reading room at
heretofore 'Even with tneto reductions the
amount remaining tor the purchase of booki
will bo quite vmull , It muy be noticed thai
we have n considerable amount of funds or
hand but this we tire compelled to carrj
forward , us fho receipts Into the llbrarj
fund from the tounty treusurnr will be verj
I Unlit for the next four or live months
I Tlio city of Council 13 luff a Justly claims
the distinction of establishing the first
free public llbrnrv In the state They
\otPd for Its creation at the city election
of 1W ) , but It was not until the sprlnc ot
1S ! thnt the library was fully organized
nnd commenced Its enlightening mission
At that dale no other free public library
existed In Iowa , but since then others In
considerable numbers have sprung Into ox-
Istrnco In Its cities nnd towns , nnd the
interest in them has been Increasing from
year to year A state free library asso
ciation ban been formed nnd Its last an
nual meeting , held In November last , was
Attended by a lame number of delegates
from the dlffo nt llbra.rlfs In the state.
In this number were Included our presi
dent and librarian , who each derived much
useful Information from the papers read
nnd discussions which took place In re
lation to llbrnrv management The asso
ciation ndnpted strong resolutions In favor
of the appointment of n stnto library commission -
mission , such ns has been created In sev
eral other states nnd which 1ms been nt-
tendecl with bonellclnl results In the pro
motion of public libraries nil over the
country The establishment of uch a
commission will bo earnestly urged upon
the general assembly at its present ses
Our library continues to bo located in
the spacious rooms In the third story of
the Merrlam block , between Pearl and
Main ntrccts. They are well lighted and
easy of access bj- stairways nnd nn ele
vator , In use nt all times when the library
Is open except on Sunday afternoons But
wo regret very much to be compelled to
confess thnt they are rented rooms No
public building- has jet been erected In
our city for the use of Its frco public li
brary , either through prlvnte liberality or
public enterprise. Such buildings have been
erected In other cities by the votes of the
people nnd have therefore become public
property. May wo not hope that Council
Bluffs will soon follow their example nnd
erect a suitable building for the accom
modation of Its free public library nnd In
which Us noble work of public cnllchten-
mont may thenceforth be successfully car
ried forward ? The expenditures for the
iar follow :
Paid for books . $ SJTtiO
Magazines and papers . 143 CO
Rent of library rooms . nos 00
Salaries of librarian and assistants. 1,541.93
Janitor . . . . . . . . . . . , . , , , , , , . , . , . . . . . 2000
New bookcases . 1779 ! )
Tor printing . J.Q . 10
Hcblndlng books . 418 45
Insurancu . I OS 75
Gas nnd light . POG
For ice . 24 10
Supplies . . . . . . ! . . . 74 " 7
Miscellaneous .
Except for the reading of the annual re
ports of the trustees and the librarian llt-
tlo outside of routine business was trans
acted at the meeting. Most of the data
contained In the report of the librarian
is reproduced in that of the trustees.
unrterly Witter Hllln
Discounted 5 per cent If paid on or before
10th , Inst. Office open Wednesday evening.
J\O < CH of the Court * .
The January term of the district court will
be convened thla morning by Judge Thorn-
ell. Judge Orccn will also bo present to
dispose of wh-itever business there was left
over from last term. The first matter to
como before Judge Thorncll will bo the
hearing on the application of Ervln Dryer
for nn injunction to restrain the city from
entering into a contract with Thomas Bow
man for the city lighting.
The district grand Jury will also con
vene this morning and enter upon its de
liberations. The members of the grand Jury
for 1900 nro : Henry Ellcrbeck , Dumfries ;
Peter Witt , rige'on ; D. S. Andrcss , Taylor ;
William Farrell , Underwood ; C. H. Cris
pin , Loveland ; John H. Murphy , Council
Bluffs ; Robert McElrath , Carson ; John
Wulff , Mlndcn ; Charles Gregory , er. , Coun
cil Bluffs ; G. W. Spencer , Neola ; H. R
Saar , Council Bluffs ; D. F. Perry , Quick.
The January term of the superior court
will bo opened this morning by Acting
Judge Paul Aylesworth , who will preside
during the absence of his father lu Now
York state. Paul Aylesworth qualified yes
terday before City Clerk Phillips. Ho
probably holds the distinction of being the
joungest judge , acting or otherwise , to
grace the bench of the superior court.
Attempted Suicide.
Ernest Nickrant , until recently in the cm-
ploy of J. F. Wilcox , a florist , attempted eul-
cldo yesterday by severing the artery in his
right wrist. When discovered by his wife
ho was very weak from the loss of blood.
A physician was promptly called and at noon
It was believed that Nickrant would re
Nickrant came to Council Bluffs about a
jear ago from St. Joseph and entered the
employ of Florist Wilcox. In the early part
of last summer he suddenly loft home and
his family feared that ho had done away
with himself , as he had often talked of end
ing his life.
Ho was n heavy drinker nnd frequently
became despondent over his inability to
keep from drinking. After he had been away
for about two -weeks ho returned home ,
but gave no account of where he had been.
About a week ago ho lost his position with
Wilcox owing to his drinking habits and ho
has been despondent ever since.
Howell's Anti-"Kawf" euros coughs , colds.
Davis sells paints.
Christian Annoclntlnn Ofllcem.
At the annual meeting of the Woman's
Christian association yesterday the follow
ing officers ivero elected for the ensuing
jear' President , Mrs. 0. H. Lucas ; vice
president , Mrs. J. L. Stewart ; treasurer , Mrs.
W. W Wallace ; recording secretary , Mrs ,
M. C. Raines ; corresponding secretary , Mrs ,
E. A. Rlsser ; auditor , Mrs. F. S. Thomas ;
rcembeis of Board ot Managers , Mrs. L. W.
Ross , Mrs. O. T. Phelps , Mrs. M. F. Rohrer.
This makes the fourth jear in succession
that Mrs. Lucas has been elected president
and previous to that she filled the office of
auditor for four jears. The meeting was
well attended and during the session a dainty
tea was served.
I'lea Mot Well Taken.
Justice Vlen handed down his decision yes
terday overruling the motion of John J.
Deeming that the case brought against him
by Tina Leonard for betrayal , under prom
ise of marriage , bo dismissed on the grounds
that the evidence showed that the com
plaining witness was not n subject for be
trayal , Inasmuch the testimony showed she
was the wife of the defendant. In his rul
ing Justice Vlcn held that the evidence
did not sustain tbo claim of a common law
marriage between the defendant and the
complaining witness. The further hearing
of the case was continued until Friday to
permit Deeming to make his defense.
Team IlniiM Anil } .
The team belonging to City Scavenger
James created moro or less excitement and
considerable damage yesterday morning In
the alley north of Broadway between Bryant
and North Second streets. The animals
started to run as If anxious to get away
from the odoriferous wagon to which they
were hitched J. J. Morse was delivering
milk to the residents of the block and the
garbage wagon and the wagon belonging to
the milk man got mixed up , the latter com
ing out of the collision second best. A
day's supply of milk was spilled along the
alley and ono of Morse's horses Injured.
( iHiirlerl ) Water HlllH
Discounted 5 per cent If paid on or before
10th , Inat Office open Wednesday evening.
Killed li > TnllliiK nil a Hn < .Move.
SIOUX CITY Jan 8. ( Special Telegram )
Mrs. Katherlno Nohan died at her home
In this city thla morning , as n result of
Injuries sustained several dajs ago by fallIng -
Ing on a hot stove Mrs. Nohnn suffered a
paralytic stroke and fell helplessly on the
stove. She struck on her left aide and ono
side of her face and neck and other portions
tions ot her body were badly burned.
Half a Dozen Aspirants for the Office of
Attorney General.
I > ntrnt Cniiitlilatc to Announce Illni-
Hclf ( iiMicrnl UiiilrindinilliiK thnt
Itciulcy Will > ot hi-ck to
Succeed Illiuxcir ,
SIOUX C1TV. Jan. S ( Special Telegram )
Joseph W. Hallnm , county nttornc ) fet
Woodbury county , will be a candidate for
the attorney generalship before the state
republican convention this year. It Is qulto
understood that Milton Hcmlcj , who Is now-
holding this olhcc , will not bo a candidate
lor re-election. Mr. Hallam's term in Woodbury -
bury county expires this jear. Ho has made
a good record as county attorney In the
five jconi ho has held the olllco and Woud-
bury county would do nil in its power to
help him In the state convention.
There arc others who are talked of with
reference to the same office. One Is Sena
tor Mullen of Waterloo , another is 0. C.
Meredith of Newton. Jacob Sims of Coun
cil Uluffs , who was n candidate last time ,
will bo before the convention again nnJ
will bo a formidable nspliant. Senator
Cheshire of Des Molnes , M. r. Hcaly of
Tort Dodge and J. U. Sammine of Lcmnrs
nro also mentioned.
l nxlilltltlnn nt Cedar Itnnlds ,
Where Two TtiniiNanil Ulriln
Aru mi Inhibition.
CEDAR RAPIDS , la. , Jan. 8 ( Special. )
The twenty-fourth annual convention of
the American Poultry association nnd the
fifth annual chicken show of the Western
Poultry Fanciers' association opened this
morning , to continue until Saturday even-
Ing. The American association will hold
Its sessions in the parlors of the Clifton
hotel. This Is the national organization.
The officers are. President , Allen Boguc ,
London , Canada , secretary nnd treasurer ,
Thco Sternberg , Ellsworth , Kan. ; advisory
board I. K. Pelch , Natlck , Mass. , Sid Con
ger , Flat Hock , Ind ; D. A Nichols , Monroe ,
Conn ; G. O. Brown , Baltimore Md , and
James rorsjtho , Oswego , N. Y.
The show will bo held In the now audi
torium which Is now ncarlng completion
and which will make an Ideal place for an
exhibition of this kind. There are two
largo floors. There will bo not less than
2,000 birds on exhibition. The American
Ppultry association has hung up four fine
silver cups , worth $50 , ns prizes. The local
association has hung up moro than $2,000
in cash and merchandise ns special prizes
the largest amount ever offered by any
association in the state.
The judges are : D. J. Lambert of Appo-
naug , R. I. ; H. A. Bridge of Columbus , 0. ;
James A. Tucker of Concord , Mich. ; George
D. Holden of Owntonna , Minn. ; F. H. Shcl-
labarger of West Liberty , la. ; A. A. Ander
son o Boone , la. , nnd J. L. Todd of At
lantic , la.
Ono of the social features of the week
will he a banquet tendered the members
of the American association by the local
association on either Wednesday or Thurs
day evening.
Man tvltli A'timrcl Murlccil ivilh that
Aiune. Drovtiieil at Aea.
DES MOINES , Jan. 8. ( Special Telegram. )
A special from New York says :
"Steps are being taken by the officers of
the Savannah Hue to find the relatives ot a
man who dlsappeaied from the steamship
City of Macon.on its last trip from Savannah.
He was registered as Samuel Stone , was
gray-headed , about CO , and must have
Jumped or fallen overboard. Stone was ap
parently an Englishman , well educated nnd
well dressed. He had a valise , tags on
which showed that he came from Liverpool
to Philadelphia. His overcoat bore the
narao of a Liverpool maker and his shirt
was marked "Wlnford Tlldcn , Des Molnes ,
la. "
The name Wlnford Tilden does not appear
in the Des Moines directory.
At a meeting of the Ministerial association
this morning it was decided to publish the
list of voters who signed the mulct saloon
petition. A threat to do this kept many
fiom signing.
Governor Shaw- this afternoon offered a
$ DOO reward lor the apprehension of the
murderers of John E. Robson of Sioux City ,
viho was killed in his olllcc on the evening
of December 29.
Tomorrow and Wednesday the lown Stele
Bottlers' association will hold its convention
in this city at Turner hall. Among the
business propositions bcforo tbo delegates
will bo the question of a penalty for the
Ube of another firm's 'bottles.
I'or .Slcnlliiir I'oj liter's CliitlieN.
DES MOINES , Jan. 8. ( Special Tele
gram ) Lonzo Grencll , a colored man , has
been arrested by the1 local detectives on in
formation received from the authorities at
Lincoln , Neb , that ho is wonted there for
the larceny of a suit of clothes from Gov
ernor Poyntcr , The Lincoln police have been
notified and it is expected nn officer will
arrive for the prisoner within a few hours.
lloli ! Theft of n Team.
GLENWOOD , la , Jan. 8 ( Special. )
Sam Estcs left his team hitched In front of
Donnelly Bros. ' store nnd on returning found
It gone. Ho first thought that the team had
In nemo manner got loose nnd would ho
found , but a report turned in yesterday aft
ernoon by an outgoing farmer was to the
effect that ho had seen the ilg being driven
cast soon after it was missed by Estes ,
SIIDITV IKOIH lo Meet af lAmex.
AMES , In. , Jan. S. ( Special Telegram )
The State Association of County Super
visors will hold Its third biennial meeting
here January 18 and 10. W. M. Bcardshcar ,
president of the Iowa State college , will de
liver the address of welcome. Citizens will
tender the association a banquet on tbo
evening of the Huh ,
"oil ) Kniiml Shut anil Prozea.
OTTUMWA , la , Jan. 8 { Special Tole-
grnm ) Philip Dletz was today found dead
with three holes In his breast in a room
over Wagner's saloon. Ills body was frozen
and bo had probably been dead for some
time , us bo has been mining for n wcok
It Is generally supposed to have been a case
of suicide.
( 'olnmliln'M ( ilft from l < > cl efeller ,
NEW YORK Jnn 8 - The trusties of
Columbia unlvcrnltj announce that Julin I )
Horkcfcller has presented $100000 to the
unlvcrbltj for the endowment of a chair of
psj cholosy
Loss of Appetite.
Hereford's ' Acid Phosphate
Restores and creates a good appetite ,
assists digestion , and gives vitality
and vigor to the entire system.
Genuine beats uams HoKsroro' : , on wrapper
Inltnl Sno ( iiinliinil to l.ooU Vfli-r
Ainrrluiiii IntcrrnlN n ( * nntn
WASHINGTON. Jan S The MncliUs 1ms
been ordered from Snn Juan to Snnto Oo-
mlligo It left thnl plnco n few days ago
to MTiiro coal nt Snn Juan nnd It Is deemed
uelj to lm\c a nnVCMO ! on Imnd to pro
tect Atncrlrnn Interests In case any trouble
follows the nttempt of the Trench tm\al
commander to enforce/ settlement of the
Trench claim of $60,000.
It li not belle\ed there Is nny chance of
n conlllct between the Trench nnd Ameri
can unvol ofllcrrs In the execution of their
Instruetlona , but apparently the United
State * minister nt 3finto DomliiRo believes
that In the Interest of poneo there should
be a larger nnval force than ono na\ol vessel
sol there
The ne q thnt success hna nttendcd n pop
ular subscription to raise the $60,000 to pa >
the claim Is also regarded as tending to
tuert danger of the adoption of forcible
measures by the Trench warships
General ( "orlilii ItrpurO Vtuiiit K'W.OIIO
lit Slulit Klulifrcn Tliou-
Hitiul Shier Mitnrdii ) .
WASHINGTON , Jan. S The Law ton
homo fund Is attaining noble proportions
and General Corblu Is of the opinion thnt
there Is now In sight about $83,000. The
contributions turned In slnco noon Satur
day or reported amount to $18,070 , making
the grand total nt noon today $67,409 , Gen
eral Corbln says that , lu addition to this ,
It la reported to him that thcro Is n fund
of $10,000 In Snn Francisco nnd another of
$6,000 In New York not yet turned In nnd
thcro I.s no doubt thnt other suing will bo
Senator Huron < JI\cN TNoUce He Will
OIIIMINV KM Approv ill.
WASHINGTON , Jnn. 8. The senate today
took up the Samoan treaty in executive ses
sion nnd after having it read from the desk
Senator Davis , chairman of the committee
on foreign relations , made a brief explana
tory statement.
In doing so ho quoted liberally from the
report on the Samoan situation by Dnrtlett
Trlpp. The senator referred to the hostili
ties of last summer saying thnt these vvcro
merely a forerunner of what might have
occurred on n. far larger scale If the tripar
tite arrangement between the United States ,
Great Britain and Germany had been per
mitted to continue In force. Ho contended
that Germany had simply made a quit claim
deed to the United States and thnt In re
turn the United States had quit claimed to
Germany. While the statement uns In
piogiess Senator Pettlgrow asked"How -
many people the United States had
bought with the Islands this country cornea
Into possession of by the transfer , " but
Da\is refused to admit the applicability of
the language to the transaction.
Senator Bacon stated his opposition to
the treaty and gave notice that bo would
ask to bo heard upon It when it Is again
tnken up.
The Injunction of secrecy was removed
from the treaty. It has been published here-
Sclnvmi CmiliircN Artlllorj When ton
.11 oil n ir on Dim MnrlntiN.
WASHINGTON , Jnn. 8.- < The War de
partment has received the following from
General Otis :
MANILA , Jan. 8 Bates pursuing enemy
In south with vigor ; Schvvan's column mov
ing along shore Laguna dc Bay struck 800
insurrectors under General Norlel nt Blnen ,
Gth Inst. , nnd drove them westward on
Sllangcnptirred ; place , from which point
cavalry pushed through to Indang. Schwan
captured three of Nortel's six pieces o
artillery and will take remainder , also his
transportation , with records nnd large
quantity of ammunition Two battalions ,
L'SS , part of Wheaton's column , struck enemy
near Jmiis yesterdaj , killing nnd wounding
HO. Blrkhclmei , with battalion Twentv-
elghth , struck enemy intrenched west of
Bacoor > esterday morning ; enemy left on
Held elxtj-llvo dead , forty wounded and
thirty-two rifles. Our loss thus far , Lleu-
tcnnnt Chenev , Touith Infantry , four en
listed men killed , twenty-four enlisted men
wounded. Cxpecte < l that Schwan's * troops
will cut off retreat of enemy's Cnvite nrmy.
Wheaton moving today on Das JInrlnns
Boyd , Thirty-seventh infantry , moved east
from IMS Banes , surrounded General lilsnl
at daylight capturing Hlsal nnd consider
able property It Is expected that Cnvtte
and BantnngUB piovinces will be cleared up
soon. In the north Ix > onhnuser , with three
companies Twenty-llfth. attacked robber
bands in Ara > nt mountain , dispersed them ,
destro > lng their barracks and subsistence ,
found there live of our prisoners whom they
had picked up on railroad : three killed ,
two seriously wounded These northern
robber bands will be pursued. OTIS.
Allen Introduces n JIII1.
WASHINGTON , Jnn. 8. Among the bills
Introduced in the senate today were the
following :
By Allen of Nebraska , to establish postal
savings departments and also a bill increas
ing the duty on Imports brought Into the
United States from contiguous countries in
other than American ships.
By Turner of Washington , granting travel
pay and commutation of rations to volunteer
soldiers who served In the Philippines nnd
were transported to the United States be
fore being mustered out by the government
Just as if they bad been mustered out in the
I'ettlirrtMt fur Mi-illntliin.
WASHINGTON , Jnn 8 Senator Petti-
grew today offered n resolution nuthori/lng
the United States government to offer medi
ation between Great Biltnln and South Af
rica , Ho announced that it was his purpose
to make a speech on the subject.
friendly OITi-r of Slum.
WASHINGTON , Jan. 8. The United States
mlnlbtor to Slnm vv rites to the State de
partment that the Siamese government has
given another evidence of friendliness to the
United States by offering to present to this
i-ounlry n part or the whole of the temple
ground ! on whlrh the I'nlttd StnUs li gallon
la located nt Bangkok The proper ! ) l
worth $67,000. The Rift , If accepted. Involves
nn outlay of about $ Z,000 for Improving the
premises. Secretary Hay has sent the cor-
icspondcnre to congress for favorable action.
nminiul for Small \otex ,
\SHINOTON , Jnn S United Stales
Treasurer Roberts sold today thnt the dc
mnnd for small notes Mill continues Vc-
yond nil precelcnt and him resulted In re
ducing the supply on hnnd to n point where
an Increase was absolutely necessary. To
meet thl. ? Increased demand the bureau of
riiRravlng nnd printing will print $300.000
additional In new fives and tins nnd this
Increase will bo kept up as long ns the
needs of the country require It.
To HiInnHome HuillrH of .Solillern ,
WASHINGTON , Jnn. 8 Quartermaster
General Ludlngton has made arrangements
for the shipment to this country of the re
mains of about 100 holdlors disinterred at
Santiago. lUirlnl parties are now engaged In
collecting the rrtnnlnB of nil other soldiers
Interred on Cuban soil These remains will
all bo brought to this country nnd those not
clalmtd will be given honorable burial nl
the Arlington ccmetcrj.
Allen to ltitlt > v < > Thompson.
WASHINGTON , Jan. S Major ( now lieu
tenant colonel ) James Allen , United Staten
signal corps , has been assigned to duty ns
signal ofllccr , department of the 1'nclflc nnd
Highlit armv corps to relieve Major W. U.
Thompson , U. S. V. , algnnl corps.
'Money for Utiiiriinllnc.
WASHINGTON , Jon S In vle.vof the e\-
Utcnco of the bubonic plague in the Orient
nnd in South Africa , Surgeon General Wyinan
has rcquestcl $23,000 additional for quaran
tine service to be appropriated ns nu urgency
i\lrn Veiiernela DntlrM.
WASHINGTON. Jan. 8. Minister l.oomls
nt Caracas has cabled the State department
that Venezuela has Imposed an c\trn emer
gency duty of 1H cents per pound on flour
and C cents per pound on butter.
Termer Got crnnr VnanlmuiiN Cholee
of Kenlnelo UeniibllcaiiN for blatcN Senator.
FRANKFORT. Kj' . , Jan. 8 The repub
lican Joint caucus tonight nominated former
Governor William O. Bradley ns the repub
lican candidate for senator by acclamation ,
Congressman Borclng , the only ether aspi
rant who had sought the honor from the
minority , having Instructed his friends not
to present his ntuno.
A rumor is current tonight that Bradley
may contest Blackburn's nomination to the
senate. The rumor Is neither affirmed nor
denied by anyone nuthorlzcd to speak , and
these who are advocating such a step justify
it on the giound of retaliation.
Ilia warrant swoin out in Louisville by
John H. Whallcn against Senator S. D. Har-
rell was brought hero by Chief of Dotec-
tiven Sullivan and cerved at S 30 tonight.
The bond of $10,000 was headed by Senator
Goebel for Senator Han-ell and Is being
signed by all of the democratic membeiB of
the legislature who are In the cltj.
IlUtileiitl for Creditors.
WASHINGTON , Jan. 8. The comptroller
of the currency has declared dividends in
favor of creditors of 6 55 per cent of the Na
tional Bank of Kansas CltjMo. .
ru\bio\s ! FOR WESTUM ? ? VIIT
Survliorn of the Clill War llemeiii-
Iiered by the Government.
WASHINGTON , Jan. 8. ( Special. ) The
following pensions have been granted :
Issue of the December 20 :
Nebraska : Original William J. Allen ,
Port Nlobrara. $ S. Original widows Spe
cial , December 23 , Mary M. Colemnn , Lin
coln , $20.
Iowa : Original Robert W Ellison , Ma
son Cltj$3 ; Ore Norton , Holsteln , fS. In
crease Benjamin R. Shipley. Big Springs ,
$10 to $12. Kelssue Andrew Duncan , Cedar
RnpldP , $10 Reissue and Increase George
L. Tunnant , Popejoy , $ G to $10 Original Wid
ows Sarah 13. Bell. Havesville. $1J. spe
cial December 27 , Mary J Eaton , Grundv-
Center. $ S , Marj n Little Dodge , $ < i ; Eliza
beth Marks , Sheffield , & > , Emmullnda Clark ,
Cresco , $12
South Dakota : Original William W.
Thompson , Soldlcr.s' homo , Tall Hlver , $12.
Coloiado : Orlcliml harles D Peck ,
Laku Cltj , $ fi ; Antonio Grlno , Agullar , $ G.
Original widow Special Dot ember 25 ,
Guadulupe Talmadgc , Rouse , $8.
! ! ndiin ( i ! tH it I'rlze.
NEW ORLEANS , . \Jaii K Mis Anna
Lndue , a promlne < ntvwoman of Chicago ,
while on hoi- way to vl it friends , vvns at
tacked and robbed hj u negro , who took
from her bolt a satchel and poekutbook
containing a negotiable certificate for ? 5 OjO
and a return ticket for Chicago A negro
was arrested near the Hceno bhortly nfier-
ward , but Mrs Lidue was unable to iden
tify him. Neither the ccrtllicato nor ticket
were recovered
Imiirnve OIINIIH McflmilH.
WASHINGTON , Jan. 8 U has beun de
cided to improve upon former methods of
taking the census by giving to the supervisors - |
visors ot Inigo cities rover 100,000 Inlmbl-
tants ) n sulllelent clerical forceto enable
them to subdivide their territory In such
a way as to seure competent help in the
selection and appointment of enumerators
and the supervision of their work.
In Memory of Moody.
NEW YORK. .Inn 8-Sorvlees In memoiy
of the late Dwlght L Moody were held today - '
day at CninoBlo hall There weio minis
ters of oveiy faith nnd eited and persons
from every walk of life and toprcientlnir
everjmtlon.illty nndoInr Ira D Snnluv
the ov.ineellst H companion iiv his
work , was pies-cut and led the singing
To Sdirt LonimniilNllr Colony.
CINCINNATI Jan h Telegrams rc < elvod
here announce that Mayor Samuel M Jmies
of Toledo nnd Albert S Dtilln of 3'Mli-
delphla hnvo chartered the Association of
Altruists and selected CMooicstown N J.
near Philadelphia for the hlto of a e-o-
operative cnmtnunlsllr oolony Major Jones
U expected to niovi * there eventually
Vclor It , < ( ! Not ' o Ciimfortalile ,
NEW YORK Jnn 8-Dr Baker , who Is
attending Roland Reed the actor , at St
Luke s hospital , said today that Ills patient
was "temporarily not so comfortable"
Uiat our prices are always
moderate Examine them for yourbolf.
Telephone I'lS
Silver Fillings $ J.oo
Gold Alloy Filllnije 1.00
Platinum Alloy Fillingu 1.00
( . .old Fillings 2 00 nnd up
trowns 5.00 and uji
H. . fi. Woodbury , D. D. S. , Council Bluffs ,
Next to
Grant ! 63ofei.
By Doctoring the Symptoms.
MnttilLMicy , ( tiislntls , IiuHncstloii ,
Sour Stoniiich ami Nervousness
Dyspepsia In All Its Forms is a
Germ Disease
IN Till- ; STOMACH ,
Tln-j C'niirii1 liiillucMlntiprv iiuxiifroi ,
( iiiHli Ills , I'liiliitcnr.i nnil Sour
They rmme Ulnrrliocn , I'nln , Itlontliitf ,
N nnil ritnttlimtlnii ,
You can relieve these sjmploms by the
tiso of cathartics , pepsin and other digestive
ferments , but that is nil. To euro the
disease yon imuU kill the germs
which catiHe it
Is the only remedy which contains n. germU
ildo of sulllclent povvoi to do this It Is
the only remedy which has a speaintc treat
ment for all the symptoms. It In the only
ouio which Is guaranteed and > oui money
refunded In cabe of failure
Sold bj .ill drugglits or bent bj mall.
1'rlio 50 cents
Give symptoms nnd send for one dn > 's
treatment free
THE R. T. BOOTH COMPANY , Ithaca , N. Y.
When others fall consult
FEira mm
op MEN
Wo guarantee to euro ull CUSEH curable '
SKXUAUyi' . cured tor HJc
Nightly KmKsIons , Lost Manhood , Hydroccla
Verlcoc"le , Gonorrhea , Gleet , SyphllH , iitriLt-
ere , Ptlcb , Fistula and Kcctal Ulcers and
All Private Diseases 4
and Disorders of Mcn0
Consultation free Call on or address
lie So. Hth St. OHAHA.
Best Dining Car Service ,
A Mtlii or Iteiiiiiy li a Joy Forever.
mi. T. ii.icoi'it vt ! > > , oitinvi'Ai
cmvM. on MACICVI , in : u rn.'inii.
Remove * Tan. I'lmplne ,
FrccUlen , Moth 1'ilclios
Hash unJ Skin dta.
runts , and Merj
McmlHU on lieniity ,
and iI-elAcn doteo
lion It hiin stood
tlm test of H jours
nnd IB so harmless
no taste It to 1 *
sure It Is properlr
iniule Acvpt no
i counterfeit or glml-
1 lap nime. Dr. It ,
A Bayie laid to a
lirty of tnc Imii-tnn
( a patient ) : "A
you Indira will uno
them I rcroiimipiidt ( t Goiiraurt'B Cream nu the
leipjllinrmfulofall tlm Shin pwmi itioim " For
Biijoliy all 1J > ugfflHlH am ! Kmn Goods DcxIerHlu
the United blntm Can-vda anil Kuroiia.
VKUV T H01-ICIN9 ProD'r37 Great Jonc W N.Y.
ALT.Acriuui Illititut Faillnn
ory , fcjjbrtijflftftnota , ntc , cauttxl | ; y over *
work nnil Indltu-ntlenii. 2/icu viilclilu
nnil utrtlu rwtoro Lo.tVitality In old
or > OUUK , uatl tit u lotu for fcludr.tnut-
" ! aB'
tuC &
ftTAJ'RlilAtED \ ( }
. , icliro-ijJ-- ) ; '
For BO ! in Omaha , Neb , oy Ja's Foi . *
itho. V > 1 N : cth St. Kuliii & Co , 15tu
Uo Jiatun ,