Till ! OMAHA DAILY HE El MOXDAY , .TA TADY S. 1)00. ! ) SPEmWTIBES Ailvprllit-inentH for tlicae column * Will lie tnUeii nnlll 12 in. for llir cvvuliiK i-dltlim mill until HiIIO p. in. tar innriiliiK mill Siiiiilny ( Million. llntt-N , 1 1-Se a uortl ilrni liiKcrtlnni Ic 11 uoril llii'ri-ilftor. NotliliiR tnlicn for ICHM ilmii irr.e f r I lie llrnt Inser tion. ThixiiiilvertlMOliicntN tniiNt lie run ooimcciitl vclj . AilvcrtliMTfit by rcniicNtliiK ' " luTcil fliccli , unii Imvc nttimrrN nil- ilrcNxnl In u numbered letter In curt ! if Tlio HIT. Aiimvcr * mi nililrt-HHCil lll bo ilcllvoru-il mi iirpaeiiliitloii ol I ) tlin cliec-U only. WA.VTHD-SITl. VI'IO.NS. _ A STENOGRAPHER. When you want one please cnll up Ilia Remington typewrit 01 olllcc. 161'J Furnani street , telephone 15.3 ; A " > w WANTED. We Imvo steady work ( or a few Kiotl hustlers of good hubtta and - unco. 0. F. Adams Co. . 1619 "own WE TEACH llio barber trade tliorouglilj In short time anil furnish each Kratlimu with a guaranteed position at Rood wage8 There arc more than ten barber positions nt bookkeeping or short advertised to one hand. ' Wrltu for free catalogue and put- tlculars. Western Barbers' H" llt"iQ ' n ml Omaha. _ CASH for ncccptablo Ideas ; state It pat ented. Address The Patent Record , Hal- tlmore. Aid. _ B-01S AN Intelligent young man to take a short lnind scholarship and pay for It when li ( has finished the course anil secured a po Kltton. Address T 32. oo. B-M41S BOVLES College. Bee Bldg. ; furnishes places for students who desire It to wort for board while In attendance. B on 8 picture agents , expenses paid. lUU Leav ls GIX ) J * 'j WANTED , imlnt salesmen to work 01 commission basis : only those with expert encc and references need apply. 1212 Far imm St. " -CM _ YOUNG man who understands oaro of horsi can earn tuition In Omaha's host business nnd Bhortlmnd college. Address U I4 < "jj ° WANTED , a good grocery salesman foi western Iowa ; must bo u younR man posted and a hustler. Address U 20 , Hoc 1 J WANTED , good butcher and meat ruttor will pay WO and board. Amos Strong Valentine , Net ) . B-M92S S GOVERNMENT positions Don't prcpun for any civil service or census cxnmlna lion wtlhout Hi-eing our catalogue ( it in formation. Sent free. Columbian Corrc spondence CollcKO , Washington , D. C. 11-M7I9 0 * COUNTRY Prlntpr A good case man steady pud sober , can secure pernmm-n position at good wages , payable weekly by application to Argus , Lowlstown , Mon tana ; no man who uses liquor need apply YoiniB man preferred. Write , statlni cnpiiclty. wages desired , and give refer cnces. B-M935 10 "WANTED , bookkeeper ; give references ani salary derircd. U 22 , lice. B 932-6 * WANTED , manager and agents ; salarv o commission : cheapest anil largest llnr Hunter Tailoring and Shirt Co. . Clneln natl , O. B M1I6 A7 * WANTED , bookkeeper ; give references an < salary desired. U 22 , Dee. 11 932 S * WANTED , an experienced coachman ; refer ences required. W. II. ilcCord , care .Me Cord , llrady Co. B-M147 10 WANTI3I1 KI3MA1.B IH3I.P. " WANTED , 200 girls. 1524 Dodge. Tel. 87B. C 639 AN Intelligent lady to take n shortham scholarship and- pay - forIt when-shi finishes the course and secures a posl tlon. Address T 3S , care Bee , C M117 A THOROUGH BUSINESS OR SHORT HAND COURSE. IN THE NEB. BUSINESS AND SIIORTIIANI COLLEGE. BOYD THEATER BLDG. . INSURES A MONEY MAKING POSITION Attendance almost double that of last yeai tl.000.00 worth latest model Smlth-Premlc typewriters just purchased to meet the in creased demand. This Institution Is endorsed by principal of the High school , ofllclal court report ers and business men. New classes this week. A. C. Ong , A. M President. C MSSO COMPETENT cook. 2214 Ltindon Court o 21th , between St. Mary's unit Hal Howard. C 929-S * SO girls wanted , Canadian ollico 15 ° 2 Doug'u C-93S-F5 ' ' WANTED , good''girl for genera ! house work. 1021 Park avenue. C M13I 10 * WANTED , girl for housework. Mr * . Fran Wllcox , S. W. Cor. 29th and Douglas. . C S9 : G * 1'HJH ' Kl-J.Vr IF yvj want your houses well rente place them with llenowa .t Co. D Gio CHOICE houses , cottages , stores. Ueiir IJ. Payne , GUI N. Y. Life. 'Phono , ion ; D-Ull _ FINU f-ojildoiH'o , ohoii'o location , 11 room1 all modern ; excellent Htable. ISemls. Pas ton block. ; , H . ' . D-G12 HOUSES , Ptores. Demls , Paxton block. D-Clj _ MAGGARD Van & Storage. 1S16 Cap. Avi Tel. 14 % . . 1) ) Oil _ FOR RENT , houfps In all parts of clh The O. If. Davis , Co , , 1503 Farnam stree ; D C45 ( _ _ HOUSES for rent In all parts of the cits Hrcnnun-Lovo Co. , 219 So. ICtli street ' _ HOUSES forrynt. . J. II. Shonvood. 41 ? > Y. Life. 'Phond 3SS. ' D-C47 FOR RENT , desirable houses and lint- RliiKWult , Darker block. D ! t ? B-ROOM. elegant apartments In Normundlt $ , ir.00 ; ( i-room , all modern cottage , newl papered and In line s-linpe , $25.00. Wo hav niuny others. Payne-Knox Co. , 1st Hem N. Y. Llfo Hldg. D-C49 HOUSES lo rent. Patterson , 305 N , Y. Llft JIOUSB for rent al 1152. Park ave. . nil moil ern. Apply 2130 Bo ; a5d St. Tel. 1227. ' ' D-137 _ _ _ _ FOR RENT , S-room hoiifo , all modern cor vonlenceB , onposlto Hanscom park. IS' Park nve. Inquire " 2130 S. 33rd or telt phone. 1227. D M1C7 FOR RENT. l > 52 So. 2Sth. 7 rooms' , moderi $30 ; 3007 Welmter , 7 rooms , bath ; 2222 r > isth , fi rooms , burn large yard ; Sll 8 < 19th. 4 rooniH ! also Mats. Rlngwult liros Hurkcr Rlk. ' D-051 FIVE-llOOM cottage , .convenient. cistern water ; vr-OI Hlotula street ; $ S Annl nt 607 N. 19th St. p3T' | _ f.ROOM. modern IIOUHO ; reasonable ; ke next door. 511 North ' . ' 3d. D 871 9 FOR RENT O-room detached house , n modern , 1915 Capitol ave , $13. It-room modern house , 216 N. 19tli St. ' $15 ' The Hyron Reed Co. , JI3 S. llth fit. n-sso 9 _ _ VNEQUALKD , . central , nteam heat , n modern 7-room house. Tlrard. f21 N. 211 ! D-MS 2 Jfl _ 4-rtOOM IIOUBO. 2SI8 D\venport St. , llnoi rt pair ; water tn > ld. < V IP.vp. I-9M SIX-ROOM lioune. modern ; rent rousoi able , on South Omuhn car line ir < SG Shei man a\-e. D-M932 S * HOUSES , 2'to 14 rooms , J4 to $15. Srt U. ! Nat , bank bldg. P M13.1 ; ) FUH IllJVr ft ItMS'llKH ltl ) ( ) > IS. PLEASANT south nnd casi room for twc roaionable. WJl "H'jirtdjEMSI1 JO NICE rooms at 3H S. Wli st. UOUSEKEEPINa. J7U ackzon.12M903 12-M903 S I ( III lliT IM IIMSMKI ) ROOMS. LARdE pliniRiit front room , with alcove , h.ilf a Iilork from HIP Morrlnm ; also one small room ; modern ! reasonnbln refer- pure * . P 2rt , Iec. ! H-M953 S * THREE lareo and ohP small room , reason able. 1407 Jones. E-M111 10 A FfRNlSHED room , all modern" ( SIS 17h st. K-M133 S * FURNISHED rooms , housekeeping. 2 23 St. ' E-MH5 17 * Mary's. - I'TttMSIIKI ) IIOOHS AM ) 1IOAHI ) . THE Merrlam family hotel , 23th and ttndKo , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ CIS S. 19TH , desirable rooms and board. F-M23GJ1I" _ _ _ TO 2 Bcntlcmen , In private family. 2Wi St , Mary's Ave. F MS93 FURNISHED rooms and board. 2H15 noils- las St. F-633 DESIRAHLE rooms , nrst-class board. 238 ! Harney. F-MSfiO 8' ROOM nnd board , $4 and $3. IB12 Davenport , F-MSBS Feb2 _ VERY desirable sulto of rooms , also one south room. 212 S. 23th st. F MR9S FURNISHED rooms with boardrpferctices , 31 So. Sfith St. K 013 11 ROOMS and board. 313 S. 26th si. F-lll 11 * _ I'OU HUNT STOHHS AMI OFKICKS. I-'OU RENT , store In llrst class location ; rent reasonable. Apply R. C. Peters & CO. . ground floor , Bee Hldg I 20G FOR RENT , a ground Moor oftice. specially suitable for real estate , etc. , splendid vault built for use of i-lty treasurer. Ap ply R. C. Peters & Co. , ground lloor , Rec Hulldlng. 1 267 FOR RENT , brick warehouse , two floors each 00x99 feet ; power elevators ; U. P. . trackage. Apply Iloarmann Bros , 19U S. 20th. I 631 ARIiVr.S AVAVFED. CAPABLE men and women can make good wages PellliiK our "Quick Meal Cookci and Heater , " or "Quick Klndler. " ( Sub. stltuto for kindling and coal. ) Agents al' lowed liberal commission and excluslvt territory. Write for particulars. Ben nett Manufacturing Co. , 131 Van Burer St. , Chicago. J-S5G AGENTS WANTED , for splendid Install ment work ; service paid In each ! no de livering or collecting ; easy work ; big pay : write , stating experience , books handled degree of success , etc. , or call at olllcp N. D. Thompson Publishing Company , St Mo. J M915 8 * STORAGE. PACIFIC Storage nnd Warehouse Co. , 912 911 Jones , general storage nnd forwarding 655 AVAXTI3U TO HUV. ALL kinds of household poods , hotels , etc. In large or small quantities. Chicago Fur nlturo Co. , 1IOC-10 Dodge. Tel. 2020.NC3G N-C3G WILL purchase a limited number o Omaha Savings Rank accounts. Brennan Love Co. , 219 S. ICth St. N-657 WANTED , to bny , a restaurant outfit. Pee pie's Store , 16th and Farnam. N M24J AMERICAN dealer ; buy secondhand furnl turo and stoves. 1719 Cumlnir. Tel. 1673. N-M9S4 J9 FOR SALE PUIIMTt'UIS. STOVES AND FURNITURE : no reason able offer refused. Neb. Fur. Co. , 111 ! Dodge. O CSS FOR SALE HOUSES AMI WAGONS GOOD hack , new wheels , $230. C pass , rub jber-tlred rockaway , firstclasscondition ! $ I50. Light rockaway , $185 , painted. Llghi TockaWny , $135 , painted. 4 family car rinses , 3 phaetons , 6 good top buggies Drummond Carriage Co. , ISth and Harnej P S28 J30 FOR SALE , good 2-sieated double and tine set of harnesses , cheap. A. P Tukey , Board of Trade. P 911 FOR SAM3 MISCELLANEOUS. SHIRTS to order. Kclley & lleyden. Q659 CHEAPEST and best oak cribbing and hoi fences. 901 Douglas St. Q C02 CUTTERS of drug prices. Sherman & Me Connell Drug Co. , 1513 Dodge St. Q-flG ) FOR SALE , ten R-I-P-A-N-S for 5 cents a druggists. One gives relief. Q CG4 11. HAAS , Florist , 1S13 Vlnton St. Tel. 77C Plants , cut ( lowers , boqimts , hall , resl deuce , wedding and grave decorations Orders by mall or express promptly filled Q-CS3 INDIAN tellcs ; mounted heads. 1116 Farnan Q-636 2D-I1AND safe cheap. Derlght , 1116 Farnam Q-C67 SAFES. Buy , sell , exchange. 114 S. 13th St Q-669 FOR SALE , new and Id-hand soda foun tains : monthly payments , s. u , nieh mend , P. O. Box 577. Q M212 J13 * $100 BUYS nn Art Poster Exhibit of eve 500 artists' proofs , rare prints nnd paste pictures , uniformly mounted , with tlxttire for liaiiKltiR , case for shipping , etc. ; ex hlbltcd with great .success In scvera western cities. Can be leaped to art club or societies or put on the road direct. ; money maker for n hustler. Address Ar Poster Show , 127 N , 12th , Lincoln , Neb , Q-M1II 0 FOR SALE , the celebrated Wilbur Fooi for fattening stock ; enough feeds to las ono animal 1 COO days for $13.00 ; satlsfac t'on ' guaranteed. II. A. Hill , state agent Grand Is'.nnd , Nfib , Q 235 J13 THE only rnrrlneo heater or foot warmo worth buying. Prlco $4.50. Drummnnd Co Q-327 J30 START now to buy your new whool. $1.0 dewn , $1.00 a weekcnll and get full nar tlpuhim Omaha Bicycle Co. Q M5 9 COMPELLED to sacrifice beautiful 4fi llardmiin piano. Address U 15 , Heo otllre Q-M853 .tUSCEI.LAMCOUS. NOTICE , country dealers , 2d-hand furnltur .t stoves at lowest prices , carload lots p less. Chicago Furniture Co. , HOtf-10 Dodge R ti70 CLAIRVOYANTS , MRS. FRITZ , clairvoyant , SOS N. ICth. S-671 MME , GYLMER genuine palmist. 1C05 Dod ? S-G72i VIENNA fortune teller , IS years here , 141 Howard. S 903 11 * MRS. DR. HART palm'at and clairvoyant 213 N. 18th street. Hour * , 9 to 9. S-117 & * MASSAC.U AXI ) 1IATIIS. MRS. BERRY , baths , massage. PAU1.OR ! best eiiulpped In city ; porcelain tub : lad attendants. 119 No. IGth , 2d lloor. T-M5S4 J2fi THE TUXEDO Elegant massage tub batli Arabian treatment. Flat D , 703 So. ICtli T-MS59 9 * Franxes Do Seutorlous of K. C. 107 N. 1211 : T-AIS70 MAY WILSON , thermal and tub baths manage by competent attendants. G19 IGth St. P-M8C9 9 MME. AMES. R. 2.507 S. 13 : massage tmthi T-931 W I-JLJTK PARIXRS. 615 S. IGth , Upstairs Hrat-clata baths , magnetic t rent men I L\dy attendants. T 930-15' MME. SMITH , room 2. HSU N. 16th T-M121 13 1'KRSONAI.S. VIAVI Is woman's way to health 3)0 ) Be lildf , U-673 IT.HSOV Al . , . SHAMPOOINO 25e , hair dressing Jc ; hair and toilet goods , best equipped. Monhelt , loWFnrnnm. U-C74 PRIVATE hospital for ladles before & dur ing confinement ; babies adopted. 1130 N. 17. U-C7G _ MONHEIT , leading chiropodist. 1518 Fnr- nnm. 2d lloor. U 075 SCALP & hair treatment. Mine. Post , S. ISth. U-C77 LIEBEN , costumer. 1313 Howard. Get catalogues. U fi7S COSTUMES , Mrs. Sack , 331S So. 20th : cata- Ifglle. U M9UO JS SECONDHAND s-nwlng machines from $6.00 up Neb. Cycle Co. , Cor. 15th and Hnrney , ir MDS3 J9 _ _ _ _ DR. ROY , chiropodist ; corns removed , I5c and upward. Room 12 , Frenzcr block. U-679 _ _ _ _ _ RUPTUnR < Mircd , no knife , no pain , no tlntiKcr. Send for circular * . Empire R P- tiiro Cure , 932 New York Llfo building. Omaha. U-MSI2 J31 PROF. U. W. JOHNSON breaks nnr dls ease with the Secret of Health with one bottle , and $1 per bottle. 1711 Vlnton St. , Omaha. U MS63 9' _ GOOD large barn for rent In north part of city. Inquire 2124 Locust. U-103 MONEY TO LOAN RI3.YI , HSTATK. $1,000 and upwards to loan on Improved city property and farms. W. Farnam Smith & Co. , 1320 Farnam. W-GSO MONEY to loan on Nebraska nnd Iowa farms ; lowest rates. Brennan-Love Co. , 219 3. 16th , Omaha. W-GS1 $100 TO $2.000. F , D. Wead , IGth nnd Douglas W-6S2 _ WANTED , city nnd farm loans ; also bonds and warrants. R. c. Peters & Co. . 170 ! Farnam St. . Bee Bldg. W-CS3 WRITE us If you want a loan on your farm In Iowa , eastern Neb. or Mo. : It will pay you. Anthony Loan & Trust Co.,315 N.Y.L , W-G31 _ $100,000,000 to Invest through Bankers , Brokers , Promoters ; sent for circular. Investors' Directory , N. Y. W GS3 5 PER CENT money. Bemls , Paxton block , W-OSO _ MONEY to loan on first-class Improved city property or for building purposes. Payne- Knox Co. , N. Y. Life. W-6S7 B'-iv'4liS ' i' cent Ionns ln Omaha , S. Omaha , \ \ . II. Thomas. 603 1st Nat. bank. Tel. IMS W OSS _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ MONEY to loan at B nnd 5H per pent or Omaha property. W. H. Melklo , 401 So. 15tli W-6S9 _ _ _ _ _ - MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real estate. Brennnn-Lovc Co. , 319 South 16th , V. ' COO FIVE per cent ; farm loans. Clms , E. Wil liamson. W 691 PRIVATE money , low rate , no delav. Garvln Bros. , 1G13 Farnam St. \V-I4D _ MO.W3V TO LOAN CHATTELS. - WE-HAVE-10.UOO.OO-DOLLARS _ to loan on HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. PIANOS ORGANS. WAREHOUSE RECEIPTS. HORSES , CARRIAGES. ETC , \ \ e charge nothing for making papers and wo arrange thp tline and payments tr suit you , and every dollar paid bacli LESSENS THE COST. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO . Tel. 2295. 300 S. 16th St , X MS 13 _ MONEY loaned salaried people holding permanent - manent position with responsible concerns upon their own names without security easy payments. Tolman , 706 N. Y. L. Bids X-G93 _ MONEY loans on furniture , rigs , bicycles diamonds , watches , etc. ; payment un known to friends. Omaha Loan Bank , 141 ! Farnam , upstairs. X G3I MONEY loaned on plnnoSj furniture , horses cows , Jewelry. Duff Green , R. S , Barker bU X-CS5 _ MONEY loaned on furniture , pianos jew elry , etc. , unknown to friends ; monthh payments ; half rates. Bersers' Loan Co' 1408 Farnam , over drug store. X COG- LOANS made to salaried people on theli personal note without security ; rates rea ' mnt * * MONEY loaned on planch , furnlturo lew. elrv , horses , COWP , etc. C. F. Reed 319'S 13th. _ X-CP9 LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPJ e T ployed In Omaha. South Omaha Vm Council Bluffs.holdinir coed positions' the'r own names , NO MORTGAGE- n TERMS , everything private ; money en i be nald back In small weekly or monthh payments. American Loan Co. rinoir 601. Boo Bldg. X-700 y 1/OANFP PA I A HIED PEOpTlp holding permanent nosltlons on their owr nanr > without endni-per or mortirniro STTUCTLY CONFIDENTIAL nnd ifofv RATES. No Inquiries EST made of em player or friends. You can borrow nnj amount and repay In easy weekly 01 montb'v ' payments Before borrow'mr ' sec us. Omnlm Credit Co. , sulto 523-52rt vv * Llfo Bldg. X-701 _ MONEY to loan on fiirnlturp. nlanos horres. cows. etc. J. W. Taylor , 211 Firs Nnfl bk. bldg. 12 to 0:15 : p. m. X-702 WE MAKE LOANS FROM $10.00 UP ward to salaried people , holding perma nent positions < n OMATTA. SOUTf OMAHA , COUNCIL BLUFFS , on theli personal note , without endorsement 01 mortgage. All applications treated jr confHenre. Lnann "n t bo paid ALL or Ir PART at ANY TIME , and every dollai so nnld LEP'SFA'S TUF COST. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. . 30fi S. 16th Rt. Tel. 22K. Room 119 , Board of Trade bldg. X-MS44 niISM39.S C1IAXCI3S. MBRCHANDISE STOCKS-Wo have dr ; goods , clothing , stocks boots nnd shoes hardware , drugs and groceries stock' ' located In all parts of Nebraska , Iowa Dakota and Missouri. If vou want to buj or trade for'a stock of goods we cat loeato. If you want m Hell your goods 01 property wo can nnd a buyer for you Write or call on us for what you wnrit Hoteln for solo or trade. MerclmndlKi Broker. 202 Knrbach blk. V 703 A DESIRABLE pld-fislabllHlu'd cash liusT ness. Owing to fulling health I havi concluded to retire from business an < offer my stock of groceries , tinware , mea market , flour and feed for sale. If y.n wanl a desirable business Invcsfgati HartlPtt Grocery Co. , 600 and G02 Broad way. Council Bluffs. Y M622 J2S CLKAR land and cash for general mdse stock , or harness stock preferred. Ad dress Box 107 , Tlhlon , Neb , Y Mi61 9 FOR SALE or rent , a good moat market li northeastern Nebraska , doing n good html ness , Address U 11 , care Bee , Omaha Neb. Y MS99 9 GOOD opening for coal anc jce. F , D. Woad Y-S75 9 A SNAP $5,000.00 btivs half Interest In gen era ! store In northeastern Neb , ; Koodi nearly all new ; laHt year's sale. $37OW.OO for particulars address U 3J , Bee. Y-M1199 * FOR SALE , good paying grocery and trtea market : good reasons for selling. ? sth anc Dodge. Y-M91G 12' MANAGER WANTED , will sell one-fourtl to one-half Interest In paying minim plant to responsible party who will taki chars" and run If. peed reasons for sell Ing. U. R. Walthall , Mystic. S. n. Y-M971 FOR UXCHA.XOR. WANTED , eocxl team In exchange fo ! Omaha clear property. A. P. Tukey Board of Trade. -iO FOR EXCHANGE. IGO-aero well Improvei farm for stock clothing and gouts' fur nlshlng goods or groceries. For par Honiara address lock box 23. Shelton Nob. Z-M92J 15 HOTELS , METROPOLITAN , Wm. Barr. mgr. $1 ti $1.25. 12th and Douglas. 'Phone 11. LANGE , steam heated rooms $1 up week Board $ ,3 per \vetlt ; meals , 25c. C04 S. nth 625 J2 ; l-Mllt < M , | n\ | , I3HTVTIX PAYNH-HARDER Co. . HEADQUARTERS for REAL ESTATE BARGAINS. LOW EST RATES on LOANS ; SOUND IN SURANCE ; HOUSES. FLATS. STORES for RENT. First ( leer N. Y. Life Bldg. RE-.M40I 270S CAPITOL AVK. , prlco reduced U $1,325.00. 7 rooms , nearly new , on lot & 0xl35 feet south front. Byron R. Hastings , 212 S. Hth st. HE-M523 IF YOU have a bargain to offer In 'real estate sco S. A. Hroadwcll , 501 N. Y. Life Bldg. RK-704 FOR QUICK returns on bargains only set S. A. Brondwcll , 501 N. Y. Llfo Hldg. RE-TM ( HOUSES , lots , farms , lands , loans ; alfo lire- Insurance , Beiiils , Pnxton blk. RE 70S A BARGAIN Four acres. 40th and Paclllc ; two blocks from car line , on belt rail road , $2,509 : easy terms. McCagtlo In vestment Co. , 1500 Dodge. KK 709 FOR BARGAINS everybody goes to S. A , Broadwell , trOl N. Y. Life Bldg. RE 701 NOTHING but bargains handled by S , A , Hroadwell. 601 N. Y. Lite Bldg. UK-70j _ SNAPS In real estate ; money to loan. L. Johnson Co. , 314 S. 15th street. RE 710 FOR SALE Bargains In small residences. S. A. Broadwell. eel N. Y. Life $330 FOR south front on Mumlerson street , $350 tor south front on Manderson street between 27th and 2Sth streets , size 50xl2o $500 for 92x331 feet , facing east on 30th street opposite Miller park. $2,250 for llvo acres on North 24th street , east old Fort Omaha. . JOHN N. FRENS5ER , OPP. OLD P O. HENRY B. PAYNE , 601 N. Y. LIFE BLDG Real Estate , Rentals , Loans , Insurance , . RL * ! C. F. HARRISON , FARMS , FARM LOANS J15 * RE-22S v _ HOUSES , lots , farms , lands and Insurance R. C. Patterson. 305 N. Y. Life. RE < 13 15G2 NORTH 17TH street , two houses , rent ing for $16.00 per month , paving paid , pays 14 per cent erosn , price $1,350. John IV Frenzcr , Opp. old P. O. RE MCOO THERE Is money to be made on the fol lowing properties at the prices named South front on Chicago and 26th streets 66x142 , $1.330 ; two south fronts on Mapl < street , between ISth nnd 19th streets. $30 ( each ; G-room house nnd full lot ut Sti and Bancroft streets , $125 ; 100 feet pquar ( on 31st and Mason streets , with cottagi and barn on east half , west half vacant $2 000 will divide ; G-room modern house 43d and Patrick avenue. $1,550. A. P Tukey , Board of Trade. RE 803 FINE modern residence of 12 rooms ; ex cellent condition : new boating apparatus good sized stable and largo grounds Bemls , Pnxton blk. RE 101 MEDICAL , LADIES , old Dr. Bell's Cotton Root Pllli the best , safe , reliable ; take no other send 4c stamp for particulars. Dr. Bell Box 71S , St. Louis , Mo. M-39S J1S * LADIES' Free Harmless Monthly Rcgula tor , cannot fall. Mrs. B. Rowan , R. 29 Milwaukee , Wls. M. 129 J20' DR. MANSFIELD'S monthly regulator hai brought happiness to hundreds of niixloiii women ; have never had a single failure longest cases relieved In two to live day : without fall ; no pain , no danger , no Inter furence with work ; by mall or otllce , $2 all letters truthfully answered. Tin Manslleld Remedy Co. , 167 Dearborn st. room C14 , Chicago , III. 994 13' W A XTIflll TO BORROW. 5800.00 ON Improved piece of real estati centrally located ; will pay 7 per cent prefer private party. Address U 35 , Bee M-124 9 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. A C. VAN SANT'S achool/l 717 N. Y. Life ' > ' i ' 719 AT OMAHA Bus. College , Itlth & Douglas. 720 BOYLES' COLLEGE court .reporter prlncl pal. Bee Bldg. 721 NEBRASKA Business and Shorthand col lego. Boyd's theater. 722 I'AWNHROKRRS. JEFFERSON Square Loan Office. 418 N. K 725 EAGLE Loan Otllce , reliable , accommodat Ing ; all business conlldentlal. 1301 Doug las. -720 TYPEWRITERS. TYPEWRITERS for rent , $1.00 per month The Smlth-PremlT Typewriter Co. , 162 Farnam St. Telephone 1281 , 711 WE RENT nnd sell the beat typewriter made ; largest stock of supplies In Omaha United Typewriter & Supply Co. , 1612 Far nom. 715 REMINGTON Standard Typewriter nni supplies. 1619 Fanmm. 716 THE Oliver Typewriter , visible writing hen.vle.-it manlfolder and cuts the lines stencil , Tel. 2279. J. S. Stewart , Sueclq Agent , 31SV4 S. ISth St. , Omaha. 717 TYPEWRITERS , secondhand. 111G Farnam -71S OSTEOPATHY. JOHNSON Osteopathle Institute , 519 N. "V Ufo Bldg. , Alice Johnson , D. O. , ladle * dcpt. ; Gld E. Johnson , Ostcopathlst , mgi -723 M. E. DONOHUE , D. O. , of Still school Klrksvllle , Mo , , tfOl Paxton blk. Tel. 13G" 721 STA3l.MI3KI.Vt ; AND STUTTEKINt ! . CURED. Julia Vaughn , 430 Ramge Bldg. 727 SCHOOL OF I.ANIil/Atii : . FRENCH , German , Spanish , $2 per month Prof. Chalelaln , 301 Boyd theater. 729 NICK13L I'l.ATI.Vn. SKATES bollowgroumt. all kinds of plntlnfi Omnlm Plating Co. , Bee Bldg. D3S FUKXITUKIJ PACKIXfi. M. S. WALK UN. 2111 Cumlng. Tel. 133t. 782 TIIUMC FACTORY. TRUNKS , traveling bags , suitcases. Trunk repaired. Om. Trunk Fartory , 1209 Farnam -323 LAUNDRY. OMAHA STEAM LAUNDRY AND CIT" TOWEL SUPPLY , 1750 Leavcnw'th. TI. 51 M23S FI'RH. IJ. 13. & E. HUBERMANN. furriers ; fur made to order and icpulred. IIS S. 15th. -730 IN FAMILIES. Miss Sturdy , 2216 Davenpor M-2)2 J1J I1IHI1S ANI ) STOCK'S Bird store. 1IXW Leavcnworth. , 733 EVENINGS. $3 per mo. at Van Santa schoc 717 N. Y. Life. G. R. Rathbun. C36-J29 * Tincnr BROKERS , CUT RATE railway tickets everywhere P. H. Phllbln , J505 Farnam. 'Phono 7SI. -72S RICYCI.US. NEW and secondhand bicycles at half prl'-c Louis Flescher 1622 Cujdtol uve.731 i.r.ti M , MII it rs. STOCKI1OLD1' Hfi MKETINO . OFFICE OF LKE ( U.ASS-ANDREF.SEN HARDWARE co. . OMAHA. Nc-b. Dec. 9 , 1S9. Notice Is hereb > ( tlven to the stock holders of the Lee-GlaFS-Andre''sen Hard ware Co. lint the annual meeting of the ( tockholders of the company will be held nt the olllces of the said pomp.iny. 12I9-12J1- 1233 Harney street , In the city of Omaha In the state of Nebraska , on Tuesday January 9 , A. D. IPoo , at 3 o'clock p ni. , fp- the purpose of electing a board of directors for the- company to servo during the ensuing year and to transact such other business as may bo presented at su h meeting. II. J. LEE. President. A.tcst : W. 51. GLASS , Secretary.D103RM D103RM STOCKHOLDERS MEETING. Union Land Company : Notice \r \ hereby given that the annual mretlnt ? of the stockholders of the Union Land company for the election of live direc tors nnd the transaction of such othtr 'HUM- ness as may lawfully come before the meetIng - Ing will be hold nt the olllce of the ROieral solicitor. Union Pacific building , Omaha Neb. , upon Monday , the Sth day of Jan uary , 1900 , at 10 o'clock n. in. The stock transfer books will be closed ten days previous to the tncpfinjt. New Ycrk City , N. Y. , December 15th. 1899 ALEXANDER MILLER Secretary Decl9d2 > 1HM STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. Notice Is hereby given that the annual meeilng of the stockholders of The Bee Uulldlng company will be held at 4 o'clock p. m. , Thursday , January 1C , 19tnt the ollico of snld company In The Bee hulldlnn. Omaha , for the election of a board of di rectors for the ensuing year and the trans action of such other business us > may prop erly come before such meeting. By order Ol the president. C. C. ROSEWATER , POSTOFFICM NOTICE. ( Should be read DAILY 'by ' nil Interested , as changes may occur at any time. ) Foreign malls for the week ending Janu ary 13 , 1HOO. will ctoso ( PROMPTLY In all cades ) at the General Postolllco as follows : PARCELS POST MAILS close one- hour earlier than eloping lime shown below. Parcels Post Malls for Germany close at 5 p. in. Wednesday for dispatch per s. s. Darmstadt. TrniiM-Atliiutlc Mull * . TUESDAY At 9 u. in. for ITALY , per s. s. Columbia , via Naples ( letters must be directed "per s. s. Columbia" ) . WEDNESDAY At 7 a , in. ( supple-mentary 9 n. m. ) for EUROPE , tier s. s. St. Louis , via Southampton ; at 10:30 : a. m. for BEL GIUM direct , per s. s. Noordlaud , via Antwerp ( letters must bo directed "per s. s. Noordland" ) , THURSDAY-At 7 n. in. for FRANCE. SWITZERLAND , ITALY. SPAIN , POR TUGAL. TURKEY , EGYPT and BRIT ISH INDIA , per s. s. l.a Cbnmpaffno , via Havre ( letters for other parts of Europe must be directed "per B. s. La Chum- FRIDAY At 4 a. m. for A'/.ORES IS LANDS , per s. s. Borderer. SATURDAY At 8 a. m. for NETHER LANDS direct , per s. s. Wcrkendnm , via Rotterdam ( letters must be directed "pet s. s. Werkcndam" ) ; nt 10:30 : a. m. ( sup plementary 12 m. ) for EUROPE , per s. s. Lucanla , via Queenstown. PRINTED MATTER ETC. German steamers sailing on Tuesdays take Printed Matter , etc. . for Germany , and Specially Addressed Printed Matter , etc. , for othei parts of Europe. American and White Star steamers on Wednesdays , Gorman steamers on Thursdays , and Cunurd , French and German steamers on Satur days take Printed Matter , etc. , for all countries for which they are ndvc-rtiseO to curry mall. After the closing of the Supplementary Transatlantic Malls named above addi tional supplementary malls are opened or the piers -of the American , English , French and German steamers and remain oper , until -within , Ten Minutes of the hour ol sailing of steamer. Mull * ( or Smith mid Central America Went Iiulti-M. lOtc. MONDAY At 1 P. m. ( supplementary 1:3 : ( p. m. ) for NASSAU , GUANTANAMO ant SANTIAGO , per s. s. City of Washing ton. TUESDAY Al 12:30 : p. m. ( supplomentarj 1 p. m. ) for BARBADOS , DUMERARA IMARTINIQUE and GUADALUPE. vii { Martinique , per s. s. Carribbec ; at 1 p m. for INAGUA , HAITI and SANT/ MARTHA , per s. s. Hlspanla ; at 9 P " m. for JAMAICA , per steamer from Bos ton. WEDNESDAY At " 2 0 a. m. for NAS 'SAU ' , per steamer from iMIaml , Fla. ; in 9:30 : n. m , ( supplementary 10RO : n. m. ) foi CENTRAL AMERICA ( except Costf Rica ) and SOUTH PACIFIC PORTS , pel s. s. Athos , via Colon ( letters for Girnte mala must be directed "per H. s. Athos" ) at 10:30 : a. m for PUERTO RICO , uei U. 'S. Transport , via. San Juan ; at 11 a m. for GRENADA and TRINIDAD , uei s. s. Grenada ; at 11 u.m. . . for NEW FOUNDLAND direct , per s. s. Silvia at 1 < i. m. for CUBA. YUCATAN. CAM- PECHE , TA'BASCO ' and CHIAPAS , per s s. Seneca , via Havana and Progroso ( letters tors for other parts of Mexico must bi directed "ner s. s. Seneca" ) ; nt 1 p. infer for MEXICO , per s. s. Matanzas , vii Tamplco ( letters must bo directed "pel s. s. Matanzas" ) ; ut 1 p. in. for 1,1 PLATA COUNTRIES direct , per s. H 'M ' Ira mar. THURSDAY At 1 a. m. for JAMAICA , pel steamer from Philadelphia. FRIDAY At 11 a. in. ( supplementary 11:31 : a. m. ) for CURACAO and VENEZUELA iper H. s. Ilildur ( letter * for Savunllln am Carthiigena must be directed "per s. s Hlldur" ) ; at 1 p. m. for BELIZE , PU ERTO CORTEZ and GUATEMALA , jici 8 , s , Themis ( letters must be directed "pel s. s. Themis" ) . SATURDAY At 9:30 n. m. ( supplementarj 10 a. in , ) for BERMUDA , ST. THOMAS ST. CROIX , LEEWARD and AVIND WARD ISLANDS , per s. s. Pretoria ; in 10 a , m. ( Bupnl' . ° pntary 10:30 : n. m. ) foi FORTUNE ISLrtXD , JAiMAICA , SAVAN ILLA and CARTHAGENA , per s. s. Al leghany ( letters for Costa Rica must b < directed "per s. K. Alleghany" ) ; at 10 n m. ( supplementary 10:00 : a. on. ) for HAITI per f. s. Alps ; ut 11 n. m. for CUBA per e. a. Mexico , via Havana : at 11 a. m for 'BRAZIL nnd LA PLATA COUN TRIES , 'per ' s. K , AstI , via Pernambuci ( letters for North Brazil must be directec "per M. s Aiti" ) ; at 12:30 : p. in. for NUE VITAS and LA GLORIA , CUBA , per s H. Yarmouth ; at 11 a. m. for PUERTC RICO , per H. f. Ponce , via San Juan. SUNDAY At * * 2iO : : a. in. for NASSAU , poi steamer from Miami , Fla. I.Malls for Newfoundland , by roll to Nortl Sydney , and thence by steamer , close n this olliro dally at 8:30 : p. m. ( connect. Ing close hero every Monday , Wednes iluy and Saturday. Mails for Mlquelon by rail to Boston and thence by steamer close at this oltlce dally at 8:30 : p. m Mnlle for Cuba , by rail to Port Tampa Fla , , and thcncu by eteamer , clnso at thh olllce dully ( except Monday ) at " 7 a m. ( the connecting closes uro on Sunday Wednesday and Friday ) . -Malls for Cuba by rail lo Miami , Fla. , and thence lj steamer , close at this olllce every Mop day , Tuesday and Saturday at * * 2:30 : a. m ( tjio connecting closes are on Tuesduj and Saturday ) . Malls for 'Mexico ' City overland , unless specially addressed foi dispatch liy steamer , close at this olllei dally at 2:30 : a. m. and 2:30 : p. in. Mallj for Costa Rica , Belize , Puerto Cortex am Guatemala , b rail to New Orleans , am thence by steamer , close ! at this nIt-i | | daily at * " 3CO : p. in. ( connecting close : hero Sundayn and Tuesdays for C.Vmti Rlia and Mondays for Belize. Puerto Cor tez and Guatemala ) . "Ileglctered mal closes at fi p. m. previous day. "Regis I tered mall closes ut ti p. m. second duj 1 before. 'I'l-IIIIM-Pucillll .MllllH. Malls for Hawaii , Japan , china und tin Philippine Islands , via San Friinclsi o | close here dally nt C'iO : ji. m. up to Jan i jiary 11 , inclusive , for dispatch per s. H Hong Kong Maru. .Mails for Hawaii , vi ; Seattle , close hero dtilly at (5:30 ( : p. m. ll | to January " 14. Inclusive for dlsputil per s. s. Bloenifonteln. Mulls for Hawaii China , Japan nnd the 'Philippine ' Islands via San Francisco , close hero dally a C:30 : p. in. uii to January " ' 19 , InuluHlvu for dlHiwti'h pir s. s. China. Mulls fo Australia ( except Want Australia ) , Ni-v Zeiilaiid. Hawull , Fiji and Suimmn ! . lands , via Sun Franrlm-o , t-loso hero ilall ; at 6:20 : : > . m. after December " 30 and tij to January * * * 20 , Inclusive , or on day o arrival of s. H. Campania , dun at Nrv York January iO , for dispatch per a. a Moana. Mulls for China and Japan , vl < Vancouver , elo.se hero dally at KMi. : \ . m up to January " " 23. Inclusive , for dispute ! per * . . Empress of Japan ( reglstirei mall must bo directed "via Vunrouvur" ) Mulls for Society Islands , via San l-'ran Cisco , eloso horn daily nt 6:10 : : | > . in. ill to January * ; ) , inclusive , for dlnp.itpl by rhlp City of Pupeltl. M.ills for Hi wall , via San Francisco , rlosn hern dallj at G30 ; p. in. up to February * * . ! . liu-ltmlva for dispatch per s. s. Australia , Mulli for Australia ( except West Australia which goen via Europe , uiul New Zealand which goes via S.in Knincltvo ) , llawul and FIJI Inland * , via Vancouver , cloni here dally at G'JO : p. m. up to Februarj MJ. Inclusive , for dispatch per B. a. Mlo wern. , Transpuollk' malls tire forwarded to per ( , f sailing d'ily ! and tinHiheilule of elos Ing In arranged n the presumption (1 Uii l unluu'iTupud ovcrlund transit I'OSTOFFU 15 MVHl 12. n _ _ , ' Hiiii-n r- , < l m.ill i'lo.- > ill li i > m previ ous dft } CORNELIUS VAN COTT IVntlnnMer Postotn , e. New York , X. Y. . January 5 , R \ ll.VY TIMi : T Vlll.i : . BURLINGTON Xt MIS- Kitiri River Railroad "The Burllncton Route" General Olllccs , N. W. I Corner Tenth nnd Fnr nam Streets. Ticket I Olllce , 1502 Fnrnnm Street. Telephone , 2T > 0. Depot. Tenth and Mason Streets. Tele- phone , Jtu. Leave. Arrive. Lincoln , Htstlnes and McCook . . .a 8:40 : am a 7:40 : pm Lincoln , Denver. Cole rado. Utah. Callfornl-i.a 4:25 pm a 3:55 : pm Lincoln. Black Hills , Montana & Pueet Sound , . . . .n 4:25 : pm a SPO : pm Lincoln Loral , .a 7:00 : pm nlO.t : > am Lincoln F v Malt a 3:00 : pm nlO:33 : ama Denver , O ilj ado. Utuh & rallforr-l.i a 6:35 : am a Dally. KANSAS CITY , ST. JO- * nh & Council niurfs nnl'r.-inil "The Hurling. , iti nulo" Ticket Olllco. IWl ! Kurnam StrccL Tole- I'i.uiie. 50. Depot , Tenth a vi Mason Streets. Tele phone. 310. Leave. Arrive. Knnsns City Day 13 x . . a 8:50 : am a fi5 : pm Kansas C l'\ Night l x .alO:13 : pm a 6:30 : am St Ixjuis f'yc- ) for St. Joseuli and St Louis. . a < : C3 pm nll:13 : am a Pullj Si OHICAGo. HUUMNGTON S * & Qutncy Uallroad-"Tho [ | I nurilngton Houto" Ticket la Olllcp , 1502 Karnam St. CS Tel. , ijO. Depot , Tenth A and Mapon Streets. Tele phone , 310. Leave. Arrive Daylight Chicago Spe cial n C(0 : ( am Chicago Vcstlbulcd Ux..a 5:03 : pm a S:03 : am Chicago Express a SJD : am a 4:05 pm Chicago & St. L. 3..a 7:43 : pm a S:03 : ama Pncllic JunctlDii Local.alOl5 : am Fast Mat : a 2:45 : pm a Dally. jCIIICAGO , ST. PAUL , Minneapolis & Omaha Hallway "The North western Line" General Olllccs. Nebraska Divi sion , 13th and Webster Sts. City Ticket Oillcp. HOI Kama in St. Telephone , GG1. Depot , 15th uiid Webster Sts. Leave. Arrive. Twin City Express ( for Sioux City , St. Paul & Minneapolis a 0:00 : am Omaha Passenger a 7:00 : pm Ulalr , Kmerscn. Sioux City , Poncn , Harllnff- ton and 131oomlluld..b 1:00 : pm bll:10 pm No. 2 Twin Clt ; . L't'd..u 6:53 : pm i No. l Omaha Limited. . . a 9:00 am a Dally , b Dally cxceol Sunday. JFHRMONT , RLKHORN & Missouri Val y Kail- road "The Northwestern Line" General Ofllces , United States National Bank HldR. . Southwesl Corner Twelfth and Far- nam Streets. Ticket olllce. 140 ; Farnam Street Telephone , 561. Depot , 15th and Webster streets. Telephone. 1453. Leave. Arrive. Blnck II1119. Deadwoocl , Hot Springs a 3:00 : pm a 5:00 : pro Wyoming , Casper ana Douglas d 3:00 pm c 5:00 pro Hastings , York , David City , Superior , Geneva Exeter and Se\vard..b 3:00 : pm b B:00 : pro Norfolk , Verdlgre and Fremont b 7:30 : am b0:25 : an Lincoln , Wahoi and Fremont b 7:30 : am W0:25 : ara Fremont Loc c' ' SO am a Dally o Dally oxce.it Sunday , o Sun day only. d Dally except Saturday. e dally except Monday. ICHICAGO & NORTHwestern - western Railway "The Northwestern Line" City Ticket Office , 140 ] Furnam Street. Tele- phono. 6G1. Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Tele- phone. 029. Leave. Ar/ve. Daylight Chicago Spe cial . a 6:40 : am all:3 : > prr Chicago Passenger . a 4:15 : pm alO:10 : atr Eastern Express. Pea Molnes , Mnr halltmvji , Cedar Rapids and Cni- cage . alO:55 : am a 4:05 : p Eastern Llmltea , Chicago cage and East . a 4:53 : pm a 4:05 : pn Fast Mall. Chicago to Omaha . a 2:4-3 : pn Omaha-Chicago Special. a 7:30 : pm a 8:00 : an Fast Mull . S'30 an a Daily , b Daily except Sunday. SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC Railroad "The North. . western Llno"--Genera Offlces , United State : National Hank ButVJIng fa. W. Corner Twelftl , . , . anii Farnam Streets 7 Ticket ollico , 7401 Farnam Street , Tele. r - 661. Depot , Tenth and Maser Streets. Telephone , 021) ) , A"'VP- ' Sioux Cl.y. . Mankato St. Paul , Minneapolis. , a 5:35 : am a 8:15 : an St. Paul , Minneapolis , Manknto & Sioux Clty.a 5:30 : pm all -.00 pn Sioux City Local . a 8:00 am a 4:30 : on a Dally W ABASH RAILROAD- Tlcket Olllce , 1415 Farnatr Street. Telephone , 855. DC. pot , Tenth and Marc > Streets. Telephone. C29. Leave. Arrive. St. Louis "Cannon Ball" Exprnss . . . . . .a 4:50 pm a 8:33 : arr a Dally. _ ' . ' . , 'JHICAGO , ROCK ISL and & Pacific Railronc "Tho Great Rock Isl and Route. " city Tick et Olllee. 1323 Karnair Street. Telephone , 42s Depot , Tenth & Masut Streets. Telephone , o'a - . Arrive. Des Molnes and Daven port Local . , . . . .a7:03am : 1)11:35 : an Chicago Express . b > i > 15ain a bIO : an Chicago Fast Express , .a 5:00 : pm n. 1:25 : pn St. Paul Fast Express. . a 6W pm bll:35 an Lincoln. Colorado Spgs. , Denver , Pueblo and West . . . . . . . . . . . . . .a 1:30 : pm a 4:25 : prr DCS Moines , Rock Isl and and Chicago . a 7:25 : pm a 5:50 : pn Colorado & Texas Flyer.a 5:53 : pm u 9:20 : an a Dally b Dally excel ) ' . Sunday , MISSOURI" PACIFIC RAIL road Gdneral Offices am ; Ticket Olllces Southeast Cor. sier llth and Douglas Sts Telephone , 101. Depot , 15th and Webster Sts. Telephone , ' . . . Leave. Arrive. St. Louis , Kansas & Neb Limited . a 2:33 : pm a25 : prr K..C-SI. L KxpreB . . . . .i 9:50 : pm a 5:50 : an NebruF.u.i Ix > cal via Weeping Water . b G:03 : pm a 9:45 : arc n Dally b Dally except Sunday. CHICAGO , MILWAUKEE S fit. Paul Railway Cltj Ticket Olllce , 1601 Furrmn Street. Telephone. 2SI. De pot , Tenth and Mason Sts Telephone. C29. _ Leave. Arrive. Chicago Limited Ex . a 7:35 pm a 8:30 : an Chicago X. Omaha I3x..l > llu0 : arn b 3:03 pn Sioux City & Des Mo'.ncs Express . , . . , , , , .1)11:00 : am b 3:55 : pn a Dally , b Dally except Sunday , IOMAIIA & ST. LOUlS RAIL road Omaha , Kaunas Clt ; & Eastern Rallroad-"Thi Qulncy Route" Ticket Of flee , 1415 Farnam Street Tflephnne , 322. Depot , Tent ! aild Mnrcy Streets. T lc iihone , C29.Leave Leave , Arrive , St. Louis Cannon Ball Exprt-ss . a4:5 : pm a 8:35 : an Kansas City nnd Qulncy i al . a 0:10 : am a 8:50 : pn U\ION I'ACIFin-THE OVER land Route" Guiioral Olllccs N 15. Cor. Ninth n ml Furnan Streets. City Ticket Otllce , 130 Farnam Btreet. Telephone. 3lfi Depot. Tenth nnO Masoi Ktruets. Tglephone , O. Leave. Arrive The Overland Limited. . a S'M am a 7:20 : pn TinKust Mull . n 9:00 : um a Sa : mi The Colorado Special. . . all : Ki pm a C3i ; an The Portland Special. , .a 8:50 : um a4:40pn : Lincoln , lieatrlcf and S roinniiun : JSkprtH . .li 4:10 : pui bl2:20 : pn Pacific Express . a 4:25 : pm a. fi:35 : an Orund Island Local . b 5:30 : pro b 9:30 : a Dally , b Daily excep' Sunduy , Sdinc of tin- , | II'N Are I'l "yen. " the careworn man Bald , "fihrlst mas Ij over. Dahhy's little electric ungln jumped the track on the center tahlp , brok a lamp and dually telescoped the window Result : Now window , J2.75 ; prlco o Iluljby's little electric engine , 7o cetilu. Th Incessant beating of little Hobliy'H drum ha cnustd an open rupture between my wlf' ' and our be&i neighbor Hc'oiilt. LUBS friendship of best nelnhbor ValilP of nelKhbor'g frlrmlshlp. prloeless , pricp nf little llehhy's drum , fie cents. The help In our Imported mirror was onused by an lrm > l tlblo dpslro of Hobby to ascertain the force behind the bullet of hi * rutp little nlr Rim. Tr'ro of mirror , S46.RO ; price of Hobby's air gun , 70 cents. The torn Iravea In my set of IlrownliiR reMiltcd from nn effort of Hobby tu mnkp Illtlp pnpor cannon halls for the Runs on his b.ittlcshlp. 1'rlco af hnttlmhlp , Jl.'JO ; prlco of Drowning , JS 75. Aftpr IIP scratches the rcot of thp varnish nff the doors with his tin sword and burns three or four moro holes In the cnrpot while trying to light his magic lantern T will begin to think Christmas Is about over. " A "VHU.I-jn IMIUP1II3T. " Poi-NOiiitllt.v of the 1,11)0 ( M\iit < r ( if VoiitliN Ciini'iiiitluii , The death list of solid men of Doston has been llttlp Icsa than nppnllltiR in the last week of lS'.i ! > . Very tow of the men who have died , however , had any repute any- wherp pise. Thp most Interesting and re- innrknblo man of them , relates thp New York Mall and Kxprcss , was Daniel S. Ford , pro prietor and cdltor-lti-chlcf of the Youth's Companion. In many \\nys he wns a sin gular man. Kverybody In thp United States knows the paper , which , although ho took it when it was old , hp made from thp bottom up , but no one of the present generation ever saw his name In the paper , and but few over saw It anywhere else. Yet ho was a great editor and a great publisher. The story of the way In which he came Into personal posspFslon of the Youth's Companion Is a singular one In Itself. I once heard It from Ills own lips. HP and a tnnu named Olmstcad owned two papers , the. Watchman , organ then and now of the Haptlst denomination , and the Youth's Companion , which was thim a sort of Sunday school paper of no Importance at all. Ford was not satisfied to bo linked with Olmstcnd olid wished to get rid of him. HP proposed to Olmstead that , at n certain u.Ue , he should buy out or fell out : that is , that Olluslead should have an op portunlty to pay $10,000 in cash and take the Watchman , leaving the Youth's Com panion to Ford , or , If lie had not the $10,000 , to receive that sum from him , Ford , glvo up the Watchman and take the Youth's Companion. Ford regarded the Youth's Companion as undeslrablo property and was as atixlom ; to get rid of It n he was to get rid of Olmstcad. Ho did not be lieve that Olmstead could raise $10,000 In cash , but ho had that amount ready hlm- solf. Olmstead accepted I ho proposition In fact. Ford gave him no chance to do other wise and Ford was greatly pleased. The dnto appointed came around. Olm- rtcad appeared , and , to Ford's astonishment and chagrin , produced the $10,000 ! Mr. Ford has often snld that this was the great est blow and disappointment of his life. Ho was humiliated and grieved and felt himself utterly defeated. Ho turned over the "Watchman" to Olmstead and took the little "Youth's Companion , " almost hating" It as ho did so. Hut It was a matter of plain business sense to develop and mnko n little better property out of It before he sought to get rid of It. A few good feeds of oats and a currycomb arc a good Investment when a sorry nag , which one wishes to dis pose of , comes upon one's hands. And Mr. Ford had not spent much time in 'developing ' and improving the little "Youth's Com panion" before ho discovered that It had great possibilities in It. He decided to keep It and develop It still further , and It made an immense fortune for him. Hut Mr. Ford had not chosen to father the properly personally. Although his numo had appeared on It In company with Olm- stcad's ho removed It now and Invented ths mythical "Perry Mason & Co. , " and Perry Mason & Co. continue to this day to jiub- llsh this Immensely circulated paper. Mr. Ford from that day never allowed his name to como before the public In any way. Ho Is said to have given awny millions , and I can readily bellovc it , but no one ever saw his name on a subscription list. Ho kept quite completely out of the view of the pub lic. Extremely fo\v of the men who had legitimate business with him ever saw him at any rate In recent years. They dealt with him by correspondence or through his business manager. Dullness men In Hos- ton called him the veiled prophet. He flaw hia own editors and writers moro readily than ho saw any other people , nnd he saw them but Infrequently. A considerable pro portion of the regular employes lu his own building bad never seen his face. Mr. Ford was ut the head of a publica tion oillcb where money Is more lavishly spent , probably , than in any other such ollico in America. It has a large number of editors , every one of whom has as much room about him as would stilllco for the en tire editing of many another periodical. Every one of these editors has his function , but it Ip sometimes hard to make outsidu people understand these functions. I re member that , a few years ago , a Host-n Journalist Joined the editorial fitaff of the Companion. At a dinner table , at tint time , some ono asked this man : "A , what arc you going to do on the Compan ion ? " Then another man at the table took the answer out of his mouth : "Why , you know , on the Youth's Companion they have an odltpr for every one of the parts of speech ono for the nouns , one for the prepositions and BO on and Mr. A 1.1 going to edit the verbs. " This explanation did as well OB any other , probably. Just the oamo , Mr. Ford's plan and organization were eminently successful. H was inter esting to see him "throw away" money , which came back doubled. HoultN mill Itiit-lcM. Detroit Journal : Mad with nu ponso , Fos ter St. Cyr fell upon his knees. "I love you with a love as enduring n yonder rocks ! " ho protested. "My rocks ! " murmured Geraldlno Vou Husltlrk , equivocally. For the * land as far as the pyo could see In all directions was hers. Miss Florence Newman , who 1ms been a great sufferer from muscular rbrouuiatluni says Chamberlain's I'a | Balm is the only remedy that affords her relief. Miss New man Is a much respected resident of the vll- litgo of Gray , N. Y. , and make this tate- mont for the benefit of others Bllmllarly aHllclcd. TI | H HI5AI.TV MAIIKKT. INSTRUMENTS nluci'd < m record Satur day , January , 1WJO : Warranty Di-i-iU. H T JnsHClyn , administrator , to Marie Vnigi-r. wVi lot ' . ' , block 10. K. V. ' * "lu Smith's add , RCI-B Plnco Syndicate In A , F. Ohmitn , H 32 feet lot IS , Keen Place C-0 F. N OoddiifK and wife to Joseph Tui-heok , n fii ; feet of H 132 feet of w 121 feet lot 1 , block I , S. K. Rogers 1.0)0 mid Moritz Weinberger to K. 9. West- luiul , c-/i n',4 lot as. Mct.'undllsh Place , nnd u strip adjoining & 50 John Mcldllnger and wlfo to J'aul HUHH nt ill , H 60 feet of n 150 feel lot S , HarhiT'H ulluliniwt W Midway Investment company to M. A. Mnlmtt , lot 9 , block 4 , Person it ll.'H add 2jO ( ( nil C'lalni D.ilH , C. A. Walker anil wlfo In Maria ( 'rager , w'4 lot U , block 10 , 1-J. V. Smith's add I E. J. Emery et ul to C. A. Walker , e'Xs lot 0 , bliu.-k 10 , same I Hami ) to Mm In I'ruger , w'/fc ' lot 9 , block 10. finrmi MS L. < - ' . Grulmm and husband to Joneph Tuehcck , n " 2 feet of B 132 feet of w 121 fe < it Jot 1 , block 4 , H. I ? . Roger's add < ! iO J. I ) . SwuiiKon and ulfu to Morllx Wflnbor CT , part of Kid Ht. adjoining lot 25 , Mtt'ondllsh Place I llffllM , KhiTlff t W 0. t'rp. lutH 21. 22 , block 23. Durunt Place I 472 Tutu ) umount vf transfers t M79