Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 04, 1900, Page 7, Image 7

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    THE OMAHA DAILY J5EE : TIin DAY. ,1 AN TAUT 1. 11)00. )
( , R.\M \ ) 1,11-1 $ 10 EDUCATION
Wealthy Oitz > ns of Philadelphia Set an
Iiispimie Izunplct
I.nti'it I'rojeef of I'mct leal I'lill-
ii n f limit ; , sinrletl vtifii 'I'un VIII-
HOIIM Kilt'untliinrl Sote- ( mill
Ilvi'iilN of ( Jc'iiVrnl Intel fit ,
I'hlladelbhla Is exceedingly forlunato in
tossMslng a largo number of wealthy cltl-
/ens aa generous OB they are wealthy , til-
i ml collCRo IB the first aa well as the mcsi
ii'lmlrablo monument to the sound gcnercs-
l' > rf I'hllalelphlrins Pennsylvania univer
sity IB nnothcr education ! Institution tin
product largely of Individual contributions
it-li examples naturally Inspire emulation
I r Hvana , the famous American dentist ol
1'arli , rounsilor and f-ulilo rf 1'mpres *
nuRonlo In the dark elajs of Sedan , left tin
bulk cf his fortune , estimated at $3,000,000
to found a dental college In Philadelphia
Hcronlly Mr 1' A. 11 Wldencr , who madi
n fortune out of traction rcnipanles , donatcc
MR magnificent homo ami art treasures t (
the city for an art imtseum , and supple'
mented It vUth $2,000,000 to construct cm
> iiilovv an Industrial school and homo foi
cilpplcd children.
'I ho latest example of Quaker city Hbor
dlity Is furnished by Prof JnniCH M Munjon
li Is on the broidgauRO , practical bisli
chiraelcrlBlIc of I'hlladulphln 1'roJ Mun
jon has completed airangemcnts to found i
homo for orphiMicil girls on _ a plan sltnlla
to ( llrnrd collcso for boja. This Is not r
new project with him , he having had It undo
consideration for llircu or four jeois 1
will stall with u gift of $2,000,000 and fund
will ho provided foi UH maintenance Tli
Kitiof thin Institution , which will be callci
"Tho Munjon College for Girls , " \\as so
looted and purchased a jcar or so ago aai
adjoins Pali mount | inrk , at an elcvnt'oi '
HomovvhU higher than oven neorKe's hill
and contains thirty acres This college I
u natural outgrowth of u line lint has heci
followed by Pi of Muiiyon vcnni ago , for I
will bo icmemherpd that ho was actlvel ;
Interested In thn question of ptohlbltlou o
chllil labor , and It Is In a measure to hla ef
fortt ) that the tuocllflcntlon of the child labo
laws In the different status and the iirohlbl
tlon of employment of children In factorlc
and mines are due. Ho waa the editor of th
Labor World at that time.
S < M > | > ' < lf I 111lllllllC. .
This munincont endowment l.s cnllrcl
for the benellt of n.itl > e-born America :
Klrls , either orphaned or who ha.c iu > rela
lives to depend upon for support and ar
thus tin own upon their own lesourcc1
The KirlB will be taken Into th
school at the ago of 10 , and wll
ho Ki.uluateil at the ago of IS , thoi
oiiRhly equipped In a number ot branchc
and useful accomplishments that will mak
them self-supportlns women After
thorough rudimentary ttaliiliiR In Knglls :
and common branches the pupils will b
thoroughly Instiucted In dressmaking , mil
llnoiy , glo\o-maKlng , designing and mak
Ing of toils , china decoration ( Includln
X the praUlcal details of llrlng and model
ling ) , bookkeeping , stenography and tjpe
writing , telegraphy and various othei prac
tlcal trades or piofcHbloim that will thoi
oughly equip them for the battle of lift
Kspeclal attention will bo paid to secur
Ing a thorough knowledge of cooking an
domestic economy , M > that when a girl mar
rloH Blic will bo piepared to manage th
household as : i woman should SkiUe
and expert InstiuUorn will bo secured ii
oveiy branch , and the girls will bo ttugh
In the ittoih IhOrough and enicienl inannoi
They will bo taught , for Instance , In th
glove department how to inako the MI
liest gloves that can bu made anil In th
eloal , dep.utment the most stjllsh and up
to-dato KiumentH 'Ibis department as we
as the nilllliierj , will bo kept in touch wit
European fashion centers , to that the lal
est Htjlen will always be at the eomniiiu
of the pupils Music and art will b
taught those A\ho display an aptitude fc
these branches , but the mere painting r
plctuies1I1 not bo encouraged , the pup
will bo rathei taught dcblgning foi wa
paper and textile fabrics , thus ghlm ; he
talent morej an outlet to secure icady del
liim and cents
In a few da > H a commlttoo of well
known gentlemen at the instigation of Pro
Mun > on will make alslt to educational it
i tltullons In this country anil abroad fr
Ilio puipobo of studying the construction (
tolleges and largo buildings of i smallc
eh tractor and to piy particular attention t
sanitary , heating and \enlllntlnc equli
The Mnn > on school , like Olrard collcgi
will bo entirely non-secUirlin. Pol ties wl
bo rigidly abolished fiom Its managemcr
and It will be placed In charge of u boat
of triiHtccs , of which the governor of U
state and mavor rf Philadelphia will I
honorary members
r.iiur" n nMi i.KMtiii.
According to the llguiLg of Ir Harrl
United StntcH rommlajlonci of eduojtloi
popular culturovisory nmteil.illj broidei
Ing , e\en If not deepening Of an estimate
population of 21 l ° iS " 11 between bcho
\ ages of r > ami IS here am I"OSS CSC ei
lolled In the common bcuools of the sever
Mates and leirltoili This Is 70 per cei
of the , a gain of about 1'i ' per ce :
or otlirr Into < cant or Narcotic.
Mti < > is , n , , f na Mn , ] SS „ „ , ] , f 0 % < r vij
t-ln p 1 ,1 , s mowhat slgnlfluim ln < tvnsc
( i tah pia p in lc u than a Rermra Ion He-
Iween the earlier period and the present
there hag nleo been a gain of about eleven
clays In the average school jenr There Is
a similar Increwe In the higher itiPtiUilloni
of learnlnn , proportlonallj , perhaps , even
moro marked , and due , OoubtU * ? to Uie
rapid development of facilities for the higher
education of women. This Is well , for , more
and more , the work of education Is being
done by women In 1&7U U per cent of the
teachers wrrc men. Now IMs percentage
haa been reduced to 32. Thlitj-two statts
Iwte adopted compulsory school attendance
laws and the other thirteen must sooner or
later Join the movement
Cornell Collouo.
Advance sheets of Cornell College Hcg-
Ister furnishes the following Information
Cornell shows n gain of 202 , the total to
clalo being 2,210 , as against 2.03S at this
time last } car The university now shows
the largest registration ever reached In Its
hlstorj Tour hundred ami twelve degrees
were conferred In June , ISO1) ) , making a total
of 5.1C7 degrees conferred by the university
The faculty alco shows a largo Increase
It consists of 314 professors , etc , against
281 last iear The now professors are
Profs MeOllvary , Hiving , Sllngerland ,
Strunk , Oltford and Klugsbury
Cornell university gives free tuition each
jcar to C12 holders ot slate scholarships , to
all Now York state students pursuing work
In the State Voterlnaij college and In the
State Collcgo of forestry , and to students
In the Collcgo of Agrltculture H haa eighteen
tarh having
teen undergradualo scholarships ,
ing n value of $200 per annum for two years ,
to bo awarded al it competitive examination
at the beginning of the freshman year
The graduate deptrtment shows an In
crease of six In studcmtB candidates for ad
vanced degrees There are tw'enleight fel
lows and slxlecn scholars The graduate
scholarships haves an annual value of $30f
each , two of the fellowships have an annua
of JCOfl , one an annual value ot $1,000 , am
the remainder have an annual value of $500
Holders of the honorarj fellowships are per
sons already holding the doctor's degree ,
and they re-
they ere not charged tuition
coHe no emoluments , The establishment o :
the summer session and the work of th <
and paleonlol'
mimnw teim In entomologj
o , ; ) hive made It possible for students te
pursue ) vvoik at Iho unlveisltj leading t (
advanced dcgiees during the summer.
The library Ins a staff of llftcen librarians
cataloguers , etc The total numbci of book !
now inCornell unlveisily library Is uhovvi
to bo 223.0J2 , an Increase of about 14,00 (
slnco last jcar
Announcement Is made that the trustee !
have decided to continue the ttummer f-eo
slon , which was tried for the llrst time las ,
> car under unlveisltj direction and control
and Instructors hni
The corp * of piofetsors
been raised from thlrtj-clghl to ntlj-two
That tcuchers me the chief atlendants al tin
summer sessions IT shown bj the fact tha
of 123 in attendance , Jll wore teachers 0
these 1JO were college graduates , vvhll
moro than 100 were or had been undergradu
ate students of colleges.
The Biimmei Et-sslons at Cornell univer
sltj endeavor to supplj instruction espe
cially valuable to teachers Thus from tvvi
lo hl\ courses , are announced In ancient am
modern languages. In all the sciences , a
well aa in hlstorj and political science Thj
professional advancement of teachers Is pro
moled bj couises In the science and art o
education , and In the fundamental subject
HKo p.svchologj on the one hand and ethic
and i olltlcal and hoclal science on the othei
H lb also announced that a number of dls
tlngulshed profossois from other unlversl
lies have been Invlled lo gl\'o Instruction a
Cornell during the summer session
A feature of the Cornell summer bessloir
of interest to teachers Is the fuc that grad
uates of colleges are enabled lo enter upo :
graduate work al these periods A year1
crcdll maj thus In time be won , wlthou
Ibe surrender of dcalrablo poslllona.
Plnallj there is given a summary of th
student bodj acccrdlng to the various do
partmcnts and colleges The summary tla
shown the number coming from the tllftei
out states and foielgn countries New Yoi !
Icids.Ith 1,3'I4 students , Pcnnsjlvanla foi
lows with J57 , Ohio , 'it , New Jersej , SS
llllnob , 07 , Massachusetts , 13 , etc Portj
four btates are this jear loprcEentcd an
fouttccn foreign co intrlcH , namelj Canadc
Hutsla , Mexico , Cuba , Qeimany , Jupii :
Swlt/ciliiml , Iliazll , Columbli , New JCea
land , Nicaragua , Noiwaj , Sweden and lui
kej ( Asia )
0 II Tnehain of , CtosseVH , In
tovvtt'J the liulldliiK of a ne\
Riven $15,000
sehuol ot science foi Hlpon eollesc , Illpor
VIs 'Iho bill dins will ho named In hone
of Mi Ingh un
Kinsley of Cambridge Mas ha
given $23.000 to e.ieh of eight college-
Cambridge uiiears to he onu ot the oltle
that do not select tholr nmj ors solelj o
political pilnelples
UrV I1 Kino Is to he Installed as piesl
clenl of Walnsli college al Craw fordsvllle
liul , on rcbru.u y All"V H Jones 11
ClilciiMi has nhui J5.000 toward the un
for bullilltiK a lesliUneo foi the president
Prof Haentgeii ofVur < ! iiur ; ; , the ilit
coverer of the X-tu > s , has llnallj aceepte
a call to Munich umvcislts that \\u , t\
tended to him sor/io innnthb iirfo 'Iher
v.eie ceitaln condition laid down by th
scientist th it hive only reecnllj bee
agietd to bj the larger unlversltj
President Ti ink I'li-irepont Clravcrf of th
t'nhenltv \\iishlnRton at Seattle hu
seen the IiiBtltutlon BIOVV In the two jeat
he haa hold his olllcc iroin 130 students t
in in , v 6(0 ( lie Is a KMiUuitu of Coluaibl
in lliu eliibH of lii and vis uiilj 2S jell
old vs.leu elected piesldciit of the Unlverslt
ot \ \ uhluMun
Mrs 11 1' rainlniu of Xovv Yorlc Oil
ha jiei'ented to the town of Dublin , X. H
wtu ic she lives In the siimmei , ,1 publ
hi IUO building , Io cost $ .WWJ ( , to bu ealle
UK t ainhain Memorial llbiiiry , In ineinoi
of her husband A Si Uouls in flitted lu
clLStntii'il the building and work on the foui
datum has begun In It will be place
whit buul.s lemaln of what IK said to hav
ltn thu llrst fieu public llbraij lu t )
1'nltt 1 States This was the Dubll
Juvenile lit rut > , founded by Hev Dr h V
l.i on ud In is Jo The Institution was sip
poitid b > contilbiitloim from thes vor ,
H imol dlfitile'x of iJnlilln and was frco to u
1 hiiiiUanis
I i lied htates fmiHiil Miinaghan of Chen
nltz te > poiis that a school for leuchlinr e i
inoldeiv In about to be opone'd In Plane
Ihe- government aiiiroi ) > rlited ' ' ,0
n irks l2 } 1I- ) and Die cltj 3,0.0 in.uks ( M
foi iho Initial o.\T.onaoi , nW ) maiks ( $1,1 * '
u id .10UO intul.s ( 7H ) , lespcetlveh , will 1
oiuill uli'il unnuallv for Its iniiliitenane
Ihe nuinbor of applUants for cidmlsslon
I iiilil to oe i-o lurge that hnidlj lulf can 1
j u ommodatel Consul ppe > aKs i
technli U edueutli
iiu exi Client sjstem of
hi He iiimn ) , tc.ail > ovurj brain
ui li.ilubtrs In theemplie he sitjc , has i
si Imol and the eounlij s Industrial devolo
iiu i t Is In lairiei nieaxure due to tlleso t'd
eiilloniil fiulllt es.
Pollowlns eloio on the action of the publ
HC Imol .uulioilt'es of KUIIMIS Cltj comes tl
IIIVVH that the' Hoard of 12duc itlon of huii
vliu- has irohlldted thu wtirlns of < , ho
skirts bs tCiHlitrs v\illo ! on ilut'h
was oLJcelcd to In Kansas Cltv was ' cc
Hkln. In I..nisville | < It Is called Flni'j
lioit sKlrt ' In Cincinnati , w he-re tl
iiilnj daj eklit Is worn li > very many of t !
woman toaehc-rs Suiiorlnun lent Hooiui e.\
I ho v.l 1 not mil 'iipt lo ii uUtc' iho we itli
, a'iparel of his a s sunns in aii > VMIV
thereis this much lu u name unit the wii
ualn t uWirtviatc'd habiliments Is , us a
pt irs. cMimln ? i-naM ird , uonu'ii In llijs 11.1
of tlui countiy would do well lo Invent o
that would suit tin * educational uuthorltl.
At thi annual convention of the Northe
Iiull.inu Tenii-hors' JbSocUtlon , he-Id sot
weeks ago t he-re wcre pn nont Eiveral of l
U.ulltis odueatorR of tin central west
this nuollMs ; It was dtilareil that "iiu
much us fre iiu-nt bHthlnu U necensarj l
the maintenance of good health and as u
i health ) i.oonle cannot d\i 001 ! work In t
m liutilioum It would lu well fui pub
bo tilted with lialhl
; si houi biillilliiK-i in
lu < li lieso pupils with no oppuruini
foi buthliiK al home eun have this pruiu
al Mihool ' In hinntin v. 1th this Idea I
eltv Ho.inl of Kdwutlou of Mushuw i )
Ilid lius decided to iHiulp with lilthi
fue llllvH theii slh nev. I.iiurtl si liool bid
Int. U hlli U Is ,1 luvv di'iiiiluie It K 1
Hi v. 1 in In a Mt p in tin rlKhl illii lion ,1
pi ins will In i iraiuliitod fur lul illnj bi
io m a td tiyiiK io ihe other city ch
Enormous Voluma of Insuracoj Business in
the United States ,
Me-lM \iiM-rlciin ( ii
iiinlcil ill ' | ' MI ItllllniiN , ItlNKs Piirtj
Illllliuiiiuiiliil llt-i'cllitN anil
DNIini -IIII'IIM , Onillllllini ,
"Tho business of Insurance has so grown
and developed In the last docmlo that It
U the greatest and most cUcnslvc of nil the ;
Industries or pursuits in which mankind is
engaged , " eatd IMward T. Orcnr , superin
tendent of Insurance for Missouri , in a re
cent address "It is truly cosmopolitan , because -
cause it is a clilzen of no one eommunltj ,
bui of iho wide world ll not only cmploja
moro capital , but Its Influence and operations
are more widely extended Its reserve and
surplus wealth are Invested In thoeedirltlcfl
of every solvent government , In nearly every
large binklng Institution , and In the
securities of the gteat lines of tianspoitn-
lion , bolh on land and sea , and In all the vast
compllcaled machlnerj which marks human
business and efforts and constllutes modern
clvlllznilon It Is the friend and hcticfaclot
of iho poor , spreading Us wings of protec
tion over the home and household of the
peasant aa well OH over the palace of the
prince "
Crmpleto statistics of the Insurance busi
ness of this counlij , saj-s Ihe Boston Tran
script , have never been published , but II
Is safe lo saj thai Ihe assets of Iho organi
zations doing an Im.urauco business In the
Unlled States , excluding all propcrtj of for-
elgn corpoiatlons that Is not In this countrj
aggregate , In round numbers , . $ . ' ,000,000,000 ,
thai their American risks nmounl to ovei
$10,000,000,000 , and that thulr receipts am
disbursements In the Unlled States clurliif
the jear ISis exceeded $1,000,000,000 Thcfit
figures In the billions are based on the olll-
clal icports of Supcilntcudcnl Orcar , tin
Insurance ! commissioners of New York am
M.UQachusctts and compilation ) ) foi the
Insuiance Year Hook for IS'JO The to'ili
reported by the different stale olllclnls vaij
fcomewhal foi the reason that the companies
on who - buelne < s they aio based .110 no
In all cases the sime H Is ciwtomarj foi
the ccmmlssloncr or supeilntendent lo usi
the llgurcs of onlj ouch companies as an
licensed to do business In his state Sonn
commissioners also repoit more fully thai
others and there Is also a luck of uulformlt ;
In the icporta of the companion themselvc
In a number of reports , for example , tin
llguics given for lire business Include alsi
tornado and mailno Insurance In othei i
the classes are kept separate The laics
MaEE-achUfaCUs reporl gives the assets , am
risks on Jonuarj 1 , last , of 171 Ilio , 1
marine , 36 Ilfo and 20 casualty and fldcllt ;
companleb , us follows
Assc-ts lllsks In furro
rire > . $ JO.'TS nil JjO.OJt 6i ) . ' 'ij '
Mallne . 2flS7fiM3 1ST J75 51
l.lfo . . lljl,110ll ) I..GCS.52I.U .
Casii illy anil ri-
delltj . nil2STSS ! J 3iGUfl C7
Total $ l.S09JHlinS $30,2J1,51,50 !
MllNllK-HN ( it OIlI-l.llHTM.
The most complete report for life In
suiancc1 Is thai or Ihe Insuiance Year Hook
embracing relurns from slxtj old-line com
panes The assets of these old-liners 01
January 1 aggregated $1,171 700 , ' 101 Sub
stltutlng these llgurcs for those In the Mis >
sichusetts icport the tital lu the table wouli
bc $1S29,7S3,1S8 To this , sum maj be adilei
the totals given In Superintendent Orear'
reporl for Iho assessment life and assess ,
menl accident companies and fraternal ot
sanitations doing an Inanraiice bualnc a Ii
Mlatourl They are , respcctlvelj , $ llOV ) .
137 , $601 810 and ? 8 .36 S'J7 , imikini ; $ Pt.
027.064 This sum added lo Ihe rcvlsei
lotal of the old-line life companies and tii
lire and maiine and casunltj and fUlclit ;
stock companies gives $1,841) ) 713. 13J. Th
risks of these asscssmcnl companies , wcr
respeflivelj $620 311 S30 , $2.2,2lir,8i ( an
Joli.Ml 801 together $3,136,4'S ) 2T ! , whlcl
added to the total in the table , makes $31 ,
" . " 8,013,733 No account is taken hero e.f tb
business of twenty-o"ip livestock Insuranc
comiamos , the hundiels cf mutual InsnraiK
companies , the still Hrper number of wha
are callel town mutuals and a llbt of 2li
other co-opeiatlvo Instil anco companle
eastcin rc > poits-
piibllEhed In some of the
corporatlons whose leturns have ot bee
received or are Incomplete Were the bus
Iness of all these delinquents reported , th
grainl total for the column of risks vvnul
certalnlj pahb the $40,000,000,000 mark an
the admitted taxable assets of Iho Insiiranc
companies be Increased lo $2,000,000,000 Th
old-line life corporations are mostly nmtini
companies nod the stock of Rcnio of th
stock companies is hardlj moro than nom
Inal , the dividends , as in the case of th
mutuals , going to the pollcjholders Th
aggregate capital slock of the life Insuranc
companies Is therefore compiratlvely Ugh
The aggregate for Ihe Ihtrlj-slx companle
In the MabsacMis ° tts list Is $ ' 1,710,300 , again
$11,821,1100 for the twenlj-slx casualtv an
fldclltj companies and $70,123,799 for Ihe 1"
fire companlc'B The capital stock of th
fourteen marine- Insurance companies !
placed at $1,200,000 , making the total fc
the 247 companies $102,613,899
Itcc-flpiM : -inl DlNliuiNi'iiirntN.
The gross iceolpts and disbursements I
1S13 cf the piluclpil Insnianco companle
amounted to , respective ! j , $548,103,792 an
? 42S r93,002 , distributed as shown In th
Hc-celpts monts
' . J2J.51S7' '
Olil-I.lno Life JJ 4'U1.II
Assessment l.lfo lb.s"U'i 17,9 2'
rraternal .societies a0.a ,570 25,570,1 , '
Total life J174UK129
Tire anil mnrlnr' stock
rnnipanles ll9,1rilUa
C'asimltv and suiety
stoek companies 2JfiylOIS
Assessment necldc'iit
Urnnil total . J1IS.19VTU
The figures for the flro and marine con
panics are from the Now York report , thoi
f-r the nEscssmcnt life assoclntlons and fn
tcinal organUatlons fiom the Maesachusct
report those for Iho old-line life companl
from Iho Insurance. Year Hook , and iho :
fcr Iho casnaltj and fidelity stock oompinl
ami the assessment accident companies fro
the Missouri report As In the case of tl
report on afscis and amount of Insuran
In force , iho business of a greal many cc
parlis haa been necessarily omitted The
totals would swell the aggregate rec-elp
end cUbhuthemrntK Immenticlj The Insu
anco wilUen last jear hj the flic- and m
tine stock companies and regular old-Ill
life Insurance companies nmoimtcd to $21
tel 7S'.83i ) The bulk of It $17,047 149.S
was v , rltten bj the flro companies the in
line companies' portlen being $3462/111" . ;
and thai of the Ilfo companies $1,051 fill l (
The comparatlvclj poor showing made by t
latter v. as due , of counts , to the facl th
In Ilfo Insurance the policy In for a lo
term rf jesrs or for life. Inftead of frc
ono to flvo jeira as In the ccse of fire a
diarlne polleieB The Hie and marine sto
ompanles pitd $ S04ITC01 on their pollcl
last year and the old-lino life Insuiancp cii
panics $ lfl,60lr(22 ! , the lillcr being undo
as follow a
DiMth claim * . , ! * > . ! I > 'N )
i.iiiUiwmPnt Insiiraiu-e liov
A unities 1 1st
Pin it luleroil and pureh.ise.l pn U-U c 2'1 ' 7"i
DlvldemlH to polli \ hulclert 2iojl
llTOIIHft HIM llMI'MlllC'lltlt ,
Of the gross iciclpu rppoiUM bj the sh
odd old-lino louipanicj n.inuJ in the him
atue Year DooK (237 toS.luS came from p :
mlume , and most of the rest from Inter
on l in - > i id --t Ks The iti n
rent's h ivcr w-n will ui n ibr mtl'i n- |
The asspm o' in uraiue i o np HIM are
largely In real estate and b nds and stosks
This Is the y , for eximple , the acseta flf
the 171 flro and fourteen marine Insurance
ermpanles named In the New York tojrejft
are divided
A ects of lire and marine instiffiiice com-
Heal estate J20.7
Honds and mortgnWs 41,9
T'nlted State" bonct SMi
other stocks and bonds 1K,1 )
CollH erul loans 8,1
Cash on hand . . .t t. . . . IS.a
Vnpalel rirenilums ii.41M3i.03
The total differs nbotit $1,000,000 trohi
that given in the Massachusetts reportt
None of the reports give statistics showing
the number of people engaged In the Insur
ance business tr the number of employes.
Perhaps the I'nlted States census next year
will furnl'h the Information desired In
the meantime It maj be stated tint there
Is no town In the Unlled States not In
terested In linnranee and the family that
hasn't nn Insuiance poll"v of some kind Ute
to be found onlj here' and there.
Itcicnt mi I iiiMillvil-l'or nuil Insult-
Inu' Vtlni'K ItniHI IIIHI 'Ilic-iii
lt-\ nil dfiiliiK Paper.
The Jewish people of Omaha are highly
Indignant over a wanton Insult to their race
printed In an evening paper last Saturday
under the gtilso of n criticism on thealrlcal
management The attack pretends to ex
cuse the local theatrical imnagers for the
poor character of attractions presented by
slurring at the "grasping combination of
Jewish speculators , upon whom the cloven
hoof may bo recognized " It goes on to fray
that If the managers rcmonstralo Iho Jewish
sjndlcatu responds , "Veil , vol are jou going
to do apoud Id' " and that If they rebel the
Jewish sj-ndlcato has the ability and the
will to drive them out of the business.
A laigo number of prominent business
men who are not Jews have been forcible In
characterizing this uncalled-for and otlcn-
slvo publication as an outrage , with the re
sult that the management of the paper Is
trjlng Its best to apologlre and excuse Itself
on the giound that It did not know what Its
I'mplojes were printing \ well-known
Jewish merchant --aid jcstcrdij
"It Is plain tint this paper Is tijlng to !
stimulate lace prejudice against the Jews , j
The offender was emplojed by It with full
knowledge that he had shown a venomous
hall eel of the Jews b\ similar outbreaks on
previous occasions. Thla newspaper will
mistake the tcmpei of our people If It ex
pects us not onlj to submit to such Insults ,
but al the snmo tlmo to help support the
hect with our advertising patronage. That
Is asking altogether too much "
Tlprrnri Cllinlm MMMC < li ' I'l rr/lnu
1'olnt Icemen llrKtii Tln-lr
Viiniinl Iliirvi'Nl.
Although there are as jet no signs of buels
on the lilacs and no roblno have nude their
appearance jesterday pcesessed oilier attil-
butcs of clomcncj and the Ice dealers who
had piepared to enler ou Iheir harvest pause
with their a\et and saws In hand In the
carlj moinlng the mercury i cached a low
mark of 11 degrees , and the citizen hesi
tated In his choice between his ulster and
light overcoat Before the middle of the diy
Ihe thermometer scored a maximum of 3t
degrees There was a brisk breeze carrying
an edge , however , which iccallcd to the
pedestrian that the curient month was Jun-
uarjOn Cut-Off lake , in spHd Of the vagaries
of the weather , several hundred men are
finding cmplojment in marking off and saw
ing channels for the annuil Ice gathering
Swift and Company have a foice at woik
and will add 300 moro liborcrs tomorrow It
the weather is sufficient ! ) promising The I
Hammond Ice companj , South Omahi Ice
company and LamoreauHros will begin
operations In a few dajs Last jeai thcic
was no dllllcultj in securing all the ice.
needed at almost any period from November )
to May , but In the winter of 1897 it was with
the greatesl dlfficultj that dealers ) obtained
sufficient for the trade Ice men , thoieforo ,
will not allow anj opportunity to pass this
winter In filling their storehouses
iilullilll ( > of n Corporation | 0 HuM
a lliiior't'niM' IIciM'lx CM
flirllKT DlNl-IINHlflll ,
The license board jesterday took up
the nine protests against the granting of
liquor licenses to the Sclillt ? Blowing com
panj The rrmonstiator In each case Is J
n Hlmes. who has previously operated a
I saloon mulct lease In the Schllt ? building.
An efforl was mule bj the company to oust
1 Hlmcs because , In Its opinion , he was not
doing business on a sufficiently elaborate
scale , and while Illmes still holds possession
i at the eld stand , bo Is not hindllng Iho
' brand lliil made Milwaukee famous Hlmes'
piefcnt remonslrance , as his altornoj ex
plained , Is simply In the nature of a re
taliation foi Injuries received
The protest Is baeed on the wording of the
stalute , which pi ov Ides that a Hanoi license
shall bo granted only to a "man" or a
"person , " which term , Ml Hlmes contends ,
doe.s not applj to a corpoiatlon This point
was emphasized bj the tesllmony token jcs-
lerday , the only wilnefw being IMsnn Itlch ,
nltornej foi Iho blowers Mr Itlch ad
mitted that his client was a corporation and
thai the Individuals against whom protests
are also filed arc In the emploj of the com-
panj In return he offered no testimony ,
leljlng on the op'iilnn ' of the cltj attorney ,
alreadj announced , that a corporation comes
within the Intent of the statute. Decision In
the case was deferred until next Monday
It Is certainly grnllfjlng to the public to
know of one cancel n In the land which Is not
.afraid lo be geneious to the needy and mif-
i feting Tl.o proprletois of Dr King's New
, Dlscovcrj for roiitumpllon , roughs mid
i Colds have given away over ten million trial
bottles of this gHMt mediiluc and have the
1 ' satisfaction of knowing It has absolutely
1 | cui oil thousands of hopeless canes Asthma ,
) Bronchitis , Hoarseness and all diseases of
j the Throat , Chest and l.unga are surely cured
. by It Call on Kuhn & Co druggists , anil
, . | get a fieo tilal bottle Hcgulai size 50c ami
, j $1 Kvery bottle guaranteed or price re
People who suffer after eat nig , feeling-
oppressed with a sensation of fullness and hea
viness , and who frequently find the food both
to distend and painfully hang like a heavy
weight at the pit of the slom ich , or who have
Biliousness , Nausea , Flatulency , Headache ,
and Constipation , should use WcllW'S SafC ClIFC
after meals to avoid these unpleasant consequences
quences of inefficient digestion.
By mixing with the food in the stomach
and helping to digest ir , by exciting a flow of
the gastric juice on the food and by strength
ening and invigorating the circulation , and
soothing and removing any kidney weakness ,
the physical and nerve forces of the body are
augmented and the. general health and strength
permanently built up.
twenty years one third of lifes allot
ted span this medicine has been a household
favorite for all forms of kidney disease , and all
stages of Biliary Troubles- You make no ex-
o J
periment or mistake in using a medicine endowed
dewed by every civilized coumry. Delays are
expensive. Begin today.
Slayer of Charles E. Grove Receives His
Senteucs and Goes to the Fen.
' \\lllMUj IlllMIBllt VI < ( ( I TIll.M , " tllC
1'rlmiiiiT HeinnrUM UN He l.ea > cn
the Court llnoin Scll-
tence' for I ife % .
Tom Collins , who murdered Charles n
Grove , was brought before Judge Haker for
sentence jcsteiday , a jmy having fixed
his punibhmenl at life In the ponltenllirj
when a verdlcl was tendered last Saturdaj.
Collins was calm ab ho htood before the
Judge's bench. He behaved like a man resigned -
signed to fate , faecmiingly gratified that the
Jurj had determined upon a coat of prison
stripes In lieu of Ihe glbbel.
Jndgo Baker pronounced sentence In Iho
usual mannei , and a clepuly sheriff led Col
lins out of the court room and back to jail ,
where ho wab kept until aftoinoon , when
ho was put aboaid a train bound penl-
AH he left the presen"e of Judge Haker
Collins remarked "Whisky brought me to
thlb" Ho does not appear to be Iraino
and the forced abstinence from Intoxicants
duo lo Impilsonment has seemingly hud a
good effect upon him. The bloodj streaks
have left his ejcs and his complexion Is
moro clear- than 11 was when he was first
taken into custodj
Mary Collins , the faithful t-hter ot the1
murderer , who , In her simple manner
pleaded for her brolher on the witness stand
while the trial was In prcgrets , called on
him at the- jail prior to his departure foi
Lincoln Child of unfortunate environments
as who Is , woman's nitnrc asserted Uscif at
the leave-taking and the grief of the sister
was pitiable Sentiment Is apparently for
eign to the natuio of Tom Collins If his
heart was pierced by sorrow his manner
did nol so Imllcitc
The case of Collins Is a recoid-brcakei
for prompt pro locution He committed the
Oioves minder on the night of December
10 , and lest , than thlrtj dajs Ihereafter ho
slood up for fcnntenco and was taken to Ilio
penitentiary. Such cases frequently drag
along In the courts tedious ! } , but there
heemed to bo a populai clamor for swift
lolilbutlcii in this Instance , and II came.
While the sentence contemplates thai Col
lins Hliall do hard labor while in prlton It
la not llkelj that ho will work very much ,
for his shattered nerves and exhausted
phjslciil otgnnUntlon will render him In
competent , and ho will piobably within a
i hhort while become an Imbecile
VIM. iioi.virs rvii.s TO Ai'rnvit.
Shfilir 1'nllM to rinil Mil n t Iti-cl Ili-roru
.lllllKf CMlfl.
Drrutj Sheriff Slryker , who was sent to
Lincoln to herve attachment papcra on L
D Ilolnu'g , wanted by Judge Scott on the
charge of contempt , has returned emptj-
bundcd Mr Holmes Is a resident of this
city , but at the tlmo Judge Scott called
for him ho was reported to bo in Lincoln ,
heire Dcputj Strjkei was sent Ihcre. Judge
Pcott's term expires today and It Is Inrdly
piobablo that Mr Holmes will be hi ought
brforo him Judge Seol sat in his court
loom a part of the day jancrday looking
for Ms virt4m
Another Inlcrcwtlng phase of this case N
io !
. I
GO ! Again Wo Mention Them
\-1 out sKatln ' slum tills tlmon tell
' " . i tin1 pi lci < - anil it \\ill lie our | Ui > lo
n joii onl.v S'.TiO Tlu-v me' umilii of
i , ill skin with heavy ilnn
at t > j > s made plump anil
ig1 to help in suppnil'li ' ' the nilKIn
m | lionv.v Milt's mill lull loiiiul toe , vvllli
id1 bio.ul , 1 < > \ \ hi'il. in , living a hhou I'm hUut-
Int' , vve-t vM'.itlii-i' ami ouuloor soivho
Wep.u tii ulaihNli to ia i II tlu > attcii-
tl ui if tlu > HUh s ho ! zlrlh to this Mini'
lip , \\lihli umKi > i It an lili-al shni' tor tin-
Inns walks ini' . .ai \ TlK' i' < iiiic lu all
! M" > si/c-i ami all uidths ami inaUi > a mat ,
M"HI , clii-ssv ii > \\ili as a MMX iMblu slioi > .
Drexe ! Shoe Co. ,
ii Qm ihb' Op-to-dat * Shaw Houta
c- U10 STUUEf ,
the facl thai Judge Scoll himself Is liable
to suiter a turning of ihe tables Mr. Holmes
did nol go to Lincoln for pleasure or for
health , It is stated , but lo cnll the attention
of the supreme court to the fact thai Judge
Scott has not jot anhwered to an allernatlve
wrll which was served upon him last Sal-
urday ordering him to show cause to the
supreme com I , why he has not fixed an ap
peal bond In a civil case which was tried
by him aotrio tlmo ago As Is generally un-
dcrslood Mr Holmes Is ciled In connecllon
with the Dodd children habeas corpus case ,
which has been exploited In the courts for
many months and which has caused much
agitation relative to contempt.
ClinrctMl with I'liNnliiK' llnil MOIK-J.
In the federal court jesterdiy Judge
Mungcr and a Jury were heiilng the ea e
against David C Stewart , well known In
Cam countj' , where has has lived Tor many
} ears , by the familiar cognomen of "Crunl"
Stowait , on a charge of passing counter-
felt coin upon L A ( oldhmith and Scottj
Halfour In a saloon down In the tenderloin
dlbtricl The cilme Is alleged to hive oc
curred August 2fi and Stewart has been ly
ing In Jail o\er since A number of reputa
ble citizens of Cas1) countj were preseal
who had known the defendant for vears and
who said thai his icputatlon had alwajs
been good , except thai ho was addicted to
Intoxication The testimony showed , how
ever , that ho had passed two spuriouh coins
and that ho had been dilnklng Stewarl's
famllv was represented In court by three
daughters , two sons an 1 a ion-lii-law , who
sat In a row jusl Insldo the railing The
' jury had the cnso over night
.In < ! : < llnxlt'i * toinplliiiiMitoil.
[ Mcmbeis of the Douglas oounty bat have
adoptwl icsolutlons highly compllmentai j to
Judge Haxtcr , the letlilng countj judge , who
goes hUher and takes a seal on the dlstrbt
bench The lesolutlons were presented to
Judge Haxter jcsteiday In the county
court Judge Uaxti r and hU succedsii
D M Vlnsonhalei. aie going over the dockel
together foi the purpose of Initiating Judge
i Vltibonliilcr into the routine of the olllcc
The modern and most effective cure for
constipation and all live- troubles the fa
mous llltlo pills known as DoWltt's Little
Early Illsers.
MiiNlcnlc IM Ciule-t OUIc-frx' ( lull.
The Ciilel Olivers club of tbc > Omaha
High school will hold Its fifth annual inusl-
cale In Ilio lllsh school building
Jannarj 19 n\leii lve iiirnngemc-nlK have
been made for the event , and It H c'\pe , ted
to be one of the most mirrostfitl In the
bistoij of the eliib The follow Ing iiroiram
will be leiidere'd Voc il solo MHs Nitt
hup , piano solo. Mist * Itoultei , violin hole
Miss Luellii Allen , lunjo Hole , O r Qe-l
lenbeck , vocil solo , Oil at 11 nmtlfisen ,
mandolin nnlo Fninrls r'nttci violin te'lli
solo , Call Smith , vocal Mlo M'f Sundcr-
Innil , piano solo Joseph Gahm , i-elcctlon ,
Sutoilns ( | Ulntc t banloolo , C3 r Gellen
buck , violin solo , r V n.iwelllTo , telectlon ,
Sutorlus iiiilntct
'I'lir llcHl r'ouuli Vlcill'-lm1.
"One bottle of Ch imberlaln'.s Cough Rem
edy cured me of a chronic cough after nil
other icmedlcs hid failed , " bivs C H Dena
of Colon , Mich "I cinnot speak too hlghh
of H" If tioublcd with a cold or la gilppc
give this icmecly a trial and jou are certain
to be mole than pleased with the icsult
Morfulit ) Stntlxde-h ,
The following births and ib-nths bavo
IIPCII repoited nt the olllci' of the Hoard
of Health during thn tweiitfour hours
ended Wcdni"Hlnj noon
niiths Onston Clmmp illlei bJn South
NInoteontli , box lohn rreeliinil : 24 South
Twenlv-llillil , gill , Hani Heltei , 2J17 South
niKliteenth , boj
Deaths John W Linclcll , IKj Noith
Sevontcenth , ii voars HucluM Slnbodlnskl ,
UH U.ui'iiport ( , l vc-nrs Mary ( . hrl tine
Holbeig 4524 Mucx 2 months James t'a-l-
lahan , 711 Noith Pouitoenlh , fi vc'ira.
etc * , ninilo to order
by competent
Send to us for
moism ment
blanks niiil ether
I/nforiultr Ilrnco Ilnnafnutuicri.
144)8 ) Fiiriniin OMAHA.
Op. Puxtou Hotel ,
Mr , Frederick Halter
Is , as usual , showing all tlio la test
st.vloK In Dunlap hats lor lliiw wlnli'i's
vvcaithe vci.v piopoi slmjio anil liiown
sli.ulo lor youiiK ineii-nlso Ilii' 1'asha
anil I'oiloia stjk-s tlio must popular cil-
ois lei stiiM'l and chess vvt'ar our now
! > IM ! ( ) liat Is a vvouiliT anil hcalH any
hat wo ever holil al this pilw ami vvi1
| ( an iccoiuiiii'iiil It to all an a Imt of Hit-
pet lor quality to vvliat , vou vvotild c-V-
peet for tlio pi lee ( lie largest as oit-
I inent ot coml'oi table , clies > . \ I'luth caps ,
l 11 din HO cents up
The Hatter ,
The Lending Hut Man of the We *
120 South 15th Street ,
Have You Seen
The new Kiniilcii X Hae-li piano ? 'I'liPJ1
ate made up In all Ilio popular M.vli'H
ami icilois of wood-equipped Wllli iho
patent Duett muMu ; , ilui icvolvliiK
tall luMid , Iho veneeih employed ale
the iiiohl beautiful anil taio v\o have
ever hhovvii , the lliilKh e.\ielluiit : and
tilxive all the tone and touch initial to
an.v piano made. A full line now
hi all sl/es. A hinall piment down
and a smaller one eadi iiiontli inaKuh It
e.ts.v lor .v u to own one.
Music and Art , 1513 Douglas ,