Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 02, 1900, Page 7, Image 7

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    THE OMAHA DAILY 15E13 : Tl'ESDAY , .lAXTAKY i ! , 15)00. )
\ < rrlUrti I'litN for Iliric colnmin
\\\n \ Inml.i n until | a in. ( IT the
vctilnu t-iltlloti iinil until Si.'JIl 11. in.
lor in d rn I n it mill Siiinln > rilKtiiii.
Iliilm , 1 / - _ ( n Mtiril llrHt ln i > rtlnni
lc it vionl tlu-iiMiftt r. \ulliliiK tn' rn
loi- lent lltini arn- fur tliv Urn ! Inner-
lion. 'I IIP 11mlv prtlni'ini'iitM limit lie
1 III ! eeiMSeeiltlV < ! > .
AelMTtMiTx. li > minrxllnt ! H until-
liiMfil t'ln-c I ; , en ii liii\i > niidurrn ml-
tlii-HM-il ( it n iiiiiulicri-il Ic-ttrr In reef
of I liellci't Atimvi'i * HO mlilrr eil
Mill lie dellvere-il on prcm-ntiitlon of
111 i elieeU enl > .
A 1 LNonilAPHKR.hen you want ono
flin.iv call up Iho Remington iypt rlier
olliif itiU Patnam street , telephone lo/J
Viln widow fiom th * ist d < ; "lr < " ' ' "
nmpkf ( per f' ' ' < " "
< m to ornnhn as h ; jBinllv. ilty r < " ' ' ! lr > ' "A
, . bolpl or " ) ' ' '
w ui. | take ehargp of rr''M1'
. If rlv K-ntlumnn
with vl.-w te.mitrlmonv I .
pr. l-rrrd Addr , ss at ome , Mrs an.
Addlson. 1' U & 'u&&n'
nni.i * .
work for n few
LD vc have stonily
Kood hust&B of ffood hubim nn.J . ftPP-ir.
ante. C. F. Adams Co. . 1019 llow -
" \\rf TJTACH the barber trade
In short time im I furnish oaeh prnd
Mtli a KtmiantPrtl position , nt gnoa w > pei
There nrr more thnn ton barber pos.tions
n-lvprtlMpd to ono nt bookkceplns or hon-
linnil Writ" far free pntnloRiio , nn < J. I'1) )
Institute ,
1 rulirs. Western Barbers'
Omnhn B-MG23
C\M1 for nrppptnblo 'do/in ' , H'ntf If pnt-
pntrd Aiidrpss'Tho Patent Record , Bal-
tlmrrc , Mil
WANTED , boy with horsp to deliver The
Bee Call at circulation department 3
p m u
AN IntplIlRrnt young man to tnko u nhnrt-
Imnd srholnrshlp .and pay for It vvhPii Ho
has finished the course nnd secured n pos -
s tlon. Acltlnss 1 32ICf3 _ B-M4IS
L7Fs CoUPKP. BPO Bid * , furnlshps
pin-PS for HtwlPiiti who dpslro It to vvev'K
for bonrd while In attendanceB - > . <
\ \ VNTED I'alnl Fnlesmon to work on .
basis , only those with e-xperl.
i in e and references need apply 1212 Inr-
limn St
GOVERNMENT positions , don't prepare
for iui\ civil ot % Ice or census examlnn-
llon without weeing our ctitaloKUp ot In
formation. cent fre-p Columbian Ceirre-
spcmdence College , Washington. Dl
n n4 2 *
rplcturc agents. cxpenges paid
AO'IVH men nnd women ejers \\here to
take orderH for "I. fo of Moodj. t e
Bruit PMtiKPllst Sells it sIHH . "lm'11Je '
eniil.lliiK > nu to make- from $1 to J. diih.
iiv mill free on roniet Address dloDo
iVlhl" ! "ubrK Co" 721 Chestnut St. I'hJH.kl-
Pa r al'S92
phln _ _
"U AN'TCD men to letirn burlier trade Only
ilKllt noeks required Special advintnRi"
tbi * . eu-ion Complete outllt of tools pnj-
S.itiiriln\s Vos -
s , ntuil atudonts WURIS
tlon posltlxelv Kimrantccil Can eiirn Hi-
Ion worhlnff foi us Cntn oRile w th city
m ip. irullfvl free Molcr Harl.pi . < < dl f .
C hluieo 1" H-AIStl . '
U'AXTPD u liable man to deliver and col-
lert Snjnr$1100 a week and i'\ieii es
Address , iMinufacturci. P O "oxIWi.
iphi i. PI _ l 1 _
'lllST-OfvASS t utter , must be Rood tailor ;
steidv work. Rood snliin. icfercnpes required -
quired AiJrtiesH U ft IUiUJISIfl 3
\VAN1ED. MO girls. 1521 Dodge. Tel 876
AN Intel igent lady to take a shorthand
scholarship and pay for It when she
finishes the cour o nnd secures a posi
tion Address T JS , cure Bee. C M417
NICI3 warm rooms with giMid bond , rates
rcnOO.iabk' The Host , 20JO Harnev
C. ' lbi.S 5
Attendance almost double that of last Year
JIOOOOO worth latest model Smith-Premier
tvpewrlters just purchased to meet the In-
11 eased demand
This Institution Is endorsed by pilnclpals
of the High HCliool. olllclal coutt rtioit- |
PIH and buslnpss men
New ilnssps this week A C Ong. A M ,
PiLSldent C-MS.M
\\ANTED , igltl for general housework
Call 2339 Callfoinla C-MS51 4
\ \ ANTED , good gill for general housewoik
lit , ! Georgia live C-MSI1 4 *
.KOIl UBVI'-llOUbEs.
IT YOU want jour houses well rented
plnco thorn with Bcnowa & Co D 505
CIIOICi : h04isen cottages , stores Henry
B Payne. GOI N. Y. Life. 'Phone , 1011 ,
_ _ _
PINE rc-ldancs. choice location 11 rooms"
all m 1eir ; excellent Btable. Bemls l'a\ .
ton block _ _ _ D-5Q7
ilOUSES , stoics. Bcmls , Paxton block.
_ _ _ -
\GOARD Van and Storage , Capito
Ave TP ! 14C D 303
_ _
rOR RENT. houses In all pnrts ot city"
The O F Davis Co , 150-j Pnrnum street
_ _ _ _ _ D-510
GOOD large barn for rent In north part of
city. Inquire 2121 Locust. U 103
HOUSES for rent in all parts of the city"
Bronnnn-Lovo Co , 219 fao IGth street
HOUSES for rent J H Sherwood , 123 N"
Y Life Phone 3SS. "
_ P"515
roil RENT. dcHirablp houses and la"t7
Rlngwnlt. Birkcr block D MSG3
B ROOM elegant soartmcntp in XormaliTl'lT
jr > 500. C-room , all-modern rottngo , newly
papered nnd In fine ahnne. J25 ( TO Wo b u'
manv others. Payne-Knox Co , i i ( looN
N Y Llfo Bldg. D-MS01
IlOUSES to rci-t. Patterson. 303 .v Y Llfo
_ _ D-510
JIOUSE for lent at 1152 Park nvp , all mod
ern Apply 2130 bo J3d at. Tel 1227
FiiR RENT , S-room house , all modern ton-
\onlenpef opposite Hanscom park 1323
I'rtrk ave Inouliu S130 S. J3rd or tele-
lihon. U27
OR RENT. KU So 2Sth , 7 looms modern
} 30 3007 Webster , 7 rooms , bath. rj2j N
ISth 0 rooms , liniti. large yaicl ; kit So
11th 4 rooms , nlbo Hats. IllngVMilt BIOH.
Barker Blk
1'IVE-IIOOM cottage , convenient , well nne
cistern water : 2WI ( Blonde street S
Apply nt ( .07 N 19th nt O-5I7
TOR RP.NT 11-rnom modern houi > o , 3 Btor
leu and bane'inent , PMellenl location , tlosc
In R. C PeleiB iV c'o , I'M Fainnin
D-.M7U 2
_ _ _ _
roll RUNT aftet Jaiumr > 5. an S-rooni
hni'i' ! all ni"dein Impiovetm HIM 2fK
llunoy SI Allen Koch -\I7C92 ) *
1'i'lt ' REST , 0-room cottage fuiii'Hhi'il ' SK
So Hill O-MsOJ.1
SuMi : Boot ! 7-ioom boiiHed Ljiniin Witti.
jnin ti N Y. Lift I'lioiK 1 ! > W
rou IU : > T r IIOOMS.
! lb-ht housektopliib' S02U St Maiy'i
PI UNMSHISD rooms , housekeeping 2ot3 St
Marj s EMC10 7
pull HUNT PurnlMiwil front room iw N
i ltd K-M * o
PLEASANT Houtb nnd east loom for two
ua DiinbU U.'l B'nn y. E MM ,16
DPHIRABLE rpomrf llrHt-ulass bo i-cl 2iS
Hunny P AUJ J2
THE Merrlam family hotel , 23th anJ Dnlic
1 * 519
I I I RMsIir.l ) It 111) Vis1 VM ) IIO MID.
I 1 t I.M'.IILD rooms and bonrd 2015 Dons-
j las Bt F M3CO |
CIS S 19TH , de lraV e teems nnd board !
i F M236 Jll
TI > 2 gmtlrirv ? . In private family 2020 St
| Mnr % ne P-MSH
I fllNI HKD rooms with board , references
I 1IB So 2Hth St P-68B-1 *
, PLhASANT couth and east room for two ,
ii i oriAtilp 1V2I Blnn > > P-MSI1 JG
1 UNPURNM HED rooms nnd hall at MO' '
S isth P. CI MV i > : ,
POR RENT , store In nrst-cla-ss location ;
rent Knsonahlc. Apply R C. Peters &
Co . ground lloor , Btu Bldg I 2tG !
KO11 RENT , a ground floor olllro , specially
pultablp for real estate , etc. splendid
vault built for UHO of city treasurer Ap-
plv H C' Peters & Co , ground floor Bee
Building 1-267
'OR RENT Brick vvnrehou e , two floors ,
each C0s90 ft , power clpvators , U P.
trackage. Apply Hanrmaim Bro . 1J1I
S 20th 1-631
CAPABLE m n nnd women can make good
wages selling our "Quick Menl Cooker
nnd Hpntrr or "Quick Klndlcr" ( Sub-
wtltuli for kindling nnd coil ) Agents al-
Inwed liberal pommlff'lon mil exclusive
tirrltorv Write fnr particulars Ben
nett Manufacturing Co , 111 Van Burcn
St , Chicago J-S.3
VANTED , to rent nlfeh furnMiPil modprn
cnttnge bv in wly married cnuplo for the
wlnlPr ni longer I' O BosM
'ACIP1C Storage and Warehouse Co , 112-
914 Jones , general storage nnd forwarding.
ALI k ! id ; ) of household geode , hotels , etc ,
m Inrge or small quantities Chicago Fur
niture , Co. HOC-10 Dodge. Tel. 2020.N .
N 311
, VILL piir-hnso a limited number of
Omaha Savings Bank accounts. Brennan-
Love Co , 219 S IGth St N-319
WANTED , to buy. a restaurant outfit Peo-
pie's Stoie. IGth and Farnam N M2I3
AMERICAN dealer ; buy secondhand furnl-
turo nnd stoves 1719 Cuminc Tel 1G73
WANTED to btiv or rent , n portable mw
mill complete ciipacllv ten to twenty
thousand feet per day for sawing timbers
nt Exposition RiouiulB or would give con
tract for sawing Address with full par
ticulars , Chlcigo House Wrecking Co.
Exposition Grounds , Omaha , Neb
able offer refused Neb Fur. Co , 1413
Dodce. O-520
WP still have a good line of second hand
stoves and furniture at redlicce ! crlccs
Can J Lewis 101 So 14th O-M7S6 J3
'on s VM : uoiisnsM >
GOOP liaek new wheels J250 R piss rub-
ber-lind lockawny ilrstLlastcondition ,
$ l')0 LlRlu rockuway. $ lSr > , painted Light
locknvvny , tils palntid I fimlly 111-
ilages , i phaetons ti gooel top buggloi
Diummond Carilagu Co , IStli and Hainey
p ss JoO
SHIRTS to aider. Kelley S. Hey den. Qj21
CUTTERS of. drug pi Ice.- ' . Sherman & jjT
Council Drug Co. . Iol3 Dodge at. Q-jY/
CHEAPEST and best oak cribbing I-
and h -
fences 9-31 Douglas Q-5J3g
IEW and 2nd-hund sewing.tnachlneirTc" ;
. H. L- '
duced price. 1'rcderlcUbon
, 15th v.
Dodge Q 5JI
iwf SALE-Ten R-I-P-A-N-S fc7Tc7tilrrt
druggists. Ono gives relief. D-fiL l
B HAAS. Florist 1813 Vlnton St Tel 7r
Plants , cut novvere. boquets , hall reel
dui.ce , wedding and Biavo decorattoni
Orders by mall or express promptly ,1 , , %
INDIAN relics , mounted heads , nig Farnam
2D-HAND safe cheap Derlght , IllG Parnam '
SAFES-Buy , sell , exchange. IH s nth fat.
FOR SALE , new nnd 2d-h.and soda foun
tains , monthly payments s B Rich
mond. P O Box 577 Q-M212Jli
POR SALE , thn celebrated Wilbur Food
for fattening stock , enough feeds to last
ono nnlmnl l.GOO days for J130D , hntlsfoc-
tlon guaranteed H A Hill , state agent
Giand Island , Neb Q 235 J13
POSTAGE stamps , Scott's Agency. open
evenings Prank Brown , 220'X , s 13th
Q-571-1 *
Odell , . . . . . . $13 yj
Hammond roi
Prnuklln 2301)1 )
Remington No 2 3000'
Smith I'icmlci 40 0
Rtmlnctou. No 2 40 (0
Corner 13th and Harney
THE only PiiiTl.iRO heater or loot
vvoi III buyliiK Pi Ice $1 50 Diiinimond Co
Q-S27 J".0
Jlri2 BUYS Stplnway upright piano , good
cond'tlon ca h 01 easy payments Ad-
d'ess P 10 , Bee. * Q MS5S
START' now to buv your new wheel. $ loo'
down Jl 00 i week fall nnd get full par-
lie ul n H Omaha Bli v cle Co Q Mo"- ) )
NOTICE , country dealers , Id-hand furniture
.t stoves at lowest prices carload lots or
less Chicago Putnlturo Co , H06-10 Dodse
MRS P/IITS5. clalloyant. . SOS X. 16th
MME GYLMER genuine palmist 1C03 Dode ?
MME. AMES , It. 2 , 507 S 13 ; inasage. baths
T-M750 J2-
MRS BERRY , baths , masgape PARLORS
bin equipped In pity , porcelain tub , lady
ntU'mluiUH. 119 No 16th , 2d floor
iTT.ITE PARLORS , CIS S 16th , upstairs ;
fl'iit-tliifcft ImthH , magnetic treatment ,
l idy attendiints T M5SO fi *
MME SMITH , loom 2 mti N I5th
I VIAVI U wonan's way to health 3IS Bee
Bldg. U-53J
SHAMPOOING J3c , hair iluwlng 23o. hair
nnd toilet goods , bct.t t.Ulppcd. | Monhclt ,
15IS Fanmm U-531
MONHEIT leading chiropodist. J31S Far.
nain. Sil lloor. U-KC
PIU\'w\TE hospital for ladles befoto X Jur-
Int'conllnement , U.ablesadonted lisa N 17.
fiC.M1 ! S. hair treatment Mme. Post , 319V4
F 16th U-5
LIEBEN. costumer. 1113 Howard , Get
catalogues U MSI1
COVri'MESMrs Sack , S315 S 20th Fata"
logue. *
KND smvlng mnphlncs from J500
up Neb Cycle Co Cor J5th and llai-i-j
U-M54J-J 9
DR D. AIS , s-peclalist , 16th and Dodne
I U-1S1
, .
DR ; HOY ehlr.ipudlst corns removed 2Sc
an ! upward Room 12 , Frcnzer bloek
TELEPHONE ; 254 will c ll Mr. Lponhnrdt
to tune your p'fttio V MBOI 1 *
Ht'PTI ] RE rurpil. no knife no pain , no
dingi i Hml fnr c rruliirs Empire Rup
ture Cure 'i" 2 New York Life building ,
Onnhn T-.MS12 J11
JI.COO nnd upwards to loan on Improved city
property nnd faims W. Smith
, t Co l.'JOPnrtmm W-53D
MONEY to loan on Nebraska nnd lovvix
farms , lowest rates. Brcnnnn-Lovo Co ,
219 9 ICth Omaha W 540
J100 TO 12,000. P. D. Wend. 16th and 1
WANTED , cltv nnd fnrm loans ; nl = o bonds
nnd wnrrnnts U C Peters & Co 1702
rnrnnin St. Pec Bldg W 513
\VR1TE us If you vvnnt a loan on your fnrm
In lown , eastern Neb or Mo , it will pay
you Anthony Lonn & . Trust Co . 315 N Y L
. to Invest throuch nankeraT
nrokers , Promoters ; send for elrcular
Investors' Directory , N Y W-BIS
5 PBIl CCNT money. Demls. Paxton block '
MOXKY to loan on nrst-cliss lmpro\pd cltv
property or for building purposes P-ivne-
Knox Co , N Y I.lfo W 317
D , HH , B ppr cent loans In Omahn. 3 Omaha
\V II Thomas. 503 1st Nat. bnrtk. TeMMJ
MONHY to lonn nt C nnd KV- per rcnt on
Omaha property. W. 15 Mclklc. 401 So. 15th
Ml'NRY to loan on Improxccl Omalm re\l
estate Brcnnan-Lovo Co , 319 South Mh
rivn per cent ; farm loans Chas n Wll-
llam on W 519
PUIV\TR monpv , low rate , no delay
Gnn In Uros , IGII rarmm St \y 149
MOMiV ' 10 I.OA.-C1IAT'1ULS.
to loan on
\Ve chnige nothing for making papVrs'and
vve arriuiKo the time and pivmonts to
suit you nnd everv dollar paid back
Tel 2--.T ? OG S IGth St
MONEY loaned salaried pcophThoTeimg ie7-
lt'on with
mtincnt po responsible lonrprV
upon their own names , without
easy payments. Tolmnn , 70b N Y L Bldg'
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1
MONEY loaned on furniture , rigs , blcvelnT
diamonds vvotches , e.c ; payment
known to frlendb Omnha Loan Bank iViii
Fninum. upstairs. X 55b
MONEY lonned on pianos , furniture her o7
cows. Jewelry Dutt Green , R s , B iVkei bm'
X 5J1
MONEY loaned on furniture , pinnot Jew
elry , etc , unknown to friends , monthly
pavmenls , halt rates Bcrgers Loan Co
H08 Pnrnam , over drug "tore , X MT-'u '
LOANS m.ulo to salaijed people on thplr
per onal noliullhoiit terurltritus ri i
somble JV Ta\loi , 21S rirst xtit 1 , k
bldg 12 to 0 15 p m. X-doO
MONEY loaned on pianos furniture jew-
eli - , horses , co\\s , etc C I' . Heed 319 s
13th. X-33S
ployel In Omaha. South Omaha and
Council DluffB hold'nc Rood po-il'lons on
their own names NOMOHTGAGE UPST
TERMS , e\erthlm ; prhate. mom \ can
be pnld hack In small weekly or monthlj
payments American Loan Co , Room
601 , nee Bldg X--5GO
holding permanent positions on their own
name without endorser or
KfaT RATES No Inoulrles made of em-
plojer or friend You can borrow an\ '
amoint nnd repay In easy weekly o'r
monthly payments. Before bonowlnp see
u" . Omalm Crellt Co C E Jpnnlncs ,
Men , Suite 523-526 N. Y , Life B'di- '
MONEY to loin on furultuie , nlanos
hordes , cov.s etc JV Ti\lor , 21S First
Nnt'I bk bids 12 to fi li > p m X 351
WE MVKE LO\NS PROM $1000 I'l'-
\\iud to Hil tried nponliholdliiK Dermi-
HPiit positions 'n OMIISOUTH
OMAHA , COrNC'II , ItLlTI'S on tlulr
person il noie without endorsement or
nurtcaKC All . - > nll < utlons treated In
< onlHenrp I nans ran ho mid ALL or In
PART at ANY TIJIP and o\pr > dollu
po , ' , 1 pe-qi-N'ts run CO T
Wi S ICtb St 1H Z > n
Room 119 Uoird of Ti idi > lildR X .MS44
goods , clothing stOLliH boots nnd shoes ,
Imidw.are , drugs and groceries stocks
located In all parts of Nebraska Iowa ,
Pal.ota and Missouri Ifou want to buy
er trade for a stock of coeds wn can
locate If vou want to sell your goods or
property we can find a buyer for you.
Wrltn or call on us for what you want
Hotels foi sale or trade M rchnndlse
Broker , 202 Karbach blk Y-M130
, or whole thine , big patronage , new outfit.
Inqulro Bit S IGth st Y-GD Jl
A DKSIRABLE old-established cash busIness -
Iness Owing to falllnu health I hn\
concluded to ret're from buslnp p and
offir my stock of KIOPPT'OS , tinware meal
inaiket , Hour nnd feed foi Hale If you
want a , desirable business Investigate
Baillelt Gincfn Co , COO and roj Broad
way , Council Bluffs Y-'Mn J2S
A PROMINENT IMSIPIII 1'fe Insurance lom-
] > inwlslip ? to make a pontiact with two
oM lint nun In Nel ) and Iowa T to BI e
Y-H5-1 *
- -
ron i\i iiMP : .
I WANT to trade- one lot In Aimour place
South Omalm , and two lots In Alt Pleas
ant addition. Omaha , for wild land In
wcstPin Ncbrnfka , my lits nu i le 11 ol
Incumbiai te and want < leal land write
mo what you ha\e J II Cnnipbe'l nil
So 23th t Omalm / M591 1
LAND to trade foi boots and chops Ad
dress Lock Bos M. Grant , Neb
ron SAM : HR\I ( nvi-A'i
The latest , most bcnitlful and choice < t icsl-
dcmre locatlcm In Om.ihn , and nt the same
time the cheapest
3 hits left at . $15)
and a few at . $300 i )
nnd they mo Kolns fant Whs ' B'caiiuP
sou idit the must foi the least money of
any plain In thp city
270S CAPITOL AVE , pllco nduceil lo
7 rooms , neaily new , on lotCOxlSi fcot ,
south fiont.
llaailngn. 212 R lUh si.
Lot 2S , In block 4 , Jluwthorno nddltlou ,
only S-iW
Yen , but must be all pash
HE-M741 2
POR SALE two fi-ioom liousc-w nil modern
Iniprovemenls. In cued condition , Plieup ,
will toll ono or two No S719 Ruwey A\o
Adilrr. Allen Koch , 2CJ3 Harney st
Jl'BT completed , two lovely cottages , 7
uioiiiB eneli nt wonderfully low pi Icon
DO YOlf want n great bargain In n beau
tiful 7-1 nmn cotl.u1" Siu that 53.i > W one
In Bcmls Paik on SSd til
RE--M713 2
for RENT Plr t lloor N Y Life Bids
POIIi.i : IIPM.'i'ii :
IP YOU have n bargain t , offi r in nul
estnte see S A. Brondwell. 501 N Y Ufa
i Bldg HB-MHH ,
POR QUICK leturnn on bargain * onlv ! > e
i S. A Broadvvcll , 501 N Y Life Blcfff '
HOUSES lots fnrms lands , lonns. nl o fire
1 Insurance. Bemls Paxton blk RE-56T.
l A BARGAIN Pour ncrcs , 10lti nnn Pacins ,
two blocl-s from cnr line , on belt rail-
rend , J2,3iX ) , ea v terms MiCnKUP Investment -
vestment Co 1500 Dodge. RE 567
7 rooms nil modem , nnd think of It only
HE-M74I 2
33' acres , tbrre miles north of Plorcnce ,
nil In timber , will put between 400 and
BOO colds of wood , for J1.J50
Ten acres on West Dodge St , macadam ,
half hour s drive , 51,000. ,
The Byron Reed Co , 212 S. 14th St.
1405 DOUGLAS , cheapest Inside bulnt-si
propelty on market. Wallace. Kole agent.
POn BAWlAINSevcrjbidy pocs to S. A
Broadwell , 601 N. Y. Life BideREM403
NOTHING but bargains handled by S. A
Brotidwcll , 601 N. Y. Life Bldp.REMIDI
A 4)-foot ) lot facing south on Dtupiiport
street , near " " > th wtieet ,
only JIVl 00
worth I.2TOn (
T blocks fiom llnest resldenees in the iliy.
Mti .t be all pn h , no trntli's
RE-M7ri 2
SNAPS In real estate : money to loan. r. L
Johnson Co , 314 S 15th street. RE-3CI
POR SALE Bargains In small residences.
S. A Brortdwell , 01 N Y. Life Hid is
CO ACRES w Ithln 10 miles of Omalm P O .
10-iocm huu i' bain 30\ro some fru't '
tiet fine place , Improvements casllj
worth tJ.Oijt > Pr're. Jl 000
J3"0 for ( south front on Matulerson street ,
between 27th nnd ISth street" , size GO\123
JTO for naxsil feet , f irliiR east on . .Oth street ,
opposite Mlllei patk
JJ 230 for Ihe acres on North 2ltb street ,
en t old Port Omaha
R E 3u2
Real Estate , Rentals , Loans Insurance.
HOUSES lots farms , landp nnd Insurant o
R C Pattcr on. 305 N Y Life RE 871
Iof2 NORTH 17TI1 street , two houses rent
ing for $10 00 per month , pining paid pnxs
14 per pent nioss , ptiro Jl.TiO John N
Prc-ii7Pl Upn old P O RE-M630
LADIES , o'd Dr Bell s Cotton Root Pills
the. 'lest ' afe reliable Take no other
Send Ic stamp for particulars Di BUI
Box 71S , St Louis , Mo M1HS J1S
LADIES' Prte Harmless MonthK Regula
tor , cannot fall Mrs B Rowan R .JD ,
Milwaukee WIs. M 429 J20 *
DR MANSPIELD S monthh rcgulatoi 1ms
brought ha'i'ie" < to hundreds of anxious
women , hi\e nixnr had a single fiilliito ,
lon ist ca--es lelleved In tv.o to Ihe da\s
without fall , no p.iln no danger no Intel-
fereme with work , bv mall or olllce , $ J
all lottns tiutbfulU answeied The
Manslleld RemedCo , IG7 Pearborn
loom C14 rhleiEo 111 M VI : ( ,
LADIES Chlchester Engl "b Penn\to\al
pills a p tin best sife. reliable , take no
other send 4c stamps , for particular"
"Relief foi Ladle" , ' In letter bv return
mail At druggists Chlchester Chemical
Co Philadelphia , Pa
A C VAN SANT'S school , 717 N } Life
! f -370
AT OMAHA Bu * . CollCtfO.JOtli & Douglas.
BOYLCS' COLLEGE court reporter pilncl-
pal Bee Bldg -57J %
NEBRASKA Business and Shorthind college -
lego Boyrt's theater M-151
Jl Ono \VORTH of Smith-Pitmler ty pew -
w rites s his just been sold by the i om-
paiu to the Nebrack i Biislnc" < s and Shoit-
li mil college Bowl tliPitei bldff to meet
the increased demi'id foi eie-ritors ) on
that machine made upon thl'i school
-S29 JG
TYPEWRITERS foi lent , 1100 per month
The Smlth-PiP-nier Typewrltci Co 1W5
Painam St Teliphono 12s4 r > 7l
WE HKNT and sell the best tMiewilters
made , Ingest stock of supp.'Qs In Om ilia
I nltcd Typewriter i Supply Co. , 1C12 Par- 573
I'cN" Standard Typewriter Ti'
supplies 1C19 Parnam 37C
THE Oliver T\pewriter. visible wrltlii" .
heaviest manlfolder nnd cuts the finest
stencil Tel 2279 J S Stpmrt. Snecial
Agent 31M _ S 13th S . Oinnlia 377
TYPEWRITERS , secondhand 1110 K.arnam
JOHNSON Osteopathlc Iiibtltute , 515 N Y.
Llfo Bldg , Alice Johnson , D O lailles'
dept ; Glcl C. Johnson , Osteopathlst , mgr.
M E DONOITUE D O , of Still school ,
KlrksvlIIe. Mo Gil Paxton bll : Te ! l'G7
I.OS I' .
SUNDAY nalr pye-lisses IIPII 10th anil
Harpoy Relurii 110S Harne\ fur toward
Lost "M-J " ) )
LOST illinium ! brooch , set \\lth penils
lew.u el Hi tin n to Rees Printing olhi
JEFPERSON Square Loan Ofllco.
E\GLE Loan Olllce , reliable , accommodat
ing , n'l business confidential UOI Doug.
Ins. _ : , S5
METROPOLITAN Win Barr. mgr Jl to
fl 25 I'lli nnd Douglas 'Phone ' 'II
M43. J22
E steam heated looms Jl uo wetK
| Bonn ! $ J pel week , nual.s , :3c GOI S nth
023 J2S
C AMI ST11TTCI11. > 0.
CURED. Julia Vaughn. 430 Ramgo Bldg
I , \I'MIIV.
TOWEL SUPPLY 1730 Lcavenw'th TI 517
Ct'T RATE railvvay tlehcts evpivvvhere
P H Phllbln. 1505 Parnam 'Phono 7M
sriiooi , or i , v\ftAci ) : .
PRENCIf Oerman Bpanlx'i JJ per month
Prof Chntclaln SOI Bmd theater
H. P" & Hr'ncTiliANN furriers , fiira
made to order and repaired US b 15th.
Till Mf I'ACTOIIi.
. Till NKK trivollng bags , null CHFOS Trunks
lepalrcd Om Trunk Factors. ] 2 19 V nnam
M < KIM. I'llTI > .
SK VfPH hollowgrotmil ul kinds of plat-
I nig Omaha PlauiiL' Co. , Bee Bldg Ui
NEme ! -P ( on llmiid bl VCPAt ! b tlf pine
Louis Plesber. loECupiiol ave 591
MAIL ; po t < il part ! glvhiR your address nnel
I receive v ihtnbl * Information P o Box
113 Omaha MK7-JI5
I ' PI IIMTI 1113 1'ACIvlMS.
M S WALKL1N , 2111 Cumlng Tel. 1931
3K >
LADIES Jackets , metis rlotnlng .altered ,
latest styles , cleaneJ Max Pogl-i 397 S lith
-W J-3
IN PAMIL1E Miss Sturdy , 2218 Daven
port M-202J12 I
imtns AM ) T.\\imiiMV.
STOCKS Bird store. 1C03 Lcavcnvvorth
EYENINOS $3 per mo at Van Sants schoo'
717 N Y Llfi O R Rntbbun , u,1h-j > j
( Should be read dally by nil Interested ,
as changes mny occur nt any time )
Porelgn malls for the week ending .lanti-
aiy fi , 19X > , will clo e ( PROMPTLY In
nil CIIFPS ) at the Benernl postolllco n8 fol
lows. PARCELS. POST MAILS c-IO o ono
hour earlier than closing tlnu shown be
low Parcel post malls foi Oeimnnv close
' nt n p mpdn dn > , for dlsp ite h ppr s 8
Rhein Thuisidav , and 5 p m Pilelay , for
dispatch JILT s s ( Jinf \ \ alder ee
1 lllllllUlllllllf llllllN.
WEDNESDA\ 7 a m ( supplementary
0 i in ) foi P.UROPE , pel s New
Aeirk , via Southampton , ( 9 a m for
1 I ALpei s t , K B mnrc k , v la Naples
( b tie is must bo dliecteel "pel p s P
BlMiiartk" ! , nt 1031) ) a m for BEI.C.IUM
illrert ppi s s Kensington , via Antvvpip
( litters must be directed "pei n Ken
sington ) . nt 11 a m. foi A/.ORES ISL-
A.NDS dlieet pel s a Spaitan Pllllce
TIlPRSDAY-Al fiio n m fer EUROPE
per s s Knl'Pt William der Ore se \la
Cherbouig Southampton and Biemen
( letters for Piaiue , SvvltzciUuid. Italy ,
Spiln Portugal Turkev , Egvpt and Brlt-
' h Inellp must beeliieeted "pel s s
Kal er William der Urosst ) , at fi W n
La Noimanelle via 1 lav IP ( littiin foi
othei points nf Euroue must be directed
"pei w s La Normandle )
LANDS ? elliec t pti s \\erkendam , via
Ilottoidam ( letters must be directed "pei
s \\eikendam" ) , at " ) a m ( suple- )
montarv ) < n ; o a m ) for EUROPE pet
s s Ciiimanti , via Qucenstovvn , ai 11 n
m fol NORWAY illicit , per s s Thing-
v ilia , via Chiistlaiili ( le ters must be dl-
recteel "pei s K Thlngvalla' )
Pilnted Matter ett-neimnn steamers
sailing on Ttp | dnvs take pi luted matter ,
etc , foi ( ipimnnv nnd speeiallv nel-
oiesbcd pi luted matter , etc lor otbor
paits of Europe Ameilcan anilhlto
Star steamer" , on \ \ e-ilne U"V , Cicrmnli
steamers on Thursdavs nnel Cuiiaid ,
lieiuh i nil Germ in st Miners em Satur
days take pi luted mntur , etc , foi all
countries for v.hloh they aie advertised
' to carry m ill
| Aflei the closing of the supplementary
trans Hlantlcm u'.s named above , addi
tional supplementary ma'ls aie opened on
the piers of tlio Amerlein Liulish ,
j 1 reucli and Get man mtnmers anil le-
main open until within 'en minutes of
the hotii of tailing of v
MnllH for SniKli nml Cciitiul Aincileii ,
Wsl Inilivn. i it-
TUESDAY At t p m foi JAMAICA , per
steame r from Boston
A\EDNEDAV.-At 'I JO n m ( stipplemen-
tniv 10 > a m ) for CENTRAL AMER
ICA ( except Costa Rlc.i ) and bOl TH
\CIPIC PORTS , pi i " h Plnanee. via
Colon iletteis for Guatemala must be ill-
ii'cied "per s s Pluaiicc- ) , it K ) TO i m
for PUERTO RICO per U S Trnnspoit ,
via. Snn Jinn , at 1 p m for INAGUA ,
HAITI anil SANTA MARTA. per s s
Hloptnln it 1 p m lor CUBA , YU-
CHIAPAS ner s s Orizaba via Hivnna
nnd Progrisu dett. is feu othei pirts uf
Mexico ' must be directed "pei s s Oi1-
zabn' )
THURbDAY-At 1 a. in for IAMAICA
per --ttampi from
Philadelphia at 12 iO
P m ( supple-mental v 1 p m ) foi BER
s Madlma ( letttrs foi Gienada. T r nl-
dad and Pile-to Rico , via San Ju in must
be dlipclPd per s s Mndlmn' ) .it 1 p
m ( "tiMDlcment iry 1 U p m ) foi NAS
pi i s s .Saratoga
PR1DAY Al 0 i m foi Brazil ellteit per
a K Bnffon vli Pernimbuto ! Ji and
Rio dp Inne'io ( Iptteis fji North Bini-ll
and la Plata e ountrics must be dhectpd
"per Bullon' ) it 10 3D a in for
HAITI pei s s Orinte Nassau vli Port
an Ptlnce Aux Cayes and .lie mil ( let
ters foi Cimieuo. Tilnldad Vem-zueli
Blltlsh ni'l Dull h Guiana must be ell-
icLted "in i s s Oianje N issnii ) , at 1
p m fin JAMAICA , pn s s.ini " ( Ipt-
tPrs must be ellie-cteel "ptr H h Erne )
SATURDAY At 1 i m for NEPO1 ND-
LAND per p s Carth iKln'in tiom Phila
delphia at S n m for BERMUDA pi l
s s Ti'nldnd , nt 10 i m isuppli nntniv
10 . ) a m ) lor PORT UNE ISLAM ) I \ -
and GREVIOWN , per H s Alene Cittn <
for Costn Rlci must he ellree id per s
s Ale no" ) , nt 11 a m for CI IA ! pi r <
s Havana via Havana , at 11 i m fir
Puerto Rico via San Juan , Cum i > ant
Vene/uela. Savnnllla anil ( aitia-
geni , v'a Cuiacno. ppi R
< aiaeah at 1. m foi LA PI AT V
COUNTRIES illicit s sRR \ -
MOOR 'at 1 p m foi NUE\ I Ih I
UARACOA pel ' < s Clllltjbl at 11 n
m feu PI ERTO P.ICO PPI s n Vikida
via Ponce- ( letters must be dlreitnl 'pei
s ' ) Arkadla )
M1QUELON , ) ici stpamei from Nonh
Malls for Ncvvfoundlnnd , l > y rnll to North
Svelney , nnel thence by stenmer , close nt 1
this oflce ! ilally at S 3) p m ic onnectlnj
e lese he-IP every Monday Wod'iesd ly
and Saturday ) MnIN tor Mleiulon by
lull to Boston nnd thence by stcamci
clone nt this oflleit dally at s 2(1 ( p in
Malls fnr Cuba by irill to Port Tiinpn ,
Pin , and tlunco by steimi' , closi at
this olllto ( 'ally ' except Monday at * 7 n
in , ( the connecting closes IMP on Kundiy ,
Wednesday and Kildni ) Mulls for tuba
by rail to .Miami , Km. nnu tliPiicrby
Ftcamer , elope at this olllto evciy Mon
day , Tuesday and Saturday at " 2 : it
m , ( the eeuincctlng olohos aic > on Tue'-dav
and Saturday .Malls for Mexico City ,
eiv ti land , units' ) Hpetlally luldn i-scd fur
I'ispntPh by steamer e lose at this e Ille i
c'ulli at S.JO a in and 2 'ti > p m M ills J
for Costa Him Belize Puerto Cmtcz urel I
Guntcmnla , by rail to New Orleans anil l
tin lieu In sle-amer close nt thli llcu )
dully at * J p m , ( connecllng elme < hero
Siind ly s and Mui.sdajH lot Costa Ui u iiul
Muiiiluyo for le ! > ll , , Puerio Coiti/ ami
Guntomala ) Rc-plstoicd ninll closes at
G p m pluvious day Registered mall
closes at G p m , second day bcfoio.
MnlH ,
Mulls foi Hawaii. China , Japan and the
Philippine ) Islands , v'i San rinneiseu
close lure elal'j. at G u ( ) i > m up
to Jnnuury * lBt , intliiRlvefoi iiiHputi h
ptr H H Gaelic Mails for II tw ill \li i
San rraiulmo , eIOFD hen elallv at i. ii
P m up to January * 3ti | , Imlu-U , I. . i
d pputch per a H Australlu Mall f i
llavvnll , Jopnii , China and the Philippine
IH meld via San PrnncUej e IOM leu
eluilv nt d ' > p. m up to Januaiy 'lliii
lnilil''l\p. foi dlspnteh per H II ni ) ,
Kong Maru Malln for ill , via wi a
tie i los lurf da ly at O.I' ) p m u , > in
Janunry * H h Incluvlvu , foi dHpal h pi i
n n Blcipmfontctn MalU for An ti ill >
( except West AuHtrnlla ) , Nov. / < i ai I
Huuull FIJI and Sum an Inline ! , \ a
San P-untUtu tluto hciu dul.y a : <
) j m nftei Diicumbe i * 30lh and up t <
Januuiy * > ii | Iniliwlve- on dus of HI
r val of ti , - < Camptinin , due it N w
York January -"th fur dispatch PI " s >
.Mjiinn Math foi China and JYi' en
Vancouver , clobt hire ) elnlly at C in p m
up to Januaiy * . ' 3il , In lushi f r ili-
pateh per . H Empress of Jap in ( rei i
tnrtd mall mus be directed vli \ui
couve-r" ) Malla for Society lalnm ! * viu
San Prnmlacei , t'loao here da'ly at i.
P m up to Janunry 'MIiuluslvi \ fm
dUpatc i by Hllij ) City of Papelll Malls
for Australia ( extcpt Wu-t Auntialii
whUli nova via Europe , nnd New Xeal-
and whlth BOCI. via rinn Krane'nco ) jja.
wall and KiJ ! Igluniln , via Vnneouver
cloio he-re nt G JO p in up to Pibruary
M Inclusive for dhpateh ptr * Mlo-
w ei n
Trans Pacific malla nre fortvnidod to pjr t
of callln dally a d tin M I ! ii t < -
lug l ! ) airangtU on the i/re' < uini. i u of
terlals , etc V S Indian Servlit , Re" e-
but Aeptiev Kos ebtid , S D , Ditembcr lltn.
1W Senled proposal" endorsed "Propn als
for nuthiinv Materials pte nnd addressed
to the underrlgned nt Rosebud S D. vvlll
be reeelvpeVnt this agentv until ( wo oelmk
p in of Snturdnv. Jnnuarv nth. t9fO fir
furnishing and delivering , either at \ nlPit-
tine , Neb , or nt this ngc npy within tlftv
( St ( | elnvs after rptilpt uf n itli e tif appinvnl
of ' pontraet n vnrlPtj of building met Mils
ptionsistlng ' of nse > rtpd li'mber , shlngli s
doors ! , window * , tnPtnl hlre'ed eonient
lime , plumbing supplies oils , PIP i full
list nnd el eilptlon of vvhle'i nnv bi
obtained by making ippllentlon to th
iimlftsinnrd Bidders will statp sp-elllpnlh (
111 IllPlr bid" thp proposed plltp of eaeli
article often d. nnd point of dihverv All
iittlcles dellvprpd undei nnv eentraet will
K niible ct ti n rigid Insppitloli before n.
eilntee 01 rejeetlon thereof HIP right Is
rcseivpel tn rejptt nnv and all Wd m miv
| . ' -t cf ili > bid , If dpplupd for thebpst m-
tPip'is of the servlrp Certified i In > k
Eaih bid tnti't be nieompanled bv n i < i U
' in eheek or draft upon somp UnltPd State s
I dpposltory or solvent nntlonnl bank In the
i \lilnllv of thp tp'lelenee of the bidder mndi
paynblp to HIP order of the Comml slniiPi
l , of Ind In u uftiilr * . for e.t Ipast live ppr edit
of the amount of tin- proposal , whlih i he k
or draft VVllI be > foi felted In the United
States In carp nnv bleldpi or bldde-is ireelv-
Ing nn award shall fall to promptly ex
ecute a pontratt with good and xullli Ii nt
I sure ties , otherwise * tn be letuined ti tin
bidder Bids ai i ompatilpd bv cash In Hi u
'of ' a icrtlll'd theek vvlll not ititisldPipd
Pel my additional Infiinmtlnn npplv la
Acent DPP I11
IIAR1A\ARE CO , OMAHA. N"b , Dee .
l y Notice Is hcrcbv K'M ' n to the stoik-
holders of the Leo-Glabs-Andic" tn Haul-
ware Co that the annual meeting of the
ttotkholdors of the company will be held
nt the olllies of the said compniv , Ult-lJ.i.
l.'t Hnrnev stieet. In the iltv of Omah i Ii
the state of Nebraska , on Tuesdav Jauuarv
it. A D 1TOO , at J o'clock p in fc' fie
puipOM of el"ctlnp : a bonid of dlrettnis feu
the companv to servo during the en-ulni ;
ytai ana to trt nsact sue h other business
as may be ptiventid nt su h nuitiiiL'
11 .1 LEE Piol'ent '
A.testV : M GLASS , Sccrttarj
Union L.ttl Company
Notice 1 hereby slven tint the annual
meeting "f the stockholder of the Union
land lompiiv for the election of live tllrec-
tois nnd tile transaction of siieh oth'-r . .msl-
ne"s as may livvfully i ome bolore the nuet-
IliK vvlll bp In Id al the olllie of the Mtieial
solleltoi Ide I n Paellle bulldlnjr. Omaha ,
Neb , upeil Mondnv the Sth day of Jan-
uniy ID'Ki ' it 10 o clo k a in
The sloth fnn fer books will bo clod
ton days piovlous to the incptinp
NevYeik Cltv , N Y , Dteember ISth ,
V sperlal niPPtliiK of thp stockholdprs of
T'le Bee PubllshlnK Co. Is belt-by Killed to
mceet at the olllte of tt > e eompinv euiner
17th and Tainim strpcta. on Saturd iv Jan-
uarv ti 1MO at I o i lock p m to lonsldpr
the extension and amendments to tin-
in tit'cs of Inioiperatloii and sueh othei
business as ninv be suimiltted fnr ciiiihld-
cration Bv order of tilt Boa id of Dlievtols
G B T/.SCHUCK Henetiry
Notice Is heitbv > ; lvpii that the innual
nn e inir of the stoekholile-s of The lie i
Building toinpinv vvlll be held at 4 o e lee k
p m Ihuisc'ay ' , Innuniv 10 1900 at the
nllke of said eornpnnv In T he- Beebiilleliiier
Omiha , foi the plc-e lien eif a board of dl-
leetoi- , for fie elisu ni ? ve'iu and the tiniis-
aetlim of cue b eithtM but-lnesa an miv pirp-
erlv tomebeloio stii h meetlmr Bv oielernl
the mi sldent C C ROSEWATEU
Leave \rilve
The Overland Limited n S = > 0 nm n 7:20 pm
Tht Pn t Mall a 1) ) 00 nm a ! -i am i
The Colorado Special nil . > > pm a i ; 33 nm i
Thd Portland Special a ! s oO am a 4 40 pm '
Lincoln Bent Ice and
S rnmsbuig Express b 4 10 pin liU r pm
* > nclflc Expie s .2 , 2 > pm a G/iG am
Gr.end 1st md Local h u 10 pni 1 > 9 2 > nm
South Omaha Pass Leave ? .a 10 13 a. m : ;
.O" ! p m . b 4 n p m Airlvts 10 15 . ,
m . b ? ,40 p m . b o 2j p m
Couidl Bluffs -oenl-Lfaves , 3 w n in ;
7 15 n m . 7 5u a t.i . K > 11 i m , 2 P > p
m , J 40 p in o5 p in . .1 53 p m , s K p
m , 10 W p m Arrives o 20 11 m , 7 JO a
m 10 l = i a .1 P " i m , 3 03 p m j.-
p m ; 5 65 p .r. . C.30 p m . is 3u p m , n
a Dally , b Daily excep ) Sanday
S' ph te Council BliiliJ
Rn Ironcl ' The Burl'ng. '
ton Route' Ticket Olllcu ,
1302 Parnam Street Tele
phone . ' 30 Depot , Tenth
iiiul Mason Stieets Tele
phone , 310
Leave Arrive
Kan = ns City Du Ex a s J ) am n 5 II pm
i Kansas City EC nlO 13 pm u C 30am
bt L u s ITyc for St
Joseph and St Louis a 4 53 pm nil.15 am '
a Dally
A. Quint y Railroad "I'ho |
Burlington Route ' Ticket
CUP i , 1S02 Panmm bt
Tel , J30 Depot , Tenth &
and M esoii streets Tele
phone , 310.
Leave. Arrive.
Daylight UiHiikO Spc-
tial . . n < i 10 am
r Imago \ s Ibuled Ex n j ( u pm a S 03 nm
Chicago Impress . .a S ifi am i 4 05 pm
ChU n u i.v. Si L Ex n 7 13 pm a b.05 am
1'aclll Jun tl n Local. I'.IO 15 am
Fist Mall a 2:45 : pm
' a Daily
Biuiil Rive- Railroad
"T lie Burlington Route "
lionet al aillce-s , N W.
Coiner Tenth nnd Par-
nam Streets Ticket i
StSOOT SESi Olllee 1502 Pnllinm 1
' ' ' '
'i-ii'i' . s a -
Sfpflt Telephone , -Ji
Depot , Tenth and Mason Stieets. Teh
( ilmne J1U Leave Arrive.
L n oln Hastings and
McLouk a S 10 am a 7:10 : pm
Llin oln P/invir v olo-
. lado. Utah Cnlifornl i u 1.23 pm a 3:55 : pm
Lincoln lil.n ic Hills ,
I Monlaiia i\ , Pu et
bound . . n 4 2i pin n Vo ( pm !
Line oin Loci ! a e no pm 1110,3" . nm
Lincoln I-'ns1 Mall .11 3 W pm iilO:3 : * > am
Dcnvt r , C il- ado Utah
.V Cjlilorria a C 33 am
n Uall }
I ir.ll.'liv u. J/lyi , t Pnill
and Marty Streets Telephone -
„ _ _ _ phone , u."J
, . „ J'6uve. Arrive ,
St Louis Canron Ball
i xpn hK . n 1 50 pm u 8'3J nm
K nsas City t-iul ( ulncy
LoQuI . a 7 15 nm a S.59 pm
. .71 , ionu-Utiitral Olllpes and j
.r/inju.nlW' % 'J k'1 ' -"llee-H Soiuhojht C'or-
J rSff" ' ' H"1 " 'J U.aglas hl
JSUM S ? Tilephono. 101 Depot , 15th
ffimjg mil obsttr Sts Telephone. i
ai Lou 3 Si
Neb Limited . a :30 : pm uK.55 pm
K t - > i L I.\p-ess i 9:50 : pm a 5:50 : urn
N lii-in lx"'al Ma
\v topi' g w IK i b 0 01 pm a 9,15 .am
u Da ly b Dilly exiept Sunday.
111C A G O , df PAUL ,
Mliu.i-aiHiilB & Omaha
II 1'lw.iy "The North-
w intern Line ' CUnera i !
'ililics Ncl/raska Dlvl-
Klon , 15th and Webster
h's City Ticket Olllcts ,
U01 i'arnam t > ' Tclnphone , CGI. Depot , loth ' Uebster .S's '
Leave. Arrive.
'luln City Express ( for
Sioux e-ltv St Paul &
Minnt'iiullsi [ a 6 00 am
Omalm Pabuengit . . . . a 7.00 pm
Bliir , Kmerxen Kloux
city , Pontu Harilag-
ton md 'Jlojmile 11 b 1 01 pm blj 10 pm
No 2 Twin CI" Ltd a 6 55 pm
N l ' i ih i I i u d _ 9.00 UO
a Dally b L'ai ! } ex tin tunclay.
II Ml \ \ V\ I Mil ! ( MID
i Mil's- i t
A Mi-n in Vnl y linii'
l al I hp Nirthvvesofn
1 IP fipneral n-Hcp
I in i 1 States Nntlmnl
l ink BMjt , 3euth pst
. _ e M nor Twelfth and 1 at
nim S reet Tlik t olllie 140. Farnam
Street 11 pj imp o'l Depo ! . 15th nnd
W b tcr ftueii Telephone , 14iS
I euve Arrive
Blnpk HMI Head wood
Hat Springs n 3 00 pm a 5 W pm
\\vomliiR , Cnsper nn.1
Doitgln" d 3.00 pm e 6 00 pm
HastlnRs York Itavld
Cltv , Supetlor Oentva
Exeter nn I Sevvard b 3 00 pm b 5 tX > pm
Norfjlh \ prlllgrp and
irpuiont b 7.0 nm bio So nm
Lincoln \ \ ilioo nnd
Prptn > nt .b 7 W am blO 25 nm
Prpmnnt If nl c 7 10 am
a Dallv t < l > illy except Sundav o Sun-
tlav en\ ii D\llv \ exiept Saturday e
dnlli e\i PI ' Monday
w "inn Riilhvav- I ho
North xv extern Lino'
i 't\ Ticket Olllco 1401
1 iirnnni Street Tele
pnonn. f.GI. Depo1 , Tenth
pud Mason Streets ) e.e-
phone. G.8
Ivcavc. Ar/ve
Dnv light Cblngo Spe
ilal . 11 0 40 nm all 5S pni
Chle-ngo Pas iMigpr n 4.15 pm uin
EnstPin Kxpiob * lt
Molnes , Mar halltoVMi ,
Cedar Rap > ls and Chi-
< ago . n10.r3 am a 4 03 p" >
Panttrn 1 luilteo i hl-
lago and 1 IIPI .a 4 33 pm n 4 05 pm
Pa t M ill chkago to
omn'i i . . n 2 4" pm
( "imnlin e hi iuo peiial n 7.30 pm a s no am
Pn t Mull 3D am
a Dally b Daliy except Sunday
3 1i'U-v CITY , v PACIFIC
Itnllrnnil 'The Nnrtll
wi'Mern Line'--fJenernl
Olllccs. Unlit d Sla cs
Nation il Ban's Bui ling
S W Corner I w Iflli
and Pnrnam Slreo s
Ticket olllie lini Parnnm Street , Tele-
phon" 3tl Depot. Tenth nnd Mason
Streets rtlephnne , O
Leave. Arrive.
Sioux Citv M inkato &
st Pin Mil . < i i D 35 am a i 15 nm
St Paul Ml'ineapolls ,
Mnnkain . \ . hi mx City n 3 30 pm nil 0) pm
Sioux c i- 1 oial n S 00 am a 4 30 pm
nnd .1 Pac'llc Railroi I
Tin Grent Rotk Island -
and Roule ' city Tick
et Olllte 1321 r.irn mi
Sirett .CelPphoiH ! :
I I S1 * " * 1 ' M-ekphlim ) 't. ' "
Leave. Arrive
DPS Molnes and Daven
port Locnl . a 7 03 nm bll ' ; nm
Chuano 1pieso 1 b : , ,5 am a > hi a n
Chlcngo Past Expip.i a fi 00 pm a i JB pm
! fet 1'nul Past Lxpre s a u 00 pm bll.Sj am
Lit e oln , Coleir.idu SPKS ,
i D-nvpr , Pueblo and
' Wc < l.t. „ , . , 1 30 pm n 4.25 pm
.Des i Monies , Roe k Isl
and and Ch cngo u 7 23 pm n 5.50 pm
Colorndo iV 1 exao IIv er u 6 53 jim n 9 w mu
a Dally b Dill * PX ep' Sun lay
St Paul IJnllwnv city
Ticket Otlkc. 1301 1-Srnnm
Stltet Telephone 2SI De
pot , Tenth and Mnson bta
Ttl"nhone ( < 2) )
Leave Arrive
Chicago Limited Ex .n 73 : ! pm a S 30 nm
e nleiiMi 'V oin tha Ex bll Ol > am o 3 3j pm
blnux City x Des Mo'nes '
Express . . bll-00 nm b 3:53 : pm
u Dally b Dally except Rur.lny
Ticket Olllce 1415 Parnim
Street Telephone S"3 De-
pnl Tenth 'and Many
h > trec.t9 Telephone , 629
Heave Arrive
St Louis "Cannon Ball"
Express a 4.50 pm a S 33 nm
a Dally
r IIM' soi TIIkritit v is.
V \iiMt Plateau MX Tlioiimmil ! ' < <
\ liiiiillii > " -I'll.
Allen Sang-ee contribute * to Alnt'lec's for
Januaiy an article on South Afika This Is
how the enuutrv appc-are-d to him
j ' You land in Mouth Africa at the foot of a
I mountain Jt > 00 feet high They tall It Table
j mountain and the veil of mist that , cxcept-
ing on very clcir dnja , overhangs It South
Africans are pleated to term the "Table
cloth" Piisontlng a front of Milld nek
j 1,000 feet In height , as a wall
and fen half a mile on top eittlto Iovt-1 this
nuni'itiiln olfers the. best natural olgiibaard
on iMilh Time and again have Engll h
films Hlemptcd with fnbuleaib bums to
ture it foi advertising purposes , but us ytt
i theio has been no biith deficcincnt
I "Tnblo mountnln mail > t > the tip end of Iho
DaiK Continent Bolnu It nestles the tlty
of Cipelovvn , n beautiful b iv ( stretching out
In the foreground On thu west the moun
tain breaks olT abruptly and the lailronl
skills about H to the- Intel lor On the pint
It slopes oil into n hilly , plctuicemic formi-
tlon known as the 'Lion's Batk , ' and then
gi.aduallj rlne.s Into the DraKonsburg inotin
tains This Is the only greit mountain
i.aiiKc faouth of the Zambesi and by noting
its lointlon one- may understand In a trite
just what South Africa Is gcogiaphkally
' Steaming along the east coast from Cnp < -
Colony ttoilhwaid you have thu Drake nu-
burg In view ncnily all the way lo Delia ,
j a dibtniipo of 2,000 miles In Capo Colonv
Ixalul the mountains In m my pi ici s
to the watci's edge and with n Ileldglam
ono niuy sco on thelt crags a'nd peaks mnoke
culling ti ] ) fiom the nntlvo vllliigcs In
Portngui-so teirltory the inoiintnlnn icci'de
slightly from the coast and at Deligoi bo
Ihe-ro is an Inteivonlng streleh of lowlar'l '
twenty mllcw wide \t Ilolra thlu has in-
cioabod to bl-cty mllfS At the Xainbi-s | lllp
Drill enabuig eniln
To [ jet Into the Intoilor of South Afilci
fiom liny patt uf Iho livecnsL eoabt lauding
plaies , Pott ElUaboth , East London , Dnr-
bin , Delagoa biy and Ilolra , ono must first
CHH a shoit exlPiit of lowland and then
] nocund sleep inouiitalnB HavhiK nrrlveel
I there ) the ti nclof Is coiiRclourt of little en
I no descent , llvo-slxtha uf Iho whole ) Intcilm
I bolng n vast plateau that oNtcnds to the *
XiunlicHl on the north , the Atlantic ocein
on the west and varlc'H In altitude from
3,000 to n.OOU fec-t above the se-a le-vel
"A filngeof IroplPnl country , where bleiom
tlio magnolia and the lose , where flourish
the otango , plncnpplo , lemon , guano , gtapc
i banana the cotton and the ten plant , n
! long stioteh of jiiniintiiliiH running parallel
with tl < ( < Indian ocean , the hlglie- peaks
of which nio capped with snow nnd In
whose valleys vnvo tracts of whent an- '
coin , n vast pinlrlo. dotted here nnd Ili-n'
with patches of snub woodland , mission
Btntlons nnd Immtnso farms v. Ith millions of
, sheep nnd enttlo grn/liiR tlirirnn : n few
ilrusand hiimlrts bcnttcrcd Ilko O.IHCH OUT
gicut lupelrfcnpe , mndo black by the native )
Afrlcnna , wri live In UniUhcil liuttj nnd
\\cut hut n brcctliclmjt , a do en lare ;
towns , \vheio la he-ard the flnni ; of the Amrr
j Iciin trolley eat and Iho rlntler of tliu polleo
pall vl mid about vvlileh ine-n elustci tin ( ling
' gather to n Jar of sweets , tinremnanih
i of a oneo mighty zoolojlcal garden , Inclnd-
' Ing ninny Icopanln , btuutUul nnd lltlic
baboons , nntolopo , jiicktils nnd crocodiles a
] IOIH number of hippopotami mid n few herds
of buffalo , cli'iiliuiUH nnd giraffe-fc , HJIIIQ
Ire n ore , toinu coal , Homo coppui nnd n little
BlUcr , forty mllca of gold nnd 100 acres
of diamonds Tluit Is South Aft lea "
IM/ | | Ilf < - \VilB n > | . | l ,
Mr J E Lilly , n prominent tltl/en of
IlannllMl Mo , lately had n uonilcrfnl lie-
live nilico fiom n frightful death In ( piling
| of It ho bays "I wan takpn with Typhoid
Keor. > . that ran Into Pnrumonln. Mj lunpn
boinnit ) ImrdHiiid I VMIII no vvpnk I couldn't
o\cn tit up In bed Nolhlng hvlpcd me I
( upcetcd to soon die of Con umytlon. vvlicii
I hcMrd of Dr King's New DUcovery Ono
lioltlo sa > oroat ( rdli-f I contlnutd to n o
U and now nm well nnd utrong 1 cant Hay
too much In UH praise" Thin muivolouH
j mcdlunu Is Hi. ' miri-st and 'iul < ! ast nnn In
I Iho wo'lel for all Throat and Lung Trouble
It4iilai ; hum r ccnu and $100 Trial
bottle f 11 " iti KI lin fi Co a drug
Lti > bo Ii guuiaiuccd.