Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 02, 1900, Image 1

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French Starts fiS # f | [ # , spioiously fo
British Arms.
British Get Around Their Flank and Cans
Them to Run
Under Ganoml French Immsdiatel ;
Ocoapy the Town.
I'.liKllNli CoiiiiliiinilOf IOIIIN | IllH In
fiinltf Into \\IIUIIIIM to dinlilr It to
Tuni'l Minillniilill ) V
Mliht llnii-Ii.
, Cape Colony , Jan 1 fien
iral Trench him completely defeated th
Hoi rs and ocouplr-d Colcaberg.
The gelinral continued to keep the lloci
on the move and pres ed thorn closely Sat
in day and Sunday giving them no tlm
10 innku a piolonged gland , nml wlion da ;
brnke ho was within striking distance o
i hi' rncmy l.nst nlghl all the cavalry ni
n'leiy ' and Infantry , the latter riding li
v igniia lo Inticihii the geucrnl mobility
tfnried upon a night mnirh with the ob
j t of turning the Boors' right
I ho Hank operations wora successful
The infantry and field batteries Immediate ! :
madn a feint attack upon the Boer front
and hllc this was proceeding , the cunlr
nnd Ilirlit nitlllory got completely aromv
UK enemy's rlghi Hank , ns arranged
Tin progrnm worked without hitch Th
Hoi rs were utterly snrpll ed and flmllnj
their ro'iont threatened , lied In disorder t
the instnnril , leaving Colesberg In Oeiurj
rronch'b "jandw
llnriiHHlnu the llni-r lti > ti < > nl.
LONDON , Jan 2 'I ho Dally Alnll has th
following dispatch , dated January 1 , fror
Yisterdny nftcinoon a big force of cavalr :
and Infantry , with ten guns under the per
Horuil command of General 1'iench , movini
by doi'our , occupied yomo hills three mile
Irom Colesbeig wheto the Doeis wore ll
strength , lonlldcnt in the natural aid af
forded them by the hills around The en
emy ft position extended six miles aroum
the entire village U daybreak oui artll
loiy opened the battle
The Boeih were taken by surprise , but 10
plli'd vlgoiously An artillery duel wa
maintained for two hours Then a Bee
ll'tchklss collapsed mil was abandoned \ \ ' <
captured It A Boer big gun was silenced
but this nnd the other Boer guns were with
drawn to the northward , whither wo an
harassing the Boei loticat bv a dannglni
shell flic
Colesberg is In our bauds and the few re
mining loyalists arc Jubilant We have cap
( "rod many vvugons and n considerable qunn
tlty of stores.
Our losses weru unite Might , but tin
Hoeia must have suffered heavily They ma ;
Htop \chteitang 01 cross the river al o
gctbcr nt Norval's Pont , whore the bridge I
Bill ! intncl
( C'ops right ViOO , by l're = s Publishing Co
LONDON , Jan 2 , 2 30 a. m ( NewYorl
World Cablegram 'Special ' Tnlegram ) Tb
London Morning Post's military oxper
jiral cs fioneral Trench's Hanking movemen
nt night which forced the Boers to rctroa
nnd enabled him to occupy Colesberg. ll
writes "This is not merely a welcome sue
cess at A lime when a success was mucl
needed , but It indicates 'tho right way o
dealing with the Boers.
'It Is not pleasant to find that the II
Micccba of the British arms Induces seme o
our countrymen to talk of a compromise
nnd suggest a repetition of the moral col
lapse of 1881 The British nation cnnno
now make terms with the Bocis wlthou
nbindonlng more that South Africa"
The Leader's expert applauds Genera
Trench's movement nnd suggests that Gen
oril 'Mcthuen ' Bhould follow it ho example
The Dally Mall war critic calls Genera
Trench's movement ' a small success , " bu
approves thn tactics
The Telegraph , Standard nnd Chronlcl
< xperts fellow the same line in illbcusslni
the news of tbo bit tie
iiVA < ui.u.irr Tiiuotcii csi.oov
rrrui-Ii'N \ lrlur > UCRMrilnl UN all l'\
lllOIIIMOf SoillllI JllllKUKMlt ,
LONDON , Jan 2 4 30 n m The aiie
teas of General Trench In driving the Boei
fiom Colosberg has shot a welcome ray (
light through the- gloom of the campulg
In South Africa llvorywhero It Is ccxr
mcntod upon as an example of sound tactic
and ab an Illustiiillon of what may be dor
when the ilghl methods nro employed wit
thi Doers The goveinmont Is urged t
i il-o the loEfcon to heart nnd to see that n
Mono Is loft untuined In the endeavor t
hit llio luigest possible forccb of cavalr
nnd mounted lufantiy to the front.
Now that Gunoral Trench has the Boei
on the iun the hope Is that bu will glv
t.iWii no rest but will harass them tint
tluy have found their way aciojb the Oraiif
jlMi. vvhlih Is twelve miles dlKtant Tli
old wagon unite to the Tree Slate traveisc
Colosberg nnd crosses the ilvor by a tin
bridge. 1,310 feet long It Is billovod thi
the Boms retrouted townid Norvalspon
fuithci east , and the question is whethi
Gmoral Tiouch will bo able to secure thct
If , i bridges bofmu the Boers destroy then
Ono luipnrtant effect cf thu sucicss i
Gmoral Trench IB that It will piobahl
buv. . . a dclonont ortect on Dutch dlsaffectln
rhen > Is BOH 0 disposition hero to enlarge r
i hi. effect of Miinll engagements It Bhnul
In liorno In mind that Oenural Trench lr
unly 2con men nnd so far as the Inpoitai
points of campaign nro concerned the situ :
U n is virtiuUy luichangcd
XtMHllN DlNlMltlT Illll-r rilllll | ,
M Moddei river the Boors appeal to 1
m llfylng somewhat tlnlr line of dcfem'
( moral Buller's bcouts havu discovered
Buir i amp established In the vicinity i
-I ill gllold biuthwi'bt of Cole-nso by a Tr (
Mnio comma'ido \ similar movement lr
him iilddi' nt Mnddci rlvor A large foil
uf Ducrh , ll U reported , has fanned a ne
laagtr about flftevn miles down the etrean
at Kameolhook
Heliograph H'parts from Ladysmlth sho' '
ihat nil was well on Docnvtber 3 ! The bom
birdmont wan being continued , but Its In
loiiHity had relaxed An otllclal dlapatc
fniin Uidysmilth connrms the repot t cable
that several olllcers of the Dev
rcglme'iit woru Bovunly wounJcd b
the cxplojlon of a Boot shell In the mes
\ new armored train has reachel Gencu
llullir fr m Jurlwn
\ Capetown dUpatch say a tint an
change of prisoner * Is under coiibliloratloi
Lord \\olKulty implying to a coirci > poni !
ent who had asked for Information regard
ing the British artillery , wrote ' Our fleM
aitlllcry Is at least ns gcod ns any field nr-
tlllcry In Kurope "
The entire Sevpnth dlvlrlon will have
snllcd from England by January 11
A British firm , according to the Iially
News , after keen competition with several
American firms , has seemed the govern
ment contrar-t for the now soven-apar
bridge over the Tugoln river nt Colonso. .
The firm Is working night and dav to com
plete the rrdcr
It Is said that John Churchill , younger
brother of Winston Churchill , will accom
pany the duke of Marlhorough to the seat
of uar
( iuili Tntlnril ti > llntllulit < - IMrcil
In tltr Ml.lilliof Hi.-
Mull ! .
'Copyright Itrti , by press Publishing Col
CHIIJVKLIY : CAMP , nee ao i ir. p m-
( New Vorl- World Cablcgiam Special Tele
gram ) Urltlah naval guns shell Boor en-
trcnehmonts nt uncertain Intervals through
out the day The telescope shows the enemy
busily fortifying their position , extending
and deepening trenches In all directions
They appear to bear the shell llro with
much composure , although Information
shows It tn be not Ineffective
Lust night rain flooded the Boer Ironchcs
The population sleep lightly In Colenso
houses , ns guns trained by daylight are lltc'd
unexpectedly during the night The result
Is iinkrown
Searchlight signals all night from Chlovo-
luy to Lady smith arc In'e'-forcd with by
another light trying to cnnfuso the mes
sages nnd n strange conflict between beam"
of light results Halu falls frequently in
the Tugela territory and Its tilbutarlcs ris
ing , aggravate thp strategic situation by
closing drifts but engineers declare they
can bridge anything Newspapers rrom
nuglnnd , showing the unswerving resolve
of the nation , cause relief und snt-
Istictlon In i amp. the boldlers feailng
weakness of friends more than the strength
of the enemy
Large numbers of American citbotn bnvt
found their wav Into the vailous volunteer
corps There are seventv-hve in one corps ,
making admirable soldiers They me daring
and alert , establishing binding friendship1
with colonists Nearly nil corps have va
cancies for officers and no gentleman ol
inllltaiy training fiom England able to ridt
and shoot Is long without a job
UU DIIIIciiItlfN fircntl.v Inn i-aicil In
Iliifori-ril Oclnj since | | 1 ( .
LONDON , Jan. 2 The Standaid's cor-
tespondent at Trero Camp , telegrnphinj
I January 1 , snye ;
! Sir Chnrk-s WaiTen's division is now
ncaily complete Its hcaduarter ( | will b <
at Hstcourt
H Is lumoicd here that the guns capturen
from General Buller at Coleuso have beei
jnounted In the hills commanding the drlfi
ovei the Tugeln rher at Springfield Thi
Boers , It appeared , captuied 620 round !
of Bhrapnel when they took the guns.
Gcnmal Buller s difficulties have been Im
measurably Increased by the enforced de
lay since the last engagement. Ho now has
before him n series of nrllod and fortlfln1
hills running sixteen miles along the line
of the Tugela Those arc swnrmlng with tht
enemy , posted In positions of great strengtl
and bristling with guns wh'e the river it
front Is In full Hood i'ht coming butl <
will tcrtnlnly We the stlffest and probablj
the most momentous of the entire campaign
IOOIINrrltiat HNti-oni t fiom
IllitT Ni- \rinori-i : Tin lit
nt CliU-\elc > .
( Copyright , 1 < WO , by Piess Publishing Co )
CHinvnLGY , Jan 1 12 2" . p in ( New
York World Cnblegram Special Telegram )
All quiet , except an occasional shelllnp
by the naval guns nnd exchange of shoi
between the pickets nnd patrolh
Strong reinforcements have nrrlved nl
Kitcourt from Mool river , making the force
nt Buller's disposal very powerful
The Boers are still strengthening thelt
entrenchments and their position is grow
ing dnllv stronger *
Last night a beautiful nor armored tialr
nrrlved from Durban , passing the wreck ol
Us predecessor , nnd paraded through cnmi
ns fni ns the naval batteiy Xo one has yel
applied to go with it ns spcctntor
More Humors ot nil Atti-inpt to Hi
M.ule hj tinHiiiKluiN to
( lliilnri- .
OAPT-TOWN , Jan 1 Ugly rumors are Ir
circulation of a Dutch rising with the object
of seizing Capetown and the docks and cap-
luring the governor of Capo Colony , Sli Al-
ficd i.Mllner The. center of the movemom
IB snld to bo Pnnil , a village nboul thirty
miles from Capetown , where n meeting ol
the .Afrikander bund was hold yesterluy
\ similar mooting was held at Hichmom
on December J8 , nnd It Is reported that tin
members of the bund In these two town ;
nro acting In concert
The members of the bund nt Wllllngtor
and the Dutch In Clan William district nn
said to bo nrmod with iMaiisers nnd to IK
nnxlous to use them In lM > hnlf of the Boers
Although the stories of n rising are discred
ited the police and mllltnry nro Inking am
ple piecautlons
vv rniinilliinil 1III Ili-nrvv
nil-lit with I hiI'niieli
i-rnilli'Ml ,
LONDON. Jnn 1 The second edition o
the Times publishes n dispatch from St
John's , N T dated December 31 , saying
"All the polltlMl parties agree that a ro
nownl of the modus vlvoiidl for another yea
Is n measure which will pass unanlmousl ;
both houses about April 1 Ul the colonist
nro united In a deslro to abslbt the emplr <
by every possible means '
The fe\u that Newfoundland would refus
to renew the modus vldondl has bceti a bug
bear to the Imperial government , man ;
nuthorltles declaring that It constltute/i th
gravest possibility of complications will
Trance Thus the news that the modu
vlvemll will bo renewed has been recelvei
with the greatesl icllcf
itoim sioms : .vr nni-u.ov u\t
l.onilou Mcii'hniil Snjo Thi-j Can Si-
iiiri'I In1 ni li } Unlit ,
iCopylight , I ! " * } , by Press Publishing co
LONDON , Jnn 1 ( New York World Ca
blcgram Spc lul Telegram ) A Londo :
merchant ! < n South African trade In nn Inter
view fays great quantities of stou
fhlppetl from England to the Transvaal before
fore wur broise out uru now stored with th
( Continued on Second Page )
New YCRI'S Oelcbratfon at Havana Show
Great Change in Sent imnt.
Xntlnnnl 11 % tun nml In
'd Iliiniii-r Until Viiliiuilpil
tin1 I'liniiliuMI'nraili *
I'rlnrliMil ' IrrctH.
HAVANA , Jan. 1 The new year Va
ushered in wllh n torch-light proessbi
which , forming just before midnight am
preceded by a bund , left the lower pradi
and made the circuit of the prlnclpil streets
Almost the only tune played was the Cubai
national hymn. Everybody seemed to bi
nvvalto nnd awaiting the advent of 1000.
Ihu strain ? or the populnr hymn drov
the people everywhere to windows and door
wnyu nnd the procession was greelcd will
enthusiasm Numerous small boys kepi U |
a fire-ciacker fuslllndo along the entlie Urn
of march All the prominent Cuban sen
erals wue cheered , although theie Is m
doubt that Ihelvas were chlelly for "On
ban llbre "
Prreldenl McKlnlcy nnd Governor Genera
Wood came In for a llbeial eluro of popu
lar applnuse
The procession having returned to lh- -
prndu and the bnnd having once ngalt
played the Cuban national hymn , semi
Americans present called for "The Stv
Spnnglod banner" The band Immediate ! ;
complied and the crowd cheered lustily
One of the sccietarles who displayed tin
customary reticence of the best class o
Cubans about giving their names for pub
llcnllon In connection with an Intel\lev
nuido this statement to the Assoclatei
Press today
1.1 cut CIllllIKO I" 'I Month.
"A wonderful change seems to have conii
ovci the Cuban people during the last fev
weeks. It would have been Impossible 01
December 1 to ha\e aroused the enthuslasn
which was displayed labt nlghl during tin
piny Ing of the 'Star Spangled Bonner ' Sucl
cheers as were given for President McKtn
ley while the procession was passing throng !
the streets could not have beun raised [ o
him or for any other American a montl
ago The change , In my opinion , Is due ti
a dlsappe mince of that distrustful rcellni
which dining a greater part of last yea
had been gradually growing among th
Cuban people
"Piesldent AJcKinley's message to congro-
wns the first light the Cubans had siei
for a long time It came like the sun afte
davs of bad weather and gloom. Then foi
lowed the appolntmonl or General Wood
whom the Cubans have always admired , Ii
view ot what he did In Santiago , the mos
difficult province to rule In the island Sine
his published remarks on various occasion
nnd in consldeiatlon of the manner Inhic
he has already taken hold of affairs , th
Cubans are not only satisfied with him , bu
are beginning to love him
' In summoning a conference of reprcsenta
tlvo Cubans to meet him , General Wooi
displays tmo statesmanship His actloi
shows that though there arc only &K cabInet
Inot appointments , the governor general desires
sires prominent Cubans to express the !
views ns to future administration , Intend
Irp IT so far as tLell suggestions are prac
llcnl , to carry these out and nlso Intendln :
that these who attend the conference shonl
carry back to their respective provinces ,
good working Idea of General Wood and th
cabinet nnd be able to answer questions , t
dispel fears and doubts and to glvo assur
anccs to the people of the absolute good
faith of the United States regarding Cub
llbro "
Coloroil IIInfer * In ( MenTnrKO * .
While Generals Maso , Rabl and Lara , wh
were here to attend General Wood's councl
of representative Cubans , weio pasaln
through Clcnfuegos they were escorted rroi
the vessel to the hotel , where a banquc
was tendered them Meanwhile a larg
crowd or colored people had gathered t
demand'from the authcrltles that the re
mains of Dlonlslo Gil , the colored brigadic
genornl In the Cuban army who hnd bee
shot and killed the previous day by th
police , after lie hnd hhot and wounded tw
policemen who were In the act of nrresti i
him , sht ulil bo exhumed nnd buried wit
proper honors
The demonstrators marched through th
town , unfurled a black Hag and raised riot
ons cries agnlnst the authorities The chic
of police was fired at live times Genert
Mnso and Mayor Aleiman addressed th
trivvd which at flrsl would not disperse
Eventually , however , the pollco succccde
in icstorlng order and calming the peopli
The Jockey club races today were largel
attonued Cuban society was out in forci
n largo number of peisons being In car
ilagcs I-lghty per cent of the America
colony was present , Including General Wooc
General Lee , General Clnffee and Gener.i
Ludlow , with tholr families
i < tuMii.rrutv roiw i :
Hut Tno DciiiirtiurittN lo IIIIifl On
o' SI ; . .
WASHINGTON , Jan 1 It Is probabl
that the present month will be marked b
a complete reorganization of the mllltai
commands In Cuba The Impression pre
vails that there Is to bo n heavy rcduetlo
In these commands and It Is Intimated tin
the outcome will be the creation of tw
departments Instead of the six which orlg
Inally compribod Cuba , and the four Int
which the. island Is now divided Gener.i
Wllsoir , who commands the Matan as an
Santa Clara departments , has been ordere
to Washington nnd It Is not the presen
Intention that hn shall return to Cubi I
Is s.ald that whllo hero he , with Gencr.i
Davis , who Is coming from Puerto Hie
nnd Is duo on the 6th at New York , wt ]
confer with the committees of cougres
having to do with the creation of n net
form of government for Puerto Hlco nn
with legislation for Culm during the time I
ehall remain under American control Th
combined department of Santlago-I'uert
Principe Is without a commander , althoug
the duties of the post vacated by Genera
Wood upon his promotion to the govenio
generalship are being temporarily discharge
hy the senior colonel Thus the entlr
orient , ns the eastern hnlf of the Island I
called is without a permanent commandei
H Is understood that the four depaitment
of the orient will bo consolidated Into on
and that n brigadier general will bo name
by Secretary Hoot , on the recommendjtlo
of General Wood , to take command , wit
headquarters at Santiago
Kiiltclitlu < of L'luirli-N ii | < il ,
WASHINGTON , Jan 1 The announce
ment that Mr Charles Eliot of the Hrltlb
embassy has been among these rccchln
the queen's New Year's honoia by belli
made a knight of the order of st Mich it
and St George was received with liitcrea
In diplomatic circles here , as Mr Ullc
Is well known and universally estecnict
I Whnn the Samoan dilllculty reached a crit
leal stage last summer Mr Hllot was deelg
nated as the British commlfaloner for Sa
n'oa loiulng Baron Sternberg of Gorman
laud Dartlet Trlpp of this country In a visl
to Samoa , which hnd the salutary cffcc
of relieving the Immediate trouble and pn\
Ing the way for the final adjustment o
the Snmonn controversy Throughout th
difficult ) Mr Kllot acted In such u vUv ns t
i win not only the stiong approval of his owi
government but the best wishes of Washing
ten so that the honor now given him I
gratifying to State department oftlclals a
well as to his associates of the dlplotnatl
Vlilo to OfKiuilrc Until llrmii'lii'K o
tin * 1,1'ulsliiliii c tlnolii'l Trtntio-
ini ; Srniitc I'rchliliMit.
THANKTOHT , Ky. . Jan. 1. Senator One
bcl was nominated by the senate caucus fo
piesldent pro tern , Claud Desha foi chic
clerk and William Cromwell for nsslstan
clerk The entire slate of the Gocbel organ
l ntlon for places In the senate wen
| All doubt ns to the ability of the Goebe
! democrats to organize both houses of thi
legislature wai dissipated by the nt
tcmlanco In the democratic.caucus tonight
In the house caucus all of the Hfty-elgh
democrats answutcd to roll will ami pnrtlc
Ipated In the fcCMiati' four dcmocints re
malncd out Senators Alexander , Hnve > , Gil
! lesplo nnd Hoberts Senator Hill was sic )
and absent , but Is not classed with thi
| In making the caucus Senator Harold cro <
nted n sensation by making an alleged cv
pose of the nntl-Gnebel loaders , declaring
that ho had been approached by J W
Whallen of Louisville nnd paid $4GOO t (
remain out of the caucus. Tim money , hi
said , had bien placed In n box with tin
Louisville Trust company , the key to whlcl
ho passed up to Senitor Gocbel , who wa-
presiding over the caucus , ending his speed
by declaring tint ho had entcied into tin
deal for the purpose of exposing Whallet
ami fnrthei that there was not monej
enough In the world to mike him dlsloya
to his party and his state.
The result of nil the oaiifuslng anil
other things transpiring during the day let :
to ia big falling off ID the nnti-Blackburr
stodv tonight and It Is admittedly question
able whethoi 'the ' P Wat Hardln movement
will be come ni formldnble as It promised
lo on Haidln's arrival hero last night
Hnrdin in still on the ground , however , am
he and his lieutenants nio working llki
Trojans to hold the nntl-Goobel element-
iScnatoi Goobel issued a call for a caucus
tomorrow night He states that the cam
I eus Is for the solo purpose or nominating i
candidate for United States senator. 0
course Blackburn will be the only nami
presented , and he will be nomina cd by ac
clamatlon. The calling of a caucus for senator
ator nl this early date n move on tin
i pant of the Goobcl leaders to put an end tc
the stories that In the event , that Goebe
should fall In his contest he might attemp
j to wrest the sencLorshlp from ninrkhmn
I The republicans decided tonight to holi
a conference tomorrow night and elect ,
republican slate of candidates. This actloi
ivas taken when It became apparent tha
the anti-Goebcl republicans could not or
ganize either house The nntl-Goebel leader
fray the large attendance at the democrat !
caucuses tonight does not Indicate nnythlni
i ns to the gubernatorial contest or the sen
ntorshlp , as In the senate the Goebel mci
and antl-Goebcl men entcror ! Into a deal li
regard to the division of offtt * . In that sen
tlon nnd that sevoial others would hav
stayed out but for this agreement.
I.urni' OuniititlfN si | ( | to I'o Cent
t > i > ni > il \ liui7tin - M HIIK-
! : .nil I'l i
NHW YOHK , Jnn 1 V special to th
Times from Burlington , Vt , says It is reported
ported that thu Tenl.ins me engaged li
storing large quantities of ih nunite , lyd
dlte ammunition and hupplkh In a fei
selected rcposltoiies In remote districts I
Vermont and Maine near the Canadla
boundary line The Information comes fror
persons who claim to have knnnledge o
the purchase' of sonic of the supplies an
others who leained of their tiansportatlo
by railroad , disguised as giocerie-s Dynamil
.and other explosives have been secured I
surprisingly largo quantities and store
' underground on the Verm < nt bonier , whll
1 quantities of canned meats have hcen hldde
In some large bains of sympathising fatmer
on the Maine line neir New Hampshlie
It Is said that an ofllclil ambulance corp
Is beiig organized under the supervision r
a few loyal Irish women and surgeons wh
I were engaged in the work In Cubi The
nre also prcpaiing a lumber ot "flist aid
I packages for the invading force
I The movement Is the work of the Ills
I element of the larger cities , but It is a fac
that n largo nnd impoitnnt woik Is belli
,110110 , ntncng the fartnois In the bordc
, states A schedule Is being nrrnnged t.
| faimcrs who can fuinlsh wagons nnd horse
nnd oxen for transportation pui poses , n
this Is regaided as n most Import int detai
A careful study Is being made cf the amn !
railroad branches In not them New Hnglan
nnd places are being located where the roa
could bo cnptured by a very small force
\u Oruaaliitlonlilrli IH I'ri'imi < <
to Sfifnil SKKI.IIDd.lKMI or II o li
on ( InDrill. .
CHICAGO , Jnn 1 The Record tomorroi
will say Information reached Chicago yesterday
torday of the proposed foimatlon of a com
blnatlon lo control the /Inc output of th
lulled States Woik ni the scheme ha
1 been begun and Initial stops are being take
j In Kaunas City According to 0110 of th
best-known 4lnc operatois , who \\ns In Chi
cngo yesterday , the plan Includes not mil
tbo contiol of the mines but of the smeltin
plnntB as well. Within a short time iupie
sontativcs cf the combination will got
' price on the producing zinc mines lu th
' Jopllu ( Mo ) district and eeturo options o
them II hns been estimated by the promoters
motors that It will take In the ndghborho
tf ? Hi0.uoo,000 to swln0' the unaurtnkin
successfully and this amount with ns muc
more as may bi > necessary la ready tn g
Into the scheme
The con blnatlon will bo built along slm
' liar lines to the Tederal Stool company
I which controls so per cent of the Irmi out
i put of thu count i y.
Ohio \NN ' | | | | I ! > I out I'lll'H ,
COLUMHTS O Jnu 1Thoevenly
fourth general nfcsemblv met todav am
oleotfd thu republican ciiuruu nominees b'
a strut i > nty vote An adjoiinunimt v\u
thin taken until tomorrow , when Oovernu
Bunhnoll's nif agc will be read I'mler th
irorgnnlzdtlon Judgi A G } { evnolrs ] u
1 jil.n > outitj Is snenkor of the huufo am
O car Shepard president pro tern of lh
Honate GnveTnor Jones bold
ovir until ni-xt Mondai when ho vv'll b
f-um-ede-d bv lion John A Culdwi.ll o
I i : > aimfll > il > looil > l.i-rt No Will.
i lion was urei.onted lu the nnhQte court to
duy lure by W H Mi.oily eldest son of th
Intu Ilvanyellst Moody asking that he b
.ippuiiuod ulinlnlntrator of hli fdthorg is
late II h iMtltlon will bo artid r > n tomor
low whin ll Ib txpeitid i hi ri uuefi wil
Mi. cr iui.i TIu ivaiifcillhl Jtfi no will
Pivo New Members Change the Gomphx'o :
of School L'oard.
llnnril Inline * ( lie AVin U of I InMi (
Uoiiiliiiillntr rnftlon mill MnUos
lni'iili" > Into lireKttlnr
tlnu of < otitrai't * .
With the accession or five ntnv member
to tlio Hoard of IMucnilon last night i
srrlcs of InlerMtliig developments began
The former minority , maJo tip mainly n
Hurgcss , llnywaid , Thomas nml 1'enfolil
beratno the nucleus of nn acll\o majorit
cn lstlng In addition of Wood. llowni ]
Smith. Johnson nml llinianl The bean
organized al Its first mooting by the eloi
tlou of Burgess as president nuil llovvnri
iuslco president Burgees' only compotlto
was Pcnfold , who hnd expressed his deslr
not to bo considered for re-olectlon Til
vote rtood Per llurgo's Hajard , Wood
I low mil , Smith , John on , Barnaul Monrc
T ) onino and 1'itifclil Tor Tenfold Hu
chaiian , Teal and Cowle Ilo\\nid was tlv
uiiatilmoiiH choice foi vice picsldent Bile
icmaiks of a courteous nnturu were o\
chniiRi'd blween the Incoming nnd ontgolni
llip Hilt Important stop of the new boaii
was the romo\al of Truant Olllccr Ilcss. ap
pointed b > the old dominant faction as om
of Its final pieces of loglsl itlon Dlrsatls
faction hid been foil with the election because
cause the functions of the olllco had bcoi
previously executed bj the sect elan of tin
boaid without teeming dllllcully The nx
pendlturo of f 1,200 yearly for Mich a pur
1 ese was looked upon at an um\arrantL <
Mr Hctci , who was one of the onlROlni
members , had f 1,1 HUM 1 the resolution whirl
established him In the position ailroltlv nin
will not yield his place without a struggle
The woitllng of the original resolution wa
tl at Us pas.sago by the board nnd the nr
crptance of the position 1 > > thp nppointo
should constitute a contract binding upoi
the board The new Incumbent will eonton <
that the board his no power to declare th
obligation canceled. The resolution to do
clnro the election void was Introduced b
Thomas and pat-cd bj a vote of 'i to I.
Itintli'e for ( ontriii-lorN.
The board took olllclal notice of com
plaints of contractors ami material me
and , on motion of Hayward , an iiivestlgatln
committee was appointed to look Into vari
ous orders iccentlj placed The contractor
ha\o claimed tint material foi the thie
new grammar schools has been purchase
either for the highest amounts bid 01 with
out proposals 1mIng been hulled at al
Particular dissatisfaction existed tcgardln
the contiaclH for blackboards and blind'
The fOKner were purchased at 22H cent
per square foot , when a bid had been suli
milled at 2J cents , , nnd the latter ordci wa
placed without material men In genet.
Knowing of the contemplated purchase Th
action In both tnscs was iniolatlrn c
the printed rules of the board , which prc
vide foi open competition
The resolution presented provided tbi
Ihoi committee should examine in parthulu
the letting of the contracts named an
sh-uld hoa- such other complaints ns mlgl
bo presented. It was adopted by a unaiil
mous vote , and Bainnid , Snilth and John
SOD were appointed to conduct the In
lroti" t AKiilimt Saloon.
A resolution was introdiiLCd by Smith ill
rrcting the secretary to foimnlly protc ;
to the license board agalnsl Ihe granting i
a llqu i permit to Chris Jensen , I'ourleent
and Cass streets The proposed site adjoin
the Cass school , but the board had nc
prevloubly objected owing to the nvowe
intention of Jensen to occupy new quarter
at a more suitable distance turn the plav
ground His , new location , ho\\e\cr , w.i
considered equally "unacceptable and the res
olutlon was passed , all concurring excei
Barnard , Buchanan , Covvio nnd Penfold
The rules previously used to go\crn th
deliberations of the board were adopted fc
the ensuing year with their amendment !
The certificates of election prescribed b
the new members at the beginning of th
session were acted upon favorably 111
brard then adjourned to meet on Tliur.da
I I ) ( > | iiirtini-iit CoiiimiiiiilrrN ninoil fo
I National \Nsoi-liitlon of Siuin-
IHIniiricMiii AVlir.
L\NCASTHH , Pa , Jan 1 General Wll
Us J Hullngs , eommnnder-ln-clilef of th
National Association of Spanish-America
War veterans , today announced the follow
Ing appointments of department command
Arkansas , Colonel Virgil T Cook , Call
foinln , Colonel Victor Duboco , Tloildr
Colonel Irving i : Wnbster. Illinois , Colonel
onol D. Jack Tester , Indiana , Captain Wll
Ham H niiglish , Kansas , Major A M Hai
vey , Mlnne.soti , Major Krancls H. Bldwoll
Missouri General Milton Moore , Montant
Colonel C n Lloyd ; North Dakota , Colonc
William C Truman , Pennsylvania , Chrlstc
jiher T O'Neill , South Carolina , Colonc
Wyllo Jones , Texas , Colonel G W. Hardy
Washington , Major Edward H Tex , We
Virginia , Captain John P. White , Wlscon
hln. Colonel M T Moore
Thcso olllcers , together with the com
niniukt-In-chief and ndjiitnnt general ( ex
olllcio ) , shall constitute the executive bom
or council of administration and they wli
Immediately bclect a stuff to consist of n
assistant adjutant general an nsslstai :
quartermaster general , an assistant Inspoc
toi general , nn assistant surgeon genet a !
a Judge ndvocate , a signal officer and
ihaplnln , who will hold ofilco until furthc
1'reinii Inn for the t lilrnno Confei i-ni *
In Teliriinrv ( lialrnutii l.oi'U Miiil
i IHHIU-K a Sdileiiient.
CHICAGO , Jan 1 Members of th
oxoditlvo ( ommlUeo of the national null
trust confcicnce to be held In Central Musi
hall , Tobruary U , hold a short canfeient
today it the Sherman house M L Lock
vvoad cf Pennsylvania , chairman of th
committee , afterward Issued a statement 1
which ho hald
"Uvory day the anti-trust sontlmen
iliroughout the country Is becoming Inteii
silled nnd cvnywhere the cry Is going ur
'What can bo done lo save the counti
from the oppression of the trusts1 Th
' mission of tbo confcrcnco Is to answer thi
cry To the political economists on
dtatesmcn of the conference , rather tlu
tn the politicians of the tommy , will th
pcoplo look fui nn utterance which wil
lead to their deliverance
"The n\o should be laid to the root t
the tree of special pilvllejscg The plan I
to treat the cauacb rather than the ofroJ
to strike at apodal lulvllegeu hardest an
flirt In government ownership only en
lailway favoritism be prcventcl Govern
incut control undei curporate owm-rahl ,
has proven n failure In order tn destroy
the trists wo must take from them the
I special advantages uIil.Mi have created
and thev wil wither of their own weight IH
thov moot tlu- energetic cnmpotlve capacity
I cf the American peiple
j ' It Is the plan to orgnnlro nil who arc
oppo'rd to trusts with n view of uniting
I the fi lends of free loin In every stile ,
| iountv nnd school district In , tlint concen
trated action vvlilih nlotie can piovo effec-
the "
Voi'lilo" ! O"i'iirN i t \\nnnir. ( Knu-
! t nit. W'i'ii tlt > \tliMiiiit-4 to
Mount n lloi-sr.
( Copvilgbt , I'KH ) , lij Piess Publishing Col
LONDON , Jan 1 ( New York World Cn-
bleginm-k pe HI Toleginm ) Hlchard Cio-
ker wns about to mount his hor'i > yesterday
morning nl the domstep of the Ilngllsli
place moat houfc. Wnntago when the mil-
mnl suddenlv shied The ground was Just
frosU enough to be slippery Crokor'n foul
wont out from under him mil he fell IUMV-
llv breaking bis loft leg Ho vvns cnirled
Into the house where ho ban been spending
the holidays with his wife ami niece Dr
Kmuraon or Wnntago called at nine anil
snicceeded In reducing the' rrncturo wlthou !
dilllculty Umorson repot u tonight from
\\.imago that tbi pit lent Is as comfoi table
ns could bo expieted nnd that the case It
coming on favotably
rilXllt llMT INflttC DlMI-llMIH tllllt ll >
\\IIM II II | . 1'I'I < T fllllll till-
llrltlNli Vrnli.
SlOt'X T\LLS. S 1) , Jnn 1 The strug
gle going on In court here between ilalm-
nuts from Ireland Can tda and the I nltei :
States Tot the estate of John MoClellni :
has brought to light the secret of his life
which led to his retlcenco as to his pasl
and his relatives
He was a deserter from the Billish armj
and feared death If apprehended
The American nnd Canadian clnlmnnt1
have Joined hands They are Mrs Mnrgarel
Bulklev , Chicago Mrs Marv Vine Ginm
Ilnptds , Mich , Thomas McCkllnn Cnlgarv
Northwest Tenllory William MeClcllin , NL
agara. Out , nil claiming to be brothel-
and slsteis Their competitors , me Mary
McCIellin and Margaret Hnmlll , county
Aimigh , licland clnluiliig to bo nieces , am
still another , John McClcllan , Belfast , Ire
land , claiming to be n. nephew. Ho hni
just appeared by his allot noy Law yen
from Canada and Ireland are here and tin
contest bids fair to last a week longer a
cNliU-nt Ilariii-r of < hn'nno Inntltii.
tioii AVIIIiiiiouiiic X < - \ \ \onr'N
iift : of sttToooo. : :
CHICAGO , Jon 1 The University or Chi
ingo has received a New Year's girt o
$ " , 370 000 President Harper will make tin
announcement tomorrow at the quaiterl ;
convocation of the university In Studobakei
hall The president hoped to nnnouuu
that the university would ho $1,000,000 richer
1 ut ho has not been able to ralso the $315-
000 which , duplicated by John D. Ilocke
fcllet , would mnko up thnt amount How
ovei , Mr. Hockofellci has wired that In
will extend 'ho limit throe months and li
Ihat time Dr. Harper thinks he Is reason
nblv sure of getting the mo-,1 of the money
BB ho his several large donations in pros
Tour yeaib ago Mr. Ilockefoller gave tin
uulvcislty $1,000,000 and promised lo dupli
iate every amount donated befoio Jnnuarj
1 , 1000 , up to $2,000,000. One yenr ago Dr
Harper had secured $ lnri,000 from variant
boutccs to .apply to the $2,000,000. Since thu
this amount has been raised $ " 50,000 H i :
undeistood thnt much of the inonoy hni
ccmo from business men ot this city.
LTNltll'N Of Nl'IinisKll , l
Nonil anil KansiiN Ili-ni
In an
KANSAS CITY , Mo , Jan 1 The West-
tin Philosophical society wab organised hen
today nt n meeting attended by scholar !
who hold chnliB or phllctiophy , othles o ;
other blrnllar btauehcb In the unlve'isltlei
| or four weslcrn stales These olllcers won
! President , Dr Trnnk Thllly , Missouil mil
! vcrslty , vlco prcRldont , Di. Olin D Temp.
Hn , Kansas unlvomlly , secretary nnd treas
1.1 or. Di A H Hill , Nebraska nnlvorplty
I executive committee , Dr S W T Patrick
Iowa unlverulty , and Dr. Cleland B McAfee
PaiK college.
I The object of the society IB "to stlmulati
i an Interest In philosophy nnd to oniourngi
original roboirch
1 A philosophical maga/lne will probablj
bo founded
( iiiuul .III 1-5 AVIilrli HUM lli'rn liiti'Mtl-
KII 1 1 OK Illx < IIHIla : , < < H rinul
CONCOHD. N 11 , Jnn L The gram
Juiy reported to Judge Aldrlch today Ni
Innlctmiiit was found ngalnat Senator Gal
linger , charged with violating the clvl
Hurvlco laws In soliciting subscriptions fo ;
eanipalgn pui poses from fedtrnl ( jlllceholil
i It Ivor ' lotii'it ( it SI , IOIIN | ,
1 ST LOt'LS. Jtm -For 1 the first Hint Ir
mjiiy years Mimiimliiiil river IH floret
ever lureA Htoiitly tuld snap Hint hui
I i-xlbtod for nv - < k or tnote has formed c
i short of IIH thnt rcBlstt ) the river I juts Ai
, rtsult no boats are arriving or dennrt-
ilng und the ferries have been cuiniiullct ] u
\ilviinri- for * ( . .lONi-jili
ST JOSWJI Mo. Jun 1-lournoymer
pa'ntor ' * of this city /wao threat * md It
strike linvo hciiirtd an ndvaiiif of 20 pel
cent iu WHI.LH and nine hums Instead ul
j ton na a day s wurk
Vlll > I'llKMIlN Of lll'CHII Vl'XNI'lK , .Illll , I
At l ondon Sailed MarquottP , for Now
Al .Manila ( Pecumbor JO ) Sailed Monnu
foi Portland , Ore , ( January li Unllti
. Siati sti-arntr Thoinan for Sin Trunelmci
1 via Nagasaki
At New York Arrlvml Thlngvalla , frorr
I At Movllle Arrival Monti.lulc. fnnn .St
John , N H vlullillfax for Liverpool
At Llvi rpool Anivc Ltiuilti from NI w
I 'N ork
Insurgent Chieftain's ' Wife and Sisters Sur
render to Mrjor Mnrsb ,
Capitulation Takes Plnw at Bontoo , in the
ProvmoaofTlnt Name ,
Cabuyo , on Lacuna do Bay , is Occup'ed ' by
Two Battalions.
Oiullniiilrcil nml Plflj l'i I MI in * r and
Pour sK-Poiimler linn * TnUeii
I MII I tnt > i Icnn * vt o
M \NILA , Jan 1 Agulimldo's wife , sis-
lets nnd eighteen 1'lllplnos have surron-
dried to Mnjor Marsh's battalion of the
Thlid Infantry nt llontoc , province of that
Three Filipino olllcon nlso c < urrondciod to
nnd the rillplncH ga\e up two
bpanlsh nnd two Amorlcan prisoners
Tim report sent out In nn Amcilcin iHl
en several days nBo that Agulmldos wife
hid died was Inconect She was \ery nun h
exhausted by the midships lialdint to the
progress of the rillplno auny nnd found it
impossible to nntloipu the Hgors of fuithor
soiilliriii Vil , nirtIN Memiii.
The Hist movement of , , general Kouthorn
athinco occur.e.l . . thU morulnK when ) „
bittalons of the Twenty. ninth Infanl.v .
landed and occupltd Cnbuvo on the Eontl ,
side of haguna do Bay Two \ni.MleaiiF . woi , .
Killed nml fem wuc Bounded Twenty -
om of the '
enemy's dead were found in mio
house One bundled nnd Iim prisoners nnd
' ° " " "C1 Il'"lHlro ' (
tui'ed B1II1S TO fap-
The gunboat Ungiinn de lln bombarded
the town heroic the .lisemhaiU Ion of tint
" eons from the ( a coes. which was mud *
umlcr the enemy s bhrapnel lire
The enemy e\ncuaed ( the place moU.1 . ( , .
( o feanta Kosa. to hlch town the\ were
Pursue I Homy nghtlng
occurred along the
load ui Sam. . Hosa , the Insuigcnts
; ng Sonth toward Sllang 'Ihe Americans
burned the country between nnd around
Cabuy o
The gunboat returned to Calamba foi re-
inrcrcemcnts nnd thence enme to Manila to
fetch ammunition She recently captuied two
of the enemy's steam launches under UK'
lire of artillery nt Calamba and also four
caseous laden with rice
Othei regiments are mobilizing tonight at
San Pedio Miuatl and Caslg proparntoiy to
continuing the southern .uh.incc
) " ! 'lllOIINIIIHl rllllllllllH III Pll | .
Yesterday's caj turo or bombs Involved tli
vlzurc or documents ipculpatlng 1,000 rill-
Lines who Ir.iuidcto ] rise ngalnnt the
Americans , Papers wore nlso found showing
.1 dl'tilbution of the city Into dish lets nml
a careful assignment of leaders and follow
ers The Precautions taken by the Ameri-
eins on Saturday. It | h now evident nlono
pro\ented an uprising The pro\ost mni-
bhal las requested that two moro icglmiMits
bo dtailcl foi the piotection of Manila.
Thito thoiiFand troops are now actually In
the city.
MiiKi-i l'roii | > mil to < OIIHII ! Wllilniim tc
V-coinc Vini-rliMiii ( MIl/iMii ,
( Copy right , vm , ij , s piisiiinK | | | Co ]
'HO.NT ' KONO Jan 1 ( N'cw York World
Cablegram Special Telegram ) l.IchaiK o ,
tieasiuer of the Hong Kong Junta , on behall
of his committee , has made proposal
thiough an Ameilcnn rltlzen to Coiihul
Wlliliiian to submit allegl.mco of himsplf nnd
colleagues to the Unl cd States Previously
ho bad consulted the nuthorltles In HOUR
Kong as to thu possibility or thi entire )
Junta becoming British subjects , but was
Informed It would ho Impossible ns they nro
insurgents ngalnst the United Slates
Tiniiiio llroiiKlit (11 Manila.
M \NMLA , Dec ! ! 1 C 10 p m The
transport Haflro hns arrived nt Manila ,
bilnging folonel Tlnnno , who 'Is ' much
Kilcvcd nt being supplanted by Colonel
Hood as mllltaiy governoi of Cagaynn prov
ince Ho looks upon Manila an n nest of
Insuigtiits who may assassinate iidn be-
( .uifcc he hiirrcmlcied Cngayan He says Unit
when Colonel Hood arrived the presidents
of all the towns or the province repalied to
Appalrl and begged him to inntlniip thorn
in their present positions , saying nlso that
the natives d < sired to bo rid of the Mnucu-
bebes , the filurs and the colored American
hoIdlcrB , toward whom liny entertained n
\lolent antlpithy
Slxty-i-lght sick out of Mnjor Hatchelor'a
command of UO nio coming to Manila
\ttorniM lllniH tluif tin * IiiNiirnnn *
ruiiivnio Illi.-d a linn ( , , | ' , . | -
NOIII.Il- ( | | l > Ill-llll ,
LOS ANiins ( ! : , C'al , Jan 1 Attorney
Oscai Ilambergcr , who represented the helfH
In the WohlfHdlm case when they fought
to lecovoi the $10,000 llfo liibiiianci. from
the New York l.lfo Insnrnnco company , Is In
the city. He will not ghn up his < aH < > ,
though hlH clients Inivo wulvod their claim
to the $10,000 He docs not bellc\n that
thn man who i mm from Chicago pretending
to ho the real \Vohlfsohn IB HO /
"Ho IB n fraud , ' biild Bamberger "Ho h
inndo up to icecmblo U'ohlfHohn , but ho IH
not leal J Bhall spend $50U of my own
money If need bo to fe-riot out thlw mystery -
tory "
Mis Maggie O'Neill , the woman who paid
the iiippospd Wolfbohn's funeral expenses ,
Is not fiiU.slliNl cither She tiled to confront
the BUppOHltltlou.sVfihlftolm while hero ,
hut ho would not ben her Attornu ) O'Brien
or the Inxuranu tompatiy Ic-ft the dty for
San Dlppo loday There IB no doubt that the
now Wohlfaohn lias lied to Chicago Thu
CUB d IB as full of mystuy as over
( omit } Ti i'ii KII PIT Hliut ,
'ASTnn , Pa. Jan 1-It W.IB nn-
nounced today tint Cuunty Truasuur IJ II
Jltrshoy , who hn IX-PII Abvnnt flom the
city fur Homo linn is .1 defaulter and al > -
stonder Mr HeisOuv H Him was in eh irge
of thft olllic IUHI \\ick eiiflinvorlUK to
Ktr.iUhun nut tin books Hoiallul I'ouiHy
Auditor Murxh 10 ! IH | aid nnd thc.v huvii
found u defalmtlon ut JCiOiO Tbe-li is tin
de-limit In tin luiiks of thlu illy $01,810 ,
while the bouku call fur Jl blO ThiTo Is
iluu in thi tuti fur tux on m jney nt Inter
im for ! > > . ' ! > the Ktim of V l wi of which
three-fourtbs < - < > inc-s bai ) < to thin ( ounty ,
hciKc the nut sum owing thi > Ktato In Kl ( XX )
llerHla-y Is belli v.od to Invo oiu tu Canada.
Stuck Hpe'i ulatliin and tin gaming table aru
b Hi vtd to have pruili illy laten up thk en
tire amount of thi' defalcation