Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 01, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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    Is ' 1'TIE OMAiTA DATT \ BEE : MONDAY. .TAN I"A1iY 1 , 1911 ( ,
Timely Sentiment Crop ! Into a Prosaic
Assignment Book ,
1VIIinat ! Ilred IunroyVrllvr of the
IHtor-In-1 ilef au Uigh nail
I sprprre. Fulurt' Hope
for Ilrpurtcr. .
1Vhon the city editor of The Bee opened
the nastgntnent book for reporters last night ,
prrlininary to the grinding out of a mornIng -
Ing papnr , this 1s what ho found ;
cnd : rant that tvheu our Inat nssignment
litre on earth 1s done ,
' ' has its entctunl
'l'if' nlltor tn rhlrr who
up on 111K ! ) .
11av dill us gently In hk rent while oltlt'e ,
one by one'
And gttr us III ! soft snnps on some big
dallyIn the skv.
The foregoing .w as wrltton aim a scrap of
.m nnnon whlto paper , "bionic news , ' is the
tchnical Hattie for it. nod wn palled neross
the bottom of the page In the nsslgntnent
hook bearing date of Dreomhrr 31 , 1800-
th ( last ulght in n departing year ,
A'flllnttm ! teed Dunroy , thr pnet of : .e-
hiaakn , author of " ( 'nrn Tassels , " and atso
n mcmbrr of 'fhe bee rity stmt , wrote mite
serge 111111 the city edltor found in the na
( Igunlcnt hook. fir drislied It ofT on 1il
s prwrttrr as rnrLlessly 1s lie vould s rlh'
brevity , " ens el It tti he book aii d tie t
out into Ilic night to "cover nsslgnnu'nts , "
a h kh bo htul "signed tar" on the very book
Iir lithe gractrI ,
It Is indeed seldom that semmtifemt creeps
b , nveen the lids of tt reporters' nssignment
honk. I t 18 n hook for biii1I ) sroiii , p1aIll
) ( 'tin's , tint mho NrbrnsLn poet estitbllahed
a precrdeut and put Ititn 1'ue Ilex nekign-
nienl book a het of erntlmeul that luau ii nfl
tmpressimt II 1)011 ) every utn : w'ho read it
% Vhttl nu , t44Igui111emt ! Ilaota Is.
The uvernge novspaper render , no matter
roar great may bt his ftuul of general in-
furutnttr0n , prnbnhiy has but slight co ncCp-
IIuu or what la meaul by ire assign nienI. book.
I t is not a ledger In vIich ! Is recorded the
minutes of reUottrrs who hoer nssigned for
he benefit of their eredltomn ; It Is not a
sulwnu ht w9dch to write the unnmes of oth
era u bo have assigned ; but time tiasignnimt
bunk Iha t figuEel ; to this story le a big blank
hunk trade up diary tnshlou-the dates of
the week and month , with blank Immes be-
low. 011 tlicse lines the city editor , tinder
wlmoso direction the reporters work , wriluc
u brlr'f ntemnruulum at the hart lenin1 duly
to vImtrh arch reporter b assigned for the
day In queslIon. Tbis Is what tie nssigu-
mrut book is and why it is so nauted ,
The city editor "mekes imP" tilt Look amid
lca cs it on a desk In his office. 'rue reporters -
porters appear at whatever hour they are
dm' to report , and instead of asking the
city editor what they must do , they look
ar ; tic hunk , make a note of what is cm-
musled to theta , sign their mnme anti go out
to "cover" the assignment. In this case
"ro CF" Is a synonym for "do , " If thu re-
I ; porter "does" his work thoroughly. the city
I editor considers that lime assignimment has
l becu "covered. " it ho doesn't "do" it right
he is seat back , or if In an extreme case
some other inn Is detailed to "cover" what
the other didn't "cover. " Although Mr.
Dunroy' the author of the lines which are so
highly prized by his co-workers on The Uec
has the erne pcetical gift amid tutu acconr
parrying soul , lie is more practical than most
, Poets and his versntiilty is such ( hat he can
tell a graceful prose story with his pen as
Iluently as he writes his enchanting verse.
11utr Sttrle4 .1 re 111111.
Iii an Diet-of-tile-way
corner In the ollicc
of The lice city editor , there is a Pile of
assignment books which have been illicit
from Janunry 1 to December 11. and
away back illo the 70's. If these old books
i cmdd talk , the ) ' might tell balmy a story
of tin sunshine 1111(1 shadow of newspaper
life. oma of the city editors who wrote
tlicse nnnmes ropy now be making out assignments -
signments on those "hlg daillcs in the aky. "
Others , Including botha reporters and city
editors , are still on earth , but scattered from t
Paris to the i'1tllpplmes. Tim. works ninny
rhangcs in time newspaper business as well
as In other lines of 1mmduslry.
A perusal of these discarded assignment
books is Ilke reading history. Brief though
the mention may he , therein is recorded nil
of too 'principal happenings that have occurred -
curred in Omaha and subnrLa for a quarter
of a century. Trngedles , romances , notable
1 marriages , deaths of promhmont cltlzens , visits -
its of great amen to Omiaha , n tltunitlea , na
well as a vnlumlmous mass of minor happenings -
penings , nil have pence and unto hi The Bee
asalgnniont banks , and tle sane mettiod is
pursued ht all properly 1)matinged newapa-
per ofilces , .
% Vh1 Iteliorters Sign ,
The layman may ask why the reporter
is required to sign hia nano tor the book op.
po5110 the entry made by tire city editor.
'rhnt removes all poSSlbillty rf nrlstmdcr-
sLdnding na to what is expected of the reporter -
porter an any given date. If lie sighs his
Ha mutt nn the bank at U/e edam Inilicatot , It
I is tit once vdent ! that lee knows what lie
l meat "cover. " tit is llkc the traimunai
ii lgnitg thin orders Iolegraphcd along the
lhic rom the dispatcher's nfilre.
It is the habit of niuty city editors to
wrlto nn ilie last page of the usslgnment
hook ul the cad of the year , "lvoryhotly
turn nrer a nov leaf , " or bnuu'lhimg slut-
ha' , amid the saute often Is fiend on the
tirst pagn of the Itrsv year hook. This is
basal on mho fact "that swearing oil" Is the
order of the season ,
.t glance ( vt the old assignment hooks hr
I The lice olleo ( discloses tlm minnmes of matiy
I r.'pmrl.'rs whin 1)uve elnro reached high po I
sitfins In editorial work. This goes to
ahuw that training nn Thu them. cants for ,
isnnelhtng and that the work of a reporters
i on this tin per is Judged talrly In ntcorduucc
tvlth thn nuuuie'r in which the best papers
of tire United S lit tea ii me mode.
Size dec'an't Indicate qualty. Rewarn of
counterfeit mind worthless salvo nlfered for
DeWItt's t1'ttehi hazel Salve. Dei'itt's is
the only original , An Infallible cure for
plies and all skim ) diseases.
I.ore of N&ilin e.
'rho uutatored savage trnveletl many
10001)5 lltmough the burgled turesta to gaze' '
npom the wtxiders of Ningnra. Shull clvlllzed
lima ) ahow less upprecinlion of the Creator's
handiwork when the M1cldgam Central , "Thv
Ndigara Fells ittmite , " paSSeq In full viewof
the great cataract and eunhles alto to enjoy
all mho comforts of travel' . ' City ticket otilce ,
119 tdttnts at reel , ( 'hicugo ,
'I he Cileugn nicepl0a Car
] ror Omaha patrons 1XCLUSIVELY , learn
on the "NORTn1VESTEilN Lh'i" limited
train at 4:56 : p. m daily , arriving Chicago i
7 46 next morning. 'There : s1Ay bo liner
si.'cpers . than there-a Europe.
dally at 6 40 a. mrn old 7:30 p. In ,
City olRccti , 1401 sad 1403 waruam street.
Yellow box candy at Sherman 8 McCon
pelt Drug company.
hlanlilton t1'arreu , hit. D. , eclectlo end
magnetico phslclao , btu moved his o61cn to
709 North 1Cth street , room 13. Special at-
teotion to till iuug-slaidtog or lingering this.
rases uud to dibeases of svomcu and children ,
Ilubermann , J.nrrer , est laGG. Abeolutely
rtllnble , lowest prices guaranteed , 13 S Deug
Shertuau S dtcouueirs tar Boston tatty ,
( 'net 1'nrt.nn Dees In ( 'Its d0il Siii-
ii nt tft.ruaun fruta illm't : , of
l'rnlr0eled Sprrr ,
Carl Carison , n man about 47 years old ,
died In a cell at the city jell Sunday afternoon -
noon from time cffects of alcoholism. lie
lies been drinking strong liquor for over
a week and etas dazed by Its effects. Dr ,
It11ey hind hlm taken to St , Joseph's hospital
last wlok , but he became mmcontrolable 1n
his tielirlum , and the authnrltles at the hospital
pital had to call in the pollco to have hem
lee was taken to the Jail about fl o'clock
Saturday night and cvorythlttg passible was
-done for him , but lie grew stenillty worse and
Isla struggles with faneled ticmons were
Iheard throughout the city Jal1. lie finally
( vote himself out and tiled l cacefttlly about
3 o'clock , The body was taken in charge
of by Coroner Swanson. who will nanit
word from relatives before making ony
disposition of the remnitms.
But little is known of the rune. it is
thought he tens simgle and hind nn relatives
ill the city. Ile tins n brother , J P. Carlson ,
living at 123 South Locust street , Des
Moines , and word was sent to lain.
'Hula is a gmestlon that shotd interest
every. mfr. It is a blot upon our fair lund-
a eyniplniu of governmental 111-health , The
tiglit law's should act ns speedily upon It ns
1losIetter's Stomach I1itIers does upon coil -
sllpidloti or dynpepsin. They would quickly
clear it out and restore healthy purity , and
this Is Jlist what the flit Iera does tor IIie
hi tinnn couslintIon II tan kes the stomuuch
strong by curing IndIgoat toil , bllinusmicems turd
Itter ! rouble.
rho slxteclith annual sllletnrnt , or time
t'ulnn Stork Yards company appeared yesterday -
terday him pnnuidilet form and continua a
complete history of the business of tlma
yards alucc the cIgaulzation of the company
ill ISS4. At time prescut limo lime yartk4 have
a capnclty of 15,000 cattle , 16,000 sheep , 25-
( ' 00 hogs amid 1,000 horses. intprovenments
pat' tinder svuy anil In ronteniIllatI fl will
greatly iicretms. the c.tpnelty during the
present year. Folly eighty- acres of grouu(1
pro now- covered with pens , minus , sheds and
other bulldingo requisite for ciirrying nut
the business , while twenty acrea mere are
graded mil arc being covered a'itkt pens and
ahella , Time entire stock ymrtls is now sur-
raunded by a vehvodc of ralroad trnekn
and switches , the saute being owned by the
company , Stuck Curds cugincs ail train
crews handle nil of the stork , both eoning
in and going omit , as welt as till of the stock
yards amid packing house supplies timid pod- ;
The supply of water for bath the yards
amid packing houses is furnlslted mom tho'
city autos and is always ndcgmtte. Larry
pen him the ya'da Is supplied with a trough
so ( hint' under uo circumstances is stock
at any thine obllged to be moved or go with-
nut w nter. ( 'arotul nltention has been paid
to the construction of sewers and the draht-
ago system ! s considered complete. No
charge whatever Is made for the use of the
ynrtls , ; uud one charge for weghing ! , usually
called yardage , covers the vIuole cost to the
shipper , uo matter how long its stock may
renutn nn the market. The weighing charge
la mint collected until after the stock is sold , !
so that if forwarded to some other market
the shipper is at no expense except foi' feed.
This Is considered a big advantage by west-
era shippers u s It given them au opportunity
of trying two markets w Ithout addltiommal
expense. The horse and mule department is
rapidly forging to the ( rout as one of the
principal features of the market. Bllshlleas
In this department shows : um Increase of I
150 er cent over that o : 1SJS.
olnctnls of the Stock Yards company look
for a large Increase In bustneas this year , I
its the large list of patrons of this market
is steadily on the increase , and the prlcca
paid here are equal at all tines to other
Amnong the inpro ementa coutcniplated
fir this year are time enmplellon of the pavIng -
Ing of the hog dh Isions , the building of
add ItIannI cattle pens ore the hell , and the
em ection of a pavlllot for the holdlug of
sales of fancy stock.
lleCuy Still Xouc'unn011tn1.
It is expected that Jantes McCoy , the alleged -
leged hlghwaymnn , w'Ill be brought before
i'otlco Judge Babcock Tuesday to answer to
the charge of Bolding up and robbing Frank
1'hompsmi. The police seem to regret that
they were not able to capture the wholu
gang , but conalder that they have the leader
and that is Sono consolation. Mc'oy still
mnintaluim an absolute silence amid declines to
make imy statements regarding his career
or that of his pals. Onmha detectives M iu
have taken a look at the prisoner assert that
ha Is a good man to keep behind the bars.
11'Ith the arrest of McCoy it is thought that
the gang of Ilahlupu bns been broken up ,
and people will doubtless breathe easier for
a time ,
F ) 410 Itrtnrn. Ilonte ,
Jahn Fyda , the saloonkeeper who was shat
about the uuiddle of December by Frank
I'yazka , has recovered auffcimtly to return
to his house at Twenty-acventh and L
sueols , 1Vitlh the permission of his physi-
chuts. Fyda left time hospital yestertlny. tic
Is dolmug nicely amid ! t is expected that ie ,
w'Ill he all right again in n short Bute. Thin
bullet is atilt imbedded him the muscles of
his back and will not be disturbed for time
present at least. County Attorney Shields
sill most likely file a connplaint agaiist ,
Pynka seine time this week.
11'orL of Ih ( Vol it'c nrpurlnu'nl.
Mayor Ensor is preparing u statement for
puhllcalion sheep. ahmowa'tbe Cork of mho
pollco department for time year 1899. Over
1,700 arrcrtts were made , the majority being
for Intoxication. The disposition of this
largo nunmher of prlsonera will also be shown ,
as well as thin aatount of fines amid costs
assessed. Year by year the cumber of arrests -
rests increases , but a largo proportimm of
those placed in confinement mire either
tlrunka or vagrants.
: high ( 'II ) Gossip.
Sliver bracelets at Godfrey's.
Mrs , lV , it. 1'augin Is at Norfolk vlslt- ,
bat fr'leuda.
ltcul estate defilers time prelkling ( lots
of bualnesa for the year 19O ) ,
'I'oulght the Ladies of tlme ? htcettbers
tvlil give n donee at 21mmsemi i' hall
'rime city eounell and Iaird of hducutiun :
will meet 'ruesdny night Imist end of tonight
1'ry Jack Gnlingbor'a cigars , IOS N. 24th at.
'f'lue nnihit' rendered C'hrlslmus at Si
Martin's 1'.piscop al church was repented
'i'he banks ii id city Mile's will be t ioaul
indny , nil bus lunss viii be cunducted as
tonal lit the stock yards ,
The Danisim societies lmuve moved from
ltorlcrnVoodmiman hull to the ' \'urluu'in
hull itt Twenty-sixth amid N streets.
Story Shalt-I. It. n'os'lamiti l.untber &
Coal Co. , t3S N. 2ltli st. , brtss een Ji and N.
Jlurlim Dunuvul fell dox'mi .t flight of
stairs next to Duffys s.ttuun , Battmrday
c l2 fg' O cif x 3. .
Beare the the Kied You Baia Always Boutil
9eara the . lima Kind You Nate Always Bo2ht
Bigsztnro ,
'c , . . .i3mc.x. . . .
Beare the 1h3 Kind you Baio Always Bought
1I 1 I tq . tl I , t .1 { . , ' 1 In II 4 f ' , hi'i,1 lie
1 , , Id d „ ' ' , ,
nn ' 1'n , , , t i h' n , ti " ' 10n1s , merit
taft , r the 11 ul , holltmtaantlnu l'hlldrrn
° % 'e : , yearn of rn. . nmy enter the aehnols
Ihls week If parents s „ dc.tre
See Ed 6hnslinw t& ( 'o , for luinlmsr. Tel. 2 $ &
nobert tlneding was found b5 the pollee
at the Roele Island (1epot Sunminy morning
and taken into custody. lie Is demt + ttled
and sill Ilkrly he turaet over to the
county authorities ,
Jtev. Ceased cf Omaha delivered nn In-
terestlmiq nddreas at time Vounq Men's ( 'htls
than'.ntlnn yesterdne mm 1ernnon , 1'he
meeting was held untcr the nasplces of the
1'ooiR } 'copie's ( 'helettnn union.
1 : . ! Jr''nuton ' , & t'n „ real estate , iuo v
loe'ed In room : Murphy block ,
This cvcnlnrra froth i until 10 o'clock time
Innnunl Nesv lenr's reecptlon of th@ Young
Men's Chrl4tinn assudatinn will 11e held
ut t'hc ' asruebittou parlors. All frichds
of the' orgnntzallon are luvited to coil
It is expected that a Janitor of the
111gh Qehmool will lie selected at the meeting -
ing of the Bmmrd of Fuiucntlon 'ruesdny.
1 reslgueQbto h'nccepttr n1e dep'utyahlp ' sunder
Slmcrft ! Pnwer.
( ) e' ( 'a bowling alley open , 211th c Mtsourl
at amue.
I'hi' 11rst nrnuivr'rsnry edition of the Dally
Sun annde Its npmenrnnce Saturday. It is
printed In colors and ( ' 01)tnliis 'many iii"
tetesltng facts about tiouth Oautha and the
leadhug uprnhPSSinnal and business nuetm of
I the city- , Editor Demiett Is to be eompll-
tnented ( 'n ' the vent nppearancn of tila first
anniversary edition.
Dentist , tihabuugh , : Ith uud N streets.
( 'Ity taxes for ] S'J ! ' are mowdeiluqucmt amid
from thia tlui' nn hmterest svllt he charged
on oil nnymmentS due 1'he receipts tit the
m'easurer's oilkc last week were minnsunlly
large , but mnany wimo ( ailed for stntententa
were , for various reasons , tint able to nuako
Inytucula before the closing of flue year ,
It Is therefore ex'a'cted butt time comlmmg
week ( 'ill he egnully busy , its utauy it'lli
city In pr , ' fet eu ( c' 10 baying deli ugUCat
interest charged.
.t SmmI. Con.'erim.
The dlrcctoi's of the C'ouservalive Bulld-
hig amid Loan hssnelatlon are congratulating
tlrtnselves aiu the numuhers of the associa-
lict' over time excellent prngress made by the
Conservativ. during the past year. The liual
nuetimmg of the directors for 1599 wits held
yesterday' , of which thin ninunglng ofilcers
reported it nut gait of $113,1'27 for the year ,
placing the net halrmnces of the nssociatiou
at $3553,377 , thus uniting the Conservnttve
the largest savlugs iislilution 1n the city ,
No ntorlgagts have been foreclosed dtu hig
the year , mm real estate added in assets and
nuly $ C.20 of htterest was found due amid
unpaid on $3:1,000 of loans.
The directors ordered all expenses paid ,
$1,000 added to the reserve fuutl mil declared
a dlvldeud at the rate' of 7 per cent per an-
nun' for the last six mmtontls.
Seine 1,200 new- accounts were opened durIng -
Ing the year. The abolishing of iulnIsston
feca and fines has coutrfhaded greatly to the
rapid growth of the tisnocinttom , nccouuls ho-
img opened by simply ealliug al time olncc ,
after wimlrh any anwuut many he deposlted
a any lithe.
'rimr Cluriit o Sleentntt' ( fl 5.
For Onnha patroma EXCLUSIVELY , leaves
on the "NOitTI1\VESTERN LINE" limited
train at .i'i : , p , nui laity , arirving Chicago
7:45 : next morning. There MAY be Bner
alcepers than these-in Europe.
dally at 0.4u u. n ) . and 730 ; p. m.
City ofilces , 1401 and 1403 Farnum street.
The FavoriN' Ituule to ( lie Lost.
There is only ammo line front Chicago to time
east that rats directly by amid in full vies
of time great Falls of Niagara. Time Michl-
gnn Central has long been distinctively "The
Niagara Falls haute , " as its throughm fast
trains to Net York and Boston , pnsshmg the
falls by daylight , stop ikt'e miututes al Falls
View station diectly overlooking the wondrous -
drous cataract. Chicago city ticket office ,
119 Adams street.
Wo deliver whiie cord of nice pine Icinl-I
ling for $2.5O. Omaha Box Co.
COMPANY Is not open and readyto re-
cove nil classes of freight and forward
with despatch , to all points in the NORTH.
EAs1r and SOUTH. Freight depot located
at Eleventh and Chicago streets , Omaha ,
and on Ninth street , between Broadway amt
First avenue , Council b' i'fs.
Zaza , time new lime of 5Oc neckwear.
Iielley A ; Ilcyden , 1Ctli and Chicago.
Molassea candy , at Sherman it McConnell'a ,
limed Pndlnu for ( lhl Yenm ,
'p. ' ( ' . Dailey amid lull ) ' Ifouston quarreled
over IS cents Sulubty t v'enlug and the
former lit ht jail with a badly cut head
for assault 011(1 battery. Dailey has been
cooking for ilouston , who runs a restau-
rmutt .tt 3117 North Sixteenth. VViien they
ramie to settle ut Dailey ciaimel 11usttn
( wed him i4 cent. . ipd Houston dented
it. They engaged hr n tongue-lashing nmtrh
aad ttnnllyrum' to binsvs , Dailey fought ;
- - -
- - - - -
- - -
? a ti f
11 I @I @
4g&Mj ;
Tic Iturlknglon Itoiite is the
heat line to Helena , Butte ,
Spoltane , Seattle amid Taccema.
It is hest because it is quick-
cult and involves fewest
changes of cars.
Through tourist sleepers
taicc-a-week to Seattle.
To 'connect with them take
ilum'linglom train leaving
Omaha 1:25 : p. nu. Tuesdays
fund 'flmursdays. Second-class
tickets accepted. Berth rates
$5.00 $ to Seattle ,
1002 Farnam 10th and maaot
Street , Stroota.
'Phono 2dO. 'Phono 310 ,
- -
: Ii'a1E ' < H N
oil. OMAHA. ,
N. D , Corner Farncm and 18th 8te.
Potd Up "immital . . . . . . . . . . . .156110,000
9nrpim. band , , , , , , , , , , , , , > d1o0,000
UNI'rrm S7'A'ro s I)1l'OSI'1'OILY ,
FRANK MURPIIY. President ,
B , D. WOOD Vice Trealdeat , ;
UJTER DItAKE , Caahler. I
D' , r. IIAM1LTO J , Aaeletant Oaitp3
St'IIOO1S. f
S. J01y 6 S
Ill RY CAIN FMYn n (
S chool filled this past term , I $ ,
The directors have decided !
to add quarters lot' TWENTY .
new cadets. Send for catalogue. '
Dclullrl41 , 111u16ehn Connt ,
1Viseouala ,
bke a tmgt r and ilea Iy t Dill r rn. . I. ,1 +
I"hi'arai 'e on the ; .rr H It ) i . . "t ill , I
i httn but nut uat11 h. w,4 . 'ro ith , mi es Uy , t II ! ernl tiSP of Iit , Ii , N r n
lie tens brought to the , mina * I 111 0. , +
ilnsvtng freely from it hale In III , 411 , nn
hia head , which Dan itnldwln eu % , I up
lIti'tnn teas not arrested , bat 'aid la
tvntOd nnp'ar ns eo11mphtninlt wnn , '
ugahmat the prisnner.
Cant t'rutd tat rLe r un , ,
TIme Associated Chatltles appeal to our
benevolent citizena for funds to purehzne
coal for distribution ntnong the aged nail
seek poor , deservhmg widows anti deserted
"Ives w'th ' ! famlliun. The calls arc nm
bcrotia tied require immediate attention ,
Checks pnyable to the Associated Chnrltics
will Lm thankfully received at 1810 St. Mary's
. ,101IS LAtlflittANI , ,
Secretary' ,
'I'lirre ' .Iltiuiilgretit 'Prnhrs
l.enve Chicago tinily for tlme east. carr ) hug
through sleeping cars U New fork , Roston
and the east vin the Mlchigau Central , "Tim , '
Niagara Palls ltoute , " IIutng-rar service
nnsurpnssed , Chicago city ticket ofllce , 110
Adams Street.
Iloilda ) ' neckwenr , nnWers , socks , Auspen
ders. Kelley and neyden , 16th and Chicago.
Blank honk and magazine bumding. A , 1 ,
hoot , ICOJ ) toward street , ,
1Ve deliver''htile cord of nice pine kiud-
thug for $2,61 Oinniut Box Co ,
Velvet candy at Shernam & McCoramell'a ,
A. D. T Messemigers. TeL i77 ,
have Item p-Int It
l'ItEVNi. John 1C , IJnrk , mg , 12 yrnrA
tit ti's nur'in 1 IVi N 'Ui Mt
hruneral unnounral.'nI Int.
r' R 9
JLT Ic ' 4
t6v a
It Is a little early to Prngu.stirnte au t0
the exact extent trusts , ind cnnubl0'Itlous
w III llnurish dlmrhtg the coming yr.u' . AV (
shall as far its + porstblr purn , ' the Panty
of "hest uertlng ourselves by brut serving -
ing lit' luterrss : of our jail rois. "
1'11N'rV OF $ I.hi SIh : i't'-ltt'-NA ,
[ .I9'ri ltINis , Sro"1"s l:111'LSi0N , 1:11.-
MEIt'S S1VAM1' ito0'r , Pleri' s uu'dl-
cincs , .tyer's meilcnes , : , mill lu tilt. $ t.s1
Size and just rucrI ed , Wldcla we sell for
75e CASH' .
Our Cut I'rlrr.
25c Bronmt ) Seltzer . . , . . , , , , , , ! n
25e ( 'hiunborinlmm'a Couglm Cite . . . . . . . . . 2ur
Sot' Gem Cntnrrh ( 'tire Ip , '
Spltudid Ilad Itubber Atoulizer . . . . . . . . . .
25u 'I'd tow's Swami's Down Powder , . , . 1bc
51k Labkai4w Fmtee 1'owder
50c 1'uzzunl s Face Powder .1r
$1.011 lbulumi' ] 'ale's Guols 75r
$1U ) 1'eutoge11lc Milk 1'owiler , . . , , , , Stir
$1,5o 1'Imi dlurnnl ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.ti
$1.30 Fc'Ilotv's Syrup 1.01
$1 .0(3 Mt'xlram Ila'.r Restorative . . . . . . 75
50e 'Tnrratit's Aperlenl . . 1.k .
2e ltumphrey's Specifics ; 'Oc '
50e Cascarets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111 , '
Small Sized Sozodont . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 211 ,
25c Ruhifoutn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tor
5e I.mxa'lvi' Brnmo Quinine 1.r
step Duffy's Malt 1Vhtskey , . . . , . . . . . , . Sue
I t. & H. Snap for eleunhig : . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9r
Sea Klug's New Dlscovery .
50c Stunrt's' Dyspepsia 't'ablets . . . . . . . . 41)c
.tllend Oar Ileaus'nl Snle ,
Sherman & McConnell Drug Co
( (11ddle of Itlel : ) IGCt iige SL
Iluiahneh. .
' 9
lVe refer to cur ttny of dolttg buslnes
It till br nn th'snit' llue as the lint
ycal S For ( he ntmiJor poetlomt of t
ycer we tell try and he decent , hilt tvliem
ever one of time pets , pluggers or itlenibr
the "flat .Ur Assorintiou" reg0lte
colt , % "Il hr timer. lend ) to give It. \
till trot devinto from our mimic of doitt
a strictly cash bttsitmcss , nor will we n
as n stool pigeon for any set of grafte '
or pay iii 'a o111cc rent to get Into its goo
grnccs. . lnolher thing , we svlll never b
venue a moinher of the 'Trust Unmg"-ttu
ralhcr than do ( lint we'll retire from tlm
drug hosii'ss in 0miuuha.
These rules tummy n , t inert the npprov
of the "Trust ( lu ng , " h , , : they auit us-an
that's ( hr l'PfSr"1 w r tin s0 than ,
' ' Cliff' I'R1C1 :
UKl'imIS ( (
Car. lIlh uud ( 'lilr0go Sts ,
Omaha & S 0 Lou i
(1gs (
R 9
ROU't'F TI )
a Louis Qui oc
( 'nrre"pnudiug fa41 tmue In iast 11111
11:1(1' 1.t1' It t'I'1:5 JOB. Lind 0i
111111. -
.I'I' ' 1'11(1:1' 111'6'11'1 : .
iii : ' ; I'.tII..t11 S'I
I lD'ry : 1'l. Mo cores , ( ' . I' . t1 'd' . A ,
Omimihu. Nch ,
.f .a . OVE
ct' ' YouR TEETH
Sonic altenlfn tiow , and in tlmis svay yet
n'ay be the hpPy , otiI r of a usef111 set (
natural teeth to ug timer you ttonld other
( vise be ( bilged o depend ( n the it hmd lhu
spemtd tli' , Ity uuru ily hm your numb , am d
the ulght In , t illnlhtel' ,
curer 1'ItlhOas . . . . . . . . . . 75e
Gold Filllimgr . . . . . . . . I.u alt.
( uud art tt elit . . . . . . . . . . . ,1111
Taff's ' PliilalleIphia Oenfal Rooms ,
1:17 IJOLL.tS WI' ,
Loan-s Money on Diamonds , Wntchea
and Jewelry. Old Gold and Silver
Tel. 1660. 1806 DOUOLAI ! 9T ,
, i a , . Don't Fail to Attend Our Great
J ' : N
POND , EMERSON' PACKARD , and other standard
Pianos to select from.
Lyon & Ihealy Upright only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .85.O0
Ilillkmmgs Upright , good cotmlltlon , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $100.00
( 'hickcring ' , walnut case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $135.00
Fine New' Upright , eastern make . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $149.00
Hallet 8 : Cumston , llnrdmau , Ii allet .C Davis , 1imball and other medium
grade pianos at your own prices.
Organs amid Square Pianos from $20.00 up ,
Now Pinncs for rent. Pianos tuned , repaired , moved and exchanged. Tel ,
1625. Write for catalogue and line us.
15'e sell new pianos an $5,00 payments.
c mo er ue er..o
'I'll Ed Old ) ANI ) It 1sLi.tnLl's l'IA110USI : .
Steinway & Sons 1313 Farnam Street.
Representatives. 337 Broadway , Council BltllIs.
Closed half a i ) iy .11onil iy hut' hew Year's.
hI1W The Cloak
, te7's on mho rleW cellarlj I'itll ' a nelo sale mill With
recol breaking prices , 11'e Wisle you alb a happy
117ew Year , mxl 1/an' you for the patr'oua le bestowed
Ttol ) Us for ( lie past feet //ears. irxl , if olu'bul/er , 3)111'
Chasil00(18 in mho Wol'lfl's ' best nfa'I'ets with 'unilnlit-
ed cash (111(1 selling then al Close ' mill
spat ( ( a pr'glit , entitle -
title us to born' ' trade , theft we Will earn it.
ht Clnif linfl fhe lall'eal pritrs in tees/c1'm / : lnuricu , we Orr tillreprulimy ! / the 3tV/iitga / of
mu' cilsners ( , " II'c're lonkcd eeri'yteIrrc , (111(1 jottial ItallV priCCS to be the 1tLCSt , '
200 ladles' Kersey Jackets , nowesl styles , silk lined through-
olt-a decided bargain-:0th century rate . G r'
Price only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' '
500 ladles' Jackets , in all wool kerseys and friezes-every gar- (
mural silk lined throughout-In bitmea , fans , black and hravna } ,
-vorlh up to $10,00 , far only , In this 20th ,
century sale-a ( remarkable value ) . . . , . , . . , . 1)
325 ladles' Maim-tailored Jackets , in all wool materials ,
trimmed wllh strap seams mind buttons-neatly all hued w IU ,
Ski ber'a satin tltese uring closest buyers hack-tbcy are I
worth up to $16.00-on sale in this 20th cen-
tur sale for only . . . , 1 .
175 Idgb-cass : Mat-tailored Jackets-they are worth your butt
attenllou nail will bear the closest Inspection-they come 1n
w'hlpeurds , ntoutunucs and the famous Wasiiugton tnhlla ker-
seys-they urn mill hued with the reitawned Siminner's satin.
with his hrund warranting It far two yearn stamped nut-tuoy' are time very' finest goods
In the marlcets-in lax fronts , tight-fitting and high ) collars-the greatest
oilet tlou of garnente ever placed on any counters hl Omaha-they rare
worth up to $30-In this 20th century sale your choice for , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
175 ladles' Mao-tailored Suits , ht tight tktthag or box front Jaclcets-they are wort ! $ t5. + i0
-take the 110w to cony aid Eve theum-in this 20th century Sale ,
tor only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1
110 Infants' IIdcrdown Cloaks , trimmed with angora , worth $1,95 , ,
fur omlly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ] t > 'i
Zoo ladles' Sllk Dress Skirts , in plain and figllrod , ts'ortlu up to $19.00 , ser
or . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11
lee ladles' Skirts In blues and brow-the ) ' are vo rY pretty p8tlprtes- , , /
worth $3.00 , for only , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . X11(7
100 mill wool Serge skirts , percallme lined throughout , m
or , each . . . .n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . , . . , . . . . , . . . 11..1
Ladkn' all wool Crepon Skirts , percaline lined and Imterlldod , worth '
$10.00. for only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 .
0u plait Skirts , in tue newest petterns . w or ) hi $6 on ,
Iur . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6o dozen ladies Flee e f.ut.11trippws , worth it him
only . . . . . . . . . . " ; v C
000000000000000000000000000 000 00000000
0 0 0 Store Uosed t 2 O'CIOCk a 0 0
° 0
A the . ° A ) 11\ew 1'0ar. 0
o °
he ii is hit' calm' worl(1 today 0 .4
ys 0 1s yesterday , lint to every °
a 0 Sentient ilill'erttt , o
n p ,
g 0 I ht , 110111811 my tll that gives name to' llle 0
et p ttow b01'It nleutlt , cries Its ll0 01)0115 ) titti id0rttt of a ° 0
0 Ile1y yeah' , 0
e' 0 " . /ntlll8 / inn L eldest ut potutitntes ! 0
tl o 1'ut'wu'd i lunlt , nntl baekw'nt d. " °
o °
° A 11(1 ( all 1 Ile ' ht1 ltstIt. ' tad
p o i' ( - .i01) ) , , illinlts p
mil 0 i t1tillg , 0
° 0 he old iiomans marked 111e now yeu' : by 0 °
ip Cacti doi13g Sadie S it'cially worthy IIiing in his 0
I o 0 cal Ii ug or 1)roft'ssion. loarh ; thing. Not the oo
fo 0nly one time heldllr'us kayo giVeB US. 1111(1 50 0
' ° we tt 11 volt tidal' dint tooln'row we will bring o
out 5onnl c llecial inlllCelrteuts ill otu'
i ° 0 I.a Ale s ! lea acct a I I f De t. 0 0
° 0 ii t Will r ag ( 1 Mirk action alnon r + mho ceo' o
0 11Ollti'al ( ( loaf 1)hty'l'P , 0
Q - - - - - - - - - - - . . . . . . - - - - - 0
' 0 t.aflics' J1cI ets ' ' °
0 - . ( cnpcs-- taIICS' ( Jackets-- °
Q horsey , autl lined IiouCle , and h'inl I' ersey , 0111(1 line(1 ( 0
° p ihrougltout , t ( ' hr null ( with 1hih l + t , , lough ( nil , box p °
l0 101111(1 ( :11'ound : nicely loath' , Ieg Profit , pearl but0
10 ° tOlyll for . 5 , are tllar i.50 vt1ues : , tolls , worth tiG.OO + 0 °
l here I'or
10 for for o
0 X2.75 ; 11,50 Ii3.90 0 °
- -
- - - - - - -
- - - - - - - -
41 0 o till CS ! ice itch f IaU6i el o 0
0 p Silk 1)01ka (1O1 ( , lliellly Iinishe(1 , waists that , ll'0 o 0
0 Soiling Ivor ti5 ill other cloak stores , are ltere 0
0 0 today , (113(1 Until _ ail are sold , at $2.90 , o
0 0
0 0 dleFur 1 . I I Ladies' ' Fur Collareff 8S , ° o
0 0
0 $1.35 up. 95c and lip o
0 0
0 0
0 0
)0 ) 0 ,
t0 0
o o
Q p
0 0 s o + rWe ' p
0 0
00000000000000000000000000000000000000 .
- - - - - - - - - - = '
Closed Iltilf a Uny iIuiidtty for Nct' t'ear's ,
Clearing Sale
I f
on Slippers ,
Shoes and Legguigs.
Ladies' fine X2.50 Viol Kid Shoes , with silk vesting
tops , on sale at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1ii1.90
Ladies' fine 3.00 Chroute Kid Lace Shoes , with double -
ble fair stitched soles , on sale at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2.25
lien's 52.00 satin calf lace shoes at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.15
Boy's $1.50 satin calf lace shoes at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90c
The Famous "ULTRA" Shoes for Women.
! All styles , in vici kid , fine calf and patent
leather , with turn an(1 welted soles and cush
ion cork inner soles , The ULTRA is the lat.
f est , up-to-date shoe for women ; price , $3.50
I The Cerebrated
wI1"l STETSON Shoes
For Men oft sale , o I .
The ' 'S te1S011my 1S t 'I , . - '
t h e best shoe . . "l'1Ar ' ; ' ° h
that's urtde for
'Pic ULTRA Shoe in n. We have
For W'uDleB. tllenl in v .elolr , " , - ,
calf , enamel calf and viei kid , the
latest styles and hand nlaie-
„ Stetsonat in every pair. Gall 1
and. see them. Price , $5.00 'he "Sl'L'I'SON" ' Shoe for , Bien
Misses' fine $1 Jersey Leggings , on sale at , . . , . . . . . , 69c )
Boys' S1 Canvas Leggings , 011 sale at. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49c
Ladies' 35c Overgaiters , on sale at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18c
35c 'W'ool Soles at. . . 15c
? ten's 51 imitation Alligator Slippers , only. . . . . , . . . . , 63c
Hen's 51.65 velvet embroidered Slippers , at. . . . : , , , , . 89c
LalieS' $1.25 beaver cloth house Slip1)ere , at . . . . . , , , 75c 1
Ladies' 75c i(11 house Slip1)ers,0n , sllo : at. . . . . . . . . . . . 38c
SHERIDA COAL is still selling at the old
figures , 14111111)55 , 50 , Nut or Egg St ; Peanut 4 , 50 ,
Scrce11ed , delivered 0111(1 weighed ou city scales , free
of ellal'ge.
1'1C'I'OR 11'11I'1'.E , 1GO5 hu'nuu : : , 'Telephone 127 ,
, .6'ea.ILRLIy J1 ra1/ . : ' 1 5G a. 4 ' : . , ST4Js ( ( ' or 7d
, .111 R' nut' thsteiens , wed a I . AMPLE ! r {
S ' ufmm mu f'rao Hum o 7rcattpant n uu.p gm 1 ) ubtrruru book the- ; ,
c + ueribing uytiqtunia uud cause "t it.rasts whit nett Iri'stnieat , alma 1. nay valuable
receipts and preerrpmonb in plait laoguago , unvlog you heavy doctor's ills ; aek font
Dre Kay's ' Renovator
E' ' ,
Cutea nn- very worst a ' ' of fls s : p. In ( ' „ nstlpattnn ilendurlie , 1'ul1itail"n of
4 Ilrrtrt , K iud Lu. r Ituti"ce , au I in d result ( of l.a ( Ii lppe , Send for proof 4
, f ft IVrl'e t.a ahut uli lour u + n't , ) as 5o.I bl drugcis'dun i a.ept any
lubstiuite. but vend us 25cta , um $1 IA ) and wt v.111 send Dr. liay'a Iten. vutor by
* Ir rerrn inch DII , II .1. liAi 1t1:111t AI 1 0. , Snratn µ rl YprI , , . , ? 1' . 6 , ,
.y + ' , / . ? e' ; , . .1..1 J. . . , , . .t.,1 + ea , { ' : .1 sS + ( „ ' } tf + f *
IS , 1Vltbunl Questiuu , mho Best ( ; lgur
Tiled 111 11tllttltim.
School for Sugar Industry of Bratorschwei z I G ermaR1m
51 II'lUl : ! Lm 1)Y 1'111. I.u1'lsl(1t11 ( .yT.
IA7'.1Jil.Jtllli : ) 1N7 ! . , t 1.1 r + 111111 11571
hatit t.i at eapilr h. dutu , lutii : It.Uuing , at aeiuul yemtr 1101 , la 1 , IbuO ,
'J'he lutrtom , , Ur It. 11 aeliuud hi , A. ltus + lu ; .
Ml l