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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 1, 1900)
THE OMAHA DAILY 1KE : MONDAY. rlANTAHV 1. 1)00. ! ) SPECIAL NOTICES' ' AiH rrllncn nil * fur tlirxe coiiittun tvlll | IL in 1.1-11 until lU in , for tin- ftciilnu edition nnil tinlll Hi.'IO | i. in. lei inuriiliiu anil h n ml ay ( Million. Hiitt-n , /-lie a voril lim-i-tlnm It ; H uoril tlierenfter.oililiiK la' < rn fop li > n Hi a 11 2ri : for tinIllit Inier- tlon. Them- mil crtlaciiicntx tiitixt lie run 1-oimeciitl v < - y. Ad vertlNem , bj rrtiucfttliiK n nnin- lifr > * il < -lic < k , run liii c nn mi'r ' " ' tlrciiicil to u iiiiiulirrt-il letter In care of 'Mu > lire , Auntie no nililrcmvil will delivered on iircm-ntnttuu of 1141' t-llecU AVA.V1 liU-MTLA THINS. _ A siKNumtAPHER. When yoj want pno please tail up the ItemlnBton typwrl > r oliiLC. M'j Farnam street , telephone Ij.i Y'ir.N > widow from the. oust desires to . "me to Omaha ns housekeeper for some wLlowor's family , < tt > or lountrv , or won , . i i nkc ehnrK'o of lutol of l "VT with xl w to mitrlmony : ocj-rly | KHUln pn-fi-irod. Address at onre , J Ir . l " " * .M Addlsoti , 1' . O. Box 114. Dul'ith ' , Mln- li Hotn. A-M'jQi - , _ - - - WAXTHn-MAI.Ii HUM * . XVANTED , we liave steady work for n few K'.od . hiiHMors of fraod habits and appear- Jnco. C. F. Adams Co. . 1G19 . WlT TEACH the harbor trade. thoroughly In short time nnd fu.-nlsh cuoli graduate vlth a Rtiarnnte.Hl position at good wages. There nrr more than ton harbor positions advertised lo ono at bookk eplng or short- bnml. Write for free entnloguu and par- titulars. Western Harbors1 Institute. Omaha. U-M623 CAM I for acceptable Ide'in. State If na- rnted. Address The Patent Record. Hnl- llmrio , Md. _ 'A ' M 27 T WANTKnT "Joy with" horse to dollvor The Hoe Call nt circulation department 3 AN Intelligent young man to take n short hand sr-holnrshlp nnd pay for It when ho linn flnlKhed the rourso nnd secured n po sition. Address T 32 , Bee. U-MIIS PA1F1 M\N wnntod to poll complete line of lubrlratinir oils , wenthcr-iiroof paints Ht'd greases : llbornl salary to reliable mini Tlio Champion Rellnlng Co. . CJoye- Inr.d. Ohio. , H-MB.O 1 JIOYLE'8 College , Be BldK. . furnishes pin. . os for students who desire It to work for board while. In attendance. H 57 WANTED Paint palosmon to work on commission basis ; only those with oxporl- notnnd references need apply. 1212 1-nr- n-ini - HI. n-C02 C.OVKRNMENT positions , don't prepare for unv civil service or census exnmlim- llon without seeing our catalogue of In- fnrmntloii : font froo. Colnmlilnn Cnrre- xpnndcnco College , Washington , O. C. 11 771 2 S picture agents , expenses paid. 1 lfl Lcav. ACTIVE men and women everywhere to I.ike orders for "Life of Moody. " the urrvit evangelist. Hellt nt slchl. Snmnle rniilillnif you to make from $3 to $7 dally by mull free on reduest. Aildros * Jtlobi lllble Pnb'B Co. , 723 Chestnut St. Philadel phia. Pa. P-M-S'J 2 * WAN'TBO I' HEM * . WANT ED. 2oTglrfs. 1524 Dodge. Tel. SJG. AN Inlollirfent lady to take a Hhortham ffholarshlp and pay for It when she lli.lshes the conr. n and secures u post tlon. Address T 3S , care I5ee. C Mil" NH'IO warm rooms with good board ; rate * roiiKOimhlo. The Hose , 2020 Hnrney. C MC2S 5 * A TIIOHOrOH BUSINESS OR SHORT HAND COURSE. - ' ' ' ' ' -IN' THE' NEB. BUSINESS AND SHORTHAND f'OLLEC.E. BOYI > THEATER HIDC. . . INSURES A MONEY MAKING POSITION Attendance almost donbln that of last year $1.000.00 worth latest model Smith-Premier typewriters Juwt purchiwd to meet tbn Jil- ereasi-d demand. This Institution Is endorsed by principals of the High Ht-liool , olllclal court report ers and business men. New classns this week. A. C. Ong , A. M. President. C MS30 KOIl HB.Vr HOUSE ! ) . IF YOU want your houses well rentec place them with Henewa & Co. D-503 CHOICE nansea. eotlnKOs. stores. Henry 13 ' Payne , C01 N. V. Life. 'Phone , 1016. D-50S FINE residence , choice location. Ii rooms ] all moderp ; excellent stable. Bt-nils. Pax' ' ton block. D 507 HOUSES , stores. Bemls , Paxttm block. D-503 _ _ _ M\OGAHD Van and Storage. 1G18 Cnplto Ave. Tol. 143G. D-503 FOR RENT , housew In all part Of c\ly \ The O. F. Davis Co. , 1505 Farmini street. D-510 GOOD large barn for rent In north part ol city. Inquire 2124 Locust. U-103 imUSES for rent In all parts Of the cltv Brcnimn-Lovi > Co..219 So. 16th street V D-513 _ _ _ _ HOUSES for rent. .1. II. Sherwood , 423 N" V. Life. Phone 3SS. D-315 FOR RENT , desirable houses and flats' Rlngwalt , Barker block. D-MSG3 -RUU.M elegant spartments ! -Normal.die $55.00 ; G-room , all-modern cottage , newb papered and In fine shape , $ \\-0 imvi many others. Pnynn-Knox Co. , ] PI tloo N. Y Life Bldg. D-MS01 * l' HOUSES to rcrt. Patterson , 303 N. v. LIfo D-S10 HOUSE for rent at 1152 Park ave. , all mod ern. Apply 2130 So. 33d St. Tel 1227. 1227.D157 D-157 FOR RENT , S-room house , nil modern con \enlenccs , opposite Hnnscom park. 132 Park avo. Inoulro 2130 S. 33rd or tele lihonc 1227. D Mlti7 I-'OIl RENT. B2 So. 2Sth , 7 rooms , modern f'IO. 3007 Webster , 7 rooms , bath ; 2222 N 1Mb , 6 rooms , barn , largo yard : Sll So lath. 4 rooms ; ulso flats. Hlngwnlt Bros. Barker Blk. D-207 riVE-HOOM cottage , ronvoiiliuit , well nnc cistern water ; ' 'GDI Blonilo htroot ; S Apply nt tVf ! N. I'JIh st. D 517 . 'OH RENT A'Htory brick building , 15th IIIK 1'iipitol ave. , ai-ross from lleniii'tfs ; milt able for markt'i , wlioli'salo liquors 01 KIM oi.d-haml Htore. II. C. IVters .t Co 17B ( Farmim. D M7s3 l Full RENT-11-room nunlern house , 3 slor lex and basement , excellent location , close in H. C. Peters St Co. , 1702 Parivim. D-i\17 ! 3 2 FOR RENT. " room house , No. 1.112 N. 17lh St. . modern U-rooin hoiice. No. 250 > Capitol Ave. , modern ii-ro' > m house. No. IMS Douglas si. , inoderi 7 room house , SO Paul Hi. , city water. K J .Sullivan. No. 721 N. Y. Life. D-M772 ! FOR RENT after January 5 ' , nnroon lioii i > , all modern Improvements. 2iil llarney Ht. Allen Koch. D M7C9 2 * FOR RENT , fi-room cottage , furnished. 80 So. Jiilli D MbJU J3 FDR RENT-7 rooms , inndurn , 3Mh nn Howard , $30. 7 roums , nowlv papered and painted , porca lain bath tiUury ; rensonablo for winter , 7 room * modern , oxrept furnace. 2721 N 22d. i"0. 2 7-room rottages In oxei-llont location. II mums , moilorn , 3 0 Mari-y ; fK. 7 t . . .ms. ' 2101 Hiirnoy' , fl2. Stu our list for others H i' Peters & Co. , 1702 Farnam. D-M7SI I MuDEHX housy , feiminutes' walk from lioaiutl.i e. porrelaln bath and furnnio ; heap rent during winter ( o ileulialile party Also 7-iooiu votlari' ; an.l . utnblf. At ly { ji > t Brown block. ' D M7Ct' 1 FOII UI\T F IUIOMS. FUR llsht housekfopliiK. * fX St Mary's n\e E M597 ! ' ! ItNISHKD rooms , housekeeping 2 > ! 23 St. XliO's K Mfilfi 7' I'till ' HUNTFmiiishiJ front niMin'd ! X JStll. K 5I76J u i nit IIIN'I' I.M iiMsMin . . B'nnoy. K M ll .I I'ESIRAHLE roomHrstrlnss bonid. 25'l Hnrney. F-MH.1S J 2 , TWO llrst-r-lns' , modern , well heated. Sio ' NortnSth Rt. _ l-J-MSli Jl | ' * ? ' T-"J * "J7rTl T--r * " * " . * ' " ' " " * ' " ' - - - - r .T ? T - rV'Z "UA'2 I < 'iitMSUEI ; ) HUOMS A.\U IIOAIUI , TUB Merrlcm family hotel. 33th ana Dodge. F-B15 fHNlSHED rooms and board. 2015 Don ? . ln st. J _ F-MSCC S S. 1JTH , deflraV 'e rooms nnd board. F-M235 Jll O 2 gentlerrv ? in private family. 2020 St. Mnrj'invc F M501 I'RNISHED ronnn with board ; references , ail So. 2Cth St. F-r.20-4' JESIRAHLE south room for nentlomnn ; board , Menm. 202 No. ISth. F-MD30 I * I'dlt lll'.N'l1 IM'l ItMSIini ) ROOMS. rNFrtlNISHED rooms and hull t S So. ISth st. a M7K ! 1 * i FOIl HIJXT STOIII5S AM ) OFFICES , 'OH RENT , sloro In nrst-class location ; rent reasonable. Apply H. C. Peters fc Co. , ground Iloor , Dee LJIds. 1 266 * OH RENT , a ground floor office , specially suitable for teal eMatc , etc. , splendid vault built for use of city treasurer. Ap ply H. C. Peters & Co. , ground Iloor Ufa Uiilldlns 1-267 FOR RENT-Hrlck warehouse , two Iloor ? , each 1X1x90 ft. power elevators , U. P. trackage. Apply Huarmaim Uros. . 1911 S. 20tli. I-Csl AfJHXT.S WAXTI2IJ. CAPAHLE m"n nnd women can make Rood wages soiling our "Quick Men ! Cooker and Heater. " or "Quick Klndlef. " ( Sub stitute for kindling anil coal. ) Agents nl- lowrv ] liberal commission and exclusive territory. Write for particulars. Hen- nett Mnniifnoturlnpr Co. . 131 Van Uiiren St. . Chicago. J Sufl \ GENTSVANTEI ) for special Installment ni success , inc. , or tin ; HI uniuiAS. . i- * . 'Ihompson _ Publishing Company. St. Louis , * * t \ 1111 i \OHNTS on' salary or commission , the greatest nirenls' seller over produced ; every uer of pen unit Ink buys It on sight ; 200 to CA ) per cent protlt ; one agent's sales amounted to J020 In six davs ! an other $ : ! 2 In two hours. Monroe Mfc .Co. , X < ! 0. L.I ( 'rofjo. WIs. ' J MS03-1 * IVAXTBIl TO ItBNT. WANTED , two or three nice rooms for married couple , furnished or unfurnished. Hnnscnm park or West Fnrnam Ft. dis trict , with board ; best references. Ail- < Iroi--s W 1 , HotOlllfO. . K MS1G 1 * STOKAC22. PACIFIC Storage nnil Warehouse Co. , 912- 914 Jones , general storage and forwarding. 517 AVAXTEIJ TO ! 1UY. ALT. kl.ids of household geode , hotels , etc. , in largo or ftnall quantities. Chicago Fur nlturo Co. , 1406-10 Dodge. Tel. 2020.N . N 513 WILL purchase a limited number of Omaha Savings Bank accounts. Urennan Love Co. , 213 S. 16th St. N 513 WANTED , to buy , a restaurant outfit. Peo- pie's Stor4. 16th nnd Farnam. N M243 AMERICAN dealer : buy secondhand furni ture and stoves 1719 Cumlne. Tel. 1G73 , N-M9S1-J-9 WANTED to buy or rent , a portable saw mill complete , capacity ten to twenty thousand feet per day , for sawing timbers nt Exposition giouniTs ; or would give con tract for sawing. Address with full par ticulars. Chicago House. Wrecking Co. , Exposition Grounds , Omaha , Neb.NG24 N-G24 t POIl SALE KUHNITtrilE. STOVES AND FURNITURE : no reason able offer refused. Neb. Fur. Co. , 14U Dodce. O 520 WF. still have a good line of second hanf stoves and furniture at reduced prices , Call. J. Lewis. 104 So. 14th. O-M7SG .13 FOIl SALE HOUSES AM ) AVACOXS GOOD hack , new wheels , $250. ( j pass , rub- ber-llred rockaway , llrst-olnsp condition , $150. Light rockaway , $ lSfi , painted. Light rocknway , $135 , painted. 4 family car riages , 3 phaetons , f > good top buggies. Drummond Carriage Co. , ISth and Ilnrney P-S2S J30 FOR SHIRTS to order. Kelley & . Ileyden. Q 521 CUTTERS of drug prices. Sherman Council Drug Co. , lo3 Dodge St. Q _ crlbblnff ij.\v and 2nd-hnnd sowing .imunmnu m nurcd price. H. i" Fredericksoj ; , isth * Dodge. ' Q 521 FOR SALE-Ten R-I-P-A-N-S for 5 ceiiTT druggists. One gives relief. Q-S2 B HAAS. Florist , 1S13 Vinlon St Tel 77 cut llowcrs. boquets liall Plants , , , resl- dei.ce , wedding and grave decoration , Orders by mall or express promptly t t" $ _ INDIAN relics ; mounted heads , ins i. ' . : Q-5J ? 2D-HAND safe cheap. Doright , me Farnam Q-529 SAFES Buy ; sell , exchange , in 8. 13th St Q-52S FOR SALE , new nnd Sil-lmnd soda fonn tains ; monthly payments , s n. Jllch mond. P. O. Box C77. Q-M212 J13- FOR SALE , the celebrated Wilbur Foot for fattening stock ; enough feeds to las ono animal l.COO days for J13.00 ; satisfac tion guaranteed. H. A. Hill , stnto ngont Grand Island , Neb. Q 233 J13 POSTAGE stamps. Scott's Agency ; onei evening * . Frank Drawn , 22054 S. 13th Q-374-1 * TUESDAY , January 2 , wo will sell the fol lowing mni'hines at one-half the regula prlco. Think of buying u machine tlin will make u perfect ctltoh for $1.00. Regular prlco. Tuesday American J 2.0n J i.'o , Wilson 4.OT i.oo Crown -1,00 2.0) Whltn S.'OO .50 RomlnKton . ' .M 2.GO White . . . . 10.00 n.W Whlto 7.03 3.50 Uomustli ; 10.00 5.0) Davis 9.0) 4,51) Oscillating Singer lfi.00 s.O ) Whlto 12.CM u.o ) Wllcox * C.lbbs 2l.Ht ( ] : .o , ) Singer 30.00 i5.iv ) Singer , high arm 20.00 10.00 Wheeler & Wilson , No. 9. . . 30.00 iO ) Wilson 10.O ) s.eo Singer Hhoemakur machine , good ns new 50.00 Now miu'hlnes from MS.Ou up. We carry parts for ovnry maehlno manufactured , NEHRAHKA CYCLE COMPANY , Corner 13th ami Hnrnoy. Q-M7I7 1 SECOND-HAND TYPEWRITEUS. Oilell $15.00 Hummond 13.01) ) Franklin i'3.oj Rcnilniiton. .No. 3 3(1.00 ( Smith I'n-mlo ; * . w.OO Rcinlnutnn , No. 2 NEHHAHKA CYCLE COMPANY. Corner l&tli and Harney. Q-JI7IU 0 Tllfi only carriage henter or foot warm r worth buying. Price $1.60. Orumniomi Co. Q-S27 J30 $152 11UYS Stolnway upnght plann. "good condition ; cash or easy payments. Ad dress P 10. Uee. Q MSSS STAHT now tp buy your nsw wheel ; $ i.iii ( down. $1.00 a week : call and got full par ticulars. Omaha Blcyrle Co. Q M6D3 $1W BUYS Knabe piano , cash or cany pay ments. 545 S. 26th ave- . Q Mfil9 1 IIOOKIvKKI'IMi. 'jS $ ' ! per mo nt Van HOIHH 01 N V Life U It llathbun. 'M.J NOTICE , lountry < ] ( > .ilfs. IJ-hnnil furnltur * & stoves 01 lowest prices , lots or less , Chicago Furniture Co . 1406-10 Dodee R 30 : t.l\IltVOYAXT ! . - MRS. FRITX. clairvoyant. SOS N. ICth. 9-531 MME. GYLMER genuine p.ilmlst. 1605 OoAs-t S 532 MRS. DR. HART , [ mimlst and t-lalrvnynn . 21J N. ISth stroot. Hours , 9 to 9. S-MS31 Jl * JlASSAOi : AM ) 1IATIIS. MME. AMES. H. 2 , D07 S. 13 ; mnsnge. batha ! T-M750 J2 MRS. BERRY , baths , massage. PAHLORH best equipped In city ; porcelain tub ; Indy attendants. 119 No. IGth , Id Iloor. T-M5SI J2-J ELITE PARLORS. ( JUT S. IGth , upstairs ; lit si-clops' baths , moBnetlc treatment. Lady attendants. T MGSO 5 ALME. SMTH , roomiMs N. 15th. T-JI7C3 6' I'KIISO.NAI.S. VIAVt Is woman's way to health. 31G Uco Bldg. U-53J SHAMPOOING 23c , hair dressing 23c ; hair and toilet goods , best equipped. Monhclt , 151S Fnrnntn. U-531 MONHEIT. leading chiropodist. 151S Far- nain , 2d Iloor. U 33S PRIVATE hospital for ladles before & iitir- Ing confinement ; babies ndontcd. 1O" , N. 17. U-537 SCALP & hair treatment. Mmc. Post , 319H S. 15th. U-53J LIEBEN , costumcr. 1313 Howard. Get catalogues. U MS41 COSTUMES-MM. Sack. 331S S. 20th. Cata- logue. IT M900-J-S * feECONDHAND sowing machines from to 00 up. Neb. Cycle Co. , Cor. 15th and Hnrney. U M9M-J-9 DR. DAVIS , specialist , ICth and Dodge. U-191 DR. ROY , chiropodist ; corns removed , 23c nnJ upward. Room 12 , Fretizer block. U-I33 TELEPHONE 2343 will call Mr. Leonhardt to tune your p'ano. IT MG01 3 * RUPTURE cured , no knife , no naln. no danger. Send for circulars. Empire Hup- turo Cure , 912 New York Life building. Omaiia. U MSI2 .131 JIOXKV TO l.OAX-HISAIj USTATB. $1,000 and upwards to loan on Improved city property and farms. W. Farnam Smith & Co. , 1320 Farnam. W 533 MONEY to loan on Nebraska and Iowa farms : lowest rates. Urcmian-Lnvc Cj 219 S. 16th. Omaha. W 340 $ ToO TO $2,000. F. D. Wend. IGth nnd W-541 WANTED , city and farm loans ; also bond ? and warrants. R. C. Peters & Co 170' Farnam St. ; Bee Bldg. W 543 V/H1TE us If you want a loan on your farm In Iowa , eastern Nob. or Mo. ; It will pay you. Anthony Loan & Trust Co. . 315 N y i ] $100,000,000 to Invest through Hankern Brokers , Promoters : send for olrcnla'r Investors' Directory , N. T. W-545 5 PER CENT money. Bemls , Pn\ton"blocir W-344 MONEY to loan on flrst-cl.Tss Improved clt" property or for building purposes. Pnvnc' . N. Y. . Knox Co. , Life. W " > 47 B , 5' , * , B per cent loans in Omaha , S. Omaha W. H. Thomas. 503 1st Nat. bank. Tel. 1G13 W-54S MONEY-tt- loan nt 5 and 5V1- per cent on Omaha property. W. B. Mclkle , 401 So 15th W 550 MONEY to loan on improved Omahn real estate. Brennan-Lovo Co. , 319 South 10th W-551 FIVE per cent : farm loans. Chas. E Wil liamson. W 519 PRIVATE money , low rate , no dela\ Garvln Bros. , 1G13 Fnrnam St. W J4 MOXKY TO 1.0A.X CHATTELS. - WE-IIAVE-10.000.CO-DOLLAHS _ to loan nn HOUSEHOLD , FURNITURE , PIANOS OKGANS , WAREHOUSE RECEIPTS HORSES. CARRIAGES. ETC. We charge nothing for making papers and we. arranse the time and payments to suit you , and every dollar pn'd back LESSENS THE COST. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO . Tel. 2293. xm s. lUth St ' X MSI3 _ " MONEY loaned salaried people" holding m,7 munent position with responsible eoncprn. upon their own names , without securltv1. easv payments. Tolman , 70C N. y. jjdff' | . _ X-557 MONEY loniml on furniture , rigs , blcvrl-7 diamonds , watches , etc. ; payment im known to friends. Omaha Loan , L- Farnam. upstairs. _ MONEY loaned on pianos , furniture horses cows , jewelry. Duff Green , R. s , Barker bk ! X-561 MONEY loaned on furniture , pianob lew. clry , etc. , unknown to friends ; mbnthlv payments ; half rates. Berbers' Loan Co 1408 Farnam , over drug store. X M720 LOANS made to salaried people on their personal note without senirlty ; rates rea sonable. J. W. Taylor. 21S Flint Nafl bk bldg. 12 in 0:1B : p. m. X-330 MONEY loaned on pianos , furniture Jew ell y , horses , cows , etc. C. F , Reed 319 s ' 13th. X-55S LOANS TO SALARIED I'EOPUS rm . ployed In Omaha , South Omaha and I Council Bluffs , holding good positions , on their own names. NO MORTGAGEBFST TERMS , everything private ; manov can be paid back In "mail weekly or monthly payments. American Loan Co. , Room 601 , I'eo Bldg. X SCO MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE holding permanent positions on I heir own name without pndorser or mortgage STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL and LOWl EST RATES. No Innulrles made of em ployer or frlendP. You ran borrow any amount nnd repay In easy weekly or monthly payments. Before borrowing see us. Omaha Crellt Co. . C. E. Jennings. Mgr. , Suite 525-52G N. Y. LIfo BideXS39 X--S39 MONEY to loan on funiltuiV , pianos , horses , cows , etc. J. W. Taylor , 21S First Nat'l bk. bldg. 12 to C:15 : p. m. X 551 WE MAKE LOAN1 * FROM Jln.iil ) up ward to b.ilarlod nooplo. holding perma nent positions 'n OMAHA , SOUTH OMAHA , COUNCIL BLUFFS , on their personal note without endorsement or mrrtirago. .All a'mllcntlons treated .In oQildoii'-e. ! ! Loans can bo jxilil ALL < ir In PART al ANY TIME , and nvory dollar so Paid LESSENS THE COST. 3d ! q. IGth fit. Tel ? T. . Room 119. Uoard of Tradu bltlg. X-MS44 IIIJ.SIMSS CIIAVCISS. MERCANDISE STOCKS-Wo hnvo dry goods , clothing , stocks boots and shoos , hardware , drugs and groceries stocks located In nil pirts of Nebraska. Iowa , Dakota and Missouri. If you want to buyer or trade for a stock of uoods wo can locate. If you want to sell your goods or property we can llnd a buyer for you. Wrltn or call on us for what you want. Hotels for sale or trade. Merchandise Broker , 202 Karbach blk. Y M39 | HOTEL AND lUJSTAt'RANT Parinership or whole thine ; big patronage ; new outllt Ir.nulro 619 S ICth st. Y CO Jl - A DESIRABLE old-established cash bus- Inesi" . Owing to fnllliii ; health 1 have concluded to retire from business an.l offer my stock of grorer'es , tinware , meal I market. Hour and feeil for sale. If you want a desirable business Investlga'c. Bnrtlelt Ororr-ry Co. , 600 and C02 Broiiil- way , Council Bluffs. Y MG22 J2S MANAGING : > .irttier wanted In a general I merchandise ; excellent town of SOO Inhabitants southwestern Iowa ; owner has too much outside business t > look after : applicant must hnvo A 1 rt < fernres , able to t k"I'linrge .tnd own one-third or one-hair o' clock. wliU-h may Invoji-e n nv Hl- < ' ' , l lnX i Ktofk neari\ all iu-u Ad dress U 1 , Ueo OIHcc , Omaha Y-M I nt SIMXS itN I : * . A PRuMINKVT < "i trrn I Iniuriiiii-r , , < m- to lnnk > > n lontnui with tw.i . old line men In Neb tnd Iowa. T fiii , Uee. Y-63S-1' MANAOKH walilpd. will sell one-fourth to' one-tnlf Intorort In p yin tnlnlnc j > lnnt ntnl mine to roajMiislble pnrly who will toke charge and run It : * oed reajion ! > for soliliifT. U. S. Wnlthflll. Mystic , S. H. Y-M787 1 STOCK of goods for saltIn town nt WO population , southern central Nebraska : good trade : on account of death of owner. Address A. Snvder Honrdlct , Nrb. Y-M7K7 1 i\rn : VK. . 1 WANT to trade one lot In Armour place , Sou ill Omaha , and two lots In Mt. Plens- ant addition. Omalia , for wild land in western Nebrnrka : my lots are clear of Inputnbrnnco nnd want clear land : write tno what you have. J. H. Campbell , 1511 So. 29th st. . Omaha. K M591 3 * LAND to trade for boots and shoes. Ad- drc sLeek Box SO , Grant , Nob. i X M799 4 * FOH EXCHANGE , dividend-paying stock In well known successful compnnv to ex change for 6-room cottage. Address T G2 , Boo. Z-M731 1 FINE resldonrp , bringing good rent , to ox- cnnngo for farm land. Address ' ! ' H& Bee. HALF lnlere t In big paying patent medi cine buslno R to trade for real o tatt . Address T Gl , Hoe. / MTStl 1 KOIl SAIiB IICAL KSTATH. BEM1S PARK. The latest , most beautiful nnd oholeoM resi dence locution In Omaha , nnd at the same time the cheapest. 3 lots loft at $150 and a few at $500 and they are going fast. Why ? Hi cause you get the most for the least money of any plnciIn the city. SEE PAYNE-KNOX COMPANY. HE-M7IO 2 270S CAPITOL AVE. , prlco reduced to $ l,32'i.PO. 7 rooms , nearly new , on lot Mxlli'i feet , south front. Byron H. Hastings , 212 S. 14lh Ft. RE-MS23 18 IT POSSIBLE. Lot 23 , In block 4 , Hnwtliornu addition. only $200 Yes , but must bo all cash. SEE PAYNE-KNOX COMPANY FOH SALIC , two tl-room houses , all modern Improvements ; In good condition , thonp : ; will sell one or two. No. 271 ! > Dov.'oy Ave. Address Allen Koch , 2iB3 Hnrncy St. RE-M7HS fi' JUST completed , two lovely cottages , 7 rooms enoh. at wonderfully low prices. WHERE IS IT ? BEMIS PARK. ComoSEE SEE PAYNE-KNOX COMPANY. RE-M7I2 2 DO YOU wont a great bargain In a beau tiful 7-room cottage. See that S3.000 one In Hemls Park on 33d St. SEE PAYNE-KNOX COMPANY. RE-M7I3 2 PAYNE-HARDEH Co. , HEADQUARTERS for HEAL ESTATE BARGAINS : LOW EST HATES on LOANS ; SOUND IN SURANCE ; HOUSES. FLATS , STOHES for RENT. First Iloor N. Y. Life Bldg ' HE-M40I _ IF YOU have a bargain to offer In real estate see S. A. Broadwell , 601 N. Y. LIfo Bldg. ni FOR QUICK loturna on bargain ; , only see S. A. Broad'vcll , 501 N. Y. Life Bldg RE-MI01 HOUSES , lots farms , lands , loans ; also flro insurance. Bemls. Pnston li'k. ' RE 5.3 ! A BARGAIN Four acres. 40tn anfl 1'aclflc ; two block * from car line , on belt rail road. li.r.OO ; easy terms. McCncuo In vestment Co. . 150G Dodge. HE 567 A BEAUTIFUL .HOME . IN BEMIS PARK. 7 rooms , nil modern , and th'lnk of It , only $3.000. SEE PAYNE-KNOX COMPANY. - . HE-M7I4 2 S3'/4 acres , three miles north of Florence. all in timber ; will cut between 400 and 000 cords of wootl ; for $1,250. Ten acres on West Dodge St. , macadam , half hour's drive. $1,000. The Byron Heed Co. , 212 S. 14th St. HE-56R 1403 DOUGLAS , cheapest Inside bulness propeity on market. Wallace , solo agent. HE-M133 FOR BARGAINSeverybody goes to S. A. Brondwell , 501 N. Y. Life Bide.RE RE M403 NOTHING but bargains handled by B. A. Broudwcll. 501 N. Y. Life Bldg.REM400 RE-M400 GREAT GOODNESS ! THINK OF THIS ! A 19-foot lot facing south on Davenport street , near 33th .street , only $ ' : , ' ) . ( worth l.2..o.0i ) 3 blocks from finest residences In the city. Must be all cash , no trades. SEE PAYNE-KNOX COMPANY. UE-M745 2 SNAPS In real estate : money 10 loan , t , L Johnson Co. , 314 S. 15th street. RE 361 FOR SALE Bargains In small residences , S. A. Broadwell. cOl N. Y. Life Bldp. HE-M 107 GO ACRES within 10 miles of Omaha P. O. , 10-rocm house , barn 30xGO , some fruit trees , line place ; Improvements easily worth $2,000. Price. 14.000. 5330 for south front on Mnnderson street , between ? 7th and 2Sth streets , size 50x123. $ "fK ) for 92x331 feet , facing east on 3flth street , opposite Miller park. $2,230 live acres on North 24th street , fast old Fort Omahu. JOHN N. FRENXER , OPP. OLD P. O. RE-552 HENRI- . PAYNE.'GOI N. Y. LIFE BLDG. Heal Estate , Rentals , Loans. Insurance. RE-50 ? * I C. F HARRISON , FARMS , FARM LOANS , RE-22S-J15 * HOUSES , lots , farms , lands and Insurance. R. C. Pattcrpon , 303 N. Y. Life. HE S71 15C2 NORTH 17TI1' street , two houses , rent ing for $ l'j.iH ) per month , paving paid , jmyr 14 per i nt gross , prlro $1,330. John N. Frenzpr , Opp. old P. O. HE MGOO MEDICAL. LADIEH , old Dr. Bell's Cotton Hoot Pills the best , safe , reliable. Tnko no oilier. Send lo stamp for particulars. Dr. Bell Box 718. St. Louis , Mo. M393 J1S * LADIES' Free Harmless Monthly Rogii : \ tor. cannot fall. Mrs. B. Rownn , II Milwaukee , WIs. . M 423 . ' DR. MANSFIELD'S monthly regulator 1. brought Imi.iplnciM to hundreds of anxious \v onion ; have never had a single failure. longest cubes relieved In two to live days without fall ; no pain , no danger , no Inter ference with work ; by mull or olllce. $2 ; all letters truthfully nimutrud. The I Manslleld Remedy Co. . 107 Dearborn . ' Gil Chli-at'o. 111. room , . M-S13ti SlIOHTII.l.VU AXI ) TVI'KWHITI.XO. A. C. VAN SANT'B achool. 7J7 N/Y. Lifu. 370 AT OMAHA Iu . College , ICth & Douglas. -571 1 BOYLES' COLLEGE court reporter princi pal. Boo Ulilg. --572 NEBRASKA Business and Shorthand cnN I loge. Boyd's theater. M 151 $ l.oon.09 WORTH of Smith-Premier type- | wrltern hai > just been sold by the coin- puny t't ' the Nebraska Business and Short- hand college Bcyd theater bldg. . to meet I thu incicased demand for operators on that machine made upon till ? school. ! -S29 JU ' OSTI3OIMT1/Y. ' , JOHNSON Osteoputhlc Institute , 515 N. Y. 1 LIfo Bldg. . Alice Johnron , D. O. , ladle * ' dept. ; Gld E. Johnson , Osteopathlst , mgr , 5S2 I M. E. DONOHUE. D. O. . of Still school , , Klrksvllle. Mo . &JI Paxton blk. Tel. 13G7. -5-B I s = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = r = = = = = rr | MriCKI , IM.ATI.Mi. SKATES hollowgroun.l. ai ; kinile of jila . II.B. C'rr.aha Plating Co. , Bee Bldf C3i f..r . ro-it Jl fti > \ Tl o Smith-Premier Typewriter t"1 1W' Farnnm St Telctihono 12 < | . STi i WE 1U3NT nnd sell the best tvnewrltpra rnnde ; largoM stock of supp , : j in om.ihii ; United Typewriter & Supply Co. . 1612 imm. - 57 : . fi v Standard Typewriter T i supplies. lt > 19 Farnnm. -57 < ! THE Oliver Typewriter , vIMbl" wrltlnir , heaviest manlfolder nnd outs tinflne t stencil. Tel 1279. .1. S. Stewart , Snoflal Agent , SK's S St. . Omaha 577 TYPEWH1TERS. secondhand. lllG Fnni"m r.WVMlltOKnit ! " . JEFFERSON Square Loan Olllco. < ! < ; N 1C. MAQI.13 Lortil Oftlce , rollnblo. ncconimndnt- Inir ; nil biislnens 1:101 : D.nn- las. -5S5 HOTELS. METROPOLITAN. Wm. Barr. mgr. $1 to $1.23. 1'th nnd Douglas. 'Phone 2U Ml J- . ' I.ANOE. steniv heated rooms ? 1 up wk Board $3 per week ; meals , 2.ic. 001 s nth R2..J2S c.vxnv. OMAHA Candy Store , fresh , hnmomadu candy , 10c , 15c and 23c Ib 300 N. 10th. -C0 ! D31 STAJI.MHUIM : A.STDTTKIIIXC. . CURED. Julia Vaughn. 430 Hnmgo Bldg. -5SI I.AI'MlltY. ' OMAHA STEAM LAUNDRY AND cm TOWEL SUPPLY. 1730 LeavemVth. T1.5I7 -M2JS I'ICICUT IlllOlvKRS. CUT HATE railway tickets everywhere. P. H. Phllbln. 1505 Farnam. 'Phone 7s4. -590 SCHOOL OF FRENCH , German. Spanish , $2 per month. Prof. Cliatcl.-iln , 301 Boyd theater. 5S7 Kf HS. H. 1C. & K. HUBEHMANN. furriers ; furs made to order and repaired. IIS S. 15th. M-S37 TRUNKS traveling bags , suit cases. Trunks repaired. Om. Trunk Factory , 12H9 Farnam -323 mcvei.nb. NEW and secondhand bicycles at half price. Louis FIcsher. 1022 Capitol ave. 531 I'APKIl AIL .postal card giving your address and receive valuable Information. P. O. Hex 113 , Omaha. M227-J23 M. S. WALKLIN , 2111 Cumins ; . Tel. 1331. 5S9 TAII.OIIINR. LADIES' jackets , men's clothing , altered , latest styles ; cieane-J. Max Fogel , 307 S. 17th -732 J-3 nitlDSSMAKIXC. IN FAMILIES. Miss Sturdy , 221G Daven port. M-202 .112 11IIIDS AM ) TA.X STOCK'S Bird store. 1G03 Leavenworth. 573 CITY OFFICIAL XOTM.'ES. NOTICE OF THE SITTING OF THE CITY COUN CIL AS A BOARD OF EQUALISA TION OF ASSESSMENTS FOR GENERAL CITY TAXES FOR THE YEAH 1W . All persons interested are hereby notlllod that the city council of the pty | of Omaha will sit as a Board of Equalization of As sessments li > general taxes for the year 1'JOO. as provided by section 111 of the Char ter of Metropolitan Cities , on Tuesday , the 2nd day of January , 1DOO , between the hours of 10 o'clock a. m. amil 0 o'clock p. in. , In I the Council Chamber , in the City Hall , for the purpose of hearing and determining all complaints of erroneous or unjust assess ments for sold year , and said hearings will bo continued between the hours named from tiny to day lor a period of at least live days. Including the date of said llrst sit ting All persons having taxable property with in the elty are requested to examine their .isoH'Rsmi'iitH. so that , If any error exists , or . any Injustice has been done in the nssoss- I ment of property , correction may be made I by said Board of Equalization , II being the I Intent of Iho law that no correction shall bo I made after the Board of Equalization nd- Journs , except for reasons set forth In the | Statutes. I The assessment books are now ready for examination in the Tax Commissioner's of fice. All complaints ? intihl be In wilting and filed with the city clerk for the conBldera- ton : and union of said board when con vened. Omaha , Nebraska , December 2H , 189i. : BEECHER 111GB Y , D-2G-d-l-t-o City Clerk I.IICAI , XOTICI : . STOCKHOLDI'-'IUi MEETING OFFICE OF LKIS-OLASS-ANDREEdlJN HARDWARE CO. , OMAHA , Nab. . Dec. ! ) , 1S99. Nollcu Is hereb > given tc the stock holders of the Lee-GInss-Andrcf.son Hard ware Co. that the annual mec-t'ns ' of the ktockholderH of the company will be held at the olllres of the said company 1219-1221- 122.1 Hnrney street , In the city of Omaha , in the state of Nebraska , on Tuesday. January 3 , A. D. 1900 , at 3 o'clock p m. , for tlio ptirpow of electing a board of directors for the company to servo during the ensuing year and to transact such other business as may be precented at suoh meeting. H. J. LEE. Pruldent A. test : W. M. GLASS , Sccrotur > . ! U103U M STOCKHOLDERS MEETING Unl-Jii Land Company : Notice If hereby given that thu annual M cetlng of the stockholders of the Union l.iintl rcminanv for the election of live diree- IIII-H and tlio transaction of such other iiusi- tiers as may lawfully come before the iimit- ing will be held at tlio olllce of the general solicitor. I'ali'H Paellle building , Om.ilia Neb. , upor. Monday , the Sth tiny of Jan- , nary , 1WOO , at lu o'clock a. m. The stock transfer books will be t-lo cA \ ten days previous to the meeting. Now YcrK City , N. Y. . December ] 5th. ,1S93 , ALEXANDER MJI.LER. i Serretury NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS A special mealing of the stockholders of The Bee publishing Co. . Is hereby enlled to meeet nt fhe nllico of the compaiiv , corner 17th and Farnum streets , on Satunlay , Jnn- ' ui.ry C. V.'fl , at 4 o'clock p. in. , to ronildi r the extension and amendments to the artleleH of Incorporation nnd mioli other business as may be submitted for consld- G. B. TX.SCHL'CK. Set-retury. ! NOTICE. ! The annual mooting of the. hlockholiiers 'of ' HIP Flute Commission company will bo , held January 9 , 13'Xi ' , at the fompanj's lollUo. Huuth Omuliii , Nebraska , for the I purjiusn of olpcllng a board of dlrec.ora , and irunniot : such other business as may be brought before the meeting. PAUL FLATO. President. JAMES C. DAHLMAN , Secretary. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. Notlro is hereby Klvcn that thu aniuial moo Ing of the stockholders of The Bee ! Building company will bo held at I o'clock ! p. m lhur"lay , January 1C. 190f ) . at the ! ullii-e of nulil company In The Bee btilljllns. 1 Omaha , for the c'li-l-tlon of a board of ill- I n . tors for I Hieni > u'ng year and the tr.m - 1 a.lion . of Hiioh oilier buslnetm a' m.iy pn ] i- t : ! i ime bi-loie Ue i meellng B > , .nler ul tin ji4-UU-iil. C. C. RUJjKWATKH. B tiet'ii J II VII. T1MI ! T V1IM-IS. K \\SAS CITY ST JO- f. t-li * rnunell niufT ln ; : "O.vl ' The Bulling- t..u . uoute'1 Tickoi Olllce , 1505 Farnntn Street. Tolf- 250. Depot. Tenth ni > l Mnson Streets. Tele phone , 310. Leave. Arrive. Kni , n 'lty l\i > Ex . .a ieU : nm n 5:15 : pm Kut' cry N'Aiit ' Ex .alO:13 : pm n 6:30 : am st ' . . . r. > i. f > r St. Joseph at.a St Louis..n 1:55 : pm all:15 : am a Daf.j liU ISLINGTON & Qulivy Railroad "Tho Hut llnjti'n Ht.tito" Ticket utr.ii , 1602 Farnam SI. Ti-l . I'M. Depot , Tenth & nnd Mason Streets. Tele , phone , 310 , Leave. Arrive. Daji.jjht ctiKngo Spe- i uil u 0:10 : nm rhimij \ e : ! liXiled EX..II 5:03 : pm n Sf : 5 nm chUnKo Express ti sSn : am n 4:05 : pm .iitii A. s : L Ex..a 7:15 : pm a S:03 : am Jun.-tljn Local..nlO3 : ! nm a 2:45 : pm TURLINGTON & .MIS. fuurl River Railroad "The Burlington Route" -iloneral Ollk-es , N. W. Corner Tenth and Far- nnin Streets. Ticket .tn tnllco. 1.V' ' : Fnrnam ° 1 Strict. Tuleiihone , 250. I Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Tele- phone 3iu. Leave. Arrive. I LilV olll , Hr.stliiBS nnd Mi-Conk a S:40 : nm .1 7:40 pm Lincoln. Denver , uolo- raJo. Utah. California.a 4:23 : pin a 3:35 : pm Lin. oln. Ulan : Hills , Montana & Puuct Sound n 4:2T : pm n 3:00 : pm Lincoln Local , a 7W : pm nlO:35 : nm Lincoln Fas ! Mail u 3:00 : pm alO:35 : am Denver , Colo-iido , Utah & California a C:35 : am n Dally. CHICAGO. 3T. PAUL. .Minneapolis Si Omaha Railway "The North- wi stern Lino" General Olllces. Nebraska Dlvl- sljn. 15th and Webster * - Sts. City Ticket Olllce , . . . . - ariiiim Si. Telephone , 001. Depot , 15th ni.d Y\ ebsteSis. . Leave. Arrive. Twin City Express ( for Sliuix City. tit. Paul & Minneapolis * a G:00 : nm Omaha Piisseng. r a 7:00 : pm Blair , Emer en. Sioux City , Potiin , Hartlng- ton and Ulojmlleld..b lx. pm b2:10 ! : pm No. 2 Twin Cl' L't'd..u D:53 : pm No I Omaha Limited. . . a 9:00 : am a Daily , b D.illy extent Sunday. rilKMONT. Kt.-CirOHX .vt Missouri Vnlljy Hall- road "The Northwestern I.lne" Gi'iicrtl ; Oinces. t'nltoil States' National Hank nii'.s. . Southwest Curner Twelfth and Knr- nam Siroets Tlrkut ollloe 110 : Fnrnam Street Tolcpliono. 5C1. Depot. 15th nnd Webster stiouls. Telephone , 145S. Leave. Arrive. Black Hill" . Dcadwood. Hoi Springs a 3:00 : pm n 5:00 : pm Wyoming , Casper ar.rt DoiiKlas d 3:00 : pm e 5:00 : pm Hasting * York , David City , Superior. Geneva Rxeter and Fevvnrd b 3:00 : pm b 5:00 : pm Norfolk. VerdlRre and Fremont b 7:30 : am blO:25 : am Lincoln. Wahoo and Fremont b 7:30 : am blO:23 : am Fremont Lei al c 7:30 : am n Dally D Dally except Sunday , c Sun day on\ ! . < l Dally except Satun'.ay. e dally cxccp1 Monday. CHICAGO .t NORTHwestern - western Hallway "The Northwestern Line" < _ 'ty Ticket Olllco. 1101 I'arnam Street. Telc- paono. Ml. Depot. Tenth I'litS Mason Streets. Tele. phone. C29. Leave. AtS ve. Daylight Chicago Spe cial a 0:40 : am all : * ; pm Chlcngo Passenger a 4:15 : pm alu:10 : am Eastern Express. Den Molnes. MnnJialltown , Cedar Rapids and Chicago cage alO:55 : am a-1:05 : pn Eastern Llnilteu. Chicago cage and East a 4:55 : pm a 4:05 : pm Fast Mull. Chicago to Omaha a " : i3 pm Omaha-Chicago Special.a 7:30 : pm a 3-00 am Fast Mull S:30 : nm n Dally , b Daliy except Sunday. SIOUX CITY .1 PACIFIC Railroad "I'lio North , western Llne"--f7eneral Olllccs , United States National Jjjnk Dul'-llnp. S. W. Corner Twelfth and Fnrnam Streetp. Ticket 1401 Farnam Street , Tele- phon < > . Depot , Tenth nnd Mason Streets. Telephone , C2'j. Leave. Arrlvp. Sioux City. Mankato .5. St. Paul , Mnn' ! ' > apolls..a 5:53 : am a 8:15 : nm St. Paul. Minneapolis , Mnnknto & Slotix City.a 5:30 : pm all:03 : pm Sioux Cty ! Local a S:00 : am a 1:30 : am a Dally UNION ' " I'ACIKIC-"TriI3OVER , land Houte" General Otlices N- KCo ' ' - - , - , , ' and Fa rim m Streets. City Ticket Olllce , 130" F.inmm Street. Telephone. 31G D.-PO . . Tenth anJlnsori Streets. Telephone , G23. The Overland Limited..n S:30 : am a 7:20 : pm The Fast Mall a 9:00 : am a : i:2Ti : n in The Colorado Special..all:53 : pm a G:3j am The Portland Special a S:50 : am a 4:40 : pm Lincoln. Ileatrlce and W.romsburK Express. . ! ) 4:10 : pm IU2:2 : : > pm Pacific Express a 4:25 : pm n'C:35 : am Gnmd Island . . ; .b 5:30 : pm b 0j : ama [ South Omahn Pass. Leaves , a 10:15 : n , m.- 3:05 : p. m. ; b1 = 35 p. m. Arrives , 10:45 : n. m. ; b " ' 40 n. m. ; b 5:2 : p. m. Cou-icll Bluffs Local Leaves , D:50 : n. m 7:15 a. m. : 7:5u : a m. , 10:45 : n. m. ; 2:15 : p. ' in. ; 3:40 : p. m. ; j:2. : > p. m. . 5:53 : p. m. ; sla : p. m : : P m. Arrives. C:20 : a. m. ; 7:50 : a m. . 10 ir , n m. : 11:30 : a. m. ; 3:05 : p. m. : 4:35 : p. m. ; 5:55 : p. m. ; C:35 : p. m. ; & :30 : p. m. ; 11 p. m a Dally , b Dally except unday. . ROCK 1SL- " " 'I ff Pacific Railroad The Great Hoc-It J.sU nnd Route. " city Tick- Bltre cliCUTftiICT ! , ? Dciiot. Tmnh , t .Masmi Streets. Ti-lephone , " ' Leave. Arrive. Des Molnes and Davenport - port Loial a 7:05 : am bl 1:35 : ama Cii'iugo ICxiiross bii.iaiiiu a .Slii : am [ Cliliaso Fast Expifn.-i..a ; rOT : pm n 1:25 : pm St. ijnul Fast Lxpnjss. .a 5-Ou pm bil35 ; ama I oln , Colorado Spgs , I D.-nver , Pueblo and ' West a 1:20 : pm a 4:25 : pm DCS MomcF , Hock 1 1- 1 and and Chicago. a 7:23 : pm n B:50 : pm , Colorado & Texas FJyer.n 5:53 : pm n 9w ' " ura ' " " ' a Dally Ii Dnllir cxcep' Suiflny. I'OMAHA & ST. LOUIS HAIL- roud-Omnha , Kansas City & Eastern Rallroad-"Th , . qulney ; Route"Tlc-ket Ot. lice , 1410 Fnrnam Street T. . . . .phone. 322. Depot. Tenth and Mnrcy Streets. Tele phone , C29. Leave , Arrive St. Louie Cannon Ball Expr-ss . . . .a 4:50 : pm a 8:33 : am ' Kansas I'ity i.nd Qulncy Local . . . . . a7loam : a 8:50 : pm ; , 4 4 , . MISSOURI PACIFIC RAIL" f rnnfe.roaoGtneral Otliccs and JuVywUtZ , TI. ki-t Olllees .SouthpSt Cor- = = tfFJfKZ ' " 'I llln OI1(1 ( Oouglas Sts jHIMl t Tc-luphono. JOI. Depoi. 15th " " ' Web9tcr Sl Tclonnone. Tgffijfijjjf 4" ] - . Arrlvfl. St. Louis , Kansas & Neb Limited a 2:30 : prn al2:55 : nm K. C-Si L Express..a 3:50 : nm a 6 50 an ! . V. urnxltu Ixnal via Weeping Water . b 0:03 : pm a 9:43 : am a Daily b Daily except Sunday. - CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE 7i w < & > - . St. Paul Itnllwnv-Cltv 'LWWEEi T"ltct ! W"1 , JH > I ' 'arniim 1" " ee . . one. 2SI. De Leave. Arrive , Chicago Limited Kx . a 7:35 : pm a 8:30 : am Chlrupo , Omaha Ex. bll:00 : am u 3:55 : pm Sioux City & Ded Molnes . . . . . . . . . bllWam : b 3:55 : pm b Dally except Sunday. WA B A RAILHOAD- Tlrket Olllee. His Farnam Street. Telephone , its. De. pot , Tenth and Mnrcy Streets. Telephone , C29. Leave. Arrive. St. Louis "Cunnon Ball" Express . a 4:50 pm a S:35 : am a Dally. i < l-e H 'I iiiiriiiiiiii-nt ( if Vlfiuui , 1 VIENNA. Dei' 30.In t . < rli/'Hh round of the lireiniitimial < 'h.HH Mni-ti-i'H' fjiiina- merit : ilayed In thU i-liv yesterday Wolff beat H'-hwaiz , Pimli-l di-f. , i | . I pioek , ind I Miirmzv VMUi over y.lnkle. while Albli I Km ! . . S. . lile. iitei , ind Hiody .111.1 .M.ii.o .l"l ! Mi . 'n ' dl.U The < | . | | ntlin. I * ! ) . - flulli i > uij'ji i"ij.l | lesulti 'J.'ln b'at ' t \ \ i 1 U ) < , . M > . i i. . . . . tn r .it , l Iv - e" i- . . i \ , i Ir , \ \ | MINING IN THE" BLACK HILLS 1.litest \I > M < < of Interest from ( lit * Illeti Mliiernl Iteulon of Smith DilKotn. HK.\l\VOOn. S. I ) . . Pee. 31.-Spet ( Inl. ) - Two new i-onipnnles we-ro orgnnlteJ In lifnd oed this weak to oiu-ralp In the mln- 1 IIIK districts ndjncont to this clly iitul Load , lloth are eompreeil of local capitalists I and people from Colorado Sprlni's , Colo. I The company , which lia inirchnscd the old | Virginia and Emerald mines north of Lead i City , M planning great tilings , but until certain matters mnlure the company Intends - tends lo ker-p Us Identity and Its plans from j ' i the public. U In known that a shaft is to i , bo sunk three or four hundred feet deep on ! n wcll-dellned vertical , and to prosecute- this work n largo hoisting plant Is to be o reeled. The tnlnlni ; ground la near the Hidden Foi- I tuni' . upon which Otto Orantz made Ills ro- j tmiriiaWo strlku of gold ore tills fall. The , ciMiipnny that 1ms purrhnsisl tliefo old tnlnra | has other properties In view and a further announcement of n big mining deal is ex pected within ten days. Thu Magnolia .Mining and Milling com pany , which has been organized by local and Colorado Springs capitalists , will com- i niDtieo Immediately to develop four claim * ' In the heart of the plumolltu district only | H short dlstnnco north of the old Ironsides mine , which Is the property of the Colorado and Dendwood company. The company l capitalized at $1,250,000. each sliaro Imvlm ; a par value of $1. With thu mining ground i llu-ro Is a water-right with a MUlllclcnl sup ply of water to run n cyanide plant of 100 tons capacity. The company linn set nsldo I 250.0UO shares as treasury stork , the proceeds - coeds to bo used for scouring u patent to the ground and for prusocutlni ; a IhoroMgh development uf thu ore lodes. Actual , tests made on the uro found on the claims hate shown It to be easily treated by the cyanide process. The company expects eventually lo ein-t a plant with this procre.x at the mine. The ground adjacent to a portion of the Titanic company's property and through It Ihi-rn inn numerous prominent phonnllto tllkrs. Floal lock along one of the most prominent dikes has assayed from $4 to M < per ton gold. The olllcew of the com pany are : F. M. ( ijintz , president : P. T. Balrd , vicn president and O. U. Pryco. sec retary and treatmtcr , nil of Dcadwood. Mr. Pryro In the original discoverer of the phnno-lltio district which is now attracting the attention of the miningworld. . The machinery of the Ironsides mine. In this same district , Htarted up for the Initial run this week. The plant Is ono of the most complete- Iho Black Hills and It will iiiaUo short work of the long tunnel that the company expects to run on the ere body. Ore Is bring shipped again from the old Kicking Horse mine , In Blacktall gnh-li. which has recently been purchased by the Ntiithwcstern Cold ! and Silver Extracting company of Chicago. The company Is oper ating the cyanide plant In this city on u lease. The stockholders lu this company are also Interested In the Golden ( late Min ing company , which owns a large mining estate nt Iho head of Illacktall gulch. This company has commenced work In the old McKlnley shaft , which Is located nt the northern end of the ground. The shaft Is already down about 100 feet and It l pro posed to sink It on down to qmirtzltc. The company his mined n great ninny carloads of ore from the property on the south end. In the Maggy shaft. The state Inspector of mines' report shows the output of gold from the Blnck Hills for the year past to have bren $ ! M31I3G , which Is nn Increiue of nearly $ ' . ' ,000.000 over the output of last year. The lloinestako com pany leads In the production , with the Golden den Reward company a very close second. The year 1000 wllLsee n greater Increase In the smelter optput thnn In the Homestnkc mills and Itould not be surprising to see the Hinelter lead out with the largest out put at the end of the twelve months. Thu mnnll cyanide plants and stamp mills , scat tered throughout the country , have been Im portant , factrrs In the year's output , and It Is safe to say that the product for next year will bo more than doubled. State Mine Inspector Cuslck has made careful estimates as to the output of Ibis year and upon the basis of thcfio figures ho believes that the output for 11100 will reach the Hum of $15- OUO.OOO. The following list has been pre pared by him nnd It has been acceptc-1 by the assayer In charge of the Unltr.'l States iiFsay olllce of Dcndwood as being us near correct as It l possible to get It : Homestako Mining company , $2,1171,330 ; Highland Mining company , .T93f,000 ! ; Horse shoe company. $562,100 : Holy Terror , $900.- UOO ; Hidden Fortune , $200,000 ; Golden He- ward Chlorimitlon , $018,000 ; Blacktnll mines , $ GOUOO ; Golden Reward smelter , $2,300,000 ; Rapid City Chlnrlnatlon , $21.000 ; Allen , Small and Ansoclntlon Cyanide plant , $19- 000 ; Spearllsh Cyanide plant , $03,000 ; .1. R. Rtamp mill , $ C.tjJO ( ; Central City Cynldc plant , $8,000 ; Cochran Quartz mill , $9,000 ; placer mines , $12,000 ; other mines and inillti , $10,000 ; ore shipped out of Black Hills , $700- 000 ; total , $9,131,130. \VII.1. > l.\Ki : STOCKUHX IMV TAXES. 'I'll UI OK llerdN On ) of Since Teni poriir- llv In Avail No l.oiitter. CHEYENNE , Wyo. , Dee. 31. ( Special. ) For several yeiu past , the stale olllcerfl charge , it IIUH been the custom of a largo number of sheep mid cuttlu owners In Wyoming to take portions of tholr herds out. of the Htnte buforo the stork had boon nsnosiicd nnd before the taxcn for the year became delinquent. In this way thu stntu has lost vast BIIIIIS In taxes. For tlio purpose - pose of avoiding thcFe heavy Icsscs annually tlio state examiner has mndo a careful In- vostlgntlofi of ( lie condition ! ] and hns lusucd a circular letter to treasurers and boards of county commissioners. He says the law provides that In cacc the collector of laxcs In any county believes tlmt any property in the county and mihject to assessment and taxation will be removed out of the county before the tux duo has bonii paid he shall have power lo levy upon ro much of such properly , wherever found within the IknltB of tin * stntu , as will bo Decennary to pay the tuxeii duo ami the cost of keeping Hiioh properly. ! ' < ili Ui'Vliiit Killed. CHEYENNE , Wyo. , Deo. HI. Special Tele gram. ) Word was received here today of the killing'of It , M. ( Bob ) Dovlno at hlH Inline In Howard county , Kan. Devlnn wan a celebrated Wyoming rlmractnr and n tor- lor In outlaws and cattle thluvcs who In- fealed Iho Ilolo-In-thc-Wall region In cen tral Wyoming. While In the employ of the big cnltlo outfits of Carey tires , im raiiRO foreman , Dovlno was frequently at-x inched by outlaws , who weni making way with hit ) employer * ' cattle. In all of thesn Devlno wcrlicd havoc among Die rusllcra and always oBetipvil Injury himself. Illn lust battle with the rustlcra was In July , 1K1)7 ) , ulii'ii he ami u | iarty of roxvboyH sur- intindctl Bcven otulnwa , killed onu , unundetl two and captured one. Tim rustlers threat ened to kill Dovlno nn sight nnd followed him for many months for thut purpose. While tlio re-port of th killing of Devlno gave nn particular. It in prppiuned that u member of the Holo-ln-thw-Wall gang fol- loucd him to Knnnas and put him nut of the way. .Vherdeen lln > ( ; el a Ill A1II-HJ)1'.KN : , S 1) . . Dec. 31. ( Special. ) I II. W. Cole of Mcllctto IIHH purchased val- ' liable building piopcrly on Itallroad avenue ami It IH underhiood Mill erect a large ma ] t hlncry waiehoiiHO on tlio lol In the spring. 'I'lie Har.t'KKr King mini/ally U suld tu be behind thu deal.