Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 01, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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oe fi Clearing Sale 1900
. ;
Telephones CIS CM. Hoe. January 1 , 1POO.
Tuesday morning , January 2nd , 1900 , we shall commence one of the greatest reduction sales ever
attempted by us. Every reduction advertised by us is genuine and made from our former selling price.
We mean to make this sale so large , the bargains so great , that it will be counted by all the greatest
JANUARY CLEARING SALE ever held in Omaha.
High Grade
to go at
loss than
half origi
nal prices.
Stuffs are handsome , elegant
and exclusive. None better
the year round thnn these
At $1.25 handsome Crepons were $1.75.
At $1.25 Ilayadero Crcpons were $3.00.
At $1.25 Parisian Crepona were $2,25.
Pretty and seasonable as they arc , prices
average about half regular prices.
Plaids for walots plaids for skirts
camel's hair plaids , the very newest
thing in the market all to go during
this great pale.
Stylish mixed Plaids , smooth finish 19
AT 59C KOIIM 85C AND $1.00
Handsome large Plaids rough and
smooth effects 27 styles. '
AT D5C FROM $1.75
Camel's hair Plaids-all this season's
goods 17 styles.
AT $1.00 FROM $2.25
Blue and black Camel's hair check , about
one Inch sauare.
AT $1.50 FROM $3.00
Imported Camel's hair plaid Just the
kind you have been paying us three
dollare for the latest skirt material
fi styles.
Colored Hundreds more
DreSS OOOdS here than the
paper ever hints
of. Make quick use of the
moments while the cream of
completeness is yours to select
Silk and Wool Novelty now 19c was 35c
Ilayadere Novelty now ISc was 50c.
Suitings , mixed nnd plain , now 2Hc was
Two-toned Pebble Novelty now 25c was
Jacquard Novelty now 39c was 85c.
Stylish Novelty Suitings now 20c was
COc. ' l
Silk and Wool Suitings now c was
Silk and Wool Novelties now 49c was
Never were stuffs so pretty or prices BO
little , saving your ' money wherever
your choice may fall.
Stylish Novelty , In two colors , very
AT 49C FROM $1.00
Silk and Wool Novelty , light weight ,
silk colorings.
AT 49C FROM $1.35
Two-tone < l fancy Imported Suiting.
AT D9C FROM $1.60
Two-tdned Corded Novelty , very stylioh
for skirts.
AT C9C FROM $1.75
Imported Covert Suiting two colorings.
AT 49C FROM $1.35
Imported Crepe Novelty , two colors only.
AT 39C FROM $1.50
Parisian Novelty light colors only very
AT 4lC ! FROM $1.35
Corded Bcngallne In two-colored effects.
This Is no guess-work statement , for we
are pay'riB ' higher prlcen right now for
drees goods that will next fill our
At. 25c Fine Mixed Suiting , worth C.Oe ,
At 59c Silk and Wool Suiting , worth
At 1'Jc .ilk nnd Mohair Novelty , worth
$1.50. .
At 49c Fine Shepherd's Checks , worth
At 3flc Flno Ilelgo Suiting , worth 85c.
At s's'cHorrlngbono Sultlne. worth GQo.
At 69c Fno ( All Wool Coverts , worth $1. $
At 39c Tufted Novelty , worth COc.
At 28c Illuminate * ! Novelty , worth COc.
At B9c Crass Strlpo Novelty , worth $1.50.
At 39o Silk Checked Novelty , worth
At 29c Small Polka Dot Novelty , worth
At 49c Small Checked Suitings , worth
Dress Goods-
We give them
good light ; keep
the qualities
right from top
to bottom.
Black is always
dignified , ele
gant and genteel -
tool wo are
ehowing an abundance , of
handsome stud's
The quotations that follow stand for
great worth and , value , but they do not
do justice to the enormous variety
of special prices for thin great talc.
Nothing but a personal visit can do
that. COME.
AT $1.9S FROM $3.00 $
HandeoniB Silk und Wool Crepooa ,
AT 11.60 FROM J3.S5
New Plnltl Crepon one of this season's
choicest patterns.
AT $1.50 FROM $2.60-
Parltlan Striped Crepon , very new.
Novelty Crepons fine mohair topa.
AT $1.98 FROM $2.75
New Grenadine Crepons handsome silk
llgtires on grenadine ground.
AT $3.90 FROM $4.50
Flno French Crcpons , In email , neat fig
ured effects.
AT $3.25 FROM $4.00
Imported Silk Novelty one of this sea
son's anoat stylish novelties.
AT $3.'CO FROM $4.00
Flno silk figured Imported Novelty.
AT 98C FROM $1.25
Imported Armure Suiting very new.
AT 98C FROM $1.75
Handsome figured Novelty , pattern very
Probably the one 'richest and most ef
fective lot of Black Dress Goods are
our Imported pattern suits. Tuesday
these flne novelty goods may be chosen
nt a saving of dollars on each pattern ,
and all are of this season's Importa
$50.00 Chenille and Crepon Novelty pat
tern , $33.00.
$30.00 Crystnlclne Spangled Novelty for
$25.00 Silk Crepon Suits for $15.00.
$35.00 Ulack nnd White Chenille Novelty ,
$20.00. .
$30.00 handsome Parisian Suit , $25.00.
$25.00 Silk and Wool Crepon Suit for $13.
Our January The ladies of
Linen Sale Omaha and
vicinity who
have waited patiently for our
annual linen sale will be more
than w ll repaid for their
patience. On Tuesday morn
ing we inaugurate one of the
grandest and best sales of linen
this department has ever at
All our $1.50 72-Inch bleached table
damask In this sale $1.10 per yard.
All our $1.25 72-Inch bleached table
damask In this sale S9c per yard.
All our $1.00 G8-lnch bleached table
damask In this sale 75c per yard.
All our 75o 02-Inch bleached table
damask In this sale COc per yard.
All our doc 64-Inch bleached table
damask In this aalc 50c per yard.
All our $1.25 72-Inch cream damask In
this sale 89o per yard.
Alt our $1.00 72-Inch unbleached table
damask In this sale 75c per yard.
All our 65c C2-lnch unbleached table
damask In this sale 47c per yard.
All our ctic fiO-lnch unbleached damask
In thls-cmle 42c per yard.
All our $1.60 bleached table cloths , size
8x10 , In this sale $1.19 each.
All our $1.75 bleached table cloth , 2
yards square , In this sale $1.3 ! ) each.
All our $2.00 bleached table cloth , 2
yards square , in this sale $1.59 each.
All our $2.25 blenched table cloths' , 2 by
2V4 yards , In 'this nalo $1.C9 each.
All our $3.00 and. $2.75 bleached table
cloth , ,2'-i ' and 3 yards long , In this
Hale $2.00 each.
All our $3.50 bleached table cloth , 2 by
2 % yards , In this sale $2.38 each.
Al | our $1.00 bleached' all linen 5-8 imp-
It I na In this sale or/c n dozen ,
All our $1.50 bleached all linen 5-S nap
kins In this gale $1.00 a dozen.
All our $2.00 bleached all linen napkins
In this sale $1.09 a dozen.
All our $3,00 and $2.75 bleached nap
kins In this sale $1.98 dozen.
All our $3,50 bleached 3-4 napkins In
this sale $2.50 n f.o'tcn.
All our $4.50 bleached 3-4 napkins In this
gale $3.50 a dozen.
All our $0.00 bleached 3-4 napklnu In
this ealc $4.50 A dozen.
All our 12'XjC towels 9o each.
All our 20c towels 15c each.
All our 23c towels 19e each.
All our 40o towels 25o each ,
All our 10c towels 12'Je each.
AM our _ 12e crush lOc per yard.
All otir''l6c crash is c per yard.
Fancy . One lot
Ribbons of fancy
Striped Eibbons
with 'raised cord
stripes , beautiful
colorings 4 and
t > inches wide
Sold at S5o ami $1.00 per yard reduced
to 60n per yurd.
Our Cloak
Never in our
history have
wo had diich a
business in
cloaks , suits
and furs as
the past sea
son we have
no reason to
find fault with
the weather to make it an ex
cuse for the tremendous reduo-
tiom which we will make on
every f/arment in our cloak de
It Is simply that wo need the room , as
spring goods rush along BO quickly
that It Is absolutely necessary for us
to close out the remaining portion of
ready-mado garments nt once ladles
know they nro never disappointed here ,
nnd hundreds will be waiting for the
cloak bargains Tuesday morning as
all our goods are marked In plain fig
ures you can readily see the prices
this will assist you In making your
own selection.
Every Jacket Is strictly new , and of the
very latest style wo have coats In
navy blue , castor , light tan and black
In kersey cloth , montanac , chinchil
la , cheviots and other most desirable
fabrics In Sizes 33 , 31 , 35 , 36 , 37 , 38 ,
39 , 40 , 41 , 12 , 43 , 14.
All our most beautiful coats , made of the
finest kerseys some fur trimmed
others plain , which were really cheap
at $20.00 sale price $10.00.
All our elegant Coats which sold at $15
sale price $7.50.
All our handsome Coats which sold at
$10.00 solo price $3.00.
All our splendid Coats which were $5
sale price $2.50.
We have one beautiful Fur Coat electric
seal , handsome collars and cults and
front trimmed In dark mink regular
price $80.00 sale price $40 size 36.
Ono handsome Electric Seal regular
price $15.00 sale price $22.50.
Ono handsome Electric Seal regular
$37.50 sale price $18.75.
Misses Coats , 14 to 18 years , in tan ,
castor , red and navy blue $10.00 coats ,
now $5.00. $5.00 coats now $2.50.
Children's Coats , C to 10 years the $9
coats sale price $4.50 the $5.00 coats
sale price $2.50.
Children's handsome long winter Coats
sizes 3 to G years the $10.00 coats
now $5.00 the $5.00 coats , eale price
rurs Such
collarettes ,
muffs , boas
head scarfs
and all our
in Marten ,
Persian &
Marten ,
Electric Seal and other hand
some combinations will be sold
in this sale at greatly reduced
price ? .
Remember the furs which we sell nro
not the cheap common trash sold by a
great many stores , but goods which
have an Intrinsic value all our best
Electric Seal Muffs at $2.50 all our
genuine Marten Muffs at $1.50 some
beautiful neck scarfs In electric seal
with 8 fox tails at $2.50 regularly sold
at $5.00.
Are too well known to require more than
a mention that they will also eharo
In the general cutting cf prices ami
ladles who desire to purchase a suit
we guarantee they will not be disap
pointed in the price In thiu sale.
All our beautiful Block Silk 'Waists
which sold regularly at $10.00 sale
price $5.00.
All our elegant Ulack Silk Waists which
sold at $5.00 sale price $2.60.
Wool Waists will also bo reduced In
Golf nnd Walking Skirts , the $10.00 01103
Solo price , $5.00 the $9.00 o-aes $4.50
the $7.50 ones $3,75.
At our
Men'o lined Kid Gloves and Mittens re
duced from $1.00 ami 75c to 60c per pr.
Men's lined Kid Gloves and Mittens
Bomo of these are fur trimmed re
duced from $2.00 , $1.75 and $1.50 to
$1.00.per pair.
Youths' lined Gloves reduced from $1.00
to 50c per pair.
Misses' black , flne double Saxony Yarn
Mittens largo elzc.s sold its high Q
C5c all sizes reduced to 35c per pair.
Ladles' Black Wool Mittens zlg zag
stitch very durable reduced from
toe to 35R per pair.
Ladles' extra quality Saxony Yarn Mlt-
tc.ns zls zag stitch reduced from 75c
10 35c per pair
Domestics at We
January Clearing Prices will
some special prices on the fol
lowing goods.
Flno Shirting Madras , 32 Inches wide ,
In various colors nnd stripes , regular
price 12&c all go at DC a yard.
3 lota of Swiss Curtains , 3 yards long ,
40 Inches wide , nt G9c , S5c nnd $1.00
per pair.
1 lot of dark blue 3G Inches wide per
cale , regular price lOc on sale at fie
per yard.
1 lot of Prints , 28 Inches wide , good mn-
tcrlal nnd colors at S'.fcc and 4o per
1 lot of colotcd Swiss , 36 InchcB wide ,
regular price 12',4c on sale at 5c per
Underwear Chil
ribbed fleeced un
derwear , large
sizes sold as high
as 38c each your
choice of any size
15c each.
Boys' heavy Jaeger
Ileeced underwear-
reduced from COc to
( ri / 25c each ,
iMlssce" 50c fleeced
Onelta union suits
reduced to 23c each.
Ladles' $1.00 natural wool and scarlet
underwear reduced to 75c each.
Ladles' $1.23 gray light-weight ribbed
vests and pants reduced tr 75e each.
Ladles' COc Onelta fleeced union suits ,
extra largo sizes reduced to 35c each.
Men's BOe fleeced underwear , good weight
extra good values reduced to 35c each.
Men's $1.00 Ileeced wool underwear , three
thread , color brown reduced to 75c
Men's brown wool underwear , have sold
at $1.BO per garment reduced to 75c
Men's $3.00 wool union suits reduced to
Men's $2.00 wool union suits reduced to
Men's $1.00 unite suits reduced to 75c
Hosiery Men's
- natural
wool and camel's
hair hose , good
weight reduced
from 20c to 15c
per pair.
Dion's line wool
hose , cdcl lines
sold tit 50c ro
il uced to25c puir.
Men's Cashmere hose , odd lines sold
at 25c reduced to 15c per pair.
Misses' black ribbed Ileeced cotton hose ,
extra good value sold at 26c per pair
reduced to ISc per pair.
Boys' heavy fleeced cotton bicycle ribbed
hose , not all sizes reduced from 25c
to 15c per pdlr.
Misses' black ribbed vicuna cashmere
hose all sizes reduced to 3 pairs for
Misses' plaid wqpl hose , large sizes
worth up to $1.00 all sizes reduced
to 25c per pair.
Ladles' black fleeced cotton hose , ribbed
tops reduced from 50c to 35c per pair.
Ladles' out-size black cashmere hose ,
high spliced heels , double soles re
duced from 75c to EOc per pair.
flannel Many
Department Flan-
* ® nelR
have beeilereatly
A/I\/I\V \ \
/ _ _ \ IjUjjl reduced in prices ,
/ * . rivNote / / , _ the reduc-
tions here.
All of our lOc best fleece lined flannel
ettes , now 7' c.
All of our 15c flannelettes , 34-inch wide ,
now 7Vic yard.
All of our IBo Swansdown , now lOc per
All of our 20c Imported Swansdown ,
now 12' c yard ,
AH of our 30c fancy wool Eiderdown ,
now 22'c yard.
All cf ou.40c and COc fancy wool Eider
down , now nt 274c yard.
Some of our 75c French flannels and COc
nil wool Scotch flannels , now nt 25c
Big reductions In prices on blankets nnd
$4.35 Down Quilts now $2.98 each.
$5.00 Down Quilts now $3,63 each.
$ C.CO Down Quilts now $4.7i ) each.
$7.50 Down Quilts now $5.25 each.
$10.50 Down Quilts now $7.29 each.
$2.00 Gray Wool Blankets now $1.88
$2.00 Gray Wool Blankets iow $1.49
$2.1)5 ) Robe Blankets now $1.98 each.
$3,75 Kobe Blankets now $2.C each ,
$4.50 Robe Blankets now $3.2.r > each.
$5.7C Robe Blankets now $4.25 each.
Dress January clearing
Irimmlngs sale of black and
colored headed
nnd silk garnitures.
$7.00 Garniture at 5.00.
$5.1)0 ) Garniture at $3.50.
$4.00 Garniture nt $3.CQ.
$ Garniture at $2.00.
$2.50 Garniture at $1.50.
$1.CO Garniture at $1.00.
Them nro many other reductions.
Fancy trimmings by the yard , sold at
$2.50 and $2.00 reduced to $ I.CO a yard.
The Only Exclusive Dry Goods House in Omaha.
Fine Silks
at Little Cost
It would be
hard to suf
ficiently em
phasize the
that charac
terizes this great clearance
sale. It should be remember
ed that all the silks in this
special clearance sale are of
our regular high quality , at
about , one-third to one-half
regular prices.
29c for 83c Knncy Striped Taffeta.
Hflc for S3c Stylish Waist Silks.
Mo for $1.33 Parisian Striped Taffeta ,
lo ! ) for $1.00 Striped Novelty Waist Silks.
9Sc for $1.75 Corded and Satin Striped
Novelties. '
75c for $1.50 1'rlntetl Warp Taffeta.
$1.00 for $1.75 Parisian Chenille Striped
AT f.9c.
Drlglit and beautiful are these evening
shades of pink , light hltie , heliotrope ,
nllo green at B9c a yard regular
prlco $1.00.
Satins , corded taffetas , hrocades ,
stripes 65c to $1.20 , all to go at 30c
a yard.
nt 3Sc a yard. Klne full round cord-
all slllt , yellow , light orange and pink
nt 35c regular price 7Cc.
nt 25c a yard colors blue , pink , helin-
trope and nllo green at 25c a yard-
regular price Juc.
At SOc , from $1.25 purely all eilk , good
At $1.15 , from $1.75 extra line quality
and finish.
At 5flc , from $1.00 nnd $1.25 all this
season's novelties.
Atlc ! ) , from $1.00 handsome brocaded I
At 33c , from fioc figured Taffetas ,
splendid value.
At SOc , from 75c corded Bengnllne.
Other fine values In the silk stock , not
hero enumerated , will be found of
special Interest.
Corset Select
Chances models
of fa
mous makes for $1
a clearing sale
of all the odd corsets
7 ,
sets in stock.
Including a few sizes of the elegant I.
C. Corsets , boned with genuine whale
bone the new curved back , BO fash
ionable. Low bust. Wo only have
one dozen of the corsets , some sold 1 j
at $4.BO to $7.50 each to close , $1.00 I
each. A rare bargain If we have the |
Wo have a good assortment of W , B. ,
Kabos , Thompson'H Glove Fitting , R.
& O. corsets that sold for $3.00 , $2.23 ,
$2,00 and $1.50 each to clcse $1 each. j '
We have not all sizes In the different |
makes , but taking them nil together
the assortment Is good.
Outing Flannel For men and
Gowns women at re
duced prices.
I Ladles' Soc Outing Flannel Gowns re-
| duccd to 50e each.
Ladles' $1.00 Outing Gowns , neat stripes , I
with braid trimmings , reduced to 75c
Ladles' $1.50 Outing Gowns , plain colors 1 i
and etrlpes , braid and embroidery edg .
ing , reduced to $1.00 rnch. I
Men's 50c Outing Gowns , neat patterns , i
reduced to 39c each. I
Men's. $1.00 Outing Gowns , extra qual
ities , reduced to 7 c each. !
The balance of our line of ladles' Elder- '
down Dressing Sacrjuco are Included In !
this January sale. |
All $1.00 Sacques reduced to Cdc onch.
All $1.50 Sacques reduced to $1.00 each.
All $2.00 and $2.25 Sacques reducedta *
$1.60 each.
Paris Novelty . I
Pattern Suits ] I
Paris Novelties
are cut to prices
that will make
t h e in hurry. I 1
You'll neve r
got this chance
$27.50 Pattern Suits now $15.00.
$35.00 rattern Suits now $17.50.
Little Priced All this sea-
Dress Goods son's goods-
Hot an old pattern - ,
torn or price in the lot. .Mix
them with the next < spring's
stuffs and you'd never guess
which was which.
At 12'/io from 29c , camel's hair plaid * .
At 12Ho from 25c , half wool whlpcordu.
At 5c from I2l4e , handsome checked
At 5c from 15c , half wcol cashmeres 27
Inches wide.
You must couio curly it you expuct to
secure llret choice.
Agents for McCall I'atternw.
We close Saturday at 0 p. m.
United Irish Societies llavo a Demonstntion
nt Academy of Musio.
All OttTllotv ( intlH-rlnu or Throe
TliiiiiNiiiiil ( Jin ortior l'o < > ntcr One
of ( hi ? Vice 1' Tin. '
NEW YORK , Dec. 31. The United Irish
societies of 'Now York nnd vicinity lllled
the Academy of Mimic tonight nt n ninsa
meeting called to n.xprmn Fympnthy with
the Boers nnd opposition to England In con-
ficimwtco of the South African war. Senator
Mason of Illinois , CotiKressmnn Sulzcr nnd
Congressman Cummlnga of New York nml
others addressed the meeting. Justice Fitz
gerald of the supreme court presided.
The entire house was lllled. The pron
flcenlum , the boxes anil the balconlcA weie
all decorated with n profusion of American
Hags , the green Irish emblems nml occasionally -
ally tin- flags of the two South African re-
Justice Fitzgerald .after calling the moot-
Ins to order , wild It was n great honor to bo
aaked to R.ncnh to the great audience.
"Tho British colonial olllcc , " he said ,
"seems to have up to thin point , made n
mistake In calculating the lighting nunlltlcs
of those farmers. It Is said that the
colonial secretary will send more troops to
Africa. I'erhups when thi yeomen , fox-
hunters , and by the gracious permission of
the iiucon , the duke of Connaught , go to the
relict of the besieged troops , England's imp
may bo again nilod with bitterness.
"Tho great heart of the American people
goes out to the people of the Transvaal and
the Orange Free State. They an * lighting
for the snmo principles , they arc against the
eamo sovereign and red-coated soldiers that
fought us n century ago and would light
us tomorrow if they dared nnd If they
thought It would benefit them. "
Congressman Sulxer said In part :
"Their cause Is a Just one. No ono can
honestly ( Maputo that. They nro defending
tholr homes and repelling a remorseless
Invader. England's attempt to steal their
country Is nn outrage , an act of criminal ag-
grefBlon , and should be ccndemned by the
ChrlKlan powers of the world. In my judgi
mcnt nine-tenths of the American people
arc against England In this matter nnd In
sympathy with the South African patriots.
HOITM' S < ruunlt'N itnil IfnrilNlitiiN ,
The story of the struggles and the hardships -
ships of those hrave men in South Africa i
Is one of the saddest pages In nil history -
an Imperishable heritage to their hardy and 1
valorous descendants. No one can Impar-
tlally read ! t without feeling n deep sympathy -
pathy for them In their present struggle to '
maintain their freedom and Independence )
against English greed for gold , English
tyranny and criminal British nggrcoalon for
"These brave Beers arc fighting for re
publicanism against monarchy ; for democ
racy against plutocracy ; for home rule
against the bayonet ; for the sovereignty of
the Individual against the sanctity of the
crown ; for the ballot against the throne ; 1
for the love of homo against the love of
gold ; for Saxon freedom against British 1
tyranny ; for the Integrity of their country
against a ruthless Invader ; for the school 1
house and the church against the army bar- j
racks and the military fort ; for religious
freedom against foreign domination ; for the
fireside of civilization against the blazing
torch of dpvastatlon ; for free Institutions
against Imperialism , and , above all und be
yond all , they arc fighting a battle for the
rights of man. "
Senator Mason reviewed the history of
the Dutch people In South Africa and her
relations with England. In the course of
thlshe _ referred to "Lilliputian statesmen
who are trying to (111 ( the place of the great
Gladstone and who are trying to belltUo his
memory In Insinuating- that fear made him
dlctato retirement of the British from the
Transvaal after Majuba Hill ,
"I think that wo , as onlookers , havo' the
right to Biiy , " said Senator Mason , "that if
In that matter Gladstone had a grain of dls-
cretlon , thu events of the. last nix weeks
In South Africa have shown that It was
In accordance with sound statesmanship.
"Congressman Sulzcr has alluded to the
Boer as always having been surrounded with
savages nnd fevers. I can sny that there
has not been a day since the times when
our own forefatheri ? were fighting the same I
fee he fights today , nnd for the same llb-
erty , that the Boer has not only been faced
by savages and surrounded by fevers , but
ho has been followed by the British lion
and the shadow behind him of the British
SI ron IT ItcHoliilIniiH 1'iiNMeil.
The following rcfolntlons wcro passed
with a cheer : |
Whereas , All good American citizens must '
vlow with concern the evident Conspiracy :
of English agents , acting In the Interests
of ptockjobbers , mining speculators and
company promoters to lead tlu < , United 1
States Into nn entangling alliance , open or
concealed , with Great Britain , In nn olVort
to strangle the liberties of the republics
of South Africa , which nro as precious to
them and secured by us good a title as nro
the liberties of thin republic ; ami
Whereas. The. war now waged by England
on the Transvaal republic has for its OH-
tensl'blo ' object to enforce n demand that
the right to vote within 'the territory of the
repu'blle bo Klven to uniiaturaUzed foreign
residents , many of them British subject * .
to whom mien privileges are dnnlc < ! by
law In their own country and In contravrn- ,
tlon of a column treaty by which Great '
'Britain fully recognized nnd guaranteed , ,
to the South African republic the rlgbt
to control Ite own Internal affairs ; therefore - i
fore , he It ,
Resolved , That we , citizens of Jsew York , ; |
In mass mi'utlnir assembled , condemn the I
notion of the British government and tec- j
ognlzc thu strenuous MriiftKle carried on [ |
for Kcncratlun after Kuncrutlon by the
.btirKhers ofSouth Africa to secure the I
.light to rule themselves In their own way
IIH an example worthy of an < > m lull led I
farmer whoso volor won Ameiicnti freedom i i
nnd wo recognize that the two sister republics - .
publics whOHis citizen sohilors have defeated i
in u series of pitched 'battles ' the veteran !
legions of England have thus won a ttlo : i ,
to Independence which all mankind nhould ,
K'coKiiIzo UT valid. ,
HoROjved , That wo protest against the
seizure of American food Mipplles In transit
to a neutral territory an an act of Inhu-
inanity and a breach of International law ,
the evident purpose of which la to accom
plish the starvation of noiu'ombatnnts ,
a result which the Brill * ) ) arms have
fa'.led to achieve.
Kcfolvedi That we deprecate the -actlun
of the Dominion uf t'umidn In sending |
troops to defeat the Boers and protest
against any part of this continent being
used as a ol operations for the conquest I ! !
quest of n free nation In any part of the j I
world at ! a menace to the ptiicc und hup- '
plncHs of the Amerl'-an neniln. ; ; | I
lleiolved , That wo appeal to the heart and I
conscience of the liberty-loving people , ile- ,
scundanls of the. founders of this n > i'Uhle : ] '
and Inheritors of Washington faim. and i ;
all lovers uf liberty throughout the worlj , i
to cast aside all personil and Hellish con I
sideration , unworthy of free men , to ex
tend the hand of fellowship to tbe pitrlotH
and herofu now so bravely lighting to
maintain tholr liberty an. ) to drive thu In
vader from the hell of their republic anil
we hall tliii victories as the haipy ; augury of
the cBtnbllHhmcnt of the United Btntes of
Hoilth Afrlcu.
( iiii erniir I'iDiili-r on Hie 1.1x1 ,
Among the vlco presidents of the meeting
were William A. I'oynttr , governor of No-
brasha ; Oeorgo L. Wellington. United States
senator from 'Maryland ' : John J. McUon-
ough , secretary of ta : of New York , nnd
the following congressmen : ItK. . I'olk , Atli-
oluton nt tcn and J3. 1 * . X.elgler. I'onnayl-
vanlu : Daniel E. Johnston , William F. Hhca
and John Lamb. Vliglnla ; J. 8. Salmon. New
Jenwy. John A. iMcUowcll and H. 1) . ( ior-
d-n , Ohio. Hptiry C' Smith. Mlrhlgan.
Stsnyarnc Wilton , South C'urwllna , Thomas i
Splghl. Missiles pul nnd flrorgr \ 1'c.irie ,
; ' Maryland
| j An ovcrllow meetlnjs. nttrndcd by over
i 0,000 persons , was hold In Irving place.-
I , ( < ! Ill ( 'oiiurcKNiitlili' * /
Aliout Opening nf I'orlM , r >
WASHINGTON' , Dec. .11. Several days
' slnco Assistant Secretary of Wnr Melkle-
John addressed a letter to Hoptesenlntive
II I/pug I of Kansas , tH > tting forth what ha 1
been done by the Wnr dop.utmpiit toward
dpcnlng ( I the hemp ports in I lie 1'hlllpplnu
Inlands. I The letter contnlneil sonic error *
made t ; by the compiler In tabulating the
_ llgures. I : At the request of the department
the letter was returned nnd yestetday an
other loiter was sent Mr. I.nng | n whi.-h
Iho errors were corrected , exceptions hnvlni ;
been taken by hemp Importers and mnuti-
fnoturors to the statement tniulo In the flist
letter. The corrected letter , lu part , la ns
follows :
The correspondence with the military
governor of the Philippines herewith en
closed shows that no ettort 1ms been spired
by this dounrimcnt in urging the tmpjrt-
I mice of opening and K.irtlgonliiK the hemii
ports ' , and thin the only reason for the
delay ! n opening such ports has lircn ibe
existing , exigencies , the hemp question and
slml'nr ' mntters being forced to remain sub
ject to the conditions and necusslilea Inci
dent ( to the military Munition.
ConcernlnK the quantity of hemp e\-
i porteil i and remaining on hand In the Philip
' pines I , Uoiicinl Otis , In his nnmml repor-
snys that "for the year ending August ill.
' 1SW. \ the same iiunnttiy of hemp 1ms been
taken t from the shipping pens during that
yenr J as In the preceding \ean nnd thnl
! there still remain In the Islands ( onsldern-
lilo quantities of hemp. " In this ennner-
tlon. t It should be stilted that the "shipping
ports" ) above menl'micd are Manila. I.nun
and ' CVbli. The date of occupation < > f I1" '
' ) ort of Manila August lit.1s'1' : p *
Hello , I'Ybrunry In , IMfl , nnd of IVhu. teb-
ruary 23. MJ. Hnee which dates tncse | un
have- ' been open. l"p < > the prtketit UIIK-
this department has received complete re
' ports j from the collectors of customs at
Manila ; nnd LYlm coned nlns hemp ex-
nortn ! , at follows :
' From 'Manila ' , for the months of July , Au
gust. September and October. 1S'.U , the total
j exports of heni'i ' were 13,032 tons , of which
amount i,9'M ! ' tons were exported to tlie
United ' States. The n-poits of the enllPetor
of the port of ( Vim , for the months' or
, May to October. 1SW. ! Inclusive , show tie
i total i exports of hemp from Ihnl port to lie
j' 10.S10 ' tons , of Wlilcli S.iS7 ! tons wire ex
ported to the United States. Thr- total num-
lier of tons exiiorted from these -two pails
for I the 'period named were i.lli tuns , of
which amount Ifl.iWI tons were exported to
the J United States.
| Using these llsures as a bawls nnd In the
' a'osenco of otber Information the estimated
exports of hemp from Hie Philippine Islands
j for the one year of American occupation
will appioxlnmte M.OOO tons , of which
' p amount ; 2H.OOO tons should bo credited to
the United States and tlOW ! tons to other
This estimate places the estimated exports
of hemp to the United States for one year
of American occupation at nlmni n.ii'tf ' tons
less than the exports of 1SP. . This Is ncI -
I ( counted ( for by the fact that tbere liave
lioen ,1 , o-i'-ned for shipment only three ports
' of < the Ph'.II : > : > lne Islands.
! This depaitmeiit has been froqnenlly re-
j I quested ( durlnu the lust year by bump 1m-
i porters ] , manufacturers and b-rnkers to open
j ' the so-called hemi : ports In the Philippine.
1 Islands ] ' and as stated herein , every eftort
: i has been made bv the Wnr department In
the I 'inst and will be In ttw future to com
, ply "with tbe e rciinests where compatible
with the military situation.
To Cure n Cold ti > rJtio Day.
Take Laxative Brome Quinine Tablets. All
druggists refund tht. money If It fails to cure.
E. W. Qrovo's signature IB on each box. ; . " > c.
Stemiicr relolilNot Ilmll.v lii.liirol.
LONDON , Dec 31. The Hamburg and
'south ! ' American steamer I'clotas , from San-
i ] tos to Uotterdani , which went ashore _ near
! i ' Dungencas ] Friday night during a heavy
' storm , was drawn off about 10 o'clock Ihle
morning by five tugs. Apparently the VCSBC !
has ] not received serious Injuries. She pro-
cecded for Rotterdam In tow of two tugs.
Headache , biliousness , heartburn , indi
gestion , and all liver Ills are cured by
Sold by nil druggists. i6 ! cents.
New Cltv Offices , 1401-03 Farnam ,
' \Vooilwu rd
Telephone 1'Jltl.
'Special ' < Matinee Today
Tonlglil , Tomorrow Night und \Verl. Mat. ;
The Comedy Musical Hm COSH of the Season.
Today's l'rlei lie , Cue , je NlKlit prl'- ' > .
$1 oo , 75r , : .0
_ p
Kr'day 1 and Sir . Jim 6-6 America' * firnal-
i-Bt Llaht O'irrii 1'umiMiiy.
\VH i All i'w old Kuvurlti'W.
Hc-iilH on Half Wmlnciiduy.
i i-i ii'iiii * I'-.U
TOM ( i JIT , 8:15 : ,
IIoadln.T Tlii-lr Own Comi'iny \j \ i
McWulcrH H Tyson. Thu On-lit Illcknell
Dancing 8:30.
Admission , Couple , 5c ( ) ,
Dancing School"
Intli < md Hinicy. ;
Now term. Now dances for children
und udulta the Ilrnt week in January. For
term * und particulars cull UH abovo.