M P , TrcaBonable , but r rJKSJS. . lean , for coconuts. nlco futlo flsb , ' 'tof the town. > * * " ' iirliitlonN of.SoliUcrH . ii } The rolatlona'Between tho' command and the tp oplo ' { * „ ' rBUl ; OurHlcrs protect ' , thd autl as thsjr Boll inir futinn'formerly ) ob- * sbldlcpp fit hlgn ° * to this > -rttd mio of the tnlatd they r 'i\tVntIppjls ] , to U m. The fc tagcs JurIOIt | , nlth'lBClty ( said yester- ta iJHh' ' > fiplutor9 and the insur- HHb n irlsl/nnd unkind and take Jjiat they want and pay American soldier Is kind pjryining. Ilifllt to the bamboo , which ' ' rapidity and is used In of the Nlpa palm are used for , flo covering of the roofs of houses. j.women do a great deal of labor , and Nt.ifY . 'nnd the men often wear hats made of ' + grass , palm leaves or bamboo , which nro ' 'Home thirty Inches In dlametor. These hats , . . ' . turn \\ater \ \ and servo as an umbrella as \\oll \ \ as to jirotucl the head from the sun. I often OD WOIIHM-working in the Holds with umbrellas llku trtVsn In use In America. The migar mills nro very primitive , very If the localities the amount of sugar prodded \ thoVPhlllpplncs could bo increased many fold. TUo exports of hemp hfivo * reatly ; Increased.vn | the year 1882 1442PS ( long , of hemp wore exported , which jua , Incrohsed until there was exported In 11897112,755 , > , tons and this output can bo much enlarged. /Pho shipment of coffee gradually Increased until the year 18SO , when the exports amounted to 7 337 tons , and from 1880 to 1S80 the shipments averaged about G.OOO . onn a year , but from that tlmo they have fallen off , and from 1SQ3 to 1897 the annual shipments averaged only 200 tons. I learn the following about cotton from reliable sources : "Tho cotton tree Is found growing In an uncultivated state In many Islands of the archipelago. Long staple cotton was for merly extensively cultivated In the province of Ilocos Norto , when , many years ago , largo quantltli's'of good cotton stuffs were exported. This Industry still exists. The cultivation of this staple was , however , discouraged by the local governors , In order to urge the planting of tobacco for the gov ernment supplies It has since become dif ficult to rovlvo the cotton production , al though an essay , In pamphlet form ( for which a pil/o was awarded In Madrid ) was gratuitously distributed over the colony In 18S8 with that object. Nevertheless , cotton spinning and weaving Is still carried on , on n reduced scale , In the Oloco pravlnces , Lu/.pn , west coast. Wild cotton Is practically useless for staple is extremely short , hybridization and careful T5 culture might become valuable to the colony. The pod Is cllptlcal and ths cotton which bursts from It at maturity Is snow white. It Is used for stuffing pil lows and mattresses. It Is a common thing to see wild cotton trees planted along the high road to serve as telegraph posts. Uy-tho tlmo the seed Is fully ripe every leaf has fallen and nothing but the bursting pod remains hanging on the branches. Railroads , Judiciously located , could be built very cheaply , and \\lth \ \ the dense population and the freight which must ex ist where the production is so abundant , could make the railroads very profitable. I think a light rail , fifty-six pounds to the yard , would do very well , an 1 something less than the standard gauge would bo best. I bollovo the Manila & Dagupan railroad has a gauge of n metro (39.37 ( Inches ) . Sugar , rice and timber would give much freight. Domestic AiiliiiulH. The native horses or ponies abound They are small but swift and strong. The domestic animal Is fed on rice , molasses and grass. These ponies are also found wild In the forests. The buffalo or caragoa Is the draft and plpV animal of the Islands. It Is powerful , docijo and easy to train and manage. It is very slow and must be Im mersed In water every day and during hot weather two or three times a day. The flesh of the caragoa Is used for food. When wild It is dangerous and , even when tameJ , It Is dangerous if deprived of its water baths. Sheep do not thrive , but oxen , goats , dogs , cats , pigs , chickens , ducks , turkeys and geese are more or less abundant. A , HUFKAI.O UKTOS1T1ON THi : 1'hAZA C'opyrlRhtrslbOD , by 1'an American Exposition Company. I Amerioan Exposltlon Company < DUPFAU ) 1609 HOWARD STREET HtcJu lve realdenca district. High , dry , haalthy. Qcxxl Neleh- borhood. Water , Qaa , Blectrlo- ity. Uniform Shade. Beat of Schools. Street car far * 60. tranifere to all Omaha lingo. LowTaxea No Saloons Mm. \ \ liiNitMt'H ! ioiiiiiu | | | S > ruii. Has been used for over FIFTY YEARS by MILLIONS of MOTHERS for their CH'IL- ' DKCN WHILE TEETHING , with PEU- KECT SUCCESS. It SOOTHES the CHILD SOFTENS the GUMS , ALLAYS all PAIN CURES WIND COLIC , and Is the best renu edy fur DIARRHOEA. Sold by Druggists In every part of the world. I3e sure and .isk . for "Mrs. WInslow'a ' Soothing Syrup , " e Ml take no other kind. Twenty-flve cents nottle. THE"CLEfiHCUT"GflKETN ! from ll < .kl.iBnnil . proiliico" a | . rj lrake. It It. mii'ln ' oriitn-Kiiialll ) tiiiHllh tt Hut , thlii knl fti i-wnrwlj rlvn t i In r nlfr ami at rim tilii'i'lnaiiililiir ' ' a1 't ' > Aumit&NHml (1 ( -nil.1. . nJ , comi-M ' - * c UlolmB. " " " - ' f' ' ' . [ i'irr ' of I'nri. lumlniu , , K-ol" "jrunui ami I In Hum In Din world. JldilrwwDe , 1. 1) ) N. t.adolph SI. , uVr.f.,111. , Juhon < le „ , , . , Savon Dentifrice Arnlcu Xulin Se/fe" / The Only International Ds Tils Standard for 30 j ears. Prcfci'rvi'H , IIKUiUvis | tlic to-tli , s.iencllicn-i ' Ihu ijuma HeoleusiUu lircatli. , 2scut Ali Druggists. c H.STRONI : &co..i'rops.1ciiicngou.s.A. , MACJ.MiTIO IIKAMNli. Prof. II. B. Yates , Shenandoah , la. , win la beyond doubt the greatest healer on th. American continent , will teach the com blned Yates and Weltmer method of html Ing , and guarantee you work after yo have finished the roursn Wrlt fur iinr titulars. m E-VBTt HEALTH AND BE/VUTT. / BEVUTT.i -i iI I CANDY CATHARTIC. REGUUTE i I0 < 25 50 .ALL DRUGGISTS. "A * HANDFUL OF DIRT MAY BE A HOUSEFUL - FUL OF SHAME. " KEEP YOUR HOUSE CLEAN WITH SAPOLiO *