Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 31, 1899, Part I, Image 20

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    THE OMAHA DAILY 3 ? 1313 : STXHAT.
Judge Slabaupli So Ord'rs in Application of
f Architect McDonald for Mandamus.
KUe Pr | ionlliin < i hrt 1'iirlli li > ( lie
Itcniiiiiiiti'iif nml Hie Citiirl
Ktilcn ( in incli : , CKInn
, _ L l.fKiil AnlluirK ) ,
President II. J. Penfold of the school
board must sign the contract by which John
McDonald IB appointed architect for the pub
lic school blllldlngri of Omaha
Judge ttlabuugh so decided jcstcrday
after having had the matter under advise
ment slnco the close of the hearing two
dajK ago. Thfl proceedings were brought by
McDonald , who applied for mandamus writ
to compel President Penfold to sign the con
tract In question.
The opinion 111 which the writ Is granted
na prayed for Is a voluminous document.
Judge Hlabatigh enters Into every detail of
thu ca e.
Proportions were advanced by the de
fendant ns follows- That the relater had
not n beneficial Interest In the contract
bought to bo signed such an would nulhorlre
Mm to maintain suit , that the proceeding * !
of the Board of Education relative to thu
approval of the bond and contract of Mc
Donald wer" Irregular and void und that
therefore President Penfold was warranted
In refusing to sign the contract ; that the
action ( it the board was Invalid In that It
limits the discretion and power of the Incoming -
coming board , which organlrcs In January ,
nnd that tlio contract IB void ns against pub
lic policy.
Tlic Court' ) ! Itullnu.
Judge Slubaugh held that the rclator has
HUlllclcnt Interest In the contract by virtue
of the work to ho performed by him und the
compensation to be received by him to en
title htm to maintain suit.
At , to the Irregularity of the board's pro
ceedings , the court found that such proceed
ings were regular , that u majority of the
board by a vote of fi to fi hud voted to ap
prove the contract and bond of McDonald
nud ordered the president nnd secretary to
sign the contract at the meeting of Decem
ber C.
The court further held that the school
board IB a corporate body , marto so by
s.tatiite , and that it Is continuous In Its pow
ers of contract nnd succession nnd that It
liad the right to make a contract , for one
year with Architect McDonald , beginning
December 1 , within the term of all members
of the present board , although such contract
continues In effect after the organl/atlon of
the now board and the terms of flvo out of
fifteen members have explied.
TrouliltMl l > >
Josephine Baxter ban sued Charles II.
Jlaxter for divorce , alleging that on Decem
ber 27 of this year he assaulted her and
drawing a revolver , threatened to shoot her.
JudKo Dickinson has granted a divorce to
Ida Colygan from Ed J Coljgnn on the
ground of desertion. They were married at
Reward , Neb , In 1890 , and the alleged
ilcsertlon occurred five years later. The
plaintiff Is permitted to resume her maiden
name , Ida Ualllett
VOIIIIUT VInii from tin' Cciimrj
lu Trouble : t a llex-
William Adams , a country lad from Iowa ,
was * BpendliiK his time In the city jail yes
terday because he ate si meal that hu under
stood was given to him , but for which he was
tiskcd nftciward to pay. Adams came to
town from Sioux City and landed hero with
out a cent. Yesterday ho nppllwl nt the
back door of Burns' restaurant on Twelfth
htreet and said that ho would be willing to
work If they would provide a breakfast He
Bays that the took told him to go around
nnd go In at thu front door , nnd taking this
to bo tin agreement to his proposition ho
c > at down at a table and ate a 10-ccnt meal.
The waiter gave him a check for that
amount , and when he explained to the cavil
ler that ho wat > eating at the invitation of
the cook and had no money an ofllccr was
called and ho was arrested. The lad ap
pear ! ) to bo honest , but unaccustomed to city
wnys. The proprietor , however , says there
Is too much of that sort of thing and says
lie will lllu a complaint against Adams.
Hamilton Warren. M. D. , eclcctlo and
magnetic ptijelclan , lias moved hU offlcn to
709 NortU ICt'i ' st.cct , room 13. Special at
tention to all long-standing or lingering dis
eases and to diseases of women and children.
Molasses candy , at Shuiman & McConnell's.
When you want your watch carefully re
paired take It to Edholm , Jeweler , 107 N.
JlCth St. , opp P 0
II Ann \ riiolnu
lo ( lie I'lifllliCount
Don't complete nnangements
until you have secured Information
legardlng the personally conducted
] lxrilrlon Yin Ilio Union I'neltlu.
These excursions leave Onnha
every Filday In elegantly upholstered
ordinary Bleeping cars. Illuminated
by Plntsch light , heated bj steam.
Baggage checked through to destination.
I'rcxnpt and satisfactory tervlcc.
Many hours quicker tlmu than any
other line.
City Ticket Olllce 1302 Farnum Street.
Telephone Dlfi
Sherman & McCcmneH's lor Boston taffy.
CARSON Jeanne From en , December "SO.
MM , beloved daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs.
"William K ( ' .irsvjii , iige 5 jears 11 month * ,
ill the family lesldence , JJO"i Erlclaoii
> < tiect , Omaha Interment private.
Dotiolt napers please ropy.
aiAHCY Stejilun H. Filday , December 13 ,
Be Sh years.
Funeral fiom residence of W T. Peek ,
X17 ! Miinlo , Suiulo , Deei'iiiber 31 , at 'J p.
m. Intel ment TiresH Lawn Mr. Mare }
lias benn a lehldont of Omaha for the past
; in ycaiH. being anDI p.sHinnn on the streets
inowt nf the lime
JOHNSON Clmrlen J. aned 36 jeart. , at
Denver , Colorado , DeiPinlier "s , JvW
The funeral wrvlco will bo held on New
Ye.u'H tiny , January 1 , 1MX ) . t 2 i > in. from
tlin family residentc. 41 i .South 27lh avenue
Interment la I'ronzioet Mill cemetoi }
l > "tlends Invited.
Noll-f to MilI'nlille. .
I have purchased Urn Omaha Star and
Electric laundry frcm L. Mkhuuls. All bills
duo will bo collected by me.
M. M. ROBERTSON , 'Phone 261.
Mortality MnllhllCN.
The following birthh and deuthti weie ie-
rorded at the olllce. of the Hoard of Health
during the twenty-four hours endul at
110 in Satuidii }
llrtlm John Neff. 910 Norill Tweatllfth ,
D * . Robert Wylle. 1M > ( . 'hlrotfo , bo > , James
J.eurv. 1012 CumliiK Kir ! IMwaril Jolnibon ,
CislS North Twenty-Hlxlh. bo > . IMvvaid
AVilllcrs. 4013 Burdetle. girl , William A.
Hmlili , 17U > NleholiiH , bov
Deaths Joe Abond , Wl South Thirteenth i j
2 yours : Christina Oilman , S337 Jones. .0
years. Mrs Fiinule Miiskln. Tenth and
Center. 2 < yearn : Charlotte Uhde. 3W2
Jlliimu. S7 yeira
'Woman ' hultriim * Ai onlatloii.
The Js'ebniHkii Woman SJutTrnice associa
tion will onen htute. lieiiilannrlow next
TiiftBday In Omiilui. ruom OS. Pnxton block ,
under the dtteclloii of Ml * ; * Laura A Cireifs : ,
nutlomil oiifiiulzer. who lias been an li Uiifr
the Nebraska unnocl.Ulon for this last three
months. The headnunrlorn IK to be a lml-
i en olllee , fiom which the tnto work IH to
bo directed It In ilulmed that the Nt > -
linuka Sulfnm 4h > " > ili H m has rown tu
HUcli an cxli it the jmst ) ear us to render
utate headqu.utirn a nectsxtty More ttiiia
Jlfty ntvv oreunlzutlon.s huvo been added
tlilu winter.
lln Moinlnj , > < > Acnr > lii > . llo ton
Slori * Will He Open t nlll Mion.
All the Ixirgnlnn sdvertlned for Saturday
will continue Monday , and grand np lnl
bnrRalns In men'n and boys' clothing from
the South Omaha stock and the Xew York
All the men's milts and overcoats that sold
up to $10 00 , go tomorrow at $3 liO.
All the men's fit Its and overcoats that sold
up to $15 00 go at $ . ' 00.
Boys' good wool suits for Clc.
Young men's long pants wilts $2,50.
$1 no men's pnnts , 7 < ic.
$ ! 00 men's nil wool pants , $1.40.
Even-thing In the same proportion.
$1.CO shoes for 7f c.
$ .1.00 tdioes for $1.39.
Wishing you nil a Happy New Year , wo
Yours truly ,
Northwest corner ICth and Dottglaf , Sts.
IS. \ . II , , .Notlec !
Funeral of Comrade Upton from his late
residence , 2424 S. 20th , Sunday at 2 p. m. ;
also that of Stephen B. Mnrcy , 2217 Maple.
Sunday at 2 p. m. , both members of U. S.
Grant post. Comrades , let us attend If pos
sible. L. A. HARMON ,
1'iiiKTiil > oler.
The members of Nebraska lodge No. 1 ,
A F. nnd A. M , are requested to meet at
Masonic hall promptly at 1 SO p. m. today
to attend the funeral services of our late
brother , John Cow lea Funeral at 2 p. m.
from family residence , 2224 Charles street.
Interment nt Forest Lawn.
Store AVIII CliiNint \ niincvv Year's
On Monday , January 1 , our store will close
at 12 o'clock noon BENNETT'S.
Holiday neckwear , mufllcrs , socks , suspen
ders. Kclley nnd Hevden. 16th and Chicago.
Aiiro\o IlondN , Award
bniil | | > ( 'outrun * and INOIINN |
The Board of County Commissioners held a
lengthy session yesterday trespassing beyond
the noon hour. Official bonds were approved ,
a few bids on county supplies were accepted ,
and other routine business was transacted.
The most Important bonds accepted were for
county officers-elect ns followHD. . W.
Vlnsonhaler , county judge , $3,000 , American
Surety company of New York ; Fred Elsas-
ser , county treasurer , $ .100,000 , Fidelity De
posit company of Maryland ; P. A. Uroad-
well , clerk of the district court , $10,000 ,
American Bonding and Surety company of
Baltimore ; John Power , sheriff , $10,000 ,
American Bonding and Surety company ,
Edwin J. Bodwell , superintendent of public
instruction , $3 000 , signed by J. A. Shepcrd
and John A. Paul ; Nels P. Swnnson , coroner
ner , $3,000 , signed by John Valln and Ed
ward Qulnn ; C L Harris , deputy county
clerk , $10,000 , United States Fidelity com
pany ; George McBrlde , county surveyor ,
$300 , signed by B. E. Wllcox and 2. Cud-
Bids for furnishing count } supplies were
accepted from the following persons and
firms : E. W Lamoreaux , ice for jail and
court house ; Thomson Bros. , brooms for
jail and court house ; Beaton-McGinn Drug
company , prescriptions for chailty patients ;
Otto Solffert , stock medicines and other drug
sundries for county poor farm , George Mon
roe , groceries for poor farm ; U P. Steam
Baking company , bread for poor farm ; W J.
Welch , mwit for poor farm , South Omaha
Ice company , Ice for poor farm , Omaha
Hardwood company , white oak ; H. P. Cady
Lumber company , white plno ; C. R. Lee ,
oak piling ; Omaha Coal , Coke and Lime
company , cement , eind nnd sewer pipe
The items of timber and other building
material mentioned are for bridge and 10-
palr work.
There was a heated discussion over the
payment of bills submitted by the contrac
tor who built the West Cento- street sewer
Commissioner Connolly stated that the
sewer Is In bad condition and that it ought
not to bo paid for. Ho asserted that It
has cracks in it largo enough to admit a
man's arm. Commissioner Harte and
others took Issue with Connolly , declaring
the sewer to bo in excellent condition. The
bill was held up and It was agreed that the
commissioners will within the next few
rtajs make n personal inspection , going to
the sewer in n bed } .
A communication from C. L Harris ,
deputy county clerk , suggested n ralso of
salary. The deputy now receives $1,000
per year. In his petition ho recites that
living expenses are high and that the
salary Is nrt us much in proportion as depu j
ties In other county olllces are receiving.
No definite action was taken.
There being n largo quantity of unfln-
/shed / business on hand , the commissioners
will hold another meeting Wednesday.
C'loNi'n at .Noon .laniinry 1.
You will be able to make purchases In all
departments at People's Store until closing
time. j
The People's Store closes at neon Jan. 1 , i j
remaining open half a day In order to give >
many an opportunity to purchase their sup- | |
piles that neglected to do so Saturday. All
bargains advertised for Saturday will be on
saletomorrow. .
10th nnd Kainam Sts.
( The fastest growing store in America )
" Now City Offlcee ,
HOI & . 1403 Faruam St.
Depots 10th and Marty Stu , ,
Wo deliver vvholn cord of nice plno kind
ling for $ -.f)0 Omaha liox Co.
We deliver whole csrd of nice plno kind
ling for $2.50. Omaha Box Co
Velvet candy at Sherman & McConnell's.
Conl Fund foi me r-oot ,
The Associated Chaiitles appeal to our
benevolent citizens for funds to purchase
coal for distribution among the aged nnd
eltk poor , deserving widows nnd deserted
wives with families. The calln are nu
merous nnd require Immediate attention.
Checks pajable to the Associated Charities
will bo thankfully received at 1810 St. Mary's
The California Limited
Will ( alto you from Kansas City to Los
Angeles In only 2'4 da > s 52 hours Pullmans -
mans , Dining Car , Buffet Smoking Cai ( with
barber shop ) , Observation Cnr ( with ladica'
parlor ) . VcHtlbuled and electric llghttd
tlnoURhout. Four times n week Wednes
days , Thursdajs , Fridays and Suucla > s from
Kansas City. E L. PALMER.
Santa Fo I'.outo ,
V. O. Box 1265 , Omaha.
Knur AVInUir Tourfc.
On January iO , February 14 and March
7 thtVabash will run excursions via New
York and the steamer Pence tu Porto Rica.
Also on February U a thirty-day tour of Old
Mexico. For rates , which Include all ex
penses , and further Infoimatlon call oa or
write 0. N CLAYTON ,
Room 006 Karbach block , Omaha , Neb.
CommUai'oners Will Main Earnest Flea for a
Larger Allowance.
I'lourr Ilnls Aliiiniloneil mill luxeeln
Allotted < < > W rU Tlielr 111 on
Trri' * mill slmilm Tlilrtj Tliou-
finiid Dollar * \ovilcil.
The Hoard of Park Commissioners will
make n vigorous effort to secure n more
liberal appropriation for the coming > car.
The commissioner feel that they should bo
granted the maximum levy permitted by
the charter , which would bring their In
come to $30,000 , In addition to the $ ln,000
road fund set apart by the legislature
During the last year about $17,000 has
been available , and this amount has bscn
wholly Inadequate to the demands of the
As a result Hanscom park has been main
tained on one-half the lowest amount ever
piovlously appropriated for the purpose
The lawn was either left uncut or run over
roughly with a horse-power mower. The
lloivor bcils have been out and no
effort hai been made to prevent the ravages
of Insects In trees and shrubs. Hlvcrvlow-
park has been Kept up after n fashion at
even less expense. At liemls park a slight
attempt has been made to keep the grounds
In condition by the surrounding property-
owners , who have contilbutcd to a fund
for that purpose. The other parks of the
city have been abandoned to the weeds ,
which have made rapid progress during the
> Duties Vr > AnNUiiieil.
In speaking of the new levy Commissioner
. J. Cornlhh said : "Next vcar the park
board will bo called upon to care for sev
eral now parks which have recently como
Into the cltj's possession. There arc thir
teen acres in theKountzo tract which will
need drctslng up to n considerable extent
before the rtaeivo will be of any use to the
cllv. Turner patk. two blocks square , be
tween rarnam and Dodge streets , east of.
Thirty-first , Is another naked piece of
_ round upon which money must bo expended
licforo it can be any credit to the city.
Then there \Voolworth park at Thirty-
first and Poppleton avenue , and Deer park
on the south hide , all newly acquired strips
of ground , which will require attention On
the west , rontaiiollo park , acquired by the
city at a cost of $110,000 , is lying Idle , a
pasture for cows. If treco could bo planted
on this site there would be at least u pros
pect that the city might leap benefit from
ihe Investment at f-omo future time It
should bo berne In mind also that the longer
the public reserves are left in neglect the
more difficult is their final redemption , as
the weeds and insects arc doing a mischief
that can staicoly be calculated.
l'ul Amount IK vvilcil.
In my opinion the paik commlssioneis
will need the lull amount allowed by the
charter. The law originally specified that
ho board should have $30,000 as a minimum
ilkwance , the allotment ordinarily reaching
nilwhere up to $60,000. $ The old minimum
was fixed at the present maximum when the
barter was revised wlih the tacit under-
stai ding that the full amount would be
granted. While I. In common with all tas-
; iaera , am In favor of a low general levy , I
hlnk the exercise of buch rigorous economy
in the care of the parks Is poor business
policy. "
Commissioner J. H. Evans Is also In favor
of expending at least $23,000 on the mainte
nance of the parks during the coming vear.
"If It had not been for the road fund eutab-
liFhed by the legislature last spring , " ho
said , "It would have been Impossible to have
met necessary expenses with the money al-
lov ed us. While the road fund , of course ,
cculd not be applied to parks , we are abM
\pend the city lew solol ! * for park pur-
There have been absolutely no IIP
proviments attempted during the year , with
the reception of the bear pits nt Hlvervlew
p.irk , which wcro made Imperative by the
danger of the animals making their escape
through the old cages. The thirty-acre tract
ncrth of the park stands as It was acquired
by the city , with no roadwajs or trees. I
hope the council will feel sufllclcnt Interest
In the appearance of the rlty to maintain
the present Improvements , even It no new
ones arc made. "
VI iv
The Overland Limited ,
Union Pnelllo.
You ean leave Omaha for
the Pacific coast after breakfast
and reach your destination
° s soon as those who leave
Only Tmi Mulits on tin * lloiid.
City Ticket Otllco 1302 ranmra Street.
Telephone 316.
the now line of GOc neckwear
Kellcy & Hoyden , 10th and Chicago.
< < in u II not PnMriil IN DohiK Well nnd
( lie ConlitKloii Han Not UN Vet
Ueen Communicated.
IMrs R M. Illalnc , who Is 111 at her res- !
dcnce , 2523 Dccatur street , with n malady
vmlously diagnosed na confluent smallpox
and malignant chtckclipox , Is In a fair way
to recover. The fever stage IB now passing
and the city physician tmjs that there Is no
need for apprehension unless some secondary
trouble develops. The members of the fam
ily were vaccinated as soon as the disease
was Identified a ? smallpox by the health offl-
clalr one week ago and In each cute the In
oculation was effective.
The city phjslclan points out that the fam
ily Is being constantly exposed nnd that con
tagion Is liable to occur at any time. The
peilod of Infection ically began after the
health ofllclals took charge of the case and
symptoms may therefore not develop until
fifteen days from the present time , or from
aiy : date when the disease might be commu
nicated. H Is a peculiar fact , remarked the
city phjelclan , that a pcison may be exposed
for thirty days and his physical condition bo
such that ho would only be susceptible to
the contagion on the thirtieth day. Ono
case of smallpox In this city last winter con-
: lnucd for forty-five dajs. The geim is most
easily disseminated during the final stage
when the sealing process takes place. The
Hl.ilns will bo held prisoners for an in
definite period , as the case has only com-
pliled the second week.
Supplies arc convejcd to the beleaguered
family dally by an Immune from the health
department nnd the order for groceries and
meatB Is taken for the next day The In
mates of the house were at Hist Inclined to
chafe nt the rigorous action of the city
phjslclan In the face of the opinion of their
family physician that the disease was
chlckenpox , but arc now said to have become
resigned to the situation. For their satis
faction the opinion of four outside physicians
was obtained , who held In each case that the
disease was smallpox of a severe form.
The Clilciiico Sleeping Cnr
Tor Omaha patrons EXCLUSIVELY , leaves
on the "NORTHWESTERN LINE" limited
train at 4:55 : p. m. dally , arriving Chicago
7.45 next morning. Thcrfi MAY bo Oner
sleepers than tnesc in Europe.
dally at G 40 a. m , and 720 p. m.
City offices , 1401 and 1403 Rarnam afreet.
COMPANY Is now open nnd ready to re
ceive , all classes of freight nnd forward
with despatch , to all points In the NORTH ,
EAST and SOUTH. Freight depot located
at Eleventh and Chicago streets , Omaha ,
and on Ninth street , between Broadway and
First avenue , Council Bluffs.
Yellow box candy at Sherman & JlcCon-
Cell Drug company.
Closed Half si Day Monday fur New Year's.
Enters on the new century with a new sale and with
record breaking prices. We wish you all a Happy
Neiu Year , and thank you for the patronage bestowed
upon us for the past few years. And , if our buyer , pur
chasing goods in the world's lest markets with unlimit
ed spot cash and selling them at a close projit , will en
title us to your trade , then we will earn it.
In duiminq the. lowtsl prices in western America , we arc only repcatimj the Rayinqi of
our customers , "We've looked everywhere , nnd found your price * to be the lowest. "
200 ladles' Kersey Jackets , newest styles , silk lined through-
out a decided bargain 20th century sale
price only
COO ladles' Jackets , In all wool kerseys and friezes every garment - ,
ment llk lined throughout In blues , tans , black and browns j
worth up to $1000 , for only , In this 20th
century sale ( a remarkable value )
821) ladles' Man-tailored Jackets , in all wool materials ,
trimmed , vlth fctrap seams and buttons nearly all lined with
Skinner's satin these bring closest htiycis back they are
worth up to JIB 00 on bale In this 20th century -
tury sale for only
\ ti hlgh-clabs Min-tuUcred Jackets they are worth your bcot
attention und will bear the closest Inspection they como in
whipcords , montnnncs nnd the famous Washington mills he'1-
Bcystiiey are all lined with the renowned Skinner's batln
with his brand warranting it for two years stamped on they are the veiy finest goods
in the maikets In box fiontw , tight-fitting and high collars the greatest
collection of garments ever placed on any counters In Omaha they are
worth up to $30 In this 20th century sale your choice for
175 ladles' Man-tailored Suits , In tight-fitting or box front jackets they are worth $13.00
take the tlmo to come nnd sec them In this 20th century sale
for only L |
200 Infants' Rlilcrdonn Cloaks , trimmed with angora , worth $1.98 ,
for only , 49c
200 ladles' Silk Dress Skirls , In jilaln and figured , worth up to $12.00 ,
100 ladles' Skirts , In blues and bronn they araery pretty patterns
worth J3.00. for only
200 all wool Serge Skirts , percallno lined throughout , n g *
for , each kj3 Jl 115
Ladleti' all wool Crepon SklrlH , percallne lined and Interlined , worth
J10.00 , for only , , $4.98
200 plaid Skirts , in .the newest patterns , worth $000 ,
for . $3.48
50 dcuon ladles' Fleece Lined Wrappers , worth $1 75 , for
The s'unc' man aim > ct jioi nu
.same A v l to our < Untat ollii u , a
iiukk nml painless otiertitinn , and til.
are either out or tilled and the pa
tient IH cli.mgul from an unhupp >
Biiffrrliif , ' murtal to u happy man
Uur dental work Is of superior grade.
Our c-own und tirldce work Is ac
knowledged to be the best
Prices uro not hluh
BAiLEV , the Dentist
tl I'KXtoil IIIU. Kllli A. Kiiriiiuii.
I.iul > Atlundiliit. I'liiuu ; KIS" .
I Dr. 11V. . llnllfj'H Tuolli
llnnnl I'IINMP riiMirnlilj- \iptlen- |
nf iiali-Mne : .Valoiin
lellnnnen ( .
M o. meeting of the licence board yes
terday eighty-nine liquor licenses were
granted and the proceed" , SS .OOO , were
turned over to the rlty treasurer. Sixty-
eight permits had been previously Issued ,
nicking the total Ifi7. The number of appli
cations now In the hands of the board Is 236 ,
or ten less than the total number last jcar.
Considerable carelessness baa been shown
bj the saloon keepers In nppl > lng 'or II-
cerses , and whether n largo number of a-
locns will be closed on next Tuesday , or
their proprietors prosecuted for operating
without a license , lies at the disposition of
the board.
No course of action with such delinquents
has been announced by the board , but It Is
probable that those filing their applications
and showing evidence of good faith by de
positing thrlr money will not be Interfered
with. f ,
The protest of J. n. Hlmes against nine
applications of the Schlltz Brewing company
w is considered In secret seaslon , but no do-
clrlon will bo announced until Tuesday night.
The rcmonstrator brought out the point that
the law docs not contemplate that n corpora
tion shall hold a license. The statute pro
vision that the "poison" applying must be
11 "man ' of good moral character , etc , has
IILCP constiued by the city attorney to In
clude women , partnerships and corporations
Ho sajs that In bis opinion such Is the plain
Intent of the law In using the tetms gener
ally nnd Indiscriminately and the hoaid will
piobably net In accordance with his ndvlte
Tl. case of Mrs. Anne O'llern , applicant for
llr.uor license at Tenth and Mason streets ,
will bo affected by the same decision.
To all members of Union Pacific Council ,
Xo. 10G9 , U. A. : Death has once morels -
Hid our midst nnd taken from our circle one
of our oldest members , Hrother M. A. Upton
Diothors , let us each one pay our last tribute
and duty to our departed brother aud attend
the funeral , which will lake place Sunday ,
December 31 , at S p. m , from his late res
idence , No 2121 South Twentieth street. In-
tirr.iont In Prospect Hill cemetery.
C. A. aillMMUU Ilegent.
\ullcM > to M.V. . L\ .
Members of Hooch camp 1451 nro requested
to meet at the hall Sunday nt 1 p. m. to
attend the funeral of Neighbor John Cowlcs.
Services at residence , 2221 Charles htreet ,
at 2 o'clock. F. W. WHITMAUSH.
The ChlriiKo Slrniliiic Cnr
For Omaha patrons EXCLUSIVELY , leaves
on the "NORTHWESTERN LINE" llmltcJ
train at 4 f > f > p. m. dally , 'arlrvlng Chicago
7 43 next morning. "There MAY be flner
sleepers than these In Europe.
dally at C 10 a m. nnd 7 20 p. m.
City offices. 1401 and M03 Farn < im street.
Diamond engagement rings. Edholm , J'w'r
Absolutely reliable Bilholm , Jeweler.
Since sluitiii } : the furnaces you have
noticed an inoiease in these annoying
pests especially ROACHES , aionml
the hot water pipes. Wo can clear
every one of them out. We have the
stnlT , It Is lion-poisonous just lay It
tiroiind the sink or on the pantry
shelves and in a week the tiling is
done. It conies in cans at TiOc and Is
positively ( iiiaianteed. It Is
"The Otrrlnttd l.linltril" tin ( lie litlmi
Equipped with u
double tlrii\\lnp ! room
nlaco uleepcrs ,
broad ve tllinles ,
buffet mnoKing nnd llbrar\ cars ,
lth barber shop nnd readli R room.
Dining care ,
meals n la carte.
Plntsch light ,
steam heat , etc. etc.
. City Ticket Ofllco 1302 Farnu-n Street.
Telephone SIC
Have Itoot print It
Hubcrmnnn , Jrwcrer , est laCC Absolutely
reliable , lowest prices guaranteed 13 & Doug
A. D. T Messengers. Tii. 577
Blank hook nnd magazine blnu ng. A. I.
Root. 1609 Howard street.
This Is the hist time jou'll have the
plensine of reading our nd\ts i o mean
for this year ) . Tomorrow we wi I tell jou
how we will conduct our store foi the year
Kld-nc-olds .lie
Uonn M Kidney Plllf T.'lr
Ilowells Antl-Kuwf lle ,
huxathe Hi oiiio Quinine l.V
Curler's Llvr Plls | 1C"
( 'miner n Kidney On re 7V
Wo l Hnilti nnd N'ei\e Tte.Uinenl
Porous flusters
Pmkors Tiir Snai
Sxiup of Tigs 400
IMIne s rplr-r\ Compound 7"if
Kilmers Swamp-Hoot . . . 7"ir
liene Peniijrovnl Pills $1 00
Cor. Kftli anil Chlciitco Ms.
Wo tire btlll in the Hold , and ns
usuiil are right in the front.
As wo lead ourselves , nnd g-ivo
our whole attention to the
\\caroiiiwav8 posted on the sub
ject and can pivo you the latoat
intelligence on
The Robert Dempster Go , ,
1215 Fnrnain St.
Wiiolcsalc nml Retail Dealers
in Photo Supplies.
Some attention now , and in this vvav von
ii'av bo the happy ovviur of a useful set of
n.itui-il tei'th long ifter MIU would otliei-
wl e be obliged to depend on the kind that
Hociid the il.i.N uneasllv In > our inmnh , and
Hut ntirht In ,1 tiimlitor
( ; < > ' . ! riiiinuN mi.
( iOOll Nl-l tCI-tll . ' .Oil
Tail's ' Philadelphia Dental Rooms ,
I'ltli and Douglas St. I.-.I7 DOUGLAS ST.
Closed Half a Day Monday for New Vear's.
Clearing Sale
Ladies' fine $2.50 Vici Kid Shoes , with silk vesting
tops , on sale sit $1.90
Ladies' line $ .00 Chrome Kid Lace Shoes , with dou
ble fair stitched poles , on sale at $2.25
Men's $2.00 pat in calf lace shoes at $1.15
Boy's $1.50 satin calf lace shoes at 90c
The Famous "ULTRA" Shoos for Women.
All styles , in vici kid , fine calf and patent
leather , with turn .and welted soles and cush
ion cork inner soles. The ULTKA is the lat
est , up-to-date shoo for v.-omen ; price , $3.50
Be Celebrated
For fflsn ° n sale.
The "Stetson" is
the best shoe
that's made for
The ULTRA Shoe men. We have
For Women. \l\em \ \ Ju velour ,
calf , enamel calf and viei kid , ( ho
latest styles and hand made
"Stetson" in every pair. Call , ' ? Sssf ; : Ivl ,
< = i < , ,
* ! bovsho ' Me
" " * " *
and see them. Price , $5.00
MisseV fine 81 Jersey Leggings , on sale at 69c
Boys' 81 Canvas Leggings , on sale at 49c
Ladies' ; 55c Overgaiters , on sale at I8c
! 55c Wool Soles at 15c
Men's ir'l imitation Alligator Slippers , only , 63c
Men's 81.25 velvet embroidered Slippers , at 89c
Ladies' 81.2. ) beaver cloth house Slippers , at 75c
Ladies' 75f fell house Slipperson sale at 3Sc
Reason says buy SHERIDAN COAL ,
necessity says yon must have it it's
the best coal mined in Wyoming.
VICTOR WHITE , 1605 Farnam. Tel , 127
For Fastidious Trade
| UR line of men's shoes
are unequalled in all
the qualities most de
sired by wearers of fine foot
wear Style , fit , comfort ,
and wearing qualities that
are obtained only in high
grade shoes of the best ma
terial and workmanship ,
and the prices are right.
X. K. Cor. tOlh
a and Douglas.
i Mistakes Are Easily Made , |
You'll make one if jou order nnj 1
other T
but the Win. T AVood & Co's cele
brated make Thcio Is none bettor
In the country that's why wo bell
them Wo also bell
Wrlto us , If you can't como nnd see
1511 Dodge St. < j
to buy her aNew
Now Year's gift , ,
bet cr sco us.
XVo'vo lota of
pretty und dusir-
ublo tilings which
we arc belliii" ; at cut priuus now in order
to icduuo the Mtook.
. -\\clcil HatiiliiM SI.DO
.Mnnrnlr HIIOOIIN , former
ly , lor "Or
Then our stock of Diamonds , Watches ,
Rings , Chains , Charms , Lockets , Cut ( ! lass ,
Necklaces , , Poikethoolts , etc any of which
wo know will please jou
109 South ! 6th St. V
Grand Perfume Sale
For Monday and
To reduce Tuesday our peifumc ' stock before In-
\i'iitor > wo plate on sale 2,000 ounces per
fumes ( nine odoia-tho ) kind \\o ha\e been
billing ut 2fic and 35c per OUIILC.
Sale Price , IQc Per Ounce ,
2c cxti.i will be chaigej for the bittlo.
No inoru than t ounces lo n uislomoi
All our 2or anil 351 > iiackngi'h of line perfume -
fume go at 12'/ie
All our COt pacKugfB of line perfume go
at Me
A\'e have n few perfume ntomlderw loft
whluh wowill close out nt ! ) c each. All our
high grailo pel fumes In packages wo will
dosu out at one-half price.
Dr. Juo. Roy , Chiropodist ,
rull.NS UK.IOID . ' 3i and up tfew
ileitiKnl iiu Ui > 1 no knlff piilnk'ss f"V
tlon 'lilllilnliit jioclllvely run d WurtH ,
mnlc.H , liirili iniiili.-i , MiirH and Hiiiurlluuui ]
Imir niiKiveil wlih diitiiiit )
Jlliukentil OJCH paint
ed rolui 2 !
yeir ( cxpeildicn U
> eiirx In Om.ilin
ni 12. Fren-
ytr Jtli > ck ,
T sl5tl ! Forms of
22 Years experience ,
jMJ.VcA-yrva . ; , e7.
o. , , Zt'nf ? y cu' ' 'lnedV.irlcoie ' | ( .
Stricturebyphlllsl < os of VJcorand Vitality.
IplffiWIUTIiriS , ! ! ? Cllar > ow"Mli
IltljA l lr 1. 110 JK , V OH3Ult&tlOt3Qtl | rV4IIl
Inatinit Krcc , Hoursba .
ra.toG : Ticriti tu
faunda-'JIol ? . } < 0. InxTM V/ffic7'I.K
tor. IHU 3Ud i'an.auj fatructi. OMAUA. f"
/ <
1'ijfc i