Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 31, 1899, Part I, Page 19, Image 19

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    THE OMAHA DAILY 1JEJ3 : SUNDAY , 31 , 1800.
i"on : KSTATB.
VOTTKHH'M.KS CO. , 310 N. Y. L1FH.
LVc off"ic pfCji'Ttlew below , nil of which
wn . mo Jitjialnptl lltln for our east
ern Uft.'a by foreclosure , or by deed to
KC'tU i > .o dvs. . nnd they hnve OOT TO
OO Tt > - y if1 cheap nnd nil right nnd
have rot in in offered nl uny such prices
nrt wr will fell for. HOMliRODY CAN
OUT A iJNAl * by seeing us nbout them.
tSo. M 7.This ) It No. ! VDIS ! 4 North th
Ht naif bio. k north ( 'timing street ; double
two niory frimion lot * ixl27 feet , renting
now f , r "JI2 prr month ; llttl'1 money fpetit
< it > ihn t'fwwrty would mnko It produce
} J ) prr innMH
No " - . > tiiU Hurdrtte t. , S rooms , two-
Htoi-v tn'Htiy modern , loMOxllC. This was
ibiil t .by the nwnnr for a home , loan was
t'i an I w will take thl * amount for
the pronertt with clear title ; might no-
ct'p' ' onmUs - . It has got to be sold and
the min who talks business will cement
nt ircr i t % ing.
No 327 : iti North 22nd fl. . In Idlewlld : this
nice nha'lv nddllion , lot 10x110 , nice ihuile.
well unlit house , flvo large rooms and
bail ) in-low ami S on second floor ; fine
liH. . k < nlar < Mt- water , closet , cistern
Wflti-r In kllrhPti. piped for BUS elc. This
was turned over to us yesterday by shrrlff
< ) erd ami eastern client says " 9KLL II. "
We would hate to advise much under
} 2.1IK ) , but see us about It.
No. ! -2J2 < llnrney , lot 00x110 S-room , one-
lory oottage , bath , etc. , with fair barn ,
5 minutes' walk from city hall. Loan on
this was SUXXi. We only ask W.9KI ami we
want you to tell u < what you will give.
Someone. IH aolivcr to buy this property be
fore lonu MUST HB HOLD.
If you have got tin- cash come In and tell
im what you will give for these properties.
We will touch the button nnd It we do not
1o hlijdlU'SM It will be because you Want
something for less than nothing.
\V j control these exclusively und wo know
what we are talking nbout.
I'OTTKn-SHOLHS CO. . 310 N. Y. L1FK.
RK-739 31
\ new century Is nrar at hand. Start It
right by buying n honin or some Incomu
producing iiropcrty as an Investment.
1'rlcen uro right now , and will not be no
low much longer. Come In and let mo
show you the following :
Six good-sized rooms , with front and rear
vestibules , beautifully p.iperetl , porcelain
bath , clo't , wash bjwl , nlekel-plaled
pipes , hot water , sewer , clstorn , cemented
cellar , line gus fixture * , etc. ; full lot , two
blocks from Hatiscom park , one block
from car ; splendid view , largo oak shade
trees , an Ideal 1iome , for only JH.l&o. It's
ripial can't be found today for jl,50i ! . Oc-
cupiint will v.icate to suit purchaser , or
will take a long time lease at JL'O per
month , which IH 0 per cent on JI.OOO.
An S-room. east-front 'house ' , In line repair ,
city water Inside , .two . line lots' , with SI
feet frontage , nicely fenced In , till for
$1,500 , and only ono block from Dodge
street cur.
I have many other choice Improved prop
erties and vacant lots at very low prices.
Sen me sure before you buy.
I have several of the llnest rental houses
In the city at very low prices.
11RNKY B. I'AYNK. 601 N. Y. Life Bldg.
R.K-S33 3t
The latest , morft beautiful and choicest resi
dence location In Omaha , and at the tinmo
lime the cheapest.
3 lots left nl SIM
ami a few at ; J50
nnd they are BoliiR fast. Why ? Ileciuisi
you ftut the most for the least money of
nny place In the city.
JOHN w. nonniNS. isce FAUNAM ST.
Ono G and ono 7-room house and double
barn on eo'iier lot 62x1 IS , near Hanscom
parlc all for J'.COO. The bulldlnRs on this
property are worth moru than the amount
asltcd for It. Hero Is a splendid Invest
ment In rented property for some one
with cash. Don't be satlslled with your
certlllcates of deposit at 3 per cent while
this snap Is on the market.
7-room almost new house and full east
front lot. No. 113S S. 'J3th st. $3,70 , ) .
7-room housO and lot , modern , except fur-
llace , on the bePt part of Georgia ave. For
quick sale , $3,200.
6-room IIOUHO nnd oust front lot , on Park
ave. near Fivnmm.-now SJ.inOoi
account of rernoynl qt- owner , from tlu
Three lots -11x100 feet each , corner 3lHl nm
Marcy ; all for J2.000.
Corner 31st and Paclllc , K.100.
G7xl3G , corner 33d and Dodge ; one of the
most deslrnblo building sites In the city
Only JStt .
Full east front lot , 32d nnd California , $300
Oilier bargains In every part of the city.
nonniNS. 1502 FARNAM. THU. sat.
UB-824 31
170S CAl'ITOIj AVK. , price reduced t (
$1 323.CO.
7 rooms , nearly new , on lot 50X131 feet
Bouth front.
Hyron H. Hastings , 212 S. 14th Ht.
T ot 2S , In block I , Hawthorne addition ,
only $200
Yes. but must bo all cash.
UH-M741 2
KOH BALK. 2,000 acres , homo or ranch
Good Hand Co. , land , ' from $230 to $500
per IfiO acres ; now Is the time to Invest
Write for list. B. J. .Miller. Miller. S. D
FOH SAI. B , two fi-room houses , all modern
Improvements ; In good condition , cheap
will sell OIK' or two. No. 2719 Dewey Ave
Address Allen Koch , 2KJ.1 Harney 8t.
HB-M7tiS 0 *
Jl'ST comileled , two lovely cottages , 7
rooms each , nt wonderfully low prices ,
HB-M742 2
TUB various properties In which
The Now KiiKlnml Ixjun & Trvist Compun >
were Interested In Omaha nro for
snlo nt very low prices.
Hero are n few of them :
Mxl20 , tit I'll Davenport St.
41x130 , at 10th and Douglas Stx.
2xl3i > , at Oth ami Farnam 8ts.
31x13 ; , at 1412 Howard St.
MxlSO , at N.V. . Cor. ICth nnd Ohio.
With two eoxl ( tlwellliiKs.
Oomo In nnd see me.
A V Connett. Phone 12 > 5.
Iloom 3(0 ( N Y. Life Hhla.
HB-7JS 3t
6-r house , modern. 170 | Maudei'von } l.0"0
7-r 'hoiifce modern , B22 H. 2iith , 2,000
0-r libiiHO. modern. 1216 Farnam 2,000
If you want to purchase a house nt n bar
gain call on J. 11. Pun-otic , Douglas Blk.
KK-421 31
SKVKRAI. farms 'bought ' under foreclosure
In Surpy. Cu * * , Otot > anil Lancaster coun-
tlei < Owner will take $500 to 1 , J cash
balance same as neil , to good parties.
Address at once , T W. Bee. RN-Sl'J 31
DO YOl want n great bargain In a beau
tiful " -room cottage. See. that j.1,000 one
111 BemlH Park un : d St.
RB-M743 3
for HUNT. Flrat lloor N. Y. Llfo Hide
IK YOU have a barvaln to offer In real
estate buo 3 , A. Brondwell , D01 N. Y Life
Bldg. RB-MTO
FOR QUICK return , un bargain ! only a-e
S. A Broudwell. 501 N. Y. Ufo Bldg
. lot * farmx. lands , loans ; alto flro
' iimurance. Bcmls. 1'axtun blk. HB-Ciw
run SAI.I : i\i , USTITI : .
J C. l KTBU8 ft"ro
1702 Fnrnnm St. . Uee IVdp.
Tel. J.
HUY A PROPBRT.Y now while iherr re
HARUAfNS to Iw had. If you fatl to pur.
chase Now yeti will regret 1t before
Vo. Ml S14n .Mii ! > oii t. , 7 rooms , modPrn.
with biHl ; jMce ) , J2.7CO.
N'o. 7f 16 < X Uffltilur * t. , 7 rooms , modern.
price , J2.)0. ) Will tnkt' gdo-J lot us part
No. 9SS 130 So. Mill nve. , 8 rooms , all mod
em. onk llnlsh ; prfce. $3,500.
N'o. Sll 2 W So. "iJtli ft. , 8 rooms , imdprn.
Ju"t north of Fa rim in ct. ,
N'o. 092-27(1) ( ) and Howard Ma. , ft houses ; I
pay * good Interest on $0,000 ; price , $ X2i I
N'o. El0-2lli ; ( Cnldwell Ml. , 5 room' . city
watrr ; price , $1OCO.
N'o. 1213 ISIS Capitol nve. , S rooms , with
barn , good ropier ; price. $2,200.
2,2 ( for lot Georgia nve. and Mason Rt.
Wi full lot , 2Sth nnd B St. , So. Omaha.
* ) full lot , with house nnd barn , 2sih and
; l,2iiO full lot on Mason st. , near 31 t.
U. C. PKTKU8 & CO. ,
17rj ( Fnrnnm St. , Reo ll'dc. '
A BARGAIN Four acres. 40tn nna 1'aclflc ;
two blncl.-s from car line , on bolt rail
road , : , son ; easy termi. McCaguo In
vestment Co. , 15M Dodge. RE S67
7 roomti , all modern , and think of It , only
$ : ! .oou.
Sa',4 acres , three miles north of Florence ,
nil In timber ; will cut between 400 nnd
COO colds of wood ; for $1,230.
Ten acres on West Dodge St. , macadam ,
half hour's drive. $1,000.
The Dyron Reed Co. . 212 S. 14th St.
H05 DOUGLAS , cheapest Inside business
propel ty on market. We'Jacc , solo agent.
' RE-M133
FOR IlAnGAINSevorybndy port to S. A.
Brondwell , G01 N. Y. Life Bide.UE
NOTHING but bargains handled by B. A.
Urondwell , 501 N. Y. Life. Bldg.REM4M
A 49-font lot facing south on Davenport
street , nent 33th street ,
only $ I3'UM '
worth 1.230.01
3 blocks from llnest residences In the city.
Must be all cash , no trades.
UB M713 2 1
SNAPS In real estate : money to loan. L. L , .
Johnson Co. , 314 S. 15th street. RE JC4
FOR SALE Bargains In small residences.
S. A. Broadxvell. E01 N. Y. Life Dldg.
CO ACRES within 10 miles of Omaha P. O. ,
10-rocm house , liarn 30.\CO , some fruit
trees , fine place ; Improvements easily
worth $2,000. Price , $4.000.
$330 for south front en Miinderson street ,
between 27th and ISth streets , size 30x125.
$300 for WxSSl feet , facing east on 30th street ,
opposite Miller park.
$2,230 for live acres on North 24th street ,
east old Fort Omaha.
KB 362
Real Kstate , Rentals , Loans. Insurance.
. _ H , .
r- mmmj
HOLfSl'Is. lots , farms , Inndt- and Insurance.
R. C. Patterson , 303 N. Y. Life. RE-S71
15C.2 NORTH 17TI1' street , two houses , rent
ing for $10.00 per month , paving paid , pays
14 per cent gross , price fl,330. John N.
Krenzer. Op : > . old P. O. RE-.MGOO
FOR SALE or exchange , lot 12 , near cor.
Sherman ave. and Locust street. Address
Thos. Fitzgerald , Independence. Mo.R.K
THE YEAR 1003.
All persons Interested are hereby notified the city council of the -Ity of Omaha
will sit OH a Hoard of Equalization of As
sessments tin1 general taxes for the yegir
1900. as provided by section 141 of the Char
ter of Metropolitan C'ltles. on Tuesday , the
2nd day of January , lkX ! ) , between the hours
of 10 o'clock a. in. and fi o'clock p. n. . , In
the Council Chamber , in the City Hall , for
the purpofe of hearing nnd determining all
complaints of erroneous or unjust assess
ment ! * for said year , and said hearings will
bo continued between the hours named
from day to day for a period of at leapt live
days , Including the date of said llrst sit
All persons having taxable property with
in the city are requested to examine their
nKsewsmentH. so , If any error exists , or
any Injustice has been done In the assess
ment of property , correction may be made
by said Hoard of Equalization , It being the
Intent of the law thut no correction shall bo
made after thu Hoard of Equalization ad
journs , except for rcapons set forth In the
The assessment books arc now ready for
examination In the Tax Commissioner B of-
llce. All complaint ? must bo In writing and
Illed with the cUy clerk for the considera
tion nnd action of said board when Con
Omaha , Nebraska , December 26. ISM.
D-2C-d-l-t-e City Clerk.
HARDWARE CO. . OMAHA. Nuh. . Dei'J ,
lb9'J. Notice Is hereby given to the ktock-
holders of the Lceaia.Aiidreesen Hard
ware Co. that the annual meet'iig ' of the
i-tockholders of the company will be held
at the otlk-es of the snld company. 121-i'l- ! )
122.1 Harnoy street , In the city of Omaha , In
the state of Nebraska , on Tuesday. January
'J , A. D. 1WX ) , at 3 o'clock p in. , for the
purpopi of electing a board of directors for
the company to serve during the ensuing
year and to transact such other business
as may be presented at such meeting.
H. J. LEE. Pro-ident.
A.test : AV. M. GLASS. Secretary.D103U
D103U M
Union Lard Company :
Notice Is hereby given that the annual
meeting of the stockholders of the I'lilon
Land company for tlie election of llvo dlrcc-
toiti nnd the transaction of such otl r iiut.1-
nek's un may lawfully come before the mi-et-
lug will be held at the office of the general
solicitor , t'nli-u Pacific building , Omaha ,
Neb. , upoi , .Monday , thu Sth day of Jan
uary , VAX ) , at 10 o'elo.-k a. in.
The stock transfer books will bo clo cd
ten dnys previous to the mcpilns.
New Yck City. N. Y. . December 15th ,
A Hpcclal meeting of Uie stockholders of
The Men Publishing Co . Is hereby culled to
mecot nt the otllco of the company , corner
17th and Furniim streets , on Saturday , Jan
uary 'i. ISOOat 4 o'clock p. m. . to consider
lint extension and umeiKinienu in thn
articles uf Incorporation and , such other as may bo submitted for conxid-
cratlon. Hy order of the Hoard of Director *
E. ROSEWATER. i > r ! dont.
G B TZSCIIUCK. Secretary.
f MK\ ! * and "The & Orent Pacific Rock Railroad Is | .
RoMland nnd Route. " City Tick ,
: et Office. 1323 Farnam
Street. Telephone. S.
Depot. Tenth & ijnsun
Streets. Telephone , d.'tf.
. Leave. Arrive.
Dea Molnes and Daven-
i port Locnl . . . a 7C6 : am bllS5 : am
Chtcagi Kxprci-H b'.Mo am n i.lo um
Chlrueo Fast Expie3d..a 6:00 : pm a liis pm
S > Paul Fast 1 xi > ree .a 6U : ) pm bll:33 : um
Lincoln , Colorado SPSS. .
Denver , Pueblo and
u'cst. . ' , , , -a 1W : pm a liS P"1
Dc M fines. Rock Inl
and and Ch'cago .a 7:23 : pm a 5:50 : pro
Colorado & Texan Flyer.a SM : pm a 8 : < W um
i a Dally , b Dally txcep' Sunday.
g'-ph & Council Blufn '
Rnllrond "Tho Burling'
" ton Route" Ticknt Otllce ,
1502 Fnrnam Street. Tel * ,
phono. 230. Depot , Tenth
and Mason Streets. Tele
phone , 310.
Leave. Arrive.
Kansas City Day Ex a 5:50 : nm n 6:15 : pm
Kansas Cl'y Night Ex .alOilo pm a 6:30 : am
Bt. Louis Flyer for St.
Joseph nnd St Louis .a 4:3J : pm nll:15 : am
a Dally.
& Qulncy Railroad "Tho
Burlington Route" Tlsket
Ollli f , 1502 Farnnm St.
Tel , i30. Depot , Tenth &
nnd Mason Streets. Tcle
phone , 310.
Leave , Arrive.
Daylight Chlrago Spe
cial a CIO : am
Chicago Vc tlbulcd Ex..n 5:05 : pm a S:05 : nm
Chicago Express n 8:50 : am n 4:03 : pin
Chicago St St. L. Ex a 7:45 : pm a 8:05 : am
Pacific Junction Local..clO : 15 am
Fast Mall , a 2(3 : ( pm
a Dally.
sourl River Rnllrond
"Th Burlington Route"
Oenernl Olllces. N. W.
Corner Tenth and Far
nnm Streets. Ticket
Olllce , 1302 Fnrnam I
8"t. . Telephone , 250.
Repot , Tenth and Mnsdn Streets. Tele- i
phone. 3lu. Leave. Arrive.
Lincoln , i. _
McCOok aS:40nm : a 7:10 : pm
Lincoln. Denver , uolo-
rndo. Utah , California.a 4:23 pm a 3:55 pm
Lincoln , Blnj-K Hills.
Montana < Pucet
Hound a 1:23 : pm n 3:00 : pm
Lincoln Local a 7:00 : pm nlO:35 : nm
Lincoln Fast Mull a 3:00 : pm alO:33 : ama
Denver , Colo-ado. Utah
& California a G:35 : am
a Dally.
Minneapolis & Omaha
Railway "The North
western Line" CU'tieral
Olllces , Nebraska Divi
sion , 13th and Webster
, , - Sts. City Ticket Otllce. ,
UOl 1-urnam St. Telephone , 661. Depot , 15th
und Webster Sts.
Leave. Arrive.
Twin City Express ( for
Sioux City. St. Paul &
Minneapolis' ! . n 0:00 : nm
Omaha Passenger . a 7:00 : pm
Blair , Kmcrfcn. Sioux
City , Poncn , Hartlng-
ton and Bloomlleld..b 1:01 : pm b2:10 : pm
No. 2 Twin Clu L'1'd..a 5:53 : pin
No. 1 Omaha Limited. . . a 9:00 : nm
n Dally , b Dally e-xceot Sunday
Missouri Vnlljy Rail
road "The Northwestern
Line" General Ofllcc ? .
United States National
Bank Bldg. , ftouthwesl
Corner Twelfth and Far
nam Streets. Ticket office. 110 : Fnrnam
Street Telephone , 501. Depot , 15th and
Webster stieets. Telephone , 145S.
Leave. Arrive.
Black 71111s. Deadwood ,
Hot Springs a 3:60 : pm n 5:00 : pm
Wyoming , Casper ana
Douglas d 3:00 : pm e 5:00 : pm
Hastings. York David
City , Superior. Geneva
Exeter and Reward..b 3:00 : pm b 5:0f : > pm
Norfolk. Verdlgru" nnd
Fremont b 730 ; am blO:25 : am
Lincoln , Wnhoo nnd
Fremont b 7:30 : nm biO:23 : nm
Fremont Locnl c 7:30 : nm
a Dally o Dally except Sunday , c Sun
day only. A Dally except Saturday. e
dally except Monday.
jctiicAGo& NORTHwestern -
western Railway "The
Northwestern Line"
C'-ty Ticket Olllce , 1401
Farnnm Street. Tele
phone. C01. Depot , Tenth
. - , pnil Mason Streets. Telephone -
phone , C29.
Leave. A rs * \ * e.
Daylight Chicago Spe
cial a 0:40 : nm nllJ5 : pm
Chicago Passenger a 4:15 pm alU:10 : am
Eastern Express. De
Molnes. Manhalltown ,
Cedar Rapids and Chicago
cage nlO:3 : am a 4:03 : pm
Eastern Llinltea , Chicago
cage and East , .n 1:35 : pm a 4:03 : pm
1 Fast Mail. Chicago to
Omnha a 2:45 : pm
i Oimihn-riiloago Special.a 7:30 : pm a S:0it : am
Fast Mlill s'-.i ! rim
[ a Dally , b Daliy except Sunday.
Railroad "fho North-
" - , "
we"it-rn Line--ficneral
Otllces. United States
National IJr.r.U But''llnf7
S. W. Corner Twelfth
- , , and Fnrnam Street ? .
Ticket onice , Hfll Farnnm Sticet , Tele
phony 561. Depot , Tenth and Mason
streets. Telephone , O ,
Leave. Arrive.
Sioux ; City. Mnnkato a.
St. Paul. M'nneapolis..a 5:33 : am a 8:15 : am
St. Paul. Minneapolis ,
Mnnknio & Sioux Clty.n 5:30 ! : pm all:00 : pm
Sioux Cl'y Local . a S:00 : am a 4:30 : nm
a Dally
" land Route" General Olllces
N. E. Cor. Ninth and Farnam
Streets. City Ticket Office ] 30
Farnam Street. Telephone , 31C
Depot. Tenth nnd Mason
Streets. Telephone- .
Leave. Arrive
The Overland Limited..a 8:50 : am a.7:20 : pm
The Fast Mall . . . . . . . .n 9:00 : am n 3:23 : Tim
The Colorado Special..allluj pm n 6:33 : am
The Portland Special..n 8:30 : am a 4:40 : pm
Lincoln. Beatrice and
S.rnniHburg Express..b : pm b2:2S ! : pm
Pacific Express a 4:25 : pm a 6:3S : am
Grand Island Local b fi:30 : pm b 9:23 : nm
| South Omaha Pass. Leaves , a 10:15 : n. m. :
3:03 : p. m. ; b 1:33 : p. in. Arrives , 10:43 : a.
m. ; U 8:40 : p. in. : b u:2j : p. m.
Council Bluffs ocal Leaves , 3:30 : n.
p. m. ; uoo m. ; 6:30 : p. m. ; S:5j : p. m. ; 11
' '
P'a'Sally , b Dally except Sunday.
r/7l rend Omaha , Kansas City
" "
- & Eastern Rnllroad-"The
Qulncy Route" Ticket Of
fice. HIB Farnam Street
Tfkphnne. 322. Depot. Tf-nth
and Marcy Streets , Tele
phone , 029.
Leave. Arrive.
St. Louis Canr.on Ball
Express a 4:50 : pm a S:35 : am
! Kansas City and Qulncy
Local " a 7:15 : nm a S:50 : pm
road Oenernl Olllces and
Ticket Ofllees Southeast Cor-
per 14th and Douglas Sts.
, . Telephone , 101 Depot , 13th
iT and Webster fits. Tclepnone.
. . . . . Leavo. Arrive.
St. Louis , Kansas &
Neb Limited a 2:39 : pm a2:55 ! : pm
K. C-St. L. Express..a 3:50 : pm o 5:50 : am
Ni-brnnKa Loral via
Weeping Wnter b 6:03 : pm a 0:43 : am
I u Dally , b Dully except Sunday.
St. Paul Rallwa > City
Ticket Olllce , 1501 Farnam
Street. Telephone. 2S4. De
pot , Tenth and Mason Sts.
Telephone. G29.
- / Leave. Arrive.
Chicago Limited Ex a 7:33 : pm a 6:30 : am
Chicago & Omaha Ex..bll:00 : am b 3:53 : pm
I Sioux City & Des Molnes
Express bll:00 : am b 3:55 : pm
I n Dally , b Dally except Sunday.
Tickct Olllce. 1415 Farnnm
Street. Telephone. Sf:5. : De
pot , 'Konth nnd Marcy
Streets. Telephone , C29.
Leave. Arrive.
St. 'Louis "Cannon Ball"
Express a 4:50 : pm a S:33 : nm
a Dally.
Former I'ri-Nlilenl Aiiilnnie of Venrir-
urla Finds n llefime t'nilcr Hit *
Viuerlcnii I'liiK.
WASHINGTON. Dec. 30. Word has been
received hero that Oenernl Andradc , late
president of Venezuela , who fled on a war
ship when the Castro revolution proved suc
cessful , Is living quietly In Puerto Rico ,
where the American rule affords him every
proper protection. General Andrado has
I sent back the war sliip on which ho loft
Venezuela , together with every other pos-
i session in any way belonging to the country
! and ho is now living as a private citizen.
i I'nlir Klllftl l > > - : \ | | |
' I.ANVASTER. Pal > 'f 3u-Four nu-n
were killed .mil several other * Injured b >
, i 'boilor exnlos'on two mil' went of i-.liz.i-
1'bethtrtwu ' tills nwiiliig Tncy were tin-
Ployt-s of Killer & Krc-oon. rullru.i.l , < ; < < ' > -
. Donald llulil"--
tra-tors The de.ul ate -
in in of Bdlubrl'lge.MH Hti-roain of Wit
Oiwejful Hurt Harr. * a ni-jru un ( UUun
known us Tuny. T"1 Itutir wus hurled 15U
feel. .
Writes IntercUinsly from Angcle ? , Luzn ,
in the Philippine Inlands.
War SiM-niM to HPrnrly ( ) % er Seine
I den of Otilponl Duty t < < CUen
FlllpliioH Are
The following letter from tlie 1'lilllpplno
Islnmta was tccclvcd by Judge tlaxter a tow
days ago from Lleutcnnnt Henry M. Mor- I
row. who \vns formerly clerk In the judge's
office : I
ANOELK3 , Luzon , Philippine Islands , Nov. j
14 , IS ! ) ! ) . My Dear Judge : After n day of
hard riding 1 feel like a man who would
rather write n letter than do nny wander
ing around. All day yesterday I was out
with n party hunting up "earlbans" and
"carrndans,1 that Is , oxen and ox carts. The
great problem here for the army U that ot
transportation. The other day while I WHS
nt Mnhalacnt over night on escort duly , I
asked the adjutant general of the division ,
whether the division hail advanced that day. i
"No , It Is all n matter of rations , " ho
answered. The ratlous could not be ob-
tallied because of lack of transportation and
so everything falls back on tint ono prob
Night before last General McArthur tele
graphed to hit ; quartermaster to obtain nl
once 200 carts nnd oxen. It wan in an effort -
fort lo get these that a number of Us wcro
scouring the surrounding country all day |
yesterday.Vc started out n little party |
of ten In order to bo able to handle any
wandering parly of Insurrectos that might
be met. It Is very rare Hint one Hilda here
un Isolated farmhouse ns the farmhouse's '
arc found In the United States. A lone
house , a mlle from any other , would be iiultc
lemurkttblo Jicre. Hut. the little farmers
In n little district congregate together In a
little villare or "barrio. " H seems to be
the same plan that has been urged for the
American farmer.
Well , our procedure was to ride In these
little barrloB containing from fifty to ICO
or 200 natives , to say nothing of the dogs ,
and round up all except one or two oxen
and carte. Each Is accompanied by a na
tive driver and the government pays $2
"Mex" and rations a day for a driver , cart
and ox.'e experienced no difficulty In
getting what we found and did not llml It
ncceraary to force any of them. All were
very friendly and were pleased at getting
thcBo wages. I say "pleased ; " well , they
were when their fears were calmed and they
once realized that , something fearful wns
not about to overtake them. But the poor
wretches have been away from their homes
for months living In the mountains and
subject to all the Inclemencies or the
weather and they are no fonder of the
weather than we arc. They use umbrella ?
to shield them from the gun aud hunt for
protection from the rain and become sick
from fevers and other diseases , all the same
llko Americano. Only since November 8 ,
when the division took up the forward
movement and drove Agulnaldo north , have
these poor \vrctches dared to come back
again lo relight their llres. In several caoca
families arrived while wo were in the "bar
rio , " their families and chickens Inside
the covered cart and the dog following. To
hnvo their oxen and carts taken away before
they had fairly returned Ecemed hard. Many
of them cannot believe they will "ever bo
. * . iiK-rlc-in 1'iilU-y Toward \ndvi-n.
It is our policy to make them friendly
by treating them with the greatest fair
ness nnd even gencroiity. Tills policy will
hereafter awlst us in keeping tlie island
IMolflc. In line with this policy we look
with us the cjrgeon of the regiment with
omo medicine suitable- for fevers. His
services and medicines were freely distrib
\Vo found considerable- fever and the ULlle
babies wcro sutl'crlng more than the rest.
Hut the hind treatment had Its effect. As
we came back through nome villages Home
mother with sick children who had not
allowed their children to be declared as we
went out , met us with the children at the
outskirts of the village asking for the doc
tor. A large number of passes were alee
given to admit persons who cannot be
helped except at the hospital. The whole
process In dealing with the natives and .ill
our course of treatment 1ms been something
that Is above criticism from the standpoint
of Justice and humanity. It Is not generally
thought thai this confiding treatment Is
a good thing In the largo townn , where , ac
cording to accounts , treachery has been fre
quently met with. There aomo severity Is
necessary to hold in chuck those who are
anxious to canro trouble.
Wo found the people In these "barrlcs"
cpcak a dialect that Is net understood by a
Spaniard and In turn very few iindeivitnml
Spanish. The little Spanish wo have learned
Is usually of no service to us. This seems
singular when you consider that we are
only fifty-seven miles from Manila , yet wo
can find other dialects qulto different oven
shorter distances from here. The larger
towns are quite pretty In appearance , nnd
icasonnbly clean , but tl'o little ones wien
the weather Is wet look like an American
hog wallow ; they smell llko one , lee , and
they could very easily pans for one. Hogs
are present , lee , to heighten the resem
blance. Undoubtedly nil thU IB the very
lowchl and poorest of the farming popula
tion , and I guess the lowest and poorest
of all countries look allko to me. It IB Iho
great middle class thut determines Interna
tional Htumltng of a people , nnd thut middle
clnffi flc'cms to be lacking here HO far UH [
1'nvo been able to discover. Of course , wu
see. things at their worst , Just after two
armies have passed through , and the vil-
have for months been abandoned.
T < nvn nl' AiiKt'leH ,
This village of Angeles ( pronounced An-
i hales ) , which Is credited with a population
' of 11,000 , la considered ono of the prettiest ,
I best drained nnd best built towna occupied
| by thu troops , Very few native Inhabitants
i are here , hut Ihoy nro rapidly sneaking in
i now.Ve are not anxious to have thorn roino
back for there Is nothing here to support
! them , whllo In the country they can earn
n living at lettst. I elmll not attempt to
describe the houses. 1 was aurprlaed to llml
hero and there in the town and out In the
country the wieck of a modern Hewing ma
chine , but along with It wo found stocks
such as wr-ro once used In our country to
punish people.
Yesterday In the mountains , In n new
village of llnlucat refugees , I found a side
raildle of good make , whllo the village was
Illthy ; also a young Filipino wearing a Slot-
ami Htltf hat , while the presence of disease
' wax mm manifest. It Is n great place for
I opposltce. Wo find bows and nrrows In
i abundance. It Is fald they are used almost
entirely to phoo * . birds.
In the mountains I drank n delightful cup
of chocolate of Filipino make and ate some
little wheat or rlee cakes that tasted like
American cookies , but I drew the line at a
fried pancake that was heavy enough for
bullets. Hut do not get the Idea that theae
untlvc.s are all stupid nnd Ignorant. Many
do seem to liu to in both facial expression
and in fact. But men and women become
-quite homely nt an early age. But the boys
and young men between 16 and 25 do sec-m
to be very quick and bright It is Haiti that
lliu Filipinos are not as quu k and apt Ub
some other Oriental people * * but be that as
U may they arc vry quick and sharp
I started in on tliu letter in a haphazard
fashion und hn\c Just kepi wandering ou.
I will RO back to the time of our nrrlvnl i
liere nnd let you know what wo have l-oon !
doing. Wp arrived on November 1 ; the en-
lire regiment was transported here from
Manila In one day , although the Americans
control only four or live engines. On arrival
our battalion went Into quarters In huts
mid nro sllll In them. My brother Frank's
regiment wns hero and remained hero until
November fi. On the Sth my brother Will
fnmo up on n short leave to my complete
sutprlse. So I hnve most unexpectedly been
nblc to see them both within ten days of
my nrrlvnl.
Otitiioit Duly.
After n day or two of rest wo entered on
our llrst tour ot outpost duty on November
I This , you know , Is quite an Important
event In the life of n new regiment nnd la
usually just ns funny for older regiment *
is It seems serious to them. H Is the usual j
experience of now regiments Hint on their
first lour of outpost duty they shoot nt
every shadow and every rustling hush and
It Is Jokingly said that the enemy can tell
when n new regiment Is on outpost duly
by the promiscuous firing that la done.
Many nro the stories of how new regiments
killed dogs and entile thai were
heard wandering In the woods.
As we were rlghl up here
next to the enemy nnd as not n shot hud
been fired by the outpost of either army
for ten days before our arrival , wo were
expected to wnke. thlnga up. But we nre
quite pioud of the fact llutt during our
first two nights ot duty not n shot was fired
by us. The stray cattle In the woods were
safe those two nights' .
On the morning of November Pi the llrst
forward movement was made by my brother
Frank's regiment. We were placed In po
sition ready to take a part In the conlllct
If necessary , hut wo were not needed. Wo
beard the firing of the Seventeenth n short
dlatance away , bill wo could not gel In the
scrap. Three days later all the rcsl of the
division except our regiment moved forward ,
but again wo were dl-sappolntcd , for there
was no lighting. We were left behind to garrison
risen the city and to guard wagon trains ,
furnish patrols to neighboring ( owns and
do any other necessary duty. U has been a
great disappointment to us that we have
not been able to go ahead with ( he regiment.
Personally 1 have been on one expe.lltlon
up to MnhnlnPhe with an escort to a wagon
train and hnve done some outpost duty dur
ing the first few days. In n day or two I
hope to go with n patrol to Malung. Today
orders were received that breaks the regi
ment up Into small pieces. Six companies
arc scattered over four towns and the other
six remain here. Fortunately our battalion
remains in Angeles. This breaking up of
the regiment incniiH that for porno vceks
we will do garrison duty. Whether we
will get oul of It In time to see nny active
service Is a question.
\V : r .Veilfly Over.
Wo are all quite satisfied , from what we
see about us , that the war Is very near
a close. It may bo thai Agulrtaldo Is al
ready shul In and will be unable to escape
to the north. But even If he does he will
have to leave the best part of the Islrtnd In
cur possession and we will , In a few months ,
re-establish the commerce that Is sa neces
sary to bring bark prosperity. The bcal
part of the Island will be pacified and
Aguinaldo will bo so far fram Manila that
ho will worry no one. That Is the way It
seems to un. I am supremely confident that
before next Juno all organized opposition
lo our government will bo crushed com
pletely. Jusl pul this down ns my safe
'By the way. I do not know whal news you
get In your papers , bill Ihe news published
In the Manila papers as to the fighting and
particularly na to the enemy's losses Is.very
reliable. The facts as published tally so
far with those wo get from 'division head
quarters. Of course the papers write things
up somewhat enthusiastically , but the state
ments 'bcnenth the rhetoric nre facts. I
Judge from this that you probably get au-
thentl ? news In your papers.
You know we are supposed to be in ( ho
dry season , but the Lord gave us from the
wet season If this Is the dry. H Inn ralne.I
just about every other day since wo have
been hero and for two dnys now It has
atlended strictly to the rain , business. I
have been soaked so jnany' times lhat I
cease any longer to mind It' ; ' I siilppcce It
will gel us Into thai desirable condition
called "acclimated , " unless we get web-
footed first. Yours ,
I'liniN I'rruiiriMl for ( In.Mont 1'ower-
fu ! VcNNclM In Any
NE\V YORK. Occ. BO. A special lo the
Tribune from Washington Bays : Designs
for the greatest battleships ever projected
for the American navy were agreed upon by
the Naval Board 'of Construction today after
several months of discussion over the
important questions of hatter/ , armor , speed ,
coal capacity anil displacement. The three
new vcsacls to bo called the Georgia , New
Jersey nnd Pennsylvania will equal In for-
mldablllly the finest line of battleships yet
laid down by any foreign power and with
the addition of typical American Improve
ment will mirjKuu in filming force any
ships now afloat. t
The nallont feature of the design con
template n displacement of approximately
14,000 tons , n compared with the Oregon's
11,000 or the new Mulno'x 12,300. The
speed is to bo "at least nineteen knots , "
with a coal bunker capacity of 2,000 tons , .
There will bo two HUperlmpoKed turrets ,
ono fore and the other aft , each containing
two twelve-Inch and two eight-Inch guns
of the new elongated bore nnd high snioke-
leps powder velocity. The remaining guna
of the main battery will consist of twelve :
six-inch riuluk-flro broadsides. This ar
rangement of battery has been finally
adopted Instead of mi alternative plan , which
provided for four twelve-men nuns In tur
rets nnd sixteen fix-Inch broadside , which
had been put forward to avoid the expedient
of superimposed turretw. The two-story
turrets , which nre a instinctively American
i Innovation , ns applied to the Keaiwirge and
I Kentucky , are regarded as no longer of
| doubtful SUCCCHS and It Is known that for-
| clgii governments are preparing to adopt
I them to secure the concentration and angle
of flro they secure , which is unapproached
by nny other expedient.
The board also definitely determined upon
the use of the most modern Krupplzed armoi
foi the new vessels.
The total cobt of each of these three ships
when ready for sea will exceed { 7,000OOC
each. They will cruise 7,000 miles straight
away and there will not be three ships ol
similar offensive und defensive strength Ir
the fleet of any possible enemy.
linker .11 UK I Try AnoHifr'nj. .
MILWAUKEE. Dec. 30.-In the superlo
( ourt today Judge Williams refused ti
grant nn Injunction lestralnlng lleprj
Miller nnd tUo Charles ( .omjwuj
from producing iho play entitled "The iinlj
Way. Colgate linker , u Milwaukee news
paper man. Instituted Injunction procetMl
ingt' . nuking 'leuvy ' damages and an uc
counting from Mr. FrnhtnHn us to recclpti
frum thn play. Baker claimed the produe
tlon was nn infringement on the title "Tin
Only Way. " which he claimed to lirtyi
copyrighted. ,
liolnsr ( u ( Iliki-rve Ili'llimr ,
AMIIKRST , MUSH , Dei. : . Pi'rcitf.i !
Powell of Bunion ami Prof David P T d < l
i yf Ainhcrm dlHje will start fur KnglaiK
| early hexl moivtli on an exic'jlli ! | < n to < > lj
serve ihe dial < ' linnf U - K-.III MJV
ix In iiurihtT" A frit.i T'i > j will miki-
ti in of unnuruini Eur-'d-u. ! uti- > ( -r\nurl <
Their prip 1 | > jl InH'rumciii ' for obHer * ,118 i t
> t ihi'e iMll be i twt-nt" . four im li iejrsru. > t
f u . I/Mining l.i'i'i- ' K > ulc piturcH f MI
Ki.n . i > lorur.a Thi cxpc-ditlun will
Mn June ,
W fy
c Ante Room B chocs H ,
* &W
Nebraska lodee No. 1 , Ancient Free and
Accepted Masons , ei-nferred the Master Ma
sons' degree on two candidates Tuesday even-
Ing. A special Invitation had been extended
the past masters nud among the e who oc
cupied seats were : John ( J. Oo.l < s , Newell
11. Wllcox , William Robinson , Frank 12.
Caldwell , Daniel 11. Wheeler , pr. , Joseph U.
Stafford. Edward R. Dtillle , Oscar U. Alien.
Benjamin F. Thomas , John 1) . Howe nnd
William S. Felker.
When the lodge had completed Its work
the member ? to the number of ISO adjourned
to the ImiHiuot hall , where a repast wan
served , ntter which the members of the
order listened to speeches delivered by till-
past masters' , the present master reading
Ic-tters frcln those who were oul of the eltv
and olhera detained nt their homes on nc-
count of sickness. John ( } . floss , who wns
master of the lodge from ISeS to 1S70 , epoku
of the enrly history of Masonry In Nebraska
and the dllllcultlea under which the craft
labored In holding meetings In the log cabin
nt Uellovtic. In the building resided sev
eral families of the Omaha Indians , who ,
llko many others , exhibited some curiosity i
to know what was going on. Largo Mack
inaw hlanketti wcro hung nrouml the room ,
windows were bouble-bnrred and every pre
caution was taken to preserve the secrets
of the order. Frank K. Calrtwell , who wan
master from 1877 to 1SS7. and who still re
sided on his farm near Bellevue , spoke en
tertainingly of Hie difficulty experienced at
times In aacurliiK sufficient members to hold
n meeting , nnd told how. for n number ot
years , he had stood hy the old lodge nnd
kept watch over the corpse. When Ihe lodge
wan moved from Bellevue to Oinalia In
1SS8 Daniel H. Wheeler , sr. , wns elected
master , flnco which tlmo Us membership
has Increased until today It ha.o over 200
members. Mr. Wheeler spoke ot Incidents
during hU term of ofilce , ns did nlso Messrs.
Stnfford , Diilllc , Howe nnd Folkcr. Of the
Olghteen masters who presided over the af
fairs of the lodge from 1S35 lo IS'.ifl , all are
living except Messrs. Klnney and Sloven-
son , and eleven were present last Tuesday
A "Nighl In Bohemia. " entirely rewritten
which the Elks will
ten nnd up-to-dnte ,
play at Boyd'H theater January 12 and 13.
promises to bo the hll ot the season In
the way of home entertainments. Under di
rection ot Mr. Getz , who is widely experi
enced In stngo work , about forty of the best
local nmntcurs hnve been working for sev
eral weeks to perfect their parts. Mr. ( Mz
is well pleased with the progress made thus
far nnd ho Is of the opinion that there will
be no bitch In the proceedings.
In addition to about thirty new and catchy
songs , the specialties will Include the follow
ing : Edward Mullen in "Ho Did Like Kelly
Did , " Miss Esther Friend , Lillian Ensley ,
Lornn Hake , Marian Snowden and others
In "How lee ) Dee Man ; " Miss Pauline
Sturgts ns Lillian Russell , n burlesque prlma
I donna ; George P. Cronk's recital of "Little
Dluo Jeans" nnd many other good things.
Charley Lamb , who appeared In the road
production of a "Night In Bohemia , " will
play his original part and do his singing
and dancing specialties. Ed Cogley , who
made n hit lasl year as Dusty Rhodcj , will
sing his original song , "The Kissing Bug. '
and during Iho evening the latcsl eastern
ballad , "A Letler From Ohio , " will be sung
and illustrated with beautiful views. Miss
Ann Brlmm , who recently came to Omaha
from Chicago , will sing "Olvo Me Back Dem
Clothca. " The MIsseH Friend , Thoniaa ,
j Ilnlic , Gordon nnd Austin will appear ni Iho
j Broadway Eoubrcttes and in the aggregate
the show will be one of the best of the
season , it IB promised.
Odd Fellows and the Ancient Order of
United Workmen at Edgar , Nob. , have cotn-
I pleted a partnership hall and opera hoiiso
and there was a formal opening last Wcdnes-
1 day evening. A bamiuet was served , after
which the celebrators saw a farce comedy
I rendered In the new opera house by Edgar
I amateurs. The building Is a substantial
' structure.
The energetic manner In which the Elks
have invaded Council Blutfs Indicates that
Iho order Is going to bo as popular In the
city across the river as It usually Is every
where. Council Bluffs lodge , No. 531 , Is
the tltlo and organlzallon was effected
Wednesday night. Omaha Elks ofllclated as
godfathers nt the organization. The new
lodge starts out with 230 charter members.
In addition to the Omaha delegation there
wcro many visitors from other cities. The
olllcers are : Exalted ruler , John A. Bald
win ; esteemed leading knight. Dr. T. B.
Lacey ; esteemed loyal knight. W. J. Daven
port ; esteemed lecturing knight , Emmcl
Tlnley ; secretary , Harry Haas ; treasurer ,
F. A. Iluckman ; trustees , Lucius Wells , Wil
liam Arm ! nnd Dr. G. E. Smith.
A farewell reception was tendered Deputy
Supreme Chief Ranger W. T. Wllllamii by
Courts Ak-Sar-Uen , Omaha and companion
court Morning Sun of the Independent Or
der of Foresters Thursday evening. About
200 members of the order were In attend
ance , among 'wlioni ' was. n largo delegation
from Council Bluffs , headed by Chief
Ranger Butts ; also n South Omaha delega
tion under the leadership of Chief Ranger
Henderson. Twelve candidates were Intro
duced , after which a musical program WUB
rendered. An elegant diamond stud was
presented to Mr. Williams , Chief Ranger
Hurley of Ak-Sar-Bon making the presen
tation Hpeoch. Mr. Williams responded in
his happiest vein , after which refreshments
wcro nerved lo the crowd.
Plalthinouth lodge , No. fi , Ancient Vrco
und Accepted Masons , celebrated St. John's
day , the moat popular Masonic festival , by
an elaborate banquet al the Hotel Rlley In
thai city , In which over 100 members of the
order and their ludlca and friends partici
pate ! Addresses appropriate to the occa
sion were delivered by Mrs. Stoutenlnr-
ough , Mrs. S. M. Chapman. Judge Chap
man , RPV. H. B. Burgess of the Episcopal
church , Dr. T. P. Livingston and Judgii
Michael Archer. Splendid vocal music wan
alforded by Mica Florence White , Mrs. Wal
ter J. White and Miss Matilda Vallery.
Mlfrt Antonio Kcsslcr , who some tlmo aga
achieved some celebrity in Omaha by bet
appearance In vaudeville , wns pianist for
the evening- The menu provided by Land
lord Dunbar was superb und the celebration
wus In every way ns successful CM Masonic
entertainments always prove to be.
Omaha ledge , No. 1 , Hankcro' l'nl ' n ol
thn World , will have Installation of ofllccrH
on the evening of January 0. Thoru will
bo dancing , refreAhmenlH and an elaborate
musical program.
The nexl meeting of the Ben Ilur Onrrom
club will bo held nl the icsildoiico of I'1. ' C ,
White , 411C Grant xtied.
Rev. Charlett W. Snvldge. pantor of Hit
Pcoplu'u church , has Invited the members
of Ancient Order of United Workmen lodge ,
No. 18 , to attend the evening service at hi *
church January 7. The Invitation WOH ac
cepted and the lodge nicmhcis will go tc
tlm church in u body. Iluv. Savldgo in an
enthusiastic member of No. 1& .
Dr. A. O. Fnulkner of Lincoln lui.i re-
Hignul hib position im deputy head f < > urul
for I'H ! Modern Woodmen of Ainiiri.l Jj
Nebraska FT elcwn years Ur i'uulkiui
was prominent ll Woodmen m lu . ta > < ldin | !
various high poiiuionn He ha * la-n < > u
c.ccde'1 by Ralph E J. hiiian lit Faulkuel
lb mill on enthusiastic \\oodmau , but huf
simply rc-lrrd from the nctlvc work .inci
dent to positions of rc. i > onlMliiy
Silver Link Hebeknli lodge nt Ortu\ i.
Nrb. , has elected olllcers ns follows. Mrs.
Kiln Ogg , noble grnml ; Mrs. Hosier Rod-
frrn. vleo grand : Mrs. Mary Trnver. secre
tary ; Mrs. Kate Ourtlsn , trcusurcr. Mm.
Grnce A. Flory , financial secretary : Mrs. S.
Rnley. Mr ? . K. Wilson nnd Mrs. Allre
Puckett , trustees.
Council Bluffs Modern Woodmen gnve a
ball Wednesday night which wns InrgMy
nili'iidod nnd wns a' suecctis In every detnll.
Woodcraft In the city across the river 13
B. ft M. camp. No , 2722 , will Rive n pub
lic Installation of olllrera nt Its hall next
Friday night. Visitors will bo admitted re
gardless of membership In the order.n
e.slenslvo pro-grinn Is under way.
AVmitlnuMl of I In1 World.
ITnder the management ot Stale Deputy
Wood , lown Is establishing new camps cverv
wick , and there Is a greal Inflow of new
mcmberrt In the old camps.
General Deputy Fruser of Texas Is luu-
Ing great success In appointing new deputten
nnd crontlng new districts In that slate.
I'mlor the old regime- the state has not hud
nny systematic rules to govern deputies
nnd the now order hits clintiRctl for the
The sovereign olllcer and the iMlltor of thn
Sovereign Visitor received n supply of Gulf
fish and oysters from members of Iho order
nt New Orleans for ChrlstmiiH dinner.
W. M. Henry of Oklahoma flly , general
deputy for Oklahoma and Indian Territo
ries for the Woodmen of the World , was &
visitor at sovereign camp last week.
Colonel Mort M. Curtis of Sioux City Is
on n lecturing tour through Iowa under
the ninnngcnienl ot State Deputy 1) ) . C.
Wcod. Ho ha.i been successful In every
town or village visited. Ills addresses uro
given publicly.
Hon. Joslah Towne of Minneapolis , "lec
turer eloquent" for the sovereign camp , In
company with Special Deputy Jack Croft ot
tbls city , addrresed n public meeting nt the
town hall In Klarcnci Thursday evening.
The meeting reunited in n largo increase
of membership.
M. D. Roche of Cleveland. O. , and H. H.
Brewer of Hot Springs , Ark. , both state
deputies ot the order , are in the city on
business with the sovereign camp.
The Woodmen of the World increased
almost liO.OOQ new members in the past
year , making thu order ( which Is nn Omaha
Institution ) almost 200,000 strong In the
two United States Jurisdictions und the
Canadian branch. This has been nccom-
pllbhcd In the last nine years , during which
tlmo almost $5,000,000 have been paid to
the widows and orphans and nlmost 2fiOO
mpiiumunts erected lo Ihe memory of de-
censed sovereigns.
Kriitfrnnl I'liloii of Ailiorlrn.
Banner ledge No. 11 , after three initia
tions Thursday evening , spent the balance
of the meeting socially , during which tlmo
refreshments were served. A large number
of plalcs nnd cups were donated by In
dividual members. A committee wns ap
pointed to take charge of the January open
Mondamln lodge No. Ill gave a gr'iid
ball Christmas night , which was well at
tended. On Monday night Installation of
ofllcerH will take place , Supreme President
F. F. Reese being the Installing olllcer.
Omaha ledge No. 311 will elect onicers
Wednesday evening , January 10. A good
program will bo carried out after the regu
lar business of the evening.
Moglc City lodge No. SO will meet next
Saturday evening. There will' be from ten
to fifteen Initiations and n number of now
Council Bluffs lodge No. ! )7 ) Is having a re
vival and its membership lo being steadily
increased. Secretary Harris is enthusiastic
and expects the membership will be 100 before -
fore the winter Is over.
Fraternal Master Doraey of Herman , Nob. ,
lodge was In the city this week and pur
chased rntlro paraphernalia for hf ! lodge.
This lodge has taken In flfty-clghl members
during the last three weeks.
Tlie .lliiNiuiM.
Scottish Rite Masons at Aberdeen , S. D. .
will hold a reunion January Ifi , 17. 18 and
111 , to confer degrees from the fourth to the
thirty-second. Preceding this work there
will be n meeting of a provisional council
of the supreme council to confer the thirty-
third degree on Masons who were elected
| to the honor by the supreme council. This
will be tl'.c first time the thlrty-lhlrd tic-
' greo has ever been conferred In Soulh Da-
Masons and members of the EoHtcrn Star
al Osceola. Neb. , last Wednesday night cele-
i brated thc > anniversary of St. John , ono of
the patron salnls of free masonry. There
was a banquet nnd a program of IHer.iry
onlcrtalninent. Mrs. Ideal Makeover of
Stromsburg , n composer of verse , wns a
prominent factor In making thu ontcrtuln-
mcnl n success. Mrs. Makeover roe-Hod
some of her own composition that WIIH
heartily encored. Judge Sounders acted as
toiiBtmaster. The attendance numbered
about 100.
Son * mill DmiuliliTM of 1'rotcrllini.
Isabella lodge , No. II , had an enthusiastic
meeting Tliuisday evening. There were nix
candidates Initialed and n number of appll-
i callous were turnol In. H was decided to
have a public Installation of officers .lanu-
i ary 11. A Hit I ry and inimical program IH
being arranged and n good tlmo IH assured.
A number of the supreme ollicors have
promised to attend.
\ . o. r. w.
Omaha ledge No. 18 will Install recently
clerttMl officers next Tuesday evening. No.
' IS Is tlie oldest ledge of thU order In Omaha
and the Installation will ho a somewhat
1 notable function. Prominent members will
bo In attendance to make speeches. 0. J.
} Van Dyke , deputy grand muster , will ha
the Installing olllcer.
Tent'liliiur iif t'liiHnli'N IH Ieft to llm
.It'MUllN In AiiK'rlL'ii nn
NEW YORK , Dec. 30. A dispatch from
Homo Bays : The sacred congregation of
| the propaganda has madu Its report on ( ho
dispute between the heads ot the Christian
Brothers In the United Slates anil the
French pupcrlort ) of the order relatlvo to
the teaching of thu classics In the Brothers'
American schools.
After consideration of thu statement of
the cuso submitted by Archbishop Patrick
W. Rlordan of San Francisco the congre
gation rule that thu American claims to
greater luiltudo In teaching than IH per
mitted In Europe are Inadmissible. U IH
expected that the pope will confirm tl4
report at onco.
Cardinal Hatolll , who drafted the report.
said : "Just ns the Americans adhere to
ihelr national constitution co the Christian
Brothers must maintain thclni. Thut con
stitution forbldn the teaching of thu
"The teaching of the classics in the
American schools of iho Christian Brothers , "
said Brother Superior RubUHtaln , the head
of the order , "wan permitted fur a tlmo. lo
is true , but only exceptionally Now the
field of classical tuition IB left open an
' ulv\ayn to the Jusuilu Wf have but sup
poned ihu fun JunH'iiial rules of tlie order '
' 1 In K . Miiilrii-i di.lMii will r K < < !
n i for ii-ci aiiuik tu ' .i un luW' r pj-'hil
r-to > , n lilinn Imnk-i mnt frum tin unl-
J vtT'iiu-i fur huino nudj