Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 31, 1899, Part I, Page 18, Image 18

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    18 THE OarATTA DATLT BEE ; SUyDAV , 31 , 1Sti ) ) .
Advertisement * for thrie colninin
trill he Inln-ii until 1U in. for tin
evcnliiK edition mid , until Hind n. infer
for ninrnliiK nnd Nulidiir edition.
Ilnlci , 1 l-'Jc n ATOt'it ' flrnt Insertion
Ic n iviird tlicrcnflciAotlilmt tnUcr
for lenji ( linn li > u fir | ( he IIml Inner ,
tlon. Tlicdc ndrcrtUcnicnta inunt In
run coimccntlvel- . ,
Advertliicrii , liy rrcinc ( liiR nnnm. .
lirrd clivuli , can Jinvc nniivfcra lid. .
tlrvmird ( 11 iininliif-rcil letter In cnri
of The lice. AnnTTcrM no nddre ei
trill he delivered un prcucntcidim ol
HID check onlr. 1
A STENOGRAPHER. When you want pm
please call up the Remington typcwrltei
olllcc , 1619 Farnam street , tclnphone loiJ-
A 502
YOUNG widow from thn east desires ti
como to Omaha as housekeeper for sotiu
' or country , 01
widower's family , city
would take charge of hotel or correspom
with view to matrimony ; elderly gentleimii
preferred. Address at once , Mrs. i.nrr.t
il. Addlson , P. O. Box III. Diiluth , Mill'
iicsota. A-MCQ7
_ _
A YOUNG lady desires position as vlsltlm
governess for family or number of tnm\ \
lies ; also coaching In nil literary Ktudlci
and the languages. Address T
In llrsl.
WANTED-Posltlon IIM hous-ekoeper
class hotel. ( Correspondence HollelU-d. A '
dre- . Housekeeper , P. O. Box 7baMi -
' Neb. < x
. ItiL'ton , _ _ _
POSITION as clerk In hotel by cx'perlcncci
hotel man. Address G. C. 11. . * i ° rto\k \ ,
Nob. ' A-.91 . 31
Take u. business , shorthand and typewrit
ing , grammar , preparatory , or language
courHO In this Institution. Individual In
struction. Students assisted to iloslr-
able positions. Winter term begin ; ) Jnn-
unry V. Day'and night sessions. School
rooms will K > open all day January 1 ,
Get n catalogue.
B-7S1 31 *
THREE-FOURTHS of the Onrnh.i studentf
of phorthand nnd typewriting that will
enter school on January 2d will aUcnt
Students residing out of the city should
consider this point and thoroughly Inves
tigate the advantages of this Institution. .
R 779 HI *
.WANTED , we have steady work for a. fen
Kood hustlers of good habits and appear
ance. C. F. Adams Co. . 1619 Howard St ,
WE TEACH the barber trade thoroughlj
In short time and furnish each graduate
vlth a guaranteed position at good wages
There are more than ten barber positions
advertised to ono at bookkeeping or short
hand. AVrlto for free catalogue nnd par
ticulars. Western Barbers' Institute ,
Omaha. B M623
CASH for acceptable Idcan. State If pat
ented. Address The Patent Record. Bal
timore. Md. B-Mf27
WANTED , boy with horse to deliver Tin
Bee. Call at circulation department !
p. m. B-M237
AN Intelligent young man to take a short
hand scholarship and pay for It when he
has finished the course and secured a po
sition. Address T 32 , Bee , , B-M418
SALESMAN wanted to sell complete line
of lubricating oils , weather-proof paints
nnd greases ; liberal salary to reliable
man. The Champion Refining Co. , Cleve
land. Ohio. B M570 1
BOYLE'S College , Bee Bldg. , fnrnlshei
places for students who desire it to worl
for board while In attendance. 15 577
WANTED , traveling salesmen to carry Midi
line for Iowa , Missouri , Kansas am
Colorado. Good percentage for orders. In
quire only nt 1C1I Iznrd st. A. Hospe.
B-M5S5 31
"WANTED Paint salesmen to work or
commission basis ; only those with experi
ence and references need apply. 1212 Far.
nam St. R-602
CLOTH'ING salesman to open nnd opernti
branch ofllces for the largest excluslvi
tailoring house In the V. S. : proper fa
cllltlos given , Including woolens In tin
piece , for display purposes ; this Is a rar
opportunity to engage In a luorailvo busl
ness without investment or risk : hundred
thus employed are making SI.uOO.OO ti
$3.00000 a year : our goods are absolute ! ;
guaranteed ; now Is the time to arrangi
for spring , 1900 ; write for terms and fill
Information. Dept. 12 , Ixick Box No. 9'H
Chicago. B-M629 31 *
WANTED , every careful dresser In town ti
ask your local clothier to show you i
famous guaranteed K. N. * F. Co. suit o
overcoat ; 'f ho doesn't sell It we'll ir > |
yon who does. Kiihn , Nathan & Flsoho
Co. , makers. Chicago. _ B-siO ; ; !
WANTED Experienced Wholesale llquoi
salesmen who ilerire to represent the \ > p *
known dlctlllery In Hie U. M. with hlghe.s
standard brands. Illch salaries and com
missions to men with well pHtahlaiP | | (
territory and trade In western states. Onl ;
thoFi > who ci'ii furnish bond ami will sub
mil llrst-cliiFs references with aitpllcnt'.oi
will he considered. Address , N. JI. H.
KOI Ashland Bloi-k. Chlcaco. B
WANTED , men to sell best gusollno lam ]
made ; 100 candle power ; 20 hours for
cents : big prolltn to agents ; write quick
Studebaker Lighting Co. , Kansas City. M. .
WANTED Experienced specialty salesmoi
for a high class line ; liberal contract am
advance for expenses to men who cat
refer to last employer : also local in PI
for leading cities. Kern Co. , Chlca'io 111
WANTED , experienced salesman to rcpre
sent leading N. Y. house lu bronze powd
er.s , lacquers , varnishes , etc. , In 'errltor ;
between Denver , Chicago and S . Paul
references and bund required. T in , Bee.
B-775 31
GOVERNMENT positions , don't prepar. .
for anv civil service or oonsus cxnmlna
tlon without seeing our catalogue of In
formation ; sent free. Columbian Corre
Fpoudenco College , Washington , D. C.
B-774 2 *
CIVIL servlco examinations for Eovern
.meiit positions will bo hold soon In over :
Htate. Nearly 10,000 appointments mad
last year. 1'rospectn never bettor thai
now. Particulars free of National < ? orrc
xpondcncc Institute , Washington. D C.
B-752 31 *
WANTED Salesmen and agents for lu
oratlvo permanent business : luvestlgatloi
will pay you. Chemical Fire Enslno Co.
.Den Molne ? , la. B-7iV 3I *
.WANTED Good business men to take fill
( bargeof branch olllco ; straight salur
$100 prr month and extra commission ; goo
reference and $600 required. Interim
tlonul Traders' Supply Co. , Detroit. Mlcti
B-760U1 *
_ _ _ _
SALESMEN wanted for high grade stapl
linn to dry ( roods and general trade. Con
tract for IIXXI. Begin work January , lx
Mo l th. American Blundard Jewelrv Co.
Detroit , Mich. B-739 31 *
RELIABLE men to sell our linn of hid
grade * , lubricating 'oils , grnixeg and fuec
tallies ; sabii.v or commission. Atldrc *
KaKtcourt Rptlnin ? Co. , ClevelandOhlc
* B-700 3 |
i-JNERGBTIC man to travel and uppolii
MeaCVtHH , * S ° monthly and expense * bcxd ! (
iCejmmlpslon ; rpfemienx required ; norinn
ricitt. John Crots , 350 Dearborn. Chlcuiri
R--7K7 31 *
> A DAY iMlnCng slum. ; no exnerlenee re
quired with our mc'tho'i ! samples liiHtrue
tloiiH , etc. ItV , guarunteul no fraud
plea o mention this paper. City lzu Co
Bprlncllcld , O , il-iMSl *
Attend whore the Instruction la Individual.
Where * the highest standard of work la
maintained. Where students complete
the course In the shortest possible time
consistent with thorottghne.'s. Where
every pludent has been secured a clttm-
tlon nnd none hnvo fulled. Where the
best touchers and best methods are em
ployed. The school In which the leading
business men arc Interested. The winter
term of day school .begins January 2.
Night school January 3. Got a catalogue.
B-7SO 31 *
3 picture agents , expenses paid , 1519 1/onv.
B-59W2I )
A GOOD salesman wanted 'to sell dry goods
specialties to the country tradeon corn-
mission. Flue side line. Chestnut , Pciin
and Street , Mfrs. , 1'hllndclphia , ra.
U-7.V1 31 *
SIDE line offered by high rated corpora-
lion on une-ovorod ground ; several earn $2J
weekly cash. Free outfit. Factory , I' . O.
1371. Now York. B-750 31 *
WANTED , solicitors with A No. 1 refer
ences. Address Legal Adjustment Co. ,
suit 51. Baldwin Bldg. , Council Bluffs.
B 749 31
WANTED , traveling salesman ; wo don t
care so much for experience .is for energy
and ability ; wo want a good salesman
that can build up a business. 3S2 Grand
River Avenue , Detroit , Mich. B-790 31 *
SALESMAN wanted In Iowa and Nebraska
to soil our nobby tnllor-mado olothlug ;
elegant sample outfit free. Twin City
Tailoring Co. , 1609 Farnam St. , Omaha.
MANAGER wanted ; every large county ;
strictly lawful ( nickel ) slot machine for
drinks mid cigars ; secure territory quick.
P. O. Box 7i , Chicago , 111. B-S02 81 *
WANTED , salesman , salary and expenses ;
permanent ; goml opening. Perrv * < > . .
Rochester. N. Y. B-S01 31 *
TRAVELING salesmen wanted l > y estab
lished house ; no knowledge
necessary , but simply all-around hustler
of good appearance and address ; tlrst-
contract. Entire time
< -lass line ; special
required. References. Box 393. Detroit ,
TWO first-class salesmen to represent tin
among the leading merchants ot Nebraska ,
during 190i ) ; permanent position ;
guarantee and commission. The Eastern
M'fg Co. , Manhattan Bldg. , Chicago.
l > " -i3 31
WANTED-Salesmen to sell Imported and
domestic liquors principally line Kentucky
whiskies and blends ; case and barrel
goods to jobbers nnd saloon trade. Good
c.hancn . lo the right man ; salary or com
mission. Address R. S. Strader & Son ,
fill ami 71 E. Water St. , Lexington. Ky ;
ACTIVE men and women everywhere to
take orders for "Life of 'Moody ' , ' the
great evangelist. Sells at sight. Sample
enabling you to make from $3 to $7 daily ,
bv mall free on request. Address Globe
' Chestnut St , Philadel
Bible Pub'g Co. , 723
phia. Pa. 'P-M7S9 2 *
GOVERNMENT positions. Where they are ,
bow obtained , salaries paid , and all par
ticulars free by writing to the "origina
tors , " the Niit'l Correspondence Inst. ,
Washington. D. C. B-751 . .1 *
WANTED. 200 girls. 1624 Dodge. Tel. 876.
C 501
AN Intelligent lady to take a shorthand
scholarship and pay for It when she
finishes the course and secures a posi
tion. AddreFs T 33. care Bee. C M417
WANTED , second girl ; must assist with
children. 518 S. 2flth avc. C M609 31
NICE warm rooms with good board ; rates
reasonable. The Rose , 2020 Harney.
GOOD girl for general housework. Apply
2117 Jones st. C M631 31
WANTED , girl for general housework ;
good wages. Mrs. William Berry. 20th
and C streets , South Omaha. C 777 31
WANTED , good girl for general house
work In family of three. Mrs. T. J. O'Neil ,
1120 North 21th St. , South Omaha.C
C 776 ,11
WANTED Lady to travel In Nebraska :
'moderate ' salary and all expenses to start ;
position permanent ; advancement If satis
factory. Self-addressed envelope for par
ticulars. American Literary and Histori
cal Association , Chicago. C 791 31 *
Attendance" almost double that of last year ,
jl,000.0) worth latest model Smith-Premier
typewriters just purchased to meet the In
creased demand.
This institution Is endorsed by principals
of the High school , official court report
ers and business men.
New classes this week. A. C. Onfr. A. Jl. ,
President. C MS30
IF YOU want your houses well rented
place them with Benewa & Co. D-505
CHOICE nous-os. cottages , stores. Henry
B. Payne , 601 N. Y. Life. 'Phone , 1016
FINE residence , choice location. 11 room !
all modern ; excellent stable. Be-nils. Pax.
ton block. D 507
HOUSES , stores. Bomls , Paxton block.
MAGGARD Van and Storage. 1616 Capitol
Ave. Tel. 1496. D 509
FOR RENT , houses in all pnrts of city !
The O. F. Davis Co. , ICOa Farnam street.
GOOD large barn for rent In north part of
city. Inquire 2124 Locust. U-103
HOUSES for rent in all parta of the city.
Brennan-Love Co. , 219 So. 16th street.
" '
S-ROOM elegant -.nartment * In Normandle
$55.00 ; 6-room , all-modern eottniro ncwlv
papered and In fine shape. $55.00. Wn havu
iniinv olhers. Paync-Knox Co. , It't Ilooi
N. Y.Life Blelg. D-MS01
HOUSES to rent. Patterson , 305 N. Y. Life '
HOUSE for rent at 1152 Park ave. , all mod-
crn. Apply 2130 So. 33d Bt. Tel 1227.D157
FOR RENT. S-roorn house , all modern con
veniences , opposite Hanscom park. 1521
Park avt > . Inoulro 2130 S. 33rd or tele-
phor.c 1227. D-M167
FOR RENT , B3 So , 2Sth. V rooms , modern ,
} 30 ; 3007 Webster. 7 rooms , bath ; 2222 N ,
mh , 6 rooms , barn , largo yard ; sit So ,
19th , 4 rooms ; also Hats , Rlngwalt Broa. ,
Barker Blk. D-207
TIVE-ROOM cottage , convenient , well and
cistern water ; 2001 Blonde street ; 8 ,
Apply Rt IOT N. ? 9th Ht. D-517
FOR RENT 3-story brick'building. 15th um !
Capitol ave , across from Bennett's ; null-
able for market , wholesale liquors 01
second-hum ! store , p. . C. Peters & Co. ,
1702 Fitrnum. D-M7S3 1
FOR RENT 14-room iiujdern houtic , 3 ntor
IPS and 'basement ' excellent location , close
In. R. C. .Peters . & Co. , 1702 Farnam.
D-WS3 3
7-rnom house , No. 1512 N. 17th St. , modern
It-room hmit-p. No. 2J.03 Capitol Ave. , modern
H-room house. No. 1623 Douglas st. , modern
7-room IIOUKO. SBO Paul St. , city water.
E. J. Sullivan , No. 721 N. Y. Life.
D-M772 I *
FOR RENT * after January 5. an 8-rooni
lioufc , all modern Improvements. 2(31 (
Hartley St. Allen Koch. D-M76J 2 *
roii IIKVT
FOR RENT , fi-room cottage. ttirniihcd. vi
So. li. ! D-M-5S9 .12
FOR RENT-7 rooms , modern , 3Sth and
Howard , $30.
7 room * , newly papered and painted , porce
lain bath tub ; very reasonable for winter.
room . modern , except furnace , 2i2l Js.
22d ; $ : o.
2 7-room cottages In excellent location.
11 rooms , modern. 3000 Murcy ; $35.
. " roo-ins , Sni S , 3.M , $ < i.
7 rooms. 2lol Hnrney , $12. Sec our list for
R. C. Peters ft Co. , 1702 Fnrnam.D .
D Mi 51 1
MODERN house , ten minutes' walk from
postoflicp. porcelain bath nnd furnace ;
chruti rout during winter lo deslmblu
party. Also 7 > room ootlago and stable.
Apply oOt Brown block. D-M7iy. 1 *
S-R. , ALL MODERN , very desirable , 70S S.
SSth. cheap If rented soon.
Ltirge roFldenop of A P. Hopkins , largo
barn , S20 S. 20th St.
4-r. 'brand new cottage , city water , well
furnished , It : ' ) Canton St. , $3.
4-r. , bran-l now , 3316 Emmett , $5.
4-r. and 1-Mrn. 2111 N. 21th , neat , $12.60.
4-r. cottage , lllfi Corby , { 10.
2-r. cottafe , will repair , 122 Cedar , $1.
3-r. , 1701 Chicago , J2.nO.
D-S2J .11
FOR RENT , 4-r. house and barn , 3012 11am-
llton : fi-r. house , modern , 1C.21 Mandersoti ;
( i-r. house , modern , 721 N. ISth ; it-room
houpp , nvdern , barn. 2913 Hickory ; nlco
store room , centrally located. J. II. Par-
rotte. Douglas lk. D-S20 31
FOR light housekeeping. 2026 St. Mary's
ave. E-M597
FURNISHED rooms , housekeeping. 2623 St.
Mary's. E-M616 7 *
LARGE front room to gentlemen , or man
and wife ; strictly private family ; vicinity
High school. Answer T 69 , Bee.E771
E-771 31 *
A WELL furnished large front room with
alcove , half a block from the ' .Merrlam ,
modern ; reasonable ; references. Address
T ( U , Bee. E 761 31 *
FOR RENT-Furnlshed front room. 20ifNT
Win. E-M762 6 *
FOR RENT , a nlco furnished room with
heat 'and light , six dollars per month. T
fi7 , Boe. E-S14 31 *
_ _ _
PLEASANT south and east room for two ;
reasonable. 1S21 Blnney. 1C MSI1 .16
DESIRABLE rooms , llrst-class board. 2" > SI
Hnrney. F MR3S J2
TWO tlrst-clas' , modern , well heated. 210
North 23th St. E-MVJ7 .11 *
TUB Merrlam family hotel. 23th anC Dodge.
F 516
FURNISHED rooms and board. 2015 Doug
las st F MS05
CIS S. :9TH , dorlrnV 'o rooms and board.
F-M236 Jll *
TO 2 gentlenv < 5 > . In private family. 20M St.
Mary's avc. F M593
DESIRABLE rooms , first-class board. 21SI
Harney. F M593 30 *
FURNISHED rooms with board ; references.
316 So. 26th St. F-62G-1 *
DESIRABLE south room for gentleman ;
board , steam. 202 No. ISth. F JIC30 1 *
3 UNFURNISH'ED rooms and hall at RIO
So. 18th st. G M79j 1 *
FOR RENT , for housekeeping , two largo
unfurnished rooms , with use of kitchen ,
on St. Mary's live. , in cottage ; reasonable.
Address U'3 , Bee. G-S3U 81 *
FOR RENT , store In first-class location ;
rent reasonable. Apply R. C. Peters &
Co. , ground floor , Bee Bldg. 1 266
FOR RENT , a ground floor office , specially
suitable for real estate , etc. , splendid
vault built for use of city treasurer. Ap-
R. C. Peters & Co. , ground floor Bee
ulldlng. 1-267
FOR RENT Brick warehouse , two floors ,
each 60x90 ft : power elevators ; U. P.
trackage. Apply Haarmann Bros. , 1911
B. 20th. 1-651
FOR RENT , two-story brick building , 1313
and 1315 Harney St. . good livery barn or
warehouse ; low rent.
JOHN W. BOBBINS , 1S02 Farnam.l'iiiii
l'iiiii 4o 31
* * * * ' * *
Ofllces $8 and un.
Suit 3 rooms , folding doors between ,
cheap. Inquire 35 , same bldg.
I-S23 31
CAPABLE men and women can make good
wages selling our "Quick Meal Cooker
nnd Heater. " or "Quick Kindler. " ( Sub
stitute for kindling and coal. ) Agents al
lowed liberal commission and exclusive
territory. Write for particulars. Ben
nett Manufacturing Co. , 131 Van Buren
St. , Chicago. J-S5G
AGENTS WANTED for special Installment
work ; service paid In cash ; no delivering
or collecting ; easy work ; big pay ; write ,
stating experience , books handled , degree
of success , etc. , or call at otllce. N. D.
Thompson Publishing Company , St. Louis ,
Mo. J-M631 I"
WANTED , agents In every county to sell
"Family Memorials ; " good profits and
steady work. Address Campbell .t Co. . 1SS
Plum St. , Elgin , 111. I'Z831 ' ! *
AGENTS wanted. $7 per 10 ! ) made collecting
names address ; s-end 10j for booh
holding 500 numbers and name ? of forly
other firms. Kline & Co. , box ! W6. Pitts-
bun : , Pa. J SU9 31 *
AGENTS wanted everywhere for our Im
proved gasoline lamps , generates with a
match ; great sellers. Union Gas Lamp
Co. , Chicago. J-S07 31 *
SUBSCRIPTION agents , greatest lilutiey-
rnaker for 1900 ; $5 to $15 day easily ; Paris
Exposition illustrated as wo did the
World's Fair ; greatest seller of the cen
tury : apply nt once for territory nnd en
close " > stamps for sample book and In
structions ; mention this paper. Address
Campbell's Illustrated Journal. Chicago.
WANTED , oil agents , reliable , energetic
men , to sell our high grade lubricating
oils and greases on commlsKlon , either
exclusively or an a side line , locally or
traveling. The Cleveland Refining Co. ,
Cleveland , Ohio. J
WANTED , club organizers , either KCX ,
Bniall towns ; rcPldent : also general agents.
Now. taking , economic. Eclipse Dye
Works ( O. B. ) , Des Molnes. In. J
AGENTS coining money ; boat selling sub
scription book nn market ; Illustrated ;
nothing like It ; dozen books In one ; no
library complete ) without It ; big profits ;
send now for exclusive territory : full
morocco outfit , Me ; ppeclal prizes $3iju In
wild. History Pub. Co. , 30 Bromlleld St. ,
Boston , Muss. J
MOST comp'oto ' line bath cabinets In the
world : one agent sold l.CKX ) In four months.
The Irwln Co. , 121 ; Chambers St. , Now
York. J
REPORTERS and writers ; reliable * men In
every locality In the United States ; act
under orders : no experience needed ; t-end
solf-nddresKPd stamped envelope for par
ticulars. National Press , Dept. S , 115
Nubsau St. , New YorU. J 770 31 *
AGENTS 13 In $ > a day to Introduce the
greatest discovery of economical I'ghtlng ;
light fully equal to Incandescent electric
light ; write n letter ; no postal answered ;
$1.90 outfit free. Royal Safely Wick e'o. ,
Dept. B U. Chicago. J
ONE MILLION will bo cold the llrsl your ;
ngenU of generating gasoline lamp * urn
all coinlnp our way : no generating lamp
will hell uloiiKxIde of the "Perfection ; " It
Is the only gasoline gas lamp that does
not require generating ; no torch , no alco
hol , no pump , no waiting to get up
Hleain ; lights Inbtuntly , Just like gas : can
be turned up or down , as desired ; u bril
liant IM-cnndle power light at a e-ont of
only Ic per night ; this Invention gives
people In the country advantages of city
KHH at practically no cost , and enables
people In cltleu to cut their lieht bills
down to almost nothing ; live agcnU
wanted everywhere , send for circulars.
Perfection Incandescent ( Jus Lamn Co. ,
Omaha , Neb. J 773 31 *
JUST OPT New Peerless gasoline lamp
pnslest lighted , inoit satisfactory , knock-
all competition ; agents coining money ,
Peerless Lamp Co. , 241 Railway Exchange
bldg . St. Louis , Mo. J-
AOENTS wanted for our New Wonderlands magnificent low-priced and grandl ; .
succescful new book : over superb Illus-
trutions ; outsell * cvcrytmng. i'or cxtr ,
terms , wonderfully Kticcrysful new Pale
plan nnd pi lee secret address , stating ex-
porielire. If any. The Crowell & Kirk-
Patrick Co. , Springfield , O. J-7Vr31 *
WANTED District organizer to represem
the largest frntormil sick , accident , deal. !
benefit association In America. Rig re
iipwnl commissions , choice contractniu' '
tetrltory. American Benevolent Assocla.
tlon , St , Irfiuis , Mo. J-731 31 *
AGENTS WANTED , ami others ; start busl
ness at home ; for plan and list of tr.idi
wrinkles ! , secrets , processes , discoveries
recipes and formulas write Wheaton j
Co. , New Bedford. Muss. J-M ) | ; ! 1 *
PORTRAIT iiKPtils everywhere quit "cray
ons : " try washable pnntnellnos ; no glass
don't rub ; cheap. Family Portrait Co.
Chlcano. J so.1 31 *
AOENTS-JlOo monthly , metallic broat'
boards ; sample free. D. S. Forshee Co.
Cincinnati , o. J 7fil 31 *
AGENTS on rotary or commission , thi
greatest agents' seller ever produced
every user of pen and Ink buys It 01
sight : 200 to sco per cent profit : one ngent'i
sales amounted to $620 In six duvp ; nn
other MJ lu two hours. Monroe Mfc .Co.
X ( SO , La Crowe , WK J MS03-1 *
AGENTS : A whirlwind f > t dollars ; pome-
thing entirely new : will make you more
money for next six months than anything -
thing In America. Manufacturer , S2 W ,
Broadway , New York. J
WANTED , warm pleasant room for old
lady , with Iwiard and modern convenience ! ,
and sonn < attention. In Protestant private
family. Address T C.7 , Bee. K-7IS 31
A GENTLEMAN of refinement wishes fur-
nlsbod room In private family ; price no
object. U 2 , Bee. KS17 31 *
WANTED , two or three nice rooms fet
married couple , furnished or unfurnished ,
Hanscom park or West Farnam ! t. ills-
frlct , with board ; .host references. Ad-
dro--s ! W 1. Bee Olllce. K MS16 1 *
PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co. , 912.
914 Jones , general storage and forwarding.
ALT. kl.ids of household goods , hotels , etc. ,
in largo or email quantities. Chicago Fur.
nlturo Co. . 1106-10 Dodge. Tel. 2020.N513
WILL purchase a limited number ot
Omaha Savings Bank accounts. Brennan-
Love Co. , 219 S. 16th St. N-319
WANTED , to buy , a restaurant outfit. Pee
ple's Store. 16th anil Farnam. N JI2I9
AMEP.ICAN denier : buy secondhand furni
ture and stoves 1719 Cumlnp. Tel. 1673.
N M9S4-J-9
WANTED to buy or rent , n portable saw
mill complete , capacity ten to twenty
thousand feet per day , for sawing timbers
at Exposition grounds ; or would give con
tract for sawing. Address with full par
ticulars , Chicago House Wrecking Co. ,
Exposition Grounds , Omaha , Neb.N621
N-621 4
STOVES AND FURNITURE ; no reasonable -
able offer refused. Neb. Fur. Co. , 1113
Dodce. O 529
WE still have a good line of second hand
stoves and furniture at reduced prices.
Call. J. Lewis. 101 So. 14th. O M7S6 J3
GOOD pony , just the horse for a route ;
most any price. 254G Chicago si.
P M603 31
GOOD hack , new wheels , $250. 6 pass , rub
ber-tired rockawny , tlrst-clas ? condition ,
Jt30. Light rockaway , $1S5 , painted. Light
rockawny , $133. painted. 4 family car
riages , 3 phaetons , 6 good top buggies.
Drumrnond Carriage Co. , ISth and Ilarnoy
P-82S J30
SHIRTS to order. Kelley & Hoyden. Q ay
CUTTERS of drug prices' . Sherman&liT.
Conncli Drue Co. . Ijl3 Dodge St. Q-Jaj
PUNCTURELESS bicycle tires. Om Bl c"o
_ _ _ _ Q-USJS
and best oak
CHEAPEST cribbing and h
fences. Ml Douglas St. _ Q-523S
NEW and 2nd-hand sewing machmet
duced price. H. k. 1 rederlckson , 15
Ten R-I-P-A-N-s
legists. One gives relief.
_ _ _
B. HAAS , inorlst. 1813 Vinton St. Tel lie
Plants , cut flowers , boquets , hail rJs ? '
tier.ce. wedding and grave decorat-To"
Orders by express promptly ,11 ,
_ _ _ Q-52a
INDIAN relics ; mounted bcads ne Farnam
_ _ _ _
2D-HAND safe cheap. Derlght , J116 Fnrnnm '
NEV. ' ramnlo sewing machines , J13. Omaha
Bicycle Co. Q-M4CO
SAFES-Buy , sell , exchange , m s. 13th St.
_ _
ADVERTISING calendars. Burkley ptg. Co
Q-M7SO DecSl
FOR SALE , new and 2d-hand soda foun
tains : monthly payments. S B. itleh-
mend , P. O. Box 577. Q-M212 J13 *
FOR SALE , the celebrated Wllbur Food
for fattening stock : enough feeds to last
ono animal 1,600 days for J13.00 ; satisfac
tion guaranteed. II. A. Hill , state agent
Grand Island , Neb. Q 23"i J13
POSTAGE stamps. Scott's Agency : dnen
evenings. Frank Brown , 220' . R. inth.
Q-574-I *
6jtG , CxB , SxS , 10x10 , 12x12 , 12x14.
TUESDAY. January 2 , wo will pell the fol-
Unvlns machineat one-half the regular
price. Think of buying a machine that
will inuko a perfect stitch for $1.00.
Regular prlcu. Tuesday.
American $ 2.ft ) $ l.o. :
Wilson 4.M l.fY.
Crown 4.00 2.01
White ) fi.tX ) 2.50
Remington C. ( * ) s.Cf
White ) 10.00 G.Oi ,
White 7.0) U.5Q
Domestic 5.0J
Davis 9.0) 4.5C
Oscillating Singer 16.00 s.rx
White 12.00 li.0 * ;
Wllcox & OllibH 21.00 ] 2.u ;
ShiKCr : .i.00 13.0C
linger , lii&h arm 20.00 10.0. '
Wheeler it Wllfon. No. 0. . . IIO.U ) 15.0 :
Wilson 10.0) 6.01
Singer Hhucimikor machine , good as
new JO.IX
Nenv machlnoa from $ I8.UO up. We curry
parts for every machine manufactured.
Corner 15th and Harney.
Q-.M7I7 1
Odell , $13.0. "
Hammond , In.o ;
Franklin 23.0 ;
Rrmlngton. No. 2 ao.tif
Smith Pi'dinler 40.-j (
RcpilnKton. No. 2 , 4i.t (
Corner 1'Ui < ind Harne.\ .
-\lil5 0
TI\E only carriage he.itur eir foot
buying , Pi leu M SO. Drummond ( 'o.
roii .SU.F MIS ( iit\MJOI : s.
JIM BUYS Stelnway upright plan * . Root
condition : cash or easy payments. Address -
dross 1' 10 , Bee. Q-MSSS
FOU SALE , bargains good for Christmas
prorents ; diamonds , watchc * , Jewelry
muslral Instrument. , etc. Diamond
Office , 1315 Douglas. Q M257 31
iSTART now to buy your new wheel ; $ I. ( *
down. $1.00 n week : rail ntul KOI full pur
tlculars. Omntni Hlcyclc Co. Q M309
i MOO RUYS Knnbp piano , cnsh or easy pay-
j moms , fin s. ssth uvo. Q-MfliD i
your best prlro. T 4" > , lire. Q M17 ( ! 31 *
NOTICE , country donlors , 2d-hand furnltur <
fcntovesnt lowest prlrcs. cnrlond lots 01
less. Clilcngo Furniture Co. , 1406-10 Dodge
MME. GYLMER , Oninliii'H favorite palm-
1st , will , nn .Iiinuury 2 , resume business * It :
wlmt nro knuwn as the Parlors tit 1'iilin
Icirr nt
This reiniirkntile lady has during tbo pnsi
year revealed some very startling facl
iind 1ms very forcibly Inn-eased her fame
bpcaus-e nf lier wonderful predictions per.
tattling t' > Omaha subjects. Mine , ( tylmei
Is now entering uptin her fourth year In
Umaha. This faet alone should lend ti
CMinvlnce people thill she surpasses till
ordinary palmist. If she were tint genu
ine she eoiild not remain line-fourth I he
tlmo In one city that she has been here ,
Furthermore , she stands Indorsed by tin
leading city olllelals. If you want to lieai
present and future see the greatest palm-
1st of the present ago.
Mine. Gylrnor's hours , 9 to 7 ; Sundays. K
to I. Send $1 and fi questions answered.
S-73S 31
MRS. FRITZ , clairvoyant. EOS N. ICth.
MME. GYLMEK genuine p.ilmlst. 1G03 Oodgo
. .MME. PALMER , the eclebrnted spiritual
medlttm , perniancntly located at 1 ; i' . '
Dodge ? St. , can 'bo ' i-onsulted dally on all
affairs of life. 1'ast , present ami future
positively told S Sin 31 *
MRS. DR. HART , as many say , Is the most
wonderful clairvoyant In Omaha , anil
thus explaining the crowded parlors. A
visit to her will prove profitable. 21.1 N.
ISth l. S-SI2 31 *
SPIRITUAL watch nicotine and lecture
this ( Sunday ) evening at Patterson hall ,
17th and Furnani. Good music and won
derful tests. All Invited. S S33 31 *
MRS. OR. HART , palmist and clairvoyant ,
213 N. ISth street. Hours , 0 to n.
S-.MS31 .IP
MME. AMES , R. 2. C07 S. 13 ; mnsagc. baths.
T-M750 J2 *
MRS. BERRY , baths , massage. PARLORS
best equipped In city ; porcelain tub ; lady
attendants. 119 No. 16th , 2d floor.
T M5S4 .128
ELITE PARLORS , 61r ) S. 16th , upstairs ;
first-clasp baths , magnetic treatment.
I ady attendants. T M5SO 5 *
MME. SMITH , room 2 , 11S' ' , . N. ISth.
T-SI7G3 6
VIAVI Is woman's way to health. 316 Boo
Bide. U 53J
SHAMPOOING 25c , hair dressing 25c ; hair
and toilet Roods , best equipped. Monhelt ,
151S Farnam. U 531
MONHEIT. leading chiropodist. 151S Far
nam , 2(1 floor. U 536
PRIVATE hospital for ladles before & dur
ing confinement ; babies adontcd. 1136 N. 17.
SCALP & hair treatment. Mmc. Post , 319V4
S. 15th. U 533
LIEBEN , costumer. 1313 Howard. Get
catalogues. U MS41
COSTUMES-Mrs. Sack. 331S S 20th. Cata-
logue. U-M900-J-S *
SECONDHAND sewing machines from $5.00
up. Neb. Cycle Co. . Cor. 15th and Harney.
- - -
DR. DAVIS , ppeclallst , 16th and Dodge.
DR.'ROY , chiropodist ; corns removed , 23c
unJ upward. Room 12 , Frcnzer block.
TELEPHONE 2513 will call Mr. Leonhardt
to tune your pano. ! U M601 3 *
LADIES , free box mailed , periodical
monthly regulator ; never falls. New York
Medical Co. , box 70 , Milwaukee.Vls. .
U SOS 31 *
VICTORY of pcleneo over illscase ; cancer
baffling general practitioner's skill yields
readily to our scientific methods. Mason
Medical Co. . 121V. . 12nd street , New York.
Book and advice free. V
PRETTY women and honorable men want
to marry ; many rich ; lists ( descriptions ,
residences ) . 2e. Mutual Exchange , Kan-
fas City , Mo. IT-
FREE : Success In life can only be obtained
through influence , will scud absolutely
free a 100-pago book which explains" all
the secrets of hypnotism , personal magnet
ism , and magnetic healing. Tells how to
cure diseases and bad hobltp , enables yon
to win and hold the love ami respect of
others. Anybody can learn In 11 few days.
We guarantee success. Write 'today. ' Ad
dress New York Institute of Science ,
Dept. Ill D. , Barry Building , Roch ster
N. Y. U
TIIE olaop to secure Information In regard
to BOYLES1 COLLEGE Is at its head-
quartern in the Bee building. Those de
sirous of accurate Information should cull
at the school nnd sen t'lm nttnictlva sur
rounding * of the Institution and the ex
cellence of the methods Introduced.
U-77S 31 *
SUPERFLUOUS HAIR , warts and moles
permanently removed by electricity ; con
sultation free nnd confidential ; all work
guaranteed. Mlf.s Allcmler , itili ! Douglas.
U-Sis : n
GOOD looking young \voman , having
largo landed property , wants 'husb.ind '
to manage name , who Is good naturcd and
kind. Mifs May , 177 E. 40th street ,
Chicago. III. I'-SOi-ai *
$1,000 and upwards to loan on Improved city
property and farma. W. Farnam Smith
& Co. , 1320 Farnam. W-539
MONEY to loan on Nebraska and Iowa
farms ; lowest rates. Brennan-Love Co. ,
219 S. 10th , Omaha. W-540
$100 TO $2,000. F. D. Wead , ICth and D-iucIa *
WANTED , city and farm loans ; also bonds
and warrants. R. C. Peters & Co. . noi
Fiirnam St. , Bee Bldg. W 513
WRITE us If you want a loan on your farm
tti Iowa , eastern Neb. or Mo. ; It will pay
you. Anthony Loan & Trust Co. , 315 N y L '
flOO.OM.OOO to Invest throucl , Bankem ,
Brokers , Promoters ; send for circular
Investors' Directory , N. V. W 315
5 PER CENT money. Bomls , Paxton block"
MONEY to loan on first-class Improved city
property or for building purposes. Payne-
Knox Co. , N. Y. Life. W ' 5)7 )
6 , Wt , B per cent loans In Omalia. K. Omahn.
W. H. Thomas. KB 1st Nat. bank. Tel. 1613 ,
MONEY to loan nt D and fi'/i per cent on
Omaha property. W. B. Mclklo , 491 Ho. 15th.
MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real
estate. Brcnnan-Lovo Co. , 319 South wth.
FIVE per cent : farm loans. Cha * . 13. Wll-
lliimson. W--5I9
1TIIVATR money , low rate , no delay.
Garvln Bros. , 1613 Farnam St. w 413
holding permanent positions , on their tier ;
Hotial note without endorsemrnt or "curi
Hy ; strictly conlldontlal and at"c
Before borrowing ee us , as you will nn
It nteally to advantage
your ; wo arc the
oldcHt. largest nnd only liicorpornt ? , ] loa ,
company In Omaha. Omahn Sn > >
Loan Co. , 11 ! > Hoard ofi Trade ] ! 1K | j7it , ; '
and Farnam Sts. Telephone 2ac ,
MONEY loaned s.unrloel
inaticnl position with re
upon their own name ? , . . .
easy payments. Tolmnn , 7d
MONEY loaned on furniture. rlc K , , . ,
diamonds , wnlchos , etc. ; pavmeMf
known to friends. Omaha Loan Tin nt
Fnrnain , upstairs. > - . _ ,
jMONl loaned on pianos , furniture , horse- )
cows , jewelry. Duff Green , H. g. Barker Mk.
MONEY loaned on furniture , pianos low.
clry , etc. , unknown to friends ; monthlv
payments ; half rates. Rergers' Lo-iii ( "o
140S Farnam. over drug rl rc \-M72 "
LOANS made to salaried people
on their
personal note without securltv ; riitpVrpn .1. W. Taylor. 2IS FlYst Nat'I ik
bldg. 12 to liir. : p. in. X-530
MONEY loaned on pianos , furniture Jew.
olt v , horses , cows , etc. u. F Reed'3199
13t"- X-658
ploye.l In Omaha. South Omaha ami
Council Bluffs , holding good position * on
their own names. NO MOIITGAO - ! HFST
TERMS everything private ; money car ,
be paid back In pmall weekly or monthly
payments American Loan Co. , Room
C01. Bee Bldg. X--560
holding permanent positions on their own
nainn without endorser or mortgage
EST RATIOS. No Innulrles made of em
ployer or friend ? . You can borrow any
amount and repay In easy weekly or
monthly payments. Before borrowing sec
us. Omaha Credit Co. . C. E. Jennings ,
Mgr. , Suite & 2J-526 N. Y. Life BldgXS39
MONEY to loan on furniture , pianos ,
horses , cows. etc. .1. W. Taylor , 21S Flrsl
Nnl'l bk. bide. 12 to 6:15 : p. in. X-S53
nusiXKSS cii.v.vcns.
goods , clothing , stocks boots and shoos ,
hardware , drugs and groceries stocks
located In all parts of Nebraska , lown ,
Dakota ami Missouri. If you want to buyer
or trade for a stock of poods wo can
locate. If you want to sell your goods or
property we can find a buyer for you.
Wrlto or call on us for what you want.
Tlotcls for sale or trade. Merchandise
Broker , 202 Karbach blk. Y M130
or whole thing ; big patronage ; new outfit.
Inquire 519 S. 16th st. Y-6O Jl
AN excellent butcher shop , with all fix
tures. In good location ; given 2 months
without rent ; grocery next door. T re ,
Bee. Y MCO * > 31
A DESIRABLE old-established cash bus-
Iness. Owing to falling health I have
concluded to retire from business ami
offer my stock of groceries , tinware , meat
market , flour and feed for sale. If you
want a desirable business Investigate.
Bartlett Grocery Co. , COO and 602 Broad
way , Council Bluffs. Y M622 J2S
A PROMINENT eastern life Insurance com
pany wishes to make a contract with twti
old line men In Neb. and Iowa. T 60. Bee.
Y-633-1 *
Til 1-3 Zambesi Gem , the discovery of the
age : only rival of tne diamond , at one-
tenth cost ; write for catalogue. Rowe &
Co. , MS Dearborn St. . Chicago. Y S12 31 *
PROFITS In stock" , wheat and cotton.
Mackey's Modern Methods Make Money.
Wrlto for our free book. C. E. Mnckey
& Co. . 29 Broadway. New York. Y
AVANTED Capital a. wonderful medicine
established In several states , needs finan
cial backing to create universal demand.
'Party ' preferred who will take active In
terest In the Iniinagenient. Now making
good money on present capital ; possibili
ties unlimited. For full particulars ad
dress 'Moneymaker ' , care Lord * Thomas ,
Chicago. Y 7M 31 *
MANAGER wanted , will sell one-fourth to
one-half Interest In paving minln ? plant
mid mine to responsible party who will
take charge ami run It ; coed reasons for
selling. IT. S. Walthall , Mystic. S. D.
Y M757 1 *
STOCK of goods for sale in town of MH )
population , ponthern central Nebraska ;
good trade ; on account of death of owner.
Address A. Snyder , Benedict , Ne-h.
Y M767 1 *
EVERYBODY , lots civen away to adver-
IITO now American colony In Cuba ; send
for free Illustrated book about Cuba. City
anil Suburban Investment Co. , 2T)3 Broad
way , New York. Y 797 31 *
$300 OR $1.000 capital can be doubled Inside
six months ; office work In Omaha or Slonx
City : will convince you by addrerslng F.
II. Wheeler. Id.i Grove , Iowa. Y SOG 31
PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY for ralo or rent
furnished comulete. on easy terms : best
location and building * In town of 5.000 In
habitants. Address W. 51. Hover. Falls
City , Nebraska. Y StO ill *
MANAGING partner wanted In a general
merchandise business ; excellent town of
Sf0 Inhabitants southwestern Iowa : owner
bus too much outside business to look
after : applicant must have A 1 references ,
able to take charge and own one-third or
one-half o < " flock , which may invoice now
about J6GOO- stock nearlv all new. Ad
dress U I , Bee Olllcc , Omaha. Y MS26 1
I'oit I\CIIA\i- ; .
I WANT to trade one lot In Armour place ,
South Omaha , and two lots In Ml. Pleas
ant addition , Omaha , for wild land In
western Nebraska ; my lots are clear of
Incumbrance and want clear land ; write
mo what you have. J. R. Campbell , 1511
So. 29th St. . Omaha. / M591 3 *
Nebraska farm , stock of ceneral merchan
dise and groceries. Box 237 , Geneva , Neb.
LAND to trade for boots nnd shoes. Ad-
drcfH Lock Box Sfi , Grant , Neb.ZM793
Z-M793 1 *
FOR EXCHANGE , dividend-paying stock
lu well known successful company to ex-
changu for 6-room cottage. Address T
C2 , Bee. X-M73I 1
FINE residence , bringing good rent , lo ex
change for farm land. Address T Kl. Bee ,
X-M73Ti I
HALF Interest In big paying patent medi
cine business to trade for real estate.
Address T til , lice. X-M73 I
EXCHANGE for clear farm land , well as
sorted general country stock of Klines' ,
furnishing goods dry goods , clothing , no
tions , etc. ; Invoicing about $ ; 2.200 ; want
$ : iOit cash , balance clear land. J. O. Mc-
Clnln , Superior. Neb. / \ > j 3l
LADIES , old Dr. Bell's Cotton Root Pills
the best. pafc. reliable. Take no other.
Komi lu stamp for particulars ) . Dr. Bell ,
Box 718 , St. Louis , Mo. M333 J18 *
LADIES' Free Harmless Monthly Regula
tor , cannot fall. .Mrs. B. Rowan , R. 23 ,
Milwaukee , WIs. M-42D J20 *
LADIES. Chlchextcr Engl'nh Pennyroyal
pills : > . ' < thi ) best ; safe , reliable ; take no
other ; send 4c. stamps , for particulars.
"Relief for Ladlpc , " In letter by raturn
mall. At druggists. Chlcbester Chemical
Co. . Philadelphia. Pa.
DRTMANSFIELD'.S monthly regulator has
brutiKht haDp'nc'fx to hundreds of anxious
women ; have never hail a single failure ;
loiigekt in-'eH relieved In two to live days
without fall ; no pain , no danger , m > Inter
fere ! ) i c with workby mall or office , $2 ;
all letters truthfully answered. The
iMuiiHllclel Remedy Co. , 1 7 De.irhorn M ,
room Ml. Chicago , III. .M-SIS fi *
IOIINSON Oslcopttthlc Institute , BID N. Y.
Life Bldg. , Allen Johnson , D. O. , ladle ! . '
ilept. ; Old E. Johnson , OstcopathUt , rngr.
M E IiONOUl fi. I ) O . of Htlchoo
Klrksville , Mo. , l Paxton blk. Tel. 1367
Pointer No. 1-A largo class of students
linn already arranged to begin UIP study
of the Gregg system of shorthand lues-
day mornliiB , January 2. We will be nt
the college nil day tomorrow to taU
wlih any dtbers who may desire to take
It up.
Pointer No. 2TheGregg Hysleni Is a revo
lution In shorthand and a revelation to
Pltmanlc writers. It has all the merits
of the Pltmnnlc systems and none of their
demerits. It Is written In one position ,
one slant , lias no shaded lines. Is almost
us legible as long-hand , admits of an
much speed ns the Graham nnd can bo
learned In much less time.
Pointer No. .1 Our troubles In teaching
shorthand are now over , for we hnvo
found n system pasy to learn , pnsy In
write and easy to rpudVe , can convince
> ou In ten minutes of the truth of the
above. We have Invpstlgntpd. H will
pay you to do the .same. Send for last
week's Head Light. It will provo a reve
lation to you. It will bo sent you free ;
iiNo a catalogue.
Pointer No.I The Gregg system Is now
taught In the leading shorthand schools
of New York , Cleveland. Chicago , Si.
Louis. Cincinnati. Baltimore. Fan Frau-
clseo and other cities. It will sweep the
country In five years.
Pointer No. R The Gregg sy.slem of short
hand , our patented copy holder nnd our
touch system of typewriting make our
S II. * T.V. . Dept the best In America.
Wn are ready to verify what we say.
Pointer Nn. f > Our teachers have Just re
turned from the S. H. Teachers' Na
tional convention at Chicago. Miss Paul
son , olio of our four and a. half month
students In touch typewriting , was sent
to exemplify our method of teaching. Her
public exhibition of speed and accuracy
created much favorable comment. As n
result Mosher's system of touch typewrit
ing goes Into many of the leading schools ,
H was the topic of Interest during the
session. The first four lessons will bo
sent free to any one with accumulated
evidence of the superiority of Gregg S. II.
and a double .insurance of the Incoming
tldo of Gregg writers.
Pointer No. 7 Remember we start n new
class Tuesday morning , January 2. In
Gregg S. H. and touch typewriting.
Wouldn't you like to begin with us. Call
any wav. 737 31
A. C. VAN SANT'S school. 717 N. Y. Llfo.
AT OMAHA Bus. College , 16th & Douglas.
I -571
BOYLES' COLLEGE court reporter princi
pal. Boo Bldg. 572
I NEBRASKA Business nnd Shorthand col-
I logo. Boyd's theater. M 15
$1,000.00 WORTH of Smith-Premier type
writers has Just been sold by the com
pany to the Nebraska Business and Short
hand college , Boyd theater bldg. , to meet
the Increased demand for operators on
that machine made upon this .school.
S29 J6
TYPEWRITERS for rent , $1.00 per month.
The Smith-Premier Typewriter Co. , 1623
Farnnm St. Telephone 1231. 571
WE RENT and sell the best tvoewrlters
made ; largest stock of supple.In Omaha.
United Typewriter & Supply Co. , 1612 Far
nam. 575
VOTON Standard Typewriter anil
supplies. 1619 Farnam. 576
THE Oliver Typewriter , visible writing ,
heaviest manlfoldor and cuts the tlnest
stencil. Tel. 2279. J. S. Stewart. Sceclal
Agent , 31SVi S. 15th St. , Omahn. 577
TYPEWRITERS , secondhand. 1110 Farnam.
JEFFERSON Square Loan Office. 41S N. 18.
EAGLE Loan Office , reliable , accommodat
ing ; all business conlldontlal. 1301 Doug
las. 5S5
METROPOLITAN , Wm. Barr , mgr. $1 to
$1.25. lth and Douglas. 'Phone 211.
M < 62 J22
THE LANGE. steam heated rooms Jl up
week. Board $3.00 per week ; meals. 23e.
WANTED , eastern agent to place first class
Cripple Creek Mining Flocks ; can make
IT > 00 per month : references exchanged. C.
"V. Sumner. Member Denver StocK Ex
change. 635 17th St. , Denver Colo.
EVENINGS. $3 per mo. at Van Sants school
717 N. Y. Life. G. R. Rathbun. 636-J29 *
SKATES hollowground. all kinds of plat-
Ing. Omaha Plating Co. , Boo Bldg. B3S
OMAHA Candy Store , fresh , homemade
candy , lOc , 15o and 25c Ib , 305 N. 16th.
-630 D31
CURED. Julia Vaushn. CO Ramgo Bldg.
TOWEL SUI'PLY. 1750 Leavenw'th. T1.5I7.
CUT RATE railway tickets everywhere.
P. H. Phllbln , 1505 Farnam. 'Phono 781.
FRENCH , German. Spanish , $2 per month.
Prof. Qhatelaln , 301 Boyd theater. 537
II. E. & E. IIUBERMANN. furriers : furs
made to order and repaired , 118 S. 15th.
TRUNKS traveling bags , suit cases. Trunks
repaired. Om. Trunk Factory , 12'J9 ' Farnam
NEW and hocondhand bicycles nt half price ,
Louis Fleshcr , 1622 Capitol ; ivo. 591
MAIL postal card giving your address and
receive valuable Information , P. O. Box
113 , Omuhu , JI227-J25
M. S. WALKLIN. 2111 Cumlnff. Tel. 1331.
LADIES' Jackets , men's clothing , altered ,
latest utyles ; cieane-J. Max Fosel , 307 B 17th
-792 J-3
IN FAMILIES , lllsa Sturdy , 2216 Daven-
Port. iI-202 J12
STOCK'S Bird utore. 1603 Ueaveiiworth