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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 29, 1899)
THE OMAHA DATTiYBEE : FTUDAV. TTrr ) : rRETJ 20 , 1SOD. n GIUCGSNW HAS Till ! I'AI'KIIS ' ' In Froipht Olcaiificitions Referred to Him , COMMISSION EXPRESSES NO OPINION In Can InJimlliT 1 Iliinr ! i > iif CliiHHlllrnlInn 'I lir > Arn lei iTlr M to 1'rc- < vent It. WASHINOTON , Dec. 23. Today the In terstate Commcrco Commission , in com pliance with the request of the freight Hhlppors and representatives of tbo com mercial IntcrcstM , transmitted to Attorney General Hrlggs n transcript of the evidence given last week nl the bearing respecting tbo now classification of freight made by the official classification committee. The proposed classification Is to bo made effec tive on January 1 by all railroads using the official plnHslfleallon ThoseImludp mom than sixty lines cast of the Mississippi and north of the Ohio and Potomac rivers. The pplltlon of tbo shippers was that the com mission should transmit the evidence taken before It to tbo attorney ge'iicral with a recommendation th it he- Institute legal pro ceedings by Injunction or otherwise to re- Hlraln the rallrondu from putting the new classification Into effect To the request of tbo shlpporn the commission In part com plies The evidence and arguments are transmitted to the attorney general , but without recommendation The letter of trnnsmlttal Is long , the commission eloslrlng to place the case fully heforo the attorney Koncral. After reviewing the proceedings which led up to the- hearing the letter , which Is signed for the commission by Mar tin A. Knapp as chairman , reads- "In the course of this hearing the com mission te > ok the testimony of C 13 (1111 ( , chairman of the official classification com mittee Nathan Oullford , traffic mannger of the Now York Central < fc Hudson Hlver Itallrond company , nnd Prank Hnrrlott , n member of the official classification com mittee , who Is also the general freight traf fic mannger of the Krlo rnllroad "At the conclusion eif the testimony given Tiy these witnesses an application was made in writing by many of the shippers present that such ttntlmony bo transmitted to the attorney general of the United States , the claim being made by them that the evidence nhowcd a violation of the act of congress commonly known as the Sherman nntl-trust law "In compliance -with this request the com mission herewith transmits n copy of the proceedings had at the , hearing of the 21st nnd 22d Inst There IH also with this a copy of the proposed new classification re ceived from Mr. Gill , as above stated , to gether with a copy of the official classifica tion heretofore and now In use itl ! IV-tltletiiM. "Slnco the order made on the 8th Inst a ) argp number of petitions and protests have been received from shippers In various parts of tbo above described section nnd such petitions have continued to bo received down to the present time. These petitions nnd protests will bo transmitted to you at nry tlmo upon your request , nnd the com mission will promptly furnish nny further Information which can bo supplloel from the records nnd flics In its possession "While it Is ne > t tbo province of this com mission to determine whether the testimony nbovo referred to shows a violation of the nntl-trust law , and no opinion Is expressed upon that point , there are certain features of the case to which we deem it proper to call your attention. "With eomo unimportant exceptions the pcneral faet nppcars to bo that the class rates at present In force , and which will presumably bo applied tos tuo new classifi cation , are now the same as , or higher than they were in 1SS7 , when the act to regulate commerce was passed. "Almost all the changes shown In the now classification are from lower to higher classes. The result will bo , if the present class rates are continued , that charges on nny article advanced to a higher class will Iio Increased by the differences between the rates applied to the class In which the art icle was formerly placed and the higher ratcM of tbo class to which It has been advanced - vancod This increase lb considerable In nil tnsetj and very great in many cases , amount ing In some Instances to 100 per cent or inoi c. < IninurM Miulc InorpiiHi' Chnr cx. "Tho changes In classification nro to be Hindu for the conceded purpose of increas ing the rates on articles advanced and thereby Increasing the revontto derived by the carriers from the transportation of such articles The number and variety of articles advanced Is shown by a list of the same nnncxoel hereto "Tho protesting shippers assert that in creases In rates to the oxtcnt affected by these changes in classification nro without jUHtlllcatlon nnd will result In cxccbslvc chnrgpfi upon most If not all of the articles In question. Tlmy nlbo allege * thnt hardship and Injustice will result from tbo changes uhlch will be made In the relation of rates , especially from tint Inci eases in the differ ence ) between carload nnd less than carload < hargos It the contention In these respects It , well founded , as to which wo express nc opinion , a wrong Is about to bo accomplished which tbo commission Is powerless to pre vent and for which the act to regulate com merce affords no adequate ) redress. The factf above set forth nro submitted for jour con- Blduratlon. " Attorney General Grlggs , who Is 111 todnj has given , of cour , e. no intimation ns jol what action , If any , bo may tnko In the piomlbeti Nccebsarllj , be will have to re- vluw the testimony before ho can reach an intelligent * eoncliiBloii In any ovcnt , It it tald , It will Ixi Hivernl day a before tbu mat ter can bo determined TO STOP TIM : \ii\n : r\n TIU vr I'lllllllllll SlmUlmhli'illrln N Suit ti soi ColiNiillillllliill \\nuiK-r , CHICAGO , Doc 2S The objection to UK proposed merging of the Wagner PalaceCai the Pullman I'alai'p Cat lompauy Into com pany on the ground that It will create n trust In und n monopoly uf the sice-ping nnel palace car business Is made In a hill Hied today In the circuit court by Now man Lcltei of Alton , III. , one of the nharchuldors of the Pullman company The complaint , after reciting in detail the nets of the dlie-ilorfc and the stockluldeiK ol both companies leading up to the proposed tale of the Wagnpr company to the Pull miiu rompmiy. asks tint the injunction o ! tbo court Usuu to restrain the i-oiiMimma- tlon of the proposed purchase until the hear ing of the suit and until final hearing , thii a perpetual eirdor bo entered , rPRtinlnlns the carrying out of the contemplated pur. ibiibo or from Iwulng or delivering any ol Us Block to tbo Wagner company or any ol Its ngonts The bill of complaint stales that the value ) of the property of the Wagner com pany , for Vtili'h It Is asbcrted stock of the Pullman company of a face value of } JO. . 900.000 und a market value of J-1'J 000 000 li to he c\chauttxl ; , dues not e\u < ed the him of JIO.000,000 , and the difference bptwcei the actual value of tbo prope-rty and tin amount which t < ) to bo paid rc-pre&entii whn IK to be paid by Ihe Pullman company fa : Iho goodwill and thn eontrol of the busl ne-ss of the Wagner company The ulaueoB of the bill of complaint re latlng to tbo basis of the milt nay ttut th < proposed uct which U Is dc- lured has not jo been completed will tend to crcatp u trust That the proposed purchase front the salt VVtifcner Palace Car company of all Its pr p frty and goodwill Is for the purpose o icabllag enld Pullman Palace Car compau ; to control the sleeping and parlor rar busl- no A done upon the various railroads , and that paid punhnftp , If consummate ! , will create a trust In and a monopoly of the slocp- InR cur and parlor oar business , that said purehime Is In direct violation of the laws of the- state of Illinois and that the purpose of until purchase In to enable snld Pullman 1'nlaco Car company to swallow up and nb- porb Its only ouhMantlnl competition thnt tbo snld purchase will ennblo the said Pull- tnnn Pnlnco Car company to limit nn 1 re duce the operation anil number of sleeping cars and parlor cars operated on the various railroads and enable It to regulate , at Its will , Iho price for the use of the same nnd to prevent competition In the manufacture , operation and use of sleeping nnd parlor cnrs so ns to prevent n free nnd unrestricted competition In violation of the statutes of Ibo state of Illinois. An application for the Issuance of the In junction will be made In the near future. roit i'iiisimvr : : OK ctn.r. Siiii > rliitciiili < iit of I he Mll \Nlii-il in Tn1 - ( lie PoilHim. CHICAGO , Doc 2S Wallace O Collins , general superintendent of the Chicago , Milwaukee - waukeo & SI Paul railroad , hns bpen aske-d to accept the position of president of the re organized Kansas City. Plttsburg & Gulf load According to the he-st Information oh- talnablei texlay there Is every loason to be- llovo that Mr Collins will accept the post- tlon and become the right-hand man of the Harrlmau-Oatps-Uimbcit combination In thp near future When spoken to concerning the matter , Mr Collins said th it ho was not in a posi tion to talk. He practically admitted , how ever , that the Gulf people had made over tures to him , but that tbo matter was still In abeyance lli-ririlsli.j slntril for Priitnol Ion , SIOUX CITY , In , Dee. 2S ( Speclnl Tolo- grnm ) It Is rpported from Chlcnse ) that L H Dcardsle-y , division superintendent of the Chicago , Milwaukee St Paul , with head quarters In Sioux City , hnH been slated by President A J Karllng for a big promotion Mr Ileardsley has been In the employ of thn company for thirty-nine years and la said to bo one of the best superintendents In the country. When Mr leading was division superintendent , w Ith headquarters In Coun cil DluffK , llcaidsley was his assistant , and IIH their relations nro very close such a change has rather been anticipated It Is said further that General Manager Collins Is to leave the road to become vice president of an eastern road. rinl iif Hec'cH crohlil. > T PAUL , Dec 28 Judge Sanborn In the United States circuit court filed an order dis charging the receivers of the Northern Pa cific Hallway company All the lands nnd other properties of the company that were placed In the hands of the receivers have been sold nnd the suits .against the company for the most part have been adjudicated. The property nnd affairs are tunied over to the stockholders In the reorganized company , which succeeds the old corporation and bid in its holdings. The receivers , Edwin II. McHenry nnd Prank G. Ulgelow , nre relieved of further duties , but nre retained as rocr-lv- crs only to look after bulls commenced against them as receivers that have not yet been settle 1. ' Abxorlii-il 1 ! riMit > ortli < > rn. CHICAGO , Dec 28 The Tribune says Oa December 31 the Sioux City & Northern latlway from Garretsoii , S D , to Sioux City will pass from the hands of the co-rccclvers to the control of the Great Northern railway. It is stated that President James J Hill of thi Great Northern contemplates some radi cal chaugcB. The Sioux City & Northern , the Sioux City , O'Neill & Western and the two lines which nro now part of the Great Northern railway proper. It Is said , will bo consolidated and made the southern branch oi the Great Northern. Judge Warwick Hough of St. Louis will bo appointed general manager of the southern lines , with head quarters at Sioux City. i\ltert to Ailjuxt IMITeriMirpN. PlTTSmmo , Pa . Dec 28 The executive beard of the Pederatlon of Hallway Dniployes Is conferring with the officials of the various rallioads in this city on the wage question The oilglnal demands of the employes have been somewhat modified and the railroad officials arc now figuring on them The entire board will remain In the city until an answer lias been received from the railroads. The members appear to bo firm in the belief .that there will bo no trouble and that the matter will bo adjusted KIIIINIIN Men-Union right tinllaUc. . KMPOHIA. Kan. Dec 28 Kully 200 rep resentative stock members of the Kansas Llvo Stock association met Jiere today at a called meeting to discuss and put Into effect "allhonorable , means to light the advance in freight rateb made by railroads In their change from carload ratoa to hundred weight " The ste > ckmen think that the ad vance Is an imposition on them and while lobbying before the meeting opened today secured the promise of nearly $50,000 to light thn railroads lleiNtoii .V. Vllinil ) I.ciiNf Hllllllril. ALBANY , N Y , Dec 28 The New Yoik Central stockholders at a meeting at noon today voted on MS.COO.OOO worth of stock unanimously in favor of latlficatlon of tliu lease of the Boston & Albany United States Senator De-pew east the vote for the Amer ican stockholder and George S Bowdoln of J P Morgan & . Co for the nngllsh etock- bolders I'liui V nl.oii DlNtrlul Italian ) . ST PAUL , Dee 28 A Winnipeg special to the Dispatch snyn that the Dominion gov- oiiimpnt apparently contemplates building a railway from Great Slave lake to Cheater- Held Inlet and through the Yukon district A survey party Is now being fitted out and one of the members IH now In this city | { < -ln < iiii-i > t of . .InlineHurl.o. . TOL13DO , 0 , Dot2S Tbo cloning of tbo Ohio Central-Hocking Valley deal , officially announced from Columbus today , means t'lu retirement of Judge Slopbonson Hurke as president of the Toledo & Ohio Centtnl Judge llurko purchased the Ohio Central at receivers silo fifteen years ago SI. .loxe-nli .V. Illo ( Jrilllilc 1)U lili-lill. NI3W YOHK. Doc 28 The dlroctors of the St Joseph & Grand lalaml com pany , have declared a dividend of 2 per cent on Its first preferred stock payable Jnnuaiy I This mnke-H fi per cent declared on this Block for the year W ) J'riiMM'i l < for 11X111 , Indications every where- point to great probporlty foi the coming year. This Is an Invariable sign of a healthy natureThe buccess of a country an ive-11 no tbo su - ees of an Individual depends upon health ITIIOIO can bo no health If tbo stomach Is j wonk If jou have anj stomach trouble try lliiHtelte-r's Stomaeh Hitters , which curw djbpopsla , indigestion nnd biliousness It make- " strong , vigorous men and women. In Tutor or llarlj I lonlnu : . C i : Hparku A M M Uormott and J II Marrs. tbo committeenetlnK In eoojuiie. tion with thw cVntnil 1-ibcir union la an effort 10 brim ; about rails closing of the retail Ntoies bavo lulPl v low CM ! the linn ol Themti * in Hi ldin iCe with reference tc v\bat liu * bt'ou the client of t losing at t o < lock and the riply IH u letter In whlcli tbo imminent 1 tieaitlls endorse * ! . It lx > . liiK Mate-tl thit the e-arly downs' has In- iieahiMl trade * and thnt thn genera ! ic-t-ultt havt been gratifyIUK This committee- t-iiKicetli In lib i riiMide apulnt-t long buur ; for tltikti e-HiHM lully uonipn , und tbu work ctmtlnuo * F II Thlrkleld , health Inspector of Chicago cage , sajs ' Kodol Dyspepsia Cure cannel be re-commended too highly U cured me oj bevere dyKpCf'ia ' It digests what yoi cat and cures Indlgci'iou ' , heartburn and all forms of dyspepsia , AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA News of a Day Gleaned Amonsj tba Denizen oftheMagioOity , FEW CALLS FOR CHARITY THIS WINTER rcoiilc , nit n llnlci lln e IMpntt niul Do > onttonl < o thi- CIO Aii- tliorltlcN for Ile-llef In Up to Urn present lltno very tow Indigent persons ha\o applied to the city oluclnla for food or clothing. Major Hneor said yesterday thnt so far this winter he hid Insult ) only one or two orders a week for groceries or fuel , where formerly lu was calle 1 upon to Issue from fifteen to twenty orders a week The charity committee of the council has had little to do ns jet , ci- ccpt to ls uo orders for coal to a few of the very poor The e who are now receiving aid from the city arc known ns regular pen sioners Very few new comers are applying for help at this time , and tills condition of affairs certainly ipeaks well for the con dition of the clt > These employed In the packing houses nro working on broken time Jut't at present , on account of light receipts of llvo stock , but the fact that so few are asking for help shows thnt the money earned during busy times his not been wasted Very few Idle men nro to bo found on the streets , nnd not nearly as many men apply for lodgings at the citj jail ns for merly. The building of the Armour ware house In furnishing employment to iUlto | a large number of men , thus reducing the number of 'dlers considerably I ocal charitable societies are not being called upon n much this winter as last , which Ls considered an Indication that times In South Omiba are much better than 0110 jear ago. Coin pi I hipDrnth At the urgent request of W A King , chief statistician of the department ofltnl sta tistics of the United States census ofllce , measures will be adopted b > City Clerk Car penter to Insure the keeping of u complete and correct record of nil deaths In South Omaha during the jcar 1000 The jcar 1300 Is the pcilod to be covered b > the census mortality ttntlstlcs and the census officials are particularly anxious that n complete and unlfoim nionl be kept in order that the results mny be Included In the report of the twelfth census What the government particularly desires Is uniformity In the tabulating of the death record and to this end a number of blank forms , the same ab will bo used in the larger cities , Invo been sent to Clerk Car penter to serve mi samples In connection with the compilation of this data Statistician King writes Mr Carpenter as follows "Tho collection of deaths dur ing the jcnr 1900 upon the form of ceittfl- c.Uo sent you will make it possible for mete to add your city to the list of progressive registration cities , and also to have lie mor tality data appear in all of the twelfth cen sus tables nnd compilations Tills considera tion , together with the benefits that will accrue to jour city from a better knowledge of Its healthful conditions , gained In this waj' , should cause jou to take Immediate and favorable action. " Tor the purpose of compljlng with the request of the census department City Clerk Carpenter will have some new forms for the recording of deaths printed and will urge upon the physicians and undertakers the necessity for filling in all the blanks , thus making a complete record , which when llu- Ishod at the end of the year 1900 will bo transcribed and sent to the vital ° titlatlca department of the census bureau. The form to be used in recording deaths Is > cry complete and calls for a vast amount of information rirst , of course' , conies the name , then color , sex and conjugal condi tion. The date of death , date of birth and ago follows Space Is provided for the filling In of the occupation and place of birth o ( the deceased and also the birthplace ) of father and mother. The cause of dentil , place of d'oth and late residence will altn bo noted. Next come the name of the under take ! , place of Interment , name of atjend- Ing phjHiclan and number of the burial peimlt { Up to the time Mr Carpenter took rtharge of the city clerk's office , nearly four/years / n o , very little attention had been pile ! bv eltj clerks to the keeping of an accurate record of births and deaths Clerk Carpen ter prepared books * for the of keepIng - Ing a iccord , and also Insisted that plijhi- clans comply with the law In regard to re porting all doa'hs upon postal cards fur nished by the cltj The doctors fell In with the Idea readily , and very llttlo trouble has been experienced In connection with the keeping of these records for the past few jears All the un- dei takers have agreed to use the new form of report as suggested by the ceinus de partment and the phjalclans will be ap pealed to in a day or two PO that the re cording of denths according to the Improved method may commence on Jnnuarj 1. Speelul MiM'tliiK < > l nxeliniiKO. A special meeting of the South Omaln Llvo Stock exchange has been i ailed foi Prltlay afternoon to consider n number ol BiibjnctB , Delegates to the meeting of the National Llvo Stock association , to bo held at Port Worth , Tex , January 1C , will bt named. It is also proposed to ellscuba the Intended nddltlou to the inles lit regard tt the finlo of subject stock Further than thlt it Is proposed to consider thei advisability of adopting a preamble and resolutions Ir regard to freight rates to the southeast am ! southwest. The advisability of adopting n memorial to congress protesting against the adoption of a bill Introdced to govern the manufacture nnd silo of olenmirgarlne wll doubtless bo among the matters to bo con- i I sldercil at this special meeting CoriiuinlloiiH I'nj TII\ON. A number of checks for largo amountt were received at the city Measurer's office jcsterday All the corporation * are payliif tholr 1890 cltj taxes and ( ho treasurer' * ) ie- celptH this week will run up Into tbo thou sands. AH a general thing the corporation ! hold off the payment of city fixes until the last week In December All city taxes become - como delinquent on January 1 Many other ; nro following the example of the big con cerns and nro paying up just before the commencement of tbo new jcar Clt > I.ON | | I , Dan Murphy has re > tuine > d from n trip tc Chlc-aso A c-at-o of rcarlot fever Is reported at 10U North Twoiity-llfUl street Ku > W Hunt loft Ittbt nlff'it ' for Colorado to Idol ; after his minim ; Interests Al Hunter denies that bin Mhtcr Anna It seriously 111 , as was reported yesterday. II I. t'ohn baa returnee ! from York , whore he spent a few days with n-litlves Minn Lydla WutlK of Coz.iel. Ne-b . Is th < Kiosl of her nuut , .Miss Nellie Watts , at the , Hrod hotel. The police are of the opinion that the city Is pretty well cleared of disreputable 1clwracteis I M K Campbell is home nsnln from a tor lajtt' visit tn Hiitchliu-on , Kan. the homt of his partnl * i Thfl Bueats t the Ile > od hotel are prepar- li. * lo Klve a denclng part } before the boll- dajH uro eivcr TI.U Ixitus < lub will give 118 next dancing ami anl p.irtj u Mabonlc hill on the even ing of Januarv 2 The heuiinp ipparntus in tb city hall Jiat bfou thoroughly revmired and the building is now nicely warmed Tim Welsh Armours , , w buyer hdH re > . turned from O'il , . as. A iorc ho spent ' i hrltitmis-with frun-N i Mitts t'lirk asrsMc.1 oj \ | n rina \ in- 1 Armai. will er'ertun t \ , | , .h f iJO , | . -r , ! uatlno- claw at Tvcnif afrS anU K itreeii thi * ovrnlnfr MombTn nre rofuivl | vl to ar- nenKe < ln prnphi- > to IIP roael at ibe roernlan Another car of hog < t arrived nt the yard < yfterelny over fhe Illinois Control The fchlpment was from Woodbine In Work nt the new -brie k vnrd on We t I , rtroel In progressing nrapl'lly ' ns can be expoetod , connlderlnff the weaher Complaints nro still bolnt ; made nbout lb > < prvlce rerwleroel liv the i lrcpt car eomixinv , Mnro tnilim OurltiB tbe > bu < y time of the dav nre w anted The annual re-rcotlon of the Young Men's ChrlHtlnn a" orlation will 1 bold at the n nclatlnn parlors from 7 to 10 o clock next The YOUIIK I'eaplo's Christian un4on will hold a corv-Jto at the Young Men's t'hrls- tlan a soclntlon rooms next Sundav nfter- noon Hov C r Cloll Of the Jian com P.irk church will be tbo sjietike-r. S C Dolntotir nntiouix'os- that tbo No- lt\iska Urand ami Mark romntitolon ! now In session at l < : neoln and will ronttnuo for three or four weeks All farmers nnd htoek- moil who deslro their brands to bo re-gli - torevl nro neiuostcd to flip them at once , ns the next j-o slon of the commission will not be .hold until July. Marrlnur Ilpon c . The follow ln marriage licenses wcto ls sueil Thur daj . Nnmo nnd llosldonco A20 \\llllimO Hurrows. Omaha ,1J Prance's llostor , Omaha U William Shonunn , Omaha 81 Cora ( ia nev , South Orrnba 27 William P Ilonck. Omoha 21 Jennie .M Solfkoii. Omaha 2J LOCAL BREVITIES. C It pputwv Is mourning the IO SH of a Jit ) overcoat taken from otllce , 521 Paxton - ton bloe k Ollloer Iiuw el1 ni routed John Wilson AVediioselav ulgbt The man Is wantcel fern n , tailor shop reibbeiy. The Haunt Iron company of this cltv Is opening up a branch Jobbing hou o In Kan sas Cltv. and J i : Hiiuin Is now thcro engaged In Hint work Them will bo n Mutrli In tbis cltv Pcbru- arv 2 and 3 between Frocl Pay ton , the wost- e rn llftoon-ball pool phamplon , and Alfred IJoro , the worlds e hamploti Mr Hoylof presented cae b olio of 120 stude'iiU In iittemhince at the Hey IPS col- Ipqo with a bpautlful leather covered ellc- tiem iry as a. Christmas token Mr' Huelo Nay lor ot Doeatur. Nob. was robbed of a pocket book containing f5 ! anil her inllvv ly tlpkot In a passeiiRoi coach at the- Webster sttopt elppot Wednesday. Thp chief of police at IJloomlnt'ton , 111 , has sent word to the police here asking thorn to find a man named Leo or I/ouls Dowltt. Ills mother flieres Is dangerously sickWilliam William U LIghten of this city , well known ns a writer , has bppn appointed to , i position on the ftalT of MeClilres maga zine lie v\lll move to Ne-w York about March 1. 'Ibo Omaha Curling club will have a practice game Saturday on the- upper lake- In Hienscom pirk nnd on Now Year' " day tbo nnnual contest for the Trotin Point medal will take iilaic Nora Hrown.'fin ' infant In the keeping ot the Nebrabka Children1 * Homo society , has been adopted lyW S Urlggs and wlfo The child was given to the homo Moelctv by habeas corpus"- process some time ago In Hurt county Deputv Slioilff Stiykpr has taken to tbo peiiltontlarv John Mc-Mabon , uho recentIv plpieled BUllty to buiRlaiy , anel wa se-n- teiice-d for one year bv Judge Ilakcr JlcMnhon broke. Into a bo inline bouse In boutb Omaha , Ainobl , the florl t , sent word to the police ypstorday thnt burglars were trying to puler bis liouso nt 1418 North niBlitepntli stiect When the police arrlvcel It was ells- covered tei bo a eluinken man trylnu tej lluel his homo OcorBo A Josh n Ins purchased the plant of the Western Newspaper Union , including the bulldlnj ; and boveral lots The price- was SoGOOO H Is announced that thlf put- ehase v 111 cau e no change In the opera tions of the ctJinp my Postmaster Crow has leeched from the depnrtnie-it \Vabhlngton , bis official com- mlb Ioii Althougli ne has hold the olllce ) eight months already , his commission wus not dated until De-comber 14 and his term extends for four yeais fiom that elate The board of dlrectois of the Libor Temple - plo Tilled to get a eiuorum Thurbel.iv night , so the meeting nclvertlseel vvas not held eMr Clnik tbo secretatj , stated that the finances of the tomplc were in a good condi tion ami bo wou'J issue n statement In the n ir ruturcr cove rirg1 'ho coiiellllon of tlic Irstltution A JIlss Nemek , sister of an Omaha bai- koepei , vvas receitly ( found vv.inelerlng about In Drown county , Minnesota. She wus restrained temporarily nnd an effort Is belli , ? inndo to have her biought to Omaha , n" she Is a Nebraska charge W \ Gate * of the Minnesota Stale Iloaiel ot CharltlPS is In the city to make official at- ransements , Tbo fire department made two runs yos- terdav mjuiIliK Tbo Hist wa i at S 30 eit 1507 South Twenty-eighth street. An overheated btove had started u llro In a one-story frame dwelling ovvneel bj Mrs Lonaborry , nnd eiec-'jpled bv Wlll'am Urnuhart Ibo dam age was $200. The second run , nt 10 15. was te > 113 Nor'b Tenth street A small bhuo In .1 kitchen caused tbo alarm Detectives DPIUPMM' and Jorfcen'soii ,11- reuteel William McPberton Wednesdav night as .1 Husplclous eheiactcr He vvas wearing un oveicoat uud carrvlniT unothei I'.oih answriod the eloscilptlem of stolen property Ho finally confesbe- < l to having tol"ii tlio cnnts , but did not know who vv < > re the owners One of them vns posi tively identlllul yesterday by Colonel Ployel The Douglas County Domoeiurv met Thutsdny evcnln < r nt Its now club looms nt , .I.-O South Pifteonth strout. formerlv eiccn- I pled by thet Jncksonlan club and completed arrangements for Its New Years reception ai < L housp-waimlnB. It | ) roipo''os. to keep open bnuso all < lay Moiulij and hnw pro vided an appetizing- menu of refioshments Twenty-live names were- added to the rolls , lucre islng the metrabers'hlp to about 100 Sadlo Holmes und Maiy Andeison , tvrvant gli s , hive comnlalned to the jolleo couit about Mis Nc'lson-Foulon's employment agency on - ortb Sixteenth street The MJIIIIK women they have been defrauded by Mrs Toulon In inak'ng uppl - iiitlon foi employment and paying the fee In advance 'Iboy claim to have had nn agiccmc-n whereby they wore tei lecovor their money in e a e they failed to get the jobs promised and that the agreement vvas not kept PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. D J Burk of Alliance Is In town a i : HaskoII of Lincoln Is In the city on buslncsfl H II Hood and vvlfe > of Lincoln are In the cltj Allen O KIsber of Children Is at the Mor- e-haiitH1 hotel H X White , a Chicago business man , Is at the Her drand P W Klomnn has returned from Chicago whore lie pent his Christinas holiday 12 It .lohiiHon , a prominent merch int of Lake City , In , Is a Ruest at the Merchants hotel William II Klnusloy , a prominent Denver Insurance man , is nt the Her Grand for u few days U " Sheilil. mlnilnlBtratlvo BPPictary of , , the Nebraska Htntet uulveisltv , is vlsitlm- h In Omaha Howard Opulil and S II McQuIro of the ol Vml 9' ' " t'omlnll > nr 'registered at tne tiniiirei. MIH Dr I'harlcs Hohowater and daughter have rctuined fiom an extended tiln tbrouKh the west ' Mrx J. T IloelBei" . C II Stc.iriiH , , ne1 P IP HodKOH of .Sidney. In , are In the city , to " icniuln for a few days II If .MiiKslcy. u ChlcaKo banker is spenelliiB a few datp III the clti nc- ' ' comiinnUd by h's wile Mr Chin le-s D Thompson ami wlfo have roiurned from a we-ckH vlHlt urn , relatives at Maishulltown and Toledo la Hd Svvpbo , won of Captain Thomas Swobo rcturneel te. Chicago today , havl , B , H. ' ' "P ° L'hrl.tmnii Oma'lia hollUi > B In Lieutenant Delnmore Skorrett will come to Omaha from I'ort Hllcy , Kan Ji.uimr been appointed aide , to ( Jonoral Xlerrlan Port HHleyCe" | ' ' ° Tlllr < 1 a IHery 1 , J , AVrlKlu nl111 Mlss Kntlly C. Hlaek both of Olenwood. la. were married n Omaha Wo.liies.lay . b > HOV C N Uawson After a trip to the Pnclllc coast , Mr ami Mrt * Wrlsht will locate In Omaha - , of I'alhouu came to Omaha Thursdav night and was taken \o \ St Joseph's hofcpltul to u-ca\i > r from i ti- vere. injury On ChrlMman day In a runa way accident .Mis * ILiKey Husialneel n broken arm and some bad bruise ? anil will In connenucnce ) be confined tj the hospital ' for tome time iime-r Holben of Miller , S n. un \ the elty. to lomuln H da , oi two with fr.enm. llo Id the niiinr flor of a I > IOH roeii. L.M erul store In Miller und If u \ .unj , bu ii r- , man ef c nisldeiablo abilli > He I tni-ru reside ! In Luu uln vvluii Iu w is i fa m , in unlvorxlty huiiPty m , < | ki.owi i inucual dales on amount of jus aiQaa tu. u mincer. .AMUSEMENTS. "VI nloiiliel ( .Irl" A tomnntlt ilnina In threv u 1 \ , i c rurnlM md \ ! > .M \ S mi HUlnil-in pi < luip < l for HIP tlr ' time In umibn it Hoyd ihoatoi Iburxelnv nlsiu bv l'nnl I Frohnian s company , be-adcil in lUiwni 1 Uould TII13 CAST | Godfrey Itemsoji a young American i Hownril Oou d Cillei. nn old sprvnnt . Albert l'tir\ Captain Antony Le > velne Rntocrt Cnnm i Colonel Otrteret ChnrUs C HromU , Jack Osborn , an Atnerleati Urn'ton Koniipdv Sir Henrv Dnnvcrs , Hngllfth ollMfll In I New ork . Dunenn Harris Captain lloaufort tnnuan llnrrl- * , Lloutonnnt Kent Harton tirrvv Lloulonnnt IV * > . . . Ueorse De long I.leuteiuuit Tills PrtiiuU Moore Lieutenant Iliton . . . . H r Hot. boll ! Sergeant Noivkes < > . W. Lvneh Claik , n prlviitr . . . , Ilnrtun Drew I'orter . . . KeUUn W Volgbt Molllu HeeleUu , nn American girl . . , Grace freeman 1/iely Sarah Koteltas . Helen King Hussoll Lady Judith Darners , tleidfrey s cousin Ijlt'tinor Cnrr A splendid play , correctly mountcl nn1 costumed with attention to the minutest de tails and splendidly Interpreted bv a rnptblo compiny of players. This reads not unlike the usual laud ilory notices , displayed upon play bills and elsowhoie , which are very frequently biso fibrleatlons In the cas-- of "A Coloitlil Olrl" It Is , however , truth to the letter. Iho play Is a well written , well knit drama , boiderlng at times upon the molo- diamatlc , with hero and there a Iraco of comedy noticeable , and oven a bit of tiagcdy at the flniilo In the shape iif a duel to the death. The characters uio human , the climaxes are effective and the scouei nro never overwrought. Among the many pretty pictured Introduced throughout the three acts the daintiest and sweetest is that of Molllo Heddln , the Hwoot , unsophisticated country HRS , scitod at the splnnct , which was the piano of u ceutuiy ago playing upon the yellow keys the stoiy of her homo llfo In chords that vary front Intelmtnablc- ness of long Reams to the monotony of grey knitting Chum was lout to the picture by the fact tint the music was really ptetty and quite suggestive of Iho word pictures she painted foi her lover of her country life The period of "A Colonial (3lrl" IB i evolu tionary , 1770 , and the scenes with tbeli colonial Btalrcaho clock , ( spinning wheel splnnet and ancient plate , are laid In tb < i then hamlet of Now York Godfrey Hom- ficn is a young American just returned from his estates abroad tc ; llnel himself jilted by the woman of his hoirt In n burst of anger and pique he marries u countv-hroel ! young plrl , whom bo meets iu n well contrived comedy ( scene His former leno , now a widow , endcavois to part him from his bride whom ho has learned to love- , and finally accomplishes this by n stratagem In which she loads Ileinsen tei think that his wife has betrayed him to the Hritish who aio looking for an American spy In the service of Wnsbiiigton ( toelfiey. who reMlly Is the spy , escapes fiom the house through n seciot passage behind the old clock. cud- Ing an apt with a meloelraniitlr cllntnv. During his nbhc-nco Captain Love lace , a Itrltlflh olllcer , and also n rogue lure * Molllo the wife to the- house with in tent to compromise hoi , hoping tint thus she will bo an easy conquest Godfrey , heal ing of this , comes there also , gilns aecess to the supper room In the disguise ot a foppish English cipt iln and lights a eluol with Lovelace , killing him just as the news arrives * that Washington Is at While Plains and the "Liberty Hoys" are up In arms anl In possession of thn town The curtain goes down upon the reconciliation of the young couple The leading part Is played by Howard Ooulel , a young romantic actor of great promise Ho will be remembered as having appeared here during the last two ec isons Iu "Tho Prisoner of Zcnda " His superb work as Rudolph In thls > piece has made j him one of the coming btars Possessed of j a Inndsome face , a manly , straightforward I manner nnd a wonderfully Impiesslve voice ho Is quito the Ideal hero eif romance nnd has won a denervodly high phco among Iho romantic actors of the day His clevci per tiayal of the chuactei of the young Anioi lean patriot in "A Colonial Olrl" ad Is dally to hlb reputation as a competent actor worthy of stellar prominence Tbo rest of the company , which numbers among Its mcmbeis nevcral pc-oplo who ap- ppareel hero last season with Mr Gould In "The Prlbonei of Xouda , " Is thoioughly capable The engagement it , for throe- nights and n matinee Saturday \n n em HIM-m on IN , The amateur performance nt the Crelgb- tein-Orpheum theater will begin Immedi ately after the regular peiformanee this evening Curtain ilscs at 8 o'clock Among tbo amateuis will be W n Cornwell in an original sketch , Webster nnd Lelloy in a "lube" sketch , Harry and Leo In elancen , niancho Woodwnnl in songs and hpeciul ties. J T Owen , armless wonder Hilly Murphy club juggling Toe-bran and Klbbeu , reproduction of a portion of thp Jeffilo-- Shaike-y light. Ulba Anita Deemer , nnd tin- thico Garneel sistcis In "A Hot Massige Meelals will be awardeel to the best amii- tours In a few diys you blew enough urle acid In your own body to produce death Your kldnpys arp your only balvatlon Dpcause when they are well , they filter out this deadly poison So , when your kidneys nro sick , you can understand how quickly your entire body Is affected , nnd how every organ Kooms to fall to do its duty. They are all being slowly poisoned Uric acid poUon Irritates the nervcB anl causes rheumatic pains In joints , muscles nnd llnil > , hendaphu , backache stomach nnd liver trouhlo , shortnesn of breath , he-art trouble , dl/zlneas , nervousness , Irritability , lassitude , loss of ambition , wcnKncaH and wanting away ItcJ brick dust and similar sediments In the urine are also caused by various salt1 ! of uric acid. The cure for these troubles Is Dr , Kll- mpr's Swamp-Hoot , the great kldnoy rem edy. edy.U U Instantly rollovcE tbo congested , over worked kldncjs , and gradually brings them back to health ' Heallhj kldnpjs keep down the CXC-RS of uric acid and you soon feel the benefit In now health nnd strength. i Swamp-Hoot should at once bo taken upos the least sign of 111 health It will make you well and is for sale the world over In bottles of tuo eizoa and two prices , fifty- cent and ono-dollnr i Swamp-Hoot Is used by the leading hospl- talb , re'commcndod by skillful phjsl fans In their private practice , nnd In taken by doctors thcmseilvp-8 who Juvo kidney all inciita. bocnuaa they recognize In It th greatest and most siicceMful remedy for kidney and 'blaeldcr troubles To pro\o tif > wonderful cfllcaey , ton ! uir name nnd nddrcuB to Jr Kilmer f. e u llinsliunion , N Y . mentioning thl | , jp nhcn vou will rprchp free of , .11 lur i a sun Ie bottle eif i-\ami > K t ni > < ! u > uaUr touii by mnl fhi t. . cou > i i > many of itie id i < > 1 jpt i ihj , ganJs of tftiinaeima' U11 re , e tnnJ ftuoi aod wofiicn curcJ , i Leaves Omaha at 8:50 : a , m , Daily Arrives San Francisco 5:15 : p , m , Portland 6:45 : p , m , Afternoon of Third Day , ONLY TWO NIGHTS ON THE ROAD , 0s ! of Everything. Cnt-K , MrnlN Srrvcd n-ln-curto IlulTct , SutiiKliiK mill Library C'lirn \\lt\t \ llnrlior MIOJI Dnulilp Dinvtliiu Ilooin I'lilnvo SliM'i'liiK Ciim lMntncli'it Men in llcnl llronil Vcadliulpil .No cliniiRe. I'ltftNpiiitrrii diking : "Tho Overland Limited" for thp I'nclllc Count cnn ntnrt nftrr brcnlcfnM In ( tic iiioriiliiR mill ronrli thi-lr ileniliuttloii nit noun . n * thfmp Iio Alu other llnr * the ilnj liufurt Telephone 3(6 ( Are here for your inspection in our fancy Goods Bept , lxtraordinary offerings in Lamps , Art- ware , Statuary , Jardinieres , Wrought Iron ware , Cloisonne and Japanese ware. Special showing of Fancy Jar dinieres at $1.00 each. These goods must be moved before in ventory , January 1st , and our prices will make quick selling. I4I4-I4I6-I4I8 DOUGLAS ST , ly Three By § j j to sell the balance of those pianos at our We had twelve left lUondaj , but nix have been sold and they will go before Satur day night. Thin will bo the hibt advertise- inent of tliii * wile. .Better gel a "move" on you if you want one of these six that we're Kolling at aboui factory prices. 1514 Douglas Street.