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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 29, 1899)
TI1E OMAHA DAILY B13E : FlilDAV , DECEMBER LM ) , 1SJ ! ) . I NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA. COUNCIL BLUFFS. .MINOII Mi.vno.v. Davis sells . I'lnc A. II. C. beer , Xcumayer's hold. ! burners al Hlxby's. Tel. 193. Uudwolser beer. 1 > llosenfoldl , ngcnl , Gravel roollng A. 11 Head , oil U'way. Mr 13. Hrown hns ns her guest MlM ) Mine 311111s of Dunlnp Mlts Anna Sheu I * home from n visit wun friends In Ncoln. 1 > r W A. CJcrvals , osteopath , 01 Jicr- rlam bUxlt , Council muffs. The pluco to liavo > our framing none , Alexander a Arl emporium cjpt jour work done ut the populir l.aglo luundr > , 721 llroadwny. 'Phono Io7. V ( ' Cstop undcrtnkor. 23 Penrl street. Iclpphones Olllco , 37 , residence. 3. theKuesl of - of Hurllngtonls J N Mowi-ry hit. . un. IP. J P \ \ in or , .VurlnK tlio holldajH ravin of ntntiil Nbind. Neb , M In fieorgc hlpurenlit on Park ave- th. < .Ity visiting " ami MrW < II. Scamnn ot North ; visiting relatives In this Heml. Neb nru 1 Mr ind Mrs 11. AV Martin haveffono to \\lphlin" Kan , on a Mall to relatives nnd Vi'r" ' and Mr . M G O'Connor of Ijluff llel- ot - rutertalnlns MLS J. Kelly cn.i , Mont . . cbarlos O iMorsan and I'ny bm .r' ' ° left jesU-rdnv foi Anu-s , In , to ( .liter ino Stntr AKilcullural colleges There will bo a sp.-rlal . - mppllliB this ; evening Masonic ledge No - > J lor ing of llxielsloi ( -wcrk In Iho surond Oogree. Sheridan coal makes a largo tlamo and cleir llro but no smoke , soot or olinKers. ' solo agents. 1'enlon < St Kolcy , i ; ind .1 ClllmoiP of Imogeno and 1IS | ? Ontario , are visiting at < 1llmoro of Toronto , tlio borne ot ,1 Sbe.i on fourth Htrtut. Dan CairlKK has brouuhl suit In tbo u- .pcrlor . Vourt .iBiilnst Iho Union Transfer tiii | > , iny to recover $1,0in ) on an alleged claim for re'iit. Tlu. annual bumuct of tla > ex-Cadot as- boilutlon.vvhlili - vsiw to have lioon hold at tn < - Gt ami hotel last nUb.1. has been In- dcllnllcly postponed A man mined Slush , living at Jlouiit rli-mmons , Mich , lost or was tabbed ot .1 valuable sicrt pin on u Hurlliiglon train cntiTiiiK hero ychtoriln > . * Mr ami .MrsV" H I lunde have tendered mi Invitation to the Klflllrst lowii icgl- anrntil luiml to nttrnd Ihilt grand as- bembl > after the coureTl tonlubt < 'oinuH HlUfTs lodge. No 811. of KlUu will inept ii\t Wivlnesdiiy nlglil , when tnu UiaiUr membcis who \ v.n.not piese-nt Wednesday night will be obligated V i ; l ilibe city pas pnger nnd tlikcl ligont of tlm Illinois Contul In this elt > , ( willD ( to I'oil Uotljjo today to meet his Snm'lj on tbelr way bete from thlcuuo The chlldion of the Sunday school of Oniro IJplscopil cliunh will hold their . hrlsLmiU ) onte-rtnlnment this evening In the ) ) aspnuut of the chlireh Sanla Clans will be there with a probont for each child Hey S. an < l A I ) Williams arc al thn Hiomo of Mr ami Mr * Clem P. Kimbiill rvvltb Ibelr falhrr. fiiptaln U \\llllains ot Wyoml-ig , liu , who has liten taken sprl- ousl > 111 while vlslling at the Klmball home A nmriliiKn Hccnxo was ipsucd jesterday to Olcusi n A Dudley of Sioux ( Itv , ago < l HI and t'an'u 1 Selbj of this elt > . o ; eil M TlumairlaRO took ) ( last e-vinlng at the home of the lulde's brotbei , D. W. Selby , on Tpiith avenue State Senator A S lln ? < Mton Is In receipt of a k'ltir from tlio sctretnij ot the Stilt Hoard of Control .isklnu him to fuinlsh tbo ton ml with a list of the jobbers and de > ilera In this illy W'KI may wish lo wubinlt bids for furnishing supplies for the blate institu tions Ho > Paris nird A l > Illbbord , two glad- is UvliiK In a tout on Noith Seventh stieol , nrc moiiinlng the lo of several suits ol clothes vvhlc-h wtrc stolen from their trunk" WMliu'sdny nlKht They seemed a beiirch warrant jcsterOaj In Justice Forrler'H court for the premises of a family named l anc , lull the missing goods wen- not located. Clinton P Illnkcr truelpor foi an Imple ment Him. llvlrisf lit H7 lUenton strept , lllecl t voluntary petition In bankrupted jester- < lay In the United States dlstrltl ooiirl Siero. His imsecuied liabilities aggregate $ l 7.'as and his HOCIIIP. ! flobts $1,70 ! IG His nhscts oons.'ist. ' viccordliifC to his showing , ol JHO worth of household goods , which he claims as exempt N. Y. Plumbing Co. Tel. 250. Masquerade al Marcus' hall Monday night Jan. 1. All Invited Admission , liDt. Davis scllb paints. TJIHOICII snuvici : ON M\V , I C'IIIIIK | < ' I" UltlNloiiN on the llllnolN Ci-iid-iil. When Iho llirough service between till' icily ami Chicago over thn Illinois Centra * Is established the plan for the operation o : , KB branch lines lu Iowa will In all proba bility bo materially changed. U is semi- olhclally announced that two divisions wll bo eatablished and lhat the- change will b ( made about January 13. The plan Is to crcalo Iwo divisions to In known n the Dubuque and Fort Dodge di- vlbloiiB. The Dubuque division will consls of the main line an far west as Tort Dodge Iho branch from Manchester to Cedar Hap Ids , the Stnroyxllle branch and Iho Walerloi nnd Albcrl L < * ifbKinch , Including Iho SI 1'aul and Minneapolis eervlco oxer Iho Mln ncapolltt & St. Louis road. This division wll bo openitod from Uubuquo and Ihero will bi no changes In the olllcurs. The Tort Dodge division will Include tbi main line west to Slou\ City from that point the Slonx Tails and Onawa branches , tin Omaha branch , the i-crvlcp. from Kort Do Igi oxer the Minneapolis & SI. Louis and th now blanch from nnint Center to Loxclam to bo constructed next jcar This dlvisloi xx111 , It | b bald , operated from Toil Dodgi und will necessitate the removal ot the pres cut division oHlies fiom ChoroKco to Tor Jodgo. C. K Dlxon , the present superln tcndent of the Choiokee , Is to have charg * ot this dlvlblon. 1'aBBcngiM1 runs will be changed so tha Instead of ending nl Waterloo as al preset ) they will extend from Dubuque to Albur 1,1.1 and Tort Dodge. All but local frclgh runs on the wiwt end will go thiougli fron l-'oit Dodyu to Sioux City nnil Kort Dodg to Oimiha. The branch urns will end a ChPioKeo. On tbo east c'lid through frelgh runs will extend from Kort Dodge to Dubuque buquo and local freight runs will end a Waterloo. Supeilntendeiii Dlxon fcald jesterday tha while ho had no olllcial Intimation that thcs changPH vvpru intended , bo admltled It vva potslbln that the plan of operation might b I'hangc-d pomnxxlmt. Tlm time for martin the llirough service has not vet been dell jiltuly decided upon , but Supcrlntcnden ] ) l\on fciilil vchtcrday he bellexed H woul lie Inaugurated not later than the middle u January. How ell's Autl-"Kavvf" cures coughs , coldi llriil i : ( n ( ' Ti-Mimfcrn. The following transfers were Illed jester ilay In the abstracl. Htlo and loan ottlco u J. W. Squlie , 101 Pearl street. Sheriff to Peter Ho > d. part ot lot 4 n M < < 4 no1 * and part BW'i lieu Sj-ia-U- . < A ,1'cd . $ 1 < 1C Biimo t. . Mnr > A. UelBhton , part eU bw'i 30-75-11. deed . . . . - . 3'1J Icroy Moiuof and wlfo lo Ualah Hooka , undj of BOX eminent lot 3 In 2i-7fl-U. w 1 Total , three tinnafers . . FARBV3 LOAS S NeKotlattMl lu Kiwtem uiicl ovvn. Jamca N. Casady , jr. 1 Main Bt. , Council Uluffd. FIRE INSURANCE POLICIES BOUGH' Tor Cuoli or I.tinned Oil. u. ii. stiu-iru & . PO. . B I'carl blruct , Cuiiucll UluJiiVTt ( SMOOTH SWINDLER'S ' WORK Joiepb Swartz Haiaca "tho Needful" on a Lot of Fainted Diamonds. WORKS PAWNBROKERS FOR HARD CASH .Samuel I'rli-ilniiui mill Smniipl Snjiler Alt' 1'iMiri-r li > l'l\r lliindred DolinrN UN li ItcHiilt of S ( MI-/'N Scheme * . Samuel Triedman nnd Samuel Snyder , twc llroadwny pawnbrokers , are'mourning the loss of several hundred dollars of their hard- earned cash and the fact thai they have oa hand an oxcn > locU ot bogus or palnled dia monds. The Iwo money loaners on chaltelc were- worked tot their money by n gambloi named Jo cph Snnrlz , whose home Is said lo bo In Kansao Clly , Captain Denny of the pollcu force Is now in Kansas Clly Iryltif lo eecuro Iho anest of the alleged swindler , but BO far no word has been received here thai he has been successful. Swarl/s trick has been repeatedly worksd with Uccuc8 on pcifcons In Iho same Hue of buslnc'-K as rrledmnn and Snjder. Svvnrl ; ( .truck Council Uluffs aboul n week ago ant soon boc.imo a familiar llguro nt the fare tables. The first nlghl Iho tiger smiled fa vorably on him and ho Is said to have quli with not ICM than ? COO winner. Ho sportei' ' considerable jewelry nnd wore several bit diamonds which were evidently the genii- Ino arllclo As he continued playing his lucl varied nnd last Friday ho appeared to t cleaned out of ready cash. He went thai evening to Sam Krledman and secured r loan of $100 on his diamond ring , which was vvorlh probably double lhat amount Wlthlt a few hours ho retuincd to the pawnshoi with a good-sUcd roll of bills and rcdeemct his Hng. Then ho went to Sam Snyder's shop am pawned the ring again and during tin next twenty-four houih pledged thla arttcli of Jewelry n number of times , Ilrst at Fried- man'f , and then at Snyder's. Each tlmo hi madu the excuse that Iho luck was agalnu him and Iho cards had cleaned him out. Sat urday ho showed Friedman and Snyder semi loose stones which ho carried In a llttli buckskin sack. The cards went against bin again , ho bald , and It was only a few houn later until Friedman had a small consign ment of the loose etones in his safe am Swartz had $200 of Friedman's money In bii pockets. Then ho made Snyder n visit nm eccuicd from him $300 , leaving auothe bunch of loose diamonds there. lom e llii > City. Tuesday Swartz decided it was tlmo ti leave Iho city and took the train for Kansni City Shortly after ho left the two pawn biokers discovered that the stones lhat the ; had advanced Svvarlz money on had changei color and that In fact they were not tin genuine aitlclo ot sparkler at all but slmpl ; what Is known among the tsportlng fraler nlly as "palnlod diamonds. " Fifty cent ; would be , It Is said , the Intrinsic value o the "diamonds" upon which Swartr sue ceeded In Inducing Iho pawnbrokers lo loai him $500. Svuvrlz is > said to have also secured sev oral'hundred dollars from Ihe proprlelor of a sporllng resort whose , weakness to diamonds Is a matter of local repute. ; prominent saloonkeeper Is also said to hax been ono of Svvnrtz's vlcllms. There wer reporls on the street to the effect tha Svvarlz had even succeeded in laking in IVM of Iho banks of the city , the First Natlona and onicer & . Pusey's. The officers of boll thceo banks , however , deny that they loanei money on diamonds , genuine or false , o that anyone had been in the bank attempt ing lo secure a loan on any gems. Cashle Hunnan of the First National bank said "Tho report that this bank loaned $300 o : some fnko diamonds Is wlthoul any founda lion and absolutely false. Wo do nol d business lhat way Nobody has been In th bank during tbo last week for the purpos of borrow Ing money on diamonds. The ban' hns no license In the first place to loa : motley on cbatlels , " Swartz is said lo have been a dlamom broker In Kansas Clly nt ono tlmo and ha the leputallon ot being a very clexe swindler nnd has always succeeded in keep ing himself out of the meshea of the law Seme of Iho old-lime sporlH In this city sa that about fifteen years ago ho worked ; similar game hero and Al Clark , the wel known cbitlcl morlgago broker and mono ; loaner , was his victim lo the tune ot abou $ J,000. nni.vv IN nuiii scnoor , MITTEII CIIHI * of CnMiuly AKiiliiHt DlNtrlct Coo Orr to March Tt'rni. Yesterday was the last day for filing th petition in Iho district court in tlio sill of Simon Casady against Iho Independen School Distilct of Council Illuffs Intordc to assuio the hearing of the case a't th January term The papers were not flle > and Iho case will now have to go oxer t the March term. This means more ledlou delay In the High school site mailer. The reason the petition was not filed yes terday , Iho dale as set forth In the orlglna notice , wab becauiso Ihc attorney for Casad has discovered that no formal demand fa the pax ment of the purchase price of tb Oakland avenue properly had ever bee made on the Hoard of Education or Its ot llccro It was the understanding of Slmo C.isady's ntlorney lhat such demand ha been made before the notice ot suit wa Illed , but it wa.s bltuo learned that the com munlcatlon containing the demand was neve by Homo oversight presented to the bean The only way lhat Ihe suit could have bee heard al this term would have been by th 'board ' waiving tbo formality of n deniam 'but ' this It was not prepared to do. Ab the mittcr now btandu nothing furthc can bo done in the case until the Marc term , when a now suit will haxo to be com menccd The amount thai Casady sues fa is $ S,320 Talking of the High school site conlrovcrs jeetorday President S'ms ' snlil thai If th ijuiatloii was not setllcd sallafactory bcfor very long , ho would he In favor of deferrln all further action until the spring olecllor when the mailer could be left lo the voier to decide . He said bo would be in favor c submitting two propositions In Ihe people lirst , whether the money derived from th proceeds ot the sale of the bonds now bin Idle In the bank should be used lo lake u Iho bonds again or , second , whether th money should bo used to lower the prcsou High school building and build an additlo to It He said he did not bellexo the boar would ever be permitted to build Ihc schoc on thu HulUrd property , hut ns far as h know tbe board did not contemplate takln any furlhcr action In the matter until tb regular meeting next month Thill ! N Milllh Will Win , Congressman Smith McPherson ot Re Oal. wag lu the city yestcrduy. On beln a-kcJ as to Judge Walter I Smith's chance ot bc-uring the federal Judgeship made va cam by the death of Judge WooUou be said ' 1 am tif the opinion that Judge Sirtlth k.uM < es arc of tbo best , and 1 shall bo vcr dlFfappolntcd If ho docs nol obtain Ihc ap pointment. There can bo no question raised as lo Judge Smith's ability or character , and I do not see that there can be any rea- POM why ho should not bo appointed. The appointment has to come lo this part ot the state. The eastern part of the state has had It ever since the federal Judiciary was or ganized In Iowa forty-fix o years ago. When Iccvlng Washington for the holidays I was giver , to understand that the mailer of ihls appointment will bo taken up and probably disposed of shortly after Iho roltirn of Ihc members ot congicss from Ihc Christmas va cation. " llonril of liixiiiiKy CnintnlNNlonrrn , The Board of Insanity Commissioners mcl yesterday and In addition to making a num- bpr of orders In different cases put In n busy day preparing Its annual report , whlcl : has lo bo presented to the Hoard ot Counts Supervisors at the January session. Harry Dye , who lasl summer was com- milled lo Iho State Insane sylum at ClarInda - Inda , was ordered released on paro'lc. Hi xx 111 bo taken In charge by his uncle , Hoyn D. Amy , who has filed a bond In the sun of $2,000. Harry Dye Is one ot the helrt of the late Mrs. Amy of Fifth avenue. Thli action of the commissioners sanctioned by the Stale Bonrd of Control. Mile Miller was ordered committed to St Bernard's hoepllal lemporarlly for observa tion. Miss Miller was ordered discharged from Clarlnda on December 21 and placce In the care of her relatives. A new In formation , charging her with being men tally deranged , uns Illed xvlth the bean yesterday and after an Investigation thi order committing her for the tlmo beln ! lo St. Dornard'e hospllal was made The work conncclod with Ihe preparatior of the report is tedious and lengthy nnc necojsltales Ihe employment by the bean of a stenographer. Another Injunction IMNIIPI | . The Omaha & Council Railway and Ilrldgi company obtained from Judge Aylesvvortl of the superior rourt jestcrday a tcmporar ; injunction restraining tbo Omaha , Councl Bluffs & Suburban Hallway company fron interfering with Its Iracks or right of wa ; over nnd along Slxtecnlh street or from 10 moving or Interfering with Its tracks lab upor Sixteenth street , especially nt tin Junction of the strecl and Avenue C or fron nlteraptlng to put In crossings. The oh molor company has a branch line runnlni from Broadway lo Union Driving park am the suit , it is said , Is merely brought as i piccautlonary measure to compel the nev company to enter Into crossing contract and ngreemenls before it lays Its rails acroe : IheIracks on Avcnuo C. Work on Ihe nev motor company's line Is nearly complete ! as far as Sixteenth street on Avenue C. Will Meet In MliiiicniiollK. DE8 MOINES , Dec. 28 The Westeri Surgical and Gynecological associallon comprising the slales of Illinois , Wisconsin Minnesota. Missouri , Indiana , Iowa am Kansas , concluded today by elecling C Beverly Campbell of St Joseph , Mo. , prcsl dent ; A. C. Bernajs of St. Louis , vice pros ! dent ; J. U. Hollow bush of Rock Island , 111. second vice president ; George II. Slmmoni of Chicago , secretary tieasurcr. The exccu live board conslsls of Dr. Crow ell of Kansai Cily , Lewis Schooler of Des Moines , Dr Prenllss of Omaha and Di. Mooie of Min neapolis. The next meeting xvlll be held h Minneapolis in 1000. Ion a ftcwM 7otN. . nmmetsburff Is another Iowa lown whlcl wants n alalc normal school. The volors of Oskaloosa ilofealed a propo slllon to grant a twonty-tlve-year frnnchls to a water eompany , The saloon petition tiled in Sac count' has been huld by the Board ot Supervisor to contain an Insufficient number of namef Jlirs Mary Hrown of Jefferson , aged H was accidentally shot by her lltlle brother U is thought she will lose one of her eye S. D. Comford , aged 7S > cais , died at hi homo near Aftoii. lie was one of the Hrs men to engage In raising small fruit in i commercial way In western Iowa. The city marshal at Sidney raided place In which he suspected gambling wa being carried on. Ho found a number o men In the place and also a large quantll1 of ehips. Search warrants were sworn out for th express officesIn Gutlnlo county for pack age-H of liquor which were believed to hav bten shipped In eonlraiy lo law. Th search resulted In the finding of over 1C packages consigned to various paitlcs. DEATH RECORD , .M. A. I llton. M A. Upton , who was formerly a proml nent factor In the upbuilding of Omaha am South Omaha , died Thursday afternoon a his homo , 2424 South Twenlleth slreel fror a complication of diseases. His Illness wa first noted as serious about a week ago. Mr. Upton was 52 years of age. Ho cam to Omaha about 1882 , nnd was n promlnen figure in Ihe early hlslry of South Oraahi packing Industry. He was associated will Messrs. Paxton and Kountze , and xvas secre lory of the Soulh Omaha Land cctnpany Leaving Omaha afler Ihe packing house had reached prominence , bo went to Short dan , Wyo. , and was secretary of a land com pany there. Two years ago he left Sherl dan and returned to Omaha , where ho con tinued to reside. Ho leaves a wldoxv am three children. Deceased was a charter mem her of the Omaha Ellis , and was also a mem her of U. S. Grant Post , Grand Army of th Republic. The funeral arrangements wll bo announced later. I'ormcr I'rc'inlrr ofnlnl. . DURBAN , Natal , Wednesday , Dec. 27-r Harry Kscombe , formerly premier of Natal died suddenly on the streel Ihls afternoon. Rl. Hon. Harry nucombo xvas born n Notllnghlll , London , England , In ISIS. Hi entered the legislative council of Natal li 1S72 , was created altorney general In 189 ; and later became prime minister of thi colony. Ho xvas Ihe commander of Iho Nala naxal volunlccrs , with the relative rank o lieutenant colonel In the volunteer force. Mrx , .lumen Mi-Mullen , SIDNEY , Neb , Dec 28 ( Special Telo j gram ) Mrs. Ellen McAleese McMullen ago 31 , wife of James McMullen , n pronil nent giocery unerclmtit of this city , dlci here this evening after a very abort Illnoee Deceased leaves five small children and i husband. She was a member of the Hojti Neighbors' camp of this city. Mriiilivr of Territorial Aknoiulil > , NEBRASKA CITY. Neb. , Dec. 28. ( Spc clal ) George F. Lee , one of the best knoni farmers In Otoe county and a pioneer real ' dent of this section , died yesterday at hi home , nine miles southeast of this city. U ! was 70 > cais ot age. He ueltled in Oto I counly in It > u6 In 1859 ho was a mcmbe of tbo Teirllorial assembly. cr lo 'ScllicrliiiulH , ST PAUL , Dec. 28. Charles R Pike dlei i late lasl night at his residence In this city I Mr Pike was born In Calais , Mex , April 1C 1S1C Ho was United Stales minister lo tb < Ne-lherUnds during Ihe civil war. \ > i | > cnl < o llaiiUruptcj Con it , NICW YOIIK , DPO 28 A petition In bank rupte-y has tx-en Hied by Russell Dart jr formerly a partner In the Insolvent llrm o Clark , lUdillffc & Co He Kivca lil.-f Ha bllitleii ami also those of the bankrupt Urn at $ ! 1,033 , no assc-t.s. The debts , whlcl moHtly consist of money borrowJ sinci liviS from national banks , are ringed at net u red claims to thu amount of JKC.HO am UIIHC ureil c alms of tTlk.MJ A petition In lKinkruplc > In a been llleO b : Frank J Ferrtll contnctlne KBS ar < hteumtlUer , Inabilities , ? 1 ,171. a fails , $52 , W * 4 IOWA 1EACI1EI1S IN SESSION Twelve Hundred Pethsroenos Present nt the Second Day's ' Meeting. INTEREST MANIFEST ! D ON ALL SIDES I'ouroiiiuil School * nnil f itiiiilMiir ) Diliicnllon lli'iMiiiinifiiilfil lij the Co in in I Urc on l.fn ( ieiiernl limn > . IK3 MOINES. Dec. 2S At the scconi day's session of the Iowa State Teachers association 1,200 naimw wcro enrolled Tlu committee on legislation reported , rcconv mending the cslabllshmcnt of four now normal schools In the state , and more 1 noccesarj The committee favors comput- sory education and larger appropriation ! for the educational Institutions. The forenoon session was devoted to th < discussion of the better educational condl- lions In Iowa by President MacLean of low ! City , Judge Dccmcr of lied Oak and Prof A. F. Stuart of Ottumwa. "Hural Schools' were treated by Prof. Colgroxe of Ccdai Falls , A. U. Sale of Mason City. Hcnr ; Sabln ot Des Molncs and Ira 1 * . Clark o Corning. Mural Hoisted spoke at the audltorlun this evening on "Dcwcy , Manila and th < Philippines " TO REORGANIZE HARPER BROS Committee of l'l\e \iiolnt | < Ml nt In Mtitncc of CreilltoiH to 1'ri'imrc nnil hiibmlt n I'lnii. NEW YORK , Dec 28 At the Instance o creditors whoso claims aggregate nearl ; halt Ihe entire Indebtedness ot Harper iS Bros , n committee of fhe , of which Alex under K , Orr Is chairman , has undertake ! lo prepare nnd eubmlt to creditors a plan o reorganization. Picliminary to this task the connnlttci hnH prepared a statement of facts in whicl It is net up that the total liabilities o Haiper & Bros , on December 14 , 1899 , wer. . $3,083,000 , diminished since the dale namei by the turning o\cr of $150,000 of bonda which leaves a total indebtedness of $2,993 , 000. The secured Indebtedness is $1,001 000 consisting ot notes , an open account nnd t mortgage of $0,000 , secured by bonds am real cstalc. The unsecured indcbtednes comprises commercial paper and open ac counts. In 1890 Iho corporallon mortgaged Iti property to secure $3,000,000 of G per cen 100- > ear gold bonds. Of this amount $2,045 , 000 elands as collaleral , .is referred to. Tin remainder of the issued bonds , $355,000 , an outstanding nnd controlled by the commit tco for the purpose of reorganization. Thi meeting icpresenled by the bonds covers al the property of the corporation except stocl on hand , bills receivable , supplies and casl on hand. Omlltlng the asset of good xvil nnd plates , estimated at $900,000 value , am deducting the bond nnfi mortgage , $094,001 remains against the outstanding bonded Indebtedness - dobtedness of $2,045,00(1 ( , or 20 per cent o their par value. The estimated net available assets , no covered by mortgage , lo meet unsecurei claims , are substantially $442,007. The nei liabilities In excess of bonded indebtedness is placed at $1,902,012 , and comprises bill : payable , general creditors , manuscripts , ad vertising nnd unexpired subscriptions , leav ing net available assets equal to 22.5 pel cent of net available liabilities , exclusive o cost of receivership and liquidation. The committee regards the above estimate of vnlno ot assets , except as n going concern - corn , to bo very excessive. Wherefore , tin commltleo concludes , if the corporation 1 < not continued as a going concern , the unse cured creditors would receive neiy smal percentage of the par value of their claims Little , if any , relief Is anticipated foi creditors from indorsements of commeicla paper sold by the corporation nnd held now as unsecured claims. The statement I1 made by the commltlee lhat under thi direction of M Harvey , agent of tin trustee and receiver now In charge o the propertj , operallng expenses have beei reduced to $20,000 per month , equivalent ti a saving of Interest on $5,000,000 Mr. Har vey has reported to the committee that tin tola ! loss lo the business during the firs eight months of the present year was near ! ; $400,000 , but that owing to retrenchment referred lo , ho Is cerlnln Hut the corpora lion Is now earning Its operating expenses Mr. Harvey believes that with proper man agement , free from custody of Iho courls Ihe business can earn In 1900 about $100OOi above operating expenses , The coramitlce , Ibeieforo , locommonds litho the creditors that the business bo continue ! under strong [ jingle-handed conlrol. Tin commlllec has assurances from the holdori ot practically all the bonds that with thi concuircnco of the unsecured credllors con tlnuanco may be had upon a sound financla basin. The plan for the final readjustmen ot Ihc corpornllon'B affairs Is now in prep aiatlon and will be duly submitted to thi creditors , TRAVELING MEN IN SESSIOK W. I' . MlU-h.-ll of limn nnil i : . 13 llruiiof NeliriiHlui A\Vrt * ji < -i-U-d Vlei- l > rtNlilcnN. CHICAGO , Dec. 28 Tha annual rnectlnj of the NoithvYcstern Traveling Men's nsso elation was held at the Tiemont house , whet the following ofllcers vveio elected. Presi dent , Willis Young. Among the vice presi dents were : W F. Mitchell , Iowa , W. I , Day , Missouri ; M. S Van Deuecn , Kansas O. II Mcrs , Colorado ; H. K. Hruce , No brnska , J C. Sheldon , South Dakota ; W. II Clelland , AVjomlng , Fecrctary and treas urcr , D K. Clink ; board of directors , H A Sco\el , ( Jeorgo W. llnllcy , GeorgeM. . Pen noor , William It. White , H. C. Towelre , A complimentary "hinokor" and enter tainmciu was ghen by the asEoclallon lo nlghl al the Tiemont house. I ) . K. Clink secretary an 1 tieanurcr , presided as maslci of ceremonies. President Willis Young delivered the ad drees of welcome and was followed b ] Samuel Pike ami eovctal other memben with short speeches. HIT BACK AT GLUCOSE TRUS1 \V iKili'NiiliJioiciH AnI'roliMlliu AlflllllkllMlli lllll < - | Of ClINll | ) | NC < IIIIII | iiiiil dualniilri- , CHICAGO , Dec. 28 A special meeting o the Wholesale Grocers' astoclallon called b : Presldeiil Leu was held here loday lo tak action on the alleged hostlln position tovvan jobbers UBUumcd by Iho Glucose Syrup Re fining company , known as the Glucose trust Ilcprcscnlallvcs of many of Iho larges wholesale erocerj hoiiaea In Iho wesl nm south were present when Iho meeting cam to order The cause of the action on tin part of the wholesalers was a circular Ibeuci by Iho Glucose company a > ear ago nollf > ini the jobbers ihal Iho cash discount would b abolished and the guaranlert of goods with drawn after January 1 1000 The whole Balers declare they luld iberaselvca respon slblo lo the retailer i for the condition of the 8)rup and other goods eolil and the ; expect tie same con"ldpratlon frooi Ibi oianufarturcrs. A vlgorfus protect agalus the action of the Olucoso company will he nndp before the whole alcrs submit to the order NOT A DOLLAR-OR CREDITORS All Si-t'iirltlcn 1'oNKrixliiKnliii * 1'ut I 11 UN C olliitcrnl for I. on Hi , PHILADELPHIA , Dec 2S The commit- tco appointed by creditors to Investigate the accounts of Stahl & Straub , broker * , whc failed November 2ti , report that not a dollar's worth of available resources were found. The total liabilities amount to $1,221,308 nnd the total assets $927ITS , leivlng a deficiency ol $293,830. Thcso figures mean that creditors the hanks only cxceptcd , can ne\cr hope tc reall7o a dollar on the amounts due them The statement shows that there Is $833,94. duo to banks nnd that the amount Is EC- cured to the loanere by slocks and bondi valued at $ ! > 61,4u7. The result will ho thai e\cry dollar of these securities , tluniRh there Is a surplus of $27,513 , will be wiped out In settling the accounts duo to banks. There Is $ .187,364 duo depositors am customers. There Is $00.021 $ left to pay this amount , which makes the losses to be sua tnlned by Individual customers and do posllora with the llrm of Stnhl & Straul amount to $321,343. according to the flrm'i books John M Straub , the Junior meinbe ; of the firm , Is under bonds on the charge o embezzlement. Ills partner , Mr. Stahl , li winning , and a warrant has been Issued to ; his arrest. In an Interview Mr. Straul said. "One month ago I believed mjeclf i wealthy maw. I thought that I was one o ths partners In n remarkably successful am highly lespectcd firm. Today I am worsi than a pauper instead of a fortune , 1 an Involved In debt beyond any apparen possibility of c\er getting out. My firm li worse than bankrupt nnd ny partner hai fled. Thp curses of scores of people arc beIng Ing heaped upon my head. " Judge McPhcrexm In the United Stales dls trlct court today appointed Frank M Craw , ford receiver for Stahl & Straub , living tin sccuilty at $ n,000. Counsel for the creditors nuked for a restraining order to prevent tin transfer of securities nnd to have the flrn adjudicated involuntary bankrupts. Charlei It , Vellum , the expert accountant In chargi of the brokers' books , said at a meeting o the creditors today "This la the cleanest case of looting I ha\ < met w Ith In thirty years. " An official nt the banking rooms said today In referring to Stahl's methods- "Ho ran three separate accounts on securi ties In the care of the llrm , pijlng Intcresl on slocks , dividends on Ihc tame stocks am fUrlher Inlcrcst from the firm , and thla wai apparently ono of his ways of blinding the ejes of his partner. Some one emptied thi safe , tlut Is evident. The next thing to flui out Is who carried off the goods. " The heaviest creditor Is Frank M Craw ford , the receiver , in the sum of $08,000. FORGIVES WOULD-BE SLAYER Mlnwnnrl Mnn Shut l > j llln Ilrotliet Shaken IlnnilHwith Him t the Trinl. MAUYVILLE , Mo , Dee. 28 ( Special.- ) Jcsse Lindsay , who shot his brother , Tom , at the homo of their brother-in-law' , Joe ( Ycagcr , a few miles southwest of Mary- I vlllc November 22 , had his preliminary ! examination this afternoon and was held for Investigation by the grand jury. The cbargo againat him is assault with Intent to kill. Tom Lindsay is still very weak , ami has about thirty buckshot In his body , the ph > slclans say. The brothers had not.mol since the shooting , but when Jesse vvat brought In they shook hands cordially. \voiiii ) .SKATIM ; iincoims IIUOKUY. Normal HnpUp of IliilliKalc , > . I ) . , I.oiv- rrM IlcenrilH "t Mlnm-iipoll.N. LIB , Dec. 28 The fastest ever done In the xxorld for half a mile nnd a qunrler mile a stralghl-awny course , was accomplished today on Lake Minnptonka , near this cily. Norvtil Uaplle of Hathgate N D , loweied the fiunrter- mlle of 31V seconds , made by John B. John son , to 23 l-o secondB After u re-st of txventv minutes Daptlc started for th half-mile record of Jop Don ahue of New York and Olaf Budd of Slln. | neapollH nnd lowered It from 1 V > 2-5 to | 1002-G The records nre ofllclal nnd made under the auspices1 of the L'xce-lslor Ice Yncbt club HoMiiltN nn < lnIliiniiliii ; TrnrUn , NI\V OHLIANS : , Dec 27.-Rpsuits : First race , six furlongs , belling Tortugas won , MonsoHolT second. Old Fox third Time J 17 Second rncp , live furlongs , sellingInlook won Lavegti becond , Kl Heno third. Time 1 03K , Third race , one nnd one-elgliths miles , selling' Donna Rlln won. Admetus second , Babe Fields third Time. 1 5SV Fourth race one mile , handicap : Mlns Mao Day won , Jolly Roger second , Dejo third Time : 1-43'i rifth Fix furlongs , belling : Agltalor won. Little Billy second , Wiitcr Great third Time. l-iG SAN FRANCISCO , Dec 23 Weather clear and track fast. Oakland results : First race , six furlongs , for maiden 2-year- old , purfo1 Billy Moore won , Coming L'vont second , Radwafd third Time : 1:13. : Second lace , Futurity course , selling. Rosalbra won. San Matco second , Jlnglo Jingle third Time : 1.10V4. Third , llvo fiirlongR , for 2-yenr-olds , sell ing : Southern Girl won , Ramboulla second , Gnsele Fny third Tlmo : 1-00 Fourth racP. ono and1 one-eighth miles , soiling : Potento won Topmast he-cond , Rbslminto third. Time : 1 GJ'i. Flflli race , one mile , puise : Lothian won , RoFormondo becond , Tlmemaker Iblrd Time : 1.394. Sixth nice , seven furlongs , free handicap : Yollovv Tall won. Marcato second , Ollnllius third. Time : 1.26 lllllllNV lilt * Mll > . .IlllllNNO < ! lnllOll , LOUISVILLI3 , Ky. Dec 23A movement is on foot which may bilng about a change In tlm oxxwr.shlp of tbo LoulHxillo bahp ball clul within a day or Iwo nnd may land the team In the American association I P. Whitesldes , n local bublnr H man ImH inked for nnd been given the terms on which the presonl owners xvlll dlxpose of what remaliiH of tlio t'oloncls Ho IH re ceiving encouragement fiorn the promoters of the new American n 8oolatlon , having rroelvpd coTnmiinloutlons from Von der A he ami Al Hplnk of SI Louie , expresHlng ,1 dc- hli to have LoulkvllUi In thu ussoclatlan < lrult ( A tntellng xv'H bo bold lomorrow nlghl \ > y men Intirohted In the sport , ut w hlili nn effort xvlll bo made to form J Hymllo.ito to jiuroliuse Ihe club. Iliill III Culm. Ni\V ORLHANS , DPP -Abner Powell Hailed by Uio Morgan line Htcaincr tblx morning for Cuba with ,1 team of b isi > ball playern They xvlll npend a month In Jlimum nnd Mntan/ns Among IMP playcrn weri' ( lOiidlng , Kansas Cltj ; Chllds I'lilla- delphla , Htelnfuldt , Cincinnati , und ML. Allister , St. Louis ( liio-naii ( ilvi'H Dominion , MIL\VAUIviiJ , Dec 2H Perry QiiPcnan of Mllvvaukro and Jack Hudson of t'hluiKo met In a ulx-round go lieforo tbo Badge i Athletic club tonight , tbn ilcclhluii it Iho end of the bout being glv < n to Quit nan amid ypllK of disapproval from the Bpt-t tu tors The lighting wan hard throughout Vlllc Will * ut HiiHKH Illlll. PITTSHUHO. Dec -Yale rnnllv do- ftMtnl Wentc-rn uulvorslty of Pennsj Unnlii at H.iHkei ball in Old ( H\ bull tonight Thu Hnal c oie was Y lie JCVtbtprn iinlxrr- bil > 10 The \Vp tern unHcrifitj liu lent ttum work , Yale plu > Ing nil around Hum In ihl respect Ciiiitliiiii * .Slieniuiril'H Simpc'iiHlnii , Ni\V ORLEANS , UPC 2S-ln tlm case of A J Wallace , Jockey It Hheppard and thu hurno George L"e , suspended on December U. the stewards have decided , lifter an extended Investipitlon , to continue the BUB- pension Indefinite ! } Mr . \\iiiilliur > I'lllfil for ( ( lll BOSTON , Dec 2S Mrs Josophono Wood- bur ) xvns adjudged gtillt > of < ontempt of ( Otin to Judge Braley In the superior touir here today in connection with thp < Jf toroughl ngalnsl her by Mrs Marj l > ld > , head of the Chrlntian Science cburib for alleged criminal libel Mrs Woodburv w ia lined } JO w-hlr-h she puld Thi alleged on- tomrn consisted in making public through a Bonto'i nowpnt > er tbo Hiibat m < of her illlurutton in the suli agnlnai Mr I'J y nnd 'n < auH'njr 10 bo published ir'iln HtatemcntD aboui the < UKC or lo xulimlttlng to IntcrvlrwH wherein sne mud" if-rt "In HIMIMlfTft IPi ; lllPTtt'il III I PIM1 JHSLHSTOASKHIGHIiKWAdhS Djlogntcs from D.atrict Organisitions in Secret Session nt Indianapolis , DEMAND PROBABLY BE MADE VERY SOON of siiiiitiiil.ln. I'll. , n rnmU- iilc for rn-MliIcnl of I nllcil Mini- WorUcrnunlniit Mlti'licll UNO IIMM Opposition. IN'DIAXAPOMS , Ind . Dec. 2S Dclejales from all Iho district oiganlrnllons ot the United Mine Workers are still here In secret session nnd It Is now believed the meeting Is for the purpose of making a general de mand for Increased wages lo be backed up by Iho cnllro organisation it is gl\on out It Is only to arrange for Ihp national convention. A man well up In labor circles jestcrday Hold the meeting had no doubt been called for the purpose of arranging for n demand for higher wages , which will be nndp afiei Jnnunrj 1. That this demand will bo made Is nn open fcubjcct and the objoch of this mooting is no doubt for the purpose of mak ing nnangements ncccssaiy. In event the demand should he enforced by a strike. In nn Interview jestcrday afternoon Mr Mllchcll would neither confirm nor deny this report nnd nnsweicd thai all of Ihe dele- gales had agrfcd lo preserve filleiH-o ns lo Iho object of the meeting The persistence with which he evades direct answers to all questions proves that there Is Home-thing of Importance on Al the national convention of the United Mlno Workers of America , which meets hen- January 15 , theio will bo .x cnn < Mdale against John Mitchell for president , \llles Dailgherty of Shamnkln , IM , Is Ihe man There nro several candidates In the Held foi vlco president , among them John P Keeoe of Albln , la , who v\.is Impilboncd at Tort Scotl , Kan. , loccnlly for contempt of i-ouit Secretary Plerco will find the opposition In the person of W. J Short of Knights ville , Ind. There are scores of candidates for mumbershlp In the excc.utl\o board and for the audlloiHhlp nnd other offices Under the iiilcB of the order all candidates inusl bo known nnd their names sent two weeku in advance to every local ordei , which In structs KB delegation how toote in ( "in vention. Dy Ibis means electioneering Is avoided and Iho delegates simply follow In- slructionH. I1KAKIL , Ind , Dec. 28. A call has been Issued for nieelings of Ihe miners of the Illock coal district to meet heio January 3 lo select seven delegales lo the national convention at Indianapolis. There will bo n demand for a most substantial increase in Ihc pilco of mining. An effort has boon made lo ascertain the feeling of the 1,000 miners in this Held ns to the amount of increase to be demanded , and the figures inn from 15 to 21 tents a ton , which would add oxer 25 per cenl to the prices now paid In tills field. The operalors know lhat this increase will be demanded and they asseit that they aio willing to pay any reasonable amount , -providing that they are assured that a proportionate Increase will bo made in all Iho competing dlstricU BOUTELLE'S MIND AFFECTED HvfiiNiil of I'lUnlc "niilliirliini < o TiiUe Him IiiillonlfH Coiidlllon Is ht-iloiiH. NEW YORK. Dec. 28 A bpecial to the World from Boston says. Congressman Boutello Is nowin the McLean Hospital for Insanoal Waxorley , seven miles out ot Bos- ion. When he was brought to Boston last Monday night It xvas the Intcnlion ot the attending physicians to place him In the Channlng sanitarium nt Brooklyn , a prlvatu Inslllulloii. He was refused admittance there , the Inference being that his case was a moro debperato ono than the managers cared to bo responsible for. From a tboi- oughly reliable source It Is reported that the congressman is suffering from paresis BOSTON , Dee. 2S. No information could bo gained today at Iho McLean asylum In Wavcrluy. lo which Congresaman C A Don- lelle of Bangor had been laken for ireal- roenl. E. P Boulclle , brolber ot Ihe con- gicegman , admitted that the latlci was at the Instilutlon , and , while refraining fiom disclosing Ihe exact nature of his brother a dUPiuip , said thai the pitlcnl hid been talon to Ihe McLean asylum as his symptoms were buch as called foi Ihc mct > t bklllful ireat mcnl. A rumor gained currency duting the da > thai Iho congressman was dead , but 13 P. Boutello denied It. Ho said "There is ictlly nothing in my bi other's condition xvhlch would Indicate that his Illness Is fatal " Dr. Daniel A. Robinson , the Boutello fani 11 / physician , Is xvlth Iho congressman and ho will remain for Ihe present. Wlillo the officials of the McLean hospital are extremely reticent in giving details of Iho condition ot Representative Boutelle It was said tonight that Mr. Boulello bad passed n very comfortnblo day and that ho was not considered In any Immediate dan ger. ger.A relative of Mr. Boutcllo'B IB quoted as baying lhat Iho Jailer's trouble IH conges tion of the brain , the result of continued strain und overwork In connection with his ofllclal duties. His condition piovlou.s to his removal to the hospllal was such thai nt 11 inn , ho became dclliinus , and at tlmc.s dltllcult to keep under control. It wnti decided to place him In an Insti tution \\horo ho could reecho Iho best pos sible treatment , and McLean hospital was selected. The lelatlvo above mentioned cx- prcFscd Iho belief Ibat with skillful treat ment nnd the rest assured nt tlio hospital the patient will quickly recover and xvlll bo able In the near future lo resume bin duties al WiiHhlnglon. GOLD SHIPMENTS TO EUROPE irnl * nj TliiMM- Million UnU Itirs To Mili | Coin ( lnl > . N1JW YORK. Hoc. 2S. Wall street esti mates of ne\t Saturday's ROM oitgngrinriitJ p'ncn tlio Rinount < U $3,000,000. Superintendent - ent MRKOII of HIP a * ny ofllce lins not > ct broii Instructed to furnish birs for export at leas tlmii unc-trntu ot 1 per cent premium , so nothing but coin , It Is thought , will l > n shipped Muller , Schnll & Colll ship $750,000 mid \ugust llclinant & . Co. $ .100 nee Saturdaj's steoincrs. The. tllseiopnmv between Wall street announcements of gold m.gngnmMiU fol lasl Saturday's steamer nmt tbo custom hoii'o reports of actual ship ments was cleared up today when the papers coxtrlng the ( loldman , Sachs K. Co. ship ment of Jlf > f > 0,000 xvero Hied , Under the regulations a Btc.inicr has four dijs after clearance In whlth to tile a complete maul- fcfcl , so tint the pipers eoxorlng an > K lit tianfnctlon need not lie sent In until two or Unco < la > s after the dnte of calling. TriiiiNiinrl Tin-1nr hi Poll. SAN I'KANriSi 0 , Hi , JsThe tuino- poit Turtni at rived vrsiirdnv uftpr u run of Iwi'iitx-nlnr diivs from M inlln and eight een nnd a b ( If ilnxs from NiignHiikl It bK'iisht a TI in noi ol tl't birgul soldlerH us A Non-intoxicating Malt hxtract that is especially Recom mended for Weak Nerves , Indigestion and Insomnia. BUILDS UP A DEPLETED SYSTEM. HAVE i or IVIK TKIKD IT ? ALL DRUGGISTS Prepared by VAL. DLATZ BREWING CO. Mll'Ul KI1I3 , t. h. V. Omaha brancn 14(2. ( Douglas St. , Tel. IO8I Digests what you eat. Ii-arti llclally dipcsts tlio food and aids Katuro in strcnRtlicninp and rccon- btiuctiiig the exhausted digestive or gans. It Is the latest discovered digest- ant : ino Ionic. IS'u other preparation can appro.tch it in efliclency. It in stantly relieves and permanent lycurc . Dynpepsia , Indigestion , Heartburn , Flatulence , Sour Stomach , Nausea , BiekIIoadacheGastralglaCiampsand all other results of irnpcrfectdlgestion. h > / E C. DoWltt AOChlcooo. . BUY THE GENUBNE MANUFACTURED BT CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. .N'OTB THE NA3I1S. IIOWELL'HV1H iiic Coughs , IIOWELL'H voids , Ilonrhenesa i or sere throat Al- xvjya icllablc For sale b ) all dniR- L"c and DOc. ESjfS \ JOHN G.WOODWARD & CO- WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTERS COUNCIL BLVFFSIOWA * J > , FREE ADVICE by our nhyitlrlain nml a FREE SAMPLE of pur rocdlclno aUo Free Homo Treatment u llfc-p > 'i > fiuutnunii book de- acrlbliiff Bymptoui and caubci , il iilbuuiui with oust treatment , nUo miny | valuable rocelpti und prtBcrlptlonslnpbiln , biivliiouu ) bcuvy doc tor's hi liu ualc for II dues thu very worsl < ases of Dyapcp HU ! Constipation llcadiu he l.i , , inilun of Heart , Kidney nnd Liver Dlut-uxe'i and bud r > i < iills of La Uri , > pu H na for proof if It Write us about all your nymptums hold b > druefidon ! i atcepl nny lubclllulr , but send us MctH ur } 1 00 and we will send lir Kay s Kenoxutoriy \ return mall 1)11 , II. J , ICA ) HiiICAI. C O. , Saratciuu Sirln | ; ii , N V. Safe. Buy a first mor .t neitin vo i 5 p r cent intarast , Buy a farm in low.i or Xebraski ruichase city projjerty in Onnhi or Council Bluffs. V &r T-T 39 Pearl streel' DA . JL Ot JTl Council Bluff * have the above investments for sale. Call on or write them ESTABLISHED 1881. T. & t' . Pll I.Slirlnss monthly rncn- ctruiMunhun t < > tui < Ut > ni'vtrilMippolntyoul ? / iv'f n"lloV ' " ' " ' " 'I' ' "ljy rusn"y Jnull.f llubn'aDrunStore , iSth &lI8rnnmOmaliaNeb. |