10 THE OMAHA DAILY U13E : "WEDNESDAY , DECEMBER 07 -i ISfM ) . COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Wheat Woakena on the Heavy Increase in the Visible. INITIAL GAINS ON WEATHER REPORTS' ' llollilny DulltipflN ClliiKM , < < All M Ccirn I'lrin , lint Iiincllvc ; | ) IIN Dull nnil Iinvert I'ro- vlnlcniN I'lriner. OHICAOO , Dw. 2C.-Whoat , after opening firm on the weulhcr nnd the decrease on passage nml In shipments , weakened on the heavy Inercnse In tlt5 visible , .May closing 'ifrV > llnucr Raltirdtiy. Corn closed % o higher nnd oatsfee lower. Provisions < ; osed SHtiSc higher to unchanged. The absence of snow from the frozen wheutflelds was nn Inlltienee In the strength with which the wheat market opened today , the dwreato on passage and smaller world's shipments being contributory factors. .May wheat showwl an initial gain of UGllc. over Saturday at 63 0. Shorts were buyers , but trade was very Hat. Tliero was practically no outside demand. At the advance scalpers - ors took profit ? , causing a bit of easiness , wtdch endured for n time , trade being with hardly a spark of life. Announcement of the .heavy increase In 'the visible , coming later In the session , Inlluenced selling by those , who had bought early , the market turning weak. iMay < lo ed MSi-Tic under Sat urday at WUc. Primary receipts were 1.5.M1- MIO liu. , compared with 2.733.300 1m. last year. Minneapolis aitd Utlluth reported receipts ft.r three days of 1.500 cars , against 2,1011 cars the corresponding period a year ago. Ijoeal receipts were 'JO cars , ll ! of contract grade. Clearances nt the seaboard In wheat and Hour were equal to 45S , ( < 00 liu. New York reported only 5 loads taken for export. Corn was firm but Inactive , the holiday cli'llness clinging to the market as It did to others. Improved inquiry for shipment was nn Influence , luo.wo bu. being reported worked for New York , all rail. A scarcity of cars curtnlletl busltmss. Receipts liere were 430 cars. iMny ranged from 32 iie to ftl'ic. closing llrm ut 33c , a gain of 'fee over Saturday. . Oats was quiet and featureless , but weak ened In sympathy with wheat. Local re ceipts were 2SS cars. May sold from 23c ! to 2.iTi2lc , closing Vie under Saturday at 2.1'V. The local stock , 1,33 ! < ,000 bu. , showed tin Increase. Provisions -were llrm In spite of some lib eral selling , home of which was credited to packers. Commission houses were the best buyers , but business was quiet throughout the session. Firm prices and small receipts nt the yards were factors In the strength. The liquidation which was mostly In the way of prollt taking wore away the open ing gains , but the close was steady. uMay pork ranged from $10. : ' . ) tn J10.50 , closing 2V4 i-5c over Saturday at $ l0.35fi10.37l , < . ; May lard , from JTi.CT'/jfifi.'O ' to $5.75 , with the close equal to Saturday's at $3.C7V4Ti0.70. and May ribs from % > .KW > - * > to J5.50 , closing un changed nt 55.42HTin.45. Mst'.tmited receipts tomorrow : Wheat , 120 cars ; corn , C13 cars ; outs , 310 cars ; hogs , 25.0M head. The lending futures ranged us follows : No. 2. Cash quotations were as follows : FLOUR Steady ; winter patents. J3.40JT3.BO ; Straights. KI.OO'iT.I.ZO ' ; clear. $2.9003.10 ; spring preclals. $3.f < KTI. ! ) : spring patents , $3.00tj3.05 ; Straights. $2.sOf3.00 ( ; bakers , J1.90S2.55 ; low grades , $1.35(1 I.SO. WHEAT-No. 3 spring , iHO&lc ; No. 2 red , 674ifiSc. ! ( ) CORN No. 2 , 31f(31Vic ; No. 2 yellow , 31 > 4c. OATS-NO. 2 , 22rsisc : : NO. 2 white , 2116 < jT2oy4c ; No. 3 white , 21l6ff25c. RYE No. ? . 05c. UARI.EY-No. 2 , 3 l3c. SEEDS No. 1 tlaxsecd and northwest , $1 49'V prime timothy , $2.35 ; clover , contract grade , JS.OOHi 10.00. PROVISIONS Mess pork , per bbl. , JS.'OW (0.15. ( I > ; ird , per 1W ) Ibs. . $5.15f5.20. ? Short ribs sides ( loose ) , $5.15'jn.-0. ' ! Dry salted phonlders ( boxed ) . JT.37'/2B'5.50. Short clear eldes ( boxed ) . J5.4505.05. WHISKY Distillers' finished goods , on basis hlch wines , per gal. , $1.2316. SUGARS Cut loaf , J5.70 : granulated , $5.18. Following are the receipts nnd shipments for today : Articles. Receipts , Shlpm'tn. Flour , bbls 31,000 18,000 Wheat , bu 87,000 7,000 Corn , bu 226,000 97,000 Oats , bu 255,000 11(1,000 ( Uye , bn 0,000 0,000 Hurley , bu 50,000 .11,000 On the Produce exchange today the but ler market was steady ; creameries , 16 © ST.e ; dairies. 16fi22e. Cheese , llrm at 12ffl2e. Kggs , tlrm ; fresh. 20c. M3W YOU ic ( ; IMIIAI : , MAHICIST. QuotntloiiN for Ilio Dny nil VnrlmiM ( ' ( iiiinifidllleN. NEW YORK , Dec. 26. FLOUR. Receipts , 27.012 1 > bl9. ; exports , 35,0 1 bbls. ; sales , 0.780 pkgs. ; extremely dull and possibly tending downward with wheat , although not ciuot- rtbly lower ; Minnesota patents , $3.SOffl.05 ; Minnesota takers , $2.SOf/fl.lO / ; winter patents , $3.0003.75 ; winter straights , } 3.35ft.1.45 ; win ter extra , $2.55f72.9T > ; winter low grades , f2.25'ii2.40. Rye Hour , steady ; fair to good , ta.lOjKi.ifi ; oholco to fiinev , $3.30If3.00. lluck- ivheat Hour , quiet at ? 2.25f2.3j. | HUCKWHEAT-Nomlnal. CORNMKAIDull western SOe - - ; yellow , ; City , 77e ; Hrandywlne , } 2.25i2.35. RYE Dull ; No. 2 western , COVJc. t- " ' ' nHoat ; ctnto rye5ic ( , e. 1. f. , New York , ear lots. UARLEY-Qnlet ; feeding , 43)4e , e. I. f. , New York ; malting , 4Sft53o. o. i. f. , New York , BARLEY IMALT Dull ; west'ern ' , KilfCSc. WHEAT Receipts. 115.C25 bu. : exports , 211.010 liu. Spot , easy ; No. 2 red , 73&c ! , f. o. Hi. , afloat ; No. 1 northern , Duluth , 7S'i' ' ( . f. o. b. , n float ( prompt ) ; .N'O. 1 hard. Duluth , J/0'c ( , f. o. b. , afloat , spot ; No. 2 red , 72Ue , elevator. Options opened steady at Ne ad vance , Inlluencud by a large decrease on imsnage , but subsequently was weakened by n surprisingly heavy Increase. In visible sup ply llgures. The absence of cables and ox- vort nemnml promoted general dullness all day. The close was easy at 'siiUe net de- ollne ; March 7l4 r75e , closed at 7l e ; May , 74Wf751-lCc. closed at 71lSie ; July , 741 * ! 6(75 ( S-lfie , closed at 7l9jOj December , 72Ut/ 72V , Nosed at 721s > ' . C'ORN Receipts , 79.950 bu , ; exports , 03G ! > 5 tin. Spot , lirm ; No. 2. 4flzf. ! f. o. b. , nlloat , nnd ; lie , elevator. Options opened firm at 4r advance In sympathy with the west and on n liberal deoreawe on passage In face of favorable homo weather news. It held ( Irmly all day , with light offerings , and closed very steady at ' fj4e not advance. May , 39f/w / : ie , closed at 39M.C ; December Closed at UV. OATS Receipts. 23.VOO bu. ; exports , 3.K > nil. Spot , ( jnlet ; No. 2 , 29c ; No. 3. 2Si6e ; No. Z white. 31 e : No. 3 while , HO'io ; ti-.uk mixed western , 2SiSOiv ! ; track wlilte , 3lliv. Op- tlon-s dull nml featureless. HAY Stea.ly slilpplng , fi5i(75c ( ; good to choice , 8Wl 5e. HOPS Steady : stnte , fommon to choice. JMiO crop , fie : 1SSS crop. 7ii9c : 1SC9 crop , 12 folli' ; Paclllc eoast. ISM crop , 4H'Jc ; 1SS3 crop , 7SiUiIb99 ; crop. 12fil4e. MIOKS Klrm : Gnlviston. 20 to 25 Ibs. , 19'je ; Texas dry. 21 to 30 Ibs. . ll'ic ; Cali fornia. 21 to 25 U 4. , 21'ie. LIJATHER--Sier.dy ; hemlock sole. liuenos / ; > J .8. 1'Kht ' to heavyweights , 25fll 3' ' ! i. ; acid , " " PKHjVlStONS-'Ueof. dull : family. $12.5 13.00 ; met * . J10.50 ; beef hams. $22.50f2J.OO | ; Vacket , $11.50i12.00 | ; city extra India mess , 121. ( > > { j23.00. Cut meats , quiet ; pic'.led ' bel lies. $5.GOfG.0 | : silck'.ed shoulders. $5.75 ; jilckled hams , $ .S.35 (1 ( .00. I/ani , quiet ; went- 'rn Bteamed , J3.SO ; rellnwl , steady ; eon- tlnent , tii.tiO : South America , JG.40 ; corn- lit , und , $525Si5.371s. Pork , steady ; mes , ilO.OOji'lO.SO ; hhort clear. ll.fKiai2W ; family , J10.Wifl2.50. Tallow , t-toudy ; city ( $2 per jkg i , 5o ; country ( pkgs. free ) . I'juSc. ItlCE Quiet ; domestic , fair to extra , 4 } t\e ; Japan , 44&5c. MO1 < ASSKS Steady ; New Orleans open kettle , good to choice. MJilo- . PEANl'TS-.StMuly ; fanvy haml-plcke l , < iHH ' ; other domestli' , 3M.84c. t'A'HBAdU-dlnndy ' ; I.OHJT IsUnd , fl.Ou/ t.OI per 100. FRElGHTS-To Llvet-jiool , dull : cotton by Fttvtm. J&s ; grain by Htc-Jin , M , nominnl. Ml-rrALS-The feature of the day In jnctnla was a decided siltTenlng of the lead m.fcrkft. duo to a sud'.len Increase In de- inand nnd more favorable IUV H from Jon - n > estlc points Spelter displayed more nr Jesa Irregularity , pig iron was depressed " downward while the other nU tenillnt" , do- pn.rtmetrts were lfv M of new develop- merits. At the floue the Metal exchange fail.d ciielter easy at $4.55fi I.fi2'6 ; lead , llrm at $ l.70-il.75. ( tin , quiet nt $ 'l.3I i:4.C214 : ; lake < ' pper. dull at $ lfi.fiO ; pig Iron warrants , lower for futures. The brokers' price for lend Is $ l.4f and for copper $16.50. 0.11 AH. v isnxnitAi , .iiAHKivr. Condllloii iif 'I'rnde nnd Qtinlntlnim on Slntilp nnd I'Vincy Produce. Ktias- Receipts light ; fresh stock , weak nt 15c. DRESSED POULTRY - Choice to fancy turkey.i , MiO',6c ' ; ducks , 6i7c ? ; geese , 716'ciSc ; spring tihlckens. HCl6c ; hens , fie ; roowtcrs , 4'i c j.-.jv " " " " " ' ' 0' f-r doz. , 75c. VEALS-Cholee , c. OA.MK Prairie chickens , per doz. , J3.EO : ET ° " ? | ; ' > > : quail. ) .er doz. . $1.25 ; mallardB , W.OMJ3.a > : blue wing t-al. $1.75 : green wing' , lenl , Jl.2ogi.60 ; mixed ducks. $1.50 2.00. OUSTERS Medium , per tan , ISc ; stand- nrd , per can. c : bulk standard , per gal. . i $1.2. , ; oxlra select ? , per can , SOc ; extra selects , per gul . $1.60 ; New York counts , per _ can , 37c ; Now York counts , per 100 , I > i ilAY tlphind , choice , { 6.50 ; midland , I I ! choice , $6 ; lowland , choice , $5 ; rye straw , ! choice , $5.50 ; No. 3 corn. 27c ; No. 3 white loins , 221ic ; cracked corn , per ton , $12 ; corn 'and ' oats , chopped , per Ion , $12.50 ; bran , per ion , $13 ; shorts , per ton. $14. VEOETA1ILES. SWEET POTATOES-Per bbl. . Illinois , 13 : Jerseys , J5 ; large bbls. , Nebraska , J2.75 , POTATOES-Pcr bu. , choice , 30i40c. I CAHUAOE-Pcr lb. , Hfcc ; Holland seed , CAULIFLOWER-Pcr crate , $2.60. CHAXniJUUIKS-Ucll & Uuele , per bbl. , $6.50 ; Jerseys. $6.23. ONIONS Hotnll way , yellow , G3c ; red , 75 ! < flS5c. CICLERY-Per doz. . 25030c ; California , per bunch , 45c. , TtTUNIPS Hutnbngas. per lb. . H4c ; Cnna- dlan. IHW ic. WATERCRESS-Pcr IG-qt. cases , $1.CO. MUSHIlOOMS-Per lb. box. , OOc. I TOMATOES-Florlda , per G-baskct crate , , I ' FRUITS. APPLES Choice western Hhlpplnc stock , I $3.00713.50 ; New York stock , $3.75JT4.00. GRAPES California Emperor , $2 ; Catnw- bap , per small basket , ISc ; Malaga grapes , per bbl. , J7.UOfl9.00. TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANGES Mexican , per box. $3 ; Cal ifornia navels , per box , $3.50113,75. LEMONS California fancy , $1.25 4. 50 ; cholco California , $4.00Q4.50 ; Messina , $4.50H > MISCELLANEOUS. HONEY Per 24-wctlon case , $3.25 3.50. NUTS Hickory nut. " , large , per bu. , $1 : shell barks , $1.25171.33. FIGS California layers , per 10-lb. box , $1 ; California carton , per 10-lb. box , $1.10. MAPLE Sl'GAR-Per lb. . 9c. HIDES , TALLOW , ETC. HIDES No. 1 green hides , S'/.c ' ; No 2 green hides , 7 < 6c ; No. 1 salted hides , 10c ; No. 2 salted hides , 9c ; No. 1 veal calf , 8 to 12 Ibs. , 9c ; No. 2 veal calf , 12 to 15 His. , Sc. TALLOW. GREASE , ETC.-Tallow. No. 1 , 4c ; No. 2 , ? 3'ic ; rough , 2c ; white grease , I 294Q314c ; yellow and brown grease , 21 03c. I CHRISTMAS GREENS. TREES 5-ft. , per doz. , $2 ; 5 to S-ft. , per ' doz. , J2.00 ; 7 to 9-ft. , per doz. , $3.EO ; 8 to Il-ft. , per doz. , $4.50 ; extra largo sizes , 12 , to 24-ft. , J2.00fJ4.00. | HOLLY HRANCIIES Per case of about GO UN. . Jl.507i5.00 ; per bbl. . J1.50iT1.75. MISTLETOE HRANCH'ES-Per lb. , 20c ; per 23-lb. box. $375 ; wreathing , 20 yds. , 75c. St. l.oillx ( irnln r.iid I'mflHloiin. ST. LOUIS. Dec. 23. WHEAT Lower ; No. 2 red , cash , elevator. Otic ; track , 7H4fP 72c ; December , ( ' ' "gc : May , 70f)4c ) ; No. 2 hard , C5r/Gfi'6c ; reeelpts , 57.6SG bushels. , CORN-FIrm ; No. 2 cash , 30 > ' , c : track , 31V4fi31-Sc ( ; December , nO'jsc ; May , 31C. OATS Easy ; No. 2 cash , ! 34c ; track. ! 2114c ; December , 23)4c ; May , 25c ; No. 2 white , 25 > ,6T ( < 2Sc. UYi3 l < "irm at G3c. FLOUR-Qulet ; patents , $3.45 3.15 ; extra fancy , $3.10(1(3.15 ( ; clear , $2.755/2.90. SBBDS Timothy , $2.0002.35. Flaxseed , dull at $1.41. HllAN Steady ; sacked , east track , G2c. HAY Timothy , llrm at $11.00011.50 ; prai rie. dull at $7.00T8.00. | WHISICY-Stoady at $1.23'i. COTTONTIES-$1.05. BAGGING SfTiGUc. . HEMP TWINE-Oc. PROVISIONS Pork , , steady ; jobbing , $9.50 , old ; Jll.W , new. Lard , lower ; prime stuuin , $5.20 ; choice , $5.25. Dry salt meats , extra aborts , $5.3716 ; clear ribs and sides , $5.50. liacon , extra Hhorts , $5.8716 ; clear ribs and sides , $ G. METALS Lead , higher at $1.GO. Spelter , dull at $4.00. POULTRY Steady : chickens , 5c ; turkeys , 7c ; ducks , Ge ; geese , EC. RECEIPTS Flour , 7,000 bbls. ; wheat , 5S- 000 bu. ; corn , 147,0(30 ( bu. ; oats. 85,000 bu. SHIPMENTS Flour , 10,000 bbls. ; wheat , 13,000 bu. ; corn , 205,000 bu. ; oats , 13,000 bu. Itiiller , KKK mill CliccMe .llnrkcl. PHILADELPHIA. Dec. 26. BUTTER Fancy western creamery , 27'/.Q'JSc ; fancy western nrlnts , 29c. EGGS Firm ; fres5i nearby nnd western , 21c ; fresh southwestern , 19c ; fresh south ern , ISe. CHEESE Firm and c.ulet. ST. LOUIS , Dec. 26. BUTTER Quiet ; creamery , 232G6c < ! ; dairy. I9f23c. NEW YORK , Dec. 26. BUTTER Re ceipts , 9,952 pkgs. ; strong ; western cream ery , 23fiJ7c : Juno creamery , 22jf2516c ; fac tory , 15ViTi20c. ( CHEESE Receipts , 0,810 pkgs. ; Hrm ; fall-made fancy , small , 124ffl2c ; fall-made fancy , large , 124T)13c ; Intr-rnnde , small , 12fil2'4c ; large , lato-made , 11S45T12C. EGGS Receipts , 5,050 iikgs. ; steady ; west ern , ungraded , at mark , 15i21c ; western , 23c. loss off. CHICAGO , Dec. 26. BUTTER Steady ; crenmorlcsi. 16fiC5c ; dairies , ] 6J22c , EGGS Finn : fresh , 20c. KANSAS CITY , Dec. 26. BUTTER Creamery. 22Ti24c ; dairy , 17c. EGOS Fresh , steadier , owing to small mipply ; Missouri and Kansas stock , firsts , selling nt IGc , cases returned ; storage , 10@ He. KIIIIMIIN Clly C nil n nnd I'rnvlxlonn. KANSAS CITY , Doc. 26. WHEAT Slay , GOlic ; cash , No. 2 hard , G3fl63V&o ; No. 3 , MJifHc ; No. 2 red , K9Jf70c ; No. 3 , 6ig6Sc ; receipts , 135 cars. CORN May , 291JC ; cash , No. 2 mixed , 2Si.if/2.T4c ! ! ; No. 2 white , 2S' fj2S4c : ; No. 3. 2Sf2SUc. | OATS-NO. 2 white. 21021140. RYE-NO. 2 , tsc. HAY Choice timolhy , $9.00579.50 : choice prairie. $7.0007.60. RECEIPT'S ( For t'hreo ' days ) Wheat , Sl- CK > 1 bu. ; corn. 73.400 ; o.its , 51,000 bu. SHIPMENTS Wheat. 21,600 bu. ; corn , 3- 40U bu. ; oats , 3,000 bu. VF. | | | . | < - Supi.ly of C nil n. NEW YORK" , Dec. 26.-Tho statement of the visible supply of grain In store nnd alloat on Saturday , December 23 , as compiled - . piled by the New York Produce exchange , ' Is ns follows : Wheat. 5S.S7S.oOfl bu. : Increase. 1.785,000 bu. corn , I2ii'l,000 : bu. ; Increase. 776,000 bu. Oats B , 173.000 bu. ; Increase. 91,000 bu. Rye. 1.319- ' OOfl bu. : Increase. 3.000 bu. ; barley , 2.612,000' ' bu. ; decrease , 49,000 bu. ' 'Toledo Market , TOLEDO. O. , Dec. 2ii. Wll'EAT Weak ; ' futures lower ; No. 2 cash and December , C9 .e : Mav.73i'c. . , COIIN Dull but steady : No. 2 mixed. 3 ° c I OATS Dull but steady : No. 2 mixed , 2lc. ! . PVF-N'omliml : Nn. 2 cash , 53c , SEEDS Clovr-m-cd. dull but steady ; prltnii cash. ol t , JI.S5 ; December , $5C21 < . ; March. J5.70 bid MlniieniioIlM U'licnt nnil Flour , MINNEAPOLIS. Dec. 26. WHEAT-In Hlore : No. 1 northern , December , ni'io ' ; May. fifii-ic : July , 67"sc. On track : No. 1 bard , i > 7e : No. 1 northern , CS'io : No. 2 north- ' ern. 62' . e. I FLOl'H-Flr-Jt natenls , J3.10ff3.SO : second patents. J3.20i3.30 ; first clear , $2.2032.30. ! HRAN-Ill bulk. S11.00S11.25. v IJrp.lii Market. MILWAUKEE. Dec. 20. WHEAT Lower : No. l northern , fiGl e ; No. 2 north ern. risrn" | ( > c. II YE Stead v ; No. 1. 55He IIARLEY-Steody ; No. 2 , 431icj sample , IlnlnCi ( J nil n .Iliirkel , DULUTH. Dee. 2rt.-WIIEAT-No. 1 hard , cash , Gte : No. 1 northern , cash , file ; Decem ber. Gl'4c ' ; May OSc ; July , fli'lc ' ; No. 2 northern , Gll = c ; No. 3 spring , 09e. > Yuri ; .Illnlnu' Slnclio , NEW YORIC , Dec. 26.Tho following nre the oflU'lnl closing quotations for min ing shares : _ Chollar 15 Ontario "so Crown Point . . . . 10 Ophlr GS Con. Pal. & Vn..l i Plymouth 8 Dead wood 40 iQulck lver 1V > Ooulil fr Currle. . SI do nfd 750 Hale & Norcross. 34 loicrra Nevada . . 40 tiimiroiiic * f'M .pinndnrd SIB Iron Silver 50 il'iilon Con 2.1 Mexican . . . . . . . 3S Yellow Jacket . .21 I'orelirii I'liiaiielnl. PARIS. Dec 26. Prlreu opened very firm on the bourse today , but soon reacted , Tat dullncps became more mafked during the afternoon. prices falling away. Knflint were heavily affected on the rumor that Lady.omlth had fallen. Three per cent rentes. 9Sf OOc for the account ; exchange on . IxHidon , ? 5f 3516c for checks ; Spanish 4s. | (15.10. ( LONDON. Dee. 2(5. ( Gold premium nt Madrid. 27.55 ; Lisbon , 4X50. MOVK.11UXTS OF STOCKS AMI HOMIH. Dull Dny Mnrl < N ( iralcful Itellef from Ilint A\'e < > U'N Ttirinolt. N1-3W YORK , Dec. K Wall street spent n very dull day ami took much comfort therefrom ns a grateful relief from tliu painful activities of last week. The fact that thn stock exchanges In Isondon niid In Germitiy were closed had an Inlluen-o toward dullness In view of the great im portance attached to Mie course of events nt those centers. The London market par ticularly will bu eagerly scanned tonv.r- . row to get an Idea of the progress of the 1 settlement whltn has caused grave anxl"iy , ' The strength shown by International 'stocks In this market \\tis an Indl-Mtlon of l , thl confidence In a quiet settlement In I London. 'I'he Ivohdon market for Americans has become so narrow and l * tu subject to mniilputatlons that the cabin iiuotatlons In oUur parts of the market were . . uted before conclusions were Jr.iwn. Sterling ixcbaiige In New York w.is without quot- nuiij change nr. l tomorrow's steamers take only a single shipment of gohl , amounting to $50Uw.O. The yterllng exchange rate In Paris reacted fully 3'i centimes , Indicating n notable relaxation In the Ijondan jiressuro on that center. Here the money matket ruled easy nil day , from 216 to 6 per cent. These various Indications awaken some con- ltdenco that the stress of the preparations for the January 1 disbursements of divi dends and Interest Is past. Depositing of Internal revenue pa > moils In banks here continues and the course of Interior exchange Is In favor of New ork. The ( inlet course of events In Hoston to'lny was also viewed with much satisfaction from Wall street. The consequence was ,1 market which displayed many examples of marked strength , although the dealings were very dull throughout. That the de mand was considerably made Up from the short Interest was evident from the large galius shown by stocks which have been recent sufferers from bear manipulation. There was some professional bidding up of prices In opposition to the bears , as there was an appreciable demand through com mission houses. The higher range ct prices did not brliiB any sever ? pressure on liqui dation , leaving fair grounds for coi.ildenco that forced liquidation Is at an end. The market recedtd at Intervals In a semi-stagnant condition , but t'he closing was strong though very dull. A number of specialties showed gains ranging from 1 to 4 points nnd many railroads are a point or more higher. The bond market was Irregular , specula- IIOMtllll StOl'U OlIllllllloilN. BOSTON , Dec. 2G. Call loans , Gfi7 per cent ; time loans , Ofi'U per cent. Otllelal closing quotations of stocks , bonds and mining shares : CondUlon of llu > TrciiMiiry. WASHINGTON , Dec. 20. Today's nt ; te. ment of the condition of the treasury Hhnws : Available cash balance , { 29IS72G79 ; gold reserve , $2H3S3.517. Hunk ClciirlniiM. NEW YORK. Dec. 26.-Clearlng. " , J121.5S2. MS : balances. $7.41'.56S ' HOSTON. Due. 26. I'learlngs , ? 17,300.597 ' balances $2.001.434. I CHICAUO , Dee. 26-Clearings , * 2J,307.n92 : balancei' . $1.257.772 ; pjsted exchange. IIM' ' Sj4 hf > l4 : New York exchange. 3or premium. BALTIMORE. Dec 26.-Clearings. $3.174.- 416. balanceB , $725.211 i ST. LOUIS , Dec. 28.-Clearlng8 , I6S5ISii6 ; o. $427.7fi ; money. ITi' per cent ; New York exchange , { 1 discount bid , OOe dis count asked. PIIILADILPHIA , Dec. 2t-ciearing ; ! , $ H.S4M5 ; balances. $2,071,251. I Wool RnSTON. Dee. 2 i.-WOOL The holiday season has not bad much effect on the wool market. The demand continues quiet. but values are llrm. Holders are asking ( Sc for medium line and tine , while the staple article is ending for 70c. Fleece wools are slow , but the market holds llrm. Following are the quotations for leading descriptions : Ohio and Pennsylvania llecces , N and above , 337K)4c ) ; XX nnd XX and above , .154) ) 3dc , delaine. SSfMOe ; No. 1 comb ing , 3S'iV3.'lc ; No. 2 eomblnp , 35T/Sic. / ! Michi gan , WIseonMn , etc. X Michigan , 27'/2Sc ' / ; No. 1 Michigan combing. 35i/.lt5c ; No. 2 Michigan combine , 3Ui.,5c ; Xo. 1 Illinois combing , SSTiSBc : No. 2 Illinois combing , 31 ff/i5e / : ; X New York. New Hampshire and Vermont , 2iM727e : No. 1 New York , New Hampiblre ! mid Vermont , MflKie : delaine , Michigan. 3tTi35c : unwashed medium , etc. , Kentucky and Indiana quarter-blood comb- Ing. 27 < ii2Sc : three-eighth * blood , 29'30c ; braid combing , 2'Mi2lc ; lake and flenrgla , 2lf/25e. / Territory wi.ols Montana and Da kota line medium and line , 221i24c ; s.-coiired , G0fi 5c ; staple , fiiMj7'ic ; Utah , Wyoming , line medium nnd line , ivuSle ; scoured , OliJHUc ; staple , C.5iflSe ; Idaho tine medium nnd line , ISfj21e : scoured , niii/CSc ; medium , 20Ti2c ; l scoured , r)2''iGlc. Australian , scoured baslt , I spot prices Combing , s'.iperllne , S51iWc ! ; i good , fs5JS7c | : average , Sac. ! NEW YORK . Dec. 2G.-WOOI , Dull ; do mestic lleece , SlffiSfic ; Texa1l5717c. . ST. LOUIS. Dec. 2fi.WOOlQlllet but s steady ; medium grades , l f l c ; light , line. ' 17Ti2lc ; heavy , line , HTflSc ; tub wtuhed , 2.1if 35c. i iiiin-i , 'j. . i , * > t'llllicr , * lt. . rijiiii UHIM u l-16e higher : nothing doing ; middling gulf , i 7"Kc ; middling upland , 7-V'l sales , 202 bales. | NEW ORLEANS , Dee. 2rt. COTTON Steady ; sales , 2ino bales ; ordinary. G lt-16c ; gocd ordinary , fi 11-lile middling 1-Kc , - ; low , 7 - ; i middling , 70-lCc : good mldilllng , 7' c ; midI - I dllng fair , 713-lfie ; receipts. 2,133 bales ; I stock , 403.35S bales. Futures steady ; De- September , $6.75 bid ; October , $6.17 bid. ST. LOUIS , D. > e. 26-COTTON-Qnlet and unchanged : sales , mo bales ; middling. 70-lGe ; receipts , 3.S53 bales ; shipments , 5,115 bales ; stock , 105.27S bales. CotVee Hlnr ! * < . NEW YORK. Dec. 2fl.-COFFEE Futures opened steady at unchanged prices to 5 points decline and ruled exceptionally dull with a weak undertone , following unsatis factory European cables and Indifferent public Interest. Transactions wore excep tionally small , with sx-nrcely 5 points varia tion all day. The market closed quiet nnd unchanged to 5 points lower ; total sales , 9.250 bags. Including January at S5.S5 ; Mnrch , $6.05 : Mnv. $6.10 : July , $6.15fj6.20 ; Au gust , $6.25 ; September , $6.30. Spot , Rio. dull' ' and nominal : No. 7 'nvolee , Gic ; No. 7 job bing , 7Uc. Mild , quiet ; Cordova , S3J12 ! c. Snariir Mnrliet. NEW YORK , Dec. 26. SUGAR Raw , tlrm ; held higher ; fair refining. 3 13-lGc bid. Refined , steady ; mould A , 4c ; standard A , 4 ! 5-16e ; confectioners' A. 415-lCc ; cut loaf , n9-lCc ; crushed , 59-Hic ; powdered , Olic ; granulated , 53-16c : cubes , 55-16c. NEW ORLEANS , Dec. 2li.-SUC.AR- Quiet ; open kettle , 3p3"sc ; open kettle , cen trifugal , 3Hlic ' ; centrifugal , plantation granulated. 49-lGe ; whites. % ? ? ! ; yellow , STifi'Hic ' ; seconds , 2"'sW4 3-lGc. MOLASSES Quiet ; open kettle , G7 < 0'40c ; centrifugal , SJi30c ; syrup , 345i39c. UrjioodN MiirlJet. NEW YORK , Dec. 26. DRY OOODS- The market opened without material change In conditions. Trade moderate In all de partments and on export account. Sellers are not pushing for business In any direc tion In either cotton nr woolen goods await ing new developments. Print cloths are Inactive In both rejrular and odd goods , without ebaiiKe in prices. Outward move ment of merchandise again large. Jobbers' clearance sales on this week and bargain lots rapidly cleared up. Oil MnrUel. OIL CITY. I'll. . Dec. 26. OILS Credit bal ances , no bids ; shlpjn'ijijts , 11G.7S5 bbls. ; av erage. 72.231 bbls. ; runs , ItS.SflS bbls. ; aver age. S1.3S6 bbls. NEW YORK , . -I > e'j. ( , 26.-OILS-Flrm ; prime crude , 2Se ; prime yellow. 32c. Pe troleum , steady ; refined New York , $9,90 ; Philadelphia and Baltimore. $9.S- ; Philadel phia and Baltimore , In bulk , $7.20. Ro ln , quiet : strained , common to good , $1.45. Tur pentine , steady at 5116'fT52c. Cnllfornln Urled FrnllN. NEW YORK. Dec. 26. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS A good demand prevailed for prime evaporated apples and the mar ket continues firm. Country advices were bettor. State evaporated apples , common , IWJCHc ; prime , ( W(7e ( ; choice , 7-V | < fiSlSc ; fancy , SHOTc. California dried prunes. 3 % ( TiSc per lb. . as to size and quality. Apri cots , Royal. ISftlSe : Moor Park , 15W1SC. Poaches , peeled , 20f(22c ; unpeelcd , 7'ifl'lOc. MACIJOXAMl OF OMIM'HSIAX. Flfjlilliiir OiinlHIo.s of Hie Mnii Who SneceedN ficiiernl Wniicbope. G. W. Steevens , the correspondent In "With Kitchener to Khartoum , " says : The Khnlifa brought up his own black banner again ; his stancheet die-hards drove It into tlie earth and looked their ranks about It. The green Hag danced encourage ment to the Allah-intoxicated battalions of Wad Helu nnd the Sheikh-cd-Dln. H was victory or paradise now. For us it was victory or shredded flesh and "bones unburled , crackling under the red slippers of Daggara victors. It was the very crux and crisis of the light. If Macdonald went , Lewis on his left and Colllnson and the supporting camel corps and the newly returned cavalry , all on his right or rear , must all go , too. The Second British nnd Second Egyptian brigades were far off by now , advancing by the left of Surglinm Hill ; If they had to bo recalled the Khalifa would walk back to his stronghold and then all our lighting was to begin nnow. Hut Hunter Pacha was there and Macdon ald Hey wns there , born fighting men both , whom no danger can flurry nnd nn sudden r.hlft In the kaleidoscope nf battle discon cert. Hunter sent for Wauchope's First Hrltlsh hrlgndo to nil the gap between Muc- donaJd and Lewis. The order went to < ! en- eral Ontacro first. Instead of the Slrdnr ; with the coldlor's Instinct , ho sent the bri gade moving on the instant. Thn khaki columns faced around and edged rlghtward , rlghtwnrd. until the fighting line was backed with 3,000 Lco-Metfortls , which no mnn on earth could face nnd llvo. Liter the Llncolna were moved fnrlher still nn to Mnrdonald's right. They dlfinuto with the Wnrwlcks thn title of the best hootlng regi ment In ll'o nritlBh tirmy ; the men they sl > ot at will dispute no claim of the Un- co'ns forever. Hut the cockpit of thn fight was Mnc- ilonalil'o. The British might avenge his brlgado ; It was hla to keep It nnd to kill off the attack. To meet It ho turned his front through a complete half-circle , facing Kticcesslvcly couth , wtst and north. Every tactician In the armv was delirious In his praise ; the Ignorant correspondent wns con tent to watch the man and his blacks. "Cool as on parado" Is an old phrase ; Macdonnld Hey was very much cooler. Beneath the strong , squaro-hewn face you could tell that the brain was working ns If packed In Ice. Ho sat nolle ! on his horse , and bent his black brows toward the green flag nnd the Remingtons. Then hp turned to n galloper with nn order and cantered easily up to a battalion commander. .Magically the rifles hushed , the stinging powder fmoko wlspeil away , and the companies were rapidly threading back and forward , round and round , In and out , a ? If It were a figure of n dsnee. In two minutes the brlgado waa to gether In n new place. The field In front was hastening toward us In a whltey-hrown cloud of DervlshcH. An order. Macdonald's Jaws gripped nml hardened as the Name spurted nut again , nnil the whltoy-brown cloud qulverod and stood otlll. Ho taw everything ; knew what to do ; Knew how to do it ; did it. At the "Fire. " ho wiis ever brooding watchfully behind hla firing line , lit the "CejihC fire" ho WUB In- 6U < ntly in front of U. nil tan him and knew that they were being nurued to triumph. OMAHA LIVE SI OCR MARKET Oornfcd Steers , if Good , Generally Sell a Little Stronger ! COWS ANU HEIFERS STRONG AND ACTIVE Feeder * In Deniiiiut nt Illuli 1'rleei llon-1 AetMo unit Five to Ten Centfi Illnlier Mieep StroiiK I.iiinlm Fultv Ten CcnliH SOUTH OMAHA , Dec. M. i Receipts were : Gallic. Hogs. Shuep. ' Olliclnl Tuesday 2,011 I.MT 1,1 ! ' . ? Ono Week ago 2,2 1 11,652 JI3J ! Two Weeks ago 3,459 f.,727 3,370 llm-o weeks ago 3,755 7tW 6,2ii Average price paid for lings for the lasi several days with comparisons ; Dec , 1 3 3 2o 3 ill 4 41 | : - VI Dec. 2 .J 3 70 3 to 3 25 , 3 Wt 3 35 | 5 1) | Dec. 3 3 I 3 111 3 231 3 42 , 4 47 . ' 3 $1 3 21 3 16. 3 33. I 3S 5 13 ! I Dec ! B ! ; . ! ! 3 5,0 , , 337 3 09 3 39 | I 27 5 11 ! Dec. t ! 3 Ml 335 3 25 4 3J. . 5 OJ j 1 Dec. 7 3 SI ; 3 322 3 001 3 30 4 35 6 Oti I Dec. g 3 Ml 331) 3 17 ! 3 ID * 4 31 5 14 Dec. 9 3 30 | 3 29 | 3 131 3 211 3 SI 5 15 Dec. 10. . . . 3 Jl 3 13 , 3 21 3 3oj 4 20 | Dec. 11. . . . 39. 3 151 3 Ii 323 I 17 5 14 1 Dec. 12. . . . 3 t 5 3 37 3 'JO 3 31 4 20 | 19 Doc. 13. . . 3 % i 3 3i 3 20 | 3 4 22 , G 07 Doc. 14. . . . 3 US , 3 33 323 | 3 2 $ 3 4 25 5 14 Dec. 15. . . . 3 95 3 2 n 241 3 17 4 U9 5 06 Doc. 16. , . . 3 30 3 29 ! 3 17 3 37 4 92 Dec. 17. . . . 3S6 r. si 3 17 3 40 I 13 Dec. IS. . . . 3 OS 3 31 3 n ; 3 ; M 4 13 I 9J Dec. 19. . . . 3 ! I2 | 3 25 3 ISj 3 311 4 07 | 4 S7 ' Dec. 20. . . . 3 ! M | 32S 333 3 21 | I 11 3 , Dec. 21. . . . 4 Ul 3 32 3 2 ! > | a 17 3 27 4 15 1 74 Dec. 22. . . . I 02 | 3 31 S 2li 3 II - 4 II I It ) , Dee. 2 , ! . . . . 404 , 3 37 3 21' ' 3 11 3 27 + I 93 ! ! Dec. 21. . . . 3 17 3 26 3 191 3 31 4 13 I ' Dee 25. . . . Dec. 26. . . . t 11 350 3 20 | 3 30 I 17 n n Indicates Sunday. Holiday. I ho olllclal number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was : C , M. & St. P. .Mo. Pacific Ry Union P.ic. System. . . . 11 C. & N. W. Ry . i 1 F. , 1C. M. v. n. R. . 7 1S . . , St. P. , SI. , t O , Ry. 10 O U. .t SI. R. R. R. . . . . . 20 14 C. , H. & Q. Ry 1 5 K. C. .t St. J 1 C. , H. I. & p. Ry. , n. 2 1 C. , R. I. , t P. Ry. , W. . . 1 Total receipts 70 61 6 4 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows , each buyer purchasing the num. ber of bead ind'cated : j _ . . Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. I Omaha Packing Co 123 475 I O. II. Hammond Co 209 Gttl Swift and Company 203 5C9 401 Cudahy Packing Co " 01 791 1,517 Armour it Co 162 7Sti Swift nnd Company , from i ' country 95 ' Armour & Co. . S. City 1,457 R. Hecker & Degnn -10 , Lobman & Co 1 W. I. Stephen 179 Hill & HuntzliiBcr 21 Henton K. rnderwood. . . . 35 Huston it Co SS L. Illusz 2 H' . L. Dennly it Co CO Other buyers 30 . . . . J31 Totals 1,558 4,797 2f52 < CATTLE There wcie only a few cattle I here today , some llfteen or twenty loads of I cornfed steers. The quality of the few ' cattle here averaged up very well , theie being some good enough to bring $5.65if ( _ a.Sa. The market In spots seemed to be a 1 little stronger that Is , buyers paid a little . butter inlces for such cattle ns happened j i to i > leac them , but , on the other hand , I there were cattle which did not happen to 1 catch the. eye of u buyer the holders of I I I which thought they were not bid any bet-1 ter price.- * than last week. Cattle that I were a little on the rough order , even | though fat , seemed to be rather neglected. ' Cows and heifers poenied to bo In pretty fair demand and the market on desirable kinds was le-asonably active and a little stronger than at the. close of last week. The offerings for the most part changed hands in a very short time after the mar ket o : > ened. Feeders of good quality were In active , de mand ut vary strong prices. Good feed ing cattle art : selling higher than ever and while the country 'demand Is not so very large H Is considerably larger than the re ceipts , which accounts for the firmness of this market. Common kinds of stock cattle were not very brisk. Representative sales : BEEF STEERS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 1 1217 $4 00 IS 1331 5 10 1 1170 4 00 9 1245 S 10 5 8S2 4 00 20. .1231 5 15 1 705 4 20 2.1 977 r , 25 1 810 4 25 22 1131 f , 3fl 1 1110 4 25 .12G1 5 30 1 1430 4 50 21 1279 1 1210 4 CO 20 121K 5 35 1 900 4 75 18 1S10 r 10 17 1303 4 75 24 lffil r. 45 21 1126 475 35 12CI ) B 4-5 3 830 4 35 21 12SS . . 50 33 1321 4 S3 18. . . .1297 5 1.5 23 H21 4 8.1 18. . . .1383 5 SO 23 1337 4 85 13 HCS 5 SO 21 1036 I 9'J ' COWS. 1 780 2 50 20.o . 953 3 10 3 783 2 0 o ' .1210 3 15 1 10ft ) 2 ffi 17. .1050 3 20 4 1010 2 65 19 100 ? 325 1 910 2 65 1 1220 3 25 3 1023 275 1 1050 3 25 1 SSO 2 75 1 1070 325 1 1010 275 17 lOG.'J 3 25 37 10.17 335 ' ' " 3. ! ! ; ; . ! ! 880 2 75 21 113,1 ,1 40 2 1010 2 80 3 1126 3 10 fi 1051 2 SO II 1126 3 40 4 972 2 ST. 2 12CO 3 50 1 1201 2 K5 10 931 3 ) 1 10SO 285 2 990 3 60 1 1180 2 85 fi 11S3 ? 115 r 1164 300 13 120S 370 1 1000 300 3 1176 3 75 2 DOT. 3 01 IS 101S 8 80 12 lOflfl 3 05 20 1P9 ? 3 SO 1 1170 3 IW 2 ! > V 4 00 1 S60 3 05 4 1085 4 00 11 9'lt 3 10 5 122S 4 10 5 919 3 10HEIFKRS. 1 1010 I 15 HEIFKRS. 1 620 3 ! . " , 6 821 3 SO 1 720 3 60 1 920 1 00 1 f > 50 3 50 4 1t4- , I 10 1 CIO 3 75 1 1250 4 .10 1 1010 3 75 -ik 13M G0 ° 1 1290 3 JO 1 900 335 1 1110 3 20 1 14TO 350 3 13S6 3 20 1 1400 36" 11 1314 .115 1 1P10 3 ; I liel ji T ; 1 mnn 400 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. . . . 3 ( f ) 1 1IW 4 15 r.io a F.O 35 . 611 4 I1 ! 3 r,70 , 3 so 15 . 622 I 20 1 720 375 19 . 747 4 35 fll fffl. 3 90 KS . 747 I .TO 1 rm , 4 00 21 . 727 1 50 ST5 I on STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS. 2 oo i 3 no . 610 3 ( V ) 740 340 STEERS AND HEIFERS. 12 . 1110 4 SOCALVES. CALVES. 3 4W ) n 00 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 1' . ! . . . . . . . MO t SO 1 170 6 75 i sso r.oo _ 1GO n " STAGS : 2 1145 3 SO HOGS Receipts of hoes were Just what might be expected the dnv fol'owlng ' a holi day. It was , In fact , a Mond'iy's run nnd It seemed a freed deal 1'ke a Mnmliiv's mar ket , .except that there wn more life than usual on the first day of the week. Huy- ers all ceemed anxious for hogs and worn out early looking for sii'iplles. with the re sult that under Iho Influence of the very irond demand and the favorable advices from other points the market at this point was f.f(10e ( higher. The trade WIIH active at the advance noted ami the most of the . hogH on sale changed hands in a very short time. It will be notisl from the sales be low thai the popular r.irigo was $ I.10 } < 4.1214. while on Saturday almost everything sold at $4. ( > 2'.f'iawith ' n 11.10 top. Shippers will bear In mind that the sea son la near at hand when good heavy range liogs are liable to null bolter than light hogfs , especially If the. light hogs nro on the "sklppy" order. Itepresenlallvo nnk'H : ' 74 . . 219 40 4 10 7 ! > . . 21 ! JO 4 15 fi'J .2 1 . . . t 10 fiS . . . 212 40 4 15 ' 70 350 200 4 1S > * I SHKI5P There were n few lo.id * of sheep I nml lambs In the yard * this morning , which cold at prices entirely fnllsfnetory to iMl- ' ors. Sheep were nt least strong and lambs 1 10c higher. Htiver i seeinfd to want n few U nd and picked up praetlenUy everything In good season. Ewes < tf good quality with some Wether * on them sold at $1.75. A bunch of heavy but good quality western yearllncs went nt $1.30. Some good light Mixlcan yf.irllngs , with n few ewes mixed In with ihetn , also brought Jl.SO. Good western lambs sold at $ > .15. Qunititlons : Good to choice fed yearling ! " , J4.2.Vff4..V > : < ? oed to choice heavy wether1. ! S4.OOfM.25 ; good to choice light wethers. $4.25 fn.40 ; u'ood to choice fed owes. $3 iSfrl.ti ) ; fair to good fed ewes , $3.4fl8f3.65 : good to choice natlvtlatnlis , f3.1Wfw.fiO ; good to choice fed wc lern lambs , SVinttfi.SS ; fair to ! I good fed western Inmb. ' , $ l.75Sif..OO . ; feeder wethers , $3.7.VJ3. ! ! > 0 : feeder yearlings. $ i.oo-f ( 4.25 ; good to choice feeder lambs. SI.2MH Ml ; fair to good fredlliR lambs , $4.00yi.2o ; feeder ewes , $2.25573.00. No. Av. Pr. S3ii western ewe. 113 J.I 75 ' ' IBS western yearlings lit ISO 517 Mexican tnlxid 7i * 450 2.9 { western lambs. . . 75 5 15 ClIICAliO l.ivn STOCK MAUKI4T. I ! I CIIMN and Ciuinliiii Cuttle Illitber , | lloitn nnd Sheep lieiiernlly Illulier , Dec. 2'i.-CATTLE-Good ] ' CHICAGO. - - to , choice steers and Texans steady and oth ers slow ; cow market nnd canners loc higher : good to choice , $3.lrvfifl.75 ; po.ir to medium. } l.25Jt" > .25 ; mixed stockers , $3.tnVii > 3.80 ; scJected feeders , $ l.2.VfT.SO ! ; good to oholre cows. $3 rJVfJI.RO : heifers. $ I.OMi I Tr , ; canners. N25fi3.li' : bulls , SJ.VWil 10 ; calvec , $1.001i7.25 ; fed Texas steers , $ l.255TTi.25. HOGS Active and mostly lOc higher , good clearance ; mixes ! and liutchers. fl OS''i I.SO ; good to choice heavy , SI.15 71.Ti ; rough heavy , JIO.X/1.10 . ; light , S3.W5I.25 ; bulk of "ales , $ l.ir.f l.25. SHEEP Active nnd 10713e blcher ; native wethers. $ I.Z5M ! W : lambs. $4.00 600 ; west ern wethers , $ l.00fl-l.63 ; western liimb.Sl.ffi fiR.SO. I RECEIPTS-Callle. S.500 head ; \\os \ * . ll.ftX ) head ; Phce ] ) , 1" > , COO brad. SI. I. ( nils I , Ire SlncU. ST. LOl'lS , Doc. 2i'-CATTLE-Re < 'elpts , 1,100 head. Including COO head Texans ; mar ket Iflfiluc higher for natives and lito higher for Tcxiinp ; native shipping attil ex port sticrs. JI.7.Vi7."i ; ilrcfwd beef anil butcher ulcers. $ l.HtJ/8.50. ( with best grades wort.h . J7.00 ; steers under l.oro Ibs . $1.C lif > 4 S5 ; Miockers * anil feeders , $3251i5.0 ( > ; OOWH ami heifers. J2.WSiJ.on : c.inners. J1.5oiij3 oi ; bulls , J2. 0'M.OO ; Texas ar..l ' liull.in steers , $3.f > 0i5.00 ; cows and heifers. J2.riOfi.1Xi. ; HOOS-Recelpts 3.100 head : market 10 < i715c j higher , the advane being on best grades ; pics and lights. $ l.t/5Si4.15 ; packers , Jl.OOft' 4.20 ; butchers , JI.2flft4..Tl , SHEEP Receipts. 300 head ; market 1Vf ( { 15e higher ; nathe muttons , J3.501i4 3 ; lambs , J4.OOTjG.55. KniiN.-iN City Iilvi > Stock. KANSAS i 1TV. Dec. -CATTLE ; Re- ceits. : ' . " .TOO liea < l natives and 100 bead Tex- ails ; all grades of killing steers lower ; bi'teher cow and Hlwkers and feeders s'.eady : heavy native steers , f , * > .20ti < i.iri ; llght- weights. $ l > TiT/5.50 ; stockers and feeders. W.BOTiii.OO : Imti'hera' ' cows and brffers. f.1 10 5i'5lO ( ; < aiint-rs , $2.50513.10 ; f l westerns , J4.1W < jU.25 ; western feeders , J .lOTj l.l'.i ; Texans , ? , ! S5r < 1.25. HOGS Receipts. 5,710 head ; supply too lljrht for de.mand ; prices rulrxl STilOc higher ; l-.wivy and mixed. Jl.ll'ViiiiCUVs : liR'ht ' , JI.U7'- , C I.17U ; pBs | , J3.35fi.1.75. S1IK131' Ricelpts. 1.250 bead ; llRht sup ply dlspofi'd of readily at UIK 'hanged ' prices , l.inrbs $ I.M"i/3.10 ; muttons , $ l.lOi'1.25 ; stock- era ana feeders. J3.0 > jil.50 ; culls , VIMV \ . > rk I.lvtStoelc. . NEW YORK , Dec. X UBEVKS-Ro- celpts , Kit head ; no trade of consequence ; feelhiR llrm ; no cable quotations received ; shipments , none ; tomorrow , 850 cattle , 1,112 sheep and 9,70 ( ! quarters of beef. CAIA'KS Receipts , ISO bead ; steady ; veals. S5.oOfS.25 ( ; barnyard and fed calves , $3.00fil.tlO ; southern cnlves. J3.12'i.li7'.30. ! SHISICP AND IjAMIiS Receipts , 7GO head ; 151/- cars on sale ; sheep , linn ; lambs 15o higher ; all sold ; sheep , $ .1.(0f l.53 ; lambs , $ b.lOfG.25 ( ; one deck , JG.40 ; Canada lambs , Jti.S. HOGS Receipts. 3,371 head ; market 10JJ 15o higher ; good bogs , Jf.Gf. . St. Jnseiili Live Stock. SOUTH ST. JOSEPH , Mo. , Dec. 2G. ( Spe cial. ) Journal quotes : CATTM3 Receipts , 1,500 head : market steady to lOc lower ; natives , J3.flOJi5.G5 : Texas and westerns , J3.2ofi5.50 ; cows and heifers , J2.00ti1.50 : bulls uml stags , $2.dO ® 4.65 ; yenrllnns and calves , $3.50fi 1.95 ; stoek- ers and feeders , J3.10J74.50 ; veals , $1.2jfi > 0.75. lions Receipts , 2,400 head ; market 7'/jli1 ' lOc higher : all grades. J4.10f4.22'i. ; bulk of mlcs , $1.151(4.20. ( SI I ICE I ' Receipts , 300 head ; market steady ; demand strong. .Stoelc In Sllilit. Following are the receipts at the four principal western markets for December 20 : Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. South Omaha . 2.011 I.M7 1.13 ? Chicago . 8.500 11.000 ] 8,00il Kansas City . b.700 5,710 1,250 St. Louis . 1.1 ( 3,00 : > COU Totals 20,311 25,457 20,743 HEM ) Ul * AX JII.ICVA'I'KI ) THAIN. AVeury IIrool < lyti "ilciii IlloeUw 11 Ililii- uliiK Seheiliilc * nt HiiMli IlonrN. A tall man with a briskly red mustache , who was one of three passengers that stood on an elevated wtatloji jiliitform of the Lexington avenue line In Rrooklyn the other night while several trains i > ased wltliout stopping , Dually held up one train single handed. The time was about 5:30 : o'clock , leports the New York Sun , itinl the elevated roaOi generally rush trains through at I'hat ' hour without stopping at many of the stations. The olijedt IH to leach the Olg crowds at the bridge terminus. Following this rule several trains rushed by the sta tion while the tall man looked at his com panions In protest. Finally the sixth train was seen appron 'hlng ' anil all three stepped to the edge of the platform while the tall man exclaimed : "Surely this one will stop. " The train didn't stop and the three occu pants of t'he ' platform , who had been kick ing their heels for several minutes to keep warm , rushed Into the station ami do- iriimUul of the t'cket seller what the rea son was. As usual he didn't know , but the colored pot ter , who was keeping in a cor ner , woke i > : > and explained that It was "quite rertjl'lnr. " 'Hack ' ( o i'he ' platform went the three pas- senger.s and started again on their walk up and down the platform. Suddenly the t.ill man saw a red ( flow coming from a pall place/I at the further enil of the ftation. upon further investigation liu drew fiom the pall a llFhtcd red lantern. Calling 'o ' the other two he prnpoBwl to hold up the next train by means of the * red signal. The scheme didn't meet with much favor from the others , who appeared rather llmld about doing smell a thins. The tall man dually talked some nervu Into them and It W.-IH tiifrwMl to give ihe next train a change and HCC if II would Htop. If It didn't the lantern was In i | ) used. The noxi train soon ap peared and , Ilko the others , It went right on ' "Now " , " said the tall man , "watch mo do Keen n train approached and he made three or Tour violent swings with the lan tern and thrn set It down at tint end of the platform where t'he engineer of the ap- proachlnir train could see. It. "Get ready to jump on , " yelled the tall man. "He'll top. " Hure enough the train tame to a slop uml without aiiHwerini ; I'he eumluetor'H qui t'on as to what W.IH ui ; Hhe tbree men punned by him Into the car. The conductor went Into the station , woke up the ticket cellar and the porter and foutul out Hit ) facts In Hie case. Then he.nne out , pulled the bell cord awl f'e three pan > ongers were at JUKI on their wi ; ' tn Hie bridge. The conductor began to glvo the tall man a Iteturo ouo the ilani'.er of using thw red laiiiern. but bo Mopped and jjrlnncM when t'ho ' latter te- "You'ro mlstuken. They are. good things and I'm going to curry ono with me IIH long as I live In Ilrooklyn nnd have to rldu on this road. " RRPEWIEYStCa BOOM4Hr LlfEDtDG. BRWCH ID30ItAT OMUHA rt-n UNCOUI wtft JAf/IES / & BOYO & GO , , Telephone 10W. Omaha , \i COMMISSION , GRAIN , 1'HOVlhION.S , uulSTOJKi i III ) A III ) ( ) ! < ' Tit V 1)15. Corresponded i. J' l n A Wurron & Cu uucs tu Cuiiatio and New YurK , WHEN TRAVELING The Bee. Here is Where You Will Find It in the Principal Cities : ATLANTA , GA. Klinlinll House \Mvn Mnml. BOSTON. Public l.llirnr.v. Vrtidiimt * Iloti-t. Ilonlon l > ri. N rluti , 14 llnMVorth St. BUFFALO. ItPiipncr Hotel Xeni Minim , CAMBRIDGE , MASS. llnrvnril fill vcculty l.ttirnry. CHEYENNE. KA. . I.nnnii.I' ' Writ Kith St. Chrjvntii ! t'liili. CHICAGO. ViiilKiirlnni Annex \IMVH Stniul , Aiiilliorltini Hold \CMB .Slnllll. liriind I'nclllc Ilnlrleivfi .Stnltil. Urrnlor : < l > crli llntrlCITR Stuilil. I'nlmiT lloiiMc \ MVH .stand. Pitolonii-e Nc > Slnnd , Xo. 1M7 Hrnr- luiru Sirred ANxi.claU-il Advrrtl.cr' * Club , I'nlmrr llllllNt. . MnrntoKii lintel. CLEVELAND. Wotll'f.11 IIOIINP. The llollcnileii , Com in ere I n I Trnvelern1 Ainnelntlnn , , .Miinoiilc Teiimle. COLORADO SPRINGS I'rlllllTN1 11(11110. Itrlncoe llron. DENVER. llrotrn llo < rlCITK Slnnd. Ilniullioii A : Kendrlek , ! )00-f ) I2 ITthnt. M.-l.uiii , Pitt . To. . Slir Nlv renlh St. . , ITntt M.-rciintlli- . . l.-.ir I.ni-lini-r St. f The Stntloncr Co. . l.ltli nnd I.n > vrenec Slrci-tN. AVIndnor Hotel Xrim St DEADWOOD , S. D. I'lHln-l , t Co. , Drndirooil. SInx riNlipl , Iend noil. DES MOINES. MO PN Jncolm , Ruck iHliini ] Dcjiot. DULUTH , MINN. Wlt A IleniM-K , 2M \ \ \ Superior St. HAVANA , CUBA. IiiRliiterrn IliitPl IlendliiK Room. HELENA. W. A. Moore , ( JUi avenue nnil Mnln St. HOT SPRINGS , S. D. ' Cinirtce Cllinon. lOnill HOT SPRINGS , ARK. C. II. Wrnvop A Co. I. . II. Cooper .fc ro. . ( ISO Cciitrnl Are. KANSAS CITY. itoi-r ( iioiii , ioaa M. < ( st. CiiiKi-N House > CV N Slniiit. .tIMNoiirl ItrMiilillenii Club , 1105 Ilnltl- inoi-o Ave. I'lilille I.lliriir- . ItleliHcclirr ClKnr Co. , > Hi nml AVnliint OIIOM | ( < > I1. I ) . Hallway V. M. C. A , , room 27 Union IJe'iot , KIIIIHIIH Cl y , JIo. IMilille l.llimrv. LEXINGTON. KY. Y. M. C. A Mending llonni. LINCOLN. A. M. I rlUen , 11 3 O St ri'ct , llrllv- ery Aci-nl. LOS ANGELES. Oliver t IlalneH , 1(1(1 ( ( S. Sprint ; St. K. n. HniiNi-oni , .IHl ! S. Mnln SI. LONDON , ENGLAND. Clinrlrn A.tillllu'is Amerleaii K\cbniia < - 2 CfieUnpur St. , TrnfnlKiir Si | . , S. W. M NNEAPOLIS. I'nhMo Ulirnry. AVent Hotel \ -w Stnnd. MILWAUKEE , WIS. KranU MulUern. NEW YORK. Arthur Ilrenlnro. Cooper I'nlon I.lhrnry. l-'lflh AVCIIIII- Hotel Nevrn Stand. Fifth Aveiint ; Hotel Itendlnu Itooin. Dnililrr lloti'I. I.'roome Strirl Illirarj- . Ilollnnd Hoiine Ilondliif ; Itooin. HofTmnn HOIINI * . IIIIHTII | | llotrl .Vevtn Slnnd. I'renH ( 'lull , 121)nmiiin ) SI. AVcNlinliiNli-r Hold HfiiiUiiBT Ilooni. Hotfl ( ; ri n ii ! > ' < . V. M. C. A. , liKil nndIth Avenur. OGDEN. AV. AVclih , Sltl.T AViinhlnetnn Arc. PARIS , FRANCE. New YorU llernlil Itendlntr Itooin , 4ft Ave. ile t'Oporn. Tbon. Cook & Son , 1 AVIdp 1'oprrn. PORTLAND , ORE. AV. IJ. Jmim , 2tl ) Alder SI. I'orllnnil llolel Xrvtx Slnml. PHILADELPHIA. Merennlllc I.llirnry. SACRAMENTO. I'llbllo I.llirnry. SAN FRANCISCO. ] nlillit I.lhrnry. I'nliieiHotel , SAN JUAN , PORTO RICO. Hotel Innlntorrn It end Inir Itooin. SANTAANA.CAL. Snntn Ann 1'rriI'nhllo I.llirilry. SALT LAKE CITY. I , , I' . Ilninnii * ! , I/yrrnm Tlirnler. Salt Iiiiltievi - Co. I'uhllR I.lbrnry. SEATTLE. lOiiNlern \ MV Co. , Ulll 1.3 I'llte Hi. A. T. I.uinlliei-K , ( ieoi'Ke l'Wnril. . SHENANDOAH , IA. JliiHcnm Trotter. SIOUX CITY. fin rrfl IHIIII MoliIWH Slaad. Tlloiidiiiiiln Iliilrl Vunn Sin ml. Hotel Vriidiiin * * Hewn Mnnd. COIMIII : ' A : K nlcUrrliooUrr , I'nlilliI.llirnry. . ; ITIII | ril/itlhlMin , TOO I/nurlh St. Hey Allen , . ' 1-1 Center SI. Y. .11 , C. A. lU-ndliiK Itooin. SPOKANE. John \V. nralinni , 72i-72 ; % Itlvomlda Avenue. Avenue.SPEARFISH SPEARFISH , S. D Henry Court , ST. JOSEPH. IlrniidiMv'noirn Slnnd , 721 IMinnml Ntrei'l. .Iiinellnn .Venn Slnnd , . ' . ( It ICdinond SI. Y. .M. C. A. lleiiillnu : Ilooni , ST. PAUL , MINN. I'lTNN Clllll AVIniliiiir Hotel. llynn llolel ST. LOUIS. K , .1. .Irlt , SOU ditto SI. Planter * ' Hole ! > u Stnnd. I'ulillo I.llirnry. Jr I'nlon .N MIK Coiniuin ) . WASHINGTON , D. C. AVIIlnrd'H ! ! otel fieun SImid , Arllnulnn Hotel. ( 'iiiiurrkftlnnnl l.lljrury. Itltfi : * Hiinxr. lleiiulilluuu .Nntluiiiil _ J \