Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 26, 1899, Page 8, Image 8

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    THE OMAHA DAILY" HBI3 : TUESDAY , "DISC ISM 1J13K 2 ( { , 1SJ ) ! > .
/loliday is Appropriately Celebrated in the
Obnrcb and Home.
AVniiiloriTN Arc I'l-toil niul
idi- ( turn \rc llmlp lilnil ti >
I'rcfti'iitN In > n ( HIP Vnrl-
oui Churulii'n ,
Donny snowflakes cnino as nit avnnt
( curler to Ytiletlde in Omaha. A bracing
atmosphere , u general wave of Snnln Chtus
mid a HhontnneoiiH outburst ot peace and
good will to men ladwicd thp enxlronmcnla.
A * many of the churches there were Sunday
hthool entertainments with Christmas trees
tun ! other adjuncts necessary to the season.
In Hoclal circles dlnnern were given and
real Omaha hospitality was dispensed. In
this line formoi years were eellpHcd Deal-
< rs In Christmas wares were the most tired
lot of people In Omaha , they having re-
malnul on duty to lake care of the great
holiday rush.
At many of the churches there wote musl-
tal PI-OSMIUM of moro than ordinary Inter
est and the Sunday schaiilx gava glad tld-
IngH to the little ones AH ptoviousl } an-
nnunced by the various chuichcs , Christ
mas tree * \\oro given nnd entertainments
ol rnru and literary ability were ren
dered Nearly all of the Catholic churches
I'eld ' serviced yesterday Instt-ad of Sunday.
\l St. John's , St. t'ctei'H. St. llrldRct's , St
I'bllomena'p nnd others of the Catholic
dim diet ) , special mush Ind been arranged
and In cidi Instance tin- father In charge
delivered an appropriate address on the
At Trinity Cathedral the regnlai
Christmas scrvlccj were held and In addi
tion to Unit at G o'clock there van a dinner
to HID hungr ) men and bojs of Omaha , who
h.ul no other plaio to go. There was a tinge
of true patriotism and n touch of pltj In
the volco of thijenorable Deun Campbell
1'alr aa he tuikcd to Iho wanderers assem
bled around the chinch bond. Uean I'alr
aLked each ono of the men and bojn to re-
latd .in Incident In personal experience.
Slngnlaily enough , they each told n ntory of
hard luck One hail been held up In South
Omaha , another had been thrown out of
work thinugh n cruel management , and EO
on If the dean took these storlcb with a
grain of salt , he did not betray it by his
kindly attitude n\cryhody who applied
was fed , and when Mr. Heche , the master
of ceremonies , and his wife , in charge of the
parish hntiiosero through counting , they
figured nlncttwo men and bojs who had
ncctpted the Invitation.
Quo gcnciul description covers all the
Christmas Sunday school entertainments.
Thcro were numerous presents for the lit
tle ones and In nearly all of the churches
bpeclal programs , eoiiHlsUng of dcclamatlono
and tongs , were carried out.
At St. I'aul'a episcopal church , Thirty-
second nnd California streets , there was a
notable aervlco at 10 o'clock , when Ilc\ Ar
thur L. Williams , bishop eoadjutoi for the
dloceso of Nebraska , was the celebrant at
holy communion. The presence of the bishop
coadjutor , as well as the general popularity
of the church , due to the energetic work of
the rector , Hov. Moor , who has been a tlif-
less worker on behalf of the parish , at-
tiacted a throng of worshipers.
Through many of the Sunday schools , In
flations had been extended se\ernl days
in advance for contributions from the pupils
and friends , in order that something might
bo given to the poor This request was
very generally met and a heaity mass of
Christmas offeringb were carted by willing
hands to deserving ones.
A few of the chinches dcla > ed their
Christmas exercises until this afternoon
nnd evening on account ot other church en
SANTA ci.\ns wvs NOT i itisi.vr.
Clirlnfmil * Trrrs Jiiulcii itltli I'roNt-iiln
l ) < - lla.liil ( Inflitlilr
There are moro than lf > 0 children enrolled
In the Sunday school of the Clifton Hill
Presbyterian church and all of them were
In attendance at the entertainment given In
the church parlors Monday night Two line
evergreen trees occupied consplcuont , posi
tions on the rostrum and from their branches
shorn ) the lights of numerous wax candles ,
while from Ihelr branches hung strings of
popcorn and scores ) of little hits of colored
paper , producing a. pretty effect Around
p"'l about the trees wcio pots of ( lowers
nod hot house plants , their perfume nillng
the room. Thoio was no Santa Claus on
hand , but thcie was n good time , Just the
same. Two hundied ncnl little paper boxes
had boon purchased and Ihese wer. > ( Hied
with choice candy and passed around , much
to the delight of the joungsters The lit
erary part of the program conslbted of songs
nnd recitations by the children.
M M > Al SCHOOL ! 2Vri2UT\IMHVrs.
r riiilMtiniiN I'riiurniiii at
( * iiNtrlnr ! li I'Mlij t * rlini Plnu rli ,
At the CiHtollar Street Preabjtcrlan
church the children of the infant nnd senior
Sunday school classes gave an Interesting
program appropriate to Christmas It was
qnjoynl hj a large crowd and proud parents
.iml admlrlne friends encouraged the Sun
day school pupils to their best endeavois
The program consisted of ictltatlons , songs
and oxerclbi'H , all of which hail been care-
The divorce evil seems to grow with
every year.7,500 divorces were granted
in the Stite of Ohio last year We- agree there ate faults on both sides , but the
great problem is ; Arc those faults remedi
able ? To a great extent there is no doubt
the conditions which result in divorce may
be remedied , Given u dyspeptic husbind
and a wife suffering from female trouble
and vvc have the read ) made elements of a
uivorce case. In view of the facts there
ran be very little doubt that ninny women
look forward to divorce only because they
seek relief from obligations they do not
feel fitted to fulfill Women aie not to
blame They have looked forward to their
home life as a dream of paradise Then
disease conies like A .serpent and destroys
nil happiness
Women who suffer with debilitating
drains , infl limitation , nice-ration , female
trouble and bearing down pains will find
certain relief and cure in Doctor I'lerce's
1'avorite 1'rescription It so invigorates
the organs peculiarly feminine ami regu
lates their functions that they are estab
lished in a perfectly healthy condition ,
The old lightness of heart comes back ;
there'ti light in the eyes and .1 Miulc on the
lips. The old irritation and nervousness
are gone , and the husbind comes to his
home as a haven of resit and comfort
"I was troubled with female wcakneM and
after liking Ilirce bottles of IT 1'lcrce'N l'a\or-
iti : Prescription I am fire from paiiu " wnks
Mrt > May 1' June , r > Maili ou A\e Ypsdanti
Mich I liad Milfercd f > r two > nrs when I
began taking > tnir incJiciiic I could not walk
ncr ) vi iu > t-joni wilbout Hulferlngdrr idful lulus
> uw I dual ! my hour w irk and alk ulicrc I
ulcasr-lluiil. li > Ir I'uri-c'i. lucdiciuc. "
fully selected and showed the results of
studloua preparation , tench number wns re
ceived with the grentcW. nppre-rlatlon In
stead of the ustml npplau e the sudlonc
lndlcAte < l Its approval by the waving of
The exercise * were under the direction
of mipcrlntemlcnl of the Sunday school ,
J W. Koopman , and to his efforts , ns-
slated by the teachers In the Sunday p-hool
nnd the pupils themselves , ft\e success ot
the entertainment Is due Thn church was
very prcttllv decorated and n tastily ar
ranged greeting , "Merry Xmas. " stood out
AT ni > scMi Piiic Miritonivr. :
Illiibiiriilo flirlMf IIIIIN iiilrrtiiliiiiirnt :
In ( ilM-H In ( InSlinilii } M-hoiil.
The Sunday school entertainment at 11-m-
ecotn I'.uk Methodist church was one of the
most elaborate given In the city nnd repre
sented untold labor on the part rf the tonch-
CTH nnd officers of the organlrntion. A con
tain called "Christmas a liy : Late" was
given with n large number of characters in
costume A largo stngo was erected along
the cast end of the church and there were'
many cm tains and line decoiations ns a
netting for the musical entertainment. The
cantata represented Columbia ns distracted
over the many additions mnde to her famll )
during the lust year by reason of the an
nexation of H.twnll , Cuba , 1'orto Hlco and
tlio Philippines.
rather Ncptuno nnd Hrltnnnla ate called
In to help her solve the hard problem nnd
Santa Clans , getting miffed , refuses to come
on Christmas dnv. The matter was finally
amicably settled , for the ruddy-faced old
St. Nicholas arrived after all , thei differ
ence In time in the colonies accounting foi
all the trouble
Miss Lulu Hoyd represented Columbia ,
Miss Hdith Porter , Ilrltannla , William. Ste
vens , Neptune , and Trcd Dale , Santa Claus
A lnige > chorus of children portrn > cd the
different nationalities , such as the Filipinos
Cubans and the like , in c < slumes and there
were Instrumental music , recitation * ! nnd
solos InterBpe-rwd. An orchestra under the
leadership of Miss Luclla Adamn gave some
good selections At the close there wns a
distribution of candy nnd every child had
his sweet tooth satisfied The entertain
ment will be repeated Thursdaj night at
the church In Its entlrctj.
wisr : > nCOMIJ moM Tim n VST.
Appropriate ClirlNtinnM nviTclsi-N
llolil at Ml. 7lin ilapllnt riiurcli.
The wlso men from the east came to Mt
Zlon Uaptlst church Christmas night nnd ,
under the star of licthlehem , they found
a straw-littered manger and In It thu
Christ child Mary was there , too , an 1
the shepherds came and looked on and
bang songs , while from some Invisible bourco
angels announced the glad tidings of peace
and good will to men
It was n unique entertainment and the
members ot Iho Sunday school , disguised In
the habiliments of the Orient , acted well
their paits
J O U New lands , the superintendent of
the Sunday school , had the most to do with
the arrangements for the occasion and he
was abl > assisted by Mrs. J C Green , who
presided at the organ and directed th"
music. The singing was good and int r-
bpcrscd between the songs were iccltatlons
by members of the Sunda > school chits s
After the representation of the nativity
the large crowd rcpalreJ to the basement
mom , where two begllttcred and bespangled
Christmas trees awaited , loaded down with
presents for each and every child , from the
toddling Infant to the big boy nnd gill In
the bible class had something to eatl.sf > his
or her longing for sweets The entertain
ment was a hanpy one throughout and
wholly In keeping with the season.
I'rlsoiKTN ( i'fl a I > IK IMiuirr anil
HflluIniiN Sorili'cHri - Ilvlil.
At the county Jail Sheriff McDonald and
his Jailers served to the pilsoners a dinner
that would make glad the appetite of anv
hungry man There was no attempt at
btyle but blmply a well compassed effort to
give lo the wards a dinner that was a d.nnci
in all that the name implies Seveial doll
cades were added to the list Included in
the regular menu
In the afternoon religious services were
held nnd several of the prlsinerb were given
bibles nnd other religious publications Un
usual latitude was extended to all Inmates
except those who have proven desperate
and refractoiy. Sheriff McDonald wa-
personall > present to look after the details
and his subordinates were equally alien
smivirr.s VT HUV. .IIMY& ' rumen.
\Vfll IMMI < I-I | I'roprriun In Wlilrli lh < -
Illtlc OIIPN Toul. I'nrl.
At the Tlrst Prcsbjterlan church. Seven
teenth and Dodge btreels. there was appro
priate celebration of Christmas. The chil
dren of the Sunday school were the chief
factors In the entertainment The pastor ,
Uev dlv. In Hart Jenks , bad on Snnda >
pleached a Christmas sermon , and the
Christmas services were given over to the
little ones Miss Hazel Mimes , daughter of
Mr nnd Mrs J 13 Himce , attracted much
attention by her smart singing of "Jollj
Old Santa Clans " The program throughout
was appropriate and well executed.
ClirlxtiiuiK at tliu City Jnll.
Christmas day and night wore quietly
spent at the city Jail ; that is , on the part of
these lu charge , but behind the bara there
was much hilarity accumulaled for Ihe occa
sion at the dIRoront places where .Tom and
Jerry were dispensed. Chief Donahue sent
a big barrel of red apples to the members of
the force and they were enjoyed Immensely
by the blui'coats. Otherwise the Jail pre-
hontcd , its usual circumspect appeal uncc
Patscy Ha\py had planned to have a big
Christmas tree nnd ask Turnkey Jlmmle
Kirk to bo Santa Claus , as ho Is the on ) }
man on the force with whiskers of the right
length , but his plans got knocked awry when
Kirk refused to take the star pait.
The only events to relieve the monotony
of the time were frequent runs of the patrol
wagon to bring In men who hid Imblbod
lee freely ot Iho good cheer prevalent. Night
Turnkey Storey made several vagrants hnpp )
by presenting them Christinas prebonts of
rooms In his hotel , but otherwise there wcio
no gifts made at the Jail.
i\iTclm-H : lit St , MurU'H Lutheran ,
The Christmas exercises of St Murk's
Lutheran Sabbath school were held In the
evening nt Iho church , corner Twenty-Unit
and lluriletto btreutg , which was crowded
with children and their parents The In
terior of the- church was profusely decorated
with festoons of spruce and clusters of
liolly. while a brilliant Christmas tree ,
tastefully decorated and with Its boughs
tiendlng low with Its load of prc\seiiln , oe
cuplcd the cntlro couth wall of the strin -
turo The program was ono prescribed by
the Light of Ages Sunday school bcnl-e
for the most sacred holiday of Christendom
comprising bongs , scriptural responses
pra > er , recitations , ncrostlcal exercises of
terlngs , addresses , the distribution of gifts
[ ram the tree nnd benediction The fhll
ilrcn acquitted theineelvra credttabl ) and the
elders enjojed the entertainments us
thoioughly as did the little ones
\t Trliill ; Mrllioillxl < tiiircli ,
The Sunday school scholars of Trlni'j
Methodist church were regaled with a
dainty Christmas entertainment Monda >
night at the church. Holly and cedar gave
the church a holiday appearance and up
on thu rcetrum was a large whit fcrrii.
wheel , all glittering with upansles .ml
laden with bcrlbboued baskeu filled with
candy and all sorts of fruit and good things
The Infant class sung some Eongi > ver >
i\\eetl ) and there were rcuUtl"ns nnl
poles to nil lu the time The supervision of
the entertainment . uudT C. W. DcLa-
inntre , nnd ho evidently upcnt n good deal
of hard work In Rettlnp the affair arranged
o successfully J H Iloxtcn impersonated
Santa Claus and rilled Ihc big wheel of Its
gifts for the happy bo > s nnd girls.
IN nut
SiiUnlliinrm.v . IHslMirir * i lirlMmnn
Ci ! | . > r ( u \ll I otnrt ,
niiu hundred people whceo Christmas
would otherwise ha\p been cheerless , were
furnished with abundant dinners josterdny
by the Salvation Ann } , which had hcon
collecting funds nnd provisions for the pur
pose' for several weeks' It had been an
nounced that the usual Christmas repast
would not bo served nt the birrarks. us
by that means a largo number ot deserving
person * have been previously overlooked
The food was assorted In baskets , which
weie distributed lo those holding tickets
Thu tickets had been Riven out to thrip
known to be worth v , through the agencv
of the Associated Charities , thp county com
missioners nnd the. cndots of the army In
all 120 tickets were redeemed anil eich
applicant locelved n basket containing ptilll-
clent for five persons. In every allotment
there were contained rlilcketl potatoes , cran
berries , eoffee , apples , plo and bread. The
poult r > had been purchased with money
obtained through solicitation and the other
food had been mostly donated.
Although the v'ands ' had been designed
primal lly for men with wives and children.
ppnnllcss men without those responsibilities ,
who gathered nt the barracks nt noon. WPIC
not sent away empty-handed Twenty-eight
such applicants were supplied with requisi
tions on a Sixteenth street restaurant , where
the } secured a complete Chrlstnns dlnnci
The evening was set apart for the children
of the corps anil others gathoied from the
streets. A mus'cal and literary program
was given by } onthful performers and n
gigantic Christmas tree was stripped bare
There was an abundance of candy and nuts
and all comers had n shaip In the ( INtrllm-
tlon The entertainment was lu chaigc of
Captain J. J. Slnnlov nnd wife
1\ l.iriJ OP CIIUIST.
Siii-rt'il lllstor.i Is Tnuulit lev Stcrroit-
< ltMin VIcviN.
An Interesting progiam of stercoptlcru
vle-\s was glvcu at the- First Methodist
church last night by I'.ev M. W. rinse It
was designed prlmiuily for the children of
the parlsb and HIP audllorlum wnb well-
fllled with jouthful ipectutors The sub
ject of the ptlnclpnl series of scenes wns
"The Harlj Life of Christ , " nnd about flftv
views were shown depleting the history of
Christ us far no the contioveis > with the
learned doctors There were several strik
ing mechanical e'ffectK introduced , obtained
by the use of double lights In the scene
of tbc lllght of the holy family acioss th"
lied sea the secondary light added guardian
nngcls lloatlng overhead , who appealed and
\niilshed In an effective wav The sime
Dissolving appearance was produced In the
intimidation , when the angel appeared before
foreMary. .
After the main series had been given Mr
Chase threw a number of historical and mis
cellaneous views on the tcrecn , thp most
spectacular being the explosion of the Maine
The battleship was shown resting quietly
In the harbor , when by an instantaneous
change the scene of destruction was Hashed
on the canvas with realistic effect Other
views were Bhown of numerous situations
pleasing to the children
The apparatus , which is one of the finest
patterns of stereoptlcon made , wns manip
ulated by Mr Chase , who Is its owner and
has had on extended experience as a lec-
tureT befoie chnutamiuas and other assem
blies The descriptive slor > accompanying
the .scenes of Christ's life wns rend b > John
Sylvan Drown.
VI St. riillllp'K ( liurcli.
A Iargely-nttend < "d entertainment
? i\en Monday night In Washington hall
under the auspices of the Uishop Worthlng-
to-a Ijceum of St Phillips church , colored.
Miss Victoria Overall , a teaehei in the pub-
Ik schools of Kansas Cltj , was the bright
The smallpox ( nst > now In Omaha Is pro-
nounceil by competent authorities to be Iho
most sevcie jot Don't be alarmed about
It , but take the onlj S\ri' couise
In packages of 10 tubes. This Is the
Cljcerlnated Ljmph put up by 1'arkc Davis
Co. and by H. K Mulford Mall or tele
graph orders promptly executed.
Sfierman &JcGonnel ! Drug Go ,
ITi : : Duiiicc st. , on VIIA , MII.
Wrlto for anil trust cut price catalogue.
If } ou are going to St.
Louis or anwhere boond
St Louis and want to rldo
over the smoothest track
and on the finest train , you
should take the St. Louis
Leaves Omaha. . . . ! 55 p. m.
Arrives St. Louis. " 11 a m.
Sleeping and reclining
chair ears. Makes close
connections In St Liuls
Union Depot with trains
for nil points south.
IDO2 Farnam lOth and Maaon
Street. Stroota.
Phone 20O- 'Phono 3IO.
On Lard , on Ham , on
Bacon is a guarantee
of purify.
Swift and Company ,
. KnnrtiiH City , Omaha ,
St , Louis , St Joseph , St , Paul ,
particular star of the proirs'n and "die
ga\p Rome \ery creditable rendlnjss Her
rendition of rlarkv dHlcrt selections was
Inimitable and he nlso dlrplayeil abilities
In more1 serious number' ! After Miss Oxer-
nil , pcihaps the best like I participants on the
program were the tiny Misses Irene and
Oraco Walker , dauRhters of Mr and Mrs
Victor Walker , who Rn\o a miniature cakewalk -
walk that took the house by storm. Miss
Ircno was dres ed In a cavalier costume
nnd Miss Graro In a quaint old-fashioned
gown and they did some clexor stepping
amidst much applause
Mrs. Oscar Williams sani ? n soprano solo ,
"Tho Dream of 1'aradlse , " nnd Dlmlck's or-
che trai > la > cd some ll\ely soloctlons during
the cxcnltig At the close of the entortnln-
mcnt the > OUHB people enovcd ] a dancing
program of some longlh to IHeb music
Molasses cand ) , at Shtnniin RMcConncll's. .
1'nlnltfrs' union No 100 meet nt Washing
ton hall WediiMdnj. Dceembor , IS'iO , at
S p m A 0 MIl'H
tip retary
Tin' Clllcntto Slpnnlii
For Omaha pnliona UXCM'felvni.Y , leaves
on the "NOHTHWESTHUN LINC" llmlteil
train at 4 fib p m dally , arlr\lng Chicago
7 43 np\t morning. There MAY bo finer
elcepers than these' In Europe.
dally nt C.4ii j. m. nnd 7 30 p. m
City ofllcos , 1401 and 1403 Tanum streot.
Yellow box rnndj at Shcimun & McCon-
ncll Drug company
would he > a good time to receive that box
of cigars evcrjbody known tint CIO \HS
this } car arc put up In neat small park
ages of 12 and 25 each , so as to bring them
within the reach of all. The price Is at thi
same rate as by the 100 no snide brand *
but staples , like the
All 5o Cigars ,
25 INI / DOX FOR $1,00 $
Sticknej's Bouquet 12 in a box , COc. In
lOc goods they come 2" In a box , at $2 00 for
such biands as
J. A , FU1 LER & CD
14th and Dotitilas St.
rou run HOLIDAYS
VIA "Till : -
New City Oniccs
lini & 1401 Pnrnam St.
Depots lOlh and Marcy Ste. ,
15thVel ter sm.
Sherman McDonnell's for Hoston taffy.
The Ctili'iiKi ) in'PI'lnu Onr
Tor Omaha patrons n.KCLUSlVKLY ,
on the "NOnTHWCSTKUN LINH" limited
train at 4 5" > p m dally , arriving Chicago
7.IS next morning. Therp MAY bo liner
elcepprs than thp t In Em ope.
dally at C 40 a m nnd 7 .10 p. m
City oSlces , 1401 and 140 ? warnam street
Velvet candv at Sliprmau S. Mt-r-onnell's
Cramer Kidney Co ,
( l.lnillrill.
Per mum ' i a r * I wiis In Hie oinplm
of Ihc Shlvprlrk Puinllun1 Co niul now
I am with HIP Onmlm ( " "nrpol e'o. Pur
venrs I IKP p been tumbled with tnv Md-
nexs 1 tt li > il all kinds of tnrdlelni' , but
could not tjol iclli-ve-d iilwms petting
wofe I bud to null vvoik nnd stnv at
homo when 1 hcnid of I'iniiii'j'M Kldnev
Cure nnd 1 dceldi'tl In give It a trial I
had Inn dly HuMied one bottle when 1 felt
the good It hul Orine , and In the time
I had ii etl the ppoml bottle J was en-
llielv oliieil It Is w 01 th Its weight In
Kohl tn anv one who has klilnev trouldes
Wo i"11 Cnnur Kldnev Cine for 75i'
11 buttle-
f > I
ira i MUG GIST
Cor. lillli anil Clili'iivn Mn.
( School filled this past term.
The directors have decided
to add quarters for TWENTY
new cadets. Send for catalogue.
DelullulitViiiilv < > nhu County ,
Owincf to extensive alterations we
are obliged to sell all instruments
flSffPf on our first 1Ioor reg irdless of cost.
50 New Upright Pianos $168 each. S
5 Uprights of Various Makcs$75 , $90 , $115 , $125 , $155J
" " " " "
"I 3 Squares , fine condition , $45 , $68 , $79. I" " " " "
Thuso imraiMiso bargain's must bo sold before ) Junuury 1st.
Buy now anil save from $100 to $150.
on n clopcnduble instrument. § 5 monthly p.iymontb will bo accepted.
TIII : 01.n AM ) 111:1,1 vin.i : IM\O HULSH
Steinway & Sons ) 1313 Parnam Street
Representatives , j 337 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
Mens iimtnllon Mllcntor O'oat Slippers ,
worth $1 uO on r ile nt Cc !
Men's Velvet Umbroldcied Slippers , worth
? 1 00 , on Halo for C3c.
wMen'K Pine Tan and niack Goat Slippers ,
vvoith $1 75 , on sain at $1.2.'i
Men's One tan nnd black ( ! oat , hand turned Slippers , woith $2 , on sale at $1,49.
Ladles' felt Sllppeia , vvoitli everywhere 75e , nt 38c
ladles' flno felt Slippers , tuin soiej , , vvorlh | 1.M , sale juice 75i
Ladles' llnest Satin Faust Sllppcis , fur tilmmed and hand tinned soles , worth
everywhere | 2.00 , In this sale nt $1 iii.
The celebrat
ed -'Stetson" '
Shoes for
men on sale
The famous
Shoos for
women on sale.
Tilt"t Urn" Shorn for uoinrn. Tlic "SlelNini" Mioe-u fur men.
The k'Stetson" Shoe
In Velour Calf I'ateni Leather , enamel Calf or Mil Kid The laliM HtjUs and band
IX nVKHV I'AIH , price $3 00
The "Ultra" Shoe
for ladles. Wo have them In all Blylet < In V lei Kid 1'aleni Uullicr and Fine Cnjf. With
turn or welted Bolttt and tubhlon eork jnboka Ihc ' ll.1Kla ( ho IlllCilS ehoo
i lull s madu for J3.50
Leggings on Sale.
Misses' flno Jersey Leggings worth | 1 00 on tale at 7
Hoys' leather LcgglnKH worth $1 00 , go at 9bi
35o "Capitol" WDJ ! uoles at l"c
35c 0\trgalters at ibc
50o Hubber Hetls or Poles put ou for 25c
' ' 7
( all 7ra
And now comes tin ? tug of war. Wo have
just finished thb most successful holiday trade
of our business career.
We're perfectly satisfied with it and we're
satisfied that you're satisfied. Although the
crowds were larger than wo expected , every one
seemed to enjoy the jostling , and good humor
prevailed among the happy gift hunters. Wo .
have endeavored to give the best possible men
and women's clothes ? , etc. , for the Hist possible
outlay , we leave it to you whether we have suc
ceeded or not , and no'w wo must make ready for
inventory. We're not going to give anything fir
away , neither are we going to cut and slash prices
as many will tell you , but \ve are going to inven
tory as few goods as possible , and the task of rearranging -
arranging nnd getting into shape half a million
dollars' worth of CloUiing. Cloaks , Shoes , Hats ,
Furnishings , etc. , has commenced. If there is
anything you have neglected to buy during your
hurriedly shopping tour , remember our stock is
never short of hundreds of most suitable presents
at the lowest possible prices. If you know of the
Ladies' Cloak values that are here you'd surely
make an attempt to select some of them. You
miibl not forget the fact that there are no old
docile to make your selection from all new ,
clean , stylish garments.
20th Century
At last the crash has come. The cloaks must go. The
season of [ .rolit ib over. Our immense stock must and will
be sold , no matter what the price they bring. The sale will
commence Tuesday morning at S o'clock. Wo will make it
the greatest that has ever been hold between New York and
San Francisco.
Table No. 1 Wo have 500 ladies' jackets ,
nearly all silk lined , sixes 32 to 44 , worth § 8 ,
20th Centurj Sale price ,
Table No. 2 700 jacketssilk , lined through
out , a great many of them lined with Skin
ner's satin , stylish , well made , up-to-date
garments , worth $12 , 20th
Century Sale price only
Table No. 3 479 jackets , in all colors and
all materials , including the well known Wash
ington mills kerseys , nearly all lined with
' Skinner's satin , warranted for two year's
wear table includes our well known $10 jack
ets , made to sell for $15. 20th Century Sale price. .
Table No. 4 37. ] jackets , the very linest materials and thn
very best workmanship , in montanaes , kerseys , whipcords ,
frie'zes , and the well known Dobson Kerseyssome trimmed
with braid and fur , all in the new extreme btjles , this sale albo Includes
our automohlle's and now markets worth up to $2. > .00
20th century pi lee only
23 ladles. ' imported sample Milts taffet.i lined thtoughout , some trimmed
braid , box and tight fitting fronts , the very extreme and boat stjlcs
they ate worth up to 5"u 00 20th century
sale price onlj
150 suits , in grays , blues , blacKa nnd browns , in homespuns , Venetians , scutes ami
covert cloths , bomo nil bilk lined thioughout , they are worth up to
$20.00 20th ce'ntury fe.ilo
price only
20 do cn ladles' undorsUiits with two rows of rulllcs and flounec nnd
1C rows of cording worth $1 25 20th centuiy sale
20 dozcii'children's Eiderdown Cloaks , tilmmed with hi aid worth $1 jfl
20th century fc.Uo prito
20 dozen ladies' flannelette wrappers worth $2 00
20th centuiy sale price
Loavns Counci
Bluffri daily except
Sunday | bciinniiiK (
' Monday , ] ) uO. Ibtli ]
for Lonn } , Woodbine -
_ . „ bine , Onnltip , Uow
City. Dpnisnii , Dewlt , Wall I.tikc , U'Ji'U-
\vcil fltj , Koi I Dniljji' imil Intel incdlati'
stations , rnmiiHtliiK nt Kit > Doil o with tluoiiKli tinln lor IHiliiuiui- , Chica
go and liiloinu'tlliitp poluth.
City Ticket Office , Grand
Hotel , Council Bluffs.
V. K. Luhhc C. I' . A : 'I' . A.
As well as iitcn iu
luul no toin , )
Iir.ilihful .in .1 , > uie licer ,
lit fcurojou n i itie pure
llicn buileil ulMch iiuuri
it to be ( no from baariii iuiip | i
tUl for frail people "rcl ( r , i trial > .
< urft f
Ilonr eiuia
i. A -
i i laeiit. i or
by a" dn.t-
at and 50u
M Citv Offices , 1401-03 Farnam.
| Baby has
a tooth
IB an event that Rlvw mamma
mm h jile-iisure Don't neglect
mo li tlo ono H uoth They bliould have us
mil'h i are and attention IIB the older ones.
Our woik IB 111 HI < latm and jirlccs
Ti'i-lli l Icniii-il . 7r
Mlall/fil4 \lr . r.lli <
'li-illi Dxlrarli-il . 2'ta
Taft's ' Philadelphia Dental Rooms ,
jr. IT DIII i.i.vs s'i.
I'm ' ) UliMJ for iiriimtiiral
r.utiuiK < > r ulimtj t.
ui in u > UK mini nura
rl'if tbM evuuii a J'ulilt 1 , u i i .it uatril * *
in .E * i CHt i uCo " " " I10' " ! "
, ' " r'1" '
\n \
v ° W Lucui.r icui uu'tciiuj > C >