FOUR FULL QUARTS GOLDEN TRUTH THIS WHISKEY \hSOLUTELY PURE. ] t is good for medicinal as well as other purposes. Wherever it has been introduced it has been royally received. In order to prove it to you by actual use , We offer it at cost , $2.95. AVe defy competition at this price. WE ARl. DIST1LLI / > > All our output is distilled by our own plant , and every drop is subject to our personal inspection before it leaves our warehouse. In buying from us you do away with the middleman's profit. This accounts Tor our low cost on the GOLDEN whiskey. If you don't think we save you at least WHISKEY 15 WORTH IT5 50 per cent on your purchase , send the whiskey . WEIGHT IN GOLD TO back at our expense and we return the money. Thaiwe - are good for this offer you can ascertain MY PATIENTS : through the Commercial Agencies or any Chicago i Bank. r "We send goods immediately on receipt of order. AVe ship in plain packages. Make remittances to . R. DESPRES DISTILLING 193-195 L Van Blireil Si GHIGflGO. p S. Orders for Arizona , Colorado , California , Idaho , Montana , Nevada , New Mexico , Oregon , Utah , Washingtou , Wyoming , must call for 20 quarts by freight , prepaid.