A ca's / - . IVm / , refitment , Ct.ssumptionVciL /Jrom ' , mt47 SCENES IN THE SLOCUM LABORATORIES , NEW YORK CITY. J I MAGGIIJ S. HOSWKUv , Knterprise , OH. , says : "No pen can desciibe what I suffered day and night from weak lungs. IMnny , many times , day and night , I nearly sulTocated , my throat being in a terrible condition from inllammntion and weakness. " I desp.iired of a cure , as everything I tried did me no good. Hearing so much about Di. Slocum's cele brated treatment for consumption and pulmonary troubles , I sent for the course of medicine which lie M > generously distributes , and now , in the name of humanity , I write my grateful thanks for the cure 1 obtained , lioping others will take heart , and gel well before too late. I shall never cease to recommend the Slocum system wherever I go. C > " , 'Unit'i/l L , HJ MR. THOMAS SAMPSON , Federal Point , I'ln. , says : "I had weak lungs which continued to grow woise until consumption was developed. In vain I sought relief from almost every source , until I procured the Dr. Slocum treatment , and this speedily cured me. To-day /x - i am aM.'II man , uiaiiKS 10 mis j.uuuui jjiivMuiiiu , mm i earnestly hojje every cousuinptivu anil sufferer from pulmonary troubles will consult him \\ithout delay , for his discoveries \\ill surely cure. IJvur" friend of mine shall know the truth. " These are but specimens of thousands of grateful letters pouring into Hr. Slpcum's offices in one unbroken stream. Kverv letter breathes of new life , new health , new ambitious of cureb , V Dr. Solemn , whose countless miracles in the treatment of diseases of the lungs and head ( ire attracting -\\idc attention throughout the country , declares that fully 90 per cent of all Hie dcatlis due to the existence of the consumptive bacilli in the sjbtem can be positively prevented by his new discoveries. Overworked men and women whose lungs are weak and debilitated can be speedily re.ston d by the Slocum treatment , proof of whn h is furnished by thousands of reports constantly coming in One of the more recent restoiations is tli it of Mis. Maimh Crossley , of Ml. Carniel , 111. , who writi s : , "Over a year ago I contracted lung tumble , besides suffering terribly from catarrh , I grew steadily vvoise until I was an invalid. My family physician Had everthing , but his treatment ac complished nothing. I finally resorted to patent medicniLs , but they also gave me no relief Al though only forty fem years old , yet I was unable to retain my strength , and the outcome was veiy daik. I'limlly I read of Dr. Hlocnm's success , and DlZlll. HI * HIT Mill UI/UI-lv : lit IJIITIIIL-IMI' . JI1U fllt'll WilJJ wonderful , for I only used half the quantity before I began to get well. It wab not fong before my cat.nrh disappeared , and shortly after my lungs bee line stiong and well I was cured. To-day I inn as well as cvei and can never say too much foi Dr. Slouiin. " If you are not robust your system will succumb to disease. If your jitcsent tioubles are not qurcd , tlu disease will eat into your very life like a cancel , hut the cuie is nut dillu-nlt ifou go about it right. The Slocnm treatment makes yon strong by killing the germs and enabling nature to throw off dise.ise. It heals the raw , inflamined surfaces , stops the foimation of unhealthy mucus , and allays irritations. I'om distinct preparations are employed , each a vvondeifiil iipccific in itself Together they never fail and will cure , as statistics show , the following : Consumption , Lung Weakness , Asthma , Catarrh , I..i Grippe and its after effects , stubborn Coughs and Colds , lironchitis and Throat affections , wasting awaj , Pulmonary troubles and Tuberculosis. ; r j > . PI : To further demonstrate to * Ih vVorld Ijie vlue of his discoveries , Dr. Slocum has arranged to send out at once several thousand more FREE full course treatments , consisting of the four preparations , to all who write for them Simply address Dr. T. A. Slocum , 93 Pine Street , New York , N. Y. , giving > our express and postoffice address , and stating that you read the announcement in The Omaha Illustrated Bee. ' No matter how many discouragements you have met with , Dr. Slocum will cure you. It is important that you take advantage of this generous offer at once , before the raw winter winds complicate the dangers If in need of expert advice Dr. Slocum will thoroughly diagnose your troubles free of charge , and tell you how to cjet well quickly. EDITOR'S ' NOTE-The above is a genuine offer made by America's foremost medical specialist In pulmonary and lung diseases , and we urge every reader of the Omaha Illustrated Bee who is afflicted to send for the free treatment , because we know the proposition to be an honest one. It is also your duty to notify every suffering friend.