Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 23, 1899, Page 7, Image 7

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    THE OMAHA DAHY BEE : SATl'liDAY. DrjOUMIUJH U . 1801) ) .
Jojoph R , Olatkson Expounds the Prinoipli !
of Christian Scioncs ,
I'll I Ih nml Mcnlnl Pornro Hoi Portli
"I ( lie CoviM-nluw I'rliifluli-H ( if
lilfo , | II < | KI. IVrKuion Intni-
HitSpeaker. .
Kx-Jmlge Joseph It. CInrkson , who IB at
authorized lecturer of the Christian Sclcnci
board of lectureship , last evening dellverei
nn address In lloyd's opera house on Chris *
tlan Science , before a large , intelligent am
appreciative audience composed In the mall
of adherents of thu new faith. Amons th <
midlonco were numerous personal friends o
Judge Clnrkeon. who formerly served on thi
district bench of DoiiRliis county. Kor tin
lust few years ho has devoted himself on-
Urcly to the study nml practice of Chrlstla *
Science , In which he has become well versed
and Is now an ardent advocate of the new
religion. Judge Clarkson was Introduced bj
Judge Ferguson. Ills address was Htibalaii-
tlally n.i follows :
linlKc t.'liirkxon'i . \ < lilri > < < s ,
"If any man will como nfter mo let hltr
deny himself and take up his orosa and fol
low me. " " 1 am the way , the truth and the
life ; no man coineth unto the Father but bj
nit. " "WhCBOuvcr shall not receive the
Kingdom of Hod as a little child flhall In nc
wise enter therein. " So spake Jimis. . \
Httlo child does not , ao a rule , assert lu
superior knowledge when Informed of fotne-
thing It has not hitherto known. It nc-
ropla and to Its little store adds the proffered
Information. Rather difficult , you think , toi
the average human egotist to accept , an doc. '
the little child , what falls to accord with hlf
previously formed opinions as to what Is uml
what fs nol.
Vet Jesus did not scruple to say. and HJJ
emphatically , that before entrance Into the
Kingdom of Oed could be compassed by men
they would have to receive Information con
cerning It an would a Httlo child ; they would
have to deny themselves , their self-compla
cent , wisdom , and humbly llston to and
meekly , accept the teachings of Him who
was the Son of God and still "meek and
lowly In heart. "
Why men should expect to ilnd heaven ,
the Kingdom of Oed , like anything they
have ever known passes comprehension. I !
It were not different would It be worth the
seeking ? Do they not hope to Ilnd In It
happlncsH , health , slnlcsancss , rest , harmony ,
power , PCJICO and joy ? Have their ceaseless ,
pitiable , nnrcmuncratlvc battles on earth ,
battles despairingly waged under rules In the
human manual of arms , brought men ai.y
such respite from woe as heaven is supposed
to afford ?
Why not end their useless , struggling
self-assertion , admit their utter Inability
from their piano of thought , their appre
hension of the "powcrH that be , " to solve
the problem of salvation , and , wearily , yet
confidingly , hopefully , aslt of the Almighty
that lie come to their aid ; make of them
selves "little children" and hear the sweet
voice of the Christ saying to those who
would hinder , "Suffer Httlo children , and
forbid them not , to como unto me , for of
such Is the kingdom of heaven ? " Why
should we not , once for all , as "little chil
dren , " throw ourselves Into the "ever
lasting arms" and rest In that safe abode ?
"We want to , " mortals say , "wo want to ,
but do not know how. " "If any man will
como after me , let him. deny himself , and
take up his cross and follow me. " "I am
the way , the truth and the life ; no man
eometh unto the Father but by me. "
- | . -VcM ( of'.leMiiN lO.viilliln HlN WiirilM.
Christian Scientists regard the acts of
Jesus as explanatory of his words and as
corroborative of what hn said relating to the
all-power of spirit , and the oneness , the
Inscparableness of God and man. To scien
tists Jesus' teachings Joined with his demon
strations point to the obvious fact that man ,
the real man , the man made In the Imago
and likeness of God , has an eternal , har
monious existence In Oed , Is God expressed ,
manifested , and can no more actually die ,
be extinguished , be- sick , suffer or sin , than
can Ood.
That there being but one Oed , and He the
only , the supreme Intelligence , the actual
man must have God for his intelligence ,
bis consciousness , and God being of purer
ryes than to behold evil or Iniquity , evil
or Iniquity cannot bo known by God's man ,
because he has no mind apart from Ood.
As heat and light are the manifestation of
the sun , are the sun expressed , so man Is
God expressed , and as there iniiHt be heat
and light so long as there Is sun , so there
must be man as long as ( hero Is Ood. As
God IK life and Is all , anil man is God ex
pressed , man Is life expressed , and cannot
bo allied with death , or really know death.
That the eternal , universal power and
presence , of God , who Is spirit , life , truth
and love , as Jesus taught anil showed , make
It .Impossible for anything like God to have
nn Actual , Immortal existence. Everything
not God-ilku must 1m temporal , mortal , ol
human conception , having Its origin In er
roneous , Illusive , mortal beliefs founded
upon the physical senses , the human , mortal
conBCloueness , which senses and conscious
ness mtiat finally retire before the only real
mind , the only real power , the only real
love , the only real being , the only real
Little Boy 'a Terrible Eczema. Mass
of Sores from Head to Foot.
Not an Inch of Body Unaffected.
Skin Came off with Bandages.
Screams Were Heart-Breaking ,
3 Doctors & Institute no Avail.
> Iy Httlo boy bruUoontnllh nn Itching rash.
I tried three doctors and medical collcgo but
ho kept getting worse. There tciu nc-t one
iqunrt inch flftkiii on till tcholcboittiniifceteil. .
He was one mass of sores , nml tlio Blench wns
frightful. At the time- was induced to try
( 'UTlcriiA riMiiedlca , ho was go bad that I had
to cut hit hair nil oir , and put the CUTICIIRA
( ointment ) on him on bandages , na It wua Im
possible to touch him with th baru hand , In
removing the bandagca they would takn the
skin with thrni , and the poor child's ecroams
wrrn hrart-brcaklng. After thu crcimd appli
cation of Cirnci'iiA ( ointment ) J ui ffMf r/
imprortmtnt , and the jorcs began to dry tip ,
Hi lln ] > . > < led oir twenty times , Imt now lit la
rnllrtlycurnl , I lucd ruTU-uuv lr.RoivuxT
fet his Mood , and a atnmgrr and healthier
boy > nti never saw than he U to-day.
11011'T WATTA MK''S Cook St. , Chicago , 111.
Begins with the Blood and Ends with
The Skin and Scalp.
Th t lito iyCt"nrTmlU oi.YcsTpurlfte the
Mood niiclclreulntlni : fluil | i > niuiioieuii ! , nml
tliu removri Ilia niutfvlilla wurnv liatli * wllti
CUTICUIU HJilunil gciUlo m olntlDK wlUi Cm.
ouiu ( ointment ) , Kfcittcit of cninliliuttUlucurcB ,
clcinii : the > l > ! u mil train of rruiti ami ecoli-j ,
lUjr Itchliv , kurnlnir , auJ lutlanv.uallon , lootlia
and tical. Tliui ere i > rcdlly , prrnwDcutly. anij
economically currtl the mott lortnrlnillnlgur -
Inn huuion of tbo tkln , icolp , ami uluoil , xltli
Ion or litlr , when the bcil pnjilcUut uud all
ctUer rcmcilc4f ll.
iheiitttKwcrlJ. I'niTii n , urnP , Cnr.r. ,
Ilindi and ll > Ir tr uitoz
fiernal substance , the only real prcsni-e-
Dcnlnl of Self.
The deniMi of self is the denial that the
Physical existence In the real fixlstence ;
that existence la lu nnywlM dependent upor
structure or organization , that Is. matter
the denial that there In nny real life o ;
Inolllgonu ! In matter. Including tht
physlenl bodies of men , and the denial thai
there are any renlltle * nxccpt Oed pplrli
and His spiritual creations. it was these
mysteries , for mysterltw they seem to in
UiiiH we have proven them to be the truth
that Jtsus labored to explain to the un
prepared , unrec < ytlve human Intellect !
which for the most part belong to HI ;
hearers , It Is these mysteries tn which 1'aul
In hla epistles , repeatedly refers ; It la thcs (
hiyslrrloa which have become known tt
Mary Uaker Eddy , the discoverer am
founder of Christian Silence ; and It Is Ihcsi
historic * which she has , In a noble , ( Jed.
aided , God-hallowed effort , put ae well at
she has been able Into words , and tendered
to mankind In her book , "Science am :
Health. With Key to thu Scriptures. " UK
text book bf Christian Scientists. Tin
spiritual cannot be comprehended by tht
Oed cannot bo comprehended by mortal
physical man. There must bo a gradual
obliteration of corporeal sense before tht
full glory of God and heaven , and man cat :
grow Into realization , Just as thu darkness
gradually retires before the oncoming sun
uml , with the full retreat , day Is Installed ,
Hut the human Intellect , If there Is back
of It an honest , contrite heart , is able , In
a remarkably short time , to somewhat
acquaint Itself with God , and If the talent
given It Is Improved , to broaden such ac
quaintanceship Into a constanly Incrun-
Ing knowledge which enables Us possessor ,
in a humble , hopeful way , to follow In
Jesus' jteps , after a comparatively feeble
fashion , do the works that ho did.
The key to the mystery of the bible la
the understanding that all reality Is to be
found In God ami HI- ? creation ; that Go.l ! e
Infinite spirit , Infinite intelligence , Infinite
love. Infinite power , Infinite presence. In
finite life , infinite harmony , and that man ,
Ood's man , the. man described in the first
chapter of Genesis , the man wV f5 given
dominion as his birthright , the man who le
made In the Imago and likeness of God , re
flects Infinite spirit , infinite Intelligence , in
finite love , Infinite power , Infinite presence ,
Infinite life , infinite harmony-God and re
flects nothing else. Nothing really is except
spirit and what spirit has made.
All of us are existence expressed of God ,
at < light Is expressed of the sun , Intelligent ,
conscious existences , having their Identities
In God , life , nml necessarily Independent
for their being of the physical body per
taining to the mortal man.
-IC\-lMlfiit iv lth Cod.
We are spiritual , eternal , harmonious , be
cause wo ate co-existent with God.Ve ,
spiritual Identities of the creative , living
principle-God ; wo , manifestations of life ;
we , the eternal sons and daughters ot God ,
nro all born of Him , not of the flesh ; are
all brothers and ulsters , children of the one
parent , as absolutely Indestructible as is
the parent Himself , and , as the different
rays of light combined constitute light , to ,
we , God's various , beautiful , spiritual chil
dren , as a whole , constitute man , God's
Universe , God's creation , the Creator ex
The cry from all quarters seems to be for
a more spiritual religion ; one that Is more
satisfying ; ono that does not seem so
tainted with the world ; one that Is not BO
devoted to the material to pomp , pag
eantry , display , ceremonial , formal , per
functory observances ; one that Is not so
unhappily by. and of , and for the flesh ;
one that approaches nearer to the Christi
anity formulated and practiced by Jesus ;
ono that brings us nearer to God.
Think for a moment and you will can
didly concede that such a religion is the
demand , tho. Inexorable .demand , of the
timc.i If there Is to be any diversion of the
"princes of the world" from apparent aban
donment to uncurbed selfishness , greed ,
rapacity. Impurity , dishonesty , cruelty , gen
eral worldllneSR and sacrifice of about all
that Is elevated on tht > altars of Mammon.
A religion which will alter this state of
tiflalrs you cannot reasonably expect to be
Identical with the religion we have had , be
cause the religion we have had has not
seemed to work any radical change for the
hotter In thn average man. If a more
spiritual religion t > ecni8 to be thn need , and
a religion on spiritual lines Is delineated , you
will not take offense because such religion
clashes with materialistic , worldly views.
Consider , too , why there Is a demand for
a different religion. Is It not because it Is
hoped that a different religion will prove
ot dally practical help to men and not a
will o' the wlsn which always evades one's
grasp and from which nothing out of the
ordinary can he expected until one has en
tered Into an uncertain "beyond" where
are located promises Innumerable , It Is trim ,
but which nothing one can now experience
signifies are at all likely to be fulfilled ? A
religion that does some appreciable good to
UH now Is what Is wanted , Is It not ? A re
ligion that helptt us while we arc here and
points the way to something better. A re
ligion that proves Itself an aid that Is
recognizable , and proving Itself such an aid
now , leads us to trust its promisc for the
To Christian Scientists , who , with you , arc
alive to the needs of thn hour , It seems
strange that men should not , moro than
they do , rccognl/.e In Christian Science thu
kind of religion which people of nil denomination -
nomination- : ' , and Infidels , agnostics and
skeptics as well , feel mu t come , but which
knocking at their very doors they refuse to
U'luil ClirlNllnn SolflH'c DOOM.
Christian Science makes stronger , health
ier , moro unselfish , more oonest , more con
tented , holler , purer , happier people , and
with perfect certitude proclaims a state of
eternal harmony when this mud encrusta
tion Ibis physical , fleshly , mortal , material ,
temporal existence , this "dust Ihou art and
unto diift shall thou return" shall be
cleaned away from consciousness and man
como Into the full , glorious appreciation of
what he Is , always has been and always will
be the Image and likeness of God-Spirit.
"Proof , give us proofs , " mortals insist. Our
proof 13 actual personal experience , than
which no proof Is more cogent. Through
Christian Science there have been , as well as
can bo estimated , nearly 2,000,000 cases of
healing from alckncas.
In the majority of these cases relief by
other means had failed. In a largo portion
ot the ins I-- , perhaps the majority , physicians
had abandoned or classnj the eiiffciers as In
curable. In thousand ! * of caas bad habits ,
depraved tastes , sins of thought and deed
have been eiadlcated ; worry and anxltty
have banished ; poverty has been over
come ; In Instances where death has visited
ihoje who had begun to realize UH nolhlng-
ne t. for both the dying and the bereaved , it
has been largely , and sometimes almost en
tirely , shorn of Us sorrow and tcrrore ; and
to u great number of the vast army who
inarch after the Christian Science banners
there bus bea born a keen consciousness
of the joys of spiritual existence , a poulilvc
certainty of "Ood with us" and lo stay
with us and thu ruaultant peace "which
pat-eeth all umurslandlng. "
Carrion n Uml Wound.
Hurry 1' . Hrenholts. formerly n member
of the Klfty-llrst Iowa ruxlmont. came over
fr5m Council UlufTc Krlduy night , whore he
lias bean lying In the Woman's Christian
AUKK Union hospital nurtdnfr a bad woun.1 In
Ills lug uliirfl hlx rt-glment urrlvud November
T. Mr lirenholts was shot In n erniUh \
last winter when his regiment wa stutlonfvi
noiir Sun Kcrnumlo und the woun-1 hit *
nevt-r properly healed At tin- present tlnii-
iio Is Hblc to wulk only with the uld 'if
< ruti'hos and It will be come time hefirr he
will bo ubl > > to til.ird them His home
In Mount I'toauunt. lit und lie will leu
( or tiiiil jiU -oUy D pnd the
< . . > - - > - - -a-J
Tht > present mild weather make * I
Pttwlblf for building opcrntloiis to lip con
tlnued. At the Armour warehouse as man :
turn as ran bo used lo advantage are em
ployeJ en tbe 'big ' building. Ilrl.-klnycni nr
now \\nrklng en the eighth-story walls an
carpenters are putting up the frame nnrl
for the ninth story , Ooneral Manage
Howe expected to have this structure untie
roof by January 1. but delay In the rerelp
of material has put the work back somr. m
that It may bo the middle of ucxt nuntl
before the roof ; Is completed. On the lowe
lloor of the building the carpenters ar
busily engaged In laying floors and diui
other Interior work.
A tunnel eighty-seven feet In length nov
connects the hog house on the north witl
the warehouse on the south. This tunnc
Is laU under the railroad tracks , and I
constructed of Iron , brick and cement. I
Is ten feet wide and six feet high and wll
be used to convoy packages from the ho' '
house to the warehouse. Tracklaylng li
the Armour yards to the west Is about d.iu
and these tracks , which have a storage ca
paclty of 1G7 cars , will be connected wtthli
the next week. An Immense bin , capabli
of holding .sixty cars of coal , has just bcei
built close lo the power house. The objec
of tltlK Is to have n large quantity of eoa
always on hand In case of accident or slov
delivery from the railroads.
Work Is progressing as rapidly as tat
be expected at the new brick yard , but I
will bo ( ionic time after January 1 b ° fen
the n niiufncturo of brick will be coni'
mcnced. . As long as good wo.ither last !
the work of putting together the building ,
brought from Louisville will be pushed. Th ;
demand for brlek still continues , and tin
output of the new company will doubtles :
IIml a ready sale. This company will manu
facture paving brick as well as building
Sirlck , and South Omaha will be In a pral-
tlon to secure paving brick at reasonable
rates. There Is a vltrllled brlclt inanufac-
tory at Atchlson , Kan. , and that city Is s
curing brick paving at the rate of ! )0 ) rents
a cubic yard : If property owners here car
get brick paving for Jl a cubic yard n grtal
tunny streets will doubtless be paved next
Slolrn Choi'K TIII-IIH I p.
One of the checks reported to have been
taken from John Burke , when he was robbed
a week or so ago , bus turned up. The check
was Itsued by the Cudahy Packing company
to J. Scanlon and called for $16.73. Imme
diately following the robbery Mr. Burke
stopped payment on the three checks taken ,
bo that he will not lose anything as far as
the checks are concerned. The check In
Itiestlon was passed at Anton Bazar's saloon
on Railroad avenue by Ed Nightengale.
When Bazar found that payment had been
stopped ho called at police headquarters and
requested that Nightengale bo arrested. It
Is asserted by Bazar that Chief Carroll re
fused to have anything to do with the case ;
nt any rate. Bazar says , Nightengale was
allowed to depart for St. Joseph without
any elfort being made to detain him. Bazar
is the loser by'tho trawuetion , as he was
not aware that payment had been stopped.
Chief Carroll said that when Bazar re
ported the case to him Nightengale had
already departed for St. Joseph. Ho took
the matter up at once and sent a descrip
tion of the man wanted to the St. Joseph
pollco and is expecting every day to hear
nt the man's arrest.
\ < ( < > from I lie Mayor.
The mayor has sent in a veto on the reso
lution paffcd at the last meeting of the
council in regard to more electric street
lights. Councilman Cliiigcn secured the
passage of a resolution ordering street
lights at Twenty-fifth and K streets , Thlr-
tqpntu and 0 streets and Twenty-ninth.and
n stre-.s. The mayor. In his veto , fciys :
that he is willing to admit the necessity
for the lights In quchtlon and would be
glad to see them placed were It not for
Ihe condition of the lighting fund ,
The mayor asserts that the appropriation
ror lights last August amounted to $8,220 ,
mil of this sum $0,402 has been expended ,
leaving a balance of $1,818 to defray light
ing 'bills until next August. At the pres
ent rate the overlap in this fund will bo
M.S3G , and this should not bo Increased.
It Is more than likely that the members of
the council will override the mayor's veto
it the next session , as the people are clam-
Drlng for lights. The expense of maintain
ing these three lights from January until
the end of July wlfl be but $220.riO , as
under the contract recently entered Into
Hreet lights arc now charged for at the
rate of $10.50 ii month Instead of $12 per
month as formerly.
I'ollec Clilffdiliify ( lucHlion.
Tlie position of chief of police was yes
terday tendered by Mayor Kntor to Miles
Mitchell , head of Swift and Company's
watchman force. After considering the
proposition Mr. Mitchell declined to accept
: he responsibility and worry for $ fij a month.
He Is receiving a great deal more than this
in hlK present position , and Is well satisfied
where he Is. Mitchell's appointment would
[ ilease a great many people and regret Is ex
pressed that bo cannot BBC his way clear to
accept the position. W. S. Babcock , the
present police Judge , Is also being talked
ibout for the place , and the mayor U willIng -
Ing to appoint him providing ho B3curos the
endorsement of the business men. At any
rate , no appointment will bo made until
after January 1 , as the mayor Intends giv
ing the people ample time In which to agree
upon a man for the place.
3liiKl ( * Clly < IONNI ,
Five earn of luril were shipped to Hoi-
fast , Ireland , yesterday by Swift.
Hodnoy Murpliy 1ms accepted it clerical
position with Swift and Company.
Thi > young i < in of Mr and Mr * . V. J.
Kreltug Is Inld up with u lirokon arm.
The damage milt of Kd Hurko against
the city has KOIH- over until the next term
of court.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Huron of Denver uro
the guests of Mrs. I. Urown , Twenty-sec
end nml J stroet" .
The pollco Imvo confiscated novoral slot
machines found running In opposition to
tliu mayor's orders.
Mrs. I.yinan Carpenter mid daughter
Kdllli ami sun Cllfthn of Peru are In the
city visiting relatives.
A mooting of thn South Omaha l.lvo
Stock oxclmiiKo will oo h"ld on I ho nf tor-
noon of December 29 for the purpose of se-
loctliiK delegates to attend thu third 1111-
is pale , then your lips and
cheeks arc pale , your nerves
weak , and your whole body
greatly debilitated. Thedoc-
"You haveana "
torssay > mia.
There's just one thing you
need something to make
the blood rich and red.
will certainly do this. It
will make the most happy
changes for you , and soon
your old strength and ac
tivity will return.
$ c * jnd $1.00 , all drurgtitt.
SCOTT & DOWNS , ChemUt. . New Yori.
9 ©
Regular 12 l-2c Candy ,
Don't ' forget we liave the largest assortment of
candy in the city at Boston Store prices. Come
early and avoid tlie rush.
, . . .
aa jKitUCGS&ssE53rww ! ; *
nual convention of the National l.lvr Rtoi-h
association , which moots at 1orlortli ,
Tex. . January 1C.
OOOITC Smith. ' head iattliliuyor for
Swift , loft yesterday for Swift's Hay btate
farm lo loo'k over the herds.
Packers say that the domostlo trade
keeps up so well that it Is Impossible lo
accumulate a stock of provisions.
Sir and Airs. A. It. Kelly returned yes
terday from Tekamah. whore they wore
railed'to attend the funeral of Mr. Kelly a
James I. . . Paxtoa , general superintend-
out of the stock yards company , loaves . ; -
day for \\Yllxvlllo , Slo. , to spend the holi
days with relatives.
Miss Agnes Smith , daughter of T. 11.
Smith. L'a > North Twenty-second street , will
be married in January 10 to Mr. hugcnc
EdzorUm of Chicago.
\V. U. Dennett of the Western Moat as
sociation. San Francisco , spoilt yesterday
In the city , the guest of General Manager
1'rlce of Swift and Company.
Thomas t'lcmliiR has been appointed a
patrolman by Mayor Knsor. Mr. Klein UK
was recommended for deputy sborltt by tbu
labor organizations , but was turned down.
Mrs. n. Churchill , nerl'n ' , Vt. , says : "Our
baby was covered with running sores. Do
Witt's Witch Hazel Salve cured her. " A
specific for piles ancftsUln diseases. Dcwaro
of worthless cou'ntortelts.
Sirs. Minnie ! liOiilH IN < MII SON 1'laiiJi
for an OrKaiil/.iitlon lu
An audience of falr-sl/.cd proportions
gathered at Temple Israel last night to listen
to Mrs. Minnie 1) . hauls dlBcuK the plans
for the organization of a Jewish Chnutnuqua
circle In the city. She Is the Held secre
tary of the organization and Is engaged n
greater portion of the time in establishing
circles throughout the country. Her home
Is in New York.
The speaker explained that the Jewish
Chautauqua IB Identical with the general established In 1S71 , and with
which Or. Vincent became connected In
1ST ! ) , and which has made auch rapid strides
In the way of growth.
Mrs. Louis pointed out Ihe advantages of
the reading circles , saying that it Is an Idea
where the education is brought to the stu
dent , Instead of the student going out to
seek the education. There is a regain *
course of study extending over n period of
eight years , starting with general or blblo
history and closing with readings in Jewish
history and literature.
The talk was In no sense a lecture , hut
was a plain statement of the caw , showing
the benefits to bo derived from the books
to bo read and studied.
These who were present evinced n deep
Interest and It Is moro than likely that a
reading circle will be organized this winter.
II Will Slop lleiiiliu'lirn
.ind Neuralgia
Quick. Wright's Paragon Headache
ralgia Cure. Take no other. Druggists l5c ! ,
liHsl lny of M-liooI for 1'ri'triitnr
C'liiMON with SuKuliU-
Thp public schools closed Friday for the
Christmas holidays anil 10,000 pupils will
he at liberty until January 2. In a number
of schools , and particularly kindergartens ,
exercises were held appropriate to the sea
son. Programs of recitation and songs were
given and the rooms wcro ilccoratcd with
Christmas greens.
The mcst elaborate preparations had been
made by the * kindergarten teachers nt the
Lake school. Cards handsomely wrought by
the pupils had been In process of construc
tion for several weeks designed for their
parents. Tbe outline of n cluster of chimes
was traced In colored worsteds and beneath
this picco of handicraft the teacher pasted
a photograph of the room and rlnra , taken
by nn assistant's camera. A Christmas
tree , bright with candles and spangles , wan
unveiled and each child was rcmcmbercj
by a t.oken.
At the same school a destitute family had
been partially maintained by the teachers
for faveral weeks and the children were
each requested to bring a piece of coal as
large as his fist. To the tmrnrlso even of
the promoters of the plan the aniiunt of
coal gathered amounted to one ton.
At the Mason school a similar plan was
adopted , the children being requested to
bring to school such groceries as could bo
spared for the purposes of Christmas charity.
One enterprising youth with the true Christ
mas spirit at heart loaded his express wagon
during his mother's absence and brought
a bucket of sugar and twelve cans of prc-
servoil fruit to add to tl'o general supply.
The tonchcr sent the goods home by a
larger boy.
DeWitt's Little Early Risers purify the
blood , clean the liver. Invigorate the system.
Kaniouo little pills for constipation and llvor
Moil tl IllO Slllllll HllllDlHfllMH Illl-
l r vriiu > ntN for Tliolr ISiitl
of ( lieCity. .
The llivervlnw club annex of the South
Side Improvement club met Friday night
In a regular session at Krflslcr's hall. Thir
teenth and Dominion streets. About forty
were present.
A committee was appointed lo wait upon
the school board with a view of bringing
about the building of a permanent school
building on the old slto at Thirteenth and
Phelpa streets and to ask them to buy , If
nractli-uble , the ttrlp of land fronting ot :
'hlrtcenth street nt that place. A com-
ittco of Ihroe was also appointed with
istructloiis to keep the advertising of
Remember the Little Toes
They tfi-t cilil ) anil Imvo corns just lIUo
tlio 'liltf oiiPH-Our lioys' shot's litU-il l > .v
salcsini-n iluit know lunv I" 111 ttlioos
pivvcnt folil ft'i't siii'l ' i-oriis TIILTO IK
u soniPtlilns about tie ! > buys' nb < H-s that
iimlics thoin Ilio best kind of a Christ-
uiiiH present Wo have , lee , a line Him
of Iwys' slippers that tire made just llku
impu's , with hcols , In the low cut ami
Faust styles You can have all Christ
mas shoos ami slippers properly IHtcd
next week Wo are open ovonlncs now.
Drexel Shoe Co
' . flboe Hoove ,
Omaha' * 0p-ta-6r.te
jWhen I WuzDown
To my Imss' store hist week ho. lun
X'ive mo a pocket Unlfe-aml yon don't
know how oed It dltl make this nljiKei'
feel , for the kind uf pocket knives ho
sells am do best made on earth Ho
tflve me one of dem - ! . " > ( ones and It'n
bi-ttor than some folks sell for $1. < > 0
I dim tell you my boss sells lots of KOO ; !
thlnj-'s ehoap llo's . ( sleds and skates
and i-arviiiK sets beauties tea and cut-
fee pots , si-lssors , rax.ors. tnlilo knlve.s
and spoons , dialing dishes I nln't xo\\\ \ \ '
to tell you all he's sot for i'lirUtnms
K but you'll lie sorry If you don't
lul-j his store before Saturday nl hi.
1514 Farnam ht.
1 Illvcrview park at heart and net allow pub
lie Interest In the place to Hag.
A motion was carried that the city coun
cil be Informed that the desire of the
South Sldcrs Is that the five streets bo
named as they were in former years. 1) j-
mlnlon. Atlas , Homer , Hugo and Kavan
and the council be requested tu llx these
j names upon the Hlrecta.
! The clii'b fixed upon the llrt.t Friday after
New Yerr'a as a date to hold a marn meet
ing for the discussion of the municipal
ownership of waterworks. Seme prominent
speakers will bo asked to speak on the sub
ject and the public and Ihe city olllccrs will
be requested to be present.
The. best salv ; In thu world for cuts.
tf.Usea , sores , ulcers , salt rheum , fever
ores , tetter , chapped hands , chilblains ,
tornn and all skin erupt Ions , and posl'.lvely
cures piles , or no pay required. It Is guar
anteed to give perfect satisfaction or money
refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For srlo
by Kuhn & Co
Trnvoli-r Suffers Ilio I.OHM of n AV II
rillril Wallet - \ VlillcVnllliiK for
HIM Trr.ln li > Su-t.
Joseph Tesser of Tobias , Neb. , was
robbed of a wallet containing $387 Thurs
day evening whllo sitting In the smoking
ear of a llurllngton paFseiigcr train , hhortly
before the train pulled out for the cast.
Tesser was eurouto for his old homo in
Minnesota to spend the Christmas holi
When the train reached Omaha he 10-
malncd In his seat in the smnklng car until
n short time before it was ready to leave
Ihe station , lie then walked to the end of
the car. Whllo standing In the aisle bo
wan rudely Jostled by three men , who had
Just hoarded the train. Tcsser had ob
served those men casually from his neat
as they stood on the platform. When they
had crowded him into one corner ot I ho
car one of them deftly extracted his wal
let. Ho Immediately discovered the loss
and abruptly terminated his Journey.
The robbery was reported to the police
station and Oeorge McClurc was FOOII after
arrested on suspicion. Tcsser has identified
McClure as one of the robbers. The police
are scouring the city In search of his two
Don't give them tea or coffee. Hnvn yon
tried the now food drink called OKAIN-O ?
It Is delicious and nourishing and tn'iei
the place of coffee. The inoro Ornln-O you
Rive the children the rnnro health you dis
tribute through their syHtoms. Craln-O ! M
made of pure grains , rind when properly
prepared tnstos Ilko the choice ernilos of
coffee , but costs about U as much. All
croccrs sell It. lf > c and 26c.
I'niiMH ! * hlcf * nt
i\iNlllnii | liiiniortiiUrod In llniiil-
Miuiif Pli < iloirnMhle I'lrlnro.i.
The new book of Indian portraits gotten
out by K. A. Klnehnrt , Omaha's popular
photographer , has Just boon received In the
city and promlflos to Increase still further
the widespread fame that attaches to the
Indian conere R held In conjunc'lon with the
Traiismlmlhtlppl Exposition last year. The
book , which Is being advertised extensively
over the whole country , reproduces atom
fifty of the best photographs taken of tl-o
famous chiefs who were here In 1S9S , two ef
j them In colors. The Intrrdiietlon ere lilt
Edward Itosewator of The Hoe wllh t'-o
I origin of the Idea of tlie congress iin.l fie
i successful execution of the project wllh llk
I complimentary reference to Captain W. A.
j Mercer In charge and the exposition inannge-
" 1 was nearly dead with dyspepsia , tried
doctors , visited mineral springs and grew
worse. I used Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. That
| cured mo. " It dlrsts what you cat. Cures
Indigestion , sour stomach , luartburn and all
forms ot dyiipepeln.
Illuli School Sviilnr.t' Soolnl.
The High school seniors held the first
social under the permission given recently
by the Hoard of Education , throwing open
the assembly room on t'he ' fifth Moor of the
! l city hall. The roir.nn had been decorated
! tastefully ard the occasion was thoroiifihlv
enjoyed. The audlonro room was cleared
for tiancing and the protruding ventilators
common In similar occasions at the High
school were happily absent. The commit
tee rooms woio llttoil 1111 with games for
those who did not daneo. A large numlx r
were present Including High school teachers
aii'l membersof tin- School bo'Jrd.
Wo have in
creased our
holdings i u
Kodakti , -
'eras ' and Plioiographic sun
dries until we now have every
thing the ama
teur will need.
, ' Special atten
tion given to
the retouching ,
developing and
printing of all work.
.liniilcnr l'lintoijriil > lilc.
1408 Farir.iin , Omaha ,
OppoJlto Paxton lintel.
Here's ' a Pointer
Wo br > K to remind you that Saturday
Is the last day you Imvo lo select that
Chrlslniiis piano Don't delay this mat
ter Whllo wo Imvo sold a great many
pianos this week we still have snnio ele
gant Knabes Klmlmlls Kraulch &
Hai'hs and llospes llmt are beautiful
to the eye , responsive to the touch , sym-
palhetle to the ear and light on thu
poeketbook only high In iimllty. |
Music and Art , 1513 Douglas ,
Mr , Frederick Hatter-
says , "Don't forgot that this Is the
young men's store" uml that wo have
for Christmas presents silk lints Dun-
lap's stiff hats -StetKon's stiff unit soft
hats fur caps fur gloves doth capn
wool gloves and umbrtillan Uesldus
that popular : i. < J 1ml that .wo him :
been selling for uomo llmo It's a stiff
liat ( n either brown or bind ; and Is n
popular in style and tone M It IH In
have - . Its for
price--We m-vor t-.cen equal
that money -Comfortable , drossy caps
from 50 eellts lip.
The Hatter ,
The Leading Hat MHI of tlie We *
120 South 15th Street