(5 ( THE OMAHA DAILY 15EE : TTIUDAY , DECEMr.ETJ 122 , 1801) ) . THE OMAHA DAILY BEE E. KOSUWATLH. Editor. PUULlBHUD UVEIIY .MOUNINC3. TERMS OP Dally UP * ( without Sundaj > , One Yar V Ually Hco and Sunday. One Year . 8 Dally. Sunday and Illustrated , One Year 6. Buminj and Illustrated , Ono Your . 2 Illustrated Uco , On Year . Z Sunday Uce. One Vcar . ? BnlurrJay Doc , Ono > car . Weekly lice , Ono Year . orncis Omahai The Uce nulldlnsr . . , , South Omtilm City Hall Bulldln Twenty-fifth nml N Streets founcll Bluffs : 10 Pearl Street rhlcoun : ion Unity HulldltiE New York ! Templn Court. Washington 501 l\urtepntli Sticot. . nowrs anrt oil Communications relating to torlnl matter should lie addressed Omar Hoc. Editorial Department HTSINISS Lrrrrnns. she" letters nnd remittances be ndrtresspd1 The Bee ! > ubll Mlns Cor I'nny ' , Omaha URMITTANCE8 ncmlt by draft , express or postal orde payable to The H > e Publishing Compan Unlv 2-cpnl stamps an opted In payment i mnll accounts l'er onnl checks , except i Omaha or Hnitprn pxchvnRC. tint nccpptc COMPAN\ . _ TUG nun PUUMSHINO \Tt5MI3M' OP CIUCIU. VTIOV snte of Nebraska. Douglas County , sis deorBC- Tzsrmick , secretary of The DI Publishing compnnv , being duly swor Hint the nctiml number of full ar rompleto e-nplps of Tlie Pally Mornln livening and Sunday Hoc , printed durir I ho numb of November , 1SS9 , wu * " " fn lows : ! H . Tim Net total sales Subscribed nnd sworn In-fore me this d > nt December. A D > mjs Publ'c ' Notcrj ( Seal ) If MIC iminlfipal < i\viioi- > liii | oulliraiu N MS lull of lioli's as a sKlmnu'i , vvli not let tin- water out of It ? One thine Is ccilalii. HICK- will IIP < -\ha spsMon of HIP NclnasKa Jc-fils tun- this vvintui , no innttor If HIP liw i us fall. The ilcclHlun of the supicmo coiut < 1 rlailiiK tlic Wr.ivor law uiiumstltutloiii Is most s.itlsfactoiy to tltP insitiam Oinalia int-u'liants sav holiday tun' was novel lipttc-r. It Ib to hp hoped th lui-ans au enjoyable ( lulstni.is for P\PI man , \\oni.in and child in this cltj. PashloniltPts s.ij that Chtistm. stofklnRH me laip'r than in loinu joins and .UP ' piling HO php.ip that PVC .Iijtij Siuiiisoac.ui afford to have a pal I'pttlpiow and Altgcld me to oppu tl fusion cauioiilgn In South PnKot.i I .fiinuaij' . It Is likely to Rpt nipped litho the fiost hc-foie election time 10 ! mound. Pye | million dollais In bonds to hu a w ntcr plant ought to he pnou h t placate all the opponents to niunlclpt as well as all those wli for It. Alter this tinln Hibbeis had hetti taiKle people who mo eutoutp to Km MIS City * as thohc coming away do in appear to lime money onoiiKh to pay ic the Job. Omaha and South Oniah.i could s : along nicely with ri llttlo IPS KIIII phi just at pipsent. WP hope ambltlov maiUsniPn will join the aimy and hiiv their bullets for the' Filipinos. That no cent ttansfer cliarso over tli fence between the two Omaha depots almost as oftenslve as was the old 51 cent per pass-en er hoid-np o\ei tli Union Pacllic. bildgo yenis a o. The KiiKlIsh public is won led becan- notliliiK IIIIK been heaid tiom sonic < ( liplr Held conimmuleis tor boxeinl day. . The oillceis piolmblj icali/e that the have talked too much and lia\e s\\oi olT In advani.e of the new jenr. An Amoilcan arcliltect has been ei p.isjed ( o elect an oartliiuake-piool' | pa ace for HIP pmpeioi of .lapnn. A foitini awallH someone who can design a ICM lutlon-pioof palace for the piesldents t South and Ontial Ameilcan ' 'onnttle 1,1 I\\\\\K \ OhmiK'K peacock feather , pndanxpicd npiln hecaiihP of a pioti" lodged liy the oveininent of 1'ninc The best thliiK the Oilental Htatesma can do If he values the feather Is to pi It In1'a safety deposit \ault la soni Ameilcan cll.v. No\r that the muddle over the Insn aueo ileimrtnu'Ut Is settled by the si picmo couit ( U'clhlnu the > > nd fact ronu lioiiif ( o the xh'l'iiluiiH auditor that i appiomlatlou is available for condue Iim the affalis of his Insuumco buicai Tutly the troubles of popoctatle ollici lioldcis are Intcimlimhlc. If tlio Commeralal club can brin abinit the assessment of all the pe honal piopeity that has hltheilo escape the asseshor It will b.\ that act alon moie than Justify Its exlhtenie In < l Ing sof however , It miihl stilko a bed blow to coipotations and Huns and wl would doubtless thrcati > u to disband tl club. clti/ens of Houtli Omaha ai mil the picbslpt ' , need of a competei I'hlnf of jwllce , Jiut the men intetestc In ht'cliiR that city continue as a lefn ; . for criminals Insist that a patiolnian I thi } present foioo bo pionuted to tl chltjftalncj' , Theio Is only one chain In a hundred that ( his plan can hu mm to woik. What the major of Soul Oimiliu ought to do Is to plik the be' ' man he cau llml , uo matter whence 1 COIIH'3. it n ni 11\ i v MMiniu In his Mic h on the Miijenij M one -if the ablcx ) delivered In snppoit that measiite , icpie : < eiitatlve lliosl of I'c nnsjlvanla. clialiiiian of the lion nitiitnlitcc on banking and ( tiiieiK nll ( "rinaiiilitl emplte Is ( oinlni : o wajVc mo advanclns with leaps ni hounds to the position of a ciedil nati n. Tower and dominion In t llnaiiclal vvoild follow the ( oiiMe ( oinini'ii c and mannfautniei. T sci-pter Is passing fiom the old to t new vvoild and New YoiU will suppla London In the near funuc. Ameilci ( Medits In Kntope mo putting a dllli ent tare nil the meat quest ions llnmice the vvoild over.Vo me loa ing money abioad bv the millions ai we aie very near tlie point wheie v can hold tlie icliis of Hiimicial pnv on two continents. " That this Is not au ovetdiavvn stal mi-lit of the pieseiit position ot I United States In the Iliianclal aflahs the vvoild will be made appaiont by studj of lecent events. The .riovvth this country In wealth dining tile la two or tinoo vears has been vvltlm pu-eedeiit In our hlstoiy and piobah has no paiallel in tlie history of ai other coiintty. Tills has placed in o hands a vast amount of available ca ] tnl , onlj a small pint of which Is ic leseiiti'd bj the stock of gold , amoin Ing to neaily S1MKl,0K,0X ( ( ) ) . which gioater than that held by any oth countij1. A few joins ago , in tlie dem ei title limps , intopi : > was drawing upi the United Slates to liquidate our ov Indebtedness up in tlie other side. Tl gold thai then went out ippiobonted t ! settlement of a tiade balance that w against us. The gold that has teeent been e\poited and that which may ! sent abioad Is not to settle an nnla oiable trade bahnue , but to meet i tiigent demand fumi England for Una ial aid. It I- a leversal ol long-pi vailing conditions London looking New Yolk fet help and olleilng llbd Inducements theiefoi , Instead of Nc Yolk belli , ; dependent upon London. The United States Is today In stiouger position financially than in oilier nation in the vvoild and tills I : Ing so , theie Is eveij1 reason to o\po < If wo shall become Involved In no i teiiiatlonal dilllcultles to disauan ; out tinancial and connnoicial aflali that the piodktion that New Yotk w supplant London as the wet Id's Una dnl ( enter will be fulllllod In the ne futuie. Coitainly it Great Hilta should have demands upon liei tlnancl lesoiirces bojond those of the war South A ft lea and then' Is no ceitaln that she v\lll not hoi loss ol the Una cial sceplei would be Inevitable , nor It Impiobablo that this will tesiilt li < i the war she has on hand , it it shall piotoctod. Whenever the end of host ! ties to ( ome thcip N likely to be a i action damaging toJUItlsh inteicsts The United States l < moving stoadi foivvmd , Inueaslng its Indimtiios ai Its coniiueiee and adillng to Its vvealt with evety pn iiilse of a ptolongod e of matuilal piogtess and jtospeiitj' ) . J one who intelligently studies the situ tlou can doubt that ' 'tlnanclal omplie coming our way. " IlhMUt'IlAJlt Hosolntlous have been Intioduced both houses ot congioss bj demoiia doclailng tlie policy Avhlch the Unlti States should adopt legmdlng the I'll Ippiues. All of them ptoposu that tl Filipinos shall be given Independent : but as to the ionise to bo puisitod ai the ( ondltlons to be leqiliied pu-lin nat.v to the giantlug of Indpondeiii theie aie vvldu and Inqnttant dliTo eiues in the demon.Hie plans. The lOMilution Intioduced by Soimt < H.K on ot ( ieoigla disclaims aii.v ili-ii sltlon ov Intention on ( lie pait ot tl United Stales to o\otcKo peinmnoi sovcielgntj , Jiulsdlctlon or contiol ov the ridllppliies and decline's tli ' when aimed u-slstanee to the antlui Itj of the United States shall hit' ceased within < -ald Islands and pun and older shall have been icston then-ill it Is the pmpiHo and Intentlc of tlio United States , so soon theioaft as the same can be practicably ai safely aicompmhed , to piovldo the o poitunlty and piesulbc the method t < the formation ol a govoiument by m of I he. people of the Philippine Island to be theioaftor Independently eseiclsi and contiollcd by themselves" Tl govoinment foimed and elected inn be ' 'competent and woithy In the jud incut of the United States to exeicli tlie poweis of an independent govei meiit. " In other welds , the Unit * States shall ptescilbe the Mini of go eminent which the Filipinos may c tahllsh and If this sh mid not bo a coptablo or satisfactory to them , vvhli moie than likely II would not lie , > ionise the exoiciso of Amoilcan autlm lly thoio would bo maintained. Tl icsolntioii Intiodncod lij Senator Tl man pioiioses to lot the Filipinos r tabllsh a govetnmont with our "fiiend assistance. " It declaios that "wo a opposed to the lotontlon of the Phill pine islands by the I tilled States ai that It Is our pin pose to consent to tl independence of tlie Filipinos as seas < as a stable goveminent shall bo esta llslied hj them and towaid tlie piom establishment ot such government v pledge our ti loudly assistance. " Tli does not ( ontemplato auj dictation < the pait of the United Slates as to tl lorm of goveinment. It ueognl/.es II light of the Filipinos to fet in the own government , the onlj conditli being that it must be "stable , " but wl is to doloinilne whether the givei mem that should bo established pn sssed the icqnlroinents essential stahllllj' ! .Manifestly If wo demand "stable government" we must assuii the light or dntj of dictating Us foi and chmactcr and this would he t Intelfeioiue with the Independence the Filipinos , who would ho ipqulii to Hvo under a goveinment whit Milted our Ideas , whether agieeablo them or not How much bettei won this bo than giving them a llhcial s.v torn of civil goveinment on Amnl'i ' pilnciples and under our iiutlimltj 'i The lobolntion Intioduced In tl house by Itepic&entatlvc Wllllanis Mississippi and whlib Is undoistood tie appmvod l'\ . most nf the di-moiia In that liodj. g > os fuithoi than oltln of the senate ioolntloas In the coiitl ( lolls It iiioposes. Thus It is piovldi that leeimnltloii of the Independence < the Filipinos shall bo c nidltloned np < the govotnnieut thoj o tabllsli agtooli to lofnnd the SLMMKKKKM ) paid to Spai to give the United State" , with iluht i soveiolgnty , whatever phuos it niaj d she as naval and coaling stations , m to giant tlie Amoilcan people in pe polnlly tlio light of fu-o access to n of theli puts for goods , incichandl' ' and poisons bent on peaceful or ml sioiimy puisuits. It pledges iho pt lection of tlie United States against to olgn Intoifeioiito or aggiossloii for petlod of ten jeais. piovldlng that v lie given the absolute contiol of the fotelgn tolatloiis dining that poilod ar they will pa.v the expenses of soldle : and ships that may bo necessary such pioloclloii. Undei this inning iiiont the Filipinos would obvious' ' have only paitlal ludependeiuo in thoj would be dopilved of it in a voi impoitant dliectlon , that of maklr tu-atles and negotiating commercl agioements with foielgn conntiles , 01 of the most valuable of tlie lights i an Independent , nation. Such mo demoiiatlo Ideas legmdlii a Philippine policy and thoj make iloi the fact that tlie patlj does not cor ptchcnd that Impoitant and pctploxli question. MUvm ; r.iHtfc On the fiist day of July the otllco ( dole of ( lie dlstilct couit ceased to 1 an unlimited fee olllce. Under the no law , which went Into olYcet then , a lecelpts of cuny deseilption colleck by the dlstilct couit cleik wcic to 1 tin nod Into the county ticasui.v and 11 cleik of the couit allowed an Iticon not to evcc-ed sn.ooo a jear lei his st-r ices. When tills change Uok place Tlio Hi iiiged the Uomd of County t'oinmlsslo : ois to appoint lompetent accountauts i checkup the ollice and stilke the b.i anco , so that a sottlciuc-nt might 1 had Instead of acting on this MI ; gestlon the boaid has been content accept the icixirt made by the cleik f ( himself , which may or may not I collect. Within the next two weeks the olllt will be tinned over to tlie newly electi dlstilct court cleik and another an Until settlement will have to bo mad It is now eimoutly icported that woi of cheeking up this impoitant olllce tj be delegated to paities who in notoriously Incompetent , if not as n > toi ouslj ciooked. One of these p.utii holds his position as a lovv.nd lei dill woik dnie last jear In the hhe of tl piosoiit Incumbent. To have the otlh eheckod up bj such .1 paity would be fatce , II It vveie not a scandal on tl taxpajeis. Tlie Boaid of Couiitv Coinmlsslone : owes It to itself and the ppoplo of Doll , las comity to piotect the public Intoic whether the bond of the deik is goc or woithless. The coiiimissioiieis aie I duly bound to asooitaln how much , anj thing , the county Is entitled to co lect fiom the outgoing oliiccr. If , iitti a caieful auditing , the olllce is found i be In good shape and all moue.vs due i county and litigants piomptly foitl coming , well and good. It theie is. dollcit or a dispute over what is di eithei side , the sooner we kuovv.It . tl liettoi. It Is with it-met wo leain ih.it 11 new postoliico to bo established i Hedge conut.v under tlie name ot I.c-.r lit is to be a monument not to the sd denial ot oiu lellow townsman and lo mer associate of Senator Thuiston , vvli leceiitly let used a tedeial appolntinei In older that some less doseivlng p. tilot might be ic-vvaided , but to Iloni ti. Leavltl , wh si > onteipilso and publ : spiili has been manllestod In tlie eiot tiou ot a new beet sugar factoiy I Dodge countj' . We say it is with n giet wo loam our mistake1 , because tlie postoliico Is not named alter lleiboi U. Leavitl It should have been , and w hope that bofoio long Sonatoi Tlmisto will llml oppoitunlt.v to do justice t this Illiisliious Omaha dti/on. The Cubans at Havana have wo lomed Cenoial Wood with glad aiclali and every manifestation ot joj- . Ii ! just how long he will bo able to satisf them is a matter lor spernlation. Yoi Cuban is always Inclined to go Into ui ] tines one minute and a fieu/y of ia tlio next when his dosites mo ciossei Cioiieial Wood has been siicd-ssfni | handling alTalis at Santiago , jet he wl llnd his picsent task moie dllllciilt. A the ambitious politidans of the Wan me now gathoicd at Havana , and the me a combination siilllclent to mal , any man's life one piolonged nlglitmaii Tlio United States Is a standing re illation of UK- saying that lepubllcs m ungtatefiil. When the biave Law to foil It was stated that he not onlj lei little to ills wi'fo and dilldien , bul tin theP ) was also a moitgago on his houii Ik-lore the bodj is beneath the sod tl money lias lieen i.ilsod to pay off tli moitgago , and what Is coming in wl keep "Hotsy and the babj" toiutoitabl for some time. The Amoilcan poopl me geneioiis to a fault and no natlo on tlio face of the em ill is so llhoii toward those who give their soivlu and their lives t > their loimtij. And now comes ( he Woslein Tialll association annoniKiiig a Hat advam in iiitos on cattle shipments ol - ' . " > conl p.-i litindiedweight. This ( oiiilng npo the heels ol the diango fiom onloa i.itos to iKtiial weight ol cattle In ( li ( ar , in itself a niaioiial advmuo OM foimer latos , will unise tlu > nittl gioweis and faimois to wonder win next may bo expeded. Can't soni ( unit lostialn tlio State Ilo.nd of Tran pollution lioiu taking any action in tli piomlsesV _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Omaha nutional bankois saj it i doubttilllielliei ihej will take advai tago of Son elm j ( ! a'o's olioi to ostal llsh now I lilted htatct , deposltoiles ante to Incicabc the deposits lu thoho a i * > ndj esinbll h ( > d ' | lu reas n given that the high pilx of Inuuls woulil ma It nnpiolltable and that no advanta Is to IIP ualned. Whenever tlie Tier my dopaitment thieatens to nlmlHi a of the local deposltoilos , however , t Ilirht thoj put up ( o lotnln the design thn liidlcatoN that they think It woi after all. Ton Much ttf n ) ( r , \Va iblnKtoii Post HOIK Ollbcrt M. Hitchcock docin't RPCIII npprcciue his dose ot "crew of gold n crown of thorns " It UllllK-ll til HlC llC CIIC. Chlcnfft ) News. \flcr nil Qrcnt Hrltiln hnn to rclj on t Irishmen , Holierts nnd Kitchener , to rest the empire from the military muddle It which Kngllsh politicians nnd Rcnerals hn brought It. Worlli rullMtliiK. lUwtoii Trnn crlpt Ornnt npvor hesitated to pocket n d patch when he thoURht the eiUo rcquli such a dlplonintlc move , but Kitchener li been known to cut the wires and let t dlspntchcs evnporato In thin nlr nUpoxInu of ltuu snrl | < < , ItulTiilo Kxprc'ss Lord Methuen hns written a letter Ocncral Cronje tlinnkliiR him foi the RCIU oils treatment accorded to numbers of I Red Cro"H corps. This ought"to put .1 st to tha stories about Uocr disregard for t Hcd Cross. lldrniM'niiM ' ri-nK In , Kansas c'ltj Slur. The venqrnblo Hornco Holes of lown li formulated a platform of political prlnclpl which-would render htm easily ( .liable na running mnlo for Mr nrjnii If ho vu twcutj or thlrtj jeais lounger and llv n thousand miles fiom Nebraska. lloorM lii Cnpc Colon ) , Chicago Inter Ocean Of the 370,000 whites In Capo Colony 231 000 nro Uiltch Afrikanders or Uocrs T English Invo believed that these Cape C ( onj Hocr would In ( liau bccomu as loj to Great Hrltnln ns the Trench of Cnmi Hut , Meed by a crisis In which the pof ! blllty of a great bt.Uo under Hutch Afi Kander domination bccoaiiH stronger wl the defeat of the British arms , It won not be atrnngo If the Boers of Cape Cole JoIncM their brethren ot the two republl In fighting for their own. AVnr SyiHt Vlirnmt. Philadelphia Ilecord The war spirit Is contagious among 12 ropean nations and It will go hard If t continental powers shall fall to Had soi cause of offense against a foreign anta onlst while Great Britain Is studying t pfoblem of punitive warfare In South Afrli Prance Is alreadj at loggerheads with Chi over the delimitation of teiritory on t Tonkin border and trooie arc in the Ik on both aides , whilst half a dozen or mo Trench warships aio enforcing the authorl of Franco on Kuang Chou ba > . There a 30,000 disciplined Chines troops In opr sltlon to Tiench pretensions , , and the 1 clplent quarrel nny expand evcntuallj In portentous proportions. DlMlrllinltiiii of riuilriiiiiiiNliliiN. JC.ins.is City Star The chairmanships of the hou e coi mlttces nro distributed among the slat as follows New Yorh , five , Illinois elgli Pennsylvania , four Iowa , live , Ohio , feu Maine , two ; Vermont , two , Mtnnesol three , New Hampshire , one ; Massachuset three , Connecticut , three , California , on Kansas , two , Wlbcdnsln , two ; Ncbrast- - one , Michigan , tour ; Indiana , one , Mi < nu one ; Oregon , two New Jersey , two ; Sou Dakota , ono , Rhod < sUsland , one , Marjlnti one. Illinois apppars to have the beat It In the matter of , committees , having r celved the chilrmanshlp of qlght , New Yo and Jown. each having five , ,1'eunsjlvan , ! Ohio nnd Michigan each having four. T west has a very slim icprescntatlon In tl list , although some of the committees u concerned entirely with western mallei It is also interesting to note that not hlnglo southern Btato furnishes a clmlrm , for a committee. Kilt SVI.T IKM > / \ . C oinilli'NM Tuns In ( Inllcil nml AVnti of Cn-nt bait I.nl.c. New- Yolk Sun The level of Great Salt lake Is stcadl filling on account ot the largo volume water tributary to It which is now absorbi bj irrigation enterprises. The Jordan ai Bear rlveis. City Creek nnd other ptrean that flow Into the lake ilso In the hl ( mountnlns to the east and the averni volume of wntci they poured Into the lal the > ear round befbio they were intercept * by Irrigation ditches was about 10,000 cub feet a second This Is a considerable quai tltj of watei , but the evaporation fiom II surface of the lake Is veij large , nnd tl diminution In the supply IIBH of course r salted In lowering the lake level Oreat ? a lake today Is not receiving as much wat at , It cvapoiatcs and , If the process goes o the tlmo is not far distant when the Inl wilt disappear , leaving only a bed ot d ; halt. The streams ( letting into the lake u clenr .mil Ibripld , and only chemical nnalys revc.il the picscnco of the salt the > coi l.iin l.iinTho The dlbappeaiance of the lake would tnl fiom the neighborhood of Salt bike Clone ono of Its chief nttr.ictlons , hut won mnko casllj accessible ono of the gicnte Bourcth of salt In the woild Mr fillbe has estimated that It required nt least 25,0 jcars to charge Great Salt lake with t ] common salt It now contains Some u wild guebscH have been mndo as to tl quantity of bodlum chloilde or common KO held b > the lake. Ono writer , for exampl has estimated tills year that the qu.intltj t-dt IB neurl > nine hllllon tons anil that would tnko n freight tinln carr > lng .ill 111 s.iIt and lunnlng at the rate of twenty mil an hour dnj and night , .twentj-clgl > ears , flvo months and twentj-three da > s pass a Htatlon The writer's bent for llgtir will provo his undoing If ho gives It fn Bv\lng It Is hotter to accept the moro coi scmUlvo calculation of scientific men , wl estimate that the watcis hold about 100,000 000 tons of common Bait Accepting thl n tlmato as approximate ! ) accurate every oth eotlrco of salt pales , In comparlbon with ll riches Great Silt Inko will offer If Its vvato disappear , leaving tlio mineral moro easl and cheaply nmtulblc. ns It will be , than .my other salt mines or o\.ipor < UIon grouni of the world The I'nltcd States piodurcd last jci 2,150.000 tons of snlt If all the ualtimke of the countly hhould go to the ilrlotl-i bed of Great Salt lake It would take thei at l Ht > cur'e rate of production , more thz 1GJ yiars to exhaust the suppl ) The gre salt centers of New York. Michigan nt Kansas might bo held as n reserve for tl fclxth or ( seventh gcncrntlcn to come Tl greatest rock halt mlnca In the world are ; Salzburg , Bcchnla and Vv'lollt/Ka In Ausu Hungnr ) where , b > Immuring ininei'd dei In the earth , they Jolntlj pr--lucc an aver.n of 300.000 tons a jear If ihej should I tr.mtsferird to Grcnt S.ilt lake thoj mlg ] toll In the pure air ot the upper world , enj aunshlno Instead of electric lights and nei not worrj over thu pi-rmaneacy of the Jo for to their piciunt ratu of proilu.tlon mo than 1.33.1 > car would cln [ * o before tin ncrapod up thc last salt In the bed of tl lake I'crhapg tbo interests of agrlcultu require that we lote the water , but the sa will remain with us and U U a bigg bananzu than any the Klondike 01 Caj Nome have to show , r. < Mtir.s or ot u Mn. . V niplniuhni ) interest ntl hts to Inie 1 ters from correspondents vvllh the arms I.uron dptnlllng the opcrfltlonn of the vision commanded by the lamented Gone Henry W I.iwlon These letters tell ; only of C'o utter absence of fenr tor own safety , but nlro of pxprnlng hlni'clf the fire of hnrp hoolcr , and of I "charmed life he bore t'lifortunntelj Indlfferenco If not contempt foi i rnemj's bullet i cost him his life and ( prlved the nntlon of the Invaluable sprvd of n brave , levotmetul poldlir \ coi spondent of the IndlnnnpollH News , wr Ing from Vnnav. mentions the needless i poRtirc of the commander nt the llrlng II "General Lnwton'a orders are verv cxpllcl he writes "lie Insists that there be firing of nn ) kind until we have been Hi upon. Amlgcs are nil around us and tl are In grent danger from c-vreless flrli The general Is now riding n beautiful wh horse , and In this connection a good sU Is told ot him , how la t week when n i tnchmenl of marines were iishore to a s In an assault , they themselves were i sntllted bv the Insurgents , nnd while 1 marines were hugging the ground nnd wl < Ing ovtrv blade of grass were a stump , rides General Law ton "The men s.i > that It seemed he wct > on I laigest white horse thai ever wa * . nnd w a largo whlto hat , too , and making n ti mendous amount of noise He was laughl ns gn > l > as the Mniiseis thnt were slngl about him , nnd nodded nnd chatted with 1 slnff. It wns n > ov elation , KO the mnrli Baj , of what all nbsenco of fear IB , cv when under the most dnngerous comlltlo Shortly afterward one of his staff wns si through both knees , but iJivvton did not rl nvvnj until he completed hl work Ho 1 the headquarters of his division here town in u modest house on a quiet si street. I found It so orowded thnt t clerks were compelled to do their work the porches He- often tnkcs his ion out w him on his rides nlong the front , nnd It nn all-wleo 1'rovldenco that hns spat them , for his bravery Is splendid In dnring " The correspondent notes a like charncti Istlc in General Wheeler , "our loe" ! writes "Tho fore part of this week he w sitting on top of one of the Inlrenchmci onjojlng the ccol of the eveningVh sitting there dnngllng his tect like n schoi boj and with Ills back to the front the I Hiirgent i lilts begnn their evening tin The men around him were horrified to ha him thus I-\PCBO himself , but unwilling stoop down thcmseheh as long as he w Hitting on top On one bldo of him a bi let took out the scam from a man's tro sere , on the othei side a cnnteen strap w cut in two The old general got e\.clt and jelled to the men to He down at on never thinking of his own safetj until o of the ofllcers pulled him down " Your uncle Is teaching the > oung Idea hi to shoot in more peaceful wa > s than t adults of Luzon A correspondent of t Chicago Tribune notes that a Manila genl has printed a manual of conversation co taining Idioms nnd phinscs in the tin languages. Spanish , American and Tagali intended bo\h for schools and pilgrims fu the nnlnland. The book Is called "Mam do Convorsicioncs en Castellnno , Taga n InglcK , con hi Pronunciation Tlgurado ' The pluases and sentences In the dlfferc langugages nio printed in parallel columi In the last column Is given the pronuuciatl of the English sentences In quoting frt the little manual to show Its great usafubu In assisting the Spanish 01 Tagnlog brotli to properlj pronounce the English langua the English , for obvious reasons , is giv first "Where aro'jou going1" " ' Uer ar goln ? " "I am going home , " " vi am uoin join " "Will jou come with me' " "Uil ju u ulfs ml" " " " " " "Willlnglj "Ulllnsll. 'What countij'iiai are jou11" "Uat co tilman ar vu ? " " \re 5011 In a gieat hurrj ' ' "Are > u ei grot jar > ' " "How is jour father ? " "Jau is jou fader' " "He is IndlsDOsed " "Ji Is Indlsposet " "What alls ho ? " "Uat yas jl ? " "He has a cold " "Jl jas el cold " "Docs nnj one attend 'her' " "Doe uan atendor' " "Tho doUoi attends her cvcrj daj " " doctor atend jii everj de " intri'viNXVVKIN * } IT. Philadelphia Times Gieat Britain has serious proposition in South Afiica The W office has awakened to the fact GlobeDemocratTho appointment Roberts as commandei'-ln-chlcf of the Brill forces in South Africa nnd of Kitchener his chief of stuff 6ho\\s that the Sallelm mlnistrj Is giaspfng the Imnortancc bringing the heat men In Its military scivl to the front In this crisis Minneapolis Journal There is an old s.i a be nL not swapping horses In the middle the till earn But the British hccm dctcrmln to do EO 'Ihej aie going to supplant 111 ler with Robeils , or at least , to put Robei over Bullet In bupieme command. Chicago Intel-Ocean Tiw new progia of Great Biltaln la'u deflnlto acknowlcd mcnt of tlie piowcati and devotion shown ! , i handful ot Dutch fanners fighting In l f icemen's nplrit for their altars nnd the fncr It sln& ; and heals the grandest I'.si monlal given In this centurj t-j the lioiolf of true republicans in resenting oppressn and punishing the opprcmor Philadelphia Recoid It Is easier for ti London nowspajjors to raise a cry for t' ImmoJIato dispatch of relnforcemculB South Afiica than It would be for them state whcio Iho men are to come from 11 War ofllcp Is making a show of mustcrli In .1 Seventh division , nnd proposes mnblll/o nn Eighth , but the SUth dlv'slo which In getting ready foi embarkation , w gathered from the tng ends of the nrmy ni mllltla reserves , and from thin one ci gucRi of whiit sort of material the MICCIMI Ing musters will be composed. Practical the whole effcctlvfi army of Great Ilrlta Is now In South Africa or enroute thither i transports and If this force unall not be nli to whip the Boers the Jig l < up Ilcoton Globe Not nlono In bTltlc do this martial peasantry move us to no dci- , but In all the nmneroiiB and oxactl ! details \\nr-mnklng llirj earn the tillm of our astonishment Tnr Into I lie enemj countrj they have hnsUncd to meet his giesslvo columns Thcro with three wide Keparntod nrmles , they hnve fought him ui held him in ( heck All the while themsch living In almost a drscrt they hnvo dl pl.ijrd the uncommon nhllll > to fciipplj llic distant fnuci uit1' food and nmmuullloi \ppnrenllj neither their comm ssarj n their ( irdii.iiicn department linn been d moralize ! l.j thlH tusk , which hab li wlldered the greatest of governments la tin of wni Portland Oiegunlan The nbllltj of .1 n tit brave marksmen behind pntienchmen lo make a formidablenslptnnco In .IMUU bj the vcr > host veteran eoldlcry Is n fn familiar to all permits of historical li tclllKtnco The repuUo of the Brllli rrgulars twice b ) our rmbattled farmer line .it Bunlirr Hill , the dreadful repulse Wellington' * 'Piulnsular % nr veteran H.OOO strong under PuUenhatn , bj 6,0 Kciuuckj nnd Tinni'tnip luiutor.s and lml | . llgblcrs at New Orleans ; the dp iriicll < bj Hrfer and h' rlllemcn In the ranks Marshal Lefebre's corr of Napoleon's arn In the deniop of tl'o Tyrol c mountain the sui-Jstul irUtauco to jhe itutali nrm > offered by the Turks under Englli at Plevna , are cases in polut , srvM viin ttiiii. . Si I.ouls Olnbc-Prnioi rnt ( rep i li seldom thai nnv psrtv in lh boufp c show nn b olutPl"olid fioitt. The unn nipus ropubllian support of the gold mm nrd was nn admirable stall In the busln < of the pfsMon. Philadelphia Record ( dem ) One m gratlfjliiB feature ot the voting In the ln > wns the couriRcolis stnnd tnkcn bv t.lov . democrnllc congrefsmpn who PISI th Ivctcs with iho majorltv Other demo r I retuspil to vole The oulj dpmorratlp u I gtp'iman from Phlladclphli. lion Wlllli | McAlppr , votifl for the bill , nnd In so v tl honored hlmfelf , his pnrllcul.ii conft tuci and Ihp state j Sprlngnold ( Muss ) RepUbllcnn llml lint such a IUCISUIP could pass the hoi , by n mnjorlt ) ot forl > U u most e'.rlkl demonstration of the great Phango will i has icccntlx comp over the country respci I Ing the question rf monev1 s'andir Himllj four > rnr ago the nvernne rppti j llcan member from HIP west would no me Imo dared' ' to stand for thp. flnslp g ( | ftnmlnrd than to cnll for the pnvmcnt of I j rc'bcl debt New York Sun ( rep ) The bill now go to the sennte , where It will be material amended and returned to the house A co ferpnce between the two bodies will then cnlled for and In tint conference It Is to hoped tint the bill will he purged rf t crudities nnd Imperfeilions which now dl figure It , nnd be reformed Into symmetric nnd logical shape \ - It stands. It Is bungling piece of work disgraceful In I delatlw to the body which Imn pasted It Philadelphia Ledger ( Ind rep- ) T outlroK foi sound monoj could not bo belli I There Is every promise Hint congress w I pass some remedial measure before the e I of Iho session fixing gold ns the utand i nnd Increasing the volume anil flexibility iiutlonnl Innk note circulation and that I doing so the way will be piepired for crushing defe.u In November of Brvan n : I the 1C to 1 free silver coinage hcrcsj T currcncj quratlon Is not rnlv In a fair w toward sottlomeut , but toward being scltl both right and pcnmttcnth. New York World ( dem. ) Scarcely Ic slgnlflcnnt than the icpubllPan unnnlml wns the vote of eleven demoeritle repiosc tatlven for a republican eatlcui , measure , direct opposition to the last platfoi.ii of tin i pnrtj This vote was a mnnltectntlon of co science ami courage nnd of a purpo'c return to traditional democratic prlnclpl which must 'invo ' a wholcsomo effect up the party It Is a notlllcatlon tint the < ; em ciats of the east , without whose votes mi cess In the "nation is Impossible , will nov ' tie themselves to a corr o " I'nilSON VIM1 OT' UHWIMJ. So England is to hend two Irishmen South Africa to save the empire W. D Howell , Jr. , a nephew ot the no cllst , Is a candldalo foi the icconllng clerl ship of the Ohio sennte Generals Roberts nnd Kitchener aie o peeled to remember thnt they are going light white men , not blnck ones E\-I3o , s Pnt Glenson of Long Iblnnd Cl Is reported to bo n bankrupt with .issc about 4 per cent of his liabilities Admiral Dcwej has been sent flvo plan bv different firms and ls > said to be at lota what to do with the instruments The top of a desk from Norwich unlve sitj , Veimont , In which Admiral Devvcy hi cut his name while a student theie , sold Boston the othei day for J.J3 Those people who have foolishly hastem Into print to express their opinions thnt tl new century begin * , with the jear 1101 mu seriously regret it row thnt Emperoi Wi Ham has declaled for the je.ir 1000 Scnatoi Prllehaid of North Carolina bc.x such a striking resemblance to Congies man-elect Robelts of Utah , that the tv might cHsllr ba mistaken for twins Tin arc of the same build and cast of fcatuu Something new in robbery comes fie Terre Hnutc , Ind , where two men who ei tcred the house of Father Stanton , appll. . to the priest's feet nn electric bntter > thi hid brought with them nnd kept it the two hours , causing him grent pain. Whether it Is another development of tl new woman movement or not , Mrs Sainu Lord of New York has succeeded In havlr herself elected a member ot the Et > s < County Country club , which had nlvva ; been supposed to be for men only. The report comes fiom Paris thnt Gencr Mcrcler , who flguted BO prominently in tl Dreyfus case , is a cnndidatc for senator i the appronchlng January election from tl department of Loire Inferleure It Is gci ernlly believed that he will be elected Sonntor Unto of Tennessee , like the In Senator Hnrrlo , will not tell his age. I must , however , be nenrlj 70 , for ho wnb soldier in the Mexican war Altogetlu cloven membcis of the senate have pnssi the facilpturnl limit , while thieo or four ai within ens ) approach of It Rev Di Sevallow , Pennsjlvnnln's pi lltlc.il preacher , makes the awful chnri Hint Piesldent MeKlnley occnslonallj tnl a glass of wlno with his dinner Sure the rev ei end doctor cannot object to 01 wallow' Perhaps the president ncglecti to pass the bottle wlipn the doctor calle 01 ii roi vnivs I\HI/I rois. : I'oi lillilnlilf ClulllviH Illlcmilltrrril h Viiiorlriin I'liiiifciH. SI Louis (31ob"UcmoprHt Now that the Tlllplno icslstancchi vlrlu.illj ended nnd the iceord of the P hellion Is ( undo up , It becomes plnln th Americans have met , among the birbaroi or seml-clvlllzed races , much more formld1 bio fcpo than those which they hnvo PI countered In Lu/rn nnd the adjacent Island In 1755 an nrmj of 2,200 Biitlsh regula : and Virginia mllltla , all under the comm.ii of Brnddock , wns met ami overwhelming beaten In a much smaller force of Indlni nnd Trrneh while IlrnddocK was on tin wi to attack Tort Duqiiesno , on the hlte of tl prisent Plttsburg The bnttlp would poi slbly have had a different rceult If Ilrai dock hurt fillowcd the advlcp < { his nld , tl young Colonel Washington , who was Hit miklux lilHPtitianco Into hlstorj In fart , was Washington and the Virginia cnlllt ; who raved thn eutlro urmj fiom nnnlhilt tlon. It wns voiy plain , however , that tl men whom Bniddock met wore much moi formidable llghlnrs than any whom ARulnnld has conmandrd At BiiBhy Run , In wc.ttci rcnnH > lvanla , In 17C1 , In the Pontlnc vvn C'olomi Henrj floquct , with 500 men , foiigl a two-dnjH _ battle with a tnmllor foiio i Indlnns , and llmilly defeated thPm Ho dl this , howovei , b ) rrsortlng to un old India dr\li > of feigning to retreat and thus Jem : Ing the mivages Into nn ambush But even the Amcrhnn fiontlormnc themselves WPIO froqucntly vrrliar pushc-d hj the ImllaiiB In Laid Dinmore war of 177) ) , which was vlrtuallj the h < glniilng nf ( he revnluilon , nl the batllo i Point 1'lPanant. at thp mouth of tlu Gir' Knnawhn 1,000 frontiersmen undnr ( iener. Andrnw Low Is , a gallant und experience Kiildlcr , were nearli beaten by the Hh.avvni ( of ahtut iho aino number under ConiHtall The Khauncos were Hventually defeated , hi Ihoy had foupht with mch skill and clfn that Lewis was unable to follow them , mi tl.cj rrtnatrd nt their Idsuro to the nori lde of the Ohio In th whole of that ciin palgn although. In ono phnco nnd unnthpr , was puitlclpitted In by Boone. the Shclbyi Eevler ( icnrgn Rogers Clark and other : famed bubscquc-iitlj as lighters on ll fr ntlpr , thn enl ) gcnernlshlp shown was I Cornstalk At the hatllu f tha Blue Ll-i ( In 178. , In which Boone was one of 11 : loirniandcis , u plckt-d bed > of Kentucklnr were ainlniHlicd and defialul bj a Kinal ! ( number ot Indians Harmar , in 17&0 nit a sood-8lc < d army , fought a drawn battl I with n mnlltr forif of Miimi Infllnn * in the present s'nto ' ot Ohio ind si Clnir In l" < it vvnli dlnnntrouslv dpfPntod nenr 1h ( > Miami vIllARCi * hy n forrp of n > 1 mpn only nbntit two-thlrdA ns numptoux .is bis own No other pioneers In the world j > history eviV Vverp toittronlcd with utich formidable foes no thosp whlrh contented HIP ground be twccn the Allpghenlcs and the llockj moun tain * Ih the torpst flRhltnR cast of HIP Mis fllfslppl the Indlnntt nlthnugh pcorer marln men thnn the Ampilcaii' , hnd nn ndvintiRp In bplng bfttrr nb P to Utlllrp trpp nn I locks for purpoRfi < of ronrpnlnlcnt nnd < \ < foupo tlclwppn tlie Mississippi nnd thi ReeK > mountnliif the compirnllvc nbujtur > f forests pqinllzod Ibe cdidltlons la a grnt ( Ifgrce , ntiil thp superior ninrksmnnshlp nf the whiles told eftrctlvply Yet , In phins ns well as frrcsl lighting , the Atncrlnn ab-rlRlnp never had nn cqunl nmoiiR the will rn"cs which other nations the British in At-n ! nml Africa , the Trench nnd Germans In both of thdsP crntlncnls nnd the Hocrs In Atrlcn encountered Iti the * outllwe l thp Ajnchcfl , Cotnnnches , NrtVflJnrs and othir tribes more tl'an 1-cld ll'clr own frr tw i centuries ngnlnst the Spaniards In Intelll- ncnco as warrlcrs , too. the American nbculg lues hnd chlettnlns win turpnsBed nnj of the leaders vrho have been png-iged In the rebellion lu Luzon. King Philip , I'on line , Llttlr Turtle , ( "oniotalk , Tccum pli Chief Joset'b ' and imn > other red wnrrlors of the American continent hnve hid no pqunls among Agulimldn'n men The hl lory of what the Americans did In tliplr ceu tury of war against the Wampinongs , tro quols , Olt.ivvns , Shnwnccs , Mlngncs , Dela wnrcf Comnnchc1' ' , Apichcfl nnd other ted fighters of the forest and the plnlns shown tint they can ensllj cope with nil the rr- Hlstnncp which ran be offerpd to them In nny ot the countn's new posscsslnns. IIKIIIT ' ! ( ) Till : I'OINT. Chlcngo RPinrd Mdlher rhildlPli , Hbnll I bliv u l.ue-pa'jer nnsd for HIP lop ot HIP ' Chlldion ( In loud ( horns ) No. git a candy one ! Cbii-HKO 'I itmHfratl ] , I.llllp WJlIlo-1'a. Is .1 tlninctci a mnu Mu o.in make lots of tnnncv ? Ta No , n Illmiulei Is u mini w'ho c-an ovvo lots f moiH'j ' \V < i hlntloii ; Star "I suppoifoii aio loiklnR forwuid lo vour vni'ntidn with much lellc : " \i-s , " nn wered Iho innxrcsimiin , KUJI- pips'lng a jiiwn "A vacat'on Is a good thing It Rlvis a man i ohalicc lo gel home once In n while and do some work " Chlciigo Tribune As thev Haunlprod IbroligH th- art gillPiU'i thov halted In front of a tciiliilurcil fcnnliilguie ' Brooks " Hiild Hlvpri. con ulll.ig his rut nloKiie , "Ill's In liutli Truth , aliow me lo present mv fi U'lid , Mr Brioks I believe jou iwo have m-vor met before" Indianapolis Journal1 "I th unlit the Tll- | pltms were vanquished hibl K " "Thuv vvoiu. but iliev ( lu. t staj van qu'shell VVon't ihev nnUe line Anurl- ciins . ' C'lcvtlnnd Plain Uenloi "You ought In * l ic.iJ tbo Iroatv between Tnelc Snm .nut the Sultan of Jolo "Anj picture of his bin em In It ? " imlliiuiiolls Joiunnl Hp-i.Mailo , I think vse bid bettor oeonomlze a little on out Chi 'stm ' if d'nnor 3ho WellLrlwln , I fnncj we can all gc-t Juft as sick on 00 CPIUH' vvoith of mince meat us vvt- can on JJorth of frull caki . . . 1'oit "I'a , bow much monej hive vou got tt'i Cbrls'mus ? ' " \ \ In , luimnj ' ' "Well , DI , 1 cant tell what 1' ask Saiuv Clam fei llll 1 know how much inoncj jou've ijol ' C'leveland I'laln Dealer' 'Did vou load the list of the olllcrrs ot the Sultan of Jolo's court who IHO lo receive bilarlcs from Undo Sum'1 ' "Ye * " "Queer names , aient tbe > V" " \es. " " 1 Mipjiosc thnt Onto Joakunnln is the couit Jeccr ; " iitKA'ssvs 1,11110. , . _ _ O11" . 1 j 'linltlmorc ' American , A picttv Bill , Wllli Tvltchlns olrl AV is belle ot u cltj In AiKimms A fallow joiltli Kxclnlimd : "In trouth , You'io thci lalicbt maid 1 ever sas " 'I hemnldon pild. With blushes raid "Go 'w ij , " Ilknvvlse "set out" and "pshasl" The Ind sultl. Tiiiiougli Mj- heart have voiiRh Sent longliiKS tint v Ill over RIIUS , " And then In irlod : "Ob , be m : 4irleU ! " The mnldon mm mined , "Ahk mj mas , " So ho liuiiilicd , With love Inspulrtd , 11 innnimn d bn his mn-ln-las. The molhei slwhc 1 And tln'ii ii'pl'Kluil "I'erhaps jou'd bolter ec her pas Hot fnllier sc'zed The jouth , dlnplnlred. And iiidely mote him on Iho jus. AVI Mi nmnnt't rou,5i ( Papa did couli ; The Ind until his Ik-sh was las. " ' neail load " "I'm } ( The poor joulh send. When next tbo maiden fair he was. "Ob | P | | mn u ui' What has hint juo' She asked. He unld : I SHH jour pas. " And thus wo HPI- fc That there cnn bp Jogs In lovc'H coursi In AikansiiH Opporttuiity ! You can readily under stand that we want to dis pose of all the heavy-weight suits in our Children's de partment the season they dre made , and , as the sea son progresses , v/e are will ing to sacrifice something to move them quickly. The lots are somewhat broken , but now is your chance. Here are wonderfully good values in two-piece suits for boys of from 9 to 16 years for $3 50 , $4,00 and $5,00. They have been selling thus far this season , some of them , ior as much as $8,00. Ilclliililc nml Ijtrlimlt iI'm nlnherfc Open Evenings ,