12 THE OMAHA TATT/Yr BT3E : TTTTTiSDAV 121 , ISQf ) . NEW FURS AND CLOAKS Tha JloJt Useful Holiday Gift is a Bet of Furs , Cloak , Suit or Silk Waist. ON SALE AT BOSTON STORt llcceUi'il Vnotlirr Sliltimrnt tit I'ttrn , Cloiil < M , bultn ThPNC 'loRi'tli nltli biiMiiiMiHUI'n Oiniilin Ilinik- nipt Muck An- oil bnlo AT OUBATLY REDUCED PRICES. Such wonderful bargains na c nro offerIng - Ing In our Cloak , Suit and Pur department nrd worth coming miles nnd miles to BCC- U Is nn excellent reason why our store Is to crowded with eager buyci. < nil taking ad- vunlngo of thin InuiipiiBo Bale of high-grade gfiodn at the Boston Store. $23.00 LADIESJACKITB $ o os. Ladles' ncw-Htylo jackets In fine kersey , lined throughout with heavy yarn djcd tatln , with large reveres and high collar of vlcctric seal , opcwium or black marten fur. Hosnowskl's prltn was $23.00 , on sale at $ ! l.i > 8. $12.50 LADIES' JACKETS AT $4 08. Ladles' line jackets , braided or plain , box front and silk lined throughout , a. $12.50 Jacket , tint best bargain ever offtred at $1 U8. $23-LADIES' TAIUil ) MADE SUITS $8.93 $ All of Sosnowski's high giado ladles' tail or made mills of covert and broadcloth , tight fitting , .ill on Bale at 8 98 , that were $ . * . 00 FUR MUPKS $1 OS An exceptionally line lot of furs from the Scsnownkl stocV together with new fuis from this New York stock Klne elcctilc seal mulfK , .iblrnHinii muffs , Sosnowskl's price $5 00 , on Bale at $1 08 $25.00 PUK COLLARETTES $7 BO. CollaroltCh In inoullon , Ivrlmmor , cloctrlc aoal with tnbs and trimmed with cluster of talln. Sosnowskl'fi $25.00 collarettes at $7.60. $10.00 KUR COLLARETTES $19 00. Otnulni- marten collurettf- ) , Persian lamb ( ollnretles and beaver collarettes. Sosnow- altl'u price up to $5000 , on sale at $19.00. ; 7G oo SEAL COLLARETTES $25 oo. Genuine Alaska seal collarettes , com bination of seal skin and Persian lamb. New York price $75 00 , on sale at $ J500. Vstrackhan capes , full swoop and 30 Inches long , at $1..50 SALE OP SEALSKIN JACKETS. Although sealskins have gone up 75 per cent , wo will continue to sell them while they last at the same pi Ice as heretofore $175 , $150 , $ J2r. , $9S and $75 CHILDREN'S CLOAKS , HALF PRICE. Oui wtock has never been so complete in children's bov. coats , lecfcrs , jackets , long coats a * , now and the go at halt former pi Ice. Children's white angora fur sets at 9Sc , $1.50 and $2 50 set. SILK WAISTS Another lot of silk walsth , tucked , corded and in all colors , at $3 50. EXTRA SPECIAL $2.10 FLANNEL WAISTS , 50C \Ve will bell today 200 do cn pure wool flannel waists In black and colors , actually wprth $250 , ort bale at 50c. Open evenings until Christmas. BOSTON STORE , OMAHA , N W. Cor llith and Douglas Ste. Yellow box candy at Sheiman & McConnell - nell Drug company IIVADUV IlltOS. IinilloH * Kid ( .li c.i mill IJinlirvlliiM lit I 111 I f I'rioc on All Ilollilii ) < ; < > ( ) ( lH. Ladles' $1 50 kid gloves. In all sizes at 73c. Mlsses fine kid gloves in nil sizes , worth $1 50 , at 75c The Victoria glove In all the new uhadcs at $1.00. Every pair warranted. L idles' fancy parasols at 98c and $1.98 , worth double. Ladles' black silk parasols at 98c , $1 50 and $1.S. ) CLOSING OUT ALL HOLIDAY NECKWEAR - - WEAR , MUFFLERS AND HANDKER CHIEFS. Men's 75c Oxford mufflers at 25c. Men's SOc ties In nil the now styles , at 25c. $1 00 neckwear at 13c. Men's 15c handkerchiefs at 5c. Men's 25c suspenders at 15c. $1 50 nnd $2 0) mufllera at 98c. Men's $1 00 fine kid mltten.s at 50c. Silk initial handkerchiefs at 2 0 and 50c $3 50 silk umbrellas at $ I.9S. Men's line kid gloves at 73c and 98c. SILKS FOR CHRISTMAS GIFTS. Part silk brocade waist pittcrns , I jar'lH each , al ( dark colors , per waist , 75c. Dcauti- tul ntrlpc'8 in light shades , entire waist pat tern , 4 yards , for $1 25 10,000 yards bright colors , all kinds of silks and velvets at only 25c Our special offers In liner quality silk waHt patterns are the talk of the. town $3 00 wills ) , patterns at $ - 98 $750 waist patterns at $350. $1000 waist pUterns $398. $1250 wiUst patterns only $118 Gicatest pals on black dress < llku ever Laid Choice of over 50 dillcient wonis , the very best silks , to be had Al ! thn newest and latent Ktylpa < l > nut 500 dress patterns In al ) , many only one of it kind , 12 yards each pattern - torn , some worth $1500 , some worth $1800 nud $ JOOO , all go atone price , $11.98. HOLIDAY DRESS GOODS SALE. Remember our prices on drcfs goods last cveiy day this week as advertised. Wo have the only complete stock of drc s goods We keep always full and up-to-date. Those new patterns wo bought for Christmas presents aio on sale , some at half price nnd some at lino-third icgulai price. Our $198 creponb will go at 98c Our $2 $ ' 18 at $1 50 , ete. Oui tailor millings in heavy muttons , kerseys that VM > sold at $2 ! ) S , $3 98 , $4.98 , $5 50 , $ G 25 will be sold for 1 moie da > s at $1 98 a yard Elegant high giado Venetians , satin finished , In all the shades , sold at $1,50 and $1.98 , in this sale ut only 9Sc A now line of French jiauut'iB , jwji icieivfu ui IJIUB , uomnn fc cjo. , Paris , on solo nt 19c Gros , Roman challls , strictly all wool on sain for Inreo days at . ' 3c Parlelennes or embroidered Henriettas on ( sale now for ehlrt waists at $1 19 a jard. Open evenings. HAYDEN BROS. It 1 onft - Coiner to tin * I'nHtle Count Don't complete arrangements until you have secured Information icgardlng the personally conducted 13xmirNl iin > In ( IIP I'nlnii I'ni'lllc. These excursions Ccave Omaha every Friday in elegantly upholstered on'lnary sleeping cars. Illuminated by Plnt8.b light , boiled by steam , Ilnggage checked through to destination. Prompt and satisfactory service. Many hours quicker time than any other Hue. City Ticket Office 130.1 Parnam Street. Telephone 316 OHHAP RAILROAD FARES FOR THE HOLIDAYS VIA "TUB NORTH-WESTERN LINE" EAST WEST NORTH New City Olllcea , 1401 & 110,1 Fariiam St. Depots 10th and Marcy Stb , 16th d WebHter SI * Illlllllll ) KXIMII xlllllN , Tor fbo Christmas and New Year's holl- daB ) , "Tho North-Woatern Litie , " C. St. P , M. & 0 , It ) , will bell round trip tickets to all Nebraska division points at one fare. Sioux C'ltj and return , $3 45 Tickets on talcDea'mber 23 , 24. 25 , 30 and 31 , 1899 , and Jnnunr ) 1 , 1900 , good returning until and Including January 2 , 1900 , City olllcc , 1101 Fariium ttrcct. Depot , Webster Street Station. S.un'l Hums , 1318 Paruam , bays a , Llbby- cut salad bowl , $600 , would make It lovely Aircgcat. DOSiON noitr's IIK ; stion s\i.n. \ \ o I'lnoc ( in Snli > Turin * tin * I'.n- tlrr I'urHinii * tit MEN'S , WOMEN'S. HOYS' AND CH1L DREN'S riNB SHOES AND SLIPPERS Which were bought last week In Chicago. And wo are able to offer some of the most extraordinary values that have ever been given In any sale Shoes nnd slippers In this sale embrace all the newest nnd most desirable styles now worn. In every kind of leather , as well as felt ami. satin. They will go on sale on our main floor and In basement. AT BOSTON STORE. INFANTS' 3c soft solo mocassins , 15c. INPVNTS' 50c fancy soft solo button nnd lace shoes , 25c. INFANTS' 7i"e nnd $1.00 fancy soft solo shoes , SOc INFANTS' , Misses' nnd children's red , while , blue and pink patent leather strap sandals , Gfic , 75c , S9c , flSc. CHILDREN'S red shoes , 3 to 5 and 5 to S , 59c , "OP and SOc. BOYS' slippers , 75c , 89o nnd OSc. LADIES' red , blue , pink , black , white , brown , plain and fancy kid , fur-trimmed , beaver and fell , silk nnd satin slippers and strap sandals go at 2Be , 3r > c. Tc. ) I'tc ' , C9c , GOc , 73c , Sic , flSr , $1 23. $1 30. $1 73 , $250. $350 , Worth frotrl SOc to $0 00 pair. MEN'S SLIPPERS In velvet , felt and bc-avcr , also leather , nil the newest and most. . dcslrablo styles , go at 50c , 5ic ! , C9c , 75c , 98c and $1 50. BOYS' SHnnS. Inplmllni * lltlln onlo * jouths' nnd boys' sires , from tl > p smallest bojs' to the biggest IIOJB' sbc , go lit 75c , Elc , 9Sc , $1.25 , $1 50 , $1 75 and $2 00. Mlsseti' and children's shoes , extra special sale , $1 3" Children's dongola shoes for 89c , button nnd lac" Mlsse.s * button and lace shoos , worth $1 63 , go at $1 15 Over 200 dlffcicnt styles of ladles' shoes for street , dress and evening wear go at $1 25 , $1 50 , $2 25 , $2 50 and $3.00 These In clude full dress patent leithcr , patent enamel lalny day boots , skating boots , aa well as plain and fancy vesting top shoes , also Includes the very latest of the modi fied mannish and extreme m innlsh lasts $000 MEN'S PATENT LEATHER SHOES. $3 00. Today we will put on sale 120 pair of the celebrated Rico & Hutchlns' $6 00 finest patent Trench enamel now stjlo shoes at $3 00 pair. Wo will also put on sale 320 dlffeient styles of men's shoes , ranging In price from 9Sc to $1 00. For $150 we will sell you the new man's Blucher shoes that others charge you $ G 00 for. For $2 50 and $3 00 you can buy shoes that ordinarily would bell for $4 00 and $300 For $1 C9 you can buy men's shoes worth $ . ' .50 and $3 00. Remember we have the finest and best selected stock not only in Omaha , but west of Chicago. And cvciy pall of shoes In 0111 house Is mndo by shoe milters of estab lished reputation of the very best of leather and the best of workmanship Open evenings until Christmas. BOSTON STORE , OMAHA , N. W. Cor. 16th and Douglas. iiitos. ClirlHtiiuiN "Week Snl > Cniiilli'N , Trillin , NII < N and O run urn. Fancy sweet Jaffa oranges , do ? , 15c. Large three-crown figs , In pound packages , with ribbon , 1214c. New Halloween datea , pound , 8'c 22 pounds line granulated Migar for $1 00 , or 10 Ibs. for 43c. Fancy Michigan cranberries , Ib , T'.c Good cran berries , per Ib , only 5c. New ginger snaps , per Ib , l'/4c. Fresh soda or oyster crack ers , 5e. Condensed mincemeat , 2 pkgs , 15c. Fancy raisins , per Ib , only 7Hc. Solid meat oysters , per qt. , 25c. CANDIES' ' CANDIES ! CANDIES' We have tnu finest line of candies ever displayed In Omaha Every pound Is fresh made for Christmas. Baby curls , butter daisies , klfbes , stuffed buttercups , French bonbons , cream caramels , opera caramels , Italian chocolates , etc. , etc. , and hundreds of other kinds at very low prices , from 7'X-c , 8 1--5C , lOc , 12c. 15e nnd 25c Ib CHRISTMAS TURKEYS AND GEESE. Fresh dressed chickens , 6'X-c No 1 skinned hams , 10V e Best new bologna , 5c Pickled tripe , 3' , c. Fresh dressed youiK ducks , 8' c Choice crisp celery , 3c Fresh pork roast and boneless , 7c Choicest tur keys in the city at lowest prices. HAYDEN BROS. Open every evening Tim ri.NHhT T AiS : l > TUB WKST. "The Otcrlnuil Miull < > il".u ( lie Union I'ai-1 lie. Equipped with double drawing room palace sleepers , biond vestibules , buffet bmoklng and library cars , with barber shop and reading room. Dining cars , meals a la carte. Plntsch light , steam heat , etc , etc. City Ticket Olflco 1302 Farnam Street. Telephone 31C. Tin The Oicliinil MiuHcil , Union I'nclllc , You can leave Omaha for the Pacific coast after breakfast and reach your destination as soon as those who leave VIA OTHER LINES THE DAY BEFORE Onl > T o MKhtM oil ( he Hoiiil. City Ticket Ofllco 1302 Farnam Street. Telephone 316. Goods BBBB A\o lia\o JIIHI rfcel'd a Hlilpmrnl of upec-lally line MANKM'Htt SKTS Tlu-HO Roods aio not the "cliuap ' and worthless klnd-but oiuli Instrument In tlio liuiiil- HDino < ases Is of the best grade and mnno- tiling ublcli will bo found very Hervlc-cablc Wo curr > a full line of the celebrated slher Hteol iniinlcuro sclhHors and llles manufattuicd bj J. A JiUNC'KUi : , Solln- K 'ii , Oormany rinii nail Helssors , OUHVRD , 75c to $1 00 I'lno null lllc-s , steel , with bono bundle. OOo tn 7Fie Nail polishers ( buffenO In UONH , iHI ONV. CKWA'l.OID , 2c to 75e More than lee kinds of manicure Instru- incuts SHERMAN & McQONNELL DRUG CO , ir ii ; iiodKo striTt. Tim Minui.n or III.OI-K DIUB store NOriJ After ubont Januniy lltli , J1K ( ) our Bliiro will bo on B W toiner ICtli and Out Of 10O 1'ooplo ha\o defective teeth Klthrr they ' have no teeth at all , part aio missing or some that they ha\o arc deca > ed Let uu look at thorn and put thi.ni In llrat-cljui condition. Slher Flllltigs . 75c' ' Gold rilllngH . 51150 up Teeth Crowned . $000 Taft's ' Philadelphia Dental Rooms , 1317 blruut. n i\ niiiitos : - . < t i Hits r.ifiiitiir iinii tinitr t or ( tip \\'i-cK 'loin nliil llolliltM ( loiMln ( ill AT RIDICULOUSLY LOW PRICKS Kvery article In our Immense toy department - ! mont must bo sold this week This niag- ' nlflecnt stock of fine new goods surpasses In variety and extent any exhibit ever made In , western America To close out the entire stock within the few dnjs remaining have I slaughtered the prices on every article Largest stock of line drc 6ed do'ls In Omaha nt IOC , IGc , lie. 25c , GOc , 7Bc nnd 9Bo I Dolls 23 In long , sold as high as .Tie and BOc , nt lias den's for 15c Doll heads at lOc , IBc , 25c nnd 33c each. Red-painted chairs , IBc ; blackboards on stands wcro 25c , now IGc ; GOc gnmcs for 25c , $1.00 game Lotto for BOc ; clieckorboirds with checkers at lOc , IGc , 2'ic , GOc and O'c , Tlddledy Winks at lOc , IGc , lie nnd 2 * > c , China ten sels , were $1 BO. now $1.00 ; 25c drums nt 15c , 2" > e blocks , lOc , toy trunks , IBc ; tin kitchens. Gc nnd lOc , go- carts , 25c ; children's tables 2" > c , 35c and GOs ; albums , half usual prices , 33c , GOc , 75c , 95c , $1.2B , $1 GO , $200 and $2.GO caob ; picture and A I ) C books of every description and all prices. 1'ancy toilet sets , brush , comb and mirror , 7Ec , 'i5c , $1 23 , $1 GO , $1 75 nnd $2 00 set work DOUR , BOc , 7Gc , fl'io , $1.25 and $1.CO ; shaving hets and smoking sots nt less than half usual prices ; Iron tojs , sad irons , Gc , iOe and 25c each ; Iron Mains , tin tialns , tool chests , magic lanterns , building blocks , pic ture blocks , Iron hook nnd ladders , hose carls , rnglncs Tieo ornaments , Ic , 2c , He , fie and lOc. Beautiful line lo pick from Noah arks , wooden tialns , pianos , 25c , 33e , 17c , C'c and eSc each ; doll dreasoin , trunks tables etc , croklnolo bonds. 75c , $1 OD. $1.23 and $1 GO , red-painted carls , lOc each , Iron wagons , nr.c . , $1 - " > . $1 50 and $1 75 ; velo cipedes , n5c. $1 21 and $1 GO , hobby horses , fi'c , 7nc , n3r , S1 25 ami up to $12 00 each A big line of hobbv horses nnd Hhooll > s JUST uiciivni ) A PA RUM D OP SLHIOIISXD CUPPERS. On account of lati-ntss of sirrhnle have marked thorn loss than jobbers' pi Ice They miiRt bo sold between now and Chrlstnm nnd the prices will do It. Wo have sleds for i girls and clippers for bo\s at 19c , 20c , 39c , I I9c and Clc that sell In a tegular way for twlco ( hit amount Don't w.ilt. Conio at ouriThov'ro goliiK fast CLOSING OUT HOLIDAY HOOKS AND NOTIONS A full line of chlhhcns 75c books on sale now at 23c , "Graj's Klcgj " "Tho Village Dlacksmlth , " "Old Oaken Iluclcct , " all nncly Illustrated , enl 3c Wo > are closing out n beautiful edition of gift books worth GOc at 25c All fine editions at cut prices. Fancy pockttbooks and holiday novelties at a discount of 50 per cent , Christmas cards at loss than cost An elegant line nt " : , very nlcn ones nt 5c A beiutlfnl line of initial nnd hemmed hnmlkei chiefs , regular prlco IGc , on sale nt 7HC Dig sample line of ladies' fancy norkwcir , on sale at Ji pi ices Full line of smokers' articles HVYDRN BROS. Closing out holiday goods Sherman < , McCoimi'll's , for Boston taffy \ii ln > Hntiiiii lit 'I rust . The object of this "billet douis to ex tend to our fi lends of the drug craft ( and drug trust ) the compliments of the season and to assure them that although they have of late been guilty of some very serious i "piovinclallsms ' wo shall not lot that mar' ' the "peace and goodwill" whluh should pre- ' \all at this particular season Wo therefore iloslrc to announce that as we have of late laigcly augmented our usual heavy stock of drugs pharmaceutical and proprietary articles we shall bo pleased to rc"eho the orders of the Omaha Council Bluffs and South Omaha druggists for anything of which they may bo In need nnd promise to make to them the lowest wholesale pi Ice. We nrc paitlcularly well conditioned to handle good-sized orders for Pc-iu-na , Scott'q Emulsion , Phillips' Milk of Mag nesia , Scxlne Pills , Morrow.'s Kldneolds , Donn's Pills , nnd all kinds of standard Pharmaceuticals Gentlemen , command us ! SHERMAN & IM'CONNCLL DRUG CO. Now at middle of block. Going to have a corner , too Velvet candy , at Sherman & McConnoll's. Cur I.lnciirtlt , The Twin City Limited for St Paul , Min neapolis and points north leaves dally at 5 G3 p m Only line to the Twin Cities running solid train with dining car and finest sleepers. Ticket onico Hth and Tarnain sts , and Webster Street Station Molasses r-andy , at Sherman K. McConnell's. Sem9 This to Chicago. Would thlb be an inteicstlng communica tion to bend to Chicago ? Will It bo sent If not why not0 Si'lnu-liT Cul 1'rli'o DiuKK' ' t. "IX.ir Sli Cnclobo llnil diuft for $7 S3 ple.iso end bj express enough of Di. 13 C West's Brain and Noi\o Tio.itmont to 1111 thp ordt r I - ccou quote them at 2Jo per box Pk'.iso bind mil wrip well I triibt that jou will 1111 this older promptly. Yours trulj , " AVest s Diatn and Xorvo Tieatment . . . 20c 1'alno.Celery Compound " 3c Hood's H irbaparella "x1 I'Mamld Pile Cure 40c C'arter s I Her I'lllt :5c 1'ianiprs Kidney Cure 7ae Uiomo Quinine lor- Or.iimulslon 7."c Dulf\'s Milt Whl"Kj S3t Jiijnc'H nspootorint . . . 75u I'nelo Sam s Tobacto Cure . . . . COc 1 dozen 2-gratn Quinine Capsules . . 7c 1 d ) zen J-Kinln Qulnlni Capsules . ] 0i 5-Kialn Quinine Capsules . . J3c CUT VRICK DRUGGIST. Cor. Kllli mill Clili-nuo t > t . BOSTON SIORb'S TOY' SALE Fortunate Purchase of St. Joseph Wholesale Toy and Holiday Ohinawaro Stock. ENABLES US 70 OFFER TODAY 1,0(10 ( llori-ii Pine llluli Crnil mill Siuiucrv , I'Hchcri , IMnlo- . , 1JC. ( , nl n MITIrnutloii uf 'Ihclrnlui - . OIIAND SPECIAL. SALU TOYS ON 3UU ri.OOU Krom now on wo will begin to close out the tojs. Such prices were ne\cr m.ulo be fore. fore.All All the 23o and Me doll buggies. lOc. All the Iron toys , worth up to $2.50 , go at GBcAll All the large toy trunks , worth up to $1.00 , go at 25c. All the steel and tin Saratoga trunks , worth $3 50 , go at $1.00. All the drums , hat sold as high as $400 , go at fiOc. All the A U C picture nnd building bloeUs that were 2oc , go nt De. All the gainrb that were GOc go nt lOc All the hobby horses that wore $1 00 go at 50c. 50c.All All tbo doll cabs that were $3 50 go at $1. All the 25o Kid body dolls go nt lOc. All the SOc and 75c kid body dolls go at 1'Jc. 1'Jc.All All the $1 00 kid boii > dolls go at Sic. All the $1 00 dieted dolls go at , " , oc All the 25c dressed dolls go at lOc. All the tin horns and trumpets , worth 7oc , go at Gc. And all the way through the toy department mont the things arc nearly given awnj We nro the one house In Omaha who open up each jear with now fresh stock , nnd the prices that we nio now making is the cause they nlf wonder how can wo do It DECORATED HOLIDAY CHIN V Today wo place on sale on bargiln counter 1,000 dozen of fine DECORATED HOLIDAY CHINAWARI3 Consisting of GUI'S AND SAUCDUS , PLATES , PITCH ERS that would bo considered bargains nt 25c , SOc and $1 00 ; but we will sell them In three lots AT IOC , 15C AND 25C EACH. He sure to visit Boston Store todaj and secure some of thcie rematkablo bar gains. Open evenings , until Xmas BOSTON STORE , OMAIU. N W. Cor. 16th and Douglas Tlic Clilpnifo Mp For Omaha patrons EXCLUSIVELY , leaves on the "NORTHWESTERN LINE" limited train at 4.R5 p m. dally , arlnlng Chicago 7 45 next moming. Tbero MAY bo liner sleepers than these in Europe. Other LIMITED FLYING TRAINS leave daily nt 0 40 a ni and 7 30 p. m. City ofllcce , 1401 and J403 Tarnam street. SGOFIELD'S Each. These Marten Scarfs arc usually $3 00 each vc make the $2 50 prko because we have too man > . Ladies'ITodaj Hl1 of our * 1 > 5 ° for 'a ' . dies and nil our fine Silk _ _ TlCS fronts that h.nc been $1.75 , | UUU $1 50 and $1 23 , go at choice for SOc real liargilns Fur Suts Krimmer , near seal and nutria , suitable for girls S to 14 years of age , nko collar , with four tails anil round muff usual price J7.50 balance of this week they go at cholco for ? 5.00 to close them out. Liulieh' Dressing Sacquet , , ! )5c ) to $7.50 ouch.Wo Wo ha\e Muffs of all Kinds from the finest Sealskin .it ? 20 00 down to one at 13c all well woith the money we usk , too. $2 Kind 1.50 50 Kind $1 Fine Furs Awful Cheap. WE HAVE 1 fine Sealskin Cape 1 fine Natural Otler Cape. 1 fine Marten Cape We will cloBp them out this wenk some one will get a bargain. Come And see about It The Best Fur Goafs In Astiakban and Near Seal at very low prices Children's Cloaks , Ladlefi1 Suits and Dress Skirts. niacl ; and Colored Mcrccrbed Petticoats that are well worth JU > 0 for $2 Ti SilU Putticoiith. S7.H5 to Jf lBench. AViappera from 7f > p to $ .1 7ri iidprdown : Lounging Robes -$3 05. When looking around look heie CIOAK&SIHTCO , 1510 Dnuulns St. I I ' Prices Cut in Two New Pianos , $140 and up. Used Pianos , $25 and up. Organs , $10 and np , Steimviiy , A. Ji. Chase , Voso , Kmereon tfe Packard pianos lo boleot i'roni. Now pianos for rout. Tel. IGL'G. . . .Schmoller & Mueller. . , Stcinway & Sons ) 1313 Parnam Street. Representatives. [ 337 Broadway , Council Bluffs , ' ' nriTrf' Not only now while holiday aUrat-tion give trade an added stimulus , but all thn time , in season and out of season , The crowds of patrons that throng these stores , in- dieato unerringly the direction of purchasing thought , and the indications were ncm- more pronounced than now. There are good reasons why this should , be so. Wo think you know them. in tfie Cape Dept. .Hundreds of pi oi ly capes It wo Jor you lo solecl from , nol so expensive as you might think for , $6.75 and up Men's Men's ' Umbrellas tilovcs You can 1 Ij f Moro 1 * * ' ' save abort space giv en to one half gloves alone of your than any umbrella two stores money if in Omaha. you look yCc , 45c , here lirst. 50c,75cup 's Caps Our line of men's caps selected for this holiday trade is a most com plete one. You can exchange them _ ul ati.v time if the blibuld bo \ \ i otijj. Men's Smoking Jackets § 2.1)0 ) and up. You can change the size after the holidays if they should'nt fit , but be as careful as you can in your selection. The pretty patterns go first , remember , same counter the bath robes both very acceptable , the men folks say. , * c9c _ \r Ladies' Mackintoshes $3.25. $5.00 , $6.75 , $7.75. For good ones ; Ladies Silk Petticoats As handsome a present as you conld get for her. $2.85 , $3.90 and up. Open Evenings The great crowd of shoppers who Congregate here six days in the week tell a tale of price attractions and quality. The 8,200 pairs of custom tailored finest men's Trousers jtidt secured and added to the great bargains in men's and boys' Suits and Overcoats will make this Hie banner week of our great clothing sale. Come early in tlic morning and avoid the great rush. . ' 5,200 pairs of men's finest custom tail ored Pants , all sizes not a pair worth less than $ f > . 00 and up to § 12.50 , now on sale at 2 , $8 00 to $10.00 men's Over- coath and Storm Ulsters at $10 to # 15 men's new stylish Suits and Overcoats at § . ' 5.50 men's all wool Cassi- mere and Cheviot Pants at. . Men's $4.50 Fancy Vests at Our Men's ' Finest Suits , Overcoats and Storm Ulsters , We itic otlfimc ( inlIwM fMiint'iiiK. iniuli' i'iiinl | 10 int'Hlmiit lull us' iniiKi1. al Mo oo MJ v anil M.'ioi ) posl\t'l\ | | ' \\dilh ilmilili- HojV . .miloulliV I.OHK I'nnls Sulth on mile HIHcck ! at sit" . " , S.'OO anil \7..0 suits nv'iiliil.woilli Hoin Sitoii lo M.'iOO Bo\b' DonliliHicnsti'd Mii'c I'aiits Si-Its - . .miliMii Suits , at M 1.1. .VJ m > . . 'j.il.r.o ' . ami st r > in nlt nth < l-uiiio ritlJK ! 1 ItKJ l one pall < il t'\tia Kni't > pants \\ltli e\c-ii suit lioin W 0 np , Aching Teeth Decay Business A-i n miiilii i'f ( til ln.ui M I lii Hi IlKC I 111 III- It l I In III I M N'HU mind tall It uh.a ) uii n II , wo inn line it \\i nlll SUM * tiltin In r If posslblr Tlmt IB If > . .nivl b II Ot will ix- trai t I In in wlllunu i iln riM : ni\iis'rm wouic rou ii'iTir. MIIM\ . Pont uall until > nui 'I i clli ai In < ir a I'd iliiujtil bul lit u put juiir' ' inoiitli In ordui ii < < " BAILEY-THE DENTIST I'li&ioii INK. Illlli ami rnriiiini Sl Iub AtUmlunl I'lioii' MVi vau im it \ \ HAUIJYH 'l I'OU JJL.U-A11 Orut'L-luU. fur Collarettes 95c and up. Your dollars do ( lotibk1 duty in lliis doparlmonl this weok. Men's ' Men's ' ! Neck m. Mufflers vvudi , Oxfords , Ways , 15c to $1.00 nnd half a do/on They are the otlior stvlos. The sumo bt\lc , jmt- lovcrsiblo ones turns and iuuU ] nio the cholco H.Unit . briiiK | i to now. You : i)0 and $ l.f)0 can oun ono as around town. hi\v a > ? lioc nnd TJio now I5o > ou cnn have ono < : i c tlio join choioo of swell kind Unit llftj ilitlcfcnt mo boincr worn luittoi-ns. in any ov inoii and of the otliur uoinen. Men's Shirts Everybody who buy shirts know of our selection and prices. We only me n t i o n them that you should n't foifret that Ihoy aio ahwijsacceptable , lee and up. Men's Slippers. Fancy velvet ones , 45c and75c. Imitation Alligator , 75c. Black Goat , § 1. Tan Dongola , turn sole , $1.25. Tan and black Nulliliers , § 1.40. A complete line of sizes in all above lines. Christmas Suggestions Why not select something useful ? Beautiful now dosigrns fi om $3.00 to $15.00 5 O'CLOCK ' TEA KETTLES , In polished foiabs and copper and nicklo , ? 2 to $10 Ropers Silver Knives , forks and Spoons Pocket Knives , Razors ' , Scissors , Star Safety' Razors , v Barney & Berry , ' Winslow's Klipper Hi ' -'B' Klub'B' . . . . A Ills Wrlolj iif Vi-w 1HIH ratlitniH , l.lc to ftft 00 1'nlr. PiitlcniN , Kciiitlful MILTON ROGERS & SON , 14th and Farnam , up. inn suns , MIIIIIOHS , HB i'O ( KIT : HOOKS , < tun isis : , 1 ll\ll > ( I'K'SMtS \MH15S , \ MS ( II. MtS. Waldron & Campbell ; I I T II VI I ! Dili ( .LISTS. uuu .south mill st. N II - Wo would adlst the Ding Tiu t to get n new spy a wo aio "onto" the puscnt one His work wa "coarse " Wll Pure Counlis , IIOWELL'3 or Koro tluout Al- wuj.s n liable For salu bv all riruu- u-uu. Uc and COc.