THE OMAITA DAILY BEE : TimiSDAY , NEC KM HER 21 , 1S09. .11 I SPEGJAL NOTICES \ Ailt ertlneir entn for tlirne column * trill tic ( alien until 11 ! in. tor Ilic tMcnlnir edition ninl until Stilt ) it. in. fur tnornltiK nuil Sunday rillllon. Itntf-N , ] j-Sc 11 unril llrit ItiMnrtlont lo n triml thereafter. Nothing token lor le.kK tliiin aSr fur the. nt t ln er lion , ThcNv iiUvcrtlncnifittK tuimt lie rtni CdiiNccntlvoly , AiUcrtUi'rn , liy rrutiCHlInc n nnm- Iipffil check , mil linnttnMTorw nil * Uremicil to n ininilirroil letter In cure fit The lice. Aiiinter * no nilitrieil vvlll he delivered on iircnentntlon of the elicult onlj. SITU'ATIOXS. i A STENOGRAPHER. When you wftnt pn please tall up the Remington typewriter olllcc. Ibl'J Fdtnam street , telephone I i3. A o 2 FIRST class dreMmakPr will HOW lit fain- Illes ; Address T 20. Hoc. 'A M' _ ' Braiimnatli -ra operator of f , yonrr ejcieMc-nre. wo ( ltd like position win-to Rood work wonlil l > o appfef.ale'J. ' Agrees. IMmtlst. Cl'J S : Mih st. , in'V11",01 ' ' Omaha. Nepr - . . A-Mll.i ! _ " ) .M A I.E IIBIil1. .steady work tor a. few WANTED. wo have . habits and itp P nr. Rood hustlers pT s&ort nncc. C F , Ad.uns Co. . 1(119 ( ° w2 | "WE WANT MEN to gelt our . crown stock In northern Iow.nn . eastern Nebraska ; complete line of fruits , ornamental trees. shrUVfrii { . nnd evergreens ; men with or perience , wlicfn present employment not tmy them In proportion to < " * " ' " , of energy th y jrc expanding , should acquainted with our line of worlt. Auuro < j , fhn \ ll Manager Agency Department Jej\ Nursery Co. . Lake City. MI" " ' ' llshcd in 15C3.J" WANTED , medicine salesman agents to tntvp ! , country : ploasnnt. profitable worn. Mnrslmll Medicine Co. , Kansas C WE TEACH the barber trade In short time and. furnlrh each "f with .1 guarantee ! position at good Theie are more than ten barber pos.tlons advertised lo one nt bookkeeping .or Hliort- hanil. Wrltu for free catalogue. nnd par ticulars. Western Barbers' Insttltue , Omaha. 11-M623 _ CASH for ncccptnlito Idq-in. Rtatb If pat- pilled. Address The Patent Record. Bnl- tlinr.te , Md. _ _ l.iL. W-7vlsrTEn"r boy with homo to deliver The \ Hce. Call at clrculutlon department 3 . m. ? p. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ WANTED , Gorman ilrnu clerk , one or two years' experience preferred. 8. ! . . neaMi- Icr , Scrlhner , Neb. _ ! ! ? " " MEN , ITiere i no expense to learn barber trmio If von whl work for us. Can < oin- plrte In Vleht weeks and be guaranteed . Nee/1 PCO giaduatoa at W.lmonthly. \ onee. Our diplomas rntltlo you to work In any state In , the union. Beware of w"i I - Irrs imitations. Write iodiy : for partlru- Mpler Barber College , AN Intelligent young man to take : i Hliort- band scholarship nnd pay for It when ho lias llntohod the c-oiir e anil secured ! i po sition.Address T 32. Hoc. H MIIS TKMrHHATK , enerBPtle man to truvej and appoint , iioonts ; sr u monthly. bplikH expenses - ponses uiiU eonimlsHlon. tJooil route. llRht work : 'icrniiuiPnt. Inclose solf-iiddruss-'ed 'o. , lobn Cross , 856 D" rbtirn St. , rtVHtlNMHNTlosltlons ! : Don't for 'an1' rlv'i sPrvli'e or census exumlna- tl.uf without rc.elnRr. our catulotjuc of In- fornmtlon. Sent free. Colnmbliin t'orre- spondcncc College , WashltiRtnn , I > . C. n--aii28-2t < - . ; - _ . . . . p . , - .J WANi.'El5200 ; girls. 1524 .podge. ' 'Tel. ' S7G. . . -A. c-301 * - ' - : - - ISO GIRLS w.inttd ; nil Ulnfls work ; $3 to J7. Canadian Ofllco , 1B22 DQUKlas. t \ - C-M1S4 D21 WANTKDi housekeeper of middle age , fam ily hf 'three.JVddrcsn 125 Ex. , South Omaha. ' C 332 20 ! VJ , 1 WANl'JBD , for Rpneriil housuwork , compe tent -RlrU' vlth coed references. Mrs' . W. P. ariane/ti 4.So. , 30th .ft-P ' 1 ; AN IntoIHRpnt lady to take a Hhorthand scholarship ami pay for It when she Mulshes the course ! and secures a nosl- tlon.c Address T " 8 , care Bee. C 1U17 WANTKD. girl for general housework. 423 N. 40th Btrect. C-422 L'2 , -FOIl 11I3XT-HOUSI5S. IP YOU want your houses well rented placp them with Uonewa & Co. D-503 fltOICE hbiises. cottages , 'stores. Henry B.Wync , 601 N. Y. Life. 'Phono , 1010. D 505 KINVi-reeldence , choice location. 11 rooms , nil modprn ; qxcpllent stable. Be nls , Pax- toni.block. ' ' P-507 HOUSES , stores. Bemls , Paxton block. lJ--5QS MAOO'AUD Van and Storage , icill Capitol Ave , Tel. 14D6. FOR RENT , house * In all parts of city. The O. F. Davis Co. , ISOj Farnam street. D S1Q GOOD'large'barn for rent In north part of city. . Inquire 2124 Locust. u-ioa HOUSES for rent In all parts of the city , Brennan-Love Co , , 219 So. ICth street. street.D513 D-513 HOUSES for rent ! J. II. Sherwood , 423 N. Y. Life , Phone 385. D-515 k FOR RENT , desirable houses and flats. ff Rlngwalt. Barker block. D-MS03 LARGE-10-room modern residence. This Is the finest house .now for rent In the west Fnrnam ptreet district. Will make all necessary rep'atrs o tlipKAighly. , picaso a suitable teni-nt who wllftnko a lease for a We-wllMAk'etiomlnnUrcntnl' > "fo : ' the winter to1 got.this.bolifte > femed , Omaha Loarj and Trustee1 ICth am ] Douglas. ' . V. . * * > . - . r JJ MG39 - r , ' . ft i g-ROOM''pant atiartmontt * In Nofmaudle , $65.00t C-room , all-modern cottna'J. newly papered niid In nne-shape , $25.00. Wo have inanv others ! . Payne-Harder Co. , 1st floor N. Y. Llfo Bldg. D-MS01 LARGEST IJBt.'F. D. Wcad , 16 & Douglas. D 45G-D23 HOUSES to rent. Patterson , 303 N. Y. Life. D-310 1IOUS10 for rent at 1152 Park nve. , nil mod- orn. Apply 2130 So , 33d st. Tel 1227.D157 D-157 FOR RENT. S-room houve , all modern con- vcnlencyH. opposite Hanscom park. 1529 Park nvu. Inoulro 2130 S. 33rd or telu- phone 1227. D-M107 STEASr'hc'at'all modern , unequaled Boven- room house. 'Tlzard , 223 N. 2ltl ) . . D-152 20 * UOTJSfi. for rent. SO-ri'mn tnoilern lioiei. . Btilinn , Aahlund , Neb. D-31277 IS * FOR RENT. 1910 Btirrlette street , 10 rooms , brlctr , mod ern. $115.00. 200S N. ' 27tb7 rooms , city water , $15,00 , ISftJ Corby St. , fi rooms , JIO.OO. 813 Ni ail St. . ( > rcoms , city water , $ | 2.fiO. lou N. 2lth St.-1-room modern flat. $13,0" , 2027 N. 20th fit. , 8 rooms , modern , $20.00. 1S23 Wlrt St. , 20 rooms , modem , good barn , $30.0ft. 221 $ BInneJSt. . , - ' JO rooms , modern , steam boat. $27.0 $ . ISM ( 'a.pltol.'Avp. , 9 rooms , nicrn. ( ) ( ] $15.ty ) . Elegant nloif | IIOIIKO. 2123 Cas Ht , , 11 rroins , all llnlshed' In hiird wood , modern In every way , J50JW. i Brennan Love Co. , ' 'in So. ifith St. St.DM31S D-M31S 23 VERY pleasant appartmont or lljit of n rooms and bath ; good location and good home. M. J' . Koniianl .t Son. , Suit 310 , Brown Block. 'D-S31 BIX-ROOM .cottage ) water , bath , gab : $15. 812 Smith mil. n-Mll'J & -ROOM modern -house with barn. 1015 Mtuiderson-st. , $13.00. Key next door. D-M403 FOU RENT , B52 Bo. 2Sth , 'i room.moilern ! , ; -Jftfl Welwter. 7 rooms , bati | ; 22.S N. isth , n roohiH , barn , la ran yard ! Ell So. lath , 1 rooms ; also lints , ttlngwalt lro . , llarkor.Illlt. . , p-S07 FOR ItHNTi iT-room IIOUHO and bahi. mod. ern. exeepi furmu'e. 2235 FanianrHt , $20. JOHN W. RO1U1LNS , 1SP2 Farnam. D-4SI 31 nn.M I'liiMsiinn noosis. EVnilYTHINO heart enn wish for at the Brunswick , low prices Included. NICELY furnished rooms , steam , elevator nnd bell boy service ; baths free. Inquire Schlltz Hotel. E-261 LARGE south room , modern , gentlemen only : private family ; no sign. 1919 Doilze. K 3,0 , FrRNIPHKD rooms , housekeeping. 2 ? 24 St. ' K-M405 SS Mary's. - _ N ICELY furnished rooms. 2017 St'lTE nleely furnlPhod rooms , suitable for two. 17(0 ( Leavchworth street , sfcond ' ior to the left E-410 25 _ LAROE front room with alcove , private family , modern conveniences. 20. ) North 23d St. K 409 21 * I'LIIMSIM ! ! ) ROOMS AM ) IIOAIII ) , HOOM and board , (4 & 5. 1512 Davenport. Dr. THE Merrloni family hotel , 23th and Dodge , ' ' ' K-81S' FfRNISllED rooms end board. SOlS ou- las st. F MS05 EVERYTIIIN'O heart cnn wlsii for at the Brunswick , 'ow prices included. F M172 CIS S. 19TH , dcslrablcv rooms anil board. F-M2MJ1I DESIRAIUjE rooms , llrst-i-lara hoard. 2.iSI Ilarney. F-MI2T. 21 KOH U13NT STOIIISH AMI OKKICKS. FOR HUNT , store In first-class location : rent reasonable. Apply R. C. Peters & Co. , ground floor , Bee Bids. 1 266 FOR RENT , a ground floor olllro , specially mutable for icnl estate , etc. , splendid vault built for use of city treasurer. Ap ply R. C. Peters & Co. , ground floor R c Building. 1-2CT FOR RENT Brick warehouse , two floors , each G0x90 ft : power clovalors , U , P. trackage. Apply Haarmann Bros. , nil S. 20th. I-C31 SIXTEENTH and Jackson sts. . on Jan. 1 , corner store and basement. SIX ) a. month. Inquire nt the Brunswick hotel. . 1-31170 FOR HKNT. two-story brick building. 1313 and 1313 Ilarney St. , good livery burn or warehouse : low rent. JOHN W. BOBBINS , 1S02 Knrimtn. 1-42.1 SI AGENTS WAXTI3D. IT sells for cash , nleases the buyer , and Is making agents rich ; household novelty. Write for territory. Sulluve Bro ? . , Keokuk , Iowa. J M2SI-2G * S10N1) M In stamps for sample of "Quick Slenl Cooker and Heater , " or 35e for sample of "Oold Nugget Quick Klndler ; " eoinpetent men and women agents wanted. Bennett Manufacturing Co. . Ill Van Huron St. . Chicago. J S , " > 0 agents , greatest money maker for 1900 ; $ " > to $13 day easily : Paris Exposition Illustrated as we did the World's Fair : greatest seller of the cen- Uiry : annly nt once for territory and In close G . tarn > > s for sample book and In structions ; mention this paper. Address Campbell's Illustrated Journal. Chicago. J M12S 21 WAXTI5I1 TO ItKNT. YOTNO man de-sires place to work for board while attending school. Boylcs1 ' College , Bee Bldg. Tel. 19S4. K-MZ21' STORAGE. PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co. , 912- 911 Jones'general-storage and forwarding , E17 WANTED TO II UY. ALL klid9 of household goods , hotels , etc. , m largo or small quantities. Chicago Fur- nlturci Co. , HOS-10 Dodgo. Tel. 2020.N . N 31J WILL purchase a limited number of Omaha Savings Bank accounts. Brennan- Love Co. , 219 S. 16th St. ' ; N-319 WANTED , lo buy , a restaurant outfit. Pee ple's Store. 16th and Farnam. N M243 6 CAR loads at once of furniture. Drop a card and a man will call. J. Levlne. 304 N. ICth. N-474-D27 _ AMERICAN , dealer : buy secondhand furni ture and stoves 1719 Cumintr. Tel. 1673. N M9S4-J-9 WANTED , a good second-hand can ranBO ; must be cheap nnd In good condition. Address - dross T 36 , Bee. N-M402 21 * _ WOH SAM3 FURNITURE. STOVICS AND FURNITURE : no reason able offer refused. Neb. Fur. Co. , 1413 Dodco. O-520 WE still have a good line of second hand stoves and furniture at reduced prices. Call. J. Lewis , 101 So. 14th. O M7S6 J3 FOR SALE HORSES. WAGONS , ETC. GOOD top buggy for sale cheap. Address P 59 , Bee. P192 GOOD hack , newly painted and new wheels. AUo 6-passenger Rockaway. with rubber tires , late-jt style ; 4-passenger light Rock- away , newly painted. Drummond t'ar- rlage Co . ISth and H'arney. P JI3C9 2j FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. " SHIRTS to order. Kelley & Ilcyden. Q-53i CUTTERS of drug price * . Shurmat7&1u7. Connull Drug Co. , Ial3 Dodge St. . Q-j PUNCTURELESS bicycle tirc'a. Oni. Bl 7C Dodge. _ _ _ _ _ _ Q-52i FOR SALE-Ten R-I-P-A-N-S for 3 drugglata. One e'vos ' rtfllof. B. HAAS , Florist. 1813 Vlnton St. Tel 7r7 Plants , cut tlowera. boquefs , hall res ? ' det.ce , wedding nnd grave decc rntfonl" Orilers by mall or express promptly tl"a \ * _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Q-325 j ' INDIAN relics ; mounted heads. JUj ( Karnam _ _ _ _ _ Q-327 2"D-1IAND safe cheap. Derlght.liiQ Farnam _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Q-619 NEW ramnle ( .awlns machines , $15. Omaha Blcyclo Co. Q-JIIW ) _ SAFES-Buy , sell , exchange , in a. j3tj , st Q-S28 ADVERTISING calendars. BurUlnv Pts. Co Dec31 TWO J1ILLION FEET OF TIMBERS , 6x ? , 6x8 , 8xS , 10x10 , 12x12 , 12x14. FROM 16-FT. TO 40-FT. LENGTHS. CAN FURNISH ANY LENGTH DESIRED. ADDRESS CHICAGO HOUSE WRECK. ING CO. , EXPOSITION GROUNDS , OMAHA , NEB. Q-553-31 FOR SALE , now nnd 2d-liand soda foon tains ; monthly payments. 8. B. Rich mond. P. O. Box S77. , Q-M212 J13 J132 BUYS Stclnway upright piano : good condition : cash or easy payments. Ad- drcsa P IP , Bee. Q-MS5S FOR BALE-The celebrated Wilbur Food for fattening Mock ; l.COO feeds for Jl.300 ; ninety days time to uny Rood feeder : satlxfartlon guaranteed. H. A. Hill , state agent , Grand Island , Neb. Q-235-J-13 FOR a Christmas present nothing so nice us a Shetlund pony See A. L. Sullivan at the county treasurer's office , Lincoln. Neb. : ho lo nuiklnc rock-bottom prices for the next two weeks , Q-234 20 FOR \L3 MIScr.LLVNHOtS. FOR SALE , bnnrnlns good for rhrltmns prefx-nts ; diamonds. watches' , Jawelr > . musical Instruments , etc. Diamond .Loan Ofllco , 1315 Douzlns. Q-M ? i 3j FOR SALE , the celebrated Wibur Food for fattening stock : enough feeds to last one animal " 1,600 days for $13.00 ; satisfac tion guaranteed. H. A. Hill. stntl"etc ( l- Grand Island. Nob. Q--gb J13 _ HARDMAN PIANO slightly used ; imiflt be sold at once. T .17 , BPO. Q-MI13 2 < i FOR SALE , paid up SCO scholarship In business or shorthand ; Omaha's best col- logo. Address T 3:1. : Beo. Q-121 22 * _ MISCCLLA.VEOUS. NOTICE , country dealers , 2d-luind furnltur & stoves nt lowest prlcts , carloftil lots or less. Chicago Furniture Co. , 1400-10 Dodge. R-MO CLAIRVOYANTS. MRS. FRITZ , clairvoyant. SOS N. 16th. S 531 . MME. GYLMER genuine palmist. 1605 Dodi ; ? S * a3 MRS. DR.1TAIIT , palmist and elalrvoyant ; " 213 N. mil street. Hours. S . _ Lilt. LEE IIARlimEN , being cited to ap pear In Kansas City , Mo. , has gone there , ami will return In a few days. 8-IZt ai _ MASSACJI : ANI > MRS. BERRY , baths , massage ; parlors berl equipped In the city ; porcelain tub ; Ida Terry of Chicago , attendant. Crounso blk. , 119 No. 10th f ( . , Opp. 1' . O. , 2d floor. T m 436-D 26 * MME. AMES , R. 2 , 507 a. 13 ; masaKo"baths. . T-M750 J2- LILLIAN HOWARD and Beatrice Harlow , elegant massage tub bath , Arabian treat ment. Flat D , 703 So. 10th. T-MS33 21 ELITE" PARLOUS , ols 3. loth , up7tairs ; .v.s baths , nmgnctlo treatment. Lady attendants. T , M320 2il MME. SMITH , room 2 , 11S',4 N. 15th , T-M3M 23 * rCUSONALS. VIAVI Is woman's way to health. 316 Bee Bldg. U-531 SHAMPOOING 2oc. hair drosslng 2."c ; hair and toilet goods , best equipped. Monhelt , 151S Farnam. U 531 MONHEIT , leading chiropodist. 1518 Far nam , 9floor. . U 536 PRIVATE hospital for ladles before & dur ing confinement ; babies adopted. 1136 N. 17. U 537 SCALP & hair treatment. Mme. Post , 319V4 S. 15th. U-53S LIF.BKN , costumer. 1313 Howard. Get catalogues. U MS41 RIBBON hair curlers , ffic sample , stamps , sliver ; circulars , Robertson , CO Wnbash , Chicago. Agents wanted. U M3CO D25" COSTUMES JIrs. Sack , 331S S 20th. Cata logue. ' ' ' U M900-J-S" SECONDHAND sowlnc machines from ? 5.00 up. Neb. Cycle Co. , Cor. 15th and Ilarney. U-.M985-J-9 _ J - - - DR. DAVIS , specialist , 16th and Dodue. U-191 THAT word Banltters Is a new one to me , Charley. Oh. that Is nothing , Mattle. KverythliiK Is NEW , nlco nnd Inexpensive at the Brunswick cafe. U 11220 DR.- ROY , chiropodist : corns removed , 25c and upwrfrd. Room 12 , Frenzcr block. , U-535 , aiONEY TO LOAN HEAL ESTATE. $1,000 and upwards to loan on Improved city property and farms. W. Farnam Smith & Co. , 1320 Farnam. W 539 MONEY to loan on Nebraska and Iowa farms ; lowest rates. Brennan-Love Co. , 219 S. 16th , Omaha. W 540 J100 TO $2.000. F. D. "Wend , 16th and Douglas W-541 6 PER cent loans. Garvln Bros. , 1613 Farnam W-542 WANTED , city and farmloans ; nlso bonds nnd warrants. R. C. Peters & Co. . 1702 Fnrnam St. , Bee Bldg. W 543 WRITE us If you want a loan on your farm In Iowa , eastern Neb. or Mo. ; It will pay you. Anthony Loan & Trust Co. . 315 N.Y L ' W-545 $100,000,000 to Invest through Bankers ? Brokers , Promoters ; send for circular Investors' Directory , N. Y. W 540 5 PER CENT money. Bemls. Paxto ii hlociT W-544 MONEY to loan on first-class Improved city property or for building purposes. Payne- Harder Co. , N. Y. Life. W 57 | > B , 5 < 4 , 6 per cent loans In Omaha. S. Omaha W ? II. Thomas. 603 1st Nat. bank ! Tel 1013 ' W-MS MONEY to loan at 5 and 5V , per cent on Omaha property. W. B. Melkle , 401 So. 15th W-E5Q MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real estate. Brennan-Lovo Co. , 319 South Ifith ' W-551 FIVE per cent ; farm loans. Chas. K WIN jlamson. W-519 PRIVATE money ; low rate ; no delay , Garvln Bros. , 1613 Farnam street. W M181 D20 MONEY TO LOAN-CHATTELS. LOANS MADE TO SALARIED PEOPLp holding permanent positions , on their tier sonal note without endorsement or aoeiir DLLU'- ity ; strictly confidential and at ONE-HALF TH'E USUAL RATES Bcforo borrowing see us , as you will fimi it greatly to advantage your ; we are thu oldest , largest and only incorporated lo/in / company In Omahn. F. W. Truu\ Vcr 119 Board of Trade Bldg. , loth and ta " - nam SIP. Talephoni2295. . X-es" MONEY loaned salaried peopi TiioTdlng po7- mnncnt position with re3ponslble < ? oncernsi upon their own names , without securltv : easy payments. Tolman , 7M N. Y. L Bldg ' _ _ _ _ _ _ X-557 LOANS made to salaried people -on their personal note without security. RUIea o MONEY loaned on furniture , rigs , bicycles' diamonds , watches , etc. ; payment un known to friends. Omaha Loan Bank , 141B Farnam , upstairs. X 35 _ MONEY loaned on furniture , pianos jew"- elry , etc. , unknown to friends ; monthly payments ; half rates. Borgers' Loan Co 140S Farnam , over drug Hare. X M72o' ' MONEY loaned on pianos , furniture , horses cows , Jewelry. Duft Green , R. S , Barker blk' X-501 MONEY TO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. PIANOS , HORSES. WAGONS , ETC LOW RATES EASY PAYMENTS. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. , 3C6 SOUTH 16TH STREET. X-S55 _ _ _ MONEY loaned on pianos , furniture , Jew- elt.v , horses , cows , etc. C F. Reed. 319 S. 13th. X-55S LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE employed - ployed In Omaha , South Omaha and Council Bluffs , holding good positions , on their own names. NO MORTGAGE ; BEST TERMS , everything private ; money can be paid back in mnall weekly or monthly payments. American Loan Co. , Room 601 , Bco Bldg. X 500 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE holding permanent portions on their own nnmn without endorser or mortgHBe. STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL and LOWEST - EST RATES. No inquiries madu of em ployer or frlendp. You ran borrow any amount and repay In easy weekly or monthly payments. Before borrowing sea us. Omaha Credit Co. . C. E. Jennings , Mgr. , Suite 523-526 N. Y. Life Bids.X559 X-559 MONEY to loan on furniture , pianos , horses , cowd , etc. J. W. Taylor , 40-1 Kar- bach block. IS lo 6:15 : p. m. X-353 OSTEOI'ATHV , JOHNSON Osteopathlc Institute. 015 N. Y. Life Bldg. . Allcti Johnson. D. O. , ladles' Ucpt. ; Gld E. Johnson , Osteopathlat , mgr. M E DONOHUE , D O . of Still school , Klrkavllle , Mo. , CO ! Paxtou blk. Tel. 1SC7 -61 ' Ilt5l\ESS \VAO-"SS. amounts and bad debt ? of a'.l kinds collected. NEVER FAIL. Statements - ! ments and rtmitunces mailed weekly. Highest commercial and bank referenc/s. OMAHA LEGAL AGENCY , suite oil. First National bank building. 'Phone 2351. Communicate with us and wo will send n . 'ellnblo collector for your accounts. 1 oGU HOTEL AND IlBSTAtTRANT-PartnershlU or whole thing ; hlg patronage ; new oUtm. Inquire 619 S 16th 8t. \-819.ll MERCANDISE STOCKS-We have dry goods , clothing , stocks boots nnd shoes. | hardware , drugs and groceries stocks located In nil parts of Nebraska , Iowa. Dakota and Missouri. If you want to bu > ' or trade for a steel : of srciodfl we can locate. If you want to sell your goods or property we can find a buyer for you. Write or call on us for what you warn. Hotels for sale or trade. Merchandise Broker. 202 Knrbach blk. Y-M13J THE New Snow Church Company a great iiicccss ; collects good and bad doms on commission In every county In L tilted Statos. W. H. Green. President ; CR. . Glover , Secretary. Y-M131 19 _ FOR SALE , Interest and good wilt lit a well-paying grocery ; splendid location ; becomes necessary for owner to leave the city. Call or address O'Nell'R. Real I'.s- tnte Agency , South-Omaha. Y MMu - ' FOR-SALE. 2-chalr barber'shop and pool hall ; receipts over $3IW rc month lit the best 750 town In northwestern Iowa. A. W. Holt. Battle Creek , Iowa. Y-M321 .10 TOR SALE 11IJAL ESTATE. PAYNE-HARDER Co. , HEADQUARTERS for REAL ESTATE BARGAINS ; LOW EST RATES on LOANS : bOfNI ) IN SURANCE ; HOUSES , FLATS , STORES , for RENT. First floor N. V. Life llldft. RE-MIOI _ SNAPS In real estate , money to loan. L. L. Johnson Co. , 314 S , loth street. RE 564 HOUSES , lots , farms , lands , loans ; also liio Insurance. Bomls , Paxton blk. HE CU5 FOR QUICK returns on bargains only see S. A ? Broadwcll , 501 N. Y. Life Bldg. RE M404 1405 DOUGLAS , cheapest Inside business propel ty on market. Wallace , solo agent. RE-M152 35M > acres , three mites north of Florence , nil In timber ; will cut between 400 and 500 cords of wood ; for Jl,2oO. Ten acres on West Dodge St. , macadam , hall hour's drive , $1,000. The Byron Reed Co. . 212 S. 14th SI. RE 066 FOR SALE cheap , large house and lot , east 49 feet lot 28 , block 10 , Kountzo & Ruth's addition ; rents for $23.00 per month , but would brhiK more by making few repairs. Price , $2,500.00. G. B. Tzstehuck. care Omaha Beo. RE 833 A BARGAIN Four acres , 40th nnd Pacific ; two blocks from car line , on belt rall- rund $ " 500 ; easy terms. McCaguo Investment 1500 Dodge. RE--567 vestment Co. , - - NOTHING. but bargains tinndlcil by S. A Broadwell , 501 N. 1. Life Bldpr.REM405 RE-M405 LOOK a.t 270S CaBllol Ave. , 7-room frame cottnco , nearly new , on lot 50x135 feet , south front. Price. $1,100.00. This is a bargain. Byron R. Hastings. 212 S. . 14th. RE 933 FOR SALE Bargains In small residences. S A Broadwell. 601 N. Y. Llfo Bldg. RE M 407 EIGHTY acres. > clear , for city property , 1512 Davenport.- RE M39G-D23 FOR BARGAINSevferybody poee to S. A. Broadwell , 601 N. Y. Life Bldir.RE RE M405 IF YOU have a bargain to offer In real estate see S. A. Broadwell , 601 N. Y. Llfo Bldg. ' RE M403 HENRY B. PAYNE , 601 N. Y. LIFE BLDG. Real Estate , Rentals , Loans. Insurance. HE-563 HOUSES , lots , farms , lands and Insurance. R. C. Patterson , 305 N. Y. Life. RE 871 FOR SALE- $2,000.00 tor 9-room house , barn , etc. ; No. 1133 N. ISth st. ; rent. $25.00 per month. } 3,000.00 for 9-room modern house , newly painted and papered psner lot CCxl24 ft. , 1 A blocks south of Farnam , No. 602 { 5. 35th st. GEORGE & COMPANY , 1C01 Farnam St. RE M233 21 C F.HARRISON , FARMS , FARM LOANS. RE 22W15 44X15S FEET , east front , South 20th street , asphalt paving paid ; , price $ SOO. 2 lots near 41st and Jnckson sts. . Very cheap ; $350 for the two. CO acres within 10 miles of Omaha P. O. , 10-room house , barn 30x 0 , some fruit trees , fine place : Improvements easily worth $2,000 ; price $1,000. John N. Frenzer , opp. old P. O. RE 3S4 FOR SALE or Exchange for Improved clear eastern Nebraska or Iowa farm land , a $10,000 Omaha three-story business block , unlncumbered , of five store rooms , with flats above. Address P. O. Box S03 , Omaha UE-40S 20 * $5,000 to $ S,000 cash to invest In a snap. Can act , quick. C. F. HARRISON , OMAHA. HE 407 20 * TYPEWRITERS. TYPEWRITERS for rent. $4.00 per month. The Smith-Premier Typewriter Co. , li > 25 Fnrnam St. Telephone 1234. 574 WE RENT and sell the best typewriters made ; largest stock of supplies in Omaha. United Typewriter & Supply Co. , 1612 Far nam. 575 KMIN'GTON Standard Typewriter nnd supplies. 1619 Farnnm. 570 THE Oliver Typewriter , visible wrltlnu. heaviest manll'older and cuts the finest stencil. Tel. 2279. J. S. Stewart , Soeclal Agent , 31S'/i S. Ifith St. , Omaha. 577 TYPEWRITERS , secondhand. 1110 Farnnm. . 578 DR. MANSFIELD'S monthly regulator has brought happiness to hundreds of anxious women ; have never had a single failure ; longest cases relieved In two to live days without fall ; no pain , no danger , no Inter- fnvBHpH with work : by mall or ofllce , $2- all loiters truthfully answered. The Manallold mtuly Co. , 1U7 Dearborn si. , room CH , Chicago , IU. M-35 : , > 23 * LADIES , od ! Dr. Bell's Cotton Root Pllta the best , safe , reliable. Take no other Send 4c stamp for particulars. Dr. Bell , Box 71S , St. Louis , .Mo. MS'JS JJS * LADIES. Chlchester English Pennyroyal pills a.-e the host ; safe , reliable ; take no other ; send 4e , stamps , for particulars. "Relief for Ladley , " in letter by return mall. At druggists. Chlchester Chemical Co. . Philadelphia. Pa. LADIES' Fren Harmless Monthly Regula tor , cannot fall. Mrs. B. Rowan. R. 23 , Milwaukee. WIs. MI29 J2U * SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. ' A. C. VAN SANT'S cchool. 717 N. Y. Llfo. -570 AT OMAHA Bus. College , lOth & Douglas. 371 BOYLES' COLLEGE court reporter princi pal. Bee Bldg. 572 NEBRASKA Bimlnea.1 and Shorthand col lege. Boyd's theater. M 151 I'AAVNIIROKEIIS. JEFFERSON Square Loan Ofllco. 41S N. 16. -SSI EAGLE Loan Olllee , reliable , accommodat ing ; all business confidential. KOI Dime , las. -5S5 IIANOINU SCHOOL , MRS. MORAND gives private lessons , waltz or two-step ; ladles and gentlemen , ncad * ciny or residence. Address 15iO Ilarney Ht. . -267 DIM IlinilS AMI STOCK'S Bird store. 1C03 Leavenwortb -S7.I STA.M.MEIUM ; ATI > STUTTERING. . CURED , Jullu Vaughn , 430 Ramsc Bide , I 5SI LOST. LOST Sunday night about S o'clock , a gray htirsc with a wire cut In the breast , weight. Hbout SSO ; buggy without a lop. Return to Anderson , t Johnson , Sevmour Park lost-M395 21 * FOUND , monev : parties Identifying please mil nt A. M. Lessor's. 114 No. 12th st. and 'pay for advertisement. Found 4 V2' ! THINK FACTOR ! . TIU'NKS traveling bags , suit cases. Trunks repaired. Otn. Trunk Factory , 1209 Farnam -32:1 : TAIt.OHlNR. LADIES' Jackets , men's clothing , altered , latest styles ; cleaned. Max Fogol , ,107 S. 17th -792 J-3 NICKEL PLATING. BASE BURNERS , lamps and chandeliers rcplatcd. Omaha Plating Co. , Bee Ulde. . 579 , PAPER IIANOERS. . ' MAIL postal card Riving your address nnd receive valuable information. P. O. Ro * 113 , Omaha. - M227-.12.I UICYCLES , NEW and secondhand bicycles nt half price. Loula Flesher. 1623 Capitol avo. 591 TICKET BROKERS. CUT RATIO railway tickets everywhere. P. II. Phllbln , 1505 Fnrnam. 'Phono 7S4. -500 CANDY. OMAHA Candy Store , fresh , hompmado candy , lOc , 15c and 25c Ib. 306 N. Ifith. -630 D3t FURNITURE I'ACKINO. M. 8. WALIvLIN , 2111 Cumlng. Tot. 1331. -DS DRESSMAKI.VC : . IN FAMILIES. Miss Sturdy , 2216 Dnven- llort. .M 202 J12 PIANO FAI'TOIfY. PIANOS tuned , repaired , by experts ; low charges. C. Soinmcr , 321 S. 10th. Tel. 2TO9 -772 D23 HOTELS. METROPOLITAN. 12th and Douglas Sis. , Omaha , Neb. $1.00 to $1.25. 'Phono 241. 207 D22 wits. IL E. & E. HUBERMANN. furriers ; flu's made to order and repaired. IIS S. 15th. - M 857 SCHOOL OK LA.VCJUAGB. FRENCH , Gorman. Spanish , $2 per mouth. Prof. Chatolaln , 301 Boyd theater. 5S7 LATNHRY. OMAHA STEAM LAI'NDRY 1AND CITY TOWEL SUPPLY. 1750 Lcavurnv'th. TI.5I7. RAIL'VVAY TI3IE T VIILE. KANSAS CITY. ST. .10- suph & Council Bluffs Railroad "The Burling ton Route" Ticket Ofllce , 1502 Farnam Street. Tele phone. 200. Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Tele phone , 310. Leave. Arrive. Kansas City Day Ex..a S:50 : am a 6:45 : pm Kansas City Night Ex..alO:15 pm a 6:30 am St. Louis Flyer for St. Joseph and St. Louis..a 4:55 : pm all:15 : am a Dally. CKtCAGo. BURLINGTON & 'Qulncy Railroad "This' ' Burlington Haute" Ticket Office , 1502 Farntim St. Tel. , 250. Depot , Tenth & and Mason Streets. Tele phone , 310. Leave. Arrive. Daylight Chicago Spe cial a 6:40 : am Chicago A'estlbuled ' Ex..a 5:03 pm a 8:05 am Chicago Express a 8:50 : am a 4:05 : pm Chicago & St. L. Ex..a 7:45 : pm a 8:05 : am Pacific Junction Local..alO:45 : am Fast Mall a 2:43 : pm a Dally. BURLINGTON & MIS- Eoiirl River Railroad "The BurllnKton Route" General Olllces , N. W. Corner Tenth and Far Ill nam Streets. Ticket Oltlce , 1502 Farnam Strp t. Telephone , 2GO. Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Tele phone. 31u. Leave. Arrive. Lincoln , H&stlncs and McCook a 8:40 : am a 7:40 : pm Lincoln , Denver , Colorado rado , Utah , California.a 4:25 : pm a 3:55 : pm Lincoln , Black Hills , Montana & Puset Sound a 4:25 pm a 3:00 pm Lincoln Local a 7:00 : pm alO:35 : am Lincoln Fast Mall a 3:00 : pm alO:33 : am Denver , Colorado , Utah & California a 6:35 : am a Dally. UNION PACIFIC--THEOVER- land Route" General Olllces N. E. Cor. Ninth and Farnam Streets. City Ticket Ofllce , 1302 Farnnm Street. Telephone , sic Depot , Tenth and Masoii Streets. Telephone , C29. Leave. Arrive. T116 Overland Limited..a SW : am a TJO pm THe Fast Mail.-a . 3:00 : nm n 3:30 : pnfi Tito Colorado Special..alla.i ; pm a C:31 : am < Thd Portland Special..a SjO : am a'4:40'pm : Lincoln , Beatrice and ' * ' ' StromBSurg Express..b 4:2 , . pm b 1W : ( nm Pacific Express o 4:2o : pm a > 0:35 : afti' Columbus Local . . .D 7:30 : pm > 3:30 : am South Omahn Pas . Leaves , a 10:15'a. m. > ; :03 : p. m. , b 4:10 : p. m. Arrives , ' 10:45 : a ! . ; b 3:40 : p. m. ; b o:2j : p. .m. Council Bluffs Local-Leaves , C:50 : a. m , ; :15 : a , m. ; 7:50 : a m. , 10:4-5 : a , m. ; 2il3 p. m. : 3:40 : p. m. ; 5:25 : p. in. ; 5:5j : p , m. ; 8:15 : p. in. ; 10:30 : p. m. Arrives , 0:20 : n. m. ; 7:50 : a. m. 10:15 : u. m. . 11:30 : a. m. ; 3:03 : p. m. ; 410 ; p. m. ; 5:55 p. m , ; 6:30 : p. m. ; S:5S : p. m. ; 11 P'a Dally , b Dally except Sunday , CHICAGO , ROCK ISLand - and & Pacilfo Railroad "The Great Rock Isl and Route. " City Tick- et Olllee. 1323 Fnrnarn Street. Telephone , 428. Depot , Tenth & Mason- Streets , Telephone. li-'K. Leave. Arrive , Molnes.and Davcn- ' " Lincoln , Colorado' Spgs. , Denver , Pueblo and Wpst .a 1 : SO pm'a 4S ; pm DCS Molncs , Rock Isl and and Chicago a 7:23 : pm a 5:50 : pm Colorado & Texas Flyer.a 5:53 pm a 9:20 : urn a Dally b Daily except Sunday. MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILroad - road General Olllces and Ticket Olllces Southeast Cor ner 14th and Douglas StB. Telephone , 101. Depot , 15th and Webster Sts. Telephone , 14.3. Leave , Arrive. St. LoulH , Kansas & Neb. Limited a 2:30 : pm a2:55 ! : pm 1C. C-St. L. Express..a 9:50 : pm a 6:60 : am Nebraska lyocul via Weeping Water b 6:03 pm a 945 um a. Dally b Dally except Sunday. CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE & Rt. Paul Railway City Ticket Ofllce , 1504 Fornam Street. Telephone. 2SI. De pot , Tenth and Mason fits. Telephone. 029. Leave. . - - Arrive. Chicago Limited Ex a 7:33 : pm a 8:30 : am Chicago S. UiiMlia Ex..bll:00 : am b 3:65 : pm Hloux City & DCS Molnes Express bll:00 : am b 3:03 : pm n Dally , b Dally except Sunday. W A BASH RAILROAD- Tlckct Olllee. ] < 15 Farnnm Street , Telephone. 03. DC- pot. Tenth nnd Mason SlrcetH. Telephone , C29. Leave. Arrive. St Luula "Cannon Ball" Expreaa , , , , a 4.M pm a 8:35 : am a Dally , % It ULW IV TIMIi \IILU. . CHtCAOO. AT , PAI'L , Mltinenpolls & Omaha R.VIway - "The Northwestern - western Line" General Olttres , Nebraska Divi sion. 15th add Webster Sts City Ticket Oflico. l-'aiiiam St Telephone , 661. Depot , 15th and Webster Sts. Leave. Arrive. Twin City Express ( for Sioux City. St. Paul & Minneapolis ! a:00 * : am Omaha Passengfr a iW : pm Blair , Emerson. Sioux City , Poncn. ItartliiK- ton and Ulojmtleld..b 1:00 : pm bll:10 : pm No 2 Twin Cli L't'd. .a 5o : pro No I Omillli _ Limited. . . a 9:00 nm n. Dally , b D.illy except Sunday. jJFREMONT , EL K Missouri Vnl'.jy Ran- l-cad--Tiln Northwestern Line" General Oillces , t'nlipj S'tntep National Until ! Hldg. , Southwest r * r Corner Twelfth and Fnr- rmm Streets. Ticket ofllce. 140 ; Fnrnnm Street. Telephone. 5GI D pot , 15th and Webster stiaets. Telciihone. H 3. _ _ _ Leave. Arrive. Ulnck Hills. Dcadwood , Hot Springs a 3:00 : pm a 5:00 : pm Wyoming , Casucr ar.iU Douglas * . . . . . ' . < , , . .il3Wpm : c StOO pm llasllnps , : Yirk David . .City , Suportor. Uonova. . . . Exeter .ami Sc\ynrd-.b 3:00 : pin b 5:00 : pm Norfolk , vertllgre and TTremont _ : . . , .b 7:30 : nm blO:23 : am Lincoln , Wahoo awj Frctuont h'7:30 : am blO:25 : nm Fremont Lornl : .o7:30am : a Dally D Daily except Sunday , c Sun- flay only. d Daily except Saturday. e dally cxccp' Monday. SCH1CAGO & NOtVrtf. western Railway "Til o Northwestern Lino" C'ty Ticket Olllco. 1101 Fa' until Street. Tele- phono. Ml. Depot , Tenth nnd Masoii Streets. " ' " ' " - phone623. . Leave , Arrive. Daylight Chicago Spe cial a ' 3:40 : am nllS3pm : Chicago P.issengor n 4:15 : pin alO:10 : ama Eastern Express. DPS Mollies , Manhalltown , Cedar Rapids and Chicago cage , . ftlO:53 : am a 4:03 : rm Eastern Limited , Chicago cage and Enst ' . .n 4:55 pin a 4:05 : pm Fast Miil.l , Chicago to Omaha a 2:45 : pm Omaha-Chicago Special.a 7:30 : pm a 8:00 : am Fast Mnll S:30 : am n Dally b Daliy except Sunday. JSIOUX CITY & PACIFIC Railroad - 'Tho North western Lltlo"--Gencral Olllces , United States National Bank BulMIng , S. W. Corner Twelfth and Farnam Slreo ; * . Ticket office , 1401 Farnam Street. Tole- phonn. 5C1. Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone , C29. Leave. Arrive. Sioux City. Mankato & St. Paul , Minneapolis..a 5:53 : am a S:15 : am St. Paul ) Minneapolis , Manknto & Sloux.CUy.a 5:30 : pm all:00 : pin Sioux Ci'y Local a S:00 : am a 4:30 : pm a Dally IO.MAHA & ST. LOUlS RAILroad - road Omaha , Kansas City , t Eastern Railroad "The Qttlney Route" Ticket Of fice , 1415 Farnam Street. Telephone , 322. Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Tele phone , ( ! 29. Leave. Arrive. St. Louis Cannon Ball Express a 4:30 : pm a S:3j : am Kansas City and Qulncy ' Local a 7:15 : am a 8:50 : pm 1'OSTOKKICE NOTICE. ( Should bo read dally by all Interested , as changes may occur at nnv time. ) Foreign malls for tile week ending Dc- cemfccr 23. U93. will : closu ( PROMPTLY In all cases ) nt the general postolllce. us fol lows : PARCELS , POST MAILS clOPo Olio hour oartlef than 'closlmr ' tlnm shown be low. Parcel .jio'at malls fur Germany close at 5 11. m. Monday and Friday , for dispatch per s. s. Stuttgart , Tuesday , and per s. s. Patricia , Saturday. TriniNittluiitlc Mail * . THURSDAY At 7 a. m. for FRANCE direct. SWITZERLAND. ITALY. SPAIN , PORTUGAL. TURKEY , EGYPT and BRITISH INDIA , per s. H. 1'Aqultaliie , via Havre ( letters for other parts of Europe must be directed "per s. s. 1'Aqul- talno" ) . SATURDAY At 6:30 : a. m. for EUROPE , per s. s. Etrurla , via Quecnstown ; at S a. m. for 'NETHERLANDS direct , per. s : s. Staatcndam. via Rotterdam ( letters must bo directed "per s. so. Staatendam" ) ; at 10 a. m. for SCOTLAND illroct , per s. s. Ethiopia , via GlaegoW ( letters must be directed "per s. P. Ethiopia" ) ; at 11 a. m. for NORWAY direct , , per s. s. Island , via ChrlBtlnnla ( letters must be directed "per s. s. Island" ) . . , . Printed Matte" , etc. < " ! orman steamers sailing on Tuesday : } take printed matter , etc. , for Germany , and specially ad dressed printed matter , etc. , for other parts of Europe. American and Whlto Star steamers on Wednesdays , German steamers on hprsnays , anil Cunard , French and Gorman steamer * on Satur day take printed matter , etc. , for nil countries for which they are advertised to carry mall. A-ftcr the closing of the sunplcmentary transatlantic malls named aiiovo. addi tions : siir-Piunientary malls sr-j opened on the piers of tha American. English , French and Gorman steamers , and re main open until within ten minutes of the holir of sailing of steamer. MnilM for SoiiiK mill Ceiilrnl Aincrlcn , WcNt liiilion. Kie. THURSDAY At 10:30 : n. m. for HAITI , per s. s. Prlns William II , via Port an Prince ( letters for Curacao , Venezuela , Trinidad , British and Dutch Guiana must bo directed "per B. s. Prlns William II" ) ; at 1 p. in. ( supplementary 1:30 : p. in. ) for NAS SAU , GUANTANAMO and SANTIAGO , per s. ' s. Santiago. . FRIDA'Y-At 11 u. m. for NEWFOUND LAND direct , per s. a. Silvia. SATURDAY At 9 : J a. in , ( supplementary 10 a. m. ) for ST. THOMAS , ST. CROIX. LEEWARD and WINDWARD ISLANDS and DEMEBARA , per s. K. Fontuhnllc ; at 10 a. in. ( supplementary 10:30 : a. m. ) for FORTUNE ISLAND , JAMAICA , SAVA- NILLA , . CARTHAGENA and GREY- TOWN , per s. s. Altai ( lottera for Coptu Rica must lie dlreqte/l "per Altai" ) ; at IL a. m. for ( JUIlAi , per s. . B. Havana , via . Havana ; at ,11 a * m. . ( supplementary 21:3' : ' ) V Uiy. ) for-PpRTQ' ftK'U. via San Juan. -.CUltAf.iA.O , atyj % VENt UELA. also Ollmla. SUNDAiVAt S:3Q : n. ip. for ST. P1ERRE- MIQUELON , sjtcamer from North Sydney. Malls for Newfoundland , r > y rail to North Sydney , and therico by stcamor , close nt this olllce dally at 8:30 p. m. Oonnoatins close here every Monday. Wednesday and Saturday ) . Malls for Mliiuolon , by rail to Boston , and thence by steamer , close at this olllci- dally at 8:20 : p. m. Malls for Cuba by rail to Port Tampa , Fla. , and thence by steamer , closont , this ollico dolly cycept Monday at * 7 a. in. , ( the connecting closes nro on Sunday , Wednesday and Friday ) . Malls for Cuba , by rail to Miami , Fla. , and thence by steamer , clqsn at tbs ! olllco every Mon day , Tuesday and Saturday , at 2M : n. m. , ( the connecting closes are on Tuesday nnd Saturday ) . Malls for MONK'S City , overland , unless specially addressed for despatch by steumer. clo e at this olllco dally at 2P.O : a. m. and 2:30 : p. in. Malls for HoHlo Rica. Belize , Puerto Cortcss and Guatemala , by rn.H to New Orleans , and tliencd by steamer , close nt this ntllco dally at * 3 p. m. , ( connecting closes hcru Mondays for Bollzf. Puerto Cortez and Guatemala ) . 'Registered mall cloHou lit C p. m. previous day. "Registered mall closes at 6 p. m. second day bcfoic. TrniiMiiaelllu Mallx , M.illH for china , Japan ami Philippine ; Islands , vlu Tai-uinn , cloao here dally at ( i:30 : p. in. up to December * J2d , Inclusive * , for dispatch per p. . - . . City of London. Malls for I'hlnu , Japan and the Phllip- plnu Islands , via Seattle , c-luyo here dally at G:30 : p. m. up to LYctiinlUT * - - < l , Intluuivi' . for iliHputbh per a. u. Idzuml Mum ( ri'giHturcd mall must be directed "via Heattln" ) . Malls for Australia ( except West Australia ) , NBW Xealanil. Hawaii , FIJI and Samoun IslandH , via Sun Fran cisco , close herv dally at B:80 : 11 , m. after Decoinber * ! ) tii and up to December " 2.'j < l , Inclusive , or on du.v of arrival of H. s. Campania , duo at Now York December > d , for dispatch per s. s. .Mulls for Japan , China and thu Philippine Isl ands , vja San Francisco , rloso here daily at ( i:3U : p. m. up to December " 21th Inclu sive , for dispatch per s. s. Algoa ( Ii'tters must bo directed "per Algoa"i. Malls for Society Islands , via San Fr.inclsi o , clo o hero dally at fiZ : < f p. in. up to Uccumh'ir ' * 2iilh , Inuliislvi' , for despatch by ship Tropic Bird. Mallx for China nnd Japan , via Vancouver , clui. hrti dully at:3 \ : < > \ > . in. nil to Dccombcr ' 2iith , Inclucivu , for illxpau-ii per H. K. EmprcBs of India , irei- Istered mall must be directed "via Van- cimvpr" ) . Mulls for Australia ( except Wont Australia , whli h goes via Europe , and New Xt'alanil. whlih guisit San I'Vanriccoi. JDiwau.aitd Fill Inland" vH Vancouver plo e hcr.u Uail ) ut ( ,30 p. m. rOSTOI-M-Ml \OTICH. I ! . up lo December : "lh. liKliislxe. : or ili-- pntili per n. s. Aonnml. Malls for Huwail. I'hlns. JapRfi nnd th" Philippine Islund * . via San I'rnnrlncp , i hwe hrie dally nt tSO ! : p. m , up to January " 1st , InrltiMvr. for ill pntrh per s. s. Onellc. Mulls for Haunll , vlu San Francisco , close htro dally nt fie : iv tn. up to J.inunry " 5th , li1- cluMve. for dispatch.per s. s. Australia. Trans-Pacific malls are forwarded to pnrt of sailing dally nnd the schedule of clou- Ing Is arranged on the presumption of tbclr uninterrupted overland transit negla'crcil ' mall closes at 6 p. in. previous day. CORN'ELllS VAN COTT. Postmaster Poilolllce , New York , N. Y. , December 15. ISM. PROPOSAt For p.ipcr for the public printing and binding. Sealed proposals will bo rcealvfcil until January 11 , l ! iV , at 10:30 : o'clock a. in. for furnishing the p.iper for the public printing and binding for the year ending February 2S , 1901 , the raid proposals to be opened be fore and the award of contracts to he made by the Joint committee of congre J on public printing to the lowest nndbest bidder for the Intel-cut of Uic Ruvrrnnieiu , the committee nscrvlug to U elf the rlK1' ' to reject any and all bids , asj Its Judgment of thu best Interest ! * of IhU hovernmelll ll'ay dictate. N ' ' ' Detailed schedules of tlin dQ crlktli | < ii. iiuantlly and quality of iJirp per riiiiulnd. ncconipanlOd by samples and blank pr < > - posais , nntl g vlnit tne regulations vilth which bidders must comply , can-bo obtained by nddri'srlng F. W. Palmer , Public Printer. Washington , D. C , The contracts will be entered Into for sup plying surh quantities of ( taper as may be needed during the year , and no nioro. The estimated quantities sat forth In de tail In the schedule comprise : 65.000 reams miieliliiv-Unteh printing , paper. 2l.\3s' . lo.OOc ) roams inachliio Ilnlsh pi luting pa per , SSxIS. 31,500 roams plzeil and stipnr-calenitereil white or tinted printing paper , various slzos. * 29,500 reams white writing' paper , Various sizes and weights' . l.bOO reams colored writing paper , various sizes and wduhts. 2,000 reams cover paper , various slzos and weights. ' : 75,000 pound' ; of liept platv { taper ; ' 200,000 pounds of host map ( inner. 500,000 pounds silporllnu ( itbUbliO coated book paper. 3.100 reams man'.la pnpnr , various' slzva ' and wcluhts. . 100.000 pounds bond paper. , 20.000 pounds artificial p.uotiment , various rlzts. 1.000 pounds parchment deed. 110,000 shcotp cardboard , various colors , slzps and weights. 2.200,000 shoctst brlstol board , vat-loin ' colots , rises and wt'lghts. ' S.100 reams llrst-class ledger pnpur , white or blue , laid or wove , various sl/.cs nnd. we'chts. a.2H ) reams scvond-class ledger paper , white or blue , laid or wove , various sizes and weights. 1.200 reams tissue and copying paper. .15 reams blotting paper , , any required color and weight. 150 reams tar paper , 2lv"0. llii'i reams ' .ilald , marble anil comb papir. various sizes. SW reams tyuewrlier paper , various n'.zc * and welchts , 1,215 reams cap , letter and note paper. 100 reams white French folio , 17x22 , , ' 2.000 sheets parchment , 13x21. , Proposals will bo received for 1,000 reams or more. By direction of the Joint Committee of Congress on Public Printing. F. W. PALMER , Public Printer. Washington , D. C. , December 21 , 1S33. Dcc21-2SJ4m PROPOSALS FOR BUILDING MA- terhilH , etc. : U. S. Indian Service , Rose- but Agency , Ros > ebid | , S. D. , Decoinber 14th , 1S)9. ! Scaled prgpoHitls , endorsed ' 'Proposals for Billldllig Materials , ultr.1 and addressed to the undersigned at Rosebud , S. D. , will be received at this agency until two o'clock p. m. of Saturday , January 13th , 1900. for furnlfhlng and delivering , either at Valen tine , Nc'b. , or at this agency , within llfty (50) ( ) days after receipt of .notice of approval of contract , a variety of building materials , etc. , consisting of assorted lumber , shingles , doors , windows , metal phlngles , cement , lime , plumbing wupplles. oils , etc. . a full list and description of which may bn obtained by making application to the undersigned. Bidders \slll state specifically In their bids' the proposed price of each artlclo offered , and point of delivery. All articles delivered under any contract will be subject to a rigid Insuoctlon before ac- rcctnncA or rejcetli/n thereof. . 'The ' right Is and all bids , or any ri" er\pd to reject any pu-t cf any bid , If deemed for the beat In terests of the service. Certified checks- Each bid inus-t be accompanied by a eertl- ikri chock or draft upon some Uuitefi states depository or solvent national bfink In the vicinity of the residence of the bidder , made payable to the order of the Commissioner of Indian affairs , for at least Uvo per cent of the amount of the proposal , which check1 or draft will be forfeited to the United Status In care any bidder or bidders receiv ing an award shall fall to promptly execute contract with good nnd sulllclont ecutea sureties , otherwise to be returned to the bidder. Bids accompanied by cash In lieu of a cortlll"d check will not bo considered. For any additional Information apply tn CHARLES E. McCHESNEY , U. S. Indian Dec. ID. Airent. LICCAL NOTICK. STOCKHOLDfcMUi MEETING. OFFICE OF LEE-GLASS-ANDREESEN HARDWARE CO. , OMAHA , Neb. , Dec. I ) , 1S93. Notlco Is lierebj given to the stock holders of the. Lee-Glass-Androcpcn Hard ware Co. that the annual mootlnc of tlio btockholders of the company will be held at the olIU'os of the said company. 1219-1221- 1223 Ilarney street , In the city of Omaha , In the state of Nebraska , On Tuesday. January 9 , A. D. 11)00 ) , at 3 o'clock p in. , for the of electing a board of dliortors for the purpose company to serve during the unsulng and to transact such other business year at such inciting. as may be presented II. J. LEE. Pra-ldent. Attest : W. M. GLASS , Secretary. D103UM STOCKHOLDERS MEETING. Union Lund Company : Notice Is hereby given that , the annual meeting of the stockholders of the .Union . Land company for the oioetlon of Jlvo direc tors anil tha transaction of such othec-itufct- before the meeting nes > s as may lawfully come ing will be held ut the ollleo of the KC-iicrnl solicitor , I'nlon Paclllc building , Olnnlin , Neb. , upon Monday , .the Htli-duy at Jan uary , IIKH ) , at 10 o'clock a. in. The slock rrannfer ItuuKw will bis closed ten days previous to the meeting. New York Cltv , N. Y. , December 'IBUi , 1&99. . ALEXANDER MILLER. Secri/tary , Dec.llld20HM MEETING OF STOCKHOLDERS. Notlco IK hereby tl\r > i ] that the animal meeting of the stockholders of the Omaha Gas Company will bi- held nt the olllciof the company , Merchants' National. Bank building , at 10 u. m. Monday , January 1st , IdOO , for the election of dlrectarn for the ensuing year. Omaha. December in. I-1'1. ' ' . FRANK MURPHY. Po ! dcnl. GEO. W. CLABAUOH. Soeroliiry JMS-M&E--l I'l'JNSIONK FOR WKKTKIIN VHTHHAXH. Survivor * of ( lit ! Civil War Koiueiu- Ill'I'Cll ll > ( III * ( illVCI'IIIIIIMIt. WASHINOTON , Dec. 20.-Sieclnl.J ( ) Tlio following western pensions have been granted : iRStie of Deccrnbtr . " > : Nebraska : Original -Andrew 'J. McKel- vey , St. Ed'ward , $ S ; James Martin , Fanifim , $12 , Additional Anson Cal'uy , Uranil Inland. } ( i to $10. IncruasH ( special Dei-ember 7) Cburles W. Orr. Nlobrara , M to $3 $ ; John R. Ht'Hton , Ohlowa. $8 to $10 ; Jacob C. Ingra- hum , Iit-ruttir. $17 to $21. Original widow * , etc. Minore of Joseph L'pllnger , Kt'publleau City , flit. Iowa : Original Charles H. 'MyelX Cedur Fulls , $ ; Aiifson W. ( Illicit , f'resei ) . Jti ; Dan- Id Doyle , Dubuquu. tfl ; Joseph LlVlngHloii , Codnr Rapids , J8 ; Hays H. McKlroy. Vinton , $ S ; Danlr-i 8. Porter , OlhUlcn. $0 ; Sti'iiheu 'Poland , Kent , JJ. ( Additional JofHphui RobertH. Polen. Jrt to $12. Original widows , etc. Jane M. Ypung. HoplCnton , $ S. Colorado : Orlglnal-GcMirgf W. Holdren , Cripple Crock , tl ( ; { ) i niuG. | . ! ' "uller , Greeley , $ ( i ; Henry II. Heap , Colorado Springs , J6 ; Duvld S. Brookn , Fort Collins , $ d ; Dennis Heal don , Monte. Vista. tS. InrreaHp Churk-H RqbliiHon , Lus Anl- maa , tS to $12. SfjutJi Dakota : Original Arnold J Knuckal Lend t'l'y. $8. lneri'a o John H. Montgomery , Hot prlnuH. $ (1 ( to $8. Wyoming : Or'nlnal iCdward G. Ashlo , Jli-dlclno Bow , SAN FRANCISCO. jt. ( . . VO. lmmRritli | > n ( ommlHHliiiU'r North has rmulvuil .n teli- sram from Charloit W. Si.yiler , Eiitpocior of Immigration ut Hi.itilo stntlng that nlxiccu momberrt of the Flllplnu troirie wnUd ( In lhl city from tlio ti.uiniiurt l..lnnnv . lust July worn strainlcd In city und had I > - . nine u 'iull'c charge Tinnlnu pi-nlni ) of 1he troupe at im-mnt in tills city w H tie went buck 10 MuniU oil thu - " " Grant today.