December 17 , 1801) ) . 8 OMAHA ILLUSTRATED BEE. I From Shakespeare to Corelli STHATFOHI3. Not. 2 , 1893. It Is a long way from Shakespeare to Maria Corelli , from "King Lear" to the "Sorrows of Satan , " but Stratford-on-Avon la Just now much prouder of being the homo of the popular novelist than It wan 400 years ngo of count- Inil William Shakespeare among its distin guished citizens. With lief beloved stepbrother , the poet , Hrle Mackay , Miss Corelli visited Stratford and remained several weeks at a queer Old Inn and after Mackay's death whllo casting about in her loneliness for some spot where alii might again take up her work , she re membered the pleasant dayo at Stratford and hither fllu came early last spring and here slut Intcndn to remain Indefinitely. All this I learned from Miss Corolli'o own lips during a charming visit ono evening a short tlmo ago. She waa so fortunate as to secure a lease of "Yo Hall's Croft , " the very homo whore lived and died Shakespeare's favorite daughter , Susannah , and her husband , Dr. John Hall. Doth have lain for two and a half centuries In the old parish church by the sldo of the great poet , but their delightful .homo Is apparently as gcod as when they loft It. From founda tion to eaves the outside is covered wl'li masses pf Ivy , now a brilliant crimson , and them , dress them up so that people wll accept them. " Soma ona quoted Robert Louis Steven son as having said that no ono \\lth a fam ily * to support over ought to attempt to wrlto unless ho has an assured Income from sornn othpr source. Mlsa Corelli blnzed with indignation , "It makes mo so angry to hear writers who have prominence trill in that manner , " she said. "I have made a success. I have supported my family , but I don't think you can do it. You'd Bettor not try. It Is llko a man who has cllmba-l to the top of a tree , saying to those below , 'It la true I have reached the top , but It Is very doubtful If you can do It and the limb might break If you did. Don't attempt It stay down there where you arc. ' I have no patlonca with such ccncclt. If men and women think they have a talent for writing , lot thorn try and Jteop on trying , foi * how else can they over find out the truth' " Then a thought seemed to strike her un pleasantly , "Women need never look for any encouragement from the men of Eng land they will not got recognition even for what they have dono. It ono uses the only argument that over line any weigh ! with them and says , 'But she has made a tromendoui financial success , ' they simply "HALL'S CIIOFT" THE HOME OF WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE'S DAUGHTER SUSAN NAH AND SON-IN-LAW , DR. JOHN HALL , 250 YEARS AGO NOW OCCUPIED BY THE NOVELIST , MARIE CORELLI. tliora la n lovely garden at the back. On ona Blda of tha great square entrance hall Is the largo drawing room , on the ether the dining room , whllo from the back as cends n magnificent old , oak stalrcaeo. The cellltign are low , all the mantelpieces and otho. woodwork are beautifully carved and there are quantities of ancient furniture and rare china , brlc-a-brao and pictures. Tn thesa Mlsa Co roll I has added many of her own belongings on the floor Immecso tlgorekln rugs , sent her by an ndmlror from India and in n alllc-llned basket by the bright open flro lay a dlmlnutlvo Scotch torrlef. The mistress of the house looks Just as you would liavn her. About five feet high , her flgura 11 well rounded and oil owed to advantage in a gown of cream satin very lonii and ruffled with lace , decolletto and sleeveless , showing extremely handsome arms and neok. She Is a blonde with spark ling bin n oyca and her fair face framed t > y a big , fluffy pompadour of light brown hair , twisted into n port llttlo loop on the crown. Neither in appearance nor speech In sha at all llko an English woman. She hat n musical volco , Is full of vlvtvclty and sixtlro and gestures often with her graceful hands. Her friend , Miss Vyvor , large , dark , In every way her opposite , relieves her of all the practical details of life and they addresi each other affectionately as "Dor- tha" and "Mario. " How Her Work * Are Written. "I love torlte , " said Miss Corolll. "I couldn't help It if I tried. " "Do you wait for the mood or are you systematic ? " "Oh , I'm always In the mood , but I'm sys tematic ns well. I have a Into breakfast and work steadily from 10 o'clock till 2 , " "Do you dictate at all ? " "Not on my own stories. I wrlto every \\oril of them twlco with my own hand ; first a rapid draft in pencil , then a revised copy with a pen ; after that I hand it to my secre tary to bo typewritten. " "Is it true that you never have seen the 'land of the midnight sun , ' which you do- In 'Tholmn ' " scrlbo BO vividly ? "Quito true , I hate to travel and would rather believe that the countries I describe are llko my visions of thorn. There are BO many discomforts and vexations In travel ing ns to destroy Illusions and often put ono In such a state of mind making it Impossi ble to enjoy what la actually there. I notice In the papers that Kipling has gone up Into Scotland to find material for now stories , The idea of anybody's trying to write of Scotch Hfo after Sir Walter Scott. " "Your books have n very largo Bale in the United States , do they not ? " "I never pay any attention ( o that. I can't imagine anybody's writing a book with the Idea in mind that it will sell well , In Buch'-books I wrlto I have certain theories which I want to get before the world nnd my only thought Is how I can sugar-coat lift up their eyebrows and say , 'Really ! Ha ! ha ! " I wish I could depict the eatlro In her volet and gesture , aa sha threw out her hand and tossed back her head. It wat delicious , She can afford to bo scornful toward her critics , for whllo they have either contemptuously Ignored or viciously at tacked her work , there is no male novelist today whoso books have a wider sal a than her own. For ilic Hunt Dull. "You really llko it hero nnd don't get lonely ? " I asked. "Yci and no , " she answered. "I have had my houeo full of guests all summer and tliora la constant entertaining at the country senti nil about here. I have been planning my gown today for a hunt ball. " "What is it to bo ? " "Pink satin. The house has a great deal of dark old wainscoting and I think It will make a beautiful background for pink. I care but llttlo for society In general. The men all say exactly the same thing , mere empty compliments. I always look them straight In the eyes and laugh and ask : 'How long since you said that to the last woman ? ' " Where She Cnino From. Of Miss CorolH's origin It Is Impossible to obtain the slightest Information. She guards well the secret of her life she ha ° a right to do eo , It Is hers but It is sin gular In this day , when the searchlight o' the public press leaves almost no spot un explored , that ono should be able to hldo oven one's own personal history. To find matter for n llttlo biographical sketch I searched three public libraries , Includln' that of London , and finally resorted to tin British museum. In this largest colte"- tlon of printed material in the world I could glean nothing whatever , except that she was adopted when nn Infant by Charles Mackay , the song writer nnd litterateur. When was she an Infant ? Loss than forty years ago , ono must decide from her ap pearance , possibly loss than thirty-five. "Had oho a father ? Had she a mother ? " Somebody certainly endowed her with a wonderful talent. Tradition says her father was Highland Scotch , her mother Italian and that Mlnnlo Mackny took her mother's name to make famous. She was educated In a French convent and , having great musical ability , was Intended for the ca reer of n musician and began to write nn elaborate opera at 14. But she was always filled with a dreamy mysticism and longed to wrlto out her visions. She finally did so in the "Romance of Two Worlds. " Al though scarcely noticed by the press It sprung at once into popularity nnd reached ft sale of 70,000 copies In a short time. This was In 1886 and she has written a novel every year since. They have teen translated Into every language , Including Russian , Greek and Hlndoostanl , and Bell by the hundreds of thousands. Tennyso complimented them In a letter written wit his own hand and Lord Salisbury baa ex pressed his appreciation , Gladstone callc upon the author frequently when ho wa prlmo minister and oho has been invite moro than once to dlno with the prince o Wales. She receives letters from all part of the globe , but had a dread of publlclt and has never had a photograph taken fo fear It might get into the shop windows Her favorite books are Plato and the bible In which she declares she finds somcthln now every tlmo she opens their pagcs IDA HUSTED HARPER. Wistful Washington Star : "I wish I weren't tc near-Blghtcd , " said the man with clotl gloves nod wide-toed kid shoes , ns ho peered through n wlndo v whoffl some theatrical lithographs were displayed. "I didn't know you were afflicted that way. " "Yes , Just enough to bo annoyed. " He sighed nnd then resumed : "I wish I weren't getting eo deaf. " "Ono does have to speak rather loudly to you ; but that's a moro trifle. " "I don't mind missing the conversations of overy-day existence. It's something of n relief. But the Immunity has Us compen sating disadvantages. " Ho sighed again nnd resumed : "I wish I weren't so fond of the theater. " "Indeed ? " "Yes. " And I wleh I weren't so forgetful. I always have to depend on my wife to nnd everything for mo when I am going out of nn evening. " After another moment of reverie ho continued : "I wish my wife weren't so solicitous about my moral welfare. " "You can't blame her for being so. " "No. She la only doing her duty. But It's a llttlo Irritating. You see , whenever we go to see a performance with a ballot she forgets to bring the opera glass and when wo attend a French farce where the pun gency Is mostly In the lines she forgets my ear trumpet and I have scarcely any op portunities at all to get shocked. " "The Bust of Beauty. " ( How to Secure It. ) This Is the title of an Interesting lllus irnted book , which we will mall , sealed li a plain envelope for the asking. It tells how ( without the use of drugs ) any lady ma > possess a perfect and attractive figure. Plat Busts and Scrawny Nocks ore Quickly Mad Rouud , Plump and Graceful. Rven the plainest figure can be transform ed Into one of queenly beauty , superb ano fascinating. Write today , enclosing two 'ent stamp. Correspondence confidential. Address , 0. PEAL MEDICINE CO. , Cleveland , 0. It isn't much- $1.50 or $2.00 , but it Is worth saving It's ho middleman's profit on every pair of men's shoes sold the celebrated Regent 3.CO SHOES comhlno all the elegance of style with the eamo reliable quality of oathor you get Jn a ehoo other dealers ask on $5.00 and $ G.OO for Our prices are $2.60 and $3.50 for your choice of any ehoo In the storL Shoes direct from the factory at fac- ory prices. THE REGENT SHOE CO. ! ! 0r $ SOUTH 1KTII &TUEET. Write for IlliiMtrntud CiitiiloBiie frtM- . DUNDEE Exclusive residence district. High , dry , healthy , Good Neigh borhood , Water , Oaa , Electric ity. Uniform Shade. Beat of Schools. Street car far * Eo , transfers to all Omaha line * . Low Taxes No Saloons DISTILLER T * FOUR CONSUMER FULL QUARTS Express Prepaid. Saving Middlemen's Profits , Preventing Possibility of Adulteration. We arc distillers with a wide reputation of 30 years' standing. We sell to consumers direct , so that our whiskey may be pure when it reaches you. It is almost impossible to get pure whiskey from dealers. We have tens of thousands of customers who never buy elsewhere. We want more of them and we make this offer to get them : We will send four full quart bottles of Hayner'a Seven Year Old Double Copper Distilled Rye for $3-ao , Ex press Prepaid. We ship In plain packages no marks to indicate contents. When you get It and test It , ( fit Isn't satisfactory return It at our expense and we will return your $3.30. Such whiskey cannot be purchased elsewhere for less than $5.00. We are the only distillers selling to consumers direct. Others who claim to be are only dealers. Our whiskey has our reputation behind it. Hayncr Distilling Co. , 32.1-331 W. Filth SI. , Daylon , 0. n r rf ntti Third Ktl'l Bufc , any bnilneu home laDtjton orCom'Mttntlti. P. 8 Orders for Ariz , Cole .Cal .IdahoMont , Nev , N. Her , Ore , Utah.1Vash , Wyo , must cal I for 20 quarts , by freight , prepaid - , WWbS&WW * > W&V9 > > VW&- - JTho above offer la genuine. Wo guarantee the nbovo firm will do ns they agree. EDITOB. ] Al , k K i L ILLUSTR ATTONS ! < ARt ENGRA. Eff Efectrotyphig ' "THE MORE YOU SAY THE LESS PEOPLE REMEMBER. " ONE WORD WITH YOU SAPOLIO All the LnilleN Ent Gold Medal Chocolate Bon bens 11 y 1 , S , S and 6 pound IIoxcx , UOo a pound W. S. Balduff , 1G1SO Furnum St. , Oiimliu. ARNICA TOOTH SOAP Jubon ilo Arnica. Savon Dentifrice D'Arnica. Arnica /.aim Selfe. The Only International Dentifrice. The Standard for 305 ears. Preserves uml nliltona tuo toetli , Btrengtuons luo KUins uvtuutonatuo breutu , ascot All Druggists. C tl.STUONU &CO.l > rops.ChlcagoU.5.A. THE "CLEAN CUT" CAKE TIN prevent * cakea from tlfUlnjtami produces a perfect cake. It li miule of bt t quullt ; tin with n flat , thin knife , Kocureljr rivet , ed In center and at rim. Bluipleand dur able. Auentmeiul II ceiitipoataKefnrrri < ' ample and complete catalogue , \\f ara tlie larSHut uannfartureni of 1'ure Aluminum , Kioto' ' , druuilv nd Tin \Vnre Inthe orld. Address Dei 1.1) N. UOl8EUOU > SOVKLTr WOIUS , 25 lUxlolphgt. , UI t , IU. PURE MALT WHISKEY DISTILLED AND BOTTLED AT THE WILIOW SPRING ! BlSTIlLERVj GUARANTEED I PURITY I STRENGTH ANP' FLAVOR , Mrs. WlndlovF's SoothliiK Has been used for over FIFTY YEARS by MILLIONS of MOTHERS for their CHII- DREN WHILE TEETHING , with PER FECT SUCCESS. It SOOTHES the CHILD. SOFTENS the GUMS , ALLAYS all PAIN , CURES WIND COLIC , and Is the best renV edy for DIARRHOEA. Sold by Druggists n every part of the world. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing SyruplV and take no other kind. Twenty-five cents bottle. ID ETC81 BE UP TO DATE r rm d Ei THE LATEST FAD Stamp your Initial In gilt on ; our statloiHtryllnoi.s , bonks etc. In order to introduce our ImUllhla i tic c lid tilt , wo are golnft to jrU o n ny Booo of thcso Itulilior btnmp Jnlt-f lals. 'J his Is 3 < ist a special' Introductory offer ami will last but a llmlteii ' tlmo. Send lOo to pay pistapn and packing ando , _ _ _ \\o will EonJ nny Initial youdoslro. Jlolllo Lutrravlim Co. , fat. Louis. Mo. "HAVE ROOT PRINT IT" BOOK BINDER T 1609 BLANK BOOK * HOWARD MANUFACTURER t STREET OMAHA