Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 17, 1899, Part II, Page 32, Image 32

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BIlnlMcr Ilrnrrn ltriiic | * ( Con/rlTm- /
linn * from I IIP I'ntlril
/ Htnlm.
WASHINGTON , Dec. 16. United States
Minister Demon In Persia Informs the Stnio
department Hint great dlntrefw prcvnlls In
I'nrela In consequence of the high price ot
bread , Ho nays the situation \ growing
WCTBO every day and that the prospects nre
that the poor will be ( ace to face with star-
vntlon during the entire winter. American
mlnnlonnrlcB cannot obtain bread enough ( or
their servants or ( or the school and lioBpltnls
under their cnrc. Minister Don en onke that
the situation bo made known to the Ameri
can people with the suggestion that con
tributions of money be sent by draft on the
Imperial Dank o ( Persia nt Tehernn , made
payable to the order of Hev. Louis K. Esscl-
Btyn , senior American missionary , who will
ti o It for the relief of the suffering poor.
A. D. T Messengers. TYl. IT" .
Ilcnnclt'fl On I'll KvonlnKK.
Beginning Monday evening , December 18th ,
our store will be open every evening till
You will flnd It greatly to your advantage
to order early and avoid the usual Christmas
rush the last day or two.
Headquarters ( or Christmas * Turkeys.
Holiday neckwear , mufflers , socks , suspen
dcrs. Kclley and Hoyden. 16th and Chicago
Sam'l Durns , 1318 Farnain , says a nice
Xtnas present would be a handsome chafing
dish. JUO.
lIlKlif Cnvnlry Troniit nml One Infnn-
trr Hiliiienf boon < < l.rnvr.
WASHINGTON , Dec. 16. General Drooke
at Havana , has telegraphed to the War dc
partment that ho has arranged to send the
following troojia ot that station to the
United States :
Troops A. I ) , C and D , Eighth cavalry , a
total of 368 enlisted men. with Major Stan
Ion and Lieutenants Donaldson , Dlxon
Williams and Lott , to Fort Hllcy , Kan. , bj
way of New York ; Captain Sayro to Join
the squadron at Fort nilcy. Troops E. F
O nnd H of the Tenth cavalry , numbering
400 ctillsted men , with 300 borsco , and Cap
tains Hunt , Ayrcs nnd Carlton and Lieuten
ants Whltchcad and \Vhiteslde to Galveston
for distribution along the Mexican ( rentier
It Is expected that the Fifteenth Infantry
will leave Cuba about December 30. Tha
regiment \\lll go to Now York and be dis
tributed between Governor's Island am
Wo repair cooke , ranges , heaters , furnaces.
1207 Douglas , Omaha Stovn Repair Works.
A musical and literary entertainment will
bo given by Omaha lodge No. 18 , A. O. U.
W. nt their lodge rooms , 14th nnd Dodge
streets , Tuesday evening nt 8 o'clock , De
cember 10 sharp. All are cordially Invited. .
Entrance next Dellono hotel.
A. 3. Hubcrmann , 13th and Douglas , only
Importer of diamonds In the west. Precious
Btones sold below all competition.
Have Hoot print It ,
If Ton Arc Golntr
in tlic I'lii'llle Count
Don't complete arrangements
until you have secured Information
regarding the personally conducted
ExcurnloiiH via the Dillon I'liplllc.
Thcso excursions feavo Omaha
every Friday In elegantly upholstered
ordinary sleeping cars. Illuminated
by Plntsch Jlght , heated by steam.
Bnggago checked through to destination.
Prompt nnd satisfactory service.
Many hours quicker time than any
other line. ,
City Ticket Olllco 1302 Knrnam Street.
Telephone 316.
Sherman & McConnell's for Boston Taffy.
Furniture and trading stamps. Shlvcrlck
Furniture Co. , 14th and Farnam.
The OlilcnRO Sli-oiilnc Cnr
For Omaha patrons EXCLUSIVELY , leaves
on the "NORTHWESTERN LINE" limited
train at 4F : > 5 p. in. dally , arlrvlng Chicago
7:45 : next morning. There MAY bo finer
Blcopers than these In 'Europe.
dally at C:40 a. m. and 7:30 : p. m.
< 31ty ofllcee , 1401 nnd 1403 Farnam street.
Ilubermann , Jeweler , cat. la6C. Absolutely
reliable , Ipwcst prices guaranteed. 13 & Doug
State Detective Ass'n. , 317 First Nat. Dank.
Tlic Chlciitro Sleeping Cnr
For Omaha patrons EXCLUSIVELY , leave *
on the ' 'NORTHWESTERN LINE" limited
train at 4:55 : p. m. dally , arriving Chicago
7:45 next morning. There MAY bo finer
elecpere than these In Europe.
dally at 6:40 : a. m. nnd 7:30 : p. m.
City offices , 1401 and 1403 Farnam street
Handsome boxes and baskets filled with
the choicest candy at Dalduff'B.
A fine line of books for the holidays , In
cluding all the late books and periodicals of
the day , are displayed by Darknlow Bros. ,
407 South 15th street , In their retail depart
ment. They take mibacrlptlons at Subscrip
tion News Co.'s prices. Mall orders promptly
The California Limited
Will take you from Kansas City to Los
'Angeles In only 2U days 52 hours. Pull
mans , Dining Car , Buffet Smoking Car ( lylth
barber shop ) , Observation Cnr ( with ladles'
parlor ) . Vcstlbulod and electric lighted
throughout. Four times a n-cek Wednes
days , Thursdays , Fridays and Sundays from
Kansas City. E. L. PALMER ,
Santa' Fo P.outo ,
P. 0. Box 1265 , Omaha.
VI n.
l' The Ovrliuul Llmltril ,
Union I'-u-llli' ,
You can leave Omaha ( or
the Pacific const nftor breakfast
nnd reach your destination
ns soon as llioso who leave
Only Tm > NlKlitx on the Itoiul.
City Ticket Office 1302 Farnam Street.
Telephone 316.
IlumiiN , KiiNfrNt HoailHtiT , Until ,
3U15MPUI8 , Tonn. . Dec. 16. Bumps , the
fattiest roadster In the world , the property
of C , K. O. Hillings of Chicago , dle.l nt
JilllliiKH park today of IUIIK fever. Billing *
paid $8.000 for him about u year ago And
held him iiuove the purclnibo jirlcv , lie
III\H a wagon record of 8:0314 : and rrmdo u
quarter on Now York pood\\uy In rs'4.
Tnlk of Movlnir Oil \\'or ! < H.
PHILADELPHIA , Dee. 16. The Atlantic
Oil and ItetlnliiK company huu begun n re
trenchment policy ut Its plant hero In a
winter reduction of the outside force , which
tnuy result In the carrying out of n plan
long entertained for the gradual removal of
u part of thu extensive works cither to
JIavro do draco or to Baltimore.
Sam'l Burns , 1318 Farnam says a nlco
holiday present would bo a handsome naiad
Bet. $3.
i muu.
JOHNSON Henry S. , ot Irvlngton , Neb. ,
December 15 , ISM , red 6 ? years.
l-'uner/il Sunday , December 17 , nt 2W : p.
m. from residence of his brother , Emory W.
Johnson , 4323 Franklin street * Interment ,
Mount Hope cemetery.
1JROME Durland , sdn of Mr. nnd Mrs. II.
C. Urome , December 19 , ISw , nt their resi
dence , SH North Twenty-third street , nged
10 years.
Funeral from residence nl 2 o'clock Sun
day. Interment nt Mount Hope cemetery.
"The O\crlnnd Limit HI" vln the Union
I'r.olfle ,
Equipped with
double drawing room
palace sleepcrsi
broad Vestibules ,
buffet smoking and library cars ,
with barber ehop nnd reading room ,
, Dining cars ,
meals n la carte.
Plutsch light ,
steam heat , etc. , etc.
City Ticket Office 1302 Farnam Street.
Telephone 3l6. -
Molasses candy , at Sherman & McConncll's ,
Hamilton Warren , M. , D. , eclectic and
magnetic physician , has moved his office , to
709 North 16th street , room IS ) . Special at
tention to nil loug-Btnndlug or lingering dis
eases and to diseases of wornen and children.
Koltr Wli < er Tour * .
On January 10 , February 14 and Mapch 7
the Wabaeh will rtin excursions , \ la ' New
York nnd the eteamcr Pence to Porto Rico.
Also on February 13 ft thirty-day tour of Old
Mexico. For rates , which Include ail ex
penses , and further Information cill on or
write G. N. CLAYTON ,
Ro'om 506 Karbach block , Omaha , Neb.
Best Brandy , $3 gallon , Karpelca , Four
teenth and Dodge streets.
Leave Omaha via Missouri Pacific railway
on Tuesday , December 19 , nt Very low rates
to points in KansaSt Arkansas , southwest
Missouri , Texas , Indian and Oklahoma Ter
ritories , Louisiana ; nlso to certain points
In tbo south and southeastern states. The
local holiday excursion tickets will bo on
sola December 23 , 24 , 25 , 30 and 31 , at ono
( are ( or the round trip.
For further Information , address , or call
at company's offices , southeast corner Four
teenth nnd Douglas streets , Omaha , Neb.
J. V. PHILLIPPI , P. & T. A.
A. O. F. & P. A.
Yellow box candy nt Sherman & McCon-
ncll Drug company.
Ono of the nicest Christmas gifts Is a
box of Balduff's choice candy ,
Buy your Christmas presents at Huber-
mann's , where you get quality and prices
that satisfy. 13th and Douglas.
Bo sure to get your white Russian soap
wrappers In before 2 o'clock Wednesday ,
December 20. No wrappers received after
2 p. m. , December 20 , will be counted. Jas.
S. , Klrk & Co. , 30C South Twelfth street ,
Rings , rings , rings. Edholm , Jeweler.
Before deciding on a Christmas present
better sco John Rudd's display of elegant
silver novelties , flno watches , , brush acd
comb sets , diamond and set-rings. Prices
the lowest 115 S. ICth st.
The only Jeweler that gives trading
stamps. S. W. Lindsay , 1516 Douglas.
Sam'l Burns , 1318 Farnam , will keep open
evenings until 'Xmas.
Diamonds ns Christmas presents .arc an
acceptable suggestion to many , and when
tbpy arc bought of Edholm there Is satis
faction assured to both giver and recipient.
Velvet candy , at Sherman & McConnell'c.
Then We'll ' Quit Business , , ,
When the 69 pill makers Known us the
"trust gang" muko us sign an agreemen
to sell drugs at full prices. Then they wil
got rid of the Deutcher Apothckur but can
any of you 59 pill makers tell when thu
will bo ?
Cramer's Kidney Cure 75p
Brome Quinine ] Bc
Swansdown 7 , . . " . . , . . , 15c
Newton'H Female Cure ; 75o
West Nerve nnd Brain Tonic 29c
Duffy's Mult Whiskey K5c
Jaynea' Expectorant 75c
Wlno of Cardul 75c
Hood's SarHiipurllla 75o
I'alne'H Celery Compound 75c
DzomiilHlon -75c
Physcino ? 2.50
Coltosfooln Expectorant Sac
Cnrtor's Liver Pllln 35c
DOHII'H Kidney I'lllH : ac
Moirow'w Kld-Ne-Olds SOc
Uncle Satn'fl Tobacco Cure tOc
Cor. Kith anil CliKmiro Six.
99 Out
Of 10O
'eople have defective teeth. Either they
mvo no teeth at all , part arc missing or
Homo that they have are decayed. Let us
ook at them and put them in Hrst-cltis ;
Silver FIllMJgs v 75c
Gold Fillings $1.150 up
Teeth Crowned , $3.00
Tad's ' Philadelphia Dental Rooms ,
. JKlf Dmiirlnii Street.
Solid Vestlbtilort Flyers for
to Denver and Colorado points.
to Salt Lake City and Utah points
and Kau Frnnclsco and California
to Portland nnd N'orth Paclflc
Coast points , with direct couuec-
tlons for Tucoiuu and Bcattlc.
City Tlelict oflloe litOU Knruaiii St.
TelcwUuno U1U.
a dealer is honest he can
afford to prove it to you. "
We give you city scale weights free of
charge. SHERIDAN , best Wyoming
coal , and Pennsylvania best harcf coal.
VICTOR WHITE , 1605 Farnam , TEL. 127
Ornml Trnnk Cannrilnn
Low rates 1 First class service I Long
visit ! Tickets good leaving Chicago De
cember 14 , IB , 16 and 17 , and for return from
destination until January 6 , 190C.
Wolfc-Lovett Construction Co.
union wire incn. 1804 Tarnam street.
Many thanks to all friends ( or their serv
ice and kindness through the snd , sail death
ot my htiiband , Mr. Charles R. Grove , for
ho was a kind nnd loving husband nnd
Silver back brush nnd combs. Edholm's.
Xmas Candies Bon Bens Chocolates
Tremendous Sale of the Celebrated
Gold Medol" Prize Winning
Chocolates , Chocolate Creams
and fancy Candies ,
In-quaiitities to suit from one ounce to a ton
' .AT
Choice Mixed Candies , 7icv
Special Mixed Candy , lOc
Cream Mixed'Candy 12Jc
Frbneh Cream Candy 18c ,
Chocolate Creams , 18c to 50c
Fancy Boxes and Baskets
iii Immense Variety.
Gunther's Candy
Everybody knows what G-unther's Chocolates are. We
have the Italian , agsorted'and with bon bons. In one pound -and one-half
pound boxes , at GOc a pound.
Traveling Cases.
We have the best line in the city for the-price. Si for
' * the cheapest , $10.00 for the best , which haa flne celluloid fittings and alligator
leather case. Also n very neat set Military Hair Brushes and comb , with tooth
and nail brushes , in a soft roll case , for only > $3.76. /
1' * &
See our display in the east window. All the popular §
kinds for itoilet u&e. Triplicates arc nicer this , year-end .theyt cost only $7,00. Q
JJ Oval Wood Back Mirrors , 25c. Same kind , only much larger , $1.50. Shaving
Mirrors , 25c to $1.60. Pretty Plush Mirrors , cheap at loc.
Perf times
from the land of sunshine and' flowers. Two odors are §
especially worthy the attention of lovers of flno perfume HOSEMERE and &
FALOiYLTTO PINK. This Pink Is equal to the Imported French Pink and hnlf Q
O the price 50c per ounce. We would be pleased to show you this special odor. §
8 J.'A. FULLER & CO. , |
Holiday Slippert ? and Shoes Will Attract1 Crowds to their Big
Shoe Department Monday to Select These Useful Presents.
Capitol Wool soles , only 17c. 50c Rubber Pleels or $ O\QS \ ,
- 25c. 50u Kid Soft Sole Shoe , for Infants-17c , ,
Tbo famous ULTRA Shoes for women on Ba le , In flno patent leather , vlcl kid and calf ,
hand turned and welt soles , with cushion cork Inner soles , mndo on the new colniind _
mannish lafcts , all sizes and widths the equal of mort live dollar shoes
irico. ,
, adles' flno Vlcl Kid Shoes , l.tce , with silk vesting tops , single flexible I |
soles , new coin toes , worth $3,00 , on sale at - > BQ <
The celebrated "NBDYAH" Shoes for men'on pale , In line , vlcl kid nnd box calf , with
genuine welt BOleu , full double * btltched , In bulldog nnd London toes , O fij | [ |
regular $4.00 values , at , , , ' C9iv f
Men's flno wit In calf $2.00 Shoes , In lace and congress , full double Hitched t fkffk
tolca , on sale at. . . . . . . , B'ltfffU
flno satin calf $1.25 Shoes , lace , with full double stitched solos and
wide coin toe.i , at ,
Ladles' flne beaver Faust Slippers , with turn soles , llecco linings nnd fur
trimmed , , worth everywhere $ l.f > 0 , on sale at ,
I.adlea' finest Satin Faust Sllppeis , In red and old gold colors , with hand I
turn soles , and lleeco' linings , regular $2,00 value , at , . .Oi
Men's flno Velvet Embroidered Slippers , wo rib $1.00 and M.GO on sale
at 98e and , >
Men's flno tan and black Goat Slippers , worth $1.60 and J2.00 , on sales I
at $1.25 and I
and children's flne felt 7Bc Slippers , wth ( leather soles and felt lln-
ngs , on sale at. , , . . . i .
Women's flne $1.35 Jersey Legulngs
at Misses * flne $1.00 Jersey Leggings-
it 73c
ittoys' flne 76c Canvas Leggings on sale
t 49c
Why not select something
useful ?
Beautiful now dcslpns from
$ ; i.OO to 8 1C. 00
In polished brass and copper nntl
nlckle , 82 to 810
Rogers Silver Knives ,
Forks and Spoons
Pocket Knives , Razors , Scissors ,
Star Safety Razors ,
Barney &
S Berry ,
KluB _
A hlir - nrlotr of liruI Mil ) | in-
tvriiKliti - , to ) ? , - . ( ) ( ) iinlr.
All Hlccl , licantlfttl ilccnrntlonn ,
DOc to ii.M.- .
I4lli and Farnam ,
Our Gtiristmas Stock
will bo ready on Monday. Bring In your
tea tickets. A few of our tickets will save
dollars in buying Christmas presents. Man
ufacturing and buying as we do enables us
to supply china novelties In up-todate 1899
patterns , ouch au you will flnd In first class !
crockery stores. We have the newest In |
Tea Sets , Toilet Sets , Imported Vases , be
sides flno Rockers , Rugs , Table Covers ,
Albums and Silverware , Toys , Games , Dolls ,
Doll Hammocks , Bunker Hill Coasters for
Our beautiful screen
Photograph Calendar'
free to all purchasers in addition to the
All week , beginning Monday ,
Doll Hammocks , our book for the little
folks , larger and better than ever , toy Car
pet Sweepers and Sleds , free with ono- can
Baking Powder.
See our window.
Grand Union Tea Co. ,
11 It South Kith St. , Oiniilinl
430 N. 24th St. , South Omaha.
402 Broadway. Council Bluffs.
The gcnoml run of Slippers nro
made by SI1OH factories ours arc
mailo by SLlI'l'KU faetorliby
slipper specialists , and nro the bust
and most artistic line of Slippers
to be found In the city.
See Our Front Window ,
It Is full of shoe novelties for
Christinas. It will help you to se
lect your presents.
N. E. Cor. 10th
and Douglas Sts.
A North light
Is what an architect , artist or
draughtsman requires. There Is
just ono suite vacant on the
north aide of
A very handsome suite , It U ,
too , hard wood floor , newly
decorated walls and It faces
the grand court. You will enjoy
looking at them and it will bo
a pleasure for us to show you.
Rental Agents ,
Ground Floor , Bee Bldg.
Is crowded with many sensible nnd serviceable garments suitable for Christmas pres
ents. Wo defy all competition for bargains In our Cloak Department during the coming
week. The greatest slaughter of prices that you ever dreamed of nnd the largest va
riety of goods of any house between Chicago and San Francisco arc hero at your very
doors The garments urp high class , stylish , now , clean and serviceable. A manu
facturer's stock of stylish Silk nnd SatlnWalsts , in all colors and black tucked ,
plaited , corded and other stylish effects now sleeve new collar the O JQ
goods alone arc worth $7.00 our price tomorrow
GOO ladles' Wool Eiderdown Dressing Sacqucs , In pinks , blues , grays and cardinals-
bought from Oreenwold Bros. , Philadelphia , nt 25c on the dollar " 1 CK
J.wt /
worth $2.50 on sale nt
200 Dressing Sacqucs real value , $6.00 on Bale ) OQ
' * ' * *
at .
BOO ladles' Silk Underskirts , In all colors , Including black , trimmed with one , two and
three rows of ruffles full width thoroughly well made worth up to S T5
$8.00 , for
300 Children's Coats ages 4 , 6. 8 , 10 and 12 , worth $3.00 , 2.48
200ladles' Jackets , in Kerseys , Boucic , Friezes and Caterpillars , all silk K OC
lined they are worth up to $12.00 for W.i/U
500 ladies' Jackets box coats , automobiles , oxfords nnd other new styles 1 Q f\f\
worth up to $35.00on , sale at
200 ladles' Suits , in grays , browns nnd tans jackets lined with taffeta > OQ
now Bilk BklrtH worth up to $15.00-on sale nt only U.t7U
500 ladles' Man-tailored Suits , In all colorn and bfaek some all allk lined , Q OG
worth up to $25.00 , for
25 ladles' Imported Sample Suits , worth up to $73,00 on sale 1 K QQ
The Largest and Most Complete Stock of Furs
in Western America.
Ladles' Astrakhan Capos ' ' 25.0.0 , 35.00 aild 50.00
. 30.00 , 35.00and 40.00
" ' '
98c 2'5 ° 3-5 ° 5- ° °
. . . . . >
500 ladles' Dross Skirts , In plaids , cheeks and mixtures , worth O Kf\
$7.00. at
200 ladles' Silk Skirts , made up In the very newest style , worth O OQ
$7.00. for O.tJO
Ladles' all wool Serge Skirts , In bluca and black , worth $3.00 , , 1 1 O
Ladles' Rldordown Wrappers , worth $1,00 , for
only :
DO do cn ladles' Wrappers , worth $1.00 , for .
Open Evenings Until Christmas.
No , not all , but 2O per cent of it is and
when you come to consider the unusu
ally low prices we have heretofore
made , 2O per'cent is a big reduction.
Thirty days ends it.
Twin City Tailoring
2.v. ROC or n run HOTTLK on PAC-K-
f When you re.ul the nbovn slun or n
licrtlon of It , Mtuchoil to a patrnt tnodlc-lne
( idvprll miient don't pay any attention to
It , lull remember jou can t-nvc about 2fl in
3o per cnt by buying of Sherman , t Mi-
Drug Co. , Instead of the advertised
Jl.CW Scott'.t ICmuISlon. we pell . $ .73
$1.00 Soxlno Tills , we- soil . - . . . : . 75
80o Stuart's DyniirpMa Tablets , wo soil . .10
BOc1 iMorrotv'H Kld-im-olds , wo sell . 10
n.OO Puffy' * Alnlt Whl"ky , wo Hell . S3
Jl.OO Wcsl'H Nrrve and Uraln Treat
ment , Wo sell. . . . , . . . . . ftl
f > 0c cnsciuctR , wo Boll. . . . . . to
J.'icifcuretn , wo sell. . . , . > . . ,10
26c lliotntt Selleer , wo sell . TO
M SO Vln Mnrlnnt , wp sell. . . . 1.1.1
fiA" Syrup or Figs , we sell. < , , . > . , .40
f,0e , Doan's Kidney Pills , we sell . 10
Wo Kndol 13 > ppepila wo aril , , , . . . to
I3c Oesslnr'M Ilondarno Wafers , no solli . . ' 0
! 5c Caitorla. we neil , , . . . . . . ( . 2,1
S'c Carter's Llttlo Liver Pills , wo soil. . .20
f.U' AJnx Tablets , UP soil . 10
Knulo Contlelispd Milk , \vrfsoll . ,13
K.OO Chlohester's KIIR. Pennyroynl Pills ,
\\C HPlI . . . . . 1.7'i
Wic Violet Water , we m-ll . . . . . . : >
' 'op HooL'hnm's Pllli , WP spll. . . . . . . . . .10
? ip Kny's Henovator , wo soil . ro
Jl.W llood'H yart < ni > , rllla , wo s cll . "i
Oc VnHclltuti Hell . . . a
WP llorsford's Acid Phoopbatos. wn Roll , .10
f.0. . " Ajor's Cherry Pectoral , wo sell . in
Small Rlr.ccl Sazodont , wu Hell . .20
6V ( Hxtract Hcef , v.o sell . 25
Write for diiiK and rubber goods < Nit -
Ingup , showing' thousands of articles sold at
Omaha * Nob.
Candy 7c
Wo liavo Just bought from on'o of
Omaha's leading candy makers ono
ton of Fancy Jllxcd Candy , that
we will sell for 7c at pound.
The same candy will cost you lOon
-n pound anywhere clso In Omaha.
Fancy New Mixed Nuts 12o
We serve free our famous 35c Java and
Mocha Coffee to All Callers.
Omaha Tea & Coffee Go , ,
1407 Douglas St.
Anything tlio Matter
with your teeth ? Are they In condition to
enable you to enjoy the , good things ot the
They should be. Our olUco Is open for
the treatment of patients fibm 8:30 : o'clock
each day , and the quality of the dental
work done hero will drlvo out all the pain
and make you nt peace wlthi yourself and
all mankind. )
312 raxtori Block , 10th and Farnam St.
Lady Attendant. 'Phono IOS5.
Use Dr. Bailey's Tooth Powder. All drug
In our Drug Department that wouldn't make
a charming Chrlttmas gift. We'll suggest
only a few.
A Bottle of Fine Perfume ,
Beautiful Toilet Articles ,
Pretty Atomizers
And hundreds of other things. Wo sell the
La Oele ! Glove Cleaner
The finest preparation imulu for cleaning
ladles' Uid gloves.
Some Sensible
Not Rcnsiblo fiui'go3tlois bo-
cuuso wo make them , but fcou-
Hlblo bccauKo they sn est up-
prupriuto thiiif'H for Christmas -
Sliver Chain Purse * . $1.00 $ to frs.0
Silver ( .Manicure Pieces . 25c to $1,00
Silver Buck Brush and Comb * $2.00 in $ C,00
Kbony Back Brush and Combs $1,00 to $2.CO
Match Safes . $1.00 to $5,00
Juweled Hat I'lna . , . $1.00
Ceo. W. Ryan & Co.
IQi ) South Kith Street ,
Christmas Presents
, per ouwt' , 2Jfo , Mo , 75f , $1.00.
i , l'3n to $5.00 luclt.
Klmny Jlalr liruehrH ,
Kk-K.iiit Hand AllrrorH ,
Puff Boxen.
Huup lIuxeH. '
Dubrok'H Parisian Itnsn , per ounce , So.
Uubrock'H Parisian Vlolnt , per ounce. UJu ,
UiilimcK'a ParlKlun J'lnK , pur ounce , > &
Hitldilff'H CHtidlcK.
full and wo our ntor < , c-ven If you don't f
buy ,
Waldron K Campbell ,
222 South 16th St.