TTTTC OMATTA TA.TT/V TVER' STTNTDAY. "DEC1EMBER 17. 18JM ) . $ fri Jobbers Very Busy ( Jetting Out Holic'ny v , Orders on Timo. EVERYTHING IS MOVING SATISFACTORILY iMrrcli'iuilN In All Mncn n lllK Ilcninnil for All Klniln of Holiday M < rclinn < llfle TliIn Week. Local merchants nro now In the midst of their holiday trade. Jobbers that liandlo Christmas' goods tlnd they Imve about all they can do to keep up with their orders rind say that Judging from prcpcnt Indica tions they nro going to have the best run of trade this year for some time pnst. People - plo stern ; t6 hnVo money to spend this year and are buying a good class of Rood ? , The colder weather Is having n good effect upon trhdo In general and Jobbers nro re- cclvlng. ' better reports from this country. The wholesale markets are In much the same condition they were in u week ago , only a very few changes having taken place. The local retail situation was per- napn never In better condition than at the present time. The leading stores during thu last week have been crowded to over- ( lowing with people In search of not' only Christmas goods , but all kinds of cold weather goods as well , KetnllorB say they never saw. such a rush for holiday goods so long before Christmas mid for that reason are looking for an enormous trade during this week. I'rcdiclltiic IIlKlier I'rlccx. Wfiolesulo grocers reiiort trade conditions OH remaining about the same , with the ex- ccptlon that the demand for nuts , candles I and such lines la much heavier. The mar kets , ue Is usually the case nt this limb of 1 year , are quite stationary , but nt the same time there Is a llrm feelingon practically all lines. Oatmeal Is the ono exception , the prlco having weakened 25 cents per barrel. i i Other kinds of farinaceous goods remain I in Just about the fame position. No change Is reported In the augar market , though the tendency Is for firmer prices. Coffee' i ' la also tending upward and higher prices are being freely predicted. Jobbers say that the prlco of coffee has been entirely too low during the las-t few yours and the present big1 demand Is causing the market to advance to the place It should bo In In i order to give the growers a margin. The rapid advances In the cotton market have caused the prlco-of cotton lines , bags und twine to advance. The canned goods situa tion HI no different from what It was a week ago. The market , however , Is In a very strong position , and higher prices maybe bo expected to so Into effect after the llrst of the year. 'Country lluyliiK Iliinlwnre. Hardware men pay tney nro enjoying n nice run of tradu for this time of year and consequently have no criticism to alter. Re ports from the country Indicate thut retailers tailors nre iIoInK a nice business mid the fact that they are payingup promptly would go to confirm thu reports. There Is nothing new to bo said about the condition of the market , us prices on staples remain unchanged. , . . The cold weather of the last week has been of considerable help to local dry goods moil and If it continues will give them n good lively trade. As H Is they are kept busy and soy that stocks In the coun try are'being'rnnldly depleted. Traveling men are landing a nice lot of spring orders and speak In favornblo terms ot the pros pects for spring find summer trade. Ihero Is nothing new to bo said regarding market conditions , as there have been no important changes. .Lines ot minor Importance nro constantly firming up and about the uamo may be said ot the staples , but no ad vances have been heard of. Colder " \Vcitthcr Ileliia Out. Leather goods men are also being ben- clltted by the cold weather. Orders for Immediate shipment are beginning to como In freely nnd now that stocks In the coun try are getting more or less broken up Jobbers llguro they should Imvo a good run of trade from now on. Spring orders iiro also coming in in good shape , and ono Jobber said thut henever had a. better lot ot advance orders this early In the season than ho has at the present time. Hubber goods are also In better demand than they have been for the last few weeks. The Increase in orders Is largely duo to the recent snow storms In some parts of the west , but more especially in Iowa. Arctics , felt boots and leggings are the most popular at present and are mov ing out rapidly. Jobbers uro figuring on doing quite a heavy business after the first of tlio year , as stocks by that time will doubtless bo broken up. In ordinary years retailers ran out of rubbers before the end of the year , but'the. inlusually dry weather this season has enabled them to set through without placing very heavy du plicate orders. The hide market Is hardly as firm as It was a week ago and dealers seem to beef the opinion that it will go lower rather than higher. The cold weather has already Increased receipts to a marked degree , but a still greater Increase Is looked for. Fruit itnd Produce. Fruit and produce men nua a zairiy goou run of business' , but at the surno time they wore not rushed. The tendency on. the part of the grocers seemed to be to buy only what they needed for their Immediate use , with the Intention , of buying their Christ mas supplies this week. For that reason dealers are preparing for a big demand for such lines ns are popular during the holi days. Christmas1 greens are selling rapidly and judging from present Indications It will take from live to six cars of trees to sup ply this market and on the average there nro about 2.000 trees In a car. There Is not much change in the vegetable line. Potatoes are coming In slowly and prices are firmingup , and some dealers are looking for considerably higher prices. A few Florida tomatoes were received last week In six-basket crates and they sold for $3. Moro are expected la for Christmas , but will doubtless bo' some higher. Now York apples are In good condition.and are selling rapidly at $3.750-4.00. . Oranges arc also In big demand at present and Call- fornla navels iiro Belling nt J3.7Mj-l.00. Malaga grapes are also In big demand and are quoted by the barrel at $7.X ( > Q-7.60. The egg market Is quoted at 1G cents for strictly fresh stock. Receipts are not ex cessive , but at the same tlmo there seems to bo enough coming to meet the demand. 'Poultry ' Is firm nt the quotations given below. Commission men , however , are ad- vlalnir their customers to. hold their chickens back until after Now \ear s , aa they do not expect a. very heavy Christmas dwiana and they fear prices will be lower than later In the season. Turkeys , Beeso anJ dupks , they say , should bring good prlces'und are advising liberal phlpnients. The butter market Is very firm , ns re ceipts are light and the demand BOOO. There Is no change In oysters , although the demand Is unusually heavy. Dealers ray tholr sales at Thanksgiving time wcro a third larger than they were a year ago and are figuring that the Christmas demand will make us good a showing. NEW YOHIC GliMSH.lIj M.VIUCET. Quotation * for the IJny on Vnrloun ' . CuinmotlltlKM. NBW YORK , Doc. 16. FLOUR-Rccelpts , 18,318 , bbls. ; exports , 23,021 bblu. ; dull and Gfl > lOo lower to Hell ; Minnesota patents , SOl ) .4.00 ; .Minnesota baker * , J2.SOS3.10 : Winter piitents , J3.60S3.SO ; winter straights. J.U5JP 3.45 : winter extras , J2.COS3.00 ; winter low grades. J2.25W2.40. Rye flour , firm ; fair , to good , J3.KW3.23 : choice to fancyn W 3.60. Uuckwheat flour , steady at J3.2 y2.Sa. HUCKWUBAT Nominal ut 60o c. 1. f. Now York. CORNMHALr-Qulet ; yejlow western , kOo ; clty..78c : Brandywlne , J2.25fi2.35. HYE-Kttsy ; No. 2 western , Clc f , o. b. afloat ; stnto rye , WQ57c c. I. f. New York I1AIILISY Steady : feeding , 41o c. I. f. lluffalo ; malting. 44ST4Sa c. I. f. Uuffulo. UARL.EY MAhT Quiet : v/estern. DSftCoc. WJlHAT-Recotpts. 21,125 bu. ; exports , 23.- ' 625 bu , Spot , easy ; No. 2 red , 74o f. o. b. afloat ; No. 1 northern , Duluth. 7Vo f. o. b. alloat. nominal ; No. 2 red. 72c ulcyator. Options opened He decline from yesterday , Influenced by the bearish government report - port and short selling. A fair visible inip- ply Increase la looked for on Monday. Small estimates of world's shlpmenU , etc. . hail little effect. Tha market closed dull and easy at ? o not decline ; March. 71 in-IB ( jiTGWGe. closed , 75cj May , 74 G-1CJJ74 IMCc , closed , 74'/So ' ; December. 72l c. CORN Receipt * , 141.375 bu. ; exports , 51.- 443 bu. Spot , easy : No. 2 , 4&Ho f. < i. b. afloat und 3S 4o elevator. Options opened easy at U ° decline with wheat and on lower cuble UOWH , sympathizing nUo with a brt'ali In hot products ; ' closed easier at % o do- cllno : May. 33T fi33c. closed , 39o ; December , _ closed , ' Options dull. llAY-Steady ; shipping , JU.60BU.70. WOQL-UllUs domestic , 21if2 e ; Texas. 11 Ol7c HOPS Quiet , state , common to choice , 1198 crop , Cc , 1S3S crop , tdjOc , 1&99 crop , 12y' ISc - ; Pacific coast , ISM crop , 4R6c ; 1S > 7 crop , -f9c ; 189S crop , 12Q15c. HIDES - Stcnciy ; Galveston. 20 to 23 . , 194c ! : Texas ,1rt * . 24 to t 30 Ibs. , 14Ho ; Cali fornia , 21 to 23 Ibs. , 21Wc. I.KATIIKR Steady ! hemlcck sole. Ducnon Ayrex , light to heavyweights , 25&25Vfec ; acid , PROVlSIONS-neef , dull ; family , J12.50ft > 1.1.00 ; beef hams , J22.50f23.00 ? ; packet , Jll.W # 12.00 ; city , extra India mesn , J21.00fl23.00. Cut meats , steady ; pickled bellies , J5,7W ( > C.OO ! pickled ohoiilders , J3.751J8.W ) ; pickled hams , JS.OOfTO.OO. Lnrd , weaker ; western steamed , J3.7'/ii ' December , J5.77'/4. nominal ; continent , 16.10 ; South America , M.M ; com pound , J5.26tJG.37 < 4. Pork , llrm ; mess. J10.00 < 810.7T > ; short clear , Jll.00ffll2.00 ; family , Jl2.00f 12,60 , Tallow , firm ! city , Go : country , men-Steady : domestic , steady. MOLASSES Steady ; Now Orleans , open kettle , good to choice , 32ftIOc. PIJANUTS-Steady : fancy hand-picked , 4 ( gllir : other domestic , 3V4'i4c. ' ? KH.E1O1ITS To Liverpool , quiet : cotton , by steam , 2Sd : grain , by steam. 2 d. MUTA 18 Tlio brokers' prlco for lead Is JI.45 nnd for copper 116.73 , OMAHA ai\niiAi < MAHKKT. Condition of TrniTo nml Quotation * on Stnoln nnil Fancy I'rnilnnc. EGGS Receipts light ; fresh stock , 16c. DRESSED POULTHY-Cholce to fancy turkeys , 10c ; ducks , 8c : geese , S@9c ; spring chickens , 6lf7c ; hens , GGGc ; roosters , POULTRY-IIens. BflSUc : spring chickens , Cc ; old nnd staggy roosters , 3c ; ducks and geese. 6S < ' ,4c : turkeys. 80t c. MUTTER Common to fnlr , 16V4a ; choice , 18ig20o : separator , 26c : gathered creamery , 22023C. PIQEONS-Llve , per doz. , 90o. VRAIChoice , 9c. GAME Prairie chickens , per doz. , J3.50 ; groiiso , J5 ; quail , per doz. , J1.25 ; mallards , I30003.2r > : blue wing tea ) , J1.75 : green wing teal. J1.2&ST1.60 : mixed ducks. Jl.8082.00. OYSTElfe-Medlum. per can , 18c ; stand ard. per can , 22c ; bulk standard , per gal. , J1.23 ; extra selects , per can. 30o ; extra selects , per gal. . J1.60 ; New York counts , nor can , 37c ; New York counts , per 100. ilAY-Upland. choice. J6.50 ; midland. choice. J6 : lowland , choice. J3 ; rye straw , choice , $5.60 ; No. 3 corn , 27c ; No. S whlto oats , 22c ! : cracked corn , per ton , J12 ; corn and oats , chopped , par ton , J12.50 ; bran , par ton. J13 ; shorts , per ton. J14. VEGETABLES. SWEET POTATOES Per bbl. , Kansas , J2.5p ; Jerseys , J3 ; large bbls. , Nebraska POTATOES-Per bu. , choice , SOUSfie. CABBAGE Per lb. . l'/4c ; Holland seed , I5f2c. CAULIFLOWER-Per crate. J2.BO. CnANBERRIES-Caoe Cod. K.O S .50 ; Bell & Bugle , per bbl. , J . (0 ; Jerseys , J6.S. ONIONS Retail way , yellow , 65c ; red , 75 . CELERY Pcr Uoz. , 25g3&c : California , per bunch. 45QCOc. TURNIPS- Rutabagas , per lb. . IVic : Cana. dlan , ItfSMSJc. \VATERCRESS-Per 16-qt. cases , Jl.CO. MUSHROOMS-Per ib. box. BOc. ' TOMATOES Florida , per 6-basket crate , FRUITS. APPLES Cholco western shlODlnc stock , J2.75fj3.00 ; New York stock , $3.7o4.00. GRAPES California Emparor , Jz ; Cataw- bas , p r small basket. ISc ; Malaga grapes , par bbl. . J7.0007.5& PEARS-AVestcm varieties. J2.EO. TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANGES Mexican , per box. J3.BO3,75 ; California navofs , per box , $3.7504.00. LEMONS-Callfornln. fancy. $4.254.EO ; choice California , tl.OOS4.50 ; Messina , J4.50 G 1.75. HIDES , TALLOW , ETC. HIDES No. 1 green hides , Sifcc : No. 2 green hides , 714c : No. 1 salted hides , lOc ; No. 2 salted hides. 9c : No 1 veal calf , X to 12 Ibs. , 9c ; No. 2 veal calf , 12 to 15 Ibs. , 8c. TALLO.W. GREASE ; ETC. Taiiow. NO. 1 , 4cr No. 2 , 3lc ; rough , 2o ; white grease , 2y@3Vic ; yellow and brown grease. 2i3c. MISCELLANEOUS. HONEY Per 24-seotlon case. J3,25a3.EO NUTS Hickory nuts , large , per bu. , SI : Shell barks. $1.2601.35. FIGS California layers , per 10-Ib. box. Jl.OO ; California carton , per 10-lb. box , J1.10. MAPLE SUGAR-Per lb. . 9c. CHHISTMA3 GREENS. TREES 5-ft. , per doz. , $2 ; 5 to 8-ft , per doz. , J2.50 ; 7 to 9-ft. , per doz. , $3.50 ; 8 to 11-ft. , per doz. , $4.50 ; extra bta.- to 24-ft. . $2. < XVIN.50. HOLLY BRANCHES-Per , case of ab'out CO Ibs. . $4.50(06.00 ( ; per bbl. , $1.5001.73. MISTLETOE BRANCHES-Per lb. . 20o ; per 5-lb. box , $3.75 ; wreathing , 20 yds. , 0c. St. IAI 11 Is Grntu anil I'rovlalonn. ST. LOUIS , Dec. 1G. WHEAT Lower : No. 2 red , cash , elevator , GSe ; track , 70V4 © 71c ; December , CSci May , 71jc : No. 2 hard , C7(8CSc. ( Receipts. 22,363 bu. CORN Firm ; No. 2 cash , GOc : track , 3194 @ 32c ; December. 30c ; May. 31iQ31c. OATS Firm ; No. 2 cosh. 24c ; track , 24l4c ; December , 24c ; May , 25c ; No. 2 white , 2Gic. RYE Firm at 62&c. FLOUR Quiet , steady : patents , $3.45S ? 3.60 ; extra fancy. $3.103.20 ; clear , $2.76(32.90. ( SEEDS-TImothy , J2.00Q2.35 ; flax , nom inal. $1.44. CORNMEAL-Stendy at $1.701.90. 'BRAN Firm ; sacked , cast track , C2@63c. HAY-fiteady ; timothy , J9.508 > 11.75 ; prairie , $ G.50R8.CO. WHISKY steady , 71.23 . COri'ONTIES-$1.0G. KAtUNG-6464c. ] } HEMP TWINE-9C. PROVISIONS-Dry salt meat ? , extra shorts , $6.50 ; clear ribs and sides , J5.62V6. Bacon , extra shorts , 1C ; clear ribs and clear sides , $6.12i4. Pork , steady ; Jobbing , $9.75 for old ; $11.25 for now. Lard , lower ; sprlmo steam. $5.35 ; choice , $5.37 % . METALS Lead , higher at $4.G5. Spelter , higher nt $4.G5. POULTRY Steady ; chickens , old , 5Vc ; young , 6c ; turkeys. 74c ! ; ducks , GQ6Ha ; geese , 5\4IGc. \ ( ? RECEIPTS Flour. 4,000 bbls. ; wheat , 22- 000 bu. : corn. 62,000 bu. ; oats , 13,000 bu. SHIPMENTS Flour. 5,000 bbls. ; wheat , 23,000 bu. ; corn , 37,000 bu. ; oats , 8,000 bu. Liverpool Grnlii nnd Provision * . LIVERPOOL , Deo. 16. WH&AT-Spot , firm ; No. 1 California. Gs2dGs2Hd ; No. 2 red western winter. 5s84d ! ; No. i northern , Spring , GsHd. Futures closed quiet ; December - cembor , nominal ; March , ElslO'/jd ; May , 6slOd. CORN Spot firm ; American mixed , 3s 7d. Futures , quiet ; December , 3s6V4d ; January , 3s6d ; February , 3s Gd. PEAS Canadian , Gs 5d. FLOUR St. Loul < fancy winter , firm , 7s. PROVISIONS Beef , steady : extra India mess , S2s6d ; prime meats , 76s 3d , Pork , steady ; prlino mess , western , 67s W. Hams , short cut , 14 to 1C Ibs , , dull. 45s. Bacon , Cumberland cut , tS ! to 30 Ibs. , dull , 31s ; short ribs , 18 to 22 Ibf. , steady , 33s ; long clear middles , light , 30 to 35 Ibs. , steady , 34s Gd ; long clear middles , heavy , 35 to 40 ilbs. , steady , 31s ; short clear backs , 1G to 18 Ibs. , steady , 33s ; clear bellies , 14 to 1G Ibs. , dull , 32s Gd. Shoulders , square , 12 to 14 Ibs. , firm , 33a6d. Lurd , Hrm ; prime western. In tierces. 28s 9d ; American refined , In palls , 30s 3d. Tallow , prime , city , steady , 25s Gd ; Australian In I > ondon , firm. 20i 3d. BUTTER Finest United States , 93a ; good , ' CHEESE Firm ; American finest white , 67s ; American finest colored , 60s. lluttcr , KKC nml ChecMC Market. PHILADELPHIA. Dec. IG.-BUTTER- Flrm ; fancy western creamery , 27c ; fancy western prints , 2Sc. KOCIS Firmer and % c higher : fresh nearby. 21o ; fresh western , 21c ; fresh south western. l e : fresh southern , 18c. , ST. LOuTs , FDec 16. BUTTER Steady ; creamery. 2li/27c / : dairy , 19Q23c. CHICAGO , Dec. 16. BUTTER-Qteady ; creameries. lCQ25c ; dairies , 10022c. NEW YORK , Dec. * ia.-BUTTER-Ro. celpts , 2,020 pkgs. ; quiet ; western creamery , SSftCTc : Juno creamery. 22Q254c ! ; factory , CHEKSE-Rccelpts. 6.158 rkjrs. ; firm : late fall made , fancy. 12i13e : fall made , large fancy , 12'/4tl'13Jc ' ; late made , small , 120I2Vio ; largB late made , HW12c. EGGS Receipts , 6,059 pkgs. : steady : west ern ungraded , at mark. 16j2Hic ; western , "gS&fl'AB ' ° SiTY , Dec. 16.-BUTTER- Creamery. 22 < 0tt5c ; dairy. ISc. KOGS rlrm : fresh Missouri and Kansas stock , firsts. iGc , cases returned ; storage : , | il.sher ut lOQHc. ii City Oral n ami 1'rovlnloim. KANSAS CITY , Dee. 1G.-WHEAT May , GCtte : cash. No. 'j hard , 63c : No. 3. C862c ? ; No. 2 rcd/63Q70c ; No. 3 , G2KO Sc ; receipts , COH'N May , 29Hc ; cosh. No. 2 mixed , 29 CBSWo : No. 2 white. 29fl23'4o : No. 3 , SS4c. ? OATSNo. . 2 white , SlHSOx : . 11 Y ! * No 2 47c HAY Choice timothy , J9.00Q9.50 ; choice ' ' 'RECEIPTS Wheat , 39GOO bu. ; corn , 13,600 bu. : oats. 10.000 bu. SHlPMENTS-Wbeat , 31,200 bu. ; porn , 16- 900 bu. ; ouU. 1.000 bu , _ MliiiiriiiioliN Wheat nml I'lciur. MINNEAPOLIS , Dec. 16. WHEAT In store : No. 1 northern , December , 63e ; May , Gtt < U6t ci July , 67T4JCSc. ( On tracks No ! 1 hard , BCc ; No , 1 northern , OiVicj No. 2 northern. G2Hc. FLOt'R Market about quiet ; llrst pat. entx. $3 40(03.60 ( ; second patents , J3.2003.SO ; first clear. $2 20&2.30 UltAN In bulk , $11 00311.25. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Activity of Provisions is tha Feature of the Pty. FAILURES AT BOSTON CAUSE WEAKNEfS When ! WcnkeiiB on CovcrnmciU Ho nor * , Hut Strmllr * on Hotter H\- liort Inquiry. CloNlntr lOlH'it'i ' l.rMvcr Corn Dropx. CHICAGO , Dec. 15. * Provisions were con spicuously nctlvti on the Board of Trade ' today , weakening on heavy profit-taking precipitated by the Boston financial dltll- cultlcs. May pork closed 20c , May lard 12140 nnd May ribs 7liG10c under yesterday. Wheat weakened on the government report , but steadied on a better export Inquiry , May closing Ho down. May corn closed % lower and May oats unchanged. The activity of provisions was the fea ture on the board today. The pit croxvd was largo anil with few exceptions tlioso who composed It were Fellers for protlt , 1 an operation with which they fattened tlielr purses animatedly throughout the session to the detriment of the price. The llquldn- tlon was set going by the Boston financial reports. Fluctuations wcro wide , particu larly In pork. The shipping demand was ns good as ever , the hog supply small nnd prices at the yard firm. Brokers were free sellers of May lard and holders let out lines of May pork and ribs. At the decline the Investment demand asserted Itself , steadying the market for 'a time. May pork having dropped 20c , regained half the loss , but let It go again. May pork sold from $10.40 to $10.65 and closed 20c under yesterday nt $10.40 ! May lard from J3.G3 to J3.SO , closing 12 < Ac down nt $5.65 , and May ribs from $3.60 to $5.60 , with the close W $ lOc lower nt $5.69a5.62& . Wheat was weak the greater part of the session because the trade thought the gov ernment report bullish : the Boston finan cial demoralization also had a depressing effect. The pit was quiet after the usual Saturday manner. The South African news was variously regarded and the export demand - mand early not pressing. Receipts as usual were light. May opened % ( fHc ? down ut 9 Q69Kc and sold down to GSTfcc. Here the market received some support from buying against puts under which the price had slumpad , and held steady for sumo tlmo. Foreigners , who were the principal buyers throughout , towards the close made their Influence felt nnd ns their moves were be lieved to reflect bullish deductions from the tangled South African situation , the locals raised their bids R bit nnd shorts did come covering. The shipping demand also Im proved late In the session. May advanced to G98C , at which the option closed , 140 under yesterday , with the tone of the mar ket rather firm. Seaboard clearances In wheat and flour wcro equal to 506,000 bu. Primary receipts were 657,000 uu. , against 1,048,800 bu. last week. Minneapolis and Du luth retorted 355 cars , compared with 4C9 last week nnd 849 a year ago. Receipts hero were 79 cars. 10 of contract grade. Corn was easier , n condition duo to freer country offerings. The market was dull nnd of little importance , nearly nil the trading being In the hands of profession als. The shipping demand was rather slug gish. Clearances wcro 601,400 bu. and re ceipts here 268 cars. Local stocks nre ex pected to Increase 600,000 bu. May ranged from 32e to 33c , closing UffUc down at Sic. Nobody seemed to notlco the oats market , so trivial was it. May closed unchanged at 24V4c. Local receipts were 103 cars. Some Increase In stocks here is expected. Estimated receipts Monday : Wheat , GO cars ; corn , 250 cars ; oats , 125 cars ; hogs , 40.000 head. The leadlnc futures ranged as follows : Articles. ] Open. I High. | Low. | Close. ) Yes'y. Wheat I Dec. 65 % G476 GS % Slay 68 % 69- % July C9 % 7016 'Corn- Dec. 30M 31 Jan. 31 30 % 31 31U 'May 33 32 % 33 Oats- Dec. 22 % 224 22 % May 24(824 ( % 2H6 Pork Jan. 1023 10 12 10 12',4 ' 10 33 May 10 & 5 1040 10.10 10 60 Lard- Jan. 555 542H 545 5671,4 .May . 5.80 5 OS 6 63 577V4 Ribs- Jan. 5 42M 547' 535 537H 6 47V4 ( May 500 5 50 5G2V4 660 No. 2. Cash quotations were as fellows : FLOUR StRody : winter patents. J3.4033.BO ; straights , $3.00 ( 3.20 ; clear. J2.90S3.10 ; spring specials , $3.00 , spring patents. J3.20fjO.iJO ; straights , $2.70 3.30 ; bakers , $1.90 < iI2.50. WHEAT-No. 3 spring , 63J4@C43ic ; No. 2 red. 6Wl6Sc. CORN No. 2 , 31 < 4c ; No. 2 yellow , 1\\Ln \ OATS-No. 2. 22i723c ; ! ; No. 2 white , 25 c : No. 3 white. 24 < fiWc. RYE No. 2. 61H < J62c. ? BARLEY No. 2. 3S@45c. SEEDS No. 1 flaxBced. $1.49 : northwest , $1.49. Prime timothy , $2.30. Clover , con tract grade , $8.25i 8.50. PROVISIONS-Mess pork , tier bbl. , J8.70B 10.20. Lard , per 100 Ibs. . J5.15Siu.5214. Short ribs rildes ( loose ) , J3.20S5.45. Dry salted Hhouldors ( boxed ) . $ S.37V ® 5.60. Short clear sides ( boxed ) , J3.43fri5.55. WHISKY Distillers' finished goods , on basis high wines , par gal. , $ l,23Vi. SUGARS-Cut loaf , $5.70 ; granulated , $5.18. Following are the receipts and shipments for today : Articles. Receipts. Shlpm'ts. Fiour bbls 82,000 13,000 Wheat , bu 96,000 34.0JO Corn , bu 193,000 9S , K ) Oats , bu 192,000 16S.OOO Rye. bu 1,000 32 , < X Barley , bu 61,000 12,000 On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was steady ; creameries. 16g25c ( ; dairies , lGS22c. Cheese , flrm at lli@12i,4c. Eggs , flrm ; fresh. 20c. 1 1 MOVEMENTS OK STOCKS AXB UOMIS. Market In noinornllxcil vrlth I'rlcon I.iMvont of the Week. NEW YORK , Dec. 16 , The New York stock market today made a determined stand against the demoralization reflected from the London ex-change nnd 'by the end of the first hour scorned to have overcome the weakness. The appearance , however , was deceptive ) . Active liquidation was in full force early In the second hour an/1 ate away the recoveries that had been achieved , forcing prices below the opening low level. The market closed with nil the symptoms of demoralization nnd at the lowest prices of the week. The dav's not losses for the principal ac tive stocks run from 2 to 8 points , In the railroad list , the greatest eufferers. natur ally wera tlio shares that are listed on the London Stock exchange and especially those which have been recent sntsculatlvo fa vorites there , such us New iorK Central , Pennsylvania , St. iPaul , Louisville , Atchl- son preferred nnd Missouri Pacific. In the list of Industrials and specialties tha New York City public utllltleH , Sugar , Tennes see Coal and others of the Iron and steel stocks , were the largest losers. The early resistance was duo In largo part to 4lie de termined support afforded by the distribu tion of largo buying orders through the list by Inside interests In tlio various stocks , These Interests had not waited for the open ing hero to do this , 'but ' hud cables buying orders to London. London In the meantime hud been com forting Itself with rumors from South Africa of retrieval of General Buller's bit ter reversals. The fact tha.t today's steamer Is the last that will bo available for shipments of gold gave assurance of relief from that drain during the coming week. There was a resumption of Helling orders by cable during thu second hour and n growing uneasiness over the situation In Boston , growing out of the announcement of a bank failure from that center. The 'bank statement was construed as unfavor able In the items of loans , although the cash changes conformed closely to fore- | casts. The small loan contraction barely served to offset the cash decrease , so that the gain In surpl'jrcgcnos Is only nominal. The statement does not Include today's gold engagements , which aggregate $2,450.000 $ , The week's experience In the stock mar ket has been a severe one to show such small active development In tliq money situ I ation , It Is evident that a largo part 6f the I money called In has bean put nut again under the- urgent stress ) of circumstances , A large amount Is known to have been transferred to Boston to strengthen the monetary situation there. The local money outlook was the determining causeof the late break in prices und withdrawal of support. It In many months slncu the stock mar ket has been subjected to PQ.violent and drastic a liquidation UH that of the last week. At Intervals It was met with some aggressive support by friends of different stocks and the professional bear operators have occasionally closed out their short cantractH at thu Inviting profits offered , 1ml at oth r times all other support seemed withdrawn , while heavy U'.o ; ks of securi ties were being forced to sale by thu wip ing out of margins , The shrinkage in val ues reached an enormous } ussretate , com estimates placing the figure In the hundreds of millions. As n conjequencr , credit facllltMrp"e ! heavily cut anil storks placed ns collateral were forced to sale for the protection of money lenders. The bear operators were very bold and BRgresslvo nnd offered prices down In a seemlnitly -ckle ! > manner wherever nny Intimation could bo had of large inocula tive holding ? . In ? ome ot the Industrial * , which have been manipulated by specula tive pools , itho violent decline In prices dis lodged some enormous holdings nnd the bears reaped sensational profits. The com bination of circumstances threw the mar ket Into conditions bordering on panic sev eral times during the week. The market's quick response to nny development in the London money market pointed strongly to that as the seat of trouble. All the powerful resources of the English financial center- were evidently being ex erted to attract funds to meet present nnd prospective urgent needs. The Bank of England statement shows a continued drain on Interior points to eupply the'extraordl - nary trade activity In EiiRland , Just ns the New York banks have been drawn upon from Interior points In this country. The oxitreme depression In the London stock mnrknt nf thn np\v of Jhn stntlmnlt tn lllR British operations nnd the convulsive re coveries caused by oven vnguo rumors of | successes warrant the deduction that the English money market hna adjusted Itself to hopes of earlier relief than now Hcems possible * by resumption of shipments of gold from South Africa. The urgent need of other relief Is manifested In the vigorous upward movement ot sterling exchange nt nil the world's money centers. Both nt Paris and New York the rate | reached the gold export point during the i week. The Importance attached to the mat ter in the New York stock market was 1 demonstrated In the demoralization of Wednesday afternoon , when preparations were making ito export gold , ns well ni In the sudden recovery of Thursday , when n relapse In the sterling rate raised the hope that gold exports were , for the time , avertejl. Although the , subtrcnsiiry absMrp- 1 tlon of funds from the market had run up ltd nearly $3,000,000 before the announcement | i of the .Treasury department's decision to forego a rcbato In anticipation of the. Jan uary first Interest on bonds that measure l.i looked to to relieve the drain from tha.t source for the Immediate future. The course of the Interior exchanges has Indi cated a response there also to the need of relief In Now York nnd funds have been received here not only from Interior points in this country , but in Canada. With the relief thus secured from Ihoso sources thu ! : effect of the gold exports was largely oft- , net. t ! The Stock exchange liquidation Itself has gene to such lengths as-to materially re plenish the supplies of available funds. The volume of tbo transactions made It evident that the Interests affected were larger than that of ordinary professional operators In stocks. The week's developments in Bos ton show that the necessity ot support In the copper mines market was a factor In the situation , Large rolling was attributed also to the account of Important wcalcin centers. fTho demoralization produced In soma of the newer Industrial stocks was tin Indica tion of the burdensome nature of the under- ' writers' holdings and the narrow margin ' for many of the new flotations , whlca have been below the listing prices on the ex- cbango In many cases. It is n maxim of commerce that n general rlso In prices in duces speculative buying , which In Heclf. furthers the rise In prices. But specula I tlvo buying of commodities which Is not for consumption and speculative buying ot securities not for Investment are cer tain ultimately to carry prices above the level of consumptive und Investlve demand. The prlco level recedes as the va * . s for money advances. Speculative losies bu- comc nccesrary to secure the readjustment to true conditions based on the rate of return - , turn and Its security. A certain amount ot investment buying has. been attracted by the week's relapse In prices , but It has shown a notable falling off on any substan tial rally In prices. Semi-speculative and i newly Issued bonds have shown extreme-.e- I i dines of from 1 to 2 % polnls. but the more ! i established mortgages have shown no ; fluctuations of Importance. , United States 5s advanced % , old 4s ft and new 4s Vi in the bid price. 1 I The CommercialAdvertiser's London financial cablegram says : There was a panicky feeling at the opening here today on the news of General Buller's repulse. Rand mines opened down 5 points ana fell l , point further on the slump. The excite ment was almost contlnecl to African shares , commltmenls In Americans and elsewhere being small. Afterwards hope was revived and a general rally took place , accompanied by a rumor that General Bul- ler had recovered his guns and that General Glory had crossed the river. There was no confirmation of these rumors. Consols were imi&lOV/t. Americans opened 2W3 points under yesterday. They rallied 152 points , closing firm. The scramble to sol lasted only halt tin hour. Paris was fairly firm. Spanish 4 , were 8 % . tlntos 41H , Anacondas 754 Utaba 5 and Bostons ft. There wore two small failures here , making ten due o recent declines in mining slmrw. Several members are still shaky. 'Ino Bank ot England got 65,000 gold from Germany today and bought 12.000 French coin. Call money was easy , but bills were very hard. Small loans were repaid to the banK. The following nro the quotations for the leading stocks on the New York exchange | today : _ . . i Atchlson " 19 % Texag & Pacific. ii > dorpf\i..i 69 % Union Pacific . . . Baltimore & O. . . 51 % do pfd 72 Canadian ac a li . . . . . . . . . . JU ; l : : : : , . E G ° d l Ind & L. . . 14 Adams Express. .110 / ' / * * c * & St I' 59M ( do P 93 i Colorado So BU Amer. Malting . . Hide do 1st pfd. . . . 43 % do pM. . . . . . . . 36 I do 2d pfd. . . . 15 Amer. S. & R. . . 34 % Del. & Hudson . .115 do pfd. . So DC L. & W 175 % Amer. Spirits . . . 4 Denver & R. G. . 18 % do pfd. . . . . . . . 17 do pfd 70 Amer. Steel H. . . 40 Krlo 11 % do pfd i9 do 1st nfd. . . 34V Amer. S . & W. . . 37 % Gt , Nor. pfd ICG do pfd. . . . . . . . 88 Hocking Coal . . . 15 % Amer. Tin Plate. 2j Hocking Valley. . 32 % do pfd 77 Illinois Central..110 % Amer. Tobacco. . 95 % Iowa Central . . . 12V4 do . . . . . . . . do pfd 63 % Anac. Min. Co. . . 38 K C. . P. & G. . . . 7 % Brooklyn R. T. . . 77 > , i Lake Erie & W. . 19 Colo. Fuel & I. . . 41 % do pfd 77 % Con. Tobacco . . .31 % Lake Shore 205 _ < lo PM. . . SO T. &N 78 % Federal Sleol . . . Bl % Manhattan L 9C % do pfd. . 74 Mot. St. Ry 1G7 Gen , Electric . . .118 % Mox. Central . . . . 10 % Glucose Sugar . . 41i Minn & St. ti. . . 68 do nfd 90 j 8S pfd. . . . . . 91 Inter. Paoer 19 Missouri Pacific. 41 % dp pfd CG'4 Mobile & Ohio . . 40 Lacledo Gis 7 Mis. K. & T lOUNaMonal Biscuit. 31 do pfd 32 % do pfd 89 N J Central . . .115 National Lead . . 25 N. Y. Central . . .127 % do nfd 1JJ , . Norfolk & W 23 National Steel . . SG ? do pfd Gfii do nfd 91 Nor. Paclflo 63 N. Y Air Brake.134 do pfd ' 72No. American . . .14 Ontarlo' & W SI Pacific Coast . . , . 47 % Ori > . Ry. ft Nav. 42 do Jut pfd. . . . 82 do nfd. . 711 do 2d nfd. . . . GO Pennsylvania . . .131 pacific Mnll 4 < J % Rend'ng 1' " "POP'O'S Gas . . . .103 do 1st pfd. . . . 62 nroWd S. Car..M % Rio G. w 41 Pullman Pal. C..1SG do nfd. . . . . . . . 8.1 Rtandard R. & T. Ml St. L. & S. F. . . . 9V Sugar 129 % do in pf.i. . . . . ra ilo nfd 113 do 2d pfd. . . . 31 J ; Tnnn. Coal & I. . St L. . SputhW. . . 10v U. 8. Lenther . . . 1 % do pfd 22 do pfd < 4 Rt Paul 118 U. 8 , Rubber . . . . do pfd. im * do pfil St. P. & ; WoMcrn Union. . % So. Partflo 37 ; Romibllc I. & S. in , , . , J J * i'o ' _ pfd 3 % P. C. C. & St. L. 74i lloNton Stock ( ItmintloiiN. BOSTON Dec , 10. CnJl loans , Gi(7 per cent" tlmo loans , 5 G per cent. Odlclal cloning of stocks and bonds : A. , T. & S7"F , , . . 19 % Westlneh. Elcc. . 40 do nfd. . . . soft WK Central 1C % Amer. Suwtr , . . .12 > % Dom. Coal 43 % do pfd 113 do pfd 118 Bell Telephone..340 Alchlt'on 4s 96 Boston & Alb'y.243 Adventure 6 % Boston Elevated. 94 Al'ourz ' Mill. Co. 1 Boston & Mo 19S Atlantic 20 C. . B. & Q 123 % Boston ft Mont.,270 Ed , Elei' I'l ' ! ? ' Blltte & Boston. . 45 Fltchbnrg pfd , . .117 Calumet & Heu.7W Gen. Eleotra.11JV Centennial 17 do pfd 137 Franklin 12 % Federal Steel . . . Bl',4 Humboldt 1 do pfd 73 % Osceola G3 Mex. Central . . . . H Parrot . , 31 % O'd ' Dominion . . . 20 Oulncy 133 Rubber 40V , Bantu FB Cop. , , . 4 % lTnon ! Paclflo . . . 4r.H Tamarack IK ! Un'on ' Land 3 Wolvorlnen SG Wont Knd . . . . . . . 81 lUtah Mining . . . . 20 do pfd . . .113 California Ilrli-tl KrultN. NEW YORK. Doc. JG.-t'ALIFORNIA DRIKD FUIUTS Evaporated niiples con tinue in light supply und the market bteaay ; Htutii evaporated , common , G GVsc ; prime , Gff/7o / ; chnlce. 7ifi8',4o : fancy , 8f9c. | California dried prunes , 3fjSo ncr lb. , as to Kirn and quality. Apricots , Royal , 13ft > 15c : Moor Park. ISJJISc. Peacliea , peeled , 20S22o : unpceled , 7OIOc. N < MV Ynrk Dry ( ionilii AInrUvt. NEW YORK , Dec. 15-There lias been no material change In the cotton goods market ( Continued on Thirty-first Page ) OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Hogs Are Five Cents Higher and Active at the Advance. CATTLE FOR THE DAY ARE ABOUT STEADY In Tcr , HntTcvcr , for llm Sln v n Dentine , tint Ailvnnoc Connlilernlily \ of IntcrcHt to flic Trnde. SOUTH OMAHA , Dec 16. Receipts were : Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Official Monday 2.SI9 2.UI4 2,158 Ottlclal Tuesday 3,459 5,727 X.S'fi OHIclal Wednesday 2.971 Ki7S 4.ZW OHIclol Thursday 2.3SS ! > ,314 2,001 Olllclal Friday 2 , < r 10..I10 S > S Ofllclal Saturday 722 10,031 Total this week Ib.OZS 47,174 12.RH Week ending Dec. 0 16,616 46,3 3 13,13i Week eiullng Dec. 2 15. ! > 2G 17,921 9.GOI \VcckenillngNov.25 17.939 6I.15.S 8,811 Average prlco paid for lioga tor the last several days with comparisons : 1SD3. " Dec. 1. . . . , 3 71 3 3 231 S 191 j 4 < 1 59) Dee. S 3 76 3 23 3 25 3 m .1 as ! | 5 19 Dec. 3 329 3 19 3 23 3 42) ) 4 47 Dec. 4 3 SI 3 21 3 1G 3 39 4 3S 5 13 Dec. 5 3 SO 337 309 3 39 4 27 B It Dec. 6 3 86 .3 36 3 23 * 3 3S 4 3S 60 > t Dee. 7 3 81 3 23 3 22 3 00 3 36 4 35 6 Oii Dee. S 3 S3 330 3 17 3 19 4 34 6 14 Dec. 9. . . . , 3 iW 3 SO 3 13 3 21 3 32 f > 15 Dec. 10. . . , 3 13 321 3 35 4 20 Dee. 11. . . , 3 92 3 15 3 17 32 $ 4 17 S 14 Dec. 12. . . , 3 SG 337 * 3 0 331 4 20 6 Doe. 13. . , 3 9G 3 3S 3 20 3 33 4 221 B 07 Deo. 14. . . . 3 96 3 3.1 3 23 3 2S 333 4 23 5 14 Dec. 16. . . . 3 93 3 27 ! 3 24 3 171 4 091 B 05 Doc. 16. . . . 4 10 3 30 3 29 3 17) ) 3 37 * Indicates Sunday. Official number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was : Cattle. Hogs. Sh'p. C. , M. & St. P. Ry 14 O. & St. L. Ry I 2 Missouri Pacific Ry 2 4 Union Pacific Hystem 31 37 1 C. & N. W. Ry S , . . F. , E. & M. V. R. R 6 33 1 S. C. & P. Ry . . 2 C. , St. P. , M. & O. Ry 3 B ] { . & M. R. R. R 1 31 1 C. , B. & Q , Ry 7 12 C. , R. I. & P. Ry. , east 1 C. , R. I. & P. Ry. , west 2 Total receipts 23 151 3 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows , each buyer purchasing the number of head Indicated : Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co 1.072 G. 11. Hammond Co 1,535 . . . . Swift and Company 107 2.113 Cudahy PackingCo 27fi 2.324 233 Armour & Co il 2,519 . . . . Omaha P. Co. , Kan. City. 46 .Cudahy , Kansas City 410 . . . . Armour , Sioux City 413 Other buyers 222 . . . . 4S3 Totals . .0,604 10,422 716 CATTLE As usual on tbo last day of the week there was not much of a cattle mar - ket , the receipts being very light. What cattle were here , however , were cold In about the same notches as yesterday , nt least no lower. 1 The cattle market this week has been bail and far from what sellers like. This has i not been peculiar to this market alone , but other markets have suffered fully us much or more. The demand has been limited almost entirely to good fat stuff , while the receipts , on the contrary , have consisted ulmost entirely of short fed or warinCd-up cattle. The market on this latter kind lias been very slow nnd prices have gone down steadily. While good cattle are not more than 10J15c lower the short fed cattle are fully 25c lower than last week , and In extreme cases common cattle have sold 40c lower. The market on cows and heifers has been about the same as the market on ulcers , that Is , the best cattle have been in de mand , though perhaps a dime lower , but tbo common to medium kinds have sold off In about the same proportion as short fed steers. Chicago reports the market 23@40c lower for the week. While fat cattle have been going lower the market on stackers and feeders has been pursuing an opposite course. The suppTy of that kind of cattle has been very small all the week , and as there was con siderable country demand the market for the week Is stronger and on good kinds about as high as It has been any time. Representative sales : BESF STEERS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 2 903 $2 7S 40 1012 410 4 962 350 2 1025 440 2 i55 350 8 1239 473 10 922 425 G4 1320 540 COWS. 1 . 820 225 1 . 1050 315 3 . 886 223 4 . 1112 323 1 . 1030 250 4 . 1167 326 1 . 830 2 ffi B . 1058 325 1 . flGO 265 2 . 835 325 1 . 1070 276 7 . 1031 330 2 . 985 276 1 . 1360 3 HO 1 . 920 275 4 . 1110 340 1 . 1190 275 3 . 846 355 4 . HIS 285 3 . 1046 365 6 . 966 285 4 . 815 366 4 . 1045 290 11 . 1251 375 2 . 1025 300 20 . 1106 385 2 . 1100 300 14 . 1147 385 1 . 1090 300 21 . 1161 400 1 . 1310 300 1 . 1130 4 25 1 . 1050 300 1 . 1530 433 COWS AND HEIFERS. i G . 768 3 GO I HEIFERS. ' I i . 900 250 1 . SOO 3 G3 I 3 . R03-32r 2 . 1000 390 1 2 . 705 350 13 . 813 390 , ! 1 . 1200 290 1 . 1330 325 1 . 1320 300 1 . 1460 360 1 . 1260 300 1 . 1520 375 , l . , . .1120 320 1 . 1C30 390 1 . 1250 323 STOCK CALVES. 2 . 315 4 50 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 1 . C70 300 1 . 780 415 1 . 610 300 1 . 500 420 3 . CIS 390 1 . 360 465 1 . G40 4 10 NEW MEXICO. 93 feeders. . 763 3 06 93 feeders. . 755 3 55 Kirk Dyer Wyo , 8 cows . . . . 803 223 31 cows . 850 265 10 bulls . 643 3 65 HOGS The market this morning was not only 5c higher , but It was m-tlve nt the advance , und thu most of the hogs changed hands early In the morning. It was ap parent that the buyers wanted the hogs a good deal worse than they did a short tlmo ago , when they were cheaper than at present - ent and they were all out looking for sup plies , The popular range for good loads was J.00tf4.02V4 ) * , at which thu bulk of the hogs sold , as against J3.95 yesterday. Some right good louds sold at $4.0714 , with a top i.t < i in SHEEP There were no iresh receipts In the yards and nothing to mnke n test of the market today , to that about nil that can bo said of It Is to quote prices ns nominally steady. The sheep market this week has not been exactly to the liking of ppllors. In the first place , as IB very apt to bo the case Just prior to the holidays , there Is not very inn oh demand tor nnythlnc except for cholco Christmas mutton. The result has Minn- mill drnffclnir market , with the tendency lower on nil kinds , but es pecially on the heavy weight stuff , buyers seeming to prefer the Hcht but fnl stuff. The quotations below will show the kind of prices paid : Quotations : Good to choice fed yearlings , JI.2M74.50 ; good to choice heavy wethers. Jl.W5T4.lfi ; good to choice light wethers , J4. 15 ( ( T4.30 ; Rood to choloc fed owes , J3.7olff4.00 ; fair to good fed owes , J3.40fr3.63 ; good to .choice native lambs , $5.rOiT3.40 ; good to choice fed western lambs. Ji.001fS.2Ai fair to good fed WMtcrn lambs , Jl.73tf5.00 ; feeder wethers. J3.65T/3.73 / ; feeder yearling * , $3.90 ® 4.1G ; good to choice feeders Iambs , JI.25fT4.fOi ' fair to Kooil fecdltii , ' lambs , JI.OOff4.2J : feeder owes , $2.2303.00. Representative sales ! No. Av. Pr. 24 stock yoarllnps . 61 Jl 10 ES western yearlings . 82 433 60 western lambs . 69 440 HI western lambs . 69 600 ( CHICAGO iTfviS STOCK SlAllICUT. rattle Gonornlly Stonily , HOKH IllKlior nnd Slieon nml I.uinli * Stonily. CHICAGO. Dec. IG.-CATTLU-Genorally steady ; week's receipts , tU.OOt ) head , largest this year nnd largest week In December since 1SS3 ; fancy Christmas beeves , $7.yOjf S.OO ; good to choice , $5. 405JG.KO ; poor to inn- dllim. $4.rOJi5.25 ; mixed nto < ? kcf.i. J3.0IXI13.73 ; selected feeders , JI.25O4.B5 : good to choice. $3.EWf4.S > 5 ; heifers , J3.60y5.00 ; canners , J2.00 iiT3.00 ; bulls , J2.600I.20 : calves , J4.WH7.60 ; fed Texas beeves , Jl.235j'5.23 ; grass Texas steers. W.ESiJN.OO. HOGS Active and lOc higher : good clear ances ; mixed nnd butchers , Jl.05ff4.25 ; Rood to chblco heavy , Jl.10fil.25 : rough nnd luavy , $3.1KxfJ4.03 ; light. JI.05JJ4.20 ; bulk of sales. Jt.lOji4.:0. SHEEP AND LAMBS-Stondy : native wethers. $4.00T4.M > : lambs , J4.00T6.75 { ; wost- rrn wethers , $1.0004.50 ; western lambs , Jl.fiS 06.60. Receipts : Cattle. 300 head ; hogs. 20.000 head ; sheep , 1,000 head. ICiumnx City MVP Sloclr. KANSAS CITY , Doc. lG.-CATTU3-.Rq- . celpts , 630 head ; supply was too light to test strength of the market and prices were largely nominal. Week's receipts were large for the season and consisted largely of half-fed , unfinished cattle that depre ciated In value from 15@30c , while good killing and feeding cattle that had finish or breeding sold from steady to a trifle lower ; fancy Christmas cattle brought $6.60 (38.00 ( ; heavy native steers , J5. 0036.16 : light weights. JI.30fiG.00 ; stockers nnd feeders , $3.2505.15 : western feeders' , $3.00iffl.60 ; Texans - ans , J3.OOf74.S3. HOGS Receipts , 6,200 head ; market ac tive at lOc advance In prices ; advance thin week amounts to about 25c ; heavy and mixed sold today at J4.05iT4.15 ; lights , $1.00 (34.12V4 ( : pigs. $3.9001,03. SHEEP AND LAMBS-Rccelpts. 1,000 head ; steady ; supply this week was liberal : demand Indifferent ; prices steady for bes.t grades , while common flocks sold lOc lower ; lambs brought f4.75Qn.Go ; muttons , $1.00 ® 4.50 ; feeding Iambs , $3. 9034.60 ; feeding sheep. J3.25S3.S5 ; stackers , $2.50@3.60 ; culls , $1.60Jj2.50. St. I.onlH Mvc Stock. ST. LOUIS , Dec. 1C. CATTLE-Rocolpts , 800 head ; market dull und steady ; native shipping and export steers , $1.73 < f6.70 , with fancy Christmas beeves worth $7.SS ; dressed beef and butcher steers , $4.40S6.60 ; steers , $4.55f3.50 ? ; steers under 1,000 Ibs. , J3.35f3.U } ) : stockers and feeders , $2.76 4.75 ; cows and heifers. $2.GOir4.S5 ; cunnura , $1.5052.75 ; culls , $2.203.25 ; Texas and Indian steers. $2.90ip 4.SO , HOGS Receipts , 6,100 head ; market 5c higher on good hops nnd others steady : pigs anil light. " , J3.90W1.00 ; packers , $1,0004.10 ; butchers. $4.CGN.15 , SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. GOO head ; market steady ; native muttons , $3.25M.GO ( [ | ; lambs , Jt.50ffi.85 ; stockers , $2.00fJ3.00 ; culls and bucks , J2.23Q3.50 ; Texans , $4. York Llv Stock. NEW YORK , Dec. 10. BEEVES Re ceipts , 86 head ; 1 car of old cows sold at $1.75 ; no other trading ; feeling weak. Cables unchanged ; exports , 1,303 head cattle , 63 head sheep and 6,900 quarters ot beef. CALVKS Receipts , 14 head ; steady ; com mon to prime veals , $5.00SS.OO ; city dressed veals. 8Ji'12c ' per lb. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts , 2,203 head ; sheep , steady ; lambs1 , steady , lOc higher : sheep , $3.501(4.50 : lambs , $5.6059.90 ; Canadian lambs , JS-SSfla-gO. HOGS Receipts , 4,952 head ; none for sale ; nominally higher. fit. .TiiNoiiIi Mvc Stock. SOUTH ST. JOSEPH. Mo. , Dec. IG. ( Spe cial. ) Journal quotations : CATTLE Receipts , 100 head ; ( steady : na tives , $3.75(06.00 ( ; choice to fancy , $6.25 ® G.75 ; Texas nnd westeniK. $3.00Q5.s5 ! : cows and helfcra , 12.0034.75 ; bulls nnd slugs , $2.00 4J4.G5 ; yearlings and calves , $3.75 5.00 ; Htockers and feeders , J3.00B4.CO ; veals , $1.23 QG.73. HOGS Receipts. 4,700 head ; market 10ft 12 < Ao higher : all grades , $4.07'/ifH.15 ' ; bulk of sains , $ ! .10if4.15. ( SHEEP-Rccuipts , 600 head ; market steady. sTock In Sight. Following are the receipts nt the four principal western markets for December 16 : Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Eouth Omaha 722 10.031 . . . . . . Chicago 300 20,000 1,000 Kansas City G30 5,2W 1,000 fit ? Louis . . . . . . . . . . : 800 0.10) 600 _ _ Totals 2,453 40,331 2,600 XIMV York Moiioy Miirkel. NEW YORK , Dec. IG. MONEY On call easier at 4 per cent. Prime mercantile paper , 5'fG < ( per cent ; Btcrllng exchange , steady w'lth actual business In bankers' 'blllH at Jl.WtMH.87 % for demand ; at J4.81V4 fl.81 for sixty days. Posted rates , JI.bL'y nnd Jl.SSVi ; commercial , bills , $4,81 , SILVER Certificates , 59&u ; bar silver , 'BONDS ' State bonds Inactive ; -railroad bonds , weak ; government bonds , steady ; 2s reg. , 102 ; 3s reg. . 1094i coupon , ltt > ? 4 ; new , 4t > rog. , 133 % ; coupon , 133ft ; old 4s reg , , 113 % ; coupon. 114& ; 6s reg. , 11294 ; coupon ; Tlio following nro the closing quotations nn llnllllH ! [ ; S. 2a , reg 102 I do 4s S.'IV4 Ini 3s. reg . . . . . 10W N. Y. C. Is 112 % do coupon MWN. J.C..BOII. Bs.120 ilo new 4s , reg.133 % No. Carolina GH..127 do coupon 13'H do 4H 104 do old 4s , reg. .113 % Nor Pac. Is 110 do coupon 114 % do 3rt G5 do 5s , reg " ° -v do 43 102 do coupon mftN.Y.C. & St.L.4s.106 % D. of C. 3 G5S..118 N. & W. con. 4s. 90 Ala. class A 112 do ecu. 6s. , . . .135 do class B Ill Ore. Nav. Ists . do class C 101 do 4s do currency . . .inn Ore. S , L. Gs. . . .110 Atch. gen. 4s. . . . 97' ' , do cell , 6s .113 % do adj. 48 " ' < ! > % Reading Ken. 4s . 85'K Canada" 86T"Z8i'l6G(5iiio"GV"\V ; ( 1U 9G % dies. & O , 4n. . 94 % St.L , & I.M. c. En.107 do Bs 115 8t.L. & S.F. g.6H.12l C. & N. W. c. 7s.l40 % St. P. consols..17114 do S. F. deb , Ss.llti' ' St. P. . C. & P. ls.119 % Chicago Ter. 4s. , 94 | do 6 IIWH D. & R. O. ls..10iyt So. Railway 6s..107 % do 4s 88 % H. R. & T. Cs 80 E. T. , V. & Tonn. now s. 3s. 05 Erie gen. 4s G9 Texas & Pac. is.lll F. W. & D. C , IB' . 71 % do 2s B4 Gcn. Elec. 6s 119 ( Union Pacific 48.10,1 ? ; G. H. & S. A. Gs.110 hVabash In 113 % do 2s 105 do 2s ItW H. & T. C. BB..112U West fihoro 4s..Ill do consol CH..HO iWls , Cc/ntral IB , 90 In. Central In..112 iVa. Centuries . . .85 % K. C. , P & G. is. 681,4 ! do deferred . . . . 5 La. new c , 4 . . . .107 iColo. So. 4s 84 L. & N. nnl. 4s. . SI So. Pacific 4s. . . , . 79 Mis. . 1C. & T. 2s. C7 . Ilnnk Htuti-nii-iit. NEW YORK. Dec. 1C. The weekly bank statement Dhows the following changes : Surplus reserves , Increase , JIGC.SOO ; loans , ' DO YOU SPECULATE ? decrease. fS.OM.OOO ; specie , decreA , 2WS , MO ; legal tender , Infrfflsc , Jl.768,600 : depos its , dccrpRSp. t4.S4500 ; circulation , de crease , J34C.CW. Tlio banks now hold 17- 025.8S& In excess of I ho requirements of the 25 per cent rulr. itnnk NEW TOUK , DPO. 16.-ClenrltiR . * K- K > SR : balances , IS.RJ'fi.lPA ' BOSTON. IPC. 16-Clearings. # , 1,948 : balances. W.30&.SS2. PHiLADNi.PHiA , Dec. lC-Clertrlniji > , } 1G,927OT ! ; balances , $2,003.522 , BALTIMORE. Dee. J6.-ClenrliiB * . tt,745- B7S : balances. : . . . . . . . ST. LOPIS , Dee. 16.-Clearlng ! . SI.344.&SO : balances. JMS5e ( : money , 4 7 per cent ; New York pxplmiiRp , 5o premium 1 > M. BOo pre mium asked. i\lKirti : mill NEW YOniC. Dec. IG.-The exports of gold nnd slJvcr from this port to nil coun tries for the. week aggregated $730,603 ullvcr bars nnd coin onil Jl.iN.iXX ) gold. The Im ports of specie this week were * 46KZ ) gold and 1G2,35S silver. The Import * of dry goods nml merchandise nt the port of Isow York for this week were valued ul JIO.3.3- CM. Toledo Miirkrt. TOLKDO , O. , Dec. IC.-tt'HBAT-Dull , steady ; No. 2 cash nnd December. ' CORN-Dull , lower : No. 2 mixed , S2c. OATS Dull , steady ; No. 3 mixed , 24e. IIYB Nominal ; No. 2 cnsh. S5e. SEEDS-Clovcr , hlfiher. "trndy cnsh , old , J4.95 ; December , W.70 bid ; March , J3.SO bid. ' _ _ _ _ Mllirnnlcrn Urn In MnrUct. MILWAUKKH , Dec. IG.-WHKAT-Mar- ket steady. No. 1 northern C ! 4c ; No. S northern. GIUO. RYE-Stondy : No. t. Kfi o. BAIlLEY-KIrm ; No. 2 , 44c ; sample , T 044c. Oilillnl Stock I'AOOMI ( < MM ) , DEGATUR COPPER MINING 00. Knllj- raid nnd Niin-Ai nei * nMc SlinroH iif ( 'lie Par Value of $1.00 Hack. .1K110MI2 , Altl/.O.N.V. Iiiuorynrnti-it Under tlie Iuvr of Arlrntuiiiviill1icr .1 , 1807. Officers W. J. Wnyno , prcaldwH ; W. n. Oabbert. vlco president ; George It. DacOn. secretary ; P. P. Wells , treasurer. Board of Directors \V. J. Wayne , W. H. Oabbcrt. George R. Bacon , C. W. Oovoro. K. P. WollB , W. S. Owen , Samuel Morthland. The claims of this company nro four In number the Red Hock , Wealth , Billiard OIK ! Sldo Issue , containing about , 80 acres. They nro two miles south of the celebrated United Verde Copper mlno. at Jerome , Ari zona , owned by Senator Clark of Montana , and the richest single copper mlno In the world. They arc on the same great ledge , on ( ho sinio shlu of the mountain , on the game loveland and have the same ore as this great mine. Mr. J. E. Bering , an eminent mineralogist , has carefully examined the ore and rolc wl'tb. ' chemical 'tests ' and also with the aid of a powerful microscope nnd polarized light. Ho flnds wo have Chalcopyrlto , carrying 35 per cent copper , carbonate of copper car rying G8 , and Melnconlto , or cuprlo oxide , ' carrying 80 per cent copper. Ho concludes from his examination that wo have a contact vein- and that our pros pects are bright. All the rock from our shaft carries copper. Our assays , of an average lot , show from 10 to li per-cent copper , $2.80 gold and J1.12 silver to the ton. Our shate 5x7 % feet Is now down ever 210 feet. Wo hare taken out some line , rich ore. Wo have on the ground and working satisfactorily ono 10 H. P. hoist ; one 30 H. P. engine , an Ingcrsoll-Scrgoant Air Compressor presser and air drill. The shaft la equipped with a flno suction fan and 5-Inch pipe to draw the foul air from the shaft after each blast. Work Is progressing flnoly , but wo must go deeper and more thoroughly develop our claims. Our shaft Ex7 % feet Is now down over Wo wish to push the work faster and also to buy some adjoining claims. To do this , wo offer a limited number of shares of our treasury stock nt the low prlco of CO cents each. The shares , when Issued , arc fully paid and non-assessable. Wo unhesitatingly assert that this Is first-class Investment. No salaries will be paid to officers of the company until the mine Is on a , paying basis. Every dollar will bo used to buy material , labor , machinery and to secure the adjoin ing claims. Satisfy yourself aa to the Integrity of tb officers of this company by writing to tha following banks of Dccatur , 111. : The Mllllkln National 13ank. The National Bank of Docatur. The Citizens' National Bank. L. 'Burrows & Co. , Bankers. Satisfy youroolf as to our property and Ita prospects and worth by careful Investiga tion. tion.The The shares are bound to advance In prlco and before long. Our machinery and material arc all paid for ; so are our four claims. The United Verde mine pays J4.000.000 n year dividend. No gold mlno pays as well as the big Copper mines. Now Is the time to get In on the ground floor. The secretary spent nlna years In the mountalna , from Mexico to Washington. If you dcHlro to Invest , make your drafts payable to the order of George R. Bacon , secretary , or send your order through your banker. The company reserves the right to apportion tbo shares among the purchasers or to return the drafts. Address all Inquiries and communications to Ooorgo n. Bacon , Secretary , Decatur. III. Make Your Money Earn You a Salary OUU SYSTISM OK GO-OPERATIVE INVESTMENTS Afford protection to conservative Investors who wish to avoid risk , and secures lor them an excellent Income , Wrlto for particulars. ' GHAS. B , HYLAND & CO. , 7 Exchange Place , Boston , Mass fOHC IW9 BRANCH 1030 ItSt UNCOUI MCft JAMES E. BOYD & CO. , Telephone 1030. Onialiu , Neb COMMISSION , GRAIN , PROVISIONS and STOCKS noAiin OP TIIADH. Correspondence : John A , Warren & Co , uircct wires to Chicago and New York. If so , speculate nuccossfully. Send your orders to a reliable house , where they will be placed In the open market. We pan make for you In ono month tnoro interest on your money than any bank will puy you In u year. Send for our book on spec- ulatlon. It la free. J. K. Comstock & Co. Iloom 'M Trailer * ' llldtf. , Chicago.