THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SITS1 DAY , DECEMBER IT , 25 f I COUNCIL BLUFFS. MORE BIDS FUR LICBT1NC EoTeral of Them Have Boon Recoiled by the Olty Olerk , CIJY COUNCIL FAILS TO HOLD MEETING \ ( I no mm DOOM Jfot Apprnr nnil tttc ainj-nr Declare * nn A < IJonrnnicnt Till Mo ml Mulit-Odirr Mnllcrn to Conic Up. ( Continued from Page Twenty-four. ) given Tuesday evening at Bcno's hall. It wan a very siiccrmtul affair and the attend ance was large. The floor commlttco con sisted of Mc * rB. J. W. Corey , J. J. O'Hearn , P. E. Carty , George Hill , U. S. Snckstt. The Washington nvcnitc "Vou and 1" club van entertained at high five Friday evening by Mr. nnd Mrs. Spencer Smith. The prizes were won by Mrs. Victor Jennings and Mr. Lucius Wells. Six tables were filled. The evening was ended with a Virginia reel , participated In by the entire company. Mr. and Mrs. Hlckman entertained at din ner1 Wednesday evening. Covers were laid for ten. Decorations wcro In pink nnd white. Invitations are out for a German to be riven by Mrs. Brlnsmald , December 28 , for illwi Ilosallnc Patrick and Mr. MacHanchctt. Mrs. U. E. Montgomery entertained the "Woman's Whist club Tuesday afternoon. Tuesday of this week the club will meet with Mrs. Van Brunt. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Estop were pleasantly Bin-prided Tuesday evening by Mr. nnd Mrs. Oliver , airs. Patterson , Mrs. Wclsch , Mrs. Glcaeon and Mr. nnd Mrs. Pulkcr of Jnncs- vllle , Dainty refreshments were nerved. The Hamilton Whist club met Tuesday afternoon nt the homo of Mlea Bullard. Minn Parnsworth will be the hostess at the next meeting , Tuesday of this week. Mrs. Eva Murray entertained the 0. ( M. S. Whist club Wcdntsday evening. Miss Cella Mulquccn and Mr. B. J. Scancll of Omaha won the greatest number or points north nnd south , and Mrs. Murray and Mr. Jau Mulquccn the greatest number cast and west. The prizes won by Miss Mulqucen and Mr. Scancll were two very pretty pictures. The Progressive Whist club will be en tertained Tuesday by Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Dudley. An Interesting meeting of the Now Cen tury club was held Wednesday afternoon at " the residence of Mrs. Martin. The meeting on Wednesday of this week will bo with Mrs. Mullen of Wllllama street. Leader , Mrs. Cieel. The department of English and American literature of the Council Bluffs Woman's club met Tuesday afternoon and adjourned on account of the Illness of their leader , Mrs. E. C. Smith. The current topics department of the Council Bluffs Woman's club hold a very interesting session Tuesday with Mrs. Victor Jennings as leader. The Art department of the Council Bluffs Woman's club will meet on Monday even ing In the club rooms , with Mrs. J. P. Davis as chairman. The meeting of the City Improvements de partment of the Council Bluffs Woman's club for Monday has been postponed until next week on account of the Illness of Its leader , Mrs. McCabe. ' Mrs. W. P. Sapp will entertain the Mati nee Musical club Monday afternoon. The" Atlas club will meet Tuesday with 'Mrs. Hpughtpn. , Mrs. 'W. P" Sapp .has as' ' ierguest Miss Price of Chicago. Mrs. W. L. Douglass has returned home from an extended visit with relatives In Mason City. ; Mr. and.Mrs. O. W. Jorvls , Jr. , left Prl- llay for Kansas City , , where they will make their future homev Mrs. Charles'Trejibngen Is entertaining her Bister , Mrs..J. H. Benedict , and Miss Nellie Wledner of Denver Cole , nnvltntlons have been received here for the. wedding of Wl. E. Olmstcd to Miss Burnham of. Stockton , Cal. . to take place December 28. Mr. Olmsted formerly resided In Council IJluffa. .Mrs. Wentz-of Oakland , la. , Is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Freeman L. Reed and family on First avenue. . Mrs. H. A , Qulnn has as her guest her niece , Miry Lola Arnold of Manilla , In. , Mrs. Elizabeth Brown has returned from Orlnwolcl , la. , where she has been visiting for the last three weeks. 1 Mrs. P. H. Cook , who has boon the guest bf her sister , Mrs. Myron C. Waddell , for the last month , returned to her homo In Minneapolis last Wednesday , , 'Mrs. Charles H. Tyler of Sixth avenue Is entertaining her sister , Mrs. Hyburn of Ot tawa , 111. Mrs. Hyburn has recently re turned from an extended European trip , during which she spent considerable time fn Norway. ' * ' Mrs. HOBO Bates Is visiting In Hamburg , la. -Mrs. M. Pfelffer entertained last werk her cousin , Mrs. B. Zernecko of ButteMont. < . Airs. M. E. Weatherbce bad as her guest last week Miss Lizzie Wright of Chicago , J'whp.was on her way to spend , the winter In Cplorado , "Mies Wright formerly resided In Council Bluffs. * Captain Leo B. Cousins Is home from an ( extended visit at his old homo 1n Ohio , ' ' Mrs. William H. Trcynor of Fifth avenue left Wednesday for a visit with relatives at Wluaraac , Ind. Knrouto home she will vMt 1n Chicago and bo absent until after the holidays. Mrs. E. McKune IP visiting In Chicago. Olr. and Mrs. James N , Casady , Jr. , have Returned homo from a visit In Chicago. Mrs. Q" < M. Brown , accompanied by her ulster , Mrs , Lynn of Kansas Oily , Is homo from a pleasant trip to St. Paul , Minn , Mrs. W. < A. Southard Is shomo from an extended visit to Chicago , Milwaukee ami other points. George and Henry Van Brunt and Mac- and vAlf Hanchett have Issuud Invitations for a dancing party at Ityyal Arcanum hall ( or the night of Wednesday , December 27. , Miss Cherrl Wells has Issued invitations for a dancing party on1 Oakland avenue for ( Saturday , December 30. * > Mlfs Mary Dale left yesterday for Stock ton , Cal. , where pho will visit her brtthcr , L. C , Dale , who Is secretary of the Young Men's Christian association of that city. , Dr. and Mrs. John Orccn entertained last week George Proctor of Ix-mara , la , < Mrs , Dillon L. Ross will leave tomorrow for Petershurir , III. , where she will spend the _ Christmas holidays with relatives. Slio will bo accompanied by her youngest son. The CbrlHtlan Endeavor sosclety of the Congregations ! ! church gave n delightful and'unique social Tuesday evening In thp basement of thp church , A largo crowd was present' and the , affair , which was termed a "Klondike" sociable , prove * ! a great success. An elegant line of rockers at Peterson & Sghocrilng's for the Christmas trade , Noth ing In town bcaU 'em. Try Sullivan's Solid Packed oysters. \ cnXntloiinl ( iunrcl r iiiiiiur , The drat step * looking toward the forna- ) tlon of a local company of the new Iowa National Guard , now being organized throughout the atate , were taken last night I A meeting of the ox-nicrubcrs of Com pany L , FIfty-flrst Iowa volunteers. The following signed applications dignifying their Intention of again enlisting : Matthew A. Tlnley , James H. Wlndlc , Janirn E. Mather , Charlra P. Jameson , George L. Judson , William H. Anderson , Thomas lluthorford , Thomas L. Hall , Gcorgo L. Tlnloy , llluhard I ) , lluthcrford , Jr. , George D. Haworth , John Q. Anderson , Jr. , Edward N. Cattcrlln , Frank W. Heed , Arthur B. Lane , Ernest K. Klrkland , Kobcrt L. D.illcy , Harry C. Patterson , Herbert C. Pardcy , William H. Moore , Harry Mitchell , Oliver Phelps , Charcnco E. Weaver , Samuel E. Anderson. The present Intention Is to have Adjutant General Bycrs come here some day thla week nnd muster the company In. The list for further enlistment \\lll be kept open until that time. Extra fine watches and Jewelry a specialty with' Hoblnson Brothers. A finer line of Christmas goods was never teen In Council Bluffs than that at Peterson & Schocnlng's , Mcrrlam block. No use talking , there Is no other brand of oysters that can compare with the Solid Packed , kept by Sullivan , the grocer. Head Hoblnson Brothers' forty-fourth an nual circular nnd see their twenty-eight annual frco gifts. Bookcases , beauties , and they will make a handsome gift. Sco them at Peterson & Schocnlng's. Walt for the first grand masquerade ball to bo given Saturday evening , December 30 , at Granil' Army hall. Tickets , 25 cente , ad mitting gent and ladles. If you want to mnko your wife n nice pres ent get olio of those elegant sideboards at Peterson & Schoenlng'e. A flue line of sleds , skates , toy wagons , J. Zollor & .Co. No matter hoW the weather Is todaygo to Schmldt'n studio and have n dozen ele gant photos taken and finished In fine shape by Thursday next. _ L Make It'a point to have your orders for oysters left with Sullivan , the grocer , and get the Solid Packed , the beet to be had In the market. AJAX TABLETS A very popular nerve and vitalizing tonic. Dellaven's drug store. Church \otON. St. Paul's Episcopal church , third Sunday In Advent. Holy communion at 8 a. m. ; morning prayer and sermon at 10:30 : o'clock ; evening prayer and sermon at 7:30 : o'clock. The rector. Rev. George Edward Walk , will preach at both services. Rev. Alexander Lltherl'and , pastor of the Second Presbyterian church , will take as the subject of his sermon this morning "Philip , an Ideal Evangelist. " In the evenIng - Ing his theme will be "Old Enemies In Now Dress. " At Trinity Methodist church this evening the pastor. Rev. W. H. Cable , will by re quest deliver a sermon on "Dancing : Good and Bad. " The subject of his morning dis course will bo "Revivals. " Sunday school will bo at noon , when Miss Herrlck of Omaha wltA address the children ; Junior league meeting at 3:30 : p. ra. ; Epworth league meeting at 6:30 : p. m. Mid-week prayer nnd praise service will bo held Wednesday evening at 7:30 : o'clock. Services a't Grace Episcopal" church today will be as follows : Sunday school at 9:45 : a. m. ; morning prayer nnd sermon at 11 o'clock ; evening prayer and sermon at 7:30 : o'clock. ' The pastor , Rev. G. W. Snydcr , will preach at St. John's English Lutheran church today at 10:30 : a. m. nnd 7:30 : p. m. Sunday school wild bo at noon and a special song service at 7 p. m. "Reading , Hearing and Obeying the Word of God" will bo the subject of Rev. S. M. Perkins * sermon this morning at the First Christian church. In the evening .ho will preach on "Temptations. " All services will be at the uuual hours. At the Broadway Methodist church this morning the pastor , Rev. Myron C. Waddell - dell , will take as the theme of his sermon "A Fruitful Life. " In the evening his sub ject will he "A Symmetrical Life. " There will be speclall music by a choir under the direction of J. W. Watson. Sunday school and Epworth league meetings will be held at the usual hours. At the First Presbyterian church the pastor , Rev. W. S. Barnes , will preach this morning on "Conspicuous Piety. " In the evening his subject will bo "Tho Value of the Soul. " All services will be at the usual hours. Rev. R. Venting , pastor of the First Bap tist church , will preach at the 10:30 : o'clock service this morning on "A Christian Pugil ist. " At the evening nerTloc nt 7:30 : o'clock . his subject will bo "Exciues. " Sunday | school will bo at noon : Junior loclety meet ing at n p. m. In the chapel ; Young People's society Hireling at 6:30 : p. m. At the Beth any chapel Sunday school will be held at .1 p. m. , but no preaching service In the even- Ing. At the Twenty-ninth street mission Sunday school will be held at 3 p. m. and preaching service nt 7:30 : p. m. Preaching at the mission will also be held Tuesday evening at 7:30 : o'clock. At the Congregational church there will bo morning worship nt 10-30 o'clock , with sermon by the pastor , Rov. J. W. Wilson , on "In the Court of Conscience ; or the Heart's Desire for Approval. " At the evening serv ice at 7:30 : o'clock the pastor will deliver n short sermon on "Who Is Satan nnd How Shall Wo Conquer Him ? " Sunday school wilt be at noon ; Junior Christian Endeavor society meeting at 3 p. m. ; Christina En deavor society service at 6:30 : p. m. There wllA bo no preaching service nt tha Epworth Methodist church this afternoon on account of the pastor having to conduct tha funeral of Mrs. A. Ovcrlon. A big line of the most modern toys In the market at Peterson & Schocnlng's , Merrlam block. A big n03ortment of Christmas candles and nuts at J. Zollcr & Co. Telephone , 320. No better goods manufactured than are sold by Robinson Brothers. Look over the list of merchants who glvo premium stnmne. advertised In another col umn of today's Bee , and make your pur chases' of them so ns to get nlco Christmas presents free. The Christmas turkey will taste better If stuffed with those Solid Packed oysters that Sullivan , the grocer , keeps. Ladies' desks at Peterson Schocnlng's. Before buying ' their prices. A nice 'selection of carving sole and cut lery at J. Zollor & Co.'s. DcIIavon has Christmas and holiday por- fum'to In beautiful boxes and bottles. The choicest line of perfumes , In bottle goods , .for , the Christmas , trade , ever brought to Council Bluffs can be found at Dell G. Morgan's drug store , 142 Broadway. Davis sells paint. Minor . .Mention. Davis jells glass. Fine A. B. C. bcrr , Neumnyer's hotel. Welsbach burners nt Blxby's. Tel. 193. Budwelsor beer. L. Rosenfeldt , agent. Gravel roofing. A. II. Read , 5 1 B'wny. Scientific optician. Woll-nnn , 403 B'way. All millinery poods at half price nt Stork & Crisp's , 311 Broadway. Dr. AV. A. Gcrvals. osteopath , 301 Mcr rlam block , Council Blurts. The place to have your framing done , Alexander's Art emporium. Miss Julia Rohrer In seriously sick at her homo on Washington avenue. See these line fancy work baskets at Stork & Crisp's , 341 Brondwny. Get your work done nt the popular Eagle laundry , 721 Broadway. 'Phone. 157. W. .C. Estep , undertaker , 2S Pearl street. Telephones : Office , 97 ; residence , 33. Rev. D. C. Franklin , presiding elder of the Methodist church of thin district , went to Olenwood yesterday to conduct a quar- JUNTOS JOHNGWOODWARD8cCO WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTERS COV/NCIL Outrivaling anything of its kind this Season. Not a single.article reserved The entire lot to go at , HALF PRICE COLLARETTES $0.00 Klcctrle Seal Collarette , with astrakhan $15.00 Marten Klectrle Seal and Mon trakhan yoke , now ? U.OO. key Collarette , line assortment , now fT.W ) line Marten OMlarelte , now ? : .7.'i $7.50. $17.50 best quality Seal and Marten $7.00 Blue Fox , with tabs and tails , Collarettes , now $8.75. . . ' . . and electric seal yoke , now .f.'t.fiO. $ i5.00 ! Krlmmer with astrakhan yoke ? 8.00 line quality Klectrle Seal Collar Collarettes , now $12.50. ette , now $1.00. BOAS , . Klne Minis Collarette , with tabs $8.00 $1.50 Fine Hlack Cony Bon , with Marten and tails , now § 4.00. . ten tabs , now 75c. $0.00 Stone Marten Collarette , with $ ! ! . . " ( ) Fine Mink Boa , with tails , now eleutrle xeal yoke , now ? I.W ) . $1.75. $ ! MM ) Mink Collarette , with tabs , head $1.50 Klcetrle Peal , with Marten tails , and tails , now $4.50. now $2.i5. ! ijii.uO Fine Monkey , with clrctrlc-peal $5.00 Fine Blue Fox Boa , now $2.5Q. point yoke , now $ l.rH ) . $5.50 Stone Marten Kleetrlc Seal and $10,00 Kino lllnt'k Marten and Seal Mink Collarettes , now $ ' . ' .75. Collarette , now . J.'i.iK ) . $ (1.50to ( $10.00 Marten Seal , Fox and $10.00 Klectrlf Seal Collarette , with Stone Marten Collarettes , NOW HALF tabs , very line , now $5. < iO. PItlOK. 31'J.OO Krlmmer and Heal Collarette , $10,00 Fine Blue Lynx Collarettes , now $0.00. now $5.00. IB ilill. Boston Store , Council Bluffs. Visit Our Holiday Goods Department. trrly tnoetlnc of the church there last evening rtml todny. Klcjtnnt line of Christmas presents In fancy needlework nt Stork & Crisp' * . 311 liroadwny. Sheridan coal niake n large Ham * ami clear fire , hut no rmokc , soot or clinkers Kenlon ft Koloy , solo agents. H. 13. Hrown hits transferred his Interest In the Ogden hotel property to the West ern llenlty company of Kansas City. N. Y. Plumbing company. Tel. 280. Those braffl nnd Iron bcOstemls nt Peter- non & Schocnlng's beat anything In this part of the country. Howcll's Antl-"Knwf" colds. - cures coughs , . Sec the new Christmas goods In hex writ ing papers at DoHnven's. Very beautiful. Water sots , lamps , glarsware , etc. , at J. Zollcr & Co. Telephone , 320. W A. MAURER , 1 342-44 BROADWAY , Council Bluffs , The Largest Establishment In the west. We arc direct Im porters from France , England and Germany , saving you the middleman or Jobber's prollt. We offer you extraordinary Inducements prices absolutely lower than clecwhero and assortment untnatchablc. DINNERWARE. , Thlrty-n\e stock patterns from which you can buy anything you want without buyIng - Ing a complete sot. 100-pJoro porcelain din ner sets , good quality and good ; decorations , $6 ; 100-plece green and gold .decoration , fine English porcelain , $10. DOLLS. We shall repeat our usual custom of clos ing out all dolls left In our wholesale de partment at strictly wholesale prices. Many of our customers , who have bought dolls from us during the last three years , will testify that our prices are less than one-half the usual prices. A DEEP CUT IN PRICES IN DEEP CUT CRYSTAL. Wo are selling the finest quality of cut glnes at fully ono-thlrd less than any com petitors. For instance , a ten-Inch cut bowl , In deep , rich cutting , each $7.75 ; water bottles tles In rich cutting and new shapes , from $2 upwards ; tumblers In the new nnd beau tiful prism cutting , per dozen , $7.50. All the best grades of American Crystal. There , are none better made. All other cul glass In the same proportion. STERLING SILVER. In novelties and wares for the table. Larg est stock In the city and prices are by far the lowest. Large size sterling silver files , buttonhooks , pocketknlves , darners , erasers , roll blotters , seals and many other equally as desirable novelties at the REMARKABLE PRICE OF 25 CENTS. All other goods In precisely the same proportion. Sterling silver tableware , fromthe _ best makers , and In the latest designs , at moderate prices. PLATED WARE. Jn the best makes at unusually low prices. Chafing dlshe ? and pudding dishes In largo variety. CUTLERY. From the cheapest plated knife at VSo to the finest ivory , pearl or sterling silver. CARVING SETS. ' From a good stag horn , at 75c , to the finest of pearl and sterling sliver. FINE POTTERY And wares for the table , from the best factories or Europe. FULL LINE Of Austrian gold decorated glass , the latest thing In fine glassware. KODAKS ! KODAKS ! While they last a good one 3VJx3i for $1.25. A discount from 25 to 3.1 per cent on nil kodaks , the Eastman line Included. OUR STOCK Was never as complete and prices are be low those of former years , regardless of. fho many advances. Owing to our largo and early purchases we are enabled to offer you this advantage. Visitors and purchasers equally welcome. We Are Not Here for One Day , Nor for only one week , nor for the rest of the month. We established our fetisiness here Four teen Years Ago , We expect to remai.fc with you another fourteen years 01' longer. Our transactions are all done in good faith. PIANOS WHICH WE REPHESCNT TO BE HIGH GRADE will be found to oe so within the next fourteen years. 9 iusie House , TELEPHONE 466. - 1 COUNCIL BLUFFS. 335 Broadway. Where the Organ Stands Upon the Building. BIG ARRAY OF HOLIDAY PRESENTS You Can Get Them Free. Ey saving Premium Stamps. These are the merchants who give Stamps.Cull i'or them when you make purchase. AllT STUDIO. B. 0. Tucker , 25 South Main' St. IIAICKHV. C. Wldmnlor , 828 Broadway. " HOOKS AM ) .STVTIOXnilV. D. W. Bushncll , 22 Main St. ( Gives stamps k when asked for at the I line Roods are' bought and paid for , except on school beaks. ) HOOTS AXU SIIOKS. . . , B. A. Pierce' & Co. . 121V. . Broadway. ' f roAii SIMIvoon. . \ ' " II. II. Williams , 150 Broad why. ' ' < " Cnldwell Fuel Co. , 230 .BroadwaV.- lown Fuel Co. , 1113 East Broadway. CI.OTIHI\J. M. Marcus , SIS Broadway. Dltl'CS ' AM ) DIlUCiCISTS' P. H. Morgan & Co. , 742 Broadway. Mcrrlam Block Pharmacy , Cor. Main St. and Willow Ave. Brown & Wcsacr , 617 Main. Dell O. Morgan , 142 Broadway. Massenberg , 630 Broadway. B. C. Brown , 903 S. Main. IJYK WUItlCS. Bchoedsack's Twin-City Dye Works , Cor. Avenue A and 26th St. Ditv coons. . H. L. Illoss , 1506 High St. KMIIHOinKllV A KMIIHOIDimV Slt.KS Mcsdames Stork & Crisp , 311 Broadway. „ KI.OI it AM ) FIII ) . J. C. Nlelson , t CO. , 307 S. 18th St. ' Thos. lUshton. 2106V. . Broadway. ' , 'Charles Krlngcl , Broadway nnd Oak St. B ; niKbton , 2100 Bro tdwny. , A. W. Barrett , S12 Avonub F. II. U Bless , 1506 High St. X. Chrlstorfersott , IfilO S. 8th St. rChrls Larson , 823 S. Main. S. S. Kcllor , 311-313-315 Broadway. ( JK.vrs * I' M. Marcus , 04S Broadway. Bartcl & Miller. 100 W. Broadway. Phone 359 John Olscn , 730 Broadway. C. A. Lacy. 381 Harrison St. J. C. Nlplson ft. Co. , SOT S. 18th St. Li. Anderson , 330 Broadway. A. w' Bnrrott , 012 Avenue P. Charles Kringcl , Broadway and Oak Sts. Lull & Co. , 314 Broadway. O. S. & S. E. McLnury , 1004 Avenue H. M. E. Sutton , JI24 Broadway. Cook & Grimths. 20 W. Broadway. Phone 251. Kaeh of the above merchants will appreciate your trade and prove It by giving you Premium Stamps. Patron ize them. Our stock of premiums is larger and better than ever before. We will be pleased to show you at any time. Call and examine our new line of premiums. CO-OPERATIVE PREMIUM ASSN. , 337 Broadway , Council Bluffs. Rich Gold Jewelry Diamond Rings and Brooches Fine Gold Watches and Chains Cttff 'Buttons , Studs and Pins % Sterling "Silver Toilet Goods ' vt" . ; ' Gold and Silver Bracelets , ; ' , Solid Silver Tea andTCoffee Sets . , , Highest Grade Ebony Toilet .Goods . 27 - MAIN STREET. If You Want Something Good , Come to Us. We Have It. > wanson Masonic Temple Block , Wo carry nt present cvorytlil nj ; In Musical Instruments that any llrst-class utore Is expected to do , nnd pin-Imps the largest assortment of such In the city. We do not ronnidcr it the proper thing to quote prices of so-called Great Saerlike Sales , nor soiling goods at less than cost , but we can meet the prices of all competitors and are glad to dose so , because wo 11 nd that by so doing we will still have a satisfactory profit left. We still handle the popular SCHUBERT CABLED CONOVER KINCSBURY WELLINGTON and at present we have a large number of second-hand Pianos and Organs at all kinds of prices. Terms , cash or monthly payments to suit customer. Please call and see us. Invest Your. Buy a first mortgage nettin ? ; you 5 p ; r cent intsrast , Buy a farm in Iowa or Nebraska , ; Purchase city property in Omalu or Council Bluffs. D A.Y & . Council Bluff ? have the above investments for sale. Call on or write them ESTABLISHED 1881. D Oil AN JAS- -TO-N1QHT - Josepll Muller Pi'csonts for the first Umo here , the " The Girl from Chili UEPLHTK M'H'II NF.W AND UP-TO.DAT15 SPIiCIAI/l'IES A sunburst of laughter. ' sensation , Songd , Dances and Specialties ) 1'r'cca ; 2535c , 50c , H. t > . IJloFS , 1500 11IR1 , SI. N. ClirlstotferBon , 1510 S. Sth St. n. Hishton , 2100V. . Hroa < ln.iy. Tlios. Hlsliton , 2IOfiV. . Uroadway. A. M. SiVotman , 511 S. Mnln St. Chris Larson , SC.T Main St. IIAHIMY VIIK. John Olson , 78 ( Uroadnay. S. W. nesley , 110 13. C. U. Jacnucmln & Co. , 2T Main St. J. H. I'ncp , 738 liroadwny. C. H. Huber & Uro , . 112 B. Broadway. C. 0. U.Mnrltct , C. II. Orvls , 1'rop. , 537 Uroadway. A. W. Ilnrrett , 012 Avcnuo F. J. C. Nlclson & Co. , 307 S. ISth St. ' ' \ M1M.I.VKUY. Miss L. A. Wollman , 33 ! ) Broadway. Stork & Crisp. 311 Brondwny. ' * Ml'.SICAI ' , MKI1CII.V.MMSK. Bourlclus Music House , 335 Brondwny. MSWS AMI I'KUIOIHOAI.S. I ) . AV. BUBhnoll , 22 Mnln St. ( Stamps ' efvcn when asked for at the tlnio ROoils are bought nnd pnld tor , except on school books. ) llOn.M MOUI.niNK. J. B. Long , 31 Main St. ( No stamps Riven on painting. ) 1861 1899 For holiday goods in our line and at prices that will satisfy yon. Look at our lines of Peck & Snyder Skates , Sleds , Boys' Wagons , Boys' Tool Sets , and the latest , the Ball Bearing Bob , the linest coaster that has ever been offered to the public. Don't fail to see it. Carving Sets , Table Cutlery , Pocket Cut lery , Kochester Coffee and Tea Pots , 5 O'clock Tea Pots , Chafing Dishes and numerous other things that will be appreciated by all. Art Garland Base Burners are the best. Majestic Steel Ranges are the best. 504 Broadway. P. C. DcVol , Proprietor. 'Phone ' 87. HI I Ml I Nd AND KING JACKET 'If ' the laillcN of Council Itliili'H would Inspect our line of Smoking .TackclK , we know what they'd buy h lin for ClirlHttnaH.Sinokli ) } ; . [ iiekctn ure a wlyllnli , comfortable anil neat house coat that any man , .VOUIIK or old would appreciate aw an Xinan | ft. We have them In Flannel * , Hertford Cords , lii fiift there IH no e nd to the different colors and pat- terim , ranging In prk'c from $3.50 to $15.00 Yon can buy a real nlco ono for $ 'UH ) . \Vc have nn elegant line of Hut h Itobes , Umbrellas , CanoH , Neck wear , Silk and Linen Handkerchief H , Kid Oloves , Mufllerfl.x brauttul | SiiHpenderH , Kpeeln ! Unit of ClirUtniUH Jloulery and other gifts to ho found only at a llrnU'lnns IIUUNO that handle * men'H goodf * . Metcalf & MetcaJf , 17-19 Pearl St. and 18-20 Main Street.