TJIE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , DECEMBER 17 , 1890. for the Gents : A gift they will appreciate is a box-of Sultanas , Joe's and „ ' . ; , Comers Tliovbest smokers made. Sp'eciai box for the holidays . . ' ' * Corner Cigar Store , ; Southeast Corner Broadway and Pearl Sts. , C. A. Moore , Proprietor. Look Here. We will have a line line of Christmas poultry , nice can dies , nuts , together with every thing that goes to make up a first class holiday line in gro ceries. All orders carefully filled and prompt delivery. JOHN OLSON , Tel. 113. 7'U)41 Broadway. Bring in Your Tickets OUR CHRISTMAS STOCK IS WAITING FOR YOU , A FEW OF OUK TICKETS AVII.I , S.VVH 1)OMAHS IN IlUYl.VC ] CIIUISTMAS 1V - luivc not forcotien ilic little OIICM. Note the splendid Inducements GIVEN FREE to all purchasers of one cam nf Grand Union Baiting Powder. For tljo llttlo miss : Doll's hammock , set up on wooden frame. Can bo taltcn apart to put away. ' For the boy : Bunker Hill Coaster , strongly made of hard wood , solid round steel tire , nicely painted , standard size. The above articles are well worth the prlco of the baking powder alone , and nro given free to Increase the number of our baking powder customers. Do not forget the beautiful Screen Photograph Calendar , free 'to ' all purchasers In addition to the- tickets as a Christmas remembrance. You buy tea and coffee anyway. Why not try ours. Don't fall to secure one of these beautiful calendars. GRAND UNION TEA COS , , 402 Broadway. Sign of. Golden Eagle. COVALT'S ' MODEL BAKERY,1 , 238 Broadway. * Try Our Excellent Home-Made Christmas Mince Pies , Our cookies , cakes , rolls , bread , etc. , are made of the best material obtainable. Eve rything in the bakery line kept and baked in a new oven. ' Give us.a call we will treat you right. COUNCIL BLUFFS. MORE BIDS M LldlUC Several of Them Have Been Ecceived by the Oity Olerk. CITY COUNCIL'FAILS TO HOLD MEETING < limriim Doc * Not Appear mill tlic Miiyor Dccliircx nil Adjournment Till Mo ml n > Muhl Other Mutter * to Conic Up , The adjourned meeting of the city council fi'.atcd for last night , at which It was Intended to open the bids for lighting the city , failed for want of a quorum. After waiting over an hour for the requisite num ber of city fathers to put In an appear- iinco Mayor Jennings declared the meeting adjourned until Monday ulght. The time tfor receiving bids expired at noon yesterday , when City Clerk Phillips an nounced ho had received bids from the fol lowing : Council Bluffs Gas and Electric company , J. I , Grconshlolds of Council Bluffs , Ervln Dryer and J , F , Miller & Co. of Chicago. The last named bid was received by mall and was not de livered at the ofllco of the ' city clerk until a few minutes after noon. This , It Is enld , may possibly rnlso the question of whether the council will have authority to consider the bid , It not being In the hands of the city clerk by the time specified In the ad vertisement. Ervln Dryer of Chicago vas formerly with the Westlnghouso company , but It la understood that ho makes his bid for himself and not for the company , J. V , Qr.Bcns lelds Is understood , represent. Thomaa iJowman , who previously had a bid oeforo the council. Among the matters that wore to have coma up at thp meeting last night wcro the or- dlnanco granting the La It a Maiiawa and Manhattan Beach Hallway company the right to cross certain streets , avcuuia and alloys and the orjliiaiico giving the Qmalm Drldgo and Terminal Railway company tha right to build a switch track connecting with the Illinois Central railway. The alder men met as a committee of the whole yes terday raornlnff and \\ent over the ground and there will bo no opposition to giving tbo Terminal company the privilege of building the switch track , provided the provisions of the ordinance are compiled with first. The question of the authority of the city council to grant the Lake Manawa and Man hattan Beach Railway company a franchise had bocn submitted to City Solicitor Wads- \\orlh for his opinion , which he had prepared to submit last night , . Ills opinion Is as fol lows ; As to the matter at submission of the question to mo of the right of tha city council to crant or prohibit the use and occupancy of the streets , avenues and alleys within the city limits to railroads and' street railroads , I bejr leave to report ! Vlrst. That section 707 of the Code of 1S97 Klvci to cities the power to authorize or forbid the construction of street railways within the city limits and to dcilno the motive power 1 * which the cars thereon shall bo propelled , niul to authorize or for- Ijld the location , laying down of tracks of rallroaila and street railways on all streets , FARM LOANS Negotiated In Eastern Nebraska and Iowa. James N. Caaiuly , Jr. , 126 Main Bt. , Council Bluffs. FIRE INSURANCE POLICIES BOUGHT If or Cavil or l.oiiueil Qu , 13. It. SIIUAFI2 A CO. , C Pearl Slreeti Council Illutti , lovru. alleys nnd public places and provides thane no railway tracks can thus be located am laid down until after the Injury to property orty abutting on the street , alley or publli place upon which snld railway Is proposec to bo .located and laid down has been as certalned nnd compensated for In the ma v ner provided with reference to the taklnf of private property for works of Intcrna improvement. This section gives the council completi nnd absolute authority over locating anc laying down of street railway or railroac tracks over street ? , avenues , alleys nnc public places within the city , except as pro vlded In Sections 775 and 776 , which are ai follows : Section 775 : Regulations ns to Electrh Wires Cities and townn shall have the ixjwor to authorize and regulate telegraph district telegraph , telephone , sticet rail way and other electric wires , and the poloi and other supports-thereof , fay general am uniform regulation , and to provide the man ner In which and places where the sam < shall be placed upon , along or under th < streets , roads , avenues , alleys and publli places of such city or town , and ma ; divide the city Into districts for that pur pope. Section 776 : Granting1 Franchise ; Qucptloi Submitted No shall be granted renewed or extended by any city or town for the use of ItH streets , highways avenues , alloys or public places for any 01 the purposes named In the preceding sec tlon , unless a majority of the legal elector : voting thereon vote In favor of the parno at n general or special election. ( The re mainder of the section defines the manner In which such election shall be held. ) It will bo noticed that the power and air thorlty of the city council by scctldn 707 is somewhat abridged nnd the provision of section 77C , that Is. when franchise IH to be granted , to regulate telegraph , district telegraph , telephone , street railway and other electric wires and the placing of poles and supports thereof the same shall llrst lo submitted to the vote of tha electors as provide In wctlon 770. It would eeern from the provisions re ferred to that the city council would have power and authority to grant a franchise to a railroad company or to a street railway company without submitting the same way to u vote of the electors , provided , however - over , that In either care snld railroad com pany or street railway company would not use electricity as n motive power and con struct poles upon the streets and alloys for the purpose of supporting the wires urcd In BUld motive power. A literal construction of the statute would certainly lead to the conclusion and since section 770 Is reatrlctlvo of tha powers granted under the general provisions under section 707 a literal construction of the re striction Is justified nnd the council would not bo obliged to submit the question of granting an ordinance to a railroad com pany or a street railway company unless electricity IH contemplated to be used an a motive power In the. operation of the rail road or street railway after the eamo IB constructed under the ordinance , Sullivan , the grocer , Is better prepared for furnishing the people of Council Dluffa with oysters than over. He has a largo shipment of tbo favorlto brand , the Solid Tacked , and can fill all orders for the holi days on short notice. Leave orders at the store , 343 Uroadway , or telcpbono 161. For Sale A fine horse , 1,300 pounds , 7 years old , eound. Dourlclus Music house , 335 Uroadway , telephone 4CG , where the organ stands upon the building. Whllo looking for beautiful Christmas presents go to C , n. Jacquemtn & Co.'s Jew- Jlry store and get premium stamps. Headquarters for Old Santa Clans at Pet- : rson & Schocnlng's. Self-basting turkey roastere at J. Zoller & 3o. Telephone , 320. Mnl.el WIlIcliiMOii HUH M Mabel Wilkinson , the young woman who escaped from St. Bernard's hospital , Is still nlBBtng.- The , pollcoVorked on the case all eatorday , but could secure no trace of the 'oung woman. Two men who hove told oov- iral different storlea regarding the matter ire suspected of assisting the girl to escape ir of concealing her. When the young rouian left the hospital she was without a Neckwear , Mufflers , Hosiery. Gloves , Handkerchiefs And all the useful novelties to bo found in a first class Men's Furnishing store. Ex clusive designs el egant patterns. Smith & Bradley 415 Broadway. A sweet Send a woman candy and you'll please her nine times out of ten. Get it here and you'll please her every time. Search the world over and you'll riot find anything dain tier , more delicious or pleasing than good home made can dy. Our Angel Food Taffy , Caramels and Creams are always the best. 238 Broadway. Orville C. Brown , Proprietor ; cloak or hat. She Is partially crippled b hip disease , but Is otherwise prepcesessln and rather handsome. As far as can b learned the girl Is a kleptomaniac , but wa otherwise In full possession of her faculties It Is possible that some sensational develop rnenta may bo looked for In connection wit the girl's escape. General HOIIHC Kuril Inkers. We want to make a clean sweep ot ou Immense line of holiday goods and If yo want to select a nice and useful present b sure and visit our store. We will sell yoi a fine book-case that will cost you $20 c'ao ' where for J12. Rockers that coot In othe 'stores $10 , we sell for ? C. A $20 couch to $12 ; $15 couch for $7. China closets tha other stores ask $30 and $25 for , we sell n $20 and $18. Sideboards which other store ; have marked for $40 , wo ask $28 , A $31 sideboard In other places we sell for $25 Lamps which sell In all other stores at $5 go at our store at $2.50. $10 center tablet for $ C. An $8 center table for $5. Ladles desks that sell as high as $10 , we sell foi $6.75. One hundred-piece dinner sete , price : in other stores from $8 to $10 , we sell a $6.75. Wo have a largo line of fancy up. bolstered rockers which we will close out at close figures , IOWA FURNITURE ANt CARPET CO. , 407 Broadway. Keller & Band proprietors. Our ClirlNtniiiH Poultry. Wo have a big line of poultry for Christ mas. Our poultry Is purchased alive and are dressed at our market so that they arc fresh. Our flno meats are selected espe cially for the holiday trade. Leave yout orders with us. Satisfaction guaranteed. J. Zoller & Co. , 100 Broadway. Telephone , 320. The first dancing party of Council Bluffe camp , Modern Woodmen , next Wednesday evening , at Woodmen of the World hull. All Woodmen and friends are Invited. Ad mission , 25 cents per couple. Whaley's or chestra. Deforo selecting your presents look over the mammoth stock of holiday goods at Pet erson & Schoenlug's. Modem Woodman dance , Hughes' hall , Monday evening , December 18. IN Til 13 IHSTUICT COUUT , Second Trlnl of W. I * . Counii , You UK Oniuliu Attorney , Opeux. The second trial of W. P. Cowan , the joung Omaha attorney charged with subornation of perjury In connection with the chicken stealing case of John Lawrence and R. B. Tracy last February , won com menced In the district court yesterday before Judge Green , The work of impaneling a jury and reading the transcript of Witness Johnson's testimony given at the trial of John Lawrence occupied the greater part of the day and but one wltneea for the state was examined. Walter Williams , whoeo turkey coop suf fered at the hands of Lawrence and Tracy , testified as to the robbery on the night of January 31 last. This witness , Johnson ad mitted after the trial , had testified falsely and alleged ho had done so at the Instiga tion of Cowan , who was attorney for Lawrence - renco and Tracy. At the former trial of Cowan the Jury disagreed. Elmnr F , Tawzer commenced suit against \V. H. McClelland to recover $100 damages For alleged trespass on his cornfield by tbo defendant's hogs. Lucy 13. McPherson has filed a petitioner [ or divorce from Henry D , McPherson , whom she married in this city April , 1891. Shu illegca desertion. The jury In tbo case of the Duncan Shoe company against the Iowa11ercliant'n Mutual insurance company brought In a verdict for bo plaintiff In the sum of $595.10 , being bo amount sued for and Interest. The papers In the suit In which Lucius .Veils . seeks to recover from James A , Paten - on , formerly cashier of the First National CHRISTMAS FLOWERS Trees and Tree Ornaments , Choice Holly , Wreathing , Palms and Ferns Elegant line of Jardinieres and fern Dishes , Allcgrctti's , Low- ncy's and Woodward's Celebrated Cnndics. Our ANGEL fOOD TAfFY CARAMELS and other candies OUR OWN MAKE are the FINEST IN THE CITY. J. F. WILCOX , 521 Broadway , Council Bluffs. Long Distance 'Phone 99. 1870 Established 30 Ycnrs--190J ( S. S. KELLER , 311-313-315 Broadway. Largest Furniture House in Southwestern Iowa , Our Display of Holiday Goods for this Year Exceeds all Others , Fancy Kockers , China Clos ets , Music Cabinets , Book Cases , Ladies' Desks , Couches , etc. . etc. Open Evenings. bank of this city , $1,000'for his services 1 assisting In the reorganization of the Councl Bluffs Gas and Electric Light company an disposing of the stock which the bank hel were flled in the superior court yesterdnj Just received two moro carloads of furnl ture , which will be placed on display at Pet crson & Schoenlng's for the holiday trade. A few shares of unusually attractive mln ing stock for sale. Mines developed , smal capitalization. Gold ore In sight of greate value than entire capitalization. Liberal re turns assured. Investigation invited. L W. Tulleyu , Council Bluffs , Iowa. Go to M. Marcus , 548 Broadway , for cloth Ing or men's furnishings and get prcmtur stamps. A fancy line of couches at Peterson i Scbocnlng's , Merrlara block. SOCIKTV IX COUNCIL HLUKKS IlevoU-rM of tlic Soaliil Coil Coiiuiliili of n Verv Dull Week. "Oh , this has been an nbomlnally du ] week In a social vway , " was the- way om 'man ' put It , as ho stroked his moustachi and looked bored. "Nothing doing , yoi know. Gli In nil resting up for Christmas I suppose. " It goca without saying that he Is a bachelor. For the enlightenment ol such as think the girls 'are resting let It be proclaimed that they are doing almost any thing else. From wbcnco come the innu merable dainty trifles , think you , that find their way through the malls at Christmas time ? Be It known those things nro cre ated by the accused , and In many cases also It requires the burning of midnight oil. But while fingers are flying minds are busy planning gaycties that promise to more than atone for the present dearth of amusement. From the number of Invitations already Is- uscd Clirlstmno week promises to bo an un usually gay one. A quiet but very pretty homo wedding occurred Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock at the residence of Mr. and Mrs , Freeman L. need , when their daughter. Miss Motia Heed , and Mr. Kobcrt C. Peregoy were married. Hev. J. W. Wilson officiated. Miss Maud McDonald rendered the wedding march from "Lohengrin" for the entrance of the bridal party and played mftly during the Biirvlco the chorus of "Because. " The bridal psrty was preceded by llttlo Mona Wentz , gowned In white and carrylig on a white satin cushion the wedding ring. The bride wore a handsome traveling gown of castor- colored Venetian cloth and ulio carried brldo roses. At the conclusion of the ceremony a repast was served , after which Mr. and Mrs , Peregoy left for a short trip through the east. The rooms wcro artistically dec orated , The front parlor \vaa a bower of palms , bridesmaid roses and white chrysan themums. The brlday party stood In the bay window against a screen of palms and under a star of smllax , from tbo center of which depended a bunch of white chrysan themums. The portieres between the rooms , the chandeliers nnd pictures were wreathed In e-mllax. In the back parlor mantel and piano were banked with palms and pink car nations. In tbo dining room crimson and green were tastefully combined , The cen terpiece on the table was n basket over- lion Ing with meteor roses. Strands ot sml lax ran from the center to the corners and around tha edge of tbo table In festoons , On the sideboard nnd mantel carnations and Ferns were ut > ed. Assisting hero were Mrs , Pugh and Mrs. Wentz. Many beautiful jlfts were received. Mr. Louie Metzger pre sented the brldo and groom with an ele- ; ant wedding cake. The out-of-town guests were Mr , and Mrs , Klrkpatrlck , and daugh- : er Olive of St. Joseph and Mrs ! Wentz ot Oakland. ( Mr , Charles J , Wilson and Miss Mary K. ] ulnn , daughter of 'Mr. ' and Mrs. John iulnn , \veru married Monday morning at 8 > 'clock at St Francis Xavlor's church , Hov. father Smytbo officiating. The wedding nnrch for the entrance of the wedding party Christmas Presents We have them in FootStool - Stool , Lace-Curtains , Portieres , Carpet-Sweepers , F.ur Rug's1 and Rugs of all descriptions. A beautiful line of Table Cov- . ers. Open evenings. Stockert Carpet Co 205 Broa I way , Council Bluffs was played l - Miss , Judge. 'Th'e brldo wor an elegant gown * of tun-colored cloth , wit ; hat to match. She was attended by Ills Minnlo Carey of'Omaha. Mr.'Thomas W1I son , brother of the groom , acted as bes man. After the ceremony an elaborate wed ding breakfast was served at the home o the bride's parents on Eighth avenue. Thi table was prettily decorated In cut floweri and smllax. Air. and Mrs. Wilson left thi same day for Lincoln , Nob. , their futun home. The brlde/s / boquct was caught bj .Miss Lizzie O'Brien. The out-of-towr guests were : ( Mr. and iMrs. M. Rogers 01 Imogeno , Mr. and Mrs. Wilson , Miss Agn Wilson , the Misses Goff , BIr. and Mrs Thomas Carey , itho ( Misses Theresa and Minnie Carey , iJIr. James Carey , Mr. John Carey , Mr. Thomas Malone and ( Mr. Free man Jackson of Omaha. The second of the scries of thrno dances to bo given this season by the- Boat club oc curred Thursday evening at tie Royal Ar- camim hall. Owing to a change in the date cet for the dance , the attendance was rather small , but every one had a thoroughly good time. An unblushing wall flower of unique specie was In evidence and the girls were simply overwhelmed with attentions. Those present were : Messrs. and Alesdames W. F , Sapp , B. P. Wright , WJ 'L. Douglas , J. B. Casady , W. B. Shepard and Bert Pulkcr of Janesvlllo , WIs. ; the Misses Bennett , | Shoentgen' ' , Key , Fnrnsworth , 'Prlco of Chl- cage ; Messrs. H. Z. Haas , F. D. Empkle , D. V. Beno , J. L , Paxton of Omaha , O. 8. Wright , E. L. Empklo , F. n. Hoagland , B. K. Patterson , R. W , Blxby , C. P. . Crockwell , G. W. Mayno and J , J. Hess. The Boat club will entertain again December 28. iMIss Bculah Plunket entertained her llttlo friends on Tuesday In honor of her tenth birthday at her homo on JJarmony street. Many pretty presents were received by the llttlo maid. Refreshments were served. The guests were : Ina Wllcox , Jayne 'Bon- ' ham , Ueaalo Moomau , Jonnlo Ward , Anna Bean , Lucy Spooner , Edna Orcutt , Way Qelso , Arlene Plunket , Rachel Maynard , Ha zel Adams , Agnes Forsytho , Luclllo and Carlnno Rlnker , Maud and Mabel Upton , Martin Beardsley , Ray Brownoll , Lecture iBton , Wllllo Bean , Earl iMc.Mnhon , Paul Morgan , Hershal Plunket , Oda Smith , Cleo Deurvll , Reuben Reed , Ray Clard and Thur- man Curry , L'ttlo Carolyn Pace entertained charm ingly Wednesday in honor of her cousins , Ruth and Richard Huntlngton , who left yes terday for New York. Miss Viola Ward was given n pleasant surprise Wednesday by about twenty of the High school 'puplla at "her home on Wash ington avenue. Mr. and Mrs. 0. H. 'Mlkesell ' were ten dered a surprise Wednesday at their homo on Third avenue , The occasion was the twenty-eighth birthday of Mr , Mtkesell , The evening was pleasantly spent at cards arid music. Dainty refreshments wcro served. Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank Morgan entertained Informally nt cards Wednesday evening. Mlsa Mcnill entertained , Friday evening , the L. I. E , Basket Ball club nt the Iowa School for the Deaf. The evening was spent at muelc , Light refreshments were aerveil. Miss Edna Wllklns of Washington avenue entertained very delightfully Wednesday 3\enlng , Music , dancing and games occupied the evening. The gucuta numbered about fifteen. The Ladles ot the Maccabees gave an en- loyahlo social at the homo of Mrs , Sutber- [ nil , on Eighth avenue Thursday evening , The Owl club wjll give a musical and lance Tuesday evening at the club rooms In .ho Brown'block. Mr. and Mra. J , B. Atkins entertained at i o'clock dinner , Friday , Mr , and Mra , Henry tothert and Mr , and Mrs , Edward Rothert. llothcrt. The sixth annual ball ot Council Bluffs Tent No , 32 , Knights of the Maccabees , was ( Continued on Page Twenty-five. ) ' We sell i all kinds of coal The best mined in the country , and our Mis souri wood cannot bo boat. Our motto prompt deliv ery. Our Express and Transfer Line is conceded to bo the best system in Council Bluffs , and between this city and Omaha. II Office No. 8 N. Main St. Tel , 128. A big supply of Christmas Poultry , Oysters , and as for the quality - ty of oar excellent line of groceries we leave the public to judge. All holiday orders given' special attention. 5 Thone 359. 100 Broadway You won't f look neat for the numerous hol iday entertain numts , unless you have nice ly laundered shirts , collars and cuffs. . . The place to got 'em done up right is the i Reliable Bluff City Laundry 8-1 N. Main St. Phone 81-1 use the famous Centerviile Coal and Missouri Wood All orders for hard coal promptly filled. Premium stamps given. 150 Broadway Council Bluffs. Telephone 238. 1 I Those shoes that we have ess been expecting EH BEB DM ing for the BB ECU month in. BUB are now . KB We have them , KB iii'all sizes. B BB BBBHHHBIBHBBBHBBHflBBHBHB'BB B BB If you want any . . „ ton Picture Framing done it will pay you to call on us. "VVo have a B large line of fancy oval frames in beautiful n designs. In mouldings wo have the newest patterns , ' and can assure you of skilled workmanship. The uffect of your picture depends largely on < ; " its frame. Don't fail to see our stock. i. . The Art Emporium C. E. Alexander Co. 333 llroiulwiiy , Council Hinds. BBBBBBBBBBBBBBHBB1HBBHH B B B B 0 MOOREl'S STOGK FOOD- Then buv 150 pounds of any ether utoolc food anil 1,000 poundBOf oil ciiko or noul , divide your Htouk nnd nuiko a aculo tout , nnd vou will IInd the ones fed , on dOOHK'S superior to others , or the food will COST VOU NOTHING. Goorjjo rteC rd , of Logan , Ju. , ordered -,000 pounds Mnoro's food. McCord has been eecMnir Mooru'd Foods for three i years .OOOOUCuko. . . ' , , ' $12 f 0 ' 00Found * Moore's. , . , . 800 Moore's Stock Food Co. , Difference 4 50 Council Bluffs