EDITORIAL SHEET , PHE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE I PAGES 21 TO 32 ESTABLISHED JUNE 1J ) , 1871. 031 AIT A , SUNDAY MOBNING , DECEMBER 17 , 1809 , SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. Why not buy something useful \ Our bargain sales on fabrics , wearing apparel , household goods and all lines this week will teach lessons of economy that are valuable. Nothing is more desirable or more appreciated than a useful Christmas gift. These prices and these goods will help you to be happy. The Big Store's half a million dollar stock is full of Christmas suggestions. Not a city outside of Chicago or New York can boast a larger display or prices as low. Buy early. Mail orders must be sent at once. until Christmas. See announcement 13. Open evenings . page on page . China , Crockery and Sensational Clothin Sale Ladies' Glassware. We propose to make this week the Never before has there been shown liveliest in our history , we nnd ourselves with a Jackets ' ; such a display of fine China , Glass larger stoclc of men's ' and boy's clothing than we ought to have at / ware'Art Goods , Lamps , etc. , in the this time of the season. history of Omaha , Goods direct from Suits & Furs is time to at the manufacturers in this and foreign ow your buy countries. Other displays sink into The ' enormous stock of ladies and children's Jacket s and in the remarkably low .prices we have marked on our entire insignificance prices are keeping . suits and Furs , bought at 25c on the dollar from the live New ing with the display. stock. We will make this sale the greatest bargain sale ever inaugurated York manufacturers , that you all know about and that hundreds Lamps , decorated , with shades to augurated in Omaha. As every garment in our store is of the highest dreds have taken advantage of in making our Cloak Department match , from 98c up. est standard you are safe in getting the greatest value in your life , ment the busiest and at the time Decorated Crystal Water Sets , from how low the price , here is how we _ draw the pen through our-prices. same saves you more money than any store in western America. 85c A up. beautiful line of the celebrated Men's Suits All wool men's suits Men's Suits and Overcoats Men's very Ladies' Canada Seal Muffs , worth § 6.00 , , that are worth § 5 and § 6.50 , now. ' line7suits and overcoats that have for 1 7 , from 45c . Tepletz Bisque , v up. sold and worth § 15 and § 17.50 are Pine China Cups and Saucers , from Men's Suits and Overcoats Men's Ladies' Ked Sable Collarettes , worth § 15.50 lOc up to § 2.50 per pair. suits and overcoats that are worth Men's Suits and Overcoats Men's very for Fine China Plates , from 5c up to § 7.50 and § 8.00 , now finest suits and overcoats , that are Ladies' heavy black Brocade Silk Dress Skirts worth from § 20 to § 25 sale at. , 3.9 : each. on § 5.00 . ' ' . Men's Ulsters Men's fine all wool frieze worth § 10.00 , for Cut Glass Dorflinger Tumblers , f rom ulsters that are worth from § 7.50 to § 20.00 , Youth's Suits All our Youth's Suits , Ladies' silk finished heavy blistered , Crepon 35c up to § 3.00 each. now on sale at § 12.50 , 50 with long pants , sizes , 13 to 19 , that worth § 10.00 4.9 ; Jollies , Comp. Jugs , Dish , etc. , § 7.50 and . . , . . . . * - were § 9 to § 13.50 , now at ' from § 1.50 up to § 50.00 each. , Ladies' Silk Underskirts , in colors and black , with Youth's Suits All our youth's long pants Boys' Suits One pair of extra pants free llouuce and 3 rows cf rullles , actually -worth § 10 Fruit , Cake , Salad and Ice Dishes , from lOo up to $10.00 each. ' jCrcam suits that 6.50 and § 7.50 All our boys' short suits were § , g . .ffh pant ' Jardinieres , all sizes the cream from the beat manufacturers , from 65c up to O v v 100 ladies' Jackets , including box coats , Automobiles , all the ' . . now . , . . . . * . that are worth § 4.50 and § 5 , now. . . $73.00. high class goods , in Montanacs , kerseys and im Flno China Trinket , Smoking and . Manicure Sets . , from 65c . up. ' I ' ( Boy's Suits One pair of extra pants free Men's Pants Men's all wool cheviot and ported friezes , worth up to § 25 , for Decorated Toilet Sets , from $1.69 up to $35.00 per sot. Jocoratod Dinner Sots , American , German and French Patterns , Including the all our boys' short pants suits that 1'7 I- 5 cassimere pants , worth § 3.00 , 200 ladies' boucles and friezes , silk lined through'I * ( Q Q celebrated Havilnnd , from $0.49 up to $75.00. were § 3 , now now , out , worth § 8.00 , for only * - $ . V O Hall nnd Hanging Lamps , over 100 styles. Art Pieces from Weller and other celebrated potteries. Men's Suits and Overcoats Men's fine Boy's Fine Top Coats In all wool cov Misses' Kersey Jackets , in all wool , silk lined Lamp Globes , Austrian Session gloss and other styles. suits and overcoats that are worth ert and frieze , that are worth throughout , for . * , Wino and Condiment Sets , Cream Sets" Bread and 'Milk Sets and Salad Sole. § 10 to § 13.50 , "now.- . § 3.50 , now „ . . , ' " Soup and Oyster Sets. ' 200 ladies' Suits , in "Venetians , homespuns and' fancy mix tures , , 'jackets silk lined th > ugh'our ; . ' . 'skirts percalinetliiVe'cl This Will B.e Wonder ! til The Leaditi and interlined , all { heTiiewe'st styles , 'Worth ' - . a. § 12.00. for t , . , 200 ladies' Suits all silk lined in blacks- , some , Week in Silk Dept. * House the West and colors , worth § 25.00 , for. . . . Ladies' flannel lined Underskirts.worth § 1.00 To the Ladies We Will Say That this place has1 alway8 3O,000 Styles Always on Han'd. Wholesale and Retail for 79c been a most popular Christmas trading j > ° int , and satisfac. Cotitlero's celebrated appllqued patterns , ' ' tion the expression on every face of the multitude of appllqued fn taffeta , moire and chenille , Ladies' fleece lined Wrappers , worth § 1.00 , the cloth of the finest Foulo , In the new for purchasers who daily throng this department. We are more Pastel colors , nnd sells from $25.00 to $60.00 ' than prepared to meet your Christmas wants , with the newest per pattern ; on this Christmas sale all will Dress Goods 500 ladies' Satin Waists , worth § 12.50 3.50 . . . go at from $12.00 to $20.00. est , nobbiest and finest lot of silks ever shown you. for . $12 to $2O Dept. 200 children's Jackets , braid trimmed , worth To the Gentlemen We Will Say That your wife , sister 6.00 sale 2. § or best girl has always made this her trading place , and if 200 patterns of Crepons , Novelties , Zibc- Half-wool novelties , worth 15c EC , on you are contemplating a silk purchase , we will be pleased to lines will go , worth at $7.50 from to $10.00. $18.00 to $ $40.000 ; each Half-wool cashmeres , worth 15c 7' c 400 ladies' Jackets , in all wool kersey , blue , brown E All-wool dress flannel , worth 23c 15c and tan silk lined throughout worth § 12 f . . . - ' have you visit us , and we will assist you in every % yay possible , , , or. . - All-wool drcea flannel , worth 35c $7.50 to $10 25c sible , to make a selection that is bound to be to her entire . All-wool dress flannel , 50 Inches 39c 50 imported sample suits , silk lined through satisfaction. Fifty patterns of tailor suitings , extra 42-Inch stonni serge , all shades , worth out , worth up to § 75 , on sale at. . > heavy , all shades and styles ; our $3.501.50 39c Entire Silk Waist Pattern for $1.25. and $5.00 . per yard suiting will go nt $11.88 42-inch extra heavy all-wool storm iDc Ladies' Electric Seal Capes , worth up to § 00 , per yard. at § 30 § 25 § 20 and serge , worth 65c , on sale at 39c , , blue , Nile , Maize and , , Best Australian silk , In Canalc Stripes in pretty pink light Novelties worth $1.00 yard 4Do Ladies' best Beaver Collarettes Hello , each pattern containing full four yards. .98 Yard quality , French flannels , Persian styles , worth for * worth § 30 = * Winslow Taffeta Makes the Best Petticoat. 200 handsome patterns , high grade goods , 75c to 90c , on sale at 49e , worth 08c yard ; In this wo will sell entire French flannelettes , 30 Inches wide , as Ladies' genuine Persian Lamb Collarettes , Wo have It In ono hundred shades , also plain black. Buy one and If It don't please pattern of six yards for $1.08. thick as a board , fast colors , all shades , fine worth § 50 , for only . you wo will exchange It six yards , $6:60. : wrapper designs and eold everywhere at Ladies' imitation Stone Marten Scarfs worth § 5 , for § 2.75. colors 8 for $6. 25c on this sale only 12'c. . HaskelPs Swiss Taffeta , all , yards We have Just Imported 130 new dress ; / ' c. ' patterns , made by Coutlero of Lyons , France , We will sell six yards of good goods , 40 French Cballls , all wool , 100 designs , Ladies' Astrakhan Collarettes worth § 7 , for § 3.98. Special Christmas Silk Waist Patterns. expressly for Christmas presents. The pattern will go at 98c. worth 50c , 23e Ladies' Electric Seal Collarettes with Astrakhan yoke , silk cheapest pattern sells at $32.00 and from 98c.98c IStHuNltf * IValHl I'nt- Xoliliy SI I Ic AViilNt . ( iraiiilVnlnt . Xovol- that up to $ G5.00. Wo will cut these prices 98c Silk striped French Challls , 50 designs , lined , worth § C , for § 3.98. ( oriiN , 1'iitteriin. tlCM. , for wrappers , dressing backs , etc. You will In two for the six days before Christmas Finest silk , all colors , Best styles , over COO to A superb collection cf . flnd them In any house In town at 75c ; our and will eell them at from $15.00 to $30,00 Sublime what other merchants call Laus- . , \\orth $5.00 , for $2.0S. select from , worth $7.50 , high urt styles , worth . . prlco this sale 49c. ; each. downo and sell for $1.00 yard our price ou only . . . fur $3.50. , $10.00 , for $3.98. IN OUR BASEMENT. f. $15 to $30 85c , Trustworthy Black Dress Silk on Sale in Patterns of Twelve Yards. ' Lansdowne positively controlled In Omaha Mail Order Dept. of SIxty-flvo patterns Priestley's celebrated . in sixty-two shades. See full particulars Hardware Stoves and House brated black goods. Wo will sell you nn by us Furnishing stock and the superiority of our qualities are common com- We will flll mall orders on our Christmas The greatness of our entire pattern at $6.00 , $7.50 , $8.60 , $9.00 up ticulars In the January number of the , ftient. to $25.00. Delineator and also the Royal. goods , but do not write for sampjcs , as they * are nearly all dregs patterns. But If goods $10.00 black natln do Lyon dress pattern $18.00 black Peau de Sole pattern for arc not entirely satisfactory goods can bo Dept Special Holiday Bargains. for $6.98. . $11.90. $6 to $25 returned and money refunded. $12,50 black satin duchesso dicss pattern $20.00 black French Poplin dress pattern Look over this list of useful articles for a for $7.98. for * U.08. worth us to $6.00 , . Sold nt Cbrlfltmas present. present factory $18 00 black gros grain dross pattern for $17.60 black all silk satin pattern for Flannel Dept. Wo have CO pair all-wool white sample , . . * 0 > 0. Turkeys , Hams prices , Wo bought before the raise $11.90. ' . , . blankets at half prlco. SI'KCI.Vl FOR MOMMY. black satin Luxor dross pattern for $ < 0.00 black caehmero do Lyon pattern . . $18 00 nun COMKOKTKIIS. $13.00 Radiant Stewart Double Heater for , , blue and Two cases baby , flannel pink JU.90. for * 25'Q ° - and Lard Ftvo dozen extra flno Eiderdown comforts $35.50 , ' . ' $20.00 $ black Royal Armuro pattern for $17.QO black French Taffeta for $11.90. cream ; per yard , 7' c ; worth 12'/4c. and at $4.75 each , worth JC.OO. $20.00 White's Hot Blast , 18-Inch flro pot , . quality Two extra light Choicest young , fat turkeys at lOifcc. casca good $11.98. Ten dozen extra largo size homo made for $10.50. Thousands have bought these Black Taffetas. Were you ono of the lucky ? If not No. 1 hams nt lOc , dark outing flannel ; per yard , 4V4c , ' comforts at $1.50 , $2.00 and $2.25 , $ lfi,00 Junior Oak , 17-Inch flro pot , for ' > vo will give you another opportunity for next week. Ten-pound palls beet brand lard nt C9c. DO ; in 'pjux aadi ojc tiJ } ° - * 'siJjJjs $10.95. 75c Black Taffeta , 10 inches wldo , 49c. $1.25 Black Taffeta , 27 Inches wide , S5c. Choicest lean bacon nt lOc. pun e)4is ) | | joj oqujns | | 'sjjooip pnu S3 < Ij)3 | ) $13.50 Modern Oak , 15-Inch flro pot , for $1.00 Black Taffeta , 27 inches wldo , 7Bc. $1,50 Black Taffeta , 36 Inches wide , $1.00. Fresh dressed spring chickens nt 7c. Linens $9.45. Premium pork sausage , per package , lOc. Ono case cctton flannel , extra heavy , worth $10.00 Floral Oak , a "beaut , " for $11.49. Pickled at . 12'/4o ' yard , at Cc , trlpo 3VjC. / per , ' I'llzo Stewart BUBO Burner for $30,00 Fresh pork sausage at GJio. 75 pieces nil-wool Eiderdown , plain , a trlpo Wo have Just received an Importation of . . Christmas Washable Cotton Gorman minimcr sausage at 12' c. and fancy check ; per yard , 25c , 30c and 35c ; heavy German linen pattern cloths , which $30.93. $35.00 Gem Ideal Steel Rnngo for $27.95. Frankfort sauuages , 3 'pounds for 25c. worth up to 75c , we place on sale Monday. They couslpt cf $36.00 Triumph Economy Range , with res- Sale Dress Stuffs nun \Mcirrs. . 2-yard cloths at $1.75 , 2'ynrd cloths ill $ Slippers on crvolr , for $28,95 , blankets . , . Ono case fancy tufted covton at $2.25 and 3-yard cloths at $2,75. Examlno Big Sale on Ginger Snaps $25,00 Cdst Range , with reservoir , for . , COc pair. these closely as they nro worthy of your ' " " A few lilntB on Inexpensive and useful ! ) , , Women's fine "Cajiltiil" wool soles , for $1,50 Nice fresh ginger snaps , 4je. . Ono case Australian rose wool , extra flno attention. The beat all-llnon silver bleached , , goods for which GIVKRS will duel appreciative $20.00 Cast Range , six boles , with reservoir clippers , \\oith 35u ; on uilu at 17c . ( Soda or oyster crackers , 5c , and fancy border , at $3,25 pair , cheap nt damask , 62 Inches wide , can be obtained only . . Women'H felt house slippers with felt tive Receivers. voir , for $14.25. Graham and oatmeal crackers , 7c. $4.75 , at Huyden Bros , at 60c yard. Wo have Boles , , worth 76e. at 38c. Printed flannelette , warm fleece Ilntd-goods $1 ( > .GO Square Cook , largo size , for $12,49. Cheese sandwiches and tlieeso straws , Three cases 72x84 5-pound all-wool gray , equally as good values In cream and bleached ' In for house dresses yards $12,00 Square Cook , warranted , for $8.95. neat figures , Women's flno felt Faust ( slippers , with J,10 . 124c. . white and fancy plaids blankets , at $3.50 damask , the prices ranging from 35c to $1.00 / . , . single Ilex I bio soles and felt linings , worth for dress ) , lOc yurd , . . , ' $5.00 Laundry Stoves for $3,10. Animal crackers , 8 > c. pair , worth $5.00. per yard Don't fall to see our remnants of ( ully $1.25 ; on sale lit 73c. Venetian cloth , soft and warm as flannel , Brownlo crackers , 12He. > , Onq case 11x4 all-wool white , extra flno , table linens , while goods , muslins and sheet- " Women's flno satin Faust ellppera , with In colors aurt figures , adapted for shirtwaists Preitzelettee , lOc. fancy border , at $4.75 pair , worth $6.50. Ings , All go at manufacturers' prices Monday Skates. Skates. . Imnd liiriiwl soles and line flceco llnlngu , In waists , tea gowns , etc. , . (2J4 ( yards for shirt , . Uneodu biscuits , 3'/sO. ' 50 pair all-wool , gray , fancy border , nt day Haydeu Broa. nro headquarters for rod and black , regular $2.00 quality , at $1.25. wultft , S yards for gown ) , 15c yard. Shredded wheat biscuits , 10'-ic. $2.50 pair ; cheap at $3,75. muslins. Our prices nro the lowest. A full Wo have the celebrated Peck & Snyder l.Men'a flue velvet embroidered slippers , ELEGANT GOODS FOR UNDERSKIRTS. The finest Hue of fancy mixed cakes in Two cases all-wool , extra large , gra no of bedspreads just receded. Ask to neo American Club Skates for men for 49o , 75c , Everett and Opera cut , worth everywhere Silk Btrlpo Mercerized Moreens , worth the city. California blankets , at $3,75 and $4.25 pal .inn , i)5c ) , $1,25 , best made , $2.10. Fpr ladles , $1,00 ; on sale at C5c , regular 75o yard , holiday aale price 49c , S9c , 98c , $1.10 , $1.25 , $2.25 ; finest made , $3.25. $ 'Men's ' goat Kverett slippers , patent leather Plain colors In Mercerized Skirting Mo trimmed , worth $1.00 everywhere ; on sale reens and a few choice plaids , worth 75c and 150 Sample Carving Sots , from 79c up , 6oc , holiday sale prlco 49o ami S5c. All kinds of Aluminum Cooking Utensils , fine velvet slippers , opera cut nnd All-wool 'Moreen In all colors and blacks , Flno Aluminum and Nickel Plutcd Chafing Dishes , chc-nlllo C4ubroldercxl and leather trimmed , ( beiHHJt grade manufactured : holiday mile All kinds of Aluminum , Brass and Nickel Trays , regular $1.50 values , at 98c. 'price ' , 49c yurd ( G to 7 yards for skirt pat All kinds of Brass and Enameled Bird * Cages. Men's line gout Opera slippers , with band tern ) . Finest line of Shotguns and Rifles In O jnuhu. ( turned golca nnd patent leather trlmhiine , ( All colors In yard-wide , Hatln finished All MndH of line Razors and Pocket Knlvca. worth fully $1.75 $ , nt $1.23. satcpn for doll dresses , ISo yard. BUND US YOL'R MAIL ORDERS.